Weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 183?-1864, January 24, 1855, Image 4

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mmm & mm TUX CU!*QUSIWa*i§ OKA'S- Ti Khio t'iislar!y gr- t c-rqu rrcr ’-i Aa«i jt: C t c*o.:i -t *- “ t ;- i ..xiflitrroewit He • rwcud ;l ci> r*t *»;• ' *‘l/1* * TM •'?* *“* 1 tV ß6&w*. ’lll r ”S r • «per»i ie»f. A KX’i -■ • *;“-.* iWa lipuJl-X"-' »-‘ J ,® u-fr^’rjS. fSulDringi) H* i ‘ tUwhaaUe E 0 - e * *-t3 £!#£*, Wb>»*< *y- ‘ » wrt “ : '^' J cowering iuit Tt.f j> ■ ia- - w.j .J Hi* r. .c*« Bu? oct- of u.-: it. i. ;i aniuefreate Irwins Ou‘• -1 4 L-ert ad ], Os gentle w ;in LUi-U. Tltti ly I rota ir.e fert 4tb of blame: Os ia -l-**- i/« - •&*.- of kindae*a ra ids itj nsi-;, ht= flbvei* by tunny Oiooxsln May Yet, at« 9 of vincr ■ pain, a »tiaae O.swc.ter ».uue4 -Laied vac smiie may. Nor doer: when the hand that so aiders here WasraLed .a tnensce, re* ec» were chiied iri.h fear arialeamu* ered attL© sign, aa Then 0 cud* iUi juqjjwx-* to Hue e vac r*iay . *»:— Oiajr <r4iitAUi leading isn.s u( veteran isea Aa Her/ -ut t-b; ae Ya.tur. » fcisi,. NoCti U. W:r-j w&gei tht migaty w*ra t„*t gave Tk; v.cte-y to her ~Lo 4U, u.lagr vt; tik ««• nr^t^iu, Aiuuc u.e ta.t-elou^t, Through ux*t *o-g m Utr c-u*t*zr. hope was stale On »ioa;,uji -ooxed .or either aid. Bhe m;; the hosts -? Sorrow w.ti a loak Ih.t stereo to*. beneath the frown they wore, Aid • wa vac ».» orood were tiael. and took, Mtci /, b«r geaJe rule, and howatu oo ta,re. Her soft i.a ,<j *>at as i Lc assaults of wrath, And c* oily broke to .attn Ihc d ;r/ sUafji of pain, Aod rent va. vr.t» of pa»*i./_i iroxa her path. By that vict.ruus ..aaJ despair vr.s i.*Jn. Wita .o/e -be vaoqa*..ed have aad oTcroame £r.l wita good, m her Great Master’s nao.<_ Her glory is not U th s shadowy state, Owr/ tuat With l:.e ti-a Uug tea S-o di^J; Bu. whua »ae a the sapphire /-*te Wliitj >y Was radiaot to Ceieati 1 eyes! How i* s7«j s orignt d;pu*s wit., soaodiug welcomes rung, Anih of ui» u sii.u.og h*nds were flung ▲ud lie woo, long oefure, Pair, sc »rn aud «rrow bore, The M ghty culler, w.tti aipcet sitcet, tmi edvu the u i-.d stranger .r übh seat; ileahi •- tt'hiu., gi ,r.'.ui,fr ynx the grave, Dragged G iii,'i »traicU,ia c a u», a croachiag elavc. tee, aa 1 aagt r htre, the sun gro^alaw; Co vi airs a e o.u. xo aria j iha. tae n ght if near. Oh g u.as a ecp r.fiota thy gra 1 1 g > Cuii .OiC i, th jugh aid, in U and >et in fear, ire l» die t.iue, i know, The wa.larc a arce It uj ; Yet ti us/ w<u the tri inpha thou h At won. fctiil ti i at: ottht who* water* *t eagtheaed thee j The v dor's uain«a are yet tx> few to fli llchycu a mighty odi toe g ii>ua ermory uiir.iate.ed u> thee, u • pea ai l . from ttu Mi tt/an f. t.uyUrian. Circuit Hiding u UU i lines. I have heard iome preachers *ay they would not preach uiiicsii the church or people would pay them, or at least p.odgo lociu u support. Was tuia tb© npirit and prance ol tire apoatiaa aud rst Cuuil<«naud i'/ce byte nan preucLora i Did they practice on this principle ? li luoy Lad, wc Lud now bad no Cum jer aud i'roabytormn church, liaviug the spirit ol' the gospel lute lire shut up in their . ouer, tu«y wont bo.diy into the work truat iutr miu L >rd ol babbauh. But did the people rAimiuera o me. ' in 1827 the old Cumberland byuod U.«L at iiu„,el» ilo, K». It was then aud thcio atatod by a Ouuiberlaua XVtsbjtenan mirua ter iruui I'ouneawe, ( P a member of lue N hville p/e*oyiory> that tno Miat>ioiiarie» in thl.r 1-re briery bad reoiv-d founeeu cuu’B per V ..rr .I L /ol preaching. K.yuucall tbmro o-a'i’d* 1 dome years previous toUmt u Alm aiomtry reported, in uiy hearing, that he hud not received one cent lor riding and preaching lor the last hix mouth.. All the leet, hud done a Jitle bet ter having icceivcd a mull pittance, and one of the* i w.-nt round with in» ha:, and they a 1, of the littlj they had, gave u little, and passed over ten dollur.s to iha. u.other. Aocut thin time another re looted that ha bui received one saddle girth lor hi« necvices. 1 knew anotnor who, after riding Bli d p.reuchiug twelve months had one cut bit in his no 'kct only when the time came to start to Tre byiory. (Many readers will not know what cut Lit mtttii . In that day the people cut larger pieces ol riivor into smalior pieces to muke change. A cut bit wan tne eighth part ol u dollar, called a hliarpHliin.) Uno ol these was ail the money he could raise to dart u j mruey of 25d miles. What did ho d)? Why he sturiod determined to go oil or law in ihe a tempt, ilo hud appointments on the way ter about seventy miles ; ho lot.owed out to the end, and it was net uuul the last service was concluded tliui the cloud bursted. A iriend hav ing learned his situa ion, made a briol statement ol th 3 lact to the people. In a lew minutes en ough ol money wus imuded over to bear his ox pen-e i to Tr sbytery and back to his circuit, whore lie lubore another whole year lor $9 25. These inetauejs wire not rurecunes bat examples of what wus very common among Cumberland Presbyterians in uarly times ; aud yot they were not driven from the hold. Du not understand me to s»y thut thu preacher thould not be paid, aud even well paid. Surely ho ha* as good a right to a good remuneration lor that service us any other. Bui. ido say that he snould gi*e bimsell as wholly to the ministry as possible, whethor he receive little or much. But does it not requiro more now than 1 mnoriy for a preachor to gel aioug ul a.l in his work i Bo it so, thero are a grout muny more members and much more mcuus in the church to help, and tlioro is not >o great a risk to run, if we may so speak as form jrly. Muny or the old Mis sionaries look Helds where we liad ueithor mem bers nor friends, and labored until they made them ; i.either waj there any M.issiouury society behind to sustain thorn, wi en they could go no longer; like Paul, they would go to work With their o-vii huuds until they could go ugaiu. I never know a man who adopted the sentiment in the li si sentence in this piece who was of much service to the church, but 1 have known some such to give the churon much trouble. What ure we to Hunk of men who to be callod to preach, but st Mom ever do it, and yot enjoy health and plenty of the c .tutor sos life < Will Uod call ft mau to pi each wliou Uj knows that his eirourn stunces will be such thut hucaimol do it, nor place liiinselt in a situation to do it) When tied calls a mau to preach docs he uot need all his time und talents itt tne work of the ministry ? Ministers prepared lor the work should endeavor to seek out and place themselves in u situation to labor all tho liuio lor Gcd und the church. 1 fur ther say it is the duty of the chur h to provide, as lar as possible, lor tho support of the preachers Ood has givon her. Our church hus doubtless sulfured, und still is sutfering much less, became she lias neglected her duty in this mattor. There fore tunny of her able and valuable men arc com pelled lor utimo .0 quit tho work in tho church and with their own Lands minister to their own necessities. Thtno things ought not to be so. Lot us boa sucrilieing ministry und people both. So it wus in tho Apostolic ouy An Old Circuit Kinxit. “Not a Drop >lur«*, ’uiout Its sweetened !” It ia astonishing how firmly cortuin words und fhrsHoa become incorporated in our vernacular, y tho chance tilling of ui. unecdotc, or any thing Ot that .sort. A vory common metaphorical ex preeaion in cjntuiued in the words, ,i J etting the hang." It is of universal application and oouve riioi oe, and bccarno popular irom tho day of its “first app-uranco” in U.c iNow Orleans Picayune, teu years a„o, as tho nub of a st< ry of a We torn gamolor on u steamboat who refused to relund certain moneys fraudulently obtained, although made last to u \ istou rod ot tho muohiuery and oompelled, overy socond, alternately to plungo forward and j :mj. backward, to preveut, in tne one case his head being jerked off, ai’d iu tho other, his brains being d*» e i out, by tho regular, powerful stroke. * Let mo alone; I’m just gtttuig the hang of Uo machinery,” ho exclaimed, when it w;n domaodod, “ Won't you pay back now ?” And so iu law, politic.-, religion uud morals, «ci enco an l art, tho American people have been osttino TiiK ii.vNO, ever since. “j\ot a drap m. r<, 'ihout it • sweetened, 7 ' is a hou>ekoUl phrase in a part of iioorgiu uud Alabama. A man decline-, with it, to renew a game of earns at wnicb ho ha* boon unsuccessful ; a rustic ex- STosses, by the tlegatu periphrasis, his detenniua on to drop the ueijuuiutauce or some cruel beau ty; tho htue politician vows, in these terms, to ab* uin, in future, iroiu some pa tieular course which lias proveu unprofitub.u; and so on, through a thousand phase ui . i ol commonplace life, it answers its purpo: o. of a p.ayful, but decided nega tion or declension lor tho } arty using it. In lact, it ih» rather lib.ra l romieii igoi thebhakspearean, “Ab nu>rf cf th it llul, an l ioveet use ’ tnough used mostly by tho o whenever read Shakspo »re. We bclievo that our iricnd, Col. &. L. liarakou, formerly ol Georgia, is entitled to theoredu of the etory out ot which grew ttio expression. He tells it i b u.t thus : Twenty ye .rsago, it was tho custom iu Worth West. in G.orgi;i, us iuceod it was throughout tho South V* ost, for dry g ojls dealers to keep u bar rel ol “spciic.s” in tne Lack rcuru, aud to ‘‘tr*at” liberal cusUMuera to a giass wneuever desired.— Fiiieua Dewberry were suen doulers iu one of the small to woe cl the region indicated ; ana they had lor u customer u clever, roiiickiLg, cld fellow Damon Joj Douuy, who urank whisky in prefer cuco to wutor, always, and whose who was “llesh Ol hisliesh,’ in that particular. The old couple wou. i come to town traue quite ireoly, and quife as freely m.bi e the b-pinti. iu the back 100 m ol the dealers we have named. On one occasion, both the old mau and old woman continued their potations inordinate y; and as Fnleu* observed tliat Ins goods wont bet ter, the chunk r ih. old woman, no pressed her to drink. At lust ahe refused, unless ** ho w. uld aweetoii it with a litiio store sugar.'’ The amiable ahop keepe: indulged her, uud when the old peepie star led homo in tho evening late, the old msu oouid barely mount his horse, and the gude wile h. d uotaaiiy to bj lilted and placed on the pillion behind him. Happily she leaned one way, and lor bus ! /r..d the o’ hor: so that the gravitating point was betweeu them—ana *v» t -no clung to nita inatinotively, they parsed out of the village aaleiy. Botore reaching their homo, however, they had to cross u small cre.k, and w ..u their norau atopped in it to diiuk, the old iady Laving reached uuccubciou&uess iaieatcd her hold, ■and quietly laps d into the t-irtam boiow. Occupied with his thoughts, tho old man uni not perceive his less, buty gged slowly houiewcrd. Arrived tuere, his Chi drtu inquired ai xi. usly for mammy,” but the old man co. Id only say i hat she had been on the erttt r and the critter hadn’t kicktd up nary twit, >..) he couldn’t say wbar she niougnt oc !’— aod threw himself, stupid, on a b.'d. Girls ai.d boys hew uic: g the road he o!d man had come, yelling mammy! ham hke! as they te t; but ot eour. eno mammy responded. When they arrived at the creek, the cidos: gir. shouted “yonder she is, a settm’ down in the creek l” And there she was, comfort* U sealed in the water, wh.eh can e up nearly to her m u»h. As she aws-.ycd back lor 1 , now yielding to the im petuosity c f the stream, and now resisting it with aoiae suco s >, ih-; muddy fluid would occasionally J*** ter lip, aua eacu Ume i. did so, she wouh Uintly ex la.m with a grim edort to smile: -Wu 4y> «.j? . r... «.<. ■■a.-.ut ~i tuttUntil ' lif.nl .» iutie incident in the ' '£:• J 08 we are . phrieKis.— M ~tj-mrl Tai** 1 F ° l ’“ ,tr wllcqaial 1 hal! nponiia a ime p - -Tnke pnt Item into a po: «h, “ d to keep them from SW.r -. •unmar slowly lor aoout hail .. n touf- ihav mS only p»rboiled, o'.Lerw.-c ihcy w a bo"-j • "."i m*y make the pudding tea.y. When "they m t-ku tLem out, pen. rnea, aud ihen •sold grate them, bar together to a cuaru hull a pound ot butter ar.d six ounces ol powdered *o pi, »dd«gr»ted nutmeg, s large u.spoonful' of bo»ten tnaee, also the juice aud grated pte! of a a wine glass cf rose wt-lei, a pless of »:ue, SthL* o®* br “ a y- Stir the. o ing.ed:ena to ft- 15141 eight ■ ggs eery ligi t, sl.: stir them lin;C., f^ x:are iu taru !he sweet potato, a very hLrd^Pk 1 , e * ch - tha whole BxCHkTJk&Y hlAJii'v - M«n a letter frem V»r Wo have Cuban ton.distir^aished York. The btciei.ry ~. s r -' “ cnt - ■ New tbat adeoiatMicuo! mter.i V ' L f oorrespoudent I of •ueg anee to another »«BW»««tlon i renurciatien can only he m- ' ,"r r > “ nd “that each i [he] efcwil have ap, lf e j accepted when j proper court, and s'a La, ’ ’ ■ £,:ioc to the 1 lac,ion [you’] title there-. . ' *° its satis- | nicts with that CDutkined ;• • ' oc I lrin ® con poll are from the aaoie tc-jr le «er, tnd ! Tr.TJ^ e el “ Udt » -tltain -ZZFSSSSOI BrucfOAi. r, " OCXSA. —S. Opy ]. iI>G IJ( J M J, M.u, 5 u.. - s ’■’ selit ct F.iuhiea, cue ary there, wn-e, tUt probabl >' a “iieion worn out trir, i c Ule ‘ r, PI » au old •ay. that spiritual circle. kefT"’ Ur - more thxo twenty years egg ? in China pi not aneotafflon tkc-e ’ thv Interesting Reiica. We hitd the p loaeurc yesterday of examining _ . • c very interesting reiica of ancient timee, at the store of livde ic Goodrich, the property ol Gen. t b. G. W. Butler, of Iber/iUe. They consist of a f . T. Bn tier at the bioody affair of fit. Qairift defeat, 1 when that gallant officer fell, dreadfully wounded, 1 and was borne from the field by hi 3 brother, Cant. ; Edward Bailer, the father of E. G. W. Biller/of Iberville, to whom the sabre has descended. Col. Thomas Bat'.e. was tne father of General Bobert j Bntler, now of Florida, who wae Jackson’s Adju- j taut G -ceral at the delense of this city. There ifi I tiso a light tabre, with a new black scubfctr-l, (the old one having been left on the body of ita owner ! on the field of battle,) which was worn by General j Kobcrt Buder, the oldest of the five Batlen toast* I ed by Washingu>n as the “Five Gallant Bailors of | tie Eevoiation. 7 ' Generui Bntler served through j ino lievolation as the Lieutenant Colonel oi hio>- I gao’a liifi.es, and a.s htcond in command at ’ Giair’b deleut. In when naving teen mor tally wounded; and removed from the field by hie brother Edward, he presented the naked sword, stained with his blood, to L:a friend and companion in arms, Major Gaither, begging that he would retain i £s a memento of his friendship? and the blood of a Butler might never oe removed from the blade. This injunction has been mos. fophfr»ity observed, and whe stains are now visible on the naked blade. The sword h-is been present ed to General Butler by Major Gaither. There js a.»o in this ooiiedion a very interesting antique, a opaniah which was worn by a gallant Spaniard, st. Angelo, in the invasion of Cortes; and was also borne by Col. £. U. W. Bot ier, of the third .Dragoons, to whom it was pre sented during the Mexican war. Ii is a very ele gant dragoon sword, a real Toledo blade. There are \wj other a words, one presented by the people of Iberville, to Col. Bailer on nis return from the Mexican war, and the other, which was worn by Lieat. Butler when the aid ol General Gaiuea. But one of the most interesting of all these an tiques ia a Grenadier’.