Weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 183?-1864, January 10, 1855, Image 1

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> V V. J, Ll a ! >. JO .S r>S. b . , .'is-'- ru Xi - iili. ■i J&G3U t% t - tt L&% 1* f : * «*u»i *3." iflTMßewiwy i r t d niaai rt & isx* a ” ■ / »a *5*.-*#«**•• .•? jPea , ~ *h, t» "*w *e* f #W, tharfur* «?* t'Or*&«4 * 4# *4 ik« *>V > i .*l •:»'•• • HU r* tJf .* 4#s.¥<pt& 6 f!>T B*H ."-3WS©* ■ <#?y i K> ' jigiis £s**■ iPtft/ *jt.4^v*-.- '•* ■■ ifit* •**>*• / 4jp f *' , ' ; ' //¥' ## MV-**" t 4 ***- iff 3*, i i',. v v ’.'* :-•: .■Y<* <•; \u,-; • . i • v,», ft 4g fftb * ‘ • , ri ■■: HaV'tiAHl). HAjiAXi. , u.v . - ur.**T ’--ibriili a vis , BTO KY, » j ,’Kyi.n K*- v > • ’ ' ;;• ■“'■ ■- j HeMLiZi* * 5* li ’ #■ x'up, l‘W.w «*:*« r.mak’iii * «*»<j j V ;• *hv ibjbl , ;'•*»«:, ». ut O' « CtaU * > 1 *' oT UV; J ', ■la wa.ev.w. , SI _ | A h~iul- **> t;:. i> 1 '**» Bftf -7, * ' i # orU, Moil j » a*» Jam eitMUtest?* rut. .• ii iL • ur-dfmtJr na . I?™ s.’ '■' s££ ’STi r ’ * tiu'-iv ’‘Ue., n . -i :U* • *t i«rU,&* of fcf.* cir.-its , : %<uf Yhvr *r»* t» hfs j iiA* r’.JHHt FT:«JKt# TC* HSJM.ISi •(!! f !-t »*. 4M-l-> g .b f r« I ir-s ■■ -I . !,'r '.u'lir*. I l? if.*'. *.v ri,' > •**?. v -. • • v - 4.1 in ? n 4 j rH##n u»*^»ae 4 u.'.'* >fUkx?vCT»hoe«T J -P.t.i «•* p'ii % j *N.«* 'IP .'•.(.£)• !. !iot> j a if *M> -O «•» 'l4 < , #1 . .•* >, WBPMOKIK . '*•« i ut irf ‘.r' #, as x-k'n-.* u j ' “ *’■ -- . ( r'oxic}-, *rv: HirTSIJL.. a Dahtoooir*. has r«--jW} K , a ‘-y W.< . LAWRr ;ck 4'. . ve*f> I’iija; i* , and fitting it ut> with ia wVf i*« 1 a, nal'jrlard ev.yi: *> A v ' 'j.ivc tovhe .-arucf Hov-.v. Fa* ••- • ■ |*o ■ • t mines • ihv u< • r aOc. i. will 1 ‘:i ,»ro \. , < rc\ 'ffr.nsx The ilMurt'O •* * .i-«vO'ti rcr■: a»*ly healthy* ftaJW U ..i. n , • • • i*»i ..tm^aiAeenoe. In addition ••' •; ’•• if.‘% Uie U.B. nranch Mint will • re plea i . .. t.tut» sack #h never had tiu » TO PHYSICIANS B •' v.., Uivtri. t 3 J . . v' t; i r » n .o ceatr- <»f nuc* l LtniiVv -d \'i • >.-v ; U is In -ho ml t <>{ ... , - -i.-iij cimmunity. Aii < ir minoin?,beautiful ami *•. ' un .i !•'. » : i lion of r* v . 1 -Vt, !•> K -.vsiT nh River nn one tIJ«, UtH -v.v,; ant’ oui'Qy . -a lie fiat tu>*4 «,f Abbe- TlH*- '••»(!*» ! 1 ct• :..j .--Hon; fill’ to be kept • -u biv l • the prr- . ; a e » ©omfurW Dsr -,. ■% i?«; m* pt one, a U alt tne tteecHsa -1 sit s IV r ’ • ~’stii * .I.:dcorn crib; and ~£V ....-a, V . lit .• ■ v.. iU:.t -^np-yofasg.-od wi •• t*-» : . : t . , archaserl w 41 . jy, nev a. within the Y7 O -vVAUK, M. D., so i•. - V.- > 3:. £i.oi' ATD rHCEHAKEBS vjti’w «u*u’s Cosne^ Pegged ! a I • • » V*r, »* i u,u:ung 0»lf, Deer au i t . » N •»..J .eictdj and ,• ■.«. -,4i. * ! ‘ ■•s:.: ux»u Will be pr.- ~r, u*•• r 'f • • Ni>r*hern and Western „ • s e ■'.e‘w ~ .. f st;-. .ia, it Oa^sriße, V, -1. -.y- cj Jv>UN £,Bl’A^Wßl> WANTMU, 4 T «he - .U O,U Is, ORy Power Loom WKAV /T. kh.- • fe-.IUe» of four cr more OPE iAi Vko *'w P:ici>jry, of the itaperis* t«ndent,rr Atthoefliec, <.r -*(l-»treet. iwlS w.f_ ISO EKWAEB. u r “'■ oV .... V . ;\5n»;TeT. jt J^. lUv.-i' .1,1 fir-3- ! lo m’t.o. Ml .*;. 4 ; A c*. a. o pe -son oi •>'- r l will rny N* * • *w me e« *o 1 get „ ' f 1 ».vt U i vis. av7 ii TWISTY roitAMi ETWARD. K 3 t*"' r gr k LA* t 4?.a, -jl »y«. ? ft- ‘ir To- ' s* .■»* •*. •-y-* i-. jv.unte, s?out n-U weUbulit. The »bcer reward will ee nma for d* clelir;- ••• to ®e, in eaft;A »o that 1 get him. A. -f. :.;t: Aidr ra I>AViX> CUii MIX It. Carry's Mi la PO., 520 BXWAXB. , p.Vi l UAY < v the anosertber,.aHainffin»*.»!• t?. x r° v T > mV>*’ " Vi7" • /; vr s, i(L ~f • .«« . < , w ; -i 1« *lO. poatv t. Be i* «'?:! ' aii'3»n >•. ,hhj 'j a verse s stelli ge Illy. I»*ch An rer> i s.n JW» .let eryweli. a %i», p.. rhs ns, wt!. enit »>a; *o *ir \ , -»ai tajike eaapa. * h* h*ak\ , - ... . V UEX Y, *****»*> Q*. t?>o EKWAivXL r\ t M v T:.,: 't, s .Jk fi* *. t -y The above rr«PW«I wu‘ be pnid *t r » JOt >*A i aRRI*. ™ i6o itwimf * “ ««ar -e . V . : . viU :AM SKATES, Mart,, b e t- J ‘ .''•' *\ ;* ” ! - ;t J • reio» • The that I get them! ’ ** ***** o»9«w f JAM P a^v'rUNG. XlAODat WAVTKD Vt»l KHMunfea car. coxae well re -o*s » . Ced to teach the V&ff*»«h b-aache». car 4 . >..re h salary . i Tw j Hui .-ai aad flAy a£ui R.uurd, A* L'acv a tor., Ga , Ro> 5, ISiA. JiM L. C&GtHE. StKsWtf valuable fbopeeit toh sale. 4 (DMEORTAiiLK DWBJilifl H CSI a *n>4 ii LOT, TA NT A ELD, wall cohered; 14 A croe oi lAN L', tO : *f TAN.RA&a , fumi*fecL w.th -a 501- w^ter C. **Tc... .• ■* • r» V • w. • ■- >. Y*"d i»s Fifty ' ste, aii of «i. are ic iwJ ronditlco. T>rf ffjwnj .a * j*Ud t**r the incovpasnW Kn...* o! ’ * \*/ts Ter 2* w b* re»Le easy. SSORGS FEALSV. ' iuutsjbj>*o'' sa R. > rfOSaiL AKL lit' AS I STASIS, tagßjteare, most tt ; y t j aJcrm Ha U endeesa th* traveS-.ii* - ». •* ■ :T ?c e u-rta »cr f«nt and tr%4»t.:s ? - ,'*aaiA H:* tafalnwtli be *A2«i«4‘« -■-.!•«. «tu ?w e nuer and *««r re iMUtdV llom* Lou lor: be ac.- * f Dvara, iorse* Uae: m to «*&*» vj -i Lit cry. Harrw- i *' • 1., eby i taj, w«t *. uih. ttv *a«ya « o' I*rcr f to any nan Las tLaire. -LiililkJLD, Pro, u> RaltiAriiiatL. u. 4, iav'l-ii ” | *-•* ' agg*^"****—— ll ""' '*!' ~ •~° *-^" ■ . ,iass' THE 1855! i SOUTHS CELTIV iTOtt A '.'MTHLi JOCB.ViL, Ik. 1. kic: L Y•: :sk (liPr.ft'PSJli.'fl 0? . Mirtiedtun St-** &-. .r, P<?dtt. £*i[ O’.n.'id ll'-j :--»U4 ulUt SflSfcWi-i Jjsglwl^r', ; O POl LA3 A TBaH KT At’ AJ*CE (y 1.r.1.. *1 T>.. EOITUHi , !OSii), c>. C ;<pjlkk* E-ljp ' :.< - -.u Vi. . k»JI c> luqie .ce ia Ja-Mtiy, 1255 j ■' ~ ".tv* a iargt O-MK <*' Thk.y }'*• 11 «»**•of jr :'. ;-; o r rf;pn »*>y Afripolißral J!C j >'•• -.** : natr.ng i, ad-liti'm to all 'Jjk car ! .c.,t Arrip- :..jaitf.pi-.*cf the 'ay VALUABLE iO; ,il. COMTK'BUTiS)Ka f'Om ma- y j * j.rf/ ’ iu;<i pr l i nicri) ! .ia.jprs. u-‘. KaritciiUtrirt* ia c \ r y 3" : or. of TERMS or T/.fc rt'triVATQf' : J ‘ Mjt Oj. y, oce ye«r, » l w' , ti#’ - : •• „v • , ;|, A •■ •. p*, > a.-Jesr ttto 1 ■■■■'«' th Tm bills of &ii r_ * BiiSrJif n^x# r atfia? Allwuitey ; ,«* f*'t» - X jvnti'p'. * *s*s Mb IK: ri.<JC» ’' : « *-• '« * • Allfc WbJf Cfl. i 5 -V'* *’W'- : % K / -v iit j iiyf A.g'UitJS and ./ot/ibt ] ' ■. i r\in . % .!; i, >he Paper at | CWXBOE j ft nrc ? d«f Os n*‘4 Imia alien will be * vam»ed on 4 ti.e »7irj timo Th«* Pwapiy •* iut-*d ei« lul . lb;‘.V?,M, D., D./!., Prßtkiect ABU I'.'tiJetef.; ’v’ 1 ■-'••- •- ■*-, ■ M., pr .■:: <s©r «?f Mrttbsiaafecs >-«V. K.j i fivif, A M... of Sufci ihLitu - v LOT;fKii M. nW«Xi., iu lu, Prcferoorof i©e iJreew ■' t ’ * .'TONK f *, fat,, ?r*'-feß9&r of N'wan' ! ’• w/iJJAM ; s M., Profefwr of the Latin end i rtreotfb L Br^-geu ' :•*/ i’f<ry gchoil ei neder !i«e cl. ar«e Ks KM, tfCbTON tj-D » A V 'JB J. 0 Fucve-* *ry of i fi. Fac ilty. lufc. i!, G i., 7)er «4 d‘<7 *♦. ' iciDKiv tsxfseioa o* ; I’rtj; • L%* or .o.uieiul-n.y v-aiK on the ' ? fbklf »*(?**&& V»Q JABIUr-UT Av-xr. Y•? »M? «40d | :7.c-..-u. V.avb*' >, **?h tupiritu-T i .-i’ t comiaoto iwr ,f ■ ‘' r '“• ■ • •'»•’"'* ‘*v l»u tidained la us ts Ug*s on 0? 1. fa. t-ILMER, , & va ~ Ch*.r n;*c beer. t>f Trosteeß. I • '.i.i fOUiJ 'vbl .iE cisAi I | t’ * iaa.it; - r %■. svsmeorc oa I 1 tbs ,o fisnoaiiy j rftCM//.' i n OB.a ft FORI), Pnenle ii '-tad Piofspajr oi WorsT ‘ WM, A.&ibrV iti, ff>*lof P«‘ic*ary Ufpi.lffitict. J p'r-.f.‘-'ftM LLr! 1 of Charleiitoi wM ..«* co a, o J »!.••*»fueUca iu M.e Yencfe nod ia | v oitineacl'jg ji. th firit Mo:.<iay ir: Jfcir<uw>, : ?»c • clOßiag ©'. 'he ci;.r *. in Nofsebtr—u iuch I tv.; «,V RrauuOceseni ttuy. Pcpiv w*v be euten. ;'cr ; iJIV t * t rr.’ f (five montliß) or W the fHM ttriu. XUll iUN • ; i tL •' ■ t iry D-.uvtociu.. . , .$26 per term. . 1 ' *■ r t ; -:\-t n*au inclu'lwi; ... ho •* ; * ' U 4 in on to be paid ir «c' ■ .ce .as? . cr note | - <1 ac* t* i.« u>u / Uc •* k * v M.'idPr. w;il hau* charge of Us f Bor-id* Ihe pnoe v»f bv . - j?m li eleven «ol* '*•••* *v ‘i. tvtxjrttiiT.jr in. tu .*u, gacept cbd<i ;a. • ; -;aiy ulfc-j be obt»l'!>-| p'.' £k!e famdus in the i *■• *- ; a!.. Li»‘ ’ ~i t» M. i'tch, or R«v. f J If H'Oui», Agms*» , J ; v order ct the Board >i 1 n a *: . nJO wsji ' ■ • . ; ■ (fa. : Z!1 v'fa; r»'a, rll? cocu*:c.- •. J .aary ftrsU Boy# A *.« orecurod . - hgi and u liafticed suoh-r 3 «-«c« '?e«i mto Uie k >im'y ; *.he Princtoei. Fur .n * <alter Tcr.uv If iff* pc.' a iuuai. Pof fii. i'vs ,i ;u. •, ;-r j- f>f ir«-loa. iuli?r fta A .a. So’Cl 'Jir i- Pnaoh’A' FOii BAi..iV_ 4. ' d OBAf iXD FCK SAKK j ..grr* vngof -i native ti-agia »,af ray f»ar»ciy, two * •IV i lie; r * rr-r.n*.v, Ob. T'.-etrect w. f c.r,e a >*il faumc. r aj‘l '.--'-d.rnoe £f:«e:« ir- kin., that rijwm obj t.i: if i Jane v* eotae t'uss la «>' * her I wsh e.A,a kln4,dc t era uj iu pood ot. s, i uittjuw rtud •:!<>! F «.o .d ir-• »• ms, aud deliver tocui A o;i the M jc wad V. w n Sosd, SC .n.n‘.»'fp urw*Balfruad. l io aeiies er-i-* tk-ud cu gotd Stt.rgia or Sou. 1 Carolina ttoney, at my r > y aia.i, ard 1 wi'leerd y u tb« ir«e«. j wa * DAI LEY PUBLIC SALE a4 r II.L be cold, at the reeiJUnee of Lti -.■* late Dr. H. J- Vs Smith, Ojiu*‘>iia couniy, o'lTaewiay, 19 h day of uIOKMUKII, thr enure sioafc of Hoiaes, Mules, Cows, Hog;, v cep , also, ihe Corn acd9\xiJ<‘r, Hua ehold and Riti-hen Furniture, Avbelong eg to the estate or sa.u de ceased. dIT rm sale Bubhoriber c ffer* fbr sale THESE PLANT A -1 T!«.■;•• 3iut. e lid ; of c juaty, onoJjC •at :)g acres - i 000 » r s open Ua-, with goou dwe 1 ‘.l n c s--ary bniid for Plantar-on pur h < h«c oantalniag 1,4t»0 acres—6oo acre* i-pen mi- 4 . dwe liov. uu t all nco&mry o». boddings '; i .a i .sing 60 a»* «-s uni cproved. The above Lands a-- • t;g the choicest Cotton Lands la Dougherty .. unty,;.. d a .thin mdaß of the contemplated bouth vv turn Raitroal The two first Hantation« ;oin, an 1 wllbt- folds a’htelyor as msy he desired, •rm • liberal. JAMES BOND. .. tr iw W. W. Che ver, Albany, Geo., or Jostph Bond, M’ - . IK- • dIF-wOm PLINTATXIIH F<:«i BaxT H subscriber ciTt-rn for sale the I'i.ANIATION on wl.i• h Ilf '••.wl iff, in Oglethorpe oo€U)ty,on tr.e Aihe- » IP-i ch or !heGv 'rg>a Railroad, li uillcs above Union Poj t !: c uains b»0 acres, more or le*«; about 9bo ai-res »Ji urobered •'ak and i»\ne land. The ■ .*ce is it> , pair and well snj'plied w th wate r ; a cvmfoi tiblc . . -g «r. d ail m. '-ary out*buildinga, and perfectly be-.’.thy. Aojcmtug’l.e pl-ace u 86 ■ ae»c», which can be ? >v • rd 100 of which are well limbered. Any person d sirens of purchasing, will always find me on the pi emi* sea, or address uo at "-sxejf’i P. Ogl. tuorpc oo«my, (d 10-wtfJ W. MOePEV. ~ PINE LAND EOS BALL. J'lfH at private sale that tract of jJSk pl\E LAND on 3; .rit C.eek,in Richmond ty, i bout twe ve miles from Augusta, and within two i r !-• o miles of the C o rgia lUilroad—knowu as the Uaa fu Purvey—containing acres, more or l«es, and bou .ded by lards of Alien Kiar, John James, Simon Ward, Smear- P. Haynic a d others. L'not dlsposid of befa e Cie firt 1 uesday in November next, I will offer it st vo -k >utc« r y on thV* day, at the Lower Market H 'use In Augcsia. Any one desiring to purchase the tract, wil please ap ply to W m. A Waltoa, Esq., in Augusta. seplß-wif RKBEOC’A CAMflkliD. LAK», AND WOOL CARD FOB «ALE. I'HK balscrihers offer for sale their valuable sett of MILLS and WOOL-CAEDING MACHINE, all nrv t. ith aa ext > sire enstom worth from ten to flftseu .. *r uay **' thist me, at the nnetion o< tbs two Coldwn>.r creo -.a, Kibe.: ouuty, mile * north cf EiborUm, with a Hiu.i" ' C -ofLa .o •'!*0,170 acres of LAND, nearly ■ ait in -he woods,tome mtlss fv.-m ths Mills, which ca ' r had with trie M.Us separuay Any person wishing -o ! purchase snch property wid q. e-ell tc examine previously, ’ as we are determined to s*.\. Y* OMAtf JOHNdTt N, J AM Kg B. GAINE6. Itffi BALK t I.AR«5Kand convenient BRICK STOKE, situated iarthececLc of business,in the city of Rom*, net . ocvnpu. ’ by Uoi't batty,Druggist. This store w&sfiUad , Lp as a Drug <‘.ore,wi v rtrt gard to Any reasonablcex peust-.aad v*i.fc * '.lttJ*- >U.’ *UvU ceuldbc eonvevtedint i • > DoodiStors. Fhealtsation fbr theaalc of Drugs, Dry Gocds.or Grooer.es can hardly be 1 equaliedinthc :.y. TermioMy. Apply to ; GEORGK BATTY M.D. j Rome, Aprt;*ih,!S6B. _ FOB SALE 'j r NO IV OFFKK for sale my entire R vsr i’LANTA \ ■ *v, 2.-. rSo u; «. in:- ■.■A Columbus, Ga ,ia Bar* ’ } boar <. Ala., lying en the Chattahoochee river, con > U:~ Tii' - i- 1 Acre* ; som. acres in a fine state ofeul iivat u n ami iroed repsu A good -water Gin and Ferry v.r ■ - the Chau a hooch p< rivtr. The above will be for •a' Many time untlL-o d andpvwsession given. Termstc *a-.. purohas-.'rs. Jail-ts M ATHKW AVERETTR. LAKD FOE SALS. r PHK subscriber offers for sale the tract of LAND JL wher >he resides, containing 1013 acres, mere or , i s ,lying I aii.es west of Warrestou,on the road to Poa-- e eltcn. Long creek runs through ii and makes about li>o acres ofSwarnp La- i. a par: of which haw been trained and iu cuiVivation. There *s u good M.Usite on the creek, ana *tone enough near at hand to make th»- d .ro. The 140 . u Lc x . icek are thought to be »s good for the pr -.