Weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 183?-1864, September 30, 1862, Image 4

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i%«wtle & SMratl in/m tfu hUimorid Jfaqv.ter, 2'2-i. 4b* BhiUU I* fllarjiani. Wa ate enabled to give so Hit .-.>.11.00113 totelli gei-o3 id the operations of oor Army b*yond Har per’e Ferry, os' t»t« a* to 1 aesaay night last: The battle ot riundav, the 14th, which bait been Vjiioo-lv culled tr.e battle ci ii crone* oorri and jl.dji town, took pl-Ce, in fact, between tkoee twj i' -Ot«» where the t impiko road er-.socs the l»,uc bilge. Oon bee in tnarch'Eg wef. '-ox i'rt-Wi-ieS ei y, had posted Generals D 5 H'il . S u»rt at ihe pa»*e« of leu moantaio, to bold bs'-i 1 »ll'ellao'a loro**, wli.nh were advancing to ther-h t • Harper’. Ferry. ii:’a Ferry having held out sornewni/. long er'.’.an gad MoCW'.-.'a advaaoe having become rapid, Gen. Lae ro»p*«t<-i taat he might attempt to loroe the paean*: of the mouti f.n , and fall open the rear «j< Gen. -%cL*wi!, r-ao Wa« occupy og the Maryland Heights, and uteiat- Jng in tne redaction of Harper’e ferry. He ac corl.ogiy returned with Gen. Loogrtreet’e divi sion, ou Hu*'dty l to Gen iiul'e support. On approach.ag Ujoneat>ui-u : oottiiera were mat frot. ill,!, acccauciog tuatt-ie enemy w«re ..i'Css -‘to in aixong lure j nt them p&*a on tne FreOenaiaad Hagerstown read, cad that bo re q tired itnictdiaie reinforcements. Longgureu; thereupon harried hia march, nua ve,-»»,<> i t.ii Lta troops in position. by tir e time'liright bad been forced back; aid here the gallant Gen. Garland bud talien while ra..y r.g L._ br-gadc. G ::iaral Longa..o.-t ac.hu succeeded* in re g'or.tg - or r-KU./lirl, afterwards .-ucceas'uil/ r -i/a to the very .»=•- the effort* of tho enemy. The eaenay's aar crior Bttmbers enabled aim oo must ho. i ne oulviretet ou-e both t n tue r.gat and left. Mrs right reached the sun sail c* trie motto t tin to n;r left, annoying u<* considerably from that dlreotion. 1 , i, t>- .aged on.il of to? night, she ene my « determio-.d tilort to fore? a pas’agehad bet: » iMt ir.'i, and ths ofcj.he bad In view li.emi.of ci Upper's Ferry* •**.» w~ tenaer-jd impossible of accoonplßamect. La.e in the «r» :itg inf- .-nat.-.r. -• > a-sir rd that the enemy baa ootaised possession of Crompton's Gap, on the direct rood from Fre-l nob (J tv *.c Hiiorpesuiirg. This enabled him still ta LDroa.eo JvoLaws* rear. Gervrei L. li'iug recjUaJ ,q formation tout tisrpwr's Furry rmah. probaOiy f... next morning, determined to wutdraw Gca ei'.ls Locgst.-cel and Hii. from their position, and i-tire to fcaarpesßurg, wnero be could more read! L unite luS whole arm/. Suarp : aburg is about ten tni-as west o: Booutaboro’. Leo’* Joterc'io*- on ws.i ;• ni'..ed the more nape-bent from the fact .bat Gen. Sumner's crps oi fresh trocr-j o*.a. ooitid up to relieve thair wearied comradae, while c:i oar side, we were wituout auy such aid- The iraiue wete soocidingly seat off brut, and oar trui) .followed, and about day-break Monday morning cur position vaa taken in front ot ciha-, . tmig Our inarch waa entirely ucinter lup'i J by the enemy. hi’OUilau'i trooj>e did not pace through toe mountain gap not., eight o’clock o'. Monday morn ing, (••.d ;.o nit fP. M of the same day, their miviii oi r-acb- fa position in front oi our tines at Bhar,;*bur/ They coruiautd to gather op their foie-t i bui np to Tuesday u.g.it bud mad* no aitauk- G.. 1 . Lee also remained iuuotive, waiting for thejui.o’iou of Jeeksoo’a forote. A part had roneoed bun ou f jesday evening, aud the reef were near by, savu U >■ A. F. Hiii's rhvision, wh-.ci had be® loft at Harper's Ferry to guifd the piare and protect tt;o public prop rty. t-AvtsT toon a .Kras's rgv.ni —#o s'catßaa «iobt INS tip TO WKONKSEaT. Oo! L cdiay rValkir rotoned ibis city on this (8* urdny) morn ng, direot from liarper’s Ferry, which be left oa Wednesday evening Ho r"a port* that every h ng -wee qriet there at that time. /•*e ■a t hauling eivay the ,ast ofibestoreswhiob we ceptured theie. For tb'B purpose we wero u nr g the on. cuy’o burses, eight .er, nundred wpisn did isilowe, that became ours at Harper’s Ferry. There had been no fighting amoe tae Harper’s Ferry oo KonJay mori'cg. Gug*rtny had coaeeoiraiei at Hharjiesburg, and ar*i[. the finest spirits. MoCitilac, wiJh hij ■ rmy, was In oor .met, so that s gsatxal bai'.ie may soon be exp* o»rd. C'oL Waikrr brought with Lino tbs fiafjs and han-.. re captured a Harp r'n Ferry, i-jemo of thee- ara v»ry kwiuiiful, but enow a very bad tufa sppliration c-r very exceliont silk. ■iho i.f*s brought by Col. Walker ofocmse oi- * tor! sxplodes the oatrogeoua fabr'calioaa who vv 'no ths Fuiladtlph.a Lcqulrer. cf the 18tb, fTtiureday moraingj and >vo presumo the other Ni-rthem papers of the same date, delighted its True is According to ill's veracious aooounf, ue Wo ..a'icrstaud, Harper’s Ferry wa* recaptured by Burnside on Tuesday evening at hois- p eciac hour, and A. F. llld uuU his command taken pr is oners! A gr.ut battle hud also been fougut, in whiah J.ioksou und Longairvet were in *ome w*y disposed of, sad 40,000 of our tuen taken prison ers The oiioaluuon of th*B« sutenieuts io our oily canard coo aide ruble anxiety ; for, little as we expect from the veructy ot our enemies, we were not entirely pn pared for such very exira irdinury falsification. Wo had forgotten, however, their lire- «ut dt s per ate forioneß. Mrs. Partington euid ILat ivbtn »>ie wants *«*« eha mates ii for h*r- L»:f; the North has a einiiiar resource for ita vlo toiiei S.UTH'ifTIO FXBTtOOLtaa —A MCIBIVB BUT OSAM.X BoOfIHT TICIOSV. We have recsived . vitaot a particulars of the •enguiucrv Hattie at Bnarpg U'g, all idea to o.ae • wh»re, ana «■'). oernlng whioa #c many painful ru mors wei# afloat on jester Jay. We have tbe gro luitoalioo ot b' lag able to announce that the battle r.’*u!t»d in one oT tbe most ocmpiete victories that buy yet immortalised t)ie Confederate arm# The be) wim opened on T mad- y evening about Biz w’uU.oc., uli oi oar av'.labie force, about slaty thou sand strong, commun-ied by Gen. Robert L. ),eo In pardon, and the o.ioiny übout one hundred and tit y tbcasaoa strong, commanded by General McGlelluo in p« son, oeicg eng-..gad Tbs position of cur army was ut>on s range of bills, forming o semi circle with ilia couoave towards the enen y j th-latur nocapytug a less oommandiog position, opposite, the : eiuema right .«6tng upon o height a laiui.tndmg car extreme left Tbe m rang ament of our line *a> ue follow*) Gm Javaxon on tin ex’roine left Osn. Longstreet m tbe centre, and idea A f fl II on the extreme tight. Ih- light on Tuesday evening was kept up c> ll' V u’cock «t night, when It subsided tuto epos tnodio ekiroiiiiiss okirg tbe line. Wednesday morning It was renewed by Gen. Jaukeon, and gradually bioauie general, ikiib armies main tuined ttieir rerpeoo.ee positions, uod toughs, and.- perateiy throughout the entire day. During this Split Bharpsburg was fl ed ly the enemy’s shell, end atone time the t usuif ob tutted a pool turn wh o eo .hl- and them to pear u fl inking Are upon a por ton ot oor left wing, causing it In wkvi-r. At this moment, tieo B'srke, oi Miss., who hod oocu viand of Jatxs-aiTs Division, galloped lo tho front 01 his Brigade, and aeixlug tee standard, rallied them forward No sooner did tbe gal ant General thus tb'ow b.xe.il lo the ran, than lour bullets j>;rrc»d ni# body, sum be fell deed amidst his men. Tot effect, tusie&d of disoourtg ag { fired teem with determination and revenge, an- t'..:y daaheo forward, drove the *ae ny o-.-it, imd xept sb-siE from me poi tion daring the rest of the day. It being evident that the "‘yenug Napoleon,'' finding be aould not force bis way through the invii.oToie ranks oi our army in that direction, ba.t dt leitnined upon afl ict movement towards Harper'# Ferry, and that obtain a position in ocr rt".r Gee. Lae, with a ready oreai&tt, antis pated tbe movement by drawing tie main body of cue wrciy buck on the #outn#ide ot tbe Potomac, at Bhepl’erdstowo, Virginia, wb#t»oo he wl I, oi Ccarje, uv. J;ot the necessary combination# for •giia defeating bis adversary. Tbe enemy's uitlWry was served with dices troas > fleet upon our g-il.nv troops) bus they re piieu iroui uiotkst, howttiar and eaaoon with e rapid ty and will that carrnd havoc amidst the opposing ranks Toe battle was on: ot the must iefcVe, c . liul as bees ft tight sinoe the opening of the i-ar. Many of our brave in*a tell. At dark the bring erased, and in the Clo sing (Thu-aday) oor aimj were ready to re eommeaoe the engage meet, tl oi nemy having been faro«d back the cv.-ulug befors, sod the advantage ot the buttle iaiiig i-all t>a our side. Firing W£B ea-a*.q leutiy opened npon the saw position -Uftiosi a to oe held by the enemy, but no reply obtatr.cd, and it was then JiaooVtr ed i at hi and r..0a,- ( <ar!»J entire./ from tee fluid lad ring uie-y of hbi dead and wounded ia oor hatl*, asd about three hundred prisoners. Tbe report current on yesterday tbs', a tiok occursi ua Tanisday for the burial of ■be dead, we# uo founded. The pri oaers ewted that taeir toroe »- r more than * rboasand »tmng, and tti»i Vlav.lai.au cv±-*> toded tbe army i: persos. * O -t ioe# is rstimated a> &,(X>d >n killed, true, ad •a and to s»ing lbs prsoatrs state tat their ranks were dt«m ar-4, &rJ that the slaughter »«• tv mb la, troui «biah we may infer lh»; the rtemy’s ions wi\s feiy a# great, if not greater than our own Tbe o*lowing v# e i at of ocatm hdiug offloers ftQtl Wf>ttod9d ID Us« feCgi Gvo, rvia'k, oi Uisc., ooauuutiluig faokscic's (lltuioc, kl.lad. firgaaiar General Branch, ot North Ouroiinß, killed. Brigadier General B. H- AnAeruot, wcanded in kip, n t daogeroo^ly. B- igsdier ut-crai Weighs, of Gncsgta, &e«L Wc uads ia breast and ieg. i»r:g£/ i«r General Lswtoo In teg Brigauiar ire#era. Arm»’aad, in the foot. h: u.adior Gcttarai Bipoey, la nook, not doagpar oua.y. rr rodier General Sicno oi North Cwr.oica, til. :i.G. Coa Afira 1 Camming, in ootamaad of V. iluo*'* Strode, e’.i>r£>uy. /yec* :U Kukmertd ,'a^patcA. CC3 aiIKT ucsoseu ns FOVOIUO. AfUr lit battle of Wsdasaday. as above stated, o%t army held U» batGe-flald. Oo Thursday olgbt tb* wearied and almost starring eondnioc ot oor men rendered s movement atoesaary. in gome divisions of tbe army, our men or.- said to have been without prevision* for three days, and were struggling with as enemy mom rigorous asd disheartesmg than tbe Yankee host# they had sc coofrcrted. Te cfctaia sspnlin in Ma ry.and was cut of the qaee-ioc, and to adv&noe htio Fan asy Ivan ia, in the preeenee of the ibreet •aing columns of the pjsmy without ad«juat6 pruvisioss tor ■ sing e dsv, was deemed to.