Newspaper Page Text
From , the Constitutionalist. . I
November 6, 1840.
The resolutions introduced by Mr.
Toombs in the House yesterday, are as fol
lows : r
“ Resolved, that a special committee of
five be appointed, whose duty it shall be to
enquire into the management and situation
of the Central Bank of Georgia, and also in
to the condition of the finances of this state,
and report by bill or otherwise whether or
not the public interest requires the repeal
of the charter of said bank, and also what
measures arc necessary and proper to be
adopted, for the speedy payment of the
debts of this state, and the restoration of her
•“ It is further resolved, That said Com
mittee have power to send for persons and
papers, and to examine witnesses under
Two bills were introduced in the Senate,
this morning, one to regulate the banking
institutions in this State, to compel them to
resume specie payments, and to conform to
the laws of the State, under certain penal
ties. “"This bill was introduced by Mr. Mor.
ris of Franklin. The other bill was intro
duced by Mr. Williamsof Baldwin,and has
for its object to prevent frauds and illegal
voting at elections. When I had to close
this letter, both branches of the Legislature
were proceeding to the elections set apart
for this day : a judge of the Coweta Cir
cuit,Attorney General, and several Solici
tor-generals, with a few generals.
Half-past Twelve.
The election by the Legislature, for
Judge of the Coweta Circuit, resulting in
the choice of General Ezzard of DeKalb
county, several ballottings ; last ballot
Ezzard 145
Warner : : : : : : 124
Irwin ::::::: 8
For Attorney General, it resulted in the
choice of James Gardner, jr., ofßichmond.
Several ballottings ; last ballotting—
Gardner :::::: 133
Flournoy, of Richmond : : 76
Young, of Scriven : : : 12
Lawton ::::::: 4
Blank ::::::: 31
A Nov. 7.
Mr. Dunagan introduced a bill in the
Senate this morning, amending the act
passed at the last session, requiring the
banks, in their semi-annual returns, to spe
cify the indebtedness of the directors of the
banking institutions of the State. By this
bill, the banks failing to comply with the
bill.rof the last session, are to forfeit and pay
to the State'the sum of $50,000. This pe
nalty to be recovered by action of debt
against the said banking institutions in ei
ther the Superioror Inferior Courts of the
Mr. Dunagan reported a bill yesterday
to enlarge the duties of the Western and
Atlantic Railroad commissioners, by auth
rizing them to purchase land for depots and
trading toWns, and to apply the proceeds of
the town lots to defray the expense of the
road, and to permit the Hiwasse Railroad
Company to extend their road to our termi
nus in the direction of Red Clay.
The elections by the General Assembly,
have resulted so far as follows:
Judge of the Superior Court of the
Coweta Circuit —W. W. Ezzard.
Attorney General, Middle Circuit —Jantes
Solicitor General, Eastern Circuit —W.
P. White.
Solicitor General, Northern Circuit —*i
Alexander Pope.
Solicitor General, Southern Circuit —
John Gibson. ; ‘
Solicitor General, Ocmulgee Circuit —
Aug. Rees.
merchant, originally come from Paris,
haying acquired a great fortune in one of
the French West India Islands, concluded
with'himself he could not be happy in the
enjdyment of it, unless he shared it With a
worhaft of merit ; and knowing none to his
fancy, he resolved to write to a worthy cor-,
respondent of his at Paris. He knew no
other style'than that he used in his trade ;
therefore, treating of affairs of love as he
did his business, after giving his friend in a
letter several commissions, and reserving
this for the last, he went on thus :
“ Item —Seeing that I have taken a reso
lution to marry, and that Jdo not find a
suitable match for me here, do not fail to
send, by next ship, bound hither, a young
woman of the qualifications and form fol
lowing. As for a portion, I demand none.
Let her be of an honest family, between 20
and 25 years of age, of a middle stature,
. and well proportioned, her face agreeable,
her temper mild, her character blameless,
her health good, and her constitution
strong enough to bear the change of the cli
mate, that there may be no occasion to look
ojjt for a second, through lack of the first
soon after she hand, which must
be provided much as possible,
considering the great distance and danger
of tlre f 'iea. If she arrives here, conditioned
as above said, with the present letter en
dorsed by you, or at least an attested copy
thereof, that there may be no mistake or
imposition, I hereby oblige-and engage to
satisfy the said letter by marrying the bear
er at fifteen days sight. In witness there
of, L subscribe this, &c.