- cap, which waa worn at the bait!e of Bunker Hill by a relative of Mis. Batler, a gsliant officer of the British ermy, who wa.-. wounded in that bloody and impetuous charge against the vigorously defended lines of the Ame ricans. The name of tbia officer was Capt. George Fow.er who, according to the report of the British Genera 1 , thr*co led, with desperate gallantry, the lorlorn hope, in the assaults upon the American lines, at a moment when it seemed as if the aimoe phere was an element cf lire, and a perfect hurri cane or lead, and the firm set ranks disappeared like mis\ The living i-tili strove manfully to stem the fight, and the realin . ranka bore up for awhile amidst the carnage, led by as brave an officer as ever cheered man on to death. The Grenadier’s cap is certainly a very carious article, which con t”A'ts very strangely with the present style of uni form. It has more the appearance of a Bishcp’s mitre than of a soldier's cap. in some of the old pictures of the early battles of the revolution this cap may be seen worn by the British Grenadier’s, but we believe that it wi»s soon abandoned for a more tasteful and soldier like head piece. These relics are in fine state of preservation, and are justly objects of great value, associated, as they are, with some of the most stirring events in oar it nistory.— N O. Della. Gossip about Young PiotsoNa.—Tho following from the Boston Trantoript portrays a custom by .10 means confined to Now England. Its obser vations arc very sensible, and il put into practice, the world would be improved.—A vast deal ot barm has boot, done by those idle reports, which aro so easily got into circulation, respecting the ordinary attentions of friendship, and many a man has been made u bachelor for lila by them. Hon orabfa yenng men are often afraid to practise common civility to young ladies, lest they bo held re.HpODaible fo r a matrimonial engagement. Gossip will talk—gossip will surmise—gossip will create — but spare tho boys and girls. One •. f tho uglic t peculiarities incident to New Eagiand Socle y needs a speedy reformation. vVo alluio to the bad custom of gossiping over a iiarriile-'d and pleasant intercourse between two young persons of opposite sexes. What wo moan in thif*. If a young man ia polite, and renders himself agreeable to a ycuDg female friend in ‘•the beaten way of friendship, * —no matter how in timaie lamilies ol both may be—straightway begins the sly whisper and cavil. Busy tongues pour into welcomo ears the news that Mr. wus t-.eon walking once or twice with Miss , ulooe, in broad day! Or, if tho above-mentioned gentle man invites his friend to tho theatre or a concert, it sail over with them—a wedding maybe expected shortly. Whut is the consequence of all this foolishness on the part of lookors on ? Simply this—a quiet inoffensive young man is deprived of the Society of a good tempered girl who would improve his manners, and be of great survioe to him as a friend. Very often, if he be denied social inter change cf conversation in this way, or a ramble with a pleasant companion, he wiii look elsewhere, notunfrequently out of tho pale of respectability, for his associate. It is a bad custom, worth mend ing, this constant espionage thus tyrannically hold in our day, and wo hope good se r so and a better policy wiii teud to drive out so foul aud wicked a habit. SPECIAL NOTICES. MEDICINES PEEP A BED BY A EEGULAB PHYSICIAN. gW" Life Prolonged, and a Cure for all Palo, Cough?, Cold?, Consumption, Croup, Whooping-Cough Liver Compia r nt, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Scrofu’a, and all Skin Eruptions. Feve and Ague, Bilious Fever, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Bowel Affec tions, Piles, Sore and Weak Eyes, Rheumatism, Heart Disease, Palpitation, Neuralgia, Kidney and Bladder As s actions, Dropsy, Falling of the Womb, and Ftmale Com plaints. Dr. J. S. Rose’s Celebrated Family Medicines are the result of thirty years practice in Philadelphia. His pre scriptions are for eich complaint, and have been well tested and approved by hundreds of Physicians and thou sands of Patients. A ERMEDY FOR EACH DISEASE. DR. J. S. ROSE'S COUGH SYRUP OR EXPECTORANT, ia a never tailing remedy for Goughs, Golds, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all Lung Diseases. Price 50c. and sl. DR. J. 8. BOSE’S WHOOPING COUGH BYBUP gives Immediate relief, and frequently cures in one weak. Price 50c. DR. J. 8. ROSE’S GROUP SYRUP never fails ia curing the Croup, thAt dangerous comp aint amongst children. Trice 25c. DR. J. B. ROBE’S N KRVOUB and INVIGORATING COR DIAL has no equal for alt Nervous Affections, Heart Dis eases, Numbness, Flatulence and Heart-Burn. It is in valuable to all whose constitutions are debilitated by care, labor or study. Price6oc. DR. J. 8. ROSE’S PAIN OURER, Cures all pains internal or external. It may be relied on for curing and giving almost instant relief to Cholera Morbns, Cholic, and all pains in the Stomach or Bowels, Rheumatism from Cold, Sore Throat, pains in the Limbs, Back or Bide, Chilblains,Sprains and Bruises. Safe to all ages. Price 12#, 25and 50c. DR. J. S. ROSE’S GOLDEN PILLS, for falling of the Womb, Female Weakness, Debility and Relaxation.— Price 60c. DK. J. 8. ROSE’S DYSPEPTIC COMPOUND.—A sore » core for Dyspepsia, Boor Stomach, Indigestion and Liyer Complaint. This Compound, used with Dr. Rose’s Family 1 Pills,has cured thousands of confirmed Dyspepsia and ; Liver Complaint. It is a Tonic, Alteratlve.Stomach and I Liver Medicine, and was highly recommended by the late i celebrated Dr. Fhyaick. | DR. J.B.ROSE’S ANTI-BILIOUS OR RAILROAD PILLS. Theae Pilla are not warranted to cure every malady or U disease incident to man, but they are a grand remedy for a Bilious state of the system, and common fevers. When f used with Dr Rose’s Tonic Mixture, will cure the most i stubborn cases of Bilious Fever or Fever and Ague. ’ DK J. 8. KOSK'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OP BUOHU, for all es of the Kidm ys and Bladder, and for Dropsy. 1 Pi ice 50 cents. j DR.J. 8. ROSE’S ALTERATIVE, OR BLOOD PURIPI , KB, for Scrofula, Old Eruptions, and all diseases arising i .rom an impure state of the blood. Price sl. AH whose constitutions are impaired by disease, or weak by nature, should read DR. J. S. ROSE'S MEDICAL AD ) VISER, which contains a description of the diseases ofour j ollmateand the mode of treatment. It can be had without i charge of t W. H. AJ. TURPIN, I . . WM. H. TUTT, j- Augusta, BALDWIN A ROBSON, Mauison ; ADAMS A BRO., , Eatonton; JOHN STILLWELL, McDonough; WM. B. SEA Y, Griffin, and of Dealersgenerally in every city and town throughoutthe State and Union. jaß4’s4-wlyt CENTRE HILL CLASSICAL SCHOOL |F Athene, heo. —The Seventeenth 3ession com mences Jsn. Ist, 1565. Boys are prepared'or College or business. The Principal receives into his fa oily a limited number of Boarding Pupils. The new Academy is located cn the same lot with his residence. Terms per an num. For further particulars, address A. M. BCUDDZ f tocipa’. Office Sonth Carolina Railroad Company, Acgdota, Gfo , 2Sth December, 1554.—0 n aid after Ist JANUARY, 1555. the Afternoon Express Freight and Pas senger Train will leave Augusta for Charleston, at 8 o’clock and 45 minutes P. M., connecting with up Colum bia Train at Brancbville. dS9-4Jah JNO. E. MARLMY, Agent. N'» EXCUSE FOB ILL-HEALTH. S3SF~ An emanated frame, sallow complexion, and grtat debility, the result of neglect or mal-treatment, when efficient Medical advice can be obtained pricaULy and promptly. Ladies who may be afflicted with Irregularities, Piles fistula-in-Ano, Gravel, Scrofula, Ulcers, Rheumatism, Ac., should not allow false delicacy to prevent their making immediate application to Dr. MORRIS, whose skill in the treatment of all chronic diseases and female complaints, is too well known to be questioned. The Doctor assures all those who consult him by letter the most honorable secrecy, prompt attention, p easant safe and efficient medicines; and to those who follow strictly his directions, he will guarantee speedy relief and perma nent cures. Charges reasonable. All letters, to receive attention, must bs post-paid, and enclose a fee. Address Dr. W. H. MORRIS, je22-ly Savaanah, Ga. E@ r ‘ Th# CltUeni cf Burke County, favorable to the enactment of a law prohibiting the Retail Traffic in A dent Spirt*, are requested to meet in Waynesboro’ on the Ist TUESDAY IN FEBRUARY NEXT, to deliberate on the p-cp.ie y of sending delegates to the Convention, to be held on the 23d February, for nominating a candi date for Governor. Consulu’ioialist A Republic please copy. ja'S Gilm'o’s Hair Dye has made its appearance in our city, very much to the gratification o! our young beaux who wear red whiskeri or mustachioa. Gentlemen are now seen going into oar hair dressing saloons with hair, whiskers, mustachios, and eyebrows of all imaginable colors, and in five minutes they will appear on the street having them entirely changed and decidedly improved by a lustrous black, obtained by using Gilman’s Bye.— Sor/l ih Herald. ( Fors&le wholesale and retail by < D.B. PLUMB * CO., 1 Agents for Augusts, Ga. j SW Ju »> received si Mrs. B. O. Collin', stare, 1 | ' , PP»‘:e U. S Hotel, » snpp’j of MOURNING COL- ] I . * n „ d Embroidered MmUn and Lace COL- J ' ® XUi CAPS; MUSLIN 1 ! . . „h_® Uek “ 1 Wt ' l ' LaceCOIFFCRES, BARBS, Mo- 1 I r OAP3 and HEAD DRESSES; Meciiin and j Tnmm:ng LACES; P.ak and Bine SILK; rid GLOVES. Now .a store a handsome asirrtm.nt of BONNETS t. j FLOWERS, PERYCmeS, TOILET pSwDER. 5 ; BONXrrs, CAPS and HEAD-DRESSES made at .hor, nouoe, in the most faihionabie atyle. jai twhwaw i a '3T Notice.—All person, indebted to ALDRICH A ROYAL, either ty Note or open Account, l, requests: o i make payment, as the bnsiness will be changed after the Ist FEBRUARY. WM. S. ROYAL, 1 jaii-dawlm Survtvtttg Partner. t3T~ Old Sore*. Ulcer., and &U eruptions and disease ariur g from an impure or depraved .tate of the blood. r See the eiuaordinary care o. Mr. G. Harwood, a highly a resectable citia sc of Richmond, Ya., by Carter’s Spanish fc Mixture. He had utter < aud eorea ol the worat descrip- - 1 Lou, ud finally got .o bad he vu unable to walk, except - on crutches. A few bottler cf Carter’s Spanish Mixture" the great blood pcriC .or. Mm, aa it fca. cored hen- T dreo» cf otntr* who ha v ...a -r u *|th rbtmirxti.m had _ affects or mercury, and pair., »ed clears ol the tone,’ and Joints. r- For uJe by UATILAMD, RLsLEY A OO n D. B. PLUMB * 00.. ’ jill-diw*f lof W, E. A J, ICUIM. COMMERCIAL. SAYiNSAH, J&D.C.aw.—Air-red since the 1W | j inst., baits fpland, f1«',56! \z ? R'v Ire a-. 2,0=9 from Augusta and on the ri*tv* # ) t-ui 1,( 66 wi ads. The expert lE,7frJ bale* Cplanl and ISI -io bei Islan ii, viz : \ ’ - pfiC-1. 9, 75 saica Cptand an. 46 dc Inlands ; . - davre 1,396 bale* Upland; to B-.stoa 1/47 i . ’tt Cp.a : f-n '—■ Be a lilaxd ; to New Y rk, 931 bale: Uplau -ad C7 cc tea t Islands; aad tc CharLertou 195 f airs Cj ina ara 16 *o , feta lalands—lea via* on hand aad on hip-board not clear ed, a nock of 2€,813 bai f Upland * rJ _ ■' • lS :’ anil,against 45,944 bales Upland and2,74J do Sea islands at th< t!«ce time last year. The market epenei thi • week very quietly «: ’ re';, as rates. OnYriday theeaU. were 65?, aud on Saturday ; 7fcO bales. On Monday ihtr; seemed io b. a ‘ r _e- , maud, though prices were nnchargtd— sai£2l/. 9 taie3; onTueciay the demand vra quite active at sud r..tts, •ales 2,2.7 bslcs; oi ed-rtdaV toe- TT?a:nLcl v. a. firm w- .L sale-a of bait i. x eater Jay there as an ac tive demand, but the offering stock l.as b-.en so much r.- ducc-d that the transactions were not i.r large .v. a fib. r ’. of the the two preceding ua: s. The tales : oea uj 1,709 j bales, the marks, closing firm at the foilovriar which are an advance of the finer qualities hav ing improved mot. We quote— Low Mildi-.ng 7 <&7)i Strict MidcLing Good MiSoLng b <ii> Middling Pair ~ Pair (very scare.) The sale* of tne ~ee*t acouut to 5,656 baka, a the f lowing particulars :26 et ,74 a. s#; £7 o; ia. ;12 a: 6 y % ; IC9 at 6>4 ;t9*t 6% ;bi6at CK ; ?* il t% ; 1,419 at 7: 50at I# ; a. 7* 644 a: 7*ji: ± a; 7X; 221 a: 7 9-16, bw at 7# ; luu*t7ll-16, 7X . U7 a 7 18-16 ; 200 at 7% \ 421 at 6 ; IC6 at Stf : 4. a: :50atb*; 2.• ai ;2 at 6>i; 27 a. 9. - 5 one W 10; 6 bale# Jeu.ro a; *nl 8i at 11 ctn:->. sea Ze’ands—lb Tt Las been a fair demacd for tmi quality of Cocton during the pas; week, particularly for tne higher grades The sales anicuct to upwarej or oiu ba et at extremes rang ng from 15 to 80 c nts. Flour— The murht is weil euvphed, a: d the dciaanu lair. We quote in lots at Cbm—The stcck cf ti is article ;s not Urge, tut is roily equal to the demand, wh.cb is l.m ted. it is selliag m lots at|l land retailing at $1.25 bushel. Out a — 1 r,t dec. and m limited, and tee stock light. Tn-y are *eihnK in lots at 60, and retaiLng at b7)4 cts bu^hei. jtjay —-There cave been no arrivals of co-stquea :e since oar last reptrt. Eastern iiselii g from store at $1.5 j,and North.rn a: sl. E©l 87« ltO Bs. Bj.QQiny and Rap. —i’oedemand f r there articles con* tinue limited. Bacsii —We quote Sides at and Shoulders at 7>s Qfi cents lb. Lime—lbt market is well supplied, and the demand limited. I-, is seLii g from store at f1 25 cass. bait— lhere have been no arrivals since our last report It is selling from etore in lots at $1.25 sa-k. EaxJi'insjt —We -quote at per cent, prem.—a he Banks are selling Sigh Checks oaali Northern cities at % per cent, premium, *ud purcha mg eight Bill* at X» 75 v-ays at •!£, 80 dayj at per cent disc., anu 60 cays at c nt. d 3count. Fre.fflUi —Ac quote to Liverpool in English vessels 5-16 and 11 22cL ia Amtr.can vessels. Cossiw.sc: To N’. Yor.. Me by saiiing vessels and 716 dby the at.amers; tj Bos ton, Philadelphia and Bait.more s>f. CHAELEfIION, Jan. IJ.— OoU/ju.— Tne article attract ed ago d d al of attenJon on Friday last, and th c nota tions cf that morning were not ca y fu 1? sustained, but as tne day drew to a dose tae transact ns showed auc dedly stringent market, but no po-i.ive advaice c;n be said to have been establihod ia prices. The transiCiions of the three *ubs<qient basin-.ss d iys were marked by a considerable degree of 6. mue s ou tne part of sellers, but they were not charACt.riz:d by aDy decided chaug for he betier. Ihe demand was reziewca with spirit cn Wcdn.s day, and lu (onstquence of the ve-y ifrht stock, v hiob be gins to be serious.y fel , some c-unpiTutioa was t reated among bu era, actl a decideo improvement : f %<&%<:. ce ve'optd itself Juring the d«y, wh eh wsa fuhy sustaiutd yesterday ; we have therefore reviseu our q iot*iioos to correspond with this s ate of things, and those we off r be low will show the posi.i n of the m_rk t at the close of bus ness. The sales cf the week may be classed as f-1 jws : Fr.day 1890, Saturday 1140, Monday Tuesday 1043, Wednesday 2400, and Thursday 17o9—in ;ki»g an aggre gate es lu.ooO bale , against toe receipt in the tame ume of 10,267 bales. The transactions comi rite 5 bales at si£ 9atoM, 105 at 6,8 sat 6% ) 73 at .U9 at 6*. 297 at 7, I4*at 7> a , 809 at 7k, *23 at VA, 167® at 7Mt 9c® at 7Mi 64 at 71 16,94 at 7; 4 , 2cßat7>* 1622 at 8,3 oat 8 l-li, 2i6 at J* ,b 52 atSM. *4 at ,1 0 a*. 8 7-16, tOU at B*. 