Weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 183?-1864, July 29, 1862, Image 3

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The Torn f rop. We advise all conferred not to tak- as g ,e|, 1 troth the reports tha’ ,rt-, u < istant locu.ni , has Ven off-re-S at , ■ • dented low pried*. These reports nriy t - ho v.s ha.ee to , e*«o them us«,i by ‘teci n ors as baits to ti.e timid and unwary, -t ve hare learned to and - them. We have nevi-r known a good corn ct- ;> Georg’s that was no*. i eel n ated, t -a in abundance at 1 to economise -n scarcity, \\ the practice of the strictest, ectu-mv - c.t - • ’ believe that the in coming crop, large as it a- -x* peeled to be, will b: more timn suffici -td lor l e demands upon it, and we are cou£ ent the', pr-ves will not rule, for ary lorn? tim „, mot-h below th present standard. Aside from the feci Q»at »o<m p-m „ State have suffered from dronght, while ot, i. have been farcied witii abuml .nt i.•• ‘ '• • qualify not uiiMtun.OD, by which 0 •; . the debcicucy in one teclton in t • he tur - troui one niOie tortnuat. , instead ot iroto icuci t sec us heretofore, the,e are other demand--. U[ > the crop greater and mcr« numerous than -.i.-t: ■ It is our only dependants for food tor mu., n .<! Louot. Never before has > cotr I'letu a failure of fontribnte, iirord n r ears, very largely I , ■ litre t.,e demands upon tie corn cr.bs. T 1 „ Old,airy pcpulati: ■; of the Btat - is riot only ft. be fed hut we lave to supply tn part the larqn am: e* tn fba field. Wat always Left a tendency to in- . crease the nutuber'of consumers and lo dinririieh producers, end thi- w.-r to exception lo tie general role. It Is not man, however, who ordinarily eou «ttme* the corn crop, but the east >'Hk of si gv » to nourish auimah uud to make meat, iff -}• ar cor furns*!% wo are glad to lnow, bfcv-: •-«*•• mined that 00 effort shall ap ired to i " themselves indipendent, o! outsider.' tor •• «ii (Beat, aod judging fi >m wt at we lar seeo ft >y Ancle. Some plantation.! swarm with young 1m g* , these tun s'- <>• k'-pt in a grown; awi Hirivmg condition if they are ■ xpectid to make meat by fall. Feeding corn from the cub is the moot or pensive wuy of ati-,.ii hut l •>» year iti-.re is no other resource, except peas non po tatoes, which, however ulnnd ait luey may be,, cannot supercede entirely the use of ecru. Vouog be;** require moea tm.r- food to put them in or <! t r tor butchering t- m hid ou t, end the vtt-.t majority of fboee wlri'-i. wi . t. • put up to fatten wul be young. M. it iust ! e made, and it can l, * nr urn, be cote ab .nld be taken ur.u every means used to econo mize and to i-.w waste. Make every grain SVe have studied thin matter pretty thoroughly, >md ci»ii erumei.ate other considerations .vlucb ten j t 0 convince ns that the present crop will not g than sufficient to an"wer the demands upon it, and that the maiket price ought not to mil belt, v the standard usual in the lull and winter, f;. riii i■ s mi iiniocf.tty totdi.b who < .nisi to not., ,n hi ..hel, at which it is reported Cbgage n.ei t. havo been iusde. They are not only throw ing away their own prnpcily, but aio giving the b.,d cn'Ci.iragemrnt tn the qwculntore they are i fond of / 1 ' ■ ■ ■ ikge till' . peculation in bit ! ', th; tcrep rehttU:-ibl.i iprciesrl )■'•> I neo: ih'n.aiui ~ ,1 - 1 ';; ' i'l . ■ Ilinol ' ISSj , •• : !i i I ... .ii, ev ■he ,ii . 1 i txpeett and, or to /TO- 'to i>* •" tun i. ib they t. 1 1 tin i ’ e. i'. i.n i pu , . t i jjooi’li?, t»nii leuiiic low r< > cli i : bt* luccc •: mr i.M.ioD .ltd tin .t. , o>-- ; ople »t* pend ■jpO» them. Stilt Again. f.,i huor of Mr. UnittAM, it; another column, exposes a grave and serious error into wliicli our pe ,pia have (alien, to wit : lout the operations of our various suit mauulueturing companies will .upply a aullieiencv of lout. necessary ot life, t’ukti.- Mr. Biouam’ i estimate <:! the eon umjr . more than fatf a buslie! t> each purr,:'.', to aay uolhiug ol tin' wul tv , f sti-i'i,, hero will hr ade tlo.cmty o* StiO.OOrt lusheD. Thtro is danger tberefoie ot a sail Uiniug, lewii:;; out id view al together the fact that coumiunii aliens w ith the Virginia Blit Work, and op-ratioi s thor-- •ay be ft tl ■ early period* out off. ; ‘ bd • oßdacce lit corn . wit li. tc. It, nu '.lie Mi Vi-- I i-b must iLereforo he supplied from some naurce. Ws have repeatedly urge i ti-i ui r, adri > net lo depend entirely upon the efforts cf companies i.) supply the want i! ■ alt. gomptitii nr- good V-, ■ i th.-tr w iy, bet 1 v 1 : t, ■ -h u.• >it , nd slow in ihsir operations, and toy apt to be crippled by divided ounwl... Vartty more e. n evident that the nec«t t.v which iw pu-.- dug upon os cuncot be wholly relieved by the efforts of the ,no pen, ,■ at i-r< »■ i.t oi >, to, tint, • luistv must tie done. Individuals L ust undertake the manufacture ot salt, am', it won and appear that no I peri u- >u iv, :M be u-.-.-h try w „:>,tit them to the work. Farmers have now neatly finished meir crops-access to the • ce.ni is.-asv, there ore tmtuv plan's on lb- coast side trom the iueursiotis , I th. enemy No hn * ■ i b to. 1 m t profitable, and nothiug, aside In ui private inter* lest, would conduce mole to the \ üblio good. I VVt uii u i»lkijU‘ii it will soon a leisure ti tue, tu at. least tuaka the trial if they I'.iuliO' do n.metliii'" ».* r-lit vi I! e J.|. eu- ..ml I I I [, »,H et ut:J beautifully in history it' tbe !?ou!b --■ vn CNnitederuey. utter ffifimiUiig il. .Wheruicnily I I ■ its blood ur.il tret cura joyfully as an offiring lio liberty, was at Ijist uubj'iaatod ior vnut o! nr!!. I BaltMßwni t <»u- North. I I I hi.Sril here hlkl the tlifiiouUy i-xpcreoced tbors in ■ ■eci it i, Loc, that ecunely any able bodied n.ate lia! was leit for the couser plieii to i diet. W itb learcely a third of the population oi the North, I . H ctivi I' * Hasui vht'te had died i a. s. no mure ■uterrihg. nud ■ ;-t. syect to be that ■ 1,1 llietu hi the held tu tnoe •i> leitere * r oresf. I ■ ■ Host be rtfarteo to \ mV -: ti :t . H uiuiiuotiug ie - .*■ t i\.,, ) i recruits come ia .h.wle. truth is, the war t« t . >• ■itthtrn people, Thev have l I theta, it ad t’. e idea ■ 1 - j .uiu.d t i:.; His belter 1o '< t the • • v am.-.- ■ expenditure rs blood t li th.s Hon ti'i'bt *.■ " ,'a u art , H t&r > peace tbau to ad Ut. ' 'or. >u- with wine', v. HvsM.it hen. ha-,a.'- Kiotmoti.! Ha ■ - ,o! TiiUrsduy. *ays 'bar. iteac:. Ulv --t Hr the Couimissiouers ».a » o terms ot tlea of prisoners, nearly tw.-ive hundred Hounded Fedeaa! soldiers, taken u=e late b-t- H«s. have been sent to the Federal traa.-porti in ■ aules riser. During this cbartuble, aud in all Heepwcts Uoßorable, moreatetn .a the part the ■ toutederate Commissioueia, we iearn that the araiv >*"’oo the Jau.cs u-adi an advance Hjp tie rtrtrot about two miks. This intelligence ■reaching headquarters, las caused cessation of in regaid to tie exchange, and sp ■proprlate arrangensta'.s must be made before Itbee “ re proceeded with. ’ ■ Edgefield Advrrtucr ot Wednesday, aod Buiat.. aavs that lb. greater portt rn of that district bee u euflering from a dioutb of three weeks ■duration. .Notwitbauncinc the >ack cf rats. HloK.Tsr, the com crop was lookup well. Invivsa -.f.. r..-:.»J’*Te..itor>. Vi . • ea •; tier r the tuiUier . ,aurina- i. , - ■--*•.> ■ -•’•agravn that ff fou-'i. -; ha-1 . I-’-'--' T»afiri». YV, , r , • . V. .., f.aVe )L ~ ii ,j,, u - liee o a lent; iat *c. that it las , . e j,- a : nt-re org-’t nt-d re-, b-i» it is . r . a i«;d, i. te and ot ii'" !•- , ■ < ji-thays , . , (,f f:i|,"l ii) .j-i'i attrir, * fore .-ct- I v : n—r- /■: rool . • ''.o* ~,. lat u p ■ .10 i; , Pu.. mat V '-hat t'.u v capture on ... t t.Se or tb- Oct.i ties-. .V i -:r ■ :i ravtiH riilsge nfabout *» tr.biii- u, cirenlM <t Static!. Pay your Dcbis. Jfi. Khi'- r: Avery sensible aha -appropriate ’ r.,i‘u tr -a lore r-j ■ , nppeated in !„«■ da*, which !♦ is hoped !” p . . • oha-cd by ait for wboui it it tl t. et-icr pUatef w n-eri-oanl. and the i ai ‘,' 'J .’, j; should : . . ~ . ~, . ic j liie ■ v.f any ap j , - , ■., - . '.heir ered t- j ' .1 i • - Tto more i- ■ ■>< i -ring up : i ' . • • w . 1 only com- | J.ii.u y ,it.y) ..r no. vcoal cry was , . r , (J , a -i di»po»-d o: ,i. , p,i ot ir iiabdifies ;; ■ t , teiwu uncaci bed, a- they were ~ , . ... ! la J.ave ■ ILia., :. to purchase piy ' is,. •. Lo- ei tl, king lor u mourent, or caring, it in,-:t hsd t- pay, or that. he 100 ~vi :. |, i, .. ii,- r. leoniag appeared so piauriibl t mugftai . , oils lore aecyiers or -a -■t: o! v • -tl to sc tilth along »> b<:»t they could tn r ; . :.i ti i.vaoino. ~ »u. die:; oliaU/Ui ihoping .- •, i.u ! i ■■ u e.-i : acd the a'',,i old r-yst-.m 't .i. .. ctis in utjtl (.