Newspaper Page Text
We extract the following article from
the Salisbury, N. C. Watchman.
“We have this day seen a machine for
planting Cotton, which, we think, well mer
its this notice. It was invented in Yance
villc, N. C. bv two young men of the
name of Miner & Phelps, who arc Carriage
Makers, by trade ; and for which they have
obtained a patent right. The merits of the
machinery consists in its opening the fur
row, sowing the Seed, and covering it, which
we are informed and believe it does with
more regularity than can possibly be done
in the usual way, all in the same time and
with as much ease as simply ploughing a
furrow. It is so constructed as to be used
for planting Corn, also—either in checks
or drill.
We are more pleased in seeing improve
ments in the planting and agricultural
world than any other department of busi
ness ; and we would rejoice to see the qual
ities of the above invention fully tested by
the Rowan Planters. That it is an im
provement in planting—and labor-saving,
there can be no doubt; and we feel equal
ly certain it will be generally taken into
use by all who are not resolved to plod in
the beaten tracks of their ancestors alone ;
or, in other words, content “to do as our
fathers done.”
From the Farmer's Register.
In a recent conversation with Mr. Wil
liam Skinner of Faquier, an old and expe
rienced farmer, he mentioned that, for expe
riment, he had sown a few bushels (from 4
to 10) of wheat of the previous year’s crop,
in each of the three last seedings, and that
he had found the product of the old wheat
always much better than that of the
new wheat sown adjoining. Indeed, he
thought the increase to be not much short
of 100 per cent. He could not assign any
other reason for the superiority, except that
by keeping the seed wheat a year longer
than usual, the imperfect grains might lose
their vitality, and leave nothing to grow
except those ofthe best quality. We think
this totally insufficient to produce the man
ifest superiority which we are confident
Mr. S. saw, whether he was or w'as not
mistaken as to its amount. Rut the expe
riment is worth repeating, and we hope it
will be repeated by as many of our readers
as can conveniently obtain old seed of good
A year ago we heard stated, by a gen
tleman of Cumberland, a still more re
markable fact, which had been recently
observed in that county. A farmer had
sown a few bushels of old seed alongside, or
perhaps between the sowing ofthe balance
of his field with new seed. There was no
difference between the adjoining parts, ex
cept as to age ofthe seed. No experiment
had been designed, nor was any difference
expected ; but the result was that while
the crop from the new seed was greatly in
jured by the Hessian fly, that from the old
seed escaped entirely. Our informant un
derstood that there was no doubt ofthe ex
istence of this remarkable difference ; but
the result was that, while the corn from the
new seed W'as greatly injured by the Hes
sian fly, that from the old seed escaped en
tirely. Our informant understood that
there was no doubt of the existence of this
remarkable difference, in the minds of all
who saw its growth, and that every effort
was making to obtain old seed to sow, for
experiment, for the last crop. We begged
to be informed of the results of these latter
trials, but have heard nothing more on the
subject; and thence infer that the hopes
entertained have been disappointed.
Ed. Fab. Reg.
public” SALES.
Wilkes rkerilf’s&ales.
Will be sold on the First Tuesday in FEB
RUARY next, before the Court House door
in Washington, Wilkes county, between the
usual sale hours, the following property ; to
One Tract of Land, lying and being in
said county, on the waters of Kettle creek,
containing thirty-nine hundred and seventy
acres more or less, bounded as follows, to
wit: On the North by lands of Arden Ev
ans and Seaborn Hammock, on the East by
William Slayton and Samuel Jones, on the
South by Thomas Truitt, and on the West
by the Estate of Cunningham Daniel. The
above tract of Land Jevjed on as the prop
erty ofChenotii Peteet, to satisfy an execu
tion issued from the Superior Court of
Wilkes county in favor of Thomas 11. Law
rence vs. John S. Combs and Chenotii
Peteet. and sundry other executions vs.
said Peteet and others, property pointed out
by said Peteet.
THOS. R. EIDSON, D. Sheriff.
