Weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 183?-1864, August 29, 1855, Image 4

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mwm BISVTINBL i < liVTKLLMJISKCIi. nil THE I**C'»PIC. r,„ V of » ««w»r« <**•■ - -r>n telegraph*: “btcoe J Li - T KhZf’tL-' S* I have »oibW •* irayor- P* ■ ‘' l r We co.tinae to sireng’bei) t*d Uc • ’ , .reed works whi b t'« t3»m imprt VJ our • ,-~ d _ xoa ’that I regret t# say Cl ~ -'ate lia-.ir niy connderebie. Toe °“ f L v *l.' oil gr» ’ acivi yin adding to and im -1 1 . h ~* end the ot -notary store* Irom tho nenu to the aonth e.de u. lh l'“ trf faaa nearly ceased in the r»Lk3 of tho eC, ATa 2 f Eteris* )—PrinceGortschakoff writes: *• \ , •„K‘of ,:i.-..oruoc» i. going on. The v eer or t (d*o-.au) Are p:events the works oi the be . irom eavaniog, end theirhre is wears'-. it' o Simpaou lehgrapna that toe Eus sib: • in- de a eight Bertie on the Woreuxcff roed, sa jar as the cAnaux it J'itt, Bet were repulsed }/, i i(j it trouble. Ate 7, 11 !'• kL, Pelieelor telegraphs: “ Noth- Jr-g ol interest to commanioale. The enemy hue not undertaken anything against onr treuabes borne cases oi cholera have reappeared. A d -patch from Vienna, in the sane papers, gtatue it at the bombardment. of the M-iakoll and wee to be oounuenced on the 10th mat. , r ,■ itt i j’-rety •ndtuct of tie London Daily xVeie*. Ope rations brtore »ae .tfaiakolf aod liadan. The following is a diary of some of ihe Uadi: g et' t.i in Iront curing the hat lew days : icLi 21.—Another hot autny morning, with an a I -pnere equally as Oppresoive and aultry as it h> been tor r-ome days pa t. The empty condi von ot tie water tank* and reservoirs, and the irreduaily diminishing flow from tho spring near the front, are becom.ng a s.nreo ol great incon r ni .nee and anxiety. A great part of toe water ‘ ' y do* n lor u-,e in the tronchea last night had , , e brought from the large reservoir in the ■l et in u\a Vslley, connected with the aqueduct to ol 'ihe dia anoe ot this water is so great, marly three miles, and the descent to thelow en.nod and sObseunent so tedious and ddh-alt r. .*•’>„ expenditure ot tun® and labor m rendered . : :. r uae 1 alto'. Netwitltr tending the excessive he I and the expasure to which the troops ars , flly ttoumated during their 24 boWt-rn ot at, in me trenches, there b*a not been any • ( lease in t e number of caresof ebolera. 1 28 L gilt rain contiuned to lal. during the w o’e ii'ah' i'be atmosphere instill ctooded. As r‘7r,ol of "the heedless mdllarei.ee to danger -> ,0, co- .b ol tuo men Jgqmre from constantly , « shot and Brian. Uiefol.owing-x e, , occur rad kvo.ev, u.ng may bOßtentaOCed. A amMrti.ni •. «n thrown Irora >he liadan into _ * , u curing its paenaga the luaee ’ "c.uleiit y iroppAl our. Tee abot tell, lucre 4 f "ke a round shot, into part (it the approach ‘‘ , witii the old aevanoed or third partll 1. ‘** u of tne 74 r. Eegimeiil were near, wrut . ‘he r diets to arrive, aLd ready to rdurn to c Tin On»oi tbeao eoldiero, stier ehanuning tt» ■ cxpio ied ieh setouiiy nad J,he ksj ha'di • i'rk the ashen of th* tobacco in his pipe, ■ ■ , tfiul-i bed smoking, into the fesee hole- A noth'** of tire iron rtiucang by. andob 3Sb r ‘*tt > oVwbmi the ebelb*'■ !'« Th» reckies SUtb'-r OI .no * i,. .—,.(r,^lit/uirjraat*.^Sa.- itpi » or Vive other rneh wete ,lr ' ■ tnt lortuna oiy none were dangorO’J» y *' ,m! T, la 1 return d that the man bad no ideaol , *, ad, being aullicionUy hot to cause .I.yi ‘■'“cl ~.,w c je r in the shell. liistaneen ol 1 1 7,u thcmrelveH to imminent hasard. by Ul< “ ' '*• .. . , ( ,»iuou to the em my, occur daily, ■ itU moat advanced woiks ; and it often re ‘ . a ureatoal waLchlu'nee., on the part ol Ibc I'll] is to make tbnn sutlicicully tbougbttnl Oi thT r own saP-iy, »<*d that ol otneis around them. The cavalry division have Ircen kept underarms nil dav the sovora! regiments being hold ready to • urn nut at a moment’s nol'ce. It is said that au lilacs was 10' ku 1 lor in the direction of the Tcher ,vi . A constant Are has boon kopl up all day in the batteries. JucV ur.—ibo lire ill tbo battoriei was very bcuvi aiil continued incessantly ail night. A Circassian chief, apparently of very high rank, wll h h s all Ol flvu or six aitondar is was escorted over the works on the Mamelou Vert by a French , 0 ~r oi ~ulcer to day. Tho novelty of bis costume ciuuiij with dial 01 bis followers, who all cufried i U Cl rtnrlgen lor tlie.r pistola slung in a row like a ’ c I.luec, and dependent upon their highly em briiidered ve igr,'attracted gtnurai attention as l, ey role through the camps. They wine power lul i rained men, and had a spirited and i oldierlike bearing, the t tiicors ot engineers in the field are much reduced in numbers. Tim arrival ot others is said to bo daily expected. No rain has (alien to-day, but lie: sky bus boon overcast, and the temperature less high an l oppressive. Jfi.Y 23 —Tne Arc- in the haltoyies was as imavy and uiiintcr upted last night as it t.aa boon i. rsev erul nigiite [ ast. The ca ly part ot the night was moonlight and clear; subsequently clouds gather ed slid roino showers ot ruin followed. Our Allies have proved trio noco-sny of keep ing their p iius moru gua.dod aud sccrel than lie fur ■ the circumstances of the repulse on the 18th would te»m to warrant the bedel of. traitors in the cum . Tne French liuueral has now no confidant lie scrupulously avoids the o txpedieuie of vacd la'ing luiiidiiy—couucils ol war. Clive nevor cal ed acuuncil ot war butouce duriughis military cursor, and thou acted quit) contrary to itß dcci gion. Wo ail suppose that our next assault wi ! tak'l'plaoo at some momon, when we loast oxpoot it or in a Frouch oliieor remarked, no lurlhor rn si'l bo givou beyond “Fix bayonets,” "Forward.” Ai at homo they acorn unanimous in con dO'ti uLK ii»o attack on lire I8»h, yol oircumatanccd wh: li have riuce beou brought to light induce ftome good authorities here to cou>idor thift, it properly toll owed up, it might liavo proved kuo coa'till. T*ie enormous loss on the part ot the KuMHiens (uearly equal, most probably superior to that < l th ) Allies) snows satis!aclorily the »upo rior dcstruoviveuess ot out tire; had it continued bom j time ioi gor at the Hume rule wo might have plun d t io greater par of the garrison hors do com Lit, oven bolero comiug “to pusr ot pike. 1 ' Our Aihts inenitoo’. an or giutility iu the minor branch es ot military strategy which we sadly want. We wore surprised, a lew evvuings since, to boo, while it was yet day, n number ol Russian soldiers suddenly tlobo ch from ilio ruviuo under the Mu l»!t ff, and running up the hill, endeavor to shot tor Uiemielvea behind some rocks and bushes en tirailleur. They ovidouriy imagined, from thoir position, tliny could turn the lUuk ot luo French sap by the loti, while they themselves remained Whexposod. Our soldiers, however, crawling ilown succeeded in gutting within 2uo paces ot theso eharpshooier , and turuod the table on them , moijt completely, as, before the Russians could cor rCet the ir untfortunute erfor, wo sliot down abo t ton ot thbm. Most probably they had beou sent ou' u' a p ipishmont for some offence against mili tary discipane. fcoverai days have* beou named for thocotnmcnco xnonl ot tlie now » ombardment ai d attack. It is not probable that the oveut will bo postponed to a much later dnto. The number ol casuali iesiu tho trenches and new works is a subject of serious consideration, a’“t though hardly so great as might be expoOied from the relative position ts the In a-jhged and besigers, must ftcl as a strong in contivo to tj»e respective commanders to perfect os speedily as possible the preparations lor the ro ilotvo altack. dome ot iho new batteries of our a’bes, deswned to net against the Russian marine, are rot yet finished, aud a change is also boiug inn iu iu iho aims out of cortuin portions ot our works, wldoh is not likely to be oompletod tor aavt'rn' day * from the proaout dale. Thu approaches towards tho Mtdak ff, o ose as they aro wid have to be extended still tuithei before tho nwtniin oon bo made wr.h lull aeenrity. It is wiser to beur our daily loss for a whilo, rather thau suer flee any chant ' which may conduce to a successful mid. It is arsortod that the dinpoai'iOß ot tho now batteries Is so mail', and thoir power is so terrible, and tho mama of the oommandara so matured, that on tho uext occasion tho a- sault will bo underti keu without leaving room tor the slightest apprehou eien icupecting tin) ultimate result. Tho extensive preparations which are in progress, and tho caro which is being bestowed upon the works ou all aides, afford reason*b e ground for i.oiiev.ng that this consciousness ot approaching success does not proceed from nuduo ooiifiisnce. ISo sigual event has occurred with tho armies in tho plain. It is reported to day that tho French and Ottoman troops have made a recouuoibsauce us idr as sixteen miios b youd the village of Bui dar, and that they met no traces of any hostile force in that direction. 'i iKKiau Camt auotk Kaxlmia.— Lsttors of duto the XtUfc July, tneution that ttio French campon the Tchesa»)•, »* well cs tho Turkish uud S«r dinittu contil ien’s t ad bcou kept for some days on the alert, in oonreqnence ot a report that the Kalians wore about to attack tho Tohcrnaya lino. The alarm, however, pa-acd cff. Tho Sardinians coutiuuo to occupy Tchorgonn, which they have etr uvly fertility l; the French and Engllah ©aval ry, and recently a Turkish detachtuout, are >« the ▼alloy es Haidar. Ska or ■' r —A dispatch la published, as fol low>, in tbe Adrift p«por-; _ •4 News has bou:> received, via \ icuna, from Ta gtnr'tf, dtttAd of July. Tafi-aurog had beea bombardcil lor some days by the A l:od ships. Aa English Htaatnsloop had g.>t on shore and was bu’nod oy tli Russians, but the crow escaped. The town of Borimask, on the Sea cl AxoiF, had beau again bombardtd. The damage done by the All ■«'.** eotisiderable.” Asia—sn«s< r Kabs —Letters from Kars are to July 14 There wa no truth in the report ot the eipsdition of Scharayl ega nst Teflis. Hctweer t: «• 7 and 14 h irvqnout erg goments took place betw-on »he : dvatic h posts near Kars. Oa tho 10th the Russians made a strong reoounoisance, and an udmi cestlul attack against K"ra Dagh, and ou the 11th made an equally unsuccessful re couDv-.stance Upon Tcuakuiuk. On the 1 Sth they proceeded in the direction of Frzeroum, leaviug but ftu advanced guard with-n vu w of Kars, but, ou tea 18th, again approached the city with all their forces, divided into three, cvlumas, ou** of wh ch formed the rest rve. Alter vainly endeavoring to draw the O’. lonian troops out t>t their entrench inerts, by keeping just beyond the range of t-herr guns, the Ku.'*ums returned in ti e evening to their camp. Bherib i*ssha had abandoned his stores to i he Russ mis between Kars and Erie roam. The Abies arc demolishing the fortifications ot An?‘pp, ' n rsty to ti e wish of the Circassians. G i . V vise ? a- tfone to select a lundicg place for troops near Batoatn. 0u... l*sv a is appointed Commander in-Chief of the T«’ki>h rmy in A*ia Minor. lUK I'ALTIO—hCMOKJQ) BoMttARPMXNT CF KjSYRL. —Tnere every indication of a cup dt n */» to be attempted against cue or more ot the Bal.ic fort resses. An the ships cf both fleets are beirg col lect* d»t IS rjeer, »ud letters men lien ft general anuo, atfon that Sweaborg aud Helsihgfors will be immediately a tacked. A rumor—afterwards te. —w » current that Revel had acluaiiy bee;, bombarded i n success. l'ce icliowii g despatches, which have been re eeived from C: pt. lelveuon, relating that ou £6.b Juyhe wok pi>eessioP oi .the Is erd of Kika, without- lesiMance, and destroyed the tonifications and stores —the g:rr;soa having evacuat d. Hkk Majesty s Sun*rr oakt, ) Uff the y - hofl h. Ky mene, V Saturday, July IS, 1555 ) I have the honor to iMurm you that very e-.rly on the mo'ripg of Uie26.h 1 was joined, off the island ol Uog’acd, by ack and M g cicnne, bulging with them the mort*r-ve©seis Prompt, Pjcale, Rocket and Ruaer. i soo t immediately to the uortuward, leaving the Ruby to bricg cn the gunboats which were not then in aghU They j .*ned i*t no.-n, and at 2 I*. M. we ail anchored cff Fv rt Roisetwbolm. As we ?nlety i I our expedition rested chiefly on our invent c and hc*d: g ho on ire possession cf tbe fortified nJa’iJ of K ika, I determined upon taking it at once. Accordingly 1 anctwred tLe mortar-vessels out ot range and leaving two gun boats to took alter them, 1 proceeded with the rest or the vessels to tbe westward of Kotka for the purp*/sc of destroying the bridge, bj to cut ofl tne retreat of the garrison, and prevent their re ceiving rein oroewenta from the maiuiand. Capt. Vacuiitart, oi the Magicnune, with buaccustomed real and activity, threaded ti» way at once through me shea a. and destrejed the bridge. As sum as all the vesse s had anchored so a» to command tlie great military road leading from tbe fort to Hog tors lio’m, and also the charnel dividi. g the ibiai d trom the main, I lan el ail the marines under the ccnuna-d cl CaptainS. K. LownJer, R. M wrh L cuten. ’ - Georg: G. Dowel;, E. M. A., and Liauunauta U. C. Mudga and 1\ R. Ho mes, R. M- who vookpoe essi-n without being opposed M tnegarrfooc (no doubt a; prisod of vur c ruing by tbe telegraphs along the coast) hsd left very recently evtc iated, 1 aving behind them a large er»r net ol m.ntary stores, which Lave *in ce bejn burnt. 1 l og to enclose a list of all the Crown property destroyed by Captain Lowder, including tarracks, ina tz ues, ordnance s ores, storehouaos, stabiee, guardhouses, and other Government buildings, with an iin in n*e amount of timb3r intended lor I buiidiDg and other military purposes. # I The lohcwihg momiag I weighed, leaving Capt. I Fanshawe, with the Cossack in charge of this meet important point, which required the utmost care and atttention, as the enemy on several occasions j threw out reconnoitring parties, as if inclined to I attempt the recovery of the island. Th* White Sea. —Ettarian accounts of the move mcntsol the allied squadron ir. the White Sea are pm hi is fed. OntbeSthot July an English steam er approached the village of Liamtss, in the Onega District, and sent ashore four boats with “ white i and red flag,” but the inhabitants fired npon the horde and caused them to return to tae eteamer, ! which then fired for three tours upon the place. Two boats again attempted to land, bat were again competed to retire. Kezt morning the steamer puttorca. Mcs*. ot the English sbePs fell with- : out tarsting, and the peasants picked up above j flity. The village waa not much damaged. On the 28th of Jane, an English steamer oaded at the Island of Eoioveta, and carried off some sheep; and on the fifth two steamers sent ashore a boat a; the Ko-z fl Islands to oarry eff some rein deer. Ou the 14th ol July an Aoglish loaded a schooner belonging to a monsstry in the | Ouil of Uniga, wilt, fireweoi and furniture, and °AnxiAeTKAr.vt Exroßk.