The Independent press. (Washington, Ga.) 1840-1???, September 30, 1840, Image 4

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TIDE MEW WOOLO, Tht largest, cheapest, haudsomist, and j most comprehensive Newspaper in tht United States. EDITED EV PARK BENJAMIN & E. SARGENT. Wi l li tnuliipiieii resources for render ing t(re Ni.w World mote valuable j than ever as o crmipemirous newspaper and j repository <>t elegant literature, w e enter up- j on the second volume (folio) on the 2411i Oc- j loiter, dressed in a Iteauiilul gut be <tf new type, ■ cast expressl yUr the purpose. Jl w ill there- I lor ■ fitting iiinu to eniiimeticfi neiv üb -1 v V v K. Wm I L'. “; ;"” v ’ ‘..’i‘ ‘• * ‘^p L~ “; ) ~ ■ l ~.'_ ,/"’ ’ </T-:"'; ■)’; ‘■’ J. ■ ‘; *■'■ 1 “,/■ \*. f.fd'h -11 ■ 1 ,1 e c i 1f 1 ■ - “■PTt.s o'.r menu- I .•, ; ft,ol! 1 i 1,. 1 to native authors which mav ! iinlne:.’ !Ik'iii to m .!e tiie New World the me- j (limn (or presenting 1< me |iiifiiie ll.eir lust ■ productions. Oi.r ex< client l.onilou cot res pundence will be continued, and due mien lion will be jiaid to the (oMimcrr ial. figricnl tural and news departments ofi ; r ji.ijicr. A QUARTO EDITION j Os sixteen large png-s was eoimueneetl itnj the fill) ol J one l;)*l, in order to inoet the w i'li es of a large number of stib-r r.b.>rs bv giving them its rich and varied eoiitents in u suita ble form (or binding. ‘J 11 is We have done with out having enhnneed the price, so that! new subscribers, and others on the renewal of previous subscriptions, can take their choice between the Quarto and folio form. a lew sets 01-ilte Ontario, Irom No. 1, rto.w remain on hand in the office, and \ve shall, therefore, not he able long to supply them. TERMS Three Dollars n year irt ad vance, lor either edition; or five Dcll'tJS fin’ two copies. In nil case.- letters tnu.-i be lice, 1 or pu t paid, or they will remain dead in the j post -office. QjC 3 All Postmasters who will act for ns are j our riotlinri'-cd Agents, and mav retain lio ‘ per cent on the M.bsetipiion pi ire, (: 3) for j emnmi-siims, if leniined in Nr vv York ol En - tern money ; or oil cenrsori each, it in notes o! other I', cut banks, which may he at a discount here. fetters relative in the editorial department nin-t be ad Ites.-rd to Dari; Benjuinin ij* Jlj-es j Sargent. Editors;—Those reluiii to the bu sinses depart merit, to J. H I \ VHESTER. Publisher, An. od. Ann Street, A tw York. T.S3SAMA.VG. IE Subscriber respect I u II v informs f'; the citizens ol t\ dices countv , that Ire Inis located himself at J\ftj. .lolilison Nornniu’s, 9 miles West of V* rtshington, where Ire will lie Inrppy to serve ail vv lm may wish to have nv thing done in his line ol business. AI! In-work will beexr cilterJ in the most neat, fitillijdl, and lash- ! iniiahle iruiniii r. The following are Iris cash prices. Making first rule Coat, jkO. Edging, R. I Making 2d quality dn. 5 “ 3d ‘ do. 4 Making Pantaloons of Vest, I 50 “ Overcoat, 7 Culling Coat, 50 ets. Do. Pantaloons or Vest, 25 “ He will lie very lliaiilclul for aov cus tom in his business, and as his prices for 1 work are very low, hq, li is determined to 1 keep no hooks, and do altogether a cash business. JOHN E. RHODES. September 15, 1840. o—Gm I NOTICE. OUR months alter date, application will he made to the ilonnralde the Inferior Court of Willies county, sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Negroes belonging to the estate of Jtltm S Boatwright deceased, ZADOCK SMITH, Adnt'r. September 3, 1840. B—mdm NOTICE. FOUR mpniltsuliei dale application will be maile to the Honorable Inti liorconrl of Wilkes t minty, vv hen sitting |i.|- Oidimirv purposes, for,leave to sell the Real Estate and Negroes belonging to thfe E-tate of John Kctun, deer used. LEWIS S. BRON A, ? , , . JOHN (I DYSON, $ n i Seiiterribei 7. 