Weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 183?-1864, October 17, 1855, Image 3

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IVoiTolk sad Po-WMcntb. i .'O Eichxor ! tv- p.vhe-f Tc'-I*? nrsm'-o*. W. ( ; ! v. bo» ib- l*wt i«f r»»M-.n item Horbvk in ibo b uer of oar e?rte»poi»d*«>’. _.-i h . .... . f CS rr is -t: I .bating, *n!tfca . occarred Ui*™ Sasd y Oar Vo, -month letter » «0.0. l*t ■ t dut', it g v one. our.* iff report. B.r ’ * , tnl « tLe streets ro e,ue«- i . « •»- '- '■ ' . .addead wifons, long :.e-er'e . < x p , „ , .. - yib»e<o greasily «h --(QH luC Dcpfi.C * .. r,™ of life end commerce, ti- M-r.M BcpiU!, arrived lost night in the Cartis I'cci. v „„ „ n t f—J have J e p.cteure of ettttog n l '“f h > >elu»w (ever seems at lo t * ‘ '' . „ „ • upou our i i 9-». I have ~, .j\\ , . w • s tinoe Thursday. There: vV- bu\ v«>ry ,ew h i.iats an Saturday, and ILe.rd f V 4,® *t ui y *Lcrt.a). ihe groat caamity acorns •,j :jl over; i*.o fickne**, excepting seme c*a *in In ‘•a - b-, hu n*-ar y cerstd. 'lit ch - txi;’ g fa-ud i* wilhheid.aLd the quick work -!> e> and b »ria! that n*a been or. ao long, ha-> a’roo-t terminated. W. c h»d frott to day; there in ro m;a --: k tb ol tbtarvW. ism r-. j rn>.-«*lf, with ru . v others eho have seen it, to rear willing tee trmony to llit*p|>ear roe ci a write troilttua mor nir.g. It is now to b» seen on tho hoor-e teps, ana upon the ?' II ar.w bed j?r:-.s« and r, that w1! saon tihow i‘- wiibcri g effic »• As this will b> deahlo veg>:iat : r n,*- * 1 hope it will be to the fearful l .ver that iis* r-jhbed our lirtades, made oar bv*rs d':»ola»e and peopled the grave yards. it has trod on quietly, and p'ou-1 >,and erueiiy, ike a igfitjr, mere*lees corqueror, re/jtd ol tha C'iCn a t.d prayers tha‘.cams irom bonding h'jurta crushing many rs Us® best ari the etroug e . arj i moni lo7eiy. Ba. the re.ga of the aufeti itig monarch is wetl f. gh evsr. Oir c y has been i*< r rly fli cted, and a thousand heart are «ad ; u*n lLouaen ibr glit blasted. M.ay the livi. < take the in a’ter properly to heart. M«y .ow • - are uierct.uUy **pand, learn wia Jom &Ld bo r e*icef>rth trtie Lo their nouK’ boat interest a and *heir highdeeiicyi IU ily, F. I*.ti.— Mr. Iliwk'i'is, tiie keeper of the Aio.h Hoi o r*iported rorse. Dr. ’*Vr-got and others are rapidly recovering. PoriMouTß, Oot. 6.—l'. M.—Aff* m now com io r. *arn'j ac • . rfai aspeo.—alt hong a a.l «ir*s. i"ilfy drOir aud ion y. A’ one tirns last mouth, *hwas not a swre of rny kind open it towi—me Chit, y Store esoep’ed —uow, I* can naro j tr- n iO to 15 iargr retail store". > r ,v jn weeks wi t.ai do market a*, ah; now * ;i g *0(1 a v ioas ae want lor the present. .ill wedt-.r® now lo obliterate tne disease en ♦Jr*; ~ m a k #‘>l Host ; its advent is looked fur with 1. . .r. .x:ery. Bat neither lrost or time can > ii t '.e memories oflh: tew that remain in t.ow.i, h-; tear! it wmoh have transpired w ii.n her limits ; no tou/ue has the eloqarnce to tei , no pen oou>d gvo the s'ory its due. The <suS U.edchl Cit nevor to iuily ascortaiaoC uii ii ail the return. From 6 o*d >< k .v. M. *o tfie p re sent hour, thcrc t te,ld ij j .*i, t> child of Mr. TnOUias. Dr. 11 .g ri /r.i,«t Ba ti uore, is very low. Dr. Tiumv i'v improving. Uoroa u (J —6 A. of.—A child of Mr. Foils died luh» : ibA only death k iown. lou Jer- a d that uex' w ek tho Bay line ol b'>- r .H will m k j their iegu!ar trips to the wharvet of iSor o:k u-id i ort-m nth. Tne gss will be Itl on r ex'. woeV. i ho. 1 c i>;*iie lk r of no now cum scf lever. -yours, V. bine® the di m-Doo* icnuinaiioa of the recent attempt to lay the ub marine le-fgraph wire bi* tween (Jape B o on ai dthec ol Newfoundland, (lu io in Iho latter ptrtof August,) the impret urn an boon prevalent that tho pr j ct wan aban d'ie’. 8n far from this, the gentlemen engaged In the enlorpr. j, the Now York Journal of Com merce f»>M, a » eanguitio of tujeoss, and only a * ait the return of another warm sea'on to repetl thotr endeavors, uh tho months of June and Ja'y a*e tho only out - when tho wire can bo laid with ■ if; V. Tno luiid portion of tho lice txtendihg frtm C*»po B»y to B'. John’s, u distarcjof 4io m le‘ is very i.ei r compiotioo, so lhaSHhe next fiteimer from that direction is expected to briLg Intclligonco that itisoono. Co reukPTJoN cf Goid.—lt has toen ascertuined that i i Bur.ningi.; rn, KugUnd, not leas than one lii' U-and oui cw of Uno g d aro ti ed weekly* cq ivalant to Bomo f&O0,( 00 aunnally ; and that the c<>!..> irapti n of gold louf in eight imonufac or in M ' town* c qual to live hundred and eighty four ounce - week y. For g lding install by eloctfo typoand the water gilding processes no 1 , less than ten thou and ounces c-f-gel 1 uro required annually. A recent E glish writer states t'io consumption ol gJ 1 a.i i h Ivor at Paris at ov r 18,000,000 cf fr ii ■ . At tho present tms the < f hue gold and silver in Europe aa l the United Btutji is estimated at $Si) 0(jO,000 annually. Thk ! ursaisi or Amkeioan Manufaotubis.— Tin N r w York E:onomis*, in tho course of an ar tio'e upon lawm, cautions importers of dry goods to n .t i tl o improvements which tho Unit* d btates are c*.»n tantly making in tl o production o! thepo » y’os ( f gor'ds which, heretofore, havo been al m s‘ exclusively loft to the foreign lubricant. Tho writer iniinidos that the evidence of one year’s profit, on certain dtecr’p.'ons, In not to b 3 relied Oj o i for tho following year’s guidance in impor tations. The esporiu c , industry, an I energy oT our Now En*hv <1 manufactnicr?, liavo removed every barrier tin * Dr, Inn wide which the longer appJ'd etfjrt an l skill of another continent has up. In the rtidea of lawns great improve moals hai been made not only in quality, hot to w. ' supplying an ample stock lor tho country. The K: uotn t Btatjs that the. Pacific Company made arraugemant With the Portsmouth Company to triut Ah say about 8,010,000 yairdf, the rormtr a/o nuaef ft piragc nrttio *♦ Import any lor competition. L «I» NiP leon.—Tlia Now Yorlt Courier A £nq liror olSa’.uriloy »»y«: Onr PaTis oorrepp nd out ii- a | ostaoripl to hii lottor recoivod lait uigh l save yo , t,avo B-on in the forogoing tlmt 1 wan among who disbelieved ti e r< -P ,r l u E npc r or wu® ti ed upon by a Cent Garde, on the „.gnt of Thursday Us-, 2 -lb it. Notwiihatand i*»g tho a u ß’jru'v o of the Monitour, 1 am obliged to con hr - myself in 0 ror iu so believing. It is with sin i ro and profound regret tlmt 1 state positively !t-»‘r.-i '.bo night j ist latr-d. a <’«»< Oartle fire 1 an. i the Ktopemr in one et the hal's ci ttie palfeo ofK‘ Cl i i, red wounded hmi slightly on the p„ lo' tno ■ boulder. An inch lower and the wonni woo'd have hoen moral. ... •p. „„ . in vni" itumodialely arrested and placed ■u . cr,c Nevertheless l «ui informed that it if known that lie was bribed with BDO.OOO tranoe (B'),oo’J dollar-) to commit the crime by the Or 1 Th-se partien'.iM will cot reach tho pub'ic for yet a et-g time, "1 tho investigation ordered ia carriod on will' • o utmostse ro-wy. T t llnd" t H pgnin today without any po I tu i'. or.n-o, non*? i" uJ. but tho consideration** 1 . tb<i harveet* Ihe n w I , m n w If ’. »H and ovt-r apwlptioa lor tho ti**, oait’vvas I*i-iuied tint the t.II of Sivi-topol woold cun- a tine cf a’, lcin t throe per cent in public Bcoartliea. lhurimTEO ! in.wai.ai—s6,tK«) Damaof*.—Oar r ,.„ 1,1, i W iii y.rob:bly remomoer tho ea oor Mor r.n,; 31'. v- J . C ncn( sooto niootbs *n - o, for dam na „, B In the sidewalk ('ll State afrot being \, i,in', of s*,loo *BB sot said* by Judge V»' ileon. •f i „ o a i w t* rgnin roinand-'d for trial, and last n lglu wes submitted to itio jury. Tno jury ro turned Ilia n >r,i ,vg. nuablo lo agree. Mr. Th tin a »n, City Attorney, then proposed to uo ee, ‘ she v r ict of It.e u even agreeing jurors, pr'P'Vd'i n w > ace pled by 'iVikna n, l)o* ,t i’o san, l’ ;!’» A"vs , nrd the -erdicl was ran it r. 1 to- ilia | aiMiff ot ».x thousand dollars damages C‘A c/ys J-arrutl. Wo desire to call the a.loution of tho a"thoritiee of An* - s:-.> to tho above verdict, with the hope that 11 ty may bo warned thereby to keep the aide wall a in rather beUor.conditicn.-HD. Canon. A Sear. Kemotai. of the Caruon. —The Milledgevills papers m ajorlty against the rs ruoy.il oft' Ci p tol trout Milledgeville «t tbo late election is very largo. Tne oat at Shooting Match.— ln tho great ni t h near Cov'ngt r, Ky., on the 3 li mat., Danoa-i, of Ksn'.eck?, i eit K.ng, ct Now Yotk, one bird. Stakoa wore 1 000 aaido. DKAtTn or Miaraia.—Tie JZulL't n, of lue Tth Ina - ., contains tl o report of ti e Seaton, for the w ok ending Saturday, the 6th inst., from which itap;cara theto were thirty s xdeatha. The r< port adds : Only three deaths are report od far the last twen y toor hours, aud none oi them from yellow aver, while for tho twenty fours pre ceding it there were eight deaths reported. We believe the phjeic sue cor.cor in the opinion gen eral > that there his bcon no very decided itn pr vo h.ent iu ihe health of t‘ eo.'y during the part wook, and that the state of tho weather has been rather more conducive then otherwise to the development ot diseases cf a lebrilo nature.— We hoar of see ril r.ew cases tavirg coeu-rod in the southern po-'-ion cf the city, and those case* confined to a certain locality. Asthe wea’ber ha? nndergoue quite a change daring the last twelve boars, wo believo we will have a corresponding change id tho health of the city shoo’d it continue. In. manufacturing p ate glass, the -ot* that hold and convey the metal are made of clay, aud when the pot containing the heated metal is taken from the oveu it is scraped and e'eaned of tho seem which ha' a,c imi’ated on the top, and then lifted ap by r.i 'aus of a w ad’aas, the motel is then p-mrsd oat open an iron .tab’s, and pressed into shape by means of s ponderous ro,ler. At first the metal is of s white heat, bat it charges by rap j rareitit ns lo abeautitnl burnt eieuns olor, and so remains tor some moments. It is then rnn on a slide into the oven, where it remains in the prep riioo ot two days and a halt to the iLch iu lhicfeue c s. A Dili mm* l*6oa. Enquirer say?: St'mo ct the cipi’a .s*r ot and Now Yorkseem to have fiatncietel them' eives into a difficulty. On the ttrerg bof lie ts 000,000 due from eur government to M xico, hey tave lent Santa Anna considerable sums, They have recently ueen crowding to Wasbmgton in gr,;«t trouble, to aecsr ta n whether our government will pay lho mocey to Santa Anna or to the Mexican Government. The Secret»iy of Slate, it is understood, t» a <is cided tbit the a gument* of Santa Aura cannot be recognised, and that the three millions must be pail to tho exit-tin*Government of M x.co. The 1 dec’sion has caused great excitement and Hotter leg iu certain quarters. A B»ton gen* etnan tea patented an spnaratns for generating gas from a new miteriel. The ma terial emsi ta simp’y cf i no end hjdro-chlorie re d which is effi otuel with mt the rppiication of externa! teat, and by mere chemical action. It yields a gas of great parity end bn liancy, a' com pared with tie coal gas, the same quantity y c d iug vw ce ths iilnmioa’icg power. The whole apparatus is contained in a cylinder three feet in bight and sixteen itches in diameter. There are no weigh’s to wind, aud the pressure, which is always equal, it a J jas'ed dy itself. Ore of the ma n advan'ages, i mat the gas can be made very cheaply. _ - It would Ire a curious chapter in history if ths precent Murat shoo'd beoome la ng it Nap es. During thereigo o! Louis Phlibppe this in dividual kept a >H»r.4og-eowa* iu use liaised ataiee. [OOMMCNICATID 1 SUM H«s4 —V% hit DtM It Mmi t W« aie told that large dividends have been de clared by th® Weetern <k Atlantic Rdlroed during the year bow drawing to a close. We know that the cars of the State road have been sold by the Sheriff in Tennessee—that the creditors of the road have been compelled to submit to a heavy shave. Aud now it appears that there ia tome dissatis faction on the part of the Central, Macon and Geor gia roads, and thU they have withdrawn thei' cars from the State road. The consequence is, that we do not behold even beggarly trains of empty boxes. The boaineea of th® road has come oom taiativ®!y to a atmod-atU’. Wheat b transported oq open trnoke, exposed to eU viciaaituces of weather. We are toA there »re no csrs. Where are they I Are they alt aoid f or did the road never own them I 1* this th© Empire State! So ; d c«t at one end, and borrowing at the other. •' b° c no longer able to borrow, trade ceases,—the *heei of industry are stopped along tne whole lit-®— ye this road pays into the Treatury, daring this ad ministration, SISO,CiK). I wool I be better to sei! i* for a song, thun for the credit of the State so to isoff if, and the indoa'ry of its citasDa to be para ha jd from fear of a reliance so Insecure. Caaa. for the Chronicle dk Sentinel. Hee4«4 l^gitUiloa. Mb. Edttob :—Tne State* South and Southwest ol Georg.a, have to remodeled their lawa to keep their population within their limits by abol ishing imprisonment lor debt, and securing to married famalea a homestead—and other pro perty for the support of dependent families who are, by misfortune, reduced in circumstan ces; that it may be well for our next Legiaia ure to look well to the exialing laws of Geor gia on these matters. We annually lose very many enterprising citixena who fly to these States to avail themselves of then® great benefit*. Mer cantile men, an i energetic mechanic®, and often very good farmers are brought to insolvency by adventures, errors a d mifttnanagemeat—ard by our laws aro subjected to painful and tiying ifcsuee- Lot ua have Iswa to Bait theee unfortunate per eons, who»e families ought not to Buffer fur their to-8 tort tinea and errors. A more whol»ome credit aaioesß will follow—and Ibwb passed aboliehing for debt, will havo a salutary in fluence upon the business affairs of society—we shall never be clear of bad men. Bat laws can be made to Tegulate debtor and creditor, without ta king away the liberty of the person. All business transact ons will be guarded, and none bat those worthy of credit will then get it. Nearly all the States in the Union are adopting measure* as above suggested, and we trust the State of Georgia will look well to her interest in this impoitant matter. Howabd. F r the th-onic/e dk Seutinel. Judl® Jibe Hopreme Coart. Mb. Editoe :—The approaching Legislature will have to elect a Judge for the Supreme Court Bench. It is understood hat Judge Starnea de dines a re elec* ion, and I have been looking about fjr a man to take his place, in whose firmness, hon esty, integrity and ability, the people of all par ties nave the utmost confidence; a mao whose political enemies admit to be capable and honest, and of whom every truo Georgian m*y be j let'y proud. 