Weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 183?-1864, August 25, 1858, Image 4

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<£ : :1c % Sentinel. - • /Vo-> n- o’ o> U<c Shmtkh fo~ A***tt TIIL ROMANCE OF A GLOVE. “Ha ‘ cri#J my trareUajf companion. “Pro p* r ‘y overboard !” . . , r T \e dr Ter polled np his borss ; * oou t prevent him, Wsttood leaped down from Uh? ‘ and ran back for the artioie that Lad b T;; ? zk>V*— mf&or+- which I h*d inadver • , v a cat. in t>lbg my handkerchief from tlij ifilar * t: , c rr? nrf sod be tr?ed it into my hand as h re ujed h i in tb- open stage Lie your nw*rd, M I said, offering him a • i.u- be war© t.f ‘endering me another each h id been yonr hat or year handkerchief be rnr - uil ‘>hv let it lie where it ftll. But a jr>v hat i different. I once found a romance in & © Since tten, p’.ovea are sacred ” And \V od gravely bit. ff the end of hie a* gar *• A rojunc’ e J T*li me about that I am tired cf eLd ev3 6’retcb of eea l.ke coun ry, tbee* re/ r #roui and swells; and its a god two hours’ r and- y rto y*i dtr headiead, whicL juts out into the prn © ’©ween us and the selling eua. Mean wb: your r-mmord ” • iJ a I ny romance ? I fear you would hardly tK . t wor by *.f t**e name,'* ,ad my comp an on “ £ ‘~ry lt' l aa i’s r mai tic epi.-odei, or, at leapt iu leats which appear each to bicn who expert et* • i*-rn. 15u ’. tb* ee lender lit tie List-one© are tt J ily m-'pi; enough when told. 1 have a rn&'den am t h oi.ee * hoi- ** near L&vir gan t ff*r from a p *. - - r oi.og. w ro da k hni* 4 , revtro ye*r* her ja- Liu h n.l* d*y rbe of en alludes to the cir i j|. nL c/ , vii h fee it'iJtt’k that eue wishes eoe hi,. , e iOpe*eut uo?el writer in whom the j.j\i . Ltide fee i g pure ifcal the etory of that p©- j, .. JD* W) Ulii the groundwork of a Hi’ g li /t-ri’ w. ik of fi Po; aibty I inherit my - rond-ocy oi magnify into nary pro j . n nfli - bicb l lock at through *h© double colv x lei a *f a p©iw nal interest 80 don’t ex j • uo rr uou i*f my ruicatio*, and yc u shali hear it. I* .<i 1 i ua it in a K’.ove. It *mjby no are rl*b og’ wv*-—midolrj s i-d, straw-col vre*i, ftc -i • ibt tor thie Land, in which I now ho I .a yi v*.ry a l Ofcourae, there vut y->-v. gad/ lo the cnee let me gee—l don’t be i j*’ 1 caa tell >ou the ttor.eaid W&atwood, “iif'ur call i * I ►nlly urged him to proceed. J i aw \ * aid le, afiei kindiirg hia cigar with a few v g r ui w iff*, ‘what's the un- of being f,> !i 7 >iynm w a-never diffident about telling ) r •• r , hi i •* h> at ou-d I heritfct© to ted mine T 1 e ou g lady'a uvu—well cal! h-r simply Mar n el S w>i a blonde, wilh hazel eyes and dark L peih/jj.-yu- never beard ol a blonde with bnz •, eyC-i Ob cark ha.ir 7 She was the only one I ev- r-;v; aid iitrre w* ihe tinet contras imeg ri ft and >vw*: n her fa<r, freth to rip ex ion, and ner e r *n‘ -an 1 d<li a'e y traced eyebrows. She w j c ‘fh.iD y lovely, if noi handsome ; and—such e .. r l l wiii hti nvent ii one’s life, Sir, just to 1 .-It thr lomiooaa window* into her sou!. ‘j h r;, I; no: happen every dy, be sure! Som-- t in - for we* fes riw kept them turned from me, the iv ry ab liters, halt closed, or the myetic curtains of re-* u.i*u vw hi:* then, again, when I was tortured wii ticeuli.-filed >earmngß, and almost, ready to > espair, ste would suddenly turn them Qp ten i rown wide, the curtains ft-a to ,hi <1 a fl-jod <t radiance et reaming forth,’hat C , i W h j lull of light and gladness, that I had no Bh u-ow/oO k lettin ir.e for a to hide in. She mud hr.v been contci’ us of this power of expres fci. i b‘ eu*d it so sparing y. and, it seemed to tie art uiiy ! Bur I alwajs i/rgave her when she did u-e it, andi :>oii*hed resenuneti only when she did not. “.cargoret was eby aod proud; I could never comp * r ’ v 7 ? a her confi ;bm I knew wtll at la-.* t i! i-.t! Lt .rt was m ne. And a deep, tender. v ii; i; .i ir art it was, too, despite her reserve. \V- u ny words, we understood each other, A ,. ( j )(j _ pshaw !’aa and Westwood, “my cigar is cu* 1 *•0 i wilh the story !” ‘•Well, we hud our lover’s quarrels, of course gi. • x!.ii, wLivt t. osh chi d©n love makes of us ! r. i- r i.g u Lsitive, jealous, extenng in the ru pri .';v. >i* gr-e iam sure, we were b*th amia ti * ,ands. ro* -r ng towards ell the woild beridufl; tu > r the frowsrfa reason that we loved, we v *> und to in s ulerpret looks, and ac lies.**, and wound inch other on every convenient o< r. i- • ;< I was pained by her attentions toothers, or j. • ny an enp-reu pie’erence of a book or an,t q i ‘ t * in*. U ttli tiou on my part and quiet f- r , t .i< on hers continued to ©etrnrge us, until <r y ended by con eve r y hing, and j „ and eg i -r ‘ oe woid ol kindnees to end my mie ary w w rr n/, —too quick to resent, too ready to q h di No cf.u i:, it wa* to her a secret gra id tb i ii t - ♦•x**r. , . ier pi>wer over me ; and at iast J Vt . , , vn.ceu * hat she wounded in© purposely, in Ei -r o* ,uVi;ke a terrp ‘nry eetrangeuieiit, anu ei j y a ie! tin ion of her triumph •it v. u party ; the thing ehe did was to waltz with h o> n % Loin she knew 1 uetesied, I knew she c*ulii ot resp.- t, end whose hal-embrace as he wi , , . . ; **r n ih© dance, almost put murder into U y fi oUgb'fl. ‘.Ui.’ :rf mid, ‘one last word ‘ If you care fer ■!“*, beware •• v* .. a toolii h speech, peihnps. It waa cer , , i, ii c Qftl She persisted,looking a* cam a.. * ui> •o* fl, that a gieut weight fell upon my her. iv. vk -daway , 1 wandered about the f<a- I trital t.'g'isopaud be gay, but the wound W-. * too <1 ep I c; .ii'i’Milod b r borne, late in the evening \\ . .■ o - • .-okt> tiy *li way. Al ibe door, she lo k,<l in and y in Ibo face, —abegave me ber band, 1 ih u -lit it -re-nbl-il. 11 (; ...J ni 11 !’ bu stl'l, in n low voice. •••(in i bye I’ I ai.xwered, coldly, nud hurried Irom tlie house, .■ I■ ,* i mme c nuolation to beer ber c’oje the door a r ( , iJii>4 re io iei tbs corner ol the street, mid to | ili.a.boh.d been tU'ening to my footetep. Hu 1 mu v. ry niigiy. I nmde stern ’•esolutions ; I V.. Wand to my i If *“* 1 would wiiug her heart, and UB 4 er „w, r v<.'rom my pu pose until 1 bad wrung 01 .< t . il . t drops of sorrow and oontrition. il w l . •• . e sd you shall bear. •J ■ii .i, vi.only engaged her to attend a series 0‘ co ii s ,ntb it. ,an arrangement which 1 did not uu v rsgre , aud i. r g od reasons Once a week with an I* • p mutuality, l Colled forli-r escorted b-i- ‘*> tils ••in, -,-it-r- on, and carefully re-conducted her bon . -*!e; in g„ opportunity pass to show her a (me gniMeii an's deference nnd respect,—convers ing wilh her t.’ei ly about uiu ic, book., anylblug in s i . t ejioiptW at we boih knew to be deepest in e,ub*otbe,s IboUgbl* Upon other occasions, I a *.iio and fer and .•• n retrained r im gomg to places vii'ii* * i* ‘vas ex pooled.—especial'y where she an w ti.a’ f kir-w she was expeOled •a , i , ’ o a to u and Westwood, “my d.slguiupiu Jiiii. i, SI nb l o ns gob g to wring BO nnmerci )i, v di'ii’ “i> t lb very brilliant sucre's To O'nfe'stie bu ~'lia"iig iiu'b, I soon found iht 1 v • tfriu ire b.r .and *atl m*g di-sperate resort, v , doyiutb ikl'tior • i probably a knl her to ask your fcygite r “ A „ t jj” j [i&va a will ot adsmant, as people Cuil! wu tear way *b.i amiable flowers and light n> i tlw-f ‘’"Vi r a ; sh© had reached the impene ti> P ** iiroi lock.* t D®ihr mad© any advances to- WMds'a ‘ le. tmti’ianou uot dnvired any. But I’ll t,. ‘ u who lid 1., as a final trial of her heart. 1 had ,or sum- tiinv, been tncdiiglitig a European t. i. a i my iidereei lo her bad aloue trot ine at home Sonic iri udi ot uilue rere to sail ear'/ iu tie. s -i... , and I in"’ resolved to accompany tnein. |d. art k <* b w macb pride and spins there was „ i. in’ in - probab'y a ga and deal. 1 confess i vi.l ell Im ke her st ff r—lc show her that she laic i.-u’i.ied oo muoii upon nry weakue*s—that Ic. ii'd si tong .iid happy without ber. le', will! at mis I'll ter and vindictive let ling, I listened to a VI rv Cwee! an t tender whisper in my heart, wh c.h sil l ‘flow, if her love speaks out—now, i. s oi says • l ine . u-irne, k nd. w-ttiau'y word—she eh il go with ins and nothing shall ever take her fr.nn me again !’ Ttw rho lgbt of what might f;e, w iii and bu an) that word, Hnd ot what must be irravocV’ y, it h©r pruje h©ld out, shook me tmgh’i >. But ui- resolution w*a<s taken ; I would trust the re-t Ui late. .... • On the day of the last concert, I imported the e<yrct of my intended journey to a person, who, I fi 1 (olerab'y sure, woud rush at ouc# to Margaret with the news. Then in the evening, I went for fccr; I e ra ooi'scious that my manner towards her wa.'ait:- u;i re tender, or rather a little less Coin, lyc urteons lha! liighi, than it had usually been of : u’t lor my feelings wre softened, and I never ba i i eeu her so lovely. I had never before known what a treasure i wto about to lose. Tue subject cifuiy vevago was not mentioned, and if she nad beard ot it.eba a’c p’ed the I act wit out the least vs.ble co i cm. Ilr quietuesa under the cireutn ,i ~. .-(.’.bed me • dl.ueaitejied me quite. lam „c , ,i fa sew bo can give mu h superfiuous j u ■ , 1 44 ui. uare.s nable, blind passion to hat yields no affartinniu return. A quick •nd iff it uai in bod of curing a fancy in pcieous .I my -mpei.-.ii'ent isto leach them that It u not r.o pr.a'Med. I'l, uit ejpii-es like a dame cutoff f.„ ~ uu* n r. or a p’aet removed tr**m the soil. I’ i !. vhm ee, the up rno iug, is the painlul (, g , out v hen n.e beatl >8 thoroughly eonviuoed ,1 V ,i's lova is iv .placed, it gives up, with one la.t s,. , ... ti g -at-, sivo a lew tears, says a p avtr Gt fo> r, ’ k- G* <i L i iiiß experience, aud be © ‘ nes .4 ifi* • csimer—yes, a happier heart l "‘ True.’ t ru'd i “ but oar hearts ere nox ttj? ea illy iV'Uvmced ** -A. ■i. r’s the ri b I'l f>r want of a true p.-.vi I.m There cannot tis a true love without a toe i e’l’.'ption. Live i j lor tac soui to know, from I.- .wu intuition,—nut for the u vjers'.aDdiug tx ‘ ©:ive, Ir *m lb© us ion- ny of IbOM very v lure ’ lab© wiiu< called eyes and ear*. Thi-< B©eu tu have lu-cn my cap© —uiy soul was sware ot her love,ami a 1 ‘hi e* i Itoce *t my ©xterual sen*© ® could ro? a i dee:*, y thni taith. But J.har ©veil fg I vid.—‘l ballsve ytu know, my seuses 4 . Io üb! >ou know, n y s*ml' —she never loved me!’ Sol vi as j ©tally very could towards her lor about twrftty UiittNiN. I n.r ktd iu c withh* r—we Wvre both silent; blit a tie do r she me to go in. Here my tv. ct-serted me, and l evuia hardly hold my hnrt.whi!* Ir. pied,— “ I y \i pnrtu ahrly it.’ •* li 1 ‘ti i.ot, l should not <uk you,’ she said ; ftn 1 l went in. * | wa- rt*: a r*ed aui Vexed at myself for trem bliue * v —'or I wt©m xi tr©mr from head to f^>ot. 1 jei c o * upany !• tue parlors,—some of 3d\r gar©. iir ©n<!B. 1 took iny seat upon lha sofa, aud g , -.v;i; a *d sat oy iry sia. • [ v n ’Aid on.. *xMr Westwood has been tel u v X4*ur ait all hbout it.* .* v 4 v , * Aiirgavt inquired, -and here tbs tic ;u iK-: ed tip-u me,-the news of my pro - .. f a vi v had n. t yet reached her ’ She looked at mew. a it ir,ut)ltd.'q Jestionug expression, and • I ell ’ i a - sotr.eih.rg was going to happen. T.-ll me whet ■* . • I ai xwr red.—'Year friend can best eiu.ain what [’ .at corns t s steret A shock of mrprise stu’ tut- color t.-om Margaret's tacei and raising her eyo.c Sll3 a-ksd, quite calmly, hut in a low and tr.n*turvl t r.e.— ••‘is Ibis to?’ • I -t i, •! .-nprors l cannot deny it.’ *• Y.n ,•• i>slsy aoii g ? •* *i cm ira ’y g i g.’ “Ste c. .. 1 1 c h lie her •g’.ta'ion. Ber white fee- hetis) cd bt r. ’i hen I was gled, wick-dly gao iu oi, heart.