Weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 183?-1864, August 03, 1864, Image 1

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-43 Us\ |/f IPti-F' l> V P -li |/..;>* *?*wivv tv tin tllv L by n. s. mobs;; & co. (tojumiclc & Stnfiiul. TERMS. • -"•■—*■ - Till: WEEKLY CHRONICLE A SKVrtMiL IS PtMLIBUED fiVCKY VVfcDXK.-.ilAi THKIJK MOMTiIH * | o(l MX MO.HTHH t »C>y ALWAYS IIS AOVAXCK. WEEKLY ADVERTISIV; RATES. (1 aniNahr AevZßTneicxxTQ pnbfhl 1 s: tbt Weekly we . t ir*c tweßty avccentjalißc eicl.mMitlos. Hr cout. Notices ccr.'a t.1tr.../- reath niertlon. Mannixan.DzATnsftnd Kosmi Soweri'.re »c- Outcastst ones* forty vestspfriiu* fur w i:.-:- n f.MicrU’Slyor WcAkir. Where OUiustj-rv.Uic ex, 1 1. I»he4 la Weekly— S' ";t • : rl'.,c. THKAKW KKCRKTAHY OF !1!C i tilA-l . V ft will be remembered by cjr w aiters that, in a recent article on Secretary Memmingcr, ve urged the propriety of selecting for Ms sue ci*rx»r aopie eminent banker, conic man of dis tinguished practical ability and experience, in financial matters. Wo are glad that the course baa been adopted by the President. Hie::vr Secretary, Vlr, Tretiholni, of the princely com mercial firm of John Frazer & Go., is Ist sucfi u man—a banker and a merchant of large •x- | p.-iieiice, of cultivated intellect, sound judg went, and eminent practical skill in financial j an<l business affaire, lfebrings to the difficult ! task of managing our porptexed finances, quali (leiitionu of a high order. We anticipate beneficial tes tills from lb!.; op pointniont. Wo look for the highc degrc ■j of energy and efficiency in llio mami"otn. nt of tho Treasury Department, ami for such im provement in our financial condition, a:; prac ticnl skill and judgment can accomplish. We consider this appointment an impartial precedent, which we trust will be followed in every branch of the public service—the selec tion of men for obi ;es of hit'll public tried, with reference (,o their practical qualification.', rather than their political popularity and in fluence, A reform ia Ibis particular is loipl’v called for. Thomas .Icfforsoil’s test cl fitness for rdllco—“ is he honest, is ho capable,” - hat been too much ignored in this country. Both j in the old government and the now, it has i been too much the practice to elevate men to the j highest legislative ami executive stations, on j the ground of th> ir political and party pop ularity, rather than tlieir fitness tor the tract to bo discharged. Professional politicians have < njoyed a monopoly of the legislative and • t-ulivo honors of the country, to tho serious detriment of the public Interests. Tho politicians in this country, being gener ally lawyers, the consequence of Ihc tbi s mistaken policy, by both the people and J t ln’ritiUirs has been that c ur national legal a tors and highest executive officers, liavo generally been selected from Dm l° ta] profession, to lb exclusion of other pvocatloDS. Wo render ,dl duo homage to this Noble profession, believing, that it eixtUriu'es a laf*go i'VC'pO'. lion v\ .u- .r; e fc iutollect and culture of the ;t alien; but, yet we think it unwise and inexpedient to give to it a monopoly of the legislative end executive departments of the Governmogt. All the m cl ing interests and classes ol society have their due representation and voice in tho man- | ageniont of public affaliß. ihc mechanical, j luanufacturiiig, agricultural, nud eomr.ierci-il classes as well as the professions, should all participate iu tho control of our Government, to secure its proper and beneficial action. Each should be fairly represented. Tho wis dom, experience and talents ol each, should be employed in tho public service. This is essential to secure tho necessary qualifications for office, as well as a just and impartial ad ministration of Government, with reference to all the diversified interests of the nation. We should have for Secretary of the Treasury an able practical lit vnc'or ; for Secretary of the Navy, a man familiar with Naval ullalrs—a r > tiredcommodore won't! be infinitely preferable to an ignorant politician; for Secretary of War one versed in Army tiff iits. sty an officer of high rank and extensive suprrk nce; for Post Master Genera), a man of practical business talent; for Attorney Gene-H. a learned and tal ented lawyer. So, also, our C m;-, ss would bo greatly Improved, it in.ttea.i ot bee filled wltu scheming politicians and linve i■, it 1. el due proportions of intelligent farmer 1 •mint: focturers, an«J merchants, raeu praetically ; qu tinted with tnP business and various in terests of the country, which are tho . ul- jat e, «>f legislation. We would have less sj o t'r.mg lor ltuuoombe, but more business done, nud bettor ilono. The legislation of llio con:. l try would be move practical and enlightened, ami better adapted to promote the intenv.-s of all. We would liavo fewer bungling laws, requir ing constant amendment. They manage matters much more sensibly ncress the water, in old Englaud. t’laii we do here. There the right kind of talent is diligently sought after and employed. Tiicir the House es Conunous is hugely composed of the lan led gentry, practical agriculturist, and eminent merchants, uml manufacturers, as well as law yers. There, if a man rises to eminence by success as a merchant, a banker, a manu facturer. or even a green grocer or tallow chand ler, ho is rewarded by a seat in Parliament.— The English have a shrewdy notion, that If a manhaashoCß himself eminently capa ble of managing Ids ofon affairs, it is to be pre sumed that he is capable of managing <! >' affairs of the public. The conseqC'-'UCe is. that the British House of Commons is a business, body of men. They meet to,transact bus.’ness not to talk. Speechifying for Buncombe fe not tolerated at all. And the beneficial con sequences of such a composition of the popu lar branch of the legislature, ate seen in the cautious and conservative character of British legislation. It will bo well for us as a people,to take a fresh start in the management of our political affairs; 1 to discard the corrupt and irrational system to j which vyo wore accustomed in the old Union; ‘ to repudiate utterly the trade of politics and trad lag politicians; and to select practical men for our public servants. (!kn. Johnston's Removal in Richmond. -Th Richmond Whig sajs that Gen. Johnston’s re moval excites much surprise in that city. The Whig does not doubt Hood's fighting qualities, but thinks a great injustice has been done to Gen. Johnston by taking from him an oppor tunity to finish a victory he had already won. The Whig thinks that a very inopportune mo ment has been taken to gratify personal feel ings, and charges the administration with showing a “malignant jealousy unparalleled outside the bottomless pit” that cannot be quenched by “ love of country.” This is strong language. But the Whig would not probably have used it unless justified ly facts. If “malignant jealousies” are hereafter to guide the ship of State instead of "love of country”—'.hea indeed have wo fallen upon evil times and the woes we haye suffered are pot even the beginning of those in stoic lor us. TJ.'K I'll 1A«?! OP GENERALS. ! Tic cfca: •of commanders, in the army of Northern G ergia h.:s excited general sur pri-e and ivTiet. The public ww e not pie i 7cople. It Lad not been impaired by bis retrograde movements from Dalton which ceivc' r. : .cred iris v .’dable.'but rather height-. !t- jby masterly mafcncr in which they we.'.e till ( ted. V.'La’.t ver injustice Cen. Johnston may have : suffered at the hands of the President, he must j Bel gratified by tin universal expression of ; tste< in and sympathy which his retirement has 'elicited freu: both the army and the public I if-.* u lire.-, not i'i disgrace, but amid a blaze of ;; with die ; i odds t* his fallow patriot?, unit 1. c- 'ippiobufton of his country. Gen. Join., urn has and; no a groat work for Urn t-v.ywi.’ i; ho ) just left."