Weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 183?-1864, September 13, 1854, Image 3

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<■ the Now V’«rk Tnhur.t having r dv f it-. \.'i > the Wilmington, North Carolina Journal, riu: . i'r have reached a point ©f v ii'« i the V arc forced to recede, v ‘ ** • ■ . *, .f -man, the Public, i^;; r^theToirnT^Tu-f ««*«*• , , , ;■= 1 -,f Thau the pre-cot turpeu / . .. r , 0 j end tat»sorip * , ‘ , , . f;{ c!r; „ge. The margin tdo . ’.'s' , vr - iuclion. Now, wedoii t 1 , • v K-rt. and WO doti\ ■ c * i- ; ’ c ; •• ;";Xrt:c »Jr right to do so, bat ‘ ij t -■ i/r'-••♦t the neocsssity '* u 4 ’ . , -.ice from the prei-s : \ 3JSS . , | l; i 1.-A I ally nu’lcre'a- dir g " ,ii ~110 tbn.fc iiaf'l of pot>- , , j- ior ire iLixir.iou ol m ruler.- ri j kouji f grt:‘u' imp Ti.' 0.9 to . ' ’ ■ ii •• rti on, and yet, ir. ; , ,ii g iu Jcr the l.eni ~f , , ... . .‘.ill. iu, er auj rnnWu* <>i id ..'.jr,n ineir prerent r.'e*, . make av.ry department ■ i e r • . pay, Tire profits from asub a ... . t /.'.her too trmcb cat down to Ile.Uli of «ar»nnt.i-(HU.-1.1 ELrpnrl. T:'V 1 v, bspt rn .tr 7.—Tlie Bourrl of Ileattb r, ; ■ -r.erita jeaterdey, 12 of which wia from Yailow Fever. Xii ji .w, e.' i'. 7,91’. M. —Too lliard of Health repo: i ’ rm.i.te to day—2o of which werafrom Yc. *• > over. 1 in uv, > -pt. 8, 9 I*. M.—The B/i>rd reports 18 inform mis to day &bv Ycilow Fever. There were 1.1 -iva I,’ from Yc:.o» F«v«r in Ba air. or ird y i., it, and 17 from the name Tti-.iuv pi. 12.- Too Board of Health report 82 £s y yellow f iver* tffli’ii of tii/ Ue((i«ier. Cn.' ii-.i -r n, B-p . 10, 10 p. m. T • hr 27 I. from Yellow Fever for tho pt-d i . hours. J. U Dawson, M. ». O. U. All for M**oiin»li. . ■ aL i oar Wan! Com- IJt i v * .■'" ~i'J ii i odectiri’r funds for the r.j i ini iil'irer ,of our eiutor < ity of Savan nah. XI., '. :: • , indu»l.r:oqs, and ooifectod to twer.fy three htindrcd and eevetily-oea dollar.':.ni t!.ir;y !i.o cents, which was placed io i !. MI- or l.obUiT.ioM and went down to B.n I.y U-' 1 gilts mail. This sum, with the oil cic , . e! the Oath"! a and Melhodiet Ci.nr -.i'll tho approprlatians made by our • tl»o biuou&t which haa bicn i f cij* fr i i * J '- in tho Itifct four day», to tbout four U t. rd <1 !: h, and would doubtless have ,; 4 , but, that many of our wealth* j ( . i: / . ab cat. Our frionds of Savaniiah j; r y ; puthiow, and wo hopo that our c • - wi. ay is in later to the comlort ot j) . u n * fi'i f th'a© bonevolet pertfonp, v, ' f >* !j ;‘sfi a’tackad by diseano, in tho I r<> . '>n < ftluur holy purpose of iniui."tnng to t! Rieka d di*lre:,Aod. I j . •. i m t-i Ktute, that .Mr. J. Ji. Haut, b i t■ •» • », 1 is v. coney why 111 led by .Mr. Wm. J* « ,■ urihiun., w! o wilh t!»o otherCcmmilteomcn did their duty ir»My. i .) I 'buUoDB for Havannah. \Vf; rn| u: •d to f.itothut tho Committee ' pi \c ito «: IN. * limd.-Y tor tho relief ot tho j *.,.ti. . r . in .- ,: : h, will continue to receive and lr u . , no. ni may bo tendered fortliat us',.! ,y . | i by our cHariiablo citize’p, or j r i, i oy Country, arid forward them • vale eot the epidem ic. f j i u tot ready contributed iu quite 1 bur. , 1 ’ -vo are confident that we only ex pr ii i;e ,eral jue.i. % when wo nay thut our 1 ptop* d ready t ■< double the rum, whould it l\nw l.'o-ka. C Firry Vi.AiiH i ■ i >tii ill mi rintitr.*, or Reminssoen- X , t. j ~f a I'mo v Mt / chant. By Vin \ n n IS' i. l.ii; i N ./ Grit-uns. Translated jr > r*. i!i dfiu.i*:• Now York. 1e54. 'L't.i • <.i iho in" tr. marKub’o books of the dm,,l ' • ;. ar rove .•»* ions have created quite tin . t.. literary, political find mercantile c'.r . Ai- nl i.ipornry says of Nqltk and his w -r!: . “Ilci sn cK rl. —n finunoier —a merchant, c v,l. •»■ I'. 1 "' it n•itj of adventure, moro ol t Viiri» ‘ ’ i.l 1 <-:m» £Q in fortuno, moro of ini- • v,.. ii ccl-brated men and women than fd : i ’i- ; ■ •! ! i suf tho. o whom the world b ».• i! : . .n'T Ini y and romantic places.— t Vim i . • . , i: ;.u iollh hi;i story truly, bus touch ed nil < *dii In - been olio of the wealthiest ] and < It: < ; st ol men. lie has boon a poor 1 c!erl. r li/i/uo nt Leghorn, and ft trubt- * od juitn r • !.o I nu‘o of one of the moat princely , firm ■ K .O io day ho is a commercial mag- i nutr i•. i r, lrivn b hip of Oovrard, trus ted I-; i• ■ • ~t .e H iring* and the habouohon*, ! fluosi" ; iaj, li. j .Wi iivlcrcr uml übOi'gar. Now ho ih d’ ■< I Miniver, and now ho is writing * »,•! 'li ■ I. Ih. iutrigned with oporu girl*, and i : 1 ' .cs.• emu* of Nicholas Biddlol” In iioi;, it (Kails the exporionoe of tho an hor 1 in m;i ;> r .-lible ph-i.-o* < f lib 1 , and relate* with tho garrulity :ad g«> ij ry of old ago, many ftaitling j and : ;;ulur remise ounces of u meat eventful ca- t ru> r. [ K : > elo i y MuKi.nnk ,Si Uai.i,, Xuk i til or ,li.i l-eiw in, ir « CkronaU of College u ,s in V'uKiliia, A. D. Hi. 4. ; i.i i.eo." HkdS'lKLd: Fllw i ,ljM. V. i . , i i i . ■ i .uli hi- ol the immortal author of l I > ram.: II Ol 1 UilipoiuloUCO dawned llpOll 08 in w_ : up ih... livulj rvord ot eollojjo t-orijicu, |ovi< 111 .I.i' A- A lint upon poruaing a great 1 [1 11 t i iitwovo ro nnaljlo to oatabliah any grout uuiouiit i lontily lui vicon attulont Tom ol‘ VVil lian.tlmr,,', m l th« sign of Moutioollo. Tho book, | vriib. m inaoh uppuri :.t purpooo, is a rcadublo ami ontcr'iiining, and maj'servo to "boguilo an othor wi.v wi iv In m with imioeant laughter." For ml I by MoKinni. .V H.u.O. t Ttu* CnupbrU yituslrola! Tim : the Ar 't I'ig’it of this luronto band, and iivtl.oy huvdihu- lur taithl'ully | orlormod thoir | pmi j.| • | I:.- ... wit 1 1, weather, and their houses, t tin :o !. mid boa I’oucral turn out of all lovers of J in i, , ,md mi .■ ■ i give them a “bumper at part- ( ing.’’ il ■ i' v end lake all your friends. /’«<<, t K ,n. .M. , •'/, ] \:n-fhbe:g, and the troupe gen- 1 orally uio “ouiiuir ml strong" to night. I Kai.-i. Ma'tuiae JS. ii a.—S.imo pitiful ar.d i bra nl ■ v donkey it. p -v.l upon us a Jala uolloo ' cf a ni..rri gs hetn. on Dr. t llAia.ks E. Taitß and a iv.poo .ii.o buiy of tbii ko Co., already married. It up, '.rod in our p"por ol tho F.h insinr.t. Tho nJ.,i • . f.u-d i'i I’uvo been performed by j .. ,\i pins, iv, /■(_ ,” andwetdirowdlysns piot thui 'b i i,im' ; I. iiago CChanco”) was in f,i.J„ p i ivtlng npfn tho world tho nii»sra -1,0. ... ..... n;,. -mp or who haa thusuttimpled to vvi-n'id l. I .>'< of bis worthy and innocent neighb. r s. iJr. Mai.v's t'ou.au:, t'oU'naia,S. o.—lt wII bo seen iiv mfervuce to our a ivvitising columns that tin oxi'tciM'- ' f this Ir.vtitu'.ion will bo resumed on Moudsyt IS.bins’. UuoorLoi si'cahastim! daeoLATtoKs.—’The New York tVur.. rel v.snp tho ridiculous absurdity of fi toirg rssseiMrers who arrive in tho stoainsbipe from ija> .inuah nud Charleston to undergo a ijuar ar.tine w on travellers tro tie hum cities cun frooli i » through ! pert ions ot tho country and outer that city by the inland railroad routes. Theorbo of roil ng drunk in Boston lias been raised i'\ t o lb bee of tho City to fb, (it formerly being' oi b. r-bl in c useijucnco of so many moro „ 0r ,,. .; . .\i u> kin w Cum beforo the Maino lawwus M.ssid. This is tho i nly instance, says the be v tlib Crescent known to tho ootnmor oii.l w id, i wl'i.lt tho price of a thing is greater by wholesale U nu retail.^ Swelmborg says, “though tho virgins he saw iu heaven were t lutiiul, tlio wives wore incom paraii’y mure beautiful, and went on increasing in beantv evermore." Is not hero an inducement for the gills t .get married I what gill would wil ling!' remain ingle iu this world, at tho expense of bet beauty in tho ne* - . Thk Ti ur.—A tr.Um.g mr.lch, says tho Bslti m ire l’a'riot i>r » puroa ot throe U ouaaud dollars between Grey Kd iy, Tvc my, and Mac, took place on th . Union Course, Ling Wsiul, on Thursday. | Milo ' t iti-s litre© b« :l iu five. The tirst h?*ni was 1 won bv EK ? v, by a couple of length*; Tacony be'u cV. s rrn c -al competitor. Ho a!ao woo th© na‘ two Iu; tliu* fining ihe race. Time — i.c SI S.S4V.', Mao was dlsUnoed on th%> Ik; u li-iiiuuiv - l'h© StaQDton Vindicator •talc* that V. .li. Y.V - -ends ciV weekly, from the 1 1 i>h laborer* in that vicinity to their fdeods In lr«cl an 1, li c:h it i'-*\ or between S4OOO and fjvOd \or TLc»o ir.ou earn their mom v bjf ban! work, ai the rate of sl.fio per day. Or .TK UnamM''CS. — A good deacou making an oC ; ‘ vi*il to a dyiog neighbor, who was a very \ unpopular man, t-u the usual question" Are I : b you willing to go, my friend! " “Dh yes," said j tho sink m .n. “I am glad of that," said the dea con. “for all the n-lghKws are willing.' 1 guana- -' iat I -.pji.il —the Washington Sen tinel says that large sharks have beer seen in the rotomso river, a. high up aa Oocoqu*Jt b»y, thir ty-flve niilt* below Wa»h.r.gtco. Tho water of the river ta brackish tc w.tliin six miles of Mount Vernon, and tb - seeouute tor their unwonted vi cinity to the citjj Hr»* .pur,—A lier.iu IctUr s»ys that Kaueh, the venerable sculptor, hs? just compleKd a i fe- Jjj. e b ,.„. of A. Sander ' n Uaiaboldt. Tho health ol tin* disti: gnished naturalist ie slid unimpaired bv age, "id he tsav c msuntly be seen walking t . the streets cf Berlin, or in the par long at Pot*da- > wiib an ikclivUy of which many yonngtr men wooid ecwosly be c*pab e. Bsinoy'* Yfab* or the Senate. —It is said tost the Applet me, who received tie cpy right of the wei U, gave for it a cDeck fer the sub j, sunihu ttucu of |5h,<XK). Acirrospinijotof the Cleveland Herald, wri ing 11 on: Arkausas, i w !U u very large etory. He a|\ etys thnt Le iV-cove.-.-d a cave near Greham \r\ ■ thNtS’ate into wh-ch he w iked several miles, the 'm fi xir of \va ic’u is -v s r a foet ihick wth saltpetre. Ho has also ehol eoveral will lurkiee, which weighed, whun dreseed, p utide. The corn, ai- AO, grows down there iron, twenty five to thirty * leet high. t»ud appears Lke a foreau for lh>: LhrouicU dr Sentinrl. “ Know .\ot.luKiiOi.*’ Mb. liorroa:—lhc writer believes that it >e the . du yot every good ciliz.n to oppose tho organiza tion of Secret Societies for the accomplishment of » pohticai purposes, and still more so when ihede figa comprehends alao religious i jtenerence. 'i he article which appeared in yoar paper on Friday last, on the subject of “ Kucw Nolhiugism, ” over the signature ot A Native Democrat, T ’ is well calculated to demonatrato the of this position, and to awaken in thoee who revere our hailoWwd institutions a Rtale of apprehension, in compatible with passive acquiescence. Nothing, ce tainly, can bo more praiseworthy thau efforts “to preserve the Constitution and prevent the rut desa hand of religious bigotry from despoiling it 0} .U sacred guaranteesand it is with this vow that we would diECoan'enance tho organiza tions in question, as in themselves violations of < ifcotMi very guarar.teeß, and fiothing more lhau tho opposition of one “ruthlcts bigotry” to another, (supposed to exist). Your correspondent, it is true, alleges that “the war is n'-t against the Ko man Catholic religion, but against Eotnan Catholic politics p' ani jet it is sought to exclude Homan Catholic**, as such, fromcffiie, and to deprive them of tho'r hous es of worship by appealing Vj the worst pri jadices of the ignorant, and arousing the ire ot “ruthless” mobs. Tho writer knows his fellow citizens of this community too well to fear tumultous excitements her j , such as have dis grace j Northern cities. Thus far, Southern cities Lave, to a great degree, been exempt from such hcone.“; and will, I trust, long continue bo. Hut, lot me a-k, whal are the “Roman Catholic j politics” to which your cot respondent refers ? A ! categorical reply might enlighten your readers, who doubtless, like myseb, have Lever been ap j rizod of the tenets of this now political party. A1 ternateiy charged with monarchical and with de rnocratic tendencies, according to the use to be made of such denunciations, the Homan Catholic church dignitaries, r-o far us our observation goes, have b2en remarkably scrupulous in avoiding any interference in the leading political question y that have, from lime to time, agitated our country. Have they ever bee if known to take sides in the conflict between Southern institutions and Norih wrn fanaticism ? Have they over banned' them selves u conventions for the purpose of dictating to Congress, or influencing the proceedings of this branch of our Government? If the “war” be against the perversion of religion to po itica! pur po-e;, why not w age it against these who use the pulpit for tho cultivation of sectional animosities, and the propagation of “higher luw” principles ? lint we should not lend out countenance to the or ganization of Secnt Socutie* for tho correction c-f even such evils ns these. History is already too full of the micohievoui effects of such combina t oris for political and religious ends, and no Ame r cau should be afraid to face the enemy in open dayfgbt. It ia u very common error *o overlook tho influ ence of political education, and to attribute the acts and conduct of men to their religious creed alone. Yet it does not seem fit to charge a creed with tho misdeeds of all who happen to believe in it If Northern men ore averse to our institutions, it is cortuinly not because of their religious creod, but of th*nr political education. Acd if, per chance, a large portion of the foreigners who mi grate to our happy shores, be imbued with demo cratic principles in tho way of certain political as pirants, it is assuredly not because they happon to bo Homan Catholics, but rather becauso they have ( been driven from their father-land by tho “ruth less 1 ’ intolerance and oppression of aristocracy. In coming to this country, they felt that every 1 breath of air that filled tho canvass, brought them nearer to tho land of liberty, whoro all political opinions are tolerated, and the rights of conscience i protected. Shall tkoir pleasing anticipations prove to have been mere delusions ? lam neither aK. , N. nor a K. 8., nor oven a Homan Catholic—but I am u Native Democrat, and, as such, will never cease to oppose all uttempts to subvert tho guaran tees of the Constitution, whether by Secret Socie ties or other moans. Another Native Democrat. Public Meeting. At a meeting of a portion of tho citizons of Au gusta, convened at the City Hah on Saturday af ternoon, 9th inst., pursuant to a call of the Mayor, on motion, llis Honor, A. P. Robertson, waacalled to tho Chair andW. li. McLuws roquestod to act as Soeretury. Tho following preamble of E. F. Campbell, Esq., and resolutions ol (ion. G. W. Evans wore adopted uuaniino isly : Concurring most cordially in tho call of the Mayor ot Augusta, for a meeting of our citizens this aftoruooi:, for the purpose of tendering our sympathy and pecuniary aid to tho inhabitants of our sister city, Savannah, at this period of her deep iIU ction and distress, from the ravages ot a frightful pestilence among them, Jit Molted, Thai the citizen* ot Augusta feel tho deepest sympathy wi»h their fellow citizens of Savannah in their iflliotlou, and pray that the pcatilonco which now desolate their fair city may soon pass away. liitiulwd, Tout wo heutily approve the unani mous action ot our City Coutioil, iu tendering to tho Mayor of Suvannuh, ouo thousand dollars for the benefit of the indigent sick of that city. Resolved , That, us many of our citizens aro anxious to contribute individually to the same laudable object, his Honor the Mayor be reques ted to uppoint a Committeo of two persons from each Ward, to roceivo such subscriptions as the liberality of our people may induce them to make. Whereupon, his Honor appointed tho following gcntlcmou: For Ist Ward—J. C. Carmichao), I. T. Heard. 