—aid Van ei rugh lo he grat fi-d tbat o i rl t • V...U be I I r.d kuvu I held a pOWe. Over ter M i. —"ui I uff ried for that folly. •q , t r’.'t t sod. a'tera Ini e whle, *be cacse j. „ : ~*> c i tod me ibw. Y. u have to eir i: ~6- ?; Am very q uetly, *au<t K wi'ulo i eve bn i a prrti sge KT me Cos lake a s star’s place atd uo rt u se It 1 things whhb sisters do Kt b • t->i’ who are g'ing on lung i .ninejs.’ “l wae c’ ■ a a. . in a ui rutr be ore t could E-e.it 1 hen Iwt and that I >aw oo reason why she tax hit urns or thoughts to aoauj thing for ®'. (j ecu krow.’ the said, ‘ycu have been kind 10 li t—n 11 hkl Ci r ih.-n 1 have deserved!’ 4 i O a ’JO. ui'. bt—the pa fcos ts the words! I wesbue'e". s fled —1 a most groaned aloud. If w- Dni alone, there iurtx al Would ha vs erred. 1 ‘.Sue have s . Ufced her to my semi Bat the eyes ot oUrnrs irere upon us, and.l eteelea *“?.'*, ’ tS • I raid. ’ I knew of nothing tbat you - ~ wilt, tt. r- ie Jvur g i ve, which you are tearing U ••’ I was tearirg trv glove—abe was calm ei.rg’ il.ob.irve ,1. That u ade me argry. • IT • .('one; 1 a 1.l mend it for you. Haven t #cu ocher g'ovej that need mendug?’ o I, wto bed triumphed, was hnmtled. My heart woli.r k eg—ltd She laked ot mendi'g goveel 1 did n t omit to thunk her. 1 c Idly arose lo go. ■ft ,-.i i x t new itat it was ail over. The next dry i s-.nrrd m"* pa-sage dr the steamer ic which ny ir.tds were to *“*• I took paina that March r, ilot . 1 troliia", too. Tten cams the pre p-ntci. . ’lavel-aiiafking effa re, wruing let • err, (r - .go'Sell with a compact and com foiiabic - ... t'wrcpe was in prospect—Pane, ia l z.i u.c.l’BV ia.4, to which my hr earns had it g t is:- g< ;.e be\it! aa. g’ and to which I now iu nee my iyfcu wu . r“awakenlng Jirpirationa A new gloty .v'oeji upon my Ule, in the whiob I Margaret became a lading star. It was so mi ‘n ! easier tten I bad ibreght. to give her up. to part ■ from bei! I found that I cru.d orget ber, in the j excitement of a fresh and novel experience ; while i she —could she forgtt me ? When lovers part, hap py is he who goes! alas, for the one tbat is left be hind ‘ “One day, when I was bogy with ‘ be bor ks which I wss to take wi'h me, a email package was ban ded in. 1 need not tell you tha’ I experienced a thnll, when I saw Margaret s handwriting upon the wrapper I tore it open.—and wbat think yu I found 7 My glove ! Nothing elee. I smiled bitter ly, to tee bow neatly she bad mended it; then I sighed, then I said.‘ltU finished! and toesed the glove disdainfuliy into my trunk. On the day before that died for the sail ng of the steamer. I made farewell calls upon many cf iny friends,—among other*, up n Margaret But. through the prevenity of pnde and will, I did not go alone —I took with me Joseph, s mutual ac quaintance, who was to be my companion de royape I felt some nragivings, to fee Low Mar pjr. * tad changed, sue wa? eo softened, and so pa!e ‘• “fbe interview ns painful one. and l out it rhort. As we were going ont, she gently detained me. and said, “ ‘D o you receive—your glove V “ -Oh, yt 9,’ lsaid. atdlhacked brr for trending it “ -And is this aU—all you have to say V she ask ed. “ ‘I have ncthinx more to say—except good-bye.’ “She held mv band. ‘Noth'Dg else ?’ “ No,—it is useless to talk ot the past, Marga ret , and the fiture—may you bs happy ‘—Good bye':’ “l thought she wou’d speak ; I could not believe she would let me go ; but ebe aid ! I bore up t!l, until night. Then c*me a revulsion I walked three limn put* the h .use. woftlly temuted, my love and my will t cruel warfare; but I did not go in. At m doigbt I s-.w ip® ligi.tin ber rteiui extin gui.-hed; I k-i-w she fad retired, bat whether to sleep, or wi .p, or prey—tow could i tell 7 I w-rt home. 1 diu c't cl my eyes ihv nieb’. I was glad to see ti e morning come, a’ er such a night! “The steamer wa* t. sail a', te i Tue Oa.tie of embarkation : rt a-ige -r ii-s aed strange faces; panit g from ti e I frieLd* ; the ringing of the bell; las’ adieus* Baire, * h > were to go wi h us, hurrying aboard, others, wi o were to stay behind, aa hasriiy going ash-re ; the withdrawal oi ihe plaok—aui a gbt ‘o mat y eye- 1 caating iff ‘h- l ose, ih- steam er swii go g nenvily er. uud, ti e rua mg, irregular moli noribegr-al si w. -H oles , ihe waving -I ha dterchie's fr.im ih-d ik and the resp-nrive signals from the crowd lining ibe wbsrf, off at list— the faces of fne: d-, the crowd the pier*, and. las! ly, tie city it ep, fading from eight ; the da-b of apray. ibe treeheiong bre’ z -. Ibe r-.vei eight of our l trie w rid drta-biug Pseli an Q la’ma awiy ; ibe felinglhat Am-tica was pa-f, and Europe \ra ne-t ;—ali this di ed my mndwih animation and excitem-ut, which shut oui thong ts „f Margar*t C-uld l have 1 .. krd with clairvoyant vi='.r,. ami beheld her then, iO’ ked ‘0 her c‘ amber, shoul! [ have been e ■ happy 7 Oh, what sols vaoil > and pri le make of u>! Even then, wi'h iny heart high strung with hope and com age, hd i kiowu ih t uth, I should have abandou-d iny 1 lends, the voyage, and Europe, and returned in the pi otV hoat, lo bud something more p ecious than all the continents and countries of. the gl-be.iu the love ol that heart wh ch I was carelessly flinging away.’’ litre *est wood took breath. The sun was now almost set. Toe prairie wu still and cool; the heavy dews were beginning to tali; theshadowa ot the greeu and flowered undulations filled the hol lows ike a rising tide, the haad'and, seen at first so far and small, *as growing gradually large and near, and the horse) moved at a quicker pace— Westwood lighted his cigar, drew a few whiff.., aud proceeds J. “We had a voyage of eleven days. But to me an immense arm unt oi experience was crowded in to the brief period. Tue fine exhileratiou of the atart.—the nreeze gradually increasing robe a gals, then horrible sea sickness, home-sickness, love rick ness, after which the weather which aiilors love, games, gayety, and 0 rtatiou. There ia no such s— cal freedom to be enjoyed anywhere aa on board an ( ceau steamer The breakage-up cf old aa.-o dations, the opening of a fresh existeuce, the neces sity and new relationships,—tiiia tuasa the crust or conventio .ality, quickens the spring of 1 te, and rtndere character sympathetic and flient The past .a easily put away , we become plastic to new i flaences ; we are delignted at the discovery ot un expec'e I etfinitiee, aud arioiiiebed to fi and iu our aelvea so much Wit, eloqueuca, autl hue euscep i bill y, which e aid not be'ore dream we posses-td “I'bia freedom is especially p>ovocative of fiir . tion. We Bee each fair bow touched with a l.a o whose colors aie the r. fl ctir not our own bt aut fu dreams Love.inesi te teu-'oid m ire lovely ba’ha J iu this atmosphere of romance, aud manhood ia in vo trd wiih ideal graces the love wi hiri ut rush es, with sw,l, eweel heart-beats, to meet the !-v. resp-nsive iu some other. Don t think t ain now arifluly preparing y ur miud to excu e what I sin about to confess Take these thn ga into considers tiun, ir you wilt; then thiok as y-u ple-ae of the Weakness aud mild impu se with wli.ch I fell in love with “We will call her Flora. The most superb, cap tivauug creature that evert nanaied theheartao the sons of Adam. A tine olive eomplaxiOD ; mag u fieent dara auburn hair; t yes fell o* Are and sos ten-lips that could pout or smile w ith iucnmparaule fascination ; a figure of surpti-ing symmetry, jui voluptuous enough. But, niter all, her great pow er Jay i, her Ireedom bom al! at erion and c,„uveri tiouahty, iu ber spontaneity, her tree, rparhiiiig an vivai ious manners. She wax the moat daring and dazzling oi women, wiluout appearing immodeßt.'ci repulsive. She walked with such p-uud, secure atepa over the commonly excepted barriers of social inleroourse, that even th tee wlio lilarned her preten ded t., be shocked werecompalled to adunra Sh* tVr.rt the belle, ihe Juno, of the aaionn, lha suprean ornament of the upper deck. Just twenty, nth without wit and culture,— full of poetry and enthu siasm. D t you blame me 7 ’ “Not a wit,” 1 -aid ; “cut fir Margaret’’ ‘‘Ah Margaret I ‘ said Westwood, with a aigh.— “But you Bee I bad given her ui. And when oni love ia lost, there liiuk uc,h awful chasms into tb ruul, that, though they cannot b>- filled, wc muat a least bridge them over with new nffrC im. ‘lh number of marriages boilt in this way, upon false Inundations of follow-iiea-and despair, is incompu table We talk of jibed lover* arid disappoint” g rls marrying out of apite.’ Ni doubt such pet ry testing hurriea f l ward many premature matches But it ia the heart., left shakeu, uusuppoi ted, wretch edly sinking, which reaches out tie feelers for aym palhy eatehee at the first penetrable point, and clings Ilka a helpless vine, to the sunny sided wail of the nearest cons la'iou It y u wish to marry a girl aud can't, and are weak enough to desire her s ill, this is what you should do ; get some capable mau to jlt her Then se z yo r chance. Allth effectious which have go a out of him. name* ready to droop, quiv. r” g with the painful, hungry lost uo to grasp some ot j ct., nißy p ssiuly lay hold of you Lot Ihe world Sneer; but O.d pity such nari.re* which lack the faith slid I r.itude to l ve aud die true to rheir best l ived. “ slut of try own mouth do I oond-mn mveelf 7 Very well, I Condernu myrelf, pp civi 1 I I lid ever l ived Ma'g"rei th-n I did not ovo Fl ra.— The same hrarMa itiut find Us c* uoierpart i dil fereu'ly in two i U"h oppnsi’es Wrat charmed in In one was hi r puriry, siiftaess and deprii of soul What fast inaiei me in the other wa* ber bloou', beanty and passion. Which was ti et ue .ym patbv 7 r i did not atop to as’v that ques ion when it wss most iipp irtant tba’ it sh ul I be seriously c maid -r ----ed. I rua -cd into the crowd of coin,ie,itors for Flora’s Slid o, a-d diattn<ed lheui alt. I wa* pleased end proud to perceive that she to ii no pans to oonceat her preference fir me. Wo play cd chess ; we read puetiy out of the svru b ok ; we ate ate a* the s itne table; We sat and watched the sea together fir h ure, in th-ise oesr, br gli‘ days i we promenaded the d'-ek at sun et, her ha(, i upon mi arm, htr lips forever turning up tenderiy toward* in*, her .ye* pour,ng their ( a*siou in'o me. Taeu those plot lous n g its, wheu the oca • was a vast, wild fiuoiiiating s team, flishi ii; and sparkling about the ship, spanned wi’h a q livering b ldge of Spltndor on one silo, and ro.liug into awful darkness and mystery on the oilier; when the moon se mod swinging among the ahrouda like a ball of white fire ; wn,-n tbi, f-w ships weu by tike silent ghosts ; and Flora end I, in a 1 ng trance of happtuess, kept the deck, il-'C-'i :-* of the throng of proiaeuadpra. forgetful of the past, i>ck le-8 oi the future, aware only of our own romance, aud the riohnessof the present hour. “Six mortal hours were exhaust and in making the steamer fast, —in sending oil her Majesty's mans, of which the cockney speaks wi'h a lone of reverence altogether disgusting to us lies minded Yankees, — and tu xq ertaiuing tbs custo u-house inspectors, who paid a tone and tedious visit to the saloou and Our luggage. Then *'•• were suff. red to laud, ami ORter the noisy, sol and streets of Liverpool, amid the donkeys aud beggars aod quaiut eeeues w ich strike Ihe Am rioau so oddly upon a first visit All this delay, the weariness and hnpatieuoe, the col trast between the mornins and the hard, grim reali ty of luid-dav brougkt me duwu fir an my elevation. I felt alarmsil to think of what had passed. I seem ed to have been doing some wild, unadvised act in a tit of intoxication Margaret came up before me, sad, s'lent. r,proacbful; and as 1 g z*d upon Fio re's bedimmed face, I woudered how I had been so charmed. _ , -Ws took the first train tor Loudon, where we arrived at midnight. Two weeks in that via Ba bei, — tbsu, ho ! for Parr*. Twelve hours by rail and steamer earned us out ot John Bull'd dominions in to th” brilliant metropolis of his French neighbor. Joseph accompanied us, aid wrote lettris n mie; tilled with gossip which I knew, or hoped would make Margaret writhe. I had not louud it so easy to forget her as 1 bad eupposei it Would be. Flora's power over me was sovereign ; bu; when weary cf the dazzle and whirl of the life she led me,—wuen l ’'Hiked in’o the depths of my heart, aud saw wbat the imu fi’-u of passion acri pleasure i oucealed.