Weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 183?-1864, June 10, 1857, Image 4

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(Ltrroniclc £ Sentinel. 0 j*| NDAY KEADIM.. From tkt >mc Xork UAturrnr. Thought* of Denib. —Bv KTir* MAT In Ibis world Os *in and sighing, j u tblA world of pain and dying, Vri,«*re tu* parent J**y» are fleeting Aj. '. the brightest b'pf-** are d.cat&g . Wln-re tbe flower- we fondly cb#rkL All um F‘»n mnat fad* and j.<*cinL; B rue on every gentle breeze: .-.gbing •}.•• ugh tbe waving traes. We wf v hear ft mournful mjiii, Like a j'i a.ntive, ►weet refrain, Hang by tb* Angelic band lutbi iar-off Spirit Land.’’ Whle tbe raiding tear draf*. HA us look from earth, ab*.ve T,,;hai betn* borne of love, Where in sh. **• immortal »*©weT« W1 tLi \ bi»e roi»ed migeU dwell. And mournful word • jurt&elT’ '• -re thrilli the a* long breart, V\ err * < w eary- are at rest ” 1 u tb **■»• realms of mdl£*s day. • Evt -y tear U w pedawaj." An ! vhi*u eartnly tie* arc riven, >•, . a . f. udly dream -f lL»ave«, >o Impatient w bib we wait Ihe opening ->f th« ‘pearly gate, ‘ Ever hoping, when at last’ All life'* weary days are pari, We -ball “meet, to part ue more,* With the loved one- "going before ” We ‘'hall am* that new. glad non*. Never learned by mortal tongue, Wl.' U we join the anget bam'. la too br.ttht, tbe better land. Yot. while !bn» we re fondly dreaming, While the light of joy is beaming. Oh 1 hovr oft the dark death wing Will o or the heart it--, -hawdow fling. Ca-ting on oar path the gloom Os the dars and dreary tomb , Arid we whisper with a sigh. 'I H r Work of Creation.—The Creator hw Hj.oken nud he ntara l«>ok out from opening* oldeep ti;,< .oh i him- and. a- day and the planet of in .:Mi.*:pakt‘ in the J'.iwt, the broken olondlela are 1 .i-u.u’Vd ?r«>rn bronze into gold, and anon the gold befoui • • lire and at h-ngth the glorioUß huu out of the eea, and enter* on bis course re joi,mg It i- h brilliant day—the waves of a deeper an*i -offer blue than before, dance and nparkle in 1; : u m. the earth with little !e«* to attract the gaze, 1 , • a- timed a garb of brighter green ; and as the him declines amid ever richer Klorifcis tl*an tho#* wl, eh had encircled hi* rmmg, the moon appear* full orb* d in the E*u*.t, ‘o the human eye the necond great lu . inary of the heavens, and okinb* tsiowly to t . nilh a night advances, * bedding its mild ra ilianee on land and sea Again the day breaks ; the in •(,. •11 .i,m .••••, nr- before, of land and ocean ,»• are great pine vv.hhls, recovered nwampt*, wi’if j. i . windo.,* ri\ rt and broad lak«*s ; ai d a ii.es over all. Hu the laodsoape d iiv - r- ii, - rest and novelty from a feature i K‘-d b« Oigantic birds stalk al *i»y Lite >•( wa<ie far into the waters in quest of tkeir i - while birds of lesser size fh-nt up.>u It- or . ere mi discordant ui hoveling flocks, i . k a- n -et iu the calm of a summer evening, , > ~ na: i ver sen. , or brighten with tlie sunlit gh-ain of iheii wiugn the thick woods. And ocean l hii its mounters ; great "tumninint' tempetfk the . 4j. the y h**ave tl -:r huge bulk over the surface to inhale the sustaining air ; ar 1 out of their tu -triis p-4cih . rnoke, as out of a “seething pot or cauld ion ’ Mm.-trous creatures,nrim-din UiansiveMcalcF, I. aunt t;.- i Ivors, or scour the flat, rank meadows, •nth air and water are cimrged with animal life, aud the sun set on a busy mine, in which nm • in instinct pursue- ujAratnittingly its *cw 4 0-4 - the support and prci. rvatiou of the mil;. :u .l, the propagation of flu- specicii, and he* p«4.■: i-ll aud .intluleliauce of the youug,— Ag i u sh -. night descends, for the fifth day h«H . and nionnng bie/iks on the ftixths and last diy of the ercalion. (.'attie and beasts of the field gr< / •>!» the plains, and the Lkick-skinued rlnuoce* i. - • wal'ow - in the uiarshes, the squat inppopotauras ru-1. amongst tm- re ds or plunges snlU rilv into i i iver , great of elephants seek thcfrlood among tin .oung hei bagfMd fbewocwls, w hile ani i u "i he er nature—the lion, the ioopaol, aud tie- ben, harbor in deep < huh till thff evening, ol' In-in wait h i tlu-ir prey amid tangled thickets, or in i4.-uth some bruk n bank. At length, as the day wain and Hie shadows lengthen, rnan, the reMonef Me lord of the creation, formed m <l-od’s own image i int induced upon the scene, arid the work of ere at ion ce in *-i forever upon the earth. The nightfalls o-u-e more upon the prospect, aud there dawns yet another moriow, the morrow ofGod’e rest—that i>i vine Sabbath in wiiicli there iw no more creative la bor, and which, “blessed and Hnnctioiied’ beyond all the days Umt had gone before, Ins as its special nhj.-r* t’ :• -moral elevation and final redemption of man And over il no evening iff represented in the record as falling, for its spegiai work is not yet com plete Such seciiiu t.. I'*ol been the sublime patio t ain't of cm-iwljoii, cxhibiWd : n vision of old, Lo The die;.herd who flint taiuht »ho ('lonen •eed, I i tl. i heginuing how tin* Jieaveusaud earth ltoi*e onttif rtiaoHj + and, ii,;htly uudci iond, 1 know not a single scien tilie truth that militates against even the minutest or least prominent of ii* defftlb.— Hugh MiUe r’.v “ 'Vextnnony of thr Rodm.'* I)k ii \ri• # m ok Pal.k..vi ink—ln Palestine you are nearly as milch in the wilde.iL*SH as when in Ara bin for a to inhabitants, they are precisely the fiii’t„ i whit*ii do not effat, ibr a!! you can tell except hi the towns and villages you pass through. You n'!< on day aftei day, and you rise over ouch hill, and y*>u siiikjnto each valley, aud except anocca oi.ai solitary traveller with losssivautand his iuu leiti r, or a Turkish oflieial with hio party, rarely d " a moving object appear upon the laudscap* . No < if i l are on the land, and no passengers are ou th-.* i ighways How lonely it is! and this loneliness Milk* iy.ni moic lik* that of the desert, for it seeiPH umnilur.il, bee huso here them should be life, and tl ere m iioue. Wound lines you may make out at a »li taiice *»ii the lull side a single figure, a imvu upon a donkey. I is the only moving thing your eye can dd • t all m ound And so you go oi; through this d<*rtolat»* land. Prom J«-rusal*ni to Heyrout you ' .ui- ly light upon oue Miigle sceugef rural iuuus ny not one Mngle scene of'life that cau be com pared with tliose on the Arab pastures from the top »•! .label d Sufur to the w< Us of cl Mileli. There i*i plae#-. , the i oumry was lull of peopW aud chddreu, and Hindi» and herds—a icjoicing picture of pas toral • ..-*tcnce m all it - abounding wealth; while here, in the country of tillage, and towns, and villages, the whole land seemed to lie under a spell. I , nfh's W ’lntli ier in \rabia. 11k ath kni.sm is Si hi a.—Many of the people in Syri?*. arc idolaiois They worship images ana i»ic tin Hii.immir of them think tlmt the Virgin Mary crimed them, and ia greater than Christ. A few d/.'s r. iw rt travelling (rom Tripoli to Duma, village on Mount Lebanon, and stopped b* rest and find licitl.l from the burning suit, in an old ruined heathen temple. It was a beautiful place. There were three tall columns of stone standing on one -•<;e, with carvod capital-, and on th«* other side a ♦•rumbling arch seems almost ready to fall. The root is g«me; and in the middle of the buildiug there is a hirge oak tree, not less than three feet iu diame ter, which must be v* ry old. The lower limbs of tice w re covered with little rags and shreds of the cloth, whiuh the ignorant people have placed there ns votixe oil lings to tlie deity or godot the temple. The old rum -n this part ol Syria are “holy places,” 1 in the < pinion of Hie people; aud they think that ■ these rags, hang ngou the trees in such a place, re- I mind their god of their prayers Iu one place on I the wall, there wore ti.igmentsof broken pottery, in which ntceiifeiv had been burned as a sacrifice ; and in a hole iu the wail i saw sevoral pieces of money, which si »n«* one brought as an oflering to the goO ot th • place. Huch a rtmgiou as this de iei ves no better name than paganism When will ii n learn to worship »hc only true God and his Son Jtsus Christ !•—lhiy9pmng. Lktkci ok Tai.l IT t.i t>rf».*-Thc ancients have r-q rcoi ul«d the etfeet ot late t ailing on busy bodies t ..solves ova t.iule t* tue elfect that the crow, wt>.i .. w )o' the w hite color, Was cliAng a iiito hi.- picren l j> I black tor the Cri.iie of tale bcu.r i.i, . i crime Web con «i not pass with itupuuiry in tie family of interior Auinials. A poet has given us the fable as foUbWs: H.e ouco in snowy pinnies was drest, Wh as tlu wmiest unsullied In east, J 8 d as as« vi a large and lovely fowl, 11. to gde, his prait'tjf has auiugrdhiui quite [ To sooty blackness ftbm n«'purest w hite ” J \ :> -it th 3 . so pL a p*blc, if shows us how the an -ieiita viewed tin* siu of ude-bi-ai*ng. If it has no ever changed the snowy white plumes of a rav en mt** a sooty blaokuc.-'s, tin- slanderous tale tell ing t ngin- ot anv one who *-ibituaHy allows him- I self t * b«» kbite a .d calumniate others . cauuot bnt j tamidi lot own ohaiacti-r w ith shades of darkness and gudt. Il- effect on the pei'son slandered may 1 n.«t tie iasling, for the good shah outbve the envious detract!.-es ail sucli meddlers: but the spirit o calumny commingles and interweaves into the very j nnturi of detsuclors. Can a leopard change his f spois ' N»*. Can a tale tcUing, iniftohicf-umking troubh rof society refrain from bis haVvH- of good men’s im’.iv s f lie cun but ouly by ke ping his mou h as with a bridle. Think HrK vk—A»i Would that every one could rca : se the vast importance of these little words think, speak, act. In this world, where charncti r isooutinuaily in a state of iormntltM), and scar* c ever reach a climax it uo little thing, but it behooves us that word!eet hew to speak, think | audaei. In our liveeis not visible tho effects of our actions, but tfcrir imluenoe<» will show iheoi selvcs whea our bodies are laid beneath th»* *od. The influence of mauf wouleaud .*u'ti*»ns never dies, but like cireWs in water wrheo a stone is cast into its bosom, keeps widening, till we nan scarce defined, »*rour eyes reach its Ixmudaries Mauy times our words and actions may touch a chord iu the harp of humanity, the influence of which will vibrate thougliout eternity and it is the same if the iuilueuce be for good or evil. Not a thought is in our miud, not a word cscap* sour lips, not an action is per formed, but that (bni is witness ot'. How impor tant is it. then, that our every eudeavor be for the go k aud that w e weigh well every thought, word aud action If we do thus, our iulineuce will assuredly be and such that we shall never have cause to regret. IV": oi' Rich.—The telegraph report* from Washington that the President receutly received the o Uowir - letter. Whvtbvr the letter is ooneoct ei i genniiH a work of art or nature—it is a l thiiy of its kind, it i* either a faithful pic ture of rustic aud unsophisticated human nature, or a good s tare on our system of pout-aCro admin istratioa: . - . e t'Ktw v .itn fotmv.Mo April 30. IS.>7. Mr. Ul’rsrNts—lv.tr Sir;—Mr. th e postmaster at tl pUci.ireU* is gone Clrt West, and has In eti gone tor three or lour »>n»ks. am; he has no liopti yheret- btjt I have been operhug the mans an., attend.re to it ri.ice ht has been gone as he let the ke> with me and the pouuasier told me thtit 1 mn: make a report at the end of evtrj men. and did lot tell me whoj was to write tc. hut 1 suppose it is to you we should make cur re j«e ts. 0.-we are aB oitiken* of the Government of mint u \. u are flow President. If you art not the i ... ut "lie to receive the report please drop me a few hie .ct•tup me know wire lam to report to. and I will write again. lii . kt it Ttu End or Ai'Wt. —'The weather is cold for the season—prov -ioius soiree aud very high—hut notwithstanding aiithat wo- have regu • o ~ euit a week, good hewlth. aud the peo pl ft! ... > ni.trN are I’.mveiaaily ]ileeeeii with your Adii -tration . : is all I know that would inter es- y if 111, ; u is any ! hint' omitted in my last re pot t! ■ H let ms know My best respects to you and Mrs. ltuehr.ua,i. • s*rt t—A Georgia paper pnbiidtse the follow iug spiey correspeudei.ee : s Col IN. TOK. March 21. I a u'r Ba -i k of n eg( T, .>u fne* . S r: - K • ••« ti \o« have a bill on your bank w • ltd by my exchange broker—if it is worth anythin* aeud oe i?« Value iu owrmit qmbpj. If (had broke, please send me a lock of your knir Respectfully. LB MFvvwis.TrNs^Marihii’ Dear Sir Eocloned I band you BG. bill for oar note same auKHiut, reteivtd iu tout* of the 24th. I am ut ariy bald, or 1 wouitl aeinf you the l.»ck of hair. If you my ±o I will send you a front twtk. Your*, truly, * Chart D. Smith. President. Ccrvisora*, April 2. Dear Sir :—Youxvof tin- 'ttst uiiino is at baud, covering the xr+dful, for which accept thanks. 1 suj*fx»e*f you u*>rid the razor freely on others, as is u-ual v* ith t:t uUrmen in your life*. but 1 had do id« . you kept up the cu.-wm of shav ng your own cranium, Ike the ancient Shylockij of Jewish <-seen' S*tvr t i- mo ar to grind the poor, aud you wi!’ find your “front teeth" capable of uiu h to susTa i> your circulation. Truly, yours, L B. Counterfeit eivueo ece e .u circulation i New i or.\ nten •- i adofl tto .mx uine in arge quau ti " i ay Wi 1 easily deu*nv> peld JU- Ik. a c U ! g auC-, lUt being n pewter Ike all that k nl of coin, a greasy feel and a slumpy Boun- that any oody will recognize. COMMERCIAL. Oil f"*>TON. Mtr s .—Cotton Tbe uu&e uteg- j ° our re p ott u *-' jS advw-'-from Eiverpo* Ilothe 17ih ult, put . - hed in Mid tb* rewriicd t»ut ZSU The fcdkwrfug day ofbu-in* -• Monday, tlu- reached 4*3 t prif+% er'Anvtly *b» «in|r -.Tcaktie* w ith'xit any -junta .* g 0 p gm ‘ •- M atandqnfct Taesday we veer* receipt of advice * from tlu: ca*«r *uie, Cana dian. iab alt, wWrli had a uaulen*^ y to depre. .* pu* at, and 11**.- ojicrattoiia of tl e day footed t»p47C f alea. at a dot Os ;u* 4« ii|*r>o <»or la»t <(uoration u Wedn* *- day tb** market exhibited aatui mare !ai,gmd*«ddroop t. p f*-el in g. tafiiienced jjrrtJcuiaHy by the unfavorable a4\d< «•* received from P < America, to tbe 4 ult, tbfe* day* tan r. acd >*ut 194 bales were -ItsjKWed of m ithouf any aoiaine change l*tuin*day tb market UMped with the -uwo* 4Jhe« a* *lo- preceding day. au»i the bu'ineft* at he day amount to J6.> baV •». auowing a* to non- an irregnla - deciinc of i eje dnrinv Ibe week, *t:e lower /rash-- ha ui« auffered the moet W h*v« atteredeur “aot*tiees a* curdiagi».ae given below. Ts *r* *«ipUoi the ve-.k < /mptm* 1208 bah--, aud U»e luke-ic th -*awe une 170hatea, at th* follow mg pn«-1-Jo talc* at l*i f ’3at 12b L*aX £ %.tiv. otu Hu inti U. atm ■*** I *li. ‘it It 13, JH »< 135. 44 •« U; «4»* -♦» “4 *» M|c. '\> . 4 u -u Ordmirv «• O'&J'fiZSLjif**’ Lm.toSiri>t »ia*u<l3»l« dood Middlmg to Jim Jline Kiir 14 314; k -“'‘•n /4,«_rhro..4tb West In icuv, ;Di|iiirv for the wlxt*^I*ell 1 * ell lu . BUp . 