La Grange herald. (La Grange, Ga.) 1843-1845, September 07, 1843, Image 3

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NEWS—ELECTIONS, &e. Tennessee.—Got. Jones, Whig, re elected by a majority jof 4,204. Congress, 5 Whigs,and 6 Democrats. State Senate, 14 Whigs and 11 Democrats. House of Representatives, 40 Whigs and 35 Demo crats. Indians.—Whigs 3—Democrats 7 ; for Congress. Both parties claim 25 Senators, and a majority in the House ol Represen tatives. Alabama.—Fitzpatrick, Democrat, is elected Governor. Democratic majority in both branches of the Legislature. Con gress, 1 Whig and 6 Democrats. Kentucky—Whigs 5, and Democrats 5, lor Congress. Illinois.—Wentworth, democrat, for Congress. An Artificial Lip.—Dr. Ellsworth, of Hartford, performed the difficult and nice operation of restoring the upper lip to a , young man who had the misfortune to lose j ahead, remonstrated, and tried to ease hitn- FOR THE HERALD. CASES OF HY DROPHOBIA IN TROUP. Mr. Editor:—The citizens of LaGrange were not a little alarmed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, being the 15th, 16th and 17th of August, by the appear ance of a something, rather of an animal form about it, which frothed, foamed, fumed, snorted, (and aa Luvin Racket would have it,) rated and ranted, roar ed and sweated” at such a rate, as to alarm very many of our otherwise peacea ble citizens. Many enquiries were made, as to what it was, and what could be the matter. At length, they discoveied the thing settling itself in front of the Post Office, where it prepared itself for an attack After several fully made upon some of our sober-think ing citizens—it became enraged, and charged upon a poor fellow who happened to be at the Post Office in search of his papers; my triend anticipating the danger LAUNCH OF THE GREAT BRITAIN. Correspondence of tlic Nctc York Evening Post. The 19tli of July was a great day in “olJ Bris tol,” the leviathan iron steamer built at that port having been then hauled out of dock, and Prince Albert, with a host of lords, ladies, and distin guished foreigners being present to witness the ceremony. It is conjectured that fully one hun dred thousand persons occupied the surrounding heights, and the scene was altogether very stri king. The details of the proceedings occupy some dozen columns of the British journals.— There was a grand banquet given adjoining the ' vessel on the occasion. On the Augusta Exchange Table. SPECIE BASIS. Augusta Notes. Mechanics’ Bank, Brunswick Bank, Bank of Augusta, Augusta Ins. &■ Banking Co., Branch Georgia Rail Road, Branch Slate of Georgii par JOHN P CULBERSON, Attorney at Law, LAGRANGE, GA., W ILL practice in the Courts of Meriweth er, Coweta. Fayette. Carroll, Heard, and Troup, of the Coweta Circuit, and Harris, of the Chattahoochee Circuit. LIST .OF LETTERS I^EMAINlS'G ;in the Post Office at La GrangV.-(jcd., on the 31st August, 1911*. A Anderson. Samuel Arnold Moses Satassah Notes. health of die i State Bank. Foreign Ambassadors and Ministers” being giv- Marine and Fire Insurance Bank, en, the Prussian Ambassador returned thanks. | Plauters'Bank but the company were determined to have a Central Rail Road Bank, speech from Mr. Everett, the calls for that gen- ! Coustrt Notes. tlemen being long and loud. On rising, he was 1 State Bank Branch Macon, upon everythin" that passed by. received with a perfectly uproarious storm of Other Branches State Bunk, jveral venomous blows, unsuccess- applause, ou the conclusion of which he spoke Commercial Bank, Macon, it when says: boy. The Hartford Courier | self off, but the grasp was too firm. Find ing himself in the paws of his adversary, 1 It seems the material had been taken j he resolved to engage its attention by pro- from the cheeks on each side; and although pounding numerous questions: some of the operation was extensive and extreme- j which, were, as follows :— ly severe, yet so perfect is the union that scarcely a scar can be seen—none extending beyond the outer side of the nostrils ; and ! every Whig that wont do as l have done upon the red facing of the lip, no eye can and that wont go as 1 am goin possibly detect ti.e point of connection be tween the two halves. The lip is really a goin handsome one, quite equal in the best cures alwav briefly, ("short