1840. Bm4ui j AUminfstraioi’s little. ‘Sa 11,1, lie sold at the late residence VSf <!'James Boatwright, deceased,! in Wilkes county, on Tin, I'-rinv till’ 22(1 day of October next, all the P ( reliable Properlv belonging Jo said deceas'd ” ZATIOCK SMITH, Ad in'r. j September 7, 18-10. B—ids Nolicit to Debtors :nt<l CTcditors. AI,L persons indebted to the Estale of! John Retail, deceased, are required m j triake immediate payment : and those having ! demands against the said Esirite are notified ! to present them vv ilhin the time prescribed I by law. LEWIS S. BROWN, ) . , , JOHN H. DYSON, \ Adm rs September 7,1840. B—7t vjluw r.r —• 1 TUB E2R&TUER JV.WZ'i'ERS.V. EiUTiu av N. P. WILLIS & HASTINGS WELD.] Tht largest anil rhea first paper in the II oild, j and certainly among the best. Duhii hrd every Saturday, by It ILSUN Hf \ COM PAS Y, at $3 /nr annum in advance. ] UPON entering t-lic refund volume of this j pioneer in the introduction of nevvspa- j peis id irsela-s, the publishers may be excus- j ed tin eongrnluiiiig ibeinsrdves upon lltocon- ] liuued prosperity and advancement ol their ; periodical, from the issue of its first number. ] do the present time. Aviate that competition J istlie life of business, they expected, and have met vvidi rivals—those rivals have, solar, been essential aids to the publicity and c ircti• luiiott of the Jonathan. New leaders have ; been made, where comparativ rdy, few exist ed before, and t ie taste created fiir the ele kgaul literature ol die two hemispheres, earri leii iuio all parts of the country, and madeac fressible to all, Inis produced a demand ibr.lhe rllroilier Jonathan, which it is gratifying to state is constantly on the increase. With Much addition to their resources ami emoluments, the publishers have aimed to give a commensurate increase to the value ami interest of their sheet. In .uiiiiiiun |o the labors of t lie geiillemen whose names ft re an nounced as editors, l lie pnblisliei s avail them sclves Cotistatitly of the aid of such occasion al eontrilmiors ;is they can fiml space for. For the foreign correspondence of the Jon-J ailian the serv ices of Jsrrac C. Proy.jc. huvfl been engaged; and his tine literary laste vvjHl also be exercised in the selection of tiling j rare, new and worthy, in I’ ;■ European liie- , rary marl. Selections irnrti the r ream ol the foreign magazines will of course be conliuu- • ed. Music—ln the progress of improvement, a I new feature has been added to ihe iiruiher Jonathan —die puL'lieaiioii of new and popu lar music. Every paper will contain some- I ! riling in this vJay. new ami pleasaui—leler eiiCe being had m die selection, rather to such pieces as all can sing and plav, than to ri'- cherolre comnositidris, .soiled onlv to the sei eniilic. Anew fmt of miisie type has been ! piirelia-ed, and a gentleman engaged to str ] pi riiileinl mis deparlment. ofexeellent expe [ lienee and know ledge ifiuusio. ‘J liis will ( ! enable us to give in, ie a jiuldieity vv hich it ! ! never enjoved lic-i'are : to emry ihe same ! ilicmcs lor carol to ihe silvan maid in ihe \ latihesl bad-; woods, vvlrii h delight the party j 41i the ciix drawing room. A sinmllrmeoiisJ populaiity wiil ihu-. be enjoyrd all over ill* Mjtiiti:r> by such compoi-iiioris as ntewbjfc ! public lastt. and worthy dll He pub ] lie ki'v'er Uhiiteier other iuiprovemetils mav sug , gi'-t tiiem-r Ives, will be adopted; and no pains spn.eil to make the Jonmlian a uel ’ cornu -visiter to all soils ol pimple, whose tastes me wnrtltv of gratilieaiiou, Oilier pe periodicals may be addressed to particular opiuijias—or to particular classes —'Jonathan will w sn’der lire, “from the grate to the gay, from livt |y to severe,” and strive, with all the aid hr.* has enlisted, to compose the whole circle ; to give, in n word, a I'vt v. I'KMA. of whatever may be desirable in a literary rim ] gazine, c.rnl A'eeklv newspaper. He appeals i to die past Ibr nun hers of w hat he tan do— ! and vvlim he can, lie will. i Trams —Time Dollars a year in advene'-. \ Enr I’iv k Do Ll. Aits two copies of die paper j will be sent one year, or one copy two veins. ! In no ease will die paper be si rit out of the I city'unless paid fur in advance. I fc?” All enuiinunteaiions and letters should ■ be ad l.essod, po-taoe | aid, to WILSON sV COMPANY, No. 162, Nassau Bt. Nevv-York. (jEORGIA, Wilkes County. Superior Court, Jftilfj Term , 8 S4O. mi HE petition oi'.Jamrs 11. Spratlin Ji. resjiectfully slievveth to the Court, that James Jones ol said county, did on the eighteenth day rd'Mav eighteen hun dred and forty—for the purpose ofheller see it ring u nlo the said James IF. Spratlin the payment ol tt note drawn hy the said James Jones, on the ninth of May and tear aforesaid, for one hundred and fifty 52-100 dollars, tun! payable to the said James il. Spratlin one day afterdate— tnoitgage unto the said James 11. the tract or parcel of land lying and being in said county, on the waters nt Clark’s creek and adjoining lands of John C. Dodson, John T. Y> oaten and others, containing ] sixty acres, more or less.