• Taking ccm t : np to a sß.ie of- the hivd.'C .t discipline a.d efficiency. Un der hi,: admirable fJtittstrallOß, it' was well c'otbed, well fed and wed nandlcd. Its or ganization was perfected, and he left it in bet- j ter fighting trim than it e*vor had been before, j Whatever micces:cs it may achieve, tho credit will J»o hugely due to his genius and j effort*', ", Inch lift it .11 such splendid condition to his ».aeeet*or. It is umie'stood that Gen. Johnston was re guri'ii and. with no friendly feeling by the Presi -1 •;< nt. and that his upp ale for reinforcements, i to ii.row *;f. n Shermans rear, wereunheeded. | Denied tl n< a-ssory assistance, hr; was nna)]}e | to 1 any out t!;e grand strategical scheme by m ild have annihilated the enemy. Now that the Pre.-ident has a General of Lis j own choire, at the he.; 1 of tho army of North ! ei'ii Geoi '.ia, wc hope he will do for him, what i he f.;ih *1 to do for Gen. Johnston—give hint i P.ie 1: iuf a.> ii.iuifs iicc<-;v.try. To sustain him neif, t■ • i■ I;;ify ids change of Generals, in the I e; 1-: of the public, ho will bo compelled to do ! this. Hi own reputation ;»nd the late of the Corded! roey, are both staked upon the present, effort to expel lii; invv’er from Dio soil of Georgia. "1 he ccuniry demands that no effort • hall bo spared to a. complish this essential ob je*ct. I Gen. Hood, the ruceexer of Gen. Johnston, ! -sum vs i.Y new posil ion,already crowned with { J.iiircls, i. a division and carps commander. — i tie Isa fighting General, of the Napoleonic cast, full of dash and courage, ardent and imperious and with the advantage of a wide experience, iu iighti l !;, laities. Wo have already had a sample of ids prowess, iu the glorious victory ol last week. II : has made a brilliant begin ning, arid we trust has achieved- but the first of a sericj of victories, which will crown him the N.-.polef-u ol tho war. Ills star bps risyi in i ff"dg,'.it splciidor— ruay it not sot until the iu depon-.I: nco of lijs country snail ho established, until tin last 100 shall bo (Liven from her soil. A m tgnlfi ;eut career is opened to our now ( : .Mi, : hi chief, on which a brighter sun Tuva T -tr- br'junsrerura'toiy n?o, tum tu-wttetr glories may be won, surpassing those of Ma r;n;.ro. I:,-\. r perhaps was a finer opportunity oil'..red to a young General, to win for himself in.mortal fcii.it*, to insci'ibo Ids nanio high on that Bu di, where live ■‘the few, .the immortal names that wore not born to die.” lie is on the pathway to a nation's deliverance—his may be the honor of dosing this bloody war, of at bloving our independence. Let him but succeed, and bis r.amo will shine on ihc bright est pangs of his country’s history. The des tiny of the Republic rests upon his sword — tremendous luspons bliity ! may tho genius of a Marlborough, ci a Wellington, of a Na poleon combine to endow him for the mighty t ask a v Ipr.ed him. A nations prayers and aspira tions arise for his success" a nation’s hopes follow his s'andard; and a lation’s gratitude will he the priceless reward of victory. Ib'ATit OK Ci-iff. V» r . Id. T. Walker.— Tho sad intelligence was received bore Saturday of the death of Gen. W. 11. T. Walker, at Atlanta. Knowing tho daring, intrepidity and energy of Gen.W,, and ids untiring devotion to the can-?:*, such an event was not wholly unlocked for ; and yet the news falls with a painful and depressing effect "upon this community. We have no particulars as to tho manner of his death, but we fee! sure that lie fell with his f • > t<* the foe. and in the thickest of the fight lie and.. I rim dealli of a patriot and hofo. 1 1 ■ re t for u; to write Got). Walker’s eulo gy Oiin- v and abler pens will render full jus ts, ato hi.- un-mcry and Id.: worth. Wo may be p. ttuhtod to say, however, that never have wo ; ec man who carabine lin so eminent a degree flic during and bravery of the sol ciiev with ihe em-.u'.-vus urbanity of tho gen tleman, than be. Probably, too, wo had not auion.-: us a more rigid uicCiplinatian, or one with higher military skill and endowment's! The services of such a man arc invaluable to be country at all fT:ues, but especially now when the South ia struggling for freedom, and her best and greatest men arc needed in the awful conHict. dots the loss of Grtn. Walker seem irreparable. Ever active in the faithful discharge of his duty, subordinating all private aims and interests to his country’s welfare, and leading his gallant braves where the. leaden missiles flew thickest and ihe cannon’s boom woke the loudest echoes, then falling like a true hero at the last—what brighter record can be shown than this ? Oa the roll of lame will his illu> nous name appear, the love, the ad miration, the revet once of succeeding genera tions. Peace to tho gallant warrior and no ble cayalier ! Good Atmos.—-The .\ntcon Confederate ad vises refugees to leave the main line of railroad* and go into the interior, its far as possible, where,the price of living is much cheaper, and houses cau be more readily obtained. This i s good advice. If followed there would be much 1 k'S inconvenience and suffering than there now is. The cities are already crowded to overflowing, and there is no employment to be had. lu the country there is a plenty of room ad a plenty of land to cultivate. We say with the Confederate, if you are driven from your homes by the Yankees, leave the main ; lines ot lailway, and go into the interior as far 1 as possible. ; Movements ok Virginia Troops.— The Rich | mond Enquirer ot Jnlv 20 says “My-.terious j movements by our troops are-mooted. Wheth | er they are going to make another break for ! Washington or not remains to be seen.” j Instead of breaking for Washington, we think I they ought to break for Sherman’s rear. It is about time that we iguit making movements that cause the deaths of thousands of brave men. accomplish no good to the Confederate ! cause, and result in increasing Lincoln's ar mies. Every raid that has been made into Yankeedom has a hied large numbers of troops to Lincoln's foices. AUGUSTA, GA., WEDNESDAY MORNING. AUGUST 3, 1864. | P:; :tE Ixpr.EisMsvrs.—We understand that! i thcce in comm and at this place aie endeavor ing to finrh ten store owners and store cccu : pant.s c mpelling them if they can to give up 1 on buddings for storage purposes, whether they are willing or not. Me have a word to ray on til's subject. I There is no law which compels a man to give up I It ißore or building unless he chooses so to; i do. There is no law which empowers an officer j t ; seize a building and eject its occupants, j ! The courts of this State have decided that a ! man’s house is his cas tie; and if a man sec-s fit" j to defend his premises from trespassers—after 1 Slaving given them fair warning—the trespassers j 1 alone arc to blame if they get more than they , bargain for. ' Our advice to storo owners is this. If you i wish to occupy your stores yourself or 1 wish to I t th ru too:her parties besides the j g werntn nt, <!-; so; you have a perfect right I thus to act. Do not allow yourselves to he browbeaten to pursue a course against your wi.