News & planters' gazette. (Washington, Wilkes County [sic], Ga.) 1840-1844, September 17, 1840, Image 4

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MISCELLANEOUS. TO CORRESPONDENTS, &c. Wo are, (says the Madisonian.) overrun I with correspondents. It is a good syrup- ; tom, we confess, but we beg, in self-defence to suggest to them, very respectfully, a few rules for their observation : 1. Condense your articles, and make them as brief as possible. 2. Never send us a communication un less you arc sure it has point. 3. Never expect to see your communica tion in print, unless you can write gram matically, and can do your own spelling and punctuation. 4. Never write on both sides of your pa per,if you intend your article tobeprinted. It is a great inconvenience to the composi tor, and can scarcely be tolerated, unless I the communication is front a distance. o. Never bore an editor bv reading arti cles to him. Leave it to his discretion, and abide your time. 6. Never ask an editor t'tc news—it is j like getting professional advice without fees, or smuggling goods. Take his pa per—pay for it—and then you will get the news without inquiry. 7. It is a great mistake to suppose that an editor’s sanctum is a public reading room. To tumble and read an editor’s ex changes, is as bad as riling the fountain where the spring folks are dipping water for their customers, 8. When you wish to discontinue your paper, do it with as much decency as you ordered it, always remembering that an editor forever Sets him down as no gentle man, who, after requesting his paper, com pels the postmaster to send an abrupt no tice, that the paper “Is refused and that an editor can never regard him an honest man who discontinues his paper without paying arrearages. 9. Never flatter yourself that an anony mous communication, addressed to, or touching persons, will ho noticed. VERY AGREEABLE. “ Cousin William,” said a merry, mis chievous young girl, yesterday, in my hearing, “ what do you think I heard a pretty young lady say of you ?” William blushed, and looked as grave as the circumstance, that “ a pretty young lady” had said something about him, would allow. “ I don’t know—something good I hope, Who was it, Coz?” “ Shant tell you ; but the truth is, a Very pretty girl did say someting about you.” “ Well ; tell me what it was.” “ I shant, unless you will give me that ring that 1 wanted.” “ Well, agreed*—you shall have it—now tell met” “ Well, now—don’t blush so—she said you were the ugliest looking man that she ever laid her eyes on”—and off ran the little witch with a merry laugh, that made the house ring again.— Bachelor's Button. MODERN MILITARY TACTICS. “ ’Tintion !” said an Irishman, who was advanced to the high office of first sergeant in a volunteer corps in a western village— “ ’tintion !” he said, addressing the com pany, who had just formed in line before him, and he proceeded :—“ Now, gintlc men, I pureeed to call the rowl. Sich o’ ye as are here ’ill answer ‘ Here,’ as yer names are called but ; and those that aren’t prisint, ’ill say ‘ Absint.’ ” WITTY REPARTEE. A Frenchman once trading in mar ket, was interrupted by an impertinent would-be-waggish sort of a fellow, who ri diculed him, by imitating his imperfect manner of speaking the English language. After patiently listening to him for some , time, the Frenchman cooly replied : “ Mine fine friend, ybu vud do well to stop now ; for if Samson had made no bet ter use of de jaw-bone of an ass dan you do, he would never have killed so many Fillistians.” We copy the following “ Description of the man who did not pay for his paper,” from one of our western exchanges : “ You claim to be a human being ! Why, sir, if you have a soul, ten thousand of its size would have more room in the shell of a mustard seed, than a frog in the Pacific Ocean. Nay, thou sand souls like your’s might colonize on the point of a cambric needle, and live for fifty years, increasing in a ratio equal to the Irish peasants ; and should they then have a civil war, the vanquished party would have mountains and valleys to re treat to, ten days’ journey off. Why, man, neighbor Gripe’s scyjl is as much larger than your’s, as a saw-mill log is larger than a thread of a spider’s web ; and his can hardly be discerned by the aid of a microscope that magnifies a million of times.” While the log-cabin was raising in Rich mond, Va., (the logs being rough as they came from the forest,) a Locofbco asked one of the workmen : “ Why don’t you skin your poles!” “ Never mind,” replied the Tippecanoe boy, “ we’ll do tire skinning at the polls in November.” At a meeting of the London Medical