News & planters' gazette. (Washington, Wilkes County [sic], Ga.) 1840-1844, November 19, 1840, Image 4

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NEWS AND GAZETTE. WASHINGTON, GA. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1840. TO ADVERTISERS. Advertisement s, not exceeding one square, firs ( insertion, Seventy-fire Cents ; and for each sub. sequent insertion, Fifty Cents. A reduction will 4ie made of twenty-five per cent, to those who advertise by the year. Advertisements not limited when handed in, will be inserted till for bid, and charged accordingly. Sales of Land and Negroes by Executors, Ad ministrators, and Guardians, are required by law, to be advertised, in a public Gazette, sixty days previous to the day of sale. The sales of Personal Property must be adver tised in like manner, forty days. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must be published forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell Land or Ne groes, must be published weekly for four months ; notice that application will be made for Letters of Administration, must be published thirty days; and Letters of Dismission, six months. PUBLIC notices! 03” JYolice This • 33 The Copartnership heretofore existing between the Subscribers, was dissolved by mutual consent, on the Ist day of Novem ber, 1840. The Notes and Accounts of said Firm (together with the Accounts of THOMAS LAWRENCE, which have been transfer red to LAWRENCE & PETEET,) have been assigned to Robert A. Toombs and D. G. Cotting, Esqrs., who are alone autho rized to settle the same ; and Ur whom those indebted to both Concerns are re quested to make immediate payment. FREDERICK LAWRENCE. CHENOTH PETEET. Nov., 1840. 11. st. Mata si JYolice* ALL rsens imiuo. sd i! ■by NOTE dt'OTfiN AC* OUNT, a*, requested to e forward, an&pay up wifhou* delay. v* e ijh'i'tmAC’ all debts a nd! tr us in the hand-- Os an Attorney 10, Suit, pi, te first day of January next; therefore, those who do not wish to pay cost, &c, can call on us and settle. LAWRENCE & PETEET. Washington, Oct 8. (6) ts. JYolice , The Copartnership existing between the ■Subscribers, previous to the First day of July, 1840, was dissolved on that day, by mutual consent. JAMES CULL. JOHN HOGAN. Washington, Nov. 5, 1840. 10 3t JYolice y Tie Subscriber will continue the busi- BOOT AND SHOE MAKING, at t l -e stand formerly oc cupied by Cull o. Hogan-, next door to Burton & i’elot’s Store. lie hopes; by the no on vJALitv or his woKft, and the liber ally o*' 1 ”- terms, to merit and obtain a share of the public patronage. JOHN HOGAN. Washington, Nov. 5, 1840. 10 3t notice. Those who are vet in arrears to the late Concern of LANE & WINGFIELD, are informed that their business must be closed early this Winter. MARK A LANE-. A. S. WINGFIELD. No- 12, 1840'. 11 3t To- Debtors and Creditors. A kA persons indebted lo the Estate of THOS. Tv T* ALLAS, 1; ncoln county,-deceased, are required to make immediate payment ; and those having demands against the said Estate, ■Ktre notified to present them within the time pre "scribed by law. WILLIAM DALLIS, Executor. REBECCA DALLIS, Executrix. Nov. 5, 1840. 10 6t To Debtors and Creditors. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of THOMAS C. PORTER, deceased, are required to make immediate payment; and those having demands against ihe said Estate, are notified to present them within the time prescribed by law. AUGUSTUS W. FLYNT, Oct. 29, 1840, 9. Administrator. To Debtors and Creditors. All persons indebted to the Estate of BENJAMIN CATCHINGS, deceased, are required to make immediate payment; and those having demands against the said Es tate, are notified to present them within the time prescribed by law. ANN ARNETT. Nov. 12, 1840. 11. Administratrix. To Debtors and Creditors. All persons indebted to the Estate of MIL DRED CARLETON, deceased, are re quested to make immediate payment ; and those having demands against the said Es- | tate, are notified to present them within the ! time prescribed bylaw. ANN ARNETT, ! Nov. 12, 1840. 