speeches were necessarily the or- Milledgeville Bank der of the day.) blit in his usual felicitous and ' Georgia Railroad Bank. Alliens, extemporaneous manner. The following is a City Council of Augusta, correct version of what lie saiu : j Ruckersville Bank. Mr. Chairman: May it please yonr Royal Branch Mar. & Fire Ins. Bank, Highness, ladies, and gentlemen, the intimation St. Mary’s Bank which has been given to me. that, in consequence Branch Central R.R. l ank, Macon of the kind allusion you have been pleased to Central Bank, make to my country and myself, that some ac-; Exchange Bank of Brunswick, knowledgment is expected of me, induces me Insurance B’k sf Columbus, Macon, to intrude myself for a moment on your notice, j Pha nix Bank, Columbus I feel it, sir. a very agreeable privilege to be per- 1 Bank of Hawkinsville, milled to partake of the hospitality of this inter-1 City Cooncil of Milled esting oecason. We read in one of the delight ful poetical productions with which the literature ! of our common language has been enriched by j Monroe Rail Road Bank, “ ~ " ■ • - ■ .. .. jjahIj 0 f Darien and Branches ChattahoocheeK.K. &. Banking Co clansmen from the thickets of a highland glen, advocated the same ! His Royal Highness has performed a greater .. ! References: .< Win. Hearing & Son. Commission Merchants, .< ! Charleston, S. Carolina. i Wm. McKelroy, Wetumpka, Ala. Judge Hillyer, Athens, Ga. 4, “ Dougherty, " “ .4 I A. Hull, " - . in i Amos tk. Haselton, LaGrange, “ lion. Hu A. Haralson, ” ! Wm. C. Dawson, Greensboro. “ Win. A. Redd, tk. Co ,Columbus, 11 I, Dr. Alonzo Church, President of the University ,. of Georgia. 44 Gilbert Cleveland, Water-street, New-York. .. LaGrange, Ga. Sept., 1843. Ivl BEYI.17IIY WILKES, Attorney at Lair, 12 ,, rlI , LAGRANGE. GA, !v I I \)i /ILL practice Law in the several Courts of Conn. M No sale, , Vv the Coweta Circuit, consisting of Green- \ Cnmoron Allen. John Alford & Cox Anderson, Jane II. I j Baggs, John ) ' Baker, Casper M. j Battle, O I Baker. A. B 1 Barker, Nancy Ann : Barker, William : Baugh John 1. i Basset, John Bcasiey, Lom-a Beasley. Jarre! i Beall A Morgan ] Beall, James M ; Bizc, Amanda M. ' Bennett, Richard ; Bird, John 1 Bonner. Jane A T. ' Boyd, J N B Boyd, James Bogart & Forbes 2 Bulloch. James Brown, Henry Brown, Harry Brown, Thomas T Brown. Samuel Brown. Martha Browne, G M Browning. Robert M Bradfield. J & M Broome, Nancy Ann Brawden. Mr Broom RiiBts 2 Broom & Stokes Broom it Thompson , a 10 dial. 10 a 12 Cansfimr William T Calhoun. A K 2 What are you doing here ? I am here lor the purpose of poisoning Milledgeville, Columbus, Macon, No sale. Uncertain. Broke. Cameron. David ville, N'ewuan, Fayetteville, Decatur. Marietta, ! Camron Beni H r n r.^llf4,o J I .e vsuiivu.uraj n Carrcllton, Cainbeltou, Fianklinand I.aCiangi Also, in Hamilton and Columbus. Sept., 1843. jy | o = i Sir Walter Scott, of the chieftain who, by the How have you done, and how are you [ sound of his whistle, called up five huudred to its present location, which it graces as ! am to understand what you mean ?” well as the original, except pethaps that it lias not quite as tree and easy a motion, although enough for all common purposes.” The above reminds us of the condition of many of our citizens, who have been so unfortunate as to have their under lip dis- locateJ : or, wbat is worse, diseased with the higlip: Cause-—vacancy in office, and no chance to be elected. We think that a ■ Yes, Sir.” anxious to testily their devetedne-s to their gra cious and beloved Sovereign, atid their attaeli- few bottles of Hay’s Linament would sell! ! ar candidate for President, and that if^ it well in these parts—Ed. Herald. ‘ ' “ W ell, I understand, that sometime in \ nient to him, the partner of her affections. Ire- 1840, you were a Whig, and that you sud- j juice, sir, as the humble representative of one of denly sloped over to Van Buren, together with your friend Mark—and that you have been slipping and sliding about for these ten years past—and that you are now try ing to slide, (but dont know how,) so as to receive some appointment from the popu- New Cotton.