December 31. 28
Will be sold at the Court House door in the
town of Washington, on the first Tuesday in
February next, between the usual hours of
sale, the following property ; to wit,
One tract or parcel of land lying in said coun
ty of Wilkes, on the waters of Beaverdam creek,
adjoining lands of Stephen G. Pettus, James R.
Dußose and others, containing five hundred and
fifty acres, more or less, it being the same tract
of land conveyed by James R. Dußose to Che
noth Peteet, by deed bearing date the seven
teenth day of November, 1837; levied on by
virtue of an execution issued from the Superior
Court of said county, Clark, McTier &, Cos. vs.
Lawrence £ Peteet, and other fi. fa’s, against
said Lawrence &. Peteet: Property pointed out
by Chenotii Peteet.,
One negro man by the name of KINCH, a
bout fifty years of age ; levied on by an execu
tion issued from the Inferior Court of said coun
ty, Coiarf, Burton & Cos. for the use of Green
R Co/.arf, vs. John B. Lennard and John B.
Green, executors,-and Mary Lennard, executrix
of John B. Lennard, deceased; levied on as the
property of John B. Lennard: Property pointed
out by G. P. C’ozart.
One tract of land in said county of Wilkes,
lying on the waters of Newlbrd creek, adjoining
lands of James Hinton, ami others, containing
lour hundred and fifty acres, more or less; also,
one other tract of land ill said county of Wilkes,
lying on the waters of Newford creek, adjoining
lands of Richard Bradford, and others, contain
ing two hundred and fifty-four acres, more or
less ; all levied on as the property of John If.
Burks, to satisfy a Fi. Fa. issued from the Su
perior Court of said county, Thomas Anderson,
for the use of John Peters, vs. John 11. Burks
and other Fi. Fa’s, against said John 11. Burks :
Property pointed out by said Burks.
One house and lot in the town of Washington,
fronting the public square, and adjoining Brad
ford Merry and others; levied on by virtue of a
Fi. Fa. issued from the Superior Court of Wilkes
county, Thomas 11. Lawrence vs. William S.
Thomas, and other Fi. Fa’s against said Thomas:
Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney.
January 2, 1841. 19
Will be sold on the First Tuesday in FEB
RUARY next, before the Court House Door,
between the legal sale hours, the following
property, to-wit:
THREE thousand pounds seed Cotton, more
or less, twenty barrels corn, more or less,
and two bay horses ; all levied on as the proper
ty of Daniel W. Standard, by virtue of a Fi. Fa.
from Wilkes Superior Court, Joel B. Sutton vs.
Daniel W. Standard, William L. Standard, Lew
is Collins, and J*hn S. Moss, security: Proper
ty pointed out by D. W. Standard.
At the same time and place, Twenty barrels
corn, more or less, one stack of fodder, one bale
cotton; levied on as the property of Seaborn
Milligan, by virtue of a Fi. Fa. from Wilkes Su
perior Court, John Wilkinson, vs. Seaborn Mil
ligan and Richard 11. Norman: Property point
ed out by said Milligan.
One tract of Land, lying and being on the wa
ters of Broad River, in said county, containing
one hundred and sixty-three (103) acres, more
or less, adjoining lands of William Sutton, Nim
rod Waller and others; levied on as the proper
ty of Thomas J. Oglesby, by virtue of a Fi. Fa.
from Wilkes Superior Court, Gilson Hopkins
vs. Thomas J. Oglesby, Joseph L. Oglesby and
Stephen A. Johnson: Property pointed out by
Gilson Hopkins.
E. R. ANDERSON, Sheriff
January 1, 1841.