‘t.'uuu'irscmg uocw 4ooa life rciiswetl. . Jlut al ls “ifip.' dt hi. • 1 mahfcv the heart sick,” and .. ir u :apa-> ot auotlMU hall year it is now inaiciall: h i- vid th: t i ..uy of our pidutiug i ia.ud- I . ■■ tin.i -idea c: selling th-ii cotton l,ui ai, . j ■ • y eight ci nt , hence it , . picsni.i : ii cy i vs. expect ,:iv ;it ore favors troui those who have heretofore .own them so ii ■ ,:e ; . it t,o t o ■■ l ll ii ,JV, readily coui . .and jin t c;nla 1 rat, a? a tna-s, they show no n. . e dt- ;>• - > s o and l ay than they did •>: X I'ioa .- ) ■ , how CU..I bUCo n v:\eol in uigci Ov, boa can they exp. ct to ; g .to ibeir lust cief'it, .'o l til ty iis i rptised to find the Sheriff on lli.o piemo . el a.r.y moment v The • in froa sui costs, :. ,y ol judge,.Tit, bow; Vei' :er n .Lav appear, hi an’otd and truv adage ttiat "-.‘k rt scttle n ,i uuik- long f; ttstds,” and u i* ;:o Ises true that whoever don’t cotus forward r<ow and settle their aoi ot nte in o • ry manner can in , : ot; ;,, ■* ti luti.iv when trade renpet, s * Doubtless, many who err yet bolding the r cotton, tiiid relusn to pay until it suits their coi - j.;n om-*,, think ii,y 'f eno bio:.; to do but seok pe-.v h it ,;-s. who will b- gtad to book their uaai--s rod, I! tl li fin . •hi t et, a a delusion, and t.tey o he used to find I otr well th-r will be i, id n ,-rcf.iittl c.mitnuniti-uud "Pay a, > ;il go," will be il.r- watchword in future tor utl" and i i,t.. tvlicthc-.' rich or poor,.uni n verv -at: ".aet'-ry excuse can be given. t [IBKITO: 3. , i,,, F|- ■: i , i ■ T.i'.mer licit;.udin, Captain he r, ~ P.. ~, : ii": |• ii Hoyal, arr.ve iin ibis loir or .;: t twee, aod came to anchor off the ~ i. vtiiy. and heuauditi ls armed with t . but is able ol carryt-g *\x. • • .-.-i e seven stenr.ors umi (out sailing •., . •(. 1.. .... hi tag tins pm t ye. it-iday. Among • i_, > wire the Pioi'ida and Augusta, and V,■ ,! v;■ e Vf.nd.iiia vr.,. a ct the latter. • fh’las. (I;uritr, 21 th. attl*. 16X01** Artillery. I Any , e i■! .'.i> too campaigns oi hui ope, j ...dt i; y n„. i! th : iii.povtant part played tn ,i .Hle.-y, but that us-. ,. 1 by Xapo Too o.\w o: m uinouiit, biTttoo comparison with r,. ;i , ~t luperjor titied, tmoolb and bow ii/.-ir artiil.i -,1 t. '.he present day. Wodoubl i , , , -.ilicry used in tlie j lvaent war , os superior m any aruiie ot . . , : . ry of ueitheranny has urine :hi t il'.u’l • .i-usd • .i .iv< aa(bat used by .Vapole Fn. li a,' not ; s weii prepared lo speak , t j-e, , : ~' *)i - Coi,:. derate ariule ! . .- a ..u ot il-e I-, d.ial, the evidence ot Ilia j i <’. r.. lin -; ti'iMti on, art II ay being in l! c gv, at- i a non ' Ibo wounded of tin Federal army, I wiibn i'uiv cat tied oil. Hut aslo thedoairucliro pcsb ol th'e F«.: r - 1 nrtillery, a- shown by our . and v.-oui,tied, ii ts a matt ct id surprise and ] i, : i iv if.iiu'g oui dead and wounded t Id! bv tlu* tiiw-ilcs Ot till'irv. Indeed, Feileral .ii U .'v .- I t bccoini'ig to be looked upon by ; .\ as a ii.,, ,y ut’Ug, doiug iittie damage ■ ■ real y exist tmt wounds from Hr* ; . c.iuiparativeH very f, w, and, consider- 1 iug tlie vast amomit, used by 'lct'tdl m, anu tin i m vieuion to wh.oti modern artillsiy inis b ei> 1 ratoedi it fit ot rv difficult tubs ar«mtn*cd for. j •: ~. .s ■■ e a , h be. toumi iu the o'j- j ii-t-e ot'dur c iit.ivv ' .detl to a very great es- ; that range cf'icght nectssary to | y of uioi. iu ca open country, like j. ~ iv.-Mio does not exist, and hence, ■ „ . ; e langi: ry in:;' be a very de* a i :U f, fi c.uro;,, iu) warfare, vve very much „ lilt if ao- re justtii.'d in using ii. to as. great ud ex l', „• r . to ir, s■<it is used by (J oner ~. ; , Ha,-.,. Another lias: n will be found, r.‘-”'be!.:i' .ii f- tor- range nttia and muskcls i: •dby t i tufa fry .-.upporling the artillery. In tho cumpuigus o f . Napolouu n&c* vvoi e coulineu to sharpaliooterH, gMooib-bore, short- mu* kot • \/i' t ! ! -‘-v. ! : : liin: ot the iofantry; hence , TviTo # V'ixs lio Unit* but the limited it. ~,Taut: v li'ougUt tlie combii'.at.ts !. .» t ., ~ : ..Vand canister trom 12 V-u :d : gun.-, ‘■i-.-kc, lor exautpie, th» . stru t ~ : ' «» battle ol E *u. fbe two buaurad | ■ ' Ih-v.i wvV-1 but tn-> • yarda uis^ct, licuce tit* Uctttruv’iiou oi >'t-vii so tD.it only titt'Ku li uud red esa' p«-d. liot when the Federal artillery or infantry or iu- , fer.tr> stand theit ground until the Confederates , got within tliree huudre,i yards ? It such an in b .s iHcnrrcd it is exceptional, and n | proof oi t ie general rt.l , that they tely on long j rsiugc*, alibi '* rupid change ot i us the priu- \ cipal eleoieut in their strategy and tactics. tu tin late buttles ot the t liickahomidy, out of il .rdred piereio! Confederate artillery there j in ver vi ,e; tnoro than tif'y pieces engaged at the I - t. ant, ct it. any cue conilict oTa unite ilv.n il >• i- ivs e g during the day. 'f>e ea g, u .;,'o: a; the buturits .1 tngage the enrUijr b .... P, ;Ue ■ f.-.staiit alililtug of position and the retiring ot batteries and bringing into acrion new batteries. ■' (lei ei give r- y battery a chalice, "’as tb-A , . .. f petiiioi' ot • »ni geliant artillery. One Mat s exneri uce war m our wooded counts v, ! is b light the :V.h.oy of ra'jiug exolu S Vcir n K.irnpean tixperietice iu the equipment, dr I'i'Mt at. .it and orgafci nos our drtntcs. Where ~ , ~.-.rtl., cl out r 'entry, likely (o be the field if battle! • there gt npd fui such a charge as that of the French again t the Russian ceutte at : v'l.u, wi,i.rc lcult, ea thouaaud cavalry aud • • ititv-five . a,.idlers tusbed to the >.... j )u; • , o hunj’-c i pi.c?s of artillc i t ' ’(jr ms at Jena for t.i .vt thousand cavalry t v ch: ivc • We nutst a.I. toe organisation of ...or army to the character of the count-v t'T-ii. h v. i:leli it is to operate. «- .-“.ntlon v- ,h 1 '■ P e ' ntt experience as tbs past his-hewn to hr tnap .. icablc to our cucuuts'auc' <• p,; .et - ’.s tile 'ie,H ut 4 .jord.v laru\.dabie ut tu i "a \ , •!; celt -U v I> I \ ellOtt SUOltld bt ’ , -.... to i ereast it. No r.iore aitillerv or cavalry j "t - vvi.ntrt. in ,ctd a reduction of the ntmimed | ; hi stid'erv, , s vve lax that of the heavy batte- j i ... tiii : i.'cl:. ■■d,a on iu Scent to besugget j ~i ..is service. While regimen's j ' i ~;ra !ltrx ■ ~iv ;re numbered« ud ecnipu- J e.: >s lettered battel ; ot mttllery are kt own on* i !,v ~ r ea'iStutts n i.i.es — hence, there is an i • y H s‘,. .fti • artillerv attractive to ovr t ‘ i,, ; oortuaiitcs for distinction ... is ’ ; nlc .i.c ergeroeas for the «r- f , ! by «>uv cw» otlictrs ta ti e o geni , f mi .:- v. 1 utiy appeal hard tual , o r,.-.;«T-ti and for aftiT.ere should be re , ito trv, t.'.It the v. ishcs'of the officers | ... • M.d 1 u: he t.nsalted wbeu the esseu- , • ■ .. .. : tvs .ric? i cul tbe promoted. W e i ' . e marc ttnti'.ary than is necess.ary or can be | idvantagvouslr used in a ejuutiy cf the eh?roc- 1 | ter if the .-state of Virginia. The theatre of op- ; erf...ms hunts the amount of artillery, but does • n-'t a the tmmb-rs of iniantry. So als, of - No more ■■ that arm is wanted. With , ■ ..tier ot Stuart's ga’.laDt rec anoisances \ i a u vjde'.te dutv, the cavalry of the Army of the ! Sou-i ta \ trguiia has necessarily been useless. 1 ! have no Murate, i .r lUaciplined and drilled ! cavalry .tke the French, nor have we auv use for ! c.. er. The cour* vvn 1 not admit of their ope i rains. iavery incomplete cavalry com pan v, at-1 ulu be converted into infantrv. It this were done, and the public sediment of | the whole country . su)q roasu itself to drive back the sirs giers our army would receive such ' important augmentation mat an advance would soon be mad-. Tile authorities can nes.de wheth i or any reiiucttoc of cavalry and artil'ery should j be made, but the public voice ts necessary to send j back the stragglers. .■Tus RxPP-taa.'Xocx Lime.—The news from this line of ops naU. es possesses no special feature of interest.' The eueu-v bare fa.leo back Do as Lib e-,v.-jj. on »he' Madison •onrtv line, and iormrd a mnetted with ltd main body ot their forces in Ouipepiwr c >uuty. They are said to have a cavalrv t( ;ce ot fonr or live thousand in Cat . .me and Spotsvlrauia crunties.Su hunureu ,-f these wete ut Caroline Court House ou last Wednesday. —SU tnwnd J/itpatch, ibih, SaaiuelJ. MiLf, of lowa, has been confirmed by tbt b c-- ■- Senate >u ac ASiCCtate oudge ct the Supreme Court of the “Cnutd States. 6EORCU IT tins. We i-»in firm t'.e ii chmood /..•>«• -<■<• k L ' t i Jab. il. Attaota, a Uiembvi u. compiay A, - 1 in Begiment Georgia V:. .-, w -nuigLed on the 21st for shooting and killing a -old er ta an other company. He was committed for the action j of the examining Uua'ing* Couri to that city on Monday nest. EsCapM)' rsum Jail.