—This article has made its appearance in the different Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi markets. Prices range at from 5 to 6 cents per pound. Western Bank of Georgia, Bank of Columbus, FlantersiVMechanics B’kColiiiubus Bank of Ocmulgee. Georgia 6 per cent Bonds for specie 72 Georgia 8 per cent Bonds for specie — a 02 South Carolina Notes. denlv Sloped over to Van Buren, together [the “hied or friendly PoweVs, to which you have j Bank of Hamburg, - - alluded, to have had an opportunity of witness- ! Hink* ing a spectacle so pleasing to a stranger: But I could hardly feel myself a stranger when, on stepping on board that wonderful ship this morning, my eye caught from the foremast head the sight of the flag of my country grace fully mingling its folds with yours and those of the other friendly Powers. I rejoice in the be lief that the interests of the two kindred nations, rightly understood, are as near to each other a3 their banners on your mastheads—[cheers]— and I pray from ray heart that their best affections may be as closely intertwined. [Renewed cheer- >ng] a 74 per doi. Cameron & Castle- j bery [ Cater, Washington | Carlton, Celia Chamblaud, Benjamin Christopher. Thomas Cleveland, Benjamin Dale, Isaac Darden. Willis Davis, Baldwin Dawson. John F. Duggar, Sampson 2 Clark. Leonard II Clemlening. R K Corry. James A Cook, Harriet Cooksey, Hanna Coleman & Ridley Coleman. Doctor Cochran. Dem:itr«i Cohen, LeWin Crosby, B R Cummings, Wm Culberson, Thomas I) llodson, John J Horsier. Tenisa Dench'*. John Dougherty, Wm G. KEENER, having established a Cabi i Faver, Henry ; Fenly. John Fears, Oliver P Fears 6c Saffiild We solicit our friends in the country to favor us with is possible to elect, (know matter how.) either of your candidates, you care not by what stratagem it is done—even if the election is to be thrown into the House ol Congress’” As soon as these questions were all pro pounded, the thing raised an uproar, pre pared for battle, and at it they went. Now, Country Batiks, Alabama Notes. New York sight, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Lexington, Richmond, Va. Savannah, Charleston, Checks. par a 4 pre. par par a [ pre. — a 4 “ par a dis, par a “ Columbus IVoiicv market. of magic; of flying steeds; of palaces startin, iur menus in tne country to i niv friend was a whig—and as might have j bv enchantment from the ground. Sir, let us v” at ? lsan " ana oranenes - - - - - par. specimens of their agricul- , been expected, he was badly used up. So le'ave magic to the nursery ; give me the magic j “ a " n « i’lroIns.Bank, Savannahpar. * “*e fight—and they were , otihe medianic arts. Consider that lienee, ofTn.,.^.* iural products Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina, are bragging largely upon their Corn, Colton, Potatoes, and Fruit: if our friends ; (hem, however, remarked that the whig, he in 1 roup w.ll come forward with their , thought, bad come off second best. Very specimens we think we shall be able to “ take the rag off the brush.” ail good Democrats, and of course testimony will not be doubted. One . , , , . . , ... . oi them has started lip this noble, this stiipeu The following we take from the Knox ville Post—we hope that when our demo cratie friends read it, that they will not faint; and that our Whig brethren will lake a heavy charge of anti-spasmodic . drops, to prevent convulsions of laughter, j present time, who did not *• LET BROTHERLY LOVE CONTINUE.” j -J- Cooper, for Governor, and Calhoun and modest acknowledgement, I {thought—as I have been informed that the whig pro pounded twenty or thirty questions, and but oDe was satisfactorily answered. The whole town was in an uproat—every body began to investigate his own case— as this monster of a thing was about to prove that every Whig, from 1828 to the upport Mark The Boston Post, one of the leading Lo- j Ian Buren, for President, had changed cofoprints in the country, bestows the fol- j their principles, and were traitors to their I r\ xkj in tv ennmlir.i n ! rmintrif T hp eup wac a nlain nnp hp had said so, and no one had the right to question him. Good, thought I—this i doin lie thing up aa we expected, ask all ‘ url , es ar ® - - 1 ’ - decline. editorial article in the Washington Globe. “This is a specimen of the argument, fairness, and decorum of a paper that as-, , - - ; „ „ sumesto be the organ of the Democratic \ 1 * c 1 u |; i,,ons i and an5 ^ t r them—prefer all party of the nation ’. The Washington lbe charges and suffer no.defence. I Globe. It was by a similar style of “ snout f 3 ? t0 , the V ' a ". d ® ’ g,Ve “ ° P ’ and tail” literature, and of course, die- i i i ow dare you Uxofl r suck presumption— tatorial, and vindictive denunciation, that I d ° es “«* Co!