1 think there is just such a man—one in whose election both parties ought to unite without a diFsenting voica. itcan hardly be neoematy to ary, 1 mean the Hon. Charles J. Jrhkinb. Will the members ol the Legislature honor thempelves Yj electing him » Do not utk him if he wants the tflDe—sleet him and he will jaithfully and ably serve the people. In such elections every one should look to tho honor of the State and the Public Good. [OCXMUNIOATBD.] Wabrentow, Ga., Oct. 11, 1855. Mr. Jomks :—Dear Sir: —1 nee in the report cf of the election, my name reported as the defeated candidate for Judge of the Superior Court of tl e Northorn Circuit. I avail my self of the use of your paper to state, that 1. was no candidate for that offico; and that l peremptorily declined buffrring my name to he used in opposition to the Judge elect. 1 take occasion, howevor, to express rr.y thanks f> those of my feilow-eitizens in different counties iithe (Jiicuit, for tho compliment paid by casting their voted for mo. I am, very respectfully, your ob’Lserv’t., William Gibson. Ttie o'deal hotel iu Connecticut, and perhaps in the United Btates, is the Eagle Hotel at New Hav en. It was built .long before the Revolution and, till the rupture with the mother been kept by one George Brown. Death of Mr. Hillabf Foster.—^The Mobile papers mention the death of Mr. Hillary Foster, an rstetimed eit.xm of that place. He died of yollow fover, at Spring Hill, on tho slh inet. Kiunai and Gusxok. —Tho Journal da Nord, tho Russian organ at Brusf-els, publishes a letier containing Borne carious statements in reference to tho tyranny oxeroifel by France over the KiDg and government ol Greece. It that Gen. Kalergi, oue of the Greek Ministers appointed by jrrer.cn influence, having endeavored to force a woman of disreputable character on tho Queen as one of her maids of honor, the King, indignant at his audacity, ordered him never »gain to present himself at tho palace. This was equivalent to destituting him cf his functions; but the repre -e lative of France, on hearing cf the affair, re turned hastily from the country, and declared, in ■pits of the energetio protoetsof the Ministers of Prussia, Bav*ria, and even of Austria, that M. Kalergi should remain at his post until the receipt ol fresh orders from the Tuilories. Parl’amkntabt Expense* of the Railways in Great Britain.—The following extraordinary re turns havo recently returned to England. They embrace the amounts spent for Parliamentary ex ponses, and not in any degree connected with the construction of the works of the reads: West Loudon. $102,000 Stockton and Darlington 220,000 North London 245,000 ('he I **ar and Holyhead 280,000 Tall Vale 480,000 Kist Anglian 640,000 Ka-t LanCishiie 745,000 K linb- rg and Glasgow 1 250,000 Oxf rd, Aoreester aud Woolwich.. 1,825,000 London and Brighton 2,770,000 E atom Counties 8,800,000 Lancashire aud Yorkshire 8 600,000 Great Western 8,700,000 Caledonian 4, ICO, 000 Midland 6 150,000 London aud Northwestern 5,250,000 A N »wsr afib.—lt was Bishop Horner's opinion, that there was no better moralist than the news paper. lie says, “ the follies, vioes end conso quent miseries cf multitudes displayed in a nows paper, are ao many beacons continually burning to turn others from the rook on whioh they have teen shipwrecked. What more powerfully dis suasive from suspicion, jealousy and ang, r, than thas'oryof one friend murdered by another in a duels What caution likely to be more effectual agalnet gambling and profligacy, than the mourn ful relation of an execution ot the fate cf a despair ing suioidef What finer lecture on the necessity oj economy, than the auctions of eetatos, houses and furniture f Only take a newspaper end con sider it well— fat for it—and itviU imlruet Ues/*’ The building business in New Tork city bee fx! lan eff this season to such an extent that the prices of matorials have been considerably affect - ed, and there is rather a surplus of labor than otherwise. The bmldrsg of palaces is at s stand, ss, in fact, is the erection of all the costlier kinds of dwellings. Hard times, failures, monetary pressures, hank commotions, over trading extrava gance, and the tailing off of trade, have produced their natural result in the diminution of luxury. The Huntsville Advocate says, ths Railroad Whistle salutes the oars of our people daily—the track layors are within two miles of town, and ex pec-. to reaoh the Huntsville Depet by Saturday. Ou the upper end, in this direction, the iron is laid as far as Larkinsvills, and good progresa is made daily. Cigar ashes will bs found an invaluable remedy f*r ths bite of the mosquito and other insects. Wet the ashes and rub them on the part, and the 6'Jngir.g sensation will be extracted almoat instan tly. The reason of this is, that ashes contain alka li, which neutralises the acid of the poison. Revision of tux Biblx.— The American Bible Union Society is holding ita sixth anniversary meeting iu New T ork. Toe obj set of this Society t s well known, is to revise the present version of the Bible, more particularly ao as to Tasks it oon ferm to the tenets of the Baptist sect as to the erdtcoe of Biptism. DxAUNe Casks. —Mr. Sa'loway, in his treatise on probability, nays that it 1.000,000,000 persona, about the population of lha earth, were to deal cards itoessaully, night and day, for 100,000,000 v sirs, st the rate of a deal by each person a min me, erd even if eech of thoee deals weie eesential ly different, they would not have exhausted one one hundred thousandth part of the number of essentially different ways in which the 6S cards can be distributed bstwee%lour player*. Lux’* Chahoxs. —The Lowell News says that there are now in that city two young ladies who were born in New Orleans in opulence, but, in consequence of death and reverses of fortune, were left not only orphan*, but penniless. Bather than to remain in indigence at home, they made their way to Lowell »nd entered the mills as ope ratives, and ar now numbered among the many beautiful, exemplary aud intelligent ladies of the city who labor in the mills. The Pope, ssyssn European letter, is suffering from an iucurxbls disease, and it is said Louis Na polean has bis eye upon the Papal chair for his CCUSIE, Lumen BonApana, bob of Charles Louis Bonaparte, who is to be made a cardinal. Governor Llgon, of the State 0 f Maryland, has issned a proc.amauon recommending the observ ance of the 15lh of November by the people of that State as s day of thanksgiving. This i a ths same day which has been appointed for similar ob servances by the Governor of Virginia. Kansas —The Washington Union bus aa article in defence of the President, aa far ae the Kansas subject is concerned ; end says that “Governor Beeder was removed on a matter wholly distinct from the question whether the President aysapa | UiaedwMA Ike pro-alawsgy pang." From the AW York G/uner de acquirer, 12'A ine.. The BecoE* and Thtr4 Arctic Expedition*. The propeller Arctie end the bark Mease, which saiie-l from this port on the 81*4 of May iaat, in search of Dr. K»oe, who with his brave oom paoions formed the second expedition . shores to difoover the late ot Sir John Frank in ; arrived safe y back at this n°rt jestot day alter coon, brirfug with them Dr. Kane ao-i all bat three of h;s eired'tion "to le , f L **® r mw„ lt vance on the 31st cf U»y, 1553. The arrival caused a joyful excrement in the citj, aud wc now have the satisfy ion ol placing belore onr readers the tarticalsrs of (ha voyages of the Al va Die, the Arctic, aud Iho Eticase. Voraoa or th* Anvaac*. — The fcllo-smg ac ; count of the voyage ot the Advance, the vessel ri j which Dr. Kane undertook the expedition which i has now terminated, is oompiUd from state men' | made to ua by Measr*. and Sentag, aud i Dr. H»yee, ot the expedition. Toe br»g Advance left New York on the flat of Mav, l£soJor the parpose finding some Dtoes of oir John YraLkiin, and tff.ra.Lg Lq sacc t, it c-oeaible. She proceeded without mciden: to Baf* flu’* Bay. Stopped a' several Dan an colonies id Greenland, where the pirty pro* ured tur-. and Esquimaux dogs to draw ihe siedge-«. Then pro ieeaei onward toward Davis’s Straits, and ea countered the iiret ice in Melville B>y, toward the u.ter erd ol July. Tuey eacceed sd in workiuw a way through with wonderful laciiity, and reached open water on the 2d of Aaxa>t in latitude 76 de* fc titered tttnilL’a sound on the s:h of August, end the next day encountered heavy ice. From this •ime forth, the ship was constantly in ice.— tion Worked through it in a north eaotcriy d*rec till the latitude of 73 deg.|4s miu. was reached, when it was determined to go into winter quar tera. For ttie purpose returned south a few miles, and on the lOth Bept. 1858, cast anchor eff the westerly coast of Greenland, and commenced pre parations for the winter. Tr e vessel was hou-ed over, gal ey stoves were put up be* ween deck", and provisions were landed to provide tor any con tingency that m : ght ari.-»e. Meanwhile a s edge was sent out with provisions to be deposited, so that parties goirg out in spring might go tar her lrom the ship, obtaining sup»plies from these depots. This sledge went iu a north easterly di reel ion about 400 miles, reaching latitude 80 and foand that a large glacier formed tho north western :oast of Greenland, for about eighty miles. Tee pvrty travelled along t a g>od portion of the dis ance, and returned about the middle ol October. Other small parties were afterwards sent out to makesarveys and observations regarding the in dentation of the coast—the <ast about the latter part of November, when, in oons' quence of iu ;reas eg cold and darkness, further operations were suspended for the winter. The buu dit-ap neared on the 24th of October, and on the fir?t of December, darkness reigned supreme. The ther ammeter tell in seme instances to more than sixty degrees below aero, and mercury was almost con sUntly Iroxen. However, the party, now headed in their ship, had no difficulty in keeping warm by means ol the coals which the ship carried cut.— The sun reappeared on the 24. h of February, and on the 12th March, wheQ the days bad acquired much length, sledging again commenced. The only incident o! the winter wh.ch we shall mention was the loss of nearly all the dogs by a spasmodic complaint which carried off 57, leaving oaly three or four. The first sledge party (that of the 12th ' f March) was intended to carry prov sions aoross to Smith s Sound to the main land, and there m: ke a for a second party. It did not succeed in it* ob ject, but was obliged to return in coDseque ce ot the extreme roughness ot fbe ice and the cold, f ney did not gat more than forty miles from the si ip. Ail were more or less front bitten, and two of their number—B in all—died in consequence Pierre bhubert, the cook, suffered an amputation which he did not survive; Jeff. Baker, a seaman, died of tetanus, caused by the frott. Two others lost their toe*. When about thirty miles fr m the ship on their return, Mr. Sontag, the Hydrograph er, who was one of the p»r ! y, and two others, sot out to obtain relief. Th « otner of the four who were able to do any thing, were left t) take cure of the more intense t-ufferers. On reaching the ship, Dr. K*ne set out with a party to the assistance of those with the eledge, aud brought them to tho sh : p. The sun remained above the horizon after the 24‘.n of April. Oil the 29. h April, (1855,) a psr'y accompanied by two sledges, one drawn by dogs and the other men, set out under the direction ol Dr. Kmo himself. The dogs bad been obtained from aotne K-qnimanx, who visited the ship early in the spring, bat who had not been eoen the previous fall. The party under Dr. Kane were gone eight days, were obliged to return, in oonsequnnce ol the tllnete of Dr. K. who suffered an attack of fe vor, from wbioh, however, he soon recovered. On the 16 h May, Dr. Hays, the surgeon of the expe dition set ont with a single sledge and driver, and crossed the channel. He encountered very rough ice, and suffered much from snow blindness, fie was obliged to return in about two weeks, in consequence of the failure of hie supply of pro visions. The expedition was yet not without re sult. About 150 miles of coast were discovered, and a chart ol it drawn. On his return, he was drawn by his dogß more than sixty miles, and all they had to eat was an old boot and part of a pair of leather t onsets, which they devoured with the greatest rapacity. Another expedition, which like two others, was undertaken principal! i to obtain some trace of dir John Frauklii , now started inthe same direc tion as the first expedition of the tall previous. It was under tbs direction of Officer Mc'lurry and M". Bonsall, who went ont as Duvuerroiypis*, (whose apparatus, hy the 'ray, womd not work in those northern regious). Tnis party endeavored to find the connecting link between Greenland and the main land of North America, but did not; so that it still remains undecided whether Green land is an island or not. But they discovered a large bay, extending doe north, terminating in the large glacier, mentioned above. From this a near channel was discovered, along which they pissed uutil they were brought np by open water, l'bis water