-.hes. Yon have lights These lights are pro tected by laws. The courts of Georgia Lave decided in your favor. And if you arc men true to your birthright you wili not permit your i ights to be tamely trampled uudc-r foot. We do not to have our readers under stand that we are in favor of, or that wo up hold any opposition to the acts of administra tion officials merely for the sake of opposition. W'e do not counsel throwing obstacles in their way when they are right. On tho contrary, when they keep within t lheir proper sphere wc believe they should ho upheld. But when these gentlemen undertake to override and trample under foot the rights of the citizen, it i.s high time that their unlawful career was checked, and they were made to understand llist they were not tho mnslers hut simply the servants. j A Fiendish Outrage. —A correspondent of ! the Atlanta Appeal narrates the annexed fiend ish outrage: _ A body of Yankees went to the residence of Mr. William Iverson, who lives about sixteen miles north of Decatur, Go., cn last Saturday, and after destroying his effects to their hearts content, laid hands on his daughter, about six teen years of ago, and by force, one after an other, satisfying their hellish lust. Her fath er attempted to take her from them. They then let iu on him with clubs, which Eoon dis abled die old mat), and he has not been ablo to turn himself since, and in all probability will die of his ir;juries. This beauiiful and vir tuous young lady expired before they left. The Yankees came back next morning and dug a hole near the well in tho yard and put the corpse in and covered it. Such accounts as these we are well aware are not generally fit to be inserted in newspa per columns. We publish this simply because we hope it will have the effect of rousing oar people to more energetic action in their en deavors to drive back a foe who is seeking to. devastate our fair State and to lay waste and render desolate happy homes and firesides. Ge n-Mans ! No further appeal should be necessary to urge you to put forth your utmost strength to resist the advance of a ruthless invader into y Utit hi ii 111 ill 11111 Tub. Last Thing to Steal .—A cut ions thef was perpetrated in Petersburg, Ya., a few days since. During one of the bombardments of the place, a thirty-two pound shell struck the house of a gentleman, and fell into his back yard unexploded. Being afraid to re move it, bo allowed it to remain their undis turbed. A short time after his back gate was broken open, and some thief who intended to do him injury,'perfumed a great service by carrying the precious ‘‘memento” off. The gentleman announces that if he is so unfor tunate as to have any more unexploded visitors lying around leone in his yard, that he will cheerfully opeu his door and give leave to any one to remove them without putting the party to the trouble of breaking open his gate. Ills offer certainly ctight to bo considered a liberal otic by the parties who appropriated the first shell. . Oman. Rascality.— lt is quite plain from facts which are daily coming to light, that too many responsible positions nave been filled through favoritism instead of merit. And what is worse,many of them are attending too closely to their own pockets, to the great detriment both of the public and those placed under them. Some of the presses elsewhere that have not sold their columns, liavo commenced ventilating tire matter. It is about time that the people looked into the subject. Tho Sumter Ga. Republican tells a few facts. Hero they are: We scarcely open a newspaper but wo can find some instance recorded of swindling of tbo people or the soldiorson the part of those set in high places. The speculation and robberies on tho part of the Quartermasters and Commis saries have passed into a proverb. Men-iu these positions suddenly grow rich on a salary of 6150 or less per month, and it has now come to bo considered almost a matter of course that these gentry should have the privilege of robbing the government without gainsay or re proach. In the Hospital Department, also, there are great abuses. Delicacies of all kinds are daily sent to these institutions for the benefit of the sick and wounded soldiers, that are notoriously appropriated for tho use of the surgeons and the oti'cr officials. Wines and biandies, cordials and jellies, chickens and turkeys, besides other edibles, not on the roll of army rations, can of ten be found on the tables of the "doctors, when you will rarely hear of a sick soldier enjoying any of these delicacies which the benevolent charity of tho people has contributed for the use of tho gallant boys who stand as a wall of del'-nce between the enemy and the hearth stones of .the people. But recent.';-.-, the writer has been told of an instance, during the progress of a battle, that a surgeon invited all hands to take a drink of the small supply of whiskey on hand, before his quarters would be tilled with wounded men, who would need it. This was done by the Bac chanalian crowd and the liquor was guzzled down by ail present, at the expense perhaps of the life of some poor fellow, whom the stimu lus might hare saved from the collapse of death. Again, I have known of a steward of a hos pital not a thousand miles from Macon, being in the habit of setting the plainest and coars est fare before his convalescent soldiers, when the strengthening and palatable food was re served for his own private table. This steward was detected in his rascality ana discharged from the place he so unworthily filled. Once more, and I have done, on the subject of official abuses. It is said that gross corrup tion exists at the prison at Andersonvillo. A high official, it is said.has been detected tra ding with the Yankee prisoners for greenbacks, and has been reported to Headquarters for his misconduct. He manages, through his sutler, to monopolize all the trade that goes to the place, forbidding citizens to sell their produce to any one but bis appointee, at his prices.— The guard ns well as the prisoners are subject to this restriction. Every body who knows wh.it a sutler's profits generally are. may well believe hat the soldier On duty there has but little chance to get any delicacy of meats, fruit or vegetables, owing to the high tariff imposed by this middle man called the sutler. He can buy eggs at $2 per dozen, but sells at SlO He buys syrup it $lO per gallon, and sells at $lO the pint. So the story gees, and it is said that so outraged have the soldier guards be come at this extortion. they have treated the sutler to a ride on avail and threaten his mas tor with the same uamilitary honors, PRETTY l’L U\ TALK. The family quarrc-is in- Lincoindom are plea sant to v.hii --. We trust they will amount to I something in the end. Wo fear, however, be fore '.be Presidential election takes place, that the difficulties now existing will be healed. ; The Fremont organs are arraigning Lincoln and showing up his acts in not a very favorable light. Those little squabbles bring to view many truths which otherwise would remafn j t uc-ealed from the public eye. The New York j New Nation, the leading Fremont paper, is ■ sending some telling shots into the Lin- I coin faction. Below is an article from its | columns. In it sill be found one good sound doctrine which answers for a Southern as well as a Nolhern latitude. It is this : Thu people in a republic are not to bo used by urose in , power to parry out their own scill-h ends ami personal aggrandisement—but administrations are made by the people and for the benefit of tbs people. These are correct principles. If I tin y hud been carried out in tbc begiimmg, we I would not now hive been experiencing .nil the horrors of a bloo4y civil war. If carried out j in fu. ,re much discord and perhaps bic-ulaccd will be saved. Here is the article referred to above ; The time has come—for all independent men, all who are jealous of the national liorrty and greatness, to unite in a common effort to oppose au insurmountable barrier aga r.st the flood of shame and ruin that, is pourimr over the country from Washington, and throateua to bury even the American name. Inaugurat ed in error and cowardice, the present Admin istration tended inevitably to the poin.