2-1 Ward—Gen. Evans, John Davison. 8d Ward—J. B. Hart, Charles Baker. 4th Ward— M. Wilkinson, J. C. Fargo. Dr. Black off-rod tho following, whioh was unanimously adopted. Resolved, That the Committee bo authorized to fill thoir own vacancies. On motion, Ordered that tho proceedings bo published in the city papers. The meeting then adjourned. A. 1\ Kobertson, Chairman. W. K MoiiAWs, Secretary. Ooxan Batinnu at Newport.— Mr. Fullor, of tho New York Mirror , gives us tho following glimpses of the bathing scone at Newport: “Bit tho bathing sc-uio is docidodly tho most picturopquo and outertaining amusemont of tho town. To see two or throe hundred ladies in fancy costur e, iu frocks of all patterns, and in irowsers of all colors, with hats oi all shapes, and countless pairs of little white feet twinkling on the sand, is an exhibition ns grotesque to tho spec tator Ufa oxhileriiting to tho pel termer. “ It a beautiful woman ever could look ridicu lous, it would Do when emerging from the waves in this fantastic, semi-barbarian dress, and trying toc-.monl her identity, she “ makes trucks for the oath ing houso. What a contrast between the bewitching hollo of last night’s bull room and tho “scare crow’’ upon this morning’s beach 1 They who have seeu the same beautiful actress play “ Juli. t” and 44 M«g Mornlies” on tho same night, cau imagine the transformation hotter than I can describe it. At 12 o’cloak the red fl ig is raised and the ladies drivo off, rememboring the fate of L't’s wile; and tho tnasculiuo multitude plunge iu J ist a* uutnro made them, like a 11 >ckot goe-o without foa hers. Then it takes until dinnertime for the ladies to get tho salt out of their hair, and freshen up generally, when they come pouring down stairs, looking us sweet and dewy us an ava lanche of rose*. Alum Strinob in Greenville.—We were shown upociuioiu* of alum rock, llio olher day, by Mr. Wallace B. loor, which ho brought from his lands on the Saluda river in this district. Mr. loor in iorma ns that there ia a spring ol alutn water on the place which has been resorted to by some of the old women in order “to aet their dye.” At presen*, the river oncroachea on the spring, but can b j walled out. The specimens of rock anown us are very strongly impregnated with alum. It will be a great thiug to have in Greenville an alum soring, w*ich cures all scrofulous diseases. In Virginia, the alum springs are resorted to by hun dreds and thousands of persona ovoay season. We hope Mr. 1 >ar wi.l sot to work aud make his for tune out of his spring, and at the same time he will be contributing to the prosperity of the Dis trict and the health and comfort ot thousands else where in tho Southern Stales.— Southern (5. (?.) Patriot. American Representations Abroad. —Tho Tri bune has a letter irom a special correspondent at Paris who alleges that Mr. Belmont, the American Minister at the Hague has commenced a regular banking business in tho office of the Legation, the rent of which is paid by tho pooplo of the United S ates, aud in which is employed at this moment, three c erks for tho trfnsac’ion of the busine s. The same writer accuses Mr. Do Leou, tho American t onsul General at Alexandria, Kg)p:,of extorting four dollars lor every pass port he visas. Never po it Never ask the ago of an unmar ried lady when she is past five an twenty. Never show your protested bill to a man you want to borrow money of. Never expose your poverty to a rich relation, it yon would have him to treat you as a cousin. Never let it come to the ears of a rich and child less relative that you secretly pray for his sudden and premature dia olution. Never tell a man he is u fool; in tho first p’ace ho won't believe you, and iu the next j*'* maAe him year enemy. Never impure secrecy on a mail to whom yon * eeuitunuicate anything in confidence, he is sure to tell it to Sv .no friend. Abundance or Wheat —The R chmond, Ya., Prm.g /W speaks oi the immeuse amount ct wheal now in the various railroad Repots of tbat city. One of them is literally groaning uuder the weight of its contents, and the writer thinks he “saw enough to lead the Kussiaus and allied troops for a twelve month.’' There are eight large mills m operation iu that city, and two of them grin-' at least uiue hundred barrels each per day. it i.> mostly shipped, how eve-, tor the South American markets, where it is a lavonte over all others. The climate dc-s not sour it, and the | secret is said to consist in packing it while it is I hot. ! One or the Grfat Causes cr Hard Times. —We I ship too much oi our gold com to Europe —and i why i Because wo import ten millions more than we ought. We import too many ails*, sa in? and j iaees. If the ladies of the United States would | wear cotton fabrics, and encourage our own staple | production for four years, every merchant, me | chauic, farmer aud laborer would feel the good l effect, a: d there would bd an end ot long tacee and Lard times. —Aew> York Mirror . | Death or Ethraim H. Foster, or Txnxtssex.— A wide spread cireie of friends and acquaintances will receive with feelings of the most poignant regret the intell ge co of the death of the Hon. | Epbriam H. Foster, which took place on Wednes day night at 11 o’clock, at the residence, in this vicinity, of his brother iu law William Nichol. From the pen of one, familiarly acquainted with i hi» public character and private worth we hope l soon to be able to publish a suitable tribute to the i memory of this distinguished eit:aen of Tennes ’ s te.—AothciU* Eanntr. I OneWeve's Receipts. —Daring the past week, j there were received by the ca'erers ol the New j York markets, 4758 beeves, ISS3 calves, 17,108 j sheep an t lambs, 8540 swi'.e, an- 4 . 89$ cows— mak j inga total of‘27, l7 animal*. worth —valuing sheep at 83, calves a* i sw ue at beeves *t SSO, and ! cow s’at $80—1880,587. The butchers are paying ! Aome three oeuU* less for beef than they were a I short time ago. Du they make the aame deduc tion to their customers ? A State Fair by the North Carolina But* A unco ltu i«i Society is to be held at Ka'eigh :n I Oot'-b*-r eonirueaoing on Tuesday* the 17th— Hamisme premiums are to be g i veil for the best animals, Kgrijoltoral implements, <s«. Tee Newark Riot — ln regard to the late con flict at Newark, N. J., the New York Tribun* says:—Whether any Catholic or Catholics did or did not throw stones at the late Protestant proces sion in Newark, we leave to be delenn.ned by the searching judicial inquiries which will of course be promptjy instituted. That thero arc nominal Catholics Bt npid enough, foolish enough, bigoted enough, ruffianly *. nougb, to commit such an out rage, isdc ab'.l ss true; and not less true is it that there are nelf s yied Protestants debased enough to throw the blame of their crime on the Catholic* and ex cite the mustered tVou&ands to riot and outrage. — On whomsoever the blame cf having incited the recent outrage shall rest, the truth should be dem onstrated beyond cavil. Bat, whoever may have thrown those stones, we hold it already settled that they were not thrown from the Catholic church which fell a victim to the fory they er gendered, and that no preparations for assault upon the procession had been made therein. That church stands fairly exculpated from all offense, and its devastation is an unprovoked and shameful outrage, which reflects great dis credit cn Newark acd on belligerent Protestaniem And it is worthy of note that while thia is the fifth or sixth Catholic edifice which has been destroyed or devasted by mob voilence in our country, there is no instance on record wherein a Protestant house of worship has been ravaged by Catholics. How Rectified Whisket is Made— At St. Louis raw whiskey is now commanding an unusually high price, 34 a 35 cts. per gallon; and since recti fiers have to pay 35 cents for raw, it is wonderful how they can afford rectified at 34 cents. Nothing is easier of explanation. Rectified whiskey is whiskey liberally mixed with water —three to five, and sometimes as many as eight gallons of water to the barrel, at the manufacturer’s discretion. This affords a handsome prefit, at the present cur rent rates for raw, a mixture of three gallons “Mis sissippi” netting $1 05; five gallons $1 75, and when it comes to eight gallons there it $2 80 per barrel, clean clear profit. Besides rectifying may be considered a humane “institution,” the charcoal taking out a very considerable portion of the al chohelic fire, and reducing the baneful effects of a too free use of “red eye.” It also saves trouble to the toper, as his dram needs no mixing with untchoUtom* water afterwards. Colored Gaiters. —The editor of the Louisville Democrat says that ifYhe ladies know that wearing light colored gaiters adds at le&at one fifth to the “apparent diameter” of the feot, wo - are sure they would discard the ugly things, and put their pret ty feet back again into the dainty black and brown gaiters, which alone ore proper for tho street. Tho prettiest gaiter or shoe of any kind is black. Unless a woman has a remarkably neat foot and ankle, and desires to show it by bright colors, let her cling to the black. Tho “Journal of Commerce” has an interesting letter from St. Petersburg, which after giving us an inkling of what is going on there, in reference tatho war, says: “ The exaggerated reports which appear in English and French journals in rogard to the con dilion of St. Petersourg, are often so obviously untrue as not even to merit contradiction. Such are the foolish stories that tho Emperor is insane, that Count Nesselrode has been hissed in the streets, and that tho Heir Apparent to tho throne, in conjunction wilh many loading noblemon, haY entered a solemn protest against the furt er prose cution of the war. All tidings from St. Peters burg tend to show that these mod many similar stories are not even foundod upon fact; tut as yet theenurt the nobility, and the people, remain united in the determination of firm resistance to their foes.” Edgar A. Poe. —We hoo with regret that somo ignorant writer for tho St. Louis Republican, has started the report that “the remains of the late Edgar Allen Poo are still reposing in an obscure corner of Potters Field of Baltimore.” Nothing can bo further from the truth. Ilis remains were in terred at the time of his death in tho First Preaby terian Church yard, on the corner of Green and Fayette streets, and were followed to the grave by a large number of relatives and friends. His obse quies we re of & character every way worthy of such a man, and wo are surprised and grieved that such reports should be put in circulation as the one quoted above. Straw Paper. —Tho New York Times says it has been shown some specimens of paper made entirely of straw; tlso some of grass, of a superior qualily, and apparent’y nearly as good as rag pe.- per. The exhibitor, a practical chemist, stated that he could produco paper for all purposes, of a superior quality, from straw er grass, for about half tho cost of rag paper. The merit that ho claims is a means of depriving the straw of its silex and other qualities which interofero to pro duce a paper strong, opaque, and pliable enough for any use. Snake Bitten.