97 at «*, 106 at b*. -ud 16j *ea at 9 cents. Wequ t-Ordi a t j Good Or. inary 6Md£7 ' Low \j Strict Mi.Jdiiog7>4@-i Gcod Middling B>„&nbL • M.ddling Fa.r 8^; and Pair-®—. There sie.dy nut rather limited dm»nd for the dt Ecrip.ions clawed under the head of Long Uct.on a pri cs te dng ia favor of buyers. We quet. F oiidas 16&2U; . antees 2-(3»28, Common Mams and bea tlmds and M . - uliug Fine to Fine Isiand Cottons at 4jo. a d upwards as in qualiiy. * Ji ce.— lhere has been a g od d.mard for all qualities of ihi.a t.c e, since our list. Taerec.ipt,, which re C i34' 6 have cnanged hands, lri cs have d from but the gr at bu'k cf the sabs were madi w.tnm h. rang; ol per hu ured. 'lhe uo jo.ned quotations wi.l s .uw the state of th.- m rktt at he cb seof the week, viz : ( rdinary to Fair, ty 6 (&l ; Good ti Trim,, 4B©4^, and choice 4 ’ Corn. Tne mark«t at the c.use of the previous week, was very ca:e ts .his art ce , t has, however, been re plenished by the arrival since our la>t, of upwards ol 24 - UO ) bu hole, which, in coustq rence cf its g.cat fcaic ty have brought high prices. The whole ol this amount has been s 1J at per bushel. OaU. —There have been no ar:ivalsfor a:me time back, and the stock is ne rly, if uotquite exhausted. The list transactions were at 6. ©6sj. Pean —Have afro become very scarce, and are much wanted. The last sal:s were at I.U. and sl.lu per bashe:, wh ch were taken for coastw.se shipment. Uuy —About. l 0 bales North Liver have arrived sicca oi.r lan, the bulk of which has been told at 1 25 per 109 lbs. We quote North Hmr 1.1%<&L25; and Pattern $1.26. Flour— The market, so far as this article is concern* d, has undergone no change since our last, ihe ti ansae tions have been confined sol ly to < ountry brands, which compris; the stock, principally at 9# to otl. He ceived txiis week 1256 bbls. Bacon—lhe mark t continues in a very lanquid snd de; i tsatd stale. Akt cf Sides ot good quality were sold this weik as low as 7 A cents $ lt>. Lard— Nothing has oeen done in this article since our last. Sail— The market is very much de reis .d at present. The demand, which ha btea very limited, l as seen sup plied at $1 sack, Keceived since our .ast 45J0 sack , none of which bavebeen sold. Suffars —The stock is on the increase, and the den- md frera the tiade has been limited, a d c.nfi.eJ altogether to Lou sianas, of whii h seme 60 hods have been s Id at 4to 4At 100 hbdsfr; m4A to as in quality, lie Ccived oa lasi about 4t)U hhds. Coffee —About 100 jba s Bio, part of a c irgo of recent importaiion, have been sold thie week, on terms not made public. Mulassee —The transactions have been confi e.i solely to New Orleans deser ptione, of wh ch some 1500 bbls and 4. tea. have beenreeefred thfr w~ek, apartef wlii h has betn sold at and in the neighborhood of gal. Frices, Lcwever, are d.pressed, and about 6 0 bbli 01 the above quantity .-1 ma n uuso d. Bagging aiid Rogte —We have no transactions to report in these articles. Domestic Liquort —We note saleb cf about 290 bbls New Orleans Whiskey. Prices have a decided diciDimste. - dency. JfacJianges —There has been a better feeling evinced thi i week, and prices are firmer than lasl re-.'ort d. Freights —We quo e Cotton to Liverpool, in squarobags, at a farthing,and dull. A vessel s voiding so Havre a. the joined rates, viz : Colton in square b g * B -,lc. for Sea Island, and $2 50 for 600 lb.i. ltfre. We quote to New York2oj. for Cotton, and 75a. ti rce for Bicj ; and to Boston >«c, for the former, and $1 50 tierce for the lat'er. MONTGOMERY, Jan’y. 15.— Cotton. —Since cur last re port we have had a good demand for Co* ton, prices bting in favor cf sellers from day to day, which caused uu aJ vance of \at the c!ose of the week. The ;u‘e a«Jvi.,s seem to have no effect on pri:es here. We quote Middlings cents. Stock on hand Sept. 1,1554 2,712 Received past week 1,782 Received previously 4G,8J1—49,6J3 Shipped past week 2,r07 —5i,8£5 Shipped previously 15,141—19,221 Stock on hand Jan. 15,1855. 82,104 4000 GRAFTED APPLES TREES FOB SALE, r | 'HK gra’ting of a native Georgian, at my Nursery, two X miles from McDonugh, Henry county, (A\. The trees are of one and two summers’g owth, aud embrace Lf.c en choice kinds, that ripen from the 15. h June to some lime in October. 1 will mark each kind, do t cm up in tfood order, put straw and doth around the roots, and deliver them at a * tat on on the Macon and Western Road, So miles above Macon, or on the Georgia Railroad, 140 milea above Augusta, at |8 p r hundred trees, either of the one or two summers’, of an average size—the trees b.ir.g smaller than usual for their age. They are designated by the names of Yellow June, Red June, Large Striped July, Horse, Large Queen, Sego, or Mai gham; Gloaler main ; Red New-York Fippin, Lady-Finger, English Ci nb-. Foot Round, Limber-Twig, Romaintes, Lady Washington. I have Sa Pound Pear graf.s, at 25 c*_nts each. Send me gotd lie rgia or South Carolina money, at my risk, by mail, and 1 will send you tue trees. jaß-wßt» JOHN DAILEY. PUBLIC SALE. TIT IU. be sold, at the residence of the lale Dr. H. J. ff Smith, Columbia county, on Tuesday, 19ih day of DECEMBkR, the entire stock cf Ho ses, Mul s, Cows, Hogs, Sheep; also, the Corn and Fodder, Hou ehold ani Kitchen Furniture, Ac., belonging to the estate ol ta d de ceased. dl7 fTHK ADAM* KXPlihbs COMPANY would re- X spect uly inform th; public that, having effected con tracts with the various Railroad Companies for the trans mission of parcels Freight, specie, Merchandize, Ac., on their trains. They are prepared to forward as above to the several stations cn the Georgia, Atl c da and LaGiange, Montgomery ard West Point R.ilroads, to Montgomery, Alabama, and by the Western and Atlantic and Naahviiie and Chattanooga Raircad , to Na-hvile, Tenn., and also by the South Carolina Raili<ad,to Charles ton, thereby correct ng with their oIC ea ab i he.l‘ tmi weekly Steamship Express to the Northern and Eastern oities; and aso through to New York v a the land route, for the rapi i and safe tran-mission cf BANK NOTI S and SPECIE. (No arti les cf freight forwarded by land route unhss especially ordered by that route ) For the better security of Monies, Jewelory and other valuables, an Iron Safe is placed in each car, a compauied by an experienced m;sse ger, who hat the exclusive care and custody of ihe Express Car, and whose busin-.ss it is to re eive and d. liver parcels to the Agents at the several stations on the line of the :o^tes. pgy- Particular attentioa is paid to the collection cf Nett s, Drafts and Bil.s, and to the collection of Bills on delivery or goods. 027 JAMES D. CRANE, Agent. BARKING A LAND OFFICE. TRACY A FAR sHAM. Zeochange Brokers and General Land Agents, Si, Anthony's Pails, Minnesota. rpHK subscribers offer their services to Southern capi- X talis - . in making investments in WESTERN LANDS. Fewp rtions of the country offer such inducements as Minnesota now presents. We can make investments in Land that will nett forty and sixty per cent per annum. The immense immigration, the rapid rise of real estate, and our intimate acquaintance with the country, eusb e us to make investments that will nearly or quite aou-ne In value every year for the neii ten >eara. a few hun dred do.lars judiciously invested now. will soon become thousands. How can money be so safely and profitably inve tedf Such investments are better than Savings Banks, for they do not fail; better than Life - neurance, fo’’ thev reauire r*o yearly premium. Laud in the vicinity of new and thriving villages, can now be bought for three, four and five dollars per acre, that in ten years will be worth ien imes that amount a thousand dollars now invested, without labor, Will thus btcome ten thousand. Many of the fortunes of tho Nt rih have been made in this way. Six years ago neither St. Anthcny cor ft Fail’s con tained a hundred >rhabitants ; now ocecontains>s or 60m. and the other ? c/ 4000, and united support four daily and seven w.eny papers. Within that six years, Kcsj Estate has advanced, in manv instances, a hundred fold. Their history wiii, in a measure, bs Ihe bistory o man other towns in Minnesota. Those t :at have the foresight to make iavestmeutt while the land is so cheap, wiii make fortunes. The subscribers are always willing to give ail the infor mation in their powtr in xecar Jto the country. Civeelan furnished grat s. Satisfactory references given. For fur ther particulars address TRACY A FaKNHAM. oS?-tw8m , T'o DKATIbTb.—We have just received a large as- X sortment of almost every art cie necesoa y for Me chanical or Operative DkNTitIRY, such as Pluggc's, tcalers, E*cavalors, Bum, Drills, Pliers, Nip)»ers, Ham mers, Files, Forceps of almo.t any pattern, which we are selling at Manufacturers’prices. eBO D. B- PLUMB A CO. FREE TRADE AND NO MONOPOLY! WHO SAYS GAS OK LEAD PIPL> ? JBOU IS A CO., Plumbers and Gas F.ttera, at the • corner cf Javlucn and Teifiiir streets, immediately in the rear of the Baptist Church, would i :ke u know. We take pleasure in statir g that wc are now prepared to run GAS and WATER PIPES into stores, dwellings, churches, faetoiies, public buildings, Ac., a: us Urs? a rate of as good materia’ and workmanship ns con be obtained and done in any Soathe: n city. In addition to this we will keep a constant supply, and procure at the shortest ncti e the following articles. v:s: Chandeiiera, Pendants, Brackets, BAR - Flexible Drop Lights, Gas Pipes sine.', Lead and Block Tin Pipe*, Water Close:., V-"...::-.: a sins of vrricts patterns, Wood Bathing Tuts, . zed with and Lead, Copper and Brass Shower Baths, Ccoking wiHi or without Water Backs; Copper and Galvanized Circulating Sellers; Cas: Iron rinks, for Kitchens or Pan tries, ofal sires and patterns; Brass and Iron Lift and Force F.tnps of various patterns an j sizes. A 1 orders left at the shop or with the Superintendent o i the Gas Works will be personally and punctually attend ed to JOHN ROWE, 3fi 1y G. S- HOOKEY. \ K\\ BOOK.—Sketches of seme of the Firs: Settlers of Upper Georgia, of the Cherokee Indians, and of the author. By Hon. txcorge R. Gi mer. Just received and for sale by [jasj McEINNE a HALL. TO RENT, rr.XTIL the Ist October next, a commodious BRICK DWELLING on Ellis-street, a few doors above Otn tre-stieek Apply to JOHN FHINIZY, Sr.,cr M. JOSEPH, jafi-lw -t Finn a Osmond’s Office. COURT OF ORDINARY THE ORDINARY wi 1 be found at his Cffiie, ready to receive the Returns of Kxecu ors, Adm.nistraurs and Guardians. A Rule wtii bw served upon a. ; l iltfou’.ters for S£3, if returns are not mace before the first Mo2«'DaY’ in February next LEON P. DC_*AB, j >4-diawßwaw& Ordinary. HERIOT A PETir, Notaries, average adjusters and for- WARDING AOKNIS, Chariesma, g». C. ja4-d6m COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. T*HE ander»K' T ied this day as*o:iuei with b. : m THOMAS J. JLNN-NGS c.nd LSaIAU FJli L' in the Grocery and Commission Business, under tnc r ame and Style of POULLAIN, JENNINGS A CO Novaabff 5, i&i. [vj ANTOINE POCLLAIN. BUSINESS CARDS. | r.ClEffl»!il AST' HDSDfEaS CAKM, not i -''Lise'’ will ee ar iedar.der this head ai lee ret« -* > j ptf a . c—. G:,rls exceeding c .ix lines, wiH be j f. v c LPsr. Cb.v s: on. jS. M. Hoosk, Cha Uncoga, I IMaE tliY & KOIKE, OTTO v ' TOR*, COMMIS ION' AND FOE- : L W/ > 0 E?; U vNTS, Brow&’g Wharf, Charles I 10-, ■ j" i ..- i.c thd sal- of &1* Country ! ■ .ad ii*r.u .'.ires, t>ths Keelving and For- ! pit .-f : s and to tJteffllingol orders .a thu ! K-.f-.Ti to i.mei IX. ii, Esq , Augusts, Ga.; Hiepherd, j C jalT-twnrSm I i HXHiZY \ CLAYTOI, t • B ABO CQXlHggin MEE- W CB-'.- <is. tS fa a.AW PARTNERSHIP. > CBi . fAOKFU’Oai) ntd JONATHAN D. -r- rTict-celAwjoinsty, under tbe style a- -.i-Ir’c. . . . a Gordon coan’.y, Ga. c23-«6m C. E. SiEOlfiiE AT LAW, Lincolnton, Georgia. W. L. HAULER, , ■ AT LAW, ieffereo', Jacfcxa ootmiv, XJI oeorgra. _ ’ i-ar.s sea--. Watson as 4 H. Witt, Esqrs., Jefferson; V r * on n ’ Pvepleg, E ; qrs., toawrencevilie: J. 11. ewto!. andC. Peep es, E- ; qrs., Athens; Law & Clark ana a. uianac, ksqra., Gni; tavii e jaT tALiiolA & BTOIKS, A 4 !’ " b qja A’laota, Georgia Jas M. Calhoun, AjCHtrasr W. ctoxe. c'Sl-Sm JaHEo F. REID, AITOH.'VEV AT LAW, C raw fords v.ile, Geo., will practice in the counties of Taliaferro, Greene. Ban cccic, W&rr<.n and VVi.kcS. dl 6m* CHtEVER & Cl., (At C. A. L. Lamar's corner Drayton and Bryan-eU.) » AClOllb A.\D COMMUbiUY MBBCUAftXS, Jl. fcAV-.anah, Uto. Wm. CHfcAVEB, J Johh E. Sims. n25-atw w SIMS & C 2. LEVER, « 'ACTORS A foil A A a’achico a, Fla. Jens ti. .ms. | Wm. W. Chester. U.i-ulWi V RIIXER & JIAADELL, \ liOBSKVb AT LAW, Waynesboro’, Ga. Re- AA. ie s to Mef.ro. A. J. A i. W. Alilier, of Angusta, u i Me v-’-rd ; Owens offcavarsah. n2-d3awif THOMAS C. AIDAS, A TTORSJKV AT LAW, dparta, Ga., will i t-ct jL jl ia the counties of Hancock, Washington, airt Tar,aferro, Greene, Putnam aud Baldwin. Par tit Mention paid to collect ng. Ueis: ti by perui’Uiioa to Messrs. Miller & Warren, lho3. “ Richards A McCord, Hart k Co., and Simpson & .ardiner,of Augusta; Messrs. Hand, Williams k Wilcox, j. Hopkins, Hudson k Co., o; Chariestcn, fl. C. 4 jy j(»-6ci POPE & WREHS, AT'i'OHAKVb AT LAW, Washington, Ga., wii practice in the counties comprising the Northern j <JiT. cuit, and Columbia ol the Middle Circuit. ousiacaa ei;ti to them will rect-ive prompt at J foPE.Ja. j Jobs B. Wekms. QUINCES R. KOLAiri » A 1 ' 1 BVA TLA \V, office at McDonough, Hen - LX ry county ,Ga will collect cl aims in the coun'.ito ol 8 £!.*;;>• Meriwether, Pike, Fayette, Coweta, » ' a » Newton, Jasper, Ecu* ai,a Monroe. PAIL T. i B C°- ! U<zLo:> AN D FOE WARDING i MbkcIIAM, Acc iin .datioa Wharf, Charleston ! * 1 ‘ ia * **‘ ottr * & ‘ COQ » a &d ail other arti 1 S3P/~ iftrict and .. rompt attention given to the io a warding of Goods and Produce. ” . *Gdt«nce—Messrs. D’Antignac, Evans A Co., Augus tt; °* jeS-3m a T. BTKMIIOOBIC. O. N. AVSBILL. T blh»llOt«K «Sfc CO., |f ITOLWA iDING AND COMMISSION SIEKCHAN'i Ho. 1 llayM-street, Charleston, S. C. s Refer to Dulin, Hand, Waliams a Wilcox,Charleston Hand, Williams A vo., Augusta; J.Norcrojs, Atlanta; t. e C. Chandler, C iattanoog .; C. U. &. D. L. Coffin ACo Knoxville: :.. S. Dunbar, Hamburg, 8. C. myl’J-liQ CHAS. A. GREINER, - SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Savannah, Georgia , ’ V\J ILL give paiticular attention to Receiving and For- V V warding Merchandise to the interior, by River or Railroad. je2-6m GKEIXEK & HAItkAESS, i sounendoab * o william s. guk >n r » / lOTI'ON AND <;E.\KUA L I 'OMMX6HIOA aiKR Vx' COAiN’l'S, Sh North Water-st. and 42 N ® Philadelpia. J Wm. 'i. GhKINEB. I Wm. W. HABBb£B6 * tt|)22 4 DVV. Vdtfti* DILI., after(hirteen years experi i 3 ence on the Bench, has reamed the practice. La Irar.ge, Ga. nl2-iy I LAW. i t HK bUBbCUIBKH, resuming the Practice ol LAW £. wi A.ive prompt and faithful attention to 'll Uusincs r entria .to liis professional management. His Office is on Washington-street, one door north Broad. _ ia2s _ ALPHKUB M. RODGERS. JOSS' H.