Parisian correspondent read over
and over this odd article, which put the fu
ture spouse on the same footing with the
bales of goods he was to send to his friend;
and, after admiring the prudent exactness of
the merchant, and his laconic style in e
numerating the qualifications which he in
sisted on, he endeavored to serve him to* his
mind ; and after many inquiries, he judg
ed he had found a lady fit for his purpose,
in a young person of reputable family, but
no fortune, of good humor and of a polite
education, well-shaped and more than tol
erably handsome. He made (he proposal
toher as his friend had diyected ; and the
young gentlewoman, who had no substaqce
but from a cross old aunt, who gave her a
great deal of uneasiness, accepted it. A
ship bound for that island was then fitting
for. Rochelle ; the gentlewoman went on
board the same, together with the bales of
goods, being well provided with all neces
saries, and particularly with a certificate
in due form endorsed by the correspondent.
She was also included in the. invoice, the
last article of which runs thus :
Jtem —A young gentlewoman of twenty
five years of age, of the quality and shape
and conditioned as per order, as appears by
the affidavits and certificates she has to
The writings which were thought neces
sary for so exact a man as her future hus
band, were, an extract of the parish regis
ter ; a certifidate of her character, signed
by the curate ; an attestation of her neigh
bors, setting forth that she had for the space
of three years lived with an old aunt who
was intolerably peevish, and had not dur
ing all that time given her said aunt the
least occasion of complaint ; and lastly,
the goodness of her constitution was certifi
ed, after the consultation by four noted
physicians. Before the gentlewoman’s de
parture, the Parisian correspondent sent
several letters of advice by other ships to
his friend, whereby he informed him that
per such a ship he should send a young
woman, of such an age, character, and
condition, &c., in a word, such as he desir
ed to marry; The letters of advice, the
bales, and the gentlewoman came safe to
port ; and our merchant, who happened to
be one of the foremost on the pier, at the
lady’s landing, was charmed to see a hand
some person, who, having heard him called
by his name, told him—
“ Sir, I have a bill of exchange for you,
and you know that it is not usual for peo
ple to carry a great deal of money about
thpm in such a long voyage as I have now
made. I beg the favor you will be pleased
to pay it.”
At the same time she gave him his cor
respondent’s letter, on the back of which
was written :
“ The bearer of this is the spouse you
ordered me to send you.”
“ Ah, madam !” said the merchant, “ I
never yet suffered my bills to be protested ;
and I assure you, this shall not be the
first. I shall reckon myself the most for
tunate of all men, if you allow r me to dis
charge it.”
“ Yes, sir,” replied she, “ and the more
willingly since I am apprised of your char
acter. VVe had several persons of honor on
board, who knew you very well, and who,
during my passage, answered all the ques
tions I asked concerning you, in so advan
tageous a manner, that it has raised in me
a perfect esteem for you.”
The first interview was in a few days af
ter followed by the nuptials, which were
very magnificent. The new married cou
ple were extremely W'ell satisfied with
their happy- union made by a bill of ex
change, which was the most fortunate that
had happened in that island for many
From the Albany Cultivator.
“,.My boy what are you doing there with
thqt gimblet ?” said I the other morning to
a flaxen headed urchin, who was laboring
away with all his might at a piece of board
before him. “ Trying to make an augur
hole !” was his reply, without raising his
eyes or suspending his operations.
“ Precisely the-business of at least two
thirds of the world, in this blessed year of
our. Lord 1840, is this making augur holes
with a gimblet;” I said to myself, as I
waked musingly onward.
Here is young A., who has just escaped
from the clerk s desk behind the counter.
He sports his mustaches; wears his hair
long ; has acquiring power of being shaved,
carries a ratan ; drinks champaign when
he can oommand an X to purchase a bottle
and treat a friend to a dinner ; talks large
of the price current all of western stocks
and profits of banking-; stands in his boots
two inches higher than Astor or Appleton ;
and speaks of foreign exchanges as would
Rothschild or Biddle. He thinks he is a
great man, when all others know he is on
ly making augur holes with a gimblet.
Mr. B. is a rabid politician. He has
labored hard at caucuses, at ward and
town meetings, has talked of the dear peo
ple till the words flow parrot like from his
lips, and has done a full share of the dirty
work of party for years. Office has been
the lure held out to lead him onw-ards, and
which has made him neglect his business,
spend his time in hunting up recruits, dril
ling the refractory, and qualifying himself
for bar-room argument and stump oratory.