— Mr. Solomon Buffington, of Jackson county, Va., was recently bitten by a rat tlesnake; but, upon drinking a quart or two cf whiskey, was relieved from the fatal tendencies of the poison. So states tho Parkorsburg G&zetto. Among tho pereonal ondits which we notice in our Northern exchanges, is—that Lola Montez has got tired of California, and is about to return to tho Atlantic States, and that Miss Lucy Stone, the strong minded young lady, is about to bo married to a wealthy gentleman of Cincinnati. Kiot at Newark, N. J. —On Tuesday last, as a procession of the American .Protestant Associations was marching through the streets of Newark, they were attacked by a party of mon concealed in a German Catholic Church, and the melancholy re sult is thus told by the New York Times: Up to this time, everything had boon perfectly tranquil. The members had walked peacefully through all the principal streets of the city, antici pating no assault, ana provoking none. The fine appearance of the body and their quiet demeanor, had produced a favorable impression, and in a shait time they would have been prepared to re turn homo. Tho instant, however, that this attack was made upon them, the line was broken, the Protestants rushed pell mell upon the church, for ced the doors, beat iu the windows, tore up the seats, demolished tho aliar and the emblems, and put the orgun very much out of tune, so that it can scarcely be an organ again. Tho whole interior of the church speedily be came a mass of ruius. The outer shell ot the build ing iaail that remains of it. A building in Ship man stioet was also attacked, and the windows brokon in. Crowds rushed to tho spot from every direction, and intense excitement prevailed, in the midst of which several pistol shots were fired, and stones and other missiles freely thrown. Upon bieaking into the Church, the Protestants found two mon (and report says more) concealed therein. Those mon aro believed to have been 1 omau Catholic Priests. They wore instantly overpowered, and it is bolioved that one was killed. Ono man states that ho saw an Irishman lying dead near tho Church, after tho affray was over. Later accounts state that two men wore killed, and several badly wounded. When will these brutal and outrageous conflicts ceases The American Minister in Ki ssia. —A letter to the New York Journal of Commerce, dated Berlin, (Prussia,) August 8, says 1 The position of the American Miniser in St. Petersburg is believed to be at present of the most agreoab ! e character. With a prudenoe for which he has always been remarnuble, he has succeeded in cherishing to an unusual degree, the amicable relations of Kussia toward Amerioa, without com promising in tho least the neutral policy so long adhered to by tne United States. By the personal respect which Mr. Seymour has commanded, he has also been able not only to advanoe many commercial undertaking* of American citiiens, but has aided, it is said, important inquiries con cerning the scientific and agricultural position of Kuasia. Tho New York Express describes a Printing Machine, its editor has seen in that city, capable of printing both sides of the paper at once, and at a speed of two hundred copies a minute. It feeds itself from long rolls of paper, prepared, not in sheets as we use it, but of any possible number of yards which can be put upon a cylinder, and after the paper is printed on both sides, the sheet is cut and distributed on a crib, without the aid of fly boys or any assistance, except such is necessary to carry the sheets away ready for folding. Congress has appropriated $26,000 for the col lection of agricultural atatistica, and for the pro curement of cuttings and eeeda for distribution. This ,is about fire times more money than was ever before given for euch purpose. Conuinrs Brumixe and Loan Association. — The first regular monthly meeting of the Asocia tion was he'd in Temperance Uall on Saturday night laat. Tne whole number of shares were ta ken and there was still a demand for more. Two thousand dollars, the first monthly installment was sold as follows : SI6OO at 51 per cent, SISOO at SI X P«r cent, and SIOOO at 50 per cent premium.— T.ints Stntinrl. Julias Or— nsnmbal, giving an account of hie sea voyage, says : “ All do passengers was now Leavin’", and as if dat wasn't enough, de captain eas-e orders for de ship to heave to, and aha hove to.” Fcbtiier FakticcijUjs or ths Hcxbicani on Frjdat —The three negroes referred to on Hatch insou’s Island, were saved. The enclosure around Laurel Grove C.metry was very much injured. The roof of the Catholic Church, and of the house in which Bishop Gartland resides, was con siderably damaged. Many ot the houses from wh ch the roofs were torn, must have sustained more or lass ir jury from the rain on Saturday night. The brig “Amelia,” which had just finished ais charging, broke loose, and wae blown ashore at the Dry Dock. 6he is a perfect wreck. . Vhe steamer “J. Mono, v became unmoored, and drifted up to McAlpin’s place, about three miles Irom the city, bke is not much damaged Partial accounts have been reoe'ved from the Bice plantation on thia aide of the Ogeaebe river which lead us to beuevo they have not suffered s. badly as those on Savannah river. The plantation of the brothers Chevee, the H.baisham’s, ai.d that of tho estate of Haywa.-d, suffered very much Ail of these are large and valuable plantations. Thus far we have heard of tha loss of no life. The storm commenced to rage violently Thursday night when people weio housed—.Sata Krp. jj insi. i R.tr«o.r> Exccbsion. —-On Satarday morning last we accepted en invitation of C. T. Pollard, the energetic President of the Montgomery and A eat Point Railroad, to an excursion up the road, as far as Auburn and back, in company with a number of others. The train, cars, locomotives and all— wore entirely new and ot Alabama manufacture,— ht vieg been built in the shop of Ifaeoompany, and this was the fiisttime they had been put upon the rosd. The locomotive performed its part remark ably well—every thing running a* smooth as oil; the csr is of the finest materiM —put up after tha best style and complete finish, equal to anything we have ever aeen upon a railroad track, (showing that some things can be done as well at home .a elsewhere. We reaehsd Anbnrn about half-pest 11 A. M. and partook of a good substantial dinner, prepared by the worthy host, Mr. Eidy of tba Railroad House and returned to town at half-past 8 o’clock, just in time to scribble this hasty notiee. J -.rr.jl W e have all heard of lose at first eight, bat a friend of ours declares be feU in love with hie wife’s voice before he ever saw her, they having bees introduced in a darkened room- L Uer fr«m Cal fornix—By the (star of the West. Th : steamer Star ot the West arrived at New York Friday morning, having iott s>au Jaan on the evening of the 8 jt-i, and brings dates from ban Francisco to the 16th. bhc connected with the Cortez on the Facile. The bur of the West brings abwti $l,0(h>,000 of r^ptcie. Nothing ot importance had occurred on the Isth mus since the sailing of th'i last - .earner. The schr. Bermuda, and British steamer Mag dalene, were in purl when tL iS r of u.e West sailed About an hour previous to the sailing of the Cortez from Bih Francisco, .1.3 English clipper ship North Fleet arrived at Is ..u Francisco from China in apassage of 41 days, bringing intelli gence of the surroundiug of Canton by the rebels, and stating that the foreign re.-idents had all left the city. The rebels are represented to have attacked Cauton with irresistible bravery, causing a panic amo g the inhabitants, a&.d it was soon surren dered without much fighting. Annexation the Sandwich Islands—A treaty has boen concluded between the American Com missioner and the Government of the Sandwich islands lor the annexation of the Inlands to the United Slates. Toe treaty was despatched by mail irom Sen Francisco on the 16m. All the members of the King's Council are in favor of an nezalion except two. Tne King is the most ac tive promoter of the treaty. The details of the treaty have not transpired. Scmmvkr of Events of tqz Past Fortnight.— The past two weeks have not been at all proi he ot startling occurrences. Geue r ai busi .esa remains in the inactive condition of the last year; but a largo portion of oar people aro devoting thom aelves to the study of local politics, in the hope, perhaps, that money may come of it. Notwithstanding the uutverai cumplaintaof dull timea that reach us lrom nearly all parts of the State?, aubtttantial buildings are in process ot croc tion in all the larue towa of the inter.or, a* well as in this city. Hero improvements of the most elegant and durable character meet the eye a*; every step; and although rents aro falling, and must oontinne to do so, there can be little doubt that investments in permanent building, in cen tral positions, will prove as satisfactory a» those of any other description. The new* iroui tbe various parts of the miuiDg region is generally cheering, in the dry diggings a want of water is felt, but the miners there are waiting patiently tor the rainy season, btingsatis flad there to pay their expenses until that time, [n the parts oi the mines where water is conveyed by flumes the minors are doing well. New dig gings have recently boon discovered in different portions of the country, and occasional ‘‘lucky atlikea” are made, as of old. The people of Cali fornia are pretty tolerably well satisfied that there ia no fear of the mines giving out just at present. The corner atone of a Sewish Synagogue was laid on the 6*h inst. in this city. The order of Know-Nothings ia gradually ax tending throughout the interior couutica of the State. They are already q «ite formidable in ITa oerville, Downieville and Nevada. On the 2a instant a lire broke out in the town of bid well, on the Yuba river, in one hour the town was totally destroyed, excepting about eixoi seven houses, which were distant lrom the main street. Estimated los*—sloo,OoO. A site for a House of Kaluga has been selected and purchased by the Supervisors of San Francis co county. It is located about three miles frem the Mission, or six miles southwest of the city. Proposals have been issued for bids to construct a su table building. Wm. E. Atkins, who was arresto 1 for killiug Wm. S. Way on tho evening of July 20th, after an examination beforo the City Kecorder, was sent op to the D.strict Court for trial; without privi lege of bail. Iwo desperate criminals, named Bruce and Lawson, who escaped from the jail at Sonora some three weeks aince, havo been reca tur9d. The Sacramento Union ot August 6-h says that Lieut. Beckwith and his earveyixg party, who have been engaged in surveying tue region of country along me proposed Central Route for Pacific Kaiiroad, have returned. Lieu:. Beckwith has been absent about four months,, and will leave hero for Washington on the 16th of the present month, for the purpose ot making his report at hoad-quarters. From his statement, it uproar:, i that he considers the Central Koute as higidy . practicable for a Kaiiroad. It is to ne hoped that Congress will take some definite action upon this matter, of such importance to California, the United States and the world. borne individual at Mariposa professes to have discovered by accident a subterraneous pose through the bierra Nevada, which he thinks is practicab a for a Kaiiroad. He also professes to have discovered a tribe of white Indians. The Mayor of ban Francisco had advertised for bids for $150,000 of seven per cont. bonds—ti e money to bo used for tho benefit of the Firo De partment. On the 2d insi., the time for receiving bids expired ; but up to that time none had been submitted. On the 2d August a duel took piece near the Mission, between A. J. Kelly and George Wil lisms. Bath were wounded ; neither dangerously. The names of Messrs. McDougal and Latham, who had baen placed in nomination e.e candidates for re-election to Congress, by the Bigler wing of the Democracy, havo been withdrawn by their frionds. A Lake of salt has been discovered in Los Ange los county, and a company have comnienoed its manufacture. There is said to bo no limit to the quantity in which this article may be procured. Capt. Maloney, ot tho bark Libertad, bus been fined s2uo in the Recorder’s Coart, for a breach of the U. 8. Passenger Laws, in overcrowdiug his vessel. His paasungeis were Chinese, of whom 100 died on the passage from China to this port, and about 50 after the vessel arrived here. Considerable excitement hut resulted, in the Southern portion of the State, from the rumored discovery of rich gold diggings on Korn Kiver, about 8o miles from Santa Baibara; sl2 per day to the man is the reported average yield, using only the common rocker. lu the Northern part of the State a similar con dition of things exist, in connection with the re cent gold discoveries on the Ccquille river. Some persons from this city, who wont to these mines some two weeks since, returned on tho last trip of tho Foytona, and published a statement subtan tially denying tho existence of gold in largo quail tities in that region. Still, gold continues to arrive from there. On the Vih inst., a report roaoned this city from San Kytfael, that certain squatters had seized upon the land belonging to the Catholic Church there; another report as positively averred that theCdurch had been seized and desecrated by gamblers, who were practising their handiwo'k within its wall?; and half a dozen other stories were afloat—all, however, agreeing in the one featuro, that great wrong hadljeeu suffered by the Catholic Church. Straighway, a body of some fifty men, armed to tha teeth, procured a vessel and sailed for tho scene of outrage. Two days of debauchery were passed by the invading army in search of tho ag gressors, when, finding that no outrage had been committed, and that therefore none could be aven ged, they consented to return *o their homes. A Grand Jury, the week before last, found four bills of indictment against Kecorder Baker, for neg ecting to pay into the City Treasury, at the proper time, several thousand dollars received in his office. Immigrants are arriving in all parts of the Stato byway of tho plains. They are generally in good condition, os weM as their stock ; and they report an abundance ofg ass on the different routes trav elled. About 600 Chinese passengers arrived on the 11th inst, in the Chinese ship Exchange, 85 deaths occurred on the passage. Th 6 SIOO,OOO raffij of H. A. Smith & Co. was drawn on the 11th instant. Tho highest prize, SIO,OOO, was drawn by a young man, of Philadel phia, named Kelsoy. Another battle tetweon parties of Chinese at enmity with each other, is expoctod to tako place near Shasta about the 20th inst. Both wings of the Democracy in San Francisco county have placed in nomination their candidates for the Leg siature and county offices. By the arrival of the steamship Polynesian, on her first return trip from Honolulu, wo have ad vices from the Islands to the 20th July. An En glish and French squadron of six vessels was In port at Honolulu. Miss Kate Hayes and Mr. C. K. Tborno, and dramatic company were performing for the eDtertainmdnt of the Islanders. The subject of Chinese immigration has become one of eo much importance as to attract the atten tion of nearly all classes of community. A num ber of the newspapers of the State are clamorous for legislative interference. At a meeting of the Board of Assistant Aldermen in this city on the. 14 r .h ult., a resolution was passed agreeing to meet on Thursday evening aid endeavor to devise means to provide against the exigences arising from the recent extensive importation of Chinese. From every section of the State we have the ' most cheering accounts of abundant crops of grain and grasses. The exportation of wheat to tho At lantic States is seriously contemplated. Fruits many kinds, as melons, pears, figs and apricots, are abundant and cheap. Tho grapo crop promises to be very large. Miss Laura Keene, on tho Ist inst., suddenly left her theatre and friends, and took pas age on a vessel for Australia. Ole Bull and M. Strakosch have given several musical entertainments in this city with flattering success. They are now in Sacramento, whe* they gave their first concert on Monday night, H'b. , , The weather throughout iho interior has been excessively hot—tho mercury standing in many places at iOO deg., and in some rising even still higher. Orx»on. —There are threatened Indian difficul ties in the Southern Em'grant trail. The Cequille miues are all hnoibug. Hon. Jon W. Davis has resigned h s office as Governor of OrcgoD, and left for the Atlantic Statos, arriving in the Star of the West. A pub lio dinner was tendered this gentleman, which ho w&s obliged to decline. Tho Oregon Fisheries are beginning to attract notice. Sandwich Islands.