News & planters' gazette. (Washington, Wilkes County [sic], Ga.) 1840-1844, November 26, 1840, Image 1

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NEWS & PI*ALTERS’ (GAZETTE. D.. COXTIMG, JEditor. No. 13.—NEW SERIES.] NEWS & PLANTERS’ BAZETTE. terms: Published weekly at Three Dollars per annum, if pakl at the time of subscribing; or Three Dollars and Fifty Cents, if not paid till the expi ration of six months. No paper to be discontinued, unless at the option of the Editor, without the settlement of all arrearages. (Cr Letters, on business, must he post paid, to •insure attention. No communication shall he published, unless ire are made acquainted with the name of the author. TO~ADVERTISERS~ Advertisements, not exceeding one square, first insCTtion, Serenly-Jive Cents; and for each sub sequent insertion. Fifty Cents. A reduction will rb<* made of twenty-five per cent, to those who advertise by the year. Advertisements not limited when handed in, will be inserted till for bid, and charged accordingly. *• L i Sales of Land and Negroes by Executors, Ad ministrators, and Guardians, are required by law, to be advertised, in a public Gazette, sixty days previous to the day of sale. The sales of Personal Property must be adver tised in like manner, forty days. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must be published forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell I .and or Ne groes, must be published weekly for four months; notice that application will be made for Letters of Administration, must be published thirty days; and Letters of Dismission, six months. THE BROTHER JONATHAN: EDITED BY N. P. WILLIS & HASTINGS WELD. The largest and cheapest Paper in the World. Published every Saturday, by Wilson St Cos., 162, Nassau-street, New York, AT TU ‘EE DOLLARS PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. Upon entering the-second volume of this pioneer in the introduction of newspapers of its class, the publishers may be excused for congratulating themselves upon the con tinued prosperity and advancement of their t periodical, from its first number to the pre time. Aware that competition is the life’ of business, they expected, and have met with rivals—those rivals have, so far, been essential aids to the publicity and cir culation of the JONATHAN. New rea ders have been made,where comparatively, few existed before, and the taste created for the elegant literature of tge two hemis phere, carried into all parts of the country, and accessible to all, has produced a de mand for the BROTHER JONATHAN, ■which it is gratifying to state is constantly on the increase. With such addition to their resources and emoluments, the publishers have aimed to give a commensurate increase to the va lue and interest of their sheet. In addition to the labors of the gentlemen whose names are announced as editors, the publishers avail themselves constantly on the in crease. For the foreign correspondence of the • JONATHAN the services of Isaac C. Pray, jr., have been engaged ; and his fine Hterary taste will also be exercised in he selection .of things rare, new, and worthy, in the European literary mart. Selections from the cream of the foreign magazines will, of course, be continued. In the progress of improvement, anew feature has been added .to the BROTHER JONATHAN —the publication ol new and popular Music. Every paper'will contain something in this way, new and ‘■ pleasant; reference being had in the selec tion, rathe f to such pieces as all can sing and play, than to recherche compositions, si/ited only to the scientific. Anew font of music type has been purchased, and a gentleman engaged to superintend this de partment, of excellent experience and knowledge of Music. This will enable us to give Music a publicity which it never enjoyed before ; to carry the same themes for carol to the sylvan maid in the farthest backwoods, which delight the party in the city drawing-room. A simultaneous po pularity will thus be enjoyed all over the country by such compositions as are adapt ed to the public taste, and worthy of the public favor. Whatever other improvements may sug- will be adopted ; and no pains spared to make the JONATHAN a welcome visiter to all sorts of people,whose tastes are worthy of gratification. Other periodicals may be addressed to particular opinions, or particular cIasses—JONA THAN will wander free, “ from the grave to the gay, from lively to severe j” and strive, with all the aid he has enlisted, to compose the whole circle. To give, in a word, a Cyclopedia, of whatever may be desirable in a literary magazine, and weekly newspaper. He appeals to the past for vouchers of what he can do—and what he wn, he will. T?tes :—Three Dollars a year in ad vance. FY>r Five Dollars, two copies of the paper will be sent one year, or one copy itwo years. In no case will the paper be sent out of the city unless paid for in ad vance. O tT All communications and letters should be addressed, postage paid, to WILSON & CO., 162 Nassau-street, New York. Nov. 12, 1840. 