Will be sold on the First Tuesday in FEBRU
ARY next, at the Court House Door, in the
town of Washington, Wilkes county, within
the usual sale hours, the following property ;
to wit,
One negro man named Larkin, about 23
years of age ; Eugenia a woman, about
20 years of age; Isam a boy, about 27 years
old ; Rachel a girl, about 16 years old ;
Lucy a girl, about 16 years old; Charles
a hoy, about 12 years old ; Clarissa a girl,
about 14 years old; Nancy a girl, about
6 years old ; Tom a boy, about 8 years old ;
Cyrus a boy, about 3 years old; Lucinda
a girl, about 10 years old ; Caty a girl, a
bout 10-days old ; 2 road wagons, one ox
wagon, one cart, one pleasure carriage,
two sets of wagon harness, twenty sets of
plough gear, 20 ploughs, 600 barrels corn,
20 stacks fodder, 20,0001bs oats, 50 bags
cotton, one cotton gin, one negro man by
the name of Jim, one woman by the name
of Suckey, about 50 years of age ; Ander
son a boy, about 14 years old ; Bill a man
about 25 years old ; Green a boy, about 20
years old ; George a man, about 30 years
old ; Mary a woman, about 30 years old ;
Nicholas a boy, about 10 years old ; Lou
isa a girl, about 12 years old; Sophia a
girl, about 8 years old ; and two small
children of the same family ; Frank a man
about 26 years old; Rosanna a woman,
about 23 years old ; Cynthia a girl, about
20 years old; Huldah a girl, about 20
years old ; George a man, about 40 years
old ; Susa a woman, about 33 years old ;
Edmund a man, about 33 years old ; Gin
nett a woman, about 28 years old ; Ed
mond a boy, about 12 years old; Sarah
Anna girl, about 14 years old; John a
boy, about 10 years old i Emily a gril,
about seven years old; Ben, a boy, a
bout one year old; Hetty a girl, about 4
years old ; Rachel a woman, about 50 j-ears
old ; Silvy a woman, about 56 years old ;
Lacassey a girl, about 12 years old ; Mil
ly a girl, about 16 years old ; Ann a girl,
about 14 years old ; Adeline o girl, about
12 years old ; Harry a boy, about 2 years
old ; Burwell a man, about 28 years old ;
Jerry a man, about 25 years old; Ned a
boy, about 10 years old ; Silvy a girl, a
bout 8 years old ; John Henry a boy about
one year old ; Hester a girl, about three
years old ; Sarah a woman, about 25 years
old ; Sam a boy, about 10 years old ; San
ders a boy, about 8 years old; Frank a
boy, about six years old ; Sophia a girl,
about two years old ; Mitchel a boy, about
nine years old ; Claiborne a man, about
22 years old ; Dick a boy, about 18 years
old ; Ned a boy, about 16 years old ; Her
cules a man, about 46 years old ; and an
other named Hercules, about 20 years old;
Esther a woman, about 46 years old; Dol
ly a girl, about eightfeen years old ; Fan
ny a girl, about 16 years old; Sarah a
girl, about 14 years old ; Julia a girl, a
bout 12 years old; Abram a boy, about 10
years old; and two other small children
of the srme family ; Stephen a man, about
30 years old ; Gophnia a woman, about 30
years old ; Reuben a boy, about 2 years
old ; George a boy, about 6 months old;
Oliver a boy, about 4 years old; Frances
a girl, about one year old; Caroline a
girl, about 6 years old; eight beds, bed
steads and furniture, half dozen mahogony
chairs, one rocking chair, half doz. cane
bottom chairs, one sofa, one bureau, one
set tables, one folding table, three birch
tables, one and a half dozen split bottom
chairs, one spinning machine, one lot of
crockery ware, one lot kitchen ware, four
pair shovel and tongs, one large mantle
glass, one astral lamp, twenty head of
horses, five colts, 7 mules, two hundred
and fifty head of hogs, eighty head of cat
tle, filly head of shebp, and 2 tea tables ;
levied on as the property of Chenoth Pe
teet, to satisfy a fi. fa. on the foreclosure of
a mortgage, Daniel Lee, vs. said Peteet,
property pointed out in said fi. fa.—Proper
ty left in possession of defendant by order
of the plaintiff
GEO: W. JARRETT, and. s.
November 28, 1840.