-.d cad which we have before our eyes. Error ns to the true bearing and character of the contest; error as to its probable duration; looking only upon compromise as a possible solution of the suvg gie. aud protecting in slavery the veiy souice of the conflict, the Administration of Mr. Lin coln could only and inevitably terminate in the naif measures which prolong crises and never conclude them; cowardice In dealing with foreign powers, which did not blush to assbffi - late themselves to revolted criminals under the name of belligerents; cowaidiee in dealing with England imperiously demanding the Trent pri soner:-, notwithstanding the open maniie.-iu tion of the popular will; cowardice in dealing with Louis. Napoleon, who insolently treads the M nroe dciL'iiie under foot and slaps us in the face with its fragments, stained with Mexican blobd; cowardice toward the whole world, in suffering, without reprisals, our commerce and our flag to be insulted in every sea by pirates is - ui.g from the ports of powers which make war upon us under tho shelter of neutrality; every where cowardice. American! is this the devise which our fathers ivfl us ? Is it this which we shall leave to our children ? Without energy for good, without force against evil, and without intelligence to foresee and to direct, what has become of our liberties, and what has become of the'immense resources of every kind, put by patriotism at the discretion of our executives? Our liberties!- wo have sec:-! them succumb, one by one, with out a murmur, without .a single popular .pro test to vindicate rights and justice outraged ; military pro-consuls have evof? whetereplaced the law by cs.ptice, and the judge by Ihe Pro vost Marshal, the. habeas corpus no longer ex ii3. ami she capricious hell of Mr. Reward sends, without power of resistance, the bets cit izens of the Republic to dream in a-dungeon over our lost liberties. There is not a citi zen to-day who can be secure in going to sleep at, night,. that, hp will nek awake a.oriaunal— 'not uy the irvwsTJtit by the will of a pro-cane or his agent. That which England would have defended 1o . tho last drop of her blood, that which is the most glorious appanage of tho Anglo Saxon race, its pride in ami its attachment and respect for the liberty of the citizen, we have abandon ed without a pioteit. Are we dmerulantsGf ikose sturdy Saxons who never know how to bend their heads, or are we the.effeminate sons of the Latin race of whom servility is the distinguishing cbarac er istic ? 1 n fighting for universal liberty, are wo go ing to surrender our own? Our national "wealth is following in the wake of our liberties. The resources heape 1 up by a century of preserving labor, that prosperity which was the envy of the world and our just pride, is flowing off at the rate of lour millions of dollars'a day, into the pockets of contractors scattered anti wast ed by incapacity on the battle-field, and by corruption in public transactions. Prostrate, ruined, and dishonored, have we at least the consolation to see all these saciitices crowned by victory over our enemies? Judge for your selves. After “three years of voluntary impo tence, after having steadily drained our wealth and our blood in such a way as just to carry our existence along far enough to bring us ex hausted to the moment ol a Presidential elec tion, tho Administration drawing together for a supreme last cTort all the force of the nation, stakes its existence on a last card in order to perpeutate itself in power, or, if it falls, to leave with its r-uceessor only a ruin-and the remembrance of a greatness destroyed for ever. All our resources are. engaged, not in those combats of civilized people where modern sci ence wins victory while it spares life, but in a human hecatomb, like the recorded struggles of Baibimn antiquity, where masses take the place of intelligence, and where exhaustion and death take tho place cf victory—a triumph of darkness over light; URtojy- will mark with her bloody ti: ycr this ferocious butel-ary. a «!).';;•-to uamanity and a stain upon tLh age ol civilization and progress. We have lost at least forty thousand m°n in 1- ’than ten days; wo pus'g forward even cur militia ; what afterward ? It is enough to pay dearly for tho ignorance of those who, instead of leading our men to victory, lead then to death. The imagination refuses to look at the consequences of a disaster under such circum stances. Under this Administration, sold to foreigners by fear or by interest, .we have seen that saddest and most incredible spectacle of tbo work of our ancestors naffied. and over thrown before it had yet reached a century of existence, but which was also a century of un exampled prosperity. Shades of Washington, of Jefferson, of Mon roe and Jackson, of Adams, of Clay, of Web ster, and of Benton, tell our countrymen if you recognize that Republic which you k lew liow to make so great! Bloody shades of the heroes of independence, you who founded the Republic by heroism and suffering against the numbers and the treasures of England, ri.-e u > and tell us if you recognize your battles of giants where energy and valor supplied tbo place of numbers, in these human hecatombs > where patriotism succumbs under incompe tence ! Come forward i Touch with your finger the bodies of these contractors swollen with the people’s gold, mocking at the devastation and smiting over the national ruin: touch and teil re if your antique virtue realizes the ex istence of these human vultures! People!; There is yet time for you to rise up. There is yet time lor you to pass in review the acts of a guilty Administration, which has betrayed ycur'eonfidenoe, and to arrest its cour=e. The moment has come io launch out from the nc-w world the great truth that administrations are made by the people, and not the people for the administration; and that howsoever great may be their forbearance for their servants, howso ever long may be their forgetfuless of their interests, when the measure is full, the people declare that they alone are sovereign and ‘change (heir Administration. The time has come to change that which tot three years past lias occupied the White House; the time has come to clean out the Augean stables and to select toe Hercules, charged with that task. On io Cleveland' It-is stated that tbs entire number of pris oners new held North and .South is very near j ly equal, the excess, if any, being in our fa j vor. * Brigadier-General R. E. Colston has assum ed command ot the city es Lynchburg and en virons. Mai. Gen. Whiting has given notice, that persons belonging to the Confederate States, able to perform military duty in the field or office, will not be allowed, hereafter to leave port to act as Pursers of blockade running ves sels, it not being essential that such vessels should he lunisked with pursers. ■VteVEMK.VrS OF confederate steamer FLORIDA, binco tho Alabama lias left her walks, the Confederate States steamer Florida seems to bo doing double duty. She has, ia a few days, captured seven vessels of the enemy, almost at their doors, and has carried consternation t) those who “go down to the sea in ships.” The Florida is commanded by Captain Mor vil, of South Carolina. Her crew is stated at one hundred and fifty-five men. who are said to be greatly attached to tbeir commander.