~ IILLEIi, ’ \ TOiiWKY AT LAW, Orawforaville, Ga., 1 ] il. practice in the counties of Taliaferro, Warren a:.d r iancock o» the ' > rthern Circuit, and the county t Greene of the Oomuigee Circuit. n2‘/ DISSOLUTION. npHlfi COJL'AII Iheretofore existing oe 1 JL tween Messrs. DAWSON k WALKED., having been ' t'lis day dissolved by mutual consent, the undersigned wiU continue to PRACTISE LAW in all of the Courts c f . t lis County, and in the Middle Circuit generally. I EDWARD J. V/ VLXE2. WM. \VAItli\G aiHEkSGAN, S 1 KXRUAIi COMMIbfoIOA MKBL'HANT, No. n t VX Warren Block, Augusta, Ga. Prompt and particular atter lion given to all cousignmente of COTTON, RICE, ? < LOUR, GRAIN, and all kinds of Country Produce. KEPBKfcNons—S-» - annah— Messrs. R. Habersham & Ron N. A. iiardee A Co., Mr. W. Woodbridge. Augusts— j Messrs. Carmichael * Bean, Mr John R. Dow, M>. J. A Ansley. New-Fork—Mr. Geo. C. T.Seaman, Mr. R W !f Ule .cter, Mr. J. R. Habersham. apS-Gm HMMOivs & t;i.KVS, 3 i TTOIiJkKYb AT LAW, Liwren.'reville, Ga. d -Ca- Jawivs t\ vSimvons, 1 J. Nioeglas Glens. e mh22-dt.wawlv late of Carnesviiie, Ga. KOG£KS & tO., > « tO>IMIBBION M£U€HANTH, 72 Poydraa-strw i g \J New-Orleana. E UooEiiS, |L. F. ftooEES, j Edw Barna an s 028-ly* WILLIAia S. DAUGHERTY, 2 j i’TOIiJsKY AX LAW, Ncwnan, Coweta cou* • •Ik. Geo., will practio blithe countiesof the Cow* if 3 Circuit. N. H. special attention paid to the collecting practice 5 N« - > 'tv., tb, 1858. ! ivAsaaiiuft, >vTLufc.H & co., 5 L'ACTOBb ASH COMMISSION MKHCHABTS, , A savannah, Georgia JO3 WABHSURS, WlLOßft, ''IL£K€IS DASA. ( au2B-twbm > * * JOEL ii BARNETT, | i TTOHNhV As' LAW, Madison, Morgan county, , .lk. Ga., will practice in the following counties, t-> w;ii I Clark?, r altm, Kaldwir Greene,Putnam and Jasper. , Parties vi'i oe promptly notified and paid, whtfc , their f.l dmsare 'Milected. au24-ly* I L&riOit bIKPU^S, i nORNfil 4T LAW, office at Sparta, Geo., il /jl practice n tho counties cf Hancock, Washington I Wqrn-r. ' ab. ieru ad Greene. anr2l-ly W. W. TdlOSlAii, <i • ‘S'GiiAKX AT LAW, Newnan, Georgia, -Tiliprkc* - ice in tbe counties of Ccweta, Troup, Meriwether W O',rrol), D**Kalb and Newton. apr2l-ly g. aiiMilT fHOM MIGSIOA MBRCHAJVT, Augusta, Ga., wHI attend to thocale of Produced all kinds, .signed £ a. sot, . TORNKI ANF> AT LA .nd General Land Agent for Gilmer county. OcAy, Gilmer county, Geo. marfcS IfISDEH, ATIOIiXBY AT LAW, Warrento?a, Gj., wiilprac tice'tn Warren and the adjoining counties. Special tentim fivea tc- reign claims. jaSS-jy* J /!• AUSEEY, (/*>£?> :■ t'irmcf Seymour, Aneley c& Co. i 4URBIAAx AMD PRODUt . VJ BCXRGHi eorgla* Offioe on Broat’ Et?ect,cppc* : to Bank cf Hrc- GKDEGR h. iIERIGT, 'ACTOR ASP COMMISSION MHIiCHANT r Oharleot :r.,5.0. Samrsoß : - -B. S. Rhett, L’rq.,Messrs. T. S, A T. Bu-d • ,'c.C. •» VTOUNKX AT LAW , \7arrenton,Georgia. if. j:sr.s7-tf BRITISH PERIOD:CALS.-EARLY COPIES SE CURED. LEONARD tic CO., New-York, continue to r r-publish the foliowii p Brit sh Periodicals, viz: I.—Tfl K. L'jN D N QUAR l ERLY (Conservative.) 2—THE MNBLRhII REVIEW (Whig.)# S.—THE NORTH BR TJSH REVIEW (Free Church.) 4.—TilK EMM N-iER KEVii W (Liberal.) b.—bi ACKWv) D\- EDINtfUR H MAGAZINE (Tory.) The pris Lt critical state o; European affairs will render these i.u_lie U ons unuhually in crest us during the forth coming year. They wii! occupy a middle ground between the hastily wri t n ne-vo items, cuae speculations, and Uvi g r u.ora of the dady Journal, an ! the ponderous I'.aeo th:f ture < storian, w. uitn af.cr the living io ta; est and exilement fine grea i olitical events of th 1 true ah. 1 have pas.ei aw:.y. uis to the e Periodicals tnat ilu ie s must J. tic lor the o iy really intelligible and . iit history ts current events, and as tucb, iu addition o f.eir we I c- .Ribbed literary, tcientJic and theological character, we urge them upon the canaideiation or the reading p. bile. 4riangemects!*re now permanently made for the re ceipt ot ally sheet from the British publishers, by which we are enat ltd to plaue all our re-prints n the hands of si eser bers about as boon as they can be fornia ed with the 'or *gn copies, s. nh ugh this involves a very large cut lay on on- part we *hall continue to furnish the Per.odicals ~t the same 1 w ratej as heretofore, viz: Per annum. For any one of the four Reviews f 3 o'O For a y two of th- <oor Reviews 5 00 For any thre. of th-* four Reviews 7 CO For any four ultre R:views S 00 Fur II» kwood s Magazin 8 CO For Blic wo >d and t:.ree Reviews 9 Oo For 11 a kwood and the four K views 10 00 i’cjmenti to be made a a'l ca-es in auvance. Monty current in the biate where is-ued, wLI be receivtd at par. CLUBBING. A tli c un of $5 per cent from the above prices will be al tv d to Clubs order ng direct from L. Scott A Co. four cr mo.e <cp es cf any one or more of the above worKs, thuv: Four copies of Blacicwocd or one Review, will be sent to one a ere s for $9; f urc< pies of the four Reviews and LLickstood lor ISO ;.rd t,o cn. PC STAGE. In al tbe prin ipal cilits and towns, thesework3 will be J_l vert d through agents, free or postage. When sent by mad the postage tu any plit cf t:;e Unue: States will be u: ;4 Cents a y ar ■ r * ibaciwood,”and but 14 cents a year for each of the&evf ws. .t mntanceo anu ccxnmnnicatiOLS should always be ad ores j U, pest paid, to the pu: li-hers. LEON aE D SOOTT A CO., 54 Grid-street, New-York. N T . B.—L. 8. A Co. have recently rublished, ni have now »or sale the “ fAEME .L GU.DbyHe-rySte pLtns cf Edinburgh, and fie late Prof. No.ton, of Yale Co lege, N w-Haven, complete in 2 vc-ls,, royal octavo, c ntaining 16 0 pages, 14 steel and tCO wood engravings. Price, in mo in binding, <6. *r_:i werk is not the ald B okof he Farm,” lately re suscitated and trr wn rpen the market. ja!7 ~ “ DR. GREEN" HAVB YOU heard cf Dr. GKEFN, of Phi adelphia.? If not, tueir me to enlighten you* ben ghted under itin lire. n.e is the inventor cf th; best j oaic, perhaps, ever compounded, known as GREEN’S ARO MATIC Sa P : lor the cure o Dyspepsia, Debility and Ner tjus derangements of the atomacn generally. •i d-. Green’s Aromatic Sap ” ha» had such extraordi nary *uc'«.ss in the Northern and Eastern States, as to induce him to establish an Agency in the South, and has appointed Messrs. W.H.AJ. TURPiN, cf this city, gen eral Agents f r this State. We hive received a limited supply cf the above ARO MAiIC cAP, and will be pleated to furnish those in reed oft i 3 c-lcbraied Cordial. jai4 WM. P. k J. TURPIN. AUGUSIA SI ED STORE, ( Yearly or potto United States and Globe IfcieJo.) Tti K soosenut r Las re e.tedandw.h ccnttnue to re ceive throughout the ieason, his stock of Genuine and Fresh UAKI.tN BSED.-, crop lbM. Ite o|Ull dtd«. tion made to country m e r.hanto. J. icx. M B—G ant Asparagus Roots, White and Red On»on White ani Red Clover, Lucerne, Blue Gras?, Timo thy, Psave Crarg;,Qregm iea , I IMPORT A t IOS-HAVAIA feEGARb. Jb Ba, A - M * 6RGARS ; 43,0- 0 O. K. dv ; 76,000 Low-priced d of them very superior. Just rtCrivtd ty td!6] DaW6QM A sKIN’NKR. . lAR KBMTCC&Y HO lift Kb. —Carriage, Buggy L anu Sadole HORNES. Ail very fine Ke .tacky stock. di4 W. H. PRiTOaARD. ICO bales heavy i?unny,old importlUhQ 100 bales good Gunny, new importar.on. lor sale by (453 HAND, WILLIAMS A CO* GrOODS. WFV; V*T.T. ROODS —FFLX SUPPLIES, TOJJUM HHE4E HAS received from New-York his Full Sur-plies of Fan. r'in i Staple DBi GOODS, embracing a large and sn’.en i*d . :a.truer.:. suitable for the Fall and Winter season, amen? which are Rich fanev co ored fcILES, sf new and beantlfu style*; Plain Black tILK3,in great variety of styles and ot supe- Rich Tatis* printed DLLUNK-S and "accy aU Woo Lup'^fV^I ,’*L.„e and black MEiINOS, and plain col’d DELAINES; A Terr Is'ge s-T-piy of small flgered all wool printed DEL AIN E-iffor ch'i’iren, • f new snd baatiful styles; English and Amer can Fancy PRI 18, in a great varuly Bcperior&’:h Foccy C-I-X-HAMJ, cf sew asd beaatltel Winter styles; , _ , r r ->- v V-.sIroiDEIUE?, embracing Lauies’ XOLLllfs CHE'iIZEIYL. , U-NDERSLEEYS3 and HANDK^ \ x'HIEKi.*, *f ne?r . nd splendid styles; Ladles*Jß:* 7 * tld Colored OLGIII CLOAKS and TALMAS LadieV i;i V Embroioertd and Plain Paris Silk Velvet j CLOAKS; ; A large supply of Ladies’, Misce. and Children’s HOsIERT of the best make; _ . . r , T n--'o Lad : e3 and Gectleraen’s superior Gauntte. GLO * as; Ladles and 3 Merino and Silk VESTS; 1 Gentler* e-,\ and Yorth’? 311 k and Marino SSIRTc and DRAWERS; „ _ Super.wr We.ja, Saxony, Si2s Warp and Eesvy Shaker FLANNELS; ._ T£3 , T .. c . Supeno r Oolored FLANNELS, for Ladies Sacks; English and Amciican Canton FLANNELfc, cf extra A veTy large supply of MOURNING GOODa, for Ladies* use, of iUi>eriorqußl ty: Superior 12-4 Linen Pillow Case LINENS; Superior 8-4 and lu 4 T&oie 3nd Damask DIAPERS, some of extra qua ity; Rich Damask TABLE CLGTH3 »d NAPKINS, some of e trasiae; _ . . Scotch and bira’3 Eye DIAPERS, extra fine, for children’s Heavy Scotch DIAPERS and HUCKABACKS for Towel- Sapenor Whitney and Merino BLANKETS, of extra eiae and quality; Superior CRIB BLANKETS. Also a variety of other seasonable articles suitable for Family and Plan tati-n use. The public are respect fully invited to call and examine • he assortment. W.S. especially solicits a cxil from his long continuod friends and pitrons, and assures them th it no exertion on his part shall be v. anting to supcly them with the latest and mest desirable styles of GOODS, at the lowe't prices. b7 NEW STORE! NEW GOODS!! OPENING THIS V* EEK AT THE STORE OCCUPIED BY M. D. BLALOCK LAST SEASON. THE undersigned is now prepared to offer a handsome stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DBF GOODS, pur chased on the most advantageous terms in the different Northern markets which tbe attention of Ladies is respect fully sclic t d. 'ihe stock consists in partof the following: Lupin’s l*la n Colo'eti M. DELAINES, CASHMEKEs and M£i; INOB, al 1 shades; Plaid POPLIN Plaid ALPACAS, and Wool PLAIDS; American, French end Englisn PRINTS, Small Plaid and Highland GINGHAMS. ALSO, MOURNING GOODS. Lupin’s BOMBAZINES, M. DELAINES and CHALLY3, Rf ■! English l OMBAZlNES,(warranted); Blk. ALPA CAS and CANTON CLOTHS; 1- ack and White PRI TS; Mourning GINGHAMS and PCPLINS. - 1 he SILK DEPARTMENT will embrace many novelties est: e season. Very Rich BROUADES; rich PLAIDS,new designs; handsomePiaidSlLKß, at ; Plain CbIAME -1.E0N5,673ac.; Black l RHOADES, blackGßO DE RHINE, Bik RHEPT, ta in Du Line and Taffeta SILKS. Also, jlU’ i.n-i Col’d 1• RO D’NAPJ, SATINS, MARCELINESand FLORENCE, ;.:l colore. LINENS and LINEN GOODS of tbe best well known manufacture for Household use, such as 7, 8 and 10-4 Saaiu Damask’iAßLiN Brown do.; DAMASK CLOTHS, NAPKINS and DOYLES; C l’a Bordered Uuck. and Dia ,v*r T ELS, Pcctch DIAPEub; Craeh. DOWLAS ; 10, 11 and 12-4 L nen SHEETING; 4-4 and 9-8 PILLOW LINEN. In FLANNELS w 11 be fourd nn assortment Am ncan, Eu.ii h and Welsh,from 1 w tohghest price; Silk Warp do.; Pla n and F gured SAQUE FLANNELn; Heavy Bed Taided and Domets. The WHITE GOODS STOCK will comprise every arti oie usual y Lci-tiathis 1 nc. Plain and PlaidCAMBR'Ct; Ja-’n t, Nainsook and Mull MUSLINS; Dotted and Plaid MullSv.ss; BLhop LAWN ; Linen OAM 'RIC. Also tbe largest a sortment of EMBROIDERIES an 1 LAoES in ibis market, consisting of Swiss, Jaconet and Mud BANDS; o in F OLNCINGS, Cambric and Swiss ELaINGS and INSERIIiftQb, Cambric COLLARS; Fr nch MUSLIM COi LARS, new designs; Emb. CHLMI ZEL'Ta and HABITS; Ruff and oiandariu SLEEVES; Plain Tape Boardered, Hem-stitched and Eubrudeied ED HNGb and INSERTING:; Maltese, Thread, Mechlin and Gimpure LACES; Linen Li-ledo. In DOMESTICS is a large sto; k of LONG CLOTHS ; va rious brands Hamilton and Alienda e SHEETING, 10, 11 and 12-4 PILLOW COTTON ; Extra Bleached and B own Canton FLANNELS; Plaid LINoEYS and Col d HOME SPUNS, all prices. A complete assortment of HOSIERY of ail kinds, for Mis :ea, Boy 3 and Children ; Long and Sq lare Plaid Wool SHAWLS; Plain and Emb. Canton Crape do.; CLOAKS, MANILLAS and TALMAS. Always on ha'd a large stock of PLANTATION GOODS in KEKc-EYS, PLAINS, LINSEYS, SATINETS, KEN TUCKY JEANS,&c. Also LoudoQj.Dulfield, Macinaw and Colored BLANKETS, to which the attention of Planters and others is particularly called, as they will be sold as low as the lowest. Terms ca-b. J. K. BANOKOFJ*, n*> next to “ Bank of Augusta,” Augusta, Ga. RICH CA&PKTS AND CURTAIN MATKKALS. WliJJA.il bHKAII has received from New York a iarge supply of English BRUSSELS CARPETS, of the best quality and of new asd elegaDt st>l=s. English VELVET CAKPET3,of new and splendid styles. Extra THREE PLY, INGRAIN and VENETIAN CAR- Rich CHENILLE RUGS, to match the Carpets. Printed CRUMB CLOTHS, in patterns and by the yard. Rich Colored DAMASKS and DELAINES, for Curtains, with Gimps and Rich Embroidered Lace and Muslin CURTAINS, and some ht very low prices. EMBROIDERED MUSLIN, for Curtains, by the yard. WINDOW SH IDE- 4 , of beautiful styles. Superior FURNITURE DIMITIES and fine COTTON FRINGES. Gilt Cornices, Curtain Bands, and Brass and Pla d Sta r Reds. T he public are respectfully invited to call and examine the assortment. n7 BL*NKET3 AND NEGRO CLOTHS. WILLIAM feXlfiAil respectfully invites the atten tion of Planters to his large supply of NEGRO BLANKETS and NE /RO CLOTHS, which he is prepared to sell at very low pi ices. n7 NEW NEW GOODS!! CORNER OPPOSITE GIOBE HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GA. M3LLEK Ai U AitUliA will offer great inducements to'heir friends and customers this season to pur chaaetheir FALL AND WiNTER DRY GOODS. They do ict pretend to say they have the richest and largest stock ever offered in this city, that they have better taste in heir selections, or possess superior advantages over their neighbor ; but they have certainly the richest and most elegant stock they ever had in store. InDiiESB GOODS they have Rich Satin Striped Tlaid SILKS; Ri2h Heavy Brocade Col’d do. Ilk. Satin Striped Plaid and Watered SILK of new and beautiful styles; Pain Rep SILKS, and Plain do. Printed Fr. CA3HMERES and DELAINES; Beautiful email fig. DELAINES, lor Misses’ we »r; Fi&in French MERINOS and CASHMERES, of every Bha *gop. fice Blk. Fr. BOMBAZINE; *» -* “ “ CHALLE and DELAINES. MANTILLAS, PALMAS AND CLOAKS embracing variety of patterns and material, from low-priced to the richest and highest ccst Goods manufactured. EMBROIDERIES, comprising u large and most elegant iiSJortment of Rich French Worked COLLARS, CHE.vil- ZETTES, UNOEIISi: --EVES, STD uACHEKS, HANDKER CHIEFS, INFANTS’ ROBES and WORKED BODIES. ALSO, Maltese COLLARS, CKFMIZETTES and SLEEVES; Rich BrabroidereJ BANDS, of the latest styles of work; Beautiful lot of Bonnet and Neck RIBBONS; Linen Cambric Hem-st’ed HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, MKTS; Blk. and Whito Silk HOSIERY ; Alpaca and Moravian HOSE; Ladles and Misses HOSE, all sices; u Silk and Merino V fc-BTS and Misses do. INHOUSI KEEPING ARTICLES, they have an end less variety o. DWELLINGS, TABLE NAPKINS and DOYLES; 12-4 L:n~ ' and Cc*ton SHEETINGS; 9-8 and 5 4 Linen and Cotton FZLLCW CASE GOODS; TABLE CLOTHS- all sices, of the ri meat Damask and Snow Drop figures. ALSO, French and English CASSIMERES, BROAD CLOTHS, VESTINGS, SATINETS, TWfcEDS, Welsh FLANNELS, and other article kept in the Dry Gooda line. Per sons vieiting the city, can rely on finding the newest styles of Goods, and in lichntes and variety unsurpassed in any market, to which their attention is invited, as they will be offered at low price-'. nl HEW FALL Am) DBT GOODS. WAfiD tiUiICiIAUD arc now receiving theh Fall and Winter supplies of New and Fashionable GOODS, among whtoh will be found many novelties ia Dres3 Goods, as we.l as ?. general aasortme :t oi household articles. They ask attention to he following: Paris Sacque and Opera FLANNELS,new shades; American B&cque FLANNELS, plain and figured: Lupin’s Superior LISRINOS, ail colors’ Lupin's Black and Colored GIIALLIES; Lunin’s DELAINES, p ain, figured and plaids; Lupin’s Black DELAINES and BOMBAZINES; Rich Col’d BILKS, in Brocade, Plaids and ittrip?3; Superior Black TAFT ETA and Italian SILKS; C A £isk POPLINS, high colors; Scotch PLAIDS; American DPLAIN! 