4ti .hfpm-iU, w>aiob 4 . Ih .loiiir upn our ply. pn<o« !. ■ *“ EitrOMe, 44« 41 porhowir. d r,,k of "*4 5 Koce.pt! of the week t^*4 U ‘rZZ‘ bore been no ■rriwJn of tbi« irticle H he week The stock, with a large demand, », ofcotthe grejitl/reduced, me tl.etirit arrivals wUI. ao dotib hri»g a egeiNderabte advance upon last cargo ■say.- One par- el of 2,000 bushel*, stored by a receiver , 4oid at £i pet bushel _. . w Oat* —->,fioo bushel* Maryland Oats, arrived last weeK, w«r»- sold .at 05 ret»t» , - tei, very acttfce. reived from tt e interior, readily bring from sl.oo to tbe article are 6m apon our lilt week’, aaoldtious TOedemand ba« been. ..ofined p. tn . ipuly to Carolina, Geo.,fia, and Tennessee brands, for city us* Receipt* 1170, - //or—Arrived during th* week about bales of North River Hay, 500 t>ale* ofwhich at f1 i per hun dred pouuda, baianc* stpresd. fineon Th<- market eonUndcs firm with an advancing tendency. A bout 10U hog-heads of Hides and Shoulders vi „ T( . h( ,U : the former at cents, and the latter at 12i Lord—A lot of 5u kegs prime from store brought 1C —Small parcels i mm store have been sold from 78 to dOcent- per sack. Hogging .and Hop* —A few ball' cf Gunny Cicth brought i f cet.r*. and a >u*ail parcel of Hope brought HMailcente c*»/** - bu CV.fFee brought 15312! cents fhigercr- has beeu but «»b«‘ arrival tbi - week, of Httgar from Cuba. iiW hhdr and LOO bblr which i» at Qiiar i»ti..e. and we have not heard of any transaction* fn the article. llold* rH are firm and a-e not auviou- to m«H. Molasue* —A cargo of L*hd«., 43 tiercer, and 40 Ljbl- ot Cuba ©Layeu Mola**** arrived last week, aud wa- sold at prices not mad#- public. About 80bhds. Cu 0* clayed frbm st«r«t sold at »4e, and holders are very Utmuttir J.upH/r*. —Tee market for Domestic Liquors ha* b eu very quiet, a ot of IJSO bbl#. of Pilce ,t ' Magnolia Whiskey wa« oold at 3h a 0»; Eus.hungt». —We have no change to notice ia Exchan ge* tbl week. Storks — The market continues quiet. Small sales i have been mad during tha week of Oily Bank -Stank*; Him', a Hinaii lot of the Hank of Newberry, withiu the range of opr quotati n s, for which *ee table. Sales of *io 000 wortli of North Eaatefn Railroa • Bond* at h night ». — l here has been nt> v* age in freights this week We quote to Liverpool Ld for Upland and to Havre fte or sfjuai e hales of Cotton , for New York 50 cents pur bale acd to Boston k<\. for Ctition. Thoae rates are noiuinal, and verry little offer ug. SPEC!A L NOTHJES” rr 44ry »i onda ( heftp, lor H. Crane has Just recieved his supply of Spring and Bum mer Goods,’and i* new otfering them very low,.for Cash Hu assortment of DKES.S GOODS, MANTIIaLAS, EMBROIDERIES, PARASOLS, aud all kinds of goods suitable for laadies and Gentlemen's wear, is very com i pleto. and they will b - soid as low as can be procured at | this market. The Public are respectfully invited to call and examine his assortment; where goods can be had I at all tiuieft at the lowest cash prices. cpTJdAw fJP I lm vr n few good WngoiiH, with and with out Tops, that I will sell low, if called for soon. jeod&w J H LOWREY SELECT MATHEMATICAL, CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH SCHOOL FOR BOYS, pjp* (Jreenhboro’a fin.—S. E. BCUDDER, Prin cipal. The first Term of this Institution will commence the first MONDAY In JULY next, and continue five months. The location is well known to bo remarkably pleasant and healthy. The morala and man era, as well a- the ment 1 culture of Bcholars, will receive the rtrict est attention. French will be taught, if desired Price, 1850 per year, of ten months, payable quarterly. Pur further particulars addresiethe Principal. iny‘26-wt J y 6 DENNIS' ALTERATIVE, OR GEORGIA SARBAPAIULLA COMPOUND, PREPARED bv i. DENNIS, M. 0., Augusta, Ga, A for Disease* of tbe Liver and to Purify the Blood. It contains, in addition to Sarsaparilla, the bydm-alco bolk* extract »f Queen's Delight, (Stillingia) White Ash, Grey Beard or Fringe Tree, (Ohionauthus) Tincture of May Apple cr Mandrake, (Podophyllum) and Blood Root, (Samruinaria.) In urnall duaes it acts as an alterative or laxative, in largor doses an a mild purgative— with some as an active purgative. Art an alterati ve or Kxativo, it has been found useftil in Constipation of the Bowels, Jaundice, Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Sick Headache, Dizziness, various Fe male Complain**, Chronic. Affections of the Live.r, second ary Syphilis and Syphiloid Diseases, Scrofulous Affec tions, Sores, Ulcers, Blotches, Cutaneous Eruptions, or Disease* of the 48k in, and all other diseases in which Sar saparilla or alterative medicines are imlicated. That it acts upon the Liver, may be known from the tact, that m Jaundice, or cases of Biliousness, it causes free bilious evacuations, readily removes unnatural yel low ting*, about the eyes and upon the skin, and im proves tho hi-iuth aud spirits. In Cutaneous Eruptions, Blotches, Pimples, and other diseases of the skin, it causes the disappearance of the Blotches, Pimples, & c., and greatly improves the com pU-xion A* a diet drink, it keeps the bowels free, the liver • healthy and the blood pure. Its healthy action on the liver, and purifying effect up on the blood, make it a great safeguard agaiust. disease; l for children a safeguard against worms—it causes an in ureased-ccretion and passage of the bile, which acts as an irritaet to worms &r<l prevents their a<-cnniulation. Physlciaus, who have made extensive use of the diffe rent ingrcdi« Hts of this preparation of Sarsaparilla, re gard them as the best and most efficient agents in the Materia Medica. It is put up in pint bottles. Price $1 per bottle. Sold In Augusta by IIAVILAND, RISLEY Sc. CO., CLARK, WELLS & SPEARS, WM. HAINES, and D. B. PLUMB & CO. dec3-d&wly ~ CARMICHAEL & 067, AUGUSTA, GA., (Proprietors of the Carmichael Flouring Mills), (COMMISSION MERC HANTS and DEALERS J in Flour, Meal, Grain, Hay, 4fcc. ALSO, AGENTS for the Grauitevflle Manufacturing Com pany’s Shirtings, Sec., 4rc. A. W CARMICHAEL, WM. J. EVE, my-wly* W. P CARMICHAEL. i TWO WELL IMPROVED AND VALUABLE PLANTATIONS IN BURKE COUNTY FOR SALE. IMRST tract contain* 1300 acres, w ithin seven miles I * of Waynesboro’ Depot, lyingon the waters of Bea ver Dam creek, ou which is an excellent Mil! site. There is 70 acre* of swamp, 30 of which is cleared and well ditched. The remainder good upland, 200of which is in tbe wood* —all under good fence —fine Dwelling iu com plete order, with good framed Negro Houses, Gin House, Stable*. A l*. Second tract contains 1000 acres, situate within 8 inileH of the ' die station of the Central Railroad, 500 acres of wh as been recently cleared and fresh, balance in the \ good improvements, Dwellings, Negro Hous n House, &c This tract is web capable of m&ku >l. e bales of <mtton to the hand and from 12 to 15 bnshoi com to the acre Price very l«tw for one, or both tbe above tracts, and terms extremely liberal Possession given Ist January next. For further particulars Inquire of W B GRIFFIN & CO., Commission Merchants sod Auctioneers. 4 rayS? d&wlm ’ PBBPLEs 8c CAB AN ISS^ Attorneys at law, fourth*, ga., win practice Law in the counties of Bibb, Monroe, Up son. Pike, Spaid ng, Butts and Heury Mr. Cabaniss will give constant and prom* t attention to tbe collection ami settlement of debts and claims. ! C. PEEPLEB, GEO .A. CABANISS. j Formerly of Athens. Ga. mylO-dAwly _ sash, blinds, doors, lumber, &c. tWJ H. GOODRIC H keeps constantly on hand, at vs • the “Southern Machim Works," LUMBER of all descriptions, Plan sd and Rough; also, SASH BLINDS and DOORS, togethe - with every description of work needed for Housebuilding, or it will be made toonler at * khort uotice Apply at the Southern Machine Works. my2o-«iJkwl y ~~ COPARTNERSHIP. Copartnership heretv>fore existing between the under.sigued, under the firm of HAND, WILCOX ACO . iu thu city, GEO W. WILLIAMS A GO .in Charleston, and D HAND & CO., in New York, ex pired by limitation on the 30th ult , and is dissolved. Either partner is authorized to sign tu liquidation. Mr Daniel H. Wilcox will close np the business of the Augusta firm, with whom, at the old staud, the books and notes of Hand, Williams A Co., and Hand, I Wilcox A Co., will be found DANIEL HAND, GEO. W WILLIAMS, DANIEL H WILCOX. Augusta, May 2, 1857. my2-dAw NOTICE?* r PHK undersigned haviug purcha9e4i the entire stock I of HAND. WILCOX a CO., will continue the Wholesale GROCERY BUSINESS at the old stvnd. • DANIEL H WILCOX. Augusta, May 2, 1857. my2d& w Havana segajssT JUST received on consignment, a lot of superior Havana SUGARS, of the following popular brands • 5.300 LA OAVIOTA : 8,800 SI EM PRE VIVA; 1,100 KEGALIAJS and LONDRES. Thane S*gai> are wai ranted to be tin* genuine article ud no mistake. W. B GRIFFIN A CO. my29-dAtw2w* ESTABLISHED IN 1822. HAVILAND, HISLET & CO, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AUGUSTA, GJiO., W OULD call the atteuticn of Merchant* visit ng thi* city, this Spring, to their large stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES. PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, BRUSHES, FANCY GOODS, SOAPS ll*ving had long experience ard being possessed of everyfaeiUty lor buying Goods low. we are determined to sell low. and would ask all to ccone and price our Goods before buying t -evrhere. Augustr. v Ga . Veb, 12, 1857. d«cl4-dtwAw MArKKKiL.-’ 'OO bbls. No. 3 MACKEREL ; 20 *' Nos. 1 and 2 “ SQludf bbK Nos. 1, 2 aud 3 MACKEREL ; 10 qaar. ** Mess “ 10 kits « *4 •» " STw. t »nd 2 Mesa “ Just received and tor s*ie low by CHAS. KSTT>’ I ^ 78 bules TUMACCO of virions brends carles ester dissolution T'lIE arm of ESTLS A RICHMOND. this doy by mitnil conseut. The firm wit! be settled by CHARLES ESTES. ” “ e All those owing notes and accounts past dne will please make immediate payment. 1 The name of the firm will be used only In liquidation. CHARLES ESTES, W. R. RICHMOND Augusta. December 1, 18,'ri. dec.l dAwtf J. A. ANSLEY, CTSMiBH. COMMISSION AND PKODI CE T MERCHANT. Augusta. Georgia. Office on Broad Stm t, opposite Union Bank. mylfkdAwly TO HOUSXKEEPERS. 'I’HK SrQSI RISERS have jnst received and de- A sign keeping constantly on band, a fall assortment of HOUSE FURNISHING ARTICLES, snch a- Broom-, Baskets. Mats. Wooden Ware, Tin Were, of ell kind.. Stoves of all kinds, together with the celebrated Augusta make Victor Stoves, Ranges of most approved patterns. Ac., Ac. A complete -trek of Gas F.states always on hand, in c.uding i. handatiers. of the neatest pattern*. Bre»-kets. “ d Glass and Tapper Shades, and every amcle nscessart- fin . arrymg on the Gas Fitting Bu-tncss tn all its brant he h.°.« “ ucl h tb *> »U Goods we sell can w tm “ s <h - Plucibing and Tinmne done at the shortest notice, by a. good workmen a. can be found in Uiu, coontry 7 We rente itnily solicit a share of pnbW uatronace Portable Gas ' W .rk put up m any Su-.e, and warnint r-1 1 give •stlslacUou. ROWE A KdßKßls™” r' ,be I><M * '' r ’ rß< ‘ r ' Broad s! , Angn.ta - • SPRING dftODS. " ~ NOW RECEIVING. * , WM O. PRICE Si CO. DRAPERS ANat TAILORS, febtf 1 DRY GOODS. 1057. GOODS, 1857. nICKEY Ac PIIJMBS are openiagtttis tue.mmg a large azvd ius,tuH «*nt stock ot Spring ami Summer DRY GOODS, to whjeh they invite Tb* Ladies are before parchaaing, to call a» i examine tk#.*irm-sor;ia*nt of Dree* Goods, which eeoprises the latest varieties m style and design having been aeioet«sd iron tbe choicest stock* of the New-Yortr and Northern markat*, and will be mid i«ry cheap. Rich Bilk Flounced ROBES’ with Fringes Fane* Plaid and Cheney SILKS -, B»chaff Black SU ES . Gtw da Rhine “ Rk-h Black and Old Brocade SILK 9 ; “ OrgaiKue ROBE* . , ▼ery fine Plain and riaid CHALLL a-ewre , Chat I i and Barege ROBES, „ ‘“*i‘SSESii',Sg : Ltairi CBAYKX.LJB lijd I.USTREB Plain and Printed BAREGES ; y BKlG irotn Isri to 3?j,e. ; I>l»lr Kr.ati ( HAMBEAVK aad LAWNS Tfcry fine, * j-'/ij. Ftencb. Scok-h ai. EngUaii GINGHAAAS, all ’ French English and American PRINTS, wide and narrow ; Solid BRILLIANTS White, Green, BI; », Pink, Ac.; Printed “ Chintz and Colors , o Blit, WL.te and Colored Chalband Berage SCARFB, with Satin Stripe* and Plaid; White and Colored Stella, Caahmere and Borage Sl SillTand Lace TALMAS and SCARFS, all colors, in areat variety and veriy cheap White, Rope, Crown, and CruvelH SKIRTS, White and Colored; a _ „ , , , . 100 dozen Swis* and Jaoonet COLLARS from 1-* to A6 ; Swiss and Jaconet SETTS, very cheap ; Linen COLLARS aud SLEEVES, in setts, very low; Black, Bugle and Mourning COLLARS ; Linen Cambric HANDKERCHIEFS, Plain, Hem Stitched aud Embroidered, cheap; Ladies and Mi*.** White *ndColored Cotton HOSE; Gents, and Boys’ Brown, White ana Fancy Half HOSE ; Ladies and Misses’ White and Colored Lisle Thread HOSE, Ladies, Gents, aud Misses.' Kid, Silk and Lisle GLOVES ; Ladies and Gents. W'hite and Light Colored Kid GLOVES; Black Lace MITTS, I*mgand Short; Ladies and Gents. Black anc Kid GAUNTLETS ; DRESS TRIMMINGS, FRINGES, Ac., iu great va riety and new styles; Russia. Scotch and Huckaback DIAPERS aud TOW ELING S ; Irish LINEN and Linen L \WNS, very ch. ap ; Brown and Bleached Table DAM ASKS, by the yard; 10-4, 12-4 and 14 4 Brown and White TABLE CLOTHS; Embossed TABLE COVERS, all colors ; Bleached and SHIRTINGS and SHEETINGS, every brand ; COTTONADES, BED TICKINGS, FLANNELS, PLAIDS, CHECKS J£ANS ; Linen DRILLS. Plain White Brown and Fancy BOM BA/afsKS, Plaid, Drap D’Ete and Lasting CLOTHS, tie Ac. mh 17-ts CHEAP DRY GOODS STORE. SPRING TRADE 1957. nUOO.H Al NOftIIKLL -ire now In receipt of their new atock of Spring and Summer DRY GOODS, comprising all of th© latest -tyles of tua ftegßon in LADIES DRESS GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, ftc , to gether with a most complete assortment of "STAPLE and DOMESTIC GOODS, to which they rcspecifully solicit attention. Plain Black and Fancy Dress SILKS; Rich Foulard, Barege aud Musiin Plain aud Printed JACONETS, CAMBRICS, BRIL LI ANTS and LAWNS , French Printed MUSLINS, ORGANDIES and PIainCHALLIES and Printed Chafly DELAINES; Pr nteaLiiien LAWNS, for I.adies’ l£re**cs; CHAMBRAYS, GINGHAMS, PRINTSt Plain DKBEGES, and Debege ROBES, fpr Traveling D MOURNING GOODS, in good assortment; CAMBRJOK, JACONETS, MULLS, NAINSOOKS, Plain, Striped and Checked; Plain ami Dotted SWISS; \V bite and Cohered TAItLAT AN»S ; Cambric DIMITIES, India 'TWILLS, and White BRILLIANTS; Curtain MUSLINS White Crape SHAWLS ; Stella HMBROIDERIES, a very large assortment HOSIERY, a very large assortment of every descrip tion ; Alexander’s KID GLOVES; SILK MITTS, Lon,; and Short. 13RE.SS TRIMMINGS, WHALEBONES, Long and Short; SKIRTS and SKIRTINGS , FANS, of all kind* ; PARASOLS, large assortment ; Ladies’ UMBRELLAS; Summer CLOTHS* CAS SI ME RES, DRAP D’ETES, Pant IJNENS, DRILLINGS, COATINGS, COTTON ADEB, and many other Good* for Gents aud Boys. Dish LINENS, Table DAMASKS, Damask TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS, DOYLIES, TOWELS, HUOK A BACKS, CRASH, a c , &e.; Linen and Cotton SHEETINGS, 10 4,11 4 and 12-4 ; Pillow LINENS and COT'BONS ; English Lfc'NG CLOTHS ; Bleached and B-own BUEETINHB, a very great va riety of makes; Together with a large assortment of GOOIhS FOR SERVANTS. mh27 HEW SPRING GOODS.