—in those ser.ou* ... - ‘..'r’Os which wou and come, and my s ul put stern question# to 0,0, — tucli. 4*ll, —theu— Margaret had her revenge. “A mouth,crowded aid glili'eiing wi'h novelty *ud luC'iienl, preced-d our tie par ure for SwiiZr; ?snu l accompanied Flora s par'V; Joseph re mained oau.u;’ Wl*fl Pari* abou them-duleoi June, and returned iu f**ited ber. I have no wo ds he speak ot that era iu my ms. I sew, enjoyed .*u‘ fared, learned so ninth! Fi<raw*s a Ways glad, magnificent, irre istable. Bu-, as I krew her long er. uiy momenta cf niisg'vings tecaut-more ire qost K-i profound. If lead aspire 1 to uo huig higher li en a life of semuois cel ghta, 6he would have beets all I could wi-b Bu ■We were lo speed the wit.to u Italy Menu wiiiki, we had am tbi r mouiii in Paris Here X i-nd found Joseph again, who tr> vb'ed me a go ul de. 1 with cettaiu rumors he had reot tved c*o oeruiug Margaret. According to tfce*e, sho had been in feeble health ever since wc le’t, aud her increase g deixsacy wa. beg'm-it gto alarm her iru-nns. ‘Bat,’ added another >f Josepu's cutr-epou; e-I*, ‘u.'u’t let Westwood flatter bimseifthat he i* n.e esu-e, tor she is cured of cm , and there is talk of an etc J gagement between her aud a y ouog clergy, wno is j both eli duel.; „t and fascinating. “ This ott of goes p made me very bitter and an- I gry. ‘Forget me Boon ?'I .aui ; ‘aud receive lire attentions ct another man f* YoU.ee how const.- ! teut I was, to condemn her tor ‘he very lau,t 1 „ad | my sell been to eager to o> mmir “ Vi el’ ttie ro'end cf rides, exour.i,i:s, siiroe vis;t. to the operas and tkea'res, ti is. ou the B a’ j ievards, and in the galleries of the Louvre eudsc at last. Ti evening before we were to'tetonti for the south of Frauoe, I was at my lodgir.■•’ up. | packing and lepsck ug the uggage wbicc <> l hao i ett Ui J'©-pL'B care abeeuco amoo© ih- ‘ Aps ; I was uieUccboly, dosa.ieged ti ; ji, d;.-,. j pa-ton. which bad exhausted my time aud eaergijj. ! aud thiuku ol Margaret Ih and n t pr.eervea 1, I ►ii jfl© iH©xuex.:o oi u*ii, ©ud now 4 i wished I La<i qu- | —if only a* it ©red ieef. o*a Lee and her wn | lu Hit# i chanced to my ©y© up**o n t-truy : /love ia •i i*t n-y track I .-rstchtd a- ‘ j Mid in liis lUBpalM ot Us IW mrlil— fe ! Ii flirted Unt l wn* rn—p eeked It I to my he k. Ye©, I tou.D tr p:ace te~e it hao t eeu muidru. ibe *p* t t’ Dg. r? Lac U’Ucbca, auo ic>.vc it *lt 8 K r eve.-y s iiob. iii©u iLCrUsfed at mjeeif, 1 tix g it tr>*ui il©, id from lif* room l wtiira towards tfce Piace c© Coiicorae, •br r © t* e bniLant iftu p? buri.ed like j ©x iivuhft! 00. I jirol ©cl through *Le Eivriaa Fi ice, wad wr.Cbed *L© ox tfc Cftira/t© aararoug like Art-flies up the 1 0/ * cpp©d by tbt oouccn gi*rctL, aoo a© ! eneu tx Tic **rfi and giris t-ing uco©r to®y vtiO go dm paviliju? tb? ton*-- j of Ibe eevuo ; vanuered about lb? fouiitaiu* —bj : th gardeo of tb© lui.k*r:ee, where th© ire©T tocd oahbdowy and et l\ ana tb© •tata'ee gteaui fd pi©—ibe quftje ot tbe S me, where tix© uav e rulixd eo da k beiow—trying t * 8-:t!& aiy tbouftbir, to mas er crysdf, to pal Margaret m u*e “ W©£ry at I to try chamber, i©: ltd r Vr-eii i> mpi’tedU t and !o: ked dv¥n bt ttc gK ve. wti cb lay * hrr© I ud t! Town it, opoo the po!ii>k©c- fljor I ©to'p©d aod Uh up a bito fu!d©<3 psp-r. Il wa? writ ©n up n- I anruilea *t, and r©ad It was a? if I bai tsc iberactrd ot doom. Had the ppaiintn ff Hv gaie keiielf n**n euadenly b fir© me. t et>ald not nave bt-©n m* re axrtouiebcd. I: wa? a i o?e from b er—aitd t-uefc a note!— f *ii of love, ei ff hi g and j humility—poured out of a heart eo de©p ana teuaer and true, tba: the shallowness of my own Q ’t-riy (Witeroptibki c mp&he* n wi’h it. I can- j do: toll you wba: was vr fen, bat it was more tt an j even my most cruei ax.a ©xactirg pnde tbou’d ; Dave ashed It aae wbat would once have xnad; ; me wild with }>v—Dow it al i oet maadened me witb despair. I, who bad often talked and e pbik-oo* ! pby ?o others, bad not a grain of tbat a tide left t*> ! pb>eic my own malady. But one course seemed plain be tore me, and that was tb go qu.etiy arid , drown myeeif in the Seine, which I cad aeen j wg to *wift Md dark under the bridges, an hoof j ego, when Ia ood and mused upon the ireg oal . oo i e Bolemn Aood bad ewaSi* wed. i am ft lit ;© piv n to superstition, and the mya- j tery of ibe n- te ©seated mi. I cave lo doabt bat j . there was borne tub i © centecfion between it and ’ ibe Dear presence of Margaret e spirit, of which I ; had i Lat night been consciqob. Bat the note bad* ; re&eted me by so niperaatura’ a method, as i ; was at urst ha*f tacuned to believe. I wae, probab- ! ly, the touca, the atmosphere, tbe iueffabiy fiae ic flaence nh.ca turroanded it, whic h had penetrated my unconsc ous perception= and brought her near. The paper, the glove were fall of Margaret,—fail of something beside© wfcat we call meDtal aesocia taons,—fail of emanations of the very love and baff-riugs which she hsd breathed into the writing. “How toe note came there upon the floor was & riddi© which 1 wan too much bewildered to explain by any natarai meaub. J >epb, wio burst in apon me, in my extremity of pain and and fficaity, so'.ved ! it an one?, it h-.d tahen cut of tb© glove, where it : had taiu fjlded, efienr, unnot cen, during all this in j tervtiiing period o* 10l y and vexatioD ol soul Mar ■ ga-et fcsa Qwu& br cuiy. in tine; I bad only my | self to blame for h* tai gle in which i found my?e:f. , I was tLmkmgol Fl ra, upon th9detko! the steam j ?h p, waen, in a moment ot chagrin, st e had beet. | ! near tbi owing henstli over; Wf*nderi.tg to who i fate her passion ani impeta si:y would han j ; her now, if knew; cardi g myself for my j | weakoe--- and per flay ; wLiie Justph kept ack j ing me what I intended to do. | -Do? au . Ira a, lurioua’y,—‘l eha'l kill you, i lhai is what i shall du, it you enve m? mad With • qnes’ioiiS which neither angela nor hendo can an swer !* • 1 kno v wbat you will do,’ said Joseph ; ‘yon wiU go Lciae nd marry Maigaret.’ ! You can have n conception of the effect of I J.b-Bu wora?— Gj hunt andmirry Mirgarel I j i-book a a I have been in-u shike wit j ihe egae.— > Ail tbat migb: have beet—what might be Btin— the | bappiat?? exist away, and perhaps yet withia my : leit-j- he tu. p at; ->i th© Devil, who appealed to my tower'ii e, t > ny rum Flora, break my ; v W‘, rick u y an i bM 1 fe, lor Margaret—all | tb?- 1 us and tx* vUgh mj> tujttuitttousiy. Al iengthl j said ■■ N, J seph, I Bh^. ! ! do no such thing. I can [ never o- wo ny of M -.’garet; it will be r n y by . a : - 11 mi he myce f -vorth 1 ‘vv.ii ,u ctait for Italy in the morning?’ he i aeke-h pinl Bi.iy. . . T . „ . •• F..1 lay iu the morning, I groaned. iL.eet Fi ia, travel wi'h btr, pay the hypocrite, with .mles on -y I paud k'-il iu -y heart-or thunCcr a rkH ter a’ oiic>- wi b Ibe truth ; b,t Was 1 to J.,? To some tuen tue quasi on would, perhaps, have p-eaeoteU lew c:tfi uitiea But f v r uie, Br, w-fi ii in not q".i e CevolU of coc-cieuce, whatever y u ;na tMuk !’ me telly u I'd rather hxui; b> .haro liook* . ver a r .astii'K lire man be again sue p-u Jttl hS I was tietwiil iwo altemaiives, aud feel ibe torture of i>-ib! • Hnv.i.g driven Joseph away, i locked myeelt into uiy luotr, and tufirirt-d lie torniHUt* c! tba ila'nnKd in a-quit invicer as p isaib e, until oi n.i'.g. Tutu Josepti returned, anu looked at tne in dismay. “'F .r Heaven’s sake!’ he said,‘you ought not tol t this thing kill you—aud it ill, if you keep ° “ Si much the bet er,’ I said, ‘if il k lia nobody but ns-. But don't be alarmed. Keep cool, and attend to the commission I r.m g"ing to trust to you. I can’t see Flora this morpiug ; Imustnain a little lime. Go ro the * aii in of the Lyons railway, wnere I have engaged 10 meat her party ; say to her that i . m detained, but that I will join her on the jour uey Give her no tme to qu-ttiou you, and be sure that she does not a:ay uehiud.’ “ ‘l'll manage it,—trust me!’ said Joaaph; and off he started. At. the end of two hours, which seemed twen y, he burst into n y room, crying,— “ Good new*she is gone! 1 Loid her you had loaf y .ur psasp rt, aud would have to gat another from our minister ‘ “ ‘What I 1 s laimed. ‘you lied to her ?” *‘ ‘Oh I there was no o'htr way'.’ said Joseph, in genuous y,—al e issosh>r;i! lbey'ie to wait for you si Marseille.). Bu’ I'll manage lha r too On their arrival a the Hotel d'Orient, they’ll find a tel-gra..l ic dtapa'ch irotn me. I wager a hat, tht y 11 have in he firtt steamer lor Naples. Theu you can ,0:IjW at vorr leisu-e.’ ” ■ fhatik you Joseph.’ “1 felt leheved. then came a reaction. The USX’ uay I was attacked tiy lever 1 know not huW l-ng i snugg ed agau. tu, but it mastered ine Too la*i thing [ remember were the visits of triend*, “o Btran;-;e talk oi French physician*, whispers and cuusuitati'ins, which 1 kn.-w were about mo, yet lo kno interest in,—aid at I -ugth Jotephraab lug to my beasido, iu a flutter oi cgitatioD, aud ga png h'ora! ‘■'Win’ ot Flora?’ I demanded. “ I relegrrptied, but she wouldn’t go; she baa come back ; lie i here I’ -i was sinking bck in'o Ihe stupor irom which i had been roue and, Wi en .1 heard a 1 ttstli- g which -earned afar tis, yet was in toy chamber; iheuavis on appealed lo my sickoutd 8 ght,—a f .ce which I diu ly Ihc'iigl t I had seen before—a flood ol curls ,cJ a rain of lrisaea *h waring upon m-, —sobs aud devour lug caresses —trio a’s von-e calling me pas sionate names ; ana I yoig so passive, faintly ftrug rliug to remember, uu t! mv soul sank whirling lu id l kites#, and I knew no more. ‘ One morumg, I earnot iell you how long after, Invoke end t.iuud myself in a a rauge-iookiug luom, filled with * rat go obj cts, not the leas, ••rsngoof which was ibe thing that seemed my#U A; fiist l loi ked iuh V";-ue and motionless cunoti y out ol rile Lethe Ir .a which my imnd slowly mergedi paii.lets, and at peace , its lessly quss t ouing v,hettitr i was alive or head, —whether the loin we gbt lying tubed ibere was my body,—the t ean-ng ol the s'lence aid the closed curtain.* rh'-u, wt ; ha succession of painful fl-ia'ies. as ‘ftbe polenf au electric battery had be*n apoiled ly my ‘iriSii, meinoiy returned,— Margaret Fl-ra, Pari.*, ielirum. I next remember hrarmg myself groan mini,—lheu seeing Joseph at uy o de. I tried to -(iHi.k hut could unt U['OU my pillow Wua a glove, auu he p -iced it against my cberk An iudesetiba bis, excruciating ii.riti shot ih'oUgh me;BtillI ■ >utd uot speak After *iat,Oduie a relapse. Like Mrs. B.owirng’s p"et, i lay ‘ Twin g ooiu aud (fleam. Wi h U 1.1 a..d L.ifoat-Eeh extreme.” “But one morning I was better. I could talk.— J si-ph beut over me, Wei ping for j jy. ‘'-The i auger has past! hs said. ‘The fetors say you will g it Weil!’ “ Have- 1 bei-u so ill, then?’ “‘lti 7’ echoed Joseph. ‘Nobody thought you could live. We a i gave you up, except her’—aud she’ “ ‘ Sue I’ I said,—‘is ebe here V “‘From ;he mom nt of her arrival,’ replied Jo seph, ‘she hu never loft you O i. if you dm'tihai k Hod for her,’ —hn lowered his voice,—‘and live ell ue rest cl your lifejdet to reward her, you are the uoc o gritelul wi-'chl You wou'd oertaiuly have died luii r I er. She has r aroely slept, till this tn ruing, when they s> idyou wou and recover ’ Joseph pans-d. Every word he spoke went down tile a weight ot 1 -ad into my soul. I had in tired, teen c insciotn of tender hand soothing my pillow, cf a i vely torm fli ting through my dreams, of a brea'huud ma t netio touch of I' ve infusing wa- ra, sweet lifeiuto ui, —but it had always seem ed M-:. -:arel. n ver Flora. “T'-eglove 7 ’ 1 -sk-.-d. *“ Here it is.’ tin id J. seph. ‘Xu your delirium you demanded it, y- u w u!d not be with- ut it; you dressed it, aud addressed toil the tenderest apics trophes.’ ” ■ Anu Flora,—oho heard 7” ’ “ Flora V repeateU Joseph. ‘ Dou’t you know— haven't y--u >v y i leu—what has h-ppsued? It ha# ben ‘ernble!’ ■“Tell ui” at once ’ I said. ‘ Keep nothing back!’ “ l .o.i” di.-.u-’y t-n return irom Marseilles, you n-memb-r that 7’ “ Ye*, yes I go on” “'biin eßtnbiiiheil herself here N ‘body could ooms belweeti lur and you ; and a h ave, true girl sh” ororecl h Ou, but she was wild about y- u ! She offered the doctors extravagant sums— she w mid liave b. id- fl Heaven itsrl', if sho could, if.t lo let you die But there camo a time, —one night, when yoa wee ravioi; about. Margaret—l tell yen, it was terrible 1 She would have the truth, ad sii I told her, —everything, from the beginning. II mak- s tne shudder to think of i-, it struck her eo ■ ike and nth 1 “‘What and and >be say 7—what did sho do 7’ ‘"She tJ’dii'r, say ouch, —“Oh, n y Gid! my Q> and 1 ’—something i'ke that. Tne next mornitg si e showed ti e a letter which -he hud written to Margaret.’ ‘To Margaret V I started up, but fell back aga’n. helpless with a groan • ‘Yes,’ said Josspb,—"and it was a letter worthy of the noblest woman. I wrote another, for I thought Margaret ought to ku. w everything. It might save her life, and y< ui , t-. 0. lu the meantime, I had got wore - news irom her stiff, —that her beahh o nriuued to decline, aud il at her physician saw u • tirpe for ter except ii a voyage to Italy. But that she resolutely re need to undertske, until she had got those letters Y u kuow herert.’ •’ • 1 he mt ’ I said, as a horrible suspicion flashed upon me. ‘Y u told me something teinble had kappi ned ’ ” ‘Yes, —to Flo-s. Bi t you have lu-l-r : the worst. She i- gone : she : s by this rime in it -me.’ “Fl ragoi.e? But yu said she wss h*re.’ v- (hr is. Butoid you tbukl mean*. Flora i supposed you knew. Not Flora—but Ma’giret! Ma garet !’ * 4 l Bi ritbtd oat,‘Margaret ?’ That's the last I remember— at leatt, the last I can tell Sie was there— l was ID lierurms — he had erased the sea not to save htr own life, tut mine. Ann Flora ban xjore, and my dre tins were true ; aud the breath ui and miguctic t. u-h ot love. hioh iniused whiid B*re:*t 1 .fu into me, aud eeemed not Flora's bur M rgcn-i’r, were no and mat more can I tell I COMMERCIAL. CHARLESTON, August 20.— Cotton —The sales were Imitkdi -s hx- lOj baico f t tjc tir.-t ill ec anys, at rmi.eyii fi;H t - t_ml a oat *u- aiu.j evious quota tons S.i-c th.xt peny.o ldc tiema .and lus increased c Coil equ~>wceut .h© ver.) tav* ra..e te otfe etl j.n;cha feis. w _h iS4* s e tt?d uiilie Bale o iu iy 16 *U b**l-s i’. v*ot .. ehiiu yi. .r, Lowtv.r, o a list ol pr.tes -v'’tfora> t • the t ansa ii n*. aa other hoi ?©rb i v a t-e u td t. ceil ca s mtiar enn-, and tor tHe p. ©>k ano q : lattou* lo offer ihe eceipt-* ut the wtk “±s.u Ixs* bale ,ad thn *ales in the >-am ion * tool u. iguo ?)©*•* A b.deot’ ibe n.w ciOp, *u Ml iclmg l a-run.ugLt -gie. /•ice—T.e © lx*, a ic n a veiy fa r demsad for this ar tt e. x-iilionfc 1 w© hu\e lo l c:dtd & vscce Oieport, prices t* Wura.v h© t*.u*e of th© week, weie qj;te fi m, mui choweo *Aiht-r hi advanci g iuiu.y. Lriceshave raDgex frwin .o y3i e er h. narta. Com—’ e receipt ui the current week have by no nuaxs bevjsi Lc&\y us tee one hit preceded ii b**t bt.ii tbe embra e a_t jg itg*e of lc.ilHJ birth els by *Uu rt -o al n . - .. i.v |--i to swell a a ocfc al ready heavy, aud umch beyon th ■ req *;iement oi the trawe, a .a have iv)Lci’,uej ly oten in*ther co- I-rc'SK’ ,as ucvt'n by tc ua ia sac ions; and w t Lave icaiL: a< ur s iiout! &i trvdLi fiooc/to <8 t nd 8 c per ba*'n 1f -. thii <X: or ptun, vb. jb also mc’ades h tac W© w.*ui xte. c remark, however, that the t ecei|.ts La i fa t u . ff :c • a da the. IMe us ihew es, n a - vtiiLin the iast two da, s i a* t xh.b.t?d &u lac* eased a©(C te* i n.inne*'B. Rat at —.-a. e > Ein&il lots bAve changed hands within il l—xgixi i: pr sent quot-t cn>, a awt are induced tu believe uat n ihe upj.lj was equal t > the dets&ud, or r-Uior io orders x*x ?l hand* ot an ac live be iiuets might Lav© beta cone w thin the margin cf ihe tti cures ua>xlo£ ilO ; Wt it© in 13 Flour —i ms a i*. .c auractß veiy l ueattrutioa at the pre.-L.- i- e .udt e* s = nce * f sa, chin iikcademAni j Li*.*ep; r .Rc a a out ;lo figiroß of the preNitUs wr . *w.iLtund:-.g iher.L-em th ; Nur.hero marae 6 j .* e aWs me w W k, from ali that we cooiu Jaro. and ! : - ‘ x ci -Off 14 0 Si*, whi n Lave D t-u COnflucd P-iLt*:pa. v to fc..pc:ffa., t L.VCZ.S, O’, course, mciuo.d, tqwi Sifffipe.obi J r °c<r.kA - x hr- axa. ket for all descriptions of i u ars ! i U I o. ii L; Muicoxa : , ilc-.ved since oUr iast. had T p U ir -‘ r Vo fcr onu-rmatt t sudv uab.ic I *—■- .c. a. & u.*y b I j 11> 13 aft n.. al2 lier-. e* j 12-U* b *f * : *.•“ * . . 4 j 4 ::u I , t*“ l 'r* 4 .‘*! I'* “* for L vtrp-io! lx | a<AU u , V cU E Sqa rt bas ! c.’-i S; nhiri. f t r^-‘YoSC* War r *° l ; j * ° xorui .r a* uiai Ai per O-irrcl tor I xour. J i iVETPOOL Aug. ti— Cotton — : a r rr *, } lagi*x vr*:© ia >xr uoxton Liriet. xte sal-s >f i* t jweeißc pt 9 34*bat4 i o d*y the ha* . i g.ur at a *.xt ana the were 70l > b.l s J ft* i* ‘toau e*, .as.uc o . ltKb b-irs oi . ptia.auon j ana tor capjru acicr.tsa a t =Cx:pnon* *r. in g-ne ai j teqaect, **i L-Vt toecu :icu & ge.y 0/ ptCU.a* - aac tn<. : aac. i-* q-- a:; u c: fair i:;e a ifij. .z-a j > 16* Commixtee cf o.Oi;*.*-e or Up**n xtd.; jdo ; L ie*? <-. *i; t. ex:x 7f l— *xi & irm ci fd. ou each ox iLe .**l-0 ars. n*nitd. aa3 no on ti*e ial e.* Ih© ow : and Oxt q.a lhj L-ve been irr iy uken ny tuy i cr3 ani Lave a td t ti u a2i t toxomaM fsui : p L‘©*: Eg. *: -u-have* .ullc-m . £>; luaia .* i >ca c - ana i.. g-d requ©.~t a; last week a rates. uru'g j Itc week 9. 4*0 baxe ot Amer c n were Akta on sp cu jiuc. &.u 4 .4 . oa* s tor export The ffties f Azner. j c are i*i a :ad . a e-i ‘gx ‘Siand Georgia at 11+ 9 i-d. t plaxja ax sro isew U.ieaai st 54 .Z - S * liiO Mohi ai 54 • ?i. I JIVaRpoOL rߣsZaUTrs MaKKaT —ln the Liver ! pori tu ‘• inara,: Oi re w* a go*.d done i in the ha qxaiti it! Floor. Cera wa* ixiac | live w heloforfaii pr cca. LOST. AXE NOTE on Mi chel Waidsm for 859S 52. payable ” / to James Fagan, or bear©', given January 1, i£se j and dxe one day alter date. AU persons are hereby no tified sot to pay the asoxe to any oue but myself. nv4 WA BAKU AH. JOHN DAMSON, SCCCESSOB TO HE iRD & DAVISON,) I WAREHOUSE A.ND CIHISSIOX IEECAAXT, Mclntosh-Bt., Augusta, Ga. HAVING pure baaed the entire interest of ISAAC T. HE *RD. in the late firm of Heard A Dav s-n the ondersigue i intends carrying on the W AREHOCSE AND COMMISSION BUMNEeSon hia own account, at tie old stand on Mclntosh str* el Hia strict personal attention will be riven to al# business confi led t”> him. The usual liberal cash facilities wili be extended, and order* f*r ies promptly and carefully executed. jy7-d2wa w6m JOHN DAVISON. DOUGHTY, BEALL & CO, COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHAN'TS, AT THEIR WELL KNOWN WAREHOUSE ON JtLK l OS STREET. AUGUSTA, GEO., T>EVEW the offer oftte : r a'rvicea to thsir fneod* IV and t e public for tbe aTORAOE AND SALE OF COT roN. Advanccsm’de as ieretofore. July 2 , ISSB. jy2l-d3tiw4ni ‘ J. A. .JOXESr (OF THE LATE FIRM OF B ARVEB & JONES.) \ X ’ILL con tic ue the WATEPOUsE AND COM V? MISS 0-4 BI'SINLs.S ( ffice and scales Room on the corner of Mclntosh >*nd R©yn > and stree’B, Augus ta. O 0.. tormerlv by Sim son & Gardiner. I ; would gratefully re urn u v ihanks to mv t umeroug friends b libera/’y , atronized meat mv Md st iTjd. ai- wou and m >st solicit a cont r nar.ee o the-a cent the n*w. Mv rirrict persona attent : r>n will be revoted u* p omve the inte ests of all ihoue who m y favor me with Th*-ir patronage All tor Ragging and Rope, and Family Sap pi e wrtmotiy zu ! ul ypx cuted L.beral Cadvances made on Produce in “tore J A J *NEB. Antrum? Ja'y 13 IWB i\l4 w6’m T.&J. L. FLEMING, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, f pn.\XKKCIi for the liberal support of Planters In A this nd ad'uining “tates South Car iina and Ala bama, woul i : nform them aod the pab t. that they will : ->ntinu the above bur-ineas in ell its branches and th-y have *aken that convenient and commodious FIRE PRi *<>F v\ o cu-.iied tor several years by Messrs. Whitlock, Goskery A t'o.. on Oamobell Street, opposite that if L. Hopkins, wbe e ibev hope, by strict attention to bu°ine-6. th* y will s’ are the confi lence and pa-rnaac-o their friends heretofore. Our chargee will be the same aa heretofore : Coo tu sftions 25 cents per bale. Storage first m nth . 25 “ AU succeediu - nioulhs 124 “ “ Liber ! advances w il be made on all Produce consign ed to them, and orders fiileaat ihe ‘owe t market prices. P. FLEMING, J. L FLEMING, Augusta, July Ist, IPSB. jy3 d&w HEARD &“DERRY. rHE UNDERSfONED have th ; 3 day formed a Co par nerhip under te name andstyie ot HEARD & DERRx , for tne purpose of carryin on the WARE HOUSE and commission: business.in an its branches. They havo leased fora term of year * the c >minodlous v ire-proof Warehouse No. 1, Metcalfs Rang?, Reynolds street just below Warre Hlock, w];tre they will bowel prepared to promote ihe inter erz of chatomera. orders for Bagging, Rope, and Family Supplies, prompt y attended to Liberal cash advances made at a? 1 time; on Produce in store. Their strict peraonM tention will tie devoted to the business, and tney respect mlly solicit consignu.ont'i from t elr friends and the pub lic. I'’AAC T HEARD, WM. C. DERRY. Augusta, Juiy 1, 18"8. jy7 3m A lARD r PHE firm o p ARD A DAVISON having beendis -1 solv and by mutual :onsen f . and the toiegoing co partnership having been ormed 1 would gratefully re turn iny thank- to all who Lave heretofo-c pationlzed me, ard ea■•? estly solicit a co- t nuance of their favor* in iny new business In the firm of H* ard di Derry. ISAAC T. HP ARD. Julv 1.18-58 iy7-3m DISSOLUTION. rUIE firm of BiTfcTIN, WALKER A CO., is this day dtsoive. by mu ual consent. Their business will be closed up o J B. Walter & Sons, who are au thorized to use the name ox the fi m in liquidation. E. BiJSTI.v, J \MEB B. WALKER, JOHN W. WALKER. Augusts, Ga , July Ist IPSB J. JB. WALKER & SONS, (SUCCESSORS TO BUSTIN, WALKER & C 0.,) \IfILL coLtiaue the WAREHOUSE AND COxM rv MISSION BUSINESS in all it:? branches, at the Md stand of Pu-uio. Walker & Cos , on Mclntosh sire t. By strict personal aitent o i to all business entrusted to their care h-y hope to m mtacontin cnceof the liberal patronage h tbci to extended to the old firm. All o ders promptly ri led. Lineral advances made on produce iu store when required .TAMES R. WALKER. J >HN W WALKER. J AMES W. WALKER. Augusta, Ga., July I‘d. 1838 r |HIE nndersgLed havb g withdrawn from the l warehouse and Commission business, cbeerfulb rexomn end to his friends the new firm of Messrs J B. WAL KER &. SONS, who will continue to t an sac t the businesa at the old stand of Bustin Waiker & Cos. E. BUSTIN. A gus*a. Ga, Jn'v Dt 185*. jy9-tf J. J PEARCE, WAEinOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AUGUSTA, CGAI. THE undersigned thankful for the liberal paironace ex endeT to him foi a series of wruld inform his friends aud tue pub i • that, he will continue at his ame well known Brick Warehouse ou Campbell street, near Bones B own fc Co.’s Hardware Hou © wdere by strict per’onal attention to all * ualness eutrus.ed to hn care he hepts h ; wil> receive a share of the public pa- Oash Advrn e. r s Bag rlng, Rope end Family Supplies, wil be orwarded to Cu-tomei.'t no beret of re, when de fiir.u. J J PEARCE. Aurus T a. Ga Jl© 2'> 1858. jy27-~&'A-fim M. 1\ STOVALL, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION HVHELROA'-l A.2STT AUGUSTA, GEO., CONTINUES the business in *ll its branches, In his large aud commodious Fire-Proof Warehouse, on Jackson-Btreet near the Globe Hotel. Orders for Goods, Ac., promo ly and carefully filled. The usual cash faoiiiti s afforded customers, jy 17-tw A-wlm WM. E. BARNES, (OF THE FOKMER FIRM OF BAKNE6 Sc. JONES,) WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AUGUSTA, GA. WOULD Le- eby toauk his friends aud those of the late firm, for their 1 ber il parr rage, and wou and r Kpecitul y in'< rm them aud the public, tbat he will c-mtlun© rue WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSB N BUSINGS •. in all its t ranches, rt the iiftme o.d and we 1 known sand. lie hopes, by strict personal atten tion to bus ness, to merit a generous sb.,re ot public pa trooaire. lie would hoI cit consigi.meutH of Country Produce genet ally, btii g wel prepared wi.h large, close storage Rooms to store tb* same AU rde-sior Bapgiug, Rope ani Family Supplies, carefully an < peiserially fi.led. Tbemoal facilities af firde ciston ers. WM. E. BAR'Efi. an<nti Ju v ifi 1858. jy 16 9-n ‘JAMES M. DYE & CO, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, CVA.. lIjTILL continue the WAREHOUSE AND COM- M\ MISSION- BUSINESS in all ita braneneri. at their oid stand, F reproof Warehouse, on Reynolds street, in reai of the Augusta Hotel. By strict personal attention to&l business intrusted to their they hope to merit a continu nee of the liberal patronage heretofore extenoed tot’ em. Or den* tor Buggiig, Rope, Family Supplies, &c., prompt I}’ fi led Libera e*sb advances made on Cotton and other Pro auco when and. sued. J\Mr..S M. DYE, THUS. RICHARDS. _ Aflim*t*, July 27. ’BSB. Iv27rt*w HARPER CTMYSON, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, miE-PKOOi’ WAREHOUSE, AUGUSTA, GA. VITHERC h : s per.-onul attention will be given to ▼ f the bto'age .a i > ale of Cos. ton aadi>ther P ounce. Orler? for Family Mipol es promptly attended to. Ca.i ’ advanced on Produce iu store. Sa os rtooin and Office on Reynold street, between Jackson and Mclntosh streets. jy!B d&w4m REES & LINTON, !.[, cnn'iDße th? AND COM I T MISSION BUSIN E Sat their old staad on Jack ou street Will devote their perscD o ! attention to tho .Storage and >& e of Cotton Bacoo, Grain, Ac. Libera! Cash Advances made when required, and all order-tor Familv Buppiie?, Bagging, Rope, Ac., filled at the lowest market price. JOHN C REES. SAMUEL D LINTON. Au?nta. Tn*v2’ 18.58. y HExlliD & SIMPSON. T'HU uede-sigred have this day associated them selves unde- the firm name of H-ARD & FIMP SON, who wi.l coL.tii.ne ihe WAREHOUSE AxND OMMi.nSION BUsINF.Bb in all its branches, in the Fir.proof Bu dings. East s de Mclntosh street, at pre sent occupied b> S D Heard where they respectfully solicit a co tlnnance of the pannage hitherto extended ro ea-t < f the firm, while in ousiue s separately, and by their united efforts tom-rit aud receive a liberal patronage f om the puoi c reaerady Order- tor Rope, and Family Supplies, will oe carefully fi led by one of the tirm. T.e uatial facili'iea wili be afforded on Produce in store when di sired. 8 D HEARD, J R. S v.PSuN. Augusta. Jnlv 1 1858. jvl.V^Aw6ai FIiINTZY S CLAYTON. warehouse and commission baerchants AUGUSTA, GEO. ON the Ist of September next, the undersigned will remove to the exte sive and commoaions 1- ire-proot Warehouse, owned, and for many years occuoied, oy L dopk.ns Esq , and ftp esent in the occupan.y ot Mr J *J. HaraiM'D, who wili a: that time retire irom th*- business. They w H con tix ue tne Warehouse hnd ou mission bus ness in ail its nranebes, aL.d wili be better pr* pa; eu than ever to promote the intere=t of their cus tomers to wh. oh their sine* personal at.ention trill be dev>ted. 1 hey solicit consign nents from thetr fritnos and the public. P. PHINIZY, E.P. CLAYTON. AugiidU, June 9 L c sy. A CARD. T'HE ucders’gned, intend ng < discont'nue bcu*e and \Jommis>i n ou-in-ss on the Ist Septem b r next r*-tarns hts banks to h s f:lends and patrons for the during the pa-t year. Mesars. PHIMZT A: GLAY luK hiving ieasea u e Warehouse for a term f years, i irwt ch c e*fa iv recoin in fix them to my ;ri * 0 -I'JwmwfiL 1 J C. HARALS ,N. THOMSON LANDS FOR SALE. \Y *° tiivrstmtat, I offer for sale p,;- , rt?“" nc:r ' d and fifty acres .f firs: qaailty ,-, A “-r .rw-wd oc O.orfia Ballrcad, aod ad io4ateg tfie Town Lo sos cc the east two ‘-nd nah gh .rare o col. 1- vat.cq Do .be prej-isei are two aetriemeots, witii out build togs, aod ce=tb!e locations for private The place is wed watered by concian: stream* Per-ons w sbing a qi'-l, of an in-el ig-nt atd moral commun ty. with churches good s tools and coovemeot. wonla do weU to carl arc examine •■•efore pm chasing eisewh- re. A.so, one 1 rac: c flam ng One Htindrel and Thirty Acre, on Georgia Rai roan, half n i e west nf Thomson firs’ rate c tton land, w.th abonr one hundred acres open On the premises is a lomfonai e Dwelling good tin H. nse. Packing Screw and other oot on Id ngs For Lea ih. Ac, this plan- is na*urpawi ano furnishes _r g’ 4-d 00. p re n. as can be found in a y part ol Ge rgia The aoove places will be .o.d separately or together, to suit purchasers Terms ac, in accordance with the times. For particulars address C. C. RiCEAKDS, l?*** 2 Ga. PATENT The Liver Invigorator, PREPARED EY DR SANFORD, 18 a great scientific medical discovery, and is daily working cure/?, almost too gre*t to believe. It cures fts if by magic, even tue first dose giving benefit ano, seldom more th&n one bottle is requite i to core any kind of Liver Complaint, tron the worst J .ondice or Dyspep sia to a common headache, all of which are the result oi a diseased Liver. Tbe Liver is one of me principal repilators oi the human body, and when it ej perfmms its functions well the do were of the system LL are fully developed. The stomach is almost entirely ‘ depended on the he i'. thy action of the Liver for the O proper performance of I*3 functions when the atom >'ach is atfauit, the bowels are at fault, and the wh de r. system suffers In conse. quenceofcne or?an—the ~ Liver -havire ceased to do its duty. For the diseas ,es of that organ, one of the proprietors has made it his study, ia a practice ol m re than twenty years, Ito find some remedy where With to counteract the many derangements to which it is liable. kJw To prove that this re r medy is at last found, arv person troubled with Liv Com plan t in any •>f its forms, has but to try a W b ttle, atm conviction is certain. A compound has been formed by dissolving gums ani extracting that part w which is soluble for the ac cive virtues of the medial cine These gums removr all morbid or bad matter . from the system, supply ing in tht it place a healthy flow of bile, invigorating the stomach, ca sing too- r to igest well, purifying the bio rd, giving tone and health to the whole machi nery removing the causes f x o* the disease, and effect ing a radical cure without M any of the disagreeable after effects, felt by using Cal mel or Mineral t*ci ♦on that is usual 1/ resor ‘ ted to One dose after eating is sufficient to relieve tb ♦tomach and prevent the food from rising and sout* •.ug Only one dose taken before retiring prevents aightinare [t; . Only one dose taken at r*- algl t Loosens the bowels gently, and cures c stiver neis. One dosetaaeu after e? oh me*] will cure Dvspeosia dose of two tea r bpoonstuls will always rt> leve Sick Headache. M One bottle taken for fe male obstruction remove.! .he caume of the di-eaae. Ljanil makes a perfeot cure Only oca dos uvunedi r ‘ately relieves Chelic,while One dose often repeated is a 3ure cure tor Choi -ra Morbus, and a pierf)veative of Cholera. One dose taken ofteDwiUpreventtherecurrence :f Bti ous Attacks while*’ it relieves all painful feel ‘eeli-ig*. M Only one bottle i pH needs ,to threw out ot the ■•vstem the effect ■ of modi alter a ion*; eickness One bottle taken for Jaundice removes all w-ellowuess or imnatur&i f color fiom the sMn. One dose taken a short time before eating gives vigor to the appetite and v makes -ood digest weLL One dose often repeated r cures Chronic Diarrhea n its worst forms while SumuMir and bowel com plaints yied almost to the first dose. Out or two doses cures attacks caused by worms, while for worms in chili ren. there is no surer, sur er or speedier remedy in the world, as it never fails. There is no exaggeration ‘n these statements ; they are plain, sober facts, that wo can give evidence to prove, w hile all who it are giving them unan inoub testimony in its(JJtavor. We take infinite pleasure in recommencing this u:ed. c-ne as a. preventive for Ft ver and Ague, Chiu Fever a; and ail Fevers of a Bilious ‘.ype. It operates with cer tainty, and thousar and ? are willing to tesffy to its won lerful virtues. Among the hundreds of Liver Remedies now offered to the public, there are none we can so highly recom mend aa DR. SANFORD'S INVIGORATOR, bo gene ceiiy known now throughout the Union. This prepara tion ? s truly a Liver Invigorator, producing the most happy results on all who nso it. Almost innume able cc.tificatea have onengivtoa to the great virtue of this medicine by those cf the highest landing in society, and we know it to be the best preparation now before the public. —Hudson County Democrat. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE SANFORD & CO., Proprietors, 345 Broadway, New-Fork. PLUMB & LEITNERandW H TUTT, Agents in Augusta S-dd by Druggists general y. mhlO’sß-dtwAwly Boerhave’s Holland Bitters ’ Boerhave’s Holland Bitters ’ Boerhave’s Holland Bitters! Boerhave’s Holland Bitters! Boerhave’s Holland Bitters! Boerhave’s Holland Bitters! Boerhave’s Holland Bitters S THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, And the vario- .