News & planters' gazette. (Washington, Wilkes County [sic], Ga.) 1840-1844, November 05, 1840, Image 4

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AGRICULTURAL. From the Southern Hujiner. TREATMENT OF CATTLohN THE WINTER. X* Permit me through the medium of your paper, to throw out a few hints in to the treatment of cattle during the winter season. As that season is now rapidly ap proaching, some advice on this subject may not be amiss to the farming portion of your readers. The first thing to be observed, is to lay \ up sufficient provender, and of the right ! kind, early in the season. The next, to provide suitable shelter for j them during the cold rainy spells which oftentimes last lor weeks at a time, and to locate them in a favorable position in regard to north winds, and location of ground. Thirdly and lastly, the attention they require during the winter months, under which is included feeding and housing, cur rying being out of the question where a large stock is kept on hand, and, indeed, if they are well fed and sheltered, no at tention need be paid to this. In regard to’ the quality and quantity of food little need be said, as the experience of every one will tell them it should be good, of sufficient quantity, and of a variety, as cattle are known to prefer a change in their diet as well as man. In making shelters, I would recommend the facing to be south-easterly, the roof sloping north-westerly, and the ends and northern tvall to be closed tight. This ; will not only secure them the benefit of the sun’s rays ofa cold clear morning, but, also protect them from the wintry blasts which are so injurious to their appearance. The rack from which they are fed, should be continuous, and placed against the northern wall, with a trough immediately under it, to catch what might otherwise be wasted, j This shelter 1 would have placed on slop ing ground, facing south-easterly, and j above there should be a ditch cut of suffi ■cieritsize to carry off the rain-water which falls from the roof. Atone end of this shelter, the barn and cutting-room should be placed, built as the fancy of the farmer may suit, and a covered way extending from the barn the whole length of the shelter, will facilitate the fod dering of the cattle. This should be in the loft of the shelter. I think by such an arrangement, and by feeding at the proper time, and in suffici ent quantity, a farmer may not only pre serve all His cattle through the winter, but turn them forth in the spring in good order. Instead of the frames that now go out at the conclusion of winter, We would see plump animals fit to be killed for the table, in stead of not being suitable for turkey-buz zards. If these remarks coincide with your opinions, and you think them worthy a place in your paper, you’ may give them to your readers, and oblige yours, FORESIGHT. CHERRIES PRESERVED FORTY YEARS. In 1776, an apothecary being desirous of keeping some sour cherries for some time without spoiling, put such as were properly ripe into a glass jug, with a very wide mouth to it. Between each cherry he placed as many vine-leaves as were necessary to keep them asunder, and closing the top of the vessel with a cover ofthe like material as the vessel itself, and filling up the cre vices with soft wax, to prevent the admis sion of air, he placed the jug in a well, sus pended by a This cord, however, broke, and the ’tassel fell to the bottom, where it was at lenglhsforgotten. In 1816, some workmen who were re pairing this well, met with iftfloating on the surface of the water, and carried it to the apothecary by whom it had been suspend ed there forty years before ; he recollected it—opened it—and found the cherries quite entire ; preserved, indeed, from rottenness, but without their natural flavor. DISEASES OF HORSES. Colt Distemper. —This disease is cau sed frequently by neglecting to stable the animal, exposure to cold, rain, &c. The consequence is a violent cold, with high fe vers, and a collection between the jaws or enlarged glands. Treatment. —Take blood freely when the disease is fairly developed ; feed high on mashes or scalded oats mixed with meal. Repeat the bleeding twice a week ; and if the swelling increases, take ten to fifteen ears of corn and boil it six or eight hours, then put it into a small blanket doubled, and swing it under the head four or five hours at a time. Repeat it three or four times; then lance it, and the cold is cured. Many persons force the colt to rurfamd jump while running at the nose, which I consider a bad practice. Suppose a man extremely ill was made to get out of bed, and run or jump, the result would be death inevitable ; just so with a horse when ex hausted and enfeebled by sickness. Founder.