3 a.nd CASHMERES, all the atw da signs in Plaitfo.Siripee and Figures; Bto.utiful t rench and English FBINTS : Highland and Royal Piaid GINGHAMS; French CASHMERE D 2 ’ECOS3E: Scotch CHECKS, for Mloser; Saxony, Welsh, Silk Warp and American FLANNELS, EMBROIDERIES, White Crape, Wool and Plaid; Black Silk and Cashmere 3HAWLS, besides a large stock of Housewife anu tt-rvants’ Goods. They respectfully ask these making their winter pur '.-Races, to examine their Gcc r. Orders promptly and faithful.: executed. [o!s] WARD k BUKCHARD. BLAHEJETS! BLAKURTS! ALl*PlA&»)l£ii Ct- WIiIGHT invite attention to their assortment of Superior NEGRO BLANKETS, of ali sizes. ALSO, 10-4, i.l-4 and 12-4 BED BLANKETS, of all qualities, gome of which are very fine and heavy; Crib and Cradle BLANKETS. Ali of which will be at low prices. nB-daw NEW >QOODS. .4 LEXAIYDBR & Will Gil T have juatrjjj Irom New York Jaconet and Bwisa BANDS : UNDERSLEEVES and LARS; Ladies and Misses’ Long Black SILK MITTS; “ GAUNTLETS and Kid GLOVES; Black GALLOONS, >» ide Velvet RIBBONS and Serpentine BRAILS; Cotton FL.OSS and Frenc’ Working COTTON; Sleeve ELAbTICS and Silk ELASTIC WEB; Plain and f igured BLACK SILKS; D’BAIGE for Travelling Dresses; Black anti White and Fancy GINGHAMS and PRINTS ; GRA-S CLOTH, GAUZE FLANNEL and Irish LINENS; With . real variety of other Coods to which they invite the attention of the pub ic. au!B fancy and staple goods. OP tfeo very latent styV? ar»d luiport'it ons, »>re no w offered for sale by the subscriber at the very low e mirket price, to wit: Plain and Fancy Colored SILKS ; zxtra rich and low priced Piaid bILK; Rich Colored and Black Brocade SILKS; l 4 ani 4-4 real French Black SILKS, ve y glossy Opeia French i LANNELS, all colors; P:rsi; n TWILLS; All wool Muilin DELAINES; Pure Laine or all tvocl PLAIDS, for Children’s wear Fancy Colored and Black CHALLYB; Damtstlc anu English PbINTB; French low priced and super. PRINTS; Plats and tprigged Oil do.; Jaco: tt, Lnwn ard fw r Emtroidere2 SLEEVES; Rich Embroidered CHEMISETTES; biac* Alpaca and Canton OLOTHS. all prices; Ladies’ Silk anu ilerico VEb 1S; French Cromeiine and Embroidered SKIRTS; Lauies’ bilk and Woo SLEEVES; Brown, Blue and ttrevn BAREGE, for Veils; 0-4 french MERINOS, all colors, 4-4 and 5-4 Fancy Piaid GINGHAMS; Mooru.ngand Second Mourning GINGHAMS; Plain Black and Co.ored DELaINES; Ladef’ Monrmng COLLARS ard HANDKERCHIEFS Ladi s’ White and Black Silk HOSE; Lad es’BL ck Spun do do.; Ladies' Cotton HOSIERY, all colors and prices; Misses’ do. DO., do. do. do.; Plain, Hemstitched, Keviere and Embroidered HAND KERCHIEFS; L’nen, Cambric and Lawn HANKERCHIEPa; Real Welsh and other FLANNELS; Gr- en, Blue, Red and Yell: w Twilled FLANNELS; Engluh and Domestic Cstton do.; Bleached and Brown Linen Table DIAPER; Rich Table DIAPER, all widths; Hue a aba'k, Damask and Boroered N aPRINS Scotch and Russia DIAPERS; Gent’s M=rino SHlßTS,assorted size? ; Plain and Embrodered Linen Shirt BOSOMS ; 13-4 Uundressed Irish I IS LNB; Pil-ow case LINENS and COTTONS; 4*4 L'ish undressed round thread LINENS, warranted j ure and strong bleached; 4-4 and 6-4 Plain and Lined Burniture OU'CLOTHfI Da- ask and Colored DOYLIES; Rich Danafr Table CLOTHS, 12-4 and 13-4; Low priced Brown Table OLOTH8: Real French Piano snd Table COVERS; Rich and Extra Rich Marseilles QUILTS; Doui-wtic anc Imported Co ton FRINGES. n2l J. P. SETZE. BRAUTLFUL R3LBROIDERIKB ■\TOU' in store, and all cf which hAre been received AN within the last six days. . NSEDL£-WGRK£D GOODS of an Ir.nds, the best and largest assortment that we have yet had of these Goods. H KBIT'S, COLLARS and 6L£EVEi,?c full setts, of Mal tese and Honiton Laces; French, Swiss and Jaconet NEEDLE-VrORK, many very handsome; also, each of the kinds detached anu separate, COLLARS, tu'-.LVEg and HABITS; FRILLED COLLARS, of new styles and very pretty. Our s: ock of Lace, Swiss and Jaeonet COL LARS a very complete ; Urge Mourning SETTS, COL LAKSjHABITS and SLEEVES, various patterns. Lace S».s3 snd Jaconet 3ANDB ; also FLOUNCING, a Urge variety. LEEDLEWORKED DR£SSK2,from .ow-pricea to very he-aauzae ; ako, SKIRTS, Swbs worked MAN TILL AB, Roe quality ; Lace BERTHAS, Ac. Ac., all of which are selling at very low prices. WARD & BCRCfiARD. ap27 NSW SPHISC- SOODS, ALEX AXDHt dc \V are new opening their Spring .toe* of new .nd desiral’Se Staple and Fancy GOODS, which i* very complete in DSiISS GOODS of th. neweit style., ESIBBOIDtRIEa, MAN ILLAB. MUSLIMS, GIiiGHAMS,PIUJSrS, TABLE BIKSNS, IriA LINENS, G^M £l£Jir ' **' W WhiCk Unr lnTiU PUBLIC SALLS. HI OHM OSO §HK: \ ’k Li •be sol ~7l | Uie first Tuesday ia FEBRUARY ? ext, . itL s the usu*’hears ofsd-, a fa Lowe-. Mar ;il n 'i: -.c city of Augury, the foils p-vp-rry thu . .;• : »• . ‘ p cu.ium a. the lat air '• "J !n t- j au - u:t» " 1 Ltvitd hp »n as the pr, :-i.rty .rarsi i«fy a A fa.-i*ae d from Morga Su.cn i- <. Lu her u*o*l agurc 9 *. '• a.o w>■ - rur.. L>r. ... property pomtod out and described b; LuAer R. II; Led left a: LL> C uriage Sh p, ia hi. \ .^c• sou, whei. .1 , b. ,-uua an.l examined befer • rale. 1 Jau.7,1555. WILU&M DOYLE, D s:.eiiX ! RL UMOSD gIII R!FF*L F ALL.—Will ioso cr 1 the first Toss dai Ln M * RCJ next vLLin h- ! h-ur3 of ale, at the Letter il >r . use in tie Ci-y cl the folio wing prcpei ty, iis; a Legio Man, n ..r, . an . a carp eat. rby tr. d.: i.vi din s the p .ray ol Wii yG.Harri: .0 -.uisfy i .a • ... .. g-6- »-sued from the Us ti rL. »rt of caii c..,u • In .vtf of Vvihias e. Lawson ag dost *t i:ey G. t.&rrL- Tilt t.bove property ds-crlbcdin sa.d morL ge S. :a. and p ant.doat « y Wi ii&m P. , aw.-on this Jd January, IS. C Jan-a-y 8 15-55. WILi I\>t O Li. D he d i'ALIAFEBHO IsUEcilxi-’e> b.4 L&.—V iiibe sold, before the Conn-house ac r in :h= town a Craws rds ▼uie, Taliaferro county, a.hr S:st rue-day in FElir.U kuY nex , within 'he law ui hours 0/ saL, he f d. wieg proper ty, to wi. ; Two Negroes, a man .bo. l& ;.e:r- ti , b,> me nataoof isaa?,undane>.c it n. , by t .e name o Rachatl, a* cut 40 y e-.s ol age; Le iei by two fi. 1.0. is sued focia the Superior Oouit. i ai •. county; ono in favor o Monli Litor.a vu. ileury B. Jehus ; orhvr i: f-vor f Johh T. Wi ier, guard’n, Ac , -ga'.nJ the -.me. Pro perty pointed cut oy defendant. also, At the same time an’, pi ice, one smai Ss; Male abou SyeargO'd: Levied on «s .he property of J-hu L. Haw ki »by afi ta. i-«u.d fro a t:.e Superior Cour: of s;.:d county in i*\ or cf J. E. Wi li a. s. t i o 4 .v rty p. inted cut by Wm. Bell, plaintiff’s attorney. Janua y ti, 1535. 0. Vv. CEE, 5-h’ff. FO TPONED LIM’OLX bi iLilib't'ts dAj.E.—Wii be sol:, on the flret Tuesday ia FEJRUARY next he lore the Court-house door in Liacohton, Lincoln cou- y. wit;..n the legai hours of =ae, one true; of D.nd, lyi.. r ~nd being in SiiU county,oontainiug Th ee uundred nLti Le. ott - six Acres, more cr le.s. aOjaiding fond of Allen Sl:trunk, Wm. Mmphy, Bcnj. B ntly, and o.heis : Levied un as to property ol Isaam Cliett, tj sa.LJy a fi. ia. i sued fem Linccla inferior Court in lav.r c .; John Tankers' 1 , v’a. Isham Cliett and other fi. l s. from same Cou.. in . v poa s.Ssiju m an : Marti a B. C foti. Jan. 6,1965. a i.I \ 1, ■ % ,l; AM f h IT. pOLCMBIA bULii Fi-’o bALL —...tbe .o.> ~ \J Applimr, Co umbia county, tl.e L.art-houie door in caid county,on thehrs. Tu.n a/ in tr i> il.Ah V next, thtf loffowing property, to wit; one c*eg u Woma.., named Mary, a cu. j 9 yawi» of age: L-.vi <i on ts the property of Washi giou L». Holsom to tat; fy .1 b. f.. Loin Sumtertuperio Conit in favor o. Gi.son ifou-. vs. s*i_ WailiiLgton D, HokOn b ict. January 4,1555. JIII.I IT. SUITON, D. eherls. OI4LL iliOiiPL toL.toiPFei feAt -.Th . so»d, before the Cotti.t-hou.su uocr .n ti.-u wr, no; Lexington, Cgiethoipe cou ty, within tire 1-gm of sale, ou the first Tuesday in FEBRJaRF next the lo:- lowing property, to wit: One egro Boy, ly 1 e name cl Winston, eb.ut 14 years Os fl. fa. issue-i from tn In\rierCo » ttfsa;d county in lu vor of J. nat nan Megs va. Wcbj Ktod. i r.:. erty pointed out by defendant. January 6. 18;&. »V • B. P. IIAYNIE. FKr'ff. j l.iCoii.'t teHb.tisßV’d i u.* cold, on 1 l-s the first Tuesday iu FE RUARF next, before' ha 1 court hous-. do. rin Liucvlntou, iu su!d ~0. nty, within the kg .1 Lou. of sale, a t act or L..nd in n .id county, .y ng on Lloyd’s creek, c.n.uiuing 1?, ..cd a half 1 Acres, more .rle»s, adjoining lands ol J ,L.vj - i o.i era; also, one ah levied property cf r Josiah taiuuei, to ra isl. n fa. is u., in- the iufo lor Court of L.nc-Ji v..;0 > vs. Jociah Bamuel au. outer fi. to,, ia m/possession ag inb-said r ittoucl. Jan. 6,18.5. . ACii R A.i WII U.-GL M,: h’ff. J 1 hfiGAKH’b b.tl n.— V« i . ,. t s .ld cu th first Tues l LA. dry ill FEBUUAI. next, b -fore the C.-Uit Lucre aoor iu Eibo ttouuiy, v'uhin .he egai L.-urs o; sue, all the r ght, title and ;n crest O: rtob li, E L’.i r;on in nnd to ; Three Hundred Acres of Diud, m>-e or le.s, ihe l tr. ct wuereou nij lather, Le.oy Burton, now uvea, lying uE bert county. Also, h Bright, title and interest iu < nu to 1 thirteen Negro 3 aver-, t . v/i ; cu.cm u mau, Char otte 1 and her seven children—Juicy, Reuben, Dc.lco, EJrnuuU, j Za-hariab, Diana and Bally, u so, Luricll; .-ancy am ; ter two chi dien—Mary .;u- J .con The said mtere&t ic ing an estate in r-xuainder after the d-ath cf liii father, ; to one uudiviued nfoh pm. o* siid property. I AIBD, 1 At the same time and place,ail t c right, life and inte rest cf Augustus T. huduu iu .d to ai. t e above men - tioned and described property, r<;a» ani personal, being L the same estate in remainder .0 one undivided tilth part. 1 Terms cash. THOMAB W. TUOMAb, Ac ignee. . January 5, to w 55. r A O .«i 1 loT RATO It ’ to ALL—Will be s.lu on tbe \ LA isth day of FEBRUARY next,at the lu residence 1 of Wthiam Palmer, d .ceasuid, all tn • perishable property * of said deceased, :ousist; gos Hors s, Mutos, Lows, heep, 3 H.gSjCcrn, t c-der, z W'agons, 1 1 Bug, y, i Uottou Gin, Pac/ing Sc ew acd running Gwtr, 1 net. ol j Blacksmith’s Tools, Plows, Kitchen Furniture, an i sundry a other articles too tedious .0 mention, tonic to continue s from day uda> un.n al is sold. January 4,1:55.* BKNJ. PAL s iER, Adm’r. 4 BMliilb ißa'l Uit’o MfeJLL. —Agre.able 1 an ; Xjl order of the Com tof Ordinary of Richmond county, ‘ will be told at the Ma.ket house in the city of Augusta, within the legal hou s of .ale, on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, the following Negro to.avis: toarahJ.ow, J aged 5 i years,a gj~d Cook, Aasher and Loner; Mary Low, aged 23.. ear , ago jd House Servant and ’* Margaret aged 2J years,a good Hjits? Servant; aiso, ’* her on John, a£cdabout 2 years. Bold ;;>j the pioperty belonging to ifio estate of John Low, la eOl Richmond . coanty, deceas.d, for the benefit of the creditors, li .irs,Ao. cf said deceased. LAidßtoiii Atim r. ’» Dece ber 19,1854. __ J \ DMLM TUATOil’d toALfe.—By permisiion of lx. the Court ol ordinary of Ifochi-.cnd county, w d be s Aden thefirst Tuesday in a IBRUAKY next, ate Low er Market Ucusein tue city of Au N u.-.ta, wi h n the u.ual hours of sale, ihe io lowing Negroes teiobging to the «.s --tite of William ii. Buford, diC.ou rat: i. r■, about J 11 years old, and Louisa, abour. id years c ajc. Terms cn the day of s..le WM. 1 . VVALTOi- , Adm’r. 8 D eem er 24,1851. EltfiCt 2 fcALti.—ln pursuance ol the wi iof Nancy Andvrson, decea cu, will be so d on ti.e first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, btlore vhe Oourt-i.* u e J eoor in Columbia county, a Ne. ro Man n mtd Dave i Said Ae.ro is an excellent carpenter. Fold or th . bene fit of tbe legatees. C. H. BiiOuKLEi, Ex’r. Jan ary C, 16.55. | 1 • VJ House uoor in Forsyth, Monroe county on t.\e fi st s Tuesday in MARCH next, oae lot cf Laud ia Monroe county, near Goggius* tot aicn, (il. a W. R. it.) uis.r.ct 7 No. 7, JiOt No. 165, containing two hundred «na tw«> and t a half (202J4. of free Oak and Ch stut Lund. Terms e on the day. r January 14, 1c65.l c 65. JOHN JORDAN, Guardian. 1 A DMMlfti*»A-fJ re ■:u it," or. ti t jl A. first Tuesday in MARCH nex:, before the Court House . oc riu Elbert county, agreeably to an o/de 0 the Co. rt of Oidinaiy cf Laid count , the one thiid part cfan uni ivi ded tract of Land, containing one hundred a d t.i ty r acres, be ng the tract wh;recn Sarah liigginLotham now lives, adj iuing Bet jimin Andrew, Homy .D. n-.l and M. Zti. Ko* a cy. ssoia as the property of the estate oi ba-.u uel Lowr.more, dceeas-id. Terms will be made known on ihe d iy of iale. JuSEFH BE vv ELL, Adm’r. January 18,1655. ADMINISTHATO ’ti bALE.—On THURSDAY, 25th Inst., at 10 o’clock A. M., will be .o'd on the ; premises, in Columb’a county, the ptiisVable p optriy bt- I longing to tbe estate of A. W. Mtrtin, di cea&ed, eons thing cf lljisc-s, Mules, Cattle, Hogs, Wag n., Planiation Uten sil', Furniture , and aquauti y of Cora and Fcdde . • Jan. IC, 185a. EDWARD THOM .I a, Adm’r. JbOii tiALii. __ FOB SHLE. THE subscriber offers for sale IHREE PLANF A TIONB in t .e 2d dist. of D ugherty ceunty, nce*l a 1 containing 1,60 u acres—l,ooo acr a op n i»m , with 1 ood dwe ling and all n c 3 ary bui d nt-s lor Plantation pur poses. '1 lie other containing 1,400 acre3—C. 0 acres ,-ea land, with good dwe ling and ail n teisary out budding * [ The »ast containing 50’ acres u i proved, 'ihe above , Lands are am ng the choicest Cotton Lards in Dougherty county, and within s x milei of the cm t mp’aitd Boulli- J VV 1 stern Ruiiroad. The two first A lania, uu join, and will be told sopa.ately or together, as m .ybe desired. Term i liberal. Ja&EB BOND. * Refer to W. W. Cheever, Albany, Geo., or Jo eph Bond, \ Macon, Geo. dl9-w6m PLANTATION FOB SALE. subscriber off-rs for sale the PLANTATION on . which he reside?, in Onlottorpe ooumy, nn t e A he: s ’ Branch of the Gtoigia itaiiro d, 12 milts above Union Point It contains 8.0 acres, more cr leaj; about acres weli timotred oak and pine land. 'Ti e pi ce is in good repair and welitUipiied w th wat.r; a coinfo t Me Dwelling and all necta ary our- l ui!dings, and perfect y healtliy. Adjo n>ng ;he place is 86 » ac. ts, which m be purc iated, lUu of which are weli timbered. Any person desirous of i urchasing, will always find on the i remi ses, cr address me at M xe>’s P. 0., Oglethorpe co. nty, Ga. [UIO-wtfJ W. MQGDE r. PINE LAND FOB SALE. THE sub eriber offers at private sale that tract of PINE LA Don &piritUreek,inßichmondcouu-^A!. ty, about twe ve miles from Augusta, and within two r three miles of the Georg.a Railroad—known as the Han- Eoa Survey—containing CSB acres, more or le s, and bounded b.v lands of Allen Kin.-, John James, timon Ward, Emeline P. Haynie and otheis. If not dispos dos before the firt Tuesday in Nov mber next, I will offer it at public outcry on that day, at the Lower Market iJousc in Augnsta. Any one desiring to purchase the tract, wii please ap ply to Wm. A Wal.on, Lsq., iu Augusta. sep!B-wtf RED ECU A CAMFIELD. LAND, LULLS AND WCOh CARD FOP SALE. i'BU subscribers offer for sale their valuable sett of MILLS and WOOL GABDING MACHINE, all new, with an ext naive caste rorth iromten to £?'