11. Administratrix. CJI UTIOJY. The Public are cautioned against trading 1 for three Promissory Notes, each tor 8700 dollars, given by myself to Law rence & Peteet, and payable about the First of June, 1841, ’42, and ’43 ; as the fiayment of said Notes is dependent npon a eoHtiftgency oot expressed on their face. Those persona who may Fravte traded ibr N#te* of iWiae,- payable tfo Lawreiw-e & Peteet, politely ifeqiifested'to inform rtite of the same. FRANCIS T. WILLIS. * Washington, Nov- 1840, 11. ts. PUBLIC SALES. IN NOVEMBER. EXECUTOR’S SALE. | Will be sold on Thursday, the 26th of November, next, agreeable to an order of the Hon. the Inlerior Couri of Wilkes county while sitting, at the residence of Joel Appling, deceased, of said county, ALL the PERISHABLE PROPERTY be longing to the estate of Joel Appling, de ceased. Terms will be made known on the day of sale. JOHN APPLING, Executor. Sept. 7, 1840. (2) IN DECEMBER. WILKES SHERIFF’S SALE. Wd) be sold at the Court House door in the town of Washington, on the first Tuesday in December next, between the usual hours of sale, the following property ; to wit, d~KNE LOT of LAND, containing Forty ‘■ Acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Bed”- ford Cade, F.C. Manner, and others: Levied on by virtue of two Fi. Fas. from Oglethorpe Superior Court—one in the name of F. W. Cook, bearer, vs. Early Varner, William Hudspeth, and Matthew F. Jackson, security on appeal; the i other, Parmenus Haynes, vs. Early Varner, William Hudspeth and Elihu Penney, security, i and Matthew F. Jackson, security on appeal. Also, at same time and place, All of James .). Turner’s interest in a CROP of CORN and FODDER, on the plantation of Dexter Henry : Levied on by virtue of a Fi. Fa. ! from Wilkes Inferior Court, Elizabeth Norman, vs. said Turner and Asher Lane : with other Fi. Fas. Proper! v pointed out by Joseph Jack son. EDWARD R. ANDERSON, Oct. 29, 1840. 9 Sheriff. W ILK ES SHE RIFF S 7 SAL K. Will be sold on the FIRST TUESDAY in DE CEMBER next, at the Court House door in the town of Washington, Wilkes County, the following property ; to wit, d~KNE TRACT of LAND, containing Sixty Acres, more or less ; being on the waters of Little River, adjoining lands ol Henry Terrell, and others. Levied on as the property of Solo mon Wilder, to satisfy a Fi. Fa. issued from the I Inferior Court of Wilkes County, in favor ol Ann Arnett, vs. Solomon Wilder, and H. L. Em bry, security. Property pointed out by said Wilder. * THOS. R. EIDSON, Oct. 22, 1840. 8 Deputy Sheriff WILKES SHERIFF’S SALE. Will be sold on the FIRST TUESDAY in DE CEMBER next, at the Court House door, in the town of Washington, Wilkes county, within the usual hours of sale, the following i property ;to wi*, pfJHVO NEGROES ; Harry, a man, and Adar, I a worn,in : Levied on as the property of * Daniel Fouche, to s-.i - ■- l-’i. Fa. issued irom the Inferior Court ol Wilkes county, in favor of Robert R. Randolph, vs. Daniel Louche, maker, and Phillip Combs and John Bell, endorsers. Property pointer ut bv Daniel Fouche. THOMAS R. EIDSON, Oct. 30, 1840. 10 Deputy Sheriff ELBERT SHERIFF’S SALE. Will be sold at Elbert Court House, on the first Tuesday in December next, between the usual hours ol sale, the following property ; to wit, rpWO fine BAROUCHES; one for two horses, and the other for one—one fine BUGGY—and one roan HORSE : All levied on to satisfy a Fi. Fa. in favor of Henry Kinne brew, vs. Henry H. Cosby and Madison Hudson, and Thomas F. Willis their security; and sun dry other Fi. Fas. vs. said Cosby. ALSO, ONE HUNDRED and FIFTY-TWO j ACRES of LAND, on the waters of Beaver j Dam Greek, adjoining John M. Adams and i others; levied on as the property of William * Gaar,-to satisfy two Fi. Fas.