11. ts. WASHINGTON, (WILKES COUNTY, GA„) NOVEMBER 2, 1840. PUBLIC NOTICES. CtF JVotice ThisTJJtT The Copartnership heretofore existing between the Subscribers, was dissolved by mutual consent, on the Ist day of Novem ber, 1840. The Notes and Accounts of said Firm (together with the Accounts of THOMAS LAWRENCE, which have been transfer red to LAWRENCE & PETEET,) have been assigned to Robert A. Toombs and D. G. Cotting, Esqrs., who are alone autho rized to settle the same ; and to whom those indebted to both Concerns are re quested to make immediate payment. . FREDERICK LAWRENCE. CHENOTH PETEET. Nov., 1840. 11. st. JVotice , Those who arc yet in arrears to the late Concern of LANE & WINGFIELD, are informed that their business must be closed early this Winter. MARK A. LANE. A. S. WINGFIELD. Washington, Nov. 12, 1840. 11 3t To Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons indebted to the Estate of THOS. DALLAS, late of Lincoln county, deceased, are required to make immediate payment ; and those having demands against the said Estate, are notified to present them within the time pre scribed by law. WILLIAM DALLIS, Executor. REBECCA DALLIS, Executrix. Nov. 5, 1840. 10 6t To Debtors and Creditors. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of THOMAS C. PORTER, deceased, are required to make immediate payment ; and those having demands against the said Estate, are notified to present them within the time prescribed by law. AUGUSTUS W. FLYNT, Oct. 29, 1840. 9. Administrator. To Debtors and Creditors. All persons indebted to the Estate of BENJAMIN GATCHINGS, deceased, are required to make immediate payment; and those having demands against the said Es tate, are notified to present them within the time prescribed by law. ANN ARNETT. Nov. 12, 1840. 11. Administratrix. To Debtors and Creditors. All persons indebted to the Estate of MIL DRED CARLETON, deceased, are re quested to make immediate payment ; and those having demands against the said Es tate, are notified to present them within the time prescribed by law. ANN ARNETT, Nov. 12, 1840. 11. Administratrix. FEMALE SEMINARY: CHANGE IN THE VACATIONS. The present division of the year into three terms,including a long vacation of two months in the Summer, having been found inconvenient, the Board, at a recent meet ing, adopted the following resolution : “ Resolved, That, after the Ist of Jan uary, 1841, the year shall be divided into two terms, of five months each, including a recess of one week, in the middle of each term ; and that the first term shall com mence on or about the Ist of January, and end with the last of May, the second term shall commence on or about the Ist of J uly, and end on the last of November—the months of J une and December being months of vacation.” Extract from the minutes, E. M. BURTON, Secretary. Nov. 12, 1840. 11. 4t. osiasaiDiasitfia FOR SALE. ritHE Subscriber has it in contemplation to re turn to his Plantation, and, therefore, offers his Town Property for sale; consisting of a FOUR ACRE LOT, with a large and conve- n,.„ a nient DWELLING HOUSE, eight fire-places, the necessary out-houses, and a never-failing well of excellen'. water. If the purchaser wishes, he can have Twenty three Acres of wood-land, well set with timber, six or eight hundred yards from the lot* Further particulars are not necessary, as the purchaser will examine for himself Francis McLendon. Sept. 24, 1840. (4) ts. Strayed or Stolen, From the Subscriber, who lives near Raytown, a Sorrel Horse ; iPSiK six years old, with three white feet, a blaze in the forehead, and about five feet high. Any information given concerning said Horse, either to the Subscriber or to to Oliver A. Luckett, Esq., of Crawfordville, will be thankfully received ; and any individual restoring the Horse to either, will be liber ally rewarded. MARCIA A. CRATIN. Nov. 12, 1840. 11. 3t. r Vo Rent, THE LAND belonging to the ESTATE of BENJAMIN CATCHINGS, late of Wilkes county, deceased, from the 10th of December next ANN ARNETT, Adm’trix. Oct 22, 1840. 8 ts. jVegroes to Hire • I WILL HiRE out the NEGROES belonging to the ESTATE of BENJAMIN CATCH INGS, late of Wilkes county, deceased, on the 10th of December next. ANN ARNETT, Oct 22, 1840. 8. ts. Administratrix PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING. t Just Received, A few pieces, latest style, PLAID BONNET RIBBONS, of superior quality. WILLIS & CALLAWAY. Washington, Oct. 29. 