He can settle the affairs of the nation in a
trice; diplomacy has no intricacies for
him ; he has shaken hands with the Presi
dent, and is a great man. He will soon be
used up, and cast aside ; and will then see,
as others now do, that he is chasing a jack
o’lantem, that he is making auger holes
with a gimblet.
There is Miss C., who is really a pretty
girl, and who might become a woman a
man of sense would be proud of. Now she
apes the ton in all things; reads exciting
novels ; goes to the opera, admires Celes
te’s dancing, has nearly ceased to blush at
the most indecent nudity, lounges on sofas,
glories in her idleness, keeps her bed till
noon, coquets with male animals as femi
nine as herself, imagines she is a belle, for
gets that her father was a cooper, lisps of
high life, and plcbian presumption, and is
in a fair way to ruin herself. All this of her belief that an augur hole can
y made by a gimblet.
/£ Mr. D., whom I have just passed, may
be put down as a distinguished professor of
the gimblet. He was a farmer. His lather
left him a fine farm free of incumbrance ;
but speculation became rife, fortunes were
made in a twinkling, and D. fancied “one
thing could be done as well as another.”—
So he sold his farm, and bought wild lands
in the prairies, and corner lots in lithogra
phed cities ; and began to dream of wealth
worthy of “golden Ind.” Work he could
not; it had suddenly become degrading.—
Who could think of tilling or being content
ed with a acres of land, when thousands of
acres in the broad west were waiting for
occupants or owner. D. was not the man
to do it, and he operated to the extent of his
means. At last the land bubble broke;
lithographed cities were discovered to be
mere bogs, and prairie farms, though the
basis ofexhaustless weath, worthless unless
rendered productive by labor. But D.’s
beautiful farm is gone, and as he is now
preparing on compulsion to become a pio
neer in the west, he feels that it is difficult
to make augur holes with a gimblet.
Mr. E. is the representative of quite a
class. He had his attention awakened to
the subject of religion, and obtained new
views of its importance and his own obliga
tions. Believing what cannot be disputed,
that love to God and good will to man, is
the only true source ofhappiness and feel
ing, as every benevolent mind must, a de
sire for the welfare of his race ho fancied
himself called to declare these truths to the
world ; and forsaking his lapstone, his an
vil, or his plough, became without delay an
expounder of the scripture, a self-delega
ted instructor of mankind. He forgot that
the age of miracles had ceased ; and that
the ability to teach must now be acquired
by the slow but necessary process of hu
man learning. lie begins to have misgiv
ings that he has mistaken his call ; and
will probably discover, when too late to
rectify the error, that he has spent the best
half of his life in trying to make auger holes
with a gimblet.
Savannah Republican.
Since this paper has come into the hands
of Messrs. Locke and Davis, we notice a
very striking improvement in its appear
ance, and editorial management. It is en
larged and beautifully printed, and well
merits the patronage of those who desire the
commercial news from our principal sea
port. It is particularly worthy of the sup
port of the Whigs, as being one of the first
(if not the first) paper in the State that de
clared itself for Harrison.
New York Election Frauds.
Our exchange papers from all directions
are filled with accounts of the investiga
tions which have lately taken place in
New’ York, relative to the election frauds
alleged to have taken place in 1838. Se
veral of the most influential and respect
able Whig citizens of New York are ac
cused by one J. D. Stevenson of having
been largely engaged through the agency
J. B. Glentworth, in importing illegal vo
ters into the city, from Philadelphia. The
deposition of Stevenson is contradicted by
those of Glentworth and others; and the
only conclusion we can come to, after wad
ing Airough the mass of testimony, is that
one party or the other has sworn to a false
hood, and perhaps both—for both parties in
New York, may defy the world to beat
them in political rascality.
The Whig papers assert, with agood deal
of plausibility, the whole matter is a hum
bug—the “last card” of the Van Buren
party ; and the circumstance that for two
years the affair has been permitted to lie
dormant, and was brought up lately upon
the eve of the Presidential election seems
to favor the assertion. We do not think it
of sufficient importance to the people of this
section to justify filling our paper with the
tedious details of the investigation, especi
ally as it it is one of those things that will
interest nobody now that the elections are
Presidential Election.
In 80 counties the Harrison majority is
8,323, a gain since the Oct >ber Election
of 4,2ss—Hurrah lor us.
Has probably gone for Harrison by a very
small -majority. The Whig papers claim
a majority of from 400 to 600. The Van
Buren papers express confidence that the
State will give its Electoral votes to their
Candidate. They are whistling to keep
their spirits up. Nothing can be known
with certainty until the Official Returns as
received, which will be by our next week’s
paper. If this State has gone for Harrison,
it has done better than we expected.