— This disease is also fre quently caused by irregular feeding. Treatment. —The animal should be bled freely ; salted, and kept from water. Make a very strong tea of sassafras roots, and let it drink a quantity three or four times a day. Dissolve three or four ounces of assafoetida in a quart of water, and drench him—if he will not swallow, put some into his nostrils, and he will be obli ged to swallow, though it will not hurt him. This I consider a certain cure. Thumps.—Thumps are caused by over heating, and fast riding or driving. Treatment. —Take one pint of brandy or good whiskey, beat up a quarterof a pound of blapk pepper, mix it, and drench him. Or, take a dozen eggs, hold up his head, break them, and put them down his throat —shell and all—and he will recover im mediately. NEWS AND GAZETTE. WASHINGTON, GA. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1840. TO ADVERTISERS. Advertisements, not exceeding one square, first insertion, Seventy-lire Cents; and for each sub sequent insertion, Fifty Cents. A reduction will be made of twenty-live ]>er cent, to those who advertise by the year. Advertisements not limited when handed in, will lie inserted till for bid, and eharged accordingly. Sales of Land and Negroes by Executors, Ad ministrators, and Guardians, are required by law, to be advertised, in a public Gazette, sixty (lays previous to tlie day of sale. The sales of Personal Property must be adver tised in like manner, forty days. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must be published forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell Land or Ne groes, must be published weekly for four months; notice that application w ill be made for Letters of Administration, must be published thirty days; and Letters of Dismission, six months. EVE R Y V A*R I E T Y £ W jrj 3KMW3rasr® • AT THIS © iF F 0 (D I ■ Mail Arrangements. POST OFFICE, ) Washington, Ga., Oct. 17, 1840. \ • AUGUSTA MAIL. ARRIVES. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 5, A. 51. CLOSES. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 2-J, P. M. MII.LEDGEVILI.E MAIL. ARRIVES. Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 8, A. M. CLOSES. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 11, A. M. CAROLINA MAIL. ARRIVES. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 11, A. M. CLOSES. Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 8, A. M. ATHENS MAIL* ARRIVES. Sunday and Wednesday, at 9, A. M. CLOSES. Sunday and Wednesday, at 9, A. M. ELBERTON MAIL. ARRIVES. . CLOSES. Thursday, at 8, P. M. | Thursday, at 9, P. M. LINCOLNTON MAIL. ARRIVES. CLOSES. Friday, at 12, M. | Friday, at 12, M. OCC YV r eare authorized to announce Mr. J.C. WILLIAMSON as a Candidate, at the election in January next, for RECEIVER and TAX COLLECTOR for the County of YY’ilkes.—Oct. 1. (5) ts. OCT” We are authorized to announce Major JAMES B. LANDERS, a Candi date for RECEIVER and TAX COL LECTOR for Wilkes County, at the elec tion in January next.—Sept. 17. (3) ts. OC/ - We authorized to announce Mr. JOSEPH J. POLLARD, as a Candidate at the ensuing election, for RECEIVER and TAX COLLECTOR for the County of Wilkes—Sep*. 24. (4) ts. Situation Wanted, A LADY’ from the North would like a SITUA TION in a respectable SCHOOL or PRI VATE FAMILY, as TEACHER. Address, M. P., Post Office, Washington. 8. Just Received , A few pieces, latest style, PLAID BONfyET RIBBONS, of superior quality. \ WILLIS Washington, Oct. 29. 