- oax - ardent on enterprise bt Gen. Lee. Aeoordingiy, •oTonracuy a .bt he determined open ths r p*# •age ot the Pciomi-S; made seoeeaary Dot by any reve.se in battle but by the eters exigency of the •Levroe o. ecmmUsary sepphee Tr-»t n'ght tae return of our army to the aotl of Virginia was »>tt.Ttwaeed, asd daring the da/ of f the passage of the Potomac was compieted—part o. the army crossing at eihepeidstown aad P a ‘ 1 i WilimL-i, port. From the tact that the enemy did i not attempt to harass our forces in crossing, we j are led to infer that they veri- o no condition to renew the fight after Wednesday. A gentleman whw came down oa the Central train last night sayß that the Hon, A. B. Bo trier addressed the people of Winchester on * ria.i7 evening. In hi* remarks, he stated last he had an intervibW with Gen. Lee, sHer the fight pn Wednesday, and that Gen. L looked upon the etruggle of that day us favorable t, our arm-; and #so that a abort tin.* would fai r and. ielosc rue w-gd-m of ov C-ensrai in withdrawing bis tree ■ to tb- southern tank of the river. Gen L"C and bis officers ?-re in good ; pirlts, and spoke rot of their ueces .it.es as a rever-e of „r ■ -. ras utroenm m ro gesyos or Baßrsn’s meat BT TUB KNKOT TT ■> reports of the reoccupatioa of Harper 1 * Fer ry oy the enemy, tvh'Ch reaci.ea us though S nrth e'n sonic .e on Saturday, and which at*, pnb ahed m our ooiumna ci.ie. r-, are u-.t contirm -d by cur eupplise ot mm m ’..on. Ob the ether hand, we have the mos. coocicsive evidence that thi^ ciut it or not : ' 1h? *ime st.'lcd, to wit. 1 , sia? .a 6 r coor. W( yesterday had a locr w.th Lt. T. t> J -odero. tf*s. A. F_ Hill’s division who left Harpers F«rry .in Wedneaday. At that time aii was qai it, and or : brioada of our forces it cceeptocy. o: _ aii" towu. The Boitimcre aad O’io £ .iircad jria - i-v.r thy i/i.tuffi.c waiaei’royedcefcreGen.Jtc son left to reoeit.3 his 1 ;-oes with them o’ Gen. Lee at Sbarpuburg. That the place may hav?- D.Dcefallen toe eoercy 1 * hands we ttirik c'< u, ,■ dy, at .., ct importance to ns ..lier vh withdrawal ot our army from diary land. trjrr. .hi L 'on i intern. Thv S ward BustrilCur'isvi/naeacecn Aiiiertean Alf aim. Or. the siß'h of last May Mr. Seward thought that t - - baa arrived, in the American c. -.I war wh ch lair'y i.nti’.if.a him to underink-.- ice in»'Mot on of ths S ate ; of Larcpt, and to pre dict confidently the results of the t«aggie. In ii .ault of any memorable event upon T'.icc ; fcacp this disc, vors*. Air. Seward 'axes coti-e tl ct the Lngi '.'ships at Nassau are supposed to in “uitir.g to take advuntsire of a reiex&tiun cf the bi ok :-.V - .j i- - 1 - Hi- oircumstanoe c tioed by Mr. SewarU is invt the ‘ pirate..”—it:ai is, the shipia o' war of the Southern States which hnve oceaaßiially sought refc.g3 in fiieudiy flora, have withdrawn f-o-a the ocean. Laving thus oonsTued tor bimseif, with more ins issaity then, soiidiiy, what he oon>iders a fuvorabie plai'.oraj, Mr. He ward proceeds to remind as that the indua trial system* of Western E :rop, and cf Amtrioa are to be regarded less as di -'.‘net oatiocai t s u teina than ae one genera; coaibintiUon of agricul tural, commercial, und manufacturing agencies. Ths ptiocjp o ta uodoubUci.y true, pbiianihropic, and fruitful, but when w* ass fur its sppi.eattoo we aro met by Prelection, or rather Frobibuion in its uorrewcat *crai—t y laws fr amed, not on the rivalry bat rattier on the principle of rigorous eaoiuetoß and bitter hostiii y. An far as luriffe go, America is airredy at war with England, and all th-se high sounding phrased can otiiher con ceal oor extenuate the h.ct. Mr Bewnro mentions, with what may be vciy sinoere-regret, mat the civil war in America baa been very injurious to European induitry, ami draws the very reasonable cone usion that it isf r ihe interest ol both Amur ca and Europe that the ciTii war should be brou ibt to a close. Ho far we caD g> htiart'ly wah our Men.or, but here the and; begins, for while Amei ca considers tbe only possible on o usion of tbe War to be the res torat'on of unity, E.rjpe bas been rash enough ! to think that the co.iO.usiou o»a only be found in I the iq uliiy, or, pethaps we m-ght aey, nlurality ! oi the states. This opinion i«r. Seward rsqutsL J European statesmen to review, and wc oan have | no ct'jvc ion to ucoede to his invitation, especially | ai. id. addition to other advantages, it offers ua a I meet rignal instaoo; of the v au ity o: human w.na vs and u.o ucsouoanesa ot bernan expeotationa. We are first osiied upon to observe how much stronger tha poailioc or tho Federal government ia tban it set a year ago. Ths Federal govern ment, n i are told, has retaken eii the positions on tho seaboard is so oar y loat—especially, we su* p ise, Mobil", Penseo'jia, aavanDab ami Gfcarlss lou. It possesses ih6 Misai3flppi cspi-C'aliy, wr suppee , F.okebarg sod Baton Bougs. It her orced the ioeurgi-ots to cattle in the new inac cesciblo Fun of the msurrecticna-y disWiot—bu! it has noi been vlotoricas. Tbe reeouroee cf the Federal* are int-xueuetible and increasing, those of tao (Joclederai.es are diminishing atuj nearly exhausted—eltiiougb tho terrilij defeats before BicbaioDd are exoueed Od t e pie* that the Fed erals were outnumbered ia every bvfila. O her grounds of ooufideno 1 are the strength of the Onion sentiment in Maryland—where Balti more is ttill k pi down by armed force, the ear uextLu s tu tbe same ca.ee in Mi«goun--wber terror is felt to be so requisite that men are slioi on their own thresholds, wit out accusation anu without trialj the neutral ty of Kentucky and its fi m devotion to the Union—wmle in fact, the Hi ate is oot-er-d with guerilla parties, anp bus even iltutruled its fondness tor tue Caiou by the invasion ot the loyal and aeigboring State oi Ohio. K»»t»rn Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina Bud Lou-siana—esp«eci By, we suppose, New Or leans—ortpileecs aoder Federal authorities ) and generally, Sir Bt-vrard none udes it is a sunpl •met that loyalty reappears everywhere just 03 lost as the Government is abie to proteat it. As every one cl these stuti menta rsquires tb*- qualifloatiou oi # nagetive to bring it luto oocerd anco with foot, ws may not unreaseaebly claim the right to suggest tbs same modihoation c ths oou elusion 'vbiOQ they nre icncdsd to prov#, sad t'l assert that, wbaterer be the ease with tbs Oonfed eratee, of whom ws know so little, ‘ JWcpt by their aotiooe, it ia certain that the Federni resources arc not increasing nor uiiextauted. r. oeward urges, though as yet foots do cot beer him out in his opinion, that r.-nggie, if oontinued much long or, must terminate !c e sorvile war. Though it thus appears that there Is fcerd-y p word la Mr Seward’s tetter ia which it is possiol-. to agree, wo vet • ordiuliy subscribe to bi* oono u 3wjb, that, as thirds now staod, any ; ara of ia’cr veatiou would he quite absurd—not, as ha argues, ba. ause It would uaeletwly p o-iraot the miseries of a ueaicaa strupgi®, ba. b:ou-* u , tkiags beiut exactly *m coutrory of that whiob lie asserts bem to be, wi may wisely and safely leave that which was begun »ilh at mr advice to work ; self ou wltno -t our interference. When the apples are npe they will fall, though we do not i.-aa a hsou to shake tho tree »Ve are neutral, and neither the loss of >&e raw mster.a! of our uianulacturKS cor the hard ue,i»- arfl which has been dealt out to British BubjeoN accused ot intending to break the blockade will iddase as to quit our pretendod attitude of ceu tranty. There is nothing more lo be said. Tb- Goverumeut ot America need not seek to wert upon the susceptibilities of the masses by a per pi tuai rocurrioiae to the topic ol foreign laterveu liou. They i/o.oji that ibc/ ar* able to speedily brish tbe war ) let ihem appiy tbsmselvee speed ily to ihs task, for ttjoeeas all their strength, ah ' all their ocontgr, We will give tbem no pr<-'‘i.t for the recruiting of their attsauated logions, no wind from this quarter shall f.i toe dp gem .?» of that military &f.,r;s union buret so ireelyaycar ago, and now seems to bare sunk so low sVe v-nl) bear as pat ently as »e can those mise ri'3 vrbich have fallen on a portion of our popula ifttic , and whieh have afforded so much iDnocep* pleasure to tbe press and people of the Atlantic uititd. We are grateful to the Amer-oao Secre tary if State ior ibus taking us into his soefl dence, and giving us so sW-r e view of be high ly satis aciory position el hi* own afiVrs. W are perleoily conviio.d that the protraction of the straggle which he eo r ascnabiy depre ales and so leeiiogiy and piorasmust aepeco, not oa any thing we do or say, but oi the later or speedier o-icvan-lon of the government oi which he i * the organ, from the frantic poucy itt wi, o i it h&s uc bapp ly embarked. England is no obstacle in the way o! peace. The true obstacle is to be Sound in those who stimulate the passions they ought to a lay, and urge oa with ail th.ir might tho ca tastropbe which they oietrly Kiraese *ad ore yet abie to prevent Cottow Owkmi BT Fossioasas.—Tbe following copy of a not* trom the Brit sh Charge d’Affairts at Weshir-gtoc, oeuiee a cueetioa to raac?«t te which there i*.Be - 1 . cocsidcraole d-scu"si -n i WasHfvoroN, Angus; 10, lg? 2. iJir. Eer MajosiT’s Uc*«rntceat nave oonsid ered is oo3!;..o.:od with the Law Advisers of the Crown, Mr. Consul Bench’s bespu’ch of May 12th, *ad Mr. Consul Mo'ynenx's despatoh of May 10th’ eaoicsing eery of a letter addreaoed bv the’ Beeretary of state f the sc eiyltd O infederate Slate*, tc a mercantile Srm. respect rg the de stmoticn in the presence of the enemy c; cotton h id by for-hfeers, and I have core,qat!itiy been lodaced by Irar. Russell TO direct yea to give ad vice to the following sense to any of her Msjasty’s so Meet# whose property ca? be destroyed ’is those States- It la the opinion of Her Majesty*# Goyernmeut that torelgntrs being the proprietor# ot ootton in tbe Southern Slate-, will have eo .round ot com p!a - tht da facto Government ot those states ff cotton should ba destreyet with tbe function of that Government, and for tho purpose cf preventing Its tailing into the hands ot trie op posing forces This is one of ths dabihties to wkioh foreign*?