< I u .' t and Coo P er know more her destined element we are assembled to wit ness, may prove one of the efficient agents for bringing about that auspicious result. A won der indeed it is of modern art, that die will be able with her immense bulk, with her wayfaring hundreds, borne on her iron wings, to conduct her course across the Atlantic and reach her de sired haven as regularly, almost certainly, as that mimic steamer which has busily been pur suing its voyage before the table a t which we are seated, and is now last anchored in front of His Itoyal Highness. [Mr. Eve re tt alluded to the ingenious piece of mechanism representing the 4, Ureat Britain” in full sail.] Sir, I thank Mackerel. The Hall,fax papers state I , ra ‘ V ei^’'i have never befor’e seen such exer- you again for your kind remembrance of my at the coast of Nova Scotia is now visit- | ,;„„ = l.,„i. country, and beg to tender yon and the Great Y\ estern Steamship Company my most cordial good wishes for the success of this great enter prise. [Cheers.] the Globe contributed in no small degree a ^ oul things than the whole of you to Mr. Van Boren's defeat in I340?and j P ul ? It wnuld! appear so, to hear if the policy it now urges so fiercely should a0r J} e °* blow off their steam, be adopted by the democratic party, it will i So ™ e °, f * hese ver ! ,ab| e Democrats, who experience as disastrous a defeat in 1844 were hatched out in ’40, have run mad- as it didst the dose of the Hanson cam- an , d ,akm S S ranled « ha ‘ tl,e 1 wl,ol . e • Tll ! whig party of 1 roup were fools, and east- “’’There are no divisions in our ranks, 11 ! S“ ,led s bounded forth from different growls the Richmond Enquirer. “Amen,” j 1 uarter ? of ‘ he Slat f e ' a , nd a , rr ' V a h " e echoes the Knoxville Argils. ! ” nder ,he ,nfluence of P ol,,,cal b ydrop«o- ° | bia. 1 have to acknowledge, that, in ail my al-ivI.IU.L4. a lie xitiiuiuA |iu|<rin J»«a»v | , Y , • - - - - that . , I tions, such schemes and stiata-ems, ... ed by Mackerel atitl'almon, tn larger quan-| ord er to proselyte, as has been attempted tines than ever were known at this season. ] j lerp * %Ve are glad to hear it-some hopes of the ; w hi of Georgia, be on the watch- pnee being reduced. j tower—look cut fo.- these babes of ’40 lest they pollute you. Geo. W. Crawford is the Whig candi date for Governor in Georgia. Mr. C-. | resides at Bellair, about ten miles from Augusta, and is said to be one of the most ! popular men in the Slate.—Knoxville ! Post. Well boss, you’re right—and we intend to elect hitn Governor, too—if we can. Clayba.nk. ‘THE SANDERS VILLE TELESCOPE.” Our old friends, of the “ Sanderstille : 7’elescope” have conferred a particular fa- j vor on the Editor of this paper, by sending I their very amus Dg, and heart-cajoling sheet ; in advance ot ours. We cheerfully recommend the Telescope j to all lovers of mirth, fun, anecdotes, sar- 1 asm and wit. We have spent many an idle hour lately in the perusal of the Teles- cope—and consider it a treat whenever it is ; received. Foreign Items. England. Arrival of the Hibernia, Capt. Judkins, 13 days and 9 hours from Liverpool. Lon don papers to the 4th August. Business re.nained stationary. There was a good demand for all other articles, except cotton, at a stated and fixed price. Cotton maintains its former quotations, xvitb a lively demand. The disturbance in Wales continues lo increase among the peasantry FOR THE HERALD. WOMAN. Nothing on earth to ntan so dear, As woman’s tender, falling tear— Nothing in all this ivoild of wiles. Can cheer his heart like woman's smiles. Her voice, to him, is music's strains, Sweeter than warbling lute complains; Her sighs—bright incense of the heart— Love’s warmest eloquence impart. Her tears, her smiles, her voice, her sighs, Are charming unc'ion from the skies To man’s descriptive heart arc given, That earth might be a little Heaven. Who would not have a iovely w ife ? To share the toils and joys .if