— T. G. Bbodta. ••oniiacd : it Bibo county ji*:l lor counterfeiting sutnplas tors on ;hc Westerr. A .Vtluottc B*:t r»o.»a, suc cc did in c!f g ..is escape on .saad-y oiti.,- iig last; iu the lollowiua manoer. Hi3 father ; Ctau b md OVei the 1 ivOC , Hllu ny west ■- | t," rn ins d-f.-ncs. pattlr dowa, got inside tut jail !nt. ' Th s outs'-l- door of the jilt being rotten , 'un i without a k—the ioaid- OOor baring lue ■ ’•.ok fa itcned --n f. • outside with bolts, it was ta oaar matter far Into to tuae off the nuts, . uetacb , ff-’loc 1 : •‘.IJ open the door This the lock bears! 1 evidence of. After wot king until three o’clock in [ • j; 0 Qiomiug tie eucceoded in picking the look of ! t i, e door ot the cell iu which his -ou fas ct n- ! fir.i'd Tlie prjiouais iu u ■ ceils above heard j them a*, ’.cork ib? many hoars. Down in the • jail yal ’ ' - r escape a easy uy HjCsns of the t:nc~- t/iam.- -• ! .c a’tanbed to bherid’ | ilodg-.- or j4for Wood, us ili?y weic very -igj-j hint. -Maun lel&jra(ih. Plum or CovTojt.—From enquiries uuiougsi our col ion brokers, w e Iparn that cotton is ranging in price i:om 14 to 1- cents There is terr futle ottering with a light demand.— Go'<i,nitut bun. detteral ilowell Cobb u sow at home Ibr the purpose ••' recutieru ing a:s ii ait ~ Wo are gralibcd to le.iru that <- is r -pidiy iaipruving, cod that he experts to resume tits duties iu the fisi i at an early day. K'.tx.—Wb * av» bad some raiu in the r-"st week, b it not enough to wet the groov'd thorough I.'-' Vi'e are informed that fine ruins have tull-n i:i this ricinitv -' | TKNNKSSUE (TKIVIS. The eveniug train ou th". State li .atl brought > down ‘be unpleasant report that the Yankees hud j made a dash upon the E. T. A G. J* Koud a: and ! butued the fiu ■. hridg ncoss the river at Loudon . tw inty-eighl miles this side of Knoxville.--gif- J f'.’/.f,; 6 ovji Itrauy, ‘ifiih. Nor 8 i.—Oy the aulb rriiy of l gentleman who 1 pas t : down tin; t. •' To rule.-A Goor .a Kail , [toad up Saturday attefn:ma, we ate pleased to i soy that live bridge a*. Loudon, Term., some six j hundred yards long was not destroyed during the i recant, visit of tiia Yankee*.— Atlanta Ofmmon- • U ttlUh. Fbiuj Nashville.—A gentlaman, of this city, 1, arti*,. :ro.u :c cittxen of Nashville that he bus late information trom that city that Andy Johnson lias resigned his Military GovetnotsUip and re turned to Washington, uud that he is succeeded by Wui. B. Campbell, who indicates already a disposi.'ion to surpass tven Andy in.his despotic rule, lie has summoned ail the merchants of .Nashville to go forward and take the oath of ui legi it ce, an act of tyranny which Andy had ad mitted. He will reap his rewar,.i iu due time. Audy had, m> doubt a suspicion that his doom was at hand, and left to avoid it. A’nOievilU Uepinter. Y .NKsa OuTiiAtisa on rag Ktvstt. —The follow ing extruct from u private letters dated DeSoto Float, M ss., July 7ti., shows something of the proceedings o’’ ihe Yankee; on tfia river, 'i he writer cays ■ “The Yankees came to Mr. John tiarkle.-oad.-T and demanded all his n•:/ o men, aud forced him to give them up. They did the same with Messrs. Hui-get, .Moore.' and Caruthers, taking aii ti; "V could find, wheo they came to my house. I did not meet them mysel’, arid vvlitn they demanded the negroes of my wife, she sent word to them to escape, which they did. Two of i my boys ran off'last night, however Ou ycater- i day a boat stopped three hours just above my ' house, while the thieves went out hunting negroes, j If we hat! had the men we could have captured ! the bp'at, tlie ci w ot which was negroes. ’ The .-atm« writer expresses the opinion that if a j few ip unor. wot.- iu that locality a great harvest could be reaped, and he urge' that a small force j be sent to aid the citizens, saying, “we will feed j them !" ;1 : - suggestion ~ a good one, that should i be carried in’. a < i Our enemy must be made ' to foil „tir power in evety possible way "[Appall. \ Stab latr, ii-ri;ibal l aging to. Dr. Macon, ol fhia cuiin ty, wan brought to Athens on th ; loth iust. under arriw!, tor attempting horrid crime vipou the person of a respectable lady, whose husband is now in 'heai try. An excited crowd gathered about fitm with the intention of executing him o.i the spot, He wan lodized iu tho calaboose, however, and 11 maioed until the next Jay.— Ab ut two o'clock on Wednesday the criminal w as carried before a Magistrate’s cam I, where be plead guilty to the charms against fiiai. In the meumime the news of the outrage spread, and many pel sous gathered in from the. j country, much excited and determined iu ban- j him vithoul process ol lew. Many of the oid-si I ana bus', citizens of rfie county attempted io pro- i vent this. Urn. Junius Utllyer made a speech to i ibo crowd, iu favor of allow ing the law to take its I course, itcvs. J. 8. Key, A. A. Lipscomb and ! many other* mixed with the. crowd, and used ' every ai gu uent iu fdvor of law and order. lint j their ift'uis were unsuccessful. As soon as tho j order iv r committing 'he boy to jri: was read out i by to.- Magistrate, ihe mob rushed upon him, | w res' ed tum irniu the Sheriffs, carried him with j >ul iUe corporate limits and buug him. We hope this is the last occurrence o ! ’ the kind j vie shah ever be called npo-t io record in Clark : cnuniy. The law makes ample provision fdf the j punishment ot till tuch crimes,*eud it sheuld be allowed to take its eour-e. \t pen mob law is otic- inaugurated, no nnto can foresee the end if our courts ore abolished, tbe law trampled un der foot, and an irresponsible mob take it upon themsep’Oß to punish crime, the innocent are as liable to sutler as the guilty. The guilt of the offender iu teis case was very clear, and no one in out community doubted that he deserved his fuli: But the next case may uot be .-o clear. The only sale course is to 'adhere to the law in every instance. We are now in the midst oi bloody war. Thou sands ot lives have been :ncrificed and thousands more will fat’; tlie laud is filled With mourning; and ior what The South is suffering all this in defence oi the laws, [f the North, had given us , ur constitntionul lights; if the laws of Congress I find been • uiU:fully executed, the Union would u V *'V have been in-solved, and Ibis unholy war i would n, v;r have commenced. This is a prop ! ositirm a i-'eli •,.,.• .nun will deny. Is it not 1 absurd, then, while our noble army is in the field i battling lor law and Older, that" we at h.me j should he trampling them under foot. Athens Banv tr. i i.'rret/iitniidice Uharltf-tnn Mercury. Ricmaost), Wednesday. July ’23. Alter a month’s holiday, I find myself again in the Confederate capital One feels the dread of infection as he gets nearer aud nearer this war scared city. Soldiers crowd the cars—dirty con valescents from the country hospitals—s c-k trains pass him on the way; he catches the odor of sup p-.iraticg wounds iu Manchester, and this odor increases to a stench as he crosses the James river, where tin* tainted breexes from the vast wards on Chimborazo Heights have free play. N 'ght has just fallen, but there is a strange still ness shorn the streets. Few- people pass him. ihe doors ot the great diy goods and clothing houses are open aud guarded bv sentinels. Look ing iu, he beholds multitudes of beds and minis tering tinge's passing to and fro. Well he knows tvbttt forms lie stretched on those narrow beds. They at. the herns who have guttered in the great cause. How horrible is war 1 Our la'i- victories have given us a respite, which the Administration i.as rather the wish lliau the neive tu improve. It complains of a wa h ut uicu, aud it must be confessed that there !•■ .. great deal el struggling. Rut this strug gltti/ tne (oeveitmient seeks to cut;e bv moral suasion ad the farce of public opiuq mu, as if the <le-titers, '.out to all sense of shuttle, rated lor oninioos it is said thkre are 1.0, ovO a.tn absent without leave from our vari oas aru.i-.s-gone nobody kuews where. If this be it ut-, the time has passed lor milk aud water measures. Tb re s literally "trouble in the camp.” Ob jection is made to (.fen. Johnson's resuming bis commeDih He is etit'.H. dto tt or else a would becomts i badg : of di.-grase; but Lee is thought the sater nran, and all tilings must yield to the country’s stiety. A. P. ILJI is under arrest by Older ot Lor. street, and there is a quarrel be tween D. H Hill and Toombs. “Reliable*' says Hal called Toombs a coward on the field, aod cf t r the b.-.tll • Toombs challenged him. The chut was declined ou religious ground?; but the epithet v. as re-applied, .'tagrudi-r has been re caiSeu fii m the commaud of the Tia-a.- M.--'isaippi 1 t.s eat, on acc .unt of the charge of ir.com- p, u-acy pref.