—A meeting of the Ad mihio-raliveE-i rm Association was held on the Bth at the London Tavern, for the porp«e of ra ce: • ing a report from the Committee, ihe Com m ttee presented a voluminous document. Messrs. Brown, Ti'. , Lind-ay and iliali, members of rar iiemer.t, spoke in favor of the objects of the Aaso elation. or Poland.—Another meetirg in !&vor ot re ea'.eb !-riincnt of the K ot wan heid in Si. HtUIj .Lc>ndoni, on he Btb, the E-rl of meeiiLtr w&c extremely uproarious, »nd a Mr. Col lett moved ea &n ameiidment thftt, ‘Cordially de- HiTiutt the restOFfction of Po:and, this meeting can not forget that the destruction ol that Letionahty ma nly owing to the perfidious conduct of Lord Pttfmer-ton from 1681 to 1&46, and that so remains iu office no proposition for the re.‘-.torft ion of i'olftnd can be anything but a c ‘ fc ‘ a , h.oa xnd tt »'nare. ,, In the disturbance that ensued the Chairman left the Hal 1 . <i*o. Thompwrn pot the amendment, which was declared carried, oir iiobert Peei spoke in favor of the original motion. MiaciLLANiicca.—A subscription to bay a free hold landed en'ate lor the Raglan family is rapidly filling op. are already subscribed, mosUy in *i uuih of £IOO each from the nobility* The E*rl of befton, Lord Lieutenant of Lan cashire, had died tan advanced age. The report ot ’he Parliamentary Committee, ap pointed to consider what nw&rda are due to t e Arctic explorers, has teen published. The report which is very lengthy, recommends the gift of £IO,OOO stenitg to Captain McClure an i his com panions of the ship Investigator. Hon orable men tion ia only made of other navigators. Ti o King of Portugal had been on a brief mait to Queen victoria. 'ii. h Loan oi!3 has now passed both > j jfc i-*e? of Parliament and a soon it has reeeiv j j std r.e r- -•>) u»*-enc a not;fl?et»on will ue iseuud by the Turkish Mir.iEter inviti .g the attention of i ’ r-fi • 4th to near tike conditions on which the mauv • roposed to be raised, i ; . unaerH ood that in all renewals of Govern » I munt contract* for transport steamers the terraa * ! wid he reduced from 60s. to 455. or 4)s. L 1 iham Brothers, in the Bueaoe Ayres trade, with j liabilitie* for £78,000. The Lo;.don Tirrj«*e has an editorial, urging that i tfce a\ w-A Army be placed under one command, .t that the London Times #ud ihe y-.i,u..>-.'er Guardian —both papers* "odor inspiration of the Government — have, ftiinnltsii outdy, editorials ou tho subject, a > i it is to he inferred, emanating irom the Gov ernment. fcjunoK—lt is onco more stated that the Ein p/e.Th of the French is inetinte, and the fact hus been communicated by various diplomatists to their Governments. Oonshb.-rublu prominonco has be9D given to an rlioged Logitimiat conspiracy in which the over throw of the Banap&rtisis, a Moutemotinist insur reotion iu bpaiu, aud the general triumph oi Rus sia evorywherare cuuuingiy mutjd up. Wo luvo alluded to this matter in another column, expressing a belief that tho “compiracy” is of much impoitance than the papers would make it appear. Gon. Count’Alexindro do Giradin, father of the jouruali t, died recently in Faria, aged 75. Great Freparuiions are making iu Faria for the reception of Queen Victoria. 6paim.— Borne further urresta have been made at Barcelona. It ia confidently stated from Madaid that, on the 4th insl., toe Spanish Government decided to give lorrnul a ihosiou to tho Western Fowers, aha to send to tho Crimea 25,000 men to bo paid and out fitted by France and England. The official Ga~ zttie totally denies thi- atatemeut, while the Epcci uud other journals as firmly maintain its truth and add tr>al tne pr.ject will eucounter groat opposi tion in tho Cortes. In return for this accession Napoleon promise to put down all attempts against the tbrono of Isabella. Foktcqal.—The present visit of the King of Foriugui to London is said to be with the view of including Fortugal in the alliance. Germany.— Tne King of Hanover has issued a I iOwluinaUon defining his position with reference to the modification oi the Constitution of 1848, — which ho virtually repeals. Count Kiolmanseggo lias gone to Ivarituf to request the aid of federal troop to suppress any attempt at remonstrance. iTiuseiA —The Gazette, a Rusa'an organ, pub lished at Berlin, pretends to give a true account of the Nesselrode dispatch of the sth alt., which is stutod to have been incorrectly reported by tneDe biiis. It is alleged that iu his note, Count Nes teirodo expresLses his recognition of the Facific cllbrls of the Austrian Cabinet, uud clearly declares —not only that Russia would accept the Austrian proposul, but is even still ready to lake it into se rious consideration. Tho report that Russia is willing to accopt tho four poiuis, as interpreted by the allies, is declared to be unfounded. Roland. —Letters from Cracow state that there exists extreme difficulty iu raising troops for tho service in the Crimea, notwithstanding that the standard of height has reduced. Russia.—Mercantile letters from Bt. Petersburg state that business goes on quietly on a reduced scale, aud that the cxcha ges are steady and tho fund * well supported. Nothing can be gleaned from there Idlers as to the state of opinion on the war. Italy. —Tho ce ebrated General W. Pope is dead. Gen. Porcy, appointed by tho British Govern ment to organize the Italian legion, had arrived at Turin. A tolegrnphic dispatch states that the Emperor Napoleon bus made au energetic demand that tho Pope shall reform and secularize his Government, with tho view of remedying tho present state of disorganization in tho territories of the Church. Two congregations had boon hold and decided to refuse tho request, Madeira.— Advices from Madeira give an unsa tisfactory account cf tho condition of the Island. The vines aro completely withered, aud there is no other culiuro on which to roly for the means < f subsistence. Afuica. —Accounts from Alexandria, of the 2 th uit., stale that Viceroy had toturned from his ex pedition against ♦ho Bedouins, who had made their sub inission. Letters from Tripoli of tho 26th ult., state that the remnants of the Turkish troops had returned there without their arms. Tho Arabs remain mas ters of all the country, oxcapt the capit 1, which was sent tj demand tho protection of tho Allies of tho ISultan. Tho English Consul-General at Tunis is deud. Twenty-five shocks of earthquake were fait at Broussa. Abd-el Kadir is sick. The very Latest. The War. —Tho following additional news, tele graphed from London, was received by oar Liver pool Agent just as the Pacific was on the point of dopanuro: London, Aug. 11.—We read in the Patrie: “Private despatches which have reached Paris under date of the 4th, announce that the Allies Lave operated with success against Revel. No dispatch of a more recent date has, howeve , been received to Confirm this fact.” The foregoing paragraph waa yesterday alternoon made the oc casion of an illusory announcement by an evening paper, tho Baltic date and the very needful caution of the Patrie being suppressed. We shall hope to announce the successes ot our fleet within a few hours of their achievement. Poland. —The “tsar” of Cracow states that pro parations lor tho new levy in Poland are carried on with great activity, tho stindard of height is lowered, and it is very difficult to obtain exemp tions. This is the fifth levy iu that country within two years. „ , . Tho Invalids Knree of tho Ist inst., published Prince Gortsch a soft's journal ot military opera lint,a from the 17th to the 28d July. Tho Prince affirms that the well directed fire of his artillery often silences our batteries and drives cur men from the trenches. On tho other hand his en gineer, besides repairing the damages dono to the fortifications, improve the line of defence rud add to the number of the Russian batteries. The sum total of the subscriptions to the French loan is now ascertained. The Moniteur of yesterday states that it is 8,625,591,985 francs. Whiteman’s Papkb Mill Burned.—The exten sive paper mills ol VV. 8. v\ hiteman, located on the Clarksville turnpike, about -even milea from the city, were destroyed by lire yesterday. The ame> were discovered about nine o’clock, and wheu tho messenger left for the city to notify tho proprietor, the root of the main building had lallen in. Ko particulars are known at this time of the origin of the tire. The building and machinery,with the stock in the mill, were worth about g4u,000. They were insured iu tho Tennessee Marine aud Fire Ihsuranee office of this city for $3,000, and in theStato Mutual of Pennsylvania at Harris burg for $6,000. The destruction of this establishment will prove a great ca'amity to the newspaper publishers in Middle Tennessee and elsewhere. Many of them were almost entirely dependent upon Mr. White man lor supplies. We believe there is enough p 4>or ahead to supply the city custom for abou two months. Mr. Whiteman had jast completed extensive improvements, and had a new machine in opera tion whichc'st about $12,000. The loss will be a severe one up*n him ; but we have reason to be lieve, from a knowledge of the character ot tbe man for energy and resources, that he will speed ly r*> ’air the damage and go ahead again.— Xa+hmiU W '/lif, £Bi. Bishop Doans—Mcbk ißorams at Bubungtcn.- A correi-poudeut cajet the triiabies ot Bishop Doaco have beea revived again, and ekteuded to an open ruplnre between h.nt and a portion of hie parishioners. This week a petition, rigned bj a respectable body oi his church, was presented to lb b. hop, requesting blm to resign the rector s ip orsnbni’t to a thorough investigation of the cla ges against him. The signers cannot con scientiously sit under his ministration while he stands with oh arses agaiust him materially effect ing his i ositioc iu the Church; and being driven tr. rn their paws ay the Bishop’s refusal to court the investigation which they deem necessary to clear him of stain, have taken this step to place ti cir absence from church in a proper light. The B -hep wiil hardly pay any attention tc the docu iitent, since it does not, al: hough signed by sever al influential members cf the society, embrace the nsaj tity of the parish. Tne churchin Bariington '* fbngutsuing nnder this unfortunate s'aie ot atiairs, ana mu.it mote unhappiness seems to be I'. smre tor tne society, aince there is not the ' nr *h l - Ff-babi.ity that Bishop Doane will resign or mte. the cnarges against fc ra. NanoNAu DKar or thx Wosto-A new edition of Pt/.« ca tux gtfiuad X.reiga Fund*." very n- v’ l -- 1 -' wned, gives a statement of tho ixisticg Nr.tional Debts ot the ptmoipid countries of the word, in <ik interesting at this time, wheu the commotion of additional debt is very likely to be forced upon ail the leading nation*ct Europeat least. Tne t vgregate amouut of European debt is Slated to bs El iAI 54i.000, of whieh tbe debt of England is A7fc> 9iS,oodp France £.83,000,000 • Hoi srd £iofl,*oi,esX'; Prass'a £8,500,000 ; Russia £6B,ooo,COO; Spain £70,000,000 ;Beigiutn £25,000, we; Austria £211,006,000. The various countries of Centra, and Sonth America, Mexico and Cuba, have an aggr gate debt of £SS,7BS.iSO. The debt ot the United Slates is pat down at £10,C00,000 aud that of British India at £45,000,0ut) —making the iota! public or national dtbt of the world to . e £1,762,629,450. Sandy Hooe, August 19, 1555.—This morning, while the brig Abby Thaxt r, Ctpt. Wisweli, bound for Lisbon, wss preparing to sail, with a pilot on board, tbe crew attempted a mutiny, bu' were sabdued by the officers, and are now in irons. Ti e reasons lor mutinying are cot known. The brig is at anchor in the lower buy, awaiting as-istaucs from th> r vmue cutter 'Washington, which has been sent for aud is momentarily ex pected. The gutter percha telegraph wire, sunk und r the met at the High-auds, and belonging to tbe New York abd Bandy Hook Telegraph Company, was badly hacked and cut, and severai hundred feet of it stolen, a few nights sinoe, by some un known scoundrels. Temporary repairs r ave been made, so that the Uce is now again in working order. OfrrtspotuUnc4 of tiu Savannah Republican. Hon. John R. Wnr4 at Forsyth. Fobsytb, Aug. 22, 1855. Mu*rs. Editors As you have called on the Hon. John E. Ward to prove the asse tion he made in his speech in Macoo, that the “ Fope and his Cardxnafb, Bishops and FriesU” have disc aim ed all deeire to obtain temporal power, I will also take the liberty of caiiingon him to make good a [ position assumed by him in this place on last Sa ! . turday. _ . „ ' He t-aid that the Democratic Party are on the fount resolution of the Georgia platform, and if 1 ! Congress th ju d refuse to admit Kansas into the Uoicu txscause her Constitution may tolerate slavery ’ i tQeu his party would be in favor of d aaoiviLg the Union. Aud he laid that it is true that the Aa.tr - I can Party profess to be on the Georgia platform, but , they cannot u-e the same remedy in toe case &up \ posed, because it is forbid by the Philadelphia platform, which leaves all disputed constitutional r questions to the judicial power. This is what he said in substance. I have not mistaken his pc j siuon nor have I misstated it* Now the gentleman is reputed to be,—and truly, 1 have no doubt—a lawyer of eminent legal aitain ; men h*. W hat I desire to know, end what I wish ex . plained, is, tew a measure, rejected by Congress, can \>e carried before the judicai power for adjudi* * cation ? Where is the statute to be found, which . provides for an appeal from Congreas to the Ba preme Coart ? And I wish to be informed further. 1 iiow the Supreme Court can t-ke up a rejected f bill of Congress and enact it into a law 9or decide whether it ought to be made a law or not 9 5 And without waiting for an answer, I take occa . scion to say, that the American Party holds no such absurdity as the one imputed to thorn. A Sfectatob. V ♦ 1 £mia ha tion thom Gbkat Britain. —Tho general s report of the British Emigration C mmissioned, 6 dated 80th April last, tshows that during the 4o years r>etween January, 1815, and December 1854, 1 the whole number of Emigrants who left the Uni t ted Kingdom was 4,116,958, of which number r nearly three fifths emigrated during the last eight i. years, and nearly one-third in the last four years. The total number who emigrated in 1854, was less v than in the two preceding years, the figures being \ tor 1662, 866,764 ; 1858; 229,987 ; 1554, 828,429. 1 The great docreuae is in the emigration to America. _ and almost entirely in the number ol Irish. Os the emigrants who left the United Kingdom in 1858, there were 192,609 Irish, but in 1854 only e 150,209. t The Commissioners examine the causes of this )f falling off in the Irish emigration. A decrease to i- some extent, they say, might have been expected i- under any circumstances, from the reduction which took plaoe in the population between 1841 M aod 1850 vi*; from 0,1*5,118, to ed by an emigration in the next threw yean, which :b { must have iert the p opulation of Ireianu at thu be v- j gin*, ing of 1854, at little more than 6.000,0u0. But ,y this does not sufficiently account for the change, of 1 The jvcreaae cannot, it seems, be explained by any ,o falling off ia the fende applicable to emigre ion, as the Commissioners found that the amounts romit q- ted through the Bankers and merchants, who sup ii plied him wi‘.h information on the subject, were in 1854 larger loan in any previous year. Toe i- Commianioners reproduce the returns since they h first obtained them—“a testimony of generosity and self derdai unparalleled in the world.