was entirely free from ico, and aboun ded in animal life—flish, foal, and the waltns. A northerly gale, lasting two days, brought no ice— proving that there is at least a large open sea beyoud, and it waa regarded hy Dr. Kane as the great uor> hern ocean, which never fretxis. A branch of this party laid down the coast as far north as 82 80, the highest latitude known to navi gators. They returned in July, and ihn- '-in.ns rue operations lor me year iifo4. ttoon al er this it became evident that the ship would not be lib orated lrom the ice that year. They all felt that they were doomed to spend another winter in the dismal regions of the North, unless relieved by Other mesns. Dr. Kane, for this pus pose, endeav ored to communicate with Bir Edward Belcher, at Beeeby Island, in Wellington Channel, about seven hundred miles to tbe Sooth west. He eu doavored to effect a communication by boat. Dr. Kane and a crew of five men set out in an open whaleboat, and crossed Smith's Sound, skirted the ooftf.t, till they reaohed Oones’rt Sound, where >h> y met the heavy pack ice of Jones, Lancaster, Whale and Smith Sounds, forming an impenotra ble barrier of ice, from live to thirty feet in thick ness. They sknted tho pack to the Southward, making repeated efforts to bore through it. Tbe boat on which their lives depended, was several times in imminent danger of being crash ed. They crossed Baffin’s Bay to Whale’s Sound in this effort. From this point they re tnrned to tbe ship, having made np their minds to spend the winter as best theyoould. No lnr ther expeditions were sent out. By this time having run short of coal, they were obliged to burn every superfluous part of the ship, and confine themselves in the smallest possible apaeo. Prospects were indeed gloomy. Daring this winter, to add to the other horrors which surrounded them, the scurvy broke out, aud tbe aholecrew suffered more or less. Atone time, Dr. Kane and Mr. Bonssi were tbe only persons able to move about. On them devolved all the duties of the ship, and nursing the siok. Tbescnrvy disappeared with the return of the sun and warm temperulu'e. They owed their reoovery to the free use ol raw walrus meat pro oured from the Esquimaux, for wniohthey paid in jack knives, needles, pieces of wood, & J., which are highly prised by tho E quimaux. On tne opening of spring, last March (1855 ) it became evident that the ship would not be roleosod that Beason, and that it would bo impossible for the party to spend another winter with her—pro visions were growing short, and fuel had failed, except from the hulk of the ship. Nothing as yet bad been done to render her un.-eaworthy, but it would soon be necessary. After a fall consul.a tioD, it was then resolved to abandon the ship, and endeavor to nisko a passage to iho Southward in the boais, three in number, which remained with them. These, with a change of clothing, and 800 lhs. of bread, 150 pounds of pork, fat, and tallow, 100 lbs. Borden’s meat biscuit, (which they found invain bio,) ti ey transported oighty miles over the ice, travelling, to accomplish it, more than 800 miles to the op- n water. They lett the ship on the 20th of May, 1855, without cere mony, ana in silence, and made open water noar Capo Alexander, on tho 18th of Juno, but were not able, in consequence of aS-mth West gale, to proceed farther. We wore unable to launoh our boats till the 21st. On that day they started, with three oheers, for home ; we started, keeping c’OEe to the coast. They encountered ice continually until they retched Upernavick, the most northerly Danish town on the Western coast of Greenland. They were many times obliged to drag tbeir boats upoa the ies from one “leaa" of water to anothor. The distance travelled ic reaching Upernavick was 1800 miles. Tue party subsisted most of the time on gsme, consisting of birds at d seals, procured by their guns. They reached Upernavick on tho evening of the 8h of August. Here they felt that their hardships were over. The expedition sent in search of them must have passed them in Melville Bay, and what was s little strange, the Arotic and Release were nearer in shore than tbe open boats. The part yof ten dis enssed the probability of an expedition coming to their relief, and a sharp lookout was kept for them. The whole party were confident that such an expo ditirn would be sent, but they yet did not feel justified in running tbe risk of awaiting its arrival. Tne separation from the ship, with tbe boats, was a desperate attempt, but was le-gerded as tbe only chance for their lives. Thi6 dangerous fear was accomplished with the loea of but one Ufa. Chris tian Ohlsen, tho carpenter, strained himself so se verely in lifting the boats out of the water over the “ boramocks” that he died. He was beloved and regretted by all his associates in danger. Ha was buried on a small is and in Melville Sound. We give s list of Dr. Kme’s party on board tbe Arotic and Release. Dr. Kane, U. S. N.; John W. Wilson, Amos Bonsall, Dr. J. J. Hayes, Augustus Bontag, Henry Gocdtellow, George Stephenson, Wm. Morton, Thomae Hickey, Hy. Brooks, boatswain, U. 8. N.; James McGarry, George Kiley, Wm. Godfrey, Charles Blake, George Whittle. At Upernevick they took p&ssege in the Danish ship Mary Ann, Capt. Ammondson, who dis played, in hie demeancr towards the unfortunate txplorers, every attribute of e men end e Chris tten. In this ship the perty reached God Haven, on Leveily, in the island of Djsco, on the 9ih of September, and io 24 hours they would have beeD on their voyage to Europe. Here they first heard of the expedition sent in March of them, whiob arrived from the northwerd on the following day. They remained at God Haven till the 18 h of September, receiving while they stayed the kind eat hospitalities of the Danish authorities. To the Boyal Inspector Olrick and to Gov. Anderson they express tha warmest thanks. We have now nothing more to record in this connection. The history of the expedition, with all the details, interesting and valuable ae they must be, would fill a volume. It will of course be written. The incidents of the peerage from Disco we leave to be told in the subjoined account of tha voyage of lbs Arctic and Release: The propeller Arct c and bark Release sailed from this port on the Blst of last May, fur the pur pose of affbrdmg relief to the brig Advance, which Jailed two years before to the relief cf Sir John Franklin. Before es’lirg, they had been strength ened in every conceivable manner, by an addi tional supply of brac« at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. They wars victnallsd for two years, and among their stores were large quantities of preserved vegetab’es and meats, provided in ordar to secure the officers and crew more effectually from the effects of the scurvy, to which Arctic navigators are liable, and to prevent and cure which but limited facilities are afforded in thoeinhospitable c imes. The following is a list of the offioers of the two vessels : Sari JfW-*** —H. J. Hartsteice, L.ect. Com manding tbs expedition; Wm. S. Loved, Acting Master ; John K. Kane, Assistant surgeon : Jos. P. Fvfli Passed Midahiprten; Char lee Sever, V. R. Hail Boatswain; Richard M. Clark, Surgeon’s Steward. Ome— Robert Bruce, W m.Smith, bcat «wain's mates ; David Batey, eap'ajn of the tore too • Charles Johnson, maintop; George Devys, Thos. Ford, gunner’s mates; Wm. Phinney, Joseph Morris, quartermasters; Francis Taylor, captain of acid; Bscj. Moore, eailmaker e mate; Charlie Williams, carpenter’s dob Thomas FraLk iio, offioer:’ steward; Wm. Henry, shipsoock, L uis Lawrenoe, Andrew L*ren, Bryeor Potter John Haley, John Smith, Georgs Bidevold, sea men. PropelUr Arctic, Cbts. 8. from Liere< J» Jfhot Difeco, Greenland, Sept. 13 Ct&a. C. Sicame, Lieau Com'*.; Watson btutth, Actirg JUfcter ; Lew*, Aa*iotant Surgeon; Herman «• well, let Aaeieunt Engineer; Wm. Johnston, Aciiu* H do.; S&m’l Wbiting, Acting Boatswain ; j Wm. B cherdeon, Acting Carpenter ; John Vac- I dj*e» Puraer’* Steward ; AbHn W. Kewottt, geons do. Crew. —W r*.. Carey, J hn Blinn. B*at -BW3 n’a Mates; Viva. Grove-, Wa!t©r Wilkinson, Qusrleraaaßtets; Richard Hartley, Captain oi Ho d; Joseph Brown, Buip’a Cock; John Fax, John G ibe i, George Tyler, 2 1 elites Firemen; John Thompson, John Brown, Geo. Price, James Buford, Seamen. The two vessels made the beat of their way North, toGvi Haven, or Lieveiy, a port in the Lift' d ot Disco, nitrated in Davis’* b rail’s, off tha We>tC M ttt cf Greenland. !n L t. 70deg. North, which they res-hod July 6. Fr'in this point, they poshed North wilho t meeting with any rem rkaole adveuterp encountering the a -aal ob stacles to tho nnvigaiicn cf thoso peas, til- they arrived in the extreme latitude of 7® deg. 80 min. H-re they eacountored impassable barriers of ice, and etood inland towards the Greed icd shore in the hope of finding a pas-age, through which they m'g t attain still higher latitude*. As they ap proached the shore, they discovered au Esquimaux village, and landed to m~ke enquiries. They learned from the inhabitants the intcii’g.n :b tnat the “hip’s company of the Advance, Dr. Kane’s vteseihad gone south. Nothing was left tor the two vessels but to return, and they at once started on their return to God Haven. The retain voyage was a very dangerous one, and the two voxels repeatedly enccaulerv.d imminent peril from the ice. Tee Ar;t!c wa- at one time subjected to a pressure which w uid have crushed l.kean <gg* she.l ave scdof ordinary construction, and on he 4 h of September, tho Release came in close proximity oaa iceberg, ol immense ■ ae, and tor hours was threatened with instant destruction. She Wis fortunately release! from her dangerous position wi h only the low of her quarter Loats, and her quarter deck broken up to a serious ex tant A strong ga eof wind springing up on the 6.b, they were enabled to release themselves from the ice, and made God Ha v en on the 10th Sept. Here they found the crew of the Advanc? which ha i arrived on t'e day previous in the Dao**h brig Mary Ann, Capt. Ammondson, from Uper navife, a town cn the west coast of Greenland, in latitude 72 deg. 40 mic., being the moot nor.tern Danish settlement in that country. The crew of the Advance was taken on board of the vessels sent to their relief, and on the 18th cl September set sail for New York, where they ar rived last evening at six o’clock, 'iheir arrival was announced by the Steamship Union, and the news spread with inconceivable rapidity, and ezcit.d universal joy. The following is from our ship news reporter : The U. 8. Arc ic Expedition, composed of tho bark Release and the tsam brig Arctic, H. J. Hart -teinp, L : -entsnant Commanding Expedition, left New York May 80 h, 1355 ; arrived in L evely, Isle f f Disco. Greenland, July sih. Coasted along the shores of Grceuland from Holstein burg to lat. 78.38 S. f touching at Lieveiy, Hare Island, Uper navitk, Hak art’s I-Jand, Capo Ilatherton, and other places on the coast ; were 28 days boring through the Pack in Mellvi'le Bay, thence crossed Davis Straights, went up Lancaster board, as fur a* Admiralty Inlet, where they were opposed > y a solid pack, which entirely stopped their pro gress. Thence they down the wester 1 coa-t, examining Possession and Pond’s were fast in thogrea. middle pack tor several days-- to all appearances tor the winter. In lat. 62 89 N., lon. 63.80 W., spoke English whale ship JLHifse, of bound to b um berlan i. Qaiet, had taken three fish,all well,and arrived at Lieveiy on their return from haviDg en tirely circumnavigated the North water*, as fur as the ice would permit, Sept. 18. They there found Dr. Kane and his associates, (having abandoned his vessel in the ice,) excepting three who had died from exposure, viz: Christian Olsen, (car penter,) Fieri© Sbubett, and Jefferson Biker.— Found at Lieveiy the Danish brig Marianna, Cap tain Amraondson, loading for Copenhagen—sailed from Lieveiy Sept. 18. On the 19ih hoarded Da nish biig Ba'.dur, 87 days from Copenhagen, bound to L : evoly. On tho 27th spoke English schooLer bte la, from Sandwich Bay, bound to Plymouth. No traces whatever have beeu <«is-. covered of Sir John Franklin’s party. Tho last winter iu the Arctic has beer, nnusuaUy severe, many of the natives having perished f»om expo sure and starvation, being compelled to eat tneir dogs, the extreme cold having prevented the usual hunting expeditions. The ves els are in a tolerably good condition.— They Lave been in collision with icebergs, and severely nipped in the packs. From the Charttston Courier, of Monday. Fifteen Dayi Later from California. We have reoeivcd by tie Isabel oordllea of San Francisco papote to tbe 23th nit., being 15 days later advices than those previously received. We subjoin a summary ot the intelligence contained therein: Citt ck San Frahci“Oo.—The election on the sth September passed ett quietly and without any exnibition of violeuco. Thero wore but four or five arrests, for unimportant offences, during the day. The ci y gave majorities in almost every ward for the Democratic paity. The leading Chinese ot the city havo published an address, protesting rgjinst the ill-treatmeut which they all dge their race has met with in Cali fornia. The removal of Ex-Collootor Hammond, baa occihioncd much surprise in tbe city. The Board of Examiners of the debt of t he city of San Fran. iaco liuvo made their report, confirm ing only $822,231.07 of claims; the amount of olaims presented waa $2,053,956.95. The sehr. C. E. Foo'e, which arrived at this port en the 17th, is the first vessel that has brougnt a cargo direct from San Japan to the Oniled States. Her cargo consists ot rice and J apaueso ware. State. — d letter from Col. Mugruder, who is s ut oue t at El Faso, says that the prospects for the Southern Kailroad are extronre'y promising. A destructive fie occurred at Woaverville on the 7th inst. Seventeen miners are reported to havo been murdeied by the Indians on Kcgao Kiver on the 20th August. Too Know Nothings havo catried thoir State titknt by large majorities. Utah—Tho election in Utah took p lace on the first Monday in Acgutt. Hou. J. M. Boruhoisel is a candidate for delegate to Congress. Trainsirora California, with ox team*, were passing through Des> ret oa their way to the Atlan'ic. China —Ti e dates per Harriet Armitage are up to the 15ih of Julv. Japan.