So ciety, Dr. Blake stated, that he was able to cure the most desperate cases of tooth ache, (unless the disease was connected with rheumatism,) by the application of the following remedy to the decayed tooth : Alum reduced to an impalpable powder, two drachms ; nitrous spirit of rether, se ven drachms. Mix and apply them to the tooth. TOMATO. The following is extracted from the Baltimore Morning Sun : I *• But we were discoursing on the mitri j five qualities of the tomato. This is a ve j getable which deserves a far more general J use. Wo know of no article which grows ! in our region of country that is more health j ful. It is well known that this fact has j procured for the plant a medical standard. J We doubt this lias not been entirely over | rated. The idea started by a medical | gentleman several years since of substitut ! ing the virtues of the tomato for calomel, was a proof of this, and very likely grew out I of the circumstance of the healthful effects | of a tomato diet, during the prevalence of : miasmatic diseases, which affect the biliary ; organs in a greater degree—these being | the class of diseases in which physicians j most generally resort to the, employment of calomel. But there can bo no mistake as to the tonic effects of the vegetable under notice ; and we feel justified, on the word ] of a medical friend, in recommending its use to those debilitated from the ravages of diseases peculiar to the warm months—we mean those affecting the bowels. It strikes us that if tomatoes, prepared with large quantities of stale bread and liberal use of salt, in the ordinary stewing mode, were adopted as the food of children laboring under, or recovering from Summer disease, the result would be highly gratifying. The experiment is well worth the testing. Os course, unrestrained indulgence in their use must not bo allowed hv the parents.” BUTTS. Take half a pint each of gin, molasses, vinegar, and sol't soap; mix and shake them well together, and while foaming, pour the medicine down the horse’s neck— in five minutes, the horse will be free from pain. This has been tried some fifty times with success —not failing in a single in stance. TO PURIFY WATER. It is not so generally known as it ought to be, that pounded alum possesses the pro perty of purifying water. A large table spoonful of pulverised alum, sprinkled into a hogshead of water, (the water stirred round at the time,) will, after a lapse of a few hours, by precipitating to the bottom the impure particles, so purify it; that it will be found to possess nearly all the freshness and clearness of finest spring water. A pail ful containing four gallons may be purified by a single tea-spoonful. A good story is told of a chap in North Carolina, who went the entire figure in the way of marrying all the-girls who would have him, without waiting for any of them to die off, as the law directs. After having married the thirteenth, some of his first loves came down Upon him, and had him placed safely in jail. But a person so fond of perfect liberty, and who could get out of Hymen’s noose with such ease, found little difficulty of getting out of the “jug”—and the next news of him, he was running at large with a heavy reward offered for his apprehension. He was shortly recognized by a gentleman, who, anxious to get the re ward, invited him to his house, desired him to sit down—called his wife to chat with him, as an inducement to detain him there, while he made some excuse for leaving a I few minutes, and started for a constable to ; arrest the runaway. What was the poor j man’s astonishment on returning with the i constable, to find that the Lothario, taking 1 advantage of his short absence, had ab sconded with his wife ! This makes the fellow’s stock of wives on hand/oarteew ! ! “ I’m monarch of all I survey,” as the blind man very solemnly remarked. (CP JYollce This. X3.) XS/-JIO is K. M. PITMAN, who attended ® * the Macon Dinner, on the 13th ultimo, and stopped with A. Richarclsj and left on the 14th, with a pair of SADDLE BAGS, (containing wearing apparel,) supposed to belong to the sub scriber. Any information respecting his residence, will be thankfully received by S. DANFORTH, I>. M., Sept. 10, 1840. Danburg, (2) 3t. Wilkes County, Go. ID’ All the State Rights papers in the State, will confer a favor by giving the above one gra tuitous insertion. S. D. EXECUTOR’S SALE. Will be sold on Thursday, the 24t.h of November next, agreeable to an order of the Hon. the In ferior Court of Wilkes county, at the residence of Joel Appling, deceased, in said county, A LL the PERISHABLE PROPERTY be -**- longing to the estate of Joel