life. Whose sympathetic tear would flow. In sorrow’s vail for husband's wo? Whose angel smile with fearless ray. Would chase desponding gloom away, The adverse clouds of night remove, And cheer man's soul with noon-day love ? And then should fortune, wealth and fame, Unite to bless and gild his name, His better half his angel fair. ’Twere rapture, then, for her to share. Homer. [Cheers ] I rejoice to understand that tny ua tive shore is one of the destinations of this beau tiful vessel; aud I assure yon that when she ha; passed the Narrows at New Y'ork she will be sa lilted by thousands of welcomes as cordial ai those which now hail hereutrauce upon her des tined element. His honor, the Mayor has spoken, sir, of the declining trade of this ancient city. Rather le ns, with him, on this auspicious occasion, aiigtn favorably for its revival. It is the nature of lor eigu trade, like the element on which it is coil ducted, to fluctuate hither and ‘.hither; tli on one shore and sinks on auotlier. will not readily believe that this ancient English enterprise and trade, from which [Cheers.] 1 rejoice l CORRECTED WEEKLY. 1 State Bank and Branches - - - - par. Marine and Fire Ins. Bank, Savai nahpar. | Planters’ Bank, Savannah - - - par. j i Mechanics’ Bank, of Augusta - - - par. 1 Bank ol Augusta - -- -- -- - - par. | Aug. In?, and Banking Co. - - - par. 1 Brunswick Bank and agencies - - - par. ! (ieorgia Railroad and Brandies : - par. j Milledgeville Bank - par. | Bank of St Mary’s - - - par. | Commercial Bank at Macon - - - - par. Central Railroad and branchea . - - lope. dis. i j Bank of Columbus ------- - - no sale. ! | Irwinton Bridge - - - - - 5 •• | Ala. State Bank and Branches - - 12 a If. ! Bank of Hawkinsville - nominal. j Central Bank - - 10 a 125 1 Bank of Ocmulgee, at Macon - - 90 “ j Planters’ and Mechanics’ Bank - no sale ! PhtEiiix Bank. Columbus - - - - - - par. ! Insurance Bank of Columbus - • no cir’ii. ! Chattahochce Railroad and bunking Co.broke. 1 City Council of Columbus - - - - - 25 dis. “ “ of Macon - - - - - - - 75 ” Scott & Carharl’sshin plaster* - par. E. tk. R. R. Graves’ do- - 10 p. c dis. 1 Sight Checks on New Y’ork - - - - 4aJ perct pre “ “ Philadelphia - - Aperctpre “ “ Charleston - - ■ - \ ” “ 1 net Warc-IIonse in the town of I,a* Grange, takes this method of informing its citi' i zens, and those of the surrounding country, that Ferrell. Micklebery 1 lie is now prepared to furnish all kinds of CA- Fleming, E G j BINET WORK usually kept in suchOstabUsh- ! inents ; among which are the following: Mahogany or plain Sideboards, Ladies’ Dressing and plain Bureaus, Secretaries and Book Cases, Wardrobes, Safes, Tables, La dies Work Stands, Hash Stands, Candle Stands, Bedsteads, Sfc. Sfc. S(c. II is Ware-room is located on the East side of j the Square, where ho will he happy to see all who are in want of articles in his line of business. Persons wishing fine and durable Furniture, Repairing done at short notice, and on asonable terms. Sept. 7, 1643. _ Land for Sale. be sold, on the 1st Tuesday in Octo- Johnson.'John S Johnson. John J - L ?ni So A? f ' ot N r ° 19 /' a,,d lot ; Johnson, William 1/f • next, before the Court house door of Gaylor. R C Gage, John E Germany. A B Gentry. Archibald Gilbert, John Gilmer, W B S Glanton. Abner Glase. Ilenrv Harris, A M Harris. J W Hardwick, Wm T Hamilton. Geo N Barralion. Wm F Hamner. Wm L Ilardv, Stephen C Harrison, Thomas Hamton. John Herndon, John P Herring, James Kidd. James id estate. Said tracts of Land are under cut- I ration. Terms made known on the day of sale. BENJ. SHEPPARD, Jr- Adm’r. i Lane. Elizabeth Lankford, Alex B j Laws. Joseph Lewis, Wm H LAGKAUGE HERALD. F OUR MONTHS after date application will he made to the Honorable the Inferior j Mayo. F W Court of Troup county, when sitting for ordina- | Mays, Wm C ry purposes, for leave to sell a part of the real Mallo'ry. Reuben W Estate and Negroes belonging to the Estate of ' JVfutone. Wm B Walker Horton, Into of said county, deceased, j jvjall, James G for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said , McCollough, Daniel deceased. JEREMIAH HORTON, Adm’r. Troup county, Sept. 1, 1843. 