—FULL SUPPLIES. WILLIAM SHEAR HAH jtiHt received from New York, his full .Spring supplies, embracing a large and elegant assort ment of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, among which are— Rich Silk ROBES, and Fancy SILKS, of new and beautiful styles ; Rich Tissue, Barege, and French Jaconet ROBES ; French ORGANDIES, and Printed JACONETS, at very low prices; Fancy BAREGES, and Plain Colored CIIALLIES, of beautiful styles; Plain Colored CRAPE MARETZ, and Paris LAWNS, for Ladies’ Dresses; Plain Black French LAWNS, Black BAREGES and Black CRAPE MARETZ, for M uming Dresses; Plain aud Figured Black .Silk GRENADINES, and Black MARQUISSE ; Lupin’s French Black BOMBAZINES aud Plain CH ALLIES, of the best styles ; Fancy GINGHAMS and Small Figured English PRINTS, of new aud beautiful styles; Superior 4-4 French Chintz BRILLIANTS, and French PRINTS, for Children's wear ; Superior White BRILLIANTS, and Cambric DIMI TIES, at very low prices ; Plain Jaconet, Nainsook and Mull MUSLINS, of tbe most approved styles ; Plain Swi** aud White Tarletan MUSLINS, for La dies’ Evening Dresses; Colored Tarletan MUSLINS, at very low prices, for covering Lamps aud Chandeliers ; White Dotted Sw-iss MUSLINS, for Ladies' Dresses, at very low prices; Cambric and Swiss Striped and Checked MUSLINS and Bishop LAWNS; Plain Black aud White CRAPE DE PARIS, for La dies’ Evening Dresses ; Plain Black and Dotted LACES, for Ladies’ Veils ; Valenciennes and Thread Lace EDGINGS aud IN -BERTINGS ; A large supply of Jaconet and Swiss EDGINGS and INSERTINGS, of the best styles ; Jaconet aud .Swiss Mnslin BANDS, of new and elegant styles ; Ladies’ French Embroidered COLLARS]and UNDER SLEEVES, in setts; Ladies Mourning COLLARS and UNDERSLEEVES’ separate and in setts ; Ladies’ French Embroidered Muslin BASQUES and MANTILLAS ; Ladies’ Linen Cambric, French Lawn, Corded Border and Hem-stitch HANDKERCHIEFS ; Ladies’ Fancy and Embroidered II AND KERCHIEFS, of rich and elegant styles ; Ladies’ Mourning French Lawn and Linen Cambric HANDKERCHIEFS ; Ladies’Spring aud Summer MANTILLAS, of new and elegant styles. Ladie*’ Brown Linen DUSTERS, or TRAVELING CLOAKS; Ladies’ Crnvelli, Skeleton and Coronation Whalebone and Steel Sprirg SKIRTS, of the most approved styles; Ladies’ Marseilles, Corued and White Hair Cloth SKIRTS, and GRASS CLOTHS ; Ladies’ French CORSE TTS, and Infant’s Embroider’d WAISTS A complete assortment of Ladies, Misses, Gentle men’s, Youth’s aud Children’s HOSIERY, of the best make -. Ladies’ PARASOLS and UMBRELLAS ; A large supply ot Ladies* Cloth, Fancy, Bridal aud Mourning FAN ; Heavy French Black BOMBAZINES and DR AP DE ETE. for Gentlemen’s Summer wear ; A large assortment of Fancy DRILLINGS, Plain and Checked COATINGS, French NANKINETTB, and other suitable article* for Gentlemen's aud Y outh’s Sum merwear ; Gentlemen’s Linen BOSOMS, for Shirt*, some of extra size; Superior 4-4 Dish LINEN aud LONG LAWNS ; Superior 12-4 Linen SHEETINGS and Pillow Case LINENS; Extra 8-4 and 10-4 Table and Damask DIAPERS, Ta ble CLOTHS and Damask NAPKINS; Heavy Linen HUCKABACKS Scotch DIAPERS, Colored and Damask Bordered TOWELS , Superior 12-4 Hamilton and Allendale SHEETINGS and Pillow Case COTTONS ; New-York Mills, Water Twist, White Rock, Manches ter and Lonsdale 4-4 Bleached SHIRTINGS ; A large assortment of Articles for SERVANTS’ WEAK; Rich Colored DAMASKS, for Window Curtains, with CORDS and TASSELS to match ; Embroidered Lace aud Muslin CURTAINS, of rich and elegant styles; CORNICES* Curtain BANDS, and Embroidered MUSLINS for Curtains; Hartwell's CANOPY FRAMES, for French Bedsteads; White and Col’d 10-4 and 12-4 Pavilion BOB1NETS; A large assortment of Gold Band and other styles of WINDOW .SHADES Superior Velvet. Brussels, Three Ply, Ingrain and Venetian CARPETS ; Pla 11 White and Fancy Cheeked India MATTINGS. The above, with a great variety of other articles suita ble for the present season, will be sold at very low prices for cash —decidedly lower than they c*n be sold on the usual credit terms. ap24-dtw&w HOSIERY. YXrRI«HT, ALEXANDER Al CO. invite atteu f f tion tn a large a- >rtuaent of superior HOSIERY, riadies’ White, Black and Slate HOSE ; “ “ openwork and Embroidered HOSE ; superior Enid, aud Raw Silk “ Misses' HOSE, of all descript ions ; Childrens* Fancy, Plain and open worked HOSE, an 1 Half HOSE : Gent’s and Boy's Half HOSE, In great variety, mh l&d&w LINENS. DAMASKS. &C. WRIGHT. ALEXANDER «V CO. have jnst opened a superior stock of LINEN GOODS, of the best quality aud make. Irish SIIJTRTING and Family LINENS; Pillow Case LINENS, all widths, 12 4 Linen SHEETINGS ; Brown and Bleached Table DIAPERS, all qualities; BiriPEye, Huckaback and Scotch DIAPERS; Damask and Satin Damask Table CLOTHS . “ “ M NAPKINS and DOYLIES; Huckaback Diaper and Dama*k TOWELS ; Russia and Americ n CRASH ; Allendale SPREADS: Marseill s QUILTS; Fur DIMITY; Cotton DAMASKS, Ac. Ac. mhl2-d&w HOOFS AND CORDED SKIRTS. WRIGHT, ALEXANDER & CO. have lust received Steel Spring HOOP SKIRTS, a new and superior article ALSO, A great varietv of Curded SKIRTS, in new styles. AL^O. WHALEBONE for Skirts, three yards long . GUT TA PERCH \GORD, ior Skirts, anew thing and vety desirable. tebls-dz w MANTIBLAS. W3f. 11. CRANE h&a received direct from New York, uu additional supply, Ne a Styles, Black aud Colored MANTILLAS, which he is selling low for ca*h ap26 MILLER & WARREN TTATE just received their recent purchases of 11 SPRING GOODS, which for elcganc''. arien*. aud extent, are Unsurpassed- Purchasers will find some choice things in SILKS, GRENADINES. QROANDIES, JACONETS, BAREGES. CHALLIES, SHk ROBES, Twisted Silk ROBES, Organdy ROBES, EMBROIDERIES, LACES and TRIMMINGS, • Black and Colored Silk MANTILLAS: Chantilly Lace Bugled Lace Net Mourning “ Stella and Barege SHAWLS and SCARFS; Linen and Cotton SHEETING ; Rich Damask TABLE CLOTHS ; Dasufesk and Huckaback TOWELINGS; "Together wuii a full a*soruneat of every style of DRY GOODS, to which they invite the attention of their fronds ' mh« STELLA. SHAWLS BROOM A nor RELL h%ve received a handsome assortment of STELLA SHAWLS of all colors “* aejMK W -bkh they Xm MEN S AND BOYS’ WEAR AH A N DSOM E assortment of GOODS, mnxyhlefor Meu s aud Boy’s wear, jus; opened by J. p SRtzE. consisting of Check aud Plaid Linen COATING ; Plain Linen “ York NANKEENS; CAMBLATEENS; Pennsylvania JEANS; Laconia CORD, Cadet Mixed COT TON ADR, Sokoko PLAIDS; Whittington CHECKS; Bine DRILLS ; Solid and Figured French DRILLS, Hanover DENIMS ; French and English DR AP E ETE; Guui Elastic SUSPENDERS, lor Boys and Men, Ac. _ 101,1 i 1 .. . BAREGES AND MUSLINS. N F-W Style- BA KEG E ROBES Satin Plaid and Printed Bareges Plain and Printed low priced Barege*. French JACONETS and ORGANDIES SwUs Jaconet and Swiss MUSLINS For aale oboap, for cash, by WM. S. CRANE. I ap3S CITATIONS for i.itttth- y. L'TATE (IF UEOKGI A, BSC HKOiiD CoCjfT'V. IS —Wbeiw John Pawr, Amini'irator (« *« Os John H Kelly, l*l» of s»idco*ury, Uefeased, »!' plied Vme tor letter--of Di«ici -' n : JV Ibeem tberefoir, to cue and gu.ar, the kindred and' .■fdrti'-J of "»-d detjinr -o be at nr* office, on or oefore the ur*t M nnay a August uept, to show cause, if any they have, why *ai»! letters »Luiud not be granted. m Given under my baaU and otbeial signature, at office u» AmsttL this A r-._j FOSTER BLODGET, Jfr, Ordinal v. - January 14,185?. _ TATK OF GEORGIA, JUCHMGND COUNTY, o —*rbo«»as,JUa&'Waa*. Admoustnuor on we e*tateoiMettry Maddox, deceased, applies to me for Letter* of The- e are therefore to cite and admom*o ah lar. the kindred and creditors of said to oe dad appear a: iay office, on « before the nr-t Monday in Augnxt next, to snow cause, If any they Lave, wuy tetters nbonift not be granted. Given under Li.v band an-i qfficurt ,ignature at office m \umi-ta.thi 12th January, 1857. , , „ FOSTER BLODGET, JR., Ordinary. Jan. 14, 1857. OF GEORGIA. RICHMOND COUNTY. O Wharea*, John Foster, Executor of the Estate of Jane D Ejnn. late of said county, deceased, has ap piied to me ioi Letter.' of Dismu»sk>h: These are therefore to cite and admonish ail and 3 ngru lar. the kindred and creditors of sai! deceased, to ins and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in August next, to show cause, if any they have, why said testers should not be granted. Given signature, at office in A ugusut, this l’Jth' Janu&ry 1857. * FOSTER BLODGET, Jtt., Ordinary. Jan. 14. 1857. - - ; STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. —Whereas, John K. Jackson, Administrator on the Estate of Milas M. Campbell, late of said county, de ceased, Las applied to me for Letters of Dismission i These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in Awgu.'t ne»i, tu *ho»v cause, it any u»cy have, why said letter* should not he granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this 12th January, 1857. FOSTER BLODGET, Jk., Ordinary. Jau. 14, 1857. ‘** * T VTK OF ItCil A, RICHMOND COUNTY.— Whereas, John K Jaekson, Administrator on the estate of Joseph A. Gordon, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission : These are therefore to cite aqd admonish, all and sin ular. the kindred and creditor* of said deceased, to be and appear at my office op or before the first Monday in August next, to show cause, if any they have. why aaid Letters should not be grunted. Given under my hand and oificial&ignatui e at office in Augusta, this 12th Januarv, 1857. FOSTER BLODUET, JR., Ordinary Jan. 14, 1857. OTATH OF (JKOln; LA .RICHMOND COUNTY.— ' Whereas. Horton B. Adam," Administrator on the es tate o* AU'fit j£. Witflaaan, late of said bounty, deceased, applies to me for Letter * of Dtspii.-v-qoit : These are therefore to cite and. adiuouish, all and sin guiar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appeal - at my office on or before the first Monday in August next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters tnould not be granted. Given under iuy iuu»d and official signature at office in Augusta, this 12th Januarv, 1857. FOSTER BLODGET, JR , Ordinary. Jan. 14, 1857. STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. Whereas, Charles Aufferman, Administrator on the Estate of George H. Wolff, deceased, applies to me for Letters Dismissory : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and siu-| gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, ou or before the first Monday’ in August next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters Should not be granted Given under my hand mid official signature at office in Augusta, this 12th January. 185**. FOSTER BLODGET, Jit .Ordinary. Jamjar v ]f», 185,' . STATE OF GBORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY Whereas, Ge of ge M. Newn>u and Jybi*.H.Mann, Kxe:frtors of the es 4 ato of Isaac 8. Tuttle, late *«t' said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission These are therefore to cite and admonish "stll and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said,deceased to be and appear at iuy office on or betore the first Monday in October next, so show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be grouted. Given under my hand apd official signature at office in Augusta, this titii April, 1857 FOSTER BLODGET, Jr, Ordinary. AprU7. 1857 _ STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY Whereas, John A. Rhodes. Executor of the estate of Mary McTyre, late of said county deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission : * These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin* gnlar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in October next, to show' cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. ; Given under my hand and official signature at office 1 in Augusta, thisffih April, 1857. FOSTER BLODGET, Jr., Ordinary. April 7,1857. ' - STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY.- Whereas Elizabeth S. Tarver, Executrix of the estate of Robert K. Tfirver, late of said county, deceas ed, applies to me for letters of dismission . « These are therefore to cite and aduionish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be appear at my office on or before the lirst Monday in October next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. , Given under my hand and official signature at office in Augusta, thiatith April, 1857. * FOSTER BLODGET, Jr., Ordinary. April 7. 1857. 1 QTATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNDY lO Whereas Elisabeth S. Tarver, Executrix of the estate of John H. Tarver, late of saidfeounty, deceased, applies tome for letters of dismission : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in October next, to sliow c use, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature at office in Augusta, this bth April. 1857. FOSTER BLODGET, Jr., Ordinary. April 7. 1857. STATE OF GEOR IA, RICHMOND COUNTY.— Whereas Fiances Tisher, Administratrix of the e.s tate of Frederick Tisher, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be aud appeal at my office on or before the first Monday in October nex£ to show cause, if any fhey have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature at office in Augusta, this 6th April, 1857. FOSTER BLODGET, Jr., Ordinary. April 7, 1857. UTATK OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY O Whereas Edward Girardey Administrator on the estate of Emile Gissy, deceased, applies to me for Let ters of Dismission : t These are therefore to eite and admonish, all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at ray office, on or before the first Monday in August next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. > Given under my hand and official signature at office in Augusta, this 2d February, 1857. 4 FOSTER BLODGET, Jr., Ord’y. February 3, 1857. t STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY.— Whereas, John K. Jackson, administrator de bonis non on the estate of James Leverich, deceased, applies to me for Letters ot’Dismission: These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be aud appear at my office on or before the first Monday in August next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my band and official signature at office in Augusta, this 2d February, 1857. FOSTER BLODGET, Ju., Ordinary. February 3,1857. TfA TK"<)F GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY; —Whereas, Dr. I. P. Garvin, affinmistrator on the estateof Davis B. Hadley, deceased, nas applied to me for Letters of Dismission : These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before Jthe first Monday in August next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. 1 Given under iny hand and official signature at office in Augusta, this Feb. 2, 1857. FOSTER BLODGET, Jr., Ordinary. February 3, 1857. STATE <>l GEOJHKA, RICHMOND COUNTY.