= affections consequent upon disordered STOMACH OH LIVER, Such aa Indigestion, Acidity of the St*>mach, Colicky Pains, Heartburn, Loss of Appetite. Despondency. Cos tiveness Blind and Bleeding P les. In ail Nervous, Rheumatic, and Neura g c Attoction*, it has in numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in others effect ed a decided cure. This is a pu ely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly scientitic principles, after he manner of the celebrated Ho land Professor, Boe have. Because of xts great success in most of the European States, its inV troduction into the United State.! was lat- nL and more ( specially tor those of our farherland scat’ ered b*-r<> and thu-e over the face of ihte mighty c< ttntry. Meeting with great success among thorn, I now offer it to the American p ‘blip, knowing that its truly wonderful me dicinal virtues must, be acknowledged It is particularly re ommen ed to those persons whose constitutions may have been impaired by the continu ous use ot ardent spirits or oth-r forms of dissipation. General y instantaoe us in effect, tt finds its way di rectly to the sear of life thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and, in fact, infusing new health and vigor in the system. NOTICE. —Whoever expects to find this a beverage will be disapp* int< and ; but to the sick, weak and low spirited, it will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, pos sessed of singular remedial properties. CAUTION! The great popularity of this delightful Aroma has In duced many Imitations which the public should *uard against purchasing. Be not persuaded to buy anything e*e until you Lave given Boerhave’s Holland Bitters a fair trial. One bottie will convince you how infinitely sup* r?or to all these im it a'-ions. f^p 5 * Sold at % 1 per bottie, or six bottles for $5, by the Sol© Proprietors, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & 00, Manufacturing Pharmaceutists and Chemists, Pittsburg Penn Bold in Augusta, by HAV LAND, CHICHESTER & CO., PLUMB & LDITVER, WILLIAM H. TUTT, and Druggists generally throughout the State. jyl3 *SB d&wly IS’ YOB HAVE DYSPEPSIA, Use the Columbian Bitters If you HEADACHE, Use the Columbian Sitters. If yen have GIDDINESS OF THE HEAD, Use the Columbian Sitters If you bare DEPRESSED SPIRITS, Use the Columbian Bitters. If you have PILES, Use the Columbian Bitters. If you have NO APPETITE, Use the Columbian Bitters If you have PAIN ia SIDE and HACK, Use the Columbian Bitters. Ifjoa have SICK RTOMACii, Use the Columbian Bitters. If you have JAUNDICE, Use the Columbian Bitters. If your LAVER IS DISEASED, Use the Columbian Bitters. If you are subject to COSTIVENESS, Use the Columbian Bitters. Sold at FIFTY CENTS a Bottle, by Merchants generally, and by HAVILAND, CHICHESTER & CO.. WM. H. TUTT. PLUMB & LEITNER jelß-d&w3m Augusts Geo. EUREKA OIL IW the result of many years’ experiments made by a medical man, a dealer in slaves, in efforts to meet and successfully combat the different ills and aches those uuucr his care were subject to from the various ex* | posurfei in travelin &rd camp life. It has been found i from experience to possess restorative and healding vir ; tuea equalled by no other mixture or compound yet dis* covered for the following afflictions . Sores or Eruptions of the Skin, Ulcerated Sores od the legs or any part of the body, Rheumatism, Neuralgif*, Head Ache, Tooth Ache, Bone Peilons, Tetters, Pains, Throat, Swollen Gians, Sore or weak Eyes in roao or bea*t, Ear Ache, Cramp or Pain in the Stomach. Colic, Weak Back, Spinal Affections, Sore Breasts, So:% or Cracked Nipples, Fever Sores, Scald Head Fre. n Cut* and Bruises, all Pams in the Lunds ui <L foints, Sprain? ana Strains, Swollen Feet and Ankles, Burns. StrUtnr?. 9 W a ciaim no magic for the workings of this gre&t soother and successful competitor in the healing art, of all the romedies which have been put forward for public favor. If the first application does not. give relief, try the second, third or tourth, and we w 11 g arantee the suffer e/shall not bed swap pointed. Whose it has been intro* duced it has superceded DeGrath sand ail other reme* dies. We challenge the worJd for the production of ita equal in allaying pain, or in the healing art. It would seeua superfluous to mention the wonderful cures pro duced in a very lew minutes iu tie Btreet3 of Columbus, Ga., when administered w a horse judged to b® dying under the effects of the oct-s. and on two othw occasions when administered ij indies suffering greatly with colic. Price ONE IXUJLAR per bottle. For B(ue ia Ooiumbua, Georgia, by Danforth, Nage< 4: Cos.; Pemberton, Nuckols & Go.-, Brocks A: Chap man ; Nance &. Gesner; Robert A. Ware ; A. K. Ayer. This truely great Medicine is sold in the city of Augus ta only by CLARKE <Sc “WELLB, Druggists, who will in every case refund the money when satisf ctlou ia no;< given in the use of etue bottle, if used strictly as direct, ed for any of the above diseases. For Coughs coir-men among the people, the EUREKA OIL has no or 15 drops in water three or more iuuea in riay, the same at night if needed, no ch&rsowili be r for the Oil in cas. of return of Chill *nd Fever. 1} mb -ed well , on the spine and breast and neck in time, of fever, after the lever a continuation of the application, and take 15 drops in waters every five Lours, till the time for Chill passes off. Every botile ia properly directed, with certificates at ached. I lantera need no other doctor on their planta tions over Eureka Oil. Try it —it 1b no humbug. Half the quantity for ch^<-r en G. W. CROFT k CO., Atlanta. Ga. SALVE vs. LINIMENTS. DR. CAVANAUGH’S GREEN SALVE. AS a nniversal FAMILY REMEDY, exceed*, la IU enrative action, any article ever offered to the at teation of theaffi ;:ed. Gentlemen m all professions, and every ujik c f LKft, attest to its merits. MARK ITS EFFECTS AND TEST THEM. It wliitake the fire ont of a BURN or riCA VD t 0 G few minc’ea ana heai the wotted WITHOUT A SCAB er- Bee certificates ia hands of Agents Price 50 cents and cema per bo*. For Bale bv all Druggists and dealer. T. & CAVAN AUGH", profristor, at Louis. Mo. Agsaia— PLUMB A LEIT>£& CLARK, WELLS tBPEARS. HaVTLVND, CH: FESTER & CO- W H TUTT, Bt\ PALMER. Anpiota, Ga. A. A ALEXANDER and Dr. SMITH, Atlanta, Gt, and CW AH R J. LONG, Athens, Ga. ar2<’.SS-<4-wi v THE GREATEST MEDICAL ■f.\ Discovery or the >ge is AYER’S CATHARTIC PILLS. JLi They don’t help complaints, tut they cure them. W On* bnz has cured Dyspeaia. Three boxes have cu ed tie wors cases o* Scrofula. Two boxes have cured Rrys'f ei&s. One box always corse the Jtaadice Thr*e boxes are *a e :o cleanse the system from Boils —often lest than one does it. Two boxes have completely cured the worst of ulcers ontteiegs. Small seldom fail to cure the Pl,ea - One dose cares the beauac-he arising frcm a fctu Stomach. Strong dotes often repeated expel every worm from the body. They ehoold ba given to eb’Mren, who are always mors or Im. afflicted with this eeorr.e. At a geo le phys e ‘bey have no equal. One boxes corea de* angement ol the LlTer Ha t a box cor. a a Cold They po-.'y the b.ood, tnithoa strke at the Icanda tion of every and As ad n-er Pi l tnara la not their eqnalln the word. They are purely vegetable and can do no barxn, but do acc.mp'.iah cu nnacco* n abie amornt < f good. P epared by Dr. J C. AYER. Practical Ctemla', Lowell. Haas, and sold by all Drnggiata and deale a m med t as throughout this sec* on iy*2 -dAw ta STOCKS AND BONDS. Georgia railroad stock. CITY BONDS. T or aale by aalMlw W, B OBOTOf. GRAND CLEARING OUT SALE OF AT UNPRECEDENTED LOW PRICES. mm Making large calculations for the approaching Fall Trade, are desirous of making room for the reception of a splendid Stock, which is now in progress of selection, by offering the remainder of their Summer Stock, particularly in such articles as are liable to change style before next season at such unprecedentedly low prices as will warrant THE EXPECTATION OP A SPEEDY SALE. Rich Byadere and Plaid SILKS, for 37 1-2 cents, worth from 75 cents to SI.OO per yard; just the price of fine Ginghams; Rich Embroidered ar and Colored Silk MANTILLAS, for $2.50; some of them cost to import over S2O; Fine English Crape MANTILLAS, for Mourning, for $3.50; same as sold all the season for $lO. Fine Barege ROBES AQTTILLE, for $3.50 worth $6.00. Fine Flounced Barege ROBES twenty yards in a dress, for $5; worth from $lO to sls. Splendid Twisted Sewing Silk ROBES for $lO, worth $35. FINE IL-A/WISTS- A few cases more for 61-4 cents. F'lisriE itsdTJSxyxixrs- Neat small figures, warranted fast colors, for 8 cents; same as we sold all season for 12 cents. FINE IRISH XXOSriBS- A few cases more, for 37 cents, worth 62 to 75 cents. And many other arlicles proportionally cheap; to all oi which we would respectfully invite the attention of the public. GRAY & TURLEY. Under the U. States Hotel, Augusta, Ga., jy27 And opposite the Pulaski House, Savannah, Geo. FRANCIS TOMES & SONS, NO. 6 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS. GUNS, PISTOLS, Percussion Caps and Sporting Articles, FINE SHEFFIELD CUTLERY, SILVER WARE, JEWELRY AND FAHCT GOODS. MANUFACTURERS OF LEWIS & TOMES’ CELEBRATED COWLING ttUNS. SOLE AGENTS FOK ELEY’S CAPS, CARTRIDGES, ¥ ADDING, AND THE ADAMS’ PATENT REVOLVING PISTOLS, THE SAFEST AND MOST EFFECTIVE WEAPON OF THE KIND YET PRODUCED, A nr!TTVP.T<rTAIi EXPLOSION IMPOSSIBLE. It can be discharged in rapid succession by merely pulling the trig ger. The Adams’ Revolving Arms Cos, having ihe exclusive right of manufacturing and selling in the United States, have appointed us Sole Agents, and we now ofler them at greatly reduced prices. THE LARGEST STOCK OF LOW’S BROWN WINDSOR SOAP. BEST ASSORTMENT OF LUBIN’S extracts in the United States. Merchants throughout the Union are invited to examine our large and well selected stock. TLRMS : Six Months’ Credit, Notes payable at Bank. FRANCIS TOMES <Sfc HON*. No. Mai,lei. Lnne. PLUMB A LEITAEB, DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECAPIES, AUGUSTA, GA. WE WOULD RESPECTFULLY INVITE ATTENTION TO OUR STOCK OF CHOICF. UNADULTERATED DRUGS, CHEMICALS, MEDICINES, AND ALL OTHER ARTICLES IN OUR LINE. WE FEEL ASSURED THAT NO HOUSE IN THE SOUTH CAN OFFER A STOCK SUPERIOETO OUKh IN GENUINENESS and punity, Ail officinal preparations being made in strict accordance with the formularies ol tiie United states Pharmacopeia. Our Stock oi DENTAL AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, Is full, and we have unequalled arrangements in procuring additional supplies at the shortest noiic c. A CHOICE SELECTION Os* 1 Garden, Grass, and Field Seeds, MAY ALWAYS BE FOUND IN OUR STOCK, TOGETHER WITH A FULL SUPPLY OF PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, to, to m j,3 PLUMB & LEITNER, near Post Office Corner. CLARKE & ROYAL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN BOOTS -AJfcTID SHOES, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, fc, Have on hand one of the largest. Storks of BOOTS and SHOES, TRUNKS, &.C., in the City, and we think, one of the FINEST IN THE SOUTH, and will endeavor to give satisfaction to all who may favor us with a call. jy2B-d4cw2m BTJRCH & ROBERT, fAT THE OLD STAND OF J. W. EUECH,) MANUFACTURERS AND RETAIL DEALERS IN BOOTS -A-ItUD SHOES, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, SCHOOL SATCHELS, &c., &c., &c. Opposite the Adams Express Company, Augusta, Ga. A general and well selected assortment of GOODS in the above line constantly on hand. Their SHOES are made especially for the retail trade, and will be sold upon reasonable terms. CALL A-oSTD SEE THEM. my2l-3m BOOTS, SHOES, &C. CONLEY, FORCE & CO., AUGUSTA, GA., OPPOSITE INSURANCE BANE DEALERS lit BOOTS, SHOES. TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, VALISES, LEATHER, LASTS, SHOE PEGS, SHOE FINDINGS, TANNER’S TOOLS, &c. feb2s - SSOO REWARD! RAN* WAY OR STOLEN from Oren D avia, in Wilkinson eouß+y, Ga, on the night of the 3lst July, tbe following descrir ed Negroes, to * it: SAM. about 40 >ean old, dark complexion, and very rot'en teett. atd has a no ch In hia ear, weighs 165 to 170 pounds—thick built. BEN, aoout3') years old, dark akin, and baa a notch in his front t eth is ‘arg* built, raw boned, and wkl weigh ab*ut J 75 to 180poan r s. CHARLES about e years old, dark skin, low built, and win Wrigh about 1 0 to 140 pounds JEF a mulatto b<y, 17 years old. medium height, and will weigh about 125 to 130 pounds. A%N. a cark akin woman, spare made, and quick notion, speaJta quick whtn spoken to, aoout 2 or i>o years old. NANCE a yel’ow girl 18 years old, spare made, and wil weigh about <25 1.0 I'O pound-*. LINDA a dark sain g rl, i6 years old, weighs about 125 or 26 pooed . . . ALICE, a dark akin girl, weighs 130 pounds, chunkey bmlt. . I offer the above reward for the Negroes with tee Thief, and proof to convict him, or Flf tv Dollars lor j each of the Jitgroee OBEN aull*4t D AV 1 TiXAS LANDS! TEXAS LANDS’ _ irntlfl npr iNOlaEn’praTex -60,000 . A . c^y°T F .