Will be sold at the Court House door in Wash
ington, Wi'kes county, on the First Tuesday
in February next, between the usual hours of
sale, the following projierty, to wit:
One Tract or parcel of Land, lying in the
county of Wilkes, on the waters ot Beaverdam
creek and Little River, adjoining Lauds former
ly in possession of David P. Hillhouse, lands of
Stephen G. Pettus, lands formerly owned by
Andrew G. Semines, and lands of John Bell,
containing four hundred and sixty acres, (46(1)
more or less. ALSO, one tract or parcel of Land
in Wilkes county, adjoining Lands of Stephen
G. Pettus on two sides, lands of Wm. F. Baker,
and lands now owned by Chenoth Peteet, con
taining seventy-five acres more or less, and for
merly owned by the estate of David Butler, le
vied on as the property of Chenoth Peteet, to sat
isfy a fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court of
said county, Alfred Nichols, vs. Wm. L. Wal
lace and Chenoth Peteet, and sundry o her fi. fas.
Pointed out by Chenoth Peteet, Dec. 30th, 1840.
G. W. JARRETT, Dep. Slientl’.
Dec. 31 18
Lincoln Sheriff’s Sales.
Will be sold before the Court House door
in Lincolnton, Lincoln county, on the
first Tuesday in February next, between
the usual hours of sale, the following
property, to wit:
Four negroes, viz: Jeff, a boy about 18
years old; Willis, a boy about 12 years
old; Henny, a girl about 16 years old;
Eliza, a girl about 10 years old ; levied
on as the property of William C. Dent, to
satisfy afi. la. in favor of Speed & Hester
survivors &e. vs. William C. Dent, and
sundry other fi. fas. in my possession vs.
said Dent.
One hundred acres of land, more or less,
on the waters of Broad River, adjoining
lands of Dennis B. Dallis and others; le
vied on as the property of Wm. C. Dent, to
satisfy sundry fi. fas. from a Justices’
court of the 188th district, in favor of
Speed, Hester and Tate, vs. William C.
Dent, and sundry other fi. fas. in my pos
session, vs. said Dent: property pointed
out by defendant—levy made and return
ed to me by a constable.
At the same time and place, will be sold,
eight negroes, to wit: Stephen., a boy a
bout twenty-two years old, Randal, a boy
about nineteen years old, Joseph, a boy
about sixteen years old, Frances, a woman
twenty years old, and her two children.
Manda, a girl about five years old, and
Jane a girl, about two years old, Sylvy, a
woman about thirty years old, and Lize,
a woman twenty years old: levied on as
the property of Guilford Pullen, to satisfy
sundry fi. fa’s, in favor of Speed & Hester,
survivors, &c. vs. Guilford Pullen, Drury
B. Cade, vs. Guilford Pullen, Tlios. Sim
mons vs. George L. Woodard and Guilford
Pullen, Speed & Hester, survivors, &c. vs.
George L. Woodard and Guilford Pullen,
Enos Tate vs. G. Pullen, and sundry other
fi. fas. vs. said Pullen & Woodard. Prop
erty pointed out by said Pullen.
One hundred and fifty acres of Land,
more or less, on the waters of Newford
Creek, adjoining lands of Joel B. Sutton
and others, levied on as the property of
Thos. Psalmonds, to satisfy a ft. fa. in favor
of L. M. Wiley, Parish & Cos. vs. Thomas’
Psalmonds and Mark S. Anthony, endorser.
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in
March next, at the same place :
One Lot, or parcel of land, lying and
being in the village of Goshen, in Lincoln
county, with the improvements thereon,
containing two and a half acres, more or
less, levied on as the property of Charles
Statham, to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. in fa
vor of Augustin D. Statham, vs. said C.
Statham. Property pointed out in said fi. fa.
Four negroes, Haley a woman, about
28 years of age, and her child Henry, a
bout three years old, Scaly a woman a
bout 25 years old, and her child Sam, a
bout two years old; levied on as the pro
perty of James R. Ware, to satisfy two
mortgage fi. fa’s, in favor of Jared E.
Groce, vs. Janies R. Ware— property
pointed out in said mortgage fi. fas.
B. F. TATOM, Sheriff
Dec. 30, 1840. 18
WILL be sold at Lincolnton, on the first Tues
day in February next, before the Court House
door, within the usual hours of sale, under a
decree of the Honorable Superior Court of
Scriven county, at the instance of Alexander
F. Gregorie, surviving copartner of Gregorie
and Son, and Peter Lamar, administrator de
bonis non, with the Will annexed, of David
McCredie, deceased, against Augustus S.