*’ The at amount* were, in L 1848 upwards of £460.000 j .. .*>4u!o*K) 1860 957,000 “ 1851 990,000 b ' 1852 1,404,000 '■ 1858 1,489,00 C 1854 1,780,000 ffl Tuo real caases of the decrease are to be found, ‘ th j Commissioners believe, "iu the improved position of tho laboring classes in Ireland; and secondly, though in a less degree, in the ditninu “ tion of employment in the Uuited States, arising lrom the recent commercial crisis, aud to some ox tent also in tho operation of the “ Know Nothin? ‘ party.” The Commissioners iuter that the secondary !• causes alluded to, have hod some effect in stop ping emigration, from the effect they prodnoed on those who had already reached the Dnited States. “Informer yoars the human current flowed only one way ; in the last year a considerable return current has set in.” During 18£4, the number of emigrants who returned irom the Uuited States to Liverpool alone, amounted to no less than 1 12,678. * Death of a Daughter of Lafayette.— Madame Mauborg, the eldest daughter and last surviving child of the Marquis Lafayette, is dead. The cor respondent of the Newurk Advertiser, writing from Genoa, says: “She d ; eda few days ago, aged about 75,at her princoly residence in Turin, whore she had lived many years, and since the death of her noble hus band, atone timo Fren h Ambassador to the Holy See, with her daughtor, the Barronesa Porrone, widow oi the Piedmontese General killed at the fatal battle of Novar* in 1849. Tho Barronoss in herits the raro virtues of her mother and her race, and they are likely to be transmitted through her carefully trained children. Madame M. often spoke gratefully of her family relations with the United States, aud delighted in every opportunity of bestowing her graceful hospitalities upon the citizons of the country.” Abbott and Amos Lawrence. —Abbot Lawrence our readers are aware, donated $50,000 for tho purpose of establishing a school in which the prac tical sciences should bo taught, in connection with Harvard University. Amos, two days after this donation was made, thus addressed his brother:— Wkdnksday Mobnihs, Junes), ’47. Dear Brother Abbott,—l hardily dare trust my selfto speak whatl feol, and therefore writo a word to say that 1 thank God I am spared this day to See accomplished by one so near and dear to me, this, !ast, best work dono by one of our name, Wiich will prove abetter title to true nobility than any from the potentates of tho world. It is more honorable and more to ba ooveted than tho high e-t public station in our country, purchased as tho stations often are by time serving. It is to im press on unborn millions the great truth, that our talents aro trusts committed to us for use.and.to be accounted for when the Master calls. This m»g nilieeut plan is tho groat thing you will see carried out, if your life is spared; and you may well cherish it as the thing nearest your heart. It enriches your descendants in away that more money never can do, and is a better investment than any ono yon ever have made. Your ailectionato brothor, A Mon SPECIAL NOTICES. The Chronicle and Sentinel for Sale. —ln order to carry out a resolution long since formed—lfiat of retiring from tho printing busi ness—the undersigned now offers the above es tablishment for sale. It is ono of tho best appointed offices iu the State, with perhaps a larger circula tion than any other. Attached to it is a large aud extensive Job Office aud Book Bindery, and all ti e machinery propelled by steam. Pposumiug that those desiring to purchase will call and look for themselves, we deem it unnecessary to say more, than that the terms will be liberal, and that a bargain can be had. WM. S. JONES. BOOK-BINDING. fiT Person i wanting BOOKS BOUND or BLANK BOOKS made, In the best style and with dispatch, should send them to ohe office of the OHKONICLE k SENTINEL immediately. Jeß | y Mr. Editor Please announce the following Ticket, which we hope will be supported unanimously by the oters of Burke oounty on the first Monday in October next, and oblige MaBT Fob Conqbbss, Hon. ALEXANDER H. STEP Fob Senator, 001. E. B. GKEt UAM. Fob Rxfrwumtativks, J. A. MALCOLM D. JO* *3 Ks Habersham, July 4, 1v55.l v 55. y yTMadlion Female C ollege.— The Fall Term o 1 this Institution will begin on MONDAY, 8d SEPTEMBER aul-w4t W. 0. BASS, Sec. of Faculty. Cff*Tlie American Pa ty of Warren County, and all those who oppose the present State and Federal Administrations, whether connected hereto f ore with the Order, or not, are invited to meet fn Warrenton cn SATURDAY, the Ist day of SEPI EMBER, as matters per taining to a more permament organization of the party w.ll be proposed and considered publicly at the platform. Several addresses may be exp.cted on that day. Warrenton, August 21,1855. au'26 Great Mam Meetlog au4 Barbae ue.— lhe American Party will bod a GRAN D M/S3 MEET ING and give a FREE BARBACUE at DALTON, cn TUUR3DA V, the 20th day of SEPTEMBER next. A prize Banner will be awarded to the County in the State Bend ing the largest deleg ticn in proportion to distance and means of reaching the place. Distinguished Speakers from Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama have been invited and are expected to attend. Let those who wish to hear the principles of the American party defended, come out cn that occasion. Bememoer the 20th day of September, and make your srrargtments in advance to attend the t rand rally. &u2o tr Cheap Carpets.—WlLLlAM SHEAR will sell his present stock of Ingrain, Three-Ply, Brusse's and Velvet CARPETS a’ reduced prices, until the Ist Septem ber next. Thepublic are respectfully invited to examice the as.ortment. au2l-dtwAw CARPETS! CARPETS! 1 Received this day, a few pieces of n:w and handsome patterns, to which they invite attention. aul9-lw C. A. PLATT A CO. |y Daring oar absence from the city, Mr. WM. C. DERRY and JOHN G. McHENRY, or either cf the.7 l , are our authorised Attorneys for the transaction of any business connected with the late firm of KOLB A FAN NISQ - CHARLES M. KOLB, Aujusia, July 10.1 SSS. JOS. A. FANNING. jyis **'“ A **u«lc .ad French Teacher Wanted —A Lady wlo id aa accotep Uhtd Teacher of MCSiCand FRENCH can obuin a gaod lituation and liberal salary by •ppl,ing to the Editor of the Chronicle A Sentinel. Elating terrna and giving satitfaciory referencra. anS4.Avtf er- Irish Linens—Extra atom Irish LINENS; also snperSce undressed, for family nae, and rery fine for Shirt Bosoms, warranted free from cotton, and at remarkany low pri. ea for cash. Jut received and for sale by ■=jr* WM. H.CRANE. H?” We would gire notice that the Undertaking Department is still carried on in connection with cm Fur nitare business, an I shall keep constantly on hacd a sup ply of Metalic Banal CASES, Mahogany and ether COF FINS, of all description.. HENRY A .-KIKNER, under Augusta Hotel, Broad street. On Sundays, and at nights, we can be found at oar resi dence on Broad street, north side corner of Bollock-street. my3o f*~ Warranted Freah -We have tks day received Landreth’a fresh Rata Bags, Fiat Dutch, Red Top large Globe, large Norton and Yellow Aberdeen TCKNlp'sekd The extreme backwardness of the Musts at the North, is’ the reason we have not been able to obtain nmc crop Semis “riier. Ijjßl] D. b. PLUMB A CO. . B, ™“ Barlap. —i Bales German BURLAPS tor Fiantation use. Received and for sale by eBS ward.bubchard A CO. Fashions for Gentlemen'. Hats WM. N. NICHOLS has commeneei receiving his Fall Styles of ent ente.’» Dress Hats, manufactured expressly for him, ,/ .. “*”■ * °°-' “ **“*> will he adding week £nk of ‘ T “ i * W ,t F^ a »°PPosite the aogll-tf or- Bag:, and Ph-nla R. PRESCOTT Proprietor Is now open tar the reception of Transient or Permanent BOARD IKS. The nmnn., .. AQ « proprietor souciu a eon Imnance of patronage, and can only assms them who may make a Mlmtsm of hi, hour, that no pmu mu be spared to render them comtortable. ' KTonom , for the Poor—< onreal enco for the Rich."—The improved potent Seif-fleating Rotary SMOOTHING IRON, is among the most wonderful im provements of the l»th crater* A few Jut received by the Agents, CARMICHAEL A BEAN. aaSg-lw COMMERCIAL. Foreign Market*. Extract* of Letter* by Vie Paciffc. LIV£RPO -• , 50 - ’’he money na-ket Vs mini s. a mere i . n ect &• ling, but the * emand lo gold for *p rtt- the con dc aha ng sub id d a rn.re ea y tne is e.iHce . th ate for mens* at be «a«k or knglani You c* per cent a.o at tii isc-unt houses ia L lib .id .tr. c. ,fc • i onrnsl rat. in 2* t ex ct. Ihe arrivals ol g U from Australia and ti e Uu-ted States i ave be a c t» -tru r, and the exchange at Pa»i3 njt ienderi»g .h* tra sd;i-.«u of goli an. t jct cf pr.flt, the crere ptrii nij 1 k.l, to rema nin this onttiry. 7he tv a am' u_t f tniYa a ucr ng th; pas'w.ek i : £43S,UCU, ani he cx orts h Vc reacted retry the san-e 2 gore. iLe ea no change to tnt .e BuHun market this te ; tr.ee ha« tea and the qcg a lona are fairly sa&por.ed. >' gary to-tinuea in a ;uTe demand, at he foil advene, qiottd iaa: * eek. Tne Cotton mar et opea d this week doll and hiavy; tlcdemind rah/ being wn a&xn. l scale, a-fl tne tai y part o'the a es pree* were someshat i regular, i u • re aaaUed to purchase aaae ican tolow M d:Ling a. aco.orssion in pree <t* out l-16d per 10. The last e«* d_/j, however, a firmer feet a- n-s teen evicted, and witna ri her ret er t aae uemauu, ac.d erne -itiic »p cu iauoa, thrmnact u aasu .i«t n h ater tone, we there tore re.ux.e lajb Friday’# qa teu©-. ior 1 d «c.ipuca% Me.' to-day, U,‘ Uj Ln.a, B,'uo 03 tpeculat on, ano expo-to The total talcs this weoi aro 8;,740 tats, of emch e ul-tora lu.ve .«Jren 8,44 J Auter.csr, 70 Sxfci% and ctv *urat; and exp.rtera 2,48) Ani.iican, a2V Per nam .no aurai thus le*vrig al,siu bal.s, all load*, to the tr do. A : c au i oris dq:o atiens wtre as follows— F 4 —B.jweus, 6*d..M.biie 6*d..♦ru.aaa, 7d. Auh.ugh, ir.ru the eoUaV> raiLt, the actxuats rem aii p>sta of the e ua.ry are serious us to the ujiry i-oae io the growing cr pi, the unfavorable rep.rts a.e uniformly acooi: p. led by a decl ning course of p.i«;a— tne ie/trsc cf rthre .is usual at so critical a time. Inis li cn My owning t j tte litoral home t apply of wheat, and there are few oi the provuicUi marao.s which have not uecr ecu at ieast ‘as per qr cn wheat, and that gcner»l.y with a .cuguij i fade Lu cu- *.wn market wheat has given wa> 8d per 70 lb?, tut at his decline millers and dealers h-ve Or ought r«ih;r more freely if late. Fkmrhas met a moderate i q-nry at a redact! n of Is per sack. Indian Corn been sold to a tolerably (air extent, aid ths quin i.y on offer being only lim.ted, holders have been enabled to ootalnbd to la pci qr moie money. Outs have been i i tail demand at late raus, aLd Oatmeal biings an advance of Gd per load. from tne mi: ufac.uxing oistrijts, the reports of the state of traue are as satis actor/as can be expected, and should the hopes termed of the proouct of the harvest be readied, an mprovexe: t ia trade miy reasonably ie an ticipa eJ. Tne advi ts fr.m India and Ch ni nave exer cised a good tff ct upon the Msec;,ester market; and goods and yarns suitable for those climates have been in gocu d maud-t full rates. The other descriptions are in du.lreq.tst, and prices may be ca ed a shade easier.— tier man buyers are ' peratihg to a muuer-te extent, chief y however ic the .tion of small orders, bat there is little or nothing doing cn speculation. In the woollen districts tne transactions are extensive, and prices have been steaoi y snppotud. The lowness of stocks i revents a’» danger oi a diminution of employment. The reports from he Uc; and hosiery trades dosciioe no alterat oc ; busi- Qei> k - continues very inactive!, in the iron districts the 1 -e dta-y to c j iflderce s bus aid the genera, cc ! cupauons of aso wRt sign of rboowery.— . Tjc aetruad or implements o. war continue* nu.baud, | noth uu of tae fcag<t*h and freacli governments. MaVANNsH. A age*. 5*4. Cotton —Arrived since th .6J> lost., :.rc r» upia .d,a* iohows; oy Central Kail ro-d, hi b> 11 Upiano, aid *rom Augusta and landings on -be giv«r, I6t ca es Upland. The cxpui;* for Ike same ptri xi hav.. Lecu 886 bans Upland, ri: to New York, 146 o-ue Dplatd, anJ to Bri.imore, 18.; bales Upland— kavlbg a slock ’ju hand, lac.ad ng a » on shqjboard, oot ckurid yesterday of 1,V»4 be;e« Up-and. an d 2GB bales eca Island, ag«u». <.,b48 oa.c. Upland, and 804 sales tta I*(a >a at the same dste ast year. Bi-ce cur report of the 17th ic‘t., we fAV# had see- r*l da>*o' unusuhl cjid wefa.he. for tue seas n ; with am -»l ltoefaSHni i tun* tne great* r part of the time, a e h-&vo sisc received acc« n: of »M-vtre » vim wh.oh visitcu *eferai cc unties of li or h arriina, and sjine oi the upper dig tries of nouth darohna about the come date. Tne Cot* ton crop hts uouo .es* suffered in the ctates where the rai.. and wiad prevailed, lat to wh .t extent we cannot now even coDjectnre. The wea.htr has again become warm, bnt from present indications w; might soon look for more rain. There been & ba e of Cotton, of any description, sold duriug the past week under review. Du ing the p -ai wetk busme.s has imp oved but little, although our •'harvearire lin d with shipping which have arrived d ring Hie week, wi.h heavy fr igbts for the mte r.or,ourown m rchents but sparingly for the present. Ti e receipts or Cotton for tne week amount to 86(1 biles i..d the export. SS6. Rice- Tne tr .n act oas in this article are m re’y nomi al, a laat week’s quotauons, say from 8b 5J to 88 100 pounds. Elour —The stock of Georgia is ample, with a fair de« maud. We quote in barrels 48 to $8.51>, in bags $4 to $4.2h. Total shipments tin e June 80, 1*9,258 bushels, 1,061 bareis,acd 1,061 s cks. Eac*n— iheß.eck of Baltimore and Western is light, with a fair demand. We notice sales of 24 hhds. hides at 12c ,■nd 10 bbds. Shoul ers al 11c. tt). AlUaa***— v\ e quut Cuba at 30 to 82c., and New Or loii a at 8> t) 4dcents. Potatoes— Georgia $3, and pr.me Northern $3 25 to |3.to # barrel. La id —We quite in kegs 18 to 15c., and choice in bblf., at 14c. $ lb. Rope— A sale of SCO coils was effected at 9# to 9%c. on 4 mornns credit. Bagying-Vi'c note Gunny Baggirg at 14 to 15c t sma i i*t oi 75 bales sold at 14c. on 4 months credit. Sugars— The demand for ttii article is fair. A lot of 13 hu<i*. ct. Croix Changed hat da at bjfcc. New Orleans is scarce. tiait— Several small lc ts have been dispose] of during th week at t? ■urk. 0 U and Peatt—n e quote Oats at C 5 to 70c. and Peas at 41.i2>$ bushel. « Corn— t aoGactions for the pa t week have been il n ted to retail, dick light with fair d mand in email lots at 41 horn store and some ask as h<gh is fl.luc. bos e . Hay— Eastern in lots fcom store has been sold &t 81.62 X and them at 1.87 to $1 50. Whiskey —Wt- notice a 8a e of 20 bbls. New-Orle&ns Wiiiikcy ai 50c. gallon. Exchange— burling, 9)4 The Banks are selling Sight L becks on ad Noi lh=rn c ties at )4 pei cent, premium; and puichas ng Sight Bills at par ; 5 .o 15 day Bills at ct. dii., 3 > day Bls at )^Q>)* $ ct. disc ;6u diy Tins at l&ul)6 cent, u sc.; 90 day uilla at cent. UibC.:unt. Freights—You ign— To Liverpool 9-321. Coastwise— To Ntw-kcrlr, 5-lttc in steam-hips aid 75c. in sailing visse s ; to Baitimoai s', and to Boston and Philadi lphia nominal. Wheat in st.amerj toNesr-York, 18# cents bushel. CHARLESTON, August 24.