Weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 183?-1864, April 25, 1855, Image 4

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pIMCLB & SENTINEL Slavery as an Element of Horlely. Wa remarked nomo day* o«o, that we ehoold pab i-h from time to time, extract* from the very »b e lecture recently delivered before the Georgia }l • rioii Socciy, by Professor Saftnett, of Emory f -e, in this State. In accordance with that pro -7h o we proceed to lay before our readers this -rnir.g the following interesting extract, in which i\ in contended that slavery constitntea aconversa* ? ve e croem in oar Society and Government.— jS&tV' lUp* “Bi f if among the American people there is Xi" : higher elevation of mind, there is an ele -7i of already existing in onr own j n of the Union, which, sanctioned as it is by lr and righteousness, every consideration |of safety and of progress urges us to cliDg to with tin re axing tenacity. If we look into the Northern por' -ns of o r Union, we shall find that all those exhibitions of restless insubordination, of wild fan'tiCkam, of extravagant, afcanrd sentiment, wi ch keep society there in such nnoea«ing com u. /.ion, an i ooctinnally threaten the safety of the body politic, originate ir., and are mainly confined to, toe lower strata of society. The higher classes t here erjoy an e’evation of mind, an amount of ir.} mnation, which raises them personally above these &bsnrail'.ee; but placed upon the same level in all that pertains to civil and political privileges with this degraded and fanatical rabble, they are compelled largely to succumb to their spirit, and to pmr aks of th*:.r wild excesses. Indeed, it will be ten fid ir. all free government*, vfhere every cirssof human beings within their jurisdiction, are eleva ted * o the same degree of personal freedom, and to a general equality of privileges, that there will be h no inconsiderable dees among the lowest ranks who have not reached tho point of capability for aelf government, and consequently of adaptation to tree government, who need a stronger govern ment to secure their proper ► objection and regaJa ti ;r», and who, therefore, will by crime, by inaub ordination, by reckless sen’iment, by extravagant perpetually disturb the peace and good order of the community, subject the higher, better elij'Tionts to their own way, and perpetually threat en the aa*cty and fetter the action of all the pro gressive forces of aociety. “And if such is the history of all free govern xnents, it must be especially that of ours, since these lower disturbing classes are prepetually j icd to and enlarged by the constant influx of a degrade i foreign population. “B.titie the happy effect the institution of slavery prevailing in the Southern portion of the t...0n, that it excludeathat rank of society among v , who c - if'tituU this corrupting, disturbing class of i :e North, fromfthoee privileges which would give them power to threaten and retard the pro gre-rt of society—that it furnishes a system of gov ernment better suited to thehe lower classes, and which, while it more effectually controls them, and contributes more largely to their happiness and improvement, enables loose qualified for the cipher privileges of our own frecjgovernment, to live in peace and to go on unhindered in the pro motion of thur own ends of elevation and hapni ji i: «. It is be can so of this purpose, subserved by thu Institution of slavery—it is beoause of this re sult, secured by its existence, that society in the Booth is so free from those element* of insnbor diu&’.ion, of discontent, of fanaticism, of wild ex tr -i-.pajice which now so much threaten tho safety or N -thorn communities snd the stability of the Union,--that hero in onr own loved section of the confederacy, ti.o instrumentalities of progress are i* . harmoniously and symmetrically developed, and civilization exhibit* the indications of fulness **nd completenoes no where oiso to be witnessed. * “Too history of our country clearly deuion etreten that tho truo elements of conservatism, of wi cs and *afe direction, to which society is thus far Indebted for its prosporit7, and the American gov ,r ; t r it* safety end permanence, have al w«y- been found In the South, and aretracoablo to tf,„‘ infi .or.ee open Southern society of this South ern irstituiion. The world then may hate it, and combine for its overthrow, but let us adhere to it widi determined, unalterable purpose, as essential to our own safety and progress, and the traest con uevative agency of ail free government.” Important IL.tobical Discovekt.—Tha Boston 1',,-4 announces the recent discovery of the long If -' Manuscript “History of Plymouth people eud 4'olor y, from 16}S to 1646, by Gsvornor Bradford.” Every uuo at s'l familiar with Novo England hia- V. y knowe, that (lov. Bradford’s History was tha trca-ury from which tha early historians of Massa cl . :vs (’row their most valuable malaria.*: Mor -1 n. Hutchinson and Prince, all did this. The last t) s', w h known of this precious manuscript was, lho v m; ratiie Prince hud posseasion of it, and had deposited it iutbo New England Library. among r. hcr valuable books and documents, in lho tower ( if 11 o Old South. After tbia house was taken possession of by the British troops, daring the ri ? ilution, and made o riding school of for their • rivalry, the books and especially tho manuscripts, ditappi red. The atory is that tho mannscripts wore used by the soldiers to kindle their fires. A how years since fouio of the manuscripts were dis ooverel a' .Halifax ; subsequently, Dr. Young dis covered that a part of Bradford’s History was con la|ned in tho records of tho Plymouth Church ; i t-.d recently the entire original 'manuscript has been discovered in the Fulham Library, in Eng le 1. ReV. J. T. Barry of Bcituato was the first to d scovi ra resemblance between cortain quotations in M , (Jytnrd wort, (“ A History of tho Protestant Jr;, id Church iu America,”) from a MS. in tho A‘111!, oil Lib-ary, end tha hist History us Bradford. Til Bov. Joseph Hunter of London was writtun to about tho matter; and by a roeont arrival from London the following gratifying information has been received : “Them is not the slightest doubt that the Mb. in Giv. Bradford’s own autograph. Not only is U ura a suUiciont degree of correspondence be tween the handwriting of the MB. and that of the latter which you transmitted tome, hut there is the alt, station of one of the family written in 1705, Slating that it was givon by tho Governor to bis son, Mi iir William Bradford, and by him to biß non, Major John Bradford. There is also tho lmnd writing of Prince, a memorandum dated J»u. 4 1721. showing how he obtained it from Major John Bradford. It also appears to have been in the ->cw England Library. And finally the writ ten pin" s are 270, the nnmhor named by Prince, and sub nqucnlly by Dr. Young, ae tho number of pages in lho long lost volume.” Tho Post adds that arrangomer.ts have been mado to have ur. oxaot copy of tho original menu script made, and that the work will bo Immedi ately published in this ooutitry by the Massachu setts Historical Society. Tux Basiv oir nix Atlantic Ocean.—The basin of the Atlantic Ocean is a long trough, separating lho Old Wot 11 from the Now, and extending prob übly Irom pole to pole. Tbia ocean furrow was probably scored into tho sclid crust of < ur planet ~y tho Almighty band, that there the wat rs which ho called seas might bogatherod together so as to Jet tho dry land appear and fit tho earth for tho habitation ot man. From tho top of Chimborazo lottio bottom of tho Atlantic, at the deepest place yet reached by the plummet in the Northern At lontic, t-he distance m u vertical line is nine miles. Gould tho waters ot tho Atlautic be drawn ctf so as to expi se to view this great sea gash, which sepa rate- continents, and extends from the Arctic to the Antartic, it would pre set a scone tho most rug god, grand and imposiug. The very ribs ot tho solid earth, with tho foun dations ofthe sen, would bo brought to light, and wo should huvn presented to us, at one viow, in the on.-cty cradle ot the oe 'an, “ a thousand fear in! wreck's" with Hint dreadful array of dead men’s ,great anchors, heaps of pearl end inesti mable stones, which, in tho poet’s eye, lie s-alter ed in the bottom ot tbe ser, making it hideous wit’ - iv-iits of ugly death. Tho deopest part of the N rt.ii Atlautic is probably somewhere betweeu the B.imudas and tho tirah'd Banks. Tho waters of tho Gulf of Moxieo are held in a basin about a milo deep in the doepeat part, 'li.c’e ufat the bot tom of tho sea, between Cape liace in Newfound land and Capo Clear in Ireland, a romarkao.e atop pc, which is alroaily known a. lho telegraphic p.»- teau. A company is now engaged with the project ot a submarine telegraph across the Atlautic. I is proposed to carry tbe wires across this plateau from the eastern shores of Newfoundland to tho western shores of Ireland. The great circle dis tance botwoen those two shore lilies is 1,600 miles, and tho sea along this route is probably nowhere more than 10,000 feet deep.— Prof. Maury. VnassrnjDi» o» Lute.—Seldom has the press re corded tho atory ot a ruin so sudden and so com plete as the following: “On thj Ist of Jannary, IS.S4, a geu'Jeu.an doing business in this oity was worth, with what ho had invested in basinets, 61110,000. At the same time ho was blessed with a lovely and intelligent wife, beautiful and promis ing chi'dren. Ho was surrounds Iby friends who esteemed and respected him. His business was lucrative, and promised to coutiuoe so. Indeed, his position as well as hie prospects were, seeming ly, all that he could desire to lender his happiness perfect. H it oompiete the wreck which tho year dosed upon I Tho first mlaiortane was the trails fer ot merchandise to the .amount of 618,000 to a California dealer, for which not one cent was ever received. Tho next were two aueceasive robberies, by means of which 625,000 were lost. Boon after this, the unfortunate man mado an investment in rcai s tate to a large amount. The next and crowning misfortune was a trip with hi* family to Enr, p>. They embarked, ou thoir return, with 65.-. *,•■-» in good', on board the steamship Arctic, and’ ati shared her lockSee* 6t?«! In settling up his silai"\ lbs real est Ate was Bold under the ham mer at a sacrifice of $40,000, making the aggregate loss to Us property during the year, 6118,000, 68,000 more tbau his assets. Hts triends w3re obliged to make good tho deficiency 1 Was ever destruction more complete 1 Father, mother, children, and firlnnead gone —swept from the tacc cl tee r -r,!. —nothing left to (how that they ever existed!”— l.Hcltr't L/s Illustrated, Bcsstitcte v- k Kxexavotas.—Mr. Alfred Guthrie, of Chicago, has patented a new Bleat,i engine to raise water for tbe use of cities, and distribute it: An air chamber is connected with tho pipe that supplies tho city with water. By valvea the water admitted on one side ot the chamber, and al lowed to escape ou the other. A forcing pump, nsed in cPnneoiiou with tho water works, forces the wx'er tn'ough tho air chamber, and as tho pressure is ID ore.sc I, the air in the chamber acts as a propel!.LC force, which forces the wa.er through lho pipes with an immense increased pressure, which wili throw a stream of water to a i e -lit whicl cannot o’:.«"ri»e be eb-etneaL This pressure is manifested in e !' , r >' PJ rl of « th * and all that is necessary to s_ fire, is to apply the fire hose to any of the stid*-t hydrants, wV.eu a stream oi water is instantly obtai J® 4l aca kept up without intermission as lore as the pn*?P at the water-works is kapt iu operation.” Plowing an Klfphant.—Passengers who travel by th« New \ v >rk ar.d New Ilavan cars have a graud chance of * 'seeing the elephant/’ Going iron 1 . Now York, tho cars pass the farm of I*. T. Karnum, » mile or no before reaching Bridgeport, Ct. On that I*r_a, end -n plain view from tho railroad, an elephant r ay be seen every pleasint day, attached to a large plow, and doing up the “sub soiling” ir. first ra*.e stjle, at the rate ot about three distinct double horse tesms. The animal is pe.fcctly aitr&cia'o.e. His attend ant ridas him, while a colored man guides the plow. The elephant is also used lor carrying large loads of gravel in cart arranged purposely tor him, and in drawirg stone on » store boat or dreg, in piling up wood, timber, and in making himself generally useful. — S. T. T ibunu An theb Bottle Found.— The Barnstable Patriot saye th-t a*. cat ten days since, Mr. David K i.ey, ot Ce.urevii.e, found a bottle in that tarbor, at lew water mark, which contained a paper, on which was written the following: “ Here I am. on the wreck or the Esther Swift. Expeoticg every minute to go down, I throw the bat e into the sea, so that it any one finds it. they w end it to Alexander (.‘shorn, New Haven. Goal b>e to the w. rid, ana good bye, dear father and mother, and also to my dear sister. From your sou and brother, W U. li. CSBOBN. V. S.—Good bye forever. I pray I may meet you in heaven, if not on earth. Tnc Rather Swift belonged to New Haven, and has late. v been e: gaged iu freighti. g to the West Indies. FKtsBYTXBY of Georgia.— We learn fro m a cen tleman j ist returned from Darien, that the Pres bytery k-: Georgia met a: that place, on Thursday event! g, liih iust., and was opened with a sermon by Be. John Winn, the moderator. Alter ser vice, Prerbytery was consl.tnied, the minutes of the net fall ses-ion were read und confirmed, the roll w 63 called, and after tho transaction of some other bnsicess, Proabytory, adjourned over to Friday morcing. It wts supposed the body would ooiiunue session until Sunday evening, 16th iaet. —&*T _ A Lab®* Io«»lbo.