Jones, administrator de bonis non with the
Will annexed, of Seaborn Jones, deceased,
and others :
Six Hundred Acres of Land in Lincoln county,
originally granted to George Walton, bounded
at that time by vacant land, including what is
called Greaves’ mountain, now bounded by land
granted to Clancey Forrester and William
Greaves, conveyed to different persons, on which
Francis Powell, sen. lately resided.
Six Hundred and Sixty-five Acres of Land,
more or less, on Dry-fork, Soap Creek & Wells’
Creek, granted to William Greaves and then
bounded by the lands of Applewhite on the east,
south-east by lands of Jordan & Call, and north
west by lands of King, Collier, Williamson and
Five Hundred and Twenty-five Acres of land,
on Gray's Creek, Lincoln county, granted to
William Greaves, 17th June, 1789, bounded at
that time on the north-east by Call's land,
north by Richardson’s land, cast by Bcntly’s
land, south and west by Matthew l’elbot’s laud,
now in occupancy ol William It. Reid, John
Hambrick and others.
Eight Hundred and Forty-six Acres of Land,
more or less, on Wells’ Creek, same county,
granted to William Greaves 17th June, 1789,
and bounded at that time nortli-wost by Calls,
Crutchfield’s, Jourdan’s, Edgar’s and King's
land, south-west by Applewhite, south-east by
Thomson, Jordan, and Moftitt’s, and north-east
by Greaves, Jones and Watliers’ land; allot’
which is seized and to be sold in obedience to
the decree as above specified, and the terms
will be Cash.
BEN'J. F. TATOM, Sh’ff L. C.
December 30, 1840.
Elbert Sheriff’s Sales.
W ILL be sold at the Court-House door
in Elbert oounty,on the first Tuesday
in February next, within the legal sale
hours, the following property, to-wit:
One Negro woman by the name of Ann,
about 20 years old, and her child Henry,
an infant, levied on as the property of Dan
iel Thornton, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from
the Superior Court of Elbert county, in fa
vor of William 11. Davis and John C. Doug
lass, vs. William D. Thornton, Daniel
Thornton and James A. Clark. Property
pointed out by Daniel Thornton.
Three Negroes, one a man by the name
of Jacob, about 40 years old, Wesley a
man about 23 years old, and Jeff a man a
bout 18 years old, levied on as the property
of Ralph Blackwell, to satisfy a fi. fa. issu
ed from the Superior Court of Elbert coun
ty, in favor of the Central Bank of Georgia
vs. Ralph Blackwell, William Roebuck,
and James A. Clark, and sundry other fi.
fas. issued from the Superior Court of El
bert county. Property pointed out by
Ralph Blackwell.
One hundred and thirty-seven and a half
acres of Land, whereon Moses S. Davis now
lives, on the w aters of the Beverdam Creek
adjoining lands of Middleton, Gwin, and
others, levied on as the property of Moses
S. Davis, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the
Superior Court of Elbert county, in favor
of William White vs. Moses S. Davis.—
Property pointed out by Moses S. Davis.
One Negro man by the name of Umph
ry, about 33 years old, levied on as the
property of JohnS. Higginbotham, to satis
fy a fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court
of Elbert county, in favor of James Satter
white vs. John S. Higgenbotham, William
M. Haslet and Thomas C. Elliot, securi
ties on stay. Property pointed out by John
S. Higginbotham.
Two mules and two cows and calves, le
vied on as the property of Furney W. Ham
mond, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the
Superior Court of Elbert county, in favor of
Alfred Hammond vs. Fumev W. Ham
mond, John E. Bently and Henry R. Dead
wyjer, security on stay.
One Negro man by the name of Web
ster, about 17 years old, levied on as the
property of John S. Moore, to satisfy two fi.
fas. issued from the Superior Court of El
bert -county, one in favor of Seales &
Woodson vs. John S. Moore and John Jones,
security, the other in favor of William
White vs. John S- Moore.