-rred by Co'.. Chilton lurmely of the Adjutant tienerals’s Office, now ou Lee’s staff. These troubles should alarm nobody. War .s a quarrelsome business, especially in a free conn irv where cverv naan is as good as any other iii'an, and better'too. We hate the Yankee none the less on account of these quarrels, After we , hare whipped theta, we can fight each other in comfort. . >. News from the lines is just no news at au. (-in deed. there seems to be a general stagnation ex cept in Jack Morgan’s vicinage. It is reported that Jack>on has broke loose again, with as many at *>o,ooo rampant rebels at bis heels. There no telling where ne will strike. He appears to be as eccentric as a comet—one of which, by the way, 1 think I saw in tb" nerth-west last night. Copies of the New York Herald wete for sale this morning by the ntwsboys, for the moderate price »f two dollars. The Herald of the 15th, contains the proceedings of the Union meeting hvid the Jay before, in which Dr. Lieber figured, while hts t-ohie son, Oscyr, was dying, a martyr to his lather’s folly, ‘ Hesses, Amotbeb Escape or Peisomsß3.—Seven more of the political prisoners confined here effected ti e r escape on last Thursday night. As in the former instance, so in this, they took advantage or a dark and stormy hour, and when the rain, as they supposed, bad unfit the guns of the enard i. r service .sty were discovered, however' and fired upon, but without serious effect. One of them has s.ncc returned. He can give no account of the others, further than two of them were wounded by the guard—one in the hand and the Otner in the breast —SaUsintry WaZcKman. < c« in or fY its tj Hi- Da? . - - • ■- : :LO thi ~' * 1 l . • i ~ -'. : :u ' I tet CT ' i . •••I r • ' ' till ß . member < f the firm r> ti. A > >■ ,a a Jewish | mercai-i.lc r. oil,h.rent he; -mw •a: some :ofth ■- ipuiious Dotes for <. , • and it is Sa’d tliat others had b* eu exchanged • silver and ■ otner ait cles purchased by him i! e character : of the notes beiug detected. i.t- i ivestiaadon was j commenced, which led to the discovery ot a Urge amount ri-.,iT a we boa- , in iheposeession of i persons connected w t, the es'cbii hmeat refer red to. The examination will us course b. farther prosec iteJ, anti wo prtier awaiton; us de'-e.op tnents to r.e publication o: reports whica may or may net be correct, it is, however, g?ut-r»Ly ] believed t 1 at the notes were not coroterfeited here, but that aJew ramei who tires j we believe, in Lafave'te, A a , but has lately been i “circulating” between this place a.:d Nashville, ! Charleston ard .lon'gamvry, haa an agency ini brine,ng them to this olaee. Whether jlr- 8. 1 .Stern was aa inco-ent drpe ct Egent of hi?, or a knowing party to tbe true 1 we wih not express an opinion until the investigation gives us mere light, i We believe these to be portion of the notes printed and e’rculftied k» tfie’.Vorth, for the rea son tl at tbev answer the deserip.ion given ot those North.-ra counteitens. vt t gave seen souitivhere a statement that they die openly of fered for sale ui the North as f'ac simii-t id Con federate mongy, aud l ~ -\ bear the 'poearauce of having been gatteu up w.ib tbe least trouble aud expense for some such purpose. Certainly no shrewd counterfeiter could have supposeu that notes so clumsily executed could have long es caped detbetkm if ci-cnlate, 1 at ihe South Flye nop laafio —-ve Lave seen tons ar.d fifties. They are printed ou paper entirely white, mere resembling writing than banknote paper; tbe. engraving is coarse, though resembl.ng me genuine bids; some o; them have au eagle in the centre; and in ail of them the signatures are eegraved, n.,t writleu as iu the genuine. Their deticiion is ea yto aiinosi any one who will make a cnttcal examination of the signatures. This discovery caused some ."'-as .tion here, ad the matter will be probed (as it should be) until the guilty parlies are detected, and the source and kcality from which the notes were obtained discovered. We Lust that care will be taken not to punish the innocent (if there are any sucb connected with tbe uttering of these counter- Icits / but that She severest punishment will he dealt out to ail knowingly grtiltv. . HOSTSCaIPT. The above arncta was writt u and j»ut m typo for our paper of Friday morning, and ii speaks oi events of Thursday las! ; but its publication was suspended at the request o! a fTTKK Hi UI engaged in the investigaiiou. wi;u l:.aught that lha ends of ji.slice might be partially thwarted by its pub- I cation at that lime. Unde islanding that tbi* reason for restraint no longer exists, we now in sert it. The investigation, we l am, brought out the admission by Stearu that be received the money from lloEonburg., bis brother-in-law; and the confession by liosenburg that fie obtained it in ' Nashville since the Federal occupation ot tliat ! city, paying for it but a trifle by the package.— . They were committed io jail, together with aman , named Johnson, hailing from Montgomery, Ala., : who is stiougly suspecred of complicity with them. 1 An application to Lull them has been so far rt- I fused. The punish mem by the ir voi theConfed j crate States, is deat'i. There is reason to believe that aa extensive game j of this kind is carried on in various parts of the \ South, and that other? ure connected with this ' transaction. Hiuce writing the first part t f this article, wc j learn that some of the ifSO uoies are so well exe- j cotcd as to make detection difficult. We again , warn everybody to be on tbe look-out. ColuiMus Entjinrt ■. i 'Oxa# )terns. We have Texas dates to the 7th instant, and affairs in the Mtaie ate represented aa in quite a hopeln! cond tiou. . Texas is said to be in a belter condition than any Slate in the Confederacy. She has an abund ance of beef, cori, when’, Ac.; and withal is able and wilting to defend hetsel! against any force the Yankees can br ug upon her. VYe glean the following items irotu the Houston Telegraph : ‘■We can now count op fifty- two regiments? and four battalions of Tcxaus in the service besides two legion.?, each of whir hi.- ab'-f.t twenty com panies, making equivalent io the fifty eight regi ments in all er fully forty-five thousand ices. The Mi's arrivd of the Ru.-U at Huvauna is an nounced. Galvbston. —The News offic has bean le moved to llou-uou, on Hcconnl of the threatened attidilde of tho city of Ualvestoa. Quite au alarmed condition ol things ba? existed in that city for seme time, out wc learned iromthe News of the Ist insiaiit that “ihe city is gradually as suming a more cheKrlalappearance; ladies may be sc ii ; r jiucnadiug ou ti.;: aide " , k . of even ing, more light* are visible from the bouses at night, ...i. :., aa iucrease in ibo pooulatiou, and people ge'.ieraily think leas of Ca;,t. Eagle, with his it:!fungus t’-.n nt lo boot, than they Jo of thniroivu wiuitß and pleasures.” Young Bam Houston huae l iron my and is v/ii'.i Iris regiment. Bastrop is sa:U to ha v been deal roved ou the sth by til's V Tun Fiulinir U Below Ricsmosi). —We meutiou ed yesterday that a skirmish had occurred on Wednesday near Ladd’s store, eighteen miles below the city, between a portion of tbe Fourth Virginia eavalry and a body ot the euemy’s caval ry. " Our inforuiaiion eu ihe sul ject is by no means full or satisfactory; but, such as it is, has been obtained from an officer w ho was wounded in the fig t. It seems that, about noon of the day mentioned, a body of several hundred of the enemy, consist ing oi cavalry and infantry, approached within a short distance ot our pickets, stationed just be yond turkey island creek. Cue or more compa nies ot the Fourth Virginia cavalry were ordered to drive back tbe enemy to a certain point, but not to pursue him further. Tbe enemy did ot stand to receive our charge, but tired and ed as soon as our fores Was observed. Our me: also fired on their living ranks, emptying several saddles. The enemy fi; virq. retreated beyond the point to which our men bad b-v.n instructed ta pursue him, our cavalry rctuired to tbe’r first position. j The ch. unities cu our side were Garter, a nephew of Mr. Hill Carter, of Shirley, killed, aud j six wounded. Among (lie latter was Captain | Frank Cliamberlayne, of the Governor’s Guard, j Leading his c ; apitnv in the charge, be was struck i by a Minis bull in the foot, just below the instep, i 1 1. is not pssiiivelv ascertained whether the bane |is injured—ihe wound is both -pain-’ul and danger i ou?.— hlahmO’ A Examiner , Z6th. A railroad accident occurred cu the Sonlhside road on Tuesday, reuniting in the death ol'one soldier and tLe wounding of fifteen others The accident vas caused by a spike in one of the rails haring been drawn ou:, uliuwiog the rail to give way when the train came upou it. Two cars were thrown down a considerable embankment, and it is wonderful that theextenf of damage done was not greater than it was. The accident occur red four miles this side of the junction. The troops on board the u.