— Captain Norton of the ship No^t 1 era fcigfit, which arrived at FairLaven this xnorivng, reports bavingr pessed, January 81, in lat 4£ soutlx, loi fi. life 80 west, a large iceberg, sbe- t 500 feet high ao-lW* mUee long ! Cap-.am j, ---.e-s'l* the largest toeberg ever seen ■ ve been a fearful imd aaOUiut i>«u/hrU Stondtra. TO MY BOY IN HXAYXN. The nuraarjr shows thy pictured wall Thy beat, thy bow. The cloak and bonnet,clua aadbau — Bet wh»re at thou I A corner holds thy empty chair. Thy play things Idly scattered in ere. But sp«sk to us of our despair. Ten to the last, thy every word Too g ad to griev«, Wes sweet, asswoeteit song cf bird. On Psmnrnr Eve; In outward beaut • undecayed, Death o’er thy spirit cast a shade. And like the raiabow thou did’tt fade. We mourn for thee when cold, blank night, Thy chamber fills. We pire for thee when morn’s first light Reddens the sci I*. The sun, the moon, the stars, the sea, All to the wall Cower and wild pea, Are changed—we saw the world through thee. And thou perchance a emile glean 0/ casual mirth It doth net own, whats’er may seem, An inward birth; We miss thy rmill step on the stair, We miss thte at tbine evsnin* prajer; All day we mis* thee every where, Yes, ’tis sweet balm to our despair, Fond, dearest boy ! That h ea*en God and thou art there. With him in joy, There past are death acd ali Us woes, There beaut)’s etreams forever glows, And pleasure’s day no sanset knows. Farewell, then—for a while farewell, Pride cf ay heart! It cannot be that long we dwell Tr.ua torn apart, Time's shadow s like the shuttle flee, A nd dark Lowe’er life’s night may fce, Beyond the grave I’d meet with thee. "Tti GOD HATH A VOICE. ...bt uuza OOOX. God hath a voice that ertr ii heard In the ,eal cf the thunder, the chirp of the bird, It comes In the torrent, ill rapid and ttrong. In the streamiet’s soft gush as it ripples aloeg. It breathes in the se;hyr just kissing the bloom ; It 11 v: s In the rush of me sleeping simoon; Let tk« hurricane whist'eor wartle’s rejoice— What do they tell thee but God hath a voice t God hath s presence, and that ye may see In the fold t f the flower, the leaf of i he tree; la the sun of the noon-day, the star of the night; In the storm cloud of darkness, the rainbow of light. In the waves of ths ocean, the farrows cf land ; In the mountains of granite, the atom of sand ; Tarn where ye may, from the sky to the sod, Where can ye gaae that ye see not a God? From Baldwin's “ Party Leader sP Jackson and Clay.—Points of Uasantblance. There were many point* cf Bimilitade between these illustrious antagonists. As party men they seemed to stand in irreconcilable antagonism. They wero so in interest, in position, in feeling. Yet, with all this opposition, there was a striking correspondence between them, not only in charac ter, but in many points of exterior resemblance. Both were born, or received their earliest im pressions, in Kevolationary tiiaes, or from the principles of the Involution. Jackson was the eider. But the spirit and gen ius of the Revolution, outlasting the period of ac tual hostilities, was equally the inspiration of Clay’s awakening and fervid mind. Both were denied the advantages of education. Both made a new country the theatre of their ear liest exertions. Both were natives of the S ntb, and emigrated to a new Southern State, with a Sopulatioo like that of the State of their birth. oth were dependent alone upon their own exer tions, and equally independent of adventitieus aid. Both were me architects of their own fortunes. Both chose the profession of the law as their first in troduction to the public; and both, though in une qual degree, encountered tho aame opposition, and met with early success. Both displayed from the start the same enterprising spirit, the - ume obdura cy and vehemence ol will, the tame almost arrogant defiance of opposition, the same tenacity and con tinuity of purpose, the same moral and persona’ daring. Jackson introduced himself to the practice by undertaking tho prosecution of suit-*, which others, of a profession not used to quail before dan ger or shrink from responsibilty, were intimidated from representing. Clay enrolled himself, a boy, among the competitors of the Btrong-jst bar in Kentucky, and issued his writ against one of tho most prominent and powerlul of them, in favor of an obscure bar keeper, at the certbin cost of the defendant’s deadly resent ment ; and defied that haired to its extremeat manifestations. Both early impresßod themsolveß upon the community around them, and were dis tinguished for the same personal characteristics. Both rose at once to posts of honor and distinction; and at an early age enrolled their names, and to tho last preserved them, among the first, and the highest of the republic. Both wore men of quick perception; of prompt action ; of acute penetration; of business capacity; of masculine common eenso ; of quick and uner ring judgment of men ; of singular fertility of resources; of remarkable power to create or avail themselves of circumstances; of consummate tact and management. Both were distinguished for graco and oase of manners, for happy und polish ed address, and for influence over the wills and affections of those who came within the circle of their acquaintance and associations. Both were of lithe, sinewy, and slender physical conforma tion ; uniting strength, with activity, and great E)wcrs of endurance with a happy facility of labor. oth were men of the warmest affections; of the gentlest and most conciliating manners in social intercourse when they wished to please ; ot truth and loyalty, and stoudfastness in friendship; bit ter and defiant in their enmities ; of extraordinary directness in their purposes; of a patient aEd inde fatigable tomper in following out their ends or wait ing for their accomplishment. Neither could brook a rival or opposition; and each had the imperial spirit of a conqueror not to bo subdued, and the prido of leadership which conld not follow. They were Americans both, intensely patriotic and national, loving their whole country, its honor, its institutions, its Union, with a lovo kindled early and quenehod only in doath. They both spent much of their long lives, from youth to hoary age, iu the public service, main taining to the last, with only the modifications which ago necessarily makes upon tho mental and physical constitution, the fame characteristics for which they were at first distinguished. They livod lives of storm, excitement ana warfare ; each in point of real authori y equally at the head of his party; in and out of othoe equally acknow ledged leadors, and they died each full of years and honors, and by the same lingering disease; professing towards the closo of life, tho same re ligion ; and leaving upon the country, at tho death of each prosperous and poacelui, a saddened sense of a great and common calamity. Aw £ntxbpbihin« Clergyman.—We published yesterday au account of u Western clorgyman, who had engaged himself to eleven fair damsels of bis flock. The Cincinnati Enquirer gives lull particulars of the conduct of this tailhful shepherd, who was so assiduous in his devotion to the lambs of histoid. The Rev. John Howard Wilson, bos boon preaching for some time past in a place called Cheviot, and according to tbe Cincinnati Enquirer, is endowed with a eofc, oily tongue, aud sleek ap pearance. He seems to have slain the damsels right und left. No less than eleven fair ones sue eumbed to the potency of his charms, and 6romieed to accompany him to the altar of ymen, ' It was not, however, altogether an affair ot the heart on the side of this estimable divine, but in a very considerable degree, a commercial transaction, the roverend gentleman borrowing money of some of the ladies under the preteuce of making the necessary arrangements for house keeping. We may remark, in passing, that the females of that region must be somewhat eager for ti e married state, when they advance their lovers money for such a purpose. The inquirer says that of one young lady the gontlo shepherd ob tained SSO, which he laid betwoen the loaves of a Bible in her parlor, to be used the day previous to toe wedding; but when, upon hearing of the pranks of the sanctimonious Lothario, ah* looked in the hiding place, the bankbills were non est. Tbe Buquiror gives the following account of the .manner in which Mr. Wilson’s ,lovers discovered the wickedness of the clerical deceiver : “The manner which led to the disoovery of his multifarious engagements was, that a couple of the betrothed met by accident ip a fashionable dry goods establishment in this city. After mutual recognition, they piocoedod to examine various fabrics and make purchases. Singularly enough their tastes assimilated so exactly, that young lady number one remarked to young lady number two that she thought it was very strange. Hereupon yonug lady number two roplied that so,it was; but if she (yonrg lady number one) could keep a secret, sho would tell her one. Number one promised (what feminine would not!) that her lips should be eternally sealed, when blushing like a peony, her companion whis pered in her oar that sno was going to be married. 4i To whom ?’’ exclaimed the excited number one. Another promise of socresy aud the name of Rev. John Howard Wilson was softly breathed. 44 Who I ’ cxc'aimed narnbor one, whilo her ear nest gaao botokened her astonishment. The name was again repeated, and forthwith yonig lady number cne bocame suddenly diaay, and but for the application of sai volatile and cold water, a fainting exhibition in the mercer estab lishment would have ensued. After a while, when sufficiently oalm to explain, she informed young lady number two ’hat she, too, was under ar en gegement of marriage to the reverend dece ver, and sho was then making purchases of her wed ding garmente. Another kettle of fish was the oonsequeoce of this disclosure, for young 1 dy number two immediately went through the same motions as her predecessor, and again the pungent mixture and cold water wero in requisition. The disconsolate damsels returned without their pur chases to the quiet village, whore they speedily proclaimed the viilaiuy of the rascally pastor, who, getting wind that all was discovered, made tracks between two days during the pest week. Sire* h:a exit, it i as been discovered that he acme time forced a draft on Mr. Elliott, of the Methodist Book Concern, which was honored. The Euquirer adds that no tidings have beon heard of the Rev. Mr. Wilson since he departed from his late sphere of duty. It is presumed he will turn up in some other latitude, under another name, whore ho will beguile more unsuspecting fiminines into the sacrifice of their flfthy lucre upon the altar of love. We recommond the re venarned gentleman to betake himself unto Utau. Flo ha» evidently talents for a wider field of use ful neus than the United States afford.— Richmond Du patch. Destruction ox Ants.—A correspondent of the Philade phia Ledger, tays : 44 We give a sure remedy—procure a large sponge, wash it well, press it very dry; by so do ing it will leave the emali cells open —ay it on the shelf where they are most troublesome, sprinkle fine white sugar on thespoege (lightly over it) two or l^ Te * times * day, take a bucket of hot water to where ta.' spongo ie, carefully drop the sponge in the scalding *B’-er, and you wul slay them by the tfcosands, and efioti rid the house of these troublesome insects. When you sqaeexe the sponge, you will be astonished at the nunbex that had gone in the celia.” Abbxst ox Jail Bxkakkrs.—Three persoxs call ing themselves respectively, James C. Bossy, V. (. urry, and James Willis, all of whom broke out of the Jail of Crawford, Russel county, Ala., Sun day night las:, a: oat 10 o’clock, were arrested in thie city on the following morning 16 h inst. The two first were arrested by that energetic constable, Robert T. Simons, and the latter by Messrs. Z Gamel and G. Ogletree. Bussey was under indio'ment either forreoeiving stocn property or gambling; Curry for selling hquor without license, and Willis for either debt or adultery, or both, ’i'hese are the reported state ments of the prisoners. As soon as the trio were collected together, o*ir c ty officers politely and safely turned them over to the proper authorities ot Russell. There are we iearr, yet out, seme four or five other prisoners, llwa* a*-General Jail Delivery ” and we heard that every prisoner, save a negro boy, escaped. Verily, Columbus is a “mighty bad place*’ for those fleeing from justice.— cX-iumouj Jtnquirw. Great Fishing.— The Burlington Free Press re lates a r.ew and unique mode of fishing, which has been successfully tried in a trout stream of North ern Vermont. The discover? was made a ftw days aince by a woodchopper in Hydepark. Being thirs ty with labor, he chopped a hole in the ice of a mountain stream and laid himself down to drink. While in the act of imbibing the refreshing fluid his nose was suddenly and unepectediy sauced by a hungry leviathan of the brook, who buried his teeth deeply in the rosy protuberance, which he evidently thought was a savory morsel. The as tonished wood cutter, whose alarm endowed him with superhuman strength, threw op his head with a jerk, and pulled out upon the ice a splen ded trout inch weigLed two and a half pound* j Tee editor ot the Free Press h&s talked with a man who saw the lacerated and swollen ncee, and voachea for the authenticity of the story. Tex Artesian Well.— 4 -Hope springs” up again that we shad reach a good supply of water, under the efforts of Mr;. Wetton. A vein has been tap ped, which yielded yesterday at the rate of 8,860 gallons. We shall watch it oloeely and report particulars.— Char. (Jour, COMMERCIAL. IJverpool Markets Extract* fj Irttrrk received by the America. LIYaEFOOL, March 80— Cotton— The Cot-.n m.rket vat qa'et in the early put cf Eiace luiadaj there has been a good demand, and tali p-ice. have been obtained. Ths tale, tsr the week are SB,ofo bale., of which S 6 48dare on speculation end for exp-rl, leaving .* VO hale* to the trade. The tale, to-day are 10,000 hale. Market firm. We quote: yt'rOrieane !*d I Middling Orleant.. .5 8-18 d Ki r IWa tXd Middling M0tive....51-lSd y»r Upland.. a*d | Middling Cp.andi... Sd * Balet. Bale. American. Timer Led into thi. Port Jan i“io M’h 80, ’56 618,806 of which American 623,772 Import'd into this Port, Jin. 1, to MTi SO. ’id, 533,580 418,768 Deliv r'd for Consmnp tion, 1358 616,060 431,»u0 Deliver’d for Cantuop “on, 1364 ■ 499,770 329,950 Taken for txportlSss. 52,9!6 M-3 Taken for Export 1664. 34,d_4 Trade continues nrehange'. Confidence, though tot al together restore!, ie rather more grneral than it wjs lome tmeajo. The Vienna Confereece has not, eo far, led to any result; but theconclneion, one way or the other, can not now be r.r di-tant. The Manchester market waj again firme- on Tuesday la*t, particnlariy for Yarns, which income instances are %<L f. ©-aiove ta. lowest point.