— By tbe schooner C. E. Foote we have Ucno ujf l<» «l titl’d ZOJ. Tahiti —Tho Kusitn prisoners taken at Si'ka have been Licdoi at Tahiti, and are omlortab y situated ou p irule. Oregon. —The Oregon Argus contains a letter wi'h the foi owiLg par grspi : •‘The Indians Lave brougnt in the repo t that the Blackieet Indians have billed Gov. Stevens and company. The report is very generally credited in this region.” . The report is also genarally credited in Northern Oregon. Lieut. Dryer, who arrived at the Dalles on tho lAt September reports the command under Mejir 11 filer within a few days’ march Irom the Dawes, all returning in good health. Within the p st too or three days we have had several (joyous showers of rain. From the Oregon Argue, Massacre of Emigrants at Bevil’s Gate.—Mr. John Wiggins, a ho:i ot Btlly Wiggins, of St. Louis Mo. t has fast on!l°»l at our office and given us the following information in reference to the rumored massacre of emigrants at Devil’s Gate : Tbe train consisted of ten wagons, 8000 head of stock, and according to the statement of Capt. Doniphan,of Missouri, ho was captain of tho company, there wore 8)1*0 souls. Mr. Wiggins says be has no means ot knowing tho exact num ber of people in the train, bathe heard Captain Doniphan say thero were about 800. Tho greater part of the company wore from Missouri. They left St. Joseph, Mo., cn the 15th March, and got along very well until the 15th of Jay, when they camped at Devil’s Grte for the night. Up to this time th<*y had seen bat few Indians on the road ; consequently they became careless, and declined‘‘standing guard” at n'ght. About one o’clock at night, about 2300 Sioux and Choyenncs charged upon thi m while the whole company was eound asleep, killing all but six men, six women and seven children, and driving off evory animal. Among those who were kiiied were Capt. Doni phan, Col. Pierre Choteai?, of St. Louis: Colored Giiphin, of Jackson county, Mo.;Bamuel Line and family of Indiana, brother of Joseph Lane, cf Oregou; Mr. Cody and fa mi lv, of Weston, Mo.; Mr. Burch, (single man) of Platte county, Mo.; Dick Murphy, of Weston, Mo. Mr. John Wiggins, our informant, lost his whole family, consisting of a w : fo and three children. The savages, after a hurried slaughter of euoh as fell in thoir wry, retreated to the mountains, driving the stock before them. jn tho morning the survivors packed up what provisions thoy could well carry, burned the wag ons and everything that remain ed, and then started for Salt Lako on foot. They accomplished the journey in thirteen dey6, four ot which they were without a morsel to cat. They laid their case before Brigham Young, who kindly called a Mormon council, levied a contri bution, and fitted thorn out with five teams, with which they continued their journey to Sacramento. Mr. Wiggins is now on his wry to Portland, where he has a brother residing. has walked in from Sacramento. The Wheeler Slave Casa. Philadelphia, Oct. 12.—Judge Kane delivered an opinion this morning adverse to the reception ot the petition ot Jano Johnson to quash the writ of habeas corpus in the case of Passmore W illiara son, pronouncing her to have no status in the Court, and the matter being entirely without its jurisdiction. The opinion of the Court is very elaborate, reviewing the whole case and reaffirming the former opinion. It is asserted that the Jaw of nations gua anteed the right of transit of slaves, and every o'her species ot property, through ter ritory where slavery was not recognised. If the contrary principle was sanctioned the time might come wueu the cotton of Louisiana, the rice of Carolina and the mm of New England, would be restric ed from transportation without the hounds of the States produoiugtbem. He maintained that the Federal Constitution recognised slaves as property ; and up to 168 \ it existed in the thiiteen original States. The said Wilhameon’a duty then, as now, was to produce Jane Johnson and her children. If the petitioner were beret:) abide the anion of the Court, she would have the right to be heard ; but being without its jurisdiction, the records of the Court cannot be opened for a stranger. . . On the eonclaaion cf the reading of the opinion of the Court, John Cadwailader, a member of the bar not engaged in the case, in order to remove a fa'se impression frumthe publ’C mind, said that from his recollection of the circumstances, attend ing the commitment of Passmore Williamson for contempt, the proposition was made to amend the return to the writ, when Judge K nc replied : “1 will not receive an ameudmeut now, but will be prepared to receive it when the record has been oompleted.” No sues motion was subsequently made and the public impression to amend was refused, is not w .rranted by the facts. Judge Ksne replied that the recollection of Hr. C. was correct. He had been prepared to receive a supplementary return from counsel, but none had oeen offered. • Mr. Cadwailader suggested that an addition be made to the opinion ot toe Court embracing tfce remarks of a member cf the bar, not engaged in the case, and the reply of the Judge. He was in duced t:> make the suggestion by the best feeling' towards a w rthy but mistaken maa fcopitg it might lead to the adoption of a course that will end in hia liberation. . u The Judge conse ited to the prepos tion of Mr. Cadwailader to embody his remarda and the an swer of the Court ta tnem, so as to complete the record. . . John M. Bsad, ocunsel for tne petitioner, said that he had listened with attention to the opinion ot the Court, but it bed faded to convince him that the petitioner and her children were not fiee the moment the? touched Pennsylvania soil. Later f oot Mexico. New Orleans, Out. 13.—'Th; steamship Orxaba has arrived at this * port frem Vera Cits. She brings advices from the city of Mexico to the 6tb in*. Aivares bad been elected President by the College at Caercavec*. The military powers, however, will deny him ertrai.ee into the capitoi, and hard i« fating ia expected. Vega had over thrown the civil power who had refused to obey the orders cf A v&icx to arrest the tugi'ive Minis ters of Santa Anna, and to arm the National Guard. Minon, wno bad been superseded ry Vega, repaired to Aivares, and returned with or i ders to resume the Civil bupremacy. Advices from the eity of Mexico to the Bth inat., states that tfce garrison bad sworn allegiance to Aivares. Vega had been removed from the poet of commander, and Genl. conde eppointed in his place. Aivares tad appointed his former ministry Ocampo, Foreign Affairs ; Comfort, War Ju&rese, Interior and Justice, and Forte, Finance. i "TwoofThe daughters of the Ute Professor Wel -1 ater, who was executed for the murder of Dr. Parkman, have married into the family of Mr. j Dabney, an American at Faya!, of great influence and fortune. Xusbah paper* express the opinion, founded cn oareful examination, that Great Britain will only require an importation of 30,000,000 bushels cf ! to aopply every poegihie deficiency. • The Next i oegrew. The Wa* i iegto.. Organ h r ® ibolcl.owing elasi fl«tion of th"4£e* orgrec*,' »ad upon that pre d. •»•<* the Bobjoiuoi ape<a!»tlOßSß Nebri-k.i Dfmacro' ** Natioe-il Amarcacs of AIU N«tiou»l Amiy c-n- ..._• ••* Republicans..'*'. T.. Whig* _ 288 Tbe Democratic pat -- ii-V'nu auieugtg m ; nor-tv 1- -ut war w.th . *1 , «ob of U.e Ctrer pcrtie«.. 1- b« nwmota chance of a majority. “'-I u foiniwers bork-t load.}' or n.*}/*?. 1 -??/. they ore to gam, Prosidential qaeetrou aid th. whole Os the g:-r J: T look toroid w WirlSsWard, a.so, Mid ■’> • - loti ere, O'eeiey and K jam.-L ®°m. to the help ot the “N.brJkf ini%o.,>! fe> Ua»e co operat ed l.itfcf.i: y to break d v lb “‘ stood between them a. 1 l “' r . h j paaes. What, we repe,.:. Wi l -h? tcatheru De moerats ~ » They wi Ibo a tbe Nations .mrews .kuiedi*! w assailed with soc abominable j.i-t e#- •The? wU> *.k the co operation of tho American party m sustain ing their own lass at d the peace cf the coantry! Iju is it poea.be that a fatty, so reckless'} sailed as the Americic Ord.r has Jreen.cn permit itself to be approach.d by its l - ela ” la,= * U cun keep no terms ■wi'.htmeb cnemiee. The American Order has stood under arms forth® law passed by thia speco atiCo adorn, -tri. on. It has bravely borne not onlv the bran' of i s abolition adTersa r:e*<, but tbe desertion of °^ u yet tho with the has been firictf upon the men wera maintain iag its position from a set:so ot duty, inese men will tot abandon th* ir pest or their principles.— They will aiaiLitain the law, no paoasd i* ai d then they wiil c*rry cut all tho*e Principles of national return which the American people del maud, and the«*pprcLennon of whica is the truo CitH -Q of the administration clamor. But let us eoe whether even the co operation of the American-party wi l says the country from anarchy. * . The whole Democratic Nebraska vote in the n< xt House of Bepfceontativ * will be seventy. The National American vote will be thirty seven. This vote wi i tub eleven short ot a majority, but this may bu perhspi eke<l out by i.f conserva tive N cithern .Americana ami Democrats, who, whilst they may have been committed gome month* a?o to vole lor the repeal ot the obnoxious legisla tion, have since seen the advautHg s they will th reby give to tho Black Rep»blicu.r:s, and will sustain a conservative and Union orga’ 'aition, to prevent the House falling into the hards of those dauyerous and designing fanatics. The result, we predict, is inevitable, frqrn tho material of which parlies ure at present constitute 1. It will require the co eperation of enemies, cherishing an una bated hostility to each other, but it will be indis pensable to the salvation of the U ;ioc, and this compulsory c);Operatiofl will take ph eleven if the parties sever tho instant alter, and resamo tho conflict upon the issues of nattofiil'iitiou and ad ministration rAormibr the first q i stun is vital. Sectionalism must be put down. O her questions aro comparatively ephemeral. They may bo postponed, bat if the U iioo be “laid on the table,” it can never bo called up u.ain. Census of Ya sachusetts. —The Springfield Re publican publishes nearly tall returns o! the pop u’ation of ihs five western counties of the State of Messachusettsfas tukeu’Tbls compared with the consts five •. ea*> a g The table-* embrace the retnrns of this year’s census from 148 cities and towns, being a 0 !o s than ndf of the whole number, and from abonv ‘krec filths cf .ho waolo population. Tho nett .gain in'those cities and towns from 1850 is 95 lc*2- The t;-tal population of the who'© Stfcte iu 1850 994,514. Thv gain thus fur is at the rate of i-.bout seven eon per cent., the places given having in 1850 ab-'ut 6 0,000 inbabi t nts. These returns include tl7ecities where tho gain has been t lie largest; and “thoy also include the western part of the bi te, whero th.; gain ha* perhaps been the smallest. It is supposed eleven hundred and tyenty fivo thousand will be as h ; gh as the population of tbe Sta o will now reach. New York Stato shows a gain from three millions in 1850 to about three millions and a quarter in 1855, which is but eight per cent., much less than tbe ratio of increase in Massachusetts. We give below the population of the cities and somo ot tho larger to*ns in Massachusetts, as shewn by the State census ol 1865: I Nowbpryport ....1S 880 j Dorchester 8 3 3 I Nantucket 8,'64 Haverhill 7.932 Milford 7 483 | Marblahe-d 6,932 Newton 6 763 I Q iiu«*v. 6,5Q0 E tc’ b irg 6 442 Rxndotph 5 529 J N. B idgewater*. 5,508 j W'b.irn 5,450 J Bingham 4 256 Boston .162,229 I Liwell 37.568 1 Worcester 22,285 Charlestown.... 21,7421 Salem 20,£84 | Cambridge. ...7. 20,478 j New B'dforJ... 20,891 Ch< l-iea 19,150 I Roxbury 18,699 i Lawrence 16 I Lynn 1-5,713 J Springfield 18 78 ) i Twin too 13,756 | A new Savannah Liver Steamer —We availed ourselves, yesterday, of the polite invitation (f Mr. Johnson, Pro.-icteut ot tie Iron Steamboat Company, to examine the now steamer Augusta, just launched from the stocks, opposite the city, and dos gued for iho Savannah River trade. The Augusta was modeled aud designed by Capt. Robert Rodgors, of Piltiburg, on old and experience 1 ship builder, and built b> Mr. James Hkianor, of this city. She has 100 f sot lergth of keel, 80 foot beam. 29)f foot floor, wi’h foot of guards, making in all font, with 5 feet of bold. See has two soii; bulkheads rut uing foro and alt, and is 14 feet between the main and hurricane decks. Her Ireigl.t will be carried on deck where it will bo entirely secure from damage b> leakage, or should she by a c dent, become at: D.aft 7 inches »f , midships, and b inches forward, making an avurage of inches. Her machinery will consist of Jwo 89 :eet boilqre, 4 ) inched in diameter, two 16 inch cylinders with 6 foot of stroke aud two 21 feet water-wheels, with 7 feat face of bucket. Upon the whole, the Augusta is a beautiful aud capacious cm ft, .adnil-abty con struct ed, aud*nd tp’.cci to river navigation She is lightly, but securely builr,und rifl io's tho highest credit both upon her designer and builder, as well as upon the c iy. She wi 1 bo completed aud. —ZL°J YJlr*™ th-\Jir&L_ Louis Napoleon. —How astonishing it seoms now bat when Lou'*s Napoleon Jived in England, ot the many inrtll gent Englishmen to whom he was well known, there was but one. Sir Robert Peel, who considered him a man of more than ordinary talont. One would think that such a man as ho as proved films'if - ince his access ion to power in Francs, mut-t have impressed every one who came in contac' with him with a profound senes of hia superior ability. That ho is the groat ost statesman and ablest ruler of the old world, eema now to be tbe universal opinion of all Europe; yot ho had lived to the middle age and no one discovered a spa* k of genius ill him, till ho emerged from obs urity. Undoubtedly he is a great man, tho master mind of Europo, and aided by the English alliance, is capable of making greater changes in tho map cf tho ooit.uent than were achieved even by his i.lus’riousunc’e, Nay, England herself, but for tho blue water that rolls between and tho “ walls of oak” tbal fliat upon tho wave, would to completely at the mercy of the neph'.w of Napoleon. The present far has des troyed tho “prestige” of- the Briish army in the eye/. France and of he world. It has inspired the French soldiery with a per feet contempt ot England a military power, and soothed tho pride which has boeu wounded and deeding since tho downfall of Napoleon. Without drawing the sword against her ancient *oo, Franco, under tho second Napoleon, has mplv retrieved the tarnish ed laurels of Waterloo.