# are exposed who hold property ms State which i* oacying oc s war. Should, however, ths Cent Men's Mates hereof attain the pasitloa of & kiD#docn or oenfede ration, the iossae thus oooaa uced to forelgnere might frrrn a fair and reasonable ground tor ap peal to the rquitabis oons-deraucc of the govern ment eo re abiiahed, and it wx.l iherafore be deei rable that the b-OK and most acihenuo evaienots should be pre*a*ved oi toe true ownership of the ?rvp rty which may be thus oestr. yea. » c®, *ir, your moat obedient humbienervont, (S-jn~l, H a. ffr^AXT, H. B M. Charge d'Affoirea, Wsahtugtoc. Jemas Magee. S q , etc., Mgbila. Daevs raox a Hisechaa Canos —A few day# •Inca, a daughter of Mr Sewrii Blood, of Waltham, about four years cf age. p-oexed s tiger Uiy from ths xardec asd sr tilled the pollen from tbe flower into Mr head She wa# shortly after seurd »lth dlxxioeae and conra-ricas, from which son died, after excruciating suffering, in lour days. Be vow PmK Tsn anair* or WaiMW —Gciy »w«; new oases of Yeiiow Fever have r ported up to iweive o’oiock. It is proper w obs«i we. however, that this is the report o only one pbysmi-n. The physicians are eo gsaerally pressed a* to be as abac to "nt« reports in the forenoon. W e tear from what we c»s iearn, that the disesM is ao< rtssresxlrgfc- ffSswswgksu Avw* ttd. Frcsx N>-w Orleans, We rare information from New Orleans mucr. ; later man that previously published. The con j fiscaiion law is to be out in farce, we believe sorr t.me this week. The alternative cl its penait:- • la the oath ot allegiance to the Lincoln govern _-Hi i hit was producing considerable uneasi ; | ness and ail sene of stratagems were eii pioy vj , I h. loyal people to send their portable vaiuaoLe ! ■•.lytnd the reach oi tbe eLemy. We ht ve hen: i ; , r . ,-i v iy oeii * carried eff in uuc case j aatug'L ; d ect of tbe city. i phe-e was no relax ition ,n tne tetrea to B *•» * I t..d Lia .nfemou; masters at M ashing tan. i 1 - : .ptirus among respect .b 9 peopie we.e u t: ece’.y rare. .. . alec * tne *c .nr.,’’ on both sues c-'_*.na nr • r* .a t> ihiag but a sc.ne of ruin. > i.»eryth)»s 1 b - uos been atcl n front the plantaLons. ii . eUts stripped of their .ernuaro ■ a <ii ies.ns v.’..- fci‘ us p.ac'is got :n this way— l„a *1 i.tg’o mi j ct «n was at an end, but tuy - v ..sjs»d«v*' 1 biwd. The people genera.'.* t .„4or i‘ -v .. in cLuiness of martyrdom >3 f ,vs of o.r noent victor.id had b_-n mud p. IC. ■ - • ■ 'vanasMß. f hia W*- «er>i4 fryoi * 1-ii‘Si •••:: tape-' One ol the ta fiiis-- H'li’-t-u. ’v o ■ • r >Kf-‘ »- 1 c iv.jigTt i.i,r , • “o*rn f id 03vIIillZ DCt t» - i ci’i—Ut'u, l. ’ It was aieo-d cg-y print i. ■ , -f.I 0- r. e.s tJ 7 .. Vigil u. A tnat our c.r ,. . ,»■- r- viC.i'lioUß, (bey .. >.b ih«V. Vi..'. I.i i'll -- Biltimors Slid olnncti; and ■■ .1 . v.'-ij r.-’.e! ia not s r.t i.i r 1 .7 : 0 - - f-, r 1 t pj_7 i .2 v, itch ore ax- es it cues’mt y. . . - tr- uV)-c -v ... ,-.t it type, vv.; recsj-ea a i ■art'-.. __.l 1. OL-. .r.i.-g lit the Isih tc.-i. 1 . „;«! ■/ a vessel arrived from N- w V ark, with tv- | . ..» ti ei.es tu the 7th icit. 'XU- Dsltß U fiiiei* ! - to show tui.t i • Yani ■»»* were b-dlv whipped at kiaaassM. j Xu. r* ,s ncta Surd of uduorialotitoment. vVe leatn verbally, tha l - giest deiensivu prep - ; were makinir by Hiiufii. A iicecl bevvy •.resoatsoatr wciliuLding aii around the land i "’* • r Ac city } and tree s were arriving from 3vaward 10 large cumber?.' It was supposed Gut t r:, -ere some tiftc*a or twenty tnousann at '...id. Ton h. • inWbr the ac’iriiy of the fieet which has been noticed from Fort .Morgan. Those tij... -r ’ indad as Ship Island, and thence trarefen-eu to the city. There were serriiu idoj sjr.d negroes at work on the defence*. Some ol them were armed, end «!1 cf them without mas ters. As far r. 9 the Afri.-i-c .3 concerned ai! is ehr,- 3. Tbj white 11 £scevh :: has to str-cd back ia r s presence. The o i oistiactioos in relation to *.;ie two are out of fashiaa in omnibuses and other public pkess. In short, New Orleans is i i.'.inv ou the worst garb of Bostjfi- MobUe Tritium, SS-i. Ts? Enxmt in tu* St. Johns.— A correspond \ eni, writ'eg from JackuonviUs. under date of the 1 17th inst., says : , j We hava.bsd another caanonadicg at at. Jt bus j Bluff *0 day, iastisg from, 7A. M , till 12. Have j not heard the result. From this distaice we ; heard n large number of guns.. Our battery was wel prepared, for the first time since last win ter’s occupation, ws have had a steamer of our civil on tbo river, this aide the Il uIT, doing our own work. The enemy are beginniDg 10 find that war is a game two cur. play ct. Latbb -4 o’clock, P. M.—l have just received the result cf y»e battle this morning. Thp enemy appeared with five gunboats, lying off at veiy long range from the battery. They opened fire, and ooatinßed throughout the morning, filing over MO times They lay vornetriiat beyond our range, and on that noconnt, we fi.ed only 8) shots. Two of our men were killed, and two wounded In an a-ueitipt to pair our buttery, they would have to come near the ifiuff, whera they would have re ceived a stunning fire. Two of the guub-.aia they Lave brought to work are larg-, aids wii - l stenm ers. Oar men'coolly and dellb reisly awaited the., advance; tut they did not, and cannot pans [Savarmak News. Bu«ll CaNSOBBO.—A corresj ondeat of the C n cinnati Gazstte, in Buell’s army, writing from Decherd, Tenn., ssy»; Gen. Buell has mads ids same a by-word and a hiesicg in every loyal soldier’s mouth, and a sweet sound to rebel ears. Eveiy traitor tri m Loi.iiili to otfephonsor., along ear line ct march wors ip b'm ‘-Mr Buell is » gentleman, we will speak to hill';” "Mr. Bneli pays us cur prices, cot- the low rates o! your KOvernmeEt;” ‘‘iilr. B.ieli wilt hum up cur nigirerr;’' "Air. Buell will make >ou fijil our horses.’’ These end thousands of si . iUr ex nressione are hurled at loyal officers every day, if they do not ohoo3e to degrade themselves by serving rebels. SaifTa prominent eit’ien of Floieucs io one of our offi-jers, "Gea. Buell could travel the whole South, and be warmly welcomed, if he would only leave the army.’’ If this be not dis . race, be not infamy for a Uuion general, in ileuveu’s name what ia disgraceful, what is infamy ? His conciliatory policy has viruatiy become oa<s gig utic proati utiou ot the Union army to the rebel interest, until the hsartd of both officers and soldiers sank within them, oud the army was discourage J and is spirit broken and fust ebbing away. The same writer says the troops were ou helf rations, nod Buell bad seized all the cattle in the country Torn Uiitteoden, Bchoepff, McUook and hothas arc with Buell From, tin YorSeville j&HQuirer. Oaatnjr ©,J. B c ase the season is near when the Palma Christ", (Castor O t> bean of the present year's crop wit! be ready for use, it is proper that ail persons engaged in its produo io.i oe informed of the p-ocseseg by wliioh the said bean may be -ir'-cgtit luto use vs a medicins. 'Si ken the oapscla is about to expei ihe bean it is rlpej ths ripe buoohts should bo removed from the euilk v,-t>.h e. knife, and ieid thinly over a hard *cd ary floor cf earth, plank, A}., oc s hot and eunsy -lay, when the heat of the sub will cause - cipsui-e tc expel the contained beans. Now rr.ke away tie straw, and wisncwt away the chaff The oieansed beans are now to be beaten ia a nortm with a or grousa in a mill tc a , c-c i deg'ee es fiaenejs. The mass may now be ad* to vui the oentoined otl, either by sJc .ootir, - or by expression. ! By Or.of: .v Pc' the loose ma°B in an iron ,i..t, and add e :£u leu' wn-ar ; ,r irolose it in a ae L.g - : end ft in Hie water, and boil ci.' i >b- i 1 •- i.x ?<«>:• . ;h. . oV. «!u.ly ekim it . rur. co t r ruin time tc time. •- By cap s-vi-.-n. «u‘,- oi . ,« ;:.aas ol ground ■; »to h‘».'d p“!•«»• ; n.e.orid in ciotbs, - . -v . .crew or lever, .* ’i' ti* ■ . • *-1 -d - r in tide of ire:. . on oi tin, of nufSciect ■n<! receive the u-I in sui abb vessels . fy t-te < it. B ■ ' itli a little water « -»tiu - m:v, ; ■ - . ,t~ j aibumea ana . • .-ft m ib- •- b> eximtning.. Let '•a nit carttrv i■ . . rit will alter 1 : '■! tco Oil end .0.1 m S. lU acd a.fit v ' esnr 1 le.ey be used as a purgative v.r and #e i? sure- to act p .werfully as u • i- : ■«, end alien as nu emetic. Three bean# ( r I-i-oro or less) is generally enough for a Hath is kiie i&tnraaation which I have do •- from other persons, ana from the books u;- on me matter. K. A. Caasssu.'?. An Istbubstims CaPMTSB.—Oo Tuesday even 'Tir.j.i • previously to tha starting of the up train for •’oiambsa, a i.erson, «ppar«ri*ly an elderly -v.n'.e *eusl« of between sixty and gg7eaty years o-'o, • -v-ived is s loose dress and a "long, pinker -.. i.-onuet, wttn a email basket on he. aim and at-’cmpanied by a mulatto, entered the Depot of Ins Tilth Carolina Railroad, and preoeeded to av<l j the eervaois’ cur. As the ec-mT.RIy aßCiect matron was about to s.ep aboard. Officer Weiefc, who was on duty there, p T.i“!y informed her of her evident mistake to .eking the wrong eir, that being the one set apart for colored persons. At the same time he desired to cer her pass. She replied she had one, and onenod a small bask.it as if to product it. Tte oid lady, However, bad forgotten her gloves, and *b:ie searching for tbe desired license the vigi lant eye of tb* officer detected, in the size and ap pearance of the hand, what at once aroused his suspicions. The shoes and size ot the feet further Gonlirmed h>m in his views and suggestions to detain this remarksb e individual and her com puc on for investigation Wi.sa asked her name, she coramenc -a scam* mering out Sarab, and at last said Sarah Johnson OScer Welsh told his prisoner that he believed he had detect# 1 a man in woman’s attire, and it would be nscessany to remove him to tie guard house, at which the-prisoner burst into a luugh* L eut. iricamons, another officer, came un, tbe pri-oner was turned r,Ter to him. He removed the bonne., when the old woman was found to be quite a haedeume vounc man, wch a r-oent cleseiy ebaved face. ' e l t*He was sent to the Guard House and bis fe - rlo epparc take n from him. On his person was uud s* gam or moreTj to Oa being brought betore the Mavor Wednesday nicming, he said he was a member cf an lu*Hntrv Company on cosisb’ Island,end had received SSbu ax • subebtete. I # Mai 6c seat for an officer of tee company, who reoegaised tbe prisoner, *• f ' pvrsca had been enrolled into the service on Fnday iaet, under the name of John W-Psou A fine of 550 was imposed, wbick the prisoner pa and. ard he was turr.ed over to Ms officer. The inHer we beiieve, h»s committed tbe Dri=;-r,e -toJAI for trial by Court Mar»ba!l— v“ vourur lotk. Weft Poistsbs m ths Iwo Abmis#.—From a list before us of tbe West Point Giocuatos, wno ars ctboera m the armies of the C. 8. and Oon e derate fftatea, it appears that there are fa the 0 8. army Major Usnerals IT, Brigadier Genera:* in tbe C. 8. army, Gener .is 6, (Oeeides A 8. J- w, naon, killed at Shi-chj Msjor Generals 18, Brigadier Geoenai* 41. From ibis list, which anas w.lh 1648, it appears that we bsv* 84 Gen erale frim West Point Ia our army, while the C. 8 have but 41. It was do idle or unmeaning boost ot Freeddaot Dsvu that he nod pick and cboiee ot ths officers of the old atmj Notwithstanding tbe (request Sings at West Pointer*, we may yet find It s eenee ot songratoivuen that we hail at tbe head of o mi Government one who was not only educated at West Point himseii, but who, by his *er-'.o* ip toe army and in the War Department, ®as sc- thoroughly seqeamted with the auiis'y talent of all tbe old C. and. effigera.