-uv.fr. as any in M.ddk Georgia. I can be A'und on i K v reraises at any time. My place is a* Lemkhy as any a ihe country, and tho beat watered planuiion 1 now :f My re*s<.-c«r»r wishing w> sell, is on account .f s . o change cUauue, Ac. jeSa JouN M. HALL. Fo£ SALE. beyeShrafor sale :he tract . LaM>«V Ac: which he ret.dea, ooatauuag t-:. t Huarre-iJH! . 1 »... i Forty A-*r*s. mcie or lews lying tvom’es ear. of the I Ch -lyleave wf-nvft Merfwsther county, Ga. There I alvei three hundred a* •<$ of cleared l and, of «.::chone t’-r.dred of itis rich bottom and ani iu a high state of cu t T;u.cn. The • ,: s» upon the :ract husdtod arrea o' heavily timbered Oak and Dint- Lsrd, and two hunorel i a ;uy of valaaUe Ssramp Land, ah- weD timbered. | T here *»r o orchard o/ cho:ec Fnn* Tret i. a :oc : rx ‘m * able . , wnd a splendid Gir*house and c%w Screw * -a h«?xl iu b«s place; an exceilant Bsaoke-boasc f KHchoa, and a I ether bwlWtaft necessary for a term, in i tt ..the aitcheis anddeeikng, ami ccove* j rder tto both, .* a *tu ofgrod pcie water. The place bar ttv chara-.-ter of being exceed ; ngly healthy. Any ptnv. - j t-sirocs of, ‘bfeslng, »;ll s-waya fine ihe saotenber • ut>on thapres jcs, wto will stow its.- Land. I 1 * >vM. J. MITCHELL. Meriwether cc , Qa., August IS, IS&C- AuSS YALUAE E LASDS iVR SAUK OB 10 BENT S' |'HK t. >oi John WiiSams, deceased, propose St i-ng A poo IA icres, a; the optica of the purcha.-er, b! 1 He Ftantau n A f the deceased, at pr.va e sale, "be land c , Briar cr <*.ln Warren county, sevsr. :ruias 'rom De*ricg, c n the Gcoreia Sadr»>ad. The Plantation >s one /t :e-L -* iesir-c.e :a the ccan.y—cc>cUic*ag a arge oc atity of r*ch low ground* and fertile up lands, wed i -cr-'.. The peruoo proposed to be tcid* contain* a., •• : '-•!>■•-vemsaw Dwdurg, Negro OaNng, Mill, Dm, * . . . .n . e t o-ght. it is, perha;a, il*e 'ev. ba.gaix. ever oT eTri .a the country. •u v, sold by the 37it December, the place wlii he rented, _ i ot ihe to the big best oidder. _TUK EEI&S. i 1 YaLv A?LS LLANTATION FOB SALE yaneAp ” ! A >iac uorpe <xant y, sitwsted - x stfles east 1 cf ' r . *~y lf*n acres, more cr t-*a. There 1 ; c «*• c: Stv fca-rt -i'_g->jd to w cv-wr.o* aud .rtweca 4 : - .. 'wovdiAud : u the- tract. It i» improved wtta a go. Dw'-nng H< -*c» d owt-hooees as are wt i u of the am* . %,tb j. fins • .re-.--. Fru.: Tx », The loealUy far ~v Wi’f - uy - r anetu ths -c,utv The " «oc.ety nf t’:e o;:--': . r..c<4 is gecd. and sappi led with . Achoo » A. y person of uurooasing wif> pt VMt T-® uAderv. r, td at -exingtao. Ji> : f X.. P LANDRUM. , * BOOT .-w-c H MIReE, cf goed repntatKU j f v r aor.si), -s - r -ry A* . can get empiejment tbr a o- ! ns oi actwre, at Apr Jig. Coiu® - ,cnn r, ca apphea dk. it h. A A M. k LAW PAjuaaEBSKXP. h. ‘ % Cl- - »•. 6UACEFLFOAD *ud JOKATti AN D. 4 * paiLLif-S diiS M Caihor-i, G. dSe-wfim WEEKLY mm mm / " r/l ’<j* A-sV. I- . Decoct % lav :m » P*. t a Meeklue. srw 5 Nor. C. ' 7, -i otreeb ; Co'ig’. afc-'i.t tortc'.v - made —i ere ;c.nrrr*.?4.::sM3, and I’ve dot.e a 1 * ave j gooe Sa*c me petea. tced.u 'ieca>.u..w. Jty J Wii. bo band vwu 1./ p«|teu*J vhks Ulii: .- j j rema. Tu- wh.<n h-rt-af.er j , •*:/:* Ler».oro -•» Farr*© the rtmmot >t Aye-’, I • itiwwtfiid, Mrfik , Ifiorr.aKiu am 1 j fL-5 l rtrv iijßvfibe, y Ault v***h U >*•» j g u.-U-d -gp-sftetioae, do i«« on . UOfAd- . i m-i .4 ifce nut'.yscg i> xaUu&s. r; . : .ioun oi the j dc.i*. .;(*«» bOor'il) eti.ci. be*.a bf t-e tued'.catuti eoiUjur* j tits’, rutto’ i >i. co j eoived u* *vt;<e»e a uecsr ni;*i u ■ • luce tu : . _ ~t :a -• t ropaubic and i: Sfeuiur. ik-wgbt a gnicoa j of ur, u ctko of boa.' wax, and a firit a oi tern, unci « ana Hi twenty i*u« Co are 1 p* - ». •* ; -o L bate oi J/ot'tV'. ‘* Fat 7*l Acti -g J < *y fjr / ,;r - . i - vo c r all , a. . c ... V; -: k - : I ":..b, ?? u. pigu.7., .«« ..••nt.'M. t> •-•■» K * j ! Ko./.. ; *.. .. St - y J ia.- ■ ■ >o Jlii/C - - lod '-. make : v *. . u.j»g - «•'■■> J | b taßlu gnr*tia>K. «iucU iiec. *. .sac»l »nr.. 00 < * ;>« • a -va<? how. j J Lavo fid vwt o> •Q 4 , ; - t* -•• * j V«. ov«ii .Uu v Ji U .e wu. ..rnraau ft -f ' veu •*1 i-uro‘:;-- t> .t.. ii-"v ; .n< •. .. .■ ?£+&'•& ■ 't ..... it • > r.‘ cat, v b!<•*'■. * fc | Uii :*iU * -L. a* TL 4»d i'UlCl Ja A !-»? •...*.orU Ci/JU- 1 laJjf atui! t.A»r- :?t«a Jo'iswmy an- l Uearu >t pliiLb ia *.ue w. He eest to ti.e j oeevshab he daboJ At noma p;ftu *. I'^ivy ualr-s t i.*f fcObrieH.-- Bat I u>yo;», a& rt»j-• •>«*»*l’jg 100 i mi *i- ru ojouubry, a vur:tuce.ta f/oai ak Or p*a- nr- ; itrWte *>*•;:» '■ r - ••••.•«* J" *fc Ac ; ’ jQftmiii t *{ci fcia ,*i t, A3-' a / Atony wl»ti vl l . J . >iic. oai pin t ir-v»« i hut { j pf sri < OI . ,J» i ki »?:>, ; yii soma :■« 00-Von yp j I jt a ton aue »"/t» .- rruaociau of u ia-1 f-.L-cej &na ■ ’ u the aoruii-g I io- i '.tin r*. v L-< td dia- } j -vppa red,a nest atnn«i a*a ”ueir«;-*i tiie li ia,-aiiti * J •da **m were spin iuVj yve«i w* chJ «*u«l piled »p J 1 aet ioAiiy iu ay d i yard. i J a tulf .t ; I • :ibw . > the mi lb ■> *rry i.-.vi. j, i». j wc V t wuft of? • .ib.od with corn upd • I pc i tjku , wiu bao a row oT pe.iaii Insert «u fai. • lUeriecdiOa H»iang .'»I »• -t d slate that •’. drew a suikiEg hkei.e.ia oi my —■drew'm* j y-jrU'igent 4>oy oai of Hi* mill pend—o <.a oi.atv.r ? { at; h l .-» Btomaczi—-drevr a load oi u 'let^s lour j 1 mi.la* oiiiarket, and eventually dre», a pri7.& of : I iiattiy neven d iiara iu u*estaw lottery. Aid the i i etfa-n apcti the iuftnh/iAttT hAieabwOt ht*» bi> r to 1 wof -ctia:, t. • •?} have open . - -Jir e> •>. ■he { : goo i cl the co' , «u dot rmined j * io? Governor who i«» opposed to it o* r » . i the l |r. ; idle oi Juno. **. » >*’.•. •»' il ji>k- a po.-; ! i* , J*v ? » t'r**ob«.sA, hnii f t o/Di*, and tbv &o*<iiitoe;T ’ Mb", lofjuste. 7 * I* Tnory. ;hu* : . ib*u ; ‘ it J «'• vc one more ! from h. *n« ml **r oi •/ «• -■■*■.' or OitifcM io tbft weetura ooaioge, .. .o, Altuoagb a; vpiUdei, oeg.' cied and igDOitni, U cndoubtedlv y-i h-u t/ and ni. cjie as j *Ti. PrurtMAOiied wih u imil ot. I have I corrected tnc or; hograuuy d re vised bom-, gram i iaatieu» ;B>>:an.'. »»; b it, oeaiue* attending to j whose m eri . g » urk.s oi punctuAi;"U, and j I pu’ .ing toe enpitatfi iu iiO piftct.< 1 eeaore | j you l a ve madenoiUtere it»nr If jA UL Ka.S-S* »«- »1 V- -1 4’, ? r i M./ X)««r Ooctiiv: —Vou si .iv ’ aUeii-Joci rro* ice*, lectures half v ’v.,,-er, and or.,v »• dieted in fr*.Ui ».»? • 1 i crvokb.t net im .i » •*. *ba j • •,, -u • judoi * .. p. .-uoc' :„. weii tin* tiiot..ry -u-i prujuoe oi i riodjcmo, cu<i the docv»ipei io.tiy logiliiTiate uo . der the PrnasUn hv tern. By u.e iixcees&at study ' •'eqtlirod nithSft ootid .i»r:mont, 1 had become ’•iora uown ho - bid that i v.w ob::g©d to pet au overotMtt ■d lo c«m £ sbadu #—bnt .u.aidciitaliy hearing of your brtl-»m, X obtained a quantity, i t din ooedi- ' isuce to the hc a a r o- ho*'-: luuon. look i*.j inji'.iiMWMi 'iy. c ci.l,» ; :u 'oor days 1 measured one hacare uud iao iacb ©i round the w&iat—. uici nop * « r.jh oi hickory wood in two bourh mi # halt; n:- lon i bet, carried e yoke of oxen tv o ui.ies and ** • iar ! in my left hand, my right bein« tied -d aio; and. il *.ay one dotibta ibe tacu • Ire ox u tre t.d to bo seen M AbouV two wm.kb afie/;.h 4 “, had the uic&scre c? • portieipating in a gunpowder explosion,*', wh-ieb ooctkdo© iuy ennt* and iega wort scattered :-vcr the vilifag-., uad my mangle-i piwtty muh.i? dostrir.awi •• b/OQghont the entire co-it*» -•>% JV‘ tut it- circi.aißlanoO'ft u»y life was do jt. loU 'nd my a.-.- m had boughl a piue 41 -s and kor ro ve.' »b- ' air»B lo .ittnd the in : wrnit li t uvMcpower of your fr>;*r-horae p.>wei . j p ;,•'.•■• : .nd-'uul ? together the aca u^red I -f my bi, y- iecto-1 my from toe rural UirttrivU, pntnew life into my frame < »»• . v»itf restt uniriured. to my tiicada, vjith j ;« ucfar se' '/ lo d- u oth. 7 have ; .or-. 'die j label which euvsloped tU-J *uivi:. ev.i ba c sewed j it into the he*; oi my t-tmaiooii?-, biiUJ rc»r uid | gnn» death ciev ?ce, to. 1 ieel that l »m uencejorth j » unkilh lift a d n ii.* J iam even 5W ■ ’ v-ugnated It. stern, ArchitUs. , “?o • e, er • vy. Sfaillv ' ' r iet : ibai. after this, fc.: r-d' or, f i e-d give | ! yin ' a more ropx'-rta -1 third but v • j Administerort 30ih0 io » » gin aad anger,and that < y -w.z-uc * but -v on poopie, tr.i oniyv;o- two of ; • ».1 ix , *.noy .u change. Gave 'a tow dr -pr: gratis f - u poor woman who waa earoing a precario-a -übsiatance by aiakic* ouliuo shirls wr.b » oue ojed uecdla, and tho nest dnv shs wa. diacovored to be !»»:r tc a Wc fortune. Ttie Kco » Noibing e»n-Jid.lo lor Mayor of tho city na» • rat for a bottle, ,tia it entirely cured him of a violent verbal diarrhoea, (-lave aoine to an uptown aetor, und that ui|(tit be sitid "Jainusd" only twenty one timen. One ot tho daily papers got tue next dose, and in tne uext edition but oue there were but four ed itorial taUekoods. seven indecent advartiaemeute, and two oo uais and u „*.•** of , * “Foroigu Correspondence." Caused nltecn crops to lie giveu to the .ow eotnadian ot a broad way theatre, and that night he was positively dros sea more Hko a turn, than a moakoy-sotuaUj spoke some linos of the author-made only three insane attempts et puerile witlcisms—only twice went out of hie way to introduce some greesiy in delicate line into Ins part, and for a * .-uder lost so much of bi* ®«H-conceit that fora fad hell hour he did not 'owlieve himnelf the groaleai comedian in kho world. Gave some U> a and be manufactured bu. three flro«, & couple of m t:r<ierß, und one horrible railroad accident, the next thirty minut-ce. Put some on the outaido of tho Crystal Palace, and tho same day the stock went from 22 •c:> t.» U. Our whole Empire C.'y ia entirely changed by ts e miracalous power of “Dosetioß h Patent Sell Ac iug Four Horse Power Balaam. The gas »s light d on tho darkmghte inhicao of on the moonlight evenings—there is no morehigh way rohbe"iv« in the streets or if there are, ta(j ol ■ tho police magistrate. No more building materi als ou the side walks; no more midnight murders; no ruoro Sunday rows; no more dirty streets, nc raor« duels iu Hoboken, and no more lies in the newspapers. Broadway is swept and garnished; the M. r.’s are civil, and the boys don’t sL’ftl any . more dogs. Iu tact,si> well content are we now with our citv, that we lech as the Hibernian poc so l>esutifully says; “O, »f there an Rlysium a Earth, • 4 ltis ihi»—it is this.* Order* for my balsam asoompanied fry th* nwney wUI be immediately altended to; otberwine, not— for my partner and 1 have resolved to sell for c«n»h only, feeling as did Dr. You: g, who Appropriately and* feelingly remark •* We take no aoir* on Time.” I Triumphantly yours, : a vi- & Philakohi Doanton, t. b., V. D. i* b.—Bull Dogge saya 1 have pded ft up too sir <*, i test no oue will beliavo what he calls ; ui-. -g about the Dewspaperr*, and ths pro nc-' r-'os n>- sense concerning the Broadway act or. ' l *»m aware that in thenc instances my modi riuehas pet formed a modern miracle, bat the facts remain “no less true, than strange.” Du } K. P. lb P. 8., M. D. Hslamoholt OoccLitENOK. —Oq Tuesday last, Willi am 'fully Ogood, only son of Mrs. C. A. Osgood, of thle city, was faUiiy injured by th« rrinn-t g away -f » hor-»e. His foot having been caught in tho‘‘btrap, he was drugged by it some distance, ana most shoot!. gl> btuined* lie lingered in an iuseiaibio stale a Mil bauds) evening, when be expired. He wk* in the fins*, lb year of hie age; ayout; of great, worth *>.: p promise, upon whom ror'ted hopes wiicwod n ther and xmmar us kiL-drsd au.d fnenda. Trey nave been flu ! ieriy a_d uocxpcv nily blighted and ;c lb r gr;tl, tae stricken onee nave orr si ere sympathy and con dolence.—&>u&hem AfvV? tf*- BALDWTNa\*iLLE, Sr. uiday, Dec. do.—N.cholab J Vac Patten, conductor ol the freight train from Syracuse, this morning, was killed, about seven miles &**». of this place, by being knocked off the train as :t was going over the bridge—one of tn cars pacing over his body, nearly cutting it in two. _ The Catholics ol Shlord refuse to obey the commands of their Priest. Tbs Pries, three*coed to excommunicate them i! they attende*’ the icc :arc of Mr. Dohacy, a Meagher man. They felt iodign&nt, and attended the lecture. One of ibezn, throogb the columns of tbe Milford Journal de nies the right of Pope or Priest to juterlero in their political affairs —Dotu t» Jour. \ Ex-EuncßS.