Appling, de ceased. Terms Will be made known on the day of sale. JOHN APPLING, Executor. ‘ Sept 7, 1840. (2) EXECUTOR’S SALE. Will be sold at the Court IfoUse door in Wash ington, Wi’kes county,* on the First Tuesday in December next, agreeable to an order of the lion, the Inferior Court of said county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, ONE TRACT of LAND, in Wilkes county, containing FIVE HUNDRED ACRES, more or less, adjoining the lands of Jesse Sprat lin, John Norman, and others; also, ELEVEN NEGROES. Sold as the Land and Negroes belonging to the estate of Joel Appling, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased/ Terms made known on the day of sale. JOHN APPLING, Executor. Sept. 7, 1840. (2) GEORGIA : 1 VA/HIEREAS Eliza Man- Wilkes County. > * * kin applies to me fer -—■ . ) Letters of Administration, on the ESTATE of BENEDICTINE CREW, de ceased : This is, therefore, to cite, summon, and admonish, all and singular,* the kindred and ’ creditors of said dec eased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, (if any they have,) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 7th of September, 1840. (2) JOHN H. DYSON, C. C. O. WAUBHOTJSE, AND Ueiic i* a 1 Coiintiiiisio n BUSINESS. t E IHE Subscribers, intending to conti- JL nue the COMMISSION BUSINESS the ensuing year at their old stand on JACKSONS TREE TANARUS, offer their ser vices to their friends and Ihe public, assur ing those who may favor them with their business, that they have storage sufficient to place all the produce they may get, un der houses, and will not have Cotton ex posed to the weather, nor have it placed in a spot where it cannot at all times be found for shipment; and they say the safety of their Warehouses, from floods or high livers, have been recently tested, as there was NOT A BALE OF COTTON WET BY THE LATE HIGH FLOOD. The location of the Warehouses, to men of business, are particularly desirable, being in the immediate vicinity of the Railroad Depot, Globe Jdotel, Mansion House, and Banks. They feel grateful for former patronage, and solicit a continuation ; assuring those who may favor them with their business, that no exertions shall he naming to pro mote their interest. Their charges will he as moderate as other Commission Houses in this place. S. KNEELAND & SON. Augusta, August 12. 50 3m. (BwamaaiKDST BUSHTESS. STOVALL, SIMMONS & CO. CONTINUE to transact the WARE HOUSE and COMMISSION BUSI NESS at their Fire-Proof Warehouse; which is in complete order for the storage of COT I'ON and GOODS. Their charges will be such as may be customary. August 13, 1840. 50 12t r. 15. White, T/A’iSliitOlfSJil AND Commission iflcrdtnnt, r | A II E ll\trchouse is fire -L proof— eligibly located above high-water mark. All Cotton consigned per Railroad, will receive prompt attention. September 3, 1840. (1) ts AND Commission ITlci’ciinnls, fll HE Subscribers having formed a co -1- partnership, for the transaction of a FACTORAGE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, Under the Firm of HOPKINS & STOVALL, Have taken the commodious fire-proof WAREHOUSE on McINTOSH-ST., opposite General Thomas Dawson’s. The location of this Warehouse is high and free from risk of high water; conve nient for the receiving of Cotton by wag ons, railroad, or river, and also for the re ceiving and forwarding goods. Cotton and other produce, or Merchan dise, consigned to them, will meet with prompt attention. Their charges will he the same as made by other Commission Merchants of this city. By strict attention to business, they hope to merit a share of public patronage. LAMBETH HOPKINS, MARCELLUS A. STOVALL. Aug. 13, 1840. 50 3m Music. j. THE undersigned having at length re- ccived his Musical Instruments, toge .v.-pjf lher with a valuable • xgs&'i. assortment of Music %'f “ by the most ap proved authors, is now prepared to give lessons on the Spanisli Guitar, Flute, Violin, (Tenor or Alto Violin) ; he will also accompany his pupils on the Guitar hr Violin, to form a taste for singing after the Italian style, and to accustom them to keep time. An Evening Class will be formed for Gentlemen, who cannot attend during the business hours of the day. J Terms made known on application at his residence, rear of Presbyterian Church. N. B. A few Violins for sale. T. C. UNDERWOOD. Washington, Sept. 3. (1) 4t Hank of the State of Georgia, BRANCH, Washington, Aug. 15, 1840. U |> ESOLVED,—That u REDUC -CU TION of SO per Cent, be required on all paper payable at this Bank, falling due on and after the First day of November next.” Extract from the Minutes. SAM. BARNETT, 51 st.s.m. Cashier. SALES IN