—one in favor of i Hiram G. Adams, vs. said Gaar, and one in favor of Hiram G. Adams, indorsee, vs. Rice Elling ton, maker, and William Gaar, indorser; and sundry other Fi; Fas. vs. said Gaar. ALSO, TWO HUNDRED ACRES of LAND, more or less, on the waters of Beaver Dam Creek, adjoining Edward Brown and others, whereon John S. Moore now lives ; and FIVE NEGROES—Io wit, DANIEL, a man about twenty-five years old ; WILEY, about seventeen years old ; MARY, a woman, about twenty-six years old, dark complexion; MARY, a woman, about twenty-eight years old, light complexion ; and NANCY, a woman, about twenty-three years old, dark complexion : All levied on as the property of Ralph Blackwell, to satisfy a Fi. Fa. in tavor of John Jones, vs. said Blackwell; and sundrv other Fi. Fas., vs. said Blackwell. WILLIAM H. ADAMS, Oct. 20, 1840. 9 Sheriff ELBERT SHERIFF’S SALES. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in December next, at Elbert Court House, between the usual hours of sale, the following property; to wit. One BUGGY’ CARRIAGE, levied on as the property of Henry H. Cosby, to satisfy a Fi. Fa. in the name of James Vaughan, vs, said Cosby; and sundry other Fi. Fas, vs. said Cosby. ALSO, At the same time and place, One NEGRO WOMAN, named Chloe, about fifty years old; one NEGRO BOY, named Jim, nine or ten years old; one GRAY HORSE, about twelve years old ; one SORREL HORSE, about twelve years old ; one SORREL MARE, about twelve years old; one ROAD WAGON (except the body), hind GEAR, and four STRAPS belonging to the foregear; and fifteen barrels of CORN, more or less : Levied on as the property of Hiram Jones, to satisfy a Fi. Fa. in iavor of James Bell, sen.; and sundry other Fi. Fae, v*. said Jones. Property pointed out by defendant. also, At the same time and place, ONE HUNDRED ACRES of LAND, more or less, on the waters of Goody’s Creek, adjoin ing Nicholas Burton and others : Levied on as the property of l*roy Burton, to satisfy a Fi. Fa. from Franklin Inferior Court, in the name of Ro bert Pulliam, vs. said Burton ; and sundrv other. Fi. Fas, vs. said Burton. Property pointed out bv Samuel Freeman, Plaintiff's Attorney. THOMAS F. WILLIS, Oct 23, 1840. 9 Deputy Sheriff ADMINISTRATRIX’S SALE OF PERISH ABLE PROPERTY. Will be sold on Thursday, the 10th day of De -1 ceinber next, at the late residence of Mildred Carlton,- deceased,- A UL the PERISHABLE PROPERTY be longing to the ESTATE of MILDRED CARL’ION. late of Wilkes county, deceased,• consisting of Houseiiold a-nd Kitchen Furniture ;• Stock ol Hofisefe,- Cows< Hogs,. Corn,- Foddferj&e. Terms will be made’ known on the day of Sale. ANN ARNETT, Adm’trix, October 22, IH|O. ELBERT SHERIFF’S SALE. Will be sold at Elberton, on the first Tuesday in December next, between the legal hours of sale, the following property ; to wit, ONE NEGRO BOY, named Kitt, about six teen years old ; and ONE NEGRO GIRL, named Fan, eight or nine years old : levied on as the property of Richard Rice, to satisfy a Fi. Fa. in lavor ol John Jones, vs. said Rice, and sun dry other fi. fas. against said Rice. Property pointed out by defendant. ALSO, At the same time and place, TWO HUNDRED ACRES oi LAND, more or less, on the waters of Cold Water Creek, ad joining Joseph Terry and others ; and about TWENTY BARRELS of CORN ; and one lot of SEED COTTON : All levied on as the pro perty of Wilkinson V. Ward, to satisfy a Fi. Fa. in favor of Thomas Johnston, vs. said Wilkinson V. Ward and James A. Stone. Property pointed out by defendant, ALSO, At the same time and place, One MAHOGANY SOFA; one BED and FURNITURE; one PUT ; two OVENS; one SKILLET; one SI’JDER ; one dozen of CHAIRS; one LOOKING GLASS; one lot of CUPS and SAUCERS; thirteen PLATES; four DISHES; one lot of KNIVES and FORKS; two SPINNING WHEELS ; one CLOCK REEL ; one COW and CALF; one folding TABLE; one pine TABLE; two earthen BOWLS ; and one lot of TIN WARE: All levied on as the property of William A. Beck, to satisfy a Fi. Fa. in favor of Thomas Hilly, vs. James A. Clark and William A. Beck; and sun dry other Fi. Fas, vs. said Beck and Clark. - WILLIAM JOHNSON, D. S. Oct. 23, 1840. 