— I Throe rreachere, whe were re f c*ui!y oonaacted with the pres* in Georgia, have » , enter* i the Methodist itinerant ndniatry n tins I State, an i wire assigned fields of labor at the .ate * Conference. They are tne Revs. W. J. Scott, * late f \l* Botr.e Courier, J. Vs. Burke, lateo* tr.e j Oas«v*Ue Standard, and T. T Christiar. of the i pa;: ” Georgian. We wish them much succa-.^ . in their new and responsible calling.— r ikaowfar. i The Ooai Fiiltw oi Arkansas.—Dt. She arc. tr» st cf Cxpt. Marcy’s expedition c ea iniormaCvi! cl an inexna .etiMe eoai fi-ii !n • ArKameas. Tbe Doctor gives rc. test o* h.. oaperimenta at fifteen ditferant point*: : "ougaout ' tbe Sta i.atsii ot wb L, reams f ?• . : c^a! * many of them feet deop, hsv« been i covered. The great A’ka::-ia Pacific lii'i'Oad » sill run immediately through these fields, and : will, of couiee, add much to the mining interest*. !* | ’ f| Bostc.w, Dec* The prepare ju our M.-r.ey market this week has been i«s sa »~e, au tnere l are vanoos features in monetary affr-ra favorable . to an easier condition of things fer t:.e future The firs» regniar paaser.ger train over tbe B*> ton , tnd N«» York Certral B» : lro*d, fr. ai Korwicb, *r-:V9;i : -ire, thi* ewetr*. ia cr-.-rpicU.ec. mi*, Esq., OcadQviar. A large aro*d »as m wsiUag to welcome it. i i Tb* Batux HiKD Ohio Cxi-aeA.r*d f ' —There have been some apprehs i I notes cf this Company, falling dee onthe ami 1 1 4;h inet., wo* 1 not be me*. We are p «-* *d to ? ! earn'whai tbe F’.nanoe Committee have neg - -.e .. ! i arracuremente bv which tho obligaUcne c question, e > will be all ; rt>nip T ly paid. W•? a fe.fc oona : j dei:t that the Company would fuiiy ta*Sa:n ltetai 6 i in mailer. It will be seer .hat the stock has f. ivr v .cad. Severs. ! our s irs J and a •:. umber of private individuals c*m'.e loxerard, and i.une.'oosly proflferel tbe amount of money * required, iu s i about $400.000.— £.; It Fot. SanE*cF brocan -Mr. T. J. Wash sold st anc t v a yc.*-..**ri*y 10 si-iecr ol the Pi suterm’ Bank ft’. , tel tor fiR paivi an w ■; _ Messrs rh ibrick <fe Bed add 10 aharea Centra] l, n .k a; tvb, and 6 share* Augusta d Way u _ ro‘ Eahroed a: t£O.—AW AUGUSTA, GA. i* ? , lßh ibUEUPKAN UVTKLUGENCE , l> TAIU BY I'iiF. AT.' A i T::». ? <*;.a AaMCi or 4 rvAUte —’ c.*e e- t. .* v. wa :riho >iigL ©s-T ictero*t Jr.m u*e • i•. e I AfLirs within and w. iboai bevaatc-poi remain pr*>- - .vbi fas they uw.-j. O eoaaic . ? ? - ola arc exc ngei { worn. - sitrt s : bu’. tz ii-ing fcts c^asiG T ? , t* ...•••£.«-.-<■£.-r..e:i!... A. 1e!- as i j-agr ■ cperfcwvca T *re 0/ v«.e ka;- -ait.-, ! which - re *e?ed ‘.e ’ • da ijnpa?-xb;> and r att hi -dt the of the beai*fc-vva witr wft .lo V i-sged aval* tfc«m<alvT« of tbe raepuia ! , ro Tfto‘7 worn*. hoiere »t»«l accrcity prevail . -x.i • c»ty. D< r.ersreportthxtM«m*chstuff •eivcdoci*. idvaa lo jilts. £»ut they a wiiliocir anppJifei, and oimoe-i ieatitete of ! Ctng. Lv *. t t.ifcft w '.o A.'hft&j 21*2 have ro .-*»■;?..ef.- !£ t OCO lv SOjfmvi 9'idiiioia! *.»'oop». bQHfeioa : ..o aour.'ddiice Oi hupplita, warm daU.iEg. ami • v .de . . *.o vbeltar about half tl.e army. L i.s | Eib mch—bu r pi. bbbly *g r*xugg rat 1 i; ,l- l-d,O» •' .ti ■ . ..ici;. with the -h and I To ka*t re. .f ?c«ccnt*, whi egakd diw attongih cf ! [ ibe \liiea SWO,OOo—.*a -rruy which, it ia ewaaid . : v’" - !ie v-4- r.fai uo T. it cf.i. bring.into tis© * I s ■ i■ ■ 1 or tl , a js.ii.l, ..fl JSEFOKI j —.-« >ti-.ai3M Or* ic<.->r<4 ot e*»m wvii tis Sw* m: .... sS\.; W ifcjti! ; I# “TossostUiorrmi : Lstoft'a j ;-. ,i. )cn litWiK&jJ.; ! -T: s« -e*i y :;-.)tb.ur l>i isji'-i. .1 lt£- aluj, ..... • - ;pi£*veaslr.bii^htk.iwtji. . ve^mMctssi. • - •<••• •*-.aff r i..n« r . .. i; i: •. .1 /• ‘ Notii: 'V fc-j i jN /Tsfesu: -Ji.--A. .mark 3>nr.i-.i. ■ ?Y,roJ '.: | '“.o bek-.Mc •. .rev .. .1.1 ics ot 'J. j H " :: ! ■ ■■ •• :■■ ■■' ' ' ' ( ■■ ■ : >.vr? r •: t»iv f»l*. t»e. L'-ut 5 •'.em wos hm .i. ’IA «-r Jn :hv *'l,:uV J £ :>r£ v vta -'-j a. rm, ffcu’ it Sl} *■ ay m uj. iu v !<• . Thvrre ,j; rict/’-'j * tic* . am* oiifo •; . b-v.r;. ■■<. it-.♦ h.ciiCh ;-ud K -*o vu rauJ to lialuk.'u • . j Nov j . .?* *rti -Alii 'a . br. *>r • Tnrk rdj) * tr*t r . .n Mta : i*on yusn-r-Jay uua to | Ae.'ei.-fal 1 *o x,a* ’ wlm* ic-jaby Cf lUis* ; i<C»v g.-. -d.>.'.*»-• y -•> ;*; - * I'. ; i . • i e•• c'.*: - ’toogfif Ihe tci.*u, iMH&stiti': -t arc e- • uiatft.*.. -• 4 u*>. -ruor i a ph*ce Nv- ,r »7*-.. ~Tha t ar© froi.j KatcSa > i-o> ■•• • . #.f *; ••. ;••!.: azieno*ag'^t. c sho- ! g*" * i. t k siiip r .. g>. exporw.d by im. lx. ; > AiiP-l>s»v-K-.; k> r Attt-jr*. l, Tufladav. -Xov.-S, 1834.' i | “V. j -lc ur Is MiweoiifeJ: Tbe wen 1 ue» in imi-rov j ir.g. a:;<i tbi*is .circi autauco which ie *u. *.r iu , berng witfcoat i «teres- k • ir operatjons. A co.j aiant rain, w • U»« sVile cf the ro. cu the pb*- ’-©au a k-o .-re arc Lad oocaiher.tuly tiit iilLeulty ... r ’-aiiaporuiig piovi&i*>ua j uni ’/* fw.Vt A u ut* noi-hir.e it about to repair i. I. aij a? o.f o- • 10 v*r works -v. • -c luu- ; nlcj tcti%i>>. Tr i v tur n* to account these j coei..a ; jurt oa our ptu: i -r —r lo inoreaae hi» j ot-ans or defeacc Up i> wuis lime bi» principal { cMtol has t-E •’. t 'Mua dale us, and uc?-..r v.:. • | ▼.•IE-m-HS&s-T a c;?;:.c..-it. ci powdsrai I Lis.:! ; te • • •<■*• i - i curarrlva 1 nuaer : I ( wail-4 or Sevastopol . .\r. am n.y has ii»sd 40'V : vO ca*»-".;j rthiK, ,>jjd e . cmeo 1,200.000 kdo- j grammes of powder. s yr i iae* may be for .v< j from this ol the »u« ply •ha must ha > i oeu tor a ! iong timeaccu .itla : ■- :• iL* place. We, hot ! ever, /©murk tim' »iio .U;.*vutti. arjlloiyia now more intii Ir lire, and atlioalariy in that j* 1 shells, The iiUml of o r kill d and wounded { does not ex ;«©d httueu o . The army of T- ••.* ! Msosotiifeolf k <?•?©» : tus -fendive, •:••!.d if - • pears that, ui * i iui: ror orders, be new rv.no.. wed ' i-neidaaol andertAkmg t>nv tiling again- 4 - or. L ! ii*u l i‘‘,L me our sHe&'iou is improving in ©vb<y v, , i-i.-iV ■.uQn:n &r arivi.g, anti cor regi mehof Zouave , * *©ii a* Ttl a who are na tive m vrrioa, present uu ent-emMs 1 4© uos*t satis factory. Our supplies nr© abundau-, and 1 am now able • o«siribnte lo tte troopo u. daily ra , 1 ?f wine or brandy. This is a very important poirl, find » will prevent nindb sickness. i)n the other hand, | th*. w.fiier clothing i* arriving, «ud already groat j ©oak-' wiih hoods and paie aof sheepskin tro un- 1 moron? u. our oorpe. The soldier will nobly hud { o»i'. ; support tfc' r.a! of i:e bad weaker, . -feiiifc bimaelf the object oi such cat© and soiiei ! »nde on the pari of ti Emperor and hie NtintsUr. ! The i’nrkieh Government has promised ra© 6.000 • conical touts, ,vs. • n are highly prized here-, as ! they mi'4 the v olent wind ho common in ibi* J C‘> i. Ary 1: uch natter hen ours. : ctn assure you, t Mo.-ieur Is Marecbu; ’.fiat ‘ it© army ra: -•')'*id ty, ai.d y can iot imagi ... to whal a point our yoa; g me., euadenly imp tasked by the grsn- J ©or of the straggle, bscomu old «c ? t.crs. You would not have seen. r.Mbouh UlO mos» lively feel i?u'i;--!hat\ji\. tr,u hues drawn cut and re ca-m ntid it iJiovai.-.ii a”.der a fir of artil lery wbici: L*ti \ iwgi i.i lit. ueclftrc J to me w ai‘.a-•. r then tht w».. L wu.- -'.ofd a' WaiojJr>o.— I give you theav detuha becc•'.**•» they cannot *>4i tc- i?.tercet t ‘."o a.*:•>>.»• t.:mo to '.rauqaV.ia; jon. -aid, ia soon, to show ti»o .confidonce wah wiiicn m: troops inspire me. The l-.ew divisions wii- ' era find oid 00.-:- who wilt sat thorn « pood oxaraplf. Accept, Jfo* CxNRoauRT. Ki/VjarEhsSO.—Adviof.unrc ii toOnn ttmiiuopl© f mention the vODtirno'J arrival of reinforce j • ;cut« -2d« *ox ti.oCs:'*.«R 'They also mention | that Oiner Pacha has soul a fttrODv. comp uint so j the Oov'enitifeDt that h ! f tioopsau 1 •.rgieoied, j The Moniwar oonraicH tfco following from 'Hn. j Oanr -Oort: 1 Ca?a: BicrcitK Bkvastoj-01, Dec. S, j 'l. -.& feldng » r . orronia. Unr road 3 are cat j rp, oar cieric *ti led with wat©: 1 , s'nd our siogo j . .. „. t ui *- .1; nor works, remains in a I -if «,? . r'" »V - >l^*. “General de Mouteoe.io urnvi iuu n.* «—, . . Oouatautiunple, and lott the next day for the . Crimea. The health of i’rnc.o Napoiei n *a& im proving. 41 (4ignftd) CaNBOUEHT Arc -ri.—D: kkuek 4.—Prince Men .chikoff telegrapna :o A.. Petersburg that to the 4th jlecoi ) cr aolhinir . ? had occurred before Sevaetopnl, excepting some trifling Ivussian sorrier, vrilh enooinis. An EuglUk letter aaye that, on the US 1, a party ot «• itiah piaed 16 Itaesiuu gun«. No detai’e given. The boniogere’ third parallel is completed. A etorm in the bea of Assoff has wrecked 40 Rus sian vessels. Vamot’a Jtlms.—The E uprose Os Krseia is tick, and ;ies at the point ol death. 4 loth from Gonstattipople, of Ncv, 86, states that the ministerial crisie continued. Tho Uinis ler oi Fine no j had been deposed, at the dismis sal ’ the Sei askior was impending. The advanced corpe of tho Kuaaian Guard? al ready touches tiie Austria!- frontier. she Sing f Prussia ie s.ok, and eonflned to bis room. A absurd story has appear d iu soma papers, to the effect that Geu. ( anrobert had aiuonnoed that be would light a great battle on Doc. 2. Tee Da- t be.—A letter frou, Bucharest, under date 11th m rations ths Omer ?aaha, that morn ing, left Bucharest for Varna, where the remainder ! ol the ninoti-en Tu.ius;. battalion- ordered to the Crimea were being emoarbed. 85,000 men are to be sent. Os date the 6th, it ie stated that the whole Turk ish array has re:roused the Danube. Sa.iik Pasha was occupying the Dobrodja, and Kalaresoh and Gicrgevo had rooeivod Turkish garriaous. The Baetio.- -The last ships of the fleet are under w-y for England. Prom the Horning Advertiser. The Sies* ox Sevastopol.—Wo ar„ intonned, from a eource whioh never has misled us, that tho Allied Governments have delerminod on making extraordinary effort*, by sending out ample rein forcements to tne Crimea and otherwise, to tako Sevastopol before the close of tho present month. Jt is not unlikely, with this vkw, paradoxical a? the thing may sound, that, cu or before C . risimas Day. tho s.ego may be suspended, in order that every available man, and all available moans, m y be brought to be«j on a grand stuck iu the open field, on PrinceMenehikoff and theKusaiar, army, l! is the notion of Lordßaglan and Gen. Canrobsrt that it s now the turn of the aided forces to as sume the a«t ressive, and to give battle to, as they before -■ gailmtly accepted it from the Muscovite too. And should they prove victorious—or which, of course, they have no doubt—they wtli then i ,r,reh . reel o’ .Sevastopol, whioh, v u tho !hy sian army defeated and routed, wili, they foe! se cured, surrender at ouoe. from the London Express. T'be iron or Novembeh.—The sih of Novem- j will be an eventful ora for the foture history of the | British army. With a just sense of the i itelli- | ! nr.ee aud courage of that grade of soldiers which j i wa- .. .cu said to “figb l . under the cold si a< ea of j j h-.-i 'icy,” Her Majesty has called upon Lord * , Hag.oud u> reo-minend one ser.eant from every j regimen' under his command to be promoted to a \ ooruetsj or When the recommendation 1 has been’confirmed, the oomufiaaionesro to be dated J from the 5 a vs November, Instances have been ! kr wn ’ men fighting their way, iu the Bririac j army, up from the ranks to a commiseion, but nov- . : jr before iu eceh wholesale fashion. It is tho old fc ugly practice renewed, of creating knights on I the Sola of victory. This grace will add to the j valor even of British soldier*, it will supply n» ■, with office’s of starm-r s'utf than we have hitherto j boonaccueto ied to; it will t t..-e the emulation of , ;he ofll-’-'ts more favored of fortune. Tho promo J tion < i these brave men is the Reform trill of ! the Brins:. army—it will inevitably ho followed oy j other equally important ameliorations. Tim of , tecta of this stop, not only on the Englirb army j but on lie English people, are incalculable. It is ' the greatest victory for the popular canoe that can ! be won daring the war. Tke Latest. The duration cf the present aestion of Partis- J men . depends on the progress of the Gcveramsct > mesi ires, but ,t will probably adjourn in about a week. . , (rva. .?stensackeu had arrived ia tne uea, to . 