— The following narrative of some of her recent operations will interest our readers: [From the Philadelphia Press; July 12.] CAFTUKB OF TUB WHALER OOI.CONbI. _ The whaler Golconda, on its return from a ike years vdialing ctnise, started from Tal coTuana, Chili, on tan morning of April 14, b tend to New Bedford, Mass. On Friday "•whMng issfci while ia d-rritude thirty seven degress thirty minutes, longinido Seventy two degrees fifteen minutes, the Golconda pveceivcd a vessel sailing under the United States flag to wards her. The Golconda put the American colors. A3 soon as she had dime so, the con federate craft rati down the American flag and displayed the Goafede: a 0 colors. Tbc craft, which then proved to be the Flor ida. fired a signal gun and commanded the Gol conda to heave to. The Florida then came alongside the Golconda', auj demanded where she was from and where bound. The officer in command of the Florida (hen informed the Gol conda that they would board her. A lieuten ant from the Florida then came on board, and demandod inspection of the papers. The regis ter, Ac, were shown to him, and he then inform ed Capt. Winslow, of thk Golconda, that his vessel was the prize of the Confederate States steamer Florida. The officers and crew were taken aboard ihe Florida, and the Golconda was fired. She had aboard 1,800 barrels of oil, which were entirely destroyed ; 1,050 barrels were on freight, and 750 barrels belonged to -to the crew. The oil which had been obtained on the cruise, with tho exception of the 750 bar rels. had been disposed of at Ta’cahuana. The vessel belongs to one Howland, of New Brunswick, Me., is live years old, and 300 tons burden. She is valued at* $97,000 ; not a dol lar of which, we are informed, is insured against war risk. The officers and crew were kept aboard tho Florida till Sunday, when the offi cers, together wit a tire captain of the Margaret Y. Davis, were put aboard an English schooner, which was hailed by the Florida, and was bound to Nassau. THE CAPTURE OF THE MARGARET Y. DAVIS. One of the crew of the schooner Margaret Y. Davis informs us that they had been to Port Royal with a cargo, of gunpowder, and were re turning to New York in ballast. They were in latitude 37. longitude 74. on Saturday, ear ly in the morning, when they were hailed by what afterwards proved to he the Florida. An officer from that vessel boarded her, and in formed them after demanding and inspecting tlieir papers, that they were the prize of the Confederate, steamer Florida. The officers and crew were then put aboard tho Florida and the schooner set fire to-and destroyed. She was valued at 834.000, and was insured with war risk. THE CAPTURE OP THE GREENLAND. Captain Verdin, ci* the steam tug Amor ci has informed us that ho had in tow the ba--k Greenland, bound from this port to Pensacola, laden with coal. Ou Sstm-luy afternoon, at 3 o’clock, while off Cape Ilenry-, IS by 6 , (10 miles, he spied a suspicious looking '.-dean; r making toward them. When three miles dis tant ho thought }t would not be safe to allow his vessel to go nay nearer t.» ihe suspicious tcroft. H->hawser «• •- ••’ •• •••■ SgiEr cruft, which they soon found to bo tire v'oArida, put on ail steam and saii, and made Vffer them. The Florida chased tho Amen, a far about an hour, and then gave up the chase. Tiw America then put into Hampton Roads, and towed out the Ino, which was sent to cruise for tho Florida. The Florida had in tho mean time captured the Greenland. This vessel was in command of Captain Ev erett. Her Officers and crow wore taken on board tin: Florida. The vessel and cargo wore valued at about $30,000, and, v/3 are. informed, are fully insured. THE CAPiURS or Ti'.E GENERAL BEERY. The bark Gen. Berry, under command of Capt. Hooper, who lias given us the informa tion, was bound for Fortress Monroe, from New York, laden with liay for the Government. When oft* Chinconteagns, W. N. W., twenty miles, at 2.} o’clock on Sunday morning, was hailed by tho'Florida. The Berry carried lights,, or the Captaiu believes they would not have been discovered. Tho Capt. was iu bod at the time of being hailed by the . Florida. On being awakened, he was boarded by an of ficer of the Florida, whasaid, “Captain, allow me to,inform you that yonjare a prize to the Con federate steamer Florida ” Officers and crew were then invited aboard the Florida, and the Berry was set five to and destroyed, bhe was, with her cargo, valued at $30,000. CAPTURE OF TSE BARK ZCUSIIA. The bark Belinda,, of Eastport, Maine, in command of Capt Siiackford, was the next prize of the Florida. She was in the lat. 37,60, long, 74,50, abouto o'clock on Sunday morning when she was.overtakcn and boarded by the Florida. It was the second trip the Zciinda bad made. Sbe was from New Orleans, bound for Eastport, Maine, in ballast. It- was intended by the Captain of the Florida to send all the crews ashore on the Zslinda, but the schooner How ard coming in sight this idea was given up and the crew was put in the Zalinda and sent in chase ol the Howard, which it scon captured. TIIE CAPTURE OF THE SCHOONER HOWARD. As above stated, tiro schooner Howard war, captured shortly after 5 o’clock, on Sunday morning. She was laden with pineapples, from Nassau, bound to New York. A great part of her cargo was taken by the Florida. Tiie Captain was then required to enter bonds with the Captaiu ot the Florida, conditioned to $6,000,t0 thejConfe-ierato States six months pay after the declaration of peace between Ure Coif* federate States and the tfnited StateffUnd al go conditioned that tho Howard should land the officers and crews, mimberingj|teiy-three in all, of the other vessels at the nearest point of land. The bond wa3 entered into and duly signed. TREATMENT OF OFFICERS AND CREWS ON BOARD TUB FLORIDA. Every one of the captured officers and crow can speak in the highest terms of the treatment tiiey received during their stay on board the Florida. All were allowed the liberty of the boat from sunrise to sunset. The crew were put under guard after sunset. The officers were furnished with state-rooms, • and wines,, brandies, cigars, &c., ail of the brands were freely distributed amongst them. • *- ; LEAVE TAKING. Upon taking leave of the officers and crews the Captain of the Florida treated all with ap parently the heartiest cordiality, and requested the Cap’tain of jhc Berry to remember him kindly to Abe Lincoln, and iuform him that the Florida was still afloat. There werefwe are informed, 1,149 bales of hay on board the Gen. B a rrv, The Zsllinda was 590 tuns burden. , The loss in the capture of these six vessels will be over $250,000. ban. Trouble Brewing in Kentucky, —The an nexed news we find in the columns of a New York paper. We trust it is correct in every particular: News of a startling character has reached this city from Louisville, Ky. From private and trustworthy sources we learn that a collision between the people of that city and a colored regiment which had been stationed there was imminent. The officer in command of the ne groes was ordered by the young men of Louis ville to withdraw hh regiment within twelve hours, and in the event of bis non complw.uc- 1 with their demand, they would be driven out. Our informant states that he had not heard of the result. The young men i with the intention ot carrying choir thread?, to exe cution, in the event of the colored regiment not being withdrawn. We also learn, irom the. same authority, that Gen. Boyle cud Provost Marshal Mundy, both ot whom had up to with in the last six or seven weeks been staunch supporters of the Federal Government, have been arrested on a charge of using treasonable language. They Lad, it appears, resigned their positions upon being ordered to the front, VOL. ■LXXVIII.---NEW SERIES VOL. XXVHI. no at r - - ,r —ITT-mini-IT I 1 ■ —■————inm—i * O AFFAIRS IN ENGLAND. [Correspondence Richmond Whig] Li\eri>ool, Jane Oth, ISfii. Safely arrived in the Mersey, I had the pleas ure ot inspecting, at short distance, the for midable rams just purchased by the English Government, and which thus se.tkdes the vex ed question. It seems to me that we have on ly ourselves to blame aboiit their loss. If we bad kept quiet and not. boasted of what; we in tended to do, the Yankees could not have been apprised of our intensions, and the rams would !•:•;•;; since have opened our blockaded ports. Reticence therefore for the future is particularly desirable on our part. The En glish Government is decidedly ; the gainer by the whole transaction, as these vessels arc con sidered the no t formul ij>le ships ever built. Ihi e paid for them in tlieir present unfinished state, ,C 2*20,000. Some of our people are stil making remit tances and transacting business with the bank ing houses ot Baring. aud of Brown, -Shopley Go lkiriug. i< t-lie haul.