-.fortunate train were strag gler.- belonging to a o -Haiti Genera! who shall be nameless. Since tbe above was written, we learn the acci dent was of a much more serious ciiarater than W 4» first reported. Forty-five men were wound ed iu ail—seven'een severely, aud four died yes terday of ibeit injuries. —fynehbirg Virginian, 24 th. Major E Willis, Quartet-mauler 0. 8. A., has we learn, received orders to leave his post at Hardt ville, S. 0 , and report for duty in Virginia. Ma jor Willis is a Georgian by birth, but bud been for many years pievious to the breaking out of the war, the principal book-keeper of the diatiu guisLed firm ot J mi. Fraser & Cos. aud a residtut of this ci y. il. ei j iys au enviable reputation as out of the moat . ccouiplisbed otticeis ic his depivf'.ocM oi lu-public service.—l/«(- Mo-otty 26th Tat \ allev. —Very little is known really of the tm veu.entg of the Federal forces in the \ alley. Our latest information induces the belief that the small torce left at Winchester, terrified at tbe anticipated approach of Jackson’s corps, has fallen jack to the line of the i!a timers aud Ohio Railroad, and are now at Harper’s Ferry and Martinsbure. constituting a guard far that tho rougbfaie. A detachment ot Gen. Robertson's , cavalry is said to have occupied Winchester on Tuesday.—AV Gti :• Dispatch, 2t4k. VrStEL Capiorkd.—lnformation has been re ceived of the capture of the schooner Agues, whiie going into Nassau, it i- alleged, from r. - Confederate port. I tenr i'RAt-c.fiT Wa# Vksxels Just previous, to t'; ‘ ricking in Hampton Rods of the \ aakee j wooden war ships by the Merrimac Virginia i the Northern Geyernment were busily engaged j in constructing a number oi wooden gunboats of j the most destructive kind. Being of light draught and heavy armament, they were pecu- j liarly suited and were mainly intended to oner-j ate against our Southern harbors. Some of these ships have been completed and are now on this ■ coast. The Northern papers give an account of a steamer called the Paul .Tones, which vessel is thought to be stationed near this harbor. Her draught is about seven ,7. feet, she has two heads, is a propeller, and is armed w.-.k four m irons; but it is said that she is net very fast. SL carries a ic'd pounder Parrott guu on the Aic castle, an eleven inch Dahlgren gun aft, and : among her broadgide gnus a.e two l o-pauii-i --' er Parrott guns-ud two i- nine iaci -Dablgren guns.— GharUyon Mercery. Tbe American Tract Society have undertaken ; a new branch of publishing. The managers have ! caused crackers to be baked, on each of which is stamped a text of Scripture. A Mobile correspondence of the Atlanta Intdfa gtne-er writes; It would be well to state that the Government has released all private sugar seized some time since, and any person caught selling it lor more than 12W cents should be treated as a traitor to his countrv. Over 15.0e0 hogsheads have pas-ed through here since June —a great deal for At.an t&, Augusta, and and sugar oc casion to be wvrth mors than from 10 to cts per pound. Persons i Ai'g more are worse than heathens VAJIKEK Ac, H'.v so, i aß<\ C-iiuo, July al.—The dispatch oo".’, ft:. I.:ar rived at Memphis oti Saturday, brings the toil, w ing! The reporieti tscape ol the iebel plaied battery Arkansas is correct. Tim ;,ffAir tnos place on ihe morning of tbe la'll Thu', morning, m conse quence of reports brought by refugees :ha; the Arkansas was about to attempt to ran by Union fleet, the go.Dpoats Garoudeh t and Tyler aui rarn X.ancaster staiteff np the 1 azoo to ve • lou," ~ . When eight miles from the mouth they crime suddenly upon tbe Atkansas, lyiog under tbe bank. As our boats rounded tbe bend she opened upon j t with sixty, ei ht pounders O.ir gaubo. is r-.'.arn-d the Ure, and for a short lime a neicj en ; a-igeu eai ensued. Finding that the channel oti river n.'evented successful maraiivrtng, they graunu 1 > dropped downward tewuid '-he' mouth. T h A: j .-jsus foil, wed closely Jas* - tbe latter ra., pa:-sing over t’ ■ bur, the Cnrundetet closed v ~, t. l.i'eadt- o iK.ar-1 She succeeded in throwing a grapple abroad and getting out a! ■'lank, ’.vhen* thx Arkansa ; opened her steam j pi ", ihiowng hot water across tbe plank. The j tV.’adciet replied in L.e -ame manner. VVhf:.; Ukis eugrard Oai-ii vessels g)\:uL'dbJ. aud ...- shock separated them 'ihe Arki.usa* sus ' t- -jad m g-tti’-g oft, and thFCarondeiet renuia - ;el Ir . ioi' ueany sg Lour, i i.r Ai kaa.-a? i.ume j diitelv passed doivu tbe liver, the Tyler prtoed mg it, ri aod maintaining a running tight with : her greatly superior adversary. None ci ou. giiuhoits wild ine fictii La-1 steam I- . u riH".;' and el. was so scaitereu lhat w 1 cC'iid liio at thz Atk.uisas as she passed without danger ofbittingour own boats As she appt oach ed, sjc'j boa's as c ulff caiely do so opened upon her, but her A solid shot irom Farragat’s guuboat No. 6 siruck her larboard bow, passing ihroug-1 and uuder lo: pi..i 2'. ri[ipiug it off tor a cousideru b!e and stance \V nat Juriher damage was done is cot ascertained. Ti:e ti juries to our flee ure iyht. Tbe Benton received"a shot mar the edge of ihe afier part of tbe larboard side, killing one man. The Tyler, which engaged tho Atkausas nearly au four uud a half, had seven killed aud oiue wounded. Among tbs latter were the pilots, Me-srs. iSebistiau and Hiuer, and Engineer Davis. The rant lutncester received a shot under her boilers, causing an es ci: eof hot water, scahiiipg six men, three of ll.em fatally. The entire Union loss is twelve killed aod fff teen wounded, live or six of them will die. The rebel sos? is uot km- vn, but believed to be consi derable, us the hot water streams ol the Oaroode let at the time they attempted to board, were thrown direct y into her. Two British troops a! puscut reach the number of aoD.OOo effectives. Os these, about tiß,ooo are iu India, about 60,0 '0 in the Ctdonitis, and the.ro mainiuz AtqOoO foru. the ;tandiug army at home. Cvm>.\' Spkoulatobs Frcstraieu.—Another effort ol'the Yankee surculators Unit infest Ut-m --phis, to spienlate io the staple oi the country, was frustrated by a squad ot Porter’s cavalry ou Friday last, at a point some eighteen miles north* east of Memphis. 'lhe small party overhauled some twenty-five drays, loafed with sixty-four bales of cotton, en route for the city. The drivers were ordeied to unload and pile lip tbe bales in the road, which was done in a workmanlike man ner: when the pile was fired and the coveted Yankee prize destroyed. Those accompanying the contraband train were then dismissed, with the injunction that i they were ueaght engage ! • in the business again they would be bold person- i ally responsible. Tin: Yankees fiod “Jordan a j hard road to travel” iu the vicinity of Memphis. They lo etheir yellow boys aud cotton both i t Appeal. I Tbe Cons Cnor,—We had the pleasure of meet ing’ the Hon. Simon Oliver -of Desoto, who has just returned from a tour eastward. Major Oliver oriegs sad intelligence of the effects of the drouth iu certain latitudes. Ihe crops are past all hope in the vicinity of Montgomery, including a strip of country extending east and west, sixty or sev enty tniies north — Misslmppm*. Th;; Federal army bakery, which was estab lished in the capitol at Washington io April, 18,11, is now removing to anew building just erected near ihe Offset vaiory. As Ugh as two hundred and forty-five 'Darrels ot flour have been con surned every tweety- four hours for u week. The average number of bat rets of flour consumed during tbe month of October, 18i51, vr.-.« .< L notion lees than two bun bred and thirty-niue a day, or •1,315, 2, f, loaves for tlx:, month. B aly five thou sand loaves ivo e. rnee issued in u single day. The saving iu flour has in some months made the profits of the U-kery flO/'O), after paying ai! ts penses, and the nett profits for the fourteen mouths euding .with Jou.-t Ju'.U have been nearly ti)o,o o. At one time one handled and eighty five hand.: were employ -d, but the ra .-rage num ber has be u about ouo hundred. Gallant Gkoroians.—Cast. 'Tomlin, who was sever, iy injured by bis horse running against u tree with him the night alter *tho fight at Jsiur freet-boro’, arrived here on Tuesday, ami left tor his home iu Georgia yesterday morning. This brave young.i liicn killed arid wounded tour ol the enemy bimaelf, in the charge made by Lis company on the enemy's lines at Murfreesboro’. Four of the Georgia companies in the charge were led by the gallant Major Harper, who had tv. o horses shoi under brut. AU honor to the gallant Georgina* '.