— Money continute very easy, and is readily oniaiaatle at 4U m cent. The Ek hinges have eighty given way.tu; not .off imtiy eo to lead to any export of Gold. Coneo.e are steady at 93>j. , _ o Com —Tne Corn market u qnut and steady. The weatoer continnei nnfeniai, end '.he season is very ba:k ward. — A. Ztennietoun dt Co. MVEEPIOU, March £o. Cotton. —The tusincsj in Cot ton during the past week has been large, bat without any xaat rial change in prices, iioide a have freely met the demand a: the qooiatoas n our last circular, at which the market c:caes firmly, the effect of the failing 1 ff :n yocr re ceipts bring counteracted by the less favorable prospect for sales for the week ending last evening are est'mated at 38.000 bales, speculators taking 11,911', and exporters 15 '..9j bales. To-day 'hey ar; called 19,C00, wto 8,0011 to the trade, at the following rates: Pair Orleans 536 ; Mid. Orleans 5 8 16; Pair Mooiles 5>6 ; Mid. Mobiles 5 116; Pair Uplands : Mid. Uplands 5; Ordinary 4*%®«X ; Inferior d. qi lb. The stfec* of Cotton in thi* port i* 602,000 ba.es, of which BTS.OOO are American, against a stock at .hia period of last jtar of 674,000 balei, of wbi ± 865,000 were Amerl- There ha* been a good enquiry for Yarns in Manchester, at lull prices, and most kirdi of Good* are also a torn dearer.— Brawn, AhijAey dc Co. SAVANNAH, April 20— Cotton.— Arrived since the 12ih inat., 8,488 bale* Cpland, and 160 bales Sea Island*,(7,B2s per Radroad, 1,113 from Augusta and landings on the riv er, 42 via Darien,) and 162 bales Sea Islands. The ex port* ff r the same period, amount to 12,781 bales Upland, and I,3B6dodea Islands, via: to Liverpool 2.952 bales Up land and 409 do. Sea Islands, to Por:la d, (Me.) 450 bales bales Upland ; to BostoD 2.753 do. Upland; to New York 5.74) ba'es Upland, and 925 do Sea Island*; to » a'timore BS9 bales Upland ; and to Charleston 417 bales Upland and 52 do. Sea Inland* —leavinx on hand and on • hip-board not cleared, a stock of 89.018 bales Upland and 2,730 do. Bea Islands, against 24,612 bales Upland and 4,892 do. Sea Islands at the same time last year. Soon after the close of our last weekly report, two steamer* arrived with later news from Ejrope. The Was - ington, from Bremen, via Bcu.hampton. was reported on Thursday evening, and the America, from Liverpool on Friday. Our market opened firm on Friday, the transactions amounting to 1,087 bale*; cn Saturday the market wa3 quiet, sales 412 bale*; on Monday there was a better de mand, sale* 1 513 bale*, the market closing firm; on Tues day, with a fair dtm&nd, thesa’es were 1284 ba:es, and on Wednetday 547 bales. Yesterday was a very hot day, acd for this or some other caute the Cotton market wa? de cidedly quiet, only 52 bales having changed hands during the day. Prices, however, were not easier, and we sup pose the desire to have furthr foreign advices now fully due, had an influence upon both buyers and sellers. We revise our quotations and find the figures ato-t }»c. high er than they were last week. We quote: Low Middling Middling to Strict Middling 9.q <Q,'j Good Middling Middling Fair 9*©9% Fair nominal. The sales of the week amount to 4,925 bales, at the fol lowirg particulars :£0 at 6*4, 1 17 at 7>», tl at 7’,', 11 at 7X, 42 at S, 216 at 9%, 356 at Btf, 70 at 8 7 16, 273 at 8)4, IS9 at 6&v 547 a' S%. 297 at 9%, 1118 at 9, 68 at 9*, 614 at 9)4, 2**9 at 9)4»2b7 at 9)4,2t0 at 9)4, 45 at 9)4, and 80 bale» at 10 cents. Sea labinds —The demand for this quality of Cotton has been good throughout the week just dosed, anl an ad vance has been paid. The tales amount to 12 ( *4 bale*, as follow* . 120 at 17&83, 244 at 16<&18, 44 at 15&3'>. 79 at at 8, 80 at 17,179 at 17)4 oents. The rece pti for the week amount to 169 bales and the exports 18SG bales. Rice— have been no sales of any amount since our last report, and <he stock continues light. The exports of the wee* were 617 casks. Flour —There is a very fair stock of this ariic’e on sale, and the demand cont'nues good. We quote Georgia,Ten nessee and Baltimore brand* at $10.5(.<&ll bbl. Corn— There is an amp’e stock of Corn in the market, with a good demand. We quote at in lets. Gat*—This article continues dull, with a limited demand. We quote at cents,arc )rding to quantity. Uay —ls selling from wharf at $125 lor Northern ard $1.37)4 lor Eastern. Retailing from store st $1.50 for ihe former, and $1 62)4 for tho latter. Bacon —We have no sales to report. We quote Sides at 10® 0)4 cents. Shoulders 9c. Hama 10(^14 cents. Sail —The last cargo sales were reported at $1 sack, to arrive, and we uucentand that none can now be nought under $1.05, cash. Atolaste# —There have been no cargo arrivals tiace our last weekly report. We quote at 24 cents. Lime—l his article continues scarce, but ccveral cargcci are expected daily. It is selling from store at $1.50 $ cask. Banchanffcs —We quote Sterling at 9Q,9X $ cent prem. The H&nkt* are selling Sight Checks cn ail North rn cities at )4 percent prem., and purchasing Sight Bills at par; 10 days 34, 80 days at %®)4, and 60 days at 1%<&I)4 per cent discount. Freights Are very dull. To Liverpool we quote at B-16J ®ll-32d.; one ship has filled up for Liverpool, bit the rate was not reported. Very little offering for Havre, aud no engagement* this week. Coastwise—To Boston )£c ; to New York )4c. by rai : ing vessels, and 5 16 by steamers; to Philadelphia ,34c. No vssiel up for Baltimore. CHARLESTON, April 20.— Cotton— There was quite an active dtmand for most quali lea of this staple for several days preceding the date of our last publication, and the market has not only recovered the decline that had char acterized the transactions a short time back, but prices occupied a high position. When we closed ot?r inquiries, Good Middling was valued at 9)4and Mi Idling Fair 9)4®9)£c. The demand was renewed in the early part of the week under r*view, and was no doubt to somv extent stimu’ated by the favorable accounts received by tie steamer America, whose advices had just reached u - *. During the first two dsys, the operations did Dot f* 11 far short of 5000 bales, the above quotations forming the basin of operatiocs. Monday was a very quiet day, the sales having been linr.ted.to some 440 bales,but in other respects the maiket presented no new feature. An unusual degres cf activity prevailed on Tuesday. The demand was Lcely met by sellers, and at the close or business upwards of 8900 bales were reported to have been so’d at a full range ' of prices, which certainly in icated a very firm market.— The article has al o attracted a good deal of attention du 11 ing the last two day , the e*les on Wednesday having > reached upwards of 2000 ba'ec, and yesterday 1831 bales. T e transactions rs the week, in the aggregate, may »'e put down at 12,556 bales as follows, vis: 310 biles at 7)4; 76 U 7)i: 295 at 8; 456 at 8,14; 632 :it 8)4; 605 at 8*; 1 1175 at 6)4; SO at 8 9 16; C54ai9)%- 82 at 8 11-16, 1600 a* 8)4; 586 at B%: 677 a' 9 685 at 9)4: 1504 at 9)4; 704 at 9)4; 1534 at 9)4; 111 at 9)i; 556 at 9)4; 260 at 10, and 12 bales at 10)4 cents. The transactions during the week show an advance of fully %<s on cur quotations or the past week, the market closing firm with »u upward tendency. We now quote Inf rior—; Ordinary to Good Ordinary 7)4<2pßfcc; Low to Strict Middling, B‘i(2!'9)iC; Good Mid dlings tH'©9)4c Middling Fair 914 c; and Fair 10 Ctnts. Ia Long Cottons all descripti'.ns have continued In good d. macd st very full prices, the sa es cf ths week amount Ing to about 6"0 bale*, at 16@28c for Interior to good Florid as. 26 to 88c ter c ommon to goed 8 ntees and Maine, and 85@55 ano upwards for middling to very fine and ex tra Bea Islands. T. e larger portion of the stock ia a’ready dispose ) of and in court* of shipment. Ate*—The receipts of Rice during the week, amounting to lcß6 tierces, have been taken to r sMpur-nt at $5 to *6. The bulk of sales have been at ss)i®ssX- Ordinary to Fair, Com—The receipts since our last have been a cargo from North Carolina, 2800 bushels, which was sold at $1.06. The stock is light, and further arrivals would com mand further improved prices ; £OOO bushels of Mai/land Ocrn, arrived this week, sold at $1.04. rtas— lßoo bushels Clay Peas were received this week, and w re disposed of at $1.02 $ bushel. Uay— 4oo bales North River received this week, sold at sl.lO ; also 124 bales Eastern, arrived this week, brought $1 25, and 800 bales to arrive, sold at same price. Flour —Small parcels of country brands have been re tailed out to the trade at 10©$10 25 per bbl.—tha article net much in dsmacd at present. Bacon— The stock of Shoul.’crs and Sides is very light. A lot of 110 uhds. sold to arrive at of 6 hhda. sold from store brought Italic.; 1000 Haras we r e sold yesterday. Beef— We hear of a sale of 80 barrels prime Tennessee Pees, of Chandler A Co’s, packing, at sls. Mess Be.f fr. m the t ime place is held at $* 6.50. Z<mf-The on'y tratsaciloa we have to note is the sale ofa lot of 50 kegs frem store for 12 cents. Sulf —The only transaction we learn is the sale of 1500 saoks Liverpool Salt, p»rt of the cargo of the ship Rotun do at 1.06(^$1.( , 8 I principally at the latter price. bushe s ot Cadis Salt arrived this week, is now in the market. Sugars. —Small parcels c f Raw Louisiana, of a Fiae quality, have been retailed cut at 6)4 to 6.V We have no wholesale tmrractions to report, except two cargo sales at auction of Mcscovado and Porto Rico, vi*: 158 hhds , 10 ti«r es and 11 barrels brought 4)4 to 5)4, averaging 4 15100; also 120hhds. and 10 tierces prime Muscovado Porto Bioo Sugar brought 5 1-16 to f K—the greater por tion at 5)4. Holders of Raw Louisiana have advanced their rates somewhat epon our last weeks quotations. Office— We have no ea*es to note, except a cargo sale at auction yesterday ot 490 tags of choice Porto Bioo, which brought ll)4&l')tc. J Jo'aMes - The receipts since cur last are 77 hhds. and 8 tierces, which, we learn, were sold to ai rive at 220. Some small lots of New-Orleans wereto-d at 88$85c. Bagg.ng and Rope —The market at a stand this week. The test s*les in Gunny Cloth were made at 12)*©12)43. Domestic Liquors —No transactions in Western Whis key this week. We learn of a sale yesterday of 50 bbls. N. E. Ram at 4?c. Market dull. JUrt harness— The market has been very quiet this week. St cks —The 8t ick market has been very dull this week. Th« only transactions we have hea-d of is the sale of 109 shares (f the People’s Bank at $24)4, showing an improve ment upon last werk’a price. Freights— To Liverpool 18 S2d for Cottor, square bags* We quote to New York same ast last week—)4c for Cotton. Engagements to Boston have beta msde this week at )*'«. for Cciton. SPECIAL NOTICES. H i EXCUSE rOK ILL-KEALTH. t3ST An eraaciasod frane, sallow complexion, and great debility, the result ot neglect or mai-treatment, when efficient Medical advice can be obtained privately and promptly. Ladles who may *c aClcted with Irregularities, Piles Fistala-in-AnOjGrtvel.Scrofula, Ulcers, Rheumatism, 4c., should net allow false delicacy to prevent their making Immediate application to Dr. MORRIS, whose skill iu the treatment of all chronic diseases and female complaints, is tco well known to be questioned. The Doctor assures all those who consult him by letter the most honorable secrecy, prompt attention, pleasant safe and efficient medicines; and to those who follow strictly his directions, he will guarantee speedy relief and perma nent cures. Charges reasonable. ▲ll letters, to receive attention, must be post-paid, and enclose a fee. Address Dr. W. H. MORRIS, jeSS-ly _ Savaonah, Ga. jy Just received at Mra. B. O. Collin's store opposite C. 8. Hotel, a new supply of MOURNING COL LAR# and SLEEVES, Embroidered Muslin and Lace COL LARS, SLRKVRS and CAPS; COLLARETTS, MUSLIN BANDS, Black and White Lace COIFFURES, BARBS, Mo nair CAPS and HEAD DRESSES; Illusion, Mechlin and Trimming LACES ; Pink and Blue SILK ; KID GLOVES. Kow is store a handsome assortment of BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, PERFUMES, TOILET POWDER, SOAPS, Ac. BONNETS, CAPS and HEAD-DRESSES made at short notice, in the most fashionable style. jalß-dtwaw yy Invalids, recovering from U»e effect* o Fever, Bilious Disease*, or long continued fllaes* of any kind, will find Carter’s SPANISH MIXTURE the only remedy which will revive th;ir drooping constitutions, expel all bad humors from the blood, exsite the liver to a prompt and healthy action, and by it* tonic properties, restore tbe patient to life aud vigor. We i*aa only say try it. A single bott’e Is worth all the so-called Sarsaparilla in existence. It contain* no Mercu ry, Opium, or any other poisonous or noxious drug, and can be given to the youngest infant without hesitation. See the certificates of wonderful cares arcund the bottle. More than 500 persons in the city of Richmond, Va., can testify to its good effect*. For sale by HAVILAND, RIfiLEY 4 CO n D. B. PLUMB 4 CO., tahaO-dlwAwlmt W. H. 4 J. TURPIN. WF Broadway Manufactured Shoes.—Ladies, Misses and Children’s Thick and Thin Sole French Moroc co BOOTS; Ladies fine Welt and Thin Sole BUSKINS; French Morocco SLIFB; light Co'ored and Black Lace GAITERS, foxed and Tipped Congress GAITERS. The above Gocda were made to our order, and are such as will give tatitfsetion. Persons who want a very superior arti cle, will do weli to give us a coll. 011111 CLAUSE A ROYAL. |yFloii»ce* Silk Robe..-A few eery bemntifti Flounced Silk ROBE*. Jail opened. Ain, seme elegant styles cf Spric, And Sasuner SILKB. for sale by (S 6 W ASD, BCSCHA&D A CO. (jjr* Bo.my Land.