9 ts. Eost or Jlislaid, ONE PROMISSORY NOTE, bearing date the 13th of this month, (October,) pay able to Oliver A. Luckett, or bearer, for SIOO, due twelve mojrths after date, with interest from the 13tlYlay of April, IS4I ; and signed thus ; \ \ S. B. Milner. E. C. Lawrence, Security. Said note was not delivered to Mr. Luckett. All persons are forewarned not to trade for said note. S. B. MILNER. Crawfordville, Oct. 16, 1840. 9 3t Strayed , A small irbn-gray HORSE, flax mane ahd tail ; right hind hock the largest; better than four feet high ; pony built. Any information will be thankfully reeeived, or a liberal reward will be paid on Jits delivery at Crawfordville ; or, if taken up, and word conveyed to the subscriber. S. B. MILNER. Oct. 12, IS4O. 9 3t Hank of the State of Georgia , BRANCH, Washington; Aug. 15, 1840. “ |> ESOLVEfy-That a REDUC XV TION 01/SO per Cent, be required on all piper payable at this Bank, falling due on and after the First day of November next.” Extract from the Minutes. SAM. BARNETT, 51 st.s.m. Cashier. Notice, To Debtors and Creditors. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of THOMAS C. PORTER, deceased, are required to make immediate payment; and those having demands against the said Estate, arc notified to present them within the time prescribed by law. AUGUSTUS W. FLYNT, Oct. 29, 1840. 0. Administrator. For Sale , A PLANTATION, THIRTEEN MILES FROM COLUMBUS, ON THE LAGRANGE ROAD. rrUIE Subscriber would sell low and upon ac commodating terms, a PLANTATION, 10 miles from Columbus Min the J .agrange road, containing TWO IgpjjYDRED ACRES of LAND ; forty acres qjjKiich were cleared last year. There are upoiiTne premises a dferfL good Dwelling-House, and every ne cessarv mil hi Jpe ; and well supplied with good water. .ss^allsßr For further particulars, apply to A. R. LYON. October 8, 1840. (0) s.m.Oin. Sale of Real Estate, rprlE Subscriber ofters for sale a PLANTA TION, thirteen miles from Columbus, on the Lagrange road, containing THREE HUN DRED and SIXTY ACRES of LAND; 130 acres in cultivation —100 of which is fresh. There is upon this tract, every thing necessary to a Plantation ; well wa ereJ, &c. Further particulars are not necessary, as there is a person on the premises who will take plea sure in showing the above, to any one desirous of examining them. N. li. I,YON, Beaver Dam, Wilkes Comity, Ga. October 8, 1840. (6) 3m. East Notice, ALL persons indebted to us, either by NOTE or OPEN ACCOUNT, are requested to come forward, and pay up without delay. We shall piace all debts due to us in the hands of an Attorney for suit, on the first day ol January next; therefore, those who do hot wish to pay cost, &c, can call on us and settle. LAWRENCE & I’ETEET. Washington, Oct. 8. (0) ts. Segars!! VirE have appointed Mr. WM. JOHNSON, ** of this place, our agent for the SALE of SEGARS in this section of the State. They are WARRENTED TO SMOKE FREE, and tobe of as FINE FLAVOR as they are represented, which our customers may rely upon. The Ssgars are of approved brands, and are offered at wholesale or retail. LASH &. BROTHERS, Bethania, Oct. 1, 1840. 5 North Carolina. To Rent 9 THE LAND belonging to the ESTATE of BENJAMIN CATCHINGS, late of Wilkes county, deceased, from the 10th of December next ANN ARNETT, Adm’trix. Oct. 22, 1840. 8 ts. Negroes to Hire, I WILL HIRE out. the NEGROES belonging to the ESTATE of BENJAMIN CATCH INGS, late of Wilkes county, deceased, on the 10th of December next. ANN ARNETT, Oct. 22, 1840. 8. ts. Administratrix. (Dm CASH will be paid for TALLOW, by It 11. VICKERS. Washington, Oct. 22, 1840. 8 3t. FOR SALE. riMIL Subscriber has it in contemplation to re -*• turn to his Plantation, and, there lore, oilers his Town Property for sale; consisting ofa FOUR ACRE LOT, with a large and conve- fhmrAs. nient DWELLING HOUSE, eight fire-places, trio necessary out-houses, j! Sa ’ Igw and a never-failing well of excellent ■ggsasgsea water. If the purchaser wishes, he can have Twenty three Acres of wood-land, well set with timber, six or eight hundred yards from the lot. Further parliculars are not necessary, as the purchaser will examine for himself FRANCIS McLENDON. Sept. 24, 1840. (4) ts. Tailoring, r|MIE Subscriber respectfully informs the Citi -*- zens of Wilkes county, that ho has located himself at Major Johnson Norman’s, nine miles west of