— Whereas, Josiah Sibley and George A. Simmons, Administrators on the estate of Amory Sibley, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission : These are, therefore, to cite aud admonish, all and sin gular, the kindl ed and friends of saidldeceased, to be and appear at my officeon or before the first Monday in Angus' next, to show cause, If any they have, why said letters should not be granted Given under my hand and official signature at office Augusta, this 2d February. 1857. V FOSTER BLODGET. JR ,Ordinary. February 3, 1857. QTATK OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. O —Whereas, Henry £>. Greenwood, Executor on the estate of Sarah T Greenwood, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in September next, aud show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be grafted. « Given under my baud and official signature, at office in Augusta. FOSTER BLODGET, JR., Ordinary’. March 3, 1857. STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY.— Whereas, Henry I>. Greenwood, Administrator ou the estate of Gem giana T. Greenwood, deceased, ap ' plies to me for letters of Dismission : These are therefore to cite aud admonish all and sin gular the kindred aud creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at ray office on or before the first Monday in beptember next, to show cause if they have why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature at office in Augusta. FOSTER BLODGET, Jr., Ordinary. March 3, 1857. UTATE OF GEORGIA, KICIIIIOM) ( OUN TY.—Whereas, F. A. Bradshaw, Administrator on the estate of John B. Palmer, deceased, applies to me f«r Letters of Dismission: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of s'iid deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in September next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. - Given under my hand aud official signature at office in Augusta FOSTER BLODGFjT, Jr., Ordinary. March 3, 1857. STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY Whereas. Camille E. Girardey, Administrator on the estate of Marie Ann Girardey, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred aud creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in September next, to show caase, if any they have, why letters should not be granted. Given under my handand official signature at office In Augusta. FOSTER BLODGET, Jr., Ordinary. March 3. 1857. STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. —Whereas Robert Campbell, sole acting Executor of the last will and testament of Pensioner John Martin, late of said county, deceased, has applied to me for Let ters of Dismission from said estate : These are therefore to Cite and admonish all and cin gui&r, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be ac l appear at iuy office, on or before the first Mondav in September next, to show cause, if any they have, why s:id letters should not be grafted Given under my hand and official signature at oifiee in Augusta, this 2d day of March, ltss7. FOSTER BLODGET, JR., Ordinary. March 3, 1857. STATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY.— Whereas, Robert Campbell and James Harper, sur viving Executors of the last wll! and testament of John Campbell, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from said estate: These.are. therefore, to cite and admonish, all and sin gular. the kindunl and creditors of said deceased, to be ami appear at my office on or before .the first Monday in September next, to show cause, if any they have, why >aid letters should not begranteu. Given under my hand and official signature at office in Augusta, this 2d March, 1857. FOSTER BLODGET, JR., Ordinary. Mareh 3, 1857. JEFFERSON rorvrv, GA. -Where*.-, Marion S. Nesbitt, administratrix de bogis non on the estate of Robert Nesbitt, late of said county, deceased, applies to roe for Letters of Dismission : These, are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singu lar. the kindred and creditorsof said deceased, to be and ap;>car at mfoSee, w ithin the time prescribed by law. t© -how cause, if any they have, why ;*id letters should not be granted. Givennnder mv hand at office in Louisville. April -45, 1857. ‘ NICHOLAS DIEHL. Ordinary. fl KORGIA, LINCOLN OF IjT ORDINARY, APRIL TERM, 1*57. Charles R Hoilinshead, as the Guardian of Nancy Jane Willingham, shows to the Court that he has settled up the estate of said Nancy Jane Willingham, and is ready now to be dismissed from said Guardianship • Wherefore it is ordered by the Court, that a citation be issued, calling upon all persons concerned, to show cause, if any they hare, on or before the Court of Ordi nary, to be held on the first Monday In June next, why *»i«l letters dismiseory she old not be granted : and that a <*>py of this Rule be published in the Chronicle Sc Senti nel at forty days previous to sa»d Court. A tru« extract from the Minutes of said Court. April Term. 1857. B f TATOM. Ordinary. April 16, 1857. W A S, ttE> CtHXTV, SA —Whereas, George S f T Allen, Adnuiugtrmtor 0 n the estate of Austin Ba ker, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for I Letters of Dismiss-fun: These are therefore to cite and suuuxKm all singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, so »bow cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Warrenton. JOHN J PILCHER, Deputy Ord’y. Jan. 14, 1857. r 3 CITATIONS FOR LETTERS OF DIBSIISBIOX. [ r AKUK> COUNTY. GA.—Whereas,William f Gil- -on. Administrator do beno* non, on th«%st*te SLw y A. Andrews, deceased, applies to me for Lei- i t'Srs vs Dismission . These are therefore to cite and admonish, ail and *in gstlar, the kindred aud ereditorsof-fid deceased to be and. kp.near at my office \v .thin the time preset ibc-d by law, and show cause if any they have, why said leUersshouldraoi be granted. » Giv**E under my hand at offic-otu WarreuUm. thi3?Bth January, 1857. JOHN J. PILCHER. Dep Ord’y. -c J auuary 30,1 *v*u. JEFFEUfeON COUNTY, GA.—Whereas. Wil liam j. Rodgers, administrator on the estate of Ben jamin D. Ward, late said county, dt-ceaaed, applies to me for Letters of Dt-mission t These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and sin gular, the kindred and cred tors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, w j.ia the time prescribed 1 y law u»*bow cause, if any they have, why «'id Letters should not be granted. \ Given under my hand at offiae inLoniovilUk Feb, te 1857. NICHOLAS DIEHL, Ord’y. JEFFERSON C OUNTY, GA Whereas. John Wren, Admiui.-u~a.tor on the estate of Nancy Purvis, .deceased, applies tome for Letters of Dismission: 1 « These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin- * frular. ttte kindred ams those interested- to be and appear *t my office m itfciu the time pres ribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, wJWsaid Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office i» Louisville. • Feb, it*, 1c57. MCROLASI/iBH-L, Ordinary. iTOTkJWCLN COUNTY, i iA.—Whereas, John O W. Alexander A linicUtrator on ffie estate ox Tarl ton Darlev, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Disint- -ion : These are therefore to cite ami mluiofeish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of-aid deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in Au gust next, to show cause, it any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Giveu under tot hand at . >ffi<-e in Lotrisvi\Us. Jan. y, 1857. NICHOLAS DlEHL,'Ordinary. JEFFERSON COUNTY, GEORGIA.—Wber* as. George W. Farmer. Adrainist: aicr on the es*ate of Wiiiiam U. Young, deceased, applies tome for Let ters of Dismision : , These are, therefore, to cite, sumiaon admonish, all and singulai - , the kindred a .rd sos said decea>ed to be and appear at my < within the time proscribed by law, to showcau.-e'lf any they have, why said Letter houldnotbe granted. Given under my hand, ai offie? hi Louisville. NICHOLAS DIEHL, Ordinary. January 25,1857. lINCOLN COUNTY, GA Whereas, Allen T 4 Holliday, Administration on the estateof Jehu Zel iary. late of said county deceased, applies for Letters of Dioun*siou from said e>iate: • , These are therefore to cite and admonish, all aud singu lar, the kindred andcreditprs of said deceased, to ;uid appear at my office on or before the first Au . gust next, and show cause, If any they have, why said * Letters should not be granted. Given under my baud at office in Lth Point on. Januarv’29, IBi>7. B. F. TATOM. Ordinary. lINCOLN COUNTY, UA \Vhereas Jcremiali Ashn~i**re, AdiniaSslrutor <*n the estate ot Agnes.- ■ Wriyht, late <*f said county, deceased, applies to me for Lett ora of Dismission from the estate of said deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and adpioni.-U, all aud sin gttlar, the kindled and preditoas ~f said deceased, to U and appear at mv office on or before the tirst Monday in August next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters nhottld not be granted Given under my hand at office in Lincoluton. January 29, 1857. B. F TATOM, Ord nary. WTARREN COUNTY, GEORGlA.—Whereas YY William Gibson, Administrator de bonis non. on I the estate of Martha L. Juunsou, deceased, applies to me for Letters Diemissory: These are therefore to cue anti admonish all and singu lar the kindred aud creditors of said dec’d, to be and ap peal* at my office, within the time p Wiser ft-cd by law, to 1 show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should • not be granted. Given under ray hand at office in Warronton, tbi* 28th | January, 1857. JOHN J. PILCHER, Dep. Ord. January 30, 1857. / 1 EORGIA. OGLETHORPE COUNTY YJ COURT OF ORDINARY, APRILTBRM, 1857. It appearing to the Court that Jasper Stevens, as Ex ecutor of Harrison L. Thornton, deceased, has turned ‘ over all the assets in his hands, as executor aforesaid, to 1 Aley Thornton, his eo-exorptrix, aud having petitioned 1 this Court to be dismissed from said estate as executor aforesaid, i It is ordered, therefore, that all persons interested show cause at the next term of this Court why said Jasper Stevens should not be dismissed 4s Executor aforesaid; and it Is further ordered, that a cop y of this Rule be pub lUbcd for six months in the Chronicle A Sentinel pre vious to said November Term. ‘ A true extract from the minutes of the Court of Ordi -1 nary, held April Term. 1857. April 14, 1857. HENRY BRITAIN, Ordinary. ( \ EORGIA, OGLETHORPE CO I NT Y— -1 IT COURT OF ORDINARY, JANUARY TERM, 1185 b. Nathan Mattox and John W. Mattox, as Executors • of David Mattox, deceased, having tiled their petition to this Court showing that they are about closing up the estate of said deceased, and praying for Letters Dismis sion therefrom : Wherefore it Is ordered, that a citation be issued call ing upon all persons interested to be and appear on or before the Court of < )rdinary, to be held on the first Mon day in August next, to show cause, if any they have, why tbo said execmorsshould not be discharged from the administration of said e late. It is further ordered, That this Rule be published in [ the Chronicle Sentinel at least six mouths previous to 1 said Court. A true extract from the Minutes of tho Court of Ordi -1 nary, held January Term, 1857. January 18, 1857. HENRY BRITAIN, Ordinary. Georgia , oglethorpe voun t y COURT OF ORDINARY. FEBRUARY TERM, 1857. James H. MeWhsrter, as the Administrator 011 the es- , tate of William Briant, late of said county, deceased, shews to this Court that he is about closing up the busi ness of said estate, and prays this Court to be dismissed therefrom : Wherefore, it is ordered, that a citation be published 1 calling upon all persons concerned, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary, to be held on the first Monday in September next, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administrator should not be dismissed from said estate. It Is further ordered, That this Rule be published in the Chronicle Sc Sentinel at least six months previous to said Court. 4 A true extract from the Minutes of said Court of Ordi nary, held February Term, 1857. February 6,1857. HENRY BRITAIN. Ord’y. CA EORGIA, OGLETHORPE VOl N T Y . T COURT OF ORDINARY, JANUARY TERM, I 1857. It appearing that William A. Howard, Administrator 1 on the estate of Robert Howard, deceased, has tiled his petition to this Court showing that he has wound up said estate, and prays to be dismissed therefrom : Wherefore, it is ordered, that a citation be issued call ing upon all persons concerned, to be and appeared at the Court of Ordinary, to beheld on the first Monday in August, next, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administrator should not be discharged from said Administration. It is further ordered, that this Rule be published in the » Chronicle & Sentinel at least six months previous to said 1 Court. A true extract from the Minutes of the Court of Ordina ry, held January Term, 1857. 1 January 18.1857. nENIIY BRITAIN, Ord’y. INCOLN COUNT Y, G A .—Whereas, Francis M. Stribling, Administrator on the estate of George Mahoney, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from said estate : i These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all andsin i gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in August next, and show cause, if any they have, why ) said letters should not be granted. 1 Given under my hand at office in Lincolnton. 1 January 29, 1857. B. F. TATOM, Ordinary. WARREN COUNTY, GEORGlA.—Whereas William B. Barksdale, administrator de bonisnon d on the estate of James Rogers, late ot said county, deceased r applies tome for Letters Dismissory: These are therefore to cite and summon all concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Warrenton. Feb. 11, 1857. JOHN J. PILCHER, Dep. Ord. \IfARREN COUNTY, GEORGlA.—Whereas, Yf James S. Jones, Administrator on the estate of Tabitha Williams, late of said connty, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission : These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and sin gular, the kindred aud creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my luuid at office in Warrenton, this February 25, 1857. JOHN J. PILCHER, Deputy Ordinary, February 27, 1857. WARREN COUNTY, GEORGlA.—Whereas JamesS. Jones and L. C. Belt, administrators on the estate of Henry A. Jones, late of said county, de ceased, applies to me for Letters Dismissory therefrom : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all aud sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within ihe time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Warreut-on, Feb. 25, 1857. JOHN J. PILCHER, Den. Ord’y. February 27,1857. ,TT r ARREN COUNTY, GA.—Whereas, John D. Yf Butt, Guardian for Laura M. Andrews, (formerly, but now wife of Henry R. Cody, applies to me for Letters Dismissory : These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in May next, aud show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not. be granted. Given under my hand at office in Warrenton, March L7th. 1857 “ JOHN J. PILCHER. I>ep Ord’y. March 20,1857. EFFE R SONCOUNT Y, G A.