—Jfcdufi ,W» Tax ki«n Brtair.—A p»iriotte Ldy of this diy ho# aent us a :arge poe»ag: orhuiLte, the ki-.tory of which issomew at eunoue -Thev were mnuid I •and by her bu»bund ia me war ot IBi2 to be used ! agsicbt the Br.tisb, end hate Dees kept as a retie in the family from that day unti. now. Boe freeiy give* ;n;m up to be ua*4 against the Tankees, with tbs prayer that each one may mu. vhs ene- ! mass ot her aouatiry less. Awt. Bast. C-uiUtXMrjrvAe Slate* Cougim. iiDJOCaNED skShiOS.J SENATE Hepteiaber 2Sd, 13v*2. Mr. Hunter from the Committee on Finance re- | posted naci u til author z. og thsSicresary of ! tbe lr-iosury to oiler a 1 .--..rd for the apprehen sion cf persons et-u.,ed : _ f»A.-.g or nttrring 1 conntartett Treasury note*. {Authorizes ’be Sec- . re offer a reward nci exceeding five to- u -and dollars..) Foamed. .ur, —pi.iruw, t- ;i the .I!.irv CommiUee re— port*4 bi; ti a bill amending an . ci to provide for if,; appointment o. Adjuuots of legimeuta and Icgtous, of ths grades of subaltern, 10 addition to tee suhalteracs atiuched to compiuies, apaioved. Au-ust, 1661. Passed. I com s .id s. A bill to amend an act to prov.da tor t-be public defence, approved «th March, 1861. Laid on table and ordered to be printed. r rom i-atne. A Louse bili to fill up existing c.,.,.pomes, squadrons, batiaiions, und regiments ct the prnvuHoaat army oi the Confederate States. Mime ii, epec'al order lor 12 o’clock. -if, H.T, irotn the Committee on the Judicisry, reroried bars & House bill empowering ceriain pet sous to administer oaths iu certain oases ( an vlioriTic the oath to enable sick, wounded and o h-r roid.ers t.) re.-.-ive their p y, to be adminis te.ed by any qi&itercncster authorized to aim'd* 'Stei the came rod any State officer having the right by the the State to administer oath.) Favsod. r rem the same, b bid to pr-vide for the prompt aeuk-ment 01 the riatm.t for arrearages o! pay, comciuta 1 . in, of clothing and bountv due to de ceased sc'dicre and officers of the army. Passed. from the same, a resolution instructing the committee to inquire into t.-e expediency <f re port ng a b'ii to require disbursing officers to ex 'edits a oven&nt, instead of a bond, with siiyulii ted penalties, referred back, and iuive to bn discharged ‘rom the turiher consideration of ihe seme. Graalvd. 1 lodnwing named house b.lis were tiiktri up and disposed of: A bill to p; ovule for the payment of soma ascer tained to be due for postal service to citizens of the Oonloder.ite Siatee by the Fostmaater Gcn&r a.'. Referred to Committee on Finance. A bill supplemental to a t act concerning p.ay r.nd ai'ow inces due deceased, soldiers approved F. b. i ~c2, and to provide for the payment :nd : :-'.tiement. of claims for arrearages of pay aid j ajiowancea and In ..y duo to deceased officers | and stildisrs. P.is=ed i House amendment to Senate bill determining ■ the annual pay of engineer aLd ciiief post assis tant am irons of the Nava. Amendment conour -1 re3 in. The hour for the consideration of tbe special order of tlso. day, the House hiil to provide for the filling up 01 i-x sting companies, squadrons, bat talions and regiment.i s-i.; to increase the Provis ional Army of iho Coafederete States, was taken no, together with a substitute eub.nitted by Mr. isparrow irom the Committee on Miiiiary Affairs. The substitute is in tbe original Senate biii and has already been printed. Mr. Bui-nett moved to amend this substitute by tbe addition of the followtugproviso: "That the President is authorised to suspend the execution of thia act or the sc s to which this is an amend ed ut, or any special provision or provis'ons of said acts, in any locality wh«re he believes such suspension will promote the public interest, and that in such localities, end during said suspension, the Fresid. nt is authorised to receive troops into the Conied.rate service, under any of the nets passed by the Confederate Congress, prior to the passage of the act to further provide for the pub lic defense, approved lli.h Apr;!, 1862. Agreed to. Mr Fnelan moved to amend by inserting the folios itig ta the clause empowering ike President to cail out citizens between the ages of 35 and 45, •’ And such authority shall ex at in the President during the present war, as to ail persons who ore now or who may hrresf er b eams 18 years oi age and wh-n once enrolled, aiLpersons between t..e sues of 18 and 45 sh.iii serve their full term.” Agreed to. The substitute oi the Committee as amended was then passed—ayes 21, nays 8 The title was then aiueudvri so an to read “An act to amend an act entitled an act to provide i'or the public de fense, approved ISth April, 186 On motion 0! Mr. Orr, the bill amending aa act for the organization of the General Staff of the Army was taken up. ft gives a Q ’uriermaster lien, ral ihu rank, pay and aiiowaaocs of ti Briga dier General Mr. Clark off’red a substitute : 1“ Giving ths Q lariermaMter General, Commie sary General, ana Chief of Ordnance of the Con federnte States, and tbe Chief Officer of the Engi neer Corps o the Army, the rank, pay and allow ances of Brigadier Generals. ’ The amendment was disagreed to and the bill passed. The Senate then went into Executive session. BOUSE. Tbe House met at li o’clock. Oa motion of Mr. Lyons, » j riot resolution was passed authorizing tne Postmaster General to - make o riain niteriit ons in the building now occu pied by tbe Poatoffise Department, the cost of the same not to exceed $1 500. The rewnue bill reported bv Mr. Kenner, of Li, was then taken op. The fii-st section of this bill provides : Tnat ou tne first (lay of Jmuary, 1863, there sksll be levied and assessed on each person resi dent in the Confederate .Suites, for the support cf the Government and the d-fenee of the country, the following tax, to wit: One fifth the value cf nil tbe wheat, corn, rice, t ie, oats, potatoes, h mp, fix, p.-as, bear.s, barley, hay, wool, rosin, tar, pitch, turpentine cotton, sugar, niol-isses, sna tobacco, produced by him ic these Suites during the previous calendar year ; also one fifth of tbe value of tho increase for the preceding cnieadariycar of the horses, asses, oattie, sheep, and swire; and, also, one fifth of the profits mode ia ifiv pr- ending calendar year by the fsed ing of swine," sheep, cuttle, or mules; also, use fi’th of each person’s veariy income fur tho pre ceding calendar year, flora ail sources whiu.i..|.v er, except from the sources hereinafter described, and except Irciri ths inter»st on Confederate bonds, oeirtiffcal'es, or Treasury notes; Provided, That aaid tax sc isvi-d and ussessed, ehuii be dun and payable on the first day of April, 1863; Provided, f'crtbw, that foreigners resident in tbe Confeder ate States, Bhalt not be r qairad to pay, except from ths atori said articles produced by or for them, or from innemes or profits derived from business c. ndec td by them within those S files ; nor shuil ucv tux be levied upo i the products of no dents, where the total value of such products, during said year, is less than five hundred dollars, nor shall any fax be levied upon the income ol any residents, where tho total value of such in come is less than fife hundred doiiars Mr. Renner th- oHeirniSu of the Committee on Ways and Means, addressed tne House at length in support <;i the measure, but without action upon. it. ths House ’ djumied. FromOeu. L<v ’aAm y-=»A uotiter Vickoiy ou »tt,u:6ay. The new6 received ytslerday fully Rati fies ua that the army under General Lee re crossed the Potomac, on Friday last and is now oa the South bank of the river. The teports heretofore received and which we nre inclined to credit, that only a portion, of the army had. ricrossed, prove to hu7e been not well founded. From gentlemen who er rivtd last ever:..g trom the immediate presence of the army, we art- assured chat the whole column cro. ■ to, ar, l Cbc erossin.? was tffseted without the slights-st attempt of the ererr.y to obstruct our passage. , O the derperrve ar.d bloody battie of Wednes day, in the vicinity qf 8 erpsburg, we have very few additional particulars. Hou. A. R. Boteler, who per-feipated in the sigh an an aid of General Jackson, arrived here I n-t night. He represents the engag ment as resulting decidedly in our fa vor. and the victory obtained by our forces, if not complete, at. least great and satisfactory. Hs left the army on Fi idsy, ..iter the larger portion of it had crossed tb-- j.-e r. He speaks in the most hopeful and cheering manner of the operat ens of our forces in Mary land and the Lower Valley, and entertains the belief that ths enemy will not make any serious attempt at invasion for some time to come. Our troops were buoyant in spirits, and ready and eager to meet the foe again. •THR "BATTER OF S-TPBDAT. • An offieia! ditpiicli, datedStauaion, September 23 J, -.yfia received early in the day yesterday, com municating the intelligence of another fight and another decided and brilliant victory on Saturday, i hin dispute i was received by Gan O. W. Smith, and was read in tbe House of Representatives yes terday morning, Ihe tollrwing is a copy of the dispatch s Gsnerni: A dispatch hasjast been received from Winchester, dated 2lst. Toe enemy crossed 10 000 men over the river at Shepfcerdstown, and were immediately attacked by Jackson’s corps and routed. Their loss very heavy; ours slight. Quite a number of arras taken, Jacxson his recrossod into Maryland. H. B. Davidson, Cos!., P. A. 0. S. During the day nothing later was received with reference to fmaengagement, except that passen gers who c-.'iHi bp :*:e Central train stated that it was r-ported at Niaunton that cur viciory vras complete and t. e tnemy were t rribly si ughler ed. the same reporlg also represented that wa bad -.^piui,-n a,-, fnu or fire thoueand.of the enemy. Tin. Yankee force engaged in this fight crossed the Potomac to Botekr’r Mill, one mile ue.ovr anepberdsiowD, and the fight must thcra fore have oooorred in the Immediate Vicinity of that town. - \ !ie ®k**D®eat tha ! G-: u J ickson with his corps cl -'-a 8 ®^ 3 - ! v != £ ’ - 6 ' l . titter the battle of ''a k ' ar :V p obeble, unle. s there was a coooeaied p.&a ot a , miiar move of our whole i Utti Ma 7 Und Wi, ‘ hß’-in be in y«aed at an earn day, and that Geh Jackson’s r^"“ n i 8 x “? friard of a second invaxion. Bat in the absence o! tf.cle; it is idle to speculate upon what our future movement will be. ’ i fri Dispatch., ‘Hth. Fbcm SdffolX —V, e have advices fom Suffolk «•*■*? HfUtflffiy -st. The enemy have bAD fcsavuy reictoreed, and seem to he in eon stani dread of an attack from the Confederate It j# stated that they have moved s frroe of ’ to a-so occupy Barbour's Oross Roads, Is;e of Wight, with a small mroe Th have aiteted the gunge of the N, rfolk and Peter l burg Ratirosd and have been runoiog a train to Windsor, the first elation this side 0 f Suffolk We also M*r that they aid ooDtempia» c » rrr.iZl men; on Peterstar*, but . ave , S that such an under height o- fouy, and hsve mcterial.y caanged their progrßmmo Tac V ankre f o i c * at Suffolk 0 n 8»TO. j-f were greatly c .ed, at news which they bad received of a great vfctory in Maryland It was reported and pre-f Dded to be believed smore tnem, that Loogstreet had b<ec captured. L*« wounded, and thousands ol tae rebel-, crowned in the Pot moc Th-:»e are the lies tb»tßecn»u's Herald had furnished.