1 i»ke era. rated of Danaenberg'? Division, i A private tier says that ins ratification of the j t'l i'.v with Austria was exchange ! at Vienna on i i the 14th. | jf the negotiations now pending do not produce : peace. Kesaia , ill call cut 16 man per 1,000 equal ’ j to mi.tica of me::, to take the field a? early as poe * ’ -r;b Pasta 1= appoint >d Turkish Minister of ■ Finance. I i The text of th? Russian note wcich Prince Gor -1 ’ choke* address., d to Count Bnoi, at Vienna, on ] ! tee 28!!), was as touows; . I 1 i. ■ isaigs est autorise da declarer eM. 1 ! que ,% Majeato PEmpereur accepts les quaere pro . pj*:' It do Cabinet do Vienna, peer eerv.r de p . -_ >.rto oes negotiatiens de pail Fs ■ noe.—Queen Victoria's speech was pobhshed j . in au the Paris -*• era, aud was very fevorably j recalled. -1 Tho embarks- uof troops and military stores '■ I on . greater activity thar. a: any period - . sit-» .he oemm-m emint of the war. An imperial decree prom J gates tie treaty con ■ dnded, «• oly lb, 1651, between France and the Ar gentine Coalederatioa for ihs iree navigaiicn of ■ the rivets Paraguay and l rug-ay. 3 As elated per last a’os-r.er, Admir*' Hamlin has returnee to franca, and has resigned lbs command of the Freneh fleet ir. .he b. '- k -ea. Gebmavt—On 1’,.-ember Pth, the Germanic i Coup, deration ana-, measly adopted the additional l a-ticifc tothatrest: reo: !e ‘; , tween Austria and j Pruasra on tie 2*it Novamher. Aa*'r:a ia there -1 bv ee-'B.-ed bn the side of Germany. , ‘A diapatch says that, : 18th ineunt, Prmsta - showed no disposition to ascetic t„ the treaty of i the Sd. - Bavaria soggesrs a oonferer.se of the secondary t powers, wj-.u tn eye ’ . .!-c. , Spain.—The Ttc-> -. r u’-romt. The M-aia . - ter alcr.s'- atpe- ■ vn ■ u Th e >■ owing “Ufa -tpbs-1 •romllad ' riu, Sth. to the Fi ? - .rgist pres* • A obspirasy in mt Mppraesei. t j “Two United - have beer m, -at ; Havana for having oo; iq- I arc* ami sedit-sus pr-cla-nations. > ' T: c trineiptl *on»pir»’ ' ie * -at. v* of me 1 r tod bu, and named Rsoa. Xu pioc-lamv i .•••!.. ~ tu- ■■■ . -..r dU> : *o9w ; ‘'. •1.1. .l;■ , J “ " U ’ ‘ !«< ■■ - ?<; • •". u, ! u. . .. . , -- U'jf; !•■’ *. 1 L‘3 -.t ! « ’ . f i l. r i Si is. '.nor, . hssi c 4 "■ »s» - is- -y»...?gate ; . i-o; (i... yi . r r >-.i. - ‘-'J A • c • - "liM ■: c.-i • ,! 4r <!o V . . • • • 4 r. ji --.i. ; > fl* f tioii ft vK ii- (/ »ciaoa.i(- . or . %r*w iio li eh >ji- ...... I- ; • ‘ ';•*•*/» iu. Q»9» : ». 'J... ... ,• i'-» °V tT it E-w J7O, an i . b-* ' {./ ft '-.«f* I'r 1 ' rr -oa f.. * '. r l J’ 7 - j! '-'.oV ; • i A . ■ V-0. ; ! IC’kJl .. i J C U- k ***< . IL;.. 3ee t* deOue e •a»»i.-r-i '' * '■'£9* y rfToe j wi' «! a ar c .ic i. - • h « v >, * 'ft .1, .for.ai a* . est ' t® *, ££%. rectos — I Jiii.v M .. .- • ■'-''U*y.,3nd -.1, A •- b" , : < i’jjf? I -Ik \~IU .... 1. liLil v'' . •*■ '.**- : if.- t>eij »ro-o 1 •-•«-.», V' - ' -Ci, “aHo, ■ ....-, ■•:8 . :d. -,T2 - ■H : .CV 4/ ' II )..r) »V«fl We.;- •kill . ; U. ' ' rA I hi onv-v Jb l •• ' -• , , c * ~ . ! itfC*f::fairtd :ac r r . ..«i at »- ».; **** • ..T; v.‘ i hav- J- •: v.hhip ro % - ”-• I ,:f . ..oi.-, . '■. ■i’ -.n r -.T*o- >©v - '-•'»** • *>4" '* ■• 'i i tO t •*. le; - f K | J6*T. Tr. U m < At* » ■•.: * .-'Uxi!. It -A- ’ • on 4.8!, wtlb x fa t: p-.rcrjj f-_ : .c - T;o : r ; • v gc.-.. 'L<; ....* }. j h.. clif * l: k" It. Vis •>.. . Tj.’rf •*•-■ , . ih.4 U! ;fti i «*'* - .8 0» • ; dnslros . a c ft- um i VA*».iAn4-,-. a 1 "SJT- V - >' ,s> ' ■ ; * •* Oj, ttd <.»J 3 111 /.-om -*u i RB M - » : . •• ■ i Ktt *. e. r «*u>'- '.•ft*:a i .a >tu i mr cali- i , • r ‘hc?fK Mio, . !*i >bs,.;n cii. •o | 1 •of L iatLe uuW b#ul» .c. -j tu« >..» w..u i i • ic; »d/x y tIK %ppt v .q. oc? n. *>«••'» Sad’ft* j I ftbo - ! / | ' per /ai :»” h* .'; afo ro-.i ; . <> . „ .»«. j v t-KiCim force. c? ibo CD-: d« j i a'i>; *:• was ! pro; n. mJieir «rruy ufoiormV veil m s ; *l i .V rt> Mr. li ■«• atiun atv.-i c-i •.« - risai/b j I costs me. siosu.ru.- £«y, tho si,h ' • .i:ir*n‘r. i Sir-: Fsefa, of the T n f*b arixeig^. .ho hUha j • ■ jto 0:. itefe; . • ; ’ ’ : j ■ • airtt «*, u-ai al-, . J cir coam- j j naiCLdi - g o van ryfo s-oene. j j W.ih o .•»■••! ••*;->. hi.-. ...i banded ; | do»v:i If medieval tin.:-! c ; «*•• i s pro j I Cv-rlMjl ■{ i.'.tai J.-, p MdUlV* ’ : * • «od fiVtVtV-R j | mein i.’.-dw ai • > ■ ]!»•: bright .;V* uutfore. : i *«: •-> nr.\u*' ■ 11 ;: i » ; >u g. :phio-A.if £ueen OP l • -*•-• t--v> « : »r>o f ail rsi : une Her * :.y'» n r>e,iKb i.. . a Albert, j ; vhx, * y the #hj, i : ••o*aing .-.the: stout ard j • :>>igitify bald,re-r -\\v .. *j j*,'g hoTLI-t ffa.’ilio' '■ jhiiail, isi->uva t»:-i oaxtd !:< oh.;, yaj «r v • id ied . Utroi o. •t- • '•!•'. . ; ; w .'••• rouiid its *.m f .*ing ati-su!n.' . rdAb- * arclc© »o rnod th« nte. (uuwioh’l- abod the Sw- *d ! ,of fiiti i<a; t;:*i b vi Win r b r Q the 1 , fc>> v*j* • of Lt dbdowjje oupporteii a crow ipoo a voivet j , cash;, . vin a a:gt;a 11rotu ihA C'4. oa, tho a«p»ur* j utjr rc.sL.mßd thair cair AnguA'Oh C‘. if >M, iiio l.;*.*. ot ;u> Hiu.k i Kod, p*it- hod t. iuiLHit ' b-r iin, ty’s j iTbiiutul CoimhOhd ;** and in ~-.r n;omj that ; taiculi batrospeculdo bo ’ j* v -iu.o crowding I i*’ ; fted t-.ok vh^iij ptm 'MiUii'aiJ’O lence or bar j of ti.o tjou*B. i't© f> t oakor, t: oleo h‘ robes, ; eamc to Ihj tioul, *»:••» .-a hta .d ieA -itood l John Kaasoll s r -i 6u Ktijam Mo)' st?ofth, ! - -•' ;«»acs oiipt of her spec -h jfastr-. • pisced *u j her ar*d, wuh a clear « uib»o v<> ; ,—Her | f Muje'.iy :- ■• ted i»r her p!ea?»i f d—the j 1 C .o>s*. -us i the foilw«1; l TiUS b'JEK’ J ar'fi -C 1. | “Mi . .hi»a AM) Gi NTtJJMa.: ' b •. o .Hod you • togoth •• at. tcit pc-io iij* tbi year, in or • vie s ibh ,by * • »;« v.uii'-’c-. i '. -*v takasot b rueats J ' ■ir«Bati Wi;‘ C v -*n;lo T I Oc-» 0 tkegi Wit WBt ID | » whioh we are engaged with ih noAt vigor ac-c. j j effe-v.. Tra* atau-LanCb, 7 hue-- will be readily tor f can- ' 1 doabtthat u share my <• •*»- \ iictioii of the t.ocecj-ity d p :ag no c.forl 10 ) igr-iont r. ». tore* « •")»? c ■ m the • rimcu - j The exertlous they have *av .ad the vector ee ; they iiuve won, a-n not vv. eot .*■' in the biighteet pugdb of oar history, and Jiav tilled me vith cd lm rat ion and “Ibo hearty and efficient <mu oration of the ornvc troops: of my ally , tu'i En poor of the Erer.’h, «ud ti;e glory aeqaireb in ocomon, ca; not fu 1 to cement 1! closely llte i \ie. which happily I Rubs;6ts between ' *!*> f -vb natic s* “It is with satislwCtion i iufr n- oa tbr-.u, JOfntD j*r w.l:b lac £ropv; or of the Fr*. ; I has: cono'u.- I drd a treaty alliance with the l erorof A n .ria, } from which 1 anticipa’-e imp -jrd id: ■•• to ( j the common caose. I“1 have also eon.;-tided ? * y with ti e United plates of America, by w< u b ibjc-et ot long sad j ixlica.it dlbcassion iinve b&a.n y adjusted, j . “Those treaties w» be u. \ before •ot | “A’thorjrL .he pro-ieentn col *b© *ir will n«*u- : •'*' : r f •. ' *■ ’ *♦. th«i o;her I ccramerc« *uu i..»nuiavwuiv.. 44 <r ?fUteiK °f lions* (J '- .nano *Tlc. 08- t 'vbicb bu presented to ya i trr«rit yon * 4vill ti> x -mpie provi.sion hiw been uxt'A-: for tho * oxigenciet or tbo public sorv and venUemm: 1 rely v*h confidence ? on your patriot. j und public spirit, i pjelawnw ed that in ibe momentous cor.' 3»t iu whbdi ‘ engaged you will exhibit to ti r, o' Id tho exaroplo r J of a united people. Thun ehs we obtain tho its c peel of other nations, aud in .y l/v it thu.v, by the t blessing of Ood, we shall bxiL the war to. a euo a cessful torininatiou.” The Queen having delivered her speech, rose, ana giving her hand to Frino* Albert, left the fc house. The brluui taseomb v O *jq dispersed. THE DEBATES ON Tl S. A OL-. ’E3S. The Honse of Lords iue' o: t; . ouiug of the \ eame day, to vote tho customary n r;*. - { Tho Duke of Leeds rose to “that an 1 huinole address be presonte I to He* -.ajesty, la t answer to lier Maj sty’s mosr gr *u- sj»«e .h.” r His own speech wtt.- merely a oomr u piaoe glori fleation of everybody engage iu t: war. Honor s to Lord Eeg'.an, the compan'; :ot i Duke t of Wellington; honor to the royai DaficciLam t berlcnd, “who hsn shown oat hone- tmbibci \ tho genius of his gr.iat co- c.;. .•*er;'‘ ho?ior to t the officers and so i of ;ue ai.■.».«!. *r .d *; ■ honor to Mbs Nightingale an \ her narsbt; honor to the British nation at lurge for iUi aLcitv i pay \ ing; and “ honor to tbs >' eneb nation and * \l .at j great men who ocn called upon to rn.e over its destimies, and -jiio.a %*aeity an*- 1 patriotism \ »«s been ho *• ill proved In »he ic r i oi-te ( elliance of France and England, which forms tne nest security for the rapose of the world.” Lord Ashburton eeoondcd the address. ITie Dcke of Lee- caid) hud alluded to meet of the | topics in U*g/- speech, but thsrii one matter which, a3 withstanding ’.head absorbing interest of tfc<* T .ar t he (Ashburton) thought was very worthy * aoi too, namely, that a treaty tad been concluded which removed sll remstniag difficiltiea between Brir>-.ia and America, “that ( great country, whose laagnage wtus our own, end to which wo are bound by so many tios of kindred.” Lord Ashburton then spoke as to the necessity of remaining tirm and united iu the war, not only as .in act of justice to France an 1 Britain, but to Austria; who, by joining tne alliance, risks more than r ranee and England do, inasmuch as Aua tria’B frontier is more exposed to the enemy. Tbo address, which was a mare r .ho of the speech, having been read. The Eari of Derby seated that he had r.o »nUn tion to oiTer an amendment nor to enter into con troversy. He wmld, however, declare, on the part of the Conservative party, the course they were prepared to pursue in this momentous crisis. Be ing Jairly embarked in the war, it is not now the ‘ tirm to discus* whether it might »x might not have ! been avoided. He rejoiced to see that the tone of j (.he Queen’s Speech was different this session from ; ‘.he last. The present Speech from tho Throne i was worthy of the importance of the occasion. He ; d ; d not think that the commerc ul proaperity of [ the couuti j inch as tc warren* a -special ooc ! grstulation cc the subject. There ha»l been a Bee j hur--..:t, but tho ,:i,:oo! ori.es U ! iguer the- in J ! ordinsr ytsarri W ith regar<; to the Freuch aili j I auce, he rejoiced that to.cts.*tr*, wao not *png • J since entertained different views, now gave it '.tir j i oordial concarrci.ce. Be coaid not bu admire, j j beyond eAurcsbion, tho oravory of tne allied soi i d ers, and ht. thought that, besides tbs ordinary | rewards which he nation would apart to i’j* own « he r ocs some military bono'!’ ahculo be :>os-owad cn | Gen. Cacrobert. Ho (Derby) then went cn to j criticise the management of the war by too Mi ?\ia ■ try. They exhibited he said, a total want ot fo*o 1* gfat, eud they appealed to have lived ’tom day o lay providing for each emergency alter it bad arisen,'but not before it arose. 4 Too lab*’ uad bsea tie fatal word whioh marked the con duet of the Ministry during he whole course oi ( thri Wft”. Latterly, be admitted, there had been I more activity,—bat dill without judgment, lhey I had seat cut 80,00“ n ec, bat where was the army *of reserve? Nowhere. He, Ear Do: tuea went over the whole range es co Tip. a: nr- tr/ v nave •cen recently urged the government m respect to the *ri. y, oatpeiy, tne want ol meets, of medicfci aiteoiianoeaud of sopp.iea, *nd - he caiiea on the Mini-try tc dsn/ ;* tney were untrue. He b!a .M Hie Government .ertbj ios- of the Skt-tmer Prinae, with TMaoop board ol half a million pooud* ster «od tSxj re»- * ur * - the day it had mat, snowed wsc-. • having bean summocci so: o, nuen ; prorogued until December iL .-t oaj»eci r- [ gether on thel2‘*b. He did not -DSnrv-. uaj aaua.or. t in the Queen’s to ts * s .. .u:-h ac*. « the Britian arms in »ha Baltic. - .*/» 5 ar ’ ~ , j t government ought tc* Law known :ne w.jciig.c cf | ought to fcavs naeu aware o» the | l:ar charccteriltica of the Be'iic, end the peoar-ar strength po6 e sased by tee KataiaL’ the defense !of -iSir to riUs there. Whal did to# Government | do ' They sent out a fleet :1 *« d* superior power ! that it would have be**c ac act o. Luainsi** cr e t i rar of ; e Unseiau 5-st t-' wait out an-i reee. ( 1 them in the cl*: and eama t:«ua the *es- f ! eel* of tLe BrUtefc it--. of «ce.» drat* »f t i water that it was impossible, looking a*, to Icp h I of enter in-h. Kumixu fUaufM*, tb*tb»Jjad ths enemy’* ships ooulfi -oio e »• j ‘ OCJ.sttf.. •- M Uu* »»»> ’ ?-• ,J . 1 - "‘I--, ; it** cc ucsn.’-sd to xn i: f - uiu:ous mac . ,n, only . ! p.rv.lc.*l M the old -**•: » *«>ich “Lcrd Ctxibxo, with his sword dra.a, 81056 exiunr for Sr KtehxM Slrxwen, Sir Aiclxm.loceto* tabs »*:«»’ f-cM w.it-ry fer ;h: *»r* "■ uhxiaxc. ! Thus at tto -.dof ■ whole rat aaltera •ia I t<reei-t- T where they «•*«- *' i,a ‘ > oopUnusd Lord Derby, • w .re to co:a«to -; eaeoes-fei ’.sens of thie srrwl » - c J *• *™ to 100 s to : ooirautfing su table pte.t—m must sink- . decided blow*. • ••.vaqwr-M- eg ho,on peac?, boctsttee kr swing *» i rseouraea :ha Suasiau emigre, »i., J tocjriLM ipe sy, ; the great mau * :ui«a Jor La ia a great mar, { r g bis vast xeeouroea for ; ucwc*rti*r pnrpoeoe, yon '*- 11 30 7 ii3Ct tjuieav ycu conquer L; i >- yoo ic - - achieve eotne j graat saocesseb Vou usy Lave a P rc ugad, s pus- j gi.iDary ( posei y diwitrom war, butsri bon- | oracl-s sod . c v,f*i peace .