— Cotton— The transactions in th r. aruc e during th ; seek just brought to a cKjbc, have been limited to abcut 6uo bales, and pricea have Daen altogether nfl by the necessities oi the par. i h negoiiati. g ihe s*les c mprise 62 bales at 9*; 10 a 1 9*. 113 at ui, 3at 10*, 80 at 10* list 10*; 45 at 11; lIJ at 11*. 14 at 11*, 23 at 11*; aud 140 ualts at 11*;. Jn tii present po.i iou of the marke l , ae have no quotations to i fftr. The receipts sitce our last reach 660 ba'.es. No hing hr s been oue mL mg Cotton. We have thes far receivtd t to bales cf ihe new oiop, which reach ed t'ema ket tbb wetk. Nice—The trar.sacuoni have ve> y limited, as only a stnad portion of the receipt.-, which reaci 75j tierces, nave bven sold. Prices ia iCAte no change from theratea currtnt whea we muhe up our previous report. Com —The receipts reach 25,001) bushes, about 15,000 of whi h have been sold at 86 to 97c. hb in quality. The tatter piics was pai for prime white. Amoi g the receipts are 1875 sacks from Philadelphia, which have g ne 1: to store undur limits. As an eiid.nce of the promised abun dance of the crop we lea; n i hat a contrao; has been en tered mto for the deiivery at Chattact oga, Tencestee, be fore the lt>t of Jar uary next, cf 50,000 bushels, at 82c. •9) bushel. Bay— There have been no arrivals of any consequence for some time. Flour—There bis been a moderat- ly fair demand for lliis i riic.’e uuri.-.g me wtn k . eder review, and upwards cf 1500 brls. have changed hinds. The tri sactocns have ranged Irom in barrels, ihe latter Mice 1 aving been paid f-r i-.ucy brands; and Lom sß*@4* in bags. There have been exported coastwise thn week *\2i6 bbl9.,and ihe iie.cn Commerce has cleared for Rio wth a car..o of 15L0 bbls. Tae receipts this week reach 2 7do barrels. ‘ Wheat— The mar.et this week has been quiet; but the ew t.a- sectoon that have bebnmade show an advancing tendency in prices; and we no v quote fI 60(g|l 70 bushel; the lormer quotation, however, is rather under ifce presect matket value. The receipts th s week com prise 80,000 bus ..els. Exported same time 8000 bu* hels. Jiacon— Some 60 hhds. tide 3, .n two lot', were 60ld at the oiosa of the * eek at 12c., and 40 hhds of the latter at lo cents. .Salt —The demand, which hts bees limbed, has been supp! ed at $1.05(2)1.15 sack. Groceries— Nothing or consequence t as been done this week in ihe leaning articles comprised under this head, via: bngar, Ocffeo and Molatsen A cargo of Cuba Mo ia*sts, consisting of 77 hhdi aud 8 tcs. ie;elved since our iaa , h3B been sold on tcims n> f najepablic. The retail price for this d ecription is 29©S0 cents, and for No- Or -1 .oni, fr m33to 36 cents gallon. Ragging Cloth continues to command from 18* to 14* cents, according to weight. Rope— We notesa ej or upwards of 510 coils Western at pr ces raneing fruin Bto B*c. 4 . . , Loinestic Liquors —We no e sales from first hands o - about j6j ob.s West rn Whiskey at prices ranging from 40 to 4f>c per g-1 on. Hr changes —The transaetions, > hich have been umit el, thow no charge. Freights— There is a vessel loading for Liverpool at *d. for -,o ton in square begs. Wheat is be ng slopped Cols.w ie a 1(217c in sai iLg vessels, and by steamers 6© lie.; and F our by the former conveyance at 25@&00 m bbli.,an l by the latter at 4d<2i 155., and 20c. in b^g3. UNIVERSITY OF NASHVILLE MEDIC-1L DEPARTMENT. or HK Fifth Annual Couras of Lecture? in this Institu- I lijn will c immence on MONDAY, theSSthof OCTO BER next, and continue till Uie first of the eDsaing March. PAUL F. EVE, M D., Prln iples nnd Practice of Surgery. JOHN M. WATiON, M. D , Obstetrics and the Diseases of Womt n and Children. W. K. BOWLING, M. D., Theory aid Practice of Medi cine. A. H. BUCHANAN, M. D., Surgical and Pathological ADatomy. C. K. WINSTON, M. D , Materia Mtdica and Medical Jarisprudtnce. ROBERT M. PORTER, M. D., General and Sp.cial Anat omy. J. BERRIEN LINDSLEY, M. D., Chemistry End Phar r. acy. THOMAS R. JENNINGS, M. D , Institutes of Medicine an • Clinical Mcdioin WM. T. BR T GGS, M. D., Demonstrator of ADatotry. Th. Anatom!©ri Rooms will be opened for students on ibe ft-at Monday of Cc obtr. A uil P climnary Course of Lectures, fee to all stu dent-', wi 1 be given by the Professors, commencing aleo on the first Menday of O.toter. A C inivjue has been es al lished in connection with the Un verity, at wh ch operations are performed, and cases prescribed to.*, and lectured upon, in p? esence of the Cias*. / mount of. eea for Lectures in the University is SIOO. Matriculation Fee, (pa d once only) s£>. Practical Al: ato my , $lO. Graduation Fee, $25. Good Lt ar ing can be p:t cured at about $3 per week. Further informat on can be obtain'd by addressing J BERRIEN LISDSLEY Chancellor of the University. Nashville, Tenn., July, 1855. aa9 w4t» 81-BING HILL MACHINE WOBKS. TH' subscribers, having associated themee.ves to gether for the transaction of business at thv ckl stand of Hack A Duvall, are now preparing to fill all or ders for new Machinery, or repairing old, that they ma/ be favor* d with. We buila ail kinds of Cotton and Wool MACHINERY including fcchley’s Paint WOOL PICKERS, GEARING, cut or cast: PHASING la-ge Screws, PUNCHING Nuts, Wa«h-is, fc'tirrups >nt Levers for bptung Frames, Ac. GRIST A D HAW MILL WORK done with neatnees and despatch, W* w .ll guarantee our wor* to compare with any done in the countr.. Oroers directed to us, at Eichmond Factory P. 0., cr to our Agents, Bones A brown, at Augusta, will meet with prompt attention. G. B. HACK, G.W. DUVALL. To our Wool Customers, we can say our Cards are ia fine order, and those who want good Rolls mu‘t send on their Wool, o. leave it w tii cur Wool Agent, C. A. V>it li ms, Augusta. [ jy22-w2m] G. B. H. AG.W. u LOST, ON the 19th n't, between Maduon and Bel-Air, a large GREEN TRUNK, marked Emi y F. Berry, Bel-Air. Ar v informs ioc. of the ame will be grat full > received by Nebraska Ga., Ju y 80,1855. EMILY F. BERRY. as. -w2t* WANTED, f'OB THE NEXT YRAB, an unmarried Gentle man, to t:a h small Sc: 00l in the country. He must fee cf untrxreptioaabie character, and capable of teaching the Classics and Mathematics. Board an J a nber 1 salary given. Address David C. Barrow, Lei fasten, Ogl ?nerpe county, Ga. Refer to Ponllain, J nningg A Co. aug99-twßAwlm LAND AND MILLS FOB BALE. DE6IH«iUB of moving West, I offer tor »a e my Saw and Grist MlL?£ and about three thou and acres of weii timbered LAND attached, situated on the Upper, Three Rudi a never fai irg fctream ia Barnwell District £o. Ca, abcu: seven miles from the Railroad. On the p ace, which is a tery healthy location, is a nsw and com fortable Dwelling, with eight rooms, ail the necessary out buildings, Stabirs, Barns, Negro Houses, Ac., iu good coa d tion, and a Well of good pure Water in the yard. To the purchaser, I will also sell Males, Timber, Cart? and Farm irg Utensils. Th-. Land will be divided, if desired. The errek afford? every faci ity for rafting Lumber and T tu ber to fexvannah. Persons wishing to purchase, will please call and ex amine, when the terms will be made known. J. ALFRED NAIL. Woodward, 8. C. acjrS-lwlwtf a. r. siovall, TITARKUOISB AND COMMIBBIOIO—, V T MERCHANT, Augusta,Ga.,begs leave to in'olm h a friends an 1 the public that he tinue® the Warehouse and Commission Business, ia ail its branche-, in the extensive FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE, on Jackson -street, near the Globe Hotel. His itrfct per sonal attention vrill, as heretofore, be given to the storage and sale of Cotton, Grain, Floor, Baoon, and Pro.uce general y. He wi.l, when desired, make lberal cash ad vance* cn produce n store. Orders tor Family Buppltaf, FagziEf, A»P«. «•» wiU be promptly and carefully fined at the lowest market prices. aa:9 twAw DISSOLUTION. THE COPABTSBtIfeHIP existing bet ween Uie un - dtrsigned, under the firm of IVEY A EVANB, was dissolved on ibe 15th ins'., by mutual consent. un settled business will be adjusted by JOHN W. EVANS, who is he eby authorised to u*e the name of the firmiDbqoi d4tion. JAMES A. IVEY, Augusta, August 15th, 1565. JOHN W. EVANS. THE LXDBBSI&NBD will continue the GROCERY BUSINESS in a 1 its branches, at the old stand of Ivar A Evans, and retorts bis thanks to the citiaen* es Augusta ana the ccmmar ity at large, tor the liberal pat rcasge hereto ore extended to the late firm of IVEY A EVANe, and desire a continuance of the same. JOHN W. EVANS. Augusta, August 15th, 1565. aagSEdAwlm ALT.~T.OOO sacks BALT, for sale by augb-dAw WILCOX, HAND A AN BLIT. MISCELLANEOUS. fOBT 6AIHES ACAPIMY LOTTEKY ! By atMor Uy <y the StaU qj Geo: gia. GRAND SCUfMi *'OR SSPIRUtKit. CLASS*, to bedra m 1S», <« iA CitycjAL lanta, Georai i, whin Brieet amounting to gao.ouo! Win bj dutiioukd , c •: Jin. -1 »foltowiog Maleficent Ecbems ! 0?- and remeober every Pr:»e is dra.n at each drawing, and paid w ien due without deduction ! lprixeof.'. *19,000 1 “ ... 5,003 1 “ ’ 8,010 1 “ .. 2,000 1 *> 1,5C0 i - ;;; 1400 6 “ ii.uio... 10 •• AM 4,M i( > “ ,60-;::: i,«« i» - iso” 90 •• xJj'" S.OCO *OS Pfiata ia ail .mounting to *50,000 ONL9TJIN IUUCoAND NCRRARS. Tiekeu *8; aalTe.lt, (Joarter.*!. BTBjI: on a! I • Lent Baclaat p»r. All oomnnai cation. ».ric*„» eonfidendal. SAMtiaU SWAN, Agent and Manager, anil AtiaJa^Gj^a^ HAVANA MUBT. JASPER COUNTT AC AD EM V LOTTERY! Author.ty <V the State of Georgia .] MAIOA. tiOOKUIA. SSO 000! CL AS3 D, Wl.l be di»tribn:ed acceding t» the following grand and nnpreccdentel fecheme, in puouc, at Co-cert Hall, Macon Ga, under the sworn fcuperittenjsnce of CoL George M. Log»nandJas A. Nisbit, Eeq GRAND SOHUNIk FOR BEITTEMBIBD.IBSS. ‘'f’uoo i u b|ooo a « »si)o I,COO lo “ ”” . *OO 10 •• 160 19 “ I*o so « w 23 Approxmi.uoD friae. 86J 40* Pr ies amounting ..150,003 ONLY I'bN 'IiiODAAND NUMBKuS. Krerv Priieii drawn at each drawing and paid when due in full without any deiucd o -* Crders strictly conn dential. Drawings eent lo ornera. Regrtered le.ters al mytiak. Bills oa all solrent Ranis at par. Whole Tickets *3; Halses M Q jarteri *B. Address JAUE3 f. WINtER, aQ I2 Manager, Macon, Ga. ADaVI IJk InTliAXiilX bALK.-la pursuance oi an order from the Court cf Ordinary cf Kichmon'i coun ly, will be sold, ol the first Tuesday in BEr TlMßeia next,at the Lowe Muiket, *-* th'- *':t. cf Au * I said count?, hetwe-- »obc uses! h*. it ol a..., a ,; .net Let . and Improvement* la tne City of Augu&n. carue: « j Chew’* Alley, bou ded on he East by laid Alley, uav tog a .font on BroAd s»ree« m 84 feci 4 ioot »'ud | ning thr <ugh to i ills «treet, With % like frou 03 s«:l J street i '-«* ritwsc»*u I voad street now occupied s** J Haibei-Sb v,the a kSlls-stree: ccht icU by Mrt. • C'-ok, and several ‘ ou? j& a ♦ ie Ally, occupied by var. ■job persons, rail croperty belc'>k)ine to the Estate cr FantaliO bunon, Sola a* the property cf tbrf ■aid deceased fw the uenefliof the hairs auU credltorso. «aid ueeeeved. Term* at *s ! e. July 17,1858$ MaDELINA ilflfON, Adit**. T IDIISItiTH iTOttV 8 A UK- -Wifi be so 8 -r d* - Tae*' 1 yin CUTOiJkU ne. t, o efw e e Hfiute door in h bert agree \ le tn a*i order - Ocurv of Ordioar of svldcoanty, ; .nte o* tt h - tite P* Cua:- * '* Ciirmt.an, 6*-., f, <n three hun dred and twen y-flve acres of Land, more or Jepp, beng the widow’s dower—'he Land lying aajoining Whitehe o, Hendrick, Washington Christ an and others, in E bert county. Terms wi.l be made known on the day of sale. WASHINGTON uHRIfITIAN, i kAwkm9m WM. P. CHRISTIAN, f Aa<n * 8 Aagnst 22, 1855. FOB SALK. ON the first Tueslay in NOVEMRER next, at Dahlcn ega, Ga, GOLD MINES AND FARMING LANDS. Also, TOWN LOTS in Dahlo: ega, belonging to the Es tate of Joseph J. fi glecon, deceased, late of Lumpkin couoty, Gi ,comp. ißtUg the fcllowi g Lots of 40 acrei each, amoog which are many ctiebrau d as Mineral Lands, contain ng GOLD, IR-N AND COPPER. Numbers 757, 760, 760, 7t2,783, 784, 826,827, 828,829, 830, 831, 8SV«8, e84 * 87s » 849 850,851,852,658,154, 620, fourthb of 918, undivided half of 931, one-fourth of 934, S4B, threi-Aurths of 949, 944, 982, 983, 1016, 1050, 11-61, 1082,1034,1167, 1074, ll(i9,1110,1111, 1112. ha sos 1125, 1126, >l27—ftllin the 12:h dli rict and let section. Also, 469,504, har of 5i 6 half of 580, 8 acres ol 581,503, 18th district andlst sectio j, north half. The following Lots in the . own of Dahlonega. vis: Nos. 8i,(»,38, 85, 83,49,50,51,5 , 53, £4, 55, 61, 65, 66, one acretf 955. Mar y of .he atove Lr ts have been extensively worked for Gold anA proven va uable. Iron of the finest ch&rac ter about ds in large quantities, and the tests for Ccpper have b envery encouraging. We invite ths attention if the public to an examination of these Lands before ths day of sale. Terms cash. Refir to A. U. WIMPEV, l Augu 1 28,1665. M. P. QUIiLIAN, f Adm rß^ SAYANNAH MEDICAL COLLEGE. THE Third Course of Lectures ia this Institution, will commence on the Ist MON AY in NOVEMBER next. The Clinical Lectures in Medicine and Surgery, at the Savanrah Hospital and the College G.inique, will com mence on the 15th of October and continue during the course. FACULTY: Theory and Practice of Medicine—R. ARNOLD, M. D. Oost tries and Diseases of Women and Children— P. M. KOLLOCE, M. D. I rinciples and Practice of Surgery—W. G. BULLOCH, M.D. Medical Chemistry—o. W. WEST, M. D. Icsti.ules of Med cine—E. H. MARTIN, M. D. Anatcmy—J. G. HOWARD, M. D. Materia > edica and Medical Jurisprudence —J. B. READ, M.D. Demonstrator of Anatcmy—JOS. J. WEST, M. D. Fees for the entire course $1.5. Matriculation Ticket 5. Ample facililiei will be furnished for the study cf Practi cal Ana'omy. Board can be had at Irom $4 to 76 per week. For further particulars, apply to au4-w2m C. W. WEST, M. D ,Dean. PLEASE READ THIS. THE subscriber ofierg for sale his FLANTATIC'N, four miles 8. E from Raysviile,<n Columbia county, con taining cOO acres. The growing crop will speak for the fertility of the land. On the premise* i a comfortable Dwelling Idous.', with six arge room 3; also, a large Gin House and borew, a two stor y Barn, with machinery for cleaning Rrain, aud a Barn w th Sraw Cu’ters, Ac, and spacious Sneds and Stills, Negro Houses, mostly frame d, wi h stone anu bnci chimneys. All of which are in good condition. Corn,«odder, Mu'.ei, Wagorr, Farming Imilemen s, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Ac., can be bought with the premises. For further information apply to the subscriber at big resi dence, Dear Thomson, G. K. K. Persons wishing to lock at the premises, w:l; find Mr. A. Pullen there, who will take nleauure in thownu them. Algo a J.OT Willi a iw6 atcry t>w niuiDOOCB u in the village cl Thomson, occupied at present by Mrs. E. li. Barnett Pets ns wishing to avail themselves of the advantages of Mr. 0. 