— Ydtrvovry JZopeeta, i%4 I Letest ftifta «he SattS. fhfl wry latest iotelligenoa froui MeOfollac’s ' a , ra y te «P to Mid-cay 'Saturday, i.adis contained ! : ,i ft disprtcb recairesl in Philadelphia Saturday i aighi. It &yys : \ if ,u?t nigl.'- tire cru.y cOiiiuiiUCt'ii the £*''‘^pberds*;»wa bridge and two lijovt and below ;t. Duriuu the night McCir ilan adrujj- ; - v eo j 1 buttery and shelled then, from the suit*..usd- I The iiead and wounded found th:? morning ft ’ deorT the ability ot our signal officers =n diucuug ! the fire of the guns, Oa discovering the movement of tne enemy, I e »-]y this morning Gen Pleasanton was dispatched i sn hot pursuit, with two batieiies snd two regi ! of inf tutry, through a asp of high hills, and , i-.e succeeded in cutting ..ft a laree a uouut of their : ammunition, gcppl.es, &;■, besides a small poi -1 :ioa ot General Muxey Gregg’s South (’art ~ brigade. General Pleasanton abelled the euamy with eiiect as thee passed through iho ravine. ihe'h.st s?en of the enemy they were flying in the direction of Winchester, and it is supposed the r would retreat precipitately cn to li'chraoud. Our entire army had crossed Antietum creek this morning and was massed between A'.tiit.m creek and the Potomac, opposite Bhepardsto *.n and there was every evidence that McClellan would cross the river. The lots of Q* eral andjUM 'flam in our army iseo large as to beunaccouwMbiz. Kebri deserters represtnt the less cf the ene my’s officers as (qinlly s-vere. It was under stood that General Burnside hss cro sed into V rginia via Harper’s Ferry, and moving on the enemy. Deserters report that the recent movement of tho r*b Is in eicrpiog into Virginia was entir-1, conducted by B'onewall Jackson, the other cole" officers, Lee, Long,street, &;, bo’tig either wound ed or too much fatigued to be efficient. They also stats that it was believed in the re bel army that a force of Union troops had passed through Thoroughfare Gay and intercepted their advance, end they suppored this movement was uod.;r the direo ion of Siegel, of whom they stand in g r eat dread* Habricßchs, Pa., Sept. £O—A. 51.—-A dispatch received at official qcuners up to this hour (mid - night.) Gom a person who visited the battle-field reports the rebel loss two to our one Their dead were left uaburied, and the wounded Sound shel ter in barns and woods along the whole rout- to Willietnsport, where the enemy has co doubt crossed wb.h the remnant of his army. A great amount cf ammunition was captured, together with a larye number of prisoners, wso have been sent to Hagerstown. m’CLKLLAJs’s PiSFATCHRS. A dispatch from Washington, Sspt. ISth, says that on tho night of the 18th <he Confederates blew up the piers of the-new bridge at Harper’s Ferry. Thev also destroyed everything that was possi hie to be destroyed at Harpers’s Ferry and along the line of the road to Mart'nsbarg, including the splendid bridge, known as the Pillar lii idge. at that point. This i orn ng there remained only a small force of rebels on Bolivar Heights, and one com pany at Sandy Hook. g_The rebe's ieck advantage or the cessation o* hostilities yesterday to mate all necessary ar rangements” for their retreat, their main body crossing the river at the nearest ford—some ue counts state near Harper’s F rry, and others at Dam No. 4. The latter was probably their ptiu nipal crossing There have been flying rumors of an engage ment to-day, but it is’ ascert deed that tha tiring proceeded from our flying artillery attacking the rear guard of the retreating rebel army. Tbs same dispatch gives the following dispatches from McClellan: HsuKJUATiTxna Army of To omac. > Sept. 19tb, 1862. J Major General jßatteeh, Oer.eral-in Chief. But littia occurred yesterday excopt skirmiiiU ing. Last night the enemy abandoned his position, leaving his dead and wounded on the fit-id. We are again in pursuit. I do not yet know whether he is falling back to &n interior position or crossing the liver. We may safe ;v claim a victory. (is o. B. MoOllbllan, Myj ir General. [No~2 1 H>5ADQ''H!> ARMY of Tli*s FOTCMAC, f 8-pa 19—10.80 A. M. f jif-jor General H. IF. Halleck, General in-Chief: Bleasanton is driving the enemy across the river. Our victory was complete. The enemy ig'driven back into Virginia. Maryland and Pennsylvania are now safe. Geo. It. Me otoLAji, Major Genera!. A dispatch from Harrisburg, the 19lli, says i Information just received from the bailie field gays our victory is complet’, and that (Jen. Pleas anton is in bot pursuit of the enemy and driving them across the Potomac. The whole Union ermy is in good condition, and the enemy has been badly puaio’. !. Ahmvil of PaisaaLES —line oflictra of tie Po'.isSi garnaon, with a lew excaptioms whosa fa milios s-e in the interior, arrived here yesitrriaj morning. We welcome them ba ;k to their home L-rid fro ads after their long captivity. They have deserved well of their country and will have their regard. They complain much cf the hardships f.r.d urrcogs r-.uffVrtd at the hands of the Yankees on their tr p down the Mississippi They were kept two wc?Jr* ou the river and fed exclusively on hard bVisit and raw bacon, without a particle of provision for cooking. Besides this it wat in»po3ibte to keep anything safe from the thieve*, llieir trunks were broken open aud knocked to ph'ces on beard the boats and nearly a!! the r valuables stolen. [ amnridh Republican. A Obaet Dislocated ok the Battle-Field Dr, North, the resident Surgeon of tie -New England Relic f Rooms, New York, states that James Ba ker, of the Ist M saachcsetts Regiment, who was in the seven data’ battle, was knocked down by the borsep attached to an artillery puce, the wheels passing over his body, the weight press ing principally cm hia left S’de. He w,is iaKcm up in a state of insensibility cad carried to abospitsi, where it was found that his heart had beeu dislo— ca ed, the apis occupying the name position on the right that it should have had on the left. Up to a few days previous to bis admission to the Now England Rooms, he had frequent attacks of bleeding at, the lungs. He remained there a short time under treatment, and has sicca been feent home, with a prospect of partial recovery, at least. He may survive many years It is an instance in which a oroken heart has nearly been healed by surgical skill. Fbomtheßab.—At daylight on Tuesday, the 83d inch, ten steamers, and a schooner were in sight, apparently in tbs positions occupied on Monday evening. About eight o’clock on Monday, the 22J, a gun was fired from one of the ships "near .the Melfit OhEnnel, and soou alter a second geo. In a minutes the blockedera farther South opened fine, and one oi them showed a red light, itee of our ha(terie3 on Suiiivan’a Island then opened. The light gradually faded away, as if tha ship bearing it "03 going out to tec. | Okarie*U>n £ wrier, 25tn. We had yesterday heavy rams and the weather to-day is much cooler than at any time last week We fear that thd change .lias been injurious than otherwise. Ths damp, depressing, halt chilly sensation now prevailing, seems more like ly to promote the progress of disease than to cueck it. On inquiry wa lesr.a from Mayor Dawson that seven new cases of yellow fever have been re ported since our last. The must he ve y malignant in its character for v.-e bear ol no re coveries. Ore of the recant cnees is a colored woman, the first we have vet heard of. [ Wilmington J/urnal, 22 /. A correspondent, who claima to have some se cret information of the designs of ths rebel force* now in Maryland, says: The destiucticn ot the splendid and costly iron bridge over the Monocscy is intended to deceive the Union Generals, and to make 'be latter believe that they are going to retreat. Bat they do not intend to retreat; and neither do they intend at present to give battle to the Union troops. They intend to bold and occupy for the present, and for soma weeks to come, all that par; of Maryland west of the MoDOcacy, and to make their base of operations northward They occupied Hagers town yesterday They ve maseiug (Toons at at Romney to-Jlay for an attack m Uumberland Thev are said to be advancing on Gettysburg this moraine. With Cumberland and Hageefown in. theirWssession, they intend to advance iuto Ponn pyivaoia at once and capture Harrisburg, Health of Wilmihotos, N. C.—The Journal of Wednesday last, 24th, comes to us on a smaller sheet than usual. la connection with tee state ment of the necessity which compelled tfcfc pro prietors to this ecurss, 'tie Journal jays . “ Under existing circumstance?, we may be compelled to throw ourselves, far some, time, on the ‘orbeartnse of our readers, m conjeqaence of the painfulcircumbtuLC sin whiokotucocoronmiy u placed, owing to the epidemic now too ureiy and taully prevailing aere. We will do the beet we can, aid no more cm he expected of us Our town is indeed passing through a most distresaog crawl and it ; s not to be denied, that m the last few days, the progress of the disease has ,(xn rapid and aianning- In regard to the Health of the-ciiy, the JoumcU ■tales: . ~, “We hare been able to obuin no report* thl* morning. We 'earn that in ai; of vests.day fifteen new oases of Yellow Fever were reported His Honor, the Major, is this morning confined to h,* house but not. as we beueve aod .ru»t, by the prevaihne epidemic,” bat by the eonseqaenoe of Lie ooastant and exertions. A Cactios We were snowa yesterday by Cos! E ¥ Hoiooitb;, a vary well executed faceim*,! of the fi»- dollar, g: *n body. rata note, printed at Pbiiaoalpma It was Drougnt by a r t . turned prisoner oi his oammano, who staUS that they weie offered in quantities very cheap y. The imitation is so go- and that an experienced person oooid easily be deceived by it. People bad better keep their eyes open, tor it t* possitue that soe e Ckf thorn may heve foon<i tboir ck>aih, ttf f oga b hou€&t that abowo u* yesterday. [Mote* A.ae. b A<y. John <toss wot Cokboxs*. —The Chicago Jou* - J aaJ, o; tha 29:h alt, rays : John Hoss, Chief of the Cherokee Nation, arr - ed at ( iiic <go y< oterdav, accoropaoted by his fupi v : n i a retinae cf about Cf-y persons, ea ront.u for .sfoiFgion, where be will tuy the gpevane : of his people b- for.' the President, and. ergo ft s-odin : o.