. ;u d- liars per day at thi3 time, at t; 3 <auction c; 7wo Coidwatc-r creeks, Elbert county, niles north of Elbe.' ;n, with a small portion of Laud. Also, 170 aerca cf LA'. nearly all in he woods,three mile* irons tho Mills, wl:::h can bo had with the Mills or separately. Any person wishing to purchase such property will do well to examine previously, as we are determined to ccii. IVOMAS JOHNSTON, a£B J ames l. gaines. FOB GALE.' A LAltGEand convenient BRICK STORE, iitaated in the centre of business,in the city of Rom:-, now occupied by Robt Batty, Druggist. This store was fitted up as a Drug Store, witboutregard to any reasonableex pense,and with a little alteration csuld be convertedinto an elegantly arranged Dry Goodstotore. Thesituation for thesale of Drugs, Dry Goods,or Groceries can haruiy be equalled in the city. Tcrmscasy. Apply to GEORGE BATTY. M.D, Rome, April 4th, 1653. apr6-tf FOE SALE. IXOW OFFER for sale my entire River LANTA TION, 28 or 30 miles south of Columbi; •, Ga ,ia Bar bour count/, Ala.,lying on the Chattahco : ce river, con taining 2400 Acre 3 ; some 1200 acres in a line state of cul tivation and (rood repair. A.. ood water Gin and Ferry across the Chattahoochee river. The above will be for sale J.LUL.Y time natilioM and possession iven. Terms to suit purchasers. jail-ts MATHEW AVEKETTE. FOE SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale the tract of LANDMCk on which he resides, containing tight and Forty Ai res, more or less, lying two mi’es east o! toe Chalybeate Springs, Meriwether county, Ga. There is about three hundred acres of cleare ; Land, < f . ich one hundred of it is rich bottom laod and in a high btate «>f cult.vation. There is upon the tract Rve hand ed acres cf heavily timbered Oak and Pine Land, and two h-.-ndred acres of va u tble Swump Land, also w-jll timbered. There is a good orchard of choice Fru t Trees, a comfort able Dweiling, and a splendid Gin-house and nuw Screw atia -hed to his place; an excellent Smoke-house and K tchen, and a.i other builoings necessary for a ,arm. In yard, the kitchen ar.d dwelling, and conve nient to both, is a- eli of good pure water. The pl,»ce has the character of being exceedm. iy healthy. Any perao i desirous of purchasing, will always find the subscrioer up. a the premises, wio will show the Land. v»M. J. MITCHELL. Meriwether co , Ga., August IS, 1354. au22 VALUAELE PLAHTATIOH FOE BA^E THE undersigu f dcff rs for sale a valuable PLANTA TION in Oglethorpe county, situ iced six miles east of Lexington, contarnlrg 1000 acres, mere or less. There are about 2*o acres of good low grounds and between * and 500 acres of woodland in the tract. It ia improved with a good Dwelling House and such out hoes s a3 are usually found on a plantation oftbesise; • bo with a fie orchard of select fruit Trees. The locaiity for health and good water is surpassed by no society of the - led with S'.h'jola. Any person dHirous o' purchasing ■ ..i pica, i addre?s the undersigned at Lexington. n2B-tf 2. P. IANDBCM. OGLEIEOaPE land foe sale. TTTILL be sold at tfce recidenci of the tubscriher on W Thursday, 11th of JANU.i£i/ nc-x‘, ray me: of Land six miles fr r m Lexington, cn tne road, ] containing Five Han r>dand E.gL.y Arre°; a one half wooa and. two hundred tcrs ; flrtt quali / bjttom land. Also an abundance cf rrarl and Other miner a' There are two settlements on tali ; r-.m; -.3, a splen-.iJ fruit orchard, and convenient to churc ea and mies. Said place can be bought a* : y tin? t.* r or» ab ■ v r , m?nti:ned • ALS^, All my stock, : Hors?*, ' ulcs, Cattle, Ilcg s , fhcep, one joke Oxen and Ox v art, Plantation T 00.3, tor*., Fodder, Oates, Ac. Terms of tale cn -.he day. d22-wtd RICHARD bOROUGH. IC BE SOLD, ONE HUNDRED and aixry-feve acres cf good _ L;nd, (a portion of t--hich i r. ;h bottom) abou t ./* half in wood*, strong an . r.eavJy t.i >'fc--*.ii--the other . a der gcod fence. Thera is an excel.ent CrPhurd, and the vst r ia but erior. The ictprovetr.e ts are common, but the place ia very heathy, and r.-. wc t.- Lund up.n it. Ary q_a tity of 1 .ad can Yt bought a ’join.:tr—t».? yo.d and che%p. It n shout ' ir 1 r ': ii -j ‘ w.i aA 7 from Wrightsboro’, an J j in; in of Rev. : .B. yI: : . t Beck and A. L. Z*.harej, and in a mo; a an. rcifi as ccmmunity. Terms moderate, as lam de.ermiv dies .i. j a l2-tf H. N RBjN. A GOOD BOOT and SHOE M *KL3, of good r.pntation for sobriety, ia- uitry, A; , c xu get emj-iojmeet < *• o year or more, at Anpl ng, Cilumbia to-a y, ca api»..-ca tion to d27-4t a- A A. -d. t "PRACTICE GF BUBO ley. Da. JVBIAH HARRItoft U prepare date with Lodgings and Nursing, such f - . b» directed to him for operations .rt. a- j ZZI uZSZw be assured that their we j feif e every necessary attaaM. my7-wiy PUBLIC SALKS. 7\iii ?;tHO!* PJS * IOUTf* AQB 8 M liBIFF’S *2 l; \\'n be roid, Vfj t-ihe Court I) »••$. door in I 0 - , :■ tl . ijjija '• . -.:• 1..: i >!.- wv-ia , !K-.-U«.n a? I2v, p*«*r»T of Willlara | , * . /• —„ r -« v - f'o a the Inferior . \\iz £ r ; 5 C AC* f y r °*l\ M. bM ' r il, D. Sheriff. . I i'M>, *».*!.•. -Wiil beßcld.cn L i ~r«i Tn«:«),y ;n FBI K'JAHT next, bcf.’re the C : • . ... in "i-iruoinL-jn. Lincoln county, within ug property, 1 o ffltt <H 9 Ne* v .r xf? ;e: levied on as :he { To rn v?j ..v •* t try, to a ii-.f, a ft. fa. in iaver cf Jc vV> *'■ ' ' i • y \;. Jon /.Dcagbc?:y and sundry ■ ’ •.* my iO3 <• o\ ,i. r-co.rty pointed oat by [ I iiOd. D. COLLAR?, D. Sheriff. I JJJ h-- t Tue d iy ia FEBftUARV next, before the Court | He r e door <r £ c ert ccanty, within the 3 g 1 hou a of sale, |c. Negro Woaaa about 18 years oi l, tamed Lucy; levied | on a* the p-oper*:* of a- drew N. Booth by virtue of a fi. a. f: m Albert In eriov Court ia favor of Ira Christian & Co. V-'. snil Booth. Property pointed out by Plaintiff. Jaur.*ry 8. ’:??■ > AHTIN BOND, -teriff. I,' LBrIHX * r rAli fr F’» SALK,—WiII be sold, on the -J la. Tee-.day in FEBRUARY next, be'ore the Court uus3 do r iu t-ibert county, within the leval hours of sale, a Dueling Ho se ardLo*, i: t ‘; toxu of Ktberton, con twining a halt acre, more or -es:, adjoioirg the Carriage .h. p end Muho'i.t Church 1 >.s, together with the out tun.ungs O', long i;g to said dwel iug house, the same being th<- house aud lo: w hereon John M Curtis lately lived Also, a l ot in 3. id own, 1 ing so Jth oi th: above des cribed lo a;.d separated Lorn it ty a ctreet newly laid ut a j iainglot No B,M ngingto William A. Swift, also , djoioing the Methodist ifcurih Lot, containing one and soar-tenth acre . A so, a Lot lying on the road cr street lead ng from El bertoo t> Wa hlngt n, i ear the bridge cn said road, and a metlmes used the Corner L t, contain ng about one and thrsre-q arttr ac e-. Al. levied cn an ihe property of John M Curtis, by virtue oi a writ cf fieri fa:ias from Libert Bu,>trLr v'ourt in r -.vor of John Al. Christian vs, Wiley T. Eii gtcu nds - d John M. Curt s. Iroperty pointed out by plaintiff’s attirLty. January 5 ! i 55. MHC IN BONI>, Sheriff. JfiFEKKbUN aHiHHilF’b HACK.—WiII be sold, A; Y next,at the Mar ket House in the town of L u sv.ile, Jtffrson county, wi'liin the usual h. urs of s de, thre- hundred and thirty - thr«e ac ei > r l and, iyi g i the foik of Rocky Comfort .n. ; u:ha: t’s Creeks, adjoining land cf Willijm Sinque an . ; v don as the prop rty of William A. Ai 1 iu * to s .*, s-\ a fi. fa from Jeffjraon Supericr . o. rt in favor of ‘hem s 11. or.kn vWill am A. Mu'ling. Pro Pwi iy point.d oat by l-.nlntiCs A.turcey. JESSE T. MULLING, D. bfcerlff. December 2S, * 5'4 - IKttlX 81HA1UHVI SALfe—d ill be old on the first iuesd-iy n ’ Eil.iU.VfiY next, by order from the Ccurt of tr, inary cfWarieu county, in the town of War . onion, the Lai" s belonging to the e.tate of J«s. Hardin, ia cos • d c ty,d ce sed, and u t sar-j.ct to widow’s uoff.-r, viz: one tract tfL id.kno u r. the Williams and Hoes t . cl, on the w ue. aoi lew Cre:k ionu:iniiig hree hund.ed and niretv-twoacres, according to recent tu - ' ey, about 160 of whi.h i-< wood land well timbered, ad . widows cower lands, ud o:hers To th sc wiil ieg small rarm, unimproved, (iuthe way of budding) on the above is an eligible site to „ui <1 upon, convenient to W arrenten road, leading from v* rights , o o. AH , nne other true' , l nown as the Ryan au-i Roberts tract, ou the waters of ti;’.rt’a creek, contain iug ; ix ll.;ndr<d an i Ihtrt -five a re’, by recent turyey; : noat 1.(» acres iu ih.; wool", well timbered, balance su- colto . and gratt lam!, u. do good fence; Hart’s reek iuns di c. tiy through the : hove tract, lias cenu de a i« q a ti y of lew ground, a d adjoins lands of l-.y, Do i.r, C o .daud the abov. named Williams tiac . js\id for the benefit of known on th duy JOHN M. MoOORD, Adm’r. December 12, ISM. AHAItA fSI it tTOit’B 6AIH . —Ou th .- first Tuesday in Fi-BHi ARY next, wifi be so d, oefore the Court House door n Lou svill ,Jets rsan county, Light Hundred a r s of ; a: d, more or kss, a joi rirg lanes of L. Q. C. D. • KW;., m P. Wi.i .? am and ethers. Also, t ohun.l.eJ « r.« <f ! and, more or ii.-s, adjoiniug WP. Whigham, N. K. high .m ).d otheis. Also, twenty-three Negrota, con iiti gos mtp, woroa atd children; all belonging to • Ik-ertateof J o. W. v*) ig am. late cf aid county de 1-c.s d. for the benefit of the heirs andcrenitors of said de.e t ed. ANDIH WF. HIGHAM, I ROGER L. WUIGUAM, f Aamr - December 9, 1651. AUXtAl§'l'HATOii’B bALW.—On the first Tues day in F BRUaRY next, wi 1 be stld, before the Court tiou e door in louisvi le, Jeffer. on county, the fol low rg Negroes, vz : Jan*:, thirty years old, a goo l cook an 1 house-si'rvact, and hertwo children, Bob and Aiec, ud M irg&ret, twelve jet.s old, be g to the estate of Jno. G. Whig ham, ate of taid c unty, deceasd. Sold for the benefit * f the heirs and cred tors of sai l cieceaeed. CAROLINE M WHIGHARI, Adm’x. December 9, 1854. A c I> vilNllsTll ATOK’B bALIi.- Will be sold, before the Court house door in Calhoun, Gordon county, » on th'o Gist Tuesday in FEi UJAIiY next, one untm . proved Lot in the Town f Calhoun, in s-id coumy. H told as preperty belonging to the estate cf Dr. John y O’ arreli, l.ieot Co.'umb.acounty, deceased. d D ee nber 10. ISr>4. D. F. RAMBKY. Adm’r. AUMIMoTitATOB’b SALK.—WiII be sold, on theflrat l itosday in FEBRUARY next, before the - Court-house do r>n Elbert county, agree ibly to an order .* or the Court of Ordinary of said county, one tract of J Lni in said county, containing 600 acres, more cr less, djoi;inlands of n Andrews- Mitchtl G Row y sey, Joatph Pulliam aa ct’iers. A'sn, seven Negroes, con., iting oi 8 women an -. 4 boyp. gold as the property of the estate o c Samuel Lowrimore, late of Elbert county, J deceased. Terms ms.de kt-own oi the day of sale. 5 De_ emb v_l 8,1354, JO*_!• P ( fcEVV Lb Adm’r. EXKCUTOit’o bALfi.—VWi Ibo told, on the first Tue d y in FEBRUARY next, at the Cv rt house doer ia Waynesboro’, sj'.rhe county, by virtue of an or ier ; from 'he Ordinary cf Lee county, the so lowing two tracts y of nd, cel n ng o thee tale of Jonas Haslip, latecf Lee . county, eceased,vz: Ote tract of andcontininggev.n l hut dred ;n■ l< r.y Ze es, mote or PS 3, a joining Robert I'. Coun-.li;, J me A. Me tuUet and T. J. ft urdock; one l other tr.v t- fL nd cont. iring 'two hundred Ajres, nore , or !e c, djo.uiug dome* A Me red r, bi cky Cr. s», and Lcl J mej Gruoi s, an i both tr ot. lying in svd county cf Kutke. erics—Notes wi.h approved security, payable Ist Dec mb i r, 1856, with intere-t irom.late j Dtc-iuher 7,1814. W If, GREENE, ExV, 1 DMINifeT -aTOa’o SALK.—On the fi st Tuss- XX. dry ia FEB UARY next, will be told, belore the U- art .rouse co,r in Louisville, Jefferson county, One Hundre lai d aix;y-six e.ts Pine Lane, more or lei», aJ j vn-.g Muds of b. A.Moye«.nd ethers, belonging to the t state of J rnes e.r, late of r- id county, d.ceased. Sold t for 1 1- Lere t<* 0 c heirs and > i\d »rs of said deceased. t I’ecember 9,18 4. JAo?E- S/LfK, A'lm'r. B . XKCtiI'OIPS SALK.— Wiii be sold, before t.ie 1 Li. Court-house door in Louisville, Jefftraon county, on J the first rueeday in FE r <K ARY next, One iiundred and 3 . wen t>-six Acres of well irnpr v. d o.ik and hickory Land, adjoining Land. c of R. O. itoijbi a, hos. 0. Nesbitt and ethers, Sold as property belonging to the e tate of Fran • cis B. Mount ■'in, late of slid county, deceased. ; December 9,1864. THOb. A. McßßlDi^Ex’r. ADMIKibTUATOR g BALK.—On the first Tues day iu IE -KIJaRY n-xt, vi.l be sold, before the Ourt it ns door, i i Floyd c.unty,a tract of Land con taining souacran, r..0.e cr less, situated In Vann’.. Vuiloy, a>ciongiii. to the estate of J.i in ware, lets of raid coun ly, deceased boll for the benefit i f the heirs and credi to. Bof si; deceased. The tra t lies about the centre of the Valley, is wed v acred, and a one of the m>st desira ble farnu iu it. Th.re are ab>.ut'ii6 acres in a high st; te i ol cultivation, with all the necessary bull lings, and gcod apple and poach orchards. The place is regarded very healthy. Terms, 12 montLs ertdit. Dec.mb-; 19. ■ -54 JAMWd M. WARE, Adm : r. I A UMIXibTIIAA'OR , B B\Lii* —Agrceab.e to an I IX cr ir < f the Court of Ordinary cf Co>umbia county, jwil be told, before 'lie 0< u;t-l r.use door ia s ; -id cou ity, within the leg-*l houru of sale, on t .e first Tuesday in FEBRUARY rext, the Me..roes belonging to the estate of Jot n'J. C cliran, deccasj , eoasiiting oi Men, Women and • Children. Bold Ur the purpose of distribniijn among the heirs and legatees. Terms made known on the day of sale. J AMEd D. GRBEN, Adtn’r., i December 17, £54. wi;h ihe wiii annexed, j \ BiVmibi'itAiOit'b bibb. —agreeable to an XjL order oi the Court of Ordinary Oglethorpe county, i v/ili te sold, 1-fore the Court-1 ouse doorinGiiuier county, on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, the following i tract of Land, ho,; Bin the 24 se.. and 6th dis. cf G.lrncr - county, cont inmg IGo acre ,be the same more cr lec3, beiong ng to the estate of C'har 1 s Moore, late of Oglethorpe [ county, deceased, held fjr the benefit of the heirs and creditors of sa d deceased. Terms made known on the day olsale. ELIJAH GUMMING, i A , * Pecan h 1854. F. 0 0 AMP ELL, j A(i,n rß * A DiVIINIi)TRATU!FB h ai<l<.—Agreeable to an l % order of the Court of Ordinary of Oglethorpe county, w 11 be sold, beiore the Court-house coor iu Thomas coun t.y, on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, No. 64, Bth 1 d strict crigina ly fntinnow ihomaacounty,containing <l9O nc es, b® the same more or iejs, belonging to tha e- late of 1 James R. HuiT, deceased. Bold as the property of said t eceased for the benefit of the itirsof said deceased. Terms made kn wa on the day of s »le. Dsccmr.er 14,1854. OBA UAH aCEVE.7B, Adm»r. EX OIL’S BAL.f>.—Agreeable to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Oglethorpe coudy, will be sold before t'.e Court-house door iu Monroe, Walton county, on i e first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, the foi owing property, to wit: One Negro Woman by the name rs Han nah. belonging to ihe heirs of Joel Tribble, deceased. Bold aa the propiriy of raid deceased f.r the benefit of the heirs cf t;*i d c a:' d Term, made known on the day of sale. Decern er 15,1 54. DaViD FAT'QIAN.Ex’r. AD.I1lATB1 ATBTUA'fOft’B BALK.