9 [POSTPONED^ ELBERT SHERIFF’S SALE. Will be sold at Elbert Court House, on the first I Tuesday in December next, bet ween the usual sale hours, the following property ; to wit, i Three Tables, three Bedsteads, one lot of i Moss, one lot of old Harness, two Japaned Wait ers, one set of Carriage Wheels, one set of Car riage Wheels andAxletree, one old Gig, one large tavern Bell, one old Coach, one set of Black smith’s Tools, one lot of old Irons, one Grind Stone, one Cow and (.'alt, one lot of Iron, one Chest and its contents: All levied on to satis fy a Fi. Fa. in favor of John A. H. Harper vs. Cosby and Clark ; and sundry other Fi. Fas., vs. Cosby and Clark. WM. 11. ADAMS, Sheriff Nov 12, 1840. 11 EXECUTORS SALE. On the 14th day of December, 1840, agreeable to the last will and testament of Thomas Dallas, deceased, late of Lincoln county, will be sold at public outcry, at the late residence of said deceased, All the PERISHABLE PROPERTY belong ’ irg to the Estate of Thomas Dallis, deceased, viz, Corn, Fodder, Wheat, Oats, Pease, Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Geese, Plantation Tools, Wagon and Gear and sundry other articles. e paconjimie from day to day, till all is sold. Terms made known on the day o. sale. WiLLIAM DALLIS, Executor: REBECCA DALLIS E vecutrix. Nov. 5, 1840 10 EXECUTORS SALE. Will he sold at the Court House door in Elbert county, on the First Tuesday in December next, TVTINE or TEN likely NEGROES—consisting 1 ’ of men, women, and children—being all the Negroes belonging to the Estate of John M. White, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the legatees. Terms will be made known on the day of sale. EPPY WHITE, Ex’r. Sept. 9, 1840. (3) EXECUTOR S SALE. Will be sold at tire Court House door in Wash ington, Wi'kes county, on the First Tuesday in December next, agreeable to an order of the Hon. the Inferior Court of said county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, ONE TRACT ot LAND, in Wilkes county, containing FIVE HUNDRED ACRES, more or less, adjoining the lands of Jesse Sprat lin, John Norman, and others; also, ELEVEN NEGROES. Sold as the Land and Negroes belonging to the estate of Joel Appling, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the dav of sale. JOHN APPLING, Executor. Sept. 7, 1840. (2) IN JANU AR Y. WILKES SHERIFF’S SALE. Will be sold on the First Tuesday in JA NUARY’ next, before the Court House door in Washington, Wilkes county, between the usual sale hours, the following property ; to wi*, Two FEATHER BEDS and FURNITURE, two WALNUT FOLDING TABLES, one PINE TABLE, one SIDEBOARD, one CRA DLE, one SAFE, one CANDLE STAND, six WINDSOR CHAIRS, one lot CROCKERY, five SPLIT BOTTOM CHAIRS, one sett GLASS WARE, one TOILET LOOKING GLASS, one lot of KITCHEN FURNITURE, one STOVE: all levied on as the property of William Garvin, by virtue of a Fi. Fa. from the Inferior Court of Wilkes county, on foreclosure of a mortgage, John T. Wootten & Cos. vs. Wil liam Garvin. Property pointed out in Fi. Fa. E. R. ANDERSON, Sheriff Nov. 3, 1840. 10 ADMINISTRATORS SALE. Will be sold at Elberton, on the First Tuesday in JANUARY’ next, betweenthe usual hours of sale, the following property ; to wit, ONE HUNDRED ACRES*of LAND, more or less, lying on Beaver Dam Creek, adjoining Haley Butler and others. Sold as the property ot Violetta Turman, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. WILLIAM PULLIAM, ) Adminis- THOMAS J. TURMAN, ( trators. Nov. 5, 1840. 10 m 2m ADMINISTRATOR’S SALK Will be sold at Elberton, on the First Tuesday in JANUARY next, between the usual hours ot sale, the following property ; to wit, ONE HUNDRED and EIGHTY ACRES of LAND, more or less, lying on Beaver Dam Creek, adjoining Haley Butler and others. Sold as the property of George Turman, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said de ceased. WILLIAM PULLIAM, Adminis’tor. Nov. 5, 1240. 