-~Ki<xixvi!U KegitUr, 2 -UU. Emm. —By martial law, in Charleston, /iz/r-tuh are limited to thirty cents per siring, and shrimps cannot be sold at over fifteen cents per plate. FOR SALE. —<•- - - if'HE sub Hcriber offers for F.i’e his Ttropi’i i v in t).r to a u ui , Jbr.iitklin, coDbislingu uflnt* brick DWELLING, v/iib ail Decenary ants com foil Able ont-houhcs. nu i on th°aame loL a i-u-ge UT<i wpIJ coitturucuiii link bTOiihi liOUSIil: iu wlti fi pro;>eity L« attached thi»!.y aci . of excellent tiliiibie LAND, and leu rets, of i'Afi’J T ItL'. To those desirous of {securing either st safe refuge from fur invaders, or t healthy and cums- ruble summer residence, Nvheie the bree:'.t . j . are :nvig« rating and thetder \ \v-j as ; * ltani! of the Omnipotent ever so rued i\ This t-roperiy re: • desirable. bersons w i.-!;‘.iig tu nnrchasc, v ill j'Ka.-e address uc ..t once. rrar.kiinisiiii’.v n Rs N. W of Wad aha. S.j:. : liUv nn’ N. ot J'laikcsvilJe. (i i.,and SCV* ntv u "Fes vnst of .\sh“'’ii . N.C.: is on the Western N Turiu-ikc- amt «ontguoi:.~ to Hiri line oi ii m i.fogiv* id</id-se lRfL'.- Kailroad. L t. SiLEtt Franklin. Macon county, .VO, July 13 81-d4Awlt Notice. \LL persona indebted to the estate of Mrs A. E. Ju-.-k --son, I;»te of Kidiin • u;1 count”, deceased, will make im mediate payment; am! those having claims against said estate will present them, duly attested, within the time prescribed by law. to AV. K. JACK .SON, JOHN K. JACKSON, iv.V. Ju!) r 81, 1862. * / 1 FORK I V. OGLETHORPE €Or^T¥.-\Vh?v ; . s \ T Thomas Cul lah an ar>o to me fo r ’ • t'o aof Admit.is t ration on the estate of W i ham 11. C. Cone late of said cm n ty. dtcea-e*!: The. ; e re therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the fcindred ad creditors of said deceasetl to be and appea;- mv office, on or i vlore the first. Monde} in Septtn.ber n- • ;• > show cm use, if any thev have, why said letters shout! not t • granted. Given under rnv hand and official sigoature at office in Lr. inirton, 19th July, IS6-2. T. »a\ A. SANDEKS, C.C.O . July 81, ad interim. / GEORGIA, MORGAN COUNTY.-Whereas VT H.Geiger, Executor<uFct’f \> . Wa'ton, deeeisod. pli- s to me for Letters of Di?;r.i*Hon from his *■ \< cutotsr: » '1 LC'C are tbe.efo'e to cii«* a’u MimoniF" al! ar.d sineii a-, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at mv office, on or bid'.-r-t!i<-.-'v<*d M ■ 'ay in January iu:-*. th*n and tlierc to * how cause, if any they luvo, wh. -id letters shou and not i» a granted- Given under my hand at office in Madison, ii.n 26th Ju! IS* '-'. l'\ \\ T . A’iiV'JLG, Ordinary. July 31, 1562. Notice to Debtors ;tJid Creditor/". >J OTJLIC .3 he.vbyjtiVtiii to ail pv.sous haviug and- an : Ll a\cLc it : .. 1 : C. Cueruacv, lale of Mor an count. decease.', will present the n tome, propevly made out. - . it;. - • :.. an- amount .a *• a.: •--rn 1 -.. - r- -.. to said deceased, .. hereby required to m ike iiatnediat# p.’iyrrent tome. WILLIAM H. DURR, Ad . .. July 31, 1363. Georgia. ' Tniast igpid Marv Ar.n Wvime. applies • for JLett• »«. m AdmiuSstratloProti to-date of M. 'J' W y r;!: ,, i a -. county, deceased : These are thefore to cne, summon end admonish, all hi and >ii gi lar, the kindred,and ere !it«> s deceased, to ht* a•. . pear at this office within the lime prescribed by law, to lr.tr eatise if any they hnve, why said Letter? of Adm-.l” ■-. should not be granted. JAMEft P. BURNSII»E, (», -e July SI, 1562. Georgia, greeae countv-where D. E sc and'tephen Eng n-n applies for l ■:* Admim?* ' upon the Estate ct t e• j- . sa«d coui ty, deceased : These are theretore. to cite and admonish, all or.! . the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be hi. ; • first Monday in September next, to show cant have, why sad Letters should not #♦ granted. Given ond«-r mv hand, at office In G-eenesboro, Juiy 1862- EUGKMUS L. KING, Ur . i. July 31,1862. For Sale! 1 OFFER for sale my HOTEL and all the Furniture ?n ! L.-*'.-r.rc* vi ls. Gwinnett county, Georgia Posse «'on 1 p'r-'o. oi once. Ti House is huge ar.-i w«*Il furnished, wi'h all convenient <- i»' -u-r - '■ wa*er. arze garden well stocked with vege+a- I vweaMe aack property - il: do well l"i ~. : 7;' iliF'Gwinnett co.. June 88, HfySf ss; \E CENTS Oasiipaid fur clean Linen and ; uotton demred at any RaLroad Depot in Geor . tia or AOOUf Carolina • Addrecc „ ( BATH Paler MILLS COMPANY, Jecd-dtwc, Augucta, Georgia. FOR SALE, I> ARK MiLT.S. HOKSK V .wire THKE-iiiK-. 5 MILL SPINJJLEo, GIN GEARJNGTto. ’ One can - PaieztCir u saw wili ■ One WKODGHI IRON SHAFT. 7 feet lot*- t inctee : (hameter; «»ne Jenke’ POWER LOOM • . One-Johnson's &AIUTT. P. bythe AtheAo Poandiy and Machine Work-. Athene, 0». tylWAw*. k. NICKEKSON. Aeent. ill i| 1 C UKs P-NH' KILE. : - Ei.e -■ X- a. n-a:ket flvU wise, by E. F. ii.NCHLEY jyU-dDt* I'laxe and important ■■> ' \ , t’eiKHSEca>i, Vu., - ■ —Tr. i’, .. ■_ ■ : j Express has a .-pscia! .tcspu.... Ly-i. K :..<XYi;.'.i. ; Tens , uciiv-t,. • . : .. . : i■;s" - ~1 .Lr at UeaJquarttt :• ' I .. . ut ( - .I Me.; ran, I ft* in ah f. i- , V, , J«ij . i .. He gays tlit • ' «. ,fa.t i .a ..• i *•:,••. .• c tir'd fowl -, in K-.--.sa r . with can -v „r ■ • ..( -ru-v stores and V-hr ; .. - -■ ~. | ho Ut ;h 1: a o.tor-i-’v ..-'.-* ; - 5 o ?.. . \ ,-j | K! •■.r s • . eta c • j Home Git.; ■! i-!>i.. ;S I; . ■ ■. - | and Cincinnati have all been destroy. iL L-VTE AX!> A : rui-: JSi 111. Mobilb, July ii. .h.-- v tip Mobile A Ire :• r. ud -r .. c. . fc son. Miss., Jni-,- I.itu' Cos!. ]' •_ , - ■. • two coßtpat -,-i am: .-•.■! -t.i r , . aod | des'roj da i- , t. - ,• S' ■ ! l.anditu;, ' . 0 ’ • g'.tson t-dOrc-:.: J : It. mail bag iio;« .'ic »' l. ; -haictifl, eu route for \YraM. ; tcon! : ! .'.lv interesting. Y.uA - - : - .» l.apcost b lit}- of caput .. ' l.itj i force, nivi . sas wbippe : i’.- -r Cf the Atk .tis Was tee -i- t: : Ya: ' The bumbaidrccnt- <•( Yicksburg Gt.r.c-d sk>« !r to day. ;.l : id u:i--i'‘.fi it. ; ATTEMPT TO ! VilK AIE. . -. M . VICKSBDJiiI, J !y id.— About 1. ..I- j .1 ; (Yk ra this luosui'jg Uvo uon i t<m.-t cnpa; id tin Arkan sas. Attempts Si" I :ui the V. •! r! boat Essex proved a uiiscrable t.dlai-r. A shot through one of the ;■ . i Li-1; !-• Siled atu a ouaded six or sevey eu ll.r- Ai k A o -.id - supposed to be the Mor.tti rtird -badly crippled The weather i. dread tally hot. 1. AT Ell FKOH THE KO'UTil. Moainc, Ai..July “ .:h -At e : dl ■ i» ; is a special dispatch ;■> the Mobile . s.u Grenada, Mi s , July 2aA —X art hen d.-tes of the 19th inst. say that G«i:. H- '!_ck has been or dered to Wasbiiigi.-d . i era uia >! of the armies oi the Git to Si., s lie i -ued ted farewell address • > - . t ■ ■ . • 17th ins: - Cjeu CiUcruiau La O' aou.itei Gci .r. . v . , La- Grange mid Mosrntr, nn;:>•!•; his whole force to Mumpti's, uud burning tbos.- foiv-.air lit: flight- Oar gueriiittii • - k Utiidcisc-a m . the ISth last, tiion oros.ed the 01.io liv.-r into iml;- anua and capture-! > •■*;! tv;:h ‘JID f\ V-ral prisoner,-. Great c '.ostci uattoa pir: .'r ansville, la liana U'.v. Militia IMPORTANT .Uf.IVAL Mobilr, July 25. -'f;: ti . . ed at the wharf this moroing fro-n Ht-.c u:r. f vbich pbrt she left t exciliti; race from t 1•: t brings cargo o! arms, ttnir-ilairs ifv.r, ■* i -rs and hlankels. LATE FROM ViCKSUOI-G. Mobil®, July : - A ..ti dit t.aicit o tit Advertism « It. . . J.u and tek..-it, Juf :l), says : It is rep it«-d '.list tit- . ,a' F,... r:: ii-. ft, . ith the transports, vrent below last niaht. If i:t also reported that ala: V I i-.--ce is eta.burking at Memphis, sttpp :S«.i io be .Ts tgned for a bind attack on Yickabu; h LATE FROM TE.VMi&SEE. "TiJOIItLE, July 2t’i It.-- ' . -.. e. tO the Mobile Adveytisi Chi 25th, says: The enevv is eviu.. : ag gr- octivity, aud is evidently pt,-; -i ' - ■ o-- "toieru. Trains of ctii .s atii'- cJ at :f i■- .l- -y vii'.lt bLel! and auisutolp Some '.atuors aliieh it.tve b • t -i .vda: t . re specting thercti-i-at of l-U en T to he false. LATER 1 ROM THE WEFT. ' Monas, July 1 ■■■;'•. ! ditri.ti .'. buuo dated Grenada, f; Rot'ugees from Muinptais report that a poll ton of Sueiiu.ui’s unity 1 ’ t'.: : •' i • f.r the Jjoivi'i Miss ippi foi Viehsbnr.. Two disabled Yankee gmihoatstoweti bypteam cr.i passed lie'emi, Arkr.< on Monday !: .-,t up ward bound. Mix Federal Coloa-.L?, ,t i • said, have resigned in Cm - is* ai my, ing ... i. • n lut in regard to th'o negro question. J'.-.ay Federal of ficers have ti’-:, resigned at MrmphC, and gone North. luformtd'on deemed reiitible -as : m received here that. tJenir-.! ; 'nr. ; - ; un ■ < 0 )' cur guer rillas at Helena, Aik. 11 c has again moved all of h\s fore- to Ute'ot! T. . f the tiv. FROM RiGUMONI). Kicujion'r, July 20. -The S dlo.vi-": * .i.-i-odous in the army have inc;«Y-y k ■ mb'.: lirig. Gen. Stnrrrt to he- Major 0 y.