—Coda . late act ot Con(reas, all porno 3 who base reeelred leu ihan ISO acres, are entitled to inch aiUUtvnai qnanlltj as will make ISO acres. The undersigned la prepared to mike application fcr tie in crease. JOHN K. JACKSON, tnASI-ls) (See in ltu«si« Had. DRY GOODS. ENGLISH H JBIKSY. WILLIAM SHEAR HAS received from New-York a •plendid assortment of English HO-IE&Y, comprising Ladies’ Plain White and Black English HOSE, very elastic, of the best shape and make; Ladies Plain Whits and Black English Lisle Thread HOfiJI, of the best make, and some at very low prices; Ladies Open Work White and Unbleached English Cotton HOfiE; Ladies plain White and Black English Silk HOSE ; Misses and Children’s White and Fancy Cotton HOSE, a complete s asortment; Youth’s and Children** Fancy, White and Unbleached Gotten SOCKS, a ver> la. ge supply; Gentlemen a Fancy and Unbleached Cotton Half HOSE, of the best mate and very elastic; Alexander’s Ladies acd Gentlemen's Kid and Silk GLOVEa, a beautiful ass«rtment; Gentianen’s Ladies, Misses, Youth's and Lisle Thread GLOV2B; Ladies and Gentlemen's Fawn and Kid Gauntlet GLOVE 3, a large supply; Ladies and Misses Long and Half Hand Black Lace MITiS, with and without Half Finders, a beautiful assort ment; Ladies’ Merino and Silk Gau;e VE TS, asuperior article. The above Hosiery is the same style which has hereto fore given soch general satisfaction, is remarkably elastic, andof the best shape and n-ake. The public are respect fully requested to call and examine the assortment. mh27 HEW SPRING GOODS. THOMAS BRENNAN (latb Cosgrove 4 Bkkhsax,) 18 now opening a large and well selected stock of Fancy and Staple LRY t-K ODB, which he offers at a tmail advance cn New-York cost, and which embraces almost every artic ein tte line. T. B. would call particular at. teation to the following : P.aid and Striped SILKS; Rich Colored and Bl .ck SILKS; TISSUES, BAREGES, and a variety ofPght fabrics to suit the reason; Fine French ORGANDIE: and LAWNS; Bareve DM AIKE4 and '-HALLEYS, new designs; Pari« MANTILLAS, all co.ors, cf the latest sty.es; A splendid assortment E»!BROIDERIES; A'exander’j K:d and Pic Hie GLOVE*; Embroidered, Marseilles and Grass EKIRT3; A splendid assortment o* PARASOLS ana FANS; Table DAMASKS, Brown and White: Irish LINENS, NAPKINS and TOWELS; A large assortment of Toilet QUILTS. Alsd, an endles; variety o English and American CALI COES, French and Scotch GIcfoHAMA mh23 FOR GtNILEMEN’3 WEAR; JUST RECEIVED AT BANCROFT’S, a great variety of Goods for Gems, wear, tuch a* — Super. Waite and Fancy Linen DRILLS ; “ “ ** “ Marseilles VEST NG; Blk. Doe-ikin and Summer CASSIMER&S, naw styles ; Alexander’s Kid GLUVEi, Dog-skin do.; Great variety of# HOSE in bleached, unbleach’d and Fancy ; Plain and Col’d Border Linen C. HANDKERCHIEFS ; Hem-stitched DO.; Bik. Ital. and Fancy CRAVATB. ALSO, Beau iful patterns Stripe Batin JEANS, all colors, for Boys’wear; Clay LINENS, undress’d Bro. LINENS, Ac. mhBS . J. K. BANCROFT. LADIES HUMMER MANTILLA . WILLIAM SHEAR HAB received from New-York a 6upply of La dies' Bik Silx fcpnng and Summer MANTILLAS of new and elegant styles; Ladies White and Colored 8?lk MANTILLAS; * Black Grenadine and Crape Mourning MANTIL LAS, of new and elegant styles. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine the assortment. mh27 DRY GOODS AT WHOLESALE. TfiOri. UtiENXAK has now in store, a large stock of FANCY aDd BTAPLE DRY GOODS, which he offers for cash or approved paper, 8 months, on reasonable terms. apß LADIES' MOORNING GOODS. WILLIAM SHEAR HAS received from New York, a full supply of MOURN ING GOODS, among which are— French JACKONKTS, for deep and second mourning,of new designs and beautiful styles ; French Organdy MUSLINS, of beautiful styles: Plain M k GRENADINES and bl'k MARQUIhSE; Lupin's plain bl’k BAREGES, of superior style and quality; Superior black GINGHAMS, for deep and light second mourning, of beautiful styles; Lupin’s t>l k CHALLY and bi'k BOMBAZINES, of the best quality; Superior bl’k Canton CLOTHS and bl'k ALPACAS ; Ladies’ Eng. bi’k Crape COLLARS and UNDERSLESVES; Ladies’ White Crape and l'arletan CNDERBLEEVFS and COLLARS; English bl'k CRAPE 3, of superior quality, for Ladies’ Veils and Trimming; Ladies' Mourning MANTILLAS,of new and beautiful ttylee. With a variety cf other articles for Ladies’ Mourning apoarel, acd to ill of which the attention of the public is respectfully invited. apSdtwaw EMBROIDERED LACE AND MUSLIN CURTAINS. WILLIAM SHEAR HAG received from New York, a ?upply of— Embroidered Lace and Muslin CURTAINS; also, Rich colored DAMASKS, CORDS and TASB&L3, GIMPS. Ac., suitable for Curtain Trimmings, which he will sell gre a ly below former prices. Persons wishing the e articles are respectfully requested to call and examine the bv oriment apß dtwa v MILLER ft WARREN YI AY Kjust receiver a large and well selected stock of XX Rich and Beautiful Spring and Hammer GOODS, cf the latest styles and importations, among which are Striped and Plaid ''uinroer SILKS; Rich Twisted SILKS, of new and elegant styles ; Printed TiSSU ICS and Plaid do.; Rich Printed BAfitGKS and CHALLIES; Beautiful French MUSLINS, n g»eat variety; Fren li, English and American PRINTS; Super. Scotch and French GINGHAMS ; Blue, Pink and Straw Col’d Ca&IBRIUS, for Children’s wear ; French Merino CASBIMEREB, for Boys’ wear ; Plaid LINENS ana Fr. Linen DRILLINGS,for do-; Splendid stock of EMBROIDERIES; French Wrought COLLARS and UNDERSLEEVES; CHEMIZETTES, BToMaCJERS and Wrought TRIM MINGS; ALSO, A beautiful stock of M ANT ILL A3, embracing every va riety of style and pattern, to which we respectfully invite the attention of our friends and customers. Persons visit ing the oity, would do well to give us a look before buy ing. ap7 MORS NEW GOODS, EXTH a fine Long CLOT H ; Swiss GINGHAMS; Linen Cambric HANDKERCHIEFS Black Gro d’Rhine SILKS; Extra F.roily LINEN; Checked LINEN, for bays wear ; CHALLY3, for Ladies lire’s s; A’so on hand, BaREGE DKI.MNES, a* 12Jtf, ani 25 cento L mll] HICKMAN, WE&OUTT 4 CO. NEW AND CHEAP DRY GOODS. I> ROOM A NORKELL are new prepared to offer ) their friends am P*trous a very complete of Ntw an ! Seas nab'e Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, which will be sold at exceedingly low prices, etrictly in accordance with hard times and cash princinles. They have received Plaid and Btriped SILKS, GRENADINES, TIBBUEH, Plain >?nd Colored BAREGES, Printed JACO NETS and ORGANDIES, French Printed CAMBRICS, BRILLIANTS, Scotch and American GINGHAMS, English and American PRIN lb, and willbs pleased to show their Goods tr ail who m*y them with a call. mt>2B HMBROIDKRIKSi LACKS, AC. IJIiOOM 4 .\UUHRLL world respectfully call at- I) tention to their very beautiful aS‘ortment of French Wcrk.d COLLARS, Guipure, Aupisse ani Breakfast COLL.* RS; ‘lissics French Worked do.: Breakfast SETTS; Riding iIAUITSaud SL EVES; Mourning COLLARS and SETTS; Muaiio SLEEVES, Swiss and Jaconet TRIM MINGS, FLOUNCINGS and BaNDS. AL?O, Thread EDGING*, Linen and Lisle LACES, Dotted LACS VEILS; Co ured BAREGES and TIBSUEB, for Veils; Figured Swiss MISLINB; Plain Btriped Che ked NAINrOoK and MULLS; Linen Cambric HANDKERCHIEFS,aIi qualities, stylus and prices. rob 23 &UM3HER SILKS!! JUST REUHIVKD, and now open at BANCROFT’S a handsome assortment ut Spring and Summer Silks, in plaids and stripes, which will be sold very low. Also, Plaid Foj.lins at 25 cents, worth 87# cents; Eng. Bril liants, and French Cambrics; new styles spring Ginghams and Prints. J. K. BANCROFT, mhll Next door to Bank of Augusta. H£.?s, CAPS AND BONNETS AX WHOLESALE WM. N. NICHOLS has the pleasure of announcing to Merchants visiting Augusta, that hi 3 stock of HATS, CAPS and BONNETS, for the Tall trnde, is now complete, and all those desiri- g Goods in his line, are in vited to call and examine it, as the? will be sold at prices that cannct fail to please. Successors to J. Taylor, Jr., 4 Co., opposite the Bank o Augusta. s!4-tf NOW FoB BARGAINS f r A PIECES fast col’d LAWNS at l£#c.; IOU ICO •* “ “ 4 ‘ at 16c.; 150 pieces Black and White LAWNS, at 12j^c.; 100 “ “ “ “ at 15c.; 100 “ “ *• French LAWNS and OR GANDIES; 100 “ Coi’d French JACONETS and ORGANDUB from the lowest to the finest imported. We arc enabled to offer the above Goods, and many others, far below their real value, or coat of production, from the fact of our re-itient partDCi at the North being constantly in attendance upon the large auction sales. We ask au examination of these Good'. mhßl WARD. BURCHARD k CO. BM*B LINEN CAMBRIC HDRFS.—6O doaen Men’s L. C. HANDKERCHIEFS, at 25c. a piece, worth Just received and for sale by chSl WARD, BURGPABD & 00. LADIKB’ CLEAR LAWN HD!vFb.-M denea beautiful Clear Lawn HANDKERCHIEFS, at 2&c. and finer, just received and for sale by nhSl WARD, BURCHARD A 00. BOMBAZINES AND ALPACAS. A FULL assortment of the above, Just tc hand, f Lapin’s make, some extra fine, at J 8 W ARD, BURCHARD 4 00/3. CLOAKS AND TALMAS. TKK attention of Ladies is called to an Invoice of Cloth CLOAKS and TALMAS of the latest styles, just re* seived. Also, Alexander’s KID GLOV-8. J. E. BANCROFT, dS next to Bank of Augusta. GRASS CLOTH, BABXGS3, AC JUST received, 150 pieces GRASS CLOTH; Plain Black HAKKGB, very cheap; “ ** CRAPE FINISH ; Plain Colored BAREGES, at 25c.; Printed Jaconet and Organdie MUSLINS; PiaiD and Emb. White Crape SHAWLS ; LHdiea’Open Work Lisle Thread HOSE; Children’s do. Fancv Gotten do. mhlS Iw HICKMAN, WE3CQTT A CO. ALEXANDER'S KID GLOVES IX Spring Colors of every shade, just received, for Ladies anil Mirses; Ladies’ Ruck Gauntlett*; Men’s Dog Skin I Gloves; iiea’i Driving Gloves at 87# cents, worth 75. ahi 1 J. K. BANOROFT. NEW SPRING GOODS FOB 1855 THOMAS BRENNAN (late Cosghovs 4 Bbbfsax,) HAS now in store a large and well lelected stock of DRY GOODS, which he offers at a small advance on New-York cost, and embraces a’raoat every article in the trade. T. B. would call particular attention to the follow ing list: Plaid, Striped and Foulard SILKS; Rich Colored ar.d BHck do. TISSUES, BAREGES and gewiog SILK ; Fine French ORGAN LIBS; ** 44 LAWNS, fancy styles; Fancy Prink d do. at worth 15#c.; Bar:-ge DELAINES and CH ALLEYS, new designs; Paris MAN i I..LAS. all colors, latest faihi n; A splendid assoncent cf EMBROIDERIES, UNDKR -BLEEVEB, CHEMIZETTES ard COLLARS ; UNDERSLEEVtS aDd CHEMIZETTES, in setts ; Imt’o Ma tese in setts; MOCRMNG GOODS o d*c-iption ; Alexander’s Kid and Pic-Nic GLOVES; PARASOLS and FANS; Lancaster and Maruei les Toilet QUILTS ; Table DaMAsKP, Brown and Wnite; A very stock of Iruh LINEN; A very large stock of CALICOES, English&ad American; French and Scotch GINGHAMS ; ijrown and Wlite SHIRTING; 44 44 SHEETING ; An ecd'eu quantity of DOMESIIC GOODS to suit Plant ' ers and Hocsewives ; 100 bales of 4-4, 5-4 and 6-4 MATTING; SILK WARP and Gaume FLANNELS; A very large as»or:ment of J 4 con«, awiss and Tarlton ML BLINS; MUrQUiTO BAR, 9-4,10-4,12-4 and 13 4 Bobbinet* »fl 4 - GLOVES ft HOSIEBY. ALEXAYDKH dk \\ KU*UT have just opened a atw supply cf Alexandre’s Kid GLOVES, ail colors; EgyptianGLOVES and Long and Short MITTS; M.ssea Long MITTS; Lisle and rilk GLOVES; Ladies Wh te, Slate and B:ack Cotton HOSE, of super, quality ; Ladies White Lisle and Open Work, ard Embroidered HOSE; Mir?e3 Slate, White and Open Work BOISE. Gents. Wt;:e, Fancy and Brcwn English X KG-E; Black and Whits English bilk liCSE, 4c. To which they invite at tention. mhlS-d4w NSW GOODS. BROOM a KORRBLL are new opening their Spring and Summer Goods, coapr.sing the usual as sortment in their line, sod among which will be found many new and beautiful articles in Ladies' Dress Goods Embroideries, Ac ,4c. Also a few rich applique Mantil las, back and colored; to ail of they would respect fully inrite attention. mb 16 NEW MANTILLAS. ALEXAXDKR a WRIGHT have just received a complete assortment of SPRING MANTILLAS, cf the very latest styles, and in great variety cf colors, to which they invite attention. rah22-daw BEAUTIFUL CHALLI 8. j CARTOX cf Elegant Spring CHALLIES, jus: receiv- JL ed and fer aaie oy mhS WARD, BURCHARD 4 CO. BON SET SIBBONS. r CARTOK6 Spring style Bcnnet RIBBONS. Also, O Ribbon Tr-IMMINGa. Jnst received and for sale by mhS WARD, bUKCHARD 4 CO. SPRING SHAWLS AND SCARFS ABEACIIFUL ASSORTMENT just opened; alto, Black Thibet SHAWLS, with rich deep Bilk Fringe, just received by jmbßJ WARD, BURCHARD 4 CO. ALAND ALL SHEETINGS 2 CASK 10-4 and 11-4 Bleached &HEETING3, cf the above celebrated make. Received and for aaie by r»0 WARD, BURCHARD A CO. DRY GOODS. ~ EMPIRE SILK STOCK!! EDWARD LAMEST ft CO., 55 Chamlers;tre*i and 88 Reade-eirett, New- Tort, V' RY CHOICE SILK AND FANCY GOODS, Embracing the PARIS NOUVEANTES of the season, many of which have been manufactured expressly for the GREAT INDUSTRIAL FAIR, to be opeced in Paris on the Ist May next, and adapted EVTTRF TR ADE OF THE UNION. Particular Jutwttion is called to their line of INDIA PLilN 3 *«ir“EMBBOIDEKED ORAPK BHAm.S; PLAID, STRIPED AND fl-AXN IN DIAoILKS; VERY SUPERIOR CANTON CRAPES, Ac. The necessity cf a reduction of Credits, growing out of the extreme money pressure of the past season, will ena ble us to offer unusual inducements to prompt six months and eaah buyers. HEW SPRING GOODS. ALEX4RDKU A U RIGHT are now opening their stock of new and desirable Staple and Fanry GOODS, which will be found ve y complete in all descriptions of Goods suited to tie season, which they offer at low price# and invite examination, lhey would invite particular at tention to their assortment of DRE*B GOODS, consisting of SILKS, BESaGES, GRENADINES, Berage ROBES, Jaconet and Organdie MUBLINB, Dk BAGES and Canton POMGKKB, for Travelling Dresses; eiNGH AMS, PRINTS, Ac. mhlS-dAw EMBROIDERIES, AC. ALEXANDER A W RIGHT have just received a beautiful assortment cf French Worked COLLARS; Lace, Gimpure and Aupaase COLLARS; Muslin SLEEVES ; Mourning SETTS; Jaconet and Swiss BANDS and ILOUNCINGS; Jaconet acd Swiss TRIMMINGS ; Fig’d. and Emb'd cw ss MUSLINS; Linen Cambric HANDKER CHIEFB, every style and quality; French and English CRAPES, RIBBONS, LACES, Ac. mhlS-dAw FRENCH EMBROIDERIES. WE have opened a small invoice cf real French Work COLLARS, BANDS, Ac., of exquisi'e work and de signs. Also, Embroidered Linen COLLARS and CUFFS to match, for breakfast and Traveling. Call and see them. WARD A BURCHARD. HEW GOODS, HEW GOODS. WARD, BIRCHARD A CO. are now receiving large additions to their stock by every steamer, of all that is new, elegant and useful, in the way of DRY GOODS, to which they respect'ully ask attention. Their prices to cash and prompt paying buyers will be such as cannot fail to {live satisfaction. mhll NEW SPRING GOODS. RICH Barege and Organdie ROBES; Plain and Figured BsKEGES; Printed ORGANDIES and JACONETS ; White an Frin.ed BnlLl IaNTE*; twiss, Nainsook, Mull, Plaid and Jaconet MUSLINS; Scotch,French and Am- rican GINGHAMS; Double Width Black BAREGES; M-. arcing and Second Mourning MUSLINS; Black and Colored CHALLA.Y3; Barege DELAIN 8; IrLn LINEN, DAMASK and DIAPERS; 12 4 Linen and Hamilton SHEETING; Table, Piano COVERS and Oil CLOTHS; Pla n and Embroidered L. O. HANDKERCHIEFS; Goats. Waite and Coi'd do. do. Kicn tmb’d COLLARS, PLESVE3 and CHEMIZETTES; Kmbroi ered Grass and Corded SKIRTS ; Rich Summer Marseilles QUILTS; Lad.ee, Gent'emen and Children’* HOSE and X HOSE; Linen DRILLINGS and COTTON ADE 3, for Boys and Gems, wear; Also, a full supply of STAPLE GOODS. Just received by [apl] J. P. BETZS. HEAP! ALL WOOL NEGRO GOODS AHD BLANKETS. MILI..RR A WARREN have just reoeived a larg stock ofGeorgia PLAINS und a largo lot of 8-4 and 9-4 NEGRO BLANKETS, some of themweighing eight pounds to the pair.towhic they invite the attention of p aterfl. sep2o dAw BEAUTIFUL EMBROIDERIES NOW in Btore, and all of which have been received within the last six days. NEEDLE-WORKED GOODS of all kinds, the best and largest assortment that we have yet had of these Goods. HABITS, COLLARS and SLEEVES, in full setts, of Mal tese ar.d iloniion Laces; French, Swiss and Jaconet NEEDLE-WORK, many very handsome; also, each of the kinds detached and separate, COLLARS, SLEEVES and HABITS; FRILLED COLLARS, of new styles and very pretty. Our stock of Lace, Swiss and Jaconet COL LARS is very complete ; large Mourning SETTB, COL LARS, HABITS acd SLEEVES, various patterns. Lace Swiss and Jaconet BANDS ;also FLOUNCING, a large variety. NEEDLE-WORKED DRE3BEB,from low-priced to very handsome ; also, SKIRTS, Swiss worked MANTILLAS, fine quality; Lace BERTHAS, Ac. Ac., all of which are selling at very low prices. WARD A BURCHARD. ap27 HEW SPRING GOODS. TKIK undersigned respectfully solicit a call from tbs Ladi a of Augusta and vicinity to examine their slock of Spring and Summer GOODS,consisting of almost every article in the Dry Hoods line, and which they can assure the public to be of the newest and most fashionable styles that can be ioun > in the New-York market, consist ing iu par: cf the following Dress Goods: French and English PRINTS; French and Scotch GIN till AMS; French Printed JACONETS; do. do. ORGANDIES; do. do. I>AR>.GEo; do. do. TISSU Ed; do. do. Heal GRENADINES; Printed BK LLIANTf; A beautiful assortment of FILES, in Stripes and Plaids; Plain Black SILKS, in all w d.fcs, very cheap. Jan rec ived by [ap6] DICKEY \ PHJBBB. RMBEQIDERIE3, GLOVES, &C. SWISS and Cambric COLLARS; Ewissnnd d>. CHEMIZETTES; Mull Swi-s and Cambric BANDS; Mull Swiss and Cambr c EDGINGS and INSERTINGB; Alexander’s Kid GLOVES; do. do. Stitched Silk GLOVES. Ju?t received and for sale low by ap6 DICKEY A PHIBBS. DOMESTIC GOODS. Bleached shirtings from fx to is^ ; Brown do. fr m to 12^c.; 10-4,11-4 und 12-4 Bleached SHEETING; Bine Denhams Striped HOMESPUNS. Just received and for tale low by a;.6 DICKEY 4 PHIBBS. IRISH LINENS. BROWN and Bleached Table DAMASK; Huckaback TOWELINGS in Brown and Bleached Bird's Fye Diaper; Striped LINkNS, for Boys’ Wear; BrowD, Slate and Bleached LINEN DRILLS; 2 cas a Shirting LINENS of our own importation. Just received and fer sale cheap by DICKEY 4 PHIBBS, apß next to Bonoa k Brown’s Hardware Store. UOhEr*,just received at BANCROFT’S. inhlS next to Bank of Augusta. MATTING, MATTING REAL Canton MATTING, white and colored, all widths, jest received by mhliu J. P. SETZE. 12-4 LINEN SHEETINGS, OF SUPERIOR QUALITY, just to hand, and for sale by [mhS] WARD, BURCHARD 4 00. NEW SPRING GOODS TUB subscriber is new receiving, by every steamer, New SPRING GOODB of the very latest styles, to which he invites attention, BAREGE DELAINES and CHALLYB, of new and elegant designs, just opened. A ! m), Spring PRINTS of the latest patterns, among which are some suitable for ch< lcren. J. K. BANCROFT, f 24 next to Bank Augusta, Broad-st. CARPETS, RUGS, &C. npilE subscriber has juat received per Steamier Marion Ji his stock of CARPE t’LNGS, MATS, 4c. } consisting of Sup. English Ingrain CARPETS ; Sup. English Three-ply, 4 Riand3ome patterns English Brussels ; w Tapestry Brussels, beautiful patterns and colon Tapestry Velvet, Elegant styles; Rich Velvet RUGS; lofted do; Tapestry do; ALSO, Door MATS, 5-8, S-4, 7 3 and 4-4 Venetian Stair ; OAR PETiNC, MATTING, DRUGGET, Ac., together with BINDINGS to match ; Stair RODS, TACKB, 4c. Those Goods have been bought at the late New York Auctions, and will be gold astnnishingly low—seme among them as low as 37X and 50 cts. J. K. BANCROFT, Brd door above Mclntosh st., next “Bank of Augusta." n9l ts (HORDED SKIRTS! URAfcg SKIRTS!—Tht J above Grods just to hand. Also, GRASS OLOTH; LAPPET DAMASK—a new article for Skirting. mhls J. K BANCROFT. JDAWS AND PARAteOLS.—The subscriber bat just received a complete aisortment of FANS and PARA SOLS. J. K. BANCROFT, m fits*, to Bank of Augusta. FAKE REDUCED. CABIN PASSAGE TO NEW-YORK 20 DOLLARS. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. [SERI-WEEKLY.] XBW-YOIIK AND SAVANNAH 6TBAMSHIPB. The new and splendid side-wheel Steamships FLORIDA, 130 u tons Oapt.M. S. Woodhcul, ALA BAMA, 1800 tons Capt. G. R. fiOHiiicx, AUGUSTA, 1500 tons Capt. T. Ltor, lINOXVILLE, 1500 tons Capt.O. D. Lddlott, will leave Savannah every WEDNESDAY and SATUR DAY as follows: Knoxville Saturday April 7tb, 1555. Florida Wedre&day.. do. 11th, do. Augusta Saturday do, 14th, do. Alabama Wednesday., do. l&th, do. Kucxvil e Saturday do. 91st, do. Florida Wednesd»y.. do. 96th, do. Augusta Saturday do. 28th, do. Alabama Wednesday ..May 2d do. Knoxville Saturday do. stb, do. Florida Wednesday., do. 9lh, do. Ancusta... Saturday do. 12th, do. Alabama Wednesday., do. 16th, do. Knoxville Saturday do. 19th, do. Florida ..Wednesday., do. SBd, do. Augusta Saturday do. 26th, do. Alabama Wednesday., do. 80th, do. Knoxv.lle Saturday June 2d, do. Florida Wednesday., do. 6cb, do. Augusta Saturday do. 9 th, do. Alabama Wednesday., do. 18th, do. Knixvilie Saturday do. 16th, do. Florida Wednesday., do. 20th, do. Augusta Saturday do. 28d, do. Alabama W’ednesday.. do. 97 h, do. Kn xvi le Saturday do. 80th, do. These ships are among the largest on the coast, unsur passed in spied,saftty and comfort —making their pas sages inso to 6o hours, acd are commanded by skillful careful and polite officers. Having elegant State-room accommodations, they offer a most desirable convey ance to New-York. Cabin passage S2O Bteerage passage 8 PADLLFOP.D, FAY 4 CO.,Agentsin Savannah, SAM'L L. MITCHILL, 13 Broadway, New-York. Savannah, Nov. IT, 1554. aplO-tf MISSOURI ELr'K? MANUFACTURING COMPANY. JOHN T. DOUGLASS, President. Office Fo. 42 Commercial-street, Si. Louis, Mo. TliH attention of Dealers in BALE ROPE, is called to the very supirior article of Machine Rfpr made by this Cotp iny. Hemp being cheaper here than in Louis ville, we are enabled o sell at a less price than can be afforded for in that market. Orders sent to the President, or to Messrs. GRATMAN, ROBINSON kCO ,wi Ibe executed promptly and at low rates. »P’.*-6m Tand foe s&le The SUBSCRIUKIi offers Ijt tale eight hundred acres or PINE LAN J, ri.uued within six miles of An gusU. On the tract are several floe Springs and pretty bat-ding locations, fie wii s.ll the entire tract or in lota to suit parcharers. Eor term;, »ai tb.wi.l be_m»de accom modating, apply to JOSEPH E. BLECH. aprl4-dlw4ft6mo FOE SALK. Aroraxnv RESIDENCE, four miles from this city, w th a neat Dwelling, and all ont-buildngs complete, containing 14 acres oi Land cleared and under good ienc.ng. Aian.one dcnbte and cne Tenement D'.t ELLINS on Marbary street- Also, one want LOT in the rear. y o r usrtfcer inlormauon call on K. AJ. MEYER, Broad-meet, three doors abore the Upper Martet. NOTICE. A LL PERSONS indebted to the firm of N. K. ErrLsa A To DV note or sccoun*, are requ-.stfcd to cell and settle t“he Jme o, the fire! day cf Juty next .nd these having demands against said firm, wid render them in fer eeflc-m nt as w-are d«-6arous of c.osiDg up tne bu sines, of the present firm. AU note, snd atcoant. uajet tied at the above date, *ih be put 1a the hind, o Alter aeys for ccSect on. s - K - BCT! ‘ EE 4 CO - lunbeb, mules, ftC. TH B unlersian“d off ra tor aaie at the Lumber Yard, P aning Mill. fOO.OOO feet seasoned LUMBER, coniielng of r»r:ng, Weather-Carding, utch Plana, :x inch do., ScaatStg, eoista Ac., de-iverable in “La? ?s 5 WAGSSB, and 4 CASRYLOGB. ntul at the Lumber Yard 11 a \f tr i p vs Orders le tat his office iu Hamburg, or April 11. 1556. HAIB, STEAW GOOES AND BONNETS iT WHOLESALE. !s&2&3S££?Sz ‘ Veeehanu viaiting our market, or that ha“ going “<• «’ amtae the stock, which Wil, be s NICHOLS, oppoate Bank of Aagusta. Augusta, March 6. 1555. ml.!-it —_ NOTICE -roKi v prekM AS. having purchased the entire J“n K N. FREEMaJC ft CO., the bumn wili bo continued at theold ttAfia by Augusta, Feb. 17, JOEL N. WOMAN. let of reach Calf BRIANS, rjceiTod by (flß] C DARKS A ROYAL, BUSINESS CARDS. LTSnZSSa : P«r asnum. Card, exceeding tix lints, will be chticii ' pro rata per line. - i 8. K. ft W. H. KKBkI A Ul! 1 ' 8 ' 8 * T LAW, No. 5. Warren Block.— a A W e have thu day assoc ated ourselves together in the practice of Law ard Kqu ty, under the above name and .tyle, and will attend to a l bnsinest entrust-d to u. in the Middle Disttict. SAMDBL ELBSRT KFRB Augusta, Feb. 1,1555. WILLIAM HENRY KERR. P. c. Lutsro.x, ATTORft'KY AT LAW, Camesvj’le, Ga., w i practice in the count : es of Madison, Eibsrt and Hart, of the Northern, an l Franklin, Jackson, Rabun, Haber sham and Hall of the Western Circuit. Co!. W.L. Mitohs? t Athens, Ga. C.Peeples, fsq., “ “ Gabnel Nash, Esq., of Danlelaville,Ga. Col. B.F. Hardeman, Lexington, Ga. Samuel Freeman, Esq., Newnan, Ga. Col. Hopkins Holbey, Americcs, Ga. mhß-wly JAMES F- MALONE, ATTOIiNBY AT LAW, Augusta, Ga. Office on W’aahington street. mn6-daw2m* SOGER L. WEIGHAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Monticello, Jasper county Ga., will promptly attend to any business entrusted to his care in the following counties, viz; Jasper, Putnam, Greene, Morgan, Newtoa, Henry, Butts, Monroe, Jones, and Jefferson. _ Rkfhrx.vcks : Col. Joshua Hill, Madison, Ga.; Col. J.M. Calhoun, At rl!?* ’ Uon. E. Y. Eill, LaGrange, Ga.; Hon. C. J. Jenkins, Augusta,Ga.; J. T. Both*ell, Esq., Savannah, G »- na-tf SIMMONS ft HTJSTES, AllOllk HI HAT LAW. Lawrcaccville, Ga. The term for which the undersigoed and J. N.Glenn, Jr., Esq., agreed to practice in Co-partnership, having ex pired on the Ist ult., he has associated with him for the present year, JAMES U. HUNTER, Esq , and solicits for the new firm a share of public patron a e. JAMES P. SIMMONS. Lawrenceville, January 29,1555. febl-tf JOHN S. SALE, ATTORNEY at LAW r , Augusta, Ga., first door _ abovx State Bank. jaßo-d2w*wtf ARNOLD HOUSE, ATLANTA. (FORMERLY THE CITY HOTKL.) jalS-w6t JOHN F. ARNOLD, Proprietor. F. MoCauar, Charleston. | R. M. Hooks, Chattanooga. McCRSERY A HOOKE, COTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION AND FOR WARDING MERCHANTS, Brown’s Wharf, Charles ton, 8.0., will attend promptly to the sale of all Country Produce and -Manufactures, to the Receiving and For warding of Freight, and to the filling ol orders in this market. Refers to James Hope, Ksq., Augusta, Ga.; Shepherd, McCreery k Co., Charleston, 8. C. jal7-twaw6m PHINIZY A CLAYTON, WARBHOIibU AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, Augusta, Ga. a66m HEBIOT A PETIT, NOTARIES, AVERAGE ADJUSTERS AND FOR. WARDING AGENTS, Charleston, ». 0. ja4-d6m LAW PARTNERSHIP. Achilles d.bhaokelfoud and Jonathan d c l PHILLIPS, will practice Law jointly, under the style of SHACKELFORD k PHILLIPS. Office at Calhoun, Gordon county, Ga. d2B-w6m C. E. STROTHER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lincolnton, Georgia. dls-ly ] W. L. HARLKRf ATTORNEY AT LAW, jeffsrson, Jackson county Georgia. RsvKaKHOBB—S. Watson and M. Witt, Esors., Jefferson; D. W. Spence and W. J. Peeples, Lawrenceville; J. H. Newton and C. Peep'es, Esqrs., Athena; LawAOlark and M.Graham, Esqrs., Gainesville. ja7 . CALBOIN A STONE, ATTORN Hi 8 - x LAW. Atlanta, Georgia. Jab. M. Oalhouw, Am hurst W. Stoxh. d&l-8m JAMES F. REID; ATTORNEY AT LAW, Crawfordsville, Geo., will practice in the counties of Taliaferro, Greene, Han cock, Warren and Wilkes. d7-6m* CHKEVER 6 CO * (At C. A. L. Lamar's corner Drayton and Bryan-ste.) I:\ACTolifc AND COMMI6&ION MERCHANTS, * Savannah, Geo. Wh. W. Chk::vxa. | Jons R. Bma. n25-dtw*w SIMS h CHEEVER, I AND COMMl&felO;* MERCHANTS, ’ Apalachicola, Fla. Joint U. Simb. | WM.W.Onxxvaa. n95-dtwaw lUSLLER & MANBELL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Waynesboro’, Ga. Re re rs to Messrs. A. J. A T. W. Miller, of Augusta, and Messrs. Ward k Owens, of Savannah. n 2 dSawif THOMAS €• AKIMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Sparta,Ga.,will *ract;u in the countiei of Hancock, Washington, Varrei Taliaferro, Greene, Px’.nam and Baldwin. Partic ; Ist M* tention paid to counting. Refers by permiksion to Messrs. Miller & Warren, Thoß. Richards k Son, McCord, Hart A Co.,and Bimpson & Gardiner, cf Augusta; Messrs. Hand, Williams A Wilcox, and Hopkins, Hudson k Co., of Charleston, 8. C. jyio-6m POPE A WEEMS, Attorneys at law, Washington, Ga., wii practice in the counties comprising the Northern Circuit, and Columbia cf the Middle Circuit. Ail business entrusted to them will receive prompt at tention. ALHXAsnan Pope, Jb. | Johh B. Wkzms. jy39 QUIKCE3 Ri NOLAN, ATTOUNKY” AT LAW, office at McDonough, Ken ry county, Ga., will collect claims in the counties o ynry, Bpau!ding, Meriwether, Pike, Fayette, Coweta, Fulton, DeKalb, Newton, Jasper, Butts and Monroe, ay 2-6 m PAUL T. fILLEPStiUE, I FACTOR AND COMMISSION AND FORWARDING 1 MERCHANT, Accommodation Wharf, Charleston S. 0., sells Cotton, Grain, Flour, Bacon, and all other arti cles of Produce. |2Sr* Strict and prompt attention given to the Fo - warding of Goods and Produce. Reference —Messrs. D'Antign&c, Evans k Co., Aug us Geo. jeS-dm CHAS. A. GREINER, SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Savannah , Georgia, WILL give particular attention to Receiving and For warding Merchandise to the interior, by River or Railroad. je2-<»m GREINER A HARRS ESS* suoaasßoas *o william b. cans* COTTON AND GENERAL UOMMI8&ION MBR CHANTS, 55 North Water-st. and 42 N. Philadelphia. WM. M. Gekiheb. I Ws. W. Harbkksd. ap22 LAW. IpDW. YOUNG KILL, after thirteen years experl enee on the Bench, has reamed the practice. La- Grange, Ga. n!9-ly JOHN M. TILLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Crawfordville, Ga., wil practice in the counties of Taliaferro, Warren and Hancock of the Northern Circuit, and the county of Greene of the Ocmuigee Circuit. n 22 DISSOLUTION. THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing be tween Messrs. DAWSON A WALKER, having been this day dissolved by mutual consent, tho undersigned will continue to PRAOTIBE LAW in all of tho Courts of this County, and in the Middle Circuit generally. sepU-lf. EDWARD J. WALKER. WIN. WARSS& H&BER&HAK, General commission merchant, no. *» Warren Block, August?