*ou cr.ui.ct Laid.’ 1 J With mt? to the a. anc« with Austria, no ben ; efii Los ' ftherro bt»eu derived fforu Austria, ani lUI ies-i trora Pru^L; “ *** J«we of the 1 trv..:y wc:e faiij rsa-a he might be par- I oitted tc doubt thesdv*rugae to ba derived frou. : it. He hoped tha*. tue U* iLea*idresa wou;:i : be Liodiie'd so as to permit adoption U£Ani iouottoiy. ; due fFuke or t-tjiTc• : «t rtcofc -Nngib, j WI oft* coAiuct jfihe iteoetwtm Evi U-K.jin.egfr »» r . . i«; n ~.4 b.si.cfs at;. u-J frUOk. orlßg. ufcc.le * t» eit j ... " dc,sKe ’ ! «-et *a, orr&» W ) f*? I** 1 ** - «•.<!« ..... .-kasci.x vim.- -trteite: ts. L, j Jißft of ®ctch iS.C-X (, -u-. - -. . -bis -.v- .tad oear: -iv t. ; « . ■ ‘ to. i u*-.+ #’-y fti-j a© wif olh f ILA fe - in ■ "■■'Al- '?>« w hu. havi. g i fc oyor: .:, *r.e- vV-..-.d - - . ,l i.ail ■■ unis .■» autf la gurry ;=. ifi*.:; a ? ! las ; pm.a ■■ ■ /.him - 1 ? h*2JattC*f -Mr-« nittl’Evl i ;»ri» !.noC> .d-i,e,s«d .1 k d.. ». tp. £trl ... tu..pko t.i n tfr-r U. i ;. UOt b» .1.-UIMP-C |.y ifc... 1,:k.; .. . s • ! W-yji.. .‘.f ICM !.<■» < !>». L-. , -a,, t ealintuQf'- v.i*c il0 _ » - si- b-»7, i’ od iiari-aaV i' < * '•+> ••• - 'Sf: ‘H.L*! - ,*a-'h » o'- t-Ch *a* W u j li . do. !'■»»n ugr -_.d to ny r • l.‘ i'te ii> ,-f Ci® : i.h a..t»r Adito i ; ! 0 . ■ j ••-- *■» *•,*.. wo.' uc up\ ;.%)utile** t i i S»( u l ? !-j% I : 1 > i ..it liw hi '•• • • i£ r oc. ..i. j .y hi d the . ■ * . ;v» .t»enc ». and *.r. ttU b • -sv . -J. ■ ■ 4»*JUj-: !*«.••• »* a-Vv-.vj. ;.- • <^46 ' ' * f^v v ..- *3l '. *» -■: a.» •. ■" f, •.■£«.* * -i. a .. - . ay -■ s ’ . * *se s v. .4 v '•* ■}!& ho VJ» litt-ft : 4«Ua> 4*. IV- 60 < 1 • 4d. , :• vn ; -JISJCC. V ' lb:.- vw. uVC n ■ j •' .cif toiyim ihe *... :.cl ... .vb.- .•••'[ j-"'.’ 1 ---■>••.-• f i--o > ■■ • -■*•'*:■- ! :*v .*><>. Th- oo.w . ' fittis, A.e - x er..-. J . L ♦* briefly T *e si- i t.-. • .1 ‘u, ti e tumoavt of fe. <tov .1 *: .■ . i, ru . - i j • 1 v c -q. 1 Uj seed :hu ilon.'.t, .0 j . irV. r Kt-bor’ Wc! r-nn e ' to feir J. P • I (VV: -iV) ..-• .n. *u ♦V. ii ret: uciisb’t - •*» me •-. I owing •* I i ctn/ .K ' atl . tui thyi-j.wo w'jiv- eaio* 1 i»p in- >h l-v.-Aly wj'h A.>- rid, IftatindiV d*»*.r who j ‘ ■vH k'iftu ■ • dad. h *!U)tUi? iti mit eoaiury ag«tmd • abui>- or v?u SVOV of AQatn*, tin.l t-o*« us ttm«. j we usd mors . ro and V\ n I‘oisnd bad or* us. We -.n:got verj. we-h despisii ’iii !';w i: I time o! pesca, b .t i_ time oi war it w»-» s eori us- J question, . c« v t>er foreigners sin aid be pe;iM».U:d j * .-.-s l < ascuil tooc j who aio in u-l.t. ico witn us. j V-c* ;f Hugo lii. o iie.-.i iorih -*a tee wme 00 h -or. , J-jr-.. ; . Til.ni indmdaui n- i & MiH ot mr*-" a j quarrel w li to* distil gushed po/r whom , tne aoopie of F j;:.:: h*v i chosen f>r their b'-vv- j ro'vrn, »md he r-v» -be .>< :U% <»t .iersuy tnut our hIIiuHC.- v tn vhu French £ uperor wus s mora dc ’«i.du’!.oa to £ugiami. Whnt vvhu l.!I this to is. | V ictir H ./-> f It misers oi j U ;oh of this k-ud was I :> dc w the £ng<»sh p-*op}s by *t 4 j ers, w lax tin! a »»to asyiiun in tins eouu-ry, 1 j wuaid appeal to the Home Secrets ry wziuthor some j j ■ .<cp i:ii.iwit hr •jikei; '.o pu 4 .-'top to »t t A pause herceus' t- , l in the debate, and tbs (jlov- anti: another ot uh-ir orvton* should be ! seut set up. I Mr. U. Heil -t to spe: i: ugali r time Mr. Hei j ! ort went into eli the ii.Mideui.- -t' ■ j w.»r, •-■nau-w., sad r: /ko for O' «ho art iti : iiorsrn id *nt. Mr Layersi «sk* that dritair eeerned not yyt o i be aware «. r the iinmen-ity of the w r- f w nu.Ji she j ia enrage'.*. Next • c son -o-lb bri?^ 200,C00 men j ntolbe Crmoa. He oil rauo -iled the sparing 01 Oiicann i»s f-otard. '•>. ,n .'*a .! '■ dm .bans spare L;ver pool J And further, >w• -d not men tion name, !»u . Govmn .v.-nl Iclowj- -t there uro men at ’ha head r ppartiuonts v;.‘ > ara, if n l iaovnpeiam, *: 1t... *.ncapable of d*»o.g the wor < requirea fu.-m. U any private e-nabliabmciit attempted *.o oairy on bub. . v n the manner I .i doe», it w* uld speedily b*»aomc bi.uk ; rc.pt. The treaty with Austro* he conoid. • d n« I little better then wa--l-s pap r. Co 1. Drnirie e no obirvati-m 1 ; • that the w**-r hao. not. betn carried o with i sumcieut skill aiui t i.wgf. I Mr. Djsziarm oo»^-tinded tbo preoc<y rgs by -j I brilliontoratorical display, in which ,« co-nmontod •• 1- ! • 1 ■ i cbaraciefixed the whole ir.ai agenmnt 1 tbo tant | cm qiieat.cn. It vsu» iota»Jy impossibln h•' tho I Houst* c farm any opirum a to be •- u j with | Aoot-ria, ui.’. . M ; n’aterti Dn.d ( ; that tro ty public. ’Phi.- Tvr.a uo time io have eqivoc*l a»Hea. 'Vith . ! respei 1.1- 'ho alliauce v ith Franco, it wae sltegethor ] in a different spirtt ; thatailiauc.- is on hone- 1 nnd i tircerr* —precious;. cordial and in . cere. H is when we ic.viorn or the vitnperatvvo tone in .vhich r-ho K-upmor of -bo J French wn. spokem of a iiijle timo 0:40. He (Din I ri e-i li> ; a Seerotury 01 Stai ; • * % x j po led f: .•;•! l. Cabinet because he exposed oou- j tiecneo in character of tho Emperor Napoleoo ; s a, ii ho first. T - -rd - Ihe Admiralty ougr iftod on his j irani'o- to, againt ’L rd DoH . ,Gc • orm-nt ad•n- « t :r»0 ij;#! :i*v tile E;*ipr.'. r Fspolfi' ‘ My "o.ii • : *>tk-* a. »r mor: l;»r ol tbo y jvX : not sv j ! iUnaTricus, who not only abused the Buiporor, but * the people of France, la® aliianca with »’• -n- ■• n., ■ ; tkevofore, bused ou the highest grounds ; ‘ 1* | i aUianoe ••»«' the people, »ud o -.n- •- no r- j I arl'citta. fc: bimseif, Dtsraeli vou'd -«y ! Aieirits ass . i ;oj/ether '.bo great q r .?>■ -'? , aiid jsUoji l -- 1 : * ' •. T l : ?rtbn':* -f Sfinrivo*'•• the ftifcafnataticesi uuuu* -- that important fl«ot van mftugaru'ed. P Lord of t/»c Admiralty ol ! .h»H country— fe pfo found •; acedtcuT*. aud tr c Heuaio’', who Vift.l so long presided ov.*r U-ut D ruenf imsoit —was agucHt at tho pnhlio < in.nor which wiw giv on to tho commander of ihstitu ortank*-nlorpriso. I The rriL-tfl experienced W.e&m-.n of the country-- one who has presided so long over the fort.Gu af faire of th a countiy —a Department w . • , i* 4 supposed, would fauve iiaparwcd bopio chur<»ciier ol wee also p- o > nt on that occasion. &ud, inthe face of Europe, before admiring and Engiiebmf n, t>«»*** twomeu, of whom, in this House, vve are so proud, were present * ■ pnticipal g i«.-st», at a public banquet, given at a political club, .n order to inaugurate the captaincy *fthis great enterprise. Wh.-n wore the ox *-eotaiioniaisc-i from ’..‘ie ton** there nd pte<* We ar-r. at this m .uo.it, netmssuTily ui.d naturally engrosaed i the imp r. nt atf'nrs 'hat have tskea place in the Black For more than two months, the feeling of every heart in tho c.mntry bi s boon absorbed by '.he attack on Sev». j topoi. Lot at that moment no one hougt.t of tho Black or topol. They wore place** of aiiuor import •• o»-, r.i;«. figured in diminutive proportion, compar-d with the last preparation, this enormous arm ad r, that. v/#s drifted iron* our ot ore-' nuder the bles-ing of our moat experienced statcHiuen, c d ’.vhie hud the advantage, moreover, <A being emumanded by a true reformer. fLaughior aud l] “Willthi Seeretafy-at-War pretend that, the <wp tnro of Boraarsnnd wa alt that was a: nc.p <: • t. or «ven thought of, at tho moment when the noble T,ord| tho member for Tivorion, and ! r* enoed codoaguo, lent umir groat namen at-.d ulna trioue repukrtious tu aay that tho Secretary-at VV.> r ;*r.d ne*or r.i.raol j because be »>> " w-ni iid r*ncd geiitie- J man, and each a remark might be oil*, 'inve. flaagbterj bul I Uavo read in a very ti Vive doc ament, that it was not only projected, but at oi tune was settlad, that Bom *rsund and other tortifi cations in tho Baltic, ebould bo destroyed, prepara tory to the entrance into that sea oi cur 11 •t; and therefore, under these circumstances, aud remem bering tho policy whioh was partially followed, 1 hsrdlv thinx it was woit-h while to sorui such 'i fioet and a force of 10,000 French tr jo nto dast cy thn* w* :cb a r - . marines would huvo ti *»• i i:‘. a lew hours, aad tho oatastropbo of which was not accomplished bv that vast armada, in which tha noble Lord and the right honorable genii :;-*an personally interested themselves on that memora Die occasion. [Cheers.] It you look to the expe dition to the Baltic, although om« of oar greatest enterprise*—although one which gc -i .'iu-i the greateet preparation, aud from which the jrreatCH' lahUl’A were expected—it ia -*o» n» thr.’ obtained results corn menao rate with th*i expert..* iione of the country,or I should think tho President, the Lord would to-night have prop ■ -i t vo‘o of thanks to those who were oncert.- i in that enter prise. Ii the noble Lord had proposed u w,o of henks to the admiral, the officers, aud the rnenc; hoard the Beitic fleet, we should have been able S-O make inquiries of a salutary nature, ..nd proha Sly the auswer of the miniateis rnigh’ in hrywn I some ii*.i>* on that ODtupiex » *.d oh?- *ar* i -ct, , and have afforded some eia isttocticn to i . paobc 1 Laiud. [Hear, haa’’ hear.] I “} ooluo now to lbe second groat scene ol the ex | ploiti of this Government —this Government, ot me .mpreew upon tho House, wliich entered thia war with advantage wt. on no minintry ever yet experienced, and with a combination _i oir cumstancOß in their favor which probably never can ooot again in the history o: this country. What did you do with the army that you sent to the vicinity of the Dane he ? You explained your non duct, and you explained their course, but your axpiat atiaue do not change tho result, which you cannot deny—that they sccomphshednothing, and that the plans which yon had devised were barren and fkui*.lees [Hear. You teli us that ail that time you were watching the course vt e*. • H J 'j‘ ; the French i.i one position and cur troops at Var na—such at lea>. r it- might *e c, ur9d by the pee*, which you had not :otrtinplated, but which, 1 believe, in a habitual tenant of that accursed soil- - would have acted together at the light time : an-.i hat the knowledge of the i* presence influenced the conduct of the Russian forces. Bv* have you over told u- that, had t been necessary lor th £ igliah army to »uivance to the Danube, you hau provided the means by which that advance coaid be ficjoir.pliahedl Frequently thi •.ubjec. has been brougiit before us in debate— constantly point has pret-sod itHcl* into our I diacaesions— o minister ever yet met the I allegation that has !'.eeu made anight by the I honbrable member ior Ayiesbery. and that bfc 1 repeatedly been made ey other-, that you had x.r S ae*D“ wnatever migf ' avc been the late of fc!:- ! iiatro?., whatever might Lava bee;, ‘he conduct and position * f the Turkish army the Danube*, to movo yonr troops to the thanks of that river. W Ly, I should have th: zht it would have been an act of act extreme condemn-don on the part of any one whe a a piivy oouoc:bor cf Her Majesty and s member of the Cabinet, If he had risen and given ! rae country sstisfactor; ialormstion opor that { point. But whether wt : preparations or not, I ’miff y>f can net den}, ’.hai whethei it mr 1 c I or whether it oe the Danube, you aceempiL.cea j nothing. [Hear, bear.] 4 What tfcve you dene in the third end now tt most important division of the subject before us i ! You will not deny that with a force of between ! fcO.ooo aud 80,000 men—for I wili not quarrel about numbers with the Secretary-at-war* ia ; the autumn we i f -’i • &»vagu.'-v; 1 a fortress is strong)and per ha r* ooiter provisioned f th*T Gibraltar, tinder wnat circumaianccs did ! yon undertake Hit e! The Secretary at-War hss to:d us that ne does not respect tne • rsser-.e of my right honorable friend iLe mem oar - I wish to bunk the quest. ;o A he policy of toe . « itwrprise—and he has in farmed as what tho • t-olicy ol Govern man- was. It was to strike iaw the heart cf the now ?.* of E *-.& in the south, ! and therefore :i v etopoL Plain • words, tat if you attack a j... » r -the wrong time, ; and with inadequate meaa* 1 , * l purpose i ot your policy ia n apology or ex-vise for your i oonducr. fHcar ar.) Vad now that brings me | totb-. icictwicu tbs been nrged by the right » honord bsronei ’-he memoer ter vroitwich, and : which for .. moment I laid eside. My right Loc oraie frie; happens make a casual observ ' iht t:£ic: ♦oat our 26 nded with 'IV - tary at war :mmease :j - yjn the question of ients. (a What Wrth the quoadrn of tents, tht of our goous, the queslioa of aarscs, the question ot lint, ' one. O'Jsji questions o; In-. .at* ,I a -'•>"sr t hit* tanbo ar poured forth hi* -^sus;?