--f -r, - ? ed t tae culture of end convenience &c vantages of pure >'• i e din< to both rthrevei *-> port end <sa vet->- Tt •* q J.ntiues on. Pollt. Trinity, Argell-a. Tbe todl “ “ Alto, 7 (00 Ac e, In Me clel d D c“n. B , wi b'o the county of wMcb wi loe 8 11 tow ior cash or N-groe. 1 m’ he taken in paymeot, at a cai-b valoa ion ; ala >, old p ante lona w U oe taken In exebang • from par-ha os. when desired, as a mat.erof accommodation, at a lair r * A a *eommaDicationa addre-sed to me at Ga., or Woodviae, Green ccuj.y, wiJ rece.ve prompt att.n Pe-sonal interviews are preferred, a, 1 have la my p-s—B'ion late maps of t e Mate of Teaaa and tract paper ” p atu of tie Lauda offered—ala i am i deac ip tiun and h story of ey.ry county In the ®'isOh? present year, 18K. J Me.B M DAvIHON, Agent, Augusta, Ga. Auguat 11, iBSB. dlwdtwU ”UUC vSALKg L POSTPONED ADMIXISTATOE t SAL:;. GOLD! GOLD! GOLD! FOR SJVUB, 1200 acres mineral and farming land. YYUt.I. ixmtisely b, -.IIM at Aepiivr Cos u* TV rouoty, on Ihe tir.t Tue? ay’ in NOV • (SET oeit, accord ng to un ord r obtained Irina the Coa t ol V?J?f5 y .. of “ id •”>““*• To,vb Hundred ojres o MINERAL, and FARMING CANON a tooted on th. waters ot L U’e River, r. ad .he -el at.d VK>” • h'e mineral ton owned bv ill pi';-, n’ ~,-y , Mining Uoatp a’us, o.i* h&f, t h fr v ’ arming Land. Fiota bat't'an<>rv te * * at v■ • • places, the above iacd prove* to bo ri ‘ •*’ >t* ... duc.ng as goo aperimeca of ore a; c '* tV o r a-’ oi any lot* in MlMle Go pia t) Q .i „ . Dwcllug. C'-rn'oru* i . •. * * V Packing o* re v, barn and a , other nc *-<>vrN , • ogs. For hca tb, - od. cool wit-r. und \ •eco Atono * lace tn tbe simo Term -1 ‘* parc-haser?, and pns es-iOo riv- n r>, t . ft- ‘ * x* Id as the property of t*. Y WtUiose.i. Ute of* “ couniv. deceased. For par’iruH,* aior- . ‘ H. B Wf KM'b ’N l 0 <?. Richards ’ 5 Adm’ra Thomson, Oa . Ju'v 2P 85* niHatlMttlA i-UhlilM-’S *AI,. . ./lU V> bollore tL.f Oouta uudic-i . • , >• GOiuny, on the ti st Tuesday u SEPTS vi rift! u n.,\ in the leg;’ lours rs sale, the toll >w n j roj , a to Wit: On? in: o; t’ele, a;.w w o. Sl * • fl. fa Dsut and from the Oour*. of O ramon Ploasc \ city of Augusta *a favor o D B. Punah ,v Cos vr t: Augusta, Atlanta A Nashville .gnenc ‘i'ulo .t v : Company. Property pel* t -i out by H t_> Leii ■••:■. ALSO, At the same tiom a>d p a •** .a notro Woman, Ke to satisfy two fl fat issued from the k.r : ■ Io u*nbia \ auty, lu lavcrm’ Martin K lievnuu th- mis VV. O ive and ! ober. M‘Na>i, iu; J bi Y Ba-get V'. Thomas VV Ol.vo aud Ruhcrd v E* .. Property polmovi uit by and eudant, Tuos. W. Ohvu. A* S , At the Raine t'mc end p hc*j two nee. ‘ - r.u;> . ‘ named r>a'"v, nl aw.i'-.an named J-nrL ; i.c ■n as the proper.y of Wiiliant B 0 c ri”, > a u idn fl tan. i>i,a d.i’vt • J astir o• t the ‘ , t>is ri.i G. VI., i> fa or fJn E. . t n ‘ * W lhair 13 Cochin aud M Vsmuirr William h ock'in Levy mad and rd ita k*. i. Ililt a i WCOD, Aujost 1 18)9. . IMIIM'TK.VTOaV * l.i;.- Agm. ! ai. JV order of che Court of Ordinary **t‘ ty, on tbe first l\.i*s ay in FT .vIiKU m*nt. wu i he legal In ur* tbe follow mg pr* perty. to A tra* t ofLaud cn a long oe u t'er.dr. (!. r ;• • ame more or i> ug i sti 1■ • u.it ► >-n t'v a.r 1,. Qg * ree e , adjoin ug <acd-oi G-o • Hir o , 1 lir* ard Tht* •. 11. Ha Akin .end l D Jo": o . *- ‘ . u ng io the estate of the i rue W<o y Jar s n deceab* rt aud so dasi be prop try olAn and d<*, u and. f r . hr .f, oftho h i.sandcreodi rs. I er. s otihe < a <d-n e Jnlv 0 l?r*8. de bonis n-m with i I’am-l x. i I DUkIVt.V .-*i* i.lilUiV* rlio i vauia, in ih * eountv M.io,-f. ti 1, yv a-mfu 1 “ 1; :r • foliowiug pro^e'ty tow:: Oi (Hr;” iofP up .ind civ taming six t unCted nud s.xt\ six 0) .u g s nuu* < i less bon led by luiuD o >ea r :io :. 11 ,y B ‘t, a. and othtf -: • e and upn.. f- tki j . per \ o ’• mund B Gr.sa, to sat;. y one Mi . : r Cos .•; ‘i? io fav. rof \v in A. . s >u u-tou und . o iue b'.s v* f v . G-or. e R Woo ‘ward, ir. < ipa , si. r .. . . v t and Kobt r sand J nob Fivemaa, becur.tsu.. Pr , i ,i\ tut by defendant Gross. ALSO, At the asm? time and place j uatred D k. !’ . •f Robert W liiams t . sat r y one Sum ri.r C rt tt ta ii favor ot W ills Youn*c- Rob.rt VVll mas and Lo. ti; W. William’ At the name time and j.la-fl r ty (50) aerr sos La,id more or u-as adjoining Lui• t :>au om v ,* , i iln.uud I Gres* and oiho s: li**vio 1 it ..n a; the proper v ot jauies M Si < pperd, to *ai s y t v Justice Dour f in f vor of T iomaa DonLeity. issued f* ~ h- %h Di t.i. t 1 M,an i vs Jam s M .^hepeerdeid Mi e> bunter. Properly pointed out by M u lluntvr. I.* \ y auadeaud re.ii.uud to me v a *■. ALSO, At. the 9ame'ime and pa o *bo I icru * , IJonj- R. Lee, io six bunir • ( On) acrea i ) .od, m e r idjOiu xigl. u i9of .sarak Vth l-L* ry II McH au.l otUers : 2 t*v *.*d tu to ai\ on Ju e ‘.’on. li ‘ from tbe 3flth Dls r:ct G M. In ft. u 1 <o .a •’ sco’t v:. aid Loo. Levy man* n. and . turned r> 1 . Cousiahle. BENJ. F. i-C-JT i' t b. 8. August i ‘8"8 JKKKKIih vhtlK-J|il’* -\Li —WU u ‘ on th- first Tu flday in SKPI L. Bi l- nest at the warkei .louse in the t-wn of L > i- ■ .ln* n tv, tbe u.val hour* 1 s ao, tie folL-vviug pi>> perty, to wit: one Ntgr.* Worn niam ;< A a-y *1 ah ut .18 years: Levied on a> tn* prnj erty it li ii. R Wright, vu John H. Mor ; ra P.opertv p-uii **, Inaadmort-a. e. J. T. MUL ING, U. iT. June2s, loot?. TKFFI* RSONiifl. KIFFN oiALK.- Jos and •In f • Jefteranucoun y ; ih*first Tn Uyn * K ukt, witbinth • legal hou . ot WU liam B Foreic/u hi ..ud to a c**n i.i : re: -r par • tof Land, Win,t m ;*ul con it • n li e ‘ near F* : nu * B Dg.\ a*itl known •>. :h- Da .> pae. h * said triC f con am v vun lun'r cl an-: fif'y ser nu • * or lufl ,of p : ne aud r.w..mp Huh; t!:o -ut tv .t ol ad William B. I •or.-,; an s .. b> m.h-.n-ih 1. • ud. nto satisfy v. J m c v a • lourt fl f. i u and iVom 4'JJd D strict, G M., of r i wt.m c • • m 1 •'r-i 1‘ a. amp vs. s.’id Forman I roia-r y p t < oui by P alnt.fif. L*-vy uifcd nod r-',u- i •i ;; G a b e. J. V. MULUNG, D bi e. .•;* .'ulv3lst 18 >9. BUSIN Lbb A.; ’ KING & LEWIS, ATTOKNEVf, AT LAW, OKI.tINKiiBOTJO’.G I*HB tm.M*lgDd. bavi-g -t ;:•! th. mae'to get'ur in he PKAOTi E**FLAW, vii atte dto all bus nep.s entrusted to thel t are v th that ;n imp • c : . a*d efficiency wnlcb Jonj; *:xic cv, tn.iU J wh’i ~ dostre, can secure. Oflfiei sat Greeneaboro’and five in ’3 we v Plains. Gre*u c muty, Geo Y !’ KING, i JeJflW-t* lv M W I, Wl- • J. 3. P POWELL, w <OrjriTHi 1 QUITY *TT U\ T r;Y AND > OnUNCBLLOR AT i.aW w-1! ai *u ! p.-num . all bn int-ss comni'tt. dto his att?miov • .* the town counties, t ’-wit • Ringgold, I,” yette. S.tjn - *v i is me (’: r voV Gulb'iuc, Dalt- n, a. and Sprill, Place. OftiC’ ia Sur n/ Plac>*, uen. .‘■priiic Place. (Jfl... Mav f>. im EDWARD A. HILL, Attorney at law. Aug 11 c.r i.i, fjithfuliy artend to ml hu? nt*-s confided to ho x •n tbe. ourin of tbe Ml die Crm t ‘ flic - w f iba Hun. W .. Gibson c.rner . t B-ond and ( a..;po il r . P*B ’SB-flm THOMAS B. CABANI33, ATTORNEY AT IdA V,ForKyth,Ga, Will pr, : ly attend to a'l husinc-i’t e trr. t *ri to hln -u ment in tbe counties *;f M -nme ,iibb. BuitH. iV iaLg; Jones. Pike, pa ding and Uu ■•r ur h ‘53-ri; DR. A. A. DEL AIGLE, OFFERS hiflpiofeFßional servic eto ibocifizr : Augmitaand its vlco iiv. nffi-je tn M<* n* t, oppcnitet CoriPtitui icna i t office LAW CARD. TIIOS. M. BERRIEN. MALCOT.M D. J * - IT Elf KIF.iN dk JONICS practic ‘-w inti- o-rt” i) of the M ridle C'frcnit of Go r ; a, and in ho >8:? preme and Federal Courts. Office in VYX i- Rr.rkc counts*. <ta J. W. PR/rCHETT. Attorney at law. fair mount ga pay prompt at e itioi to the collection ot m Gordon, Cass Whitfield, Ouerokue, • .kt; i and Murray count,-es. Refer to Messrs J. A <*.*. S. Krwin, Carter’ .-, •;, Serna; Camp 6c Cos., Calhoun Ga., r.oi''N 6 Fte:*). ?’ r Mount Ga I?. Aft VE Y ; cLE ft Tft ft Attorney at law, Bastrop, uamo <,■.< ty, Texai, w li * ; ive pa lection of debts in We ere < exas , nl o tr> *i i Hono- claims ogr.n > tbe Sat. 1 r Lie * into tion of military r **rvice: in Tpxk.i; the iuve t * ■. /. 1 0. larm tit!,; procuring paten's; buying a* ‘ . : • • and al! bu.iintfls per*ft.,*mg to tie prolt .i -n nr .• At torney. Hce r fltoß L .Story, Irwicton, Ga ; Wm k . McLester, JeflVrson, Jack: on c-mniy O’.: Win. * ■- dridge. Muteogeo*; ounty, Os.; Jmh'o W’n> i* * * , Tn'kf-m*. Aa and. . -•■.•*. . W. ,T. PEEPLE3, ATTORVFY AT i.AW, Ljh* rencevilft, G r The old fiiin of C. i. V/. J. ?•,••.■ <:=* ha vine rtiesolved by mtitnal consent. W. J. PEEPLES wul cn itinuc the J nelte, Hall, Uabiirsham Jack :- a, Fn>.yth Ing ronnt<eß. or *2 ‘ r 7-* w i. 0. R. STROTU.-H, ATTOftNEV AT LAW. Lc-o’ , practice In tbe coautic. and Oolucffi a. All business t Mrautcu ft- j. i ccivo pn iapt an': unremiitlug ai’e iM. janl4’>B.fy ATTORNEY AT LAW Lr* C;. . county, Alabana Prompt Atiei.c.or. hivur. - v * lectiofla in every part of tbe fttato. ft::.initio:. * o p^stiec,given promptly, w.- *. : fIOQF.R L. WflJGr * TTOKNKY AT I.A W, Lorusvfllp, Jaffarrm co, Ga., will give (.rirriij.* ■ Usmit.i , im.'.ted to his care iu rbe followiuf! oe.raiier: - - r . Rrgoosl. Montinswr;, Sc ~ ,*7 JAMBS . OOLb J3li, . T'i’OlrNEV A's I.AW. OOic <0 ,■ . A CampbelM'.rfet, ow • Rarry t Bi:t ;.’ sto- L. L."’ I.ALLL .< sTFTft A TTOHN fcV _ AT LA IV , Aagnsta, Ga. ( Offcr. : JOHH H. HULL, HESTER u AKLkMftA, A TTGRNEYfI AT LA VV, Elberton CE. —ft’ Li*. tIL HEETEIIaDd AM OH T. AKBKMAN v. . * A.’ In partnership m the coantmb ot £ th* rt, i l&r ’ fcft • j Madison. OgiothortM* and Lincoln octß'-fiC FoHN > GOPfi/t, HOISK, EIGN AND ORNAMENI al : Li Augusta, Ga , office ,m Jacktton •troot, . !. aouthof R. H. May's Carnage Er-tah’ u. ui A'l or dfc ; - from town and country, promptly at:* .*.<o,*J t J. a. 0. will keep constantly o u baud a :,n ■ - •• .'ninth, O’ lAc r.:.- N. MILL STONES. \*ri>l. BRENNER, Alanutacturer oi fift: i t BURR MILL STONES, and Dealer i; K T.l* ard OALUGNE k’l u.Niio, liroad itrcct. ah* vc tu* ! p p( Market, AUguuta ( a Drccra ooucited and punctiiaiiy att< •’ * Vj ianß-’sßly — ———• SAMUEL !WaN at CO., rGTTERY MANAGE KH. BANK ft.* * i Dealers in Ea< Uni urreut M o> }*J j:* In ,u 6 Aagunta IJotol Buiidi-jg, Broah auec*-, (jfloe hours from b A. M toIOF. M Dai y Paper*; on ti>e from ali thepn/.< • ‘‘ > * ‘ ® graphic reporu ot utedt daley nv ieitr Mi ff 1 | tra vellers anti tbe pub.'ic. AD are i a _ ‘ ** ;':cket3 the Loti*” •• e- ob ■. dropsy cured. r l ’ HE undcre'g* ** prope r*, f > CURL T ROR>Y ol 1 ©verv dt*cr ption lie can be *-en personally five n, ie-south of Union Point, or adrtre .ed by letter t< ri ion Point. Greene county. Ga Tl.e Medic m ie, be *eni aoywhere by r in road, wiifc di.ectious 101 g ivg it; or, I will attend personally, rr-. e.t ed and paid for my trouble 1 will buy Iwgroei *fi; cied with Dropsy, or cure them, as tr,e owner t. ay prefer. /Satisfactory reference ifdes'ed. MIi.ES O. BROOME. St of Georgia Greent county : i’Lis is to certify thai tuy father had a man af flii ted with Dropsy m Iba'jS; be hao been treated by v ral physician* without any clm-, when he applied to M (1. Broome tor remedy wh.cb cured t-ixa. lie is sti liv ng and in good health. /an. 21, 1856 Hi.NJ Y CHAMPION. Union Point r reen co., AptD7, itviß. apo*w • jan 1’59 DESPATCH IXPDESSLE FOB IDE LADIES, PER ATLANTIC TELEuRAi H CABLE Saturday, 10:30, A. M. ARRIVED AT W. li. ‘i U£V*3 9 August.'!, Ga., SIX DOA. “Kiss m■ Qu c. EXTRACT ; 6 ** ‘‘Kiss me .Sweetly’ Do; 6 “ Frangipani Do.; 2< “ Lubin’a ( ssort 6) Do; 3 M Lae -ce ei ia i kERGaMOT ; 3 “ “ELOkIMEL,’ an exquis te perfume; 6 “ L'ba’h R a tract ot Ml’ ‘ K ; Handsome Bdemiau i oiirt ROT l LES ; ** ‘ Powder B XEd; Birdo’lne German COLOUN E BACH To for perfuming Clothra; EAi LUBIKAL, to. the Ba:r, Ac., <fc aulh-d2tA.w4 CITATIONS TA fT7>rT;ROIifiIA,RICHMONI> COUNTY, 1 —Wber ’ai, P lit* Mn''iii applieT tf> toe foi Let ri* of •* ltnini>tr*tlon on the estate of torn*) u* Mur v late o. Haid county, deceased t These are tbepfiore, to cite and admon’sb, ail and sin nilar, the ki'idred ar. l creditors of said deceased, to be **iri appear at ny office, on or before the fl st Monday 0 ■ •*,.