-d c ; ' Cttral.y ;G-l. l ilz t:ugh Lee, if tbs 1 t V tgi.ti,. s’■ •. t r e Brig adier General et Cavalry ; Col. ) ■ , the Tib Louisiana Regiment, to be HrMudiar Gti.eral; Brig. Gttl). W:.dt; .it..- tu.-i !■- the command of a c tvairy i» igaJe. EXCHANGE OF PKir-.OSEiivS. The cartel fur a 1 :■ 1 .:« o 1 ; tiers wits signed on the a ! : t.. . m A. Dix, of the Federal art y, ...ut <i- . !). . ti-11, ot ‘he Confederate at: v FROM v is-” . -Tf/i M Ti:o eiietny . .err-sul (•> Hold'' ater, (which piiic.i :•' : ■ r F • 1, yitU artillery, ca U ms 500 to iOOO ar. . A . ! .m- cnsu -A, with bat small loss. Oar pi tai.iniy had: and burning hi biy • to -o nr : I Nnrabc i here from Memphis. l.viii and import ■ i i-no:; tk \: : e ■ re. GBN. FORREST W 11' 1! i N TilitE K OF NASHVILLE. Mobile, .Via., Jr-ly 27 —A special despatch to the Mobile Adrt iii and Rogisi-.T, dated at CliatUnooga, Tend., Jai-: 2d • y» : 0“i. Law ion oi the Georgia Cavalry, arrived here to-day, with three Yankee Lieutenants j ' ou.iv, < iiptnrod ucar Nashville. Gea. Fonesl ha.-i hurned •; r bridges, over i Mile Creek on the .V ~!:> -i I had au cn | gagetr.ent wlili a pari’ oi' Fob-iuls, killidg 10, | wounding 5, and capin: - lie vrt*.j within i three miles el Nat 1 vi ■ Oi t eicitiment pre i railed wherever he ■ ;••• r< ! -.t.d iho patriotic • : Udiet: mad'S lit* pi ug> ••• • ovation : the entire i oute KHO YICKSBCRO. '■lonian, July a.- A . 1 d.l ,: . h :■> J:.- Mobil' Adveitise: & i< gi-.t e, dated Jnel-.-on, Miss., July -iGih B : Bull; tleeh.. have i o-d Vi 1 i-A ! or R-et.pass.ug .WcbC'Zycatet.U} t-verac-r. h ..is a u's a two months Siege e.i a istciH, daring wl-bb a line . vnalties among the- t'onfaderst • force'-, b. TL. CUV-i.l Mil :• . ,1 l . . ill* i.gi. do tie* to the city, amounts to from e:;0,fl(M to E 05, to accomplish whit- - 1 the Fe-L-rals have ! t:0 content* of the Captufeu Felicia' :• hug i (. their thrashing by li e rum AC--.. . and it:-ir inability to rapture Vicksburg. 7 : • Federal.; are threatening Cam.: ' ->• this side oi New Orleans LATE FROM KENTUCKY Mobile, July 27.—A special dispatch to the Tribune, dated Grenada, Miss., July 2d, soys The Louisville Journal -ays that if the Federal Government dots not take speedy aciion -.",000 men cannot hold Kentucky. Parson Brownlow writes t-> SY: hir K’. : ibat he fears Kentucky will scon be < ■ tup... by tbe “rebels.” A dispatch dated Washington. Ju ; 20, to the Chicago Tribune says that McClelltu is greaiy dissatisfied at Haileck being plac.d over him, and that no good feeling exists between him and Gen. Pope* LATE FROM THE NORTH. Richmono, July 27. —Nortaeru paper.- - zAth inet., have been rect.vei acre. Gen. Halleck has been appointed Commas in-chief of tbe whole land forces efthe On -ed ! S^ US P ~ as issued an older requiring the | citizens within reach o: the Army nnd requiring them to take tae oath o allegiance, or be beyond the Federal lines. This order has produced much in Frederlekeborg and cum'.-: -of the tens of ; that place are leaving. .ViTrSTy •" * rrirn. fb!. tri July *’' i -it.- no cH-ire t > -.otc thp <’ *ttou mar* •iAitbiii -v our ia-t re, rt. *f Ic. ■ bn? ’ ._n bnt !i tH? infjrJry and i>rict..N :o:--vn a* or.? ?»* same*-16 ?•> « cr-nts. ' f**; ’ « -T-v r j ■ >] vit.:* it; al.d'fr.A.Ov ’ i-. U-i- ' st. ry f ..;,r t - ; . •• a - v - : V- . V •- • .i r.t-2 -i ll ? tl. h'-UUS. Q,. • ■ - ’•> • - ' ... ; s3.Gc v ., MOL A LS ' ' j ML; A fruuS: :o.43CY:t: f . - - FaL .I-)*! • Wi»rr-. >o ! d ’ 1 • '■£ vCUtA. viirg lb' . ... .. ; •::* <a / V 5, N.,.1 • ,atmr,. , ... MH« " ‘ >KV >‘KiM>L .:S—We V Betfi cb j •. <5 10\.— •• ‘ T '*’ ’ • rv\ Ff.;tccs vxsi&2iy t x • •.? v ‘ ' I A. , . i.i.. .4 /> c:* 40 f U 10 * 40 ® 3V } . •• viilrr t > :u <.n y,i i BJKIiSWA./ i W *i 60 l i>rL - M Joo w rt »! -' . i eo ii*;. -v. L . 1 v* n> 03 © ) 0) i 1 T.,1 A* IT. J • IXiCkOl: ft? 15 -2) j FLA ALi l - lb 43 a 6') FKKT-- 1 i LKS— our. :»mi .fohnxm Xs.'acd vjuai.O, # ton. • 42 03 I * ..LUk llv e f*aui?7 & W*J ' ' ... Luitri: t ... v .... .j 24 OJ L: tl HZ “ Miner?' .'* f< h- : Kscv«aar Mu s, Voub. '* •. <u» oo Ext:-a... v.' @ 2-» lO “ 1 Lwr rßnn V ' 94 00 V-M-. rru Milla, V Mi *■, 00 Bhort:?...‘ ..vr 8 00 “ Fine Fee ii.. ,pr li.O H 8 00 Hran. vv ..„.pi i : b i-. - 2OJ w ‘ Grits, fino s'v.’. cr’-rsv " 2 ! L5*A .1 -' b -t. 1 50 a. 1 6) In ill ear bu-.h f ism ... 00 < O.its huv>- (ji 1 40 ' f i x ; . ....f 1 i>o & l OJ ■ - . iMNGT' . . *#» -.»> ;u r> .I ■ 1 :: I . - ■ • ■ HIJDF - Ji *>* ; j C , 32 UUAk t .. <& BX * **’ i m p LAKi)..: , as Ty-vr ; 0 • ■--•*' ‘ ; : - " i-0 HOLA v< a u.-v Oilcans .. .... 1 L @ SCO 14 A ILL %2> Llr y• (i 4fO</ 4 J ■ t , , trail 14 (»0 Crti 13 Oo Oo*? ~i • c-e-.l r’*OU 025 (if 350 HTCK ‘ liOPK • •- ' • ■ v L K a o isyun • • & u COTTON lui ; .i S in. !i» 40 K. 0. S.VGAh->-•' -oinmoa grades It>* Xt L. b'ulr & » (& -io Fine © 48 c. ’a- ifted V 4-5$ t.-Q SALT H-) AL- «« 2> 43 fO C #IL C: ti 73 BTAI TEA ft C TO ©. 7 CO TOUACC-1 —C'MMHnm grades. &ra 50 v? 65 i Tt> ■ (j ) : Ucod to I'iae lft * 1/0 @1.85 ■ : Cot: on V» •-a//. .V- •> < j • ' t • ! lilgher, nmnVf.-a. tue )Vbarf ov LTpcls, M i-.-.vv qr.u;iit. ; eß,fi ebade lower. i’IAEHIED. Cn tlie 1 ' L, by K- .. (I. 11. i oft, Hr MO'-i V r -I'KKN, <-• ' (/ bmib.la c 1 i. v, Ha, an 1 M -• li LIM '.’CA THKIL',I ;/', of L.lgctie'd. LHstricL C. In L‘. 'iMP'on. Ca.. July lHb, 1 y lL~v Mr. ]rlcLcy, T.I; ut,. ! t.rbii v M ;C . . vtß. d.it'iee,- dec ".t oj. ' n T.i. I.v "• h nnst., by the I’ev. O. an, TH VX) '• TCF* I ills IL\ :.L JliiCK, o' tis city, and HAt NAM t (>LEY, of | Savsnn b. * j nUTTTT a ‘O'V L Jiu iJ .S A.ft * i. e ■ • < S'FIELD, danyb * r i ■ lib an ..l a x»r:»ia E. Jes up, of tins city, ageu SHvenm ’ f.i.ii i .von' y days. DULL t. i . I.7th i . i., al Woodblock. Ks i. .trod o/y lviv, ( :t„ 1 !: ■ i j' 1/ i t<- i Ooi VV.U. Doyle, Air, i KAM’I i>YLI .in the 01s- yt.:v ofT.li age K cUinoiu -ud Lav: u ah papers please c py. * Forthir • ■: e n n-bcroflhe Fresby erlaii f'hlircb, Ler life daily . -led th.-'(Jn-istiart UuracL.T. Sbe his g- nc down to i •: .VC :w the lull a.-surante ol .. blessed iinai rtalio . '’il|t • \v;‘ tbos. nurifi ‘ and tin; bioud » • 3 1 ■' n, m tli--. e. bnfebl maesjons ofbl ; . In ever v/ii ul' life, the subject »>f this notiuo was all th.T. ib. i ‘ti . itdv connect ed wild hr could desire. FersuiA, ..re?!.;-; a:id her sons and daughters and nu merous k•> • -fi icnd-, now toel tfie sad dispensation ol Frov-: !. i g iioiu .th m one so and tender-y Died, at h c'- i-ava', itichmOnd c-uufy, Ga, the 5 • WALiiE i- ot the late Freeman Walker, In the 7n?h v .UT and OF HBSPS CifT i nrth'X Unto, Ga., July I *n*, in vades every. • —!fs na-.- renders are ever abread in our land. Ciiiv':i • v meuihfl-inc/ in the prime and Vigor of, manhood, :" ihren. O. -W. BLIBTOX and gEABORIS’ WAMM /lC ; , left us. When the ca‘! v ui;ulc to graft, they like the m. :-i; v,l ' b!e and brave c-f our Und, rccpondcd to the call, l aving tbc r • :*.7iy eudearmenia of home for the priva’lons ‘ prevah/ wot re of c:t c, l!:d to lament broken fies; but, alas how much nru : f.cquent, in times like the ;?, are the dearest objects of our r Qecti' v.- : i.atclied* away 1 y t’ e hands of a ruth less foe. To- nll f: and heairh, to-morruw in a .x-ldier‘s grave—fail nin defence ol Southern homes uud Southern rights, imitaLng Ihc example of putrid, hire;. These our brethren hav thus fallen in the late s'ruggle •• aroi. r Cajiital, -where tie m-r* 'or.lUant success ever aehif eu, crowned our arms. It y.vii ii • o iy of the former to meet the enemy upon the battle 4k ] i,: ud tlierc, pierc al by the euvmy of his country yielded up h:. mtn *ic spirit- It was not Ur; privilege of the latteathus to and e, but rather was doomed to fall a victim to disease, ir b io a soldiers ML-, lie too, no doubt 'would rather G-ve encountered his last enemy upon the b'dile-ib !•: vr. .. if :co nra . sin arn:s. \Y;.-il.-t we thus deeply deplore the lu.-s oft hc-s • worthy and xc-aloiui brelhreu. It is the disV-enßutk :• • . an All-Wis? Uciig, thcrefure, let us cheerfully submit to'. 1 ML and. trees, feeling that we t o must all sooner or latSr'lall b'-.0r.: lids la?t enemy. Knowing that there are those whose cm.': ana u\h for our departed fax e xceed ours, we have deemed it props- to Offer the following : Resolved, That V'alton Lodge has, in the death of onr '.Tcthron, gust 'ic I the loss of worthy end '//'aloes Masons ; Mjeiety useful .ml honorable citlz.-ns*; our country gallant and brAve soldier**. lie olved, 'i! ./Li token of iur respect aird es'eem for our I brethren, that tub- Lodge ’. f- clothed in the' usual habiliments jof mourning for :he space of thirty days. Resolve.', i t vve'cic-opiy .-.ynij a'hixe v.