— And it appear ing to the court that the note lor the se curing of whose payment the said mort gage was given, has not been paid, and the time at which said note and nmrtgage hi-eame due has long since expired, and that the said .lames !!. Spratlin pi avs that as Rale Nisi may he granted for the foreclosure of the Equity ol redemption in and to the tract ol laud so mortgaged as aforesaid, and that the same may be sold. e On motion, it is therefore ordered by the court, that unless the principle sum line rd one hundred nnd fifty and 52-1(10 dollars, together with interest accrued and the cost thereon, shall lie paid into court by the next term of the Superior Court ol san! countv, the Equity of Re demption in and unto the said mortgaged premises shall be forever Imrred and fore closed, and ilie said tract of land mort gaged as aforesaid lie sold; —and it is fui'ihr r (inli reillliat this rule he published in one of the public gazet'.s of this State once a month for four months, or served on the mortgagor or his special agent at b ast three months previous to -the siting of the court in which ; ; money is direc ted to he paid. True Cutty from the Minutes,2d Sep tember 1840. JOHN. 11. DYSON, Clerk. Septen her 7. 1840. Bm4m. ( DA)hi and iA, ii ill ts < lovntif. W HEREAS Hugh Ward, adminis trator on the Estate ol V) illmtii T. Quinlan, dcc’d, applies for letters of liis i/iissiou from said estate. These are therefore, to cite, summon, and admonish, all and singular, the km- j tired and creditors hf said def eased, to he nail appr nr at my Office, within the time I prest rihed hi law, to show cense, (if any they have) why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand, tit Office, this 7ilr dav September, 1840. JOI.UK H. DYSON, c. c. o. PROSPECTUS OF The Independent l*ress. THE undersigned, acknowledging a blind adhesion to no man or set of men on catllr—hut claiming and exercising the most unrestricted liberty of thought, speech anil action, proposes publishing weekly, at Washington, Wilkes, Georgia, | a newspaper to lie called “THE INDE PENDENT PRESS.” Regarding the principles oft he Virginia & Kentucky Re solutions of ’9B, and *99, of the celebrated Virginia Report of the latter year, ns es sential to the preservation of the integrity of the Republic and tiie liberty of its citi zens—the niidcrsioed will acknowledge them alone as the gnLles ot huftourse, and will at all times to apply them with a stern imparnflny to men, to parties, and to “Tiie Inde pendent Press” re-estab lishment of ti United as unconstitutional, inexpedient and dan gerous; tt Protective Tariff, ns onconsti tivHonnl, unequal anil unjust; the System mt Internal Improvements hy tin GeaHSn Mlovernment; the flagitious project M| assumption of State debts by the General] Government; all monopolies and exc.lo- 1 sive privileges; and will endeavour to | ! show the in jurious effects of the present Banking System —'inaccurately called the credit system —upon the distribution of individual and national wealth, the productive energies of the country, and the morals of the people. As the elec tion of William Ilcury Harrison would he regarded as n verdict hy the people against all our principles, as above set \ forth, and in favor of a Bank, protective] tariff’, internal improvements hy the Gnu- ! era! Government, and fur tiie entire poli |cy of the federalists, it will he steadily re sisted hy alljiono!able means. Ofcntirsc Mr. Van Duron will be sustained as de cidedly pr> ferablo to the Federal candi date. “The Independent Press” will fear lessly rebuke, the spirit of Party proscrip tion, and the employmeut'of all improper j means for the attainment of political power and ascendency, by either men ‘or parties. It will especially repro bate the vile practice now so common w ith the politicians of the day, of seek ing popular favor hy pandering to tiie prejudices, passions and appetites of the ignorant and vicious. ll will go for reform at home, among the people themselves, without which re form in tln ir governments either B*;ute or Federal, neither will nor can he attained. Di.