— The steamei^Polynesian brings interesting news from these islands. Catharine Hays gave a concert at Honolula, be fore loaving for Australia. The combined fleets of England and France, consisting o! eight vessels, had arrived at Hono lulu. The destination of this squadron is not publicly known. The new steamer Polynesia made an excursion with his Majesty on board, Members of the Legis lature and a large party of ladies and gentlemen. A large meeting has been convened on*I'* 1 '* j?c*. of steam communication w -‘" een Tionoluln *°A!?audiecce was given by His Majesty on the 21st inst. to Admiral David Prico and Admiral Fevrier Des Pointes, accompanied by the Kepre sentatives of G eat Britain and France, andethe commanders or the various English and French vessels in port. Commbb ual Intelligence —Business during the past foriniant has been comparatively active, and considerable parcels of goods disposed of at rulirg quotations. The mass of goods offered appear to have been thrown on the market under instruc tions from parties in the East to their consignees here to close them oat. Generally speaking, goods are held for better rates than those now ruling, as hope is entertained that a good Fall trado will be done, and notwithstanding there are moderate parcels yet to arrive, it is believed prices will ad ranca. The money market ia easy, rates remaini g without charge. Bank interest a per cent. Lorg loans, on undoubted real estate security, 2 a 2>% percent. Short time paper is done at from 4to 6 per cent., according to the standing of the parties asking. Death or the Brothers Burrougbta. It is with deep sorrow we announce, on the au thority of a private letter irom Augusta, that Mr. Joseph H. Burroughs, and the Eav. Mr. Benjamin Barrougha, both brothers, of this city, died at Bath, near that city, the former on Saturday and the iauer on Friday last. Their d;aea*e was yel low fever, the seeds of which they earned with them from this place. Mr. Joseph H. Burroughs married the eldest daughter of Judge Berries, was about fifty years cf age, in bosiLeee a merchant, and one of the best and moet respectable men in Savannah. Hia brother was somewhat vonuger, he was a man of high character, and esteemed by all who knew him. They w-re sons ei the late Mr. B*rj. Burrougns, of the old firm ofStnrgeae Burroughs. Tru.y, “Misfortune* eomo not single handed. ’’ Mr. W ra. Burroughs, brother of the above, lost bot i few d»j. , promising denghter, snd ih.n s son. Next Mr. Berr en Burronghe, son of Mr. Joseph H- Burroughs, died; end now hi* tstner end ancle hivseane to swell ms of the dsed. Mev Hester, of tuinfinite mercy, bindnp the braised heert. of those who ere left.—Sauin r-J* JUjniD.idany Monday. K little boy had a colt and a dog, end his gene rosity w: e often tried by visitors asking him, “just Vo see whet he woaid say,” to give then: both hie pets. One dry he told e gentle, might have hie colt—reserving the dog, the enrp/iee of hie mother, who eekec Jecky, why did'nt yoo give him the dog nothin', say nothin’ mother, when he [go ' the oolt, I'll sot the dog on him 1” From theX. O. Picayune, Bth insi. Later from Havana. By the arrival of ihe steamship Philadelphia, Capt. indie, Ire in New York, via Havant, we have inteli'gmca from the latter place to the 4 b inat., four days later than that brought by the Cabawbc. The Philadelphia left New York, as we have a ready announced, on the 23th ulu, arrived at Havana on the morritig of the 4 b, and, having lauded her mails and passengers, sailed again the same day. We have a file of the Diario de la Baba an to the 3d Inat. The pspc of this lost date contains a decree giving notice that those desiring to avail them&eLes of the lately proffered amnesty, and the concurrent offer of payment of their passage back to the island, where their necessities require it, are not to have the privilege of coming at tho expense of Government otherwise than as steerage or fore cabin parsergere, and even that only wherj they possess no property whatever. The game paper anuonuce.s that the Govern ment S«3cretary having obtained leave of absence, ■ Senor Don Francisco Antonio Martinez, the chief . c‘«rk in the office, will discharge tho duties during his absence. The leading article of the r-ame paper is an elaborate eulogy on the triumph of Mexican arms over the attempts of Baousset Bnulbon, ai d some very sage remarks on the injuries which foreign domination would bo ciicuiated to inflict on the inhabitants 44 For those reason*,” it says, “they resisted the pirates ot Kaousset Bonlbon, as their neighrors of Lower California resi&ted those of Walker, as their neighbors of Ma amoros resisted the pirates of Texas and their miserable instru ment Carvajal.” Os the late doing-* in the neigh borhood of Matamoros, our strong cotem porary would seem not to have yet heard. The Diario, of the 24, publishes a list of the commissioners to piomote the trans mission of specimens of Cuban productions to the Gn at Exposition to be held in Paris next year. Boyoud these items wo perceive nothing worthy of notice, unless it be the list of prizes drawn at the lottery on the Ist inst. Special Correspondence of the Picayune. Havana, Bept. 2,1554. Dear Pic.—Sentinel is so busily engaged in consequence ot tho contemplated changes in the olfictsof the island, that it is impossible for him ‘o writ* t® you by this steamer. He has accor ds ugly requested me to act on this occasion as his sub. We had a pretty scene in the palace yesterday. You will dou olios* have already learned from other source? that Gen. Pvzuela intended to resign the command of the island into the hands of the proper officer to take his place in esse of his ab sence, and to leave lho island before the arrival of Gen. Concha, who hus been re appointed Cap tain General. The positive advice of the appointment of Gen. Concha was received, as you have of eourse alrea dy learnt by the mnii steamship Fernando el Ca tolico. On the same day Gen. Pezuela requested tbo captain of the steamer to inform him how soon ha could get ready to return. The reply was, that Bho would be at his disposition any time after the 80th. Gen. Pczufta then desired that she might bo got ready and advertised to leave by this after noon. A meeting of the Council, whose province if s to be present at the turning over ot commands on euch occasions as this, was summoned for yes terday, and met accordiug'y. Thero were in at tendance tho lutendcme, the General of Marine, the Regent and Oidores of the Real Audiencia Protorcal, the Aquntamento of Havaua, Gen. La Vvdlcte, commander ot tho forces, tho General of Artillery, and the heads of tho various military corps and other departments. Gen. Pezuela delivered to the Intendento the proper credentials for authority in bis department and to the General of Marino his authorization, and then turning to Gen. LaValette, ho sea d, “1 re sign to you, General, tho command of tho island.” Gen. La Valletta, to his infinite surprise, imme diately replied, **l shull not accept it, your Excel lency.” £ Alter a few words, covering the confusion which was thus crested, Gon. Fezaela said to Gen. La- Vfdleltc, “I shall transfer it, then, to tho General of A-Hilary.’V “No, your Excellency,” responded Gon. LaVal- MliyAou cannot do that. lam at tho head of ho Wiry in this island, and will not permit the General ot Artillery, who is under my command, f > de placed over me. You cannot leave until your succ? iaor arrives.” E‘ ery thing was now in inextricable confusion. Gen. Pezueia was bursting with rage, and the military spirit was correspondingly excited. At this stage of tho proceedings, the civil ians of the Ayaniamiento found it necessary to interfere for tho purpose of cudeavoring to prevent the excite ment from loading to something serious. They represented to Gen. Pezuela that only a few days could intervene bofore the arrival ot the new Captain General, if ho came at all, and they a 'ded * bat of this there was even some doubt, while it never has been tho custom for a Captain General to delegate his powers and leave the island. The result was that Gen. Pezuela had to consent to re main. fecurcely was this point settled before Sonor Olaueta, who had left tho island on tho former oc casion on account of cifferenoes between himself and Gon. Cancha, but who subsequently returned with the appointment of Regent of tho R°al Au diencia, tendered his resignation to the Captain Geuerui, and requested pe mission to go to Spain in tho steamer. “No, sir.” replied Gen. Pezuela, “if I must stay, you must.” Beuor Martin CaliaLO, tho former political Sec retary of Geu. Concha, and of the Cresceut City affair notoriety, who is now one of tho Oidores of the Real Audiencia, requested permission to leave in tho steamer. Tho secret of this is that the wor thy geutleniun, while Secretary to Geu. Coucba, had written to the court ut Madrid aguiuet him, and that these letters have been shown to Gen. Concha during tho late turmoil there. He very naturally wished to escape before tho return of his old friend 1 i Rezuela’s reply to him was: “No, sir! If lam tg take a hlap in the laco, you must wait and take yours also!” Geo. Ptzaela’s intention this morning wps to send hia lady and family on board the steamer and let them proceed in it to Spain without him, as he had been compelled to stay, and it is probable that they will accordingly go at onoe. As to the coming of Gen. Oonchr. we aro still in much doubt. The official adviceß from Madrid by the Fernando el Catolico, state that he will come ; but private letters from high sources in Madrid, received by the same steamer, state that there were so many difficulties in the way of Espartero’a Cabinet, that it would be impossible for Uib pres ent arrangements to continue, that it was more than probable the revolution would fgain break out, aud that Gen. Concha, seeing tb.it, might not come to Cuba. In the meantime, however, very groat prepara tions arc being made here by the old Spaniards to givo Geu. Couch* a graud recoption. Gen. Pezuela has received notice that, they Had subscribed $78,- (sOOfortnit purpose, but my own privute informa tion induce* me to believe that the actual amount does not exceed $20,000. A coach has bc-ou pur chased, in which to convey him Iroin the wharf to the ualaee, and a largo quautity of ca r potiug is said to have been ordered tor the purpose ot lay iug the streets over which it will passl Immense qnant ties of flowers have certainly been ordered by the samo parties for on the occasion. T ' add to all these difficulties of Geu. Pezuela, the Zaragoza Regiment, which wr.s sent out hero as a punishment for having “ pronounced” in Spain some mouths since, when Gen. Concha fled, have become very clamorous and insubordinate. A portion ot them are in the Canbana fortress hero, and the remainder at Tdnidud. For some days it has required great efforts to prevent an out break among those horo, and last night a tele graphic despatch was received by the Government jrcui Trinidad, stating that these there were almost uncontrol“ble. They say: “Wo com menced the re olution at home. We struck the first blow, and were sent here as a punishmeut, and while the regiments now at home, which fol lowed us, aro receiving great rewards which are denied to us, wo are still detained hore.” Those of the regiment here have been quieted by the representation that their old chief, for whom they r. sc, will soon bo here; and they have been per •uaded to wait for him. The same means will doub.hiss be adopted with respect to those of Trinidad. You may, perhaps, hoar from other quarters of pronuooiarnientos ut Matanzas, Trinidad, <fcc., as onr city is full of such rumors; but their only louudation is in the iacta which I have just rela ted. A secretly printed paper, headed “Gratitude of to* Cabausto Gen. Pezuela,” is beiDg extensively circulated here. It is lull of the most lulsome laudation of the Captain General. Evil tongues will wag, and the malicious say it is from the General’s own pen, and that it was printed in the office ofihe official Gazette - but I will not vouch f Tihlß as a fact. I send you a copy of tho docu ment. There is still seme yellow fever here. Two of f,i e new regiments, which are quartered in the ciiy, the Yberia and tho Austrians, have upwards ■jt 400 oa*33 in the hospital to day. Very truly, yours, Stjd Sentinel. Death or 8. T. Chapman, Esq. The unnouncernent of the death of Mr. Chap man, will be received with surprise by many of rr citizens, aud by feelings of regret by all, as also by his numerous personal aud political friends throughout the State. He was tikeii down in the after part of the day on Monday last, and died be tween the hours of four and five P. M., Saturday. Up to Friday night, we believe his case was not considered critical. We saw him on tho morning of that day when he appeared to be Ip coring un der considerable fever, but conversed freely and rationally. BelieviDg him under good medical attention, and in the hands of good nur es, we indulged the con fident hope that a few days only would be required to again see him about. In announcing his sick ness in our issue of Friday morning, in conuec tion with that of the senior editor of this paper, both of whom lodged at the same house, we Ireely gave expressio ' to this hope, out aias ! how vain and uccortain is human judgment. In conse quence of the unprecedented storm that raged throughout the day ot Friday we found it impos iible to visit him again until between, nine and ten o’clock, Saturday morning, when just as we were enterirg his rcom the fatal black vomit set in. After be was placed back upon his pillow we -poke to him, and be replied ratiojial'v u q j ell at what hia atomacE W -’that is not i*. that is not ‘«§g meaning it was not blc l vomit. To us the indications were unmistakable, and wa turned away with a heavy heart, flo seemed calm aud composed, aud willing to submit to the will of H m who doeth 11 things well. He lingered until between four and five, P- M., when his spirit winged its way to the God who gav® R* This is not the time nor ours the P®& to at tempt a eulogy up jh the deceased. We knew him to possess a vigorous mind and a generous heart— qualities which never lad to win valued and last ing friends! At the time of his disease he was the proprietor and editor of the Savannah Jour nal <fc Courier, [temporarily suspended] and State Printer. Peace to his ashes.