9 ts. JYluslin deJLaines. Just received, direct from New York, a handsome assortment of MUSLIN DE LAINES, which will be disposed of on reasonable terms, by the subscriber, MARK A. LANE. Washington. Nov. 19, 1840. 12 3t wafekousFa^commission BUSINESS. R. B. \VHITE, P|iHE IV \trehouse is fire -L proof —eligibly located above high-water mark. All Cotton consigned per Railroad, will receive prompt attention. September 3, 1840. (1) o? Look Here. XS BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! ! PTUIE Subscriber is now receiving and opening * a large Stock of Goods, purchased by him self in New York, at reduced prices, which he offers for cash at lower prices than ever bought in this market Ilis customers will be furnished on a credit as usual, at very reduced prices. Those who wish bargains, would do well to call and examine his stock before purchasing lesewhere. The assortment is general, and comprises al most every article usually kept in a Retail Dry Goods Store. MARK A. LANE. October 15, 1840. 7 ts. Tailoring. rpilE Subscriber respectfully informs the Citi zeus of Wilkes county, that he has located himself at Major Johnson Norman’s, nine miles west of Washington, where he will be happy to serve all who may wish to have any thing done in his line of business. All his work will be exe cuted in the most neat, faithful, and fashionable manner. The following are his cash prices : Making ffrst-rate Coat : : : : $6 00 Edging Do. : : : 3 00 Ditto, second quality : : : : 5 00 Ditto, third quality : : : : 4 00 Making Pantaloons or Vest : : 1 50 Ditto, Overcoat : : : : : 7 00 Cutting Coat ::::::: 50 Ditto, Pantaloons or Vest : : 25 He will be thankful for any custom in his busi ness ; and as his prices are very low,'Tie has de termined lo keep no books, and do altogether a cash business. JOHN 11. RHODES. September 14, 1840. (3) ts. MISCELLANEOUS. .Hike’s JWirrative. We extract the following from the tale of “ Charles O’Malley, the Irish Dragoon,” now in course of publication in Brother Jonathan. “ Well, it’s a good many years ago, my father listed in the North Cork, just to ob lige Mr. Barry, the landlord there ; 1 For,’ says he, ‘ Phil,’ says he, ‘ it’s not a sol dier ye’ll be at all, but my own man, to brush my clothes and go errands, and the like o’ that, and the king, long life to him, will help to pay ye for your trouble—ye -understand me. Well, my father agreed, and Mr. Barry was as good as his word. Never a guard did my father mount, nor as much as a drill had he, nor a roll-call, nor anything at all, save and except wait on the Captain, his master, just as pleasant as needs be, and no inconvenience in life. “ Well, for three years, this went on as I’m telling, and the regiment was ordered down to Banthry, because of a report that the 4 Boys’ was rising down there ; and the second evening there was anight party patrolling with Captain Barry, for six hours in the rain, and the Captain, God be marciful to him, tuk cowld and died ; more be token, they said it was drink, but my father says it wasn’t; 4 For,’ says he, 4 after he tuk eight tumblers comfortably,’ my father mixed the ninth, and the Captain waved his hand this way, as much as to say, he’d have no more. 4 ls it that ye mean,’ says my father, and the Captain nodded. 4 Musha, but it’s sorry I am,’ says my father, 4 to see you this way, for ye must be bad entirely to leave off in the beginning of the evening.’ And thrue for him, the Captain was dead in the morning. 44 A sorrowful day it was for my father, when he died ; it was the finest place in the world ; little to do ; plenty of divarsion; and a kind man he was—when he was drunk. Well, then, when the Captain was buried, and all was over, my father hoped they’d be for letting him away, as he said, 4 Sure, I’m no use in life to any body, save the man that’s gone, for his ways are all I know, and I never was a sodger.’ But, upon my conscience, they had other thoughts in their heads ; for they ordered him into the ranks to be drilled just like the recruits they took the day before. 