—Agreeable to an f - rJcr of the Court of Ordinary of Oglethorpe county, v.ill be sold before tlio Court-house oor in Appling coun , on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY n-xi, i lot of Land i; i g inlaid county, No. 510. in the 2d district of Appling, containin' »•’ u Dundr-d and Ninefy Acres, be the same m.reori s b- l cging to the estate of Robert Huff, de ceased. to-.a for I: ■ benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms made known day of sale. D r■ember 14,1 51. BAR iH HUFF. Adm ; x. ■ DMlflilbTßATOH’n fcAlJK.—Agreeable to an Oi dtr of ihe Honorable Court of Ordinary, when sit ting lor ordinary pu pj.-e, will be sod, before theCourt h use door in the town of By-vanii, fccriv n county, on tro fi st Tui bday iu FEBRUARY next, tetween the legal hours of sal • Two t cusand thr e hundred and twenty nine acres K 2829) of belonging to the esiate of Thos. F. L»/et*, . u., aeccased, tie whole being composed of sundry Tracts in said county, adjoining lands cf T. U.But ier,«. hv r n Lovett, S. 11. I ittic-li Id, A. 8. Jone-, Wil iam Jiukings, estate ands cf James Og et ee, estate lands I John F. I evitt, William l.ambert, Henry if. Bi lls, and W Ii i u n illy. Aj o ii no’ tbe acove desc.ibed lands has a co* forta.ie uweliing house, with all other necessary out-houses. ALSO, At the same litre ard pla , w ill te sold. Four hundred 1 and seven.y-four (474) ac:C3 of Pine Land in said county, belonging to sad estate, adj .icing lands (f Johu Bragg, I i iij'»h Roberts, rs.at cf Jhn F. Lovett, deceased, and i /.u -iiitui L. i . Lovett. A 1 efthi above lards sold for the 1 perpo- e f Hdivisi* n among the hei sos said Estate. Pur- I cha* t jto pay lor Titles. Teims on th- day of sale. JOHN F. LOVEIT, 1 . . - HENRY F. MILLS, f Aam rs * December ‘9, l-j'4. \ U UIMBTU Vl'OK’e feALli—Will he sold,before IjL the Court house door m W-rrenton, Warren coun ty., on thefir-i. Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, agreeable co an order of the C urt of Ordinary or sail c unty, the ireerotß,7 in number, beloi g:ng to the estate of Rufus Williams, decease!. feaid Ne.roea are all young and Vv 11/LTAM-J, A'Tm’r. AD.VU.N I>iKA I 6 ’» hALB.—WiII be sold, on the firs Tuesday in FEBRUARY before the Court house door iu olph county, 20-'>£ acres of 7.,*nd, known ty No. 294, sih Is. ofori inaily Lee now Randolph county. ALSO, On t‘ e same day, before the Court house door in fitewart c-iuuty v iii be solo, 20i# Land, Known as No. 11, in ib -G* v •ia oriw.rai y Lee cow B>ewart county. Both the abjv Lo>i s -id by order « f the Court cf Ordinary of k;. t (Ounty a3 t: e property of th estate of Char lei-: W. Christian, Sr., deceased. Te.m casn. Washington ch. istian, i WM. P. CU.USTIAK, (- “'*• D mbrr £0,13 -4. a D&f ISUs'l itAlOß’B hAU;—Will be sold, on the jt\. first Tues *y iu FhBdUAR Y next, be-ore thi Court- L i do' r m Appling,Columbia county, two Negro Girl?, -about 8 aLd th-. it. er a* o • )sye>.ra old. Also, *ne iir.us; u i L-t in the town cf Wrights oro*, cor.tainina a' out 1 acres, more or D . ; rnt Store-House in said town; bo'hawitd ml ccupieibyJ mes 0. Ferr:e, cecea-ed. Id as the r operty of said ceceassd for the benefit of the heir-tana creditor*. Terms made know., on the day of sve. ADM UNO CODY, Adm’r. December 23,1554. A DMI laTttATOß’sfcALK.—Will be sold, before the Court-house d.-or in App'Jig, Columbia co mty, on ifce first Tue day in MARCH next, one House and lot .c a dco.r.ty.r’ uta nirgl 5 n,cr s, mreorles.% belonging to the estate of D John 0 FarreH, decease-!. December it-, 1654. D. D. RAMSEY Adm'r. PO TPONED tTUIX’o <*ALL.-~By virtue cf anorder/rom t-e Court cf Ordinar of Richmond county, will be ‘--Id. at the L--wer Ma.kct Hcu:e, in the c ty < I Augusta, Ri< 'm;<nd ou-ty, on the fir t Tuerd-.y in FEBRUARY Ltxt ; •...twetn the hcu.s o’ sale, two Negroes, to w ; Ji»hn,a man 87 years : Ja*.e,a girl a ed * yearß. hold utle i r.pertycf the estate of William Fulcher, de tea eJ, to p y h. d bis < fsaii estate. Terms ca&h. Fur c - s ;• to pay for i> tpta. h. - - b r 81, 1 Cl AN ■ C. fULCHLK, Ex’trix. * b.%fJM6TR4TOII’6 SALK.—’Will beaoid,on the Jr% irs Tue y in MAR Ll next,before the Cour. House no a .hi c ua.i of Ap ling, one lot of Lan ! No. 94, in the sih D.st.t o r Ap ang county, coutai.-.ing (9J acre 3, cri-inJiy drawn ; y Robert Wi damson. Sold as the pro- Percy of the tsca e of Charles C ark. ALSO, Will oe sold, on the first Tuesday in MARC.i next, be fore the Court Louse do r, in the co. n*y cf Dooly, one lot of L*n •, No. 105, in tue Stu Diair.ct of Dooly cou ty, con ta neg acres. told ss the property of the estate of C. a:L i Clark, for he tenefl' r T the heirs. Decemberß3, 1554. JAM-a W. CUAPK, Adm’r. S TilK Bl7‘ r.HlOlt COURT HA Bit ll SHAM COL % i Y GEORGIA. —B'LL FOR DISCOVERY, RE* UEPASDJLNJDNCIiON. OCXOBEU TlirtM, I«<L Lavid H. Parser a»i Jota it. uutord w. Milton B. 'a lie Cca t, ty the retorn of tho Bheilft tbit tie d J f.iid»a;,Mn:oa it. Huonlcatt, knot to be found m ?i? ordered by tie Court, that thosaid Milton . u :r :L f re the next term oi thia **’.,*► r j s r, • tsi» er cr dem’-T to said bill, or the is*<l ’.iu . y,~~ JVfQ ths c-uie a- to jast ce sbail appertain, ’ I‘l'V L o' VttTl bdl upon sa.d Mlit .n bo l-erfeeted f , s -y,. n „ t Tcno l WJ U~r. in tt. A«g ■ t- B.oiAKrOßi». __ £cl. for Def'ts. ( T that the ab veia a true copy of said order, ta fcon r 't'm the Minutei cfsaitl nuperi-r Court at PHILIP MABm, Clerk S. C. - November 15,1651. CITATIONS FORLETTERSOF ADMI J NI3TKATION. CWB-a OOUKTY, GA.—Whereas Isabella J. ; s B. Bea:lc acdßober To'mb B?«He, b■ a Quar ' I ca'le, tleceease \areuurvprcscn*eu l ‘,-y rlxT'o iboVoauV-dr 5 ” lh ? stc ! “ a v ia Jan'l -- ntf;.. h fl TB * ” i,y , CI " k son .hoaVi not te appoin' oil " ' “ r ® t *•'• <, .* -1 anuCr my h«oa Rt office in Ajm’iij. 8ee.6,1881, . B. B -.'v. o:J, oroirar,. THFFEKSOIS . ! 1 t Strect~an applies to mo for lv’ten of GimrOl.rishi: far the person and prorerty cf Jair.ts J. Etrectmal, mirtr heir of Joan I’trertman, deceased: * Thcv u*e tbcref. re tocit. and admonish all and s n«r*- r lar the k ndred and friends of said minors, to bo an a** noar at m> office, within the time prescribed by law tc i show cause, if any they have,why eaU letters should not ! Given u:id(*r my hand at offic la Louisville. Dec. 7, 1554. NICHOLAS DIEIIL, Ordinary, j tITARBKN COURTY, «A.—Whereas John H. I Y\ Felt 9 applies to me for letters of Guardianship for ! the pe =en and property of Stoddard W. Smith, orphan cf i Stoddard W. Smith, deceased: These are therefore to ’ite end admonish all and singu lar the fr ends cf>aid minor to be and appear at mj cffl-c ! within the t’t; e prescribed by law and snow oause, K any they have, why said letters not oe ranted. Given tin ier my hand at office in VTarrcnton. Decern er 8,18 4. ARDEN R. MERBHON, Ord’y. mAUAFKRUO COUR IY, ttA .—Whereas, theor- X j.h n 2 of Albert d. Taylor are without any lawful guardian: These aie therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular he kindred and friends of said orphans to be m l appear at my office on cr before the s. cond Monday in January next, to show cause, if any tb: y have, why I s v ould not r ppoint some fit and proper Guardian for 3ftid orphans. Given under my hand ateffice n Crawfordsville. D.c. 7,1>54. QUINEA EAL, Ordinary. COLUMUIA COUNTY, OA Whereas, the estate of James and Nancy Lovell, late of said county, de ceased, is unrepresented: Th. ?e a-e therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to ap ply at my office for letters of administration on or be ore th second Monday in February next, or the adm nistra* tion will devolve ou the Olerk of the Superior Court. Giv. a under my haDd at office iv AppliDg. December *20,1854. 8. CRAWFORD, Ordinary. CIOUUMUIA COUNTY, t»A. —Whereas Jauus 8. > Johnson applies to me for letters of administration on the estate v. f Elizabeth Smith, deceasid : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the ki dred and creditors of said decea r eJ, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should r.ot be granted. Given under my hand at office in Appling. Decemb* r 21,1854. A. M. CRAWFORD, D. Ord’y. RICHMOND C OUNTY, HA.— Whereas, William A. i Walton applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Hiram Aldrich, 1 te of rcidcounty, dic’d: , These are therefore to cite and fdm nsh a 1 and Hugo- , lr.r the kirdred HLd appear at my office with n the time pr ncribed by law ti • thow cause, if auy they have, wl.y sai 1 letters should not be granted. - Givtn under my hand at office in Auvusta. December k2,16C4 LEON I*. DUGAS, Ord’ny. /tOLL MUIA COURTY, «A.—Whereas, James B. Neal applies to mo for Letters of Administration do bonis non on the estate of William T .nkersly, late cf said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred aud creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time pr scribed by law, to h ow cause, if any they ‘ ave, why said letters should not se granted. b Given under my hand at offioein Appling. December 27,1614. 8. ORAWFORD, Ord’y. KUIUM9XU COUNTY, film.—Whereas, Benjamin O. March applies to me for Letters of Administration t on the Estate cf Uharles W. C. March, deceased: 1 These are therefore to cite and admonish,allundaingu laijthekiudred and creditors of said deceased, to be and j appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to ahowcause,if any they have,why said letters should not ’ be granted. j Given under my hand at office in Augusta. D cent er 25, 1854. LEUN P. DUGAB, Ordinar . . f i 11C MAI ON D COUNTY, OKt#.—^Whereas, Edward AU O’Donnell applies to me for letters of Guaidianship cf Catherine ODonnell, a minor an l orphan of John O’Donnell, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and f iends oi Baiu minor, to be and e appear at my office within the time preacr bed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters chould k not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Augusta. •i LEON P. DUGAS, Ordinary, r December 29, 1854. U liftlOND COURTY, UlSO.—Whereas Ch ist> phtr Gray applies to me for Le.ters of Adminis trafion cn the estate of Terence J. Cosgrove, late of said e county, deceased: r Thcsearethcreforeto cite and admoni sh,all andsingu i* iar, the kindredand creditors of said deceased, to be and j, appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to u showcause,if any they have, why said letters should notbegranted. Given under my hand at office in Augusta. - December 29,1854. LEON P. DUGAB, Ordinary. J j>ICHMOAiD COUWTY, ttA—Whereas Lucius 0. I X\j Skinser applies to me for letters of Administration C on the estate of John D. Morrison, deceased: 1 These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu • lar, the kindred and creditors of said dec’d., to be and ap pear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to ’ show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not ’ be granted. > Given under my hand at office in Augusta. December 28,1854. LEON I*. DUG A B, Ordinary. t XITABBBW COUNTY, GA—Whereas, James S, 3 VV Jones and Lloyd C. Belt applies to me for letters r of Administration on the estate of lienrv A. Jones, dec’d: s These arethcrefore to cite and admonish, all and 3ingu e lar,the kindred and creditors of said deceased,to beand i appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in Jac t uary next, tc show cause, if any they have, why said 3 lei tors should notbe granted. q Given under my hand at office in Warrenton. 1 Jan. 7,1855. AUDEN R. MKRSHON,Ordinary. f TfSS-'*'Kilßo!V COIM'V, (iKO Whereas, John CJ Wren applies for letters of Guardian.-hip for the perrons and properly of Levinle, Hisabeih, J. mtu M., Ebeneser, Ephraim T. ’and Hii-riau Peebles, minor heirs of Ephraim O. Peebles, late of said county, dec’d: i These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and sin ; gular, the kindred and friends of said orphan, to beand appear at ray office within the time prescribed by law, • and show cause, if any they have, why saidlcttersshould l not be granted. • J in. 4, 1855. NICHOLAS DIEIIL, Ordinary. OGJJfiTHORPfi COUNTY, GKO.—Whereas, Wil liam B. Brightwcil applies to mo for Letters of Adrain | istration upon the Estate of Ellas X. Bill, late of sa d county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite, summon and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribe! by law, to show cause,if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand atoffice. January 5, 1855, HENRY BRITAIN, Ordinary. JKFPKUgOK COUNTY, GA—Whereas, J.imcj H. Bostick applies to me for letters of Administration oa the estate of Algernon T. Bostick, late of said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish ali and singu lar the kindred and creditors of s tid deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given uuder ray hand at office in Louisville. January 4,1855. NICHOLAS DIEHL, Ord’y. OGUKTIf OIIPK COUNTY, GBO .—Whereas, John D. MeWhortec, Addison A. Joseph B. Ste vens applies to me for Letters of Adiu\oi ß tr a tion upon the Estate of William McWhorter, late of earn <u>unty deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office. Jan. 4,1855. HENRY BRITAIN, Ordinary. RICHMOND COUNTY, GA.—Whereas, Samuclß Clark applies to me for letters cf Guardianship of Busan A. Clark, a minor under 14 years of age: These are therefore to cite and admonish ail and singu lar the kindred and friends of said minor, to be and ap pear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Augusta. January 9, 1865. LEON P. DUGAS, Ordinary. CftOLUMBIA COU VFY, G.V. —Wh r > Eli Garnett and William Pullen, deceased, is unre presented : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to apply at my office for letters cf administration on said estates on or befor> the first Mon ay in Feburary next, or they will devcive upon the Clerk of the Superior Court. Given under my hand at office in Api ling. I n 0, 1855. 8 CRAWFORD, Ordinary. COLUMBIA COUNTY, GKO—Whereas, Leonard B. fcim3 applies to me for letters of administration oa the estate of Jefferson B. Cochran, deceased: These are then fore to cite and admonish all and sin gular tbe kindred and creditors of said decease 1 to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should nut be grunted. Given under ray hand a t cfllce in Appling. January C, lb'ss. 8. CRAWFORD, Ordinary. COLUMBIA COUNTY, GA.-Whereas, William 8. Watson administrator on the estate ot William Wat eod, deceased, applies to me for letfcei sos Dismic ion : These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my office, within the time preiorioed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters of Dismission should not be granted. Given undermy hand atoflice in .Appling. Jan. LINCOLN COUNT*, (ABO.—Whereas, Wiiiiam Gnmsley appli.-s for Letlera of Administration on the estate of Zt hariah Grimsley, late of said county, de ceased : These rre therefore to cite and admonish all and singu iar :r udred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be grunted. Gi .mi undermy hand at office in Lincolnton. Jul . 28,1e_55. B. F. TATOM, Ordinary. Kit il MO AII COUNTY, CIA.