— Savh. Gevrgxan } 124 i x rut. Death of Dr. Wildman. Again does Death cad epon us to record his tri- Tbe reader everywhere will the death by yellow fever, of Dr, P.. H. * lldman which took place at his residence iu this city about I six o’clock Sunday evening. Tffis is a most sad event, for the diseased fell a noble sacr.fi.* to his efforts to relieve the sick. He went night and day in sunshine and storm, sleeping cfWer jn his carriage thac in his bed, and paying sometimes as many as eighty and one bunded viai*6 durirg » single night. Several times be **lt th ? * n . v ;f :oxl °* veil w fever upon his system, but as he informed us. he acceedei in checking its progrece ***• ! ing Maated Tine ureof Iron, the remedy which te ar.i».ied with bo rnnchouccvss .00-Lers. Great, fcoweve., u bin : hr«‘ P o ™? of ecd ?- rance were, he over ? *«= -.*£ which brought relief to »: n-»cy enrvto mourn him, irnied wceo i«d to him- Hto Sme'mC^Sb^^n thi- Stata, '-vera! je*ra ago, * ad^” n^® nc '? 10 Savannah, in 1552. Ila waa ona ot .M moat akil i ai eargeons and able pbjßioiana in the aad bad already entered upon an ex.enaive practice in bad a in £f lec .„i iorce, ttmpl. moa ner* and eociaf dispoaition, and ofirreproachaole charactur, hi* disappearance at sach a time m thu-, I is like that Cfa ship at sea frreW®* »>ththe hopes { of huLdreds.— Republican rj jL-way. i >.aTtr.M r j nit Pestllx^c** — U 1 on the increase, both amoDg the tbe better cla?s. Many persons in comfortable cir j ccmstaLces, andnative*- oMbep**oe,M« bow sick. Several physicians are also down with the fever; • it it» aim oat impossible to get Dorse*, lor they are t pot to be bad ; the ground throughout the city bn gtclcgrapl). Cincinnati, Sept. I.—Ai«*w uays sin c, just at ter the steamer Timexr. No. 2, had landed her 1 pansergers at Edward’* Y. rd, near Jefferson city, Miseoiri, her boilers exploded, scattering death 1 and destruction around and leaving the boat a to tal wreck. At the latest accounts ?ix persons were Iyiug on tho shore dead, and it was supposed that 15 or 16 ethers were thrown overboarJ and drowned. Owing to the confusion and excitement f ho exact number of killed could uot bo ascertained. About seventeen persons were scalded a: d otherwise injured. Mr. Dix, tne pilot, was in a dying oncition, not having spoken since the explosion. Mr. Eckers, the clerk of the boat, had his family on board, and two of his childron wore severely injured. The injured men are principally deck hands. Two of the boilers were thrown on the railroad track ; and the other into tho river. Many pieces of wreck were found half a mile from the place w ere the explosion occurred. The hull was breaking up and but few of the goods on board would be saved. Tho eutire up pir works aro destroyed. The engineers of the boat, Charles VY. McCord and John R. S:o’t gave bonds in the sum of S4OOO to answer at>y charge of misconduct or neg.cgence. St. Louis, Sept. I.—Tbe Captain of tho steamer limour reports twenty Milled, being nineteen hands of the boat, and the pilot. New \ obx, Sept. 4.—The Evening Post inti mates that Gen. Alvarez, the opponent of Santa Anna, ;s now in New Y’ork fining out an expedi tion against the Mexican Government. Three ot four vessels are named, including the screw stea mer, Bjnj. Franklin. Sho has on board ten 82 pounders and ail the ammunition necessary for a naval engsgatneut. The Mexican war learner Anna, now refitting here, will leave soon, and it is rumored the Franklin will Bail several days sooner, and attack aud luko her at sea, if pos sible. The officers aud crew of both vessels are Americans. Trie other vessels, fitting out by Alvarez, are said to be a ship, brig and schooner. A part of tho Gadsden Treaty money, it is said, will oo one ot the inducements for thocaptuieof the bar ta Auna. Ciicaso, Sept. 2.—The meeting last night to hear Senator DougDs speak ou tho Nebrusku and River and Harbor bill was largely uttended and in the open air. As soou as Mr. Douglas ascended the stand a tremendous noise wus made which en tirely drowned his voice. His friends made earnest efforts to rostore quiet, but in vain. Afur several ineffectual attempts to obtain a bearing ut about half past ten o’clock Mr. Douglas was e im pelled to leave the stand. Thero was much excite ment but no other disturbance. A large majority was opposed to hi speakiug, or to hearing hi.a. lie was followed to the hotel oy the crowd, which then quietly flispersed. Boston, Bept. 4.—The steamer San Jacinto sail ed fiom Nauiansket Roads yesterday for the Bal tic. Two or three of the usual Sunday rows ou curred yesterday, caused by theaircst of drunken Irishmen, an sevoral police me d were considera ble injured. Tne most serious - isturbancc was in Sea street, where 27 rioters were arrested. Tbe Spring Hotel at Watertown with stables and out buildings were destroyed by firo on Saturday uight. Loss SIO,OOO. Philadelphia, Sept. 4.—There wm a grand parado this morning of the German Tumor Band, or Gymnastic League. They marched to Inde pendence square, where they wero ranged under the trees in the Ceutre Aveuue, and wero intro ( duced to tho Mayor by Wm. Kosenthull. Mayor Conrad, in eloquent language, welcomed them to the hospitalities of the city. Philadelhhia, Sept. 4 —Tho pines aro on lire on the South side ot the Camden and Atlantic railroad track, about 20 miles from Camden, tho fire extending nearly two miles. It probably com menced from the sparks ot a parsing train. Boston,Sept. 4.—Messrs. YVashburn uud Plun kett have formally accepted tho W hig nomination for Governor and Lieutenant-Governor of Massa chusetts. Both candidates in their letters of ac ceptance, cordiully endorse tho platform recently erected by the W hig State Convention. New Yoke, Sept. 4.— Thirty six seamen for the razee Independence, arrived in tho steamer Roan oke this morning from Norfolk, in charge of Captain OI instead, of the U.S. Navy. Buffalo, Sept. 4.—The deaths from cholera during tho wotk ending to-duy was Bu, but 2 of whom wero Americans. Philadelphia, Sept. 4.—John Lambert has been nominated by the vVhigs of tho Fourth Congres sional District of this city. New Y T oitx, Sept. 4 —Tho statement of tho City Banks to-duy show the following totals—Speer, $14,714,650; Circulation, $9,934 650; Loans, $91,- 894 200; New Yoke, Sept. B.—The Evening Post reiter ates its statements relative to tho movements and intentions of General Alvarez and his frionds against tho presout government of Mexico. I» states that $8,000,000 have beeu furnished by parties in California, and names tho following vessels as having been purchased here—tho steam- ] er Ber jinain Franklin, formerly running from N. < York lo New Orleans, tho burk August:*., «fcc. The steumer Franklin has been altered and pierced for ten guns. Tho burk has already re ceived her armament and aysoff tho battery. Tho Franklin has eighty men, -nd her coal and powder ] on ooard. The crew are Americans, bound for one year, and tho engineers two years. i The steamer Santa Auna is nearly ready to sail : for Vera Cruz, and is valued at $200,000. Several American gentlemen of high standing aro known to bo interested in Alvarez’s attempt to rovolu tioniz3 Mexico. Louisville, Sept. B.—A destructive fire occurred at Columbus, Mass., which destroyed 14 stores and dwel iugs—loss not known. Rochester, Sept. 7. —Tho engine house of the Now York Central Uailrood was destroyed by tiro this atternoon. The building was 10» feet in diameter, built of brick, with an i nmenso dome roof upon an iron frame. Seven locomotives wore destroyed, together with a number of cars, loaded with lumber and flour; also, some 500 cords of wood. The tiro caught from ttho ongine of tho wood rawing machine. The loss is estimated at about SBO,OOO. The past eugor trains each way aro detainod in consequence of the track being much wurpod by tho action of tho flro. New York, Sept. 8. —John F. Brady, a lawyer, died this morning from tho effects of injuries re ceived from a gang of rowdies in Mott street on Saturday last. Dougiass 7 Hardwaro store on Platt street was burnt this forenoon—loss estimated at $70,000 fully insured. Washington, Sept. B* —There is a spirited bid ding lor the contracts lor machinery for the steam frigatos going on. Several firms from New York and Baltimore are represented. Tho awards will be made next week. Messrs. Errickson and Meaghor arrived this morning. The f rrner intends to pres-ont some thing new iu relation to tho engines for the new Government steam frigates. New York, Sept. B.—Tho brokers refuse the of tho Merchants’ Bank of Burlington, Ver mont, the Deep River Bank ot Connecticut, and tho Cumberland Bank of Maine. Nearly all the deposits of uncurrent money aro received only at tho risk of the depositors. The bankers uie in sisting upon the right to return the same iu case of failure. llahrisduro, Sept. B.—Tho Whig Conference of the lute Congressional district met here last night, aud nominated John C Kunkel. New York, Sept, B.—The Directe a of the Parker Vein Company aro rofusing to re-open transfer books until the fraudulent shares are withdrawn. A scheme is on foot to call a meeting of the stockholders at Cumberland to elect a more uosorv ient board. Quebec, Sept. B.—Th Ministry having been de feated on tho Rpeakership, Mr. Uincks resigned to-day, and his rcsifination was accepted. There has boon no definite progress in the formation of a new ministry. Cincinnati, Sept. 7.—The Democratic Stato Con vention assembled hero to day. It was addressed by the Hon. Messrs. Douglas, Pue, aud Joe Lane. Their speeches were well received. Washington, Sept. B.—Wo had a violent galo this atternoon fora few minutes, which was sue ceeded by a gentle rain lor a brief period—w.nd South. New York, Sept. s.—The Times says that an animated discussion occurred yesterday before the board of brokers in relation to the Parker Vein Company, aud tho proposed opening of the trai:s fer books before the over issues were provided for. The board passed a resolution recommending the directors not to do so. The fraudulently issued stock appears to be very widely spread. The Parker Vein Stockholders hold a meeting in the afternoon and debated he matter. Tho re port was read including no new fact except that the company has received $625,000 as the proceeds of the over issue. Resolutions were adopted ex pressing full confidence in tho present Directions and authorizing thorn to make tho best arrange ment they can in relation to tho over issue a d provide for the extingu ishment of the stock above the amount recognized by the charter either by selling assets, or applying to the Legislature to reduce tho par value of the shares, or in any way best calculated to attain that end. The directors wore authorised to use the assets of the company ’ to liquidate the floating debt and open tho transfer books. Boston, Sept. s.—Cpat. Holiins has received a communication from the Secretary of the Navy detaching him from the Cyane and ordering him io report to Capt. Beardman at New York. Tne Secretary expresses great astonishment at the ar rest of Capt. Hollins in New York, and assures him that he possesses the unimpaired confidence of the Department—compliments bis gallantry and patriotism, and fitness for the commund of a national ship. At the inspection of tho Cyane and Saratoga yesterday tho Secretary’** communicaaion was read and Capt. Hoilios leave of his officers aud crew. Secretary Dohbin says that when the Pres ident returns, Capt. Hollins will receive another communication from the Department. New York, Sept. 6.—lnformation has received here ot the release vv * «**» eu.zcd on tho coast of Africa by a British cruiser. New York, Sept. s.