‘ . body of troops to clear Hie territory of hosf'.e tribes of limbing «ud cat throat r: beis. r was anything e;s.-, r*nd never could lie. 1> ,1 for more than a y..v si? li e and that of his fr.cnds has ber-c la hands of traitors, and the chief was compelled i ' . :ii '.oe **i: c urse he ha - taken in order io £nv*' iis people from min. He fas ptey-.d hia p<*T wisely uni saecesstully, aei! we now hope U>.s Govcmment will fidioiv oat ltgwo'k of reclaiming that cjubtri. About three weeks ago, Boss ar.d h s rela'iv.is were overp'iwered by superior uum ber? un i forc 'd io leure 'be Territory. 51ai\ir - tbo i-.e-t of their way to St*. Jisiph, Mi’soon, th«y csiii' from thence bv ra'lroad to this city, and leit i.ist • vvni.g or. the M ctngan C-entral Railroad for Washington. Fbou the Bt. Jj.ass Hivim lateliigeacc reneb eJ he. a yesierday, by tr.egr-tph from lialdwi (which - arrival of the truta Hems Jacksonville.) t‘ a five cf the Yankee gun boats engaged our ba t-civ-s o i St J. bus B’.utf at : an early .".guy yesterday moruiog. Tha engage I ment lasted son e tour or fit* hours, when the ! gunboats drew c.ffi—rns ot til am. running into a I creek bevou l the range of cur gutus, and the i tor era fa-'iiag dowa tae river. ! Tbit ia the seeoad tune that ray hoys have re pu'-ic t> e “mvalaerable ’mid “invincible’' gun b u’s, and it goes to prove what ire Lav- alw t s <to-tended—that the Bi. J >hne river is dc.e:.bib't and never ought to have been abandoned to the iuroada oft! e enemy. We have beard no partic ulars ?to tho extent o! the,damage d>ce t.*th,- cuemy’a gunboata. Our batteries are ouit jued. The eta,laities cn our aide are two killed and two r ounded. The Yankee loss of course eannftt be ascertained We hope to obtain iuil part*-phira to-uay. —Lalee City jmbla ',l a */ We leans that a ul.p-.ic i wrs received yester day .v Mrs Semmes, trom bar husband Cion eral Paul j riemme.-i, dated at rihopberdmwn, the Pth, via v\ arrenton, 21st, in which the General states ihat he Is safe, and that ■ v* r arms have been vie torioue. — -\tlanti. confer!crazy. Movements on tbs Coast the Chard toon add Savannah Kallioad repoit that there are grounds for believing that the enemy is nz heavy reinforcements to Hilton it>: alona the shores of Broad River. Pinckney Island <s r,ow occupied bv a large body of troops. rheee indications, taken in conjunction with others which will b; found among our Northern news this moming, gives.us a plain and uinuis takeabie warning that the warm work on toe cons: wiii B.ion Login. —UftarUttvn Mercury 25 th. Tins Army Worm —On Friday afternoon a vlo lent, **aai, wind swept over fhi.i city, but no ram fell here. At the Uoiveraily, only one mle ehst of u , ‘he rain fell m toirents, cov, ring the campu? with a sheet of water. The next morning the whole town and all the aej men* country was cov ered with myriads of the am y worm. They age m the street.-;, on the trees, and on every blade o! a rasa. Wa saw ladles at church whose dresses were infested by them, having taken them up from the side walks as they stepped from then c images to the church doors. Verily, we seen: to be about to experience all the plague- of Egypt | Tuscolr.osa O'av/rver iIDtfIXISTRATOR’S SALE. T> V Yl!t SUS of a order from th r f ('rdl-i.-ry of £> \■ :: •; : v/t*' r. m) diu ill oty of Gic«iO?l>o o’, ou t;; ..iii Tuo-day In tNc-V bsMii vtvtivx : ?»lt the lit al V s*.a oi G d f c l*» ot iwu ac w I' i. n i.d;(4'iihi !-.e i*c LOfai ’ l.v‘*s o* fu fle ■*. v; /> ion She and < 0.1- :; Jve*l uUhe lime o; lib de t*: 6 > tin s 1 11 J t. iu lotvr. of J‘eu‘it* and, «n ne e»*;ii hot uu s ere vto * r acre, of uni hit \e 1 Land, iy =;gmi he Ore n.is* ©’O’ road ad t/n.ing L Andies ai*i A IJ. Sharp. So and itr ha ■ e est. of the Leir.i and ciedl ora cf aulddeco 0 cl. G. ii Ij-iZ .LAW, Adm'r. j >:cm>erlO 1862, .POS'irONED ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. OVVH? fIK cf an order fr j?o. the Honorable, the Couri ; .1 the 13rs» : j .ay <* »'•? MIiLK next, at the Mark * . Ito use in the t-.w.; o' Lo.d vllic tiie I* io whig property* bo-w^t: A r c-gro M.... uan.et! Harry' *o >i feg o W*>nian. named a • A’sx 95 acre ofL:»u«\ ii Jeff r.on c- .nty. doas the \ r >pi rt y o. Aunv freeraa 1, late c-f s.* and coufety, dcco^i-e.;. a* AAC F Fit KL.NI ■ JN, Adm’r. Feiitea b’ r 12. I$C2. ii BML\ I »S'i It A1 olt b bA Ij J'j a t GIIEEIIILV to an order of the Court of Ordinary ot M. rta 1 county, vc II! be mold on the tire* Tuesday in OC fOUt* H nevt, before tlie Court lions* do •; !n the city ot Konv-t, FU>yd oout-Ly, within the legaUionrs of sale, one lot oi Land, i.iiigarul'be tig In said 1 ounty. No 78.15 th uistiLL ALSO, 0 \ Cue same C.y, at the Court liouse dcor of the county cl Polk, oue lot o 'La »i, lyb g unit • eing In s:ud comity. No 120!, in the 29th i Ir’.oi of the said county of A l sol J a*= thv* property ot the estate of Robert A. Prior late of Morgan Aui'ty; deceased. JAS. u. A. IlALFOiilt, Atlm'r. AU£Uht l»i, I-.6i. APM INIiSTK ITOIt’S SALE, BY YiHTft E of an o der from the C urt of Oniina-y o. ftiH-oiik c • nv, wllllc sola o t!ie fl.di Tacs av in NOtfEMli&H „ex«. • e»o e i.; e 0 > r lieu c iti rl i the l \v;» rs • jut >a, wir.i.i i ihe 1 g:t hour J • !'sal , a l the tract of land bob-a "ms? o t e Eatuic of Ir’i. Hudson deco ad, c- *i; i'ling o .fc tr.ou ami <*•.'«.*, rodr" or Kss.rfy u* n t l*enr in sad coun t-v,on 'll • -.va-< ftl ! ‘rri'o is Cro*k ; a >jo nr.g 1.-ji k«t H. D. ' in s, John Hu 1 on. .laiitea Vvilcauits ami othe f\ hava qn.Vi-Lfty r.dt '\s % welitfiroher and ad wa ered. if or •: V , e- particu a.? address the tinderoUnert at Gree»-o.bo io' Ueo-d . vSA JUtf-.. It. WAI.KMi. H pium ISoi. Adrn’r v,l»h will annexed. iVftMINiSTMTitK’S SALE. . 'fj .> X % I JIT d T . of an ord r -f« om the Ilonovable, the Ocu t b*> of U din-r of : ilur.i -a c -. k ty, w 1 tie p»Uon -i e fl.s'. TANARUS« uud ,7 ’ ' IvOv i'JMBEtt m?At. a the Market ilouae, in the t.iv.rri or l-on : Ne>: o w'om&n li.-td biz he. to on'• luy to the iCstaJe of Mok t Freeman, lute oi said count v tle cea‘L-i. IyAaU.- F 1R Eh .MAN, s’r. Be. temper 16C2. '“‘ADariN-SsTBATRIX’S SALE. T? f IfxL be -old be r i-.re the Court TTcm?e door in Apr ling. vV Ou i.mhiacoi nty, o - t-mflr t Tm sdayin DSGKMBEH r.es .b ' veen t.he nsua hours of ax e: it tim Keai Karat * be i‘ • i r ne.lt i esl tie of J.-.m • Lanjeton, )a'«- of <J. lum la countv.’ deceased, containing 680 ac e< of land, mar or kfs. «rmr.o.s:i. MAItH LaMGBT-Jjv'. i- p'.»n.t»or 14, i\dmln|p>.ra rlx ADMLMsTHAi O U’S >ALE. WILL ■€ 3* and efo.e tiie Oourt il .use ’oo: lr» the town of f ? A pli: g. Columbia count ,on the firnt Tue-d.iy iu NO V a.'! iiK.w nexs between the ÜBualhbu so* Bale: a O per oo’tred «'oy nr.'ued Mose\ *2\e rs of age, t eh iiglng to the 'IL'M .to of iieidamiu Blanch rd, late of Columbia county, der’d. it, xMotJuKo, Adminieirntor. Ser trmbor l\ )B**B. EXECUTORS’ SALE. OX th. flrsr. Tuesday in i OVEMBEU, in the Town of ■ • an uto i, vrii be sold at pu lie ontv.lT, (l 'mt "rt v‘na’B lys.i’o at Mivute sale; the pne- known as PiSfi iilisU Iml lunging otMe 1 V . P. Steed, iste o> Warren coir ty, and. ce.l Li- place ContaiM 0 acres, inorj or lean. (45<> ucre* in iht- wo els'-Tid a proport en of the cleand rand weH • ■ teiiei and dr i .ed, bra\* u and bottom lauds) is well t mher &i, wd. highly jn.pryVvd aud be* wefl 'l it p’a e hut all rr-cespary out i>ni ; <Ungs u gather, witn a lu r ge and ocn .yn'entdw iiing remain n? » Las a flue Ve i cf • ater, lo ..etuf r w: h Bt>rr gs n ar b> , is craven cut to itulis. diurchet echoo aid only mi t.» ir in Tnoutson on ’.he Goorgia Ha s ’. J.o>d, and 37 mi.es sf J.a lr»d fi-cm August F w p ac*: offer grear- r inducen.e* Ts to ih se v a good investment a prr. 1 ucfive .arm or a pi as nt. rec*dnn.ce. For F.n_:...r paiti uia a, a d.e. s is.:, A sSTEEP, Executor, ptem < r 9, Iff ?. Thom-on, Oft. EXECUTOR’S SALE, USV • i ? ': of oraer from the Court of Ordinary of Jeffeisoh X > county, will be «>id on the Urnt Tuesday in O TooEK 'izzl. at Lae Market House In t/ie town cf Louisvilie, WM&r the usual hours ot e&Je : Ms NegroefibuougingtotLo cstule cf Moses Brinson, Sr, deo-Hsed Terms on day of sale. JOilS WHEN, fJx'r. August 1 % ! #SL EXECUTORY MLE XV SLL ba o'd b or *. the Court Hour- do *r In the iewn of Mfpluig Coiom-ia «c t .ty, ot; h* Tu f -* ay in sOV next, ietw enthe u u -.l hou e of sale t tie :ai i -'Wttail of h Sto,-. Lot lying in Appling, belonging to the K tilth of H. L. O d’.iuß, fate of eTd e •un; v.deci-ajec. JN. bENkT, Executor, bf- 1 <t ember 1< 1862 CdLUMBIA SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL be vld it toe Court House and -or ih Appling, Cos lu a <ia c. u ty, on trie fi-st Tnesltfy' in uCTt‘iJEK ne t. a Lot in the town ol Thomson, c nlalni rwo ol v?hiU i there ir a Lire-v tStsble : Levi don to « U.sfvan at'scb n.e«.t is: re t fern he lnfe-ior Court of Columbia county lu f»vcr m WEI am TiiAery, v». Hopkir 3 fill .ry JUJbLN £. LAKKIN, bher’S, 58e teoiberS. 1869. MORGAN SHERIFF’S SALE. W ID. b - sold, before the Oouit House door in the tew• M vz A*alieGD, Morgan codntr, 'e J w ei, the ie*»l h «'» of ia’e, n the Lr.-u 'i otaday wH'-BEfi next, the folio w'2 i g pmpeHy. tow it. and to be cotttlnu and fr..m »7.y to day until aLlseol : » - u e aesiiar.d '.Ksd-iiTg. 1 lot ci thing 1 lot of .iquore of V_ri iu* Rinds, 1 p U -cale*, 1 lot i ot nieaau ea l ot d»e nter a; ii turn A>,l 1 A . toi t bna I lot jura a- '1 fv»tt*es, 1 io. w .:*• g :•. oe . i chew &c„ 1 1 Llx>ok.-: bis- etc lamps, p.f-ea, mate ea'd -a.» via s, b fy<9A, La wa e. i lot vinegar, I . '■ c r;:.« Is ’ f ir.da, 1 ! t wrapping twint, lot spice : n c . i, if. cn irs, lot baud *o*p 2 p r -2 rohs, ’ b re.u ■nz wii g and sk. • lot *'ge rnipts, 1,1- 1 email wir.‘, 1 tobacco cu tor, I wood <?, Ici *ck,uot t. ifi, &c. AC. Ai. K‘. :d on aati..- proptert/ of ohn ~ M-.li'el* h, I j £„-tle:y * n.f- ir«j» v • ga Superior oust, tep ‘-nd> r ierm.l tib, Ja t i*' t x i : ■ Arhoid, v». .k.l n. i’t :*xty y L ' ’ THOMAS CIB'»iS, i:h riff. :byten r-er >. »63S ________ GREENE SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL be rold ot. the first Tueedsy' !n NOV AM HaF. next, her'tie the Court House door in Green* Loro’, between the kgai hours of eale, the following prop nv, v> wl‘: ntydx fcu d'eh pounds cf Cotton, more or ieee: A«'i *he iifv- time 1 *eree. of cuaan Aadxew- lu t -e jatid* of her h -.*■and. c-ntaia'g For.ye.Ven - ore-, mor or ioi* bgt e prL.._e.-. of hov. M n‘er. wromao A mod ar. - o ntTA; ie'/10-i on * t:.e prop r*y of Mrs. fcu *'■ t g t.siyafi. •>, u*e toi t">m «>re n-r &up*ri r Co* r-jb-ptem bex Term, in favor U . Jiowoen vc. An re^s. JoUy D- ENGLISH, Sheriff. September 1?, .832. WHEAT! WHEAT! 11’ tkcat ni ..ae?, Biue gtr.a»li thtj «4ir* xin expei-siv*, Tl proy-vc i FAR dETTEh FKi".yriVE ofs.-.u, .lutaiid Mi oew. tietn#recieiM of wpjrh <my f> ra.«r lie 0: in. t ana o ttßiKALltig bill tae i* <* ol It The reai-lies I piopoee arv Ue Ci I kw, s£:.