* in the House of Comni ms to a.iwance Yankee interesL email occasions, and made the shipments lor then of ihe arms and munitions of war, uhidil wrote to yon had been purchased. The other house j is just as cealons. Would it not be well to cud attention to (his matter and suggest io l our people the impropriety of giving further; aid aud comfort to a people who ttto our ene mies?. Largo amounts of Southern funds are nt their hands, and should bo withdrawn and given to other houses, whose sympathies are we'd known. Such for instance as Jr K. Gilliot & Cos, Chas. Joyce & Cos., Over & Gurney, of London, and Colin Campftiell & Son, Hewitt &Go, If raser Treoholm & Cos., Ac., Li vet pool. The richer you make the houses wlio oppose us aud act for the United States, tiie greater will be the amount of aid which they can and will render to our enemies. Mr. Lindsay will press his motion in Pariia ment to-morrow week for recognition of tho Confederacy, and to instruct tire Ministry to of fer mediation. The debate will be exciting, and from what I learn, a considerate fluttering exists on the part cf tire Ministry lest it should carry, in which event they go overboard. I wrote to Mr. Lindsay yesterday, calling his at tention to a subject which is of considerable importance to us. I feel satisfied that it wi'l be properly attended to, and will have some ef fect upon the questions. i wrote the following extract : “I observe that you have asked for corres pondence relative to restrictions upon ship ping, and am very gl*l to see it. dam jud from the Confederacy, and during my stay in Bermuda the Florida came In. She had over hauled 150 American ships with Yankee Cap tains and crews, but all except one were pro tected by a- British Registry in- proper form.— Yankee commerce is going on just as visual, but it is protected by the English'flag. This, I am satisfied, you and others will not consider fair play, nor consistent with the avowals of the Ministry (o exercise a strict neutrality be tween the Yankees and ourselves. Even the Yankee steamers running to New Brunswick are being placed under the English flag. This is a fraud which doseves investigation. 0 It c;- 1 tiers abortive all the efforts which we may- j make to inflict injury upon the oomtnei -out' enemies, It is-far more effective lb n j aeii'Vl o' A !■•.'. .",n a.- .a : . vi. ipl ,us front In ' A-. '■ -,■ ■■. . l ’tp tiie j your navi;; dten law: , w-iuout: a. b-.v ' v . ! ever You <an eag ,v >r< si o aco yof th< 3 ■■•'.'• . 1 ,* . : "•!. : ■ L’d ;.'i isk'j.s VVbi.e y.-ut ; ,-v5 ,<i ! low A marie;- a : •lips to bo j ecedatui r.m un I c!;ttaeo.llish 1I the Yankeolaw; pfvhibii ! ! riinniag of Briti: i buiit ship's, or k.\ up' I ■■■'' American vps :,. md < wn, ■ nre J bn.’.‘ iup uni:' . t -O-ti.it'ds 0: ;.0 \ i!u-'. .'d'j ibo ship is spent in reputes, under which cir | cumslancee a wracked ship may'be purchased j and run as American, though British built, j I’he ivantac 11 s' entirely on the side of the ..• .1 ■ e. mo tc suggest to you -10 J ■piopriety of ex'iminiLg these, laws, which are, I 1 think, of no benefit to you, and yes give them j ,:he opporte.nity of protesting themselves under I the u-gis of Great Britain. If continued, wo i shall have no, use fora uavv, and onrships can j -! as Id, f« r, ol • auicse, we cannot now procure such fleets as would contend suc cessfully against tin Baited SUtes, which hive their own-- workshops; and those of the world open ff) procure everything required for mari time warfare.” This English minis?:y deluded Ihe Danes with hopes of assistance until .they were plung ed into the war, and then left them in the lurch. There is not much apprehension now felt that England can get mixed up in tho war, though the sympathy of tbo people is unequivocally with Denmark. The money market ia the surest barometer, and it is easy at 5 per cent. Cotton has"again gone up to-day. I send you papers by which you cau see the various quotations. Ihe Confederate loan Mill remains up to 65aCC. The United States sixes only sell at 50 to GO. Emigration within the last ten days has dropped off 60 per cent. So Irish recruits are not so plenty. GBS. IMJtIB’S KJ’UUHST-BOV. BROWS’S PHO€I<AMATIOft". Headquarters Army of Tennessee, ) • Atlanta, July 21, 1864. j His Excellency, Governor Brown, of Georgia’ Gen. Hood requests tbht the headquarters o' tho Georgia Militia, ordered to tho defense o' Atlanta, and now assembling, may he transfer rod to Macon; there they can be armed from the local arsenal, and more rapidly provided with everything. Respectfully, sir, your obedient servant, W. \Y. Mackall. Brigadier General. Headquarters Georgia Militia, I Atlanta, July 21, I8(i4. j To the Militia of Georgia: In accordance with the request of General Hood, for the purpose of arming the militia at Macon-, and sending them forward ready for service, thereby avoiding tbe confusion of having large bodies of unarmed men sent into Atlanta white it -is besieged, the headquarters will be removed to Macon. Ail troops who have already arrived in At lanta, and all who come in on the YJest Point road, and nil above Jonesboro, will report to Gen. Smith in Atlanta, as heretofore directed. All others will report to Gen. 11. C. Wayne, in Macon, where they will be thrown into camp till they are armed, before they are sent to Gen. Smith. Ail troops on the Georgia rail road will.go by way of Augusta to Macon and repost to Gen. Wayne. Joseph E. Brown. FROM ARKANSAS. By way of the North, we haye the annexed news from Aikansas: The Lafayette Ind. Journal notices the re turn of Captain- Iline to that city, from Ar kansas, where he has been for three months.—•. His description of the condition of things is gloomy. No preparations have been made for raising a crop this year, awl to all the other horrors of war absolute famine is to be added. Crowds of ragged and woe-begone people, whole families, men, women, and chill.iron, besiege every steamboat for passage, willing to po in any direction to escape‘the desolation and misery of their homes. Many leave their families, cattle, and household goods, to be appropriated by the first comer, anxious oniy to escape with life. The country is ever-run by predatory bands of guerrillas, who plunder, rob, and kill, burn, sack and ravage, without reference to age, sex or opinion-. From the deck of a passing st-iaiicr the tinv eTersees h.tvek-ined timbers. he. ;• • evi gnr . • »• mon . -■ 1 '•••• .pv ’ Fences,shade trees, barns and orchards are gene. Every steamer is fired into from the chore by tanas that roam u,> abd .’own in mo.-:'. .-d p. tmj. Law!«... . P t.' on the piece of iaw There is litrie life or property. Might rules with ul'lh puled sway. Society is diso'gaoizcd and iepsec into btroariwa. Gangs of slaves wane. ' r >.el ; . ! less over the i-vnd, while their masters u i ’he ccrx.vy on evil deeds intent, Arkzpsu;: i has reached the ultima tfcule oi anarchy and i misery. Major General Maury, commanding the Hi: tiicto, the Gulf, bus i-suol aa older foi.i’- ding the shi'lueat ot auy more cotton to Mo bile. THE FiOHTIXG AOOU2VO ATLX^TA. j A correspondent of the Savannah Republi ! can gives tho annexed particulars of tho light i around Atlanta: Briefly to sum up the situation, wo ask your attention to a ruap that localities may be proper ly understood. Flowing from east to west, aud emptying into the Chattahoochee river is Peach-tree Creek, forming as it were the base of an inverted triangle, the two shies oijwhich are.the Marietta and Augusta railroads. The enemy’s forces consisting*of seven corps, cross ed (die river 0:1 the north side of the creek, and subsequently were permitted to fortify and es tablish themselves on the south side. The country is.broken, thickly covered with forests aud undergrowth, and hence admirable positions have been chosen by both armies.