*., Ga. Prompt and particular attention given to all consignments of COTTON, RICF, FLOUR, GRAIN, and all kind 3 of Country Produce. £>7XIIXIIOX8 —Savannah—Messrs. B. Habersham k Son N. A. Hardee k Co., Mr. W. Woodbridge. Auguata- Messra. Oarmichaol k bea« t Mr. John R. Dow, Mr. J. A Ansley. New-York—Mr. Geo. 0. T. Seaman, Mr. R W B’.eecker, Mr. J. R. Habersham. apS-6m LINTON STSPHEISS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, office atSpart3. Geo., II practice in the connlfea of Eancock, Washington Warren, Taliaferro and Greene. apr3l-Iy JOEL C. RARAETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Madison, Morgan county. Ga., will practice in the following counties, to wit: Clarke, Wait-on, Baldwin. Morgan,Greene,Putnam and Jasper. ySr Parties will be promptly notified and paid, rrhen their claims are collected. au24-ly* WASHBURN* WILDER & CO., Factors and commission merchants Savannah, Georgia. Job. WABHBnan, J»o. U. Wildis, FaascisDaai, anE9-twSm WILLIAM J. OOUGEERTI, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Newnan, Coweta county Geo., will practice in all the countlcsof the Coweta Circuit. N. B. Special attention paid to the collecting practice. Newnan, Geo., September 12th, 1853. W. W. TKOJGAS, ATTOREfBY AT LAW, Newnan, Georgia, wiliprac tice in the counties of Coweta, Troup, MeriwetheT Heard,Carroll, DeKalb and Newton. apr2l-ly JOHN C. CARISICUAEL. COMMISSION MERCHANT, Augusta, Ga., will attend to tho sale of Produce of all kinds, consigned to him. 32 { .'w &. R. HINT, Attorney and counsellor at law and General Land Agent for Gilmer cccnty. Ellijay, Gilmer coop ty, Geo. tnar23 JOSEPH WASDEft, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Warrenton, Ga., Wiliprac tice In Warren and the adjoining counties. Specie attention given to foreign claims. ;a2S-lv* JTa. ANbLJfi** (Late o/ the Firm of Seymour, Aneley & Co.) GSABBAL COMMISSION AKi> PRODUCE MJERCHANT, angutta, Georgia. Office on Bread Street, opposite Bank of Brunswick. FULTCN HOUSE, ATLANTA, UA. ap!s ts BY A. F. REIVES. B. CAMPBELL. I J. W. GAUT. CAMPBELL A GAUT, GENERAL PRODUCE AGENTS, for the pur chase, sale and shipment of all kinds c* East Tennes see Pro iuce, such as Bacon, Lard, Butter, F.our, Wheat, Corn, Oats, Fruit, 4c., Knoxville, Tennessee. (Warehouse—At the River.) fl6-tf TO CAPITALISTS —A SPLENDID INVESTMENT. ON the first Tuesday in May next, will be sold, in the city of Mar etta, Uobb county, Georgia, to the highest bidder, without reserve, that valuable property known as the “ KEN ESA W PAPER MILL.” There are 154 acres ol fresh good land, well timbered, and admirably adapted to such a business. The Paper Mil! Build ng and Mach nery are constructed in the most durable manner—the lower stories being of rock. Thsre are two rag engines, with all tbe necessary machinery, in perfect condition: an over shot wheel IS feet by 12 feet, with 22 feet head and fall of water. The stream (Soap’s crerk) furnishes an abundant supply of water at all seasons, and there are several springs of clear pure water on the premises, used as waßb-water, There is also on the premises and quite convenient, an other very desirable Mill-seat, with 22 feet head and fall cf water. The titles anquestior able, snd the property convenient to Marietta ana the State Railroad. Terms—One hall cash, the other half at twelve months, with interest, secured ty a lien on tte property. THEODOR! S. GOURDIN, Charleston. ANDRE vy J. HANcELL, Marietta. THO 3. H. MOORE, Adm’r. do. Marietta, Ga., Is; March, ai»ll-dlwawtMyI THE HANNAH MORE ACADEMY. WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. Pbihoipils: Misses C. and E. GRIMSHAW and A. H. GRIMSHAW, A. M., M. D. IN this Institution Youag Ladie* receive a substantial and finished education. A French Lady resides in the house. The house is large and coo venient and situated in the most healthy region of our country. Wilmirgton offers peculiar advantages to persons who desire to tend their daughters to the North. It is ea-y of access ; being with in one hoar's ride of Philadelphia and three of B iltimore. It is unsurpassed, as regards the salubrity of the air. In this Academy the utmost attention is given to the comfort and happiness, as well as to the moral and religious in struction, manners and general deportment of pupils. Pupils from the South can remain during the hot months, and pursue a course of Reading and Musical Instruction. Young Ladies of delicate constitution have been benefited by a residence in this Academy. The house is warmed throughout and is wel'. provided with hot and cold baths, as well as a commodious play-house. RxrKKKjcxß:—Right Rev. A. Lee, D. Wilmington, Del.; Hon. Langdon Cheves, Co!. D. J. M. Cord, Colum bia, S. G.; Robert Campbell, Esq., John Bones, Esq., Dr. Joe. Milligan, Rev. Dr. Ford, E. F. Campbell, £aq., Dr. L. D. lord, Augusta, Ga. flo-law<l*wßm JKTH2O COTTON SEED. A CONSIGNMENT of pure and genuine JETHRO COTTON SlED.warranted, at 50 cents per bushel. Also, Genuine PETIT GULF SEED. For sale by f2B-wSt DOUGHTY 4 BEALL. GUNS! GUNB!! Double-barrel shot-guns, at aii prices and of ail qualities. One very fine English Double GUN Inoase, compl-te. Forsaleby [dl] CLARK 4 CO. _ IMS AND CEMENT—2OO bbla. Thomaston LIME; J"******* L A^r t&wtLL & iAn _P ÜBLIC SALES. DMimBTRATOR'B BVI 8.-Le»ve obtVned ol the Court of Ord niry *>n besoldontlie frit Tue»- d»y in Jl7N* cert, the Ikoda belonging lo the e*t»to< «■ Samuel Payne and Eii and Sarah Gam tt, aeceaaed. gold lor the booed! of the heirs and creditors. Apr., 5,1555. A. M. CRAWFORD, Ad ADMINISTRATOR’S SALK.— Leaye obtained of th Court of Ordinary, will be sold on the first lues day in JULY next, be'ore the Court-house door in Appling, in said county, two Negro Slaves, to wit: Charles,a man, and Melinda,a woman. Sold as the property of the es tate of Robert Crawford, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and cr«d : tors of said deceased .. , April 7,1856. a. M. CRAWFORD, Adm’r. A DMIA iHTKA.YOt4’» to an or -cY dar of the Court of Ordinary of Richmond county, will re sold at tho Lower Market House in the city of Au gutta, Richmond county.on the first Tuesday in JUNE n Jf** between the usual hours of sale, the following tract or Land, to wit: a tract or parcel i f Laud containicg 156 acres, more or less, lyi p a nd being in Richmond county, rnown as the Tarracce Conner place, adjoin ng lands of Gcv. Wm Schley, Johnston,and others, deeded, by the Administratrix cf the estate of TarranceConrer, deceased, to rant a lion >imon. Sold as the prop-rty of Pantalion bimoD, deceased, for the benefit i f tte heirs and creditors of said decejjted. MftDKLINft SIMON, Adm’x. April 12, louu, RIC'HMONp *HKRtPF’B SALE.—WiII be sold,on the farsi Tuesisy in JUNE next, withia the legal hours cf sale, at he Lower Market House in the city of Augusta, tne so lowing uropert , via: Eliza, a Woman, about 45 years oi age; Ellen a girl about 18 years of age; Han.-y, a bey about 6 years of age, and Dick, a man, about 40 years cf rge. Levied cn as the roperty of George H. Crump to satiefy a 11. fa. on fore.losure cf mortgage i-sued from the Inferior Court of Rich mond county io favor o Joseph M. Newby 4 Co., against George H. C.ump. The above property described in the said mortgage fl fa., and pointed out by George H. Crump, this sth day of April, It 55. April 6,1555. WILLIAM DOYLE, D. Sheriff R. C. CITATIONS FOR LETTERS OF ADMI NISTRATIOW. ITiLDKHT COIKTV, UKO.—Where*!, William D. !i Campbell applies to mo for Letters of Administra tion on the estate of Nehemiah V. Dillard, deceased: Theseare, therefore.to cite and admonish, all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be andappearat my office within the timeprescribed by law. andshowcause,if any they have, why said lettersshoula not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Elberton. March 21,1555. WM. B. NELMS,Ordinary. I ALBERT COUNTY, GA.—Whereas, Nancy J. li Johnson applies to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of Thomas C Johnson, deceased: Those are thereiore to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given uwder my hand at office in Elberton. March 21. WM. B. NELMS, Ordinary. I .ALBERT COUNTY, GEORGlA.—Whereas, Kppy Li W. Roebuck applies to me for Letters of Adminis tration on the Estate of William Roebuck, Sr., deceased: These are thereiore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letterß should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Elberton. March 21,1854. WM. B. NELMS, Ordinary. COLUMBIA COUNTY, GA.—Whereas, the estate cf Griffin Edmundson and John Broion, late of said county, deceased, is unrepresented: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to ap ply at my office for letters cf administration on or be ore the first Monday in May next, or the administration will devolve on the Clerk of the Superior Court. Giv-.n under my hand at office iu Appling. March 27, 1854. Ordinary. WARREN COUNTY, GA.—Whereas John M. McCord Guardian of Joel C. Ivy and Jepiha Ivy, applies to me for letters of Dismission from estates or Guardianship; These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the friends of said minors to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Warrenton. March 23,18 f 5. ARDEN R. MERSHON, Ord’y. RICHMOND COUNTY, GEO.—Whereas, Mary Ann Spencer applies to me for letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Robert Spencer, dec’d : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, Wttliin the time prescribed by law. to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Augusta. March 28,1555. LEON P. DUGAS, Ordinary. WAUKIs ft COUNTY, ISA.—WhereaP,Nicholas 0. Ba«on applies tome for Letters es Administrationon the estate of W iiliam li. Bacon, dee’d: These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singu lar, the kindred crrditors of said de eased, to be and ap pear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. (liven under mv hand at office in Warrenton. March v 8,1665. ARDEN R, MEBSHON, Ord’y. GKOttU! 4, OtiLKTHG IU*B COUftTY.—COURT OF ORDINARY, FEBRUARY TERM, 1655. Whereas, Mrs. Nancy Ba ghn and Ephraim Jackson. Executors or tho estate of John B ughn, deceased, (said John Bangbn, decease i, was Guardian of the minora of Charles U. Ogden, deceased,) sheweth that the said mi ners are cow of age aod have been settled with as such, and the said execu ors pray the Court to discharge the estate of J >hn Baughn, deceased, from any further liability as Guardian of said rr inora, Ac.: ‘ Wherefore it i ordered, That a citation be given calling upon all persons interested to show cause, if any they 1 have on or before the Court of Ordinary, to be held on the first Monday in April next, why the estate of , John Baugh, as aforesaid, should nut be discharged from any further liability as Guardian, as aforesaid. It is further ordered, That this Rule be published in the Chronicle A Senti). el forty days previous te the said i April Term. A tru extract from the Minutes of the Court of Ordina ry, held February Term, 1555. February 11,1665. HENRY BRITAIN, Ord'y. COLUMBIA COUNTY, GKO Whereas, John H. Trippo applies to me for letters of administration, with the will annexed, on the estate of Mar.ha H. Bowdre, de ceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin t gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my band a t office in AppliDg. i April 8,1855. 8. CRAWFORD,Ordinary. COLUMBIA COUNTY, GA.—Whereas the estate of j Dexter Gibson, deceased, being unrepresented by the , death of the adm nistrators, These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to apply at my office for letters of administration de bonis non on said estate on or before the first Mon *ay in May next, or they will devolve upon the Clerk of the Superior Court. Given urder my hand at office in Appling. M-rchS-9, 1855. 8 CRAWFORD,Ordinary. COLUMBIA COUNTY, OA.-Whereas, the Estate of Joseph 8. Gibson, late of said county, deceased, is unrepre ented: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors cf said deceased, that an Ad ministrator will be appointed on the first Monday in May next, unless some fit and proper person applies, the duty will devol.e on the Clerk of the Superior Court. Given under tny hand at offl'-.e in Appling. March 23,1855. 8. CRA vs FORD, Ordinary._ RU iIMOND COUNTY, G A.-Whereas William A. Wa'ton applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Whitfield R. Milling, late of said county, • deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at mv office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said loiters should not be granted. , Given under my hand at office in Augusta, j April 0,1855. LEON P. DUGAS, Ordinary. COLUMBIA COUNTY, GA.—Whereat, Marshall J Hol-onbake, Jr., applies to me for letters of Guar dianship of Alfred iioisenbake, a minor of Alfred Holsen* bake, deceased: 1 These are therefore to cite, summon and admonish all \ and singular, the kindred a'd those interested, to be and f app»a* at my office wilhiuthe time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters of Guardian ship should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Appling. April 5,1855. 8. CRAWFORD, Ord'y. ‘ /"lUJLKTHO RPE COUNT Y,« KO.