4 Mus ha, isn’t this hard,’ said my father ; 4 here I am, an ould vitrin that ought to be dis charged on a pension, with two-and-sixpehce a day, obliged to go capering about the barrack-yard, practicing the goose step, or some other nonsense not becoming my age nor my habits ;’ but so it was. Well, this went on for some time, and, sure, if they were hard on my father, hadn’t he his revenge, for Ite nigh broke their hearts with his stupidity. Oh ! nothing in life could equal him ; devil a thing, no matter how easy, he could learn at all ; and, so far from caring for being in confinement, it was that he liked best. Every sergeant in the regiment had a trial of him, but all to no good, and he seemed striving so hard to learn all the while, that they were loath to punish him, the ould rogue! “ This was going on for.some time, when, one day, news came in that a body of the rebels as they called them, was coming down the Gap of Mulnavick, to storm the town, and burn all before them. The whole regiment was, of coorse under arms, and great preparations was made for a bat tle ; meanwhile patrols were ordered to scour the roads, and sentries posted at every turn of the way and every rising ground, to give warning when the boys came in sight, and my father was placed at the bridge of Drumsnag, in the wildest and bleakest part of the whole country, with nothing but furze mountains on every side, and a straight road going over the top of them. 4 This is pleasant,’ says my lather, as soon as they left him there alone by himself, with no human crayture to speak to, nor a whiskey shop within ten miles of him ; 4 cowld comfort,’ says he, 4 on a winter’s day—and faix but I’ve a mind to give ye the slip.’ “ Well, he put his gun down on the bridge, and be lit his pipe, and he sat down under an ould tree, and began to ru minate upon his affairs. “ 4 Oh, then, it’s wishing it well I am,’ say she, 4 for sodgering; and bad luck to the hammer that struck the shilling that listed me, that s all, for lie was mighty low in his heart. “ Just, then a noise canto rattling down near him ; he listened ; and before he could get on his legs, down come the Gen eral, ould Colhoon, with an orderly after j him. “ 4 Who goes that V says my father. “ ‘ The round,’ says the General, look ing about all the time to see where was the sentry, for tny father was snug under the tree. 44 4 What round V says my father. “ 4 The grand round,’ says the General, more puzzled than afore. “ 4 Pass on, grand round, and God save you kindly,’ says my father, putting his pipe in his mouth again, for he thought all was over. “ 1 D—n your soul, where are you V says the General ; for sorra bit of my father could he see yet. “ 4 It’s here I am,’ says he, 4 and a cowld place I have of it ; and av it wasn’t for the pipe I’d be lost entirely.’ 44 The words wasn’t out of his mouth, when the General began laughing till ye’d \ think he’d fall off his horse ; and the dra goon behind him—more by token, they say it wasn’t right of him—laughed as loud as himself. “ 4 Yer a droll sentry,’ says the General, as soon as he could speak. 4 4 4 Begorra, it’s little fun there’s left in me,’ says my father, 4 with this drilling and parading, and blaguarding about the roads all night.’ “ 4 And is this the way you salute your officer?’ say the General. ‘‘‘Just so,’ says my father; ‘devil a more politeness ever they taught me.’ 44 4 What regiment do you belong to?’ says the General. “ 4 The North Cork, bad luck to them,’ says my father, with a sigh. 4 4 4 They ought to be proud of ye,’ says the General. 44 4 I’m sorry for it,’ says my father, sor rowfully, 4 for maybe they’ll keep me the longer.’ “ 4 Well, my good fellow,’ says the Gen eral, 4 i haven’t more time to waste here— but let me teach you something before I go. Whenever your officer passes, it’s your duty to present arms to him.’ 44 4 Ar ah, it’s jokin’ ye are,’ says my father. 44 4 No, I’m in earnest,’ says he, 4 as ye mjght learn to your cost, if i brought you to a court martial.’ . 44 4 Well, there’s no knowing,’ says my father, 4 what they’d be up to ; but sure ifthat’s all, I’ll do it with all 4 the veins,’ whenever yer coming this way again.’ “The General began to laugh again here but said— “ 4 l’m coming back in the evening,’ says he, ‘and mind you don’t forget your respect to your officer.’ 44 ‘Never fear, sir,’ says my father; ‘and many thanks to you for your kindness for telling me.’ “Away Went the General, and the order ly after him, and, in ten minutes, they were out of sight. “The night was falling fast, and one half of the mountain was quite dark already, when my father began to think they were forgetting him entirely. He looked one way, ana he looked another, but sorra bit of a sergeant’s guard was coming to relieve him. There he was, fresh and fasting, and daren’t go for the bare life. ‘l’ll give you a quarter of an hour more,’ says my father, ‘till the light leaves that rock up there ; after that,’ says he, ‘by the mass ! I’ll be off, av it cost me what it may.’ “Well, sure enough, his courage was not needed this time ; for what did he see at j the same moment but a shadow of something comijrg down the road, opposite the bridge; lie looked again ; and then he made out the General himself, that was walking his horse down the steep part of the mountain, followed by the orderly. My father imme diately took up his musket off the wall, settled his belts, shook the ashes out of his pipe, and put it into his pocket, making himself as smart and neat-looking as he could he, determined, when ould Colhoon came up, to ask him for leave to go home, at least for the night. Well, by this time, the General was turning a sliap part of the el iff that looks down upon the bridge, from where you might look five miles round on every side. ‘He sees me,’ says my father; ‘but I’ll be just as quick as himself.’ no sooner said than done ; for, coming forward to the parapet of the bridge, he up with his musket to his shoulder, and presented it straight at the General. It wasn’t well well there, when the officer pulled up his horse quite short, and shouted out, ‘Sentry —sentry !’ “ 4 Allan !’ says my father, still covering, him. 4 4 4 Down with your musket, you rascal; don’t you see it’s the grand round.’ 44 ‘To be sure I do,’ says my father, nev er changing for a minute. 4 4 4 The ruffian will shoot me,’ says the General. “ 4 Devil a fear,’ says my father, 4 av it doesn’t go off of itself.’ “ 4 What do you means by that, you vil lain ? says the General, scarce able to speak with fright, for every turn he gave on his horse my father followed with the gun— ‘ What do you mean ?’ “ ‘Sure, ain't I presenting,’ says my fath er : ‘blood and ages, do you want me to fire next ?’ 44 With that the General drew a pistol from his holster, and took deliberate aim at my father; and there they stood for five minutes, looking ateaoh other, the orderly, all the while, breaking his heart laughing behind a rock ; for, ye see, the General knew av he retreated, that my father might fire on purpose, and av he came on he might fire by chance; and sorra bit he knew what was best to be done. 44 4 Are ye going to pass the evening up there, grand round ?’ says my father, 4 for it’s tired I’m g tting houlding this so long?’ “ ‘Port arms,’ shouted the General, as if on parade. “ ‘Sure I can’t, till yer passed,’ says my father, angrily, 4 and my hand’s trembling already.’ “ ‘By heavens ! I shall be shot,’ says the General. 44 ‘Be gorra, it’s what I’m afraid of,’ says my father; and the words wasn’t out of his mouth before off went the musket bang, and down fell the General smack on the ground senseless. Well, the orderly ran out at this, and took him up and examined his wound ; but it was’nt a wound at all, only the wadding of the gun, for my father—God be kind to him—ye see, could do nothing right, and so he bit off the wrong end of the cartridge when lie put it in the gun, and by reason there was no bullet in it. Well, from that day after they never got sight of him, for the instant the General dropped lie sprung over the bridgewall and got away: and what, between living in a lime-kiln for two months, eating nothing but blackber ries and sloes, and other disguises, he nev er returned to the army, but ever after took a civil situation, and driv a hearse for ma ny years.” “ What a falling off was there,” as the Locofoco said, white looking over the Pre sidential Returns in our last. Disadvantage of Whiskers.—A small vessel was lately discovered rounding Key West. All the men on board Were disco vered wearing long, bushy, black whiskers; the alarm was immediately given that they were pirates. She was boarded by the Ot sego, and all on board were conducted un der a guard of Marines to the Court House at Key West, when, upon investigation, they proved to be a party of New Orleans fashionable gentlemen, who were returning from a pleasure trip to the Bahamas. CKr CUT OFF YOUR WHISKERS. — Somebody proposed that as the Cuba bloodhounds would not hunt Indians, they should be kept to hunt Swartwouters. 44 That would never answer,” suggested another, “ for these absquatulators never leave a cent behind them.” 44 Hold me, six Men!” —ln these days, when the distinctions of the poor and the rich are made such fruitful topics of dis cussion, it may be well to record the sub lime effort of an Eastern orator, who, though he may have laid himself open to the charge of having borrowed a part ofhis phraseology, is certainly unsurpassed in the pathos of his ideas. Becoming warm with his subject, he remarked— -44 Behold the poor man ! sitting under the unbrageous shadow of a shady oak, at whose feet is running the limping brook, calling around him his wife and the rest of his children, and pointing out to them the Consternation of the Great Bear and the other stars, each devolving on its own axle tree. Such is the state of the poor man !” “ Washed whiter but not shaken by the shock,” as the loafer said, when he crawl ed out from under the pump, where the Lynchers had left him. M. J. KAPPEt, Printer. The Ballot Box. —Every man of com mon sense aiid