• iub-r n:it, to show cauao. if any they have, vbv aid letters should not be granted Giv-u under my band and official signature, at office n Align*. a. FOSTER BLODGET, JH., Ordinary. Aumibi 1. 1858. OK UEOltlil A, LINCOLN COUNTY.— Whereas, John H faioai. Sr., applies to me for Let or of /; < • unship for George and John Bruckner, oi Mfrtin B. drnc'tner: ru’r-r tho kindred and lr;e: dn ot said minors, to be i u :;;>pvar at my office wti nth ti no rt-fl’ r bed by Vv v Hud •'he • ‘ auso. if ary h?y have, why said letters hould not be grac ed. Given uuder my baud and official signature, at office in B. F. TATOM, Ordinary. July 30. iaa a . \T7IaTTfIOKPIv ( Ol'Vi V, iA.—Wticiuas J hn (/ *. . ... pi ie.s to Bne ior Letters of Admtn siratl n . •’ ho ; . f l L.rnao W lato of Ad county, Tiieso are, ihorofore, to cite and admonish all and sin ;uia . :Uv kurlred and creditors of said decuae<i. to he .n.l appear m my office, within the time prescribed by aw,. >Bhuwcause, t any they have, why saidletters hou • and not be granted Given under my uaud at office In Lexington, this 26th HENRY BRITAIN. Ordinary. July 2N 18T8. { l I.;, i Al * m:9, * ‘ •!. .. Rowland pps.es for Leturs <*• Admmla -V ‘ u ibu S-tatcot Da*i j Paimcr, vaidctnn y ‘lecevc! : i h.i-1 e are, tht ro o-o. tc ie end adtrOtiTh a!! and aiu u a ih kin • auilcr diimsot aado.c,ascd f. be :..| a i , t o \h. Cou t f < ird m*ry f rsi id coil iy, ; >v’> tt ey h rv* w* ym l*. t. ei! , n. u'd not h gntnied Giv. * u - try la d• t . ffi c a Way -el* W. ibis C TA J i <u ’ bhma.ia, luuiiimMicoiMY. O —Whereat., um n U im*y ipplUa to mo for • *< • fttuar.ilan bptorMaiy J. Du ho)'a *, ~n d Oaru in R U’l arie ,cruiaiii :ud mmoia ot Jo2n G. * . ..rrell d'-coa -v : Theaearetherefore < cite and admonish all andafngu ar. tbe kindred and friends of naid mioo-, to be *.nd appeal at toy utlic on or before the flrst Monday n ept• ii c ucxi, to li.-v cause. If any they have a by sa-d lcltora should not be granted. Oiwr. unilvi u.v hand a:,dotlicial -.igurturu au-fficein vuguia. ii J u . >s**B FO.S TEK BL’ODOET, Jk.,Ordinary. J'dv/. 1858 . y ; ’ ’i.M l, <Lit#.— Wft r aa, * * Or €”. . < • y u • app’u. t • nu so, {.oitura of Act* n ;.t■ !ou •, < i: i. ot Gio ‘tT W. \Yy* no, late of rhem .; tlier* r .>n to cite and summon all singularthe undreo and cr editor* of said deceased, to he and appear at my office wthiu the time proscribed by law. to show •uus< :uy they have, why said Letters should not be Given under my hand at office tn I exmgton, this 19th IIENRY BRITAIN, Ordinary. I • .V . ‘•■ *V . N.-vvm.e ----v • J uie• 10. I'a;’,t*l applies to mo for letier.s of Ad* i p n tui flic eat, te oi Jau.ei A. Acini lelou, late of aa-d - ouoty de e sed : L'LeM m e, ther*toi e.tocite, summon and admonish, all vud iikalar, the kiudrcd ami cr*-dit <ii* oi -*Rid dec’d toh* m i appear at my office within (he timepreHorih*d fcy law, so show ixiiss. if any they have, why saidietteii ffiould no: be granted, Givu-.iiudermy hand at office m Louisville NICHOLAS DIEHL, Ordinary. j'- A V V •~ V \° rt Ll 11 l• y ep;.h<-s to j>jj f r Errors of ,vdm;n tru- O iv: • • •.. * James Bii uj*t, late cf said There are, the of re, io cite and adtnop.'flk all ana , t;pi a•t;*• iv ucred and ,vod tor,: of sad dece<\su-l, to i I)-* nnl ;ipo*r t n t ffi e within the lim* tr. scnbtd I v a a] bhow cairn. l , it'any they h.vc, why sa.diet* u rs .-hou and mu oe grunt and. Givua under yr, du.d : *nl at fll •’ in Lou svllle. NIUiIOLAS DlLliL, Ordinary. I An tvit G, 1839. i _ Il’ \ . <;K l.Ulkdi.l, UICHMONO COUNT Y O —Whereas, the estate of h**.. B. BtU. late of tali * Hemmed, t * unreproaonied: Then nre theiefore to uto and admonish all and singu lar, tiie kludivd and r* d.t'j. pof naid and reaKca and ail -ther pn-Hop* interested, to be aud appeal at uiy offict ■v. orhi ioi-t thu tirsi Monday in *■ • p’* *r st. usl ow it use, ! any they have, why lettered Rl<no.iiia i..i t o |n- is *• n• in i* tauu'ii • m ii xo, should not be grant iod t B *uia-tiin F. Hall, Clt.rU of the Superior Court •f sa-ti *’<*unty, or such f t and proper pemm a ti e l :>e rs re ••<•! > an.av name ad pi\,*nt to the Court, i Given undermy hand and official signatuie at office io FOSTER BLODGET.Jli.,Ordinary. 1 ,’ T v :t.OK 4; llltlilA, RICH . OM) V OIJNTY . n —Wh. r*v . I'i<* •• l it** of Alexander .y.nitb, late of I? it <i u>i ty ri *. e <d, jh unrepresmnd; | The** • : *r*:.:v, to cue aid a* trot i h all and j I *p er. in ?*.. • and lobe ..nd n*y fit •onor b die ti e fi- t Mondi y tn Sepi. m i r next, j :,vi.!io* cause, i. ajy they !av\ why let.es if ci -1 m .dsiralioo *o,f*uld not ’egre.n’ed to B* ijun u F. Had, j c e i. of i; *• Superior <’o it *..r io mucl tit ano proper j ~.er.M>n thoLfcirs or creditors m.y name aud pretuLt j to the Cou *t. | Gr* c . under mr L.. * snd effi 1 signuiuro at An | IT> s .iEit rfLODGET, J Ordinary. TWO MONTHS NOTICES. i v iY;. jKIM . ft- r uaie > p.uicotion will be made . t)tU Couit f Ordinary of Ox oth ope county, tor uvot * •i ui tmoi a i o *h , K ~t i Flat**, k blog .ho - j w r p t ion oi ibe Estae o- VVi lam Gool-by, *:c a mu, t. g nher wrtacii N gro beungiug ti* haul ojtat *. Fla pE. oooLShY, ; august. 5 lg*,B adimil nator o* houis non. i U I'lUh.—*-xt r days alier and ite applicat o,* will bn L> the tnd i.arv ol Oulnuioia toauiy, t r ! i aw. ,o roll the negroes belorg ug to tbe estate of | i’uotnaa F Sl.t loiu, aeo said ouu*v, dec asil. I ,11,11 t.t ij3. D. *. S l’A > F (Un, Adin’r ; , 111 I * a.— , ttutuuu and alurU’te apple Hou will j ii b ia de ti ttie *.o rt o. OrHuary ot J oerson j ( oun-y, io. Itav. io se 1 ttio L mi b long ug to tu* outat© ‘ < f John IV. (-lark. ii* i l county <Kcenud. J t MBS w ( . . , i.BENLZ K BROWN, J Adxurs * i u nd 3, 183^. Nlfiilii* —aii ptnson.i inuentoa i> mu estate o’ iL oddtpn Davie, laic* ol Liucoin county, Ue | ceasi and, are requested to uiake immediate payment; uU (host Lav:u£! deuiautin said estate, will pie i sent them duly authenin uiu, within the utnu prescrlb .a by law HOfiBKT W DAVAB, ( . , . mi y i iefß W I*. ,UM HG A in. j r ** r * !/i'm iv.—ah ; rat uo mdeOied to the estate ol : Iy lianlei J Oouiici, lam ot J-lT rsuu county, dec'd, “ro requested to make immediate pay moot, aud those having demandß against naid estate, will present them. ,ii terms of the iftvv. ■buy 5 18/H <2()NN"L. Adm r. •Vjt#Tl —at ptiv.ijo iiiUenteu t* tuo uoiaiQ L% o Ihoiuas F. ibnf rd, late ol Columbia coujt v ( ; dec * <cd, srt reqtiHbl*d to make inuuedtatu paynio’^t; audihnst . avmg ilcu-aufli against.*aid estate will pi,- • sent them inly authenticated witUiu thi-ume proscribed .• by iav.. DAV.D F. b UANFoiiL, /itim r. J Jnlv 15 H. 58 r IWOJIC#M Hr* aitci U.t Hppucain.ii u*oe mace 1 to th* h >ti..rable the Court ol Ordi'aan ol ogi f ’ r i* *c n.s.io !•;•.v,- to sell ad the I'uter. st o J.bn . ud Wi Imui W, ui uo.s, lui o l auds o. their U i c £sod Jai . Willi m w # ( JlHn 1. LATIAiLU, Guardian. ‘• b iv'ii i lisutivi uatv.ippm atm*, wm bemaae x to the Court oi (irdinary ol x. ichu on i couuiy for ” (Cecil the - i-alEsi. le heionping to the estvte ot ’ Ui.', . -d. MATTHEW RICE, Adm’r. \ Jul !>. 1858 | f & ’•• .*./ .ti * iVl 1 -., * ti rt luapp cui.ou v. liioemadj 4 <ih : > jrr,o.*d nary of Ki*hmon.i county Jor j are r > • i ll t.lu-i<.el, jfi-u. b< longing t- A-tubiub B ;.c ird, oe *< a ed. DA ViD FALMLB, r . J , *'• titlN'l l#p.aiu.*i art! app.icattou wT.,i>e L (Ut .* . t; "’ <! ®“r* ul (,rdm; '.V f Orl<-iW p,, count r * ..ve to se i ureeu. A ai aou caiia, tsa’in a aud cb i*<, • •i.-irim, Miles G enn, Call.a lu-*, I* rry ana Onuy, bui g i i rt: I '■ t * f v*’gro.- t:Ci*mging to tho ctMe of me late ; fiherwood Wise,ceceated. fi. McCAKTY, Ex’r.. Jr* 30 * . WHh; l it |>. , *r ’ O Vly filial ter date application wuibe made M to the Court of Ordinal oj -tichmond county ror j leave to jell the NVgr -es, elongiug to tho ostato of ! John fl fpencer, deceased. Mn> :tO. ih:,B CEO *t K T HAUNTS, AdmV. j “il 1 Ti-* a'tei dat* uppluation will be 1 inale to ihe Conn ol Cnbnary c* Jellersou county. i lor leave to an 1 the b, longing to the estate of | oUiah J Wdliains, lato t said county, deceased. jg. e ji- >• -s i HO >Ar, H INiLIDLL. Arim'r. I \v <$ ti **. -> II j:tt; oate application will b, mahe 1 to me Court of Or ibiary ,f .leher.n coi-n-y, oi i lia*.v o sell ail the Lands and Nvg oes b iongiug to tho j e tsteo James L Cbeatlmm Jste of Juflersou i ( uceasoo. J. FaRMeB, Adu’r. I J ‘no 20 1868 Ito ihe Conn of Urdlnaiy of J irerfUin count y**f.r j leave f ■, b*. ii > raci <l l andiu Bmai u 1 county beiotg di* tone *ntft eof Wiliian C I afl m, m c-acti Ju -b. 1- 8 HFOWuI (iul'OM /.Hm’r. r V'VV(i iHII.N I'll?* alter oate appiKHi .</i> v. ~ j,, ni de fi totbe Court ot <>i osna y ot J fF<T.ot- county nr ! h ave ;o*e!l Nej ro Mani ained Koiiiund b'lonu g to ’ : la . 5 :*. ‘cr. lu.tioi ot Ja: BA. Fr.rkr. ■ ena-e<L ■1 v 7 ia-p II [> w Tgtv- n . r , „ i W.i I*niir*ifci., . appJica >,. vviij unit 1 j * ; . ♦ t * pell tbe Heal awl l e sodll Esta.e of itonui I i'tyue, J >lO oi vaiil couu'v and . eastd. JaME i.i lUPHi I A4 , C. H. HBOCK.LEY, < J'*lv3ri*h. 1858 WO •; d*t a M * to V.HI e .1 ade tot ■• .o* rtof 0 , c1i..a-y t Jeff rion county, j .V v. o• 11 ft Ic ai Eb.ftteoi Ja: j Fleu.l g,lr# j A “” • r> - E. TT. w. I’UKTFR E .’r | ki\\> HJ..J *m>. ,ii uti..l* * ,I,J I; , ; ual >• , the ( .'* ■rt * 1 (.rd i aiy of Boil e ro^ L tj f rr uv ’ f: the 1 e ’■! E sate, >nv•ut ot tie(•*, ~. yOt Burke i r e ong ra 11 il e e tale of Aud r ew t'a-Br,!) ri cf*b and. J July k3 IRS-5. CA.it->gN, Adtu , x. GILBERT 5 S PATENT FLY AND MOSgUiTO TRAPS. TO ALL WHOM II MAY CyNCF.KN. \‘OTICK —Tb si. bae sold tbo l* ‘!>>•(., • Jt.((h, In fu , f..r ‘H.B-KTV. I. Y AND MSQUI VO TRAP, ,o J* ‘ Oon.jlnp, of Mobile, Ala., o 11 Ilia 1 ■ cf Not h*nlS’ mb Usrolina GOT(rit, r di, Alnbsna Misl"U'P‘, ls t, Ark an as, T,’ . aia .lb Tft.as Aturcbsrtr. nd others lopurebas n .’ All, pie .M uu.e n l* An-wdingly and p ire a-ens l>u’ tie- f> Cold mg, or his authorised ■it> in t be above ntmod Btat< f*. JUMPER &. RIGGS. New Haven, September 17. 1857. CAUTION. * *. rrrß.—T kii to notify r. I merchants and vpf r 00 irebase G e*t a Patent *!y j-cc m j . n 1 ‘•’ • n *y ‘ku labels uy *h® 1 r ntfd State* t*arent r ■ ■:. r- bamsa. and v. ;; d-.' 9 selling raid T r , p . t or v tdfer sAi it a e made and *’ -J ‘ ‘i> CORNING. M#' n , .. Alft Owner Proprietor. GILBERT’S : ,1 JAD MOSQSITO TRiP, Patented Oct. 7, 1856. I * ii hsHaiig# Jll b** been in use but one vs!. ,* ~ ,k. the ia%o ante notice of the Vi, rd ate 1 i h. m ° n hCio Lon on. where one ’ y a n fact, almost every \ h iut t # ana it needs niy a tia’ tosat* U i \ 1 ly VVh**re kept runom frou. the i .ut o **ou Files wii’ i. t neco/re suf* • t . un, ?B° uß 1 . “* r ‘dblesome Kept ruauing at o to ,T , *lid tt .y will be at* • nth ? r l,ap ,a l re,er uee to on any * the pu'po e o r having tbero gprerally introduced season ti.e prop. letor ctf>rd r> adl them at .* .a eou favorable worn to merct anu and persona ‘ ousof making an investaieut that will largu and quick u ur * ere In’ Ited to addr 89 JAM Cad CORNING, Mob ie, Alt. vo be had at G. T. DORTIC’S, lUO br&advir*t “ 7 fs S* l© A rent for the of the *uu* frtr tho City of Augu> ta wr FRICE CF TRAPS. Bytbedu/cu 443 O’ , For bail <lu2en l J. To Le lU-uuieo at 6 “ TCT " |J - nValm TO ALL THOSE WH ) W MAKE MONfcY! ” ■ ho r kM^‘p.i*^ , v ,! ,v, ‘ ‘ ** > ® ll * *” ‘ri ve , c.n do 0,1 hn . i du “” K’lfl.toi.t, other a m 0 m L Ke *Yom tour u. b x dol’a a a d*y profit A t j.e kt u -oodiug alace w,.l ,tc.i,e. a. v a it • art oi- bv mail, pa ... a p. ta woiih that i court, ,a. •. * 1 oecea.ary Ini rm.vou. Iha ULobumbuver :.ry sp>. culaltoa. Add esa Van dlusonkbothers, n.ulrxjtwlli l1 ’ Kapiton, N. Y,