—Advices from Canada state that the reciprocity treaty will probably be ratified within a fortnight. Tho new parliament meets at Montreal to day, and the attendance will be large. Lord E giu’s speech formally opening Parliament will be made at 8 o’clock. It is understood that the clergy reserve lands will ba so secularized as to givo more general aaliafaction. Ti e clergy will be obliged to concede some claims and to surrender some lands, on this being effected dhe reformers will sustain the trerty. Philadelphia, Sept. 5 —Tho Turner Bund Jubi lee at Lemon Hul attracted a great throng ot spec tators. Ail was qaietness until about the clcse ts the festival, when a quarrel occurred between two Germans upon tho dancing platform. The police interfered to separate the combatants, and in car rying off the prisoner used him rather roughly, when hia friends interfered, and a grand row en sued. The officers fired their revolvers, and sev eral Germans were wounded by shots, and beaten with billies. Officer Samuel Mansfield was stabbed, and Joseph Parker was severe'y beaten. The Ger mans used fence rails in assailing the officers. Dr. Robert M. Patterson, late director of the U. S. Mint, died in this ci y to-day. He wan Presi dent of tho Americen Philosophical Scciety, and formally professor of the Universities of Pennsyl vania and Virginia. Ban gob, Sept. 4~Wa have had no rain yet in this vicinity, although the indications for it have been strong for a day or two. M oet of the saw mills at Oldtown, Stillwater and other plaoas on the river, have stopped from the lowness of the water. The fires are not raging so badly as they been for some time past. The contribotioes for the Waldboro’ sufferers in the churches of tnis city, yesterday, were thirteen hundred dollars. Washington, Sept. s.—The bill to prohibit the sale ot liquor in this city was discussed in Council last evening, considered by sectioas and the right ot search struck oat. The final vote will be Uktn on next Monday. The pat sage of the bill is ex tremely doubtful. Portland, Sept. 4.— The meeting in this place of straight oat and-oat Whigs, on Saturday night, to nominate Representatives and throw overboard the Fusion nominees, was broken up by the Morrill Club. Great indignation was felt, aDd a meeting wao called for again to-night. A row was expected when it took place, but all passed off orderly and quietly, and Committees were appointed to nomi nate Representatives. Boston, Sept. s.—The Banks of Boston mad* their official statement to-day, giving the following to als:—Specie, s2,B^s,4sJ—circu ation, $7>00,- -4. v . n r>r,thlv of the Bju.lth out of • CrrrTTiittre f t Nortne. . ' . ; COMMERCIAL. Weekly ilepori > 4 . r con ON. — the market his been eomewhat better > during the past week, an 1 tli : demand ray be coxuid -1 ed qui.e fair at th. fj.low ng quotations : Stained (old crop) 0 ©G^ j Low Middl.ng to Strict MiwcUiXig ; Good Middling 3 ©s^ Middling Fair L F.ir 9 t&— GRQCk-UuS.-T.it: u-»ii£r.cjjni in tha Grocery market are increaa.ng, and the j ro- pect for a fai faJ tu in? : s is very favorable, as our dea.eri arc Hr.ady increasing their &t.cks of gjods. We note no change in any ..ruck during the week, except fi«c>a wi-i-ih h*s advanced, bee qu .ta* lions. PROVISIONS.—The prospect ci - a short Cora crop in the West has operated upou the Ba.on market, aiM prices have advanced dur.ng the Week. Hour has coasMo abiy advanced. See quotations. CHAIN —We note an advance iaCcrn and Wheat,both readiy com man i:g quotations. EXJdANGE —Cheeks ou the North are abundant at X $ cent prem. IKEIGUTb.—The rate to Charleston is new 2h cents hundred pounds lor Cotion. To Savannah, by nver, &U cents $3 bale. Furetzu Markets. Extracts qf Lttter* by the Africa . IIVEEPOOL, Aug. 25.— (Xtt-nx —The . has c n tiDued Very uull dor.ng tne *, ..oi: of this weet, Ed price* have lurtmr givtn w*y 1-lcn f? Ib in tha miid.iog, £._»d in tae ordinary qulitie?. iae better qia itksare l oaiparativeiy scarce, out are m li utul demand, and the qu *t tons oi wnlca were previously tuo higi, are re duced Ja'd $ , „ ...... ue M in Chester market for 4 arns to.eiaoly s.eaoy, tboug i quiet, ou Tuesday list. Good , how ver, *ei j ver* dull; and while ipinners generally :u*ke lew cot - j pUiat* oi the state oi the Yarn maiket, many of the mar. of icturers Ond therns Ives losing money oa all goods which } thev produce. The rnouey mar Vet is rather eas : er; and Hi’ls having ♦ less th »n two mouth to ruu can be <ti counted qikic: 5 The Continental Exchanges »*re ha'dlv so firm as they ' were last week. Consols close 91>b^94>^. The sales for the week are £3,iiu t>ui< s, of which 6,5'0 a*-e ot speculation and for export, leaving 27,2.0 baies to the trade. Hales to day G,OOO bale**. Market atm flit. We quote : Fair Orleans Gjtfd. mid Ming Fair Mobiles 6 d. mul. ling h 1-I6d. Fair Uplands 6 d. middling ft d. C rn —The weather his beeu uueettled during part of the week. Nearly everything is ripe in this nughb.ikjod, but very lift e has yet Leu house j. The ma- ke< e ,nt:~u a dulLt a define ia tie weea oi Is $ oil on Flour, and 4d to 5d 75 lt» jon W heat. Indian corn is i j goed demand at last week’s prices. Correspondence of ihe Commercial Advertiser. IIAV&F, Aug. 23.—Since Moniay last, oar Cot.cn mar ket has bee exete ingly dull. Wi.bin tuu.-e two days ih-.* sales auu u.:t to Si 0 bale** only, arid prices iul’y f 1 lower. Nj demand whatever for American Fi ur, the weather being d.. 0 aud our Wi.eat market iu the interior Ling o the deoli e Our unnu-t! quotations are f. 3 for Genesee, and 41 (£s42 f r New oi leans. AUGUSTA piutKa uumiKjrr. WHOLESALE PiiICXB. BAGGING.—Gunny yard <2l 16 Kentucky V yard none. Tlundre ¥ H © 12# HA CON .—Hams ¥ ®>... 10 (& ll r-lKulde.B 1b... 8 (& 9 f-ULs 1b... I»*# ($ 1 I?« gKo :nd U 1b... 10 10# BUTTfcK —Go hen £>... 29 <J> 85# Ct-uat*y 1b... 12# 2u liar ks louo 6 oo 8 Bo OHB-> K—No«thvrn 8>... 11 <& 12#' Kngiibh Dairy ’feJ Jb... 18 <jj> lb COFFEE.— Itio ¥ 1b... 11# 12# Laguira ¥ tb... 1-#' & 14 Java ¥ lb**. 16 (& 17 DOM► STIC GOODS.—Yarns 75 81 X rhirti g $ y»rd 5 6 # Shirting yard 5 Gfr 7# 1 phirting V yard 8 9# 5-4 Phirting yard 10 (& lv:# G-4 Ph>rtmg ¥ ya»d 11 <& 14 Osnaburga ya'd 9 FEATUERb ¥ k*... £8 <& 40 FlSH.—Mark.rel,No. 1 ¥ *»*»!. .19 00 <r£ 90 0J No. 2 ¥ b*»1..17 00 (y> IS oO No 8 $1 tb1..10 M 6 > 0.4 ¥ ' hi.. 750 SSO Her.in.'* slbb.. <^loo FLOUR.—Country ¥ bb 1 .. 8(0 10 (0 Tennessee bbl... 700 C& 950 Oanal ¥ bbl.. SOO C5lO 00 Baltimore bbl.. none Hiram Smith a V bb1..11 50 (Q 12 00 Ci y Mills bbl.. 7 00 8 00 GRAIN—Co. n Sack*, indu'd.bush 1i 0 O 105 Wheat —wh'te.... , ¥ bush. 150 <£s 175 Wheat—Red ¥ © 1 4n Oali r (** bush. 05 Q 70 Kye V oush. 1 (<) Peas ¥ bush. 100 © I£s gunpowder— Dupont’s $ keg. 525 ©5 60 Uaza d keg. 525 C> SCO IRON.— gwe es ¥ t 0... 5 0 English V 4 © 5 LARD V R>... H © 12 LlME.—Country ¥ box. none. No* - hern ¥ bbl.. IFT Q 212 LUMBER ¥ 10**0 10 0 ) C 214 00 MOLA» LS —Cuba $ gal.. S 5 26 Crleans V gal.. tS CA 80 NAIIjP ¥ 15-.. © 6 OlLS.—tperrn, prime gal.. 160 <££ 170 lamp gal.. 1 SO 1 55 Traiu gaL. 60 <& 95 Linseed ¥ gal.. 90 ££ 100 Cjtstor ¥ g»L. 1 50 1 70 RICE ¥ tierce 4# <*> C# ROPE.—Kentucky 12 <& 12# Manilla ¥ 19 © So RAISINS ¥ box. 8 i 5 4CO ■SPIRITS.—North rn Gin : Hi.. 45 fO Rum ¥ Cal... 43 O <5 N.O. V iißKey r-ai.. 4J f 0 Peach Brii dy gal.. none. Apple Bra »dy ¥ g a, *» 60 & 75 Ho land Gin ¥ B*l*. ICS £5 175 Cognac Brandy ¥ K a L. 200 Cu 400 SUGARS. —N. Orleans ¥ b)... 5 7 Porto Rico 1h... 7 £5 8 Muscovado 5# © C# Loaf ¥ H# © 11 Crushed 8j.... H# © 11 Powde ed R>... I l # © 11 Stuart’. Refined A |) »... 9 9# 8 uirt’u Refloert B ¥ 6#© 9 Stuart's Refined O ¥ tb.., 8 t# SALT ¥ b «2h 00 O o*t “ ¥ Baclc 165 kb 1 *5 Blown sack 000 C& 200 80AP.—Yell w ¥ »>... 5 © 7 SHOT ¥ bag.. 205 €£2 87 TWINE.—Hemp Baeging. 52 & 25 Cotton trapping ¥ 1h... 15 tb !5 00“ Ills proper to reinarxtnat un.ee uu -ae current rates atwholesalefrom store—of course at retail prices arc a shade higher, and from the Wharf or Depots, in large quantities, a shade lower. SPECIAL fIOTILES. Dry GooJa.—WILLIAM H. CKaNA, frtm th • date, wi 1 sell bis stock ts DRtSS GOUa at cost f »r cash. All other kinds of Gocdj will be sold at remarttaliy low pr c s. Auguata, September 18th, 1554. diw NOTICE. A Teacher wanted to take charge of the Wes ton MdSOLic lust.tute, male and female, for tho next Schola3ticyear, commencing thi first MONDAY in Jan'y, 18 5. A liberal salary will be paid lo those who can come we 1 recommended and are worthy and tell quHilltd to teach all the branches of an ENGLISH EDUCA'iiON* with the DEAD LANGUAGES. Our EchoA is ujw and has been fer the last two years, in a llaurishiLg conditijn under the Superintendance of Col. Augustus Alder, an.. Lis daughter. Our school numbers one hundred and twenty sev-.i i pupils, and cur village is as healthy as nr j place in Gev g a, with an inteil gvnt and rtflncd society, and good churches; an i is enti ely removed from the temptations to vice and immorality There is not a drari shop in the place. None need apply for the schoo Ujlcss they are 51a-ter Masons, as the aulool is entirely und i the*? ntrol of Weslon Lodge, No. 80, ot Fres and Acoepi ed M koons. REV. 11. V. MULKEY, Presi’t of Board 9f Trw-tees. Jiß. it. Al. Ball, Secreiary. PETER W. REDDICK, ) jAnEd tt’.bHßiVfcaA, j JAvO a DennaßD, f- Trustees. J.a. BEIL, | Mark UUhLOMON, J sepl3-w2m £T- MARY’S COLLEGE, COLUMBIA s c. Bayteiudits will ue roHiimed in the above Institu tion on MONDAY, th- ISth inst » TER Mb : —For Board and Tu tioa per annum, payable hafyearly in advance, SILO (0 Vacation, if spent at the College, 25 to The Modern Language—French, Spanish, lta ianand German, Jorm a separate charge : for euoh, per term oJ live months $lO 00 Lagic and M.taphysics, each per term 10 00 For particulars,apply to the Selß 4 d REV.MESSRS. O’CONNELL. MARRIED In the M. E.Church, in th* city of Atla- ta, <n the 6th inst., by the Rev. Geo. O. Clark, vV. E. WILiON, M. D, ot Warsaw,Ga., and Miss MARY j. OWRL Y, daughter of Henry Uwslev, E q ,oI Jacksonville, lllinoL. At Wood Lawn, Co umbia coun y, by Elder Jas B. Payne cf tho Georgia Confe r ence, on Wednesday evening. 9th ult., Mr. J At*. W. PAYNE, • f Madison, Ga., and CaHKI ? E. TINDALL of the farruei pia -e. City papers aud at. u.hern Christian Advocate pleise copy. On Wednesday, 6th inife., by J. W. Cartwe!!, J. I. C., DRURY CoRKeK, Etq ,and Mbs SARAH D. CLLNIOI”, a 1 of Burke county. DIED. Ic Bee<h Is and,B C.. on th - * morning of the 2d Sep tember, 1-54, THOM S HYNtON, only child of Tfcos. J. and Aane S. Davies, ged one year and fvur months. God in bis wisdom has reca'led The precious boon ois love had piven; And though the casket moulders h re, The gtm is i-parkl.n now in Heaven. Edgefield, D strict H. C ,Fe;it. 5,1854. STOP THE MU?D£RY ! FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD. above rev »rl wi'l be given f r the ofHE.NRYK B'4ER, who,on ''eni.hto* the.Otti instant, muiutre i J »mes lie se in the Cuy of Augusta Keener ii 5 feet ll inches or 6 feet high, fair Bi.n. sandy h ir and red v.h sktrs. fielS-dAwtf JOHN WAT3CN HEW CASH STORE. THE woull respect ul y infirm the inhabitants cf Georgia and th Carolina,that te is now in receipt of bis supply of Fall and Winter Dry Good*, all of »Li3b h%ve bte - purchased 'or cash in ;l»e vatioas Northern market*, and as regir s the p i es at whica th y will be sold, it is a to uay u w r«i, as the rej-uta'ion oi GRkEN’d store f>r teiag ilu I in Au.usta. is now brmiy e&taM.ahc 3. Alwayj m band, bleached and Brown BUEET! v CSand of varijus manuf.c’oriea; F'euch, I >' i h a-jd Amencan CALICOZB, fr .m t# :• 25c.ms; G i G HAMS, M. LeL 1 1 iEi ) CASH ME -VC. -, M -RlN<'B, BOM BAZINES, \BPACCAP, CANION CL.ill , Pain and Piaui White Cimi rc, Jaconet, Nai- LIN ; plain, Fla a ana Eo ted MUSI IN, l A L , EMBROIDER! t S, LD iINGS Cambrie and Mus.in TRiSu ALSO, Particultr attention paid to a 1 kinds rs NETRO GOOD 3 and BnANKE lS,eu;b as White and Br wr. RERSEVdiind 1 LAI Ns, Heavy B own > WIKTING, at6#«; , L'- don, Duf hi and Matkiua<v BLANKETS, coi’d ditto, SiITLNEtS, K- ntiKky JEANS, k ; ,a 1 wmch will be so.-i f> r cash as low as in any Soutncrn market. t. gREtN, B oad-street. Augusta, Ga. Next door below Bones A Bronu’j Har waie btoxe. s9-«2m _ FOB THE FALL TRID2. ■fX T E have commenced rec*iving C r*h«, Cawiraers and V V Vestings, of th»* nevest and most la«hiouabJe or - ; r, fjrtheFdU Trade. Gesit emen re y a; on h v.rg any article of Clothing .hey order cp in f«ahi .nab>e an 1 corre:t s yle. Ou- 8t- ck ec b-aces every artir l« cf and cor.vet.i en e for the Waxdiobe. WM. O. PRICE - CO., sepl3 Drap r* and Taikrs. New BOOIk&t by tie author of S nr.y-.-'i *e, ; Th- Tel' Tale, < r Home secret , told by OH Travel lers, ly H. Fousts, au h rof cunay-s de, Ac. L. t.e Ma ry, or Ta les sa l Tal*s for Ch idreo, by H. Fou-*t-.. »T:e Last L*. as Ircm Bun* y-Bide, by H. Foes *, author cf Prep at Number Five, Ac., Wi.h a memorial oi tne author, by Austin Phei*>s- Fatter Hrigr thopea, or an Oil C.ergy tain’s Voca<ioa; by Paul Creyt-.n. turr Cliff, i. A / ii a . shin? and i.s Clouds, by Paul Crcjr on HUB, « a es &Dd g rest Ftre '- I *, ora Tramp in the chataugay Wcods ; b> ri. U. Ham cm. L-atory of Cuba, or of a traveVr ia thoTr pi a, Being a political, h storical and starbt cal accounto: the Island from its firetd<tc >v<-ry tj the present time: by Muuren M. Bal 00, illustrated. The Arctic k g*r. p, being *-.n account of tae AmtrL.n Expel t -n in -s. ci ofeir John Franklin, und rthe patronage of Henry Or • dl, Esq. V\ i’d Scenes io a Hurte-’s Li e, iaclu ing cunning dventures among the lions, Ac., w n 3uu J lus j -rat ons >ronti-r Life, or B-teccs * r:i Adventure- in tne fee newest, by Francis Ha dman. Ju t and fer . st [-18] GEO. A. uAIEa A BkOa , li.-tai- t. | jpllCKLliE.—Just received hy iron et-ram'-oat Onopsny I Ml i-> at*—-18 box«-s eTCKLE , *s>o B-d n'se and Mad. v * sale by [si- ] KC&sBLL A MHi-EY. SA« JN.—Just reoeirtd from Chatunocga, Ttnnts- j ’» ~2? EA ®° N 'i Sides and Hhoo'dCTi. » e by seplfe RCfiSELL A 81BLIY 94 CRACAbtUL'Jast received «U,s few bbis. extra Bos*oo C-iACK-R-’ for y |»ir NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. BY EOIAL LETiEES PATENT. I l». r. It.u Wjurnu)' Anli'-OD iiOLk... tr ..