-c arditia demagogues and grog-shop politicians, the people must learn like an cient Rome to “know no qualification for office hut virtue and abilities.” Amid the din of politics the claims of literature shall not be overlooked; and all manner of intelligence useful to the scholar, the farmer, the merchant, and the mechanic, will he diligently sought after and disseminated through the columns of the press:—and it will he the constant effort of tiie undersigned to make the pa llet instructive and useful to those valua- j hie classes. As profit is not the object of the under- | ?igned, he will, provided a sufficient num- j her of subscribers can be obtained to se cure him from actual loss by the publi cation, issue the first number of ‘The Independent Press” by the Ist of July upon a sheet of the usual dimensions, at the moderate price $2 5J per annum, payable in all instances in advance, Should (lie subscription authorize i(, the paper will issue in a very few weeks. Therefore friends at a distance, known to the undersigned, and all others friendly to the objects for which this paper is pro posed to he established, will confer a fa vor hy procuring and transmitting sub scriptions, yo%t paid, to the undersigned, at \\ nsliiugton Wilkes, til the earliest dav practicable. 8. FOUCHE. r ARK-lUdrsE fn fca: ” c> AND $ j pipyi 1 Commfssicst Sf'is'tic.'sis. Fin he Bul)scrikp'rs intending to con-! JL tiriue the WA R E-HOUBE and COM MIBBION BUSINESS, at their old stand, Align aa. Georgiy, would respect fully solicit their friends and the public generally a cun litoiunre of the-liberal pairmijrge heretofore extended to them. The location of our ivare iluiise being near I he cent re of’the ciiy, gives ns manv advantages in receiving ami Ship ping Colton as well as in niakiuc soles. BAIRD & ROWLAND. August fitb, 1840 Jit 3. • NOTICE. ETaOTJR months after date, applica tion will he made to the Honorable Inferior Court of Willies county, sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Lot No. 34 in the 2d District of Coweta county, belonging to Zfteariah Drmlv, a minor. S. BROWN, j (iuardian. July 21,1840. I—ni4m Bank State of Georgia, Branch, Washington, Aug. 15, 1840. ((s gB ESOLVED, That a reduction of 20 per cent, be required on all paper payable tit (bis Burnt, tailing due on and alter the find, day of Novem ber next,” Extract from the minutes. SAMUEL BARNETT, Cashier. 5—5.2 m. In the I iouse of Representatives. ’WHTHEREAS, a bill Iras passed both V V branches of tin General Assembly, ‘changing tire limes of tinkling the sessions of the Legislature, from annual to biennial; — But whereas, it is proper on all occasions to ascetltiin the will of the people, w henever il can be done without interfering with'the or dinary course of legislation : Therefore Be it resolved by the Senate and House oj Refmse.nlctives of the State of Georgia, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby resolv ed by the authority of the same. That on the first Monday in October, 1840, the'voters of this State be requested to endorse on their tickets, the ivoids “ Annual ” or “Biennial,” as they may favor the meeting of the Legis lature every year, or once in two vearsf arid it that the resolution be published in the ncivs- Hkapers in this State for three months, before first Monday in October aforesaid. ” JOSEPH DAY, Speaker of the House of Representatives, , Aitest—Jos urn Stukges, Clerk, In Senate, —concurred in 21st December, 1839. ROBERT M. ECHOLS, President of the Senate. Attest—David J. Baily, Secretary. Approved, December 24th, 1839. C. J. M DONAI.D, Governor. July 1, 18-10. I—tlO. i \Vilk(f~Cour;t:/. W’ IiEB EAS Lewis 8. Brown nnd John 11. Dyson, Executors, apply to me for letters distnissorv from the es tate of Harris Snudilbrd, deceased. These are therefore, to cite, summon nnd admonish, all and singular the kin dred till'd creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, (if any they have) why said letters should not he granted. Given tinder my hand at office this 11 th August, 1849. JOHN 11. DYSON, c. c. o. August I 1. 