— Kvhmoni bhpa'.ch. The Sisters of Charity.—Tho m ambers of this religions order htva re Airily adopted on entirely new dress. Their attire las always been black, but ot the instance of their eti porters they now wear a dark grey robe and a white linen hood with a long loose cape of the same material and color which renders them quite noticeable on tho streets. However much Protestants may object to tbe whole monastic system, they must respect the heroic devotion to the sick and needy which has ever characterized the t‘SiFfcor« of Charity.” Tho Lady Superior of the institution in this city, by her commanding fi *uro, natural gifts and varied and cx'ensivo acquirement, nicy be justly termed a “representative woman.” bne is a native of Maryland, and belongs, wa learn, t<> one of the most cultivated and opulent f miliesof that State. [ Hoston Transcript . The Atlanta Pane —The following cispatcb to the owner of this Bank, at Chicago, gives the Bank’s statement as to tbo facta relied on os proof of its failure: Atlanta, Oa., Wednesday, Sept. 28, 1555. —To George Smi'.b & Co.: A quantity of notes presented yesterday morning by Wash be me. Wo counted and paid twenty-nine thousand dollars. At the close of banking hours the balance was protested. Wo are advised by tho best legal counsel in the city that wo have claim for heavy damages. Shall we hold Washburno to bail ? 8. C. Eiqg:nhon, Pres’t. That’s rich ! hold a man to bad for protesting paper for non payment — 6 b'vmdus Eun, Col. Kinnev.— We pnblishoi some days since the substance of an account ot the organization of a now Central American Government at Son Juan, with Col. Kinney at its head. Tfco account was contained in the Central American—a paper just issued at San Juan r.s the organ of Col. Kinney, and of course the proceeding;- and prospect* of the Colonel were repress: ted in g owi-jgcolor*. The Washington S ar, of Monday evening, however, pnblithes a letter received by its editor, which puts a d.fferent face on Kurnev affairs. It says that the meeting by which Col. Kinney was elect ed civil and military Governor of San Jusd wss attended only by thiee rei.l residents and property holders of tho town, and some Jamaica negroes. Tho Spanish residents did i ot. attend, and have protested again At the authority of Kinney. Tho E3gli*h Consul, am also tho Captain of id. M. ship Karydioi, at anchor in tho port ot San Juan, re fuse to acknowledge tfce new g>vernment. Martin was absent tt tho time, but has since returned, and states that he shall stilt exercise tho jurisd'c tion given him some time ago, *» he hold* that it has not ye* been annulled. K-nncy’s force, tho letter state*, is ragg‘d and hungry, aud no recruits belonging to San Juan have jjiued him.— N. T . Couriir db Enquirer, “Constantincfle is a plcci of very air-gutar na ture,” hsy j . Viscount a recent memo randum : ‘‘near ya l military meQ eg r ee in eaying that, by a very little exertion, it might be made almost impregnable. Military men also say that it is a placo from whence attacks upon the nation, not too far distant from it, could bo made with the greatest advantage to the assailant*; whilst, from its s ituation, k oonld be only with great disadvan tages to the enen y, CqnsUutinoplo, in fact, is the natural capital of an immense district, within the limits of which exists a ! that is necessary for tho materia) formation of ans val force for w ror commerce ot any conceivable magntude. Prime val fore ts furnish tin ber, mines famish miner als, jl cl ad eg c r pper, to ar.y extent. There is, cn the very marg n cf the sea—something under one hundred miles irom the ci y—a coal mine known to be of many ml les in extent, and of w* ci the quality of tho ecal equals that of Waliased in Durham. The soil is generally so good tha agricnhoral produce is in the highest degree to be obtained, and at a low cost, and it is with other numerous valuable articles spread over Eu rope.” Political Inquisition.— Immediately afW the la»e election. Gov. Johnson, flashed with victory ard thirstirg for the blood cl thr*-e who had re fused »o obey his (diets, ordered every man on the State Road to be guillotined who had voted against H s Excel’ency. This order has be n partially executed by dismissing quite a number of con ductors, train and track Lands, wi'.hm the last few dsys, and the “good work,” we era told, is still t go cn until the last mao who dared to vote egai j?t the Governor is sent a drift. To carry the principle cf political proscription so low as to reach train hand-*, track boesea and tr*ck h; tds, is dea cendicg deeper into the siLko of political prostitu tion then ever the Governor cf any B‘ate has gore before. Day laborers proscribed for opinions =ake! Oh, shame, where is thy blush ? To visit panishment upon the pohtica* independence of the honest day laborer, is an act di m befitting a ty rant than the Governor cf a frea people.— l*aUon Ttmes, Bail Road Accidents —A negro boy belonging to Mrs. Bill, near tuis city was caught between two cars and his thigh severely fractured. He hau been e gaged ss a Depot baud at this place. We learn that the down Train on the State Eoad ran eff the irtek rear Tilton on last Sandsy morning, tearing up the track consider ably, but doing no i.-jury to ary Ore except the Engine driver, who waa severely cut and bruised. The acc deut was caused by a “snake head*’—that part of the road stili having the Ifgat flange rail upon k.— LxiUm Tim**, Mike Welch ta Eog'aad. £nola?«d and thk E.\ousn Everything u American sens on Lndrrg mE- ; d—always ex cepting tho j ivenilo thee o!ac : .—un*» iu g»y e mit d* h ; m oi slowness rnd s .iit’. The clumsy f orm 3of the people, and particularly of tbe labor ing c asses, and the rbi! r ' e nmsy mode iu which they are c'ad—r ■' m m n I. praaranco of the horses, the re* ;ty of w .h far exceeds all my preconceived notions cf t o. ; be stupendous Irowninr wal.s with which ove v place reemato be surrounded ; the private ins’ alike w th > the docks, and tho hoepital, infirmary aud ceme | tery, no less than the pTT'cu a»*d arsenal—the'e, I ana 3 thou and other things which everywhere ! meet yOur eye, are so different fr. m what we havo been accustomed that they necessarily chailerge the httentim oi the stranger. Y u n-r n s loss, while lookiov at tiie a oggi-'h, inm croome ap peerance of the men generaib , tad;vins where the extreordirrery activity und Heelm 's of the En glish and protessiocsl »racer c me .rom, ba‘ a tew we*ks exner «-dcp—:f you are a p r et‘.y lively iraveLr—vhl rclva the m-,story. It is the almost uni vers »l lovo of m?ney which x »sts here. Northing ahonof the prospect of p'vk •ting a supply of “tin” could ever iniucaafull blcoded Enx lshman to go tbroegh the sev< ro drilling and seh denial iooispensabiy to a.l who attain eminence in th:ao purparts. Tho horses are more like clop- a 1 » than t‘«>rso», «ud they waik along without uy seem leg effort, w*th i wbi:h i-ppear really incrediblOk V ikk Attends a Dibatinw Bccii tt.~“Docs the humnn rac-3 j-priiig fivm one pair ?” “Woo d tha spread cf education ad to di raioteh c ime?” “Is the faculty of rca-ou confined to mm I” “A'e the people politically prepared form ex tension ot the suff age!” The latter was thooauth.jn under considers tion, a»id my sturdy lunged friend, who had ju-t sat down, bad bejii sustaining the eftrm'.tiva si io of tha q ©stion in rep y, ss l Earned, to a tut Scotch lan or, who was . tuoxii \g » pipe on the loft ot tne chairman. A tittle shrivelled follow, with a keen eye, and arm ad with a most formidable p t > of do amenta and elafcora e ujtes, n~xt entered, in opposition to tho extension. He had evidently rend a groat d?at, but did not bOiui to understand his snbjsct Nearly oil his illustrations, though seemingly conc’usive, we e easily turned ogaiiift himself, at d after a very .’odious discourse in which he made tho most sweeping imsatatomouts a 2ft it st onr people and government, he closed by that although fully eouFC'ous that his position* were unassailable, he should have no objection to hearing bis strange friend (referring to me) make the attempt. Accepting the almost dsspairir g friends of thoftuffrbgy, aud bjlieve me, if over 1 oume down on any uuo with deserved and wither ing *»everity, I dia so on this occasion. As I pro ceeued, our side became gradually flashed with exaltation. Scouts were sent o»t to bring in tha 'aithful, and ere I had got through, the whole hsl; stair wt.y and Ixv 0 in front, were filed with attentive and enthusiastic listeners,end as I closed, such a shout — so lor;g and ho deafening—was never heard before in the region ot L mekilu lane. Even the cl i windmills re echoed ihe prolonged cheer of triumph, which rent the air. Finding all excuses oiler!y useless, l accompa icd a do tachmeut of my delighted adherents into a tavern o'ote by, and, much against my will, emptied some nail dc’isn pots of the worst boer I havj tasted iu Env'nnd before I cmld got away. English €( ukts. —Tho conr s meet h?re, and I have been much amu ed during my visile wl i'.o they h.ave been iu session. The barristers,as tiny style tbemseives, and the judge*, wear great clumsy white bor*e Lair wins and long, bkek c'ericwl lock'Qg gowns and white neck ties, pre cisely like those worn by our Episcopal cl rgy men, but in ail other respea s there 3 orned to b > n> essential differenoo between them aud o»r “ Tombs” aud small c vie ©cart pettifoggers. The same awfully impressive—'* Remember, sir, you are now testuyiug under the fearful solemnity of an oath, and that unless you coniine y>ur-of rigidly to the t u'b,ycu may jeopard ze, a>e, even ruin, your immortal scu 1” “Dj you w’uh, man, to be understood as swearing to Ibal f” aud.so forth. There were 0110 or two fellows who car ried this sort of business to a meet ridiculous ex tent, while another tall, pug noaod chap exhibitod marked porsoverance and esptiousuoss iu splitting hairs about tho merest triiDs. I should glad y have parted with a few grineas for the pleasure of seorDg our Fetor Mulvey handle this paity for r.n hour or two, on b’.uffiog and tecTi.iculitios. i’otor would so an take tho conceit out of them At the adjournment of tbe court there is a sudden mu toriug ot some twouty cr thirty individuals, dressed in knee breeches, long, dark coats, and oipos faced with red, aud hats with gold I«C3 bands, aud ornamented with cockades. They have been hanging about the neighborhood daring its session, and all strangers have taken them for I very fco’ineu. E ch one is now armed with a long spear or halbert, from the upper part of the staff of which two or three big icd tassels aro dangling. Oa inquiring you ascertain that they are the high sheriffs body guard, and presently you see thorn c induct that important per-ouage to his carriage. Thus it is that tho govoruirg power iu Englaud e’.icgs with an absurd tenacity to countless expensive absurdities which have long sincj survived tho vi!o necessities which criminally called them into existence. This body guard, which iu tho day of its creation acd for years alter, doubtless inspired awe, now only xoites ridicule and merriment even among the children. Flsasubeb of Travel.—At the flr.st stopping wo were rein for cod by a French genteman with a iromendous pair Oi whisker* and moustache, w gou y old chap on crutches, with a sore leg, and a jrlly, black eyed woman we ; ghing about 250 rounds, with two strapnii g children. Too Freuchman, the o d Scoichf lady, her daughter, und myself, occupied the rear seat, and tbe others that in front of us- Our side was full, and tto other was so uncomfort ibly jammed that it took all tho ta k out of the ho ish The fut lady was tryiDg to manage the tw) yonug ones as well. as possible, previous to tho tra'n again starlirg.— For this pn r pese she guv j themea h a largo fresh ration ot fresh taffy. On locking around for a person to quarior one of them on during the journey I thought I ould Fee her singling me out to her mind as the very individual most certain to volunteer for that purp .