-.if rii’re.l hy HAK hM.V?i« D4V 4( ° 41 Mirtei- (, Min luster. ■ ai s# *, r “■ ui "*— and .02 N «s>n t ! r-statli Pments 86 Ann cartet, Ihe UV1)ItOMAKiV' .' tiL‘i 3 ' i &*iXw u 2S"J vZY-rIZ whuteMr. ht-'if.ur. if i.fu: uTi 1 doctoring ita i Dot c- I ’- nol ' wo®- wet « the UvJro.uivtn u (use ,l| hi Ladies mij w ar the hgbte.t ao:«t Boot. rrßtoe.lu .il inoat i-cscni“iit weac-.c/ vviin iu.pumt> ; wile i-oneump tioo, so .rev.:culauioay theyruug ofourcouiury.mil, be thw tried b.v their s e .tr »l adoption. Ti ey euuie.y sujttr beds oi'or-bhod’i as the iatur cause the feet to persp re , u a Very uimenuiy manrnr, an 1, Ovo.de , are uot cUng©- rous wear to pcdistiians in icy *e tiller, like luui * Lut>- bt rs. Win e the latter cause t. c fjtt to appear extnnulj large, the llydromagcn, being a u ere iLtu sli.e if Coik prepared, pecuiiai y p.aceu inside, does uot nerea e the be-if thebcor, or the loot to appear uutiay 'lo Uniidren they are extremely Valuable, as tU'yiuayeu gnei.l exer is. with coabort an i iflxCdi. iheu expanse if so slight as to scarce tieed txuir.i n; tesi es, ih ■>«* who p* roc.ize them wi.Jfixd their yearly doctor'd j bills much diminished thereby. I As toe jayuroiuagtii is leu tiling nnre kr.owr, its sale ii lucres, tog to su a most iucreJtolc extent. La:.t>eariu London, ylauor.ester, birmi igoam, Liverpool, UKsgow, Let os, thUlm, Paris, Antwerp, Hamburgh an i It-, rim, our sales reached 1,732,45 b pairs oi cork coles, This j e*. the number w I fir surpass that aok ihe Paiu y tuur opinion of their value as a pre ventative for Coughs, Colds, n.cnc.-i.is, A»tLmu and Con sumption. Men’a Six*, per pair, 85 certs. La.ies’ “ *• 3 / “ boys'an J Blisses’ 25 14 Notice —Fr wtele ad price! »e make a very liberal allow a ace to Jobbers ana Whole alers, .-o that any s;ore kcepei in ty rnakt a fide protit on the.r sail-, while they a e an artio.e that may ie ke t .u any store, among any clats of goods. For terms, apply to HAJ&Uul"n', BRM'L'T A CO., ' ii 3 J^Il ra 85 An--Strut, New York. TdE CH&&T* QI Tl ASTI.ItY C t.Ol'tW, Li M. !>., the erai -ent Medical Pr.». it oner, has left a valuable lega< y to the world iu his great preventative if Con u option, and u ialigcure for 1 u.im.nary LiteiseJ, without the use of Me ii ine. br A. C., Li t , invented and ai- ised the ure of He MEDICATED UK CHLnI PItOTKOIUt, to all per. ins of a'l ages aud oouditiuus, as a certain an as. fj a i.e.a avaiost Ituas tearlul ibeube.i. lounuicption, rr i»- v i.i.ls, Aaihuii., Coughb, Colds bnJ tt; er affll-.-ti us of the •u’ g which ar.se irom th»- exposed s ate oi the chtsi, ae cord tig to Jin) non, and the con.iuuai changes of iu * cli mate. - me Protector ” is simply a chemiaally prepared Fur lined with silt ; nd pa dec, which, tasp.udvd froui t ie ick, covers the chest, in so agree - blew ma tuer that, once worn, it becomes a fiecesddy aud a comjort. “ Ado Protector, ’* altnougu but recent y m l roduced into Amei tea is m tkiug rapid piogress tnrough the U. States the Can .mas, doutu America,aud he West Indies. Itha’ ior a ion? time been a su.p e article in ti g arni a id on the comment of Europe, whi.e it lus g.own iu niaLy countries to ihe push! n of an aruc:e ol ores.-. To Ucta mstrate there :ac.s enquire ts any If tglish resi dmt lu your vicinity of h.h kuo * ie- g « f the oen-Cc ; ai ef fevts of wearing the Prctsctor, without ncour&e to doctor ing if a»y kind Ihe cost of wearing tiicse a. ti its t* a ne*e trill*, and oie will last somey-ars. ho out* who values tnc health oi hirnse lor lib lam !y w.ll be without th.-m. T( e Hospitals in iLii country aru cot alone tec m .uending them, out rapidiy introducing them. H. rc.urt drai ley 4io,,if Loui o i.and Manches er, England, were* or g uai y entiu-ud with the manuiac.ure of the Protec tor j, uy ihelauan ed Lr. t oo» e , and contin c to m mu facture accoruiiig to his original instructions, and lime lore rcoo—mtnd Jnse . ho wo-ld wear “ ihe I'ruecio s.» to .-e-j io tdeir teinv venuine. lit member this is a s apt article , and no Patent JPd ictus. rei^in prices: Gent’s Size *1 to each. Ya ■«*’ 1 0.1 ‘ Hoys’aid Mia.ars fixe 75 LURU iUltr, HKaIM Ek’ & CO. t 83 Ann Street and It 2 Nassau Street , j\\ ic York C S. Pnncp 1 •*a.clieu c, l z »»oo s ~ v. h..- paid.*, l.ouu. n. Manufo tory, s 4 Manchester Hu.land h.B. i o. are esta lisln -g tor pots f r the s» e «*f 4 The Protec or ”i . 1 1. p.its oi America Pu tic aiis, Surgeo s, •J.u .gists, ClotuKis, bry (tjoas Merchants, 11 it ers auJ M.ihn.rs a.so ueai.euiej’. f urnish ug «tore neepeisare ent.uated will thj WLoi sale uud retail Ui.tribuii u oi tEem, aud to wdim m s.lioerai urais are oitered .or their enierpiHe, an * a spl.u id opportunity opens ; > th.ra for sue and prill table b *-iiie s. For t. riu.-, np t iv i 0 IHmUoUkT, ij., A i i J& y A o') _*l3 diiw3m 33 Ann StrsJ., Nno York , U S. THE AUUOSTA MAJKIfIUS WOKKS A K, i DOW prepared 111 do toe to lowing k.uds cf wo k JIX. wit ue.»Ue.-a aud despatch : ot>-AM lNgln i-.i a lid B.ijLEUj l , of any style or fni h • J o HANK VaUITJ; 1..0.N HtjNia i Siktid and UN TELs, for Bui.tiiug . H.vILU -AO U t US, of alt kinds anil descriptions, made 10 the mod tu atantiulaud beauti ul tuai.ue*; Wheels tor ;ance warranted t r one year. lhO-S RALbINCS, ol various Bty'.es for Balconi. sor CU-D MIN.t CASTINGS, of all descriptions, made to order. i LACK SMITH WORK done in the best manner. MllLV\g<<K lilt: d? ol Aii.t and Lia g .a, ing, Shaft ing, nflh ys, Wa cr VV net Is, c,on h iud. LKASo CACHING Wtil atso have our attention. PLftNIiNU AND SAWING LUMBER, flooring—Plane i, TohfcUtd ana Ur *o vtd at 45 uOper 1000 teet superficisl; Ce» iug-Pj-ined, icDgutd and Grooved at 5.C0 per 1000 e t iUptrticto.l; Weather Boarding— Planed and Jointed 4.( 0 per 10C0 feet aup rficial; Planing—both sides, 43.00 per 1003 superd-ial feet. Use oi circular aaw *nd one man wm be be per hour. Heavy Sowing, requiring tw o mm, w h be $1 perh or. At ordeis must be left m the oliije, n tin l/w s/top Casuwd be itq air d in till cases uu.ets u hci wise upon with VV. M. iiluiiT, ueu’l Saptr.u euuo.it. s - **'y NEG.IO CLUTiIS. ALGX4NDKU <3* WltiGiU' invite tie attention o Flamers to their shoes of NE iuO VVODL-.Ei'S, of mu h is oi oou'h.ru mauuf?c ure, and their as sortment eut t a is io.ue goo is of Vtry superior quality. UaNABcU 8, Ueor laS'lii Fi-d uhu Fluid LiM FI S, ull oi vlic i Mill oe tola at low prto s. tig- &w Hu! YE fcCNi CF VJLCAN, HAVE AT Y4TT I oPFratCl) the M D.’s a cii-uc; to tw p the r Fi Is X f.rForri.g , bu ttuyhavcnot struck Laid en« u h to .cl i a trade as .er, au.i too., oiler to you one of the net stall s lor t..e blues-.n.i; i and v> h cl aright business in uiii country. l\e been 17 yiars i ere, an i u ways had a 4 :i:tle mote by a great ueal ’ ihau Ic>u d do. My reason for wijh ug to tea i Jt old Faber iirne lias hit me so mmy l.cka that 1 cauuot t>« ; rve oi t aster V uican as f .ithfu 1y as 1 h..Ve d üb: a. d l must find miu tiling cite to do—pe»l lii.p, or mayhep pe tdeggiug. 1 now off a- my fctaud to seme of you ; j ou'n Had uj competition, save b. a‘*Na *e ■’ or two, and they w.ll not oe in your w yif yi u’ i •tork, and not d ink *B.»idfaoo.” '1 here ate houses to ove ui aud woik .n, and t.ud enough to make c letd *‘U d ltuao. ’ Now siiiku aw«y at me. 1 .ruat Mo biey P»n i I*. D,,N. E. co.n r of fcLiiven, n :ar Burke county| close uy th.m “tig Pl fc nurs what i urn, 3i', 4u, and O>plo*s ** TliUAlAb K. tMEL.C. rcplß It FiN-ii Lh.Au huh bALI »T'IIS-; su'j cr.ber offers at priva.e sale that tract es XIWE LA 11 oa kp.rit neck; in Kicniaoau coul-TP !,* , a tout twe ve m.leairi.in Au. usta, «n » within tw«, » •hree uuUs of the Gejig.a liailrtad—known as the lltn Du Surv.y— LH i aorts, more tr )c s, an l o*; .i j bv lauds or Aden K,u , John Jam s, Hmoi: \.v ielioe P. liuyuie ai.d otlie. s. If not di.-pos doi befo < - li t luebday in inber nex ,Iw II dr it at ! 0 '!.• Outcry on t .at day, a. me Lower Maikot jaouse ia Augusta. Any one desiring to purchtfe th» tract, wil p’ease ap pl/to Win. A Wal.oa,iu.q.,m Augustn. scplß wtl He.Be.CwA CAMFiELD. land fuh sale. I'ljrs KCIISCUlliiwt Oil rs fir tae Nino Hundred Acusof LaMi>, lying two miles oortn of (inllin, Cra., on t e MJiimogn Head, Bill acres of winch i-i cle.itu «ud under fe»ce. I here are two « ttieiueura on trie pie mss, with the ordinary Buildings, Gin 11 use and Cotton vain, a:. Ahull, loU acre * ut tae laud ue-tny worn out. My aking price is p« r acre. Ihe land wil l b.i sold in tw palceis ll desiied —010 acres in one and 4<>o in the o.hei. M. G. DOBBIN '. Griflln, Ga , April 8,1651. sepld w*m A HIGHLY IMPELV£D FAi M FOU PALE, XN Ogle horpe c mmy, oi the Road between Lexing- ggk ton a d Athens,coutai ung eour liundrtd lying level, and qu i ter in wood'. A ru istmtial two stoiy B.viwK uWfcli LINg, wi h Gr en house, Flower V .rdaud Orchards ot the bist rlndi if Fru.t; Water; Gia 11 use; i cr w and a 1 uices'iary ouibu I lings, f not so d beii re, it will oe off-re t pub iciy in Lexington on the liih of Uct iber Apply, if by 1 ;tt r (post-pa>d; tu G. K bVtYl’ll, Lexington IMetho peco., Ga. N. B. —It is a line opeuiug for a Physician l seplß*wßt AUGUSTA SADDLE AND iaAKNASii MANUFAC' TORY, RiO DHOAD-STKICKT, under the Augusta Hot l 11/#) At the above es.abli.-,hmeut oan I e louud a large ati i well seeded assortment oi biLDLK , i-RILLE , UARNLBS, lUUNKB, Cf ! RPET-BaGS, VAI-IBKB, Ac, w:i ch win be soli on aecommodaiii g terms. VVork of aii kmd made to order with nea.uesu aud <u xpa'ch. liATCa A liEGPIE. Au u da, August 29ih, ISBI. au.n C.BPEIINaa! QAMfEBMQBI \ JL’ST l/f hll by the subscribe ,an I offered at the lowed market pr • es, a veiy. fine I t of 1 nPuRThD and iugMEs’l 1C O vKP 'ilNGfc, which ate well a.sorted in pric a, styles and quailiies. tO J_P. B 'ST ZB. SADDLERY, AC.—FALL TRADL-i^^ SUhUMAK, '•Kttbt l* «V tIO., la'e Wright, Nichols A Co., havi* g increa ed their arr*uteroe< ts for mauu ticlurn.g ann importing, are prepared to ixbihit an ti.u suaily Urge and v it icd a hortment of . ALDL’ B,BUt DLKa, 'iAHNF-a,\TUIPB,THUNKB, VALIBEB CARPET-BAGB, aid every description cf Goods in that line. A so, a heavy s-cck o SADDLERY, HARDWARE, COACd h,l vIMING,3, bPIU.vGS, AXLk S, CASTINGS, ..c., which are offered to dealers and manufacturers at low pnee upon their usual liberal lerros hr ap roied credit, at No. -h&, Broad-»t, 2d door above Bank of Au b u>ta. b»-d*tv.3ra 100 DtZEN FB£NCH 01LF SKINS. 'Vj'OW arrivng o‘ favorite b'snds and assor ed weight?, Xi id fresh. For sa'e on f .vora le terms at the /dd’ory Wurel ous <*f BBEi M AN, JESSUP *CO , ! .te Wnglit, Nichob A C.i.,‘i£9 Broad et., 2d < our above the new Bark of Auguda. t7*d*iw3m BHjE findings. AL\U f ?IS assortment of every article in the liar, comprising in part French and Americ*n LiNiNu civiNS, cf -ill colors; Sheep and Goat BiNDiNGS; Gal i?od LACKS; WEBS, CuRDS, Cor per, Zinc an l Iron nPA RAuL K 8 and Shoe NalL.\ TAOArt, flit and round heal; o try variety of French KIT an: TOOLS, KUO • I it*- K 9 a,* i CRIMPS, PEGS, Ac. For tale on ac .omrno Jatlog tcirnj at tlivra<lditr> Wareh- use of rHfcKM.vN, JEASUP A CO., late Wright, Nichols A Co., No. 282, Jf o*d- t, 2d door above 11crew Bank of Augusta. b7 Ti- wßra MACHINE BELTING, I'i ITEAT n Stbched and C- men ted, single aid doulie, ad « i Jihi, from 1t024 in k js. Inese Be >s are m i c from v h .<e hi «s, best quality cf Leather, lon, uie i aid approved by the m s ext-.os.ve manuf ctartis ai dmich .ists in Georgia md arji ning S ttes. A large iiocu always on haudat ifte Sadiie'-y of Bil- hMA JKSsCP ic C<)., lute Wright, Nich'h & Go., No. 282, croad-si., 2d door h ‘ov-* to** i-w b «o< n* Au mi<“». s7 • , ft'w3'n DISSOLUTION. 'FHO 4 0- ’AUTAhRiBIP heretefore existing bev JL twe> n the subs rioers, under the firm or W. H. MOWAKD & - ON, is this day d:8 olved by mutual consent. Euhcr cf us will use the name of t e fi rn ia liquidation. WM. if. HOvvaIID, September 6th', 1554. GEO. J. lIOWAaD. i ( D*<:itlfihlt having removed so the store u id*-r uid Franklin Houae, an I opp !>ite tbe I ia» ter>’ 1 lint—, v ill ccminui the oRuCi It/ AND COM viISBION , BUriNkSd io ail its branches ou his ownacxu t. He till g ve his personal at*enti> n to the sal< of Cotton, Hou , Giain, Bstvir, L .rd. Hay, atd to all iiu i» of produ e con figrej io h iq, an.’ hop-s by stric*. Jit e ton to bus near, ; nd t- e adv n sg. s oi several years txp-.-rieu e, will ena bie him to pLa»e al! «no nr y f ivor fi m with their i at ronage. Cctu>u stored in a iiet proof Warehcu e. WM. li. H«<WaRD. • Sej tembe' Cth, IST 4. s 3 dß^ ! VJBW MOHR-).— /i-hioi a.d ftmbn, by Mrt. Ann** Stephens E hiu All d, •n I ihe Green Vfoun . in Heroes of *74, with a sketch of the early his o y o Vermont. Easy Na - ,- r the Three Apureaticas, atle of \.W in New York ar d B s on, but adap eJ to any meri itn, by A. L. eiiarOJ, eir.or of the Evpr«*i M-s-arnger. 'lhe '1 .'» iiuuse, a Tale of South' rn Lle ; by L' g n d» • nd Lil y, cr t.« io ; >v Eliza ie h Uais Smith. 'J i oade og*, or the i i«ck ; . a r mance ol ad y not f ar diatar t; ny G. p. K James. Strati a Del*. 'r.»ta he D ary of aPencibr; a o, a upplvof Lodi Fan i!*, Sir Jasper • artw, Clara Mr: an ac. Alio re< e vtd, G a am’s Mag -line, anu PeUnsm’s Magazine, f rrteptim er,at sep 3 GEO. A. uATES A PRO 3., EroaJ-et. T HK DY H’/4 iVAIKK loli f r dyin< riU,Cot- X ton, vy 00l aDd V/o'8»e I a- d Woolen Go ds, ♦ tc., cou ta.oirg niariy ei. ht I undrtd receipts, by David Hini b, Pattern Djei. 'I a* le3 f r tin nog the mean he /ht < f Cress ‘uec iics and Cubic contents cf t xcavat-ons an I fce baas m nts ;by Pat ick Ly »n. Th : i r tciicni onV Gu de. llura! Chemistry, by Edward ho; y. Struggles hr L ie, or the au ob r graphv .f a Diftseniing Mini* tr. Alu, totre Neighbor’s Chillren, f.«.m tLe German; by mib. sea ah A. Myers. Pur sale ly al* T U OS. RICHARDS k SON. pOOHn.-Now a d y». Fa hon and Famine; by Mrs. IJ Ann 8. Stephens. Ch .snnt Woo'*; by L e.e 1 ' * T me nd TiJ., or Strive .-d W.oj by A. 8. Cano , ,. r Twenty Year. o f .n *'rieMll- IJriin , is i rsr Hyw. Johnwm N«K e-t 1 .' 3 The' Or»“ comprebeMi J h yicQjesn. Just received aid for ° ’ “J] _ MoKISMV. *II a 1.T.. T7I .. duotts. —iueCo ul iter, uriiso-g.ta on ti.e Infl enceof the Holy Spirit; ny Rev. Jnu. Gumming, u j> r hrist cur Pa»8ov« r, or Thoughts on the Atone n-nt; by Rev. John Gummi g, I). D. struggles for Life, 1 *n au obiograrhy. Camming'* Minor Work, c< n'a n i.g th*« °f c - to the N.ighbor*» CM'- j drm, ruca the Ge. can ; by Mrs. Sarah A. Myers. Just pubb hed, an for talc a y s7 GEO. A OATTS k RRO., | BUGGY*AND MaßNiiSi J I HAVE an exce.ient LUG GY and 11A UN E-8 tor sitß. J sT v. .. •• PR T, : j.j*; f; f 'WSSIpKt UIBUKLLANKUUB. DE-JNIS’ AKTDbPASa ODIC TIH.TBEK AIIU >| .UY fir Ch.lls uni Kover, more iJ.otoal, s if-r ado cheaper ih»n Qali.ii e. hoiculy imedler Ch 11-. eere.e ccld ,bul Dr Ci.ui|'Gulo,S|ja.mudicO£iui.