Washington, where he will be happy to serve all who may wish to have any tiling done in his line of business. All his work will be exe cuted in the most neat, faithful, and fashionable manner. The following are his cash prices : Making first-rate Coat : : : : $6 00 Edging Do. : : : 3 00 Ditto, second quality : : : : 5 00 Ditto, third quality : : : : 4 00 Making Pantaloons or Vest : : 1 50 Ditto, Overcoat : : : : : 7 00 Cutting Coat ::::::: 50 Ditto, Pantaloons or Vest : : 25 He will be thankful for any custom in his busi ness ; and as his prices are very low, he has de termined to keep no books, and do altogether a cash business. JOHN 11. RHODES. September 14, 1840. (3) ts. LOST, A POCKET BOOK. ON MONDAY, the 28th of SEPTEMBER, 1 lost a long calfskin POCKET BOOK, containing: Twelve Dollars in cash; to wit, two five dol lar bills on the Central Bank of Georgia, and a one dollar biU City Council of Augusta, andaone dollar bill City Council of Columbus ; One note, for $465, on William C. Jack, duo the 25th of December last; One note on Ilezekiah Montgomery, (John Jones security,) for $185; One on John T. Wootten, for $2Bl, dated sometime last year; One on John L. Wynn, for $1,200, due the 25th of December, 1841; One on John L. YY’yuri, for $1,300 ; Another on John L. Wynn, for $765; A due bill on John G. YVright, for $202 25; A receipt for Marcus and Samuel Huling’s note for about $465, given by Robert A. Toombs as attorney. The finder will be liberally rewarded for re returning them. All persons are forewarned against trading for the above, papers. JAMES C. WRIGHT. Washington, Oct. 1,1840. O’ Leave with the Editor of this paper; or at Mr. Lane’s store, xil 5 SALES IN DECEMBER. WILKES SHERIFF’S HALE. Will he sold at the Court House door in the town of Washington, on the first Tuesday in December next, between the usual hours of sale, the following property ; to wit, ONE LOT of LAND, containing Forty Acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Bed ford Cade, F. C. Harmer, and others : Levied •on by virtue of two Fi. Fas. from Oglethorpe Superior Court —one in the name of F. VV. Cook, bearer, vs. Early Varner, William Hudspeth, and Matthew F. Jackson, security on appeal; the other, Parmenus Haynes, vs. Early Varner, William Hudspeth and Eliliu Penney, security, and Matthew F. Jackson, security on appeal. A Iso, at same time and place, All of James J. Turner’s interest in a CROP of CORN and FODDER, on the plantation of Dexter Henry : I-evicd on by virtue ofa Fi. Fa. from Wilkes Inferior Court, Elizabeth Norman, vs. said Turner and Asher Lane; with other Fi. Fas. Property pointed out by Joseph .luck son. EDWARD R. ANDERSON, Oct. 29, 1840. 9 Sheriff ELBERT SHERIFF’S SALE. Will be sold at Elbert Court House, on the first Tuesday in December next, between the usual hours of sale, the following property ; to wit, fit WO fine BAROUCHES; one for two horses, and the other for one —one tine BUGGY —and one roan HORSE : All levied on to satisfy a Fi. Fa. in favor of Henry Kinne brew, vs. llenry H. Cosby and Madison Hudson, and Thomas F. Willis their security ; and sun dry other Fi. Fas. vs. said Cosby. ALSO, ONE HUNDRED and FIFTY-TWO ACRES of LAND, on the waters of Beaver Dam Creek, adjoining John M. Adams and others ; levied on as the property of William Gaar, to satisfy two Fi. Fas.—one in favor of Hiram G. Adams, vs. said Gaar, and one in favor of Hiram G. Adams, indorsee, vs. Rice Elling ton, maker, and William Gaar, indorser; and sundry other Fi. Fas. vs. said Gaar. ALSO, TWO HUNDRED ACRES of LAND, more or less, on the waters of Beaver Dam Creek, adjoining Edward Brown and others, whereon John S. Moore now lives; and FIVE NEGROES—to wit, DANIEL, a man about twenty-five years old ; WILEY, about seventeen years old ; MARY, a woman, about twenty-six years old, dark complexion ; MfIRY, a woman, about Lventy-cight years old, light complexion ; and NANCY, a woman, about twenty-three years old, dark complexion : All levied on as the property of Ralph Blackwell, to satisfy a Fi. Fa. in favor of John Jones, vs. said Blackwell; and sundry other Fi. Fas., vs. said Blackwell. WILLIAM H. ADAMS, Oct.. 20, 1840. 9 Sheriff ELBERT SHERIFF’S SALES. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in December next, at Eibert Court House, between the usual hours of sale, the following property; to wit. One BUGGY CARRIAGE, levied on as Ihe property of Henry 11. Coshy, to satisfy a Fi. Fa. in the name of James Vaughan, vs, said Cosby; and sundry other Fi. Fas, vs. said Cosby. ALSO, At the same time and place, One NEGRO WOMAN, named Cliloe, about fifty years old; one NEGRO BOY’, named Jim, nine or ten years old; one GRAY HORSE, about twelve years old ; one SORREL HORSE, about twelve years old ; one SORREL MARE, about twelve years old; one ROAl) WAGON (except the body), hind GEAR, and four STRAPS belonging to the foregear; and fifteen barrels of CORN, more or less : Levied on as the property of Hiram Jones, to satisfy a Fi. Fa. in tavor ot James Bell, sen.; and sundry other Fi. Fas., vs. said Jones. Property pointed out by defendant. ALSO, At Ihe same time and place, ONE HUNDRED ACRES of LAND, more or less, on the waters of Coody’s Creek, adjoin ing Nicholas Burton and others : Levied on as the property ot 1 airuy Burton, to satisfy aFi. Fa. from Franklin luferior Court; in the name of Ro bert Pulliam, vs. said Burton ; and sundry other Fi. Fas., vs. said Burton. Property pointed out by Sarnuol Freeman, Plaintiff’s Attorney. THOMAS F. WILLIS, Oct. 23, 1840. 9 Deputy Sheriff ELBERT SHERIFF’S SALE. Will be sold at Eiberton, on the first Tuesday in December next, between the legal hours of sale, the following property ; to wit, ONE NEGRO BOY, named Kitt, about six teen years old; and ONE NEGRO GIRL, named Fan, eight or nine years old : Levied on as the property of Richard Rice, to satisfy a Fi. Fa. in favor of John Jones, vs. said Rice, and sun dry other fi. fas. against said Rice. Property pointed out by defendant. ALSO, At the same time and place, TWO HUNDRED ACRES of LAND, more or less, on the waters of Cold Water Creek, ad joining Joseph Terry and others; and about TWENTY BARRELS of CORN ; and one lot of SEED COTTON : All levied on as the pro perty of Wilkinson V. Ward, to satisfy a Fi. Fa. in favor of Thomas Johnston, vs. said .Wilkinson V. Ward and James A. Stone. Property pointed out by defendant. ALSO, At the same time and place, One MAHOGANY SOFA; one BED and FURNITURE ; one POT ; two OVENS; one SKILLET; one SPIDER; one dozen of CHAIRS; one LOOKING GLASS; one lot of CUPS and SAUCERS ; thirteen PLATES; four DISHES; one lot of KNIVES and FORKS; two SPINNING WHEELS; one CLOCK REEL ; one COW and CALF; one folding TABLE; one pine TABLE; two Earthen BOWLS; and one lot of TIN WARE: All levied on as the property of William A. Beck, to satisfy a Fi. Fa. in favor of Thomas Hilly, vs. James A. Clark and William A. Beck ; and sun dry other Fi. Fas., vs. said Beck and Clark. WILLIAM JOHNSON, D. S. Oct. 23, 1840. 9 ADMINISTRATRIX’S SALE OF I’ERISH. ABLE PROPERTY. Will be sold on Thursday, the 10th day of De cember next, at the late residence of Mildred Carlton, deceased, ALL the PERISHABLE PROPERTY be longing to the ESTATE of MILDRED CARLTON, late of Wilkes county, deceased, consisting of Household and Kitchen Furniture ; Stock of Horses, Cows, Hogs, Corn, Fodder, &c. Terms will be made known on the day ot Sale. ANN ARNETT, Adm’trix. October 22, 1840. 8 MORTGAGE SALE. Will be sold at Elbert Court House, on the first Tuesday in December next, between the usual sale hours, the following property ; to wit, /~kNE NEGRO MAN, named Jacob, levied on as the property of Henry 11. Cosby, to satisfy a Mortgage Fi. Fa. in favor of Stodghill. Pulliam & Christian, vs. said Cosby. Pro|)erty pointed out in said Mortgage Fi. Fa. WM. H. ADAMS, Sheriff Sept. 23, 1840. (5) WILKES SHERIFF’S SALE. Will be sold on the FIRST TUESDAY in DE CEMBER next, at the Court House door in the town of Washington, Wilkes County, the following property ; to wit, fANE TRACT of I,AND, containing Sixty ’ Acres, more or less ; being on the waters of Little River, adjoining lands ol Henry Terrell, and others, levied on as the property of Solo mon Wilder, to satisfy a Fi. Fa. issued from the Inferior Court of Wilkes County, in favor of Ann Arnett, vs. Solomon Wilder, and H. 1.. Ein bry, security. Property pointed out by said Wilder. THUS. It. EIIJSON, Oct. 22, 1840. 