Five hundred and forty acres of Land,
more or less, whereon Christopher Clark
now lives, on the waters, of Failing Creek,
adjoining lands of David Bell and others,
and nine Negroes, to-wit: Brit a man, 18
years old, Maria a woman, 25 years old,
and her child, Emeline a girl, 8 years old,
Lucy a girl, 5 years old, Violet a woman,
21 years old, Jinney a girl, 7 years old,
Nancy a girl, 5 years old, and Soplia a girl,
2 years old, levied on as the property of
Christopher Clark, to satisfy a fi. fa. in fa
vor of William Bostwick, indorsee, vs.
Christopher Clark, Thomas F. Willis and
Madison Hudson, Adm’rs. of John T.
Clark, deceased, William W. Downer, se
curity, and James Bell, Sen.,- indorser, and
sundry other fi. fas. vs. said Clark and
others. Property pointed out by Christo
pher Clark, this 25th Dee. 1849.
WILLIAM 11. ADAMS, Sheriff
December 31. 18
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in
“” February next, at Elbert Court-
House, within the legal sale hours, the fol
lowing Property, to-wit:
130 acres of Land, adjoining land of
and 40 barrels Corn, more or less, and one
Mule, 8 years old, levied on as the property
of Fullum Hunt, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor
of Wm. White, vs. said Hunt.
125 acres of Land, adjoining lands of
Martin Moss and others, 15 barrels Corn, 3
stacks Oats, 2 stacks Fodder, and one Cow
and calf, levied on as the property of Thos.
Mewbern, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of
John Duncan, vs. John A. Teasley and
Thomas Mewbern.
200 acres of Land, adjoining lands of
Larkin Clark, 1 Loom, 3 Tables, 1 Bed
stead and cord, 1 lot Sheep, 3 sows and 2
shoats, levied on as the property of Garland
Jones, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Wm.
White, vs. said Jones.
One half acre Lot of Land near Bow.
man’s Ferry, and 1 blind mare and colt, le
vied on as the property of William Prater,
to satisfy sundry fi. fas. vs. said Prater.
Five Negroes, Hannah and Chaney, wo
men, Frances and Harriet, girls, and Der
ry, a boy, levied on as the property of James
B. Adams, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. vs. said
One lot Corn, 15 barrels more or less, 1
stack Fodder, 1 cow and calf, and 1 sow,
levied on as the property of Tkillis Powel,
to satisfy a fi fa. in favor of Win. White,
vs. said Powell.
One Road-wagon, 4 Horses, 4 pair wag
on-gear, and 4 bridles, and 1 Jack-screw,
levied on as the property of Alexunder
Johnson, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John
Jones, vs. said Alexander Johnston and N.
175 acres of Land, adjoining lands of
Thomas Stowers and others, levied on as
the property of Lindsey Neal, to satisfy a
fi. fa. in favor of Burrel Bobo, vs. said L.
Neal and others.
250 acres of Laud, more or less, adjoin
ing land of James B. Alexander, levied on
as the property of Burton E. Crawford, to
satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of David Dobbs, vs.
said Crawford.
130 acres of Land, adjoining lands of
Anguish McCurry and others, levied on as
the property of Benjamin Head, to satisfy a
fi. fa. in favor of Thomas Haynes, vs. Joel
H. Dyer, Benjamin Head, and William
Reynolds, this 25th December, 1840.
Dec. 31. 18
VX7ILL be sold at the Court-House door
in Elbert county, on the first Tues
day in February next, within the legal
sale hours, the following property, to-wit:
One hundred and eighty-five acres of
Land, more or less, whereon John Tait now
lives, on the waters of the Beaver-dam
Creek, adjoining lands of William U. Bow
en and otliers, levied on as the property of
John Tate, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from
the Superior Court of Elbert county, in fa
vor of William White, vs. John Tale, and
Benjamin Andrew, security on stay, prop
erty pointed out by John Tate.