0. Richards* English and Classical fcchoJ, will do well t erbapß to apply early for this , roperty. ailg-wif L. G. 6TEED. NOHCB. A GOOD WEAVER and BPINNIR WANTED, to take charge of Weave Room and bpinniDg Ror.m. No person need apply unless of good moral charaote;, and the r.agn or tach appluact must be stated with the refe rences. Addreis tae Chronicle A £e-tinel office. &uls-wßm LAND WAEBAMTS WANIfD THBHgbesi mirketpiica wiil be p.M for Bounty Land WARRANTS by mu9-dl*w9 JACKSONS, MILLER A VERDERY. TEACHES WANTED TO take charge of an bDglish S-.bo .l ab?u' 'tan miles from Ricbm.Dd factory. None need apply ?rbo can not bring the best te&timoniaia a. to character and ca pability. Addre.a either of the subscribers at Rich mond Eactoiy, Ga. k.^almEß, au2B-w8; RHANEY. GEORGIA 8A dSAPARILLA. FOB Dlseasesof the Liver an j to purify the blood, thi is the purest and best preparat on ofBAK»APARILLA in nse. For sale in Auguata by H AVILAND, KI»LE V A CO., D. B. PLUMB A UO., W. H. TOi L W. H. fi J. TUR PIN, CLARKE A WELLB, BARREI’I A CARTER, WM. HAINES, and by Druggists generally. y24-Jawlm GORDOE SPRING. THIS healthful and quiet summer retreat is low open. The water and cli ate are unequalled; some 16 or 20 springs,embracing Chalybeate, Magnesia, Freestone, Ac- The hea'thiest location in Georgia. We have no miasma here to contaminate either our natural o: moral atmosphere. Ours being emphatically a 44 watering pia e,” W. keep no dram-drinking or gambling saloons. Acco.n modations comfortable, and charges moderate. Ha kt will meet the daily train at Tunnel Hill, 9 miles from the Springs. GEO. W. GORDON. Gordon Springs, Wa'ker co., Ga., June 27, 1855. Jyiß J. A. ANSLLY, GBNBHAL COMMISSION AND PRODUCE \\ MERCHANT, Augusta, Ga., Office on Broad street,opposite Union Bank, will give prompt and BBSm personal attention to the sale of Bacon, Lard, Grain, Flour, Cotton, and all articles ol Merchandise consigned to him. Also, to the lorwarding of goods for the interior and North ern markets, at the customary rates. Liberal advances either in cash or by acceptances, mace on articles in store, or when Bills 0/ Lading accompany drafts. Refers to Baker, Wilcox A Co., M. A B. Wilkinson, J. Fargo, Cashier, Augusta, Ga.; Hand, Williams A Wilcox, Thos. Trout A 00., Charleston, 8. C.; Wm. Duncan, Padel ford, Fay A Co., F. T. Willis, flavahnah, Ga.; Hturges, Bennett A Co., New York; J. C. Wilson A Co., D. Stuart A Son, Baltimore; Wood A Son, New Orleans; 0. B. Wel bonc, Dalton, Ga.; Grenville A Sample, Chattanooga, Temu; Bearden, Son A Co., Knoxville, Teun.; 8. K. Reeder, Ath ens, Tenn.; W. B. Shapard A Co., Berry A Demovilie, Nash ville, Term. & SL’GAKH. —lUO lihdfe choice SUGARS, Waverly,Green wood A Crescent Plantation brands ; 50 hhds. fair N. Orleans and Muscovado SUGARp i(0 bbls. Clarified A,B and 0 do.; 50 bblj. Cruehed and Powdered do. 15 boxes Leaf SUGAR. For Bale low by jyll-dAw WILCOX, HAND A ANBLEK . THE PECTORAL ELIXIB, For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, and ail Diseases of thi ’ Lungs and Throat . THIS Compound cannot be too highly recommended for Pectoral Diseases. Its effect is prompt, relieving almost always in the first dcse. In Casee of Croup, it acts most powerfully, affording relief in a very short time. Those who are t oudled with Coughs, Bronchitis, Asthma, A:., may rely upon with the utmost confidence. For sale by WM. H. TUTT, Augusta, d!9-dtwtf TUTT A pan ETFER, Hamburg. _ $1 OOOBEWABD. DH.HUNTBB'Sceiebrated HPEOIFIOJor theours ofGonorrhcea^trictures.GieetandAnalagousOom. plaintsof theOrgansofGeneraiion. ng- of .Hremediesyetdiecoveredfortheaboveeom. plaint.thisiathe mCßtcertain. r' it makesaspeedyandpermanentcurewithoutre* fitetiontodiet,drink, exposure,orchangeofspplicatfos * yy,, [, perfectly bandings- Gallopsofit might 8 n. m’rcury. - %3gr~ it ji put up in bottles,withfuildirectionsaccom* panyingit, sothatpersonscan curethemsalveswithoutre* lartingtophysiclansorothersfor advice. HSrit is approved and recommended by the Roy* College of Physicians and Surgeons ofLondon and b-f he I r certificate encloeed wish every twtile. it i« nponirni bv Wm. Richardson A Bon, No. 4, Soho, London, and has their signature over the cork of eaci to’^go'ra it In ordinary caaea of Gonorhoa or Lencorrhoe one bottle is enonghto perform a certain cure. Price In Gleets or Strictures of tong standing, its continue j e“l a,»lys cure, and in aU dneaaes of the O rgana, u Uff»rdrelief. «? n rt tfirptn For »ale in AngnaUby AGKHCY FOB the tale of the foßo*ing preparationa at WM. H. Hanter’s Specific. Boil-s Sarsapari.ia. rer- an* Rit^ra^** 1 ovoaend’a “ ?u e t D .. “ ’ ‘ a . er • Cherry Pectoral, a Ayer’s Pills. KrTnirth-i Pills Oo by’s DjM?epae Bir.en. Carter'. V ixtare. AU of which wiil be eold at j ySB Who eeaie an-l Retail-Erogg’at. DIBBOLDTIOH. TUB Copartnership beretofMe exaUng bftw«n ths undenigned undtr the firm of CLAYTON A BIG. ON was on the 18th inst onset tied busintia wiUbe ad.oa.ed by JOHN J. CLAYTON rn h o°iiiu^ b, “ ihor: “ d ““• n‘cu-'S, u q ( A. P. BIGNON. rpHK oodera vned will conunae the CLOTHING easiness A in all its branches, at the old stand of CLAYTON A BIGNON, under the Augusta Hotel. j j CLAYTON. Angnetn, July M, 1868. iP** Hones- TYEBUO my absence from the city ANDSRBON W. U WALTON will set as my Attorney, and tra .sac t any baainese connected with the l»te firm of Cl-.yton A i-ignea J. J. CLAYTON Augusta, July 28,18f5. Jji* BV BTRAMKB FASHION. JltsT LAHDHD -100 doaea Praa- on A Jderrili-s Yeaat POWDERS; lOoozea Hecker’s FARINA; 6 “ Cora STARCH; Aldcten CONGRESS WATER; 100 “ Lorril ard • BNCFF; leeroon Mad,as INDIGO; 100 lie. Calabria LIQUORICE; 1 sale Freah HOPS. For tale low by WM. H. TOTT. jylß<dAw4t Wholettte and Retail Draggiet. VAILS A»U IHOk.—l,*Bß) keg. prime NALLS,—aI id aiaee, 2S tons Bweeda IRON, /o, ui. by jyll dAw WILOOA, HAND A AMJI, DRY GOODS. II?-'KIT SHnRT T Tr>9. V u . ' ;•* 811 LEI 1 T -- * v An ?ssrrtmont of ut j e ».v 1 P uaw oi which h« respectfully invites the of dd« uukdi*. Hu24-dtwAw NEGRO CLOTHS AND ELANKETS. ~~ WILLIAM BHKAK respectfully invites the atten tion of P anters to his large stock of NEGRO OLOTHB and Whit; and Grey NEGRO BLANKER, which he wiU ■til at very bw prices. auS-dtwAw BANCROFT, BETTS A MARSHALL, CHARLESTON, A 0. CIRCULAR FOR FALL Os 1555, WB desire to ca’l the attention of our friend* and the buyers of DRY GOODS throughout the West and Southwest, to our a tractions for the Fa 1 sales of the pt e sent year. Our ou-iiness is now so well erginias-d and arranged that we are better able than « ver before t: supply the tra ’e with a large and attractive stock. Our own imp .-tations will supply our foreign Depart ment with at( the new and desirable f«orics from the Eu ropean uarxets. selected by o eol the house, resident in Europe, and wiil be particular y adapted to our market. Oar Domestic a a Btapie goods Department w.ll be supplied with ail ?he leading styles of Goods. It is. we believe, aa acknowle ged fact, that our stock hM9 always been one of the largest ana mo3t attractive in thecouu.ry; o.nd we also believe the best buyers have become convinced that oar bystem of short profits and prompt pay i e the most satisfactory. We invite t’ e attention of ali close buyers to our large and attractive stock ; but with the distiait undeistasding that we ?ell Goods only for cash or good notes, payable in ali cases at Ba k. W e shall, from this date forward, adopt a new p’.an in oon Lection wich our Goods i epartment. We shall keep a full and cjmp ete aasurtment of Bleached. Brown and CotorerCOrrONGOODJ, which wiU be sold only for nett cash. uur object in this i$ to supply these Goods as low ;» 8 ? !u- Cash juae * in Northern cities. In order to test this >oature of our business, we only ask a caah pnea with t, me pricti, ana we will then leave che decision to the purchaser. From tne 11 ree years’ experience since the establish ment of our business, we are enabled the more confidently to invite attention to our stoc* and plats of business, be lieving we offer inducement* second to no house in this country. BANCROFT, BEtTB A MARSHALL, 209 and 211 Kics-sinxt. Oltai lettou, 8.0, June 27, 1555. * je9S MORE NEW GOOD*. Wsf. H. (.BANKha. received b, thelut steamer— New Bi,:es smui, figure. fßlNld, some handsome Stripes for SHIRTING j Plain White CAMBRIC and JACONETS; Printed LAWNS and Organdie MUSLINS*- Narrow Velvet RIBBJ-. S, Bine OIfiNIMS; Cotton HOSE, Ac., ver> cheap for cash. nr N. B. —ilia former stoca remaining on hand, he is sellirg off at remaikabiy prxei. BAREGEB 12U »o 25c.; MLR 8734 to 50c., Ac Ac. j fc 24' -rUA> CARPET*. 'i l, ftsonhaudfi supply ol Bros sets spestry Velvet, aA— G4R ‘ vhach i w. ! i-‘i_aj »orjr prices. jy4-dwwa« j NEW GOO D*. IhT received and for sale low by DIC&EY k PHIBBB, ! ‘ f bpring CALICOES, fruin to 18# cents, t =♦? I‘;:aw4 BKIL.MANT3; 1 : “ Bittok tnd U l ite LA WNB : 800 d sen Ladle* Whit# Cotton U08K: 800 “ “ Slat!? - “ 4 44 ? xefi “ « \i “ “ Bait k 4 ‘ M .»0 Men’s Brown HOSE ; sbo “ Misses bO:E, assorted* 20 ** ** Long Biace lice MITTS. apls MORE KEW GOODS. 100 TV* * ri ft i * d LA WNBat worth 16c.; 60 “ “ •< 2Uc! “ 25c'.’; 100 “ “ •• 25c. “ BTJ4C4 50 •• Dotted and Figured Swiss MUSLINS; 50 ** Plaid JACONEIS; 60 “ Solid color BAREGE at 25c. worth 88c^ 50 44 * 4 “ *• 9J)4c. worth 500 20 do*. Emb’d L. O. HANDKERCHIEFS ; 60 pcs. Slate LINEN and Linen DRILLS. 1 case more ol those fine BUKETIN3 LINENS, of our own importation. The above with a large stock of alrnobt every article in the Dry Gocd? line, shall be sold extremely low fer cash, by DiC** fe.Y A PUIBBB, next door to Bones A Brown's Hardware Btore. _mvlß IMPORTANT TO THE LADIES OF AUGUSTA AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. WE the undersigned, beg most respectfully to invite our numerous patrons and friends to our great sale of the following ciass of Goods, immediately received from the largest importer afid manufacturers cf this countrj— pur chatei in large lots at a sacrifice hitherto unknown to ourselves as commercial operators, owing to the stringent condition of the money market, general depression of com merce, and advancement of the season, bath iuduced us to enter on a scale of magnitude in this. Our last purchase for the season, amounting to 40 cases and packages of the most desirable class of Goods, embraces the newest and latest production, of Foreign and Domestic manu facture, from 40 to 55 per cent under their fair actual value, thereby offering unprecedented facilities to all buyers, and placing ourselvei in a position to defy all competition. Opening this day, June 10th, 1855. Open to-day, tor inspection, 40 cases and packages of Goods, attractive and unique ic designs, and of the most approved fabrics, fully 50 per cent below the fair market value, conßietiDg of Lot I—soo pcs. Paris Printed LAWNB, all at 12,J4 worth 18 « 2—500 44 4 * IS* “ 81* “ B—suo 44 44 25 “ 50 14 4—loo 44 44 81* 44 62 ALSO, • 100 pieces BAREGE and TISSUES at 25c., worth 50c.; Scotch GINGHAMS, very fine, 12c.; 1000 pieces Printed CALICOES, from 6* to 12 * c.; 80 cases Bleached SHIRT INGS from 6* t j 12*; 800 MANTILLAS, all st>les, from 41.75 to |lo. These oola are very attractive in style. Also, EMBROIDERIES, Ac., with various other Goods too numerous to mention, to which we respectfully invite the attention of all purchasers, both wholesale and retail. je9 DICKEY A PHIBBB. RIBBONS, LACES, &C. PLAIN Satin RIBBONS, al) widths ; Plain Taffeta RIBBONS, all widths and colors; a beautiful assort ment oi White, Black and Colored Bonret RIBBONS; a full assortment of LACES, in Imitation, Maltese, Valen ciennes anu Linen Thread; Wash BLONDS Silk ILLU SIONS, Ac. Just received and for sale low by a P 27 DICKEY A PHIBBB. CHEAP DRX GOODS. PBINTRD • AWNS and ORGANDIES, at very low prices; Plain and Fig’d BAREGES and Barege DE LAINES; Rich Satin Plaid TISSUES; Dotted and Fig’d Swiss MUSI INS; Plain Swiss, Jaconetand Mull MUSLINS Plain, Striped and Checked NAINSOOKS and OAMBRICc Pt&in and Striped OHAMIUAIS; Plain Col’u JACONE IS Scotch and American-GINGuAMS; French, English arc! American PRINTS, some neat figures for children; large assortment of EMBROIDERIES; Irish LINENS ; Table DAMASK, DIAPERS, TOWELS.DOWLAB, CRASH; 12-1 and 12-4 Linen and Cotton SHEETINGS, beat makes; Pillow Ouse LINENS andCoTTJNS; Allendale and Mar seil.es QUILTS; Rich FURNITURES; Furniture DIMI TIES and FRINGES; Curtain DAMASKS; Drapery MUS LINS, very cheap; Wide BOBINETSand Musquito NEI TIMj ; uamaaa, Emnrmuerea,uoraeaanaurasaßKiars-, Linen DRILLS, DRAP D’ETE and CAScIMERES, sot Gents, and Youths’wear; English, German, Open Work and Lisle Thread HOSE, for Ladies and Misses ; White, Brown and F-.ncy * HOSE, all sires; Blk. Lace ano Twisted Silk MliTS,long and shirt, a beautiful assort ment tor Ladies: a very auuerir.r * c *i ul \ IXK «i4»vira -n.v tiuGvc, with a good stuck of Bleached ane Brown DOMESTICS, and Goods for servants wear, areof fered at the lowest cash prices, and will not fail to give satisfact on by theirexceeding cheapness. Up 24 BROOM A NORRFLL. GLOVES St HOSIERY. ALKXAWDKIi <fc WRIGHT have just opened a new supp’y of Alexandre’s Kid GLOVES, all colors; Egyptian GLOVES and Long and Short MITTS; Misses Long MITTS; Lisle and r.llk GLOVES; Ladies White, Slate and Black Cotton HOSE* of super, quality ; Ladies White Lisle and Open Work, and Embroidered HOSE; Misses Slate, White and Open Work HOSE; Gents. White, Fancy and Brown English * HOcE; Black and White English Silk HOSE, Ac. To which they invite at tention. mhlS-rlAw MORE SEW GoODBI AT T. DUNHAM’S, ( Successor to J . K. B ancrot t.) JUbT HKC.-KIVKD, an assortment cf White Goods ol all kinds, adapted to the season, such as Plain Plaid aud Striped CAMBRICS; bishop and Vict r a LAWN; Hair Cord and .n Cord DIMITY; Plain, Dotted ar.d Figmed SWISS; Nainsook, Jaconet ana Soft MULL. —ALSO— A large invoice of MANTILLAS that have been bongb at Auction tale, that will be sold very low, to say Black fcilk MANTILLAS,from $1 to $6; Colored Silk 44 from $4 to $6; Black and Wiite Lace MANTILLAS,fromSI.CO lo|B. jyß Next door to Bank qf Augusta . FAMILY MOURNING ATTIRE. WE have paid much attention to this department of our business, and are now prepared to exhibit the largest and most varied assortment of MOURNING FAB RICS to be found in the State. We respectfully ask tne attention of families, who may require aomplete outfits oi Mourning Good: to the following: Lupin’s Bl’k Bcmbanincs, Alpaccas, Bareges and DeLains; Lupin’s Plain Black and Satiu Striped Twisted Silks; Lupin’s Black Challies, Plain Striped and Plaid; Black SuktaDas, Mourning Crape, a new fabric; Double width Bareges, B ack Marqueese and Grenadines; Black Barege and Jaconet Fleunced Robes; Llack and White Check Silks, Ginghams, Lawns and Mus* line; Crape and Love Veils; Crape Collars and Sleeves; Crape Trimmings and Buttons, Taffeta Silks, without gloes Ac., Ac. |my 6 J WARD, BURCHARD A CO. LINEN GOODS. HUfl WILLIAM bllKAli would respectfully invite the attention of the public to his assortment of Rich Damask TABLE CLOTHS and Damask NAPKINS, Extra 10-4 Damask and Tabie DIAPERB; hup. HUCKABACK* 3 , Bird’s Eye aud scotch DIAPER; Sup. 4-4 Irish LINENB end LONG LAWNS; Extra 12-4 Linen SHEETINGS Extra Heavy iiUCKABAUKb for Bathing Towels; Furuiture DIMITIES, of Extra width and quality; German and Domest e COTTON FRINGES, a large as sort me a- ; with a great variety of other suitable for the present season. Jel-dtwaw BUMMER BILES AT UNPRECEDENTEDLY LOW PRIUEi. WILLIAM BHFAII has this day marked his LA DIES’ SUMMER DRESSBILKS at unprecedently low prices, and would respectfully invite the public to examine he assortment. jeifi-dtwaw NEW MANTILLAS. .t.AANDhU 4s WKH4HT have just received a A complete assortment of SPRING MANTILLAS, of the very latest styles, and in great variety of colors, to which they invite attention. mh22-daw EMBROIDERIES. GLOVE* AC. SWISB and Cambric COLLARS; Swiss and d>. CHxMIZETTES; Mull Swi.