—Whereas, Eli Me. Croan, Administrator de bonis non on the estate of William Calhoun, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause,* if any they have, vyhy said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Louisville. NICHOLAS DIEHL, Ordinary. March 12, 1*57. JEFFERSON COUNTy7 GA.—Whereas, Lind/.a Coleman, Administrator on the estate of William H. Green, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission : These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singu lar, the kindl ed aud creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within ihe time proscribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted Given undermy hand at offieein Louisville. NICHOLAS DIEHL, Ordinary. March 21, 1857. JEFFERSON COUNTY, GA.—Whereas, Robert W. Daniel, Guardian of Hetty A. Heckle, formerly Hetty A. Green, mim r of Wm. FI. Green, deceased, ap‘ piles to me for Letters of Dismission • These are, therefore, tocite. summon aud admonish, all and singular, the Kindred and friends of said minor to be and appear at my office with in tho time pres< ribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why saidietters should net be granted. Given under my hand at office in Louisville. March 24. 1857. NICHOLAS DIEHL, Ordinary. WARREN COUNTY, GEORGlA—Whereas t T JohnD. Butt, Guardian lor Mary E. Andrews, (formerly, but now Mary K. Cody, wife of David T. Cody,) applies .0 me for Letters Dismiaocry from said trust: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, t ‘be and appear sf my officeon or before the first Monday in May next, and show cause, if any they have why said letters should not be granted. Given unde” my hand at office in Warrenton, this 17th March, 1857. JOHN J. PILCHER. Dep. Ord. March 20, 1f57. Oglethorpe county, Georgia.— COURT OF ORDINARY, MAY TERM, 1857. F-C Campbell, as Administrator with, the will an nexed. on the estate of William Walker. Jr., deceased, represents to this Court that he n» about closing np the business of the estate < f said deceased, and prays this Court to be dismissed therefrom : Wherefore. a u ordered, that a citation be issued, call ing upon alt persons interested to show cause, on or before the Court of Ordinary to be held on the first Monday in December next, if any they hare, why the said Adniin-rftrator should not be dincharged from his administratfon of »aid estate. > It is further ordered, That this Rule be published in the Chn aide A Sentinel at leastaix months previous to said Court A true extract from the minutes of the. Court of Ordi nary. held May Term. 1857. HENRY BRITAIN, Ordinary May 9, ISo*. Georgia, oglethokpe county' CO CRT OF ORDINARY, MAY TERM, 1857. William M. Lane,, as aamimstrator on the estate of John Rickels, late of said county, deceased, represents to this Court that he is about ticking up the bnsmess ot the estate of said deceased, and prays to be dismissed therefrom: Wherefore, it is ordered by the Court that a citation be issued calling upon all person * interested, to show cause, on or before the Court of Ordinary, to be held on the first Monday in D> oember next, if any they have, why the said Administrator should not be discharged from his administration of said estate. It is farther ordered, That this Rule be published in the Chronicle Sc Sentinel at least six months previous to 6aid Court. A true extraetfrom the Minutes of the Court of Ordina ry, held Mhy Term, 1857. HENRY BRITAIN, Ordinary. May 9, 1857. G1 EORGIA, OGLETHORPE COUNTY - COURT T OF ORDINARY, MARCH TERM, 1857. James G. Thomas, as Administrator with the wifi an nexed, on the Estate of Z&chariah Kidd, deceased, shows to the Court, that he is about settling up the Estate of said deceased, and pray-* to the Court to be dismi-.-ed therefrom Ordered by the Court, that a c itation be is sued, calling upon all persona interested to show cau.-e. If any they have, on or before the Court of Ordinary, to be held on the first Monday frt October next, why the said James*G. Thomas, a* Administrator. Ac., as afore said. should not be dismissed from .>a.d Estate. It is fur ther ordered, that thi- Rule be published in the Cbroni eie A Hentfcael at least six months previous to said Court. » A true extract from the Minutes of tile Court of Qrdi- 1 MI-} . 1*«-W M.rrh Term, 1857. „ ..... HENRY BRITAIN, Ordinary i Mai eii XI. 1657. 1 PUBLIC SALES. I VYECIUTOR’js MLE.—Theßxecntoiu oTtoe will _j of Jeptba V Harris, late of Cobb county, deceased, oflfer for sale by authority of the same a TRACT OF LAND i'vLobb county, Georgia, including the Dwelling H- use a d grounds lately ib< residence ot the deceased Testator, koowr as Baeva Vilia, situated about 21 miles South of Marietta The tract contains about 4IX) acres, of which 350 are fai: average upland, the remainder of fir-t quality creek Itottoiu. producing from 6to 10 bairels of corn per acra There are about 150 acres cleared--the i ein&inder is v. eli wood£d with the ordinary growth of tho country. The Dwelling Hou*e Is large, commodious, and iu complete reprir. On the premises are kitchens stables, carriage house, corn houses, smoke house, wells, and farmer’* house- all conveniently built An orchard ou the pre mises contains a large number of fruit trees of rare varie ties. The above property may be crammed by application to Hon.DAVID IRWIN, Marietta. For terms apply to E. U. HARRIS, MadisCn, Georgia, one of the Executors. GEO H. HARRIS, . E U. HARRIS. Mi y 24, 1g57. . ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE Will be sold at the Court house door in Lincoln county, < n the litet Tuesday in JULY next, unless previously dis . posed of. Seventeen Shares of Georgia Railroad Stock, belonging to estate of Wm. W. Stokes, deceased. Terms credit to 25th December next. WM. H NORMAN, Administrator. May 3,1857. - ' ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—On the first Tuesday in JULY next, at the Market House, in the town of Louisvilie, Jeffer on County, between the usual hours of sale, will be sold, A Land Warrant, granted to John M. Douglass, late of said county, deceased, sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. WILLIAM F. DOUGLASS, Administrator of Estate of John M. Douglass, dec’d. May'S, 1857. Administrators sale.—Agreeable to an order from the Court of Ordinarv of Burke county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in JULY next, before the Court-house door In the town of Waynesboro’, in said county, between the usual hours of t-ale, one trac tof Land lying on Fitz’s braneh, in said county, containing Two Hundred and Forty-Four and a half Acres, more or less, adjoining Land of James Ward, M. 11. McElmurray and others. Sold as the property ot David Nichols, late of raid comity, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs of -said deceased. Terms made known on day of sale. C. CARPENTER, AdniY May 20, 1857. de bonis non. UIXEIT'TOR’S SALE.—On tbe first Tuesday in X!i JULY, between tbe usual hours of sale, at Lin colnton, Linecin County, Ga., will be sold —Tbe Plan tation of Robert Fleming, deceased, containing 600 acres, more or less, on the waters of Shivers Creek— Sold for division among legatees. THOMAS W. FLEMING \ Fropllt . ro PORTBK FLMIUU 5 Executors. The above will be sold on credit iffitil Jan. 1, 1858. May 10, 1857. RULE Nisrs. (1 EORGIA, NEWTON COUNTY—NEWTON T SUPERIOR COURT, MARCH TERM, 1857. Rule Ni Si., Mortgage, &c., March Term, 1857. Isaac N. Stallings vs. Jcs*e M. Weaver. It appearing to the Court by the petition of Isaac N. Stallings, that on the thirteenth day of May, in tbo year one thousand eight hundred and fifty three, Jesse M. Weaver, of said county, made and delivered to your pe titioner, his certain promissory note, bearing date the day and t ear aforesaid, whereby the said Jesse M. Wea ver prouffifed by the first day of January, next after date following, to pay said Isaac N. Stallings, or bearer, three hundred aud ten dollars thirty-three and three fourth cents, for value received ; and thgt afterwards, on the same day and year aforesaid, the said Jesse M. Wea ver. the better to iioente the payment of said note, exe ented ano delivered to the said Isaac N. Stallings, his deed of mortgage, whereby the said Jesse M. Weaver conveyed to the said Isaac N. Stallings, lot of Land num ber thirty four iu the eighth district of said county, con taiuing on*; hundred aud one and a ha f actes* more or less ; conditioned, that if thy Je-*e M. Weaver should pay off aruJ discharge sahl'note, or cause it to be done, a. eordiug to the tenor and effect thereof, that’hen the said deed of mortgage find said note, shall cease, de termine and bo void to ail intents and purposes : and, it furthe.r appearing that said uote remains unpaid. It is therefore ordered, That tbe said Jesse M. Weaver do pay into Court, by the tiret day of the next term there of. the principal, interest and cos»s due on said uote, or show cause to the contrary, if any he have ; and that on failure of said Jes.-o M. Weaver so to do, the equity of redemption in and to said mortgaged premises, be for ever barred and foreclosed. Ami it is further ordered, That a copy of this Rule be served on the said Jesse M. Weaver, or his special agent or attorney, at least throe mouths previous to the next term ofthta Court, or that said Rule be served by publi cation iu a public journal once a mouth fer four months previous to the next terra of this Court. CLARKE A LAMAR, FI ft's. Att'ys. A true extract from the minutes of said Court, this 15th day of April, 1857. A. W. EVANS, Clerk S. 0. April 17.1857. (Printer’s fee sl7 50) (1 EORGIA, NEWTON COUNTY.—NEWTON y SU PERIOR COURT, MARCH TERM, 1857. Rule Ni Si, at March Term, 1857. A. J. Crews vs Peter G. Bcssent. It being represented to the Court, by the petition of A. J. Crews, that by deed of mortgage, dated the twenty first day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, P. G. Bessent conveyed to the said A. J. Crews, a certain house and lot in the town of Oxford, Georgia, with the rights thereunto belonging, known as lot fifty-five in the plan of said town, containing one and one-quarter acres, more or less, adjoining of Harbert Andrews' estate on south, for the purpose ofseeuriug the payment of a pro missory note made by the said Peter G. Bcsseut to the said A! J. Crews, dated the twenty first day of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, and due one day after date, with interest from the first day of June, for the principal sum of nineteen hundred and sixty-nine dollars and fifteen cents, which note is now due and unpaid, It is therefore ordered, That the said Peter G. Besseut ao pay into this Court by the first day of the next term, the principal, interest and costs due on said note, or show cause, if any he has, to the contrary, or that fore closure be granted to the said A. J. Crews of said mort gage and the equity of redemption ot the said Peter G. ! liessent therein be forever barred, and that service of this Rule be perfected on said P. G. Bessent according to law. A true extract from the minutes of said Court, this loth day of April, 1857. A. W. EVANS, Clerk H. C. April 17, 1857 [Printer’s fee $12,501 /y EORGIA, NEWTON COUNTY.—NEWTON VT SUPERIOR COURT. MARCH TERM, 1857. Rule Ni Si, at March Term, 1857. Lanneau Sc Btxrkmeyer\s. Peter G. Bessent. It being represented to the Court, by tho petition of Lanneau Sc Burkmeyer, that by deed of mortgage, dated the fifth day of March, eighteen bundled and fifty-six, Peter G. Bessent conveyed to said Lanneau Sc Burk meyer, a certain tract o? lot of lar.d in the town of Ox ford, said county of Newton, known on the plan of said town as part of lot number forty-two, in the southeast corner of said lot, on Giarke-street, opposite Mrs. A. E. Smith's, the line to commence on the southeast corner of said parcel of laud and so run north twenty-four teet and five inches, thence east sixty-five feet to the original line of lot number forty-two, thence south to tbe original corner of said lot number forty-two, twenty-four feet and five inches, thence west sixty-live feet to the beginning corner, containing thereon a store-house, for the purpose of securing the payment of a promissory note made by the said Peter G. Bessent to the said Lanneau Sc Burk meyer, dated 011 the tenth day of October, eighteen bun. dred and fifty-live, and due one day after the date there of, for the sum of five hundred and forty-six dollars and eleven cents, which is now duo and unpaid 2 It is ordered, That the said Peter G. Besseut do pay into this Court, by the first day of the next term, the principal, interest aud costs due on said note, or show cause, if any he has, to the contrary, or that foreclosure be granted to the said Lanneau & Burkmeyer of said mortgage, and the equity of redemption of the said Peter G. Bessent therein be forever barred, and that service of th ; s rule be perfected on said Peter G. Bessent according to law. ROBERT G. HARPER, Plffs. Att’y. A true extract from minutes of said Court, this 15th day of April, 1857. A. W. EVANS, Clerk 8. C. April 17, 1857. [Printer’s fee sls] C'l EORGIA, OGLETHORPE COUNTY —COURT J OF ORDINARY, MARCH TERM, 1857. Robert G. Johnson, as Administrator with the will an nexed, on the Estate of James B. Kidd, deceased, repre sents to the Court, that he has settled up the Estate of said deceased, and prays this Court to be discharged therefrom : Wherefore, it i 6 ordered, that a citation be issued, calling upon all persons concerned, to show cause, if any they have, on or before the Court of Ordinary, to be held on the first Monday in October next, why the said Administrator, <fcc., should not be discharged. It is further ordered, that this citation be published in the Chronicle Sc Sentinel at least six months previous to said Court. A true extract from the Minutes of the Court of Ordi nary, held March Term, 1857. HENRY BRITAIN, Ordinary. March 11, m’Tl'. J _ EFKKKSO.\T«L ! NTV,<JA.