OCTOBER. WILKES SHERIFF’S SALE. Will lie sold at the Court House door, in Washington, Wilkes county, on the First Tuesday in October next, at the usual hours of sale, the following pro perty; to wit, ONE TRACT of LAND, in said county, adjoining Cal laway, and others—containing four hun dred and forty-five [445] acres, more or less; also, ONE SORREL STALION, about four years old : levied on by an Ex ecution in favor of Jesse Callaway,vs. Ben jamin P. Fisher. Property pointed out by Plaintiff. also, ONE NEGRO MAN, by the name of Kinch, about fifty years of age ; levied on by an Execution in favor of Wiilis R. Do rough, vs. John B. Lennard, and other Fi. Fas. against said John B. Lennard. GEO. W. JAR RETT, Sept. 2, 1840. (1) Deputy Sheriff. ELBERT SHERIFF’S SALE. Will he sold at the Court House door in Elherton, on the first Tuesday in Oc tober next, between the legal hours of sale, the following properly ; to wit, TIHR UK HUNDRED ‘ACRES of LAND, more or less, adjoining lands j of Eastin Fortson and others ; levied on as the property of William Buffington, to satisfy a (i. fa. in favor of Henry Bourn, vs. said Buffington. WM. JOHNSTON, Aug. 26, 1840. (1) Deputy Sheriff'. ELBERT SHERIFF’S SALeT - Will be sold at the Court House door, in Elherton, on the first Tuesday in OC TOBER next, between the legal hours of sale, the following property ; to wit, ONE HUNDRED and FIFTY-TWO ACRES of LAND, on the Beaver Dam Creek, adjoining John M. Adams, and others ; levied on as the property of William Gatir, to satisfy two fi. fas. from the Superior Court of Elbert county —one in favor of James A. Clark, endorsee, vs. William Gaar, maker, and John S. Moore, endorser; and the other in favor of Thomas P. Stubbs and Thomas Lowe, vs. William Gaar, principal, and John Shac kelford, security on stay. WILLIAM H. ADAMS, Sheriff. August 13,1840. 50. POSTPON ED ADM INISTR ATORS S A LU. Will be sold, on the FIRST TUESDAY in OCTOBER next, at the Court House door, in Elbert county, agree able to an order of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Elbert county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, APART of the LANDS and NE GROES belonging to the estate of George Wyche, deceased, as follows : Two Negro Women ; Three hundred acres of land, adjoining Clement Wilkins and others, on the waters of Falling Creek ; And the one-fourth part of an undivided tract of land on Deep Creek, adjoining William Penn, and others, containing four hundred and seventy-eight acres, more or less. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and cre ditors of George Wyche, deceased- Terms will be made known on the day of sale. AGATHA WYCHE, (Amrs.with JOSHUA C. WYCHE, $ the will an nexed, on the real estate, and Admrs. on the personal property. August 6th, 1840. 50 ADMINISTRATER ’S SATeT~ Will he sold at the Court House door, in Washington, Wilkes county,on the first Tuesday in October next, within the lawful stile hours, TWO j\ ELS ROES—a Woman, by the name of Mary, about twenty two years of age; and a Boy, named Coleman, aged about seven years. Sold as the property of ELIZABETH BEN NETT, late (if said county, deceased, by order of the Inferior Court while sitting for ordinary purposes. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms—cash. CHENOTH PERTEET, Admin. _ -My t 6 1340. 46 8t EXECUTOR’S SALE. Will be sold in Dublin, Laurens County, on the. First Tuesday in October next, agreeable to the last will and testament of Ebenezer Smith, deceased, ONE Eol of Laud, in the second district of Laurens, originally Wil kinson county, Number One Hundred and Nineteen, (119,) containing two hundred two and a half acres, more or less. Terms made known on the clay of sale. WILLIAM Q. ANDERSON, July 24, 1840. 48 Executor. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will he sold on the First Tuesday in Oc tober next, at the Court House door in Elbert county, agreeable to an order of the Hon. the Inferior Court of Elbert county, while sitting for ordinary pur poses, rjjlWO NEGRO BOYS—one by the J name of Prince, and one by the name of Henry. Sold as the property of John Hall, deceased, for the benefit of the credi tors of said estate. Terms will be made known on the day of sale. WILLIAM PULLIAM, Adm. July 23, 1840. 48 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will be sold on the First Tuesday in Octo ber next, at the Court House door in Washington, Wilkes county, agreeable to an order of the Hon. the Inferior Court of said county, while stilting for ordinary purposes, ONE TRACT of LAND, in Wilkes county, on the waters of Long Creek, adjoining the laffdsof James Sprat ling and Meriwether Hill< containing about Two Hundred Acres, more or less. Sold as the lands belonging to the estate of William Wortham,-deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. JOHN WORTHAM, July 28, 1840. 