10. m2m ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will be sold on the FIRST TUESDAY’ in JANUARY next,- at the Court House door in Wilkes county, agreeable to an order of the Hon. the Inferior Court of Mid county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, TWO LIKELY NEGRO MEN ; one by * the name of Billy, an excellent Blacksmith, and one by the name of Collin. Sold as the property of Thomas C, Porter, de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors Os said estate. ’Terms will be made known on the dhy of sale. AUGUSTUS W. FLYNT, Oct. 29, 9 Administrator. 1 ADMINISTRATORS SALE. Pursuant to an order of the Honorable the Infe • ferior Coiirt of Wilkes county, while sitting forordinary purposes, will be sold at the Court House in Washington, on the First Tuesday in JANUARY’ next, the following property ; to wit, ONE DWELLING HOUSE, with a kitchen attached and a Grocery Store, now in the occu pancy of Robert M. Moon ; ONE HOUSE, oc cupied by Dr. Ficklen, and Cotting & Butler; ONE HOUSE, occupied by W. H. Moon, as a Saddlery—all on Mam-street. Also, a HOUSE and LOT, comprising about three acres, adjoining Daniel late and others. Also, NINE NEGROES, among whom is an excellent Bricklayer and Plasterer. All being the property of John Retan, deceased. Terms —Twelve months credit, bond and se curity being given. LEWIS S. BROWN, ) Administra- JOIIN H. DYSON, . ( tors. Nov. 2,1840. [Nov. 12. 11. Con. f. In. Press.] EXECUTORS SALE?” On the First Tuesday in January, 1841, agree able to the kist will and testament of Thomas Dallas, deceased, late of Lincon county, will be sold at the Court House door of said county, SIX HUNDRED ACRES of LAND, more or less, being and lying on the waters of Soap Creek,adjoining lands of Messrs. Guise,Merceer, and Frazer. Terms made known on the day ot sale. WILLIAM DALLIS, Executor. REBECCA DALLIS, Executrix. Nov. 5, 1849. 10 ADMINISTRATORS SALE. Agreeable to on order of the Honorable the In ferior Court of Stewart county, while sitting as a Court of Ordinary, will be sold on the First Tuesday in JANUARY next, at the Court House door in said county, within the usual hours of sale, A NEGRO WOMAN, named Laura, belong ing to the Estate of A. 11. Shepherd, deceased. Said woman sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said Estate. JAMES M. SMY’THE, Adm’tor. ANNE E. SHEPHERD, Adm’trix. Nov. 5, 1840. 10 NOTICE. GEORGIA : Wilkes County. Superior Court, JULY TERM, 184 0. CIA HE petition of James H. Spratlin, respect fully shevveth to the Court, that James Junes, of said county, did, on the eighteenth day oi May, eighteen hundred and forty, tor the purpose of bet ter securing unto the said James H. Spratlin the payment of a note drawn by the said Janies Jones, on the ninth of May, and year aforesaid,for one hundred and fifty 52-100 dollars, and payable to the said James H. Spratlin one day afterdate, mortgage unto the said James ll.,the tract or parcel of land lying and being in said county, on the waters of Clark’s Creek, and ad i.jsawng lands of John C. Dodson, John T. Woot ten, atJfl others, containing sixty acres more or less : Arid ll appearing to the €6n that the note for the securing of whose payment the said mortgage wai yiveri, has not been paid; and the time at. which said note tuidt mortgagt? became due, lias long since expired, and that the said James 11. Spratlin prays that a Role Nisi may be granted for the foreclosure of the Equity of redemption in and to the tract of land so mortgaged as aforesaid, and that the same may be sold. On motion, it is therefore ordered by the Court, that unless the principle sum due of one hundred and fifty and 52-100 dollars, together with interest accrued and the cost thereon, shall be paid into Court by the next Term of the Su perior Court of said county, the Equity cf Re demption in and unto the said mortgaged premises shall be forever barred and foreclosed, and the said tract of land mortgaged as aforesaid be sold : And it is further ordered, that this rule be pub lished in one of the public gazettes of this State once a month for four months, or served on the mortgagor or his special agent, at least three months previous to the sitting of the Court in which the money is directed to be paid. True copy from the Minutes, 2d September, 1840. JOHN H. DYSON, Clerk. [Nov. 12. 