4—mOm GEORGIA, Wilkes County. W r li EREAS Samit!. Barnett, ap plies to me for letters dismissory as Guardian for Elizabeth 11. Worsham. These are therefore to cite, summon and admonish, all and singular the kin dred and creditors, and ail persons inter ested, to he and appear at my Office, within the time prescribed hy law,to shew cause (if any they have) why said letters ! should not lie granted. -s ----(liven ntnl’ r my hud at Office, this j 24th day of July, 1840. J. IL DYSON, C. C. O. ! July 24, 1840. 2—iriGni JL ® OK UEIIM ! ■ FMIHE Subscribers have declined purchaa ing new goods (irr ibis fall trade, but have on band a lot of wkicSt they will sell At and under Cast fur Cash : Consisting in part os follows : Ps. PRINTS, from Gj- to 25 cents per yard, 8 4©o yds Negro Factory Cloth, 14 ets. i Bundles of 5 & G Factory Yarn at 81 12A per Bomb of 5 lbs. ! 300 Handles 7 <fc 8 do. do. at $1 25 perdu. fat'SC lot f Hibbous & Shawls Below C OST. Large lot of gsiOCS extremely low, iaieis, Unbleached & Bleached Shirt ings and Sheetings, &c. &c. very L’EtCJIJS. &, Nee for yourselves, at our New one story building, irninediaicly opposite the Court House, on Public Square. L.HVBEXCE & PETEET. Washington, Sep. 1(5, 1840. 9 3t ~F4J>K SALE; ~ ’ i ri | _ ifj| i | ! ‘!^ • Jlfe Subscriber intending to remove lil. from the County,'offers for sale his residence near Washington. A descrip tion of tiie premises is deemed unneces sary, as persons desirous of purchasing, will call and examine for themselves. JAMES T. HAY. September, 2d 1840. 7—3 t. A(imissisti'afo&’’s Sale. ON Tuesday the 20th of October - next, will lie sold rit the Court House in Wilkes county, all the Perish i able Property of John Reinn, deceased, consisting of sundry articles of House tfe. Kitchen Furniture, several Shot Guns, Ate. Terms made'known on lire day of sale. LEWIS S. BROWN, ) . , , JOHN H. DYSON, \ Adm rs Septetnlier 7, IS4O. B—tds. ILeew JYotice. J. W. WILSON &- O. A. LUCKETT, HAVING associated themselves in the Practice of*Law, will attend to all Professional Business entrusted to them in the counties of TALIAFERRO, OGLETHORPE, GREENE, LINCOLN, COLUMBIA, VV A R R E N, HANCOCK, WILKES. Office at Cratcforclvillc, Ga. September lGth, 1840. 9—3 t. JOB PRINTING EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE, WlTft NEATNESS AND DISPATCH. i w mm®* WARE-MOUSE COMMCSSBOM OTEKCIIANT. AUGUSTA, GA. fKIIIE WARE HOUSE IS FIRE- I'i PROOF, Eligibly located, above high water mark. Cty” All Cation, consigned per Rail ! Rnad, will receive prompt attention. July 13th, 1840. 7—ts. SOUTBSEHN ®@® su EDITED BY IP. c. PENDLEI'ON A’ O. F. PIERCE. To the Ladies of Georgia, and of the South gent, roily, the following plan is most respect fully submitted. It is hoped that it uill receive their serious attention, ami meet tln ir approbation, since it is for their especial bent ft that the work is pro jected. PROSPECTUS. SN submitting the following plan, vi e would . first rail the attention of tire Ladies, and all those who Ilc'l interested (and who arc those that do not ?) i:i the welfare and im provement of tlie Female sox, to the present condition of the Southern Press. Nearly all the publications which issue from il are en gaged in political discussions, and their co lumns teem with accusations, denials, abuse, arid every other form of wordy warfare—car ried on in language, frequently unfit for “eats polite,” and seldom suited to the delicacy and gentleness which belongs so peculiarly to the Female character. Oftli! few literary papers published South of the Potomac, there is not one exclusive ly-dedicated to the LADIES ! We have felt this as a want which ought to be supplied; l and we propose to make an effort to do so, I confident that our endeavors will be crowned with success, if we can only secure the hcar- I tv co-operation of them for whose welfare we I are about to labor —The Ladies of