8 Deputy Sheriff EXECUTOR’S SALE. Will be sold at the Court House door in Elbert county, on the First Tuesday in December next, TVTINE or TEN likely NEGROES—consisting ™ of men, women, and children—being all the Negroes belonging to the Estate of John M. White, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the legatees. Terms will be made known on the day of sale. EPPY WHITE, Ex r. Sept. 9, 1840. ‘ (3) EXECUTOR’S SALE. Will be sold at the Court House door in Wash ington, Wi'kes county, on (lie First Tuesday in December next, agreeable to an order of the lion, the Interior Court, of said county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, ONE TRACT ot LAND, in Wilkes county, containing FIVE HUNDRED ACRES, more or less, adjoining the lands of Jesse Sprat lin, John Norman, and others; also, ELEVEN NEGROES. Sold as the Land and Negroes belonging to the estate of Joel Appling, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs andcrednors of said deceased. Terms made known on tire day ot sale. JOHN APPLING, Executor. Sept. 7, 1840. (2) SALES, IN JANUARY. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will be sold on the FIRST TUESDAY in JANUARY next, at the Court House door in Wilkes county, agreeable to an order of the lion, the Inferior Court of said county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, ri’lYVO LIKELY NEGRO MEN ; one by the name of Billy, an excellant Blacksmith, and one by the name of Collin. Sold as the property of Thomas C, l’ortor, de ceased, for the benefit of tho heirs and creditors of said estate. Terms will be made known on the day of sale. AUGUSTUS V\ . FLY Nl\ Oct. 29, 1840. 9 Administrator. MONTHLY INOTICES. IVTOUII months after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Wilkes county, while sit ting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the REAL ESTATE of JOHN MOORE, deceased, late of said county. SAllAll MOORE, Administratrix. JOHN HAMMOCK, Administrator. July 6, 1840. m4in 45. FOUR Munths alter date, application will be made to the Honorable the In ferior Court of Wilkes county, while sit ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Lands and Negroes belonging to the Estate of JOEL APPLING, deceased, late of said county. JOHN APPLING, July 14, 1840. 46 Administrator. IAOUIt Months after date, application will ’ be made to the Hon. the Inferior Court of Wilkes county, while sitting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell the Lands and Negroes belonging to the Estate of T. C. Porter, de ceased. A. YV. FLYN P, Adm’r. August 11, 1840. 50 JTIUUR months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Wilkes county, while sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estale belonging to the mi nors oT William H. Daniel, late of said county, deceased. KINDRED JACKS, August 23, 1840. 52. Guardian. 1 jWHJR Months after date, application will be made to the lion, the Inferior Court of Stewart county, while sitting as a Court of Ordi nary, for leave to sell a NEGRO WOMAN, named Laura, belonging to the ESTATE of A. H. SHEPHERD, deceased. Said woman sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said Estate. JAMES M. SMYTIIE, Adm’lor. ANNE Y SHEPHERD, Adm’trix. Washington, YV’ilkes, Oct. 8, 1840. (6) Months after date, application will he made (o the Hon. the Inferior Court ofElbert county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the LANDS belonging to the ESTATE of JOHN M. WHITE, sen., deceased, late of Elbert counly. EPPY’ YY’UiTE, Adm. on tiie Real Estate. October 29, 1840. 9 Ij'OUU Months alter date, application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Wilkes County, while sitting as a Court of Ordi nary, for leave to sell a PART of the REAL ESTATE of WILLIAM H. DANIEL, de ceased, late of said county. D. W. McJUNKIN. Admin. Oct 29, 1840. 9 jUHMJR Months after date, application will he made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of YVilkes county, while sitting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell a NEGRO GIRL, named Charity, belonging to the ESTATE of WIL LIAM GRESHAM, deceased. HENRY’ F. ELLINGTON, Adminis trator with the will annexed. October 29, 1840. 