-a and Cambric BANDS; Hail Swiss and Oambr c EDGINGS and INSEKTING9; Alexander’s Kid GLOVES; do. do. Stitched Silk GLOVES. Just received and lor sale iow by &P 6 DICKEY A PUIBBB. 12-4 LINEN SHEETINGd, OV SUPERIOR QUALITY, just to hand, and for sale by [mhß] WARD, BURCHARD A CO. ATKBATIO*, K ROW-NOTH IN 448!—We have received ou r invoice of Knaw-Nothing HANDKER CHIEFS, to which we call yonr a tention. jeW WARD. BURCHARD A 00. KiW 100D8: SEW OOOS8! AT T. DUNHAM’S, (sCOCtasOB TO 1. K. BANOBCIT.) CASK 4-4 Boft finish Long CLOTH, 10 cent*; cue 4-4 Gingham MUSLlN,lOcenta; 80 Siik PARAS 01*, *1.50. worth *4.50; 100 pieces Musqaito GAUZE, at 50c., very cheap; 50 dozen Linen TO WE.*, *l, great bar t ain; 55 •• » ** $1.50 per dci. great bargain; Cue Furniture FRINGES, at low prices, marked down; All the fast Colored PRINT*, eel lug at Ik* to lOcq All the fast dol'd GINGHAMS, leiimg at H>s to locq Particular atceuiun is called to these Goods, aa they wLI be sold low. also, The entire suck of DRESS GOODS in HDSLINS, BA REGBB, ORGANDIES, TIBeCES, Ac., Ac., will be «old at New York coat, to make room loi Fall stock, jyl Nest doer to flanJc of Augusta. MERTNQB ARP DELAINES AT VERY LOW PRICES. Y-rru IIA VI KHKAB will sell bis present large stock W clST“'* MERINOS and all Wool DELAINFB at very low prices. Ths arrortment ernbraMrs o-,,. v - r ev of E*v» *s or Lade- and Children a Presses. iiSf, I Vnp"ior r Welsh, Gau« and Silk Warp FLANNELS. jylS--. EKB2OI DRRIEB» LACES AC., BROOM * ROUUKL.L, would respectfully (all at tention to their Terjr beantifui assortment of French Worked COLLARB, Gu-pure, Aupasae and Breakfast COLLARS; Mines French V. orked do.; Breakfast SETTS; Riding HABITS ana SLtfcTßfl; Mourning COLLARS tnd SET PS; Mnsiin SLEEVES, Ssriss and Jaconet TRIM MINGS, FLODNCINGb and BANDB. ALSO) Thread EDGINGS. Linen and Lisle LACES, Dotted LACE VEILB; Colored BARS6EB and TISSUES, for Veils; Figured Swiss MCSLINg: Fain Striped and Checked NAINSOOK and MULLS; Linen Cambric HA NDKERCHLEFS, all qualities, styles and price*. mhM MOURNING GOODS. A i KTtFIIKK <fc WRIOBT hare received a fall assortment of Ladies’ DREisS GOODS, for Mourning. Lupin's Summer BOMBAZINES and CHALLES; Lapin’s Mack BEBAGRS, all qualities; Black MAROCIS-E ano GRENADINES; jaconets and muslins; Mourning GINGHAMS and PRINTS Mourning COLLARSIand. SEITS; Sto JuffiMg^redSilk PARASOLS and Ladled Aii L o I ?^hicE l wiu'be sold at low price*, »nd they inrite the attention of purchasers. gp2l-dAw " hew goods. Ward, BL’Bt’HABD * CO. are now receiving large additions to their stock by every steamer, of all is new, eiegant and useful, In the way of DAY GOODS, to which they respectfully ask attention. Then price* u> cash and prompt paying buyer* will be such as cannot fail to give sutttfaottua. mblX BUSINESS CARDS. FR'*FTBSTONAL AND BUHIN EBB not rxeeed <! sixß-'-v - n«ertedrnj«r♦S'. v v ! ;. he *• f i ** Ui_, .»> ds exceeding »ix -a . , wr *be tln.c ' tet ret me. BLA LOCI k WHIG HAM, A TTOHNhVb AT ty, Georgia, will promptly a tend to any business entrusted to th j -r oare in the solo ing counties, vis: P*-yette, Henry, Fultor, D. Kalb, Cobb, Campbell, C«r job, Heard, Coweta, Troup, Meriwether, Pik»: and Spafd J 6 BLAIiOOK * Room L. Whiohah . . PHILLIP B. KOBJJTiOS, A^.c^“ V th Alr LAW - «r«M.boro’ f G«., will «fc»_wwnti«. of Greena, Patß»m, Ogle tnorpe, T.iiitfarro, H.ococt, ttiltesonJ Warren. Jvl» CirßVKvn.,? 004 * * TDI-HJt, S °' VIL KNGiNHERS, will at o rkd or oioL 7°’’ D U ‘ e ' r P r '-'*“*'°n ia Bictimoad, mo‘iV o. w'l?" I'’ 1 '’- OrO«. .oft.t Rno *oj throuhj the fi23Sr~s- at lni ** d tilate. Hotel, o IiItMIAL NOXiUii. 4 offer * hl * P'otcaMon.l service, to theuuse-sof August* and viusuity. He has in his a” skfilas a laumui Dentist. He can aka> give « number of the bnt m couth Carolina as reference Office ov" tfiyonicle * Bentinel office, Bro.d-stree,. m ,ct> 3m R 8. JKIICH, ATTORN It VAT law, taironre, ooell count, Geo., wiU collect claims promptly, r g i Te . m me . late notice ol tneir oolieciion. Proiessioca. .camess ai ended tom Campbell, Payette anj tae ajj-a-nmr coo toes of the blue Ridgt and uowetn circuits. ;, -qaw S. K, a W. H. AARK, ~ A™** K\B AT LAW, No. 5, Warren Block.— We have this day associated ourselves together .n the practice of Law and Equity, under the aoove name and style, and will attend to ad ba£ue& entrusted tc ua in the Middle District. BAMI EL SIBERT KERR, Auguste, Feb. 1, 1655. WILLIAM HENRY KERR. apl? p. c. Ljnttsroit, Attorney at law, camesviiie, us., wi practice tn the counties ol Madison, n.ioert and Hart, of the Northern, an i Franklin, Jackson, Rabun, Haber* sham and Hall of the Western Circuit. KariajtKuitt*. Col. W. L. Mitchell, ksq., Athens, - s. C.Peeples, Ksq., Gabriel Nash,E»q.,of Dan etsvilie,Ga. Col. 13. F. iiardemaii,Lexington,u a. Samuel Freeman, Esq., Newnan, Ga. Col. Hopkips Hoisey, Amerlcus, Ga. mhß-w Ly JAMES F. MALONE, ATTORWKY AT Is A \V, Auguste, Ga. Office on Washington-street. m no-da wkin* JR. HENRY 8. BACON HAV' 'A *■ returued to the city. tendvra iua Profeartonai ■ hk rv‘.: ta toe oitiseai of Augusts and vicinity. Os- • ovt>f the store of Messrs. Thayer A Butt, where he can j always be sou id, when not profess'onaliy engaged. i Refers, oy pei mission, to Dr.l. P. Garvin, Dr. Joseph A. h«e O;>. H. H. Cumming, Meurs. A. J. IT. W. Miller, ■ Jncksou, Eao. inLlk-bm j S T W NUNS k HUNTER, 4 iTOR/ifikis AT LAW, LawrenMTiUe,Oa. The *V term for whioh the undersigned and J. N, Gler.a, Jr.,Ks.;.,agre.ju .y pract .ein ( ,- k Ua«. cv pireu on the Ist ult.,he has aasociated with rum for u.e present year, JAMES Li. iIONTO, Esq., and solu'<r,s foi j the new firm a share of public parrona. e. JAULL f. ttlil Lawrenceville, January 29,1855. lebl-tf JObJi S. SALS, ATTOBNET AT LAW, August*. Go., first dooi ab-iv. State Bank. jaBD-d2w»wtl abkold house, ailaiia. (letiMKSI C TUI CITY HOTKL.) jalß-w6t JO-iN T. ARNOLO, Proprietor. T. MoOimutl, Charleßton. | B. M. Hooau, Chattanooga. HoCAEKKY * HOOKE, COTTON FAIITOUd, COMMISSION AND ICE WARDING MERCHANTS, Brown’. Wharf, Charles ton, H. 0., will attend promptly to tho sale of ali Country Produce and Mauuiacturea, to the Receiving and .’or warding of Ireight, and to the filling ol orders in this market. Refer, to James Hope, Esq., Augusta, Ga.; SUephero, McCreery A Co., charleston, B. C. jal7-twa^llm PHUKIZS * CLATTON, WABKHOLBK ANU COMAIIIdEION MER CHANTS, Augusta, Ga. HEHIOT A PETIT, NOTAHIKB, AVERAGE ADJUSTERS AND VCi. WARDING AGENTS, Charleston, s. 0. j.i4-dire POPE A WEfiOS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Washington, Ga., nil practice in the oounties comprising the Northern Circuit, and Columbia of the Middle Circuit. All business entrusted to them wiil receive prompt at tention. Albxamdbb Popb, Jn. | Jonn B. We me. jy99 PAUL T. VILLEPIGt K, PACTOBAND COMMISSION AND FORWARDING i; MERCHANT, Accommodation Wharf, Charleston 8. 0., sells Cotton, Grain, Floor, Bacon, and all other arti oles of Produce. IStrict and prompt attention given to the Fo • warding of Goods and Produce. Reference—Messrs. D’Antignac, Evans A Co., Angus Geo* jeS-3m UKEINkR N UAKkNEbS, BVOOIB 808 B •»> WILLIAM 8. OBtofll COTTON ANDOKNEUALCOMMIBBION MKR CHANTS, 65 North Water-st. and 42 N. Philadelphia. Wm. M.Grbinm. | Wb. W. UiKiciße. ap22 LAW. EDW. YOUW« HILL, after thirteen years experi ence on the Bench, has reamed the practice. Lt* Grange, Ga. p lP"*y JO|4JS xiLLB¥, ATTORNKY AT LAW, Crawfordville, Ga., wil practice in the counties of Taliaferro, Warren and Hancock of the Northern Circuit, and tho county < i Greene of the Ocmuißee Win. WAKiKV HABERSHAM, GKNBBAL COMMISSION MBBCHANT, No.k Warren Block, Augusta, Ga. Prompt and particular attention given to all consignments of COTTON, RK-h, f LOUR, GRAIN, and all kinds of Country Produce. RarasMOas —-bavannah —Messrs. R. Uabcrsl ni A Son N. A. Hardee A Co., Mr. W. Woodbrfdt* . Augusta— Me.itr., Carmichael A ilea., .Joyr, hlr. 1. A An.ley. New-York—Mr. Goo. k, ..Seaman, Mr. a W Bleeckor, Mr. J. B. Haber ap9-6m C. B. STEOTHEB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lincolnlon, Georgia. dls-ly W. L. MAHLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, jefferaon.Jackaonconnty Georgia. Ranmaiioiß—S. WaUon and M. Witt, Eaqrs., Jefferacn; D. W. Spence and W. J. Peoples, Esqra., Lawrenceville; ind M"orWh.m.~VS l Sl?. e e,‘gAS?«fc» Alt ‘ ep ‘i Law CALHOUN A STONE, ATTORWK-8 U UVV. Atlanta, Georgia. Jab. M, Oalhouh, Amhubst W. Stokb. dBl-8m " JAKES r. BXIO, ATTORNEY at LAW, Orawfordsville, Geo., will practice iothe couutie. or Taliaferro, Greene, JHan cock, Warren and Wilkes. d/-6m» CBBBTBB * CO., (At C. A. L. Lamar’s comer Drayton and Bryan-ct*.) IT'ACTOR* ANO COMMI*ti!ON MERCHANT*, i' Savannah, Geo. Wa. W. Onasvco. I Jouh B. Sins. D95-dtw"V SIMS * CHEEVEIi, I.IAVTORB AND OOMMSSSION MEHCUANTM ’ Apalachicola, Yla. Jobs B. Sma. I Wm. W. Oiumvu. n36-dtw.'V HILLER <® HAiVl)k'!J/, ATTORNEY* AT LAW, Waynesboro’, Go. Be- Icra to Meaora. A. J.A T. W. Miller, ol Auguste, end Messrs. Ward AOwena, ofhavancah. nil f ihw’l WILLIta J. DOUeiiEBTS, ATTORKSIY AT LAW, Neernan, Ueueta coohtj Geo., will practice Id all tho ooanUeeef tha t.'cwet; Circuit. N, B. Spcoial attention paid to tha collecting practice. NewnaD, Geo., September 1?th,1953. JOHN c. t’AMfIIUHAEL. COMMISSION SSBRLHAMT, Aurasia, Ga., r!l attend to tho sale of Produce of a!! kinds, consigner t» him. sifw K. R. HUNT, ATTORNEY AND ( OOWgiILLO . T LAW and General Land Agent for G ilmer coonty. killjoy, Gilmer coanty, Geo. mar S-l JOLSii'll WASHES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WarrintOD.On., wdiprao tice in Warren and tha adjoining coantios. Specie attention given to foreign claims. iattS-ly* i. A. A*SLBlf, (Latt 'jf m- Firm oj Seymour , Ansley <ft Co.) CIBNBBAL UOM24IBBION AUD i'itODUCB Y KIRCH A NT, Augusts, Georgia. Office od Broad gtreet. opposite Bank of Brunswick. FULTON HOUSE, ATLANTA, HA. aplfi-tf BY A. I, REIVES. a. OAMPBBLL. | J. W. OAUT. CAMPBELL ft GAUT, GBNKBAL i'ItOOLVH AUUXTB, for the pur chase, sale and shipment of all kinds of East Tennes see Produce, such as Bacon, Lard, Butter, Flour, Wheat, Corn, Oas, Fruit, 4c., Knoxville, Tenne&seo. (Warehouse—At the River.) f!6-tf A CHANCE TO MAKE MONET ! PROFITABLE AND HONORABLE EMPLOYMENT ! THE subscriber is desirous of having an agent in each county and town of the Union. A capital of from 5 to $lO only Will be required, and anything like an efficient, energetic man can make from three to five dollars per day , some of the Agents are realising twice that sum. Every information WiU be given by addre°sing, with a stamj to pay return letter. WM. A. KINoLIK, außs-wlt* Bex 1289 Philadelphia Pa„ Poatc ffica. PUBLIC NOTICE. HBURMAN, CLAUKK A CO.*B (late Roshtoh Clabx 4 (J 0.,) Genuine COD LIVER OIL, for Cor sumption, Bcrofula, Ac. The late firm of Riushtoo, Glaik 4 Co. being dissolved by the death of W. L. Kushton, (the only Rushton ever connected with the llm) their Genuine COD LIVER OIL will In future be prepared only by HEG k- MAN, CLARKI 4 CO., surviving partners and sole sue* eeesors. Be particular In ordering to specify fleveman, Clark 4 Co., (or RuahtoD, Clark 4 C 0.,) as it was Mr. Clark, and not Rushton, who for the past seven yesrs ha/' superintended its manufacture, and is the only Druggist who ever went from the United tates to Newfoundland for that purpose, an t since Mr. Rushton’s death there bos been an article called Rushton’s Oil introduced, which it In no way connected with Ruston,Clark 4 Co.—or liege* man, Clark 4 Co.; and as success in its use depends U”on its purity, too much care cannot be taken to get the gen uine. Thousands who had been taking the Oil of other makers without success, have been restored to health by the pure Oil of our manufacture. H EGEMAN, CLARKE 4 CO., Chemists and Druggists, New-York, gold by HAVILAND, RISLEY 4 CO., Agent* for Augusta, audo ; ruggists generally. rohU-dAwly KINGSVULE HOTEL AND RAILROAD HOUB2. IT is with pleasure we acknowled e the most liberal gfa patronage btstcwei upon thisEstablishmentsince JK* in operation ; and at t: e name time so icit a cjntini ance ; also, like /avors from the traveiiog community generally. This Hotel is at the junction of toe Wilmington k Man chester and booth Carolina Rai.-oads. Breaxla ts, Din ners and Supper at aJI times ready on the arrival of the cars. This house!a new, built wi bin the past year, on the modern plan of Hot Is, well arranged, and tarnished entire with new Furniture—lodging r xxns surpassed by none. The public may rely upon finding at this Establish ment accommodations not only equal wit other houses on the line of Railroad* in Uds country, but will a.so com- Dare favorably with the best Hotel* in our cities. * WM. E. WHJIELO'JK. gup t. Klcgaville, P. C-, Juiy 81,1&S6. _ augß 8w WELCH to GRIFFITHS’ SAWS. PATENT ground. HAVING purchas'd from Mr. Wm. Boutbwell his patent r ght fo* Circular and other BAWB, fj t which we have paid him a large sum, aou we are the sole proprietors of this patent, we will reward any person giving information of infria ementa on the same. Tks i* the only Machine ever invented that *ill grind a Saw perfect y even in thickness. They wiii requ;re lew sett—wii* not heat while running—will saw tmcoih—save lumber—and keep an edge longer than any other saw* male—and are oot liable to become untrue. All oir Saws are made lr ,m an extra quality of Cast Steel, imported expressly for our own use, at mu;h higher cost than generallytafcsdfor bavb. . _ . We respectfully inform aU manufacturers cr Lumber, that no baw wiU be sect from this e tabttshmehi tut what is of superior s’ed and workmanship ; the temper wi 1 be found more even and uni u>rm than any baw in use. Orders rtsdved by CARMICHAEL k bEAN, Augusta, Ga. [jyfcij WE’ OH k GRIFFIIiiS. DANA A WASHBURN, (auccsseo* e to) WASIIBDKN, WILDER A CO., FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, bavann&L, Ga. Joseph WasHBCEJf, Special i Ibla a. G. Dana, j Genera Johx R. Hiujkm Partners, j H. K. WaxHacaX, J Partn’s WILL cont nue the above business at 114 Bay street east of the Exchange. Orders for Ragging, Ro:e , and other supplies filled promptly at icwestca*h price*. jyßl 6m SUM Dill KB. —800 boxes Adamantine and Sperm CANDLES, 100 ; oxea SOAP, 50 cegs SODA, 60 bbls. VINEGAR, 100 M BEGARfI, all grades. For sale by my 13 BAKER, WILCOX k CO. L'BKgU tot of Gent*. Fine BOOTS, just received by JO mb | ULARJLB A ROYAL* PUBLIC SALES. •' = »». «»* *“ »’> *»• ti» o. t* UoW. n onTMirs lay, fejl'i, rt »v or \- p "i. « , „ ' «»»»•»“« ",' a <> •> »oday, «i »i° tb/uui*! ft sa e, until cfteed, the following prope- y via- t ho'd and Silrh FarO’tßre 5 theC £’al t £ consisting o' Be'is, Bid ling, Mattn 3. « PijW s T , • »tera,lie st.'ad*,Co’s, Oha.r ,Tables, s<* a w,‘ Otr-e - tber articks usually found in afirat-cUis Ho*cl r c , cc V ; . and glassware, 1 »*»k nggla ■.