One Negro Girl, by the name of Nancy,
about It) years old,’ levied on as the prop
erty of Wiley Wall, to satisfy a fi. fa. issu
ed from the Superior Court of Elbert coun
ty, in favor of Alfred Hammond, bearer, vs.
Wiley Wall. Property pointed out by said
Wall, this 25th Dee. 1840.
THOS. F. WILLIS, D. Sheriff.
Dec. 31. 18
Will he sold on the first TUESDAY in Fe
buary next, at the Court House door in
in Elbert county, within the legal hours
ot sale, the following property to wit:
Three NEGROES, Lace and Elbert,
men, and Amy a woman ; levied on as the
property of John Beck, to satisfy a mort
gage fi. fa. in favor ofLindsey Harper vs.
said John Beck: Property pointed out in
said fi. fa.
WM. JOHNSTON, and. s.
November 27, 1640.
To Debtors and Creditors.
ALL persons indebted to the Estate of JAMES
C. TALBOT, deceased, are required to make
immediate payment; and those having demands
against the said Estate, are notified to present
them within the time prescribed bv law.
December 10,1840. Gi 15
To Debtors and Creditors.
ALL persons having demands against
the estate of JOHN T. DENT, deceased,
late of Wilkes county ; are required to pro
sent them, well authenticated, within the
time prescribed by lav, —and those indebt
ed to said estate, are requested to make
immediate payment.
December 3, 1840. 14—8 t
Months after date, application will be
made to the Hon. the Inferior Court of
Stewart county, while sitting as a Court of Ordi
nary, for leave to sell a NEGRO WOMAN,
named Laura, belonging to the ESTATE of A.
H. SHEPHERD, deceased. Said woman sold
for the benefit ofthe heirs and creditors of said
Estate. JAMES M. SMYTHE, Adm’tor.
Washington, Wilkes, Oct. 8, 1840. (6)
Months afterdate, application will be
made to the Hon. the lulerior Court ot Talia
ferro county, when sit ing for ordinary purposes,
for leave to sell the REAL ESTATE belong
ing to die Minors of Joseph W. Luckett, deceas
ed, late of said county.
HUGH WARD, Guardian.
December 17. 16 m4m
CR Mouths after date, application wi l be
made to die Hon. the Inferior Court ofEibert
county, while sitting lor ■ordinary purposes, for
ieave to sell ail the LANDS belonging to the
ESTATE of JOHN M. WHITE, sen., deceased,
late of Elbert county. El’l’Y W HITE,
Adm. on the Real Estate.
October 29, 1840. 9
POUR Mouths alter date, application will be
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court ol
Wilkes County, while sitting as a Court of Ordi
nary', for leave to sell a PART of the REAL
ceased, late of said county
D. W. McJUNKIN. Admin.
Oct. 29, 1840. 9
pOUR Months afterdate, application will be
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of
Wilkes county, while sitting for ordinary pur
poses, for leave toseil a NEGRO GIRL named
Charity, belonging to the ESTATE of WIL
LIAM GRESHAM, deceased.
trator with the will annexed.
October 29, 1840. 9 4m.
Wilkes County. > * * Brown and John H.
me for Letters dismissory from the ESTATE
of HARRIS SANDIFORD, deceased :
This is, therefore, to cite, summon, and
admonish, all and singular, the kindred and
creditors of said deceased, to be and appearat my
office within the time prescribed by law, to show
cause, (if any they have,) why said letters should
not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this 11th of
August, 1840. JOHN H. DYSON, C. C. O.
(Nov. 12. 11. 2*. Conti, from Indep. Press.)
THE subscribers have made arrange
ments with the manufacturers for keeping
on hand in this city, a general assortment
generally, which can be furnished to order
at twelve hours notice. We have a suffi
cient stock now in store, to enable us to put
up a complete News or Job Printing Office,
without being obliged to order any portion
from New York. As this Warehouse has
been established at the earnest recommen
datiouof many friends in the interior towns
we beg leave to claim from them sufficient
patronage to enable us to increase and keep
up the establishment on a scale sufficient
to make it an object to all parties.
All the above materials are sold on the
same terms as in N. York, with the usual
charges for insurance, freight & exchange.