-e, aud, I should cvtch her eye, and at tho kme time her meaning, iu such a manner as to be compelled, cut of common decency, to do so, 1 put my head out of the win dow 111 preteudicKßi-wob m notuo f*ir U a. x havo willingly bold one, or oven both, were it not for my desire to see the task imposed by some means upon bullet eye. A tow remarks from him, by wuy of killing time, about their being “such maulaA the business. The yonn las-, who sat ncx to me, instiuetiveiy inter prating the full purpose of my movements, good naturedly remarked that ho might relieve the la Jy of one ot them. There being no alternative, he with rather a sed grace complied, and I shortly resumed my seat. The youngster, who won qtrto a vigorous chap, andlftU he tn’ared with the taflys immediate'y c >mmonoid «audry am,oying hberiioa w ith his new gi aidiau, to the? i; finite delight of tho young Scotch girl and myself. T' : s, so t. r from be ngcheeked by iheplic d tompered mother only excited admiration, and elicited from her the remark that the child wuh “ho full of life and funny trick* that she did n< tknew wba' she would 3r could do without him.” As if encouraged by these laudatory icmarks, the little folio v made a urious fl it handed d* sh at an intrusive fly, who bft I j Ist then perched on the c can, w ifly starched shin bosi m ot the “travelling inerchaut,” leaving forcibly imprinted thereon iu dissolved taffy his whole palm and tour fingers end thumb. A general roar 01 laughter ensued, iu which even tno goaty g ntlemsn snd the mttguiiuo woman involantarily joined, tothedeepand illy suppressed mortification of ho who was its object., a d the great j y ol his juvenile tormentor/ Tho mother, who rad her hands too lull with the other one—a little girl— to sea the extent of the damage, gave her opinion on the subject by saying, efiorsbo had rtovered from a hearty and prolonged laugh—“ Well, Hod ward, ycu little rascal, you do beat hal’—yoa will bo your father hall over, when you gits tq hq a b;g lad.” Mqse Filibustering. —Tfco New York Mirror profeeass to have reodvod information that an ex tensive filibustering expedition is now on foct tri/ra the United States, to subvert the existing government of a Republic South of us. It is stated that an ex-Sccre ary of State, of tha*. Kepqbiio, new, or recently in this country, is at the head of this expedition, tho present Chief of that Re public having dismissed him for pecuniary specu lation. Gutta Peroha is one cf tne great notabilities of this modern and ia made serviceable in a'mobt every branch of mechauio industry. A varnish of a very adhesive quality, aud complete ly resilient to moisture, mey be prepared with rcc tified or raw resin oil and gutta porcha. Three parts by weight of gutta percha of aro put into a ves3«l containing nine parts of oil o( resin, obtained by the destructive distillation cf oil of ordinary resiD ; and this mix ure is submit ted to a temperature of GO degrees Fahrenheit, stirring it, from time to time, rfltil all tfce gutta percha is dissolved. Origin ov FoolßGap Paper. —lt id well knowu that Charles I. of England, numerous monopolies for the support of his 4 overt'in mt. Among others, was the privilege of manuf.\:turing paper. The water mark cf the finest was the royal arms of England. The consumption of this article was grew at this time, and large fortunes were made 1 y those who had purchased the ex elusive right to vend it. This among other mono polies, wa-* set aside by the parliament that brought Charles to the scaffold; and byway of showing their cpntempufor the king, they ordered the royal arms to be taken from the paper, ard a fool with his cap aud bells, to bo substituted. I- is row more than a hun ired and soven'y five years since the fool’s cap and b ! Us were taken from the paper, but still paper cf thesis which the Ui ,Y P Parlm ment ordered for their journals bears ti e nan e or the Wrtier mark then ordered »s an indignity t- Charles An Aioient Or arm Vine.— One of the curiosi ties of Paris, is the enormous vino which orra ments the court of a house in the Rue d3s Marais Bt. Germaine. It is said to have been p anted ry Racine, and supposing that be did it in the last year cf bis life, the vino must i e now about 156 y of age, as that celebrated writer died m aud covered with fruit. The Steamer Th xne, took at the wh«rf east 01 Andrew Low A Co’s. whar f , about o’clock last night, and would have beeu complete ly consumed, but for the prompt arriv-l, on the spot, of the fire companies. As it was, tho whole of her upper works were destroyed, and her hull much injured, bha has been empleyed for two years peat upon our river as a tow boftt> and re cenriy in the Government service, dreag rg the harbor. The fire was first discovered about mid nhips, and is supposed to have originated in the fire room through carelessneea in puttir g out the fires alter she had returned from bi ow last ng. Bke was owned by Messrs. Bor an ton. Tip per, and others, and not insured.— Satb. Eep t <-t Friday, A correspondent of th*i National Intelligencer, writing from Ohio, says that in * he town of Perrj h burg, ia that Btate, the tax is 16.50 per year o’Hh honored dollars,and he hv* known gua»d an* who loared u ia>rs’ money at • par can*, wao had to P “ per cent, taxes on it. In Toledo tho tax is $3 5o per hundred dollars. Eee Omelet —Take one quart of goo* rich milk, six übiespoonfula of gooa flour, « x eggs W «U beaten, one teasyooafui of sab, oue saiiapoonfal o: peppe ; add pirsley, or enamor savory, if i ke; mix the flour and m*k smooth, then a M the eg/s, meit a largo tablespoonfol of butter iu a large oread pan, and base from twenty to for.y minutes. Tho Governor of Virginia, in view cf tha fat rbatiho hand of death hw* beeD nearly stayed in the two stricken cities of Norfo kaud Portsmouth, *":*»& i°stied his proclamation recommending that the 15. h of Nove r.ber next, be observed io that State ts a day of thanksgiving, humiliation and prayer. Homicide^— We learn that man named John Ha-kre. en engineer on the Georgia Railroad, was shot in Decatar on Wednesday night last, by Geo. Brice. Haskie died of tha wound the same night. .nxvA. Cour . Aocidxnt to the Steamboat Chaeix^ton.— Wbeu about forty above Memphis, on the last trip down of the Charleston, on Wednesday night last, an esca: e pipe exploded and killed two very fine horses and two fine mule®. No ether damage was dose. It is reported, however, that a deck peesenger wc« so much frightened iy the explosion that he jumped overboard and w*s drowned. Two cabin paj-eergers, in the midst cf the excilement, got into the yawl, in towatih stern, cat the rope, and refused to let any one else get in with them. After flo irg that a ? t danger wai» over, these pen-on* re*timed to the boat, when they were pat ashore on a sand island in the middle ot the river, and »art to ttku care of Vbecao^Toe— CM. »• Bji £clcgrapl). Linr from < • tforcta. Tho stsamir Northern L ght has arrived with California dates to the 20 h ult. SJie brings $450,000 in specie. Cel. Kinney has resigned the Government of Nicaragua. j Ths steamor Uncle Sam lost on® hundred of h®r passengers from cholera going up. Ntw Orleans, Got. 15.—'The steamship Fh.la dalphia has arrived from Havana, with dates to the 12thinst. Sho brings California papers to the iXfc ult. Th.' U. S. Cocanl at Panama bad struck his flag on account of insult offered \rj the Government. from Japan havo arrived to Juno flsJ. The French f-rgat* ColbeK Was wrecked. The 2usvi in treaty ha i b2©u ratllb i, and tho Ergtish would b© shortly. The Know Nothings have carried tho Stato by a >rity of from three to five thousand. The Prohibitory Liquor Lxw had been defeated in both branches of the Legislature. Dostiuc.ive fires had occured at Weaversvillc -nd G.a-s Yalluy. The aggregate lo=a waa sup posed to be $800,«X)0. Ilrftl'h cf 4e« Orient. Mcndat, Ocl. 15.—There were 24 deaths from yellow lever during the past week, including 19 in tho Ho pital. Frcm Ttrai. bEw Orleans, Cc . 18.— Data* have been re ceived from Gaiventon, up to the 14 h inst., which s ates that Capt. Oalhhau, of the T< xxh Rangers, had a battle at Eagle Pm on the 4.h inst. with •»oven hundred Mexicans ard Ind ans. Four Hungers and forty of the enemy were killed. Tbe Liter retreated. Utpt. Callsban ca!L ou Texas for aasisteno© to cx e.minate the Indians, wboeay they are deter mined to kill aa they go. Callanau expects another attack. *®w York Market. Saturday Oct. 18.—Cotton is unsettled. Mid dling Orleans Middling Upland 9>£. Flour firm. New Orleans Marks! Monday, to day three thousand bales. Middling cets. Charleston Market. Monday, Oct. 15.—Sales to-day 1,800 bales, at to Prices in favor of buyers. Tuesday, Oot, 16.—Ccmc—Sales to day 2100 bales. Ljwor q iali’ies nr« easier. News by the Aiorlaeru L/gtil. Ntw Yoei Oct. 15.—Ad - ices from Japan are to the 18i of June. The French steam frigate C Jbert was lost oa tho Ist of Jaue in the harbor A Nangaßaki. When getting under way, she s ruck on a reef, immediately tilled and settled on iho reef, whero she wa-j abandoned. Tho ratification of the Euxlish treaty with Jaoan lias not been exchanged, but it was expect* d to 00 very shortly, it was in the hauds ot Admiral Sir James B'eerling. Admiral Fontiatine, Minister Plenipotentiary on the pa t of the Russians, had concluded a treaty with the Japanese, and left for St Petersburg. The French at last advices wore negotiating a treaty with Japanese at Nacgnaki* Chicago, Get. 11.—Accounts received from Northorn Wbonsin and the vicinity of L k ■ Winnebago and Fox R-ver, state that tromeadon inun latio .s have beeu ocoxsionod by severe storms. Thousands of tons of hay have been swept eff, with larjte quantities of grain. Appro lionsions wore entertained for the safety of all the mill property thero. Cincinnati, Oot. 12.—' The returns of the election in tne State show that Mr. Chase, the Republican candidate has beeu elected Governor by 20,00 b mrjofily. The Legislature is three fourths Kj publican. Portland, Oct. 12 —The powder mill at Gor hsm blew up this morning, killing seven men and h jnring Peveral others. It wus owned by G. G. No whale of Boston. Cleveland, Oct. 12.—Tho emigrant train which est Erie last night ran r If i he track near K ugHville in consequence of the disarrangement of a switch. Several passengers woro injured. New York, Oct. 11.—The Flooring mills of Hecfcor <£ Brothers, at Brooklyn, woro burnt th : s morning, I’wen tv thousand bushel i of whoai wore destroyed. The loss is estimated at $103,000; New York, Oct. 11.—Tho express train on ti e Er.e K biroad Irom Dunkirk ran off the tra kon luesday night, by which accident the oaggage tnastor was killed, nni S3ve*al emigrant pa.-sen "ora hurt. The baggage oar and one emigrant car was smashed. Washington, Oo*. 11.—The report that a gov ernment messenger had been despatched to Den mark with despatches to our Representative there dirco ing him to enter anew into negotiations in regard tithe Bound dues, is not correct. Tne Adminiptraik n still maintains its original posl iioo in regard to this questiou. The report that Mr. Buchanan, our Minister at •he Cuurt cf St J unes, had been initrncted to re quest the rcoill ot Mr. Crampton, the English Minister, is also injorreoc. Montpelilr, Vl. 9 O? . 18.—The Legislature of Vorrnou tnui on Tours day and organ *zed. G. W. Granby, Fusioniits, chosen speaker.uf the House, t iid J. b ade, Fusionlsts, clerk. New York, Oct. 12 —There has boon no bupi r ess iransttc.ed in Gotten to day. Flour ia a trifle i »wer, Sta'S being quoted a* O 'io at % and Southern at 83 50 per obi. Wheat U’K-ettfed. Corn is buoyant. Provisions are unohai gid. Freights are unchangedA Cinoimnati, Oot. 12.—Chase has been elected ioy $9,000 U. ju.l y, .1.0 v» tvvmuu vi the Lugis'aturo are Kupubhcau. New York, October 18.—Tho U. S. Mail steam ship Jumea Adgcr arrived tt inis pert at elaven o’clock this morning, from Charleston. She ex perienced very liv-avy woittber on her passage. New Orieanb, Oct. 13.—Tho sales of Cotton during the week have computed 5i),000 bales.— The reccp’s exceed tho.'-e at the sume time last year 9 »,OOJ bales. Tbe stock on hand consist c f 155,000 bales. Sugars have declined 5 16J. Ccffoo i 3 highe. t i.scinatji, Oot. 12.—Chase’s net majority in 56 c ninticH i- 18.000. Majority lor the rest of the K ‘pubiican c .udidates is ovoiw ielmiug. Repnb heuns have 25 donators and 60 Representatives as f. ras heard from. Democrats, three Senators and nineteen Representatives. Cleveland, Oct. 12. Tho "migrant trein from F. .o a> in row a eff tho tr.ck on account ot de rangemenl Qt ifcoswitchcs. Several wero it jured. New York, Oc'. 14.—The schooner foster bts returned from Japan. The authorities refused cj p ain permibsion to trad3, denying that the treaty made provision for mure th..n a temporary residence at llakndodi. The steamer Northern Light from California bus arriv'd hero. WAsniNaToN, Oct. 14 —Some of the Naval Offi corn, (iroi pad aud furloughed by the action ot the Retiring Bjard, hive ineffectually romplaiued to the President of the action of the Board in their cases. They exhibited letters from the Naw De partment, received before the action rs tho B >ard was kuQwn, which aPe-Tcd thoir capneity. They and their friends are making ex-enaive prepara turns to operate on Congress at its next session, with a viow to obtain redreys. The conduct of Judge Mason, oar Mini-tor to Frarce, in Sltendirg the T Deitm, oidbred by Nipoleon at Paris, in honor of tho Jail ot Sevasto pol, la regarded hero as possess*ng no political and is attributed to mere cariosity on his pure. Washinct n. 03t. 14—At the commencement of reoruiting troops in the United Stptes, for the Crimea, Mr. Crampton had an intimation that he and certain other British Consuls, wero violating our neutrality lawß. This fact aggravates the ai d our Government will refuse longer officially to recognise them, if the British Government—alter oeftain representations which Mr. Buchanan is in structed to make, shall bo made to it—does not ro> call them. Petersburg, Oit. 14.—Tho latest inioTigonco received nern frem Norfolk states that Mr. George W. Biiiford is not expected to live. A case at the Alms House will also terminate fatally. There »v(;ie nino new CE*33 of lever Saturday in Ncrtolk. Mr. R. H. Chainberlttine is sick, but not with the lever. Another attempt has been made to burn the City Hospital. Mr. Hawkins was improving. Concord, N. H , 03t. 12.—Lieut. Gov. Fletcher received the oath of office to day, and took his seat re President of the Senate. C. 11. Chapman, of Ludlow wao chosen Secretary. Mr. Powers, of Woodstock, has introduced iuto the House a bill in amendment of the present liquor law, wb'ch ia said to be the nr o>t stringent yet framed. Doubts arc expressed about its passage. New Yorx, 0:t. 15.—Cotton ia quiet. Fleur is firm, and Southern ie worth $9 87>tf per bbl. Wheat 13 beaw. boutflern Whitts commands $2 18. aud Rid $2.05 per bbl. Corn has u down ward terdoruy, aud M xod is quoted at cents per ’ u-hel. Freight* are steudy. Exchange on Loudon is dull. Heavy Show Ftobm at Cherry Valley.