« % •• i it--'* cinv.ica-;<n ar ‘be policy cf tho Mania wry « ! i..jd ccdLTor aheers), of the y,y t a >| vi ■■ y who undertsock a w.-.i with the greatest , ' uji ;t.uv foils', periwps, in tho w.-rld. with iho : I -o.,»tst racMtq if’, under tLo rooau *vorebse j ■ rc ms-aces, ‘ft® point of the touts jlhs beta i* ; ;f?ctv:.*y settled by th* honorsb‘a 'itmober for 1 * Ayiejuary; i wiU no: tar? qf -’dco .x u such w’ crardt: details ae Uiacc 1 ‘.r *0 t* t. ehwgo s;mt ’.i»6 beca mao® by _ the Tight aon w*itVr r- ttu aaeinber ft»r Dpotiwica, and • {v * liC-i '.?ve-' ar>we?ed ’he np • irtcoV ov* raeh an enterprise »vs the baveeior of ; ic -v>;e with men, vrlnr yo not n«Mid ■ , rovi*Jori to up port, t° u; crease, ep.s. sirt‘:-aQ j y[Ohc-e: j Wket s the Ss-.rw-: of ; „ jjaurat -. vhi ai • f T u roe :s &a H •:«•■• elugao ! cf tbc ruinforoemeute that have boo a sent—e*;ar | ti'.e eviiut [A laugh “Tns very evidence wh*->li ui. boo rots ry i*t War j . hr-'., provf. tijyj.i •?.- v* the «*Lurg: of ;• rs.dt lrlcud, i., -udend, it wmu oe "1 ” - -ry v« do mo. trA’.e Ida jnetiti* pft&ii oblige, J -i- u. j .-ad, 1 :,na five.-;** th&v a.v?? j * >»-:d ai»d, Vd . io .g; ”0 prated i: to ; '" ,J? v-a*.c-c cf the k *>opic oi this corjntry. if yon j* • —Hi:* e:utnr oat, way cud yaa not . so; *. .uuai out b.- ’ : hv pic- you, its tc • •n; uUiJ- ot v.. »• r ou«. ■ • -rub..*, do' - *bs. fi v : •‘‘‘J 1 * oa J **• - 1 ■ avne vhr ego ? OL, r-hy J jH ' VVx, »i *avy b> r ycatc tail i iTO^ r * t Lffcj,, f) ,u fEJ »i •.. p Hwri —i fOO •- • s. • g -1 r.'ar w!0 u OCJJ.V* i 1 rh> jv, w . t-a^4»u«-the SruftVi -V M cat* • •1 • :i> tu.: tuou iron* ‘ ♦to u-. - ' • .*■ v J. .a*.- ‘ * . • -* , i *.’ ' ■r ; '«• t-'J'jZfJp&»*.'.■ ■ . •’ -f# :. X • 4b onu-rnr -*> ' t .t <**p.i*si vuC ■T'.m I* u'.y - V 1'• - -ed'.'into i-hc nir- - •' ku. ' . ; a *-d lull uimNfeet- you bed I ci ; ‘ . ; i m-.-i. jr.-c.vu .0 sPioa you urelb, i'd j Vs:». .hi iiipl&tuisof EugVf ’ tt! those wo y; » » jin; ‘ have beer* Hvr.-g froir hat.d *0 mauth, an • ; Livo-n-at u ch: ' aired', 'tontstd'l >*ss>’ vgttd calculated 1 rL.c be thcO wd In this I •i. ithir. [Oheexs.j When the BecretJiy at j ; . K - the ehttfk *. 01 my right honorabi, 1 • fioTid—a .serwDgoi EOt.ua, not merely j ?.. : - ;■* ‘v r}4s i'l-om hie lip but because it is l br ecu*' -.‘f e iff i*. ?-'jßale .eoantry—by >., - iv.t > r comcni.. end th»t could not do it beiu»e, bsioaau-j England bad not tbt men, I tfftnt to kuow •. 1 if you h• I been equal tv i : -c position which y n cj'-i.p 9. you ’■■ uh comprehended the eircun- 1 'x with whict yoa bsv® t ' deal, ix yon •a :v1 ce stake at -nt, If yon knew that you hud to deal with tho sv»ntior. otthe most impordc . ; p - , • ioul problem 01" i. ndora ugeo, why did you l n, | I .)/ ego, have t. our? e * 0 the measures which you j | ui.; low claiming our confidence iv* parsuiugl— [Cheers,] ! “Why' hud y-c . ot, long ago, recourse to thum ; iru u nieatc *« ?■■.’..• ovon than you are uow doing 1 ; Vho militia . tubodied. ieu .cftoi a sufilclonl I : onnty; me* 1 enlist in numbers ; but why was not 1 t n militia erab- lied twelve months ago # : Hear, I r -.ar, hear.] *\ . did yon not offer a soffit■ nt « ] joun'y before '\\ by did you not tell the people of Keglaud tb:«i a death straggle was impending j -or ;lio glory of the conn try the duration cf the j ‘ Empire, and the pr<*neiity ot ti e people ? Yon j i rfaid pot a word o f *.hat kinu. a U that you wauled 1 i .0 do was to put c-ff a reform bill wit 1 out compro- ! I miiißg your character, [ft laugh ;] ana when peace ; ; Kttf restored, to bring forward another reform bill, 1 • Mmaher or larger, ft*- dlrcttinstanccs might require j . .-• ra.] 1- 0 OHM ! tno common .strife of pn.ti- hat now, when wo j ‘ :ive all this at xal. when have not merely a ■ l ariiament poh ical, :»at a poliUcal—when I y/e have fbo people 01 tho country thoroughly uu j wiuu is rhe issue—such -3011 duct is not ! to l n tolerated; and Ithii of all courses that | ever yot have bcon pursued by n Ministry, tixat of ] calling Farliamciil together, sncidonly to us as well j as to thotußclve?, and saying, “You shall mooL oat you hall uxseuss* nothing; [hear, hear: ] and d you proceed to dh-cuta. we will stop the debate, because wt are 00 adroit in the inauagoraeut of the House, that none of ns will speck.” [A langb.] 1 s ; vy that men who take refuge m such tactics are not only unworthy ol their position, but are io-w --eiir.g at this moment that spirit of the country which It is of tho utmost importance to foster and encoorap-e. ['Cheers.] . “We!!, I have u right to a-k you in what position ’ ’ avo you placed us in respect to the management ot the war, whmh only v ~bort time ago, the Secre tary at-Wtr told us ha i been ho triumphant f l have nuked yon, cot what you have done, but what you have not done in the Baltic* W hy, there is uo: a gentleman on the i.V<aßi.rv bench, who, in his secret heart, must not be ashamed, when no con raata the #hich that great underta king was commenced, and the miserable re^ul U which uavo accrued. It ve y well toi tht Secro • taryat Wa: .c come forward with exaggerated. f*l- j j in.-, oils to au obscure fort: it is very -Tell for him I j to repeat officially here ■ rnninstances respecting I ' Bomarsnnd, which I belie vo he cannot autbouti - • . I you wii! see, even acknowledged by the Govern* Imcnt, a so great that whoa Par i aroout meeis 1 ndar these t x'raordiuaiy cireumq Htunoes, you have not dared to propose ft vote of j ttirnks to tho fleet engaged ;n that. «ea, and if wo ! look to tie Danube, l lave challenged you to de- Iclare to the L T use. when you till out itnoginations w thu dead.of words as to tho possible tactics a contingent strategy of your army, whether h\ v time there was a sufficient col ection oi animals p . ii:.t is your position before th:. ; mportunt place j l m the Crimea ' It might have boon e* question j whether it wa - expedient or wuo to iavado the j • Crimea and stuck Sevastopol, but ; think that ; i e/ery man who bs :r: this house, And who caros to I -\\*r»ress that which he believes, will agree in thin | You have not hh yut e?yi uv j ' Nothing, adapted to tie climate. My noble friend tfll into a slighv mistake inallupion to the loss of ' the Prince, on which tho Secretary ui War—agen tlctnun who always apoaks th 6 truth, who 'S f=o who feels that in tho House of Commons there is nothing like making a clean breast of it tor a Minister in a scrape—the Secretary at War tuke* great credit lor having dispatched Uncloth ing for tho Crimea, but il it n i.-»0 will of ‘rovi <leiice, why the loss is not tho fault of Govern r eal. The fact, however, that the cargo of the i ‘rineo did not contain any of the winter clothing adapted ior tho Crimea. hoar.] It con tained only the common warm olothihg which would hf' been sent to any climate in too world aud it w' >t the clothing nooe isary for this win .or which your policy has rendered in evitable. _ loar, hear.] t make this statement on what I believe to be tho beat authority. [Hear, hear.] You have attacked Sevastopol. It might imvo oeen a questionable pro oodingatany pen d ot the year, but you have chosen tho very worst period tor a winter campaign in a country in which, of *ll others, a winter campaign ought, to he avoided You have commenced this, ‘hegroat ebt of blunders, w'ithoat liaving provided for the next blunder. Your huts will arrive in the mid dle of January, and the furs in time for tho suns of May. [Hear, hear.] 'Surely, when the Ministry w ich manager tho affairs of the country iu such a manner that atla- L the? arc obliged to go to war with the moat pow erful military power in the world, you will agroo with me—honorable gentlemen t am sure will m/roo with me—that *uch a position should not 1 have been arrived at, such a deosion should not j have beeneome to without deep though’. Bat I tne possession of thi- most ample knowledge, [hear hear,] those statesmen who arrogate to Uiemaolves ail the experience and all the ability oi this house could hardly have been expected to so play their cards, when they decided on irying this great issue, that they should enter on a campaign under the most untavorable circumstances, aud incur so great a risk under the most tearful odds. [Hear, hear.] Jt is now two years since you nave dallied with tiussia. In your diplomatic o vertures you may possibly have suppose ' that your nego tiations would terminate iu peace. 1 believe you did, and that a majority of you conceived that you: negotiations would end in peace, because I know that when a body of men consult together— c body of different opinions—whatever those opin ions may be, aud however various, they always tako refuge in the consolatory conviction that thoy will not be called on to not. [Heat, Lear.j 1 be lieve that this Cabinet of coalition flattered them selves, and wore credulous in thoir flattery, that the tremendous issue which they have had to en counter, aud which muse make their days and nights anxious which have been part es their Jive?-. [Hear, hear.] “They could never dream, f or instance, that it would bathe termination of the career of a noble lord to carry on war with Sussia. of which that noble lord had boon tho cherished, and almost the spoiled child. I believe that noble lord, full of the rno tgeneroase’ncti' nson thssubjec r , and inclined in the abstraction of hia intellect to dreams of what is called Liberalism, and he may have felt that it tv as not honorable, especially in the company thr.t he is ke ping, that th® latter days of his emiuen* career should have been employed in a war w ith Bi.nsis. Hear, hear, hear.] That this is tho truth was acknowledged by the Chancellor of the Ex chequer, at Manchewter, aud by hia budgets iu this House. It has been clearly rihown that two of you were never of the same opinion. You wore candid enough to declare this, and i‘. ih probaote that no three of you ever suppose J the result would be what it ha-, be on found to be. I aai d that tw o yearn ago you ought to hate formed your policy on this question. Yon dc not appear to have embraced any definite object, or to have been ready to pursue any lefi.jite policy. If you hod, you would not have told as that you areot iged to enter into a winter campaign In thoCYiniea, for another month v ,y i have rendered ii .mpregnable. Thu. however, 1 do earntatfy.maintain, that tie Ministry who have involved this country in a war with H i - •* ought not to have laken such a course, unless thoy were prepared for ah these consequences, which -heir experience uiKl their ability must have iu formed them of uole they shut the: • eyes wilfully t<. t cm. I said ju-t now tret they have coiled i - i.u ent together nnexp .ctedly, i . i what l object to ’Oem is lb*’ they have done everything unexpectedly in this affair. They have done everything too late, and they have shown i- ev rjrtfai signs of vacillation of opinion and uncertainty of purpose, and therefore, of necessity great feeble ness of execution. Those are little th ugs. i our doctors have arrived alter the men wounded, and your nurse, appear when the wounciod Lave expired. These things are never thought of till an indignant country in its sorrow aai:.- upon you. I Hear! hear *! At last the storm—the hurricane— which Las oeen eo lone ':xpeeled, overwbe*m.’-your navy. This does not appear to mo ;o be an overcharged picture, lor it is founded on la<.'. Docs th i House think it ci* salatory that, under M;ch circamstsLChs, the Parliament ol thi»couut' , y should moot nUnli-. Parliament has been called together, and this has teen too late Yotx prorogue! /’ariiarceit until tne 14 h cf De cember, aud so anoertaia was your purple, so vsoiflsting your conduct, that yon -.imh.'e i to gether and a-i-i. e i your Sovereign tu prorogue Pariiameut until the 14th oi December, »; ; y t yon have been obliged to iaterfore With u.o scurvy aid of #n act of Parliament, and call Pai-iuuc t together on the 12Mi of that met L. “I shouldUke to kiw; the opinion of *u-a e gen tlemen when they reeor.mc *d Soveitjiyn to prorogue Pariiaineut to the 14tc* They *» *e the men on whom the for. of the c untry depend, ar.d who we natoxmlly suppoe-e have thoug.