85 East Bay, Charleston, S. C.
Dec. 17. 16
Will be sold at the Court House door of El
bert county, on the Ist Tuesday in March
next, agreeable to an order of the Hon
orable the Inferior Court of said county,
while sitting for ordinary purposes,
Land and JYeg/roes
belonging to the estate of George Wyche,
deceased, late of said county, consisting of
four negroes, THREE WOMEN & ONE
MAN, and one FOURTH PART of an
undivided tract ofLAND, on Deep Creek,
adjoining William Penn and others, con
taining Four Hundred and Seventy-Eight
acres, more or less. Sold lor the benefit
ofthe creditors of said deceased. Terms
will he made known on the day of sale.
Administratrix on the Persona! Property,
and Administratrix with the Will annexed,
on the Real Estate.
December 17. 16 m2m
Will be sold on the FIRST TUESDAY In
April next, before the court house door
in Wilkes county, pursuant to an order
of the Honorable Inferior Court of said
county while sitting for ordinary purpo
ses, the following property, to wit:
One Tract cl’ Land,
containing about six hundred and forty a
cres, more or less, lying on the waters of
Kettle crock, in Wilkes county, adjoining
lands of Bennett, Truitt, and others.—
Sold as the property of William H. Dan
iel, decease i, late of said county, for the
benefit ofthe Minors, of said deceased. —
Terms made known on the day of sale.
KINDRED JACKS, guardian.
December 17, 1840. 16 tds
Will be sold at the Court House in C; ssville,
Cass county, on tlie first Tuesday in Februa
ry next, agreeable to an order of tiie Honora
ble Inferior Court of Wilkes county, while
sitting for ordinary purposes.
LOT OF LAND numbers 34, 19, 3, Cher
okee originally, now Cass county
On the same day, at Cuthbert, in Randolph co.
Lot number 216, in the fourth district, originally
Lee, now Randolph county.
At the Court House door in Wilkes county on
the same day (215) two hundred and fifteen a
cres Ol land, more or less, on the waters of Clark’s
creek adjoining Lewis Moore, and others. All
belonging to the estate of John Moore, deceased.
Terms made known on the day of sale.
J. P. HAMMOCK, Adm’r.
Decembers, 1810. 9t—l4.
Will be sold ori the First Tuesday in February
next, before the Court-house door, by order of
the Hon. the Inferior Court of Wilkes county,
between the legal hours of sale, the following
property; to-wit,
ALL that Tract or Parcel of Land, known as
the Crosby Tract, lying on the waters of Kittle
Creek, in said county, belonging to the Estate of
William H. Daniel, late of W ilkes county, de
ceased. Terms at time of sale.
D. W. McJUNKIN, Administrator.
Nov. 19. 1840. 12
Will be sold on the first TUESDAY in
February next, at the Court House in
Wilkes county, agreeable to an order of
the Honorable the Inferior Court of said
county, while sitting for ordinary purpo
ses, a
JVegrro Jflan Sam ,
belonging to of James Boatwright,
deceased, late of Wilkes county. Sold for
the benefit ofthe heirs and creditors of said
deceased. Terms of sale made known on
the day. Z. SMITH, Adm’r.
December 3, 1840. 14—m2m
Will be sold on WEDNESDAY the 13th
day of January next, at the residence of
John T. Dent, deceased, late of Wilkes
county, all the
Perishable Property
belonging to the estate of said deceased—,
consisting ofCORN, FODDER, HOUSE
Will be rented and hired at the same time
and place the Plantation and Ne
groes, belonging to the estate of said de
December 3, 1840. 14—tds
Wilkes County. > *” AdniinistrtaorontheES-
QUINLAN, deceased, applies for Letters of
dismission from said Estate.
These are, therefore, to cite, summon,
and admonish, all and singular, the kindred
and creditors of said deceased, to be and ap
pear at my office within the time prescribed by
law', to show cause, (if any they have,) why said
letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this 7th day of
September. 1840. JOHN H. DYSON,
Clerk Court of Ordinary.
[Nov. 12. 11. 3t- Con. from Indep. Press.}