*§, kitchen u*. n ila- a p'V Boom Fix.ure?, Counters, Deleters,tttgs, <tc.’, and'o .1 • articles not here enumerated ; also, a bm dir g used • Bow ing AWy, and 1 other email ici d r.g : l<*t;edon a <. u?- p'oppcrty of Da ie 1 Oh to satisfy aund. y ftfos. on !c\e coaure of mortgage issued from the Inferior Ocur’ Richmon county in favor«. f Charles A. Platt gan* Jcnn W.fcpea- and Charles P. Mr.Oal a, Cr as. A. plait vs. Jthc W. bpear, snd Chaa A. Platt vs. John W. Bpear; a*c.tc satisfy afi fa. issued from the Inferior Court of fiicf.m d county in favor of Eleakiu L. Bodes ag&i st Daniel ona. Aforesaid popertj described in the mortgage A las. Terms if sa’e, by sojsent of parties, as follow* r l sums under $-0 , otsh; over and un er ah ' a' & days; over $5 0,2 J days credit, with approved en.tpr u notes. WM. DokL*, l). therit. August 9. 1565. Rli HMI’ND bHKRIFF'B • A LB.—Will ce *ui , on he Asi Tuesday iu tEPI'KMb H n.-xt, t t •- Lowe 1 M rket House is he city of 4 tgusta, wiitv.c e legal of ?a'e, the following property, via: All th 10. of Land si uate lying and being in the cd; > Augusta county of Richmond ard : tar • of Gtorg if, Tw:ggs-street, and know asLotho *4, nd •. ouo.it . . • lha North • y Lot No. 7h,Jsast by Lot No 104 and Let ' o. 15, routh by Lot No 18, aad West by iwg . -atreel a-u having a front of 49 fe.-ton Tw ggs street, aid ruonij ba.-k to -he West boun ;ary -i e of Lots >o. 104 and jJft taid Wes. boundary line ington street as will more lu ly apr ear by refe e . n. .1 pUt made t y YVi lam Pniflips for ihe City Councilol aa gusta, and rec rded in the i lerk’s Office Eupe.ioi uti of Richmond county, in r ook GG, fd.ii > Si. aid 1 t?t as re-aid having bee iconveyed to the said Mary h. • y George Lvers, by deed bearing date 24th August, I?>2, and recorded in Clerk s Office Superior Ci urt, Book Li so iokli and&lft. Also, all that otte Lot of ian I wt. theiicprovi meats th reon, tiuate .n the »ity county at. State aforesaid, on the east side of Mclntosh ftnet nM the south side of Ca houn-street, bounded on the we'•toy Mclntosh street, and having a front on said street cl • feet, on the n .rth by Calho n-street, and having a r-j:-- 03 s.t d street of liu feet, on the east and south • y ots l Abner P. Robertson, aud having a iront of lOOieet 1 each of said lots ; the ;aid la -t mentioned lot havinc been sold at.d conveyed by Abner P. Robert 1 n to 1. e said Mary E. Mahafity s;h May, Levied on as the property of Mary E. Mahaffey tosa’isy a A. fa. on lor. closure of issued fr ru the Superior Cou:t o Richmond county in favor of Abner P. ho rertson a tin . Mary E. MehaCey. Ihe a oresai i property descrieeu : said mortgage A. la., and levied on this 25th dny of jU./ Ibts. WiLLLAM L'OkLL. D. Sh 11. July 27,1855. KICUMOAU hIIKHIFf oCLh.—Will be si u,cn the fir t Tuesday in baPPEaiBE.a next, at the ccw er Maiket Llco ein the illy of Augusta, wiJiti t hourrf of sa.e, the foil »wiug prop . ty. **, All that into | Laud known a*» No. 80 on Rabord'a plan, having u frert | of 80 feet on Joneo aireet and running throuyh 187 feet .0 ! Reynold street. Tbe aioreeaid desenfcwd proper,y ly rg j and being ir the city of Augusta and cowry and i*se . aforesaid . as tie property of dames Ha, <r andWiliian ier .0 satisfy su .dry A. fab. ssued t m ihe or Oviuit of Aichm.vd county iu favor c tl. • Ci aßuk, tkr Bank of tne Bttt< of Geo. . h, a ti e i Ban of ii» r< .3 ih, stgalosi ’.-.me* Harper and Wicua. 1 Harper, 'the ioovoproper cescribed by cef } and levied on thisCsh dir 01 May, 18W. The afor.s. i - ! d -critrt. . perty sold >t the riakol the former purchaser, I 11 hubs'. tiled to comply a ith the terms of the lerm.r 1 aa -. WILLIAM LO VLB, D. theiili ! 1 ->65 % | ? 1 ali MUi\U HHKUIi-E'« -W » t a bo d j oonci jiaisci-uuuse in iu4 city oi Aiiguam, wuiuu uc legal ho-ra of sale, the following property, vn : That lot or parcel of Land ini ho city of Ausus.aand ciun cl Richmond, bonded North by Bay-stretT, last uy thy churchyard of Bt. Paul’s Chuch, Louth by Ueyuold-stuet. and West by Warthouses occupied at the time of nr.t rt gngiDg by Dye * tleaid,and Heard .4 Dav a>r, aaving a front on ca.h of said streets of eighty- ix feet more o less. Levied on as the property of i». Ribenscr to satisfy a fl. fa. on forec oaure of Mortgage, issued 10m the buperior Ci.u* t of Richmond coui.ty in favor oi the Mechanics' Bank, against Elijah L) The it ore said property < escribed in said Mortgage A. fa., and levied on this 26th day 0/ July, 18'5. July 2i, 1855. WIbLIAM DOVLK, Dp’y BL‘fl. Richmond subiuff’h halk.-w.l be sold, on the Ar t Tuesday in OCTOBER text at the Lower Market House ic the city of Augusti, wi'hin the legal hours of sale, the iOllowing property, to wi:.; F t ny, a woman of darx complection, about 50ye.:rs old Lcui it, a woman of yell w complection, about 45 wears of age Frank, a boy of yellow ccmplcction, about' b yean old. Also, Household and Kitchen iurniture, vis; 1 piano and Btool, 1 sufet, 1 dining table, 1 tea tab.e, 8 bureaus, 8 bed steads, a pier table, 1 dosen chairs, 1 locking < hair, > carpets,2 rugs, 1 Bmall card tab.e, l sea her bed, fix nat tnsses, 1 trundle bed mat trass, 1 couch and mattrass, » sideboard, 6 pairs andirons, 5 se:ts shovtls aud tongs, ; lot t rockery, 8 book-cases, w»tti about ‘<oo voiumeo-, ll<t kitchen furnitur , 8 pairs card'.esticks : Levied on a* t. e property of John R. Dow, 'o satisfy a fl. fa. on ioreclosuv cf mortgage is.ued fiom the Inferior Court o RichmoLd county in avor of William P. Carmichael and Joseph 8. Dean, against John R. Dow. The aforesai properiy de sc r ibdd in said mortgage fl, fa.on foreclojure, and levied this 27th day of Juiy, 1855. July 29,1855. WILLIAM DOYLE, D. Sheriff* Richmond sheriff' -* half.—win be sold, on the flrst Tues Jay in OCTOBE < next, wit in the legal hours of sile, at the Lower Market H- use,.in the city of Augusta,the foiowi g proi er y, via: All that tract or parcel of Land containing twelvts acres, more or less, lying and being n Die county of Richmom , bounded byJohnMcDade on lie one sice, Coj:lo on the otht r bide, Twiggs cn the other tide, and on the other. L vie 1 on as the property of OsweVl E. Ca-bin, Administrator of Rtuben B».als, de eased, t> sa isty a A fa on l .ec esure of mortgage, issued from the Buperior Co .rt of Richmond county in favor oi Hilary D. Fra* n r, Assignee, against Cs weli E. Cashin, Administra cr of Beebeu B*.ab, deceive . The aft re aid p operiy described in said Merigagj fl. fa,, an levied ou this 20th day of Augutt, '655 Au. ust 22, 1866. WM. LOYL , Pep’y Fh’iT HART hHRRIFF’H HALF.—Wi Ibe sold, on the Crot Tuesday in SEPTEMBER nixt, within the legal hours of sale, the fol'owing property, t.» wit; one tract of Lard ccntaioing one hundred acres, *h reon Griilin Da ey cow iives, adjoining lands of I itt.‘e ton B*. el ten, Richird ba'ey and others ; levied on as th ■ pr j ei ty of Grist n Daley to satisfy ;hres fi. fas i.sa< d from th Ju.'i tices Court of .helll2»h dL. G. M. in favor oi Jam u s F. WbitJ and others. Pioperty pointed cut ly Janes White. 1 evy made and returned to me by Thomas Vick ers, con tabie. ALbO, At the fame tin-e and place will be sold, Bixty-rix acres of Lauu, adjoTing lands of Burt .n E. Rui ke ,J ires B. Geiaes aud other : lev ed on as th* pro; erty of r' j h Gunter to sat s y flve fl. fas. issued iron, the Justice’s C urt of 1114th dis.G.M. in favor of JHurrei Bobo. 1 ro perty pointed cut by E. Gunter, levy made and returned to m.. by Thomas L.Stowe:*, constab.e. ALfcO, At the same lime and place, w'll be sold Fi f tv Acres of Lend, rdjoining lands of Robert T. Gaines f>r.d cth'is: levied tu is tb.~* pro ir.> 0/ Win D. Barron to a A. fa. issued from ihe Justice’s Court of the 198 h r<i?. G. M in favor of Wm. M. Lobo and sundry others. Pro ps' typ int*d utby Wm. D Barren. Levy made and returned to me by 1 hou. L. 1 towers, con stab e. Augu t 1,1355. WM. VERB, HerifT. ELHKRT bHFHIFF*G HALF.—WiII be toll, before the Court house do in Eib»»rton, B’bert O'unty, on the first Tuesday in BEPiJS VIbER u.-xi, the fol.owi a pro perty to wit: A large quant ty ot unfin hed wok, «■ n sisting of 8 Bockaway», 81 Bnggy bod ei; the ruuni g g« a of a l .arge numbe cf Rcckawsys, Buggies and C*»r rbges, some of whioh a e incomplet , including Wheels, Tongues,S ialts, Swingle Trees, Dick y am rear Leap, Buckets, Brushes, and one Paint-Grinder. 1a e Trim mer's Tools,Trinming Material, Leather lump, lot ct Leather, and lot o d Harness. Two setts Blacksmith Tools; large lot the* t, Bar, Tyre aud other Iron; ter* we, Tapi and Bolts ; one lot old bpri gsand loost; fron. Lour or five 'arge and veil a sorted tetts of Toflkn, selected ler n Carriage Mi-nufactoiy, toge her with a vari .ty of j ut terns. L'eak, T.able and o'her Furniture of efflee. Lo* 1-ose material an t Lumbe ; four btovee and 0 e 1 ew Rockaway. ihe Carriage ar,d Blacksmithßh f p a a lot whereon the same is situated, in the town of E burton, ad joining the Metfiouisi Churt h Let and lots belonging *o Wm. A. Hmilh, containing ihree fourihs fan acre, I re or less: Levied in as the properly of John i>J. (Jurt'\ Virtue of aU. fa. fr m Elbeit -upe/lor Court n f ver of George W. Allen vs. sa : d John M. Curtis and sundry ot er fi. f&3. Bale to continue from day to day until all is s iJ. July 28. 1855. AIARUN BOND,Lhen ._ OULbI'HUIiPK HHriIUFF’B WALK.—WiII beno’d before the Court House door in tho town of Lesley* ton, Oglethorpe county, within the legal hours of er! , on the first Tues ay in BEPTEMBER next, a Negro v.otnan named Retry, of biaok complexion, and about 20 yc-»ro of age. Hold as the property of William Wray to soV.ify two fi. lap. from the inferior Court of said county ngrl-.*t the said Wray; one in favor of McLaren A Landrum lor the use of, and the other in favor of Hill, Moss k Co. Pro** perty pointed out by defendant. August, a, 1565. f. M. BMITII, D. filler iff. OULhTHUm'K HIIbRiPFH HALE v.ill be sold, b* fore the Court House door In the .own of L- x- Inglon, Oglethorpe couDty, between the anal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in t-EPTEMBER, Ihe folltwl g property, to wit: one lot of Setd Cotton, supposed to be live or six thousand pounds. All levied on as the proper ty of Gairiel W. Grimes, to satisfy a fi. fa fronOg'elhoue Superior Court, in fav r of Geor r eß. GUmer, vs Gatriel W Grimes and Allen Gcolesby, Security. July 80,1865. W. H. P. iIAYNJB, Fhcriff. OULKTHORPK 8H KUIFF’H 8 ALU.- Will be r .Id, oa the 11 sc Tuesday in SEPTEMBER n xt, before the Court-house door in the town ot LexingtoD, Ogletb rpj county, whh n the legal hours of sale, the following pro perty, to wit: A Nrg.o Woman by the name of Wmuy: Levied on as the prt perty of liar ison G. Lane to satisfy t< n fi. fas. issued from the Justice's Court of the 827 h district G. M. of rail ouniy. Ail of sai l fi. fas in favor of Sans me APittard vs Harrison G. Lane, principal, a- d John Coussons security og stay of executions. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Property po nteu out by H. G. Lane one of the defendants. An net 4, iB6O. F. M. SMITH, D Sh«rifl. X2j Tue.v ay in SEPTEMBER next, before the Court house door in Elbert county, one Negro Woman, named Polly, about 60 years old; one note of hand on James A. Clare, for twenty-tnree dollar*, and one Lote on James A. Clarke and Wm. A. Beck, balance of principal, $174; one fi. fa. against Thomas F. Adams for $21.28. Sod as the property of the eßtate of Picket Shiflet, er., deceased. Terms will be made known on the day of sale. June 20, 1856. _ _ AN PERSON « =R A FT, 2 ’r. ADMIN IHTBATOit’S HALM.—Wid be sold, on the Amt Tuesday in SEPTEMBER next, be'ore the Court House door in Carroll county, agreeaoly to an order of the of Ordinary of Muert county, lot of Land No. 251, in the 11th district of Carro l c- unty, containing 2 Acres. Sold as the pro; erty of the Estate of Iho jJ’H C. Wilhight, deceased, .ate of Elbert countv. Terms at sale. DAVIS ARNOLD, Adm’r. July 8,1855. "POSTPONED^ ADM IJVIHTRATOR’B HALE.—By virtue of an order of the honorable the Ordinary of Lincoln coun ty, will be sold at Liucolnton, in said county, on the first Tuesday in OCTOBER next, betwetn the legal hours o eale, two slaves, to wit; Lucinda, a woman a out 32 years of age, and Poly, a woman about 40 ye* s of ige. told as the property of Isaac M. Moragne, deceased, Tor the benefit of the h-irs and creditors of said deceased. Terms—Cre lit until the Ist January next. June2B, 1b55. ALfcX JOHNSTON, Adm’r. GLaHDIAN’B SILK—V/ili be sold at he house door in Waynesboro’, Lurie tounty, on the first iutsday In OCTOBER next, a Negro AJan name. Nelson, be'onging to J. W. Segor,a m’ r or. S 1J iu pur suance of an order of the Ordinary of Burk oaacty. Ju'y 11 1*55. HQ. EAII B CATES, Oturd’p. a lAHUIAk’a HALE.- By virtue of an "order from Us the honorable the Court o'Ord nary of Linncoln coun tv, will be :.oid at Lincolaton, in said county, on t e first Tuesday in SEPTEMBER n.xt, between the legal hours of sale, the following propert to wit: Charlott, a negro woman, aboul thii ty-tive years old; Amelia, a girl, thir teen .ears oil; Mariah, a girl, eleven y ars old; and Sarah, eight years old ho das the prop rty of John YV. and Mary E. deotiey, minors of Benjunin D«-n fey. t old for;nj aid minors. Terras on the dav of a*,e. BENJAMIN BENTLEY, Guardian. July 21, i. . it A I Oll’B HALE.—WiII be sold on the il - -2*lay in OCTOBER next, at the Market House;:. tn town of iooisvii e, agreeably to an order of theCofto* G-dnary of Jeffeison county, 234 acres of Land in said c me«.y, adjoining lands ot Wiliam Stone, James J. Brown, Benjamin M. Perdue and James Mat thews. SjM a,i be proper yof th estate oi WilhamSU p etou,la’e of Jefferson county, decon'd. Ter ids on he da-. JOHN H. STAP-EiON, Adm’r. July 24,1855. _____ ADMIMwTKATOU’B BAI.K.—By virtue of ac or der of the honorable Ordinary of t.iumb a coon y, wid be told at Appling, in a*id count ,on the first 1 ues day in NOVEMBER next, between the usual hours of sal*, the following property, vix: one tra t of Land cont< »p'r:g oDeh «ndrel acres, more «. r lea**, a joirir g lan .a of flurry Winfrey and othes. bold as he p'' perty of John Biniyn fc deceased, for t‘ e benefit of his heirs an • c editors. August 9, INK A. M CRAWFORD, Ar’m’r. ADMINIHTKA'IOK’B HALF..