—■ Wliercax, Gi.licrt F McNain and Samuel McNain. administrators on the estate of Daniel McNain, deceased, appliy tome for Letters of Dismission : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar tho kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at ray office on or before the first Monday in No vember next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be grauted. Given under my baud at office in Louisville. NICHOLAS DIEHL, Ordinary. April 30, 1857. FRENCH BURR MILL STONE MANUFAC TORY. Ti HE undersigned respectfully informs thepublicthat he has established a Manufactory of Fr< ncli BURR MILL STONES, ou Broad-street, one square above the Upper Market House. He has jnst returned from France, where he has made a selection of the best Stones to be had in that country, and is now prepared to fill all or ders in his line at short notice, and at a* reasonable prices as can be obtained in this country. He has been for some years engaged in tbe business, and pledges himself that all work turned from his hands shall be executed in he best manner. WILLIAM BRENNER. nov2B-d&wly LAND AGENCY AND REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE, UNDERSIGNED will buy and sell LANDS JL and REAL ESTATE of all kinds in any part of Georgia. Florida or Texas. Also, Houses and Lots, Railroad and Bank Slocks, &c., &c. He has now in his office for sale 1,400,000 acres of land lying in South- Western aud Cherokee Georgia, two leagues of Texas lands and some fine lands in Florida; one plantation in Arkansas, and several well improved plantations in Burke, Greene and other counties in Georgia. Also, several gold, copper and silver mining interests. Per sons desiring to buy or soli Real Estate of auy kind, Houses and Lots, Stocks, See., will do well to give him a call, as he intends to make his office a medium for sale and purchase of all kinds of real estate. Office on Warren Range, Jackson 8 ‘reet, near the corner of Broad Street. JAMES M. DAVISON, rayb.wly Land Agent and Real Estate Broker. NOTICE. ALU persons are hereby forewarned from trading for a note made by the undersigned, in favor of Robin G. Carter (of Oglethorpe county,) or bearer, for the sum of one thousand dollars, dated 27th December, 1856, and due December Ist, 1857. as the consideration for which saki note was given, has totally failed: and I shall not pay the same, unless compelled by law to do so. raay2-wim JOHN B. PATMAN. Arthur** self-sealing fruit cans. —These Cans, which have been before the public for two years past, are now universally acknowledged to be the most reliable article extant for preserving Fruits, Tomatoes, Vegetables, See. We have made arrange ments with the Patentee, by which we are now off ring rhe'e Cans, of our own manufacture, in lots to suit pur chasers at precisely Patentee’s prices, with expenses qf transportation added. Orders from the trade, and fami lies, solicited. 8. S. JONES Sc CO., apIP opposite Augusta Hotel. Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Leather, &c. wholesale boot shoe awd leather warehouse SPRING STOCK 1857. 5500 CASES BOOTS AND SHOES. XJSP& *** receiving our Spring stock of BOOTS YY SHOES, TRUNKS, &c., one of the largest and best selected stocks ever brought to this market, con* anting In part of Men’s Wax and Kik BROGANS ; 41 Russet and Thick “ " Calf and Buff “ u fine Blip and Calf “ ** Goat and Enamelled SLIPPERS ; “ French and American Calf Sewed' BROGANS; “ Glove Top and Cloth Congress BOOTS ; 44 Calf, Enameled and Patent 44 M 44 Kid, and Buckskin 44 “ “ Calf, Kid, Glove, Patent, and Enameled Taylor BOOTS: J “ Calf, Kid, Glove, Patent, and Enameled Jerseys; “ Calf, Kid, Glove, Patent, and Enameled Bel moreals; “ Calf, Kid, Glove, Patent, aud Goat Wellingtons, ► t 4 u 14 << ** * Broadways; “ ‘ M “ Washingtons “ Montreys, Scott and Oxford TIES ; “ Lasting. Satin and Cloth GAITERS: “ Kip, Thick and Buff BOOTS 44 CaJf, Goat and Hungarian 44 “ Patent and Cloth BOOTS - “ fine French, Dress and Pump BOOTS ; Boys. Thick, Russet, Wax and Kip BROGANS; 44 Calf, Enamel and Goat 4 ‘ “ “ “ “ Wellingtons; 44 Congress BOOTB, GAITERS and Taylor BOOT 8; Boys’ Kid and Patent Leather PUMPS and SLIP PERS : Boys’ Caif. Kip and Thick BOOTS ; Youths Thick, Kip, Russet and Wax RROGANS ; “ r -al£, Enamel and Goat 44 44 Congress BOOTS, GAITERS, Pumps an SLIPPERS; Yonths Calf, Kip and Thick BOOTS ; Women's Wax, Kip, Calf and Creole BROGANS; “ Kip. Calf and Enamel Scrap SHOE ; 44 “ “ Goat and Enamel BUSKINS ; 44 44 44 44 BOOTS ; 44 u bontAg, Buckeye and Eureka do.; 44 44 Patent, Glove Bad, Eureka and Jenny Lirds; Women's Kid. Patent, Glove Kid BUSKINS, SLIP PERS and TIES ; Women's Black and Colored GAITERS ; “ White Kid and Satin SLIPPERS and GAI TERS : Mlb.-e* and Children’* SHOES of every style and color. We invite Merchants and the trade generally, to call and examine our Good*. a« they will be Hold as low aa they can be purchased in any market, abort of the mann factorv CONLEY, FORCE Sc Co. Augusta, Feb. 10,1857. febli / * IRARDEV, WHYTE A CO. have placed their VJT Book - and Accounts in the hands of Dr. E. GrRAR f>EY. who is authorized to act a* their Attorney in set tlement of all claims, either owing to or due by »aid firm. Vvr.vra* having elauun will present them for payment on . -2»e Ist July , those indebted are requested to make | Ar..rapt payment GIRARDEY, WHYTE A CO. | 1 Augusta, April 24, 1057. ap?*i MISCELLAN FOU ST ~ EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, < Mii.i.kdokville, Ga. 3 March 17fc!\, 18ffr. > T’ HE last Ueueral Assembly having passed, by a con Ktitutiona! majority, an Act entitled 44 An Act to al ter and amend the First Section of the Third Article of the Constitution ’ and also an Act entitled ** An A -t to aiier and amend the Twelfth Section of the First Arti cle of the Coe J tut ion of this State,” aud whereas, Ar ticte Fourth aud Section Fifteenth of Constitution an amendment to be published six months previous to the next ensuing Election for members of the General Assembly: It is, therefore, ordered,* that the Secretary ot State cause the aforesaid Acte to be pub- Hshed once a mouth for six months in the following pa pers, to wit: Tunes A Sentinel and Enquirer, Colum bus ; Federal Union and Recorder of'Mille«tgeville; Con stitutionalist and Chronicle of Augusta; Telegraph and Messenger of Macon ; Intelligencer, Di.-ciplinc and Ex aiuiner of Atlanta ; Georgian and Republican of Savan nah : Patriot and Courier of Albany ; Banner and Watch man of Athens; Southerner r*nd Courier of Rome HERSCUEL V. JOHNSON. The papers named iu the foregoing order will please copy as above instructed, in then earliest issue. E. P. WATKINS, Sec’y. of State. AN ACT to alter and unend the First Section of the Third Article of the •institution of this State. Be it enacted ay the General Assembly of the State of <utor gia, That so soon as the following Section shall have passed the General Assembly agreeable to the require meats of the Constitution, it shall be held and taken as the First Section of the Third Article of the Constitu tion, in lieu of the present First Section of said Third Article: Sed Ist. The Judicial powers of .this State, shall be vested in a Supreme Coart, Superior Courts, Connty Courts, and Justices’Courts, and in such other Courts as the Legislature shall from time to time organize aud tablish. The Supreme Court shall consist of three Judges, w ho shall be elected by tho citizens of the State qualified t«> vote for members of the General Assembly. They sliall hold their office for such term of years as may bo pre scribed by law. and shall continue iu office until their successors are elected and qualified; removable by the Governor on the address of two thirds of both branches of the General Assembly for that purpose, or by im peachment and conviction thereon. Said Court shall have no original jurisdiction, and its jurisdiction shall extend only to the trial, hearing and collection of errors in all cases in law and equity that may be brought before it from th«i Superior Courts, or from any other Courts h ying final jurisdiction of the cause to be carried up, and the mode and manner of bringing such cases before the Supreme Court, and of proceeding in said Court, .shall be prescribed by law, and tbe place or places, and the times of holding said Courts, shall be fixed aud determined by law,and a trial shall be had of each case on the docket of said Court at each session, at the tir*t Terra after writ of error brought, uulosa providential cause is shown why said trial should not be had at said Term, and the judgment ou all cases tried at any Term of said C*>urt shall be de livered and pronouuced w ithin thirty days after the ad journment of theeame. There shall be one Judge of the superior Courts for each of the Circuits that now are, or may be hereafter organized iu this State, who shall hold their office for the term of four years, and until their successors are elected aud qualified, removeable by the Governor ou tbe ad dress of two-thirds of both branches of the General As sembly, or by impeachment aud conviction thereon. The Judge of each Circuit shall reside in the Circuit, and shall be elected by the citizens of the Circuit quali fied to vote for members of the General Assonibiy. Said Superior Courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction in all cases respecting the titles to real estate, which shall be tried in the county where real estate is situ ated, aud shall also have jurisdiction over ah civil cases in law, when the amount in controversy exceeds the sum qf thirty dollars, aud exclusive jurisdiction in equity cases, which shall be tried iu the county where the fio fend ant resides, or where there arc more defendants i ban one in a county w’here some one "of the defendants re sides, under such rules and regulations as maybe pre scribed by law . Baid Superior Courts shall also have power to correct errors in Inferior judicatories, by writ of certiorari, t\\\d to grant now trials on proper and legal ground-. Sa d Superior Court shall have appellate jurisdiction in such other cases as maybe pointed out by law. but no case shall be. removed by appeal from the county where it originated. Said Superior Courts shall also have jurisdiction over all criminal ofi’ences committed by free white persona, wfiich shall bo triodjn the county where thp offence was committed, unless the same shall Up removed to an adjoining county, in such manner as the Legislature may by law direct. There shall be one Judge at the County Court for each of the counties that now are or may be hereafter organ ized In this State. The Judges of each County Court shall reside in tbe county, and shall be elected by the citizens of such county qualified to vote for members of the General As sembly. % He shall hold his office for tbe term of four years and until his successor is elected and qualified, removeahle by the Governor on the address ot both branches of the General Assembly, or by impeachment aad conviction thereon. The County Courts shall have jurisdiction over all civil cases at law, except where, by this Article of the Constitution, exclusive jurisdiction is given to the Supe rior Courts. The Legislature at any time may vast in the County Courts of any county, jurisdiction over all criminal of fences committed Uy free white persons, when tho pun ishn*ent does not subject the offender to the punishment of death or confinement in the Penitentiary, and which shall be tried in tbe county where the offence was com mitted and to divest the Superior Court of said connty of jurisdiction over such criminal offences. They shall also have jurisdiction over all offences committed by slaves and free persons of color except such offences* the trial and punishment of which is now by law vested in Justices of the Peace and which shall als„ be tried in the county where the offence was com mitted. Raid ounty Courts shall have a jurisdiction over all matters connected with providing for the poof, such other matters relating to the interests of each particular county, tho jurisdiction ov.-r which is now by law vested n the Inferior Courts of each county. It shall also be lawful for the Legislature to ve.-:t in the Comity Court of each county, jurisdiction to be exer cised after the first Monday iu J amiary, 1860, over tes tate aud intestate estates, tbe appointment of Guardians aud all other Jurisdiction which is now bylaw vested in the Courts of Ordinary of each county, under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by law. It shall be lawful for the Legislature ti organize Criminal Courts in any of the counties or cities in this State and to vest the whole or any part of the criminal jurisdiction of the counties In which such Courts may be established, in such Courts, under such rules and regula tions as the Legislature may prescribe. The Justices Courts shall have jurisdiction iu their re spective Districts in all matters of de t and account, when the amount in controversy does not exceed tbe sum of thirty dollars. The Legislature may at auy time provide for a Coun ty Attorney in any county, to be elected by the citizens of the ounty, qualified to vote for members, of the Gen eral Assembly, and w ho shad hold his office for the terra of four years, and until his successor is elected and quali fied, and whose duty it shall be to prosecute all offenders in the County Courts, over whom said Courts have ju risdiction ; ana also, all persons for neglect iu relation to roads, ferries, bridges, and any other neglect of duty in the performance of which the people of the county are interested, under such rules a id regulations as the Legis lature . ay by law prescribe, aud the Judges of the County Courts and the County Attorneys shall have such compensation for their services as the Legislature shall by (aw prescribe. Signed by WM. H. STILES, Speaker o f the House Representatives. DAVID J. BAILEY, President of the Senate, Approved March 6, 1856. HERSCHEL V. JOHNSON, Governor. , AN ACT to alter and amend the Twelfth Section of the first Article of the Constitution of this State. , Section Ist. Be it enacted by the. Senate and House of i Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly . met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same , * That so soon as this bill shall be passed by the General r Assembly, agreeably to the requirements of the Consti ’ tution, the following section shall be adopted in lieu of the twelfth section of the first article of the Constitution: The meeting of the General Assembly shall be aunual, and on the first Wednesday in November until each day of meeting shall be altered by law. A majority of each j branch shall be authorized to proceed to business; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and com pel the attendance of their members in such manner as each House shall prescribe; but no session of the Gene ral Assembly shall continue for more than forty days, . unless the same shall be done by a vote of two-thirds of 1 both branches of the General.