—Wherea., Cuth- KJ bert H. Bmi h applies to me for Letters of Admin -1 istration upon the Estate of btephen B. Smith, late of sa d county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite, summon and admonish, al andiingular,the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed bylaw, to show cause,if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand atofflee. April 5, 1855. HENRY BRITAIN, Ordinary. WAIUIFN COUNTY, GA Whereas, William P. Montgomery applies to me for letters of Dis mUtbn from the Guardianship of William Montgomery, a miner of Hugh Montgomery, deceased: i Those are therefore to cite and a lmoniah all and singu lar, the kindred and rienne of the said minor, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law. and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be graoted to him, or some other fit and proper person. Given under my hand at office in Warrentrn. April 16, 1855. ARDEN R. MEBSHON, Ord’y. ABUKft COUNTY, GA. —Whereas, lie Dry Mc- Einoy applies for letters of Administration de bonis non on the estate of E Isabeih Cody, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all end singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand atofflee in Warrenton. Apr 115.1855. Ah DEN R. M ERA HON, Ord’y. PUBLIC NOTICE. HBGEAf AN, CLABK.B <fc CO.’S (late Bcsirros, Clark A C 0.,) Genuine COD LITER OIL, for Con sumption, Ccrofula, Ac. The late firm of Rnshton, Clark A Co. being dissolved by the death of W. L. Rushton, (the only Rushton ever connected with the firm) their Genuine COD LIVER OIL will in future be prepared only by HBGE MAN, CLARKE A 00., surviving partners and sole sue ce-sors. Be parttcalar in ordering to specify fl eve man, Clark A Co., (or Rushton, Clark A C 0.,) as it was Mr. Clark, and not Rushton, who for the past seven years has superintended its manufacture, and is the only Druggist who ever went from the United w tates to Newfoundland for that purpose, an * since Mr. En-hton’s death there hoa been an article called Kushton’s Oil introduced, which Is in co way .onnected with Huston, Clark k Co.—or liege man, Clark k Co : and as success in be me depends upon its purity, too much care cannot be taken to pet the gen uine. Thousands who had been taking the Oil of other make-s wirhouc succeES, rave been restored to health by tho pure Oil of cur manufactu-e. HEGEMAN, CLARKE h CO., Chemist ll atd Druggists, New-York, gold by HAVILAND, nISLEY k CO., A rents f>r Augusta, and by Druggists generally. mhl7 d&wly KEW AND FASHION A BLB GOO J. A. VAN WINKLE HAS now on hand a first-rate stock of new and fash ionable READY-MADE CLOTHING of the very latest styles, cut and finish, and will be sold at a very low and reasonable pi ice. Ah who are in want of good and weli made Clothing, will please give me a calL My stock of CLOTiIS, CASHMERES and VEBTINGB never was better, and will be made in a style to suit and please all. All garments made.at my establishment, are warranted to give aatbfac tion in every particular. I have also for sale, all kinds aai qualities of famishing GOODS, all of wLich will be sold at a low rate. d 3 J. A. VAN WINKLE. THE AUGUSTA MACHINE WORKS ARK now prepared to do the following kinds of work with neatness and despatch; ST SAM ENGIN £8 and BOILERS, of ny style or finish: also BANK VAULTS; IRON FRONTS; SILLS and LIN TELS, for Bailuing-. RAILROAD CARS, of all kinds and descriptions, made in the mobt substantial and beautiful manner; Wheels for same warranted for one year. IRON RAILINGS, of various styles for Balconies or Jt GOLD MINK CASTINGS, of all descriptions, made to •rder. BLACKSMITH WORK dor e in the best manner. MlLaj WORK—ill kiudaof Mill and Gin-gearing,Shaft ing, Pulleys, Waier Wheels, 4c., on hand. BRASS CASTING will also have our attention. PLANING AND SAWING LUMBER. Flooring—Planei, Tongued and Grooved at 95.00 per 1000 feet superficial; Ceiling—Piausd, leagued and Grooved at 5.00 per 1000 leet superficial; Weather Boarding—Planed and Jointed 4.00 perlOOO feet superficial; Planing—both aides, 98.00 per 1000 superficial feet. Use of Circular Saw and one man will be 75c. per hour Heavy Sawing, requiring two men, will be $1 per b^ur. All orders must be left in the office, not in the stop Cash wih be required in all cases unless otherwise agreed npon with sepS 54 dswjy BANK ROBBERY 1-81,000 IREWABD!! ON the morning of the 21st March, 1555, the Branch Bank at Washington of the Bank of the State of Georgia, was robbed cf 415,225 in bills payable at thie place. For the apprehension of the robber, witi proof to convict him, a reward of 1500, or fer such apDrehena'.on and proof, and recovery of t e money, a reward of SI,OOO will be paid, and a proportionate amount for the recovery of any portion of tne Sams. PAM L BARNETT, Pres. Bank of the State ol Georgia, Branch at W aahington. mh2s dawtf THE' PECTORAL ELIXIR. For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, and ail Diseases of the Lung* and Throat . TUlft Compound cannot be too highly recommended for Pectoral Diseases, its effect ia prompt, relieving almost always in the first dose. In Casea of Croup, it acta most powerfully, affording relief in a very short time. Those who are t out-led with Coughs, Bronchitis, Asthma, 4c., may rely upon with the utmost confidence. For sale by WM. H. TUTT, Augusta, d!9-dftwtf TUTT 4 PEL' ETIKR, Hamburg. COPARTNERSHIP. , niK underpinned have this day formed a Co partner- T ship nnder the name of KOLB 4 FANNING, for the tr.ntaction of a general Grocery udl Commu.ioa bait rf.„ U. M. aULB, Augusta, March 1, 13Z6. J. A. FANNING. I A retiring from the abov? business, by the sale of my interest oMr. J. A. FANNING, I beg leave to tender my ihanka for the past patronage and confidence of our friends, and solicit a cont.nuance of the same to the pre sent firm. Very respectfully, S. E. DAVIB. Augusta, March 1, 1855. 500 Sacks Liverpool SALT will be landed this O day and to-morrow, for sale by mh29-8t M* W. WOODRUFF, CITATIONS FOR LETTERS DISMIS- j ] SORY. j WARKKN COUNTY, UEOII42IA.—Wberca Joha U. Felts applies to me lor Letters of Tis rpission from the Guardianship of the property of John M. Wade, a min.ir: These are therefore to cite and admonish,all and singu lar, the kindred and friends of said orphans, to be aDd appear at my office, within the timeprescribed bylaw, to ' show cause,if any they have, why saidletters should not be granted. Given under my hand atofflcein Warrenton. Dec. 8, ISM. ARDEN R. MERBHON, Ordinary. "t KFFKRSOI COUNTY, WA.-Wher.as Jeremiah j el Streetman Executor on the estate of Sarah Strie:- man, applies to me for letters of Dismission : Theseare, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and sin- ! gular, the kindred and creditors ofsaiddeceased.to beand appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause,if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand,at office in Louisville. Dec. T, ISM. NICHOLAS DIEHL, Ordinary. /COLUMBIA COIJWTV, tt A .—Whereas John Foster I / administrator on the estate of John Garnett, late of said county deceased, applies to me for letters or Diamis -51 These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and aDnear at my offlee, within the time pre cribed by law, to shoocause, if any they have, why letters of administra tion should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Appling. Doc. 80, ISM. 3. CRAWFORD, Ord’y. ITTARRBN COtJKTY, t.KOBUI A Whereas, VV William M. Lewis and John H. Beall, Executors of the estate of Nathan Beall, deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismission from said estate : These are therefore to cite andadmonlßh.allandsingu lar the kindred and crediiorsof saiddecesed.tobe and appearat my offlee, within thetimeprescribed bylaw, to show cause, if any they have, why saidlettersshouldnol be granted. . Given under my hand at offlee in Warrenton. Nov. 8. ISM. ARDEN R. MERSHON, Ord’y. WAKRKN COUNTY, WKO.—Whereas, George W. Dickson Administrator, on the estate of Daniel Hutcheson late deceased of said County, applies to me for letters of Dismission from said Administration: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appearat my office, on or before the first Monday in June, next, and show cause, if any they have why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at offlee in Warrenton. November 31,1864. ARDEN R. MERSHON,Ordinary GBOtialA, UNCOLN COUNTY—COURT OT OR'- DINARY, JANUARY TERM, 1?55. Whereas, Green 0. Hendrrson, administrator on the es tate of Emanuel Harman, deceased, has petitioned the Court to be dismissed from the administration of said es tate, and the Court having granted the order — These are therefore to cite, summon and admonish all andsingular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on the first Monday in July next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters dismissory should not be granted to said applicant, A true extract from the minutes of said Court, this 10th January, 1566. B. F.TATOM, January 18,1565. Ordinary. GKOHUIA, LINCOLN COUNTY—COURT OF OR DINARY, JANUARY TERM, 1856. Whereas, Seaborn Moseley, executor ©n the estate of Layton Hawes, late of said county, deceased, has peti tioned the Court to be dismissed from the administration of said estate, and the Court having granted the order— These are,therefore, to cite, summon and admonish, all andsingular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my offlee, on the first Monday in July next, and show cause, if any they have, why the said Letters dismissory should not be granted to said ap plicant. A true extract from the minutes of said Court, this 10th January, 1865. BE.SJ. F. TATOM, January 18,1555. Ordinary. ICHMOND COUNTY, ÜBO.—Whereas, John IL Mann, Executor of the will of Charlotte Stagings, late of Muscogee county, deceased, applies to me for let ters of Dismission: These are,therefore,to cite and admonish, all and sin gular,the kindred and credltorsof said deceased.to be and appear at my office by the first Monday in August next, and show cause,if any they have, why saidletters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Augusta. January 16,1866. LEON P.DUGAB, Ordinary. GKORUIA, KI.BKHT COUNTY—OODETOF OR DINARY, NOVEMBER TERM, 1954. Whereas Shelton 01 ver and Alfred Oliver, administra tors on the estate of Mrs. Lucy Oliver, deceased, having petitioned the Court to be dismissed from their administra tion, and the Court having ordered a Rule Nl. Si. to be issued, These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu !ar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in JuDe next, to show cause, if any they have, why said administrators should not be dismissed and fully dis charged from all further 'lability as said administrators of the estate of Mrs. Lucy Oliver, deceased. Qiven under my hand at office in Elberton. Nov. 15, >854. WM.B. NELMS, Ordinary. COLUMBIA COUNTY, GA.—Whereas, William 8. Watson administrator on the estate of William Wat son, decease- 1 , applies to me for letteisof Dismission : These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if anv they have, why said letters of Dismission should not be granted. Given undermy hand atofficein Appling. Jan. (5, 1854. 8. ORAWFoRD, Ordinary. COLUMBIA COUNTY, KF< .—Whereas, L. G, Steed, Administrator on the Estate of Asa Paschal, dec’d., applies for Letters of Dismission : These aretherefore, to cite and admonish, all and singu lar, the kindred andcreditors of said deceased, to be and appear atmy officewithinthe time prescribed by law,and show cause,if any they have,why said letters,should not begranted. Given under my hand at office in Appling. Feb. 1, 1855. S. CRAWFORD, Ordinary. CVOLUMBIA COUNTY, GKO.— Whereas, L. G. / Steed, Guardian of Joseph Samuels, applies to roe for Letters of Dismission : These are therefore to cite and admonish, alland singu lar, the kindred, and ail persons concealed, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause ,if any they have, why said lettersshould not be granted. Given under my hand at office in AppliDg. Feb. 1,1355. 8. CRAWFORD, Ordinary. COUNTY, OA. —Whereas, Joshua T. JIJ Carleton, the Administrator on the estate of John M. Carleton, deceased, having petitioned the Court of Ordi nary to be dismissed f om said administration, and the Court having ordered a citation to be issued : These are therefore to cite and summon all persons con cerned, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in September next, and show cause, if any they have, why said Administrator should not be dis missed from said administration. Given undermy hand at office in Elberton. f February 17,1855. WM. B. NELMS, Ordinary. WAKRKN COUNTY, GA.— Wherea*, t eorge Un derwood applies to me for letters of Dismisioa from the Executorship of the estate of Mary Thompson, dec’d : These are therefore to cite and admonish, al 1 andsingu lai ,thekindred and creditors of said deceased, to beand appear at my office, within thetime prescribed by law, to ihowcauße.if any they have,why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at offi -e in Wnrreuton. Feb. 24,1855. ARDEN R. MERBHON. Ord'y. GKOHGIA, LINCOLN COUNTY.— COURT OF ORDINARY, FEBRUARY TERM, 1855 —Whereas, Moseley llawes, Administrator on the estate of Van Allen Collars, late of Lincoln county, deceased, has peti tioned the Court of Ordinary to be dismissed from said administration; and the Oourt having granted the order for citation to issue, These are therefore to cite,summon and admonish, all and sirgular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in August next, to show cause, if any they have, why letters of dismission should not be granted to said appli -1 cant. Given under my hand at office in Lincolnton. A true extract from the Minutes. Feb’y 10, 1854 _____ B. F. TATOM, Ordinary. JKFFKItBON COUNTY, GKOUUIA . —Whereas, Thomas A. Mcßride, Gua*dlan of Samuel J. Gordon, applies to me for letters of dismission from said Guardi anship : Theae arc therefore to cite and admonish, all and singu lar, the kindred and friends of said minor, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Louisvills. February 17, 1856. NICHOLAS DIEHL, Ordinary. JEFFERSON COUNTY, GKO.— Whereas Noah Bmith, Guardian of William M. Gross*, applies for letters of Dismission from said Guardianship : These are, therefore,to cite,summon and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and friends of said minor, to be and appear at my office within thetime prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters slionldnot be granted. February 17,1955. NIOHOLAB DUEL, Ordinary. JBFFBIIBON COUNTY, GA.—Whereas, Pleaasnt Walden applies to me for Letters of Dismission from I the Guardi ADship of Franklin L. Calhoun, minor heir of H&mell Calhoun, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singu ar, the kindred and friends of said minor, to be and ap pear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show oauae, if any they have, why said letters Bhould not be granted. , Given under my hand at office in Louisville. March 18,1855. NICHOLAS DIEHL, Ordinary. RICHMOND COUNTY, GA.