48. Administrator. SALES IN OCTOBER. ADMINISTRATORS sale? Will he sold on the First Tuesday in Octo ber next, ut Elbert Court House, agree able to an order of the Inferior Court of Elbert county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, ONE! TRACT of LAND in Elbert county, on the waters of Cold Water Creek, adjoining lands of John A. Tensity, j John G. Higginbotham, and others, con taining One Hundred and Thirty-five Acres, more or less. Sola as the lands belonging to the estate of Julius Gl ister,de ceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Tertos will be made known ou the dav of Sale. GARDNER McGARITY, ) . , BARDEN RUCKER, L July 23, 1840. 48 SALES IN NOVEMBER. WILKES SHERIFF’S SALE. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in No vember next, within the usual sale hours, at the Court House door, in the town ol Washington, Wilkes county, the follow- j ing property ; to wit, ONE TRACT of LAND, lying in said county, on the waters of Long Creek, adjoining lands of James Wortham, L. M. Hill, and others, containing eight hundred and thirty-eight acres, more or less; levied on as the property of Jona than Phillips, to satisfy a Fi. Fa. on fore closure of mortgage, issued from the Supe rior Court of said county, in the name of Menoah Bolton, vs. said Phillips. The same pointed out by said Fi. Fa. ALSO A HOUSE and LOT, in the Village of Mallorysville, containing one acre, more or less, adjoining John T. Woollen and others ; levied on as the property of John R. Robertson, to satisfy a Fi. Fa. on fore closure of mortgage, issued from the Supe-‘ rior Court of said county, in favor of Clark, McTeir & Cos., against said Rob ertson. Property pointed out in said Fi. F. THOS. IL EIDSON, Sept. 3, 1840. (1) Deputy Sheriff. ELBERT SHERIFF'S SALE. Will be sold at the Court House door in Elbert county, on the first Tuesday in November next, within the legal sale hours, the following propeity ; to wit, THREE NEGROES—Lace and El bert, men, and Amy, a woman; levied on as the property of Juhn Beck, to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. in favor of Lind say Harper. Property pointed out in said ft. fa. WM. JOHNSTON, Aug. 4, 1840. (1) Deputy Sheriff. Sale of’ Real Estate. n n THE Subscriber offers for sale fvvrStl his RESIDENCE in the Sjjppj TOWN of WASHINGTON, to which is attached One Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land. There are upon the premises u large and commodious Dwelling House, and every necessary Outhouse and Building; all in fine repair—Forty Acres of Woodland, in cluding the Grove around the Houses — and Two unfailing Streams of Water. —also— A Plantation on the Greensborough Road, two miles from Washington, con taining between Three Hundred and Fifty and Sixty Acres. A suitable proportion of this tract is Wood Land ; most of the cleared Land fresh ; and all well watered, and conveni ently improved. ALSO Another PlantaflOSl on Fishing Creek, four miles and a quarter from Washington, containing Seventeen Hun dred and Fifty Acres of Land, being the same whereon the late Samuel M. Smyllre resided at the time of his death, and for many years previous. There is upon this tract a large two-story Building, which could be put in good repair at but little ex pense—a fine Mill-seat favorably situated, and which was successfully and profitably improved for many years—rind a large body of ns good Meadow Lurid as can be found in the county'. The Subscriber will take pleasure in showing all or either of the above pre mises, to any one desirous of examining them. JAMES M. SMYTHE. Washington, July’ 30. 48 ts. .1 Gootl MSargain. riIHE Subscriber would sell low and -I upon accommodating terms, a beauti ful situation, with good improvements, Mahout one mile from Washing ton, having the Female Semi nary between it and the town ; to which is attached two hun dred acres of land, more or less, well supplied with good spring-water and fire wood. ENOCH CALLAWAY. Sept. 3, 1840. (1) 3t Notice. TIME Copartnership heretofore existing between the Subscribers, under the Firm of Trammel and Adams, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due said Firm, will he paid to A. C. Adams, who is the only authorized person to settle the same; and thersfe having de mands against stud Firm, will please pre sent them to said A. C. Adams for pay ment. NOUR REDDEN TRAMMEL. ABEL C. ADAMS. Lincolnton, Ga., Aug. 21, 1840. (1)4! Jjaiv Notice- J. W. WILSON & o. A. LUCKETT, HAVING associated themselves in the Practice of Law, will attend to all Professional Business entrusted to them in the Counties of * TALIAFERRO-, OGLETHORPE, GREENE, LINCOLN, COLUMBIA, WARREN, HANCOCK, WILKES. Office at Crawfordsville, Ga. Sept. 3, 1840. (1) 3t Now in iVilkes Jail, tA NEGRO MAN, who says he belongs to Messrs. Blake & Coatney, of Char leston, S. C. He left them,’ he says, as they were carrying him through Lex ington, Oglethorpe, to the gold mines, some timo dur ing the last of March or the first of April last. He says, Mr. Pace, of Lexington, is’ agent for Messrs. Blake & Coatney. He also says, that his name is JOE, but that he is frequently called DAVY ; and that he is about seventy-three years of age. He has been badly frost-bitten. The owner of said Negro is requested to come forward—prove property —pay charges*— and take him away. G; W. JARRETT, Deputy Sheriff. . Washington, September 3, 1840. (l)tf Wf rayed jy. FROM the enclosure of the Subj pfsjjfe. ecriber, about the 13th of this X (US'S month, a Bay Filly, about one jkXw year old, having an eye oil the left, white ; with a star in her face. Any person taking up the said filly, and o-iving information, will be suitably rewarded by “ EZEKIEL A. LOZIER, near the Bridge on Little River, in this August 27. County. 52 GEORGIA: 1 Joseph Murphy, of the’ Willies County. > 179th District G. iVL, tolled y before me, Henry P. Woot ten, a Justice of the Pence, in and for said Dis trict, a dark iron-grey filly ; three years old last spring; about four &■feet four inches high, with a blaze’ W f 51 in ber fufehead ; both hind feet white, and the right fore leg white. Appraised by Tyre Johnson anrUßyr woll Binns, to he worth thirty dollars, 17tlt August, 1840. HENRY I. WOOTEN, J. P. True copy from Estray Book, ROY LAN I) BEASLEY, Clk. I. C. August 20. 1840. 52 cF NOTICE THIS A N old—old-fashioned, though substantial, il four-wheeled CARRIAGE and HAR NESS, and TWO FARM HORSES, for* sale. Inquire at this Office. Aug. 27. 52-31. A NEAT second hand TILBERY, with new HARNESS, if wanted, will be sold a bargain, on time. Inquire at this Office. Aug. 27. 52 2t. MONTHLY NOTICES. FOUR months it Iter date, application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Wilkes county, while sit ting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Negroes belonging to the estate of Elizabeth Bennett, deceased. CHIN NOTH PERTEET, Adm’r. May 14. m4m 37 FOUR months after dale, application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Elbert county, while sit ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Negroes belongiog to Robert N.Ward, .a minor. ABNER ADAMS, Guardian/ May 20th, 1840. 4m 39 FOUR months after date application will he made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Eibert county, while sit ting lor ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the Lands belonging to the Estate of Violetta Turman, deceased, this 12th May, 1840. WILLIAM PULLIAM, \,, , THOMAS J. TURMAN, May 21 m4m 38 ] 7l OUR months after date, application . will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Elbert county, while sit ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a part of the Lands and Negroes, belong ing to the Estate of Smith Cook, deceased, late of Elbert county, this 12lh May, 1840 THEODOSIUS COOK, , WILLIAM MATHEWS, \ ‘ Mav 21 m4m 38 _ is Tim ilOIl. OF RE. FKESRSNTATIVfiS. WHEREAS, u Bill has passed both branches of the Ge neral Assembly, changing the times of holding the sessions of the Legislature, from annual to bi-ennial ; but, whereas, it is proper on all occasions to ascertain the will of the people, whenever it can be done without interfering w ith the ordinary course of Legislation : I herefore, Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia, in General Assembly met, and it is here by resolved by the authority of the same, That on the first Monday in October,- 1840, the voters of this State be requested to endorse on their tickets, the words “ Annual ,” or “ Bi-ennial ,” as they may favor the meetjjig of the Legislature every year, or once in two years; and that thef resolution he published in the newspapers . in this Stale for three months before thtf first Monday in October aforesaid. ‘JOSEPH DAY, Speaker of the House of Representatives* Attest, Joseph Sttirges, Clerk In Senate, concurred in,- flecembei*,’ 1839, ROBERT M. ECHOES, President of the Senate/ Attest, David J. Bailey, Secretary. Approved, December 24th, 1839. Charles j. McDonald .Governor July 2, 1840. 44—CiT The news papers of this State will insert the above’ three months from the Ist of July.