1 McLeod. Norman MeDonal. James McCormick. Thomas ■McCaniv. J McCamy, Mary Ann McElroy. Lerov Me Elroy, Wm II McMillan, Daniel SHERIFF SAEES. TROUP COUNTY. i ILL BE SOLD on the first Tuesday in ; October next, within the legal hours ol [ sale, before the Court house door in the town of LaGrange, Troup county, the following proper-! Napier, Leroy ty, to wit: | A negro woman by the name of Elsey, about Oliver, Thomas 27 years old, a good house woman; also her | Oliver, Rev. M child, a negro boy by the name of Columbus, [ about four years old: levied on as the property j Peel, John of Nathan II. Phillips, to satisfy two fi fas from j Peevy, Abraham Troup Superior Court, one of said fi fas in favor Perkins, Martha of Hugh H. Haralson vs Nathan H. Phillips I Perkins, A N and Harman H. Harvey, security on the stay of Perkins. Jesse F The undersigned have been induced, through the long and urgent solicitations of their friends in Troup and the adjoining counties, to commence the publication of a weekly Ncxvspap.r in the town of La- Ghange, to be entitled the “ LaGrange Herald.” The location of LaGrange—the general intelligence and wealth ol its citizens—the different branches of Education taught in its various flourishing Schools, combine to make it one of the most enviable locations allu „ urlllitll „ in the whole South, for the establishment 1 execXmTthVo^^ j Phillips! Win R of a public journal. In announcing to the public th forthcoming ol the Herald, it is not our . tills. , and Robert F. McGehee, security on the stay of; Phillips, William speedy ’ execution. Property pointed out by the plain- 12 V Ford. Jesse Freeman. Msrv Fitreerson A’ Smed'oy Fnrgorson & Lyl« Fincher. Isaac G Godwin. Alonzo D Green, John Green. I* H Greenw4>od, The II Graybtl! A Amoa Gullatt. Nancy Garrard, Nancy H Hicks. William Dicks. Homer B Hines & Womack 2 Hill. Dr II W Kidlifietd & Co.. A J Houghton. Wm C Holt Robert Hollowsv. Anthony Hogan. William Hunter, James Johnson.S T Jones, Wake Jones, Taply K Kimbrough, Shadrick L Leach. John Lindsev, B F II I,ong, John Long, James M McMillan, — MeGee. Dorcus McMillan & McLaugh lin Mellon, Wm. E Mims, Alex F Misp, Sterling Monroe. Almcda Moncrief. Wm A Mosely. Susan Moon, Jacob 2 Moore .Israel Morgan, John F. N Newton, Henry O Odin, John Owens, Elijah P Pinckard. Tlios C Pipin, Noah Pinkerton. John Powell. Martha A 3 Presly, A M Puryer, Thoa C As Isoias treatt of Peace.—The St. Louis Republican of the loth instant says: “We learn _ from the Upper Mississippi that a Treaty of | graces of our felloxv-cilizens by “ many Peace has been concluded between the Sioux j promises,” but to make known the leading principles that will be firmly and unflinch- intentions now to puff its merits, nor en- j A negro boy by the name of Joe: levied ou i Quinn, Wm deavor to ingratiate ourselves into the good ! 33 the property ol Gideon Arther, to satisfy sun- j Raglin. Jolirt - - - . .. i 4 T y j; y as f ro ,n Pulaski Superior and Inferior j Raynes. Josiah and Chippewa tribes of indians, under the au spices of the United States. The treaty was signed on the 4th, and has been sent to Wash ington. A sanguinary hostility has for many years prevailed between these tribes of Indians.” OBITUARY. Died, in this place, on Sunday, the 27th August, Olivia Coxvper, daughter of James and Caroline Maslen, aged two months. Shed not one tear (or thy sweet babe, It has gone to a land of bliss, For joy aud health it could ne’er have found In such a world as this. No harm can reach it now, it dwells Where all is good and fair— And with the Saviour’s jewels shine, Amid the brightest there. It has faded like the early rose, Or springs first violet pale— For this cold world’s unfeeling blast, It wastooyveak and frail. And He who gave it better knew That if must bud and bloom, UpoD a soil more genial far, Beyqnd the silent tomb! ingly advocated through its columns. The Herald will advocate the leading’ principles of the Whig party—will lend its aid in the establishment of a United States Rayburn Jnhu W Rcddin.Thos Renncw. Wm T Reid. Wm Redd, James K Courts, also some from a Justice’* Court, in fa vor of Watson & Warren, and others vs said Arther. Property pointed out by Wm. Dough erty. One center table, one sofa, one dozen Windsor chairs, two large carpets, one brass lender, one Robertson, Robert pair brass andirons, one bureau, twelve beds and Richardson, Jacob n , j -11 . rr« -.r n i bedstead* and their furniture, consisting of two Bank, and will support a Tariff for Reve- gheetsand one bed nni | t to ^cl. bed, with their ; Stimxon. It W 2 pillows and holsters, also two horses : all levied j Sample, U C on as the property of Joseph Wilson, to satisfy j Sale, Charity a fi fa from Troup Inferior Court, in favor of Scogein, Humphrey William Nix vs said Wilson. Property pointed ] SCott, HI, out by said Wilson. Aug. 3i,\ S. J. THOMPSON, Sheriff. nue—sufficient to defray the expenses of an economical administration of the Ge neral Government. HENRY' CLAY, of Kentucky, is our choice for the Presidency. In asserting our rights, our principles, and proclaiming the Liberty of the Press, we shall be (earless and independent; and, , , The I¥ew llirror. in all ol our remarks, shall endeavor to j Every No. embellished with a beautiful Steel plumb the line of honesty, The columns of the Herald will he de voted to the dissemination of Political, A Engraving. EDITED BY G P. MORRIS ASII S. F. WILLIS. Hensons for taking the Neto Mirror. Three dollars cannot buy so much of [iterary ricultural Commercial, Foreign aod Do- * ' ^ n any «h«r shape mestic intelligence. I he several impor- fifty-two higlily-finuhed steel engravi ings are Scott, Miss Scott. James E Seyle. P W Shank, John Sheperd, James M Tavlor, Jonathan Taylor. S B Tankersley, George Tatum, George Thompson,.! B I Thompson, Samuel Fate From .Mexico. From the New Orleans Picayune. _ _ _ We have before us a paper containing a com- The Steamer Pegasus, struck a rock, ! mun:cation addressed by Bocanegra, the Mexi i lthaa^gone forever! yet that thought Obmes with a pleasing train ; 1 Aird thou on earth shall never see rr tant Colton Markets ot Georgia, Alabama, gjy-en in the course of the year. , _ . South Carolina and Louisiana, will be quo-1 ' q^e literary contents are the freshest and best Thompson, Bolling 2 ted with great care. A synopsis of the that can be furnished by the experienced taste Thompson A, Preston proceedings of the Legislature of Georgia, j and industry of its editors. : Thompson, Seaborh will be given, weekly, during its session.— I The type and paper are not excelled by those , Thomas, James And last, though not least, the Literary,! of any other periodical. , Thomas, John Scientific, Miscellaneous, and Poetical De- A splendid book to bind and preserveis.nyour | ThomnsJol.nH . . ’ .. linndo u # ff li/v rlnen ftf llin VP:tF Oflll till HIIHJ .6T0FV- I X hOIUtlSbOn YY U1 Varner, Emeline S W’alker, James T ...... . ’ r T, ., 1 i I. , hands at the close of the year, containing .ever y- partments of the Herald, shall receive due , ofeurrent interest worth remembering and TERMS. The LaGrange Herald will be issued thing t _ many invaluable gems of literature and art. A delightful visiter to your family circle in such a Saturday paper. near the Great Fern Lights, and sunk—50 c i an Minister for Foreign^Affairs, bearing date or 60 lives were lost. ' ’ ,l '“ Ireland. tance, and we regret that the reply ol Genets Ireland still continues in a state of in- ; Thompson to the'same has not yet been rectfl^fd. tense agration. O’Connell continues to j so that we might lay them before our rectors.— urge his people forward—and defies opDO- . This cominn nic.ition is in the nature of a afotesl sition. Sir Robert Peel’s quiescent policy ’ against the inroads made upon New JJyxico as Thy little babe again. can JiimsiBr iur rorcigu i»c«in*g ■ £ the 21st of July, to Gen. Thompson, th* repre^/Yet, Oh! what comlort may’st thou find sentative of onr Government, which is of impofar* J n words of holy writ, that the reply ot Genial! :t j t nev( . r can re turn to tne, ‘ Bull shall go to it.” By the year each number costs but five-pence, ! Walker, Wm D weekly, oa an imperial sheet, at Three though theta *ro in it sixteen pages of the choic j Walker, l- elix Dollars per annum. est matter, and a picture such as could not be ; W'alker. John r bought singly at the print-shops for less than two Walker, James shillings. I Walton, Susan W Any person remitting us §25, shall re ceive Ten copies of the paper for one year It will cost you nothing to send your sub- West. W in J R Ridley, Dr R A T 2 Robinson. D S Robertson, Charlo* Robertson. Win Roberts. Michael Rood. Theophilu* Rogers, Collin Rounds, E W K hums A Turner Simins, Turner A- Fears Simms, Anderson M Slay, Daniel R Slay. Paul K Smith. Dr N N Smith, Westley Still. C G Thornton. Willi* Thornton. Thoa J Todd. J C B Tomme. John W Traywick, S Z Trayler. Daniel Trustee*. LaGrange High School Trippe, Reuben Turner, John 6 Turner, David B Twetchcll.J -A W Williams, Wm M O Williams. 