-.t deep ly on the subject. Now f what er we to think of men who, under such c:rco mats aces, rec.mmen ded He' Majoaty to prorog'je Puriiacj&n-. to the 14th of December, and then in their panic, r-vnil ’.her.ivWes of au act of Parliament, and call this &s'-»ercbl7l- gc her oo the 12th. It is no ordinary cccusion cn which we are cadlsd together but it is ir. perfect keeping w th tLe whole conduct ofGo verumect, and makes another addition to tne cat aiogue which I have mentioned. You want to know how we are to be •□stained in this state of affairs. We are . ustained only by the in L-, ufo bio heroism us those English troops [hoar, Lear,] now eugaged in the Cririita, without t‘ r noe which they ought to receive, embarked :n a vixi tercampaign as uniiecessary a-* cuvl • v.ned by uu unlimited coufi-iei.c.i ir. 'he un .J r . -v. ■-’.’l heroism of -*>ar trooje ; i.\£ ir u what - i v?-: Jhave tv ccusole ti* 4 .lodt.'—i will not s«y ‘lie VOL. LXIX.—NEW SERIES VOL. XIX*— NO. 2. ■B-roa‘v »w of «•.&>’. J .f p .tui»l> &)>«>»>■)• ! | auM oe ttSWn !1 n- . -re 'ad O'- r.- ;«i . It i» 1 rud those .a*s’ddC“c.t ft.;.fta i’a» which *0 nntcti t w«*expected ’ thay .tie oaly eeaunaadvi by > | tree w'armen, 1 !.j. ptUr.] i ' It t« not tiMK ■ Bni. ai id wUcfodt Is i . deririt ii»e in tie m st-b aose et *ll Ot 58, : . w» Rr.-- to.b we*n*c? -rst.-c..'.cf i ;.-ai-<itwafVo£j ta.a difSeuittej ’Fe jW acxr ‘a, bat > tbtc a.»’t -wmi.l Mika, fraa. tbv h- f?-jn • r. .ti avJbiet. Tot f> . ea-.; foiv.-acd osthAt, b.. aa ! ji'iouao trHkth* T-cyerc* of the Vrcti-ii. .dip h-. 1 i-rjaamdcd a ireaty of m .-- r r ■?:’ h Sandßaor of. f , Aortria. r>. 1 v ..h i:t»? jlSajis.»tyS*BoP>s iif.pop. > :unt •••• o the »mtsten 1* #, ft 1 ia dio.i tibh 1 1 he 'l .-rd Vrwif.«nt of ihe f Uv■vaen, .1 b» ■'. .I--.cs .-: jpfiid tdad . .ettus » , ei.M.u., tboa!- 1 . oe ■ ■,. lub’eci, -.peak w .hsorv. .lijfteo of ft-so.-u iasr, hour, hear., s i;:d it tnogeaeoh i>o ’he fai 14 foi i«B atom ; . . . • prossco * the j-rei n-m m woial. So - ■ h. fen; .vod w:th ’he nt.uMt T u.e.;»f»'s 1; totalijr ■ oasible fc nst*>S.nßost'. iftt* i j what Are Ue arwra oy wfaVA d!w liojerty’* tle *«fuuio . a « edau Uis *.> pt ac t I vigor and torecci.: »( fcv* ;.*.»« id '.of:'.' is» tai. ■ bat she, ... e.-H.Y f -r.: no-allioe.” ttEt i ! - - • . . ~.ni„; , j *ta tore o* j i.trae'i’a. refoa.. and detcncCog th-> ; J f.epf »' ny the Oc ■■ me- 1 A»i..» I- i at>ow. J 1 ... HttSe »!» .- j; in taiV-'.v b».*vii witb vi e 1 - . •-. at iit, rio .jo 1 cautions ]■ a v ar.d a vi.; ! j tory of -vo gained by tee Koaelat - >1 h.r fhor.v:e.“ ■ * vre ! 1 hi--* c.ii ■ nou-ba road Ic 1 on-. Austria I .ua uo> « '.t . its \ flap fdrih* ‘ .s' '■.»« • .hike. -.- do 10 '- it shs baa ne tge o-, ine . *“> ' ‘.Joyin'; o’ ir ji. u.ooud ti me year po-.«d we' 1 . il etir.a-.e ao.b iiovii- she wcJl i»e a fcoiii 8 -oa>- . Rh.o has 0 y-said ■id il aheabo- • v . aat *-’» X. .-*S| . r , . ‘ .W..-, ..---" ...o ' ’ d'<e -v-v... ... .. k . •■-■;?"■ .“wttA**.%* »• a d .ii 1 iivo i.j 1* eretood the i'i dial ii Frsiicani d .nawuiP j>* ". aso Wrnw , of’pome which Anstrm suxl co*,w- v. ua \fi«hi j tl four point*, bar which UtWHia tuxli refuse | then An our 1 a will become a membor u via albcncv, | , oiler si ve .ad dufjm&ive. Hut Au»su ; with- ! oat broil?L of at the Ist ruir.P'e ; ie.- o bar- j , jgoil iron) the a]banco. Ia: ad Toss wsa then to • imrmsly cad iouho dispersed u* .0“ , •Aaorni.;*. ak'j^.thsi] fieyoi* or th* W*yffl9traro* K«l «4» j We have before us tho report, j • Siuittod, ; of the late I* l4 © . ’cut of ae Augo a Waynes- j boro Evir.al Company, from wm wo giean the ! lollowing i'oma ot public interest The cost cf the Hoad in made i» v- follows: For ooußtructi m. ...... *.. fOO4 964 8i» j “ right cf way . c< wuarioa ........ ~ ........ 10,661.65 j “ iutoriftst, ... 109,056.96 ? ** Inoidentalospensert . ... 1,860.15 tc surveys and engineering. 89,768.62 il ,082,*60.79 Which have boon derived from 7,275 chares “Gap! 11 vtiook," am’tlng to .|'727,5f)0.00 (iuoluuin.Y T ehf.re© issued for in terest to stt A* ideTh.) Also, from ss*7 bouds of- >OO each, $293,500.00 Less sinount paid for dis count snd interest ... 17,212.66-281,207.84 j 1 Also, ir >m earnings received from the ! CeHlrnl Railroad up to Jan., 1364, 84,827 59 { 1 1 from out£tauding 1 ans for which th© bonds oi the Go. ar pledged, amounting to .......... .$88,^80.64 l.u. s bills receivable . li>2.b4---64,227.30 $1,062,343.03 Th; iaai amount of $39,880 34 (says l! « Trcsi dent,) w&n borrowed from the different Banks here as a U'Tttpcra* 'accommodation until bonds could bo s?id. The stringency of tiie times renders it impossible to dispose ot tins bonds except at a aa riScs greater tbau the 00mpany foe! authorized to make. The Board has therefore pledged so much of tho rent -‘oon to be paid by the Central Camps nyas wilidiscnarge th<x-;c doots; and they recom mend that when this is done, tho amount bo do ducted from the cost of tho Uoad. “The oost of toe road appears large, but the obaraotor of the country and th rough netp of con btraction, made this a necessity, the Depot at Augasta alone cost $68,886.94, which is included in construction, and addLs SI,OOO to thecostof each mile of road. This expenditare falls heavily upon *t road only fifty-three miles long, snd yot itr.ss already p?«>ved to be too vX?e?js?ivo for tfc busineas offering. The Board ha** kepi s' ‘adiiy in view the f:;ot stated iu tho tirsi annual report, that “to b a profitable work, this onght to he u very perfect one, capable of meeting Rnecoaslully tho coxnpotition which it mast encounter. n Fee President says: “ When the debts outstanding, amounting to $89,EH'.84 shall have been paid 6*U of tho i-.arn ;iigp, the cost ( f tie read may be reduced to the two items of Gapbal Stock $727,700 00 And of Bondaao'd 298,500 00 $1,025,200 00 or |19,881 per mil*, including interest and | Depo* ;=t Augusta, for the first daBB road coinpUt< . j Deducting micm-l and cost of Depot at Augasta, lees than $17,000 per mile. Wo way c.cngrutn late ouraclve* on i bis statement of cost, t?Len the faor. »h considered, that daring the eouptraction of our r.'jAd prices of iabo** sad dsKteritvl ruled higher thr.n at any other period fm wly vwsuly y.*nt>. I “The rood, bubc* lw completing h£3 been wor r j ©d by the Central Company for it* benefit, and with Imtco of freight unO passage fixed y *iaai, Comps tv, Kotiec Lne boc-a 7o: iioarci, that the *#;**•.» which expiree lai* oftUt‘.a«>, 18otf, will not tro j I tv j cities it connected was'bo severely scourgeu. ' The pr not only prevented tri.v --i el, hot sioppcd shipments from* the North by this route, until within a t#*w weeks poßt. The Board is now informed that the freighting businoas of the road can soarooly be accommodated by the capacious warehouse at Augusta. The Central Company will make libera! arrangem nta with us, r.s to t .rough r .tea and division of rates, a.iu should stockholder? decide to work the road on their own account, we have much to hope for ufrier active and economical management, ©specially when we i ' k i.o the connection to i»e made w.ih the W ewt f hrough Cokmbus. TV c board recommends that a meeting of stockholders bo held early in the spring, to decide upon the course to bo adopted af ter the lease expires.” Tho Ciun. Our readers have probably noticed in the letters ir ,n ilio Crimea accounts of tho Lancaster gun, wnich has proved to be a most effective woupon against the walls of Sevastopol, although it has not been altogether a safe gun lor those who handle it. two or three of them having burst. The Montreal Gasfltto gives the following description of this gnn and of the principle of its operation : “ it is a weii-known fact that it is impossible to cast bails r bullets in such away that cue aid. .. *ll not bo heavier than the other, and it is alas well known that this circumstance defects tho pro jectile iroro it 1 right lino. With email arms this difficulty is overcome by th« groove in the ri&o barrel, which, being spiral, acts upon the soft substance of tho leaden bullet and gives it a rotary motion before leaving tho muzzle of the rifle, which continues until the bail 13 stopped. By this meant-t ie heavy side is alternately turned in all directions, so that any tendency in one dix action is immediately counterbalanced by u revolution of the bn Hot which change* the position of the heavy Bide, and in© result is that the ball flies in sdirect line, blow, however well this plan may answer for small arm and ieadou balls, the groove is imprac tical for cannon and caotiron balls, and it has long been a problem to diaoovor some means of making rifled cannon. “The Lancaster gun professes to have accom pli hod this by means of mo ellipticu. bore, out of whieh is to be thrown an elliptical projectile. either shot or shell. Without plates, we may not ooaole to make all our readers unde*stand our explana tions, but we hope most of them will do so. The gun is large, beoaase it is at a long range that its grea» precision of aim tells beat over the common gar . and its appearrnce is that of an ordinary large cannon, except that the mouth instead of being o rcular, is elongated like an egg, having oneßX'.s longer than another. Wo w»!l suppose that tho mouth is the largest up and down ; that is, that tho longer axis is vertical, bo that the flat toned ball fitting it would stand on its edge; nut the bore winds gradually from the mouth to the breech of the gun, «o that when the bal l m driven home to tho proper position when the gun is load od, it will have turned one quarter around, and will lie horizontally; that is, at right angles to tho longer axis of tho mouth of the gun, and on its side. When tho gun is fired tho bull must make one revolution for every four lengths of the gun, and thereby counterbalance any perfection in it* shape, which would otherwise defect it. Several of these gat.ft have burst. This it* perhaps attributed to the fact that they are used at very long ranges, and were probably overloaded, although it was quite possible, and in fact probable, tuat forcing th ; bal to take a rotary mo tion would increase the resis tance offered so much as to increase the n*k of bursting. Experience will soon lest the question. We may remark that the Fame principle hs** been applied to amti! arms, and a dec -ltd advantage is Claimed for tho Lancaster over the common rifle. 4 alilorula .Items. During the month of November the enormous Hum of $5,276,5d2 was shipped from Sari Francisco by the stesmer.-. for the Atlantic States, to which i. i t 1,944. i'i?, the ? -.sunt carried by the Bonora, n i we f Kve a grand total from Nov let to Dec. j 1 at, inclusive, of $7,121,050. ■ Tho Ka-?ian skip Kaiotechatka, Ca: t. Kiddle, j arrived a' San Francisco on tho M of December. ; Tio.'..* Fr»-. .ciftco Chrorrciu ays: “She is a flue c.;p r >er *ovk k -hip of about 800 tons, and iu naid jto have beeu built New York. She mounts tea I gun *, and ov c dno crew of abio bodiod mon. We ! Q,i. e hUiIJ nbe came down from Sitka to this t -r* for prr -c’.ion, und in coming into port, not 1 k rowing whofiar or .v the Allies were enuring *>:; the bar bo , he ran clone along shore, and was j not discovered by th.* pilot- boat until neariy up to j the North Head. Net knowing whether the wind t would hold, :-ha V»» anchored on the bur, Where ! die wasperf ct y *afe from attack, and yesterday i morning on the flood tide an© came up to the city. , S ;ch ar oc.urren - ; the arrival of a Btiftfti&n 1 merchantmen, w-. rot thought of by the# Allies, and !.- r ‘U i > w;/ch wt* kept on veasels coining i into p^rt.” “i . j. kr t K>d,'* says the &ch >dn Pecifiquo, , , .ib:.-he- at S ... Francisco, “that tho Busman Mbip Karo v'.r.tka, whlcn now lies in our harbor, is only . . v :*;r, pr..;.arc*l to leave the port at *he ear* J lies* moment, to attack the French and English da:,; nes , but we can re assure our readers j • ih regard •© ucr. If tho Kamschatka desires to yin her a ever.', u' , she will soon flndsornobody 'i k .e Li giiah dgatePresident, which aj r.r v, . arrival of the Karascbaik*, ; old not go without learning the true character ol -e iv • r veftsal, arid hat* not .“ail the vicinity of ' . :■ » Fr .'.cibco, and wbi re eo ©r the harbor about th 15.. r 20tl ot this month. Besides, the French frigate Aic >te >f Caliao on the 10th Oc • ■.be de»tt-.6cl hith.r,»od ■» djk due. TheEog lu-a:: Jr Virago will likewise .oon be ba*k to ■j,:,,.,,We know tbs ‘.be jCara»cb«tk» b»E a) ear... «•:.! e t-. -r f 190 men, arul tb.t she i did ov. :'• h tber for otnin* 1 bet sbo is watch , ; m c.r-eti **.»> if -hi <s»v, a the batbor .b« will I j follow the bitkr..’’ ■ i Sw3icw.ru lai-as. .. —T. e San Fnnofeoa i’laoer r' T and d>:- .rip saya:—“ From tbeSanewieb i ’ island? we have ; nvale advices by the Lady Jano, ! »hi..