9 4m. DAVID A. YASON, Attorney-at-Law, [PALMYRA, (LEE COUNTY,) GEORGIA, WILL PRACTICE IN THE DIFFERENT COUNTIES OF THE Chatahoochcc Circuit. REFERENCES : Irvin &, Pope, YVashington, Wilkes. Hon. Charles Dougherty, Athens. Rev. Jonathan Davis, Lee. Johnson & Robinson, Madison, Rev. Jesse Mercer, Washington, Wilkes. Dr. John Wingfield, Madison. Z. Jackson, Esq., Lee. Don. M. J. Wellborn. Sept. 24, 1840. (4) , ts. ay Look Here. X 8 BARGAINS ! BARGAINS!! THE Subscriber is now receiving and opening a large Stock of Goods, purchased by him self in New Y’ork, at reduced prices, which lie offers for cash at lower prices than ever bought in this market. Ilis customers will he furnished on a credit as usual, at very reduced prices. Those who wish bargq ns, would do weliqp ealf and examine his stock before purchasing iesowheie. The assortment is general, and comprises al most every article usually kept in a Retail Dry Goods Store. MARK A. LANE. October 15, 1840. _ 7 ts. JWnv in Wilkes Jail, iA NEGRO MAN, who says he belongs to Messrs* Blake &. Ooiitiiby, of Chas- Ifslon, S. C. He left them,- he says, as they werd’ carrying Him through LexV ington, Oglethorpe, to the’ gold irt'nes, sornO tirtte dtir-’ ing the Inst of March or ihe first of last. He says, Mr. Puce, of Lexington, ?*’ agent for Messrs. Blake & Coatnev. He also says, that his name is JOE, but that • he is frequently called DAVY ; and that he is about seventy-three years of age. He has been badly frost-bitten. The owner of said Negro is requested to com. forward—prove property —pay charges— and take him away. G. YV. JARRETT, Deputy Sheriff. Washington, September 3, 1840. (l)ti R. B. WHITE, AND Commission merchant, jUgll AUGUSTA, r1 1 HE Warehouse is fire - A proof —eligibly located above high-water mark. All Cotlon consigned per Railroad, will receive prompt attention. September 3, 1840. (1) (C'IDZIMWQSIidDSf BUSINESS. STOVALL, SIMMONS & CO. AUGUSTA, m CON fINUE to transact the WARE HOUSE and COMMISSION BUSI NESS at their Fire-Proof Warehouse; which is in complete order for the storage of COTTON and GOODS. Their charges will be such as may be customary. August 13, 1840. 50 12t WAREHOUSE, AND General Commission BUSINESS. si mm r | YHE Subscribers, intending to conti ± nue the COMMISSION BUSINESS the ensuing year at their old stand on JACKSON-STREET, offer their ser vices to their friends and the public, assur ing those who may favor them with their business, that they have storage sufficient to place all the produce they may get, un der houses, and will not have Cotton ex posed to the weather, nor have it placed in a spot where it cannot at all times be found for shipment; and they say the safety of their Warehouses, from floods or high rivers, have been recently tested, as there was NOT A BALE OF COTTON WET BY THE LATE HIGH FLOOD. The location of the Warehouses, to men of business, are particularly desirable, being in the immediate vicinity of the Railroad Depot, Globe Hotel, Mansion House, and Banks. They feel grateful for former patronage, and solicit a continuation ; assuring those who may favor them with their business, that no exertions shall be wanting to pro mote their interest. Their charges will be as moderate as other Commission Houses in this place. S. KNEELAND & SON. Augusta, August 12. 50 3m. AND Commission Merchants, AUGUSTA, sk&tSMssZfe GEORGIA. 1 1 1 HE Subscribers having formed a co, | I partnership, for the transaction of a FACTORAGE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, Under the Firm of HOPKINS & STOVALL, Have taken the commodious fire-proof WAREHOUSE on McINTOSII-ST., opposite General Thomas Dawson’s. The location of this Warehouse ts high and free from risk of high water j conve. nient for the receiving of Cotton ons, railroad, or river, and also for ceiving and forwarding goods. Cotton and other produce, or Merchan dise, consigned to them, will meet with prompt attention. Their charges will be the same as made by other Commission Merchants of this city. By strict attention to business, they hope to merit a share of public patronage. LAMBETH HOPKINS, MARCELLUS A. STOVALL. Aug. 13, 1840. 50 3m