- ssembly—the vote to be ‘ taken by yeas and nays The compensation of the niem - bers aud officers of the General Assembly shall be fixed * by law. ! Signed bv WM. H. STILES, Speaker of the House of Representatives. ! DAVID J BAILEY, 1 President of the Senate. Approved, March 4, 1856. HERSCHEL V. JOHNSON, Governor. Secretary of State’s Office, i MiILEDUKVILLE, (lA., March 17th, 1857. > 1 hereby certify that the foregoing are copies of the eu i rolled Acts, entitled an ‘ An act to alter and amend the first section of the third Article of the Constitution of this State," and also “to alter and amend the twelfth Section of the first Article of the Constitution of this State,” as appears from the files of this Department. Given under my hand and seal of office. mh26 mfira E. P. WATKINS, Sec’y of State. IMPORTANT TO PLANTERS~~ rPIIE RICHMOND FACTORY, Richmond _L County, Georgia, continues to manufacture Wool len Cloth at 12] cents per yard ; finding every material except the Wool. The extensive aud constantly increas ing patronage the Factory has enjoyed for years past, assure the proprietors that the article of winter clothing for Negroes made by them, has not been surpassed by any cloth made North or South. Recent extensive improvements and additions not only enable us to keep up the standard of the Goods, but to secure an early delivery of the same. Planters, er others, who may desire to avail of this opportunity, and secure a first rate article at a moderate cost, have only to send us the Wool washed clean in cold water ; (if sent dirty, one half cent per yard extra is charged for washing.) Burry Wool is not objectionable; the Burrs are removed by machinery. The name of the owner should be marked on all Pack ages sent ur. Wool sent by any of the Railroads in Georgia, Alabama, or South Carolina, to the Augusta Depot, marked Richmond Factory (and owner’s name also), will be regularly and promptly received, and the cloth, when made, returned to the points directed. Each parcel is made up in the turn received, hence an early delivery is always desirable. All instructions to WM. SCHLEY, myl7-w3ui President, Augusta, Ga TALLADEGA LANDS FOR SALE. I OFFER for sale one of the most desirable FARMS in Talladega County, Alabama, lying broadside of Cbocoloco Creek for one mile, and footing the mountains for the same distance ; back of which are 10,000 acres of land which will tor all time be a good range for stoek, and afford an abuudant supply of timber, free of ccst.— The Farm is well watered, and contains 250 acres of first rate bottom land, the remainder prime upland There is about 250 acres cleared, and in a high state of cultivation. The Farm is located in a latitude where an abundaut supply of grain can be raised, ind as much cotton as can be gathered. The community is indus trious, moral and intelligent. It is within two miles of Oxford, being sufficiently near to obtain all the ot town society, church and school privileges. The Ala bama and Tennessee Railroad runs within two miles of the place, and when completed, lands adjacent to it will double in value. In fertility ot soli, extensiveness of range, beauty of scentry, healthfulness of locality, intel ligence and morality of the community, few places can be found preferable to this. The place will be sold cheap if applied for soon. For particulars, apply to Rev. S. G. Jenkins Silver Run, Talladega County, Alabama, who will show the place to any one desiring it ; or to me at Greensboro’, Georgia. C, A. DAVIS. myl6-w3n? 1,500,000 Acres Farming Lands for Sale ON A CREDIT OF SIX YEARS. 'IIE Illinois Central Railroad Company offer for sale, A on a credit of six years, 1,500,000 Acres of the best Farming LAND in the State of Illinois. Said Lands are immediately on the line of said Railroad, and as the road passes through the State from North to South—from Chicago to Cairo, and from Dunlieth, on the Upper Mis sissippi to Cairo, at the mouth of the Ohio rive., (there being two divisions of the Road, viz, from Cairo to Dun lieth, by the main stem, and by Chicago branch from Centralia, 118 miles above Cairo, to Chicago)—conse quently the Lands of the Company are of tfie finest in the State of Illinois ; and as Illinois is destined to be one of the first States in the Union, in point of wealth, popu lation, railroads, &c., therefore, the Lands offered for sale by the Company, on a credit of six years, afford the greatest opening for speculators and settiers anywhere to be found ifi the Wcat. For further information, apply in person or by letter to the HomjfOHN WILSON, Land Commissioner, Chi cago, Illinois, or to the undersigned, who will furnish pamphlets and maps descriptive of these Lauds, free. Pamphlets can also be had on application at the Adam-.’ Express Company Office, the office of the Chronicle St Bentine!, and Planters’ Hotel, Augusta, Ga. Address Lafayette w. gray, Gen"! Traveling Agent, Richmond, Va. P. S. Persons from North and South Carolina, Geor gia, Alabama and Tennessee, wishing to visit Illinois for the purpose of settling or viewing these Lands, will find the new route recently opened via the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, the cheapest most pleasant and agreeable, from Memphis to Cairo daily by first class steamers, and thence by the Illinois Central Railroad to any part of Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, lowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Sec. Persons wishing to view the Illinois Central Railroad Lands, for the purpose of purchasing, will be sent over the r oad free, under the charge of an A gent of the Road. L. W G, ap24 Gen l Traveling Agent i. <f R. R. dEOROIA railroad. PASSl>atiF. TRAINS. LEAVE Anguata daily at 6.00 A. M. And 5 PM. Arrive “ “ 3.22 A. M. And fi “ Leave Atlanta daily At 8.45 A. M. And 6 P. M. Arrive At “ ,r 3.00 “ 3.30 P. M. Connecting with Athena Branch Train. Arriving at Union Point daily. Sunday*. excepted. 9.50 A. M. and leaving at 2.25 P. M. With Washington Branch. Arriving at Gumming daily, Snndaya excepted, a 8.50 A. M... and leaving at 3.20 P. M. With Somh Carolina Railroad. Leaving Auguata daily at 9.20 A. M , and 9.50 P. M. Arriving at Aaguata daily at 3 o’clock A. M. and 4.30 With Atlanta and Lagrange Road. Leave Atlanta daily at 3.30 A. M. and 4.45 P. M. Arrive at Atlanta at 8.00 A. M. and 5.35 P. M With Western and Atlantic Railroad. Leaving Allan la daily at 9 A. M. and 8.55 P. M. Arriving at Atlanta daily at 3.10 A. M. and 4.05 P. M. GEO. YONGE, Gen’l Sup b Sept 9, 1855. se P ]u SNUFF AND TOBACCO. I PETER LORtLLARD, MANUFACTURER, v o. 42 GIIATH A.M-STH.KKT, NKW-YOHK, 1 successor of Pktfk * Ocoroi LORILraRD, offer* for .ale all kind, of SNUFF and VOBACCOSm*«*■ ral use. For particular., a Pr.ce Oorrent can be obtained by addressing a. above. Tbi. eatabllahment la on* of 1 the oldest of the kind in the United States. inyl4-ljr WAREHOUSES. GILHAM & ASKXN i W»"'»»».) *udpromts*! attention to the interest irftheir W. will ft.iuish our wfth Butf.* Uoi,e end Family Supplied, tithe kwm- m«rk«, 0(1 in Blorc - THOMAS A. «ILKAM, Angust-l, WS6 K ASK iX. ’_ . GANT & McPHERSC N SUCCESSORS TO A M. M. PHERBON, GROCERY. PROM (,)•■ snd rr commission .Mi-.aouAKTi.s, »„d Ag^u Southern Shin lugs. Y arts, O.snnb'.ugs, Tobacco, & u . Main street. opposite' the Man non Teaa., give their strict per anal attention t« the pttugh&a* of all descriptions oi Ea-.t TenneK*ee jfrNtfturoto order Respectfullv, GANT & M< PHERHON. Knoxville, July 18, IM6. sy22*d&wly McCORD, HOjRTONA^W^TO^T' IITE continue the GROCERY BUSINESS'*! tho ota TT stand, corner of Broad and Gan;pbe4-*du ets, mu» invite the attention of our conn try and city friend- to a full stock, suitable for Merchants, Planters and Fiuuih Supplies. We will hereafter charge for selling Cotton, 25 cents a bale. fc. aIcCdRD. J. Vi HORTON, ROBT. WAtTON. Jr., Augusta, Angus* 19, 1 .856. auiM-Utit&wtt' WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION BUSINESS. BY BEALL & STOVALL At their old stand, Jackson-strecl , near Globe Hotel. rpiUE COPARTNERSHIP of BEALL Ac STO* A VALE having expired by its own limitation, in the Grocery business, they would inform the public that thev have renewed the Copartnership, and intend con dueling the WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION Business aktue, and solicit a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore extended to them. Their undivided attention will be devoted to the inter eat of their patrons. Family supplies, and the jwual facilities will be afford ed to customers. *■ Commissions will be such as are customary in the city WILLIAM M. HE ALL, J.W. L 8 TOY ALL. Augusta, A?g. 11,1857. ang! 1 BARNES & JONES, WAKEIIOUBK AM) COM.HIStHI ON MER ▼ ? CHANTS, at the old stand of Dye At Barnes, cor ner of Reynold and Washington streets. The under signed have this day formed a Copartnership for tin transaction of a General Warehouse, Commission and Forwarding Business, under the Arm of BARNEY A JONES. We hope by strict person*! attoatiou to bus mesa to merita share of public pat ronUtge.. WBt E. BARNES would hereby tender Wfi thanks to the friends and patrons of the late firm wfDye Si Barnes, and would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same for the new firm. All orders for Bagging, Rope and Family Supplier filled at the lowest market rates. The usual Cash Advances made on Produce in store WM E. BARNES. Augusta JAMES A JONES, of Oglethorpe county, Augusta, Sept. lßt, 185f>. sepd REES & LINTON, WAREHOUSE AND MER CHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA. —The undersigned have formed a Copartnership for the transaction of » General Warehouse and Oomidission Business, and will, on the first of September next, take the new Fire Proof Warehouse on Jackson-strcet, now occupied by Crocker Sc. Rees. We will give oar strict personal attention to all busi ness entrusted to our care, aud would respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage Mr. REES would take thte oeeaalou to return his sin cere thanks to'the friends end patrons of the firm ot Crocker & Rees for their libeial patronage, and would solicit a continuance of the same for the new firm. All orders for Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies, w ill be carefully tilled at the lowest market prices. The usual cash advances made when required. JOHN 0. REES, of the firm of orocker Sr Rues. SAMUEL D. LINTON. BUSINESS CARD*. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS no eecding six lines, will be insert ed under this bead at I. ate of 810 per annum. Cards exceeding >ox Hue.- w«U barged pro rata per line. WILLIAM H. WHEELER, Attorney at law, Augusta, or. daw _ ovei City,Bank. a|»‘m»iu WILLIAM J. WILCHER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Warren ton, fin., w practice in the Northern and Middle Circuits Georgia, and will practice in anv other part of Georg where business pays well; will also attend to collet of Claims and Estates in the United Status, and to lection of Claims, Ac., in England, France and the fle man States. fobs-:tai LAW CARD. THE subscriber, having resumed the pract ice of Law -1 will give his prompt and undivided attention business confided to him. He may be found at preaon at the corner of the Globe Hotel. L. D. LALLERKTEDT. Augusta, Dec, 31, 185 ti. jad DR. WM. J. HOLT OFFERS to the citizens of Augusta and vicinity, hit services as Physiciau and Surgeon. Office in the old State Bank building, opposite the United State Hotel. Augusta, October 27, 1856. cti?B dtwA wtf JAMES G. COLLIER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office oh Broad below Campbel 1-street, over Barry St Batteya store. novll-tf JOHN K. JACKSON St FRANII H. MILLER OF the firm of MILLERS & JACKSON, Attorneys a Law, are Corunissioi.i'ia lor the following States JOHN K. JACKSON tor Connecticut, Alabama, Tennessee, Texas FRANK H. MILLER for New-York, North Carolina, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Ohio, Maryland, Florida, Illinois, Virginia, Mi ssissippi. sepD-ly GEORGE T. BARNES, ATTORNE V AT LAW. Office Ui Whlronßlock Augusta, Ga. nu7 * N. M. HARRIS, Attorney and coi n.selllr at law Solicitor in Chancery and Notary Public, LaGnuigt Ga., will practice in the counties of Troup, Harris, J Jearu Carter, Carroll, Meriwether. jy29-Jy ROBERT HESTER, ATTORNEY at LAW, Blberton, Ga., wil a tend promptly to all business entrusted to him Elbert and the adjoining counties. my'i 1 y. ROGER L. WHIGHAM, A TTORNEY AT IjA Jefferson co 1 xJI Ga., will give prompt attention to any business on trusted to his care in Jefferson and surrounding countie feb2B ANDREWS k FOUOHE, Attorneys and cofnhellors at law Washington, Wilkes county, Ga., will practice in all tho counties of the Northern Circuit. GARNETT ANDREWS, decfi-tf ROBT. T. TOUCHE. W. G. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY AT LA W, Augusta, G a., will pro; tp 1y attend to all business entrusted to his profession al management in Richmond and the adjoining e«unM«| Office on Mclntosh street, three doors below Couatitu tionalist office. 1 Reference Thos. R. R. Cobb, Esq., Athens, Ga. __ myJl-ly MACKENZIE A LAWSON, ATTORNEY* AT LAW, .Weynesbf *o , Burk county, Ga., will practice in Bnrko, Scrrven. Jette son, Emanuel, Washington, Tattnall, Montgomery an Richmond ounties. ALKXANH fi-.KMAOKKNZTF.. ) JOHN P. T AWSON. PHILIP B ROBINSON, ATTORNEY AT -LAW. Greensboro’, Ga., «i practice in the counties of G-reone. Putnam, Og thorpe, Taliaferro, Hancock, Wilkes and Warren jyi9 R. R.HUNT, • w* ATTORNEY AND COITNSELLOR AT LAW, and General Land Agent for Gilmer county. Elijay, Gilmer county, Ga uihfiJ F. S. FITOH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Fairbum, Campbell *;n ty, Ga, will collect claims promptly and give inui diate notice, of their collection. Professional badness a tended to in Campbell, Fayette and the adjoinc g cout ties of the Blue Ridgeandt>*wetacircuits. oc!*dii. w JOHN S BIGBY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Newnan, Ga., will give prompt and faithful attention to all mniinest. entrust ed to his professional management, in the counties r»i Coweta, Carroll, Campbell, PuTtofl, deKaib, Payette* Spaulding, Pike, Meriwether, Troup, and Heard, feblifrtf S. £. 1c W. H KERR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, No. 5, Warren B«ook.~ We have this day associated oiMMalve* together the practice of Law and Equity, under the above imui and style, and will atteudtoall business ent.ru .ted to u in the Middle District. SAMUEL ELBERT KERR, WILLIAM HENRY KERB, Augusta, Feb. i, $855 apfl JOHN STSALE,' ATTORNEY AT F.A W, Augusts, Ga. Offireover Chronicle Sc Sentinel Office, Broad-street, j an2o-d2A'wtf JOHN M. TILLEY, Attorney at law, crawfordviiie, Ga. wui practice in the counties of Taliaferro, Warreu and Hancock of the Northern Circuit, and the county of Greene of the Ocmulgee Circuit. octgQ GEO. W. MAN DELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Waynesboro . Ga. Bo fers to Messrs. A. J. Sr. T. W. Miller, of Augusta and Messrs. Ward Sc Owens, of Savannah. ie2tbd‘2&wtf L. D. LALLEBSTEDT, Attorney at lijrw, au*. offiM m the City Bank. _ JOHN H HULL, ATTORNEY at Law, Auguata, Ul OfTire in Broad street, in Masonic Halt building. 'Bni COM M i SSI ON M ERC 8 AiNTte. — -'-a.-,. NOHVBLL & CO., STORAGE AND COH.tIISWION MERCHANT, office No. 17 College-street, Naehvill . Teno will at tend promptly to liilingOrdeis for Bacon, Lard, f-toui; drain, &c. at the lowest niarket rates. Kp" Refers to Seymour, Fanning A. Co., and Mer chants of Nashville generally. ftolU-sin‘ EKSJ. H. BICE. f J. .M. BERRIEN. | r. I) SIMS RICE, BERRIEN & SIMS, / lOMMINHfON VIKIICHANTM, Charlestons \_y c.