11. Continued from Indep. Press.] Tailoring • CIAHE Subscriber respectfully informs the Citi zens of Wilkes county, that ho has located himself at Major Johnson Norman’s, nine miles west oi Washington, where he will be happy to serve aH who may wish to have any thing done in his line of business. All his work will be exe cuted in the most neat, faithful, and fashionable manner. The following are his ca*sh prices : Making first-rate Coat : : : : SO 00 Edging Do. : : : 3 00 Ditto, second quality : : : : 5 00 Ditto, third quality : : : : 4 00 Making Pantaloons or Vest : : 1 50 Ditto, Overcoat : : : : : 7 00 Cutting Coat ::::::: 50 Ditto, Pantaloons or Y r est : : 25 He will be thankful for any custom in his busi ness ; and as his prices are very low, he has de termined to keep no books, and do altogether a cash business. JOHN H. RHODES. September 14, 1840. (3) ts. o? Look Here. 33 BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! ! rpHE Subscriber is now receiving and opening a large Stock of Goods, purchased by him self in New York, at reduced prices, which he offers for cash at lower prices than ever bought in this market His customers will be furnished on a credit as usual, at very reduced prices. Those who wish bargains, would do well to call and examine his stock before purchasing lesewhere. The assortment is general, and comprises al most every article usually kept in a Retail Dry Goods Store. MARK A. LANE. October 15, 1840. 7 ts. Strayed or Stolen, From the Subscriber, who lives near Raytown, a Sorrel Horse ; six years old, with three white lil feet, a blaze in the forehead, and about five feet high. Any BtofesiTfeq information given concerning said Horse, either to the Subscriber or to to Oliver A. Luckett, Esq., of Crawfordville, will be thankfulfy received ; and any individual restoring the Horse to either, will be liber ally rewarded. MARCIA A. CRATIN. Nov. 12, 1840. 11. 3t. To Kent, The BRICK STORE, now occtYpied by L. M. I/ennard, a : pplv to’ THOS. SEMMES. Washington, Nov. 5, 1840- 10 3t CITATIONS. GEORGIA; J WHEREAS Lewis S. Wilkes County. > * ” Brown and John H. me for 1-etters disnussory from the ESTATE of HARRIS SANDIFOItI), deceased : This is, tliereiqre, lo cite, summon, and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, (if any they have,) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 11th of i August, 1840. JOHN H. DYSON, C. C. O. (Nov. 12. 11. 2. Con i. Irom Indep. Press.) GEORGIA, 1 “WHEREAS Samuel Bar- Wilkes County. > * * nett applies for Letters } dismissory as Guardian for Elizabeth 11. Worsham. These are, therefore, to cite, summon, i and admonish, ail and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, (if any they have,) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 24th of July, 1840. JOHN H. IfYSON, Clerk, Court of Ordinary. (Nov. 12. 11. It Contin. from Indep. Press.] GEORGIA, ) W-HEREAS Hugh Ward, Wilkes County. > ** AdminiMtrtaorontheES —— QUINLAN, deceased, applies for Letters of dismission from said Estate. These are, therefore, to cite, summon, and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and ap pear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, (if any they have,) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 7th day of September, 1840. JOHN H. DYSON, Clerk Court of Ordinary. [Nov. 12. 11. 3t. Con. from Indep. Press.] MONTHLY NOTICES. | 17YOUR Months ufler date, application will j -I? be made to the lion, the Inferior Court of Wilkes county, while sitting forordinary pur poses, for leave to sell the Lands and Negroes belonging to the Estate of I’. C. Porter, de ceased. A. W. FLYNT, Adm’r. August 11, 1840. 