|U *U »iiu O-a-i an m- uof> t! 2* twed Wt.eat tV» Uw wwipt of two aI !i~. 1 era =ei.i rovir. m i.tii. »ove me-.to-4el rtoelpu. I: .. ol: . -W5 |L> Lot yJvefcLtl/e HalihlattlOO. loA lUJUev WliFtK -efi.-.Sti.. r. B. MOVtho 111 •- r:- K-g l , ' Lta i R OF t.KOttO.IA, BISiGOUH COVKTV “ thereat. JOL2 woo » aam alr.ntor witb the wl: un- Daxedi.i' vt iolaui Woooe, fleceoeol. repreaeiiu to the Oourt It hi*p«itlon, tied at: eatered on record, tout hr hit, fully so uiniiiered '. 1) Ilian Wood? Ketate, »cco.din, 'to the wlh ot WUllatn W .xli: Theoe are therefore, to dt= aU .-nnocu coooeraed, kindred and creditors, tc aov canae,'! any they car, whveala Aumln ietraior •hcnld not he dlaccarged from bu Ad- lhitrator, with tne wid annexed, and receive Bettere at Diim Vilrm oa the Srtt Monday In October, OM. . I Ajcli it, UM. *• *■ TtTO*. Vr<ty- 1 TWO MONTHS WUI ICES. riY WO MOi\Tl(B&tter date application will be made to the JL Court of Ordinary of Greer.* county, f<'t leave to -i ti.'c Neatona btl >nguig to the eaUtc of Mrs. L ’-Votth Erg U-h, late of said county, devCA^ed. JOHN D. ENGL SHI STEPHEN HuHLtMf, . , , , , Ad'.u’rs of Elisabeth Ei glish. s p* n.' er s. ,i3^3. fIHVU MONTHb afkr date application will ne made in I the Court if Ordinary of og , ethorp j countv, tor leave 'o Feii apoton ot thi rivgree-, be n og to Ute tSUtt ofU'lcß Young, deceus and. JciiN K. Y»H.'NG. t * liE NArtDG H‘t Nfs ( Aum rs. August 22, TWVO >IO.\TIIB after date apjdicaLon wii! v ? made >. J. the Court, cf Ordinary I’Jetierson couulv for leave sell the Lands and Negroes b '-m »in« 10 tar. Estate of Emm : K. Johnson, late of said , •■mt-v, deceased. WINGER l\ JOHNSON, Adm’r. Augu t 4, 1862. rfiWVO >lOi\ I'HB afltt: *i.iteapplication will bemadetotba .JL Court of Ordiuarvof <’ 4,l «uin ii c Mtiy for U*nyi- \ the real estateb 'K naineto the estate*>f M itha H. Rowdiv. late of said county, dece W. S. J* *N t s, a*’.»u r. Hie bonis non, with thfr v.' i; ami- s. u. A v. gn:t 2,1362. - f 7| GVO MONTHS ailer date application wi 1 be iu:i -mo |_ the’Co-.:rl of Ordinary oi ttreeu county, f- r tt sell all tue K-Ute no Negro- sb. outing to ihe 63-ale o John G. diver, idle of sod c untv, deau -. ii. L'.>RKNZi> L. < ‘AKIjTON; Adn.T Au.at 1 . i C*2, ot Jonu G. G-lver. o.ocV. T HVVO after date ..iipiveatioii will be mad’ to t’. 1 . Court of Ordinary *if Uuco n 0- untv, for leav*- to ■ . ih. RerJ :rnte be-.mging to the estate of Green TANARUS, fcp!vy I'-aU of eaic county, da&easert. PLEASANT F. BURGESS, Adm’r August 9, 1862. rn\\ « MU\ k Hei after ilftte application will ho made t X the Court of Ordinary of C«>l m *.a cou-ty, ’or leave !• sell all the Keni EsthU. bebrngl-cr to the estate ot lie ry /in uc and, late or said countv. deceased, , fflftn-Lr.TON PARIS’:?, Adm’t. Av.gu-t 19, IfiW n\VO date application Vflibc made toth* L Court o Ordini’.ry of Wi. county, for leave to he land and Dclo’ gi g to the estate of Ti'*OiiuiS It. v.o.m.n, l»to of cuiid coui.tv. seoe ised. 1 AaNO.,6 J. NUUMAN, Adm’z. Seph'tnber 5. P 62. I \VO MONTHS after date ar Hcnt’on will be ir. ide to JL t»*e t! -urt-of iir<i*n«ry of og . ihr-rr e eoua : - f*>r 1« v- ■ s.-.' s\ N . x'el o-v i,y t!.e u.* >c a CUtrite be'.- ng.ug to th ■estate ri i?er f un»ir. B I at? o said court , e'etaas and. C*A v r-R t. IN I'LL J , AtlmT. September 7, _ |'WO MONTHS at'er dat*- application v-ti be made’.' JL iue« o t toj vjKV.ui»rv of Wl kes coon v for leive 0 s. the md esta'e, to wit: u lieu e aud L< tin the town of Wash Irgtcn, belorgi'.f? to th*i minors o f Sau\W *s Wlngfte and. SeMCLL V\ . Vi iMy Cu vrd’n. Spptembej ", 1" Y> O .ISO XT His after date apuliaU-o wldbeuutd loti* JL Court of Ordinary cf ’( r en count? ror t ive to the Land ard belong!: gt • the *U- o v. cr . % Fuller, late of s>dd county, decea?- and. GILHEHT A Fill Li’, ~ C. lULkUi. I'- 11 " ' Augist* lOT. r i WVO MOATiktS after date applicat'.ou will be ma : t I Hip. o dinft'y of Moreau, c-'u tv, on. the first M d»y2nNo\e:n er next, for an crier .■-rantl» gW: vet seiitc Lad& u.d N* goes blong'ng tb Estate J hr. G Malccn, luu of said cou_t , dueexer. HILLSMtN CAWK, ? Adm< , VI- iUh il. MALUoM ( adnis. September % 1862. •11 W O MOATHB after date, application will he i» uie jS. Ue Cov.r;. «-* M'.r ra” on the first Mold.' in * <5Ve : b 1 nex’. t ,r an erder g an ing leave to bdl tne Negro s bemiigiri* o the estate of Aii.iird vV . Rc.bertso a bi’eo sable •unty, ie/-e -d WILSON L. KGBEKTSOA, hx'r. S ptembe-2,1 G3. . It WO MUKI'Hb avfcer date, application will be made t; the Court of Ordinary oi Lincoln county, lor leave tc Mil the Negroes belonging to the estate of < ’h'Srlty Sale, mte o’ Llm y.ii o untv, deceased,. August 9. 1862. rAYTQV V/ SAI.F, AfimT. ritWO MONTHS after date ap 'teatlon will !>e ma !e » JL Court o‘ v.idipary of Ogle’hoi 1 e county, G or/.ia. at ttu 'r t. regular t* rra after tne expirad'/n •: wo u ontlis tiorn * Jiir notice, f«*> leave to sell a N EG«to bov the name ot' M.»r.-b.a:l belonging o tne estate ol John 11 #'napp 1, Jute of said corn* y,deceaseL MAKGAUeT W.CUArPEc. August 10, TBC2. AiiiiiVs. V OT ICE.—AII persons indebted to the estate of Chrittruri Sane en, late of KichniOf U countv, deceased, are notlfle i to make immediate payment; au*i those having dema .' against said estate, wul present them, duly authenticated l l l In the time prescribed by law, JACOB fc'ANOK KN ? , Ai’ui’r Fep-ero ■* r 5, —All persons indebted to tne estate of Henrv L. I.NI 'i n t Jatf of RJMuuond county, deceased, are hereby no titled to make '.mmediate payment; and those Laving claims against either them'will present titem, duly attested within the time prescribed by law. ANN li. TL'TT, Adm’x. Sep ; ember 4, 1862. r i LOllta IkHKKMC »'V.-Two mouUa afl.-: \X date. To-v.dt, ntthe lie \ tuber Term, I>ol of the Court ot • hd'mary for said couuty, app.ieatlon w« : .l i e made to said Cot ? t for leave tj ac' a jS'mto :*a.lN, ia ued Ami Id. belonging to tJ:e estate oi'James P. Bt'lins'slfa. CLKMKMi.M J. hillingslea. Adm’r of JainesF. Blihngska, drc’d. Feptom c-r 12. 1862. It\VO after date application will be made to th. . Court of Ordinary of Kic; mood county, for leave to :v. the rea! es .ute belonging to the estate of .Kb >. M. I.ucky late of .-aid lou-.ty, dicwd. Mu.HY ANN LU JKY, gifcpt ember ?7,18152, ' 'VTOTM’G.—'Tv/o monilis after date app Icatlgn will.hr Ll iaadetoilie ilonorable the t’cfijrt of ordinary of Kirh niond county, tor icaye to sen che reai estate to ti c estate of Abi, uii Kuduel., deceased. TATRIv'K McCAKEY, September M, 1 :>C. Administrator tWVG MOATHS a'ter d--.te arpi ciiior. will be made TO ihe Court o. Grulmtry oi'.-Ji-il'er on couotv, for Iv.ve to cell two . r \ecrae j , beioi-gl. gto t- e ,i sta e vi ALx.nder Al. ti».4l ion, lute of taul v, de- eftte and ELBEIU W. IJUI SON. A. m’r. - "jihfoL ll * l’’. M■ ! NOTICE 'ro Dm81*01(9 avu nuorrmns. Notice to Debtors end Crealtors. \"o'i Sl’E is hereby given to all pe/sotia ba' ing deman s rya I note Hightower, lute 01 Give *■ con iy, de< «/a e% U- present t!ie uto me, pr oper.y imm: ovi’, w.thh; the tint P'-acrioed bv aw. so as to slow 1! elr <l*-.rac 4 er aiid am unt • .i.d ai persons irni b.ed to said d.cvasea, axe hereby requ red t.o u.ske Immediate pay me -t. WILLIAM S CHBDILLK. Ad r . ’r be • oiiia u , with thewi’l annexe 1, of Daniel Iligluowe-, deed,. Greem >.byro , Augufet Jd, 1t62. außl Notice to Debtors and treditors. ■\JOTICE i» be eV.v nlven to f.V ”er enr» a-.dug demands In agixiiujt John L. M-oua t r. i ie o : said county, • coca cd, t» j-r/HC-nt tfiOm to’ n e within th • f.rr.e pmscnb and b> i..w, rirof criy made out so as tosh V 7 thoir dhariv ter end amount; arid a 1 persons indebted to add dec will« .ke im >•< dlaie payment ty ma. J Alt 1! Lfi W ' WINGIf lELD, iiilin’r de honlauon t r-f John Li. Mc'Jurter, deceased. Grueacbbon/, Ga., i-.uguA 28, 862. amd Notice t > Debtors and Creditor . \lii pers' i.s Indebttd to |he Fstateof * liilam H. 1 ovetr, Ini- oi i urke covuy, deceit id, will make iiuiAt mu payr :ent to the under.-ijmed, and thb*e having cla’iTtß igaii* ’ sttUi esgße are notiflwl 10 pifceunl* them, duly gltchteo, vvkhlr. vhc Umi pru cribr’d by ’yv/. A'HJx; WATKINS LOVSTT Adm’r. August 21,1802.* Notice to Debtors aad i'redit«»r>. [V OTK’K i c herit»y given to all j erson- h.tvirg detnatHhi J.l ag v.ri t John Cux, iUt of Mo pan cou: ty i’i.et -i, v,l! pre-ern them to me, properly made out wt Tan the time 1 n. i. ribco by law, so as .. snow their chata’Lr ad mn.'u> t ; alipeitmrifj i'td.btcd tu edddeceased it re hereby required to moke imrne late payment t- - n.e. JOHN P. i BoNAKIt, Ex’r. AugO?t 21. 1862. Notice to D< btor.s uiid ('ri diJofs \T"OTICB 1« hereliv given to all persona hav nir and mail" ii agio t.Jhu ... B. i> X, 1-le of ei.ee eeou t,. d-u t,l will preach’. ,he-i tome, properly made oi t, wt!- i. the lime pea na.(lb> Uw,*o alto ;ti win ir character ad i.niciii.t an'*, all p.-r-olis iiulehteil to aidil deee'teetJ, are hereby O'.iuir n t. make loimeuia e payment to in... J-.li.N' V. UliOBAlU), Ex'r. /■.iigip.* 'ii, leci. Notice to Debtors and Creditors, Vj-OTICK ! a hereby given to till persona having demur-, again• ‘ Sant e; L- Menftt, latt •• f- r cm. county c. present them to sr.", properly made out, within the P» precribed b 7 law. so °s t.»€hf>7/ ‘heir character and auiou i •t:«l ait p. roouabi<i«b'fcdto aecc-a.eu ar.: here. > rm.u.r 'tA makelttuaecUate payment to rae, ;>AYID LTSL*K, Ex’r. Augusts, 18 .L Notice to Debtors aii‘i Creditors, IYTOTICE «e hereby given to n T I i.tvia. de -1“ mam-aagainst Ilufus H. < ’aJdljing, late of Greene Cou - ty, deceased, to pn»eut I*.em Uj u,t properly made out, wir* lu.Lhe timeprescrV-d bylaw r c z.z tc ahDvytUeijcbaracU* ar. h ampua-.t. And all pythons indebted to said *■ ed ur* hereby reaulreil t/j make immediate naymei.t tc ms JO tN’ W. '»• CATCHING, kx’r of Aiufua It. Catching, deceased. A»igurtgl. 18C2. _ Notice to Debtors aad Creditors, IYO lICS in hereby gtveu to &*i pe»K>M having demand . i_NI agamst Kob-rx C. NU/boln*. late <-f Jefferson oouiitv. -iece ned, to present tne&to me, properly made out, wit hit: Utetl ue preMfiaod \>y law, so its Vt snow their character and amount ; anflUU uereoiis indebted to said deceasexl, are hereby required to make immediate payment. L 0. VVAItKKLN, Executor. September M, vm. iNotice to Debtors and Creditors. IW'OTKIE i* bervfcykidven to all perßOßs having demand* X \ agiiLnst William 11. Sw nna , iutoot Greene c-oui ty, de ceaeed to present them to me, property made out. wittiin the tiiue prescr. :>ed by iaw, to as to bhow their character and amou.it ; and ail persona hid jbted to said deceased, are hereby reqttirsrt to make iaun payment to rue. FK.G'jY - . , SPINNEY. Ex’nrof Wi oam U. toWimley, t kc’u. ttreenc..brFro’, Gu., kept, 10:h. 186i se jli ■V* - OTSCE.