In New-Yoi‘k city the Locofocos have
succeeded by 1,110 majority. Few of the
counties heard from. The Stutc is consid
ered safe for Harrison by about 15,000
The Whigs have carried this State, the
returns which have been received, show a
gain on the October Election of 779.
Out of one hundred and twenty-one
counties in the State, sixty-seven have been
heard from, giving Harrison a majority of
Has of course given her Electoral vote
to Harrison—majority about 20,000.
Has thrown her vote for Harrison.—
Majority, 6,385 —all the towns heard from
but five.
The returns from Maine, so far as re
ceived, are favorable, to the Whigs. Their
vote has largely increased since the Elec
tion for Governor.
Horrid Tragedy.
We learn, (says the Southern Chronicle,)
by letters from Edgefield Court House, that
that village was, on Friday last, the thea
tre of a bloody and disgraceful outrage,
which resulted in the death of an amiable
and promising young man named Byrd !
The facts which led to this dreadful result,
we understand, are the following :
It appears that a difficulty has existed for
some time between Colonel Lewis Wig
fall and Preston Brooks, Esq., of Edgefield,
which had been partially healed by the
mediation of mutual friends, but that an
imprudent publication opened again the
fountains of bitterness. During a tempo
rary absence ofPreston Brooks, his father,
Colonel Whitfield Brooks, answered the
publication of Wigfall. The consequence
was, a challenge from Wigfall, which was
declined by Colonel Brooks, for cause as
signed. Wigfall, on receiving his answer,
sent a note to Colonel Brooks, stating, that
he should post him as a scoundrel and cow
ard at four o’clock that evening. Colonel
Carrol and Thomas Bird volunteered to
call on Wigfall and. request him to defer
the posting till Preston Brooks came home,
as he was the proper person to protect his
father ; but by the time they arrived at the
Court House, Wigfall had put up the pa
per, and stood on the Court House steps to
defend it, armed with a pair ofduelling pis
tols. Bird intimating his intention of tear
ing it down, when pistols were drawn by
both him and Wigfall, and both fired with
out effect. Bird drew a second pistol, and
fired without effect again. Wigfall then
returned his fire, and his ball entered the
right shoulder of ‘Bird, taking a direction
over the upper part of the chest, cutting his
wind-pipe, and lodging in his left breast.
He lingered until Sunday morning, in
great agony, when his spirit took its flight.
stVhite Males, - - 3,060
“ Females, - - 3,024 —6,084
Slaves—Males, - - 2,473
“ Females, - 2,488 —4,961
Free persons of color—Males, 36
, “ “ Females, 35 71
Total population, 11,116
As there is every probability that the
race of IsOCOFOCOS are fast be
coming extinct, it is suggested, that a spe
cimen ought to be preserved in gin, for the
gratification of the curiosity of future gene
rations.—Louisville Journal.
Mournful. —-The editor of the Passim, a
small paper published in Buffalo, apologi
ses for the non-appearance of his sheet the
day previous. The reason given is this :
A generous grocery dealer sent him a doz
en champaigne, on which the editor and all
his hands got shot in the neck, from which
they did not recover until next day. This
he states was merely accidental, and hopes
that the like will never occur again.
Mail Arrangements.
Washington , Ga., Oct. 17, 1840. j
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 5, A. M.
Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 21, P. M.
Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 8, A. M.
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 11, A. M.
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 11, A. M.
- Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 8, A. M.
. Sunday and Wednesday, at 9, A. M.
Sunday and Wednesday, at 9, A. M.
Thursday, at .8, P. M. | Thursday, at 9, P. M.
Friday, at 12, M. | Friday, at 12, M.
Advertisements, not exceeding one square, first
insertion, Seventy-Jive Cents; and tor each sub
sequent insertion, Fifty Cents. A reduction will
‘be made of twenty-five per cent, to those who
advertise by the year. Advertisements not
handed in, will be inserted till tur
bid, and charged accordingly.
Sales ot Land and Negroes by Executors, Ad
ministrators, and Guardians, are by law,
to be advertised, in a public Gazette,, sixty days
previous to the day of sale.
The sales of Personal Property must be adver
tised in like manner , forty days.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate
must be published forty days.
Notice that application will he made to the
Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell Land or Ne
groes, must be published weekly for four months;
notice tliat application will be made for Letters of
Administration, must be published thirty days;
and Letters of Dismission, six months.