the i South. And we expect, further, that every intelligent mind among tlie oilier sex, will view with approbation, and aid in sustaining an enterprise designed to improve the minds oft'.; ‘i. about whose cheeiing smiles and soothing companionship, fife would be dreary an ! this fair world a desert. We wish, also, to Haffiird to the Ladas a field for the exercise ol their own talents, and for the development of the resources oftheir minds. The lists of authors; for some few year? past, havefreqnenlly entolled the names of’Feinnles whose glorious success Iras sited an.additional radiance on the name of “Wo man.” Tire “lords of creation” have been forced to acknowledge that the Female mind is, by no means, deficient in capacity and intellectual endowments —whilst, at the same lime, it is possessed of superior delicacy and tact. —Long ivas Woman's ntind held in thraldom, long were her powers underrated, and forced to remain inactive or unexereised by the force of conventional arrangements; but her chains are broken, and her liberty has been proclaimed, The article of Mos lem fault, that “Women have no souls,'’ no longer obtains among ris. Let the Ladies noiv assort their own privileges, and we of fer them, in our proposed work, a medium for theexpre riorr of their own liewsandsen (iineuts, on all that appertains, in any de gree, to the welfare and improvement of | their sex. In offering the plan of a SOUTHERN LADIFS, BOOK, we do not intend that it shall be precisely similar to a work of like name, at the North. We leave Ipour North ern eoteniporary pictorial representations of fashion and dress, for (he embellishment of the person : be it ours to provide a garb of purity, elegance, refinement and grace, for the adornment of the mind. Ail lhat may ei dilute to form the heart, invigorate tiie mil.!, purify tiie aHec.lWfns, and refine tiie manners, snail be our especial eare, that our work may be a useful aid to the young, and fair, and beautiful, in preparing themselves for the diselmi v.c of tiie noble and arduous duties which devolve on Woman, inker va ried capacity ol’Daughter, Wife anrl Mother. And wo repeat that in the accomplishment of this high, we confidently expect tiie aid and support of the enlightened and judicious of both sexes. Arrangements for regular gid will be made with several Ladies, whose productions have already gained them high famein the literary world—and several gentlemen of distinguished attainments have already been secured as contributors, from whom scientific tracts, iiitli notes, and ob servations on tiie Arts may be expected.— This department of the- work will receive marked attention. 1 n short, nothing will be omitted which may tend to give to tiie pub lication sue!) characters.? will render it wor thy the attention oftlie learned, nnd of those to whom it isesnecially dedicated— the La dies of the South and West, ll only remains to obtain tiie requisite number of subscribers —sny two thousand—and if tiie Ladies will entile.upon, rind aid otir efforts, that number will riot long be wanting. Let them urge their Fathers, Husbands, 13 rot hers & Friends, and it is soon done. Ojr” The work will contain sixty-four roy al octavo pages, stitched in a neat colored co ver, nnd will appear monthly. Terms: Five Dollars per annum, payable on the delivery of the first number. “ OC/ 3 11 is highly important to state that all ! the Subscribers names which maybe obtain ed, shou I(J be forwarded by tiie Ist of Decern her next. Agents will please bear this in mind. OC/ 3 The following are some oftlie contri butors to the writ k : A. Church. D.D. Pr’dl. Frank. Cos! Atticus. Prof. J. P. Waddell, “ “ “ ITon. A-B. Long street, Pr’dl Emory Col. Dr. A. Means, Prof. Phys.Defence, “ “ Rev. !• A. Few, Ex-President “ “ Rev. G. IL Round, Principal of the Georgia Conference Manual Labor School. Rev. Jesse Mercer, Washington, Ga. Rev. W. 11, Stokes, “ “ lion. G. Andrews, “ “ Gal. J. IL Lumpkin, Lexington, “ Rev. E. L. \\ ittich, Madison, “ IIon.R.M. Charlton, Savanuah, “ A. 11. Chappell, Macon, “ lion. E. A. Nislet, “ “ QC? 3 We shall be happy to exchange with all those Southern and Southwestern papers who will publish .otir Prospectus.