-By yfa lue of an or oer from the honorable the Ordinary of Oolumba county, will be sold at Appli: g, in mid county, on the fir t Tuesday in NOVEMBER cert. oetWt.au the usual fc of e»le, one »ract of Land containing 700 acres, more or less, a joining lands of Blanc bar , Eabmks, and Mrs Lamkn; .. so/ 'ikely youDg Negro?s, or so much thereof ai wi.i satisfy the creditors of Lscstel Beed, deceas d. fold as the property of Esekiel Reed, late of said county. T.rms cash. A. M. OKAWrOIiD, Adm’r. August 9, 1556. ADJUMIfeTKAIOK’S HALK—WiII be sold, on the first Tuesday in OCTOBER next, before tte Court House door in Elbe? t county, agreeably to an erder of the Court of Ordinary of sail county, one tract of Land con taining ¥.ve Hutdred and Twenty-five Acres, more cr leSr, cn Yann’d creek, adjoining lands of Joseph Bucker, Peter Alexander, William B. Wh.te, and otheis, in hloert county, bo dasthepropertyoftaetauieof Josephbla.*- we 1, Br., deceased. Terms will be mr.de known on the cay of sale. JAd. J. BLaCKWELL, Adra’r. August 18, POSTPONED GUABDIAVd §ALK—WiII be sold, on the fint Tues ay in SEPTEMBER next, before the Court-house door in Elbert county, agreeab y to an oraer of the Ocurt o. Ordinary of said county, one Negro Boy by the name of Aaron, bold as the property belonging to George T. and W ley L. Gailaway, miners. Terms 'illbtin ,de known cn the day of sale. BUD 0. WALL, Guardian. August 15,1065. J't AKCUOIi’B BALK.-On the firs* T«»« sd * y J," J NOVEMBER next, will be sold, at the Court Hon?* doer in Warreolon, Warren county, six n .l more or les", of vti and Hickory Land, W ‘J“ .„h ont. Dueling House, framed Hitchen, Bmoke f.,;:. building., .1 ti .nutter D.eling tollable lor . ll». There Is about one hundred acres under fence. It adjoins lauds of Johnathan Gun, Wm. M»ys, and Dr Henry Jones, and iasituated one mile acd a biittrom Ch alk The tract Doloogs to the Ejtato of Keddiok ban, late of Warren county, deceased, and ia sold for the bene- CITATION'S FOR LETTERS OS _ i Mi fW» -TP ATfON. risrppn-0.. i'Oi ■> . ■,, Vn r 1 -p,|„ st . ... .tr Me , A... Vi on . Ou tfr - sir-t •of J . F. ie. 11. , , . .... y T/icsen re,therefore, to < nod aduv r -m , nil : gu!ar, thekindrcMand creditors ofsahuleceH'- d appear at my office within tne time pre -ertnen i.y :v.- nd shew cause,if any they ha ye, why sain j,, . be granted. Gi/en under my hand,at in Louisville. J‘- v 27, iSW. NICHGI - linary. • , l, annnh aud'Vil iam F. Ha . ah applies to ice for Letters of Adm ini it r&tmn on theejtate of sh mas lian deceased : anTi l fim Ca i e * tllere^ore » toc * te * summon r.nd admonish be anJa U ar ' tlie hindred, and creditors ol said dec'd.,to aw to a V I>ear ai «y office, within the time prescribed by of Adminia^ J i? att ‘ i< ;’ if uny they haVe » why said Letter* Givenun,i«- ’hould not be grant ed. n-etn Louisville. - SICUOLAa I). kHI, Ordinary. ll'WZSL*™?*™- wu.,* par«.-.n an I propof ,h ” ° '» r “ “ " ti ‘° drrn of Ho», a ua«ls (m R adwilUsm Rawh*, c.;ii •l hete are ineremre o c teT/ V** >e Y S c *’’ • gular, the kin 1r d and Men « r ft ° uu h* a p ‘ * ,a ' at pear at m office, witi.iu') be and a ioV cause, U uu/ih.. h»ve Shv l‘ rt , , f ribj l lie aru uai. ’ * •' *- ,J Wiven uni’er my haml nt ofll B in \, I O I> KU , A \or.Mn,„ K IVMMOA.iI VOt.MV, BA-.lVhH.rr —• I-.C ,rtp lies t. r Leltv ra . "■'* E-ta eof F.e erick li> he . dtceaie : **' ou tL ® . t "r el S rßt ° '•"'-‘‘■""‘•'n.oi.ish ail and sinvu. Ur tb« kindred a; d cnsditoi» ul mid w . c ue • • t appear at my office within the time pre»er.lea ■ v law to show cauae, ilany they have, why aaid letters should ’not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Augmt ■. July 81, 865 LKt-N P. Dl Gkn,*Pr "narv. I ,I< M>io\u oau*.Tv, IVA. ft man ip us or U.tirsof Adminisir.t neiitha Estate of Henry (i. Woli, dece . 1 't hese are therefore to cite and admonish all a d alreu larthek.ndred.iod cieni.Ors of sun. doetiutd, lo t and appearat my office, with n the time i.resc .beu by :aa to show cause, if any tht-j have, »hy said Inters should col be grant d. Given underny h;tnd at office in Aucu-t.i. Ju y 81,1656. iaary. IVICUMONP OfeUilY, 441 . J lu Ikd K. JackbOi appiit* tomufr Letters of Adrniu ara tion on the Estate of M lu '*i. « ami boll dec'd: These art* theTefore to cite and admonish all and singn* l*r, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to t e ami appear at my office, w.Uun ti e time prescribed by i.-,<r v tu show cause, if any they have, why said Detter.'-shou.'. not be granted. Given under my hand at office in A ui»u» Aogu t 2 !555. LEON J. A». ruinary. I,* It HMP»b C«< J T7 7,fJk. ; . fi v , j"' ,V. J Ur, tho kindrt->creditor- , .. ,U V . a...t0 he ind f appear at my offir •• n *nr . ..re d’ .r - to i show chu e, *; «»n> . »aia ‘rtteifc ihet;. * aut ! beurf-uicd. j Oiv .r • der my hand at ufficeiu Atmticfa j august 2i,'3 . IN i. i l a•, Ordinary. ! NOTICES i’U nbii'iAND luitn I’Tons. OTIt’F.-All persons itidebie tto She estate of 0 -#au I *»rat - lsi.* ■■«.. • county, dec*- id, t by notifl* »c. »ktj ■ u ; nod an un.*i<- , JHCfCiIUW U> Id*. V/OU iUlftolia AU, Jul. 29,1866. > OTH’F. — Ml persona indebted totbanUtio 1 ’ Hobbs, la eof Warren coui.ty,d ce;ire- nrp reiv «d to malts imrn di.to payment; and ,h*. t, ,v. St'dvl raands agains.. sam deceased are hereb. notifl, d u. uresauk the ame, duly authenticated, Wiihln the imu ir» by , l W M JBafcKPUKVIB.iI. Ju i 6. 1865. * ri'WO MO-VI Hi, aue- date application wi l I A to the Court of Ordinary of Columbia <Ol Dave to sell lie E* tate b« I u. ing •(i ihe tu • De» ter and J istph 8. Gibbon, deee i. U Jp'yft t i w . a. m Crawford,a • i* >\\ i» iHn a ter dnte ap ioat on w •. S I. to the Ordinary of Columbia COU ty for leny. Real E tate anil . egroes beioi giDg to tne estate o Boston, mte of 6aid county, deceas' d. JOHN BA TON, I . K. W. ABI'ON, j I'WO MO.>Tiib alter date application will be .• i to the Court ol Ordioaiy o E bert county for «v. to s 11 a l the Emus b<lo g>ng to the estate ol G* o v EavcUßon, sr., deceased, late of El* ert c uuty. TUOMAB EAVE.v O 1 . June 20,1855. BEVERLY A I KAB< EY, f AJm n momths after dal* application willtk JL to Court of Oidinary of Warren county, for lei • i sell all the Laad and Negroes belonging to thees . fcu an Granade, deceased, late o h iico nty. July 2f, 18C5. tO-fid BUBG» ANADS, Ath ’* f MOAiTlih after date, application will be i to the Ordinary of Jefferson county, for leave >i the Laiid and Negr es belongin <to the tv late of . » 8. lemlc, deceased. R GEK K. IXON, i . # Jnnc vB. >865. LL U) j. belt, j a,! ijl .Vn IIAVH after date, application will lie util O the Court of Ordinary ole gl orpe county, lur to sell the t longing tot eibtat-.f IV , ii>yaut, late of said county, detea ed 1 . June 2i, 1886. JAM 0 8081 • Id] ; r|A\\o iOAITHo after dat-application wdl be .. ;c 1 JL to the Court oi Ordinary ol u lqthtri-e county . leave oso I a »■ o Woi b nving to tl i William lltnt,'a.o of .-a dcounty, dec a >d Jan. 2 , 1855 b. T. COILTNB, Adn ' ' IX’I V II W’B after date appdottinn will be mu a in k' IhoGuu tot Ordiu ry of Lincoln county, for l«w j e sell the Real Estate of Meriwether »arper, iaa f Lit 'jfc I coiwtv,c-a ed. BAKAii li Aiti'r.U, Adin r June 80,1855. t DAYS after i wilt e ma to ,f hoCou to Or-ioary of It rno - f.uniy for ieaV t> . saUtho Rual Bs tate ng to the minor heirs of ii > , 8. Joins, lateof sai l coon y dec- a ed. , July 1,1b5.> J. W. t oardlia r rWO MOIVTUB afterdate application will be n JL to the Court of Ordinary of * gittborpc county \ leave to ao.l a Neg o buy belong! gto the estate ofAto.*.. 5! c Com moo, I te oLfiaid county d c aa-'l. JttnO St, 18gg. . I.’ It. YOUNG, Aim npiVO MOIVTHB after dae app oatoo wfllb ra A to the C urt of frdi ary cf Gg ethorpe county, leave t sell al the Lands and Negr st belonging t Estate of Benj mm E soei ry, late «.f tnd c u :y, ••e -' July 4 1855. MA - f .-* ■ RR Y, • dm* 1-\kO a**t a vr*4l be ra to ilte Court of Ordinary of Columbia county fbrn toselltheßea Estate of William i u kers y, laie cf .ul cou ty, deoe red. JAB. B NdAn, Adhu’r. June: 2S, 1855. MOMTUfi after dale, application will be q to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Bt \ cour.ty. for Dave t ndl ;h<-eo Negroe , vc. Will, V and Is ac, belonglr g to ill e taU- oi Bryi.nt Qc'nu • e _Ju[y *>. i. - . RHI jttlllkAlißl Lj'lX i V DAYS after date, application t til toe ade O the Cou’-t of Ordinary of .*• o in county, lor Da\ to b«D tbs Real Estate bclo g ng to '.he e-.ato of WiiUal A. Wa lice, late of iatnoo.u c un:y, d ce v e«i. Ji.ly 7, lsts A• Lri d m ,r. w»av*"«*v m after date appliwStlon wm be made to O the Court of Ordmaiy w» % county fur leavu' l to sell the La da belong.ug t j ibe» state ot Peter Branch i 8 ort, i te o f aid coaucy, tceased. , July 7 -V, -DJ; HH UT,A’m»r. r ibU AIO.VfTiH alter da , »opliv .t;ou wi tbe male JL lo the Court of Ordinary of E bert eoun y, for avo ‘ to sell 11 the LANDB belonging to the euaiu of Jtne llignlolo hum,decease', late o’ ibt-rt c u ty [ July 11, Jtjli.j -■ HI 1I B i .AM, Adm'r. MOMTIIs after date application will be made > A to the Ordioary of Coin ■i . ooanty for leave to sell ' ti.e Koa Estate of t»Luam Meriwetb r Ist a-d ■ - ua ty de :-a£eu. MOCLY BURT, tx’r. ' J*.ly 18, .855 r S ''WO iIIOA alter date :ippl oation will bt- made -1- t'* the Court of Ordinary of liu. k county so le m to fell al the l aud and Negroes te nglng to .he co ve of Gc uge Ma AugbSt 4, 865. NO I IGF.—AII poisons indebted to the (.state oi tleury ft. Todd,la eof J-Leison county, dec’d, a.o req i- sted to oomu forward and Bake Immediate psyme it; and lu.se hav.ng uemanas a alas, sal. e tale a>« requ stcu o pre £ nt them duly autheßiioa ed sco-.n log to law. July 5,1856. WILLIAM H Toill), kdm*r. r PHO MOW I lia after date application will be made S- to the Court of Ordinary of J llemo .county foi u*ave to sell all Die Land belonging to theestate ol Fartiu Tomp kins, deoeas d. ADELINE iOMt'Kl: 8, Adm’r. August 8, 1855. npiVU date application will oe mad* -■» to the Court of Ordinary of Jefferson county for leave tc sell tbe f aud* belonging to the ostate of rteniy li. I’oJd, dcueased. V IL’.JaM H. ODD, 1 . , , > ugum 8, to JAM Ei L. B. TOD , r O MOW'l tIH rfter date application will be made X to the Court of Ordinary of •Uaferru county lor leave to tell a , ort.on of the Real Estate oi John I Li.lips, late of aaid county, deceased. Ai ymt l, 1b66« W. T» PHILLTPB, Adm’r. IIA li H after date application will be made to O the Court of Ordinary of Oglethorpe county for leave to sell tn Real Krttate be) ngiu. u the is ate or R. berc Howard, late of s*id county, dt ceased. ugust 1", 1863 VrM A. HOWARD, Adm’r. ‘JVT othjk.—All persons indebted tothc eu.ate of Ail • Arm A leu, late of Colum .a cout.ty, tieceased, are requested to make lmmediaLepayrmni; and thosehav ng ciauna against the same are hereby notified to present them within the lime prescribed by law. August ;6, ib6B J» liN LAMKI N, Ex’r. TWO MOB't U b after date tppl ktiOT will be made X to .he Court of ordinary oi L lumb a county, lor i ve t se Iti e Real Esut»; of Alice Ann Alton, la tof saidiOQDty d c raeii. tOUN LAMilft, tx’r. Au mt 15,1855 t | *\Vu MOKTHB aft rda’.e :tp 11 **tu'D wii! l e rn; de X lo the Court of G d nary of Juie-oony for !e-ve i>> ieli ti e L and Negros i e . i geg t» the ea ate of R-.bert ftol ius, late of said coun y. u < se J. Au u t 14, <8,5. ■ AL XA - PE*?, >d n’r. f|HVO MOW I'HH as er uat:\ ap i a ij . will be made ito t e Cour. of Uni.nary of JlTrs «n c u/iy, for Dave t s .11 the Land beio g m tu the kata e o llil ory l erdue, de«;ased, DLNJASIIN R. i-UuLE, Lim’-. August 11,1£65. _ __ mWO MONTH* as er d tespple iimviti be snvde X to t e Court of Ur i ary I Ogle hor,>ecounty for leave to ell t e'ubTe'rpotofiheladandNegro.sbe- Io:gl. gio theestate of Albert II irat , la’ e I * aid or on ly, de *-HB(d ... a iILDA a. Bft ii’D, Aura x. AUgu.it 12,1865. ItW O MONTHS if e* date, app ication wid be u ado to the Court or Ordinary of kioeu count ', f r rave t>a !l h part of he Lends belong- nj.' tit e * slats of ElUa betb Burch, d- erased, late oi E bert co ny /ugUii 9-, 18 O. JOt.'n U ouJi If, ea r. o MOYNIs after dat •, u« p c A »i n v in be . ado to the C iurt cf Or inary of Lu r: c m', , f r l ave to pH ihe Lanca, end a Nivm man • clo :gi»g o th. Ebi .to of i e'.ty Hsyi-rs, decease j, late of l lbert uu y Au-uat 2l 1855. J. HavN- , Ex*r. X OTlCJb.—Allptr- ns infeb ed to the Estate of l>rl li U nry A. rcr-iuest;d to tna im.n ;dii e payment. Tfey wl| find Utsif nctei and accounts in th* < h- h ./»Isaa- ii i \ ff, , > ifo/.iou, oa. Also, persons having remaiua J fgai istsa’d Beta e, w il hand them u a» the law uureoU to c e,at The rn on, Co umbia c <unty, a Augu 22 l 50 npWO HOlVfftiH after ic »ti u w. I ' X to th; Ccu< tof Or iuary oi J ff sou a u -!y, tor cave to tell the La >d and Ntgroea be.cLg ng to th-. Es;a.ecX Harve * B. Pii>* in. An o»t 22 865 JOf»N G pi p ,f T . Ft 1 ,-. CuFAATfiiEiibH.P MOIIcK. THE flrras i f HAND, WILLIAMri k CO., in this cify, and HaND, WiLLIAMd A Wli COX, in Charleston, having expired by limitation on the Buth ult, the baaictes in future wi.l be car- dod undi-r .he name and s-.-le of HAND. WILcOX A CO., a Augusta, <i. *V. WK LIAMAN CO., jo t harleaton. ar.d ii. JiAND n Of*., New-York. Mr. aZaKIaH GRAVES iu a partner in <-ur Aa*ostS htuce it jui this date. Daniel l am*. GEO. W. WIi.LIaM^ Anguata, Mny 1,1855. D. H WILQoX IttUb. F» 6XOI ALL A CO.» i 1 KkHil iL COMM IB* ION M« R- \ X\ U GHANTb, Augusta, Ga-—Having r ? r , tfje<l a C opartnership Lr transacting a Genera; Com AyeSwwr mission bupitietia in this city, we pledge ourbe. •■«.-> io a prompt and faithful attention to any bussnesi. committed to our car •. We will give careful *< tention to the s .le of Cotton, Flour, Gram, bacon. Lard, day, and all kinds of Produce, and to the Oiling of o» ders in the raarnet. * Hav ing ample facilities, we are prepared to make liberal cash iuvouce* on ccnstgnmenta to ua. Cur office and &a.esroots ic on the North side of Broa street, a few doors above -tu. insurance L.»nk. Cotton consigned to u* will be stored in a *afe waro« houiie. TIIOB. I'. BTOVALL, a .fi-dAwly H. BTQV ALL. K. W. HAKKttK, M 1)., Ei.S D2M B2UXIST. RUOMH oceiiooi »bo,e Clir.e k Uo ’a, ri , o)>|n—iut Otecrgl. »»<•«. Ai 8 , „ h . Ihe wotUo.. oow,»» *. «•* “f a K® • tejal tlruft . Piic«»»l IWn> _ li.hid a 11- 1 D u at lli« .owe-t oaiU find every article uscu in in - pre jric.H. CKEA J CX.OX£I*»- pAI h aaJ exata ! ae th. L• I ataJy-tr a-e ■, um “ jr r.JmfrT J oflerit gat grottl, r- 1 Go d - touth’a atd lioyg’ .u,.py ol *“!' I "tiuglhr trv.nta Al.o.blJlH d, l&iXl m l im>SKKuHll£>ll, •.•Otfcd.dc.. oD.t nt. i.«n hHnd at the old atxn iof Clay ten Bignon, u:der »»»gJ J- J- 0- AV TON. a T ft' CJRIVtio —A bupjly o. the celebrated BkACDE O&Abti SEED. D. B. FLbMB A OG. jylS-dAwlm nAUUIAU, ROPfc. AM* i MINE.-.*oo ba!© J J t**avy uuuny BAGGII' G : 100 roil heavy Gunny BAGGING,2O yards each; 8- 0 coils prime Bale -OIFj:; 100 coils Be Cord d^.; 2010 pounce TWINE. Far sale low by J*M-*aw WILCOX, HAND k ANBLEY. be iUßiEe.—lOu doxc. TOBACCO, aU grades f ** 1(0 boxes nOAP; HO boxea C NDLF.S; 150 M SUGARS, ail grades ; 100 boxes assorted CAN DlEr'. For sale low by jyll-d*w WJLOOX, HA&O * AJJflfclY.