-fji their bereaved j wives in the. lots cf kind and loving husband ; the litde ones : iu being depri nd thus in infmicy of kin i patomal care; the j ug. and parents' >l' • ’ odient and dutiful tons. | Resolved, That the above be published in the Chronicle A Sentinel, arc .R .of the san c nt to fainilics of the deceased* JOHN A. LOOM, ) Dr F GEOItGF, > Ooinmhtoe. WMF. L EYE RETT, ) TANARUS, GEORGE, Sec’y. i ij2i ’ Wdt i/Codge, Z 70.12. t t 'ON r jo TBE V iJBLIC. BAVIN* r-.ialn it that a.■ iricn :u'F u' . Veen pain ffli ieveral phur:.: ;c the iif\ ; jlNl-: TE-HE • ~.CI L* I'm TER A C'-J., Augusta, ■., vF are our only tviio fialc Agents for the , Georgia. KOCVTT & StTHIiULAIU), Proprietors, Gamdrn, P, C. Sold at P.3! ail !• - .JOHN Ii JIOOIiJS, Savannah, <»a.: HAM I Ll'Or- ..&HK.LEV dtJOYKHK, Atlrata : MASaHNH'iitO & SON, Macon,Qa.; JOHN W. BROOKS. Columbus, Oa. leH-ddtwtoi uR SALEI rgdHE of rs I *r- I.- bto Ac-e or of good PUNE 5 i. b[) ..o gi.orl MILL, and pi My of liner, 14 rollea t'rod) A— •' t*oaton Du ling Cor,." KtlcLou end ltnru. St .bkr.., B.iriters, and ail neeesa t y build:, gs. a mode rate price cllas. jy26-i-w* __ Berzeiin. . Confederate states f Ame/icn- SOUTHERN DISTRICT OT GEORGIA, jf V ISTRtCT COURT'or THE I :If STATES OF AMECICA T. 1- : 2 _ | 1-I-TRIC’l' OP GE- l'.Gft.-API-IL ij- I ordered, t atthe net-. Kegu-ar »•< «;•“'- -, t cfGvoripa, , i Z’TZ-i i i .Jclr ck in the Grew, .u onliat dM. 1” . , per.-or-n •- | I rt K m,i Mi.ec:v(;f-avL....-y... „ : c. ■ . ir.rested -■■ i f ‘l ie ;C T . F ,-c . - * w ‘ Sr ! : T\ iinwa'Ku 1 •• . i ADMINISTRATOR'S SALK. I A ;V::;f'-V . •J.S-..4-V AtvDhT.a fcowdref" lati %\ bi, m cMV., and -1.---.-L 'li F | wit: ii» ’‘■z :.dj ■ : o.ty c Au.-:. ' - -- • \ £:.u.. = ,:..Vr t &J.I :■ uA li*fcj:rc * w. 8. JONVrfw, Af*i iid si-ia - nthtL - ••'’iil annexed. For sale, T or ro .. . FLO'’- -'T‘. Apr’.y'.r L* - . . t p. uu» - ; jy-28 Lagrar.se, Ga. , .iiiii \] Alii;, O AV\V\ V's L- % '• M .1, nsmed i 4 ' 1 - ■ '. sett - . • t ■UP " n spo n-i * : •„< up v out the centr of !ii< :>:!••• i.i. . ' • !•■- .• - t mh.es on 1 A* sn. A' ' -i, il c feet t-.u or o/>• ' ; :eu % " «VV , ■ WC i!»'li;.UCe« JNeeiuj*h -r •ui *, >? Cos: .. 1 ’ ' • de* m; • ter . - rvr~ L '-xV.'V ‘ c •- . - mi illl -V >.A'i * )&* of *- : * -of rb* Do • -an \> i ar er Us* T.vut • f dlugVßCc; nth-?]'- r; the h r . . ?' O' • : ‘ : Os t .a. • on ■ L ax.l a ' ' a ,ulr.i;r ■ • v .. en as * cc» I know! d-ed. ’e te ; t ? • hull. •.i ; - • • ••• - .c- I l-U y c ! • ; • til ya ‘ Jd ;i. * .•• \i< ... > ' :ia .* t’! • • i.i □. •U r )T i .•: :.U. v ’ t -1 -> l ? • ; . ;u » !i■ ; o fee sncre&fitHr vindicp.tt .1 avd flr Ay es a I.hhed. 15y order if the Boaid ' . Vice FresidcAt. The I- .-lelastic \ ear. in li.e '•. dr 1 ’cd into two se.^ • . . v.r . a;..! t! .v. • . ■ . . 7id •?. .. iu.-r.eo . ltiic fouuiiMonu > ;.i a. g a., ... ?.A:.ide cixtee . weekj. 'Pfceexpense oi'JC'.Lr Par : TuiUin mr F- v- ; Fc-r.ion, wllh be from ft \ euty.to righ'y dollars e.vclvslve cf bri.ts amt tow • els. Tj ■ \ ritjp of Board will be. expected in a .van ce Those, li 'V'ver, who cmnot pay in :.uv.moc,-tit', r .. money or in provisioi ai ed.-t arrange to pay at- a future time. The u ual i-xtra charges will be maoe fnr lea ions in Music, French and Drawing. Foami an bf»bad. no? only in the li.it'trlbyx, tut cvlth Rrof. Steve;'.'., or In good iambi s'm the city. L-tte •> <; luuuiry \vi P: . prouiptiy’answe.c 1. i)L>_L- J. M. M MVUh.VhbL. iiiiiif 'wmi Streniiteniug Bittei / V nine i”'>. hulxiit.s —-Dogwood, U *id Cheri-yan t i opinr L.uk— ai aof them ud.* it? !-.s» »-orr» -cn 'at'u-n. T Is an c-xcelleiit t ?ni§ fur Females in - nc-ralde* bility Fc-rcha ev> tu -nish tliclr own bi.lib s. F epar.d by J. DUN MS, Id. la. Aimn-.:. , Ga. Lj _ ' ;_ • ; EXECUTOR. S , ""*SAL£.~ ' XLf# sold ut LnFc.’Ttt?, da., cn Ms :M.t Tuesday Id v v AUGUST - ?7t, the 1-1 owi- gtU scriueu Land, belonging to the estate of »a mue! Farris*, deceased, viz? L-? A ! o. one -i - If, i do.d ai,-* as-. a -both par-' cLlyh.g -n the 7s- dstrict, and 4tli section in Waib»?i couutv, u:rl make a pari of tuu ucirn place. Tlie lands are.-dtu-Ued <;! out one and a halt lu'dwtf. \V of LaFayitie, an-i produce‘'qnfti r 7j n this sect! nos country. 'J'erms made known is cRy -.kb . LLLLL UKEENE SHERIFF’S SALE. TyiFiL.be sold on the Hr ! TuvMay in MEPTfMBER. i V r.e r, belojc tlie Ootirt Uoivi door iu Green e, boro’, betwep. ti-e legal hours • ■»' sale, the Lbo-vug propert-v, to wit: Woman, nam' and Ag y. about El v-rrs old, and her two children—. Mary, a girl 4' o:< -5 \ .nrs old, ami Adalme about b>■ a-.i old-all ft: •: c*)i.iplexix ; - . on the property of .Tames H. J-.h rot:, b- .ui 'y a r.-ioi-fgage ii la. i.-sueh fronl .la-per Superi- r Go’iit, in mv rof v . T. Bartlett vs duincv 11. John?on, awl trail-ierred by t ad Bar:leti to. S. U. l'hi il, and by-e.sal iiia .-kneU to ir. F". I'oiuivr. Propet t-y point -dt.u LyJiLaLmi. ■ . i-1..... r on the estate ol D F Ponder. ' JO i I N - . E r GL'SIJ, Mliciiff. . .Inno 25,11C2- ' ATHENE Vv f i \HIi Scholaab ■■ Vcrv, oonsl.vb es forty week*, divided I. into tfco S s.i'.ua ■ t vov "-four u.. : r.:e? I . re *l»e<tlvolv. \'h n v.' x' i v.m Lr. •' on tr ! .-.! DAY in nl GUST, (lath) and o--'.-*i;me *r|xvx-.i ■■■'.- . 4 0l •'< Dc cnilbcr. '.L liii-ci'.... wil t' \:il ... Uil the Depaitnicat; >. f F : n.vTii-i for beiiOLTS'rii; year of 40 WEEKS.' # i : A\; ’’LIS EACH SE/.SiG.:, IN hL\. X/ . • Braird. v;:-h was .lug.light, f k.l and iiLriv ti n ..- 1 u Clasps. Muihem.it: andßc:cpt-h'ic Cur v SBOO Lusk: on Ms.,- -.1 0: u - - >' Hiuv, 90 J*Ln<, *6O ;us ;‘l7an-*. $W 70 “ Guitar, iCO ; use of Gup (»5 1 Hfl Oil Faulting. CO Ornament. lAeeille U onr., 80 J.aiiguagcj. i ach 9l) Penc 1 :i-u! ( r. Dm • « *• 20 AVax Y » ui', Flov.’ft s, Arr., pur leivor ! Day PGi-i 1 -^—inrti-uctii n. in Lnglish Olassc-s, Mathematlca and scientific Comae...., SO' Iso pupil will be rc-v»V" ! Rr a shorter time than one ses sion ; and no reduction -\v*!l be m for the ab.s' ucc. '■*• with* drawal of a pupiLbefmeG i* • o <>fh-r te:« ic-ri, u;,L ? f-ca sioned by her own r*rotracted tjckr.-s.--. V. K. R. COBB, j »?. NEwroY, i H. R. and. LONG, '-Tnixfvc H. HULL. dr. I D, 0. BaRrOW, J W. MULLER, jylfrlS*.* _ Fn E VH f TO THE SUBSCRIBERS TO THE . IN GEORGIA raMIE rs iic'* of G.,*c n and otl-ci Pro-due--, L ?.u-w highly to- J. lnuneraAng.tmd I’* - ftubecribcrat i .he L tve Lo»u ear. hve no re-sou foi ■ -ol Eng their o Jouiiui - .life. Wc arc luaUUd'- l by-iv;,L e'/. y; sik-; Tic-sar/ • . upon ail their obligations to th-- -.k-.vomiatnt, 'i ne hoiie-r.-i rt Cotton apetxpww I to didgo.-'- "i it at 0i.«.-••, cu . ii , the Government at the market, piice, or lx prl\ ate ind.v di s.c.aj they may pre fer, and th -proceeds of tin-s-i’i'?t or- t j-ric-rs wi Jbe in* v-tiled ia Bonds and but niched fbeni. The Gov.rnmc-at.vrant* eel every induigenci; while ’Cotton, was low. 'J iu y now re uuire prompt rcUlatiCnio, •. PIUNTZY ft GT/A /TON, General Ag -nts P. dufti Louti f»>r Gxia ia. ' Auguuta, J.d'.y Ti;t, 18C2. . . GHSiraESBO^ ni;»i hi p i*«yi o i uMAiii!! hvhhhm. rfitHK Fall Term will open q AUGUST 4th. A-il the UeparLrncoiof li.-trucAon are i.OW fl lei by able and succ*.- afol TANARUS» achero. • jN . li. i ultion is Free to of rio’dit rh on duty. For particulars, inquire of ary rmahvterlan Ministers in Georgia, or offtev. L. H. FAll uN'b, Pre-lde t o the Ixstl tutb.n, or of JO’' N OU.* N ': HA»J, jyl7'd&w2m Pretident of Boar.i Trustees. ' X , EIDs . A X (zMorglaßailrortd Me-h:r.' h-dellv .- ' load?, of J\. 100 bushels, once a week. For which the hiphe-t prAfl wl 11 be paid. WM. HAKDMAN, 1e26 d&Wff Master Mechanic. stjj?. soda, SAL. SODA, SPERM O.' - FOR SALE BY OHIOSjISTSB & 00. JytJ C&wjt _ 3tr3»yß^s tdhom ■ f.V. 'v.D .15-. I , , v For a :,-e foot timed tmvnfeful v f e ... Jim « A TF'tF&LL fMints PR !P- iv FOR SALE. u*.dc-r.‘D. Wwli'..-; to f ; r '- r*'-rty iorsoerly A -:uo •- v EV cm; cio-j Kao i’ui. a.d now ttwi br the btate of *.a arna u« an Ar no. . '•i.isA a ara;- tnree to ry i aif iii..CK RUiLDISG. the bank Os the OostaG'iula river circ-riyin front vfihe and 10-g yards from ihe itomo RAlroacl Depot. ;t a<J i:» v/el‘ a'iapsed i >r AlvUiUi'iCtui Ujgp.irp; »*ab. Te :n.i u.-h, !j. •.-It-. I r.ti-a IP •. or L n’s. App!;/ to or addr*' -t .J. C rCVE, yiy-tm . moving partner of • ve & Pro. SB ALT A MILE &PEMLE INSTITUTE. L fiMiK : wtcf.:.. „ ;r .... u jclv vm. 1 5. a. : T ' .i- t. ' : \ I ».» forty We- g. S'. e,c -1 - . a-dOjit r, t*t. j; .< sc* *re ui..ed ia'ha.'.-i.. c .w .a.L : Ora.* ci ! Csil.d JlulLcl. ' Spartais'a 1.-aj*'iyV:i:ag;j. Uc-ar. a- r e -. can b;- er- I peered tbeie war - Then l- i, <u - ,f Tank-v" ilancoo.: wiii nr-er.. jrrcaCer. ,U tr .- e >»»..• esperr-nc* Iwit-tiu' fcii.o',], the , -de:F.;: . : ~u. M it, m.ae . School a gratifying ■ .sects. i iiio. U. it.jiiTH ir: ,lr J ii". .«I Fil .3 r:i>.v i rarv Xiepaftrrj-nt. KUi , - w. .-'1 i,.1• tyt-Sw Prtncli-a.,