— Whereas, Danlei Kirkpatrick, Guardian of William Prior, a minor, (now of age) applies to me for Letters of Dismission j These are therefore to cite and admonish, all aiids ingu lar, the kindred and friends of said minor, to be and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in October next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not begranted. Given under my hand at office in Augusta. March 20,1854. LEON P. DUGAS, Ordinary. ICHMOND COUNTY, GA —Whereas, Isabella C Dodge, Administratrix on the estate of Plumer Dodge, deceased, applies to me for Letters ol Dismission; These aretherefore to oite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on the first Monday in October next, to how cause, if any they have, why is id Letters sheuid not be granted. Given under my hand atofficein Augusta. March 20,1864. LEON P. DUGAR, Ordinary. RICHMOND COUNTY, GA.- Whereas Mortimer H. Williams Aministrator on the estate of Dr. Laban N. Mitchell, deceased, applies to me for letters of Dis mission : These are therefore to olteand admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said dec’d., to be and ap pear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not begranted. Given undermy handat office in Augusta. March 28,1856. LEON P. DUGAS, Ordinary. Georgia, Jefferson county— oourt of ORDINARY, SEPTEMBER TBKM, 1854. It appearing to the Court by the petition of Joseph Stie frater, that Patrick B. Oonnally, of said county, decoded, Executor of the laat will and testament of Thomas Street, late of said county, deceased, did in his lifetime ex*, cute to said Joseph Btierrater h.s written obligation, as execu tor aforesaid, conditioned to execute titles in fee simple to sai i Joseph Btiefrater for a Hoaue and Lot in tne town of Louisville, then occupied bv So emon Lasarus, but now by your petitioner; and itfurther appearing that avid Patrick B. Connelly, Executor as aforesaid, departed this life without executing said titles; and it also appearing that the said Joseph Btierrater has paid the full amount of the purchase price of said house and lot, and petitioned this Court to direct Charles J. Jenkins and Lloyd C. Belt, ad ministrators de bools non com testamento annexo upon the estate of said Thomas f treat, to execute to him titles to said house and lot in conformity with said written obligation. It is therefore ordered, That notice be given at three or more public places in said county, and in ihe Chronicle A Sentinel, of Augusta, Georgia, of such application, that all pe sons concerned may file objections, if any they have, why said administrators as aforesaid should not execute titles to said house and lot in conformity with said written obligation. NICHOLAS DIEHL, Ord’y. October 5,1854. LFFKii*ON COUNTY, GA.— Whereas, Wi’iiam B. Harman, Administrator on the est&'e of John 0. Harman, dec’d., applies to me for letters of Dismission : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not begranted. Given under my hand at office in Louisville, April 11,1965. NICHOLAS DIEHL, Ordinary. COLUMBIA COUNTY, GA.—Whereas, Louisa K. ) Gibson, Administratrix on the estate of Isaac GibsoD, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear atmy office,within the time pr scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at offleein Appling. March Ift, 18f 6. 8 CRAWFORD, Ord’y. GEORGIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. THE EH.HTH HKMfiUO* of this Institution wl 1 commence on the 30th of FEBRUARY. ACADiiMIG STAFF. Col. A. Y. BRUMBY, ▲. M., Superintendent, and Pro fessor of Mr thematic*. Capt. SAMUEL JONES, U. S. A., Commandant of Ca dets, and Professor of Engineering. Mr. V. H. MANGKT, Professor of French, History, Ac. Mr. W. H. HUNT, A. M., I'rofM.or o.' ChemiJlry and Eng.ish Literature. Mr. I. B. GOODWIN, Professor of Drawing. Capt. W. T. BLACK, Assistant Prof, of Mathematics. Cadet R. 8. CAMP, Assistant Teacher. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. David lawin, President; Charles J. McDonald, James Brannon, William Harris, A. V. Brumby, David Dobbs, M Myers, A. N. Simpson, Jeptba V. Harris, Wm. Root, David Ardis, Andrew J. Hanse!J,Be«retarjr. Teems—Tuition, Board, Washing, Fuel, Lights, Music and all other contingent expenses, per Session of five months, in advsnce, sll3 80. It may be proper to state, in relation to the new Com mandant, Capt. Jones, that he has accepted the appoint ment, and will be here at the opening of the Session. He graduated at West Point, in 1843, and taught in that Insti tution from 1640 to 1864. He comes with the highest re commendations from the officers of the United States Mil itary Academy. The Trustees have recently appropriated a sufficient sum to complete st once the Laboratory building and also to fit up and furnish the Hospital. W • have accommodations for one hundred and thirty Cadets. Persons desiring further information, can obtain a copy of the regulations by addressing the Superintendent, or any member of the Board of Trustees. ANDREW J. HANBELL, Secretary. Marietta, Qa M Jan., 1860. Jal3 dswSm B BAILEE, HOUSE, Sign and Decorative PAINTER. GLAZING, GILDING, Ac., done on th<- shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. A flow doors below Washington-street, in Broad street. MAHCHMIN UTCAINS OATHOUOON.—A .opply JtUtiwttTrt, lm»J HAVUiAMB KISUT A OV. NOTICES TO DEBTORS AND Oi FO iTons. NOTICR. —All persons Indebted to tho 0r*..,, , ward Averll, late of Ui- -.o n 're quested to make i .medv’*j y demand* against said estate a*: i henticateJ within the time p» -r; Mar, h 17,1853. MARTHA AVEftlxh ».« , IkTOTICK.—AII persona iml- ,J • , . IN John MBs iy, are requested to r. *«•; i-n-. • Loose having demands again i them, duly authenticated, within th | law. jo : •. 1 . ' »' . March 15, 1866. w. np\VO lm>\ Tils afv.-r date a , ~ , . * ! X to the Court ol Ordinary , •. leave to ell the Real aud P Manufacturing Company’s th e l v . of Terrence J C isgrove. r; : March 30,1865. Cil . JS rr \~ r AJOTII - lv ram Aldrich, late ctßi requested to make imm havingclairr.' aga..:* - ,• • ' . the same with’a’ the time M • ih 17, 1865. ; . . • . . VjUTICK-.d Vercra d ’ 1Y vOhn A, 11. Wl . , j ceased, are rtqueetei to rank j 1 011 ' thuse pertoris having d. n . q ica td lo present the sum wt: ; u ‘ ; ”, ! , la Mirch2l,lSis. i>AN‘LLIi. W-LvOX, V 0MC1..-A': per :-j i:,V • Wm. K Suffin.tS -c- , „ •• . sent them, duly au hen icaii -1. r i by la .; and those iudebi w i Ha URIBB, Eae; ut»r, or his 1 '" >J Maroh 87,1866. OTICB.-AJI per Blackwell, la'n o' l ed tooenre f’rws: i all those to whom the e . cisi.- i'i their accounts,legally i THOMAS W. Til''*lA9 > March 38,1566. W ILHAM B. 1. V.1., VrOTICIh—AHper/'nVi r ; • \ t t i.v r.iun.i Ccdy, late of W, • j c u requested tooiaue immediate paym . ’ 1 , claims agniust the same are h«*i them within the time March 25.1555 H‘ MU' • / NOTICK,— All those intl ito ih •"« McNnir, l i»e of J< : will make immedinte pa .’ munds against said e , . duly authenticated accoon to GILBEk?F MoVAIB, ) April 11,1?55. BAM’. J. MoNAI i, f ■VJOTH’K.—AlLcrsonsitidebteil to-Ji"- .• lv Branch late of 0. -m • «... are requeste«l to make immediate paym having demands agaiust said < preseutthem for payment, EDW. J. to v. April 6,15C6. fjmo'MO.Vi'HH after. X to the Court of Ordinary ol leave to sell the Negroes bciorr Benjamin Berfley. B. BENTLEY O February 22, 18,55. rpWOMUVIIIh X to the Ordli ai i all the Negroes belonging to Geo' Wiley L Gal'awav, minors. February 20,1866. BUD 0. WALL, G, rr\VO Mi X to theCo-irt of ■ r. in . to sell all the Ke ' isnit- « f Cli.v. i.:s E. C a i; . TIYO MONTHS a X to the Court of Ordinary ol to sell the Lands belonging to V n . deceased. MarchS, 1855. mWO MONTHB cl: t |. X t«» the Court of Ordinary 1 \> rr u to sell the Ke,al Estate belonging tor'- Bnlth,d cea • March 8, 1855. nr\ wOM ON T»‘ b n I»e r . X to the Court of O .henry of <•. ■ lerve to sell the 1 antis b ion. . t>tl c ! - : Linn, deoes ... bamuel Payne, A. I- .C .. . 1 : March ?5,18C5. | QIXTY DAVb after O the • sell tin it.:al a tnte oi ih I March -i'., • ; TWO MONTHS alter dvc ; to the Court of Or Jmnry oi ..ar-, . • 0 . io sc 1 t , 1 March 28.H55. JOHN 8. JOiiNti DIXTI DA l O the Ordinary of Warrei. > n.: y ; I \oto. e R-a’ Esia’e of ! a arm rvy, d« s-.- • March 88,1865. /. r IVY NOTICR—AIii tha-i-.ll) y : ! quested to make immediate p. .j •. r.t; ay - ing demands a;- sen l them Within the time pr<.s> r i ■«. i ■. j■ * BBNii.-N I>aY, ) r , M-».rch22 1855. U. J. HAY, \ J * r3 * Into .tIOVL to the Court of Ordinary < f J,ii 1 tn a a tract oi l and in Th r.:-, ii j, v i .- : tc « .e of Daniel McNair, dec. l «d. GILBERT P VcNai • ) April 11,1G‘ 5. ■ f Adm **• mWO MONTHS afterdate,i. Xto the Ordinary of Jeter.:on c« u: U iho Lands belonging to .lu* tie o i i, deceased. JO-.J . . April 11, IK6. MONTHS after da * made to the • vo to sell the Rea Estate of lli t.- > t' re April B,It:SS. ' C.IXTY DAYS after .l O the Court of Ordinary of i <: to sell a tract «.-l Land in c&a-county.. - ,-a t ««• tth dii. I n , dolpb, deceased. : (hawi . j . | April 18,1865. SIXTY DAYS after i!,. . the Goart of Ordinary to sell the Negro* ShomM ’ Avreit and Sarah AvrtU, d.i v . i IrfAAON. AVIV. f. [ Ap U 18,1856. J-CCU- . • r.i r. •r. rjTT\%~M j X to Conrtof Ordinary of sell all the Land and Negr<> h«: t t. - ..ute of Zaohariah (>r m h Ap i 12, 1865. I> * lit 1 ,’r. a.”.:. ■ r"'." 1 . ■■r. , :r'r AMERICAN IRON tfOONDRY, AUGU-TA, GA, HEMPHILL GRAY, PIIOPRIETd'. TIIK ft'ROUIIIRTOR of r CStab lishment, in returning h ; s ■ :u c. . . -a friends and C.r. ; ; . tronage extendi * tlon, would rear* ■ to execute all or • r for/ 'A) J ! ; 1 !, with despatch, at the rho: .. -..a --ner. To Ilallroad Cosspcinica anJ Caf T ’ -a. I am prepared to m sizes cf Railroad C. r ; manufactured at the right f r making “Mur, . WHEELS,” I au now manufau’.uria i.ate , Railroad Oar Wheel, equal, . *•> : , c-'ihcr Plate Wheel, and far sup v . . use. Particular attrntion paid to (.1: •? kinds of Railroad g Frogs, Switches, C , MGfl for every descrij t I am all 1 j r . Railroad CAR WHEELS and A2LL , BRAEBEb complete. To Mill Otvnsrs r..%! f | HID and Clin OUAKIt;.., 0-*. \ t , theshor. . , and at the lowest pricen. American Iron Foundry, Ar - ' *», \ June Pth, U r C.My DIfISLUTIif. rivue firm OfOBM { X by mutual oonsent. i | the assets and pay the* debts ofth :il ( Acgusta,Feb. 18,1855. tl .' VI.. Lj ■ : .7. HA YIN U sold my in i iron Foundry to Mr. HEM.. I L RAY, r, , will ---n --tinue the business on Ins own j-coou j., I’.a ':.«■• - ..u* ’ ance of the patr«>nage bo lioer ybe • :a, r — lll ll* CAREIAGEB, BUGGIES, | BTOCRTON A CAIV Y, AT the stand long occupied by Jamos Hull the corner ofEUlsand Me oon* staiitly on hand a pood assort id Northern manufacture. QARUi - , I BUGGUB, whioh that will sell at low prioes and on rea sonable terms. They are now prepared tohr.n ( : les In their line in a superior style, REPA notice In the best workmanlike munzitr. Ta-. ylc pa ronage. AUGUETAFBBHCa BVJ:fi LZILL, FACTORY. rgvK|{subccribcr,tl)ankfuL'or. • 'a M. exlsndedto the late ii; ] fespccUullylnforr. hi*rr' n.'g.aud tiu* #•* 1 - ■cstocxccuteordersfor his well hi; h BURR MILLr 1 ; oJoWH Btloeaud•bortestnotlce. lie EBOPCB and CC LOG I-'- * BMUI IA( ,< o ns, BOLTING CLOTHS, of Ue Icsfjntd, CRMlßTffor Mill tdCTeryotherartlcUaev.tp-.r.ry'n Alco.fcr FlsatcrsjimaKUßllir Y.aLI \o a"; h Jo to Rears. Al lordc i uproEP pu jut t snde do HurvlTlagpartntrofLu; r a ; : .4 JslC-twewiy LAT3.D C7.A "IS. THB under $ claims for BOUNTY t of Oongreea, grai Fourteen Days In any of the i Btst * shave been en./ gei slice . 780. C g information, wtil picasc address t iw • References: —JI n. Robert ? ! . •, l ' ■-. . A. Reese, Georgia ; Hos. A. P. Butler, H let. lion. W. F Colcoc-,B*>ul : Cr-r- . •* MOORS & IV i Hi, SURVRYOUB ar d C*VJL i. V?. -.1 tend to any work i tb r \ r 1 .1:. u rke or ai, ciuir.g countres. < rs : i i i Os mond’s, on Greene-strict, at Iu i - ’ or throuhg thePcstoffiee, will mi w: rj> • • ; a • References—lion. John P. K r.g,Col. - . • un mipg, R. H. Gardiner, Jr,, = <». r il-d*. o . W.H. & f.UCOXtr.uiii TO W. M. Tl ” ?«», a OFFKUTO PHYSICIAN , ffif chants,and the public at lur,;v.D c' o ] |B weilassortedst-x-k of Dr \ : •/. { ts& ClNta, OILS.PAIM,-,,.. i and FUtty,Brushes oi e . 4 diri f--Turpentine, Ac., Ac. We purcha3eourgo©daforcash,«nd ».r r. : ;- - • ••.oae n the most advantageous ter. V ... . ,1 eir Interest to look at our be what is represented. Civeus a call unde. : «ar ves. 6 a» D- B. PLUMB* CD. rfAßßconstanl!y reeviv ..■•> . iha-dpure Medicines, Chemfrals, Choice Pei, . ■ ry, 7 & Toilet Articles Ac.,-.-- between U. B. Hottland V <.• cor r. c..,jk MedidneKcarefullydispenttriat 1. yc.. I lames’,cornerGreen and Mci~tenshstruts ‘ u'ib COFFIH3 BCD Uri- ' . npH undersigned, havic * X UNDERTAKING lit : >. . * q\ k calls the attention of the pn ,* supplying all orders in that line. 11 willbopald,andaiiordcse-- On Bunday», or cigct'j, by I*.. .. J.B, PLAI'T‘B re*:de; ce.io t tually attended to. [apßu-tfj C p. s. Plica, ATTOHWKY at law, Lai.burn,Campbellccunty Geo., wid collect claims pro: t!y, m _• •• i-jn.e elate notice of coiiv. t.ca. P. . : ended to in Campbell, Fayette an l tho u ; . ■ jua IDa of the Blue Ridge and e-oweta circuitu. * c . 1 SPRING GOODS. NEW AND T TABLIBHMENT, NO. 2io BHOAL-L , : THU undersigned respectfully s-licit ac .i i tho citizens of Augusta an* these vl . -' ,t. ex amine their of V : CLOTHS, CABSIMEBE3, V. : , NO > ellof which we can assure tho puti-o to i-e </. - n. .t and most fashionable styles that can ee i .. '' , - York markets. Al o, t« :-;* t- r,t t . * A Gentlemen’a wear,cons e •'of Gi CRAVATS, MANDKKRCUJr 5 , 1.., ,1 ' MERINO SHIRTS, and DRAW h / ' » UijWillbemadeintbe most fashionable and manner. [mh7j HAIOH A 1 • •• • -■ ■ ■ • THOS. P. STOVALL Li}., GBNKIIAL. COMMlbriOk 3!!.--- * CHANTo, Aagusi.i, fla.—l a co-partnership fbrt mission busint-3 in this c■: 7, we r»: c ' u ’'' ' prompt and fslthful attention to any o- • 1 ‘ t . L to our care. We will five careful a « W Cotton, Floor, Grain, Bacon, La:-1, *•• , - Oi Produce, and to the filling o/o (i r:* 'n c: /- lag ample facilities, we are prepared to Bat. uo.iai caaq advances on conaignmenU to us. Our offlee and aaiearoora is on the North c -.0 of £roa Street, a few dooraatove the Insurance Cotton consigned to us will be b’- : >n a srf*’Yart* h«u»e. . »HOB. I’-' l . aufi-dAwly JOB. U. 1 IPUKNCH IMPBBiAI. 851 BED UELATSHB— I A treiiHiful ttriio e fertile i . t va .i 1 . t > . utloa cf Blanc Matge,Jellies. Ac., to he had it THJti APOIHSCAKIES HALL. fS Augusts. Ba. O iillj bids, of choice New Os i. am fiellaed O BUaAK3, just recctvstl, ana for sale k ». by nlu» BAULK, WIBOVX A CO,