— Onr men have built entrenchments after tlieir own notions. Some|of (he commands, more nice than others, have even erected bowers of leaves above die works as a shield from sun and rain. The movements of Wednesday were in a men -oite significant of tho events about to fol low. ..*- daylight the enemy commenced press ing our ( ivf.lry on the right, now covering the si.;-- ami Atlanta Railroad, several miles of whi. It they destroyed. Heavy skirmishing en sued. during which the enemy planted a batte ty within range of the city and threw th'-ee : ffelis in the vicinity of one of our hospitals, not more item five hundred yards irorn the heart of the town. Gen. Wheeler, observing tiie diabolic act, promptly ran a battery into position, and alter a half dozen well directed shots, drove tiie Yankees from their temporary foothold. s Tiie Republican's correspondent simply gives an outline of ihe battle which occurred-on Wednesday afternoon. Here it is : The object of Gen. lloou in planning tiie at tack was two fold, namely, to withdraw if pos sible from the enemy’s left to centre aud right a portion of the forces with which he Lad been so persistently pressing our right, aud to defeat and cut up odc of inis wings. By examining the map aud recalling the pre ceding description of tho situation el Sherman's iorees, you will observe that a portion of the line ol the latter extended from near the junc tion of the Chattahoochee and Peachtree Creek in au easterly direction. Into this angle it was believed by a proper combination of onr forces wo could drive the right of Sherman’s army, and effect tho object iu view. Stewart's corps held our left. Hardee the centre. . Ti>e attack by these two bodies was nearly simultaneous. The advance commenced about two O'clock. Leaving, their breastworks, our m;m slowly but confidently pushed their way towards the front. Skirmishing began almost immediately. Strange to soy a'part of the en emy’s liue was discovered to be also advancing. Our men charged with a yell aud drove it back iri disorder. One, two, and in some instances three lines of incipient or temporary breast work? were mounted and left behind, and the bateiftiaour favor appeared to go "i* swim mingly. Suddenly Stewart was brought to a stand still, la his front, was the main lice of Yau fiae fa.:- mehments and a redoubt manned by u battery ' Y fte.'ii strength, however, one of bis b;.gavv; Yuege,: -.■jMhist the work and ityield- A ~--y hi);/ fiioirom a park cf ar • ■ 1 <h*o\ Hu a bask. The rc.-eeiipK'.i tbo redoubt. Our men idv&neod a •«.-?»•-n<! time, and again captured it, by the fiR-.nci, rribto fire pourpd upon them • ’’ Y A ,‘v. i ■ Kry, were compelled to iff ' -* ( -Hi'- prize. r.viiiio Hardee had also reached the ■: t j.,., tion of the same line. His men ■ffitiog bn./eiv, had overcome every obstacle .u- <>■;•. v.v nrepHrod to das’) yet fnrtli '■; fi'.: jiidyhienS 'of t-i.o Commander ur. t the gallantry of the troops' wore at vari ance. Gen. Hardee deemed it imprudent to r’i-t; the lives of his men- in achieving aitob- J. otvrlJ h threatened to cost so much A halt wo-* ordered, &ud in brief tio further efforts wer made to accomplish the cud of the ex pooition. OL course disappointment prevails through rat F-o army at the result, for tiie troops on-. gaged—-each one emulating the dash and gal. ■ -.di .y of the other—were satisfied of their ability to go on. No blame can. therefore, attach to any one for the negative victory plainly won, and tho only regret expressed ttn.ong tho men is that the officers in command wore, as they believe, iu the pres- nt instance, over prudent in pitting probabilities against what seemed a certainty. Onr losses in the affair will doubtless not fall short of a thousand or twelve hundred men. Six hundred and five have been reported in the corps of Gen. Stewart. Our captures are two or throe stands of colors, and some three or four hundred prisoners: Hooker's corps is re ported by persons to be badly crippled. The death of Major W. Preston, son of Briga dier General John S. Preston, of Columbia, and the dangerous wound of Brigadier General C. II Stevens, of South Carolina, commanding a Georgia brigade in Walker’s have been rcpo»tcd. The former was one of the most promising officers in the army, and a uni versal favorite, having tilled offices of the hi,ch est trust, and in them all demeaned himself with honor and courage. He was killed by a sht-11 while giving orders to his men. Gen. Stevens ha3 likewise won for himself an enviable reputation for gallantry on every field of battle in which he has been engaged. He was shot while leading his men, the ball catering behind the right ear, and lodging in the brain, from which it has not up to this writing been removed. His horse was killed at the same moment and two men.mct who went to his relief were wounded. One may* judge of the severity of the enemy’s fire from these statements. While the fight I have recorded was in pro gr; S3 on the left, Wheeler’s cavalry success fully held (he enemy’s infantry in check on cur - right. With small brigades, he contested the ground with two corps—Dodges and Logan’s—aud after twelve or fourteen hours hard fighting, has prevented them from obtaining any advantage. The enemy are " evidently endeavoring to manoeuvre Ifood ont of Atlanta, but there is quite as much probability that within thirty six hours Sherman will he maaccnvring to get away from him. Gen, llood. Gen. Ilocd was t orn in Beth county, Kentucky, on 'ho 29th of June, Jeff!, and is consequently now only a little oy-.r 03 years of age. lie graduated at West Point in the class of 1853, and was assigned to duty in the fin infantry, in California, where ho served twenty two months. In July, 1555, he was transferred to the’2d cavalry, commanded by the liiteG neraßAlbert Sidney Johnston, and of which Gen. R.JS. Lee was Lieutenant Co,le nd. In the winter of 1855-’56 he entered upon the frontier service in western Texas, where, in the July following, he was wounded in. a spirited engagement with the Indians He continued in the service Os the United States, and a short time previous to the beginning of the prisent war was ordered to re port fur duty at West Point as. instructor of cavalry. At his own request, however, he was n;lowed to return to duty in Texas, being de sirous of casting his destinies with that portion of the country to which bo was mo-.; devotedly attached. On the Hfih of April, 1801 • ; resigned his commission and tendered ids f- > vices to the Confederacy. Ilis name was entered upon the roll with the rank of first Lieutenant, and was ordered to report to Gen. Lee i f Vi ginia. He served with distinction on Pc: la. and bo rapid was his promotion on ‘ • doth of September he received the ; >.' • r.» .er: of Colonel of Infantry, and was :"’ -d in ■- c.i.Miud of the Fourth Regiment of < W, ’.olcei.,. Tii-r 3 iu camp near this city, v y the «.h aud fitYi I’,-xas B-.sjri i .. .. ware i vauL. and into c Brigade, and on ..1 r h, iota, C-l. Hood was appoint ! to the caaima .and, Thu? within the* brief j •) <• 1 month:: and seventeen days he ire.;, ir e -lie -rank of First Lieutenant- to ! <•, iv.gvifer. At the buttle of Chicxa • in every other battle in which he j v General Hood bore a prom’nest . arid wa -,o -evcre’.y wcundul in the right i t IW. Fer I?: ;r : , di-playea on '-hot hard-fought j -..c1, by wo. , :-lie Lieutenant General. As i rociViioiie h..d sufficiently recovered, he re i gunwl Lis active duti ■ in the At my of Tur , . f w-.iob lie ha -' now the cosumara. ..j-,- jo.k. with cotfidence for the i■, v ;h oi new‘laureis in .is new end j icspocDible position.