-n aic oi the early consummatio.. ! the erojec-. of < ...exotion. The meatiuru has , • be-a retarded fllibnaterinif movement, towhich i . Kr: ar French r6j.reseutat,vta artevot ready to frivc '.heir j however, tho whole matter will be arranged in a i weak or two. Tiw terms of the Treaty have been - ! rciarepretwnted by seme the papers in this city, i ir. relation to the amount of the life annuities to ' be apportione. , which wiil not evened 1800.000, and h ir pres'-n'. value oooh* u t >c fairly estima ed el over t2,00v,00(.' or |il l 6‘Jo ) <X»'.’ ? * ■ Wii'« am »f . c . s g”* •' ‘ ,f ’*** «nt mi «nm - u v* SMn*. Or* of ,• .... j,. t . 'o, '.'ip > *V* vano-lttfl*lotbtcabinet * W^thUgtb* L sch€» rdlltttfis VI i, i.-©Cf»o* i. # r>F «5 e *• l 1 t'&o* iO! tthout., wh.'h . hr'jjV .^K tuUu&%;n.».iuT6 .juM-jt • • T ‘‘One of ♦berhea CiviStr, ;t' V v> | ftl® a r urc io lad.'* h the tvfcite *at, w’doh !*= V\u .•• *\r^ OC QV -A !T;». :'*<’•»., Oia*t H*U. L\ a M ■ *-* bie wood Sadralf * $y or*', gvt»t tiara. T* o» wu-v-.> ‘b-v’.gr wa?te, tiVOc. lo rLu tops of ,y, l • use*, c.r.< l duatroy the limber*, the;**. if i j | the aa: 1b alv.y* .o bo found in the neis^oorhot^«•■ z* juvas ■» floated y whitu m v ; though t eff *?;*?-■•■ % r-d that her d> .stri.mi.iou | causerto*»t of he: suhjncO, Many sear* ago Hr l arey lyvajlibly dug a p the ground ia the n ;*l j !v>rbood of or-v >o : bit* ted, a:..! killed j the qoeen, «3<i tlie nrov*u i *•:y ioatr, I ftilOOeSsfcl. | *‘A gauern! goverm.uer.’Hi? erd->. hap. lately ?-ui> • wheiio.er building j.;n ,cV ,».» vltr -In d* *u I *VO white.r.ut, the rn >* com tb' quco;*. nt ; will always ba fuu.mt In tie iuj'fljwfiaii* neveUbor ; hood . and e tho < >i‘ru6ttvm ot \rn queon uni doa (tr 'yatJa * eel» Tl .4 •• ihv M*|n■_•>Vo.-, ioum 4 1* * ‘ offr*v oftl ro.-rv'dv »*• iie«iev«r p!o"u'y ar-uiud, W.*: .• I*h t.o vo£,oo .->v '•-dVi» w; hoaM ! . uaii.- tvv*»c . i',r I, »L.str;.aUw»»» ore iu? -. r,.-”l.-r J’. ; pa. - d.vuue- \H n .r.. '1 r '«».; • w 5 nd »e?»*«iWe f-\r 'iu* i~si-.it. *t * *-.r *ty. *j.rr‘ f • ’,O i -.>U< ;•'?■■ r di*t«v ->•;* =Jv,w, , .. .; • :-• -'... .V >• ■-. * t tie v V*v .uvt . i r.r, f vV ! tW- ‘ J " (■* A'bo q'tQi'n au* W a>.* or*-ftlute* R* •> . H found it. - v-nr> o-*t; Ud of najr h WM h »*' utou rot hi,, we slial* find *>h I aometim* baadred u* U»o;u, v/hwe j fhtir liorrc. i! vyo at*;.-- the ■. *r» we b 'ri: | ft- da room, ehspned iii'.v two pu'v I T> thiu th?e, lioe tiic qu« nu. xho ••• !ik.j' \.*hir<o wt rii', somewhat tr.ifr,nn: j/u, ,vnd to tiie ; cuortrotm aizr cfa n; i]ju tv K To H’h .hod> •••: tiUsohCv’. Me .oc.t-irui nwd amah h»*; AU r footb <u i th«ifc!/o of » f»!U% headj »ud at oii-cb >f h.. <|.-,ors h stationed & sentinel to geerd hoi fr 01;». v ' intruders. Tbeeafiantinela are very v • • :, .. .» !i disturbed, they show tin • ' ~ in their power in y will cut iheii auc :t> it.' a, pane, with a pair of Celeron. “The qnocn lien qnier. not hoi ag able to tnovo her gron* hv.ly; ir r h o w r, pho could ( -, get out of her paiaoe. It Is uaid :hM rJ>ante bring her food and supply all her wants, white eh-.. month after mouth, continues t« iiil ti* 5 .. »• lit J world ith hei miscaievoua littlo brootl.’* David Wkioiit Arkestui.—The a >ov 1 tudivid ua!, who, it will be remembered, had boo. confin ed tor some months iti our j il, cf ntged with the murder ot Alexander M. Hobinoon, Utpuiy .Suer - iff, and in making bis OHcape pouk» iwo morthaßiuco, rooonuaittod to ins old quartern cu tin* morning of the 8011* ult. Alter various and c-jotlict ,!?4,Teporta ss to the wlieroahoota of the fdgiiivo, infonußtion of bis being in the vleifiii.v of St. Andrew s liay, Woei Jcrida, readied the aj thoritiue noia—upou w !ch the Shenll diapatobad •1 upeclal agent to olfoct bin re-arrest. Mr. Robert T. Birnone, of our fcity m dortoak this delicate mi«ion, and the result proves the wisdom of the selection. Ho proceeded to the neighborhood of set. Andrew a and by i. - ; ersetorauce, aided by the (Sheriff and i* po*-«o of the oitiaeu*', tmcroede-i i 1 coming n»> with W tiff hi in between m. Andrews aud Milton. He wue travelling in com pany with a mail named They wore pro tea t>edly on their way to Texas, having a horse wad wagon in coiDPuuy. Ou discovering that he war pursued, Wright appeared to be greatly surprised and disooucerted, 'ut immediately prepared for n spirited roaisUnce. do waaarmed with a revolver, which, as soon a s ho recognized Niuione, he delib erately presented at the latter and lited, without, however, tho ball taking effect. Hiuioua, in bit turn, then attempted to use fair gun, the first bar rel of which missed fire, when the Sheriff root np. Wright immediately fired at him, b.fiic»i*’g • vere wound in tho thigh, when ‘ ions discharged bis aeoondbairol, which slightly wounded Wright in the face. After several other discharges of fire arrr,” without ede J, Wright,surrendered, giving up his arms, ami we** placed incioy*custody. Hewn# brought ir this pis o without farther difficulty, in charge of Mr. Simons and others of the arresting party. Tho injury o the WherilJ', we arc gratified to loam is not likely to prove dangerous, though quite severe. Wo are glad to be sole to state that no violent demonstrations wore exhibited on the nr.ivul of .ho prisoner. Ho wa* al once and without bind ran oo committed to Jail - where, wo r •‘aenmo and nope, tho past history of i his <*:•• a whl •* u him lo be socurciy held, mill his fut * chad be decided by the law. M»*. Simone bears the -u M ample t«v ‘ ivnmy to ‘hoprompt snd efiioieut aid rcooivad, not only i.-om the Sheri if of Walton county—Mr. JNoil M-m 00 , , but from oil the cititzens of -hat county with whom > he euu.e la con last, aud purliualarly from ihotto ! wh« constituted the arresting party -oj . <■'> fc ‘.-n following gentleman; A. I). Ateir.- nmc, N. L. MoleCihnic, Euos Kvan», J. K. Casw.-i!, M Caswell, Li. T. Kf David Vaughan, *i. !:. M-Cruuulo of WalU)o, and Mr. Harrisoi of Marianna—the latter of whom remained «viti. IsJ Simone from the t»me of nis leaving Mariami hia way down until bis rnturn ’..'this |.lac«. Too mad: praiaecannot lu awarded tit. K.mur.«: for the Uiet tad perseverance which lie \r hitivcd in this whole mtfair.- -• Cblwtib%i V /.■•• . v-bu»gvoi* tfo<4lS». v n**- -v • .-b-. - tneuxauoM t»i tnUu uoim.. baillgorcnt j owers. il is now undetermined whether they < h?A'. bt* adopted in open or in secret sasmon. 1 i.r ..» »»* bended that, in open session, a discosHlon ni.gn dwell Upon me merits of the war, and the pr mulKation of conflicting views of Senators on r j subject h aid not bo promotivo of amioabl «’ Jastuient of the controversy, “8.” theN. Y. Tin * b correspondent sa* The uiscussiona ot Co). Kinney’s Central Am«ri c«u Colonization project, in conttdentia. c-rotor has brought out the snowlodgo of tho fact t*. jJ iFovernment of Nicaragua ban long been ujip - tn: is desirous of ceding the entire territory o; i,.,. - republic to tho United States in order to sc iif*» goo<J goveriiment and the vurioua .g< . political und comnimeroiftl, flowing unless lam mihinfoririod, the proffer o c* • nic has boon made to the President as directly as tb»* circumstenoos of tho case would permit. I 's nothing surprising in this, although thnre .a much that is novel. Tho internal disorders which have distracted Nicaragua lately—tuo encrotuh ments of Great Britain, undercover of itsnrivi 'oges at the Baliz., and under its tammed ouiio Protectorate—its border diffieuitic. will. Ooßtft Rica, and tho defiance of its authority by the inhabitants ot Grey town—have all, doubtless oontriouted to create tho feeling of disquiet urd fear of falling into anarohy or docij, which h *s prompted tno proj*o. a ed cesssion of territory ajjd sovereignty. f rom the Conner’s correspondent wo hum: The subject of Mi. Grund’» (Lho well known newspapei coirespondent) appointment to the Marseilles (JoUßulsnip has proved n most exciting and troabloeome business to tho Administration and ti.o party at largo. The South is iu earnest in its Know Nothing ism, wtiereae many of tho Northern politicians have takeu it up merely an u diversion, cot to be allowed to interkro with the more serious pursuit of their profession. This circaoieWince give** probability to the rumor that Col. Davit, Mr. Dobbin and Mr. G. thrie have pro tested in tho moist energetio terms against the nomination of Qrund. It i«asserted, ui»on the au thorityoi tho app.icauL in this case, that it was promised him by the President, wh * gave Min tour mouths ugo’u written order ou the SecreUry of Btate to make out the commission. Mr. Mercy received the ordor and returned it with the en dorsement, “The President has no funds in this institution; his credit is exhausted and his pat ronage consumed. Payment is refused.” So the , draft was returned dishonored. There are reason** why Mr. G. should be ap pointed. He Lab been a good Whig, and only went over to the enemy when he mw that further resistance to their power would be useless. Ilia first conHalar appointment was conferred by tho la* onted Harrison. Moreover, bis reappoint ment at this timo by tho Locofooo Administration would instantly convert two hundred thousand Democrats into Know Nothings, and whatever Know No-hinge are it it* certain tm*» thy ur© not Democrats. I am informed, upon authority which may be considered apoehrypbal, that when Gan. Pierce pressed Mr. Marcy ioreicum bin word >.o Grand, i »id to tuko up the b*:l which he (Gen. P.,) h&a given, the Governor replied, with that btnrdy gruffcesH which characterizes him, that ho fG«n. P.) could nominate G. over hi? head if he choose, but that it he did, lie should have the op portunity of making at tho Fame ti- io a nomina tion for Sccrotary of State. The Virgir.ii delega tion oarne promptly to Mr. Marcy’a relief, rep re sentiog that if this nomination wero made, Wise’s obances would thereby bo reduced to a point b»- low zero. y T» - ik M ri.Titßious ExFXniTion. —The Coarner doa Etat Unis ot yesterday fcu« lho following in refer -1 euce to two vessels that leit New York home * months f i'ice under myFterionH circam-taocos. Oar readers have oot torgoteu the mystorioaii arming of two vessels in the port of No* York, ■ an I which tho rumors of me moment reported as bavini, Mexico or Venezaelu for its end. Our oor i respondent «t bt. Thomas (w);ero the vesaeia have been for some time) gives n. 4 some items repecUng i thi i/r tve expedition, rie writes under data or l Kov, 19 : “The American steamer iLnjcrni/i i FraaMiii- and the bark La!bar no Augusta are atiii ir, our ivii. The Ditar hiii* discharged her cargo of cannons, powder, muskets, lances, <fec. The 1 powder fca* b< er. deposited in the fort of tiie city, and the remaindo* of the cargo in tno warehouse®. 1 Borne say tba', toe Danlfth Government has oracled ! the discharge of! he cargo, and others '■ •at l ' 1 a 1 j “ut*ordinate Danish officir toc*k a note f - *, * jxe , &. . which composed tne cargo. lniM .ft entirely disarmed, and there is no one on Not to the stesmar, which, does not stir, but no one dares to go rear her. tier bouts are continually ’ rwnnr opto the davits. Since theso tw * veaseis have been in p rt tbay have been conatauUv v. arct cd by . mar»-of- war, whether it is tho hYonch ■ Bteao ft** ; igate L’Ardonl, *he English war-Kleanor Devast* iot, or the Dan«*h sloop-rs war Naid'o. it is aaif! that they are deter mind to nab lha two »*c*--* it they at e: p' to leave. Tnt object us the ewpe-iidon toeilJmoitn. The consignee is a irie -c> an. ho ' a*< i.t ver had vessels consigned to hiu> bsfortr. ut a wftll known to boa most warm port ; ?4D or Gen. Baez, whom you know ha* been a i lor/ »«« preparing f* r a deaoent noon Venesuela. The expedition arrived too Lie. Before the en ircDoe of there vesseli* the ineurgents were put down iu Venezuela. The Fiankliu arrived hero a few d*y after the newft of the arrest of Lie nhiefc of ihe ineurreution. 8o it is not known where they wiil next go.” Well ■'aii>.—What ought to he done with ft s gentleman who engages the affection of a yonng lady, end then leu via her ? i Aksweb—Bless him let him go. Wo always U ink, in sue cases, ’hat a young ’.ady haft abun r iant cause of congratulation, and *inbtea*i of i snining and crying over “ “pilt ail* / on,” let her , pit on her eunnv amiles, and endeavor to enpti . v .teftmore worthy beau. You may depeud upon ail, tuat a man who han no more stability oi mind, a o honesty of purpose, than to act in tb; way to t x joaog lady, la not worth a tear or regret; on the centra*) she should be especially tapfiy :Dftt ®he a ha<* ho luckily got nd of s person who. through a out his life, in whatever ne undertook, would q unquestionably exhibit the Fame unfixsdeass vit o purpose and the aam« irresoluiion of mind. Love ), is like everything else: » uian who is aoi to ho i- trusted in that, Is very U<ely to bo unsafe in other r spools—A** Tffk WMh* **^-*w|