- '"vur ilom. a tu-e remedy for Col c, ami uaeful in olher d.egerou. alt 1k.,.. Hl.eil r »- *° , .„ , 15 , Harnwkll l ist ict, o L., June IJ, l 04. Dr. Dennis- Ueai er :—1 hava used jou.- auu 8c««- tnohe f Lciure for the blind fctaguer#. It :s the only medicine I have foincl te , IT=. t a cure in this d sea e us which 1 lave Jo. t seven, Ih.rse. anl mules I gave sr*e doses inwa d'v; 1 mbbeditfr-ely abounhe f. en-.adaui ear., putsemcoti-.inu eaoie.r; liep a el hiaoouraeof treatment twice a day (or i er d. s. I . CT.ct dan entire ere. i have also used yurA' ti B*pa>mo<;i Tine lure ia uverai ta-vs cf Colic i- 11 lsee at d Muhn and hkV not known it ti. lull in a *ii gU: cnbe For the benefit of my friends, p'.vas: pubii-h t..ia ictnedy. V*-urs,re - c fully, ,T. 3. Crxi'N- Tr* paied by J Dea:.is, M D , Augusta, O•• 1 rice #1 perhou-e b{ ,. ut ft vlw t nv* T 0 MhBCHAHIB. I ■ _ P , i 0c * ya d Country Mfrchunts a GLaV'a‘“ d c ; l e , , ;r' K Th‘.‘ l ; c ,‘.;' s K0 ‘ K :*- v *« U 111 and i. to their I ,eW <| - -...... tt, Mod IN, PH N ZY at CLAYIJN, \\ V l4K ‘ , ' ,Lsl '- v ' 11 uusuiiaaioji Msi ’ \ CHaNH*, Augusta, Ha. bC q_ u POLK COUNTY LAND IOFFRU for sals my p'autation In l»n k county, fo-rr milts eas of Cel.tr Town, on the Vin w*,t road con i ting ol seven hu.-tired nd twenty acres o’ Land,*74u acres tlerri.l and m cult vation; Giu hou -e and Mcrcw* Orchards of the best kiad and gjod water Call and iojk. s7 wlm H F. WIMBSRLY. OAK SCLE LKA7HLE, IT'XTP A tr.mated N. J inspected clau-hter HIDES, a Is supe ior article, and worhy the att ntoi of O.iy Boot Makers. A Iso a 1 irge ass» tment->f h*a lira »reSpau« is.i Oak bole, for Sale at the Saddler v Warehouse. HHKKMAN, JKS UP A CO., la‘.e Wiight, Nicho’s A Co., 239 broad st., 2d do- r above new Hank of t*7 datwhn hEiULuiIK bCLfa. lEilhEif, IX every variety of aeig'it and quality. Also, Harness, Bkiningt briule, bind, Pi.'kvr, Lacing and Hiller LLATUKR, and every deser ption of Pateat l.k'ATdrß always oa hand and far Stic ai the baddlery Warehouse, Silrli'iAN, JrBM P 4 CO . ‘a‘o Wright, Nichils kCo , 2.9 broad-st.. 21 t o r above the n- w Hank of Aug- st a. >T d*twßm LIBLK CILMRWT. £ND HAUL 1 rtA HUU3. T lnmad n LIME, lUU 10J da HyJraa.ii UJ.Uc.NT, 5,0j0 lbs PiasLer.ng UAHI. Just received by EaTKfa & HI inMDNP. boots and brois at v;holil8ale and *“ ; Hkl All , OFPOBITB the JU'OBic Hall, Auccs'a. Oa AL KlC'.' A KOVAL are receiving lheirCinfll suophes of Uuods tor Fall and Winttr tiad*- w ich they are determined to sell a.s cheap a* any Rl. .-hoi- h use in this ti y, Chat lesion or Lavatuah * it ek tor retail is of the fins eau best maurml, and in O.rwho esaled.pwtientwilkefuiinai. i a ru« Ue « e u cel did dick from the mat manu adjrie : iugeii»er wi h a gr a', many heap Hues. AUrchauts will tl ,d «ur s ock Urge aid van. u. Fr motr 1 U g experivnc iu the 15 ot a'.dohoe business, we Ua ter curse v s t at we iao do as w 11, ir n t a .ittU bitter, t an any other i ute. Uur tettus wil be six mo ids ior tirst-r»»n* pa tr, jet th se w. o ' uy lor cash, or city acceptance, wi.l and our , r- *-a very luw * „ U Al-DiUOH, W.b. LO f AL*. An.til <i i ioll'it ►* ' ii‘'- —Agreeable to an or der if ihe t ouit of 0 dinary oi burke Countv will he Bld b* lore the CuUi llou» a*, or in VVayntsboro’' o the first Tuesday i.t NOVIM ER t ext, tt e loiiown g I* < p rty io Wit: live Nig;, es telong i.g to trie tstate of dashing on <; bux on, oeceased; vu. L'or as, a w man 0 years «f age, ini y S ears o' . g W..t,ou 0 ears of >gi, Oris y 3 years of age, uud Mai tin 1 year of age. od fir in. heu.li; of the h.ira aodortiltirs T- rms on ihe day of saie. KAM'L M. HUX TON, Atniu r. S. 4 pt tin her 18,1554. AJMH VlbTltAltMin HAliK.— \\ i 1 be s Id, Wrdnes ay, the 25ti of Ojrubtit « ex>, at *!,«. .at) re.-i lerice ol Uarue! T ormon, fceu., dece ue ,in Mbei fc county, all the periihabie pr -p rty belong r g io »he t’s ta'e ofs iJ UiCease i,oonais(*ng o« C..ws, llogj, Coro, Fol der Oi ttot>, Uoudth .Id a d Kitchen lumiture, Piautaii u Tool*, and miny other articles not hen mentiouod. Turns w.Ube mad. known in the day of sulc. 11. M. BARRETT, Adiri listrator d :bor is non with th. will aune.ed B‘P'**inh,rM 1354 V ul ‘ , »in All ptisous iimedic - to tne e.-ta.v oi SSam’l. lx Lowiiaaore, d.cea.e I, I k teoffilb 11 couuy,are l.e e by niti lie ito m ike payn.c tt; am: all rhose having ( g, mandsa .ainst th est-te o' said dcoeast d, to present tlieta duly oU.hcntic.i id to tne Admii.tsri wih u lie time pre-cii -ed by law. JO .FPU SaWELo. A-m’r, ei-ptrmte 18, 1H54. AD>fiiNlßT«t \ r*AI.K.—WI.I be asld,b o r o re •hi O >ur house dour ia App'ig, ihium'-ii county, on ihe ilrst Tuesday in NUVr.MBEIi n xt, Twemy two llUJid c i a- <1 Forty Acres oi mo e or i.a», whereon Dr. H : ry J. bmi h lived ai ibe time or his dea h, a> j .iu, mg la-d 3of Berry, Beale, J me* and i theis. Sold uuuer an order oi the honorable Court ol Ordi lary oi said esuu. ty for ike Leuefit of the heirs aud ere i or* oi #mj de* Te ms made kuown on the day cf sale. 8 icmber 8, IS 4. E. PEARhK, SdmV. T UO AkOAT'tsr* after date applioation will be made X to the Court <»f Ordinary of Lincoln County, for leave to se 1 all the Land aa>l Negroes belonging to the Estate oi John M Quinn, ia eof said couutv, deceased S ptemcei ft, 18ft4. AARON HARDY, Adm'r. NGITCfi —All persons indebted to the Esta'e of Jo:.u M. Q nun deceased, late of Li neon coun ty, are requested to make immediate payment; and those having demands against said LBtate, will present tne.n, duly antUinticateii, within the- time picscnbeu by •aw. aAUUN HARDY, Adui’r. September 5, U'5L i'MO AIUATHte after dale application will oe made to the Courlot Ordinary of War en County, for leave to tell all the Lands bemngiug to t-e e*t .te of Wiliam R„ GiHoD,d> Cettbed. aDAM T.CASuN, Adm’r, September 7, 654. SIXTY il AYB after date, application will be made A o the ordinary of Warren c-u.,»y,ior leave loseMj-li the Laaus li. Hum, de eated. Da.»i r.L. E. lil NT, i t , M-pt.. ,164. JABPKR l. Hi'Dav, ( Adm'rs. |''H O MUiVl'llbafterdate, application wilibcuiaiie X to the Court of Ordinary of Warieu county, for leave to seil all the 1 uuds and Negroes biiut-ging to the estate ofTabitha Wiiiiams, deceased. Sept. 7,1 H J AMEa 8 JONEB, A m’r. A PLAN!AXIOM AND LE 11J ) s EOB . ALE. »übacrib«r offers for s le hh PLANTATION X pleasantly stiuitsu upon the Cuosawalie r>v r, - on taining 2.U » cres, most of wnich i liver aud c etk b-t om it bel-.'g a part o. wo. 42 and 48, in th ; . th dis. and 8J sec, of formerly Murray but now Gordo i cmaty. Ti.q 100 .lion is hdiithy, ihe water is good, the uu; luvoount* new, and the sou prouuotive. It is 11 miles irouu Caihoun an i 7 lroin Res .ca Dep-t. Also, two likely V ELujW BUYS. Apply lo li. CARTE i, slo-»2tn Frf*i'hr rt«r*. h i ri n mq- i v . \l>>i|.\llsTU;\iUlt e OALIi.-Wi.i be «t public outcry b.f re the Cjart house door iu she t wo nr CrawforusviJe, Ta'iaterro touniy, on the first ues lay in NOVEMBER n xt,wi;aimue uwful l ours of ule,Twr Hundred and Tweuiy turr*-. Acrrs of Lmd bg the same more or e .s, it be ug p ;rt of the land beiungi i r to the estate of Wndam Meadow., deceased; about uaa Hun ire.i >ind Thirty Acrei cleare i and iucultivat 00, ihe oaltnee iu (h Hoodi, adjoin.ug lauds of Pea ce Baity, Lines F. Googer auu oii.em. Sul i under uu ordtr f.om ihe Court ol Or inaiy of sxid countv for the pur use of I Jisiribution among m j leg-iteer-ol huiJ dece.eed. Te uh, twtlven.onthscre.it. Bonds vit.i good secuuty wil «.g required. SErE.nE AILALOWa, Adm’r. teptember 10,1854. LOU.VTY, G Y.—Whereas, John M. J. Thompson applies to me for letieis of Auuiuis trat'ou on the estate cf Jeremiah Thompson, late of said county, dic’d : these are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singu !ar, the kindred and of said deceased to be au J appea-al my olhce, on or before t e d st mom ay i>. No. » ember iicxi, te show cause,if any they have, why said letters-'nouid not he granted. Given under my haudat olflee in Warren ton. cepe. I lis*. A.tDEN u. MEitsmjN, Ordinary. WAIIUUN COUNTY, O 808 GIA.— WhereM, Mar a. T. licath applies to me lor Letters of Administration *Lh the wi i a< ucXed on the tsiau of ivCujamin A. Heath, late of said c* unty, deceased ; i he&ewi e therefoie io cite and admonish, all auu singu lar, tl.e kindred and creditor* oi sa<d deceived, tube and appear at my ollice, on nr btf.re the first Monday »n November ue t, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be grunted. Given under my hand at ollice in Warrenton. lb, ISS4. ARDEN R. MEKBUON, Ordinary. WAKHHN COUNTY.UUOUtiIA.- W bereM, Isa bel Heath applies tome for letters ol Adrni istra tionon tae estate oi Henry ilea.h,late of said county, deceased: * These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singu 'ar, the kindred and creditors of s--id deceased, to be and appear al my olhce on or before the first Monday in No* .ember ucxi,and show cause,if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at ollice in Wa-renton. bt»PLlu,lbft*. ARuEN R. MEKt'HON, Ord’y. CiOLUAIUIA CIILATY, GA.—Wh rejs the e*..„l Q / o: oa ah Garnett, late of said county, ii pre .ente J; Tnese arc tbert fore to cite and admoni h all and singu lar the kin red aud credaoi s cf said decehSed, to be and appear at my i fllce, withiu the time pre crlbed i y Uw to ho- cause, if any ti.ey have, Why litters of aluiinlstra non sh mlu not b ; ranttfi to the Cle>k of the superior Court, or soin older fit and proper pers n. Sept, lb, 1 <U. A M. C.tAWrMbD, Dep Ord’y, VT UTICK.—AII persons indebted to the es ate of Frun -I.T cea T. Wr ght, late of Wart«n county, dec’d., arere questcu to math immediate payment, and tliose persons having claim? against hit estate, are requested to present the same within the time prescribed bylaw. Bep . 10, 1804. LEVI FOWLER, Ex*r. NOTICK.— Allptra'nr having d agslosi the ti-ttli of Bryaut Quinn, w 11 hi ti the-u i i imuieui atcly; and those indebted willp ea ein e payment. August l/, 1&64.V JlB A. Stfg M'.K.;, A -mV. NO TICK.—AI 1 persons indebted to the estate of Fran cis B. fr.ounlaiu, late of J if b m county, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment; and those navinr demands against sa:d estate are reque?ted let preset.i then: for payment. September IT, 18h4. TfiOP. A. MoBRIDK, Ex’r. rtiO M O.Vlil •* after dat-i application will be made to JL toe Ordinary of Jell, r on coumy, ior leave to tell .he hand and gmg io tne estate ol FV.tr,ois II Mountain, la e of said county, leceastd. September Id, 1 c 54. THuB A Mo Ul OE. V x*r. TAM tFMllti) Y, G 1 -4 herea*, Wi X Rhodes » piles to m • f r I tt.'.rs of Admin tr«t!on on .heesta eof il i-ira B. Khuc'es, 1 tie« f sum county, bee’u; The,e are therefore to cite anu admonish, all and singu lar, the kiudred and creditors of said deceased to be and ippear at my ollice, within the time prescribed by law, to mowcause, if any they have, why said letter* should uot *• grantffi Gi%* ji ui d rra / hand at office in Crawfor IsvlUe. hept.in er I>, 18.4. Q INK v u’NE L, i; r . inary. TAUJFKIUiO Cotm v, lawl A son Stewart h s male to me for I n-r W , f Guud-aasbipof A » amJa wa «, t.ruhan - f WUimb £v ns »au*o» b- d c.mnt , oecea-ed : * These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and sin gular, the kindred ana friends of said «.. j r uu, to be and appear at my ollice within the time prescribed by Jaw, aud show cause, if any they have, why said letter*should uot be granted. g veil ua tr my hand at rill :e in f’rawfordi-vill'i. Spt rn cr 18, 1 85*. Q -1 N EA O*N I* aL. < irdinacy, NO I ICK.—AII persons indebted to the estate cf Gs .orn llu -oar i,late of l i ;h "oad county,dvCeated are req jested to make payment to the undersigned ; a' d ah those persons having c hubs against his estate, are re quested to present thtm w thin ihe imep.e.-c iht-d (>\ law September 8 WILLIAM M. Ji l.iLKlt, Adm’r. ’ UICHMOMO coc.NTY, GA.-Wfiereas, Thrmu 1 A r. i: ley, f X'CUt ron the estate of David Tiuley, d.eeaserl. apph ts lor letters of Dibiu s-i n: Tn.ware therefore loci e andaduiciwh allard s | nK .,. lar, the kindred and cred t rsi.K iid.ee»fe I, V) I. and eHr at n y otlicv, on or before the fir-- AI inlay i.j P,/ rea y r,-x , t.j rhuw CM, if any ti.ey have, wr , L ,1 Left; s sh* uld not i*e gran'.cl * M ' * Given under my hand at office in A’lgusta. g ptemfter JB, 1854. LEON I*. DUGAS, Ordinary. PIVO YHJVrilii aft r d de •pph.ation wnU e mad# , tof O f.iiary of El n-rt county, for Lav; to cli Hit tie Lands ami Negroes brio len g t * the es ate if aamu 1 Liwnmi e ' lat^of El e tci my. September 13,3 654. JLSi- PH SkWELh, Adm'r. RICE.VED 11 13 DAY, rOXK'dfieshcoca CRa' KER 3; AO 5 I bh. Batter do *» 50-i lbs. fresh "rroke I HZFF ; 3bb s. Pc*led imNhijEj; slkj its. new OdC-? S II; 5 bnls. PuTATJkS; 2 “ White k*aP?B; 15 boxes Dew CTEE E; 1000 hi. Su/ar Cure.. Canvassed HA IP. For sale by 8 2 O. T. U * kT/0. / • K>T’s Calf Congre.s GaJ TERreceivel bv (jr hs clprijh a royal. / 1 tN'I ’B sup :ri.r flie Ca.f pegged B ON. r*c iveri by t I ALDRICH ft BUY AL. rp\Vo MO.YTMB after date, application will be made X to the Court of Ordinary of JelT rnon county, for leaveto sell the Negroes oeiengtog t, tn< estate of ben jamin D. Ward, deceased. WM. ». ROGERS, Adm’r. Bep'em .y r 7, ltt&4. DO YOU VV A* t A titJOli ,\PPK IITKI—Use Planett s B iters, they will imourt tone to the Su mach, and invigorate the » hole sy stem. For s*lo by Jy* wm. h. run, u uggi t. Alirtr.isi VI. j*uAbl KR.—tfsfi ISotl t 9*jVlbWtk4 ADH ESIVE P.iAaTER, highly recommended by the Faculty ,jui)t received and for sale at W. H.A J. TUB PIN’S, Jv2s D-qgnri-tiami Apothccari,*-. A-Mrusta, 7a, VhVV bOUUs.--andwich Is an 1 Mutes; by X\ Haole. H st- ry of Pyrrhus; by Jacob aboott. Tl ( (•oderoga, or the 11 ack Etg’e—a rocoeoce ot aays ot »ar dtitaut: by G. l\ H. }*.**., t.q lin'W U 'he Nh» UUJlin-lliJ sinur'l liouK-l lels «, • bont““n hire; by to.«n. Yi ly Ye»n i- both I Hemlkpherpv, or KeminisceucMof Ufa ci . former >ier ot .ot; bi Viae.nt Nona, I.MO of Hew Punoy Memoir.wfi'oreiao l-ai i bjr H»mrt Bwoi .r 8t»«e. j Ea v Nat, orUte I hrte Apprenttcec—a ta«V ' wokitii , het dMi an/ meridian by A. L. Stia -4 - C'xpr*-"«Mef*cr.*er- DacieSaia’s Farm Ftnce; \ » T* '*«•- w -#•*foe *»(« h y ">•*-'* * UAU.,