The present division of the year into
three terms,including a. long vacation of two
months in the Summer, having been found
inconvenient, the Board, at a recent meet
ing, adopted the following resolution :
“ Resolved, That, after the Ist of June,
1841, the year shall be divided into two
terms, of five months each, including a re
cess of one week, in the middle of each
term ; and that the first term shall com
mence on or about the Ist of January, and
end with the last of May, the second term
shall commence on or about the Ist of July,
and end on the last of November—the
months of J une and December being months
of vacation.”
Extract from the minutes,
E. M. BURTON, Secretary.
Nov. 12, 1840. 11. 4t.
JYotice TMB.£s
The Copartnership heretofore existing
lie-tween the Subscribers, was dissolved by
mutual consent, on the Ist day of Novem
ber, 1840.
The Notes and Accounts of said Firm
(together with the Accounts of THOMAS
LAWRENCE, which have been transfer
red to Lawrence &. peteet,) have
been assigned to Robert A. Toombs and D.
G. Cotting, Esqrs., who are alone autho
rized to settle the same ; and to whom
those indebted to both Concerns are re
quested to make immediate payment.
Nov., 1840. 11. st.
1.1 IT It) .V.
The Public are cautioned against trading
for three Promissory Notes, each for
S7OO dollars, given by myself to Law
rence & Peteet, and payable about the
First of June, 1841, ’42, and ’43 ; as the
payment of said Notes is dependent upon
a contingency not expressed on their face.
Those persons who may have traded for’
Notes of mine, payable to Lawrence &
■Peteet*,’ aro 1 politely requested to inform me
of the same.-
Washington, Nov. 1840. 11. ts.
Those who are yet in arrears to the late
Concern of LANE & WINGFIELD, arc
informed that their business must be closed
early this Winter. j
Nov. 12, 1840. 11 3l
To Debtors and Creditors.
All persons indebted to the Estate of .MIL
DRED CARLETON, deceased, are re
quested to make immediate ‘payment ; and
those having demands against the said Es
tate, are notified to present them within the
time prescribed by law. ANN ARNETT,
Nov. 12, 1840. 11. Administratrix.
To Debtors and Creditors.
All parsons indebted to the Estate of
required to make immediate payment ; and
those having demands against the said Es
tate, arc notified to present them within the
time prescribed by law. ANN ARNETT.
Nov. 12, 1840. 11. Administratrix.
Strayed or Stolen,
From the Subscriber, who lives
near Raytown, a Sorrel Horse ; ffS&i
six years old, with throe white IST'i
feet, a blaze in the forehead,
and about five feet high. Any
information given concerning said Llorse,
either to the Subscriber or to to Oliver A.
Luckett, Esq., of Crawfordville, will be
thankfully received ; and any individual
restoring the Horse to either, will be liber
ally rewarded. MARCIA A. CRATIN.
Nov. 12, 1840. 11. 3t.
Will be sold at Elbert Court House, on the first
Tuesday in December next, between the usual
sale hours, the following property; to wit,
Three Tables, three Bedsteads, one lot of
Moss, one lot ol old Harness, two Japaned Wait
ers, one set ot Carriage Wheels, one set of Car
riage VV heels andAxleiree, one old Gig, one large
tavern Bell, one old Coach, one set of Black
smith’s Tools, one lot ot old Irons, one Grind
Stone, one Cow and ( alt, one lot of Iron, one
Chest and its contents : All levied on to satie
ty a Fi. Fa. m lavor of John A. H. Harper vs.
Cosby and Clark ; and sundry other Fi. Fas., vs.
Cosby and Clark.
WM. 11. ADAMS, Sheriff
Nov I'2, 1840. 11
IN JA N IJ Alt Y .
Pursuant to an order of the Honorable thelnfe
terior Court ol Wilkes county, while sitting
for ordinary purposes, will be sold at the Court
House in Washington, on the First Tuesday
in JANUARY next, the following property;
to wit,
ONE DM ELLING HOUSE, with a kitchen
attached and a Grocery Store, now in the occu
pancy of .Robert M. Moon ; ONE HOUSE, oc
cupied by Dr. Firklen, and Cotting & Butler;
ONE HOUSE, occupied by W. H. Moon, as a
Saddlery—all on Main-street.
Also, a HOUSE and LOT, comprising about
three acres, adjoining Daniel late and others.
Also, NINE NEGROES, among whom is an
excellent Bricklayer and Plasterer.
All being l lie property of John Retail, deceased.