50 IfYOUR months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Wilkes county, while sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate belonging to the mi nors of William H. Daniel, late of said county, deceased. KINDRED JACKS, August 23, 1840. 52. Guardian. Months afterdate, application will be made to the Hon. the Inferior Court of Wilkes county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Negroes belonging to the Estate of James Boatwright, deceased. 7. A DOCK SMITH, Administrator. • •*- 3, I*4o. [Nov 12 1! it C.U.P.] ‘ljJOrji will be *•* made to the Hon. the Inferior CShri'i'/ Wilkes county, when sitting for ordinary pir poses, for leave to sell the Real Estate and Ncgr--!-’ be longing to the Estate of John Retan, deceased J-EWIS S. BROWN, } Adminis- JOHN H. DYSON, ( trators. September 7, 1840.[Nov. 12. 11. It. C.f. I. P.] tMiUR Months after date, application will be made to the Hon. the Inferior Court of Stewart county*, while sitting as a Court of Ordi nary, for leave to sell a NEGRO WOMAN, named Laura, belonging to the ESTATE of A. H. SHEPHERD, deceased. Said woman sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said Estate. JAMES M. SMY’THE, Adm’tor. ANNE E. SHEPHERD, Adm’trix. Washington, YVilkes, Oct. 8, 1840. (6) TjTOUR Months date, application wi 1 be made to the Hon. the Inferior Court of Elbert county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the LANDS belonging to the ESTATE of JOHN M. WHITE, sen., deceased, late of Elbert county. EPPY WHITE, Adtn. on the Real Estate. October 29, 1840. 9 R Months aiter date, application will be made to the Honorable the interior Court of Wilkes County, while sitting as a Court of Ordi nary, for leave to sell a PART of the REAL ESTATE of WILLIAM JI. DANIEL, de ceased, late of said county. D. W. McJUNKIN. Admin. Oct 29, 1840. 9 I(H)UR Months alter date, appl.cation will be x made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Wilkes county, while sitting for ordinary pur poses, for leav'e to sell a NEGRO GIRL, named Charity, belonging to the ESTATE of WIL LIAM GRESHAM, deceased. HENRY F. ELLINGTON, Adminis trator with the will annexed. October 29, 1840. 9 4m. WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. R. B. WHITE, /fgjlll AUGUSTA, iHi GSOBOIA. Jttttf fIiHE I rehouse is fire- J- JfkVOOi —eligibly located übove 1 high-water mark. All Cotton consigned per Railroad, will receive prompt attention. September 3, 1840. (1) SELLING OFF AT COST. |The Subscribers, contemplating a change in their Firm, after the present year, offer their Stock of Goods at 10 per cent, ad vance on first cost, for CASH ; or to ap proved Customers. They also beg those of their Customers who are in arrears, to paly up, as they have large payments t 6 iViake by the first of December. JOHN T. WOOTTEN & CO. Mallorysville, YVilkes County, Ga., November 5, 1840. 10 3t Situation l\*anteil, A LADY from the North would like a SITUA TION in a respectable SCHOOL or PRI VATE FAMILY, as TEACHER. Address, M. P. r Post Office, Washington. 8. TIIE BROTHER JONATHAN: EDITED BY N. P. WILLIS & HASTINGS WELD. The largest and cheapest Paper in the” World. Published every Saturday, by Wilson & C ■>., 162, Nassau-street, New Y’ork, AT THREE DOLI.AKS PER ANNUM IN Ad 4 4J/5. . Upon entering the second volume of Jhis pioneer in the introduction of newspapers l of its class, the publishers may be excused’ for congratulating themselves upon the con tinued prosperity and advancement of their periodical, from its first number to the pre sent time Aware that competition is the life of business, they expected, and have met with rivals—those rivals have, so far, been essential aids to the publicity and cir culation of the JONATHAN. New rea ders have been made,where comparatively, S few existed before, and the taste created Ipr the elegant literature of tge tttd fiefriis-’ phere, carried into all parts of the fcountry,’ and accessible to all, has produced a de mand for the BROTHER JONATHAN, which it is gratifying to stateis constantly on the increase. • With such addition to their resources and emoluments, the publishers have aimcjl to give a commensurate increase to the va lue and interest of their sheet. In to the labors of the gentlemen whose names’ are announced as editors, the publishers'* avail themselves constantly on the in crease. For the foreign correspondence of the JONATHAN the services of Isaac C, Pray, jr., have been engaged ; and hisYlie literary taste will also be exercised in 1 the selection of things rare, new, and worthy, in the European literary mart. Selections from the cream of the foreign magazines will, of coursejibe continued. In the progress of improvement, anew feature lias been added to the BROTHER JONATHAN —the publication ol new and popular Music. Every paper will contain something in this way, new and pleasant; reference being had in the selec tion, rather to such pieces as all can sing and play, than to recherche compositions, suited only to the scientific. Anew font, of music type has been purchased, and a gentleman engaged to superintend this de partment, of excellent experience and knowledge of Music. This will enable us to give Music a publicity which it never enjoyed before ; tq carry the same themes for carol to the sylvan maid in.the farthest backwoods, which delight the party in the city drawing-room. K. simultaneous po pularity will thus be enjoyed all over the country by such compositions as are adapt ed to the public taste, and worthy of the public favor. Whatever other improvements may sup-_ gest themselves, will he adopted ; and no pains spared to make the JONATHAN a Wf crime v-siter *0 ail seals of people,whose vrorfjfy of gratification. Other periodicals may tie addressed to particular opinions, or particuta? wcTasses—JONA THAN will wander free, “ from the grave to the gay, from lively to severe and strive, with all the aid he has enlisted, to compose the whole circle. To give, in a word, a Cyclopedia, of whatever may be desirable in a literary magazine, and weekly newspaper. He appeals to the past for vouchers of what he can do—and what he can, he will. Terms :—Three Dollars a year in ad vance. For Five Dollars, two copiesof the paper will be sent one year, or one copy two years. In no case will the paper be sent out of the city unless paid for in ad vance. 03“ All communications and letters should be addressed, postage paid, to WILSON & CO., 162 Nassau-street, New York. Nov. 12, 1840. 11. ts. Mail Arrangements. POST OFFICE, I Washington, Ga., Oct. 17, 1840. AUGUSTA MAIL ARRIVES. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 5, A. M. , CLOSES. ‘ Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 2i, P. M. MILLEDGEVILLE MAIL * ARRIVES. Sunday, YVednesday, and Friday, at 8, A. M. CLOSES. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday,, at tt, A. M. CAROLINA ML ARRIVES. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 11, A. M. CLOSES:- Sunday, Wednesday, and* Friday, at 8, A. M. ATHENS’ MAII,. ARRIVES. Sunday and Wednesday, at 9, A. M. CLOSES. Sunday and Wednesday, at 9, A. M. ELBERTON MAIL ARRIVES. CLOSES. Thursday, at 8, P. M. I Thursday, at 9,1'. M.- LINCOLNTON MAIL ARRIVES. CLOSES. Friday, at 12, M. | Friday, at 12, M. F, VERY VARIETY ot mm EXECUTED AT THIS © if’ IF i) 0 g. A G £ ft if $. * THE FOLLOWING GENTLEMEN WILL FORWARD THE NAMES OF ANY WHO MAYWiSh TtosCBSCRIBE Is J. T. cj- G. 11. Wooten,’ A. D. Stathgm, Danburg, Mallorysvillej B. F. ‘Fatom, Lincoln-* Felix G. Edwards, l’e-| ton, tersburg, Elbert,* I O'. A. huckett, Crawford- Gen. Grier, Raytown, yi)ko,- Taliaferro, W. DatertpOrt, Lexing- James Bell, POwdlfon, t6iv Hancock, S. J. thtshj Irwingfrih, Wrtt. B. Nelms; Elber- Wilkinson,- ton, Dr. Cdiite Cambridge, John A. Sirnmorrs, Go- Abbeville District, shell, Lincoln, j South Carolina.