—We were ye.tcrday shown a letter dated Cherry Vd ley 12th in**., in which was stated that the evening provioub (Thnrsdaj) they were visited by a severe snow storm which t»r< k t down trees and fences, and reunited in doing other damage. Trees laden wi h fruit stff red the most. The bdow that fell was we - aud heiry, end the storm extended lor several miles. —A tuny Argue. SPiXIAL M/TICE& ILICriOH VCT CE pr An Elf ctlcn wiU b: he'd at the Corrt House in Waycesbcro’,and at tie dffirtnt El ctlan PrefiQftein Burke coacty, cn TUEtiD/ Y, the 6th day cf November, so Tix Cot teter for f? Id cou'ty Burke, to fl 1 ihe va <»-cy oceoa ontd by the deith of Henry Bazoo, E-q late Co’.iect r. By order of tbe Ju» i?e? of the I .ferior O* art. tCiIT WI .LI AM U. BTURQES, CJr. PRIVATE AFD TBBNSIEHT B3AFDIHQ. or >sri Jeha Jssbaxu, formerly or Athens, leave to ms rm the f iseda an-) the tublic, that she has Akinthf Hoc»3 n Greene it*ee», nett door above tne Metho d t Par on g**, a n d two Oo'-rs Ttji n McTnfcrsh itree\ erhi' h she will op- n oa TUESDAY NEXT, fr>r the aooom mo:a icn of PftlVAf E and TAANB ENf JbOARDEB.s cai4 twA H- T?L NJTICF. Tho Kstslrliehaiear, at present known aa tbe Eagle ft Ff go lix hotel, fca ing been leaaed by theunfcr* signed, will htreaft r be stjkd TTE NATIONAL HCfFL, and conducted byifce r u derthodrao gRY A BBENNAN. The excellent location of th s Hoi#!, and !U soperl r arch! ec oral adaptation is so well ksosa ae ecircey to reqlire notice; bat, flo the infor nation cf stracg’ri, »e will statetVt it’s ia ‘he tu ia ts part cf the ci:y, and rt tothe t itt.nz Pall'Oed D.qois Th Proprietors tad ma h export net in entering far the pu s i \ and fee ra’isleJthey will p ease all who m*y f*vor ih m w.th t ei • cuitaxn. It I» their in.ei ticn to co duet M The Natiina'” on a different f rice pie f'on any ia t e city—ts g-es«s wi 1 be fu - i h d wi.h ms tie a*, any hoir, ei bor ia their R>o s, tae ReaUarsnt,or at the Orcinar>. In addt lon to the r regular Bit’o an extra one 111 b: p-h. llshoddaily, which wi’f gYe th; bestth tca^beparctasei ia tbiior ot v .er markets; an 1 the mo t fv.tidious in taste w i te iftle to in t iLen elvf*. d profea 1 cal persors wt! bo admirafly accommodated a-.d-r oar armg meet, ae they a d the r iriecdsoiu be forn sbe with what they may oil or at any hoi p , and at mo 'orate cost. fu* %*ra are ample for condu*t : ng tvi* cotab is' ms- 1, an■we wll te tup r li d with flrat*rato Coo’xs *Ld attentive Bervanto. Tfce Bar and Cel’ar w 11 he s*ock€d with th# WIhES, LIQ :023, BEGAR U , do., and the Bt-ad ; ng Kocm with th- lenring Ac er can and Foreign Tapers. An BILLIARD BOOM lrtll be c t en te ioer» *'d sobjeribers. The Natl Dal Hoto' wW to newly fcrnlghed throoghoo , o r d wi!l b? cpxed as soon as the arra'foments a ® portents can ieeomtlete6-ef d ” B 2‘? GEO2OB w. «f. g cctl2.tw..«Sl J HN r. noire A. 'qoe btl»* Talma..—A fe- An' q". 6iib EB«83IB .nd TALSdAB. JOtt re t rre..che W .b.~t,b & COMMERCIAL. iLUVtttA MMihtU. tin port Ti««4ty,P.!h. CCTT-M.— ihe lito European cows put a to apera'. 02s for a t me, and the market final!/ set led d awn at a decl ne of about a \ cent ca a'l de’crij ti fes. Ih b dedm? brought cu buyer*, tince which ha» be?n an active demra', an! l« I ’eri encountered codiftoiltyiu innkifg ajKaat the ft lowing qnotat ot», at ah cblhs mar ket clojts firm : Middling t » good mi d’ ng bJ4©BK Middling fair— Fair to Fu 1/ Fair The bu'k of tic sales are at Bjtf ’o Sjtf OftOOiRI B—The on :h? Gro ory market continues eery ratVhrtor*. Ibrr* hai been through* ca' avery efflivt tu* .e l * going en.aed’t cot ticara. Frce* regain qa to t e same as laat qa tef. We a to a fight dec 1 .# la Bagging Rsc% aad teme descrip, to aif an i a adraace ia No. 1 Mackerel. We refir te q otttl at. PROVi HONh.—The Bacon market continue fi-m atd prise* very ftol*. The big* l p*t«43 have, howeV*r, rha ked the demand fihoaldrs and c ear T ttne»;ee lie are higher. Four rtmatosaa previsa 1/quoted exctj>. City Mils, *hi h.thg‘ r. fee questions. GRAIN.—w« have heard of som» otosiie rab’e truns ao‘ cm ia Cera wl hiu the laat lew d tja at 6»cuits, the P r.ha er'.urthhing ihe*4 k«. Wheat cjrtmues la ac tive d« m 'n'i, at dour quot»tlo it are teaci y obtain©’. tX MANJ£.—jightehees oa the North X per oenf. premium. FREIGHTS .—There ita< favorable chaos eln the River whichUao or t *t inn) lut boa oo’ th e lights draght can ieich ohe *h.»rf. Freight* Lave undergone lo charge. AUUimeHILM tUHKINI. WHOLBSALK PRICE I. BAGGING.—Gnnny.......... It yard If A 16Jg Kentucky 4 yard non.-. ' , ““<le«-.... * »»rd 12J. @ 18 BAOJN.—Ham.. qp 1b... 18 „ 14 Amea’Bugar Cured «*»... 8 © 1* Bbocldeu S 8 ®>... 1914 a is Vt enter it hides |ji lb .. lb CA 14 Clear Side?, Tennr*se«. . p t 0... ga 15 Ribbed Bides, ** .. • t 0... lg)g fg 14 Hog Round C 1b... i> ]4 SC ITER.— Goxhcn g t 0... t 5 © 45 Country 9 «)... 18 © 15 BRICKS « 1000 fOO A |(0 3HlEßE—Northern V t 0... 14 O IS English Dairy V t 0... lb X 18 092 FEE . —Rio V t 0... llfc © lsu Lagoira ....« t 0... It X Java V S H DOMESTIC GOODS.—Yam It A 81 X Shirting 8 yard & A 8 % Shirting V yard 8 © 7# 1 Shirting ...jj yard 8 O 9;4 6-4 Shirting V yard 10 © 13# f-4 Shirting ....» yard 11 © 14 Oenaborgs m yard 9# ft 10 9GATHERS 9 t 0... 88 © 15 FlSH.—Mackerel,No. 1 9 bbl.. 30 00 ©M 00 No.il 9 bb1..18 00 ©l4 No. 8 f bbl.. 700 g 7CO No. 4 V bbl.. 600 A TOO Herrings 9 bb!.. lOO FLOOR.—Country f bbl.. 7 Q 9 DO Tennessee »...* bbl... T6O A 900 Oana! V bbl.. 750 © yOO Baltimore 9 bbl.. 8(0 { 100 Hiram Smith's 9 bbl.. 14 CO City Mills jB bbl.. 0 6j 010 00 Lenoir's 9 bbl.. A o ne. Den meads. W bbl.. © GRAIN—Corri, Sacks inola'd.V bash 65 ta 70 Wheat—white 9 busb.l *5 O 180 Wheal—Rod. ....V °ush. 100 © 185 Oats W bush. O none Rye 9 bush. none Peas V bush. O 1 CO SDN POWDER— Dcoont's V keg. 7(0 A 75 Haiard....; V keg. 700 C TBJ IRON.—See<ies ** t 0... f# O English •••¥ t 0... 4 0 5 LARD 9 - n 14 LlMß.—Country W bon. 125 © 1 sti Northern tt bbl.. 800 © SBS LUMBER 9 1000 10 00 ©lf OO MOL ASHES.—Cuba .JB gal.. P 8 © f 5 Orleans, Old crop 9 gal.. 48 © 45 do. New crop V gal.. Co © none. NAILB #•»... 4# © 5 OlLS.—Sperm,prime w gal.. 180 © 800 Lamp V gal.. 110 © 125 Train f gal.. TO © 95 Linaesd f ga'.. 106 © 110 Castor V gal.. 160 © IT6 RICE 9 Ooroe 6# © 6# HOPE.—Kentucky f t 0... 9# © ll Manilla 9 *... IT © 88 RAISINS 9 bon. 850 © 460 iFlßlTS.—Northern Gin FgM.. 60 © 65 Rum V gal... £5 A so N.O. Whisk-; f gaL. 50 © 66 Peach Braudy W g»L« none. Apple Brandy 9 R»l*» none. Holland Gin 9 gal .1 50 © IT6 Cognac Brandy V gal*« •00 © fOO SJQ4RS.—N. Or loans 9 6# © 8# Porto Rico 9 t 0... 8)4 © \}4 Muscovado t 0... 8 © k H Loaf 9 ».*. H O 11# Crushed *!>.... 10#© 1* Powdered 9 »••• l l * O 13 Stuart’s Refined A V t 0... It'# © 11 Stuart's Refined B V B>.. M 1< h © 10# Stuart’s Refined 0 f *>••• 3# © 9# BALT 9 bush 00 © 00 •• 9 sack 160 © 165 Blown 9 9ft ck 925 © 160 SOAP.—Yellow 9 *••• T# © t SHOT 9 bag., t 25 O IBT rWINE Hemp Bagging. ... 9 2* © *5 Cotton Wrapidng Wto... 15 © 15 frit la nroner to remark that these are the current rate- at wholes Ue from store—of course at retail, prloos are a ‘ hade h gher, and frem the Wharf or Depots t in large quantities, a hh*d»* OBITUARY. Di. d, li Wan* n co-ioty, on th* 20'h of grp tmb*r, af-er dpanfi lines', Ms. MAKTHA TUckKU, con• •*orto Mr Uiarl a uc«er in her 4id ye ir. Th* do eased wai » u-t 1 e of Virgin it, but fir th* 1 st ten yeari. a - at of ttli dt te. ih: ws a member of hi Biphl Ch irch, w'lich r.- i ion sheaf' reed o r fifteen yea. a Du iog he- illness, she maoifei ei nl 'h; patf-ncr, re*ffroa (i >u a r d ferat »ie th t beo »me»h » Ctrir Un. Dai h hid no terr rs for h< r; ah* wai m fall poss'-sei n f f the »:hria tiati'a ho *e. Thu V.a parsed away an affe ticnits wle aai a dfV<te mither. Sie his l«*'t a husband aid five children ■ o mourn her irrep rable lies To the b • ear d, 1 wou'd say, mourn not, f„r she is not dead; *»h* o r ly s eepet . A Fhiem) nrr. maui'll a Al#"Rloii diet at th 1 ! residence of the Rev. Mr < liett, of o umhln c>• nty. Oh. onifeSihinst , n the C7th we :r <f h*r H e. sh * di®d of Congestive Fever, a''erarjriif lines* of odlv our ra a—was well oa Wei neidwy.and wasburle the neat T* e d*y. ibe D Q't cf h rs m '»h»d band; hut tt 1 sh- le ivra but two daughters and o e»cn, <* th miry other d ai fi ien ia ’o Um nt her d ath. An i wh** thou d they not weep; Dis nau si rr the heart to bleed at e-ary poor, when the tender chords that b'nd n otner to chi’d ere ton ra un i *t by the hand of d «>b — o<d - adftn tofeviurd'r .ujh a crn«h ng blow upon the fl 'ih hurt. But Heps looks beyond ihe grave. Thy moth r is hot dead but alr< peth. E. tr-h- fnd-x will p'**'te copy. COTTON FOB WARDED FBES OF COMMISSION. JAMES ARMSTRONG, COMMISSION AND FURWAhDING MEROUANT, Noa 41 and 42, Mark*'.-Street, Charleston, S O. A I j\j GOOLM cons-gned to my care wl'l bo forwarded ore m t!y andala very small Comxission, snl as 1 have a la ge number of Horses aud Drays, will yaaraotee tj FORWaRh COTTON FRBB OF iOMMIS IONB to - akethe D<fyeg*: aud will a'so guaran ee tu ENGAGE IFR. IGIITB a* ti elowes r*t * *nd forwirj promptly Fefs'.b cm 14 CniatMTOMII. W. Conn*r, E.<q.; Conttney Tsaoent A Oo ; Gilliland U wel'ACo , Hyatt, M’B rnv k Ho.; Townsend, Craoe * Co. 1 D. F. FlerMrg k C> ; HiVi and. Uaral a Oo ; Wil r-ang k Price; Pier- Bon, Jen ings k 0%; Be*« h, Pra't k Fin ; B. W. AJ. P. Pnro<! k Oo.; ilan s WUhans* A Wilcox; Chamterlalo, Mir* C).; Rin in, Pu Ham, Hud»oa A (Jo ; Hare, U lhrun ACo ; John Fraser k Ce.; Cameron, Webb A Co.; Tu yer. Hewing A Co.. Brown A Btrne; Condlct, Jecricgs k Oo.; E. B. htoddard A Lo.; J. 8. AL. Bowie A Oo.; Bates A Mitchell; M. Carter A On.; Hasseliin? A Walton; Kvoieveit, Hy-ie k Cars; Bancroft, Hit's k Marshal; Browct-ig k hr man: Gin-irst a Duncan: F. D. Fanning A Oo.; T. M. Hor ey A Co. ; Stoddard A Jo*n tj i : aJj he : son fiimoos A Co : Fimond-, KuT A Co.; H rral. N oho’s k Co.; Jcbn King, Jr., Agent 8. C. R K. (c,b dm HOTiCB, TIIB subscriber, wish ng to concentrate his hatinees at RaysvUle, offers for *a'e hh Winfle'.d FARM, (the Dougherty placej ng 453 icrer, ly ng on tie roid, mile above Angnsta with gtort |ri p ov m-nts, youa* t reba di ; a good t r>pcrti«»n wood land. For t< /ms. which wi Ibe ea»y, apply perKinni) •,cr by Utter, at Wiufle'd or Raysvillo. V.M.BAHNEm. Fept. V7. 185'. >er29-lf BTRAWtiIRRY PLABIS! THIRTY P emium vari<tlrs, inc a Dig ‘uch ~,*otr Me IV »k’ri ttUk'fcßlOß. HOVICN »d BFFPI I>l >. H i.aUK PRiNOP, CRH-CENT hEEDL.NG, 4PB CRIMSON CONF, *o., Ac., may le o ttined in large or small qtaot t «s, fren the sut scri) er. P'anta properly set tut in t etoter. No*emb»r or Dtcemler, w*l. b ar fair C'ops 0. f ait the so lowing g forth oming No v mter No. o' SnUthwn, Cultivator for full directions. Price of Plants, 0 j cent., p.r or from fl to ptr bund el D. AEDMoNH, o!7-JtwAwtf > ug-i'a, Ga. bOaiMBEH TREE,! A FEW SHOCK'EY, VaNUU'I, ari other ne rd Sou*he n Ap*M K TREKS oi (ostr.i sisj. fur immediate beating, may b«* ofctiUKd oy MJkir - * tug D. RFDM N ». o)7 otwawtf Augusts, Qi, BOOTS. SHOES AND ThUNKS- T'-HK su v ßcriber has j at received at hb s»ore, 1. ne rly opposite J. A T. Boce’s liardwa e (■l Ftore, his fail rupp y of HOOT-*, HHhEB and fMI Planiation HROGanH. His stock couprbesa 9 co-peteasso tmentof the very latei sty prices rc a sonatl*, call and tee ;hi m. JAB W. Rf R r .H, At theo d stand of U. K Clarke. A B’XTY-HOKFE WATER PJWK«, WhliJH »irod» houian lye i r -i and nre tii re f’(l, ▼irtu% 'y wit'ii ten fu t*. o’ tne Gm-gia Kill K >*d, an fe bo tgl t at sls the hors; p wr, If rppl- d o before th : Ist of /aiu*ry. A. P. icßiE'C-'. Near Qtf l>r ! N Won r »., O-t ift. oH 7 wtf IIKAWU* F « HUDeiWO. O,\H .ai i. > /Mr 11 pl.ut. fur .mh (1 by tha q ;.r 1- ijr. Prioifram !S'a«b pe' tboawnl. /!' , » fc» (flsrg.rgrowA, suitable for cnament It r es, at 46 ct*nt« e.c ». F il' and pee »if •« *io s for plan'ing and tiira miaj h w< Ibj luroli-h.d >ll . ur« has rs A dnsi 0,1)1 (I wo ts D. ki-DvIONf 1 , Aqgu«>a,G- . F O TEHSd. tniifP, Btr ng, we’l roo.ed re«a, S 5 f*t hig*’, with 1 branchiae ii*-ad-»—ss *ral ch ice vafie.iet—will bear newt y «r, ( 8 $ ) Forra'eby ootl7 d »*»•! I). I BnMOV , Aign ts, O o QUI C& IBEBt. IMIK Orange shaken ▼ -rlety—» Watt wl h %■> »>bond aoce of ro tsanti sp.etd og he di. c nts eaib— -12 5 ierii'l n. oc 17 d we* .f D R T DMOND, An usta. G e. CATAWBA ©PAPES I rotted wiDes cf h »ge nine CAT ‘ WBA, O h'best a d mo»t he* r ic.le r variety ritbwr for the t*bie or *iur ranking m*v no o->ta<r ed f sn th übs Pri , angle Vi .es, 6J ctnts ; 14 ) pe- h ndr d. octl7-Jt- * v f D. IiEDMCND. Augu Qeo. $23 SEW ED. RUB A WAY, f out Wat. J h » n n v out th e 1 flth D he cxn 'lTe caM>h n.s-f MAT. He is ai>o Ui y fiv ye-*r. od, acout fl r e.-t eutt r t r«I2L inches higb cfayßaw comp! x < n with someofi i. r nt under-*e tboa', w»d a srraii car ov<r<neof hsey s, I do not rec le i w id - ye. Tn* sahscrite" vi i p y tr>e abov« reward for ’he d* liver j of * i ‘ bjy to m-, or hi* con9nem»n; n ’ il no »h*. i*n get Urn. loui vile G»,uct ¥. W. JOHVBQN. NUTICF. suVreriber, having the Trout Rnu e'n thic'tyot A'*aa»a,i9 d-tir ui f g.v.i g a LE Aeh on t..e property, for a term of y art, to some gentleman w o Will seep a fl.* tc aal Hotel, as th huo*e au i fix torts are t p nor to ary h rs-: in h rtate. It w cuov • irmly Poat d tt *• twsenaer D-pit, and c<-ntulns tome 8J »uod,to«modiou« r-«oms ail well ve ti rte *, and Is Ire tied ia a r'e irabl-j poriion t f t-*e citv. ft runs detiro x cf 1 ea**ng tau! property, wi i c-l. on Maj. ti. A. RICE,of A’Ja ’a who will show uiem the pro t e’ty. oct!4-d*w»f a. aU.VELL, RISLKTS COMPOUND EXTRACT OF BITCHY a combination of the most efficient remedies koowc to the Medical Faculty, for the relief and cure of those nameriHiß complaint* of the Urinary Organs, conseqo» at up©--infl <nstv>Q or nle> ration of the Kidneys, Bladder and Cretans. It is prepared by an espenenc -d ch emii>h accorJiag to a formula approved by the Medical vjd is worthy the confidence of all who m»y be sucer-F fr m Pain end in t* e small of the page and Pain in voiding Urine, D a*»eP:s, er *•* Urine, strangury, Gravel, Gleet, Lenoorrrcsa, * ~l^ KInLEVi- hUCHU i, . reli.bte —* d lo remedy so» all diaea*»* of the Urinary aoetruxnx whiefc li pl.ee the h'Kh ptioed .nd ''-“PfJ 1 .’