-Whereas Daniel H. T «.'ilo9Xapplies to me for letters of administration on the ( -Late of John A. 11. Wilcox, late of said county, dec-ii:ed: T'.tae are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin guliii »he kindred aDd creditors ofsaid deceaeed to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Augusta. January 16,1865. LEONP. DUD AS, Ordinary. KICHMOJHi COUNTY. GKO—Whereas, James W. Clarx and John W. Clark apply to me for letters of Administration, with the will annexed, on the estate cf Charles E. Clark, late of said county, deceased : Thece are therefore to cite and admonish al; and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said d.cea3edtd be and appear st my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my band at office in Augusta. January 18,1855. LEON P. DUG AH, Ordinary. ELBERT COUNTY, OA.—Whereas, Judge hTm. Barrett app.iea to me for Letters of Administration on the e-.tate of Harah Thornton, dr ceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be andappearat my office within the time prescribed bylaw, ajid show cause, if any they Lave, why said lettersshould not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Elberton. January 13,1860. WM. IS. N&LMB, Ordinary. THE UKAEFENRERG MEDICJNES. THE GRAEKENBERG MEDICINES. THE GRAEFENBERG MEDICINES. THE GRAEFENBERG MEDICINES. THE GRAEFENBERG MEDICINES. THE GRAEFENBERG MEDICINES. r piiK GRAEFENBERG FAMILY MEDIOINEBare wide- JL iy and justly celebrated as the most safe, valuable and reliable Family Medicines ever offered to the public. They are endorsed by the first physicians of the day, and i j. e n fco have used them guarantee their beneficial action. M A most valuable Pamphlet, containing a list of rnoro .ban Cd diseases, with their symptoms and treatment, can -e obtained, without charge,” from W.H.& J. TURPIN, wholesale aud retail Agents, Augusta, i~. J. WHITE, Agent, Millcdgcville, .; keeps a lull supply of ihe Medicines on hand at al Ilmen. fl9-3awiy SI,OOO REWARD. i \ U. HUXTKIt’H celebrated SPECIFIC,for thecure JL/ of Gonorrhoea,Strictures, Gleetand AnalagoubCom piaintsof the Organs of Generation. ftr Os allremedies yetdiscoveredforthe abovseom plaint.tbis is the most certain. J3T* It makes a speedy and permanent curewithoat re rictiontodiet,drink,exposure,or change of application oousiness. ... he I ■ }gr It is perfectly Harmless. Gallons ofit might e akfcnwithonlinjuringthepatient. . . m , rcur y. Hi- not uopleaenn B»'*ltlipul up in bottles,witn wi montre paSTinglt, curethemselTeewitconi d Royal &T It I.approvtd ana jeco LodJob a „d La. College ofPhyaioianß and Louk .. hi.rcerliflcate ch „<ißon A Bor, No. 4. tob<>. It 13 prepared by “ goa , Br e over the coik of each bo”L Ol,, None other if gennmfc d p!ete ; y reooTate f it will n vigor.'e the tJiKm, a £ x iginal h. aithy M n3 g vho have ptat the me iiitn of ( ;ne bottle It. eominned . to ISnn Os toe Organs, it s e w: 1 aiwaya i il afford riilef- w. U. * J - TURPIN, Fer sale in A"-P’UW ~l orJe, . B u.t be ad'reseed. , DrBrfIOME&^~ fi JffSSfS”tSSifeSS “ VST Toilet Art—-- u (t i soll post Office comer . £A J of ad the oanka in the City, just ’ - - fh:cx ttud thin sola ’ Juilien GAiTERB, for »de=ed price,by W. B. ROYAL, zKsatei'tv*,' *r*v MTWR* TO i jq’OTsU’K.— ill persons irdebted t* *' m As IT, are r qu* ‘ •. to dtL . a;>V* t . ■ NOHCE-.i l per ons L.J-bkd to the o < .John Baut.i *. t’t ceased, lata f t ghth -.»o cun- ' ' them iu“icrms o!'”he Uw.' - '■‘■latent •• I vW ttHf. N.l «Q J‘or’'V.iulA U»m In terms of tho I'.e; m . A | t v -‘9“lndebitd to the arcieqalr-u i° tcai pejmer.:. NATHAN E. I.Sr,TO I Fv , rc j EectrrbvrCO, lsf4 . Roß! ‘ BT E ™OMm, f Ex "• jN\llrt^jCe,"»SM : n!XJv t ? s i^°yjd«£sed the same within the time prescribed by, aw. of tb-. will of 4^. NOTICE.— All persons indebted to the esta;e <*f J. ,r» Wei j.aer, late of Richmond eon. ty ;’ev s-d e requested to make immediate pay 1.1 nt; and thoie ha v • claims against the same are h .rebv nottfis * ‘to nres * them within the time pr scri-vd by lav BLi.fi Y \NN WE LLA UK Qualified Fxr’xof th v;ill cf John \\ elfi uei CcC • Jar. 1 ary 9, 1555. VTOTIC’B.—AII persons Indebted to cTi** -at J.N F. tl. Bchwarts, late of Kish roud county U <•« , are requested to make payment to the uodi i igued; all those persons Ing ciaints against) I; estate, art quested to presentthem within the time p<e clbtd t \ January 4,1866. < . F. Gilt • i-DKT, Ado. OTICE— All persons ip ei tc 1 a a<e of Js - i Conweii, arer q tested tJ . d . atdm kaiayment, ,tud ab those to v o u the estm ; if indett d will render in their accjunta ’* ■ -uMv i ,u ii. VV. HULSIE. A dm 1 :. January IC, 18 4. NOTICK.-AH |ier*;Oi>s * aving demands avails • estate cf Tho-.ru i, 1,-vim r ure reqve.R .d pr -at them, or.d those indebt d to B»id estate arOreq eat<d t make payment<o tee uuderaignod. ; 9. i.atjmer, 1 Jan.lg, 1855 WM W. ANDERSON, f LX ’ v. OTIC*.. Ad p.tv ns in ehtel t> I>. J& c i.> Muckie, d-csii.soarc rtqueatoitom k payb i . and tliose htvirg claims ."g air at savl Ut.;e; ed, v.i. • seut them H.cordiD*g to law. January 14,1851*. \ y Kr ‘>' RIF, A .2^ N tate of ThoirHS M.Kevitt,d»Ctaseti, iuu o: Aut i Ga ,cr hereby cvtifitdto iht mto ci L«r *;,? undurtigneu ; aud those in lib eel o sal ie ta \ ill A u« paym nt to lIENRV Mcß' HP, A 'm'r r |''WO fttUKTUh a ter elute, ..ppUcattoii wilt be : e Xto the Court of Oretinary of L ueola ccuut, r teave toecli the Negroes beter ging t tl.y estate ot iHO M. Morasiti?, deceased, for tlif. b nctfi vs vbi* hsir , t credttora. A LEX4NDE l J > >UNS I'ON Adm’ December 0,1854. •'.eht.nist r|>WO MONTHB af<erdate i-Pj.-i • ,jT. Xlo the Ordinary of Hichnxu.a -ouu' j, r ave oi' the Rea Kst to and Negro aUu . , mt -e ta* ~t Mr . B .vnh Mcl'yre, l.nte of aifi u. , «*v. •.«?<! Nov. 19,1854. T 1 KUE9A l i UK, Adi rxxuo UO|1!H8 after date Uuat n w!Hb« X to CourtofOullnaryof * g-ett orj , i w uuty,for h ..g . ►ell all the Lands u l Negroes bul l’ :* t ' eis . * BrnxvOuL.Briant, «.ec otwii, lut o i‘M..vipci ? ALVIN hi. KOBEItT. 0 , * December J, 18"4. dm’r. v fi 1 i,t;e e* •«. r C\VO .viiVNTs ; .’ftorda c, applicnticn v.illhi L .j, c X to the V' leave to tell a i e.::o w .man and twochi dro 1 * l .u- au -o the estate of P tt B. Bmi li, latt-of t-ui county , Dt'Oea cr 1. !554. MATILDA A. EMlTll, au r gAW o MON A’filtt after duicappUcatu a will be . .. JL to the Oi dinar.v of Richmond coun ;> for cave v U the Real he ate and N« greet bc'oogi; r; i > iU» es • * I antalicn Simon, late c. said coumy c * uaeu. jxjccm’ er 6, t v s4. MADELiNA elm;N, •ii t, )UVO MUN TIE m after date application willbe n i- tc . the Ordinary of Kcl xnond county, for leave i f.il the Real Fs.ate btlo ging to the estate o> ,‘j. bvr, late of said c> onty, dece. ue>*. December 0,1854. RICH A' D Ma’ BH, Ad; i’r. npWO MONTHS as X to the Court of tr fnary of Richmond county so : to sell all the Real istate of James hovel, late 1 • .< county, deceased. *. Crav FCUD, z’i i. rpYYO MONTHS at . > , m*d« A to the Court of Ordinary of Columbia ccolify lor leave io sell all the Real Estate of : ar.th Garnett u - c. said county, deceased. A. M. 0 »AM I*\ UD, ii. ’r Dc ember 4,1 M TWO MONTIAB : f to the Ui Ui tof Ordinary of Oolumbia coudJ ft to sell the Lauds belonging to the estate of H.irutl ; - j ue, late of sad connty, cteea ed December 14, 554 A, M. OBAWyoaP/AtUn’r. TWO MONTHH after date application wi/ be made to the Court of Ordinary of Oglethjip / ui > for leave to sc! N’o 14'-, 9«b di». 1 ud 6th too. i'v/o < * *y, containing bci ta Also for Fuveto te/No f H*.h dis. C i tec (on qounty, contain! j, 4u ai/to, behu. f : ng to tho estate of Da' id Df. , un,do e: fed De.'rmber 15,1551. MARY P. JHJNN, Ad . x. W U MO.Yft nH aficViT *x will Der,n « to the Court of Ordinary of arkepounty for .r *i to sell the Ke .1 Ectate of Nancy Owens, b '-Ceased. December2B,lßs4 JOHN OWKN,Adn *r. npWO MUNTHW after date aw-'LciaioiTw»7TT, mane X to th *. Court ol Ordinary oi fiichmond county, for leave to ell the Real an i Personal ir.pen. belong lug to the estatr of Robert F. Foe, deceased. January 9, Jfcss. ELIZA P. FOE, l « *x. SIXTY DAYH after d the Court of Ordinary of Warren county for F ,vo to sell the I!c."l Estate Jlt ec, dccr.-cd. January 7,1855. H 'i ' n'l, TWO MQNTHO aftor - ■■■ • » ■ «iadA to tho Court of Ordinary ol Warren county iur I use to sell th* Laud and Negroes belonging to tho cr late of Stephen T. Harden, deceased. !. it: ' O the Court of Ordinary of i Khmcf d county, lot • ;vt to sell the Real Estate a d Ncg oea belon -ing i.u th. it .uj of Dr. James M. mty, de ceased. WILfdAM W. Ai EAANDUt, Atiiu’r. Jin Uary IG. IKS J. K. F&W&LZIf CO* WATCH EH, JJSWrLKYAN > ; iII.VER WARE. npilK subscriber.-, having taken the store forr~Y A many years occupied by Th; j W. freeman, vvji continue the WaTOU As»• iL. JH iu all Its branches, and invito the public and pat.or :of tbela'e T. W. Fr-etuan, to tin . murely r.e-v I'rtKof WATCHES, JBWi:L-.%Y, Silver and Plated ’V A KE, v. i. -h they offer for c. 1 :!! us low,or lower thaw . .Ic pur *.a a elsewhere. Parti ular attention given to REPAIRING WRttbes and Jewelry. [d'a-dswSn.] J > FREEMAN A wo. GEOnLGIA BIILfiCAD. FAttSLi GLR TRAIN b. LFCAViv AuguMa, dally at 6 I*. and (Sutde , •.*: cepted) et 6 a. M. Arrive at Augus adail, at 4.80 A. bi. and (Suud; /- > * cepted) at 5 f. At. Leave Atlanta dally at 630 P .. and ("iindu » ex cepted) at 4.81) A. td. Arnye at Athiiita daily ut 4A. M. and ( unia* : .- cepted) at 6 F. M CONNE CTING WITH ATEEN'I-' BRANCH. Arriving and LaViDg Uniow FoiatdeJJy (oun'!,.ysexce:»t i at 11.80 A. rd WITH WASHINGTON BRAN- 11. Leaving Camming i. ; ol Arriving at M 4 “ ** IJ.O /. '•. WITH SOUTH CAROLINA TRAINS. Leaving Augusta daily at 6.d0 A. ■. Arriving at auv ota “ 400 P. 1. wnn ATLANTA AND LAGRANGE K-rILROAD. Leaving Atlanta daily i%t 4.80 A. M. Arriving at “ 41 4 P. M. WITH WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILIIOA I Leaving Atl rt.n dally at 0.- 0 A. M. Arriving at “ ‘ COOP. M. d>o GEO, YONG: Ce upe. nt :.d*r .. BU&K filli M/ An FACTORY. fu c extended to the late flrr> ■ i,i tonpcctfuliyinforiii hisfriendoand tho public,tL>.« occ ; tciito execute orders for hid well known Aarr • rkr i X BURR MILL STONES,of .v ry dfsirabl- . « thole nrhrand shortest notice, u'ft also fu ratal KBOPUB and COLOGNE STONES, SMUT machines, of variouspntte/n: BOLTING OLCTHS, cf the brstbrci CEMENT,for Mill nan. ndeveryotherarticl#neoeMaryi- a Mill. Also,for ■ MJI.Lt to attach to Gears. Ailorderrurompllyattendcdto WM. !%. MJUIHMtk, Surviving partner of I'chlrcwr A Wigan 1 .atfi-twawly _ GROVER, BAKER &CO’S tßftUft* II u CHIB El (TpBKHK Machine , having rt«eive-l the highest }re JL miums at all the le'.di:<g I’al •• throughout ihi* coun try ami Europe, and nowj;.st!j admitted to i c st'p* rlor to a>l others in u. e arc (C e to the pull cat p in:, wh ch brtDg them within the reuch of all. For simp ic ty, c'uis blli'y and certainty of« p i-t on, no ether mv-hioe c u stand in cornparis n ; vhl'ein‘.he h u*y, strcogtlt a a permanency cf work exacitud by them, they uiptss alike anything herctolcre Ufoe by i< ch nery. They can be ster. in f.puaMcn daily at Mrs. MuchcU't Bonn< t Stoie, opposite U. M Hotel, wlere tpeciOiens o! work done by tnem are exhibit- d. '1 hesu are the only Machirjtg adapted to plant use, and can be mannged by servants. Exclusive rights for districts, or sir ule Mach n or i ale by TilOE. F- BTOV4LL & CO. Auguafa, Januaiy 4, 1565. jaS dsw m STATU OF UEOHUfA, t' JJAHihUO CO.- x‘? .o Indenture made and entered into on tt Bra day of APRIL, 1853. La ecn koith *. H*es of the one part, end Cojucii iW. heob cf the other r both of e id otate and County, witneiselh: That . of-aid .Sarah P. Ecos, for r.nd la coneideratloH of the na'ural love and afectior. id e has red l cars to her c» ; d daughter, Gornclis, for the further coiutfdi ration o’ a support to bo furniehe t her daring h» rna f u al Ife by the said Oorneh'a—the cuid Sa ab t. R es b th given, granted, bargained and sol ), and iy these ;>»r - nls < oth give, grant ba gain and reil unto th * said Corn ha W. Rees, 11 her Household and Kitchen Furuitarc r.ghis and credits, and one N gro Wcman, named L c/.ab ju forty yrsofnge; and a certain tract or parcel of Land, lying aud L ’ng in said cennty, c-ntaiting stely -cr if, m-. rr ' «#j it being thopiace whereon thy card Sarah P. K**»-e now retidea, adjo uieg le. ds of Wi liam H. Wilder, Jesse W. Moore, near the Baptist Church In Raytown—to hive and to hold the do cribed property unto her, the c: M « o ne la \7. Rte?, and her heirs forever; an t ihe P, Rets do and wi lrtacndt' o rltjLt and *it c to the tame orever, hereby making delivering of pcsseaeiou with the delivery of t ia deed. Int aiimcny whereof, the- h«s hereunto set h»r hand and aftlxtd her seal, the date above written. (Signed) her BAEAH P. Riitb, [L. b.] Attest, PuaaißA >4 Kisro, mark. WILLIAM A. DYKE, J. P. GEORGIA, TALIAFFKRkO COUNT Y.—Personally appeared, in open Court, William t>, Dyre, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoiog Deed U a true ropy of an original made by p. Secs to Cornelia W. Hecs.that he i. gned the sr.id ori ginal aoawitnesH he then being a Justice or the Feace, :■ nd thi.t he taw Pheriba King s g the t eas a witness, and ifcnt the ntmeof Kaiah P. Rece With the seal was subacrined, and that Barah P. Recs uckcovl the tame as h- r act and deed and her sign at are. bworntoand subscribed, ia open Court, Augu?t2Bth, 1864. WILLIAM A. • YRE. hIIOAJSU L. J O-XB,J- P. GEOEGIA.TALtAFEP.UO CO V N T V.-Tj the I/cn crable It).- tuperier Court of rai • r t oa of Felix 0. iloor.- »nd Cornfllx W. t.cor., tits » i„ p_ r Miiji W. R• r » re p ctfui y ah “eth ihaton tf.e r ? lor :jr acted in writir.(r, a cd ssofthenr o q{o *od that aft rwirt’s, copy ofwnc u rfoin sh pom uwi on o' your petition .ZUlbr the same was put L» r. coid, aLd thesamedc tearing « fl tb-mak. is nan e. fAC Whe y tf?re. joar i> ii.loners pray the establibhmer tof the ccuy hereto aui extd.iu Ke of the cr gi- .! aud that the same be admitted to record i. ih- proi er office. Hie same jgfLiX <\ MOORE, CORNELIA W. MOORE. (GEORGIA, COUNT Y —lt appear ing to the Court by the petition of Felix C. Moore, and his wife, Corat is W. Mocre, were p? se red of the oiiginal Deed; of which a copy is annexed to their peti tion, and that s. id oiwirial Deed hn< been defscet by tear*ng <ff ho name of the maker; and whereas, the t>aid petiitooers pray the ertab 1 hmett o. the cop y iu lie iof the original. It is therefore ordered lh<t the heiis at law and legal rej reaeotatlve. of Bar th P. Rees, the maker of the raid deed, show came ty tie next term of this Court, why Bawl copy should not t e -.ata'dished; and it is f rther ordered that copies o th » rule i>e serve pe sonally upon the piities abovei.amid, or published in the Oironicle A c'ectmd, published >n Ga., three months pre vious to the next term of this G ur t. GEORGIA, TALIAFFER.4O OOONrY.— I do hereby cert f> that Die above a a true transcript from the Min utes of eaffi Court. Ihis, N. vember Bih, 1254. QUINLA u’aSEAL, C.k. 8. C. T. 0. November 15th, 1864. W . * J. TURPIN , boocassuhb TO W. U. TUBPIU, OFFER TO FLlYßlClANfc.Planters, Mer- n asOm chants, and the public at large, uchoiceand (s■! lMf we 11 aasort^rdstock of DRUDh AND MEi>l- lEf OINEb, OILS, PAINTB,DFEBTUPFfc, Glass and Futty,Brushes of every description, Straw Brooms efiri t Turpentine, Ac., Ac. We ,icrchaaeourguodsforcash,and&re preparedtose n the must advantageoasterms. Merchants willtind it te eir interest to look at our prices. All articles warranted be whati* represented. Givens a call and satisfy your vee. s‘4B GEORGIA RAILBOAD STOCK FO : SALE. \ FEW shares for sale, apply to UELCHLR A HOL* xl LINGBWV/RTR, Mo. 6 W foiook. OD tr.