| No. 3, North Atlantic Wbarf.. Particular attention given to the ale of Cotton, Flour, and Grain, with Produce and Merchandize gputo ally. Liberal Advance made on Consignments. Refer to Messrs. S. S. Fxkkak & BKOTHtdts. nov^-dim JAMfcS M. CAHTKK. AhBEBr O. OKAT. CARTER fc GRAY, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MLK- Cn ANTS, SasaDnah, Geo. References ' —Patten. Hutton At Co., Roht. B Young, Esq., Johnlugcrsoft, Kao P. H. Oliver, Auiericns, Ga. , N. J. Bavard, Esq., Romo, Ga. mh7 ly A. THOMAS. T 8. S. PAROLE A. THOMAS & CO , AUCTION AND GENERAL CO*fit|J»HFON MERCHANTS,IIO Bryan-atreet, SAvannah, Ga. will attend to the sal© of PRODUCE of all kinds con signed to them. Liberal Cash Advances made on Produce in store. References—G. W. Wylly, Esq., and Messrs. Garin* ny Sc Champion, Savannah : John A. Mooro, Augusta jyie-iy J. A. MOSS, Genera l land agent for the state of Georgia, Will give the real owner of any vacant lot for. •[ .w Will examine and report the value of a lot for-• - 0.00 Will sell and convey for 5 I ,er cent. He is now Agent for tbe sale of 8,500 vacant lots in the State and some of the best farm sin Southern ans Chcrftke Georgia. He will also buy lands in any part of the State at a fair price. _ . ' All commnnications addressed to me at Butler, Ga. will meet with prompt attention. novlH-wly ALEX. M. WALLACE, General coiuushion merchant, and Dealer in Produce, Atianta, (la, will give special attention to the sale of Bacon, Lard, Flour, Corn. 4 c., Ac. Orders respectfully solicited. ly J. R. DAVI*, Land broker, collector and ««■*- RAL AOENT. Buhuibo . attend s it uin any torul ty (Mve coTvv Jackson and Ellis street. «»’ JOLIAM J, CHISOLM, M. D., SUROEON AND OCCI LIBT, 29 HAM4I.L STREET, CHAIU.K JToN, SO. HA . f [AVIVIi devoted many yeaw, ¥> d 1 L’ abroad: to the study and treatment of 81 R<* IL A L DISE ASES and AFHBCTIONB OF TOB E\E. his services to tßfce suffering from such disessea, Cbsrleston, March Kith, 18n7. mh! iw Omo SIMS It CHEEVER, Factors and com mission merchants Apalachicola, Fla. JOHN R. SIMB. I W cHECVIR. novtio-dtwAw CITATIONS t FOR I.ETTKHs OF AWIIMSTKATIOS. J KWKUMIM cm NTV.«a.-W1.,T,,, .. Michael "• applies to me furl., tiers of Adinhiiat™. non on the estate of Mary Holland, late of said com tv dec pgged : •»' 'Bhcae »re therefora to cite, .summon and admonish all i and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased r W> be amidppear limy office within tbetiine prescribed b> law, to show cause if any they' have, why said fi iu rs *h«jW not b»graute<L k (Sventuuler 1 my hand at office In Louisville. vr A NICHOLAS DIEHL, Ordinary. s May 9, ITO7. J J *-r< OP\T V . KA.-Wheroas, lid ts.„ , • ■ Uarswellapplies to me for Letters of Gnar £3?" m" f A l u, *^ ou 1 ‘“ l1 Oelestia Davis, minor la.- to rite and admonish, all andsinttn ara.'n e 8 ' I ' l ,Vi " u ' ls *>»■ minors iu he ami «Pf vai Within the time proscribed by law to X*,i" r havu - «liy said Letters ahould Utweimuder nay hand at offi-cin 4 ... vilie ; Mayas, 1857. NICHOLAS DlßtlL, Ordinary.- I 1 IIA-Whorras the dvremnd. is m rfvrc JiZT ° f ““ ajetherufore to ci f e nmi •» u in gulaf llm kindred : Ul duvh .M - i,i " 1 nn<l >i ' ,: iere.ded, tp he and appear at m’v ( ,iv,ee .'I * !.“ na , n first M»udgy in July next, to ' ° r . l ”‘ lon ‘ . h M mvc why said letters of aitmioUrati..i,''«i, 'Lj*' ! h T T rranteil to Alexander Joliustt.n, Clerk at 1. L ‘ b • 'gSL*** 1 COUJ, >- *» oV, fiitind'ine’iier ’ S ' (n ' a, " re 81 ora >-" ' _^y- 7 i y7- H. F. TATUM. Only, i -HOHia.V .(MtI.BTfIbKPE COUNT\ -t ot ur ; l X llfdlihlifAKV MAY TKUJI, IH.„ ’ Alordeeai Edwards haning ruLresunn «1 tl- r. Guardian ’or Susan l; l tlj ? \ ''iu now Susant: Varner, he fia; fully fttle i iii. Wnli Vmrner, tlu> husband of the said Susan K.. and bavimr filed Ids pfitmon pfnyiug to bo disnu- t d ii- , u i gimr.iiansuip : . Wherei'ero, it is a citation be issued ~ m>ou cdl pcivenslpteiosied to slunv« ui<t- o n OI ’ before the Coqi tof Ordinary, tp be hldon ih > t;, s t ]\| t >n da July next, if Hif>-thev have, whv aid .llornt .t, Kdwanls sb ,0d no; be dismissed from «,d guardiaii shiji. It Is further ordered. That this Rale fi«. published iu the OtmmHHe .*seutinel at least for \ days iit vious to said Court. # , A trtte extract from Ifir Minute of the Court f Ordi. nary, held Alay Tefuif H 57 HENRY BRITAIN, Ordinary. Mav fi, 1 $57. { 1 bOKU S \ . 10, .: | V I OFORDLNARN , MAY 'i'F.KM, !- . Dr. CraHesW Davenport, as Guard an t f Martha E » I Havenpert, fiormerly MArtfia E. Meriwether, and, nl-o ta (Guardian-of B M. C. Pharr,formerly !1 M. o..Mori I • wr-ther, represents ti> this Court, that ho l;u- f ; i* •. -. itfi d fi *ip the estates of both his wards named iu t»i i pet it ion. 1 aud ]>ra\ t the Coui't to be discharged front .-,aidgu.M dtan It ip .- WhOrefinhi it is ordered, That a citation i-e issued, citlUng upon all persons intereMi-d, j. *n,w < au-.‘. on or fiofbrqthe Coiurt of Oi'tßnaiy, be hold on lhe f r>t M<>n lay in July ngxt, ii any liiey nave, v y .fit* ii,i (Jur.i iiau idioflltl not Ui discharged from b«*tli' the .-aid enar iraukhipa It is further ordered, That thi: Rule bo imlilisLed in .he Chronicle AJSeutuihl at least forty da's previous t.v \ -aul Court A true extract froapt the Minutes of the Court of Ordi nary, lield May Term, !he7 HENRY BRITAIN, Ordinary. May 9, 18:7T. C1 PUiOU;i A. OfeLETUiUtl’i CO. i ol ut or f UROINAKV, may TEItM. 185 L Mrs Abi Goolsby, as Guardiau so. Andrew J Cools by, a minor, Ate , j-epresenttf to the Court ti nt t he has souled «p the estate of the said Amirew-J., aud prays to be rti-unsagd from said guardianship : V hc reuire. it la ordered. That a citation be issued, ,ogilteg»ppt all per—na iMere L- I . .n . i U<'tbrf the Court ot (Trdinary, to U- held on tho iii t Monday te juiynext, if any they have, why thi said • fii should nothin.dismissed irom . .ud guar dianship. It is further or.fi re.l. that this rule bo published in tho ■ ’fironioie Sc Eeutinol a; leastfoi t v nay s previods to t.aiil Oonrt. A trrte extract from the minute of the Court of Ordi* • nary, held Abij Term, 1857. HENRY BRITAIN, Ordinary. i Mky 9, &h7. /IKOK<*ll. «<,n: PiILM.-I ;; fOI NTY.— U CO I ui' OF ORDINARY, MAY !l t>t. is... John V. Co In- Guard* U cdaJNL to wit: —\Vhi. N. Busli, lici t ra A J. Bu >U ' (now Pat man >. Wade Btwli and Wilie finvini. re proaentejl tofhis Cqurt. that lse fi;u tullv ttfi dup w ith Lfie former two of said minors, om- orwln-m * f at;«* h;u! the t.ther intermarried uith.Julin 11. Patman, ami has also fully settled with W lia-n W. liush. lhe newly •pjtoiuied Ouardian of said Wade and Wilie Rush, and having filed his petition, praying to be dism: sed from said guardianship: Wherefore, it lit ordered, That n (ifnt i. n fie issued, nailing on all person.-; inferoated, to show ean-e, on or cfore tin- Court «.f Ordinary, to pb l.tvfiLon the first Mon day iu July next, If any thUy have, iiV sai.f Collier diouhl not b* dismissed from said guardianship. It is further ordered. That this Rule fit- published in the CUroniele & .Sentinel at leant forty «la v- previous to said Court. A true extract from the Minutes of the (fiiurtof Ordlna ry. held May Tonn, 1857. 11EXRY I*.RIT .UN, Ordinnr> May 9. 7857. iNOTH i’.S TO DEBTORS AND (LfIKDITOIiS. NOTIdV-AU pmt jns lii<b-b.ml .<> IL • rsla.o „f Retiert E. Woeitflhg, late of Columbia county, <l. eeasqU, kre requested to make payment, and tho e hav ing demands against said estate are notified to present them in terau of the law. M.-is !U U '. JOHN E B9M 1 ■ ntor Nf>TU’ —All ptVsons indebti i Stephen Nolen, lato of Newton County, deceased, are request*! to inukT?' immediate payim-ui. and those having denmnda against, said estate, will pre-< nt. them in terms of ffi« law. Mu;. i \ I;- . _ Jj)HN VfEBB, 1 N OTICSE.—AII persons in- Seaborn Randolph/- late *>l' Richmond County, are requested to make immediate payment, and ilu - • having deitinnrls against aid < *tate, will present tlu n. in teraas pret crifccd by law. _ bl, 1857. JAM r: S WATKIN S, AdmV ’ 'l' VW MONTHS afterdate app!i< at ion v. ;I1 be made J to the Cotfrt of Ordinary of Richuumd comity for leave to .ill Lot of Land N<». : l;t, m the Nth action of Can ol county, containing 202} acri.s. Said lot being tlm properly of tU<- estate of Mary Me'lyrc, d < d. March 24, 1857. JOHN A U'lODKs, Ex’r. J";V«) DION UIS afl< r date application will be made to thaiCoikrt of Ordinary of Liucoin county for lea\ fosuH ike Estate belonging to the e state of Jacob Ammons, Sr., late of said county, docen « d GRAB. CROOK, Adrn’r <!<*■ bonis non with the will annexed. April 16, 1857. f PWO MONTHS afterdate application will fie nrniln L to tho Court of Ordinary of Richmond county, for Icaye to soU the Real Estate belonging to tho estate off Janies Atwell, decease*]. DAVID A. IMHLPOT, ) ABRAM MHGO. > 1 x r.n. J EKEMiA 11 ATWELL, ) April 21, 1857 r rWfi MON . i • 1 lo tho Court of Ordinary of ltichinond county, tor leavo tu sell t.lio Real Estate belonging to the estate of 'i'bomas J.Keener, deceased. Aprlfai, 1857. V. TIALL, AdmT. f|7WO .HO\TH.> ii 1 to tho C<*urt <»f Ordinary of Richmond County lor 4 leave to sell tnat Lot, with the improvements thereon, situated in the citv of Augusta, coru'-r of Greene and Forsyth atreets, belonging to tin- 'state > John Red* form MARGARET RKDI’ERN, Adm x " 1 1 WAUUIN (Ol NTY. ii A.—Two months after date application will be made t» the Court ol'Or dinary of said county, for leave, to ell the one fifth part, of lot of Land number three hundred and forty-four, (344) in the 7th dint riot of DftKcr county, in said Slate, the same being the infereß ofWiMiam K .and Miliy Thomp son, minor heirs of Robert 1». Thompson, <ll?ceased, in said lot or land. GE<> UNDERWOOD. May 1856. Guardian for Minors. ]AXE4jrTOJt».H NOTH ord.Ufr to the will j of Stephen Kolab, di cea#* d. 11 ereby oiler for sale his Valuable PJantat ion, «<nta uing *SO a ires <t land, immodsately on thb W'-st -id* «-i Ye.low River, niue miles b<Sow the ciiy of Covington, in Newton .County.- Terms will be made i.as., I’-.i further par ticulars, apply tolhe uudersign'-d, or to William Webb, on the premises. J*illN WEBB, Executor. May 12, 1857. NOTICE. A T*T* I’RRSONS indebted to the e fate of Arden /V. ti? Mer.shon, late of barren coufity, are reqiicsted to make immediate pay ment ; aigi tho <■ hav ing demands against the same, are hereby notified to present them in terms of tho law to JOSEPH WABDEN, AdmV. Jannyy g 5, ldft7. NOTICE. DO you want a pieman nt residetien nflar Mr. C. C. Blchuads' CMassical and English School, located at Thomson. G. R. R. ? Tbeu apply immediately to tlie subscriber, who will sell you One Hundred mid Sixteen A ere *»f fertile LAND, npon w’liHrii is a neatly finished DWELLING, contain* mg ten ropinn. lau22-wtf) h G H'I'EED. uorltm r |7RE sahscriber. having purchased t l TtlOT T JL HOUj® in the Citjtof Atlantia, i d«*-e ms of'giving a LEAJ3EfIm the property-, for a term of years, t » on.o genfUtfnajvwlio will keep a first-class Hotel,:> thishouse and fixturi s are superior to any house in t '.e Htatc. It is eonveniuUtly sitaa&adto the passenger Dep t.ai d con aiu** some rggooil,commodious rooms, allwel vcntila* tfwi, and i&ioealod in portion of flu <it y. Per* 8011.1 desirous-d Loa.-.m: ■ u e.op« « ' (fcA.MClkof Atlanta, who will diowthemi *e, r-.pi-isv octM-dAwti IMPROVED EAGLE COTTON GIN. OAPWErt, u villi Ac CO., the manqfuoJiu erof this I p improved Am, dcsiae to introduce it to the attention of Georgia phinlers They hr ve been in extensive m-e in Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, and Arkansas, for •-.ereral years, where, they give universal satisfaction, and ace regarded the best Gins made, both for speed, durability and file finguc s*ol the Cotton. A specimen may be seen at4fie office of b’ANTIONAC, EVANS A. fJO-* ofthfk city, whiult Pla it' • invited to examine. Orilers addresHi Jto BATES. II Yl*L A- CO,, Bridge -14 HIWASSEB COLLEGE. MONROE COUNTY, TENNESSEE. LllTrATlO* in the country, il\ mV.-., f,cn. Medison- Tille. ba« nlty : K«-v. J H BrttlllKK, A.M., Bn > , SAMUEL S. IM#AK K <»., A B Vice Pie-ident . — 2m Tuition 610. Board, 61 50 to 6-*. Vu4iiimu»«jn Libraries 1100. StudcuL last year 100. Largo new Hoarding going The fail s<-«. - n begins Kept. 1. fapUd-XvtSlJ J F.‘ KEY, Reefy. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. Cmaki.kston, June 8, 1850. ON toid after the. Ist JULY next, this Co. qmnywiil advance th*- Expenses, (Ship Freight and incidental •hargerf) eu ntl Mere I andi-e delivered at their D< jot to fie f«»rwa"rii J to Augusta, Hamburg, Columbia at 1 C.un dCU ot* tiit .SoulhTJarcuiliaßailroad, and * >a!l points on cohdlpctmg Roods in ftiis Ntgte, Georgia, Rorlb Carolina, Tauue sfe, Alabamannd JSis..issmpi. SLipl>i-r . will pieaae notice fliafthtyr bills of expenses taultwe .mule :ui s«_*j»arat«f>' |nr each mark., a id in a<Mi tfi»a totlie usual partieulei-s'inust e.rubriu n the nai■> of * the station, H intended for Ibis Road, or if to he to warded to a eoaueciing Road, the uaiuq.x*f that Road. It is also ?ft*ll*pentab]£ necc ary that Iheee bills of cxpet i - beleft With Mr. J. KING, Agent of th - Freight Dej ot ( Ann^treok Vdore ibe Goods have been forwanl ed, or tb< y i amiot be paid. Broduee will sriso be received at the above Station , and from connecting Railroads to be forwarded from Charlestoti, without <siar£c of commission, to any dcsig uated pomt. such case, Receipts mu i be *ak«-n at tho shipping iiWkllkh, andforwurded to the ‘Agent of Down Freight. S. O K R., Waviest on." with last rut. am.-;, if de sirea, oUiefvrtSe. shipments wdl be made by firstopportu nitv at current rfttus ot Freight. Any further iitiorma: inn w hich may be desired, can bo tained at any of the Company s Freight Offices. „ 11. T. PEAKE. -eJ.O-tf General Superintendent. COPAHTN EEoFIP. . r* ibK uudersigned having formed a Copartner 1 hip ri the 1. Pracftee of Law,Rising the firm name and style of VOLHJLL, WILKINS* CAIN, will punctually at liiqil to ail biuki|B>* entrusted to their care, in the *eve rai'eoiiitfbi'. oTtlie Middle, and tire counties of Hancock ,-Ln.i Warren of the Northern Circuit. Office on the corner Ka i oftfie Market, Louisvjlle, Ga., the auie ai occu pied by lhe senior partner for the last three \ < m THOU. H. POLHILL, W. A WILKINS, J. G. GAIN January 22, J 857. ja29-tf Y*HXfrli. Copel, Japan ami Coach VAKNIBH just lweived, aad fur sale at B. K. CHfciW'JS URI’C »*»“» ay.l Turpin's li-ui>K -i« FBUITLAND NtTHSEKY,’ AUGUSTA, OA. FRUITS AND PLOWBBS FOR THU SOUTH SS ftr ib® tranapUuitiug aud nflmagemeut of TRIiBS Lrfßi-BS Vl!*Ea A. ,®' Also, a selected );,taml d«<H P “ouo. the’rarest andmo.t bSutitul RUSKS, RVKKGraEESB *»., Ac., lofiuuig a ‘anjiliai- treatise far amateurs and ’those wlurrlr.aire toadd to the comfort aad adoruuieut of their home... This Catalogae will aaut to all applicauti; per mail, Jr* nf b J' addressing Jj. REDMOND, uovfWMi Auku ta. (ia. DISSOLUTION. ri'HK Coiiartuprship iu the I.aud Business, under the 1 style of DAVISON, (11RAKDEY, WIIYI E & 0O„ is tins day dissolved by mutual cousect The business of the firm will be settled up bj JAMES M DAVISON, who will contiuuerhe Land Agency and Brokerage in his o\\n name. All communications addressed to JAS. AI. DAVISON,'WiII meet, with prompt attention DAVISON. GIRAUDEV, WHYTE & CO. Auggasta, April 6,1857. ap7 r |' h.NIfKSSEE BACON.—SO,OOO ms. choice Ten. J. nessce BACON, for sale by mhai wtl 0 'IAS. ESTES,