., o j,offerer.. 1* .re forrird a»on the no !.-* «b«I or dmcirst. «od U pot opinl»r*e Md " 1 * f( ,le.ele br UAW -toontry mcrchanU ‘, ( ,|uNl), HAND A I,A.*D, Ktal KT . 00.. HaEBAI. t KIS OO..Ch rlestm; »nd bjdA'o— dl4-dtw»»1« 1 Kt*:rr»» “ r ' y „d; Hor „ PLAISH Uqc. .1 tte lo» ’ (.f-pAISS.tr T* 00. qti.Htttl Also,»'» r ß e 101 # 1. DUNHAM, succ rsor t J. K. Vu^ceft. iep2s CAB7STIVG, Ow Prx>*ch and American Fahrc # ftela’l't the’owest and ftneet g/adtsoi INGRAIN and IHBKE-PLY,to ,‘rwiUi Pali »As Fl ured BAIZW, DRUtiGBTd, |()3e,D-<r Mil-*, BINDING *e.. e.n he h-d .t m_t. »r tepre-s r *n (» f 4) J r n IK JOHN CA c Ht>. r i k»rhal coM*nb»i«» MI ‘ RC,T * !,T .KrrSv It ininia, <»l.. fcc’tw p ratio a ly located Uu| T 8. Mrs If'.n.. -Ir. Pro f w.-eho . . a Reynold hire* t, 1 .ba 1 erotihaa tha Otß' R*'. COM- M.BdION BUttlßßefi, Liberal adr,ace. artd. CSJ prt 4^c« la men. MI SO KIJ ANKOUS. 3QOTHKRN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTE V, I, (liy authority of the Statu ol Alabama) j OONDUtmCD ON THE HAVANA PLAN. Jga I ROW 13 Y'OOE CHANCE I »WNi H C’NPARALLEIE > PCHEVg fOtt NOVFMCEE. ClASi\V,toli.l>r.»nNtv 8. IKSft, tn «U 9 CH» cf i>l»»utKO»»»**ry, rri*** amounting to ‘Hid. mill h« dUirVxdid aco r >rding lo the following Magnificent sc/ieme / |3P»' If >nu oraw thf nw-it Pin - you uet the o> t m V ur Ticket without d :duciim, nnd ?.« mambt f ever? Pr er drawu at each drawing, and paid wheta das WITHOUT nuaco* Tfri«of 1 >. 61" 0 1 U , roo 1 .. Cow i “ to *• A6OJ f Jh, O U) » i»io! ie ft Sil “ IlSi) E0"0 *# “ • oo!".. IV" . *" u 80 “ Sfi-l . ... 4 <lO “ *2O 4-n>i «80 *• $i A<« 10v0 prfsts in 8.11, .raounUci to |6t),"«o ONLY TIN Tliut.J.MD NUM.tKKS. Ticket* sl n ; Halve" 0 ; tjaaitera 42 10. Billson solvent Batik* at tJ .r AUcommonication* strictly confl.lential. o*in« to the prov. ci.ce ol Yellow Yivrr laMcotj -m rv.l »™ corny, leotod >t* se Wi the draw og or O a a Von the 9, lost. anllta’one: ai m. «. vrks t.d one oJihil'oirnilwt iters hav n gone from tow ,»"d tL» otner iVmroi .hinerco fl e3by*canesi 1.11 l Tsmilv. Hold r. ofTI kenlti CM* V b, murnina their HoV et* to any da der, or to 'bis Cfllor, tan rc-iova.t In Cla*s W. ioba drawn No rembtr"t' . TH* brililnot ami nooa-a'leled Fcheme, »l h • no Thousand P ite*,»nd only Ten 1 h'us nd Th k ti, *tha 0 filial Er I-O'H'IU , c m erdi i * If io '«o <?;«;> a tiv.pub lc.aso o 1 ’B Incucemeut* bes Jr* unh.ard of In the annals ol Lotteries d, SWAN, Agent and Manager, Sign of the Bronsr Lions. Montgomery. Ala., Cct. 1. 18. \ fC>9 '*‘ > HAVANA PLAN L'JITEUY. JASPEH COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY! [Ay Authority ql the Suite of Georgia.] MAI Ok, UKOHUIA. THIS I.OTTKItY is coodaolrd on llie llvn cl th. Royal Lottery of Haxata, of ilng'e i umovs-an 1 draw at Coccrt Hall, Msoon Qa,under ire twom iu perit’tendrnce of CoL.Geor.e M. Logan and Jia. A. Nx* bit. Esq. OLABS Q. GRAV’D SCHEME FOR NoV-lIBEU li:«. 1-C«. Whtn Prists tminntinr o (60 000! VII bo disttlbnled as ro'i.iw : —CAPITAIB— 12,000 1•• h.l'OO J •< . . f/OJ 1 .. 10 l •• .... 1,5 0 1 a 1 01 1 « Ill) S •• 1,0 1 10 “ 1! 8 0 Id “ 15* 11 “ KO 20 « I f O fin •• to 254 •• 45 S 3 Approilmatlon I rlajs of 66J <OB Pr'aas amcunilog to f L0.02J ONLY TkN TUOOBAND NUMbB e. Ever' Pliaeis drawn at each drawing »nd p llwhin due in full wtihont any dr.' union, trd r strictly roofl dentiai. Dr»wlngs » nt to cr.’. s. R.gyt.roi le teta at my ilsk. Bills oa all solvent Bsn*"»t lar. Whole Tickets 98, Hal .’e»|4.'o Q iartere »2.< 0. Address JAMEn H.WIMt«, Monpger, Maccn. Ga. FORT OAINE* ACADEMY LOTTLKY ! By authority qf the State <l/ Georgia. BEAOUfOL SCHEME EOR OOTOI 83. UIiAES H. 7b be draten Oat. nth. li-65, <n ih rtty of Georgia, tcheo /'rises amounting to jJOOtiO 1 Will be distributed in a.c rd no- with the following Met bites Bcbim ! 1 prise of— * 1 2 “ *2,100 4,000 8 •• SO" 1V O 11 “ 260 *™<* 10 “ 110 H'O 17 - 15 •01) “ 80 u I 639 “ 5 <M5'» I'RO Prises it all amounting to *SO,COO ONE THOUSAND PRIZES ! ONLY T)N iIIOUeAND eUnKSHa. Tickets *5 ; Halves 42 50; Quitter" *1 25 OXB PHIZB TO EVERY TBS TICKETSt C§r B 11. on ail i Item Masks at | ar. an commnni cations Si rict.v ror fldcntial. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent tnd Maniecr, 5.056 A'lanta, Georgia, ADMIKIBTRVrttIt’B •» Will n I su'd, no the 0-stTj idayi DrO l '» B K nevl, rerore hoC ur houre do r In Liao inernnty, Oetweea the le nl bouts 'I sale, arriesbly to an ordrr of the Ci ur of Ordrary if ■ a<d c i ir tv, one tract of Litnl In sil I rou' ty, on the vo - ter* of Newford c eek, contal log ; i*tv ior," M V.v!, wore or Ics, adj-'ln ng litii’a of lot 11* uio, 1 1 * Is II '" •itdotfers. ' Alto, the follrw ng Nrg Ol s, to vl : Jn , <. w-’man, 45 jea*s 010 ;J« ii, lljiarsol'l, Pu<»u. 59 > c amj ol* l . andthld ; »al ta,!B vejra ol'; Marfa, 16.ua oil; Mary 6 veara ol ; Zis\ a bo*', 8 r< oil, i d Brrah, afi i,5 vearsil!. eoltf a« the pr l e i> bt 1 n. l g o the estate of Zul ar Oim ler, lat« «f aHi.l << uif , Uveea rd, f r the ben fit oft» e heirs a< d creditor*. 'Jr rcs on thodty rs hh **. DENNI > I'* LA u* I A iv. i, I,h ffitUTGlll#’ M—'.'ill be nl I, ~lufu r u Tho X-J Corn h u-i* d 'or in K a lia f o»n o < tin y, b J «« a ihe legal hours of sale, on the in l KOK 'i --* n *t,agrreabli t 9 an order oflhe C)trt of Or of f ine >!n courty, tie fo’lowng p- p*r y. to »lt. L t of Land No. 1 ->fi, 18th dis'rkt of K ncli f»< u*n cmniy, cor - 2< 2lf *< r h Fo'd ai the p opdrly 01 tr-e o t • f Mh* k Hbti p, 're of Lincoln connr,v,d«<*» as 9 ', f 9r the b-i e fit of tha h.iraa d oreditir*. t-mu; n t"« «'a< of *a c. rKsBO I N M »»ELIY, I - , October 11.1PSY J v JEN il i ;■», f D Vtl Alnl it Vft L.^..—uv vruecl «u or d»r from tie * on©-a*>l- Oouru Ortlaa»y o Li act n cru’t ' will be •1?, h, f ri the <u t hou e u oor in bAitl 00 mty! on the first Tu-si v in I>R(IKMH«K nwr, h - tween b?h g 1 hoa ■of sale, t • ♦’To-ttl rt f w ill am Wa : . 11 e, d cieeil, iu ti>e aialt; of 'ihiuiH W.lli o, l **o rs ii oiln decta*’-'!, it Frinu ti * on «H * b r : r in BhUi e»tat**, cocaniDg of i wo ”undr* d ld i Fiftv i . *n •. mor« or itsa.‘hatha* »'•'•< ft 9 * anlln*, Bd jo uiT’g \pndj <fWMI am B. hei‘l snd o’h-ib Term" oq ih»* day of e. CHaRLRS WaLLICE, Adx'/. Oatober H,1865. ►ou «:eunty, will b.- sold < n tht fl tt Tuts ay .n DE JEM- UfcK n *t, n- the ftiarket Ho ■« in th; iowa «f• • u aVil *, in aid countV le we n the lawful hou»a c.f a»l;, m o tract < f Lana lo s& d oout ty, rou'hi lng 2 »'■ acre , more or ItM, djo'ning landaof A. R. Wr g'u, Jtho J* da , dIJ ft cky Com'ort orerk- Alan, a Htuv* and Ll n the towr of J ouisvi e, havia/• trad o belooglng to the asm", cont.luing 8»U ucicj, more or Iter, a jooirg lands of As r Holt* anil the to an Comoatit s Polu hs t’ « tr >i er yof i'r. rhili.> ' Le i l«, dtCes ri. so- ’h 1 beatfl oitheh iraanc ciedito s. Te - bon the y o >ftJe. R( Q* R MXOS, l - rt . n . r n October 19 tnuaXioif wan t# AVOlNii MAN, who Is a Grad u. t of tua of tho bed Col ewea in the S ate,and who ha«i ha! » re er.ence in't ea-htni', f eai'es abi uation f>r the Lu.t year ns Fri- cip*', or l tti-Uuf, in home gotid Hcho; J. Address X Y S 6. care of HucUor, Wel/tra A Oo . Wsr* reDton, Ga. _ fCj* u w f SICLYMs I'HOH my plantation io Wa.-hing‘.on cou ty, on it* night of the 6th in t, a darh iujg e/ Flli Y, Ith a fltoddle aiwt on watch side of! erf a:*,wn i k wrut etre*»a iu her sac *, b«;i.t, but not r.ry h \ oil- l:ado, ind three y;ar» an«» a hal/o d. I wi i five a reward of $ 5 tr the detection of *h ••! I I, or the ret* rn rs ihj mare. JJ.jM AAt • I tOS. Pore Offi Wartfyen'a 1 tore. <~«i «-»f TALUABLK lands JTGu i AL£. rpHR ttbf«:lher « ffsrt for fhlo the folio* i g Vilrab a A lots •f ( AND belonging to the tstute of 1J il *y t r penter, dereve i, late cf Burke county, to \ it : • * t No* 1&4 Sth dia’rlct o H-nrv ccun'v, ro mi Hrp \u X a<r * Oik and Hie ory. 8a d!ot • f Ledl ene i»t« f -f ci* imm*liveiy on the roai I‘ai’ing f ora fel h to liHitefieh a SflUa on or near Whits Biv* r,abc«t 2 or •% oil eitromthe M lla, adjoinm* lar il offlu 1 n«J Mo re kul other*. Thu roil a well adapta lto the growli of fc cot tv. <0 na’ d gu ll g in, hiitl the Ge >r i » K il Odi 1 , *, f thipk, abict i2or 14 in legfilg »n f , whi h Iru a r %r>e'- convrnlint, both in Augusta and Allan a. Fortr-rh f in for(nation, (di-esi re n 1 sender, Hu kecui y. <i appiy lohamuel Moort-, who wil> tak*-» leiunrr ii ethibi;-. log th- Lan *, and in glr’n- ail(r»‘rel n ornd n Lot No. I>B, 4t'« • is. oHtrina ly He »y. n w F*re(t* county, cotta oi g .0?M ncrea Os k hick, ry and c »t nut. 8 id 1 itof Lafid lit well i imated, about 8 • r iu untej I > m Fayetteville,and«bou 12orl4rai tsfrum G Qii —\ <cd marke;. Ih bod is we Ind \td to il.e * ruw hv» •o’t'in, corn and small »rvin—b t more enr-e Inl y to tl c f rVn cr .ps. ror lurther inform tion, me ti t. • der,Burke C‘iun*y, rr ap ly to J«mtß 11 VMI ma. «r J. ho J. Whilake’-.i the n ighburhoo«i ( tlther of wh C‘i gentlem-n wi lekhititthe land, and give iho wired iu* formatori. Lot No. 69,15 t section, 26‘h district rrl I a’ly To? rrw Bumter« Uuty, containing2u2X acre* o k anl hhkery. This lot of I and is most brauUfa ly sita *t«?u a out Id mi es from Am?ri us— a good o »tion m rket— rd tail th* ne gi born oi of Clta las w. ft!organ, a d Gtorg) Thomss, and is remarkai.ie lorl s std» i titioa to the pro* due ion ul or>?tOD, corn add son! k a na. Jorfurth.r in* formation, addrers me la Alexander, rurke coun y, Q' ,p ,|y ta ‘ bar W. Morgan, vto will p.litout thoi-ai d aud thede i'«d iD’oTnation. Lot No 28. *Ji district Rabun couo y, roUi'n , 'g ac ei oak SDd Hi k ry. This kit «f land in no \a% mark-ih* for :t- femlay tha-uhe a‘*ove n*med let-, ft'd joi n s land with Joiner Bfe :kley. F rfur h-rinf rm.ilu, addiewm* as abeve, or apply t > Janes B e kly, who Is fi st b.r to he land, an wi >, pe.-haps, points out. OK AVF.N CA (?(»»■ N»’ K, GL'AHUIAIk’M HALM.—Puouam to mi f«m the II rnorable Ceurt o Ordinary of W rreu O uo y, nd bv cousrcf f oth* parti, si tere-."d, w.Ji be »o.dbt» fore the o<urt ll.UEtdoor ii Crawfonv.ie on ti • Ur*t Tuesday n Deramber text, a tract ol Lind ronUi Ii g right hundr- d(9 () acr.». or'e* ,on the w es • i w i iftina Or<%k, * r.own si the Asbiry pa , « dj 11 g Froco.r, n Klict , and (Vet . > el n Bar, f k Hndpr. cue i'e, well d toih gro«tbofo n , <-o 00, Ac. h’ via wo-dUndcotvjLl nt o v.rypait .fthef- tn. Pcnons wivtlug o • xia ne it will cal ou A*r It. Beet • or'b.orN ohovgc, w.o cao b- found ou Inir nn j. SUi lor Uistrib-tlou. Tttmioo hediynf»a«. MAUV U LAITMKT, for ML»«.r o' U V a tu*y. Oct. 15. 18.5. it. K. aß* UhY, OCtl7 V.ir o 11 » L ’• 1 e***> nXKb'LTdIX’ hALK.-Un! mb • rder lom f a Xlr Ord ; n r» o* Richmond Lou'ity, 00, wl i it * o'd tho f JB‘. T *e.d Vlaße • m e<- nex &!*• kat o Inloolr 11*, Jeff r»on Ctua y, that vh’uaU: j.;; dim !»', compr B>g 5 u huodrel acr « |>*ne, mixed. MrdbWM. p laLd , ’yl g a ong tho OtP rai K hr » d, u J f*r oa eo n tv, 1 9m hi 'rem avannah: iow«BU<J a >«fce -ar f, » U th pi ce well [ dr c«*ii*|y m rc v d. 8 Id h* th- p< pr ty cf the Lie K bir F Po«, me a*fd, f*- the •tu fit of is hi•a* ri e e-l tors Per nioima i nar.d leroig, y to W ill mC.fu , alacon, G-o. not IT El.‘7. AIV VO*. v ~ -n >x. EXfi U'lUhS CALF.— Agrrttg y to ».u out if the Cont of Ordinary of P hmoed r- ttnty, w h ba soid at'h« L wer Market Ho'-ro in he tl yoi uguetn, o j the firrtTu sday !a lEG Mi.Ml next, ine No toe*, vs: IBjab, a man sgei TO yeara *, Kdmu d, a m-n -•wed 55 >* vrs; Mat 'da. a w mn gg <| ?8 jear , aud h r d eg iter, Fanrw, aged 6 > ears; Clail la, a w ru*r» ate! 4?> em, ana her nfmt J><nn, a tvoy wged 14 >a » ; Ph Lis, k « r. *g d 12 jeais, an * Rufat, a t»oy a,ed Id \ears. A'sn. f 0 <re*o(L n», ga'ject o the wii w'a dow***. told s'h p: p-rty of Gad *« K cete-d, f“r the ren fi .cfthehjr ar d crtdi'o’s i e ober 14,1565 • tAM'L B OLa K AdmV. BiTulTluFlvANTllL AVOUNU IjADY, to te?ch Mi !c, fi'd then u*l Ei/l sb nrarche*, wish a oo v tair « r’,n art ir. by the ,• o* ltna*ey n'X . Pot-s'a'vc y reftfjccci t»nb r»r” Addrtsi F. M Louiavi )e. Gl*o. tw‘ir*w> » BTKAYFD (£ iTGLEN r-R<m M"L»T 51 Alii Y M’ b Bu"d.y»ln,,t e7O l.s| ? *»* »%Ze r rr tber over l edmm use, io toen « e H j v-H'g wnlte sp.t" "host M. bird fewti , bti , c . „ ll) old ; sh»d in fruni ; some .JJJ , i,.t'e wi d when bind p»rts ; moves “ uo ’ ln „ rc t„,n r; b'm lo res'rd Any person «•*•*£ “ vV'itdu'*. «••»»■ mi e frr m Ta brl *'**?,_ rewarded hd! any fun l>3 G 1 , Wll be !’’»““ b /,h.-y SI, recelv.d. It by ht.cr, respectlu« hniwi * p . cffl diirct Io R:ni/ oreB * r n Trg. o*s Ifi wt> HvIaH. —V>II be rid. lrfi*«h* t onus* d or It the "r-nty cf Piugheit , to h> v* *«t°btd ?r on the frf Toe day In D LEMiiFK Mt, VZt f bard drawn by Mcbofa* » nr|h v, ’at, cf * • . 1 nd ronoif, de-rased, f rme-’y !■> t* ec asty of B.k r *„■ Jrgbvty. iy’r.g In .be 2 ais std . 112. f o's‘nn? 25» -to e». Bid oi «f Lind atj In* Col. rrj or’* pUfta TteLa dotnbs ou h ti \ t ate ,?? rg-.bel. cuc-s »y addrrssir gM. MORrUIr Y, n% fplrrs* <r O'uout, Ls ri'n Christ*', G * t r>r K. T. M K* pit r.Y Aug ■*,«*-, pr viTßfo the day of il:. lern.a f b.ral lo id aptiortJ pu o*iss r M i.i MIGB MORf HIT, I Oc.. 16,165. K T MDfHcV, f NoriCK. —All ptr oos ‘ dented »o tho estate of VV l hare H. B * 0, 1 *t«r*T W irren wu-ty, decra*ed. nr) re incited to m ike •ay cent i’tri tbo * hiV ou **vnnU atrairs*. *a!d dec-afed o tlfi d to p erent ttom dn y ai»th» ntlcaUd . ith n t' e time pre-cr be • t y »' w NiOLOLAd U. BArjON, A m r. C* ob rifi, ISPS ( tLAliDlAil'w HAl>:.—A.li te oiu, •• me first JT iu sday ir. DEvJKMBKftn* xt,before tho u;« door In Co omb a • ounty. un er au or ’» rof the t’ou t or Or lo>*ry of sad county, all the Lane bdi f » fg 1 H. Hmitn, a ti |r o r. B£:> J. K PLaRKE, Guarc.*n. Goiter 14, IS’S. 3 > L l » T Mtp t ‘ l '- 5b: " , -' o N''' f V fi"I , iT Y 4 no, Wg iiaveJustrecein-d a fres i attor:cien of CUIMI* GA 1-8. ’o which w- bog to draw IhvricUns par ticular attiut oa. fco'Tj N* J. VGOaftTY * OG.