—-Aii persons Indebted to the e“»ate of Wylie H. I.N i/’idwe. late of county, a r e re quested to rnoke immediate payment me, tad those b&vlrg i.ernandfeagaimjt »ald deoeaud, will present ‘Jiein duly au thentlealod withiu tue tiu.e prescribed by law. LUC t n. A. DfriOSE, Adm’x. September 4,1%2. N'OTM , K.-'AD perwms indebted t»> the e«*aU- of Har mai; j. 2< rman, of Vv'ikes county, dec’d, are rt qbopted tc make Imtnediate payment; and these havi.-g de znands againßt«aid estate, will present them, duly authenti cated, within the time prefccri>>ed by law. V-k 1- dl a t> HA AN, Ad m’x. Belter, tber 4, * SJO'ifiCKHaerebygiycQtD xh having d"Ui3T,.;> L* against John G. ii acorn, lata of M or, an county, do ceaser., wtd present them to- me, properly made out,'with In the tirr.t prescribed :>y law, b > ac to an charao'er and amount; and ah persons indebted to eaid deceased, art iiareby requin»d to make immediate nayrnen; to HILLbMAN H\WK, ) . _ . . . _ VIKITTB M. MAL Bm. } E«pteial^MViß6a voiia lndebted toibe Estate of Illliiard A* R'lbtns'iu, late ol Morgan county, docea.-ed. are hereby requested to come for ward and make payment Urm.e diately, ahu thoee havdiig demands ag&lnst he ,-ame, pife*«e prfcsfe .t tnsna within the time by law. u t _ _ _ WiLao L. KULfiHTBGN. Kic’r. September a 1562. X^OTICE.—A-1 persona indebted to the estate of Thomas 1* ii. -Nortnaa. late oi Wllee-' oounty, arervqueeted io make Irnme iate payment; and those having demand agaim* aidh are requested to prasent them, duly aafi-enCcated. In terras of the law. FKANCKoJ. NOKMAN, Adm**. r\ -pt 4, IW-2 \ OTJC3K,—AII persona Indented to the »-etat« of Ayhaer •1* t'sie% late of Klctmond oo inty, are re quested to make imrcediatc payment: and those Daring: u«- fiuand* ttgaltuk vtdd *re requested Uj pfuseol them, c«iy &7v*6ted, yiihln the time preec : •'ed by Jaw. . . KL ZABETH USHBR, Admx. Feptemoer 2.1862. "V Ol ICB.-AU p*r-«a« totb? steteot 'Uetaa iS W l-J-Stli, i* « of Wll»« connty, «:<=•*;? noi hed to make payment to tne tt*gr ed , * and ilio«e Uivii-M claixno agrunktoa 1 v&'tbU: will precent thtun, du*y ■ *“* MAKOUB. A -m*r. KtptuLixr 18-X. VOTIf K. . ’ aftracto. iiglebwid ■ o tiifc entile o( & muel IN Kb Kiws bite of WlJie» county, 6eaamti, »re re qneeted to c.txe Immediate paymtn*; and \t-» badLg de o auu aaalL.i *M e-tate, are to present them, auly attested, wunJttbe Uu* >rMcrfo %.‘ i,^” i^01) fa ,, kspesßAdW M, LMGL CiTAI ION* »oa LETruuH or ,v».- - . > S’Nn™a7Nv?®,® , h: I *' •'■> ;• i>ivi \ IkIM.ITHII. n Oil L-re"v *v !:-,'*■■ '■ ; ' ' v t V'f' A,v * Bonwy. aoCB.,~*J; ' Tl»-M.-arp ihererore toc"»and ,0-,** ** , ’ ; at iuv oSU-.’, on or! h". ' ’..* ■** bbgranted. ’ * - . . , gatta. :: *N»n vv *• :* . W'.yo: .• : ..!A -L.aop - ( nV ,. i AIK HE bikJHb'lA. ii ~ S ..-et-VAj ... .y ..■*■*. *i. *.Le c .ul ot .7 a. IVti V« of t 1 ' iNt. On.' Sc*, L ml 1 r 4, Ibt’2. JTAfBOF «KOi;(.'SA, »•*! (Cnniliit»lmt*ion on the .’ •* .; v , , f\ • • t|r. deciuNOd: Time arc therefore to «fte bad adntonis *u and Ringuiu the kindred and cm!iu«r» oUa: • .1: • •*» J;ot» cause. If any the> liav . vbv r*id I . * this « v . uay or Jr epNonU 1 iii iTATKOF«ROHGIA, HU ’ cou- >.y deceased ; 'I ae are tlseretore tc and ’ • iinuieo nod creditors ol sold tl<-.- i- :■ •• • , .1 . .• f cause,it .v* they have, wnrse.d b'TM.-i « gUßta,\hu»4th dav of to, te ■ b« > ltYd. JTA I K OF(irt)IH3!A, HH -nJON'I L 1 \ WtercHi, Wt.aam Athjm I ■ ' * f Admipi trat on oqthc { rttftt* ot * mU nut k. I : cf 1 5 m,t of .-out’t (’a- lhm, rtficca-tedt These are, therefore,t o dt* uid admontah i-..: an.' : . fha kindred ui.-' friends oi said cm eased b.’ and apj. • r glEccor f»rbe.b r:",e fir r ‘a” !;• v>i t r nirt tr •; >- •ausc. if any they have, wcat earn Letter* .* •••'"itd r:, •• •: ,;ranted. Given under my haiiu arid ofßdilstgrvture at c*h ta, 1 his m h day of An.,ust, ISC« t< _ . Augn 18 th, I Sri DAN ‘D L. I- »h w .JTATBOPGBOBGIA, i U V S Wherea*. AwnW. ’Mgg.n Mpllftsto i- foi*L«ttw.«f 'l r.ecn- are thV r ; v’»*. ; -r... ->.:r . , 'iie kindred ar.d c.editors of 1 deteusod, to bo nt-’a;*;- »*y office, or.': before the '/.i *u CVt. .r nr-:.* Gwen und 'T n v hand aid offloia! signature, at office In An* lusta, this 29th day cl Ar*gu«r, L -i-/ August ' Uf*’' 1 - ■ " a -Ip -, l.eet-uc'if Juhr. ’ h ks- : ?,*•.- f f S: j c the r * • to ’*? « c* trio ‘sh ai and *;* u! ir tha Mon ’re. in Oct oh r * otfto sir v" *l'* «s•*' > have, 1. sdd L- ttr a Bhoc:d t. : ; «i, ’ v Given uuoer uiy band at. oti . e •/$-•'oro* A*iru. '?ili. 18 2. ( A-mii-i v, < riEOBGIA, of-kNK i .. ’ ... IT A u* .* * b ;*| i : 1i - pon t p estate OfTaeni p. i. y Qlc o. gri j- cOl •*•(] t f»u i>. Wc* :'Bol ; . Tla* c oret»e ef-.r’tMtta end adme all ad rineu’ar, “e W.'dred ai-d r*dltor. *. *'( t«i ;*•.. a. t i * r. a:» 1 -t at Mi-' ti. ur < i uUi be Ur t M rflay OcU»b*r oe t, os v cin 1 they and. Given niolf-r my naiid at otfiw n Or. , !C *, ..* \ •Wb. bUobMta L. Jvl.Nu, » r i 1 A'irii t HI, tg *2. oonitof«no r . . . -d f<r ttdco oy on the 'lr-t Moi.'b. ! . azttoa vcans they have, *hv ?aal i.i(*»» :•» u’ In » c g-.ji tp . G!v,n under 1: « m. August \S*l. QEOAIGIA. GKELNK -V/Vr-.-.. up. Vdml is%» 011 (!. bo is n n.« .• if:: •r- tc L • :.r . -•)... . a “ of aabl coui a <1 . i the kl'dri'ti u-*c ed!tr> : r• r. , r .. 1 r. at the 1 • urt i • <!. a? 0 ’■' • * irst Mbtidftv !. t to rn z , toe ow cause,if u a.< • 7 ail and Let e» t houlil n*. t be c ’. »m 1 ' I ef*. uu tr ipi lui<d * "ire I G c».m or ’, * ‘er et, IS '2 Fepten HS 5. .. riEURi*IA,« RGE i yr oi M 1m ■ * •'. > - ’ Court ♦ Ordhtary. t-» i- a 1 r. . for : * - 7 r» L-r. Ura Wmfart n Oct have, w.b ti.« ; 0 il-. Ift : 1 r tu*" ■ t ’ -i ' * Clerk of il ? rCv': vln '-mo ..h -f- . : * pt-sori. In verm,-; of ibr t '■ 1 ra otr ■*• * &■ .1 , r . -c. t/iven under myT ab! at ‘hk. * :. •- •*A’ • : b, 1862. Ey Ci ..N1! ii L. liL". ,Oi• ii ; September 2. /TJEOUfU m tiftßG ’eir-o, • > ■ ‘ to . ho r cause, i; u i> tne, 1 .ve, v ; cr bin’s pereon and* roj-w y if * t-t *v ii t -f • : otrt, or n • :;tt*eO tut 01 Or ii. r- i be'* f. : c • on thef. nt Moudt'.v U. c-o «-r ■'•*••.» Given under mj Land 1 ffi: : r. *. -’o-:*, ... • c: h L . : . Sfc.tcniVe; 2, *SC2- GEORGIA, «HI-EMS tOl .YTY V. It' -.y 111- ! i ;-r .. ■ ji‘- i.i dri.-*i aud crcdto-sof sa at: t.l eTo i:t of (1 Ilirv. tr. W ■} (*=; n l.i.ti f • ~. s • y. ouihe fir<t Monday In ’> t nv next, i show ci : - • y tt ?v have n I r Civsuuudormy baud ato»3c • ; r *■ u; ic V7th r -:. ' . • • V L. K Ordinary August L 9, 18'?. _ 0;fle|OlA, talc of J u ' . T:.‘*r - the kind r s-d aud creditors of su ■ irftvi*, why iM Letters si 1' idd noM c* -■• t (liven \:r ■ of August m : t A’-guetw.jfr’-a. CUE!* ViV - IT At: the of »‘.aboni L... ' * cmd con ty, de* nieee to dte aad admonish Lfce kindred and creditors beat •ue Court of ordinary. ‘ ' * list MOD lay in ■ .. v : . Givgp under my hand, hi offloe L \ugust 2^d, 90S EI'OENIUB L. KINO,ur<V Airgust **6 !°CI2. i 1 KOKDIA.UBI I V. COIjXTV.- .... , and Ib mir. pr. i.t'-i : i ht'ie art- *r- to ei«s o-.d adn; tl h all and sir.gular.the Court -f‘ irditV r>% to i»y*l>t hi In ands r said county ; tbs firai Monday in O-m - *-> T J the? Luve »-hytliH t.t'ii.. •e ve. led .:i the C! kot f- up r.or O*- or j • fit and pMTi r tsnoa in terms of ih* uia.u c in such t aoe jitKifcjind provitW. Clvcft ULUtr t.j '.:•. • ' ■ ’ ' .A •' !8 2. Augirst 17, lftt.3. r'IKCXCiiIA, (Fit EAE CJOU TY.-V IT j. Uj 4f« pli - r»r <u •-• ol rr: . Ii - ..'U EsUitv of Will .Vi A. J*;- •he i *tt ri*.lu ••' ~’ y >; Ctl: These arr flier., -r» t t c > i' ’ >•* r;c.V t < Uar . ilickn r- and 0.. c idift rs * • n- •* he Cos r ot «*rulnary, ob he <1 l. aw, a he Vloudut lu •;* <-r »at. to snow c.»v e, il ay t '7 _aw, why 3.1; I ‘ter should r.ot tt.e;;'g ai»iel lven und -r t. y hand at ofil -n r • ne l oto\ A’ig s* Lo*2. r ' jL JbLiNG, Urd;. Au.;u t 9, io‘2. yEOnOl.t, GRLEV^ i’OC.%' • Y i*b"s<.aTethe:efer»!to dteand ■ -oart l OrJm.tr; *c ;eb , !.. and fm s.tid <•/.; , C.t r. in October next, to show » , Jf n- • -,y why said letters should tot i*. Given under my hand at * .i,' t. ; . ' sh' ro*. A t ‘LI, 18h*2. KUGULNiUaL K.XNO, vrCiLk-"'- AogQfitSfi, l^t2. Georgia, -ilk; • >:,.v ; v _*' 7:. lie.'* implies to 1... foi Utters of i > he Lb c.t of e«Bc M.*Ha'-ark;y. la fcfsa ri ocmty -r* These are th re/ore to cite, curaruon aui &>.m mt.j . u< <i fii gular, the klndk^ 1 , and credHont of sab: ‘ •*’ pear at n.y o£jc * Ithln tue tiu.v »■,« ;>•.» • cautie, if kny they have, why eald of Letters bhou.d l'>- +* granted. Give*; under try hand at ki Wrusklnston. G. U. xfUKMAN, Scj.ttra;er2B, ib62. •: i | 1 KOHLIA.UILHKH ( Ol VI i.~V.h . v <i \M tJiib- f appito iu< lor Lett c. Ami.M’J'b. ou the e&ta' r oi M00£.4 i'aii.iulck, late Oi eald uoei'l7, Theae art* therefore to cite end acme t era elr y. 1 kindred and creditors rff said dec a ed to be ai t; app. ; -7 office withiu the time presci'.fced i y law, i«. now ca- - - -7 they have, why said lciUrs snouit: cot //.-*' - . Liven under rav bar-.l at office in V*'. \ >•' of rep ember, 1 C 2. G. G. MiKMAh, Gro .^y, Bepiendx i 5,13<»2. OF UKOHGtV, IVII.RKH (OtATk. ij V\ hi Teas, J jm« i> -a. .* to n • so« •• - r * Administration cu the estate of Jiweph J. li-nu'ton, lets 1 said coupty, detfd t . XL esc are tueremre to cite, eurnraons ariduim .• . ai. n; singular, the kindred a:.d •-u o ; «.M uw and appear at rny ofßce, within the time pre-orb- % •' cJrnw cause, if a..> they hav • whyt a*itl Letters of Aon - tration sh- .;d • * . _ v . Given unuer roy i.aio; etolficfc, lc V- r of August, lttfi-2. 0. O.MIK.J Auguatgf 2862. wTAIKOF LKOHGIA, JriFt ‘ O V/heiUiS, Wi.: . . a of inlmfnistrarioi • , oeai fimbred and credit -so* said dcoun. • ' .Ulce within the time pr«bcn;*u. oy . • f . ;• oy have, why Ay • ; Given under my bar u auflo'-uy. ■■■ • isvllie, thc j 10th day of Augusta, . r/ . August 19. i£o3, Hal.. - / ■ EOItUIA,COLUMBIA 'LMI ■ - ;; ijr Clay jppfi* t ,•/•',>- , r \„ V ' -aid : T^^^2asrif.^*n»£.c,r-.r T h r £ 86? ADMINISTRAiOb SAUL By vistas of *s ato f«?= r 2 >, ’T t r ? ' t " r 7 ; f -' ouoniy wWbe*LHioau»e(Nt 1 wen tao-.-Oi iS . at toe ViirxC. Uouac in tb- t/jwn of inulsvUa, 1-v.r ia tbei»>*l Wo» of »■( ... Tbra* bJLdieC- wi sixty <^ r «* of lslo, a-•• .lain* uad of Mi ai-1 orl.bii,. ar... ' . *- ttmbarews - ASDItEW A. takye:;. Ad, C A ".gait 19. ADMIN ISTBATOHNS b\ .. WILL be oftrr tnpsrior Oourt of Grvene county, at he * o r. House in : .;reenar ->ro\ on the first Tuesday in N‘ -V .« MBE ' ’.czt thecd Lot, . and apo l tn aety a .rkk-f Lhhu,« nem.-e rora-tL*-. 0 t Housr-. ■ li&kferA. 1 eruiß on t e du> ct e «r. o. johrsun, idht. EXECUTOR’S S\LE, EY virtue of an order from the Oourt oi Ordinary of Jca* ferwMi county, will be Hold at the Murket He rase Ir tne tow it of Loui-vihe, on Utc.l Tueau&y in OCTObJIi Lear within the *<«al hours c stale, the following property, to w;i Bix Nsgrc>fc©belcn. ing to the ot Mo*fea BrratH n, br . C. ceased. Terms on day of saia. a KKL, KxS JuiyUjML