common honesty, says the Boston Times, will at once perceive the necessity of stronger guards upon the right of suffrage. What it the Vote of the really honest and industrious citizen—he who has his all at stake in the institutions of the country—worth, when Cast against a dozen ; votes illegally thrust into the ballot box, | and by a person who, by this very act, shows that he has iio interest in the com mon welfare, and no feeling beyond the ac | complishment of his own dishonest pur poses ? ■ Soon after the Copernican system of as tronomy began to be generally understood, an old Connecticut farmer went to his par son with the following inquiry : “ Dr. TANARUS., do you believe in this new story they tell of the earth moving round the sun ?” “ Yes, cirtainly.” 44 Do you think it is according to Scrip ture ? If it’s true, how could Joshua have cor manded the sun to stand still ?” “ Umph!” quoth the Doctor, nowhat puzzled, “ Joshua commanded the sun to stand still; did he V’ “ Yes.” 44 Well, it stood still, did it not ?” “Yes!” 44 Very well. NoW, did you ever hear, that he set it going again.” Good. —The following is a capital hit at the political spendthrifts who, after drain ing the Treasury dry, passed an act for the safe keeping of the public money. The resolution was passed in a Tippecanoe Club, in Madison county, Ohio. “ Resolved , That the passage of the Sub treasury at this particular juncture, is a striking illustration of the toy’s policy, who expended his last penny in the pur chase of anew pocket book.” Smoking. —When Lord Brougham was in the zenith ofhis fame, ere he took his prodigious leap from the floor of the House of Commons to the Woolsack in the Lords, he most certainly derived great benefit from a pipe. When he was working what may be called treble tides, he smoked a pipe between each spell, and returned with re newed vigor in his multifarious labors. After having mystified a box of common jurymen in the Court of King’s Bench, he took one pipe in the afternoon before pro ceedingtothe House ofCommons; and after having spoken for 2 or 3 hours, profusely mingling wit with wisdom, and instructing his opponents while he flayed them, he re turned home to smoke another pipe before sitting down for an article forthe Edinburgh Review. On the conclusion of the labor of the day he took another pipe, as a compo ser before going to bed, probably bearing in mind the advice of Lord Bacon, who re commends those who value their health to to seek repose with a tranquil mind. Mortuary Law. —The West Kirk Session of Edinburg, in the pletitude of its high and sanctimonious wisdom, has forbidden Sun day burials. Would they condescend to propound a regulation upen the sinful prac tice of dying on Wednesdays ? Let them come to some arrangement with the other faculty to stop that, and they may perchance arrive at the root of the evil. Money in Till. —The following circum stance is as true as it is singular. A few years ago, two gentlemen, who had been loft executors to the will of a friend, on examining the property, found a scrap of paper on which was written, ‘sev en liund pounds in Till.’ This they took in the literal sense, and examined all his apartments carefully, but in vain. They sold his collection of books to a bookseller, and paid the legacies in proportion. The singularity of the circumstance occasioned them frequently to converse about it, and they recol looted among the books sold( which had taken place seven weeks before) there was a folio edition of Tillotson’s Sermons. The probability of this being what was al luded by the word “Till” on the piece of paper, made one of them immediately wait upon the bookseller,who had purchased the books, and asked him if he had the edition ofTillotson, which had been among the books sold to him ; on his reply in the af firmative, and the volumes, being handed down, the gentlemen immediately purchas ed them, and on carefully examining the leaves, found bank notes singly dispersed in varsious places of the volumes to the a mount of seven hundred pounds ! But what is, perhaps, no less remarkable than the preceding, the bookseller informed him that a gentleman at Cambridge, reading his cat a logue of this edition to be sold, had writ ten to him and desired it might be sent to Cambridge, which was accordingly done ; but the books not answering the gentle man’s expectations they had been returned, and had been in the bookseller’s shop till the period of this very singular discovery. Marrying a lady for her beauty, is like eating a bird for its singing. 44 She’s all my fancy painted her,” as the fox said of the fat chicken. “ A sweet pickle you’re in,” as Amos said to Matty, while reading his last 44 Extra.” [VOLUME XXVI.