- Rvihmnd DispdiA Tl ,„ v THK ALAB4M.V RAID. ” I omt Bmiroad came down through Sheas? orTnterV "u r P Ul ' poSewils fintwu -1 if, ?! uniier *dood when they had reached SS? 0f T , alUd «e a - «emctentu, media*, te f, I° rCa °. { . cova,r Y> P ush «l on irn ntecepUhem Üb ° Ve t® at Ten n tei U »s ered , them twicoin that region w’ni -I. I'inds and at Greensport, on both of rested tbef. moliS ’ SW * U us his {olce was - ho ar tht Progress and drove them back on thev had T [h I ch they were advancing. Bat diniio- ' n t eet . atltl h'esh horses, selected foe rui h- “f I pn . se ’ aud werw soon ahead aud a< l'hucing towards the line of their SoK-Aar* uhMdm ““ Nam I ®,, Ya “ kc ; 03 . ®, tluek lhe railroad between: „ H '. , ' i Aubu «J. and it is believed com m. 1 cM tearing up the track and destroying: wu"* 11 P ro Porty in both directions ~, o w ‘fiLS Ghenaw and Auburn. At or near e lcuaw they encountered a force hastily or ganized and sent on from Montgomery and n, IT P- lce ?’ Bnt ? a i>l'iu'p tight hero occurred. 0 pat jonlara ot which have n:t yet. reached P° wevor i checked the progress of tho tamers towards Montgomery, and they conccn ted to destroy the track, &c, to and east of Auburn. At Auburn they destroyed tho rail road and government: property of all kinds. . 8 “Y some said that they did no damago to |<uv:’,..; property, aud by others that they burnt UK i.atlroad Hotel kept by Mr. James S. Moore. ibe report of their killing three gentlemen . A-Nun in cold blood ia doubtless unfound r v '' H 'j I v ’ *' car loads of leather wera t.estroyed, and the raiders took as much bacon as tbvy v-anted themselves, and burnt and dis | -''rout! ~ the balance among’ tlui poor. Thera I was not over 10,000 lbs. of government bacon, there. They took ail the horses aud mules they could get, and were thus enabled to keep their command mounted on vigorous animals. FroiaOpeliko they advanced but a miio or so iu this direction, tearing np the track. They were still closely followed by Gen. Clanton with his jaded force of not more than Uvo hundred cavalry and the citizens from the western divi sion of the road, aud had they been vigoursly met nt Opelike by a force from this direction, therois little doubt that they would have sus tained a severe repulse and been compelled to take to the woods from a point whence thoic escape to Sherman’s lines would have beeu dlf fleut. They arrived at Opoliku on Tuesday, and left on the same evening. Oa the West Point branch they tore up the track for !ibout a mile and a half, when tha pursuit from tiie west, with the intimation, doubtless, that a warm reception awaited them at West Point, compelled them to abandon tha railroad track and retreat in the direction ofs LaFayette. Gen. Clanton followed them, with his small and worn out command, through La- Fayette, and there finding that they were far ahead, and were much better mounted and making directly for Sherman’s lines, he gave up tbe pursuit. Be captured, along his whola pursuing track, 26 or 30 prisoners, 70 or 80 horses, a number of guns, and some ammuni tion, Ac. The report that the Yankees reached Tusko gee and burnt buildings there, was false, as was also the report of their advance to Yongea boro’. We learn that a gentleman of Opelika, kill ed three of the raiders by bushwhacking them. Tiie raiding force was a division of cavalry, commanded by Gen. Rosseau, a lawyer of Louisville, Ky., and consisted of 1500 or 2000 picked men, splendidly equipped and mounted nn pUffi-yi luMa.t R ■ ■ -' -..-a... €,u. v^i o . us> and tender sent up from this city for observa tion. on Tuesday. The engine ran off tha track near Opelika, and was abandoned on tha approach of the enemy.— Columbus Enquirer. TUtS NEW gitCBBTAKY «F THE TREASURY? [From Richmond Examiner] Tiie new Secretary of the Treasury has en tered upon the functions of his office, in tha pel-son of George A. Trenlioim, Esq., a part ner of the well and widely known commercial and shipping firm of Frazer, Trenlioim & Cos., Charleston, South Carolina, and Liverpool, England. Mr. Treuholin brings to assist Lira in the administration of his department tha most vigorous qualities of mind, while his large and varied experience in monetary and financial affairs in tho Confederacy, as well aa in Europe, will boos vast assistance in tha perfection of financial measures in tho future. Heretofore Mr. Treuholin has been most fav orably known on two continents only as a suc cessful shipping merchant, his commercial tastes and pursuits disinclining him from the pur suit of honor in tbe political world. The mulgation of the tact of the appointment yes terday infused anew strength into Govern ment-securities, and the popular expression was almost unanimous iu support of the selec tion made. Ilie new Secretary is a native of South Car olina, a gentleman of fine physique and man ners, and apparently about forty-five years o£ age. [From Whilmington Journal.] We see that Mr. Trenholm, the head of tha great firm of John Frazer & Cos., of Liverpool and Charleston, has been appointed Secretary of the Treasury, and has entered upon the du ties of his office. Mr. Trenholm enjoys tha reputation of being an able and successful busi ness nan and a skillful financier, and to tha administration oi tho finances of tho Govern ment ho may, and no doubt will bring ant energy and practical knowledge of details not possessed by his prednoesscr. Destructive Fire in Atlanta. —The alarm of fire was sounded about eleven o'clock on Tues day night. Owing to the departure of a largo nnmber of fircmen'employed in the various ma chine shops removed from the city, tho firemen were not out in full force. When first dis covered a dense black smoke was seen issuing from the entire roofof Connally’s building com er ci Alabama and Whitehall streets. During tha first half hour the firemen subdued the flames to such an extent 'hat it was hoped the build ing would be saved with the loss of the first story but the supply of water giving out, the lira gained • cch headway that it was impossible to check its progress. Tho flames spread rapidly, and the heat was interne. The building is a complete wreck this inorning, the walls having failed. The lire wus prevented from spreading by two solid brick walls, flanking it. That it was the work of an incendiary there can be but little doubt, as several attempts have been made to fire it. We understand that private watchmen were en gaged iu watching every entrance to the main building. There was a large amount of goods damaged liy removal and stolen. Men, in tha garb of soldiers and firemen, having stolen their livery to servo their own propensities, marched boldly in the stores and carried off whatever they could fiud. They also gutted Mcl’herson’s book store and Mead’s drug store. Connally’s building was a fine three story building, estimated at fully 6100,003. Whetli-* er he was insured or not, we could not ascer tain. G. Powell, auctioneer,£ with many of hia consigners, sustained a heavy loss. • The loss of Mr. Ohly, tailor, next adjoining, we presume was not very large. On the second floor, Maj. J. F. Cummings saved nearly everything. The Atlanta Register lost several cases ot type, stands, and an imposing stone. Adjoining this was J. N. Beach s fine build ing, valued also at SIOO,OOO, which wm e stroyed. The drug store of L. S. Mead on the first floor, with much ofJts valuebto destroyed. The loss will pro of its contents was destroyed. hjg 1083 of his stock was saved. j|; H match fac the Federal ? f 4 Lt , v ; fire toss upon the owner, an mdus fK -' worthy man. On the second floor, l -‘i—t.v r, Jds job printer and onvelope man s- y uf'k medium hand press and two fiiacturer, ta iij s i 3S s will reach S3OOO ; envelope maefimes. flfcoC M r. J. P. Ma "oVS iSder, did not save anything. Tha “m fall heavily upon him. . The few firemen in the city remained prompt . J ?lw'Dort until morning. The aggregate. 7 Of*! wdings and contents will not fait , JSS rs -we. “