Terms —Twelve months credit, bond and se
curity being given.
LEWIS S. BROWN, ) Administra-
JOHN H. DYSON, ( tors.
Nov. 2, 1840. [Nov. 12. 11. Con. f. In. Press.]
<7c<)RlrlA : 1 \\ T iTeREAS Lewis S.
Wilkes County. > *’ Brown and John H.
J Dyson, Executors, apply to
me for Letters dismissory from tlie ESTATE
of HARRIS SANDIFORD, deceased :
This is, therefore, to cite, summon, and
admonish, all and singular, the kindred and
creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my
office v. ithin the time prescribed by law’, to show
cause, (if any they have,) why said letters should
not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this 11th of
August, 1840. JOHN 1L DYSON, C. C. O.
(Nov 12. 11. 2‘. Conti, from Indep. Press.)
(ibditu/.t, j % 11EKEAS Samuel Bar-
Wilkes County. > * * nett applies for Letters
Elizabeth H. Worsham.
These are, therefore, to cite, summon,
and admonish, all and singular, the kindred
and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at
my office, within the time prescribed by law, to
show cause, (if any they have,) why said letters
should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this 24th of
July, 1840. JOHN 11. DYSON, Clerk,
Court of Ordinary.
[Nov. 12. 11. It. Contin. from Indep. Press.]
Wilkes County. V
QUINLAN, deceased, applies for Letters of
dismission from said Estate.
These are, therefore, to cite, summon,
and admonish, all and singular, the kindred
and creditors of said deceased, to be and ap
pear at my office within the time prescribed by
iaw, to show cause, (if any they have,) why said
letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this 7th day of
September, 1840. JOHN H. DYSON,
Clerk Court of Ordinary
[Nov. 12. 11. 3t. Con. from Indep. Press.’
R Months alter date, application will i
” made to the Hon. the Inferior Court of Wilkes
county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for
leave to sell the Real Estate and Negroes be
longing to the Estate of John Retail, deceased.
LEWIS S. BROWN, ) Adminis-
JOHN 11. DYSON, j trators.
September 7, 1840.[Nov. 12. 11. It. C. f. I. P.]
ij'OL'R Moinhs alter date, application will be
* made to the Hon. the Inferior Court of Wilkes
county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for
leave to sqll the Negroes belonging to the Estate
of Janies Boatwright, deceased.
ZADOCK SMITH, Administrator.
Sept. 3, 1840. [Nov. 12. 11. It. C. f. I. P.]
To Rent,,
The BRICK STORE, now occupied by
L. M. Lennard, apply to
Washington, Nov. 5, 1840. 10 2t
OEUHGIA : Wilkes County.
Superior Court,
JULY TER M, 1 840.
7IMIE petition of James 11. Spratlin, respect
jully sheweth to the Court, that Janies Jones,
of said county, did, on the eighteenth day of May,
eighteen hundred and forty, for the purpose of bet
ter. securing unto the said James 11. Spratlin the
payment of a note drawn by the said James
Jones, on the ninth of May, and year aforesaid,for
one*’ hundred and fifty 52-100 dollars, and
payable to the said James H. Spratlin one day
afterdate, mortgage unto the said James H.,the
tract or parcel of land lying and being in said
county, on the waters of Clark’s Creek, and ad
joining lands of John C. Dodson, John T. Woot
ten, and others, containing sixty acres more or
less ; And it appearing to the Court tliat the
note for the securing of whose payment the
said mortgage was given, has not been paid,
and the tune at which said uote and mortgage
-became due, has long since expired, and that
the said James 11. Spratlin prays that a Rule
Nisi may be granted for the foreclosure of the
Equity of redemption in and *o the tract of land
so mortgaged as aforesaid, and that the same
may be sold.
On motion, it is therefore ordered by the
Court, that unless the principle sum due of one
hundred and fifty and 52-100 dollars, together
w’ith interest accrued and the cost thereon, shall
be paid into Court by the next Term of the Su
perior Court of said county, the Equity of Re
demption in and unto the said mortgaged premises
shall be forever barred and foreclosed, and the
said tract of land mortgaged as aforesaid be sold:
And it is further ordered, that this rule be pub
lished in one of the public gazettes of this State
once a month for four months, or served on the
mortgagor or his special agent, at least three
months previous to the sitting of the Court in
which thq money is directed to be paid.
True copy from the Minutes, 2d September,
1840. JOHN H. DYSON, Clerk.
[Nov. 12. 11. Continued from Indep. Press.]