8 G YViUsoii. M f i4. t D Wilkes. B Wilkerson, Jeplha Wilke*. Aaron ! Wilder. James W’ornock, John P S j is alleged, by citizens of the .States i Illinois, and Arkansas. It pronnui^ ciirsions—made while Mexico is yq this country, while an amnesty M. E B. | In this town, on Sunday, the 13th inst., . of chronic diarrlitra, Pleasant Wimberly, son of Rev. C. W. and Elizabeth Key, 1 aged 21 months, and 6 days. This child was indeed one of affliction . and oego- i from the hour of its birth to that of its icahle relations death—its sufferings were only known to as being acts of the Author of its existence. I need not contrary to the add that this child was consecrated, by its it as theae incur- d ev0 ( e d parents, to God. It has gone, not e of L nited f oreverj bin. to sleep with Jesus, until the , injury may*Je*inflicted loud t last blast o( Gabriel’s trumpe t shall 4,. .re inst zrunnds for summon me world to appear before their stain upon the moral character of Eng,and j Creator. Oh ! may we all be as happy as forever—God will certainly btiug her into I jjoawcara thcWPffers such claim for indemnity this babe in Christ; and may this bereave- m the most ij^Eal and positive manner. We j inent be the means of preparing the hearts are honnrLltTpy that this communication from of fathers and mothers lor a separa- the MexififToreigu Secretary is written with tion with their children, and a determina- ; force, jiralgth of reasoning, and spirit. We; t j 0 n to meet them in the kingdom of glory ! fpur correspondence that the setonel pay- ‘ — interest on the indemnity due this country le at Mexico on the 30th ultimo. Erc^this, -nine, the money has reached V era Cruz, at the yincennes is there to receive it. in quarter* en.illed to our most respectful ■JvZj,is.deration we learn that there is a very great l probability that Mcvco will treat with Texas upon the terms of absolute independence to the latter country. As to Yucatan, we are advised that there is very little probability that she will consent to a separation. Personsenclosing money for Subscrin- scription, as postmasters are authorized to cn- ■ Whitfield. Ann . —hi 1 * - -4— L- —•: 1 W’hitefield. France* WM. C. D. COOK. P. M. The New Mirror is a novelty in letters and in art. It is a SaturJay paper, coiiiaining sixteen i seems lo be totally disregarded. Spain. The revolution advances with rapid •strides. Horror, dismay and confusion, j claimed" between Texas a pervades throughout Spain. Robbery, ! tiations are on foot to restore’ murder and rapine are daily committed. and China. Trade looks a little brisker than at our rights of nations. Ital former advices. Great Britain has forced sjaus are made by her opium into market in despite of the Slate*, whatever« lamentations of China. Let this be a f*I>«| tuem, and w ter of Eng,and by ,hem ap "" . j brims her inm judgment for this barbarity. ONE DAY LATER. The Great Western, Capt. Hosken, ar rived at New York, bringing one day’s news later than the Hibernia, 121 pas- 1 ”' ,r ” sengers. mcr'■ Nothing of importance has occurred in i any of the markets so as to change the , above. The news by the Western is sim-1 ply, that a very heavy wager was made be-, tween the Hii nia and Great Westerm as to which would arrive at New YamT; fust. Wr It is hinted by some of the kno ones, that Queen Victoria ts in a interesting state again. If this there will not be a Queen for when Victoria dies, for many she is ceitainly a fine bre^Pe.?' tions, vvill save postage by getting the Post- close it to the editors postage free, master either to write or frank their letters. Law Blanks, Cards, and Job Work of a.1 kinds, executed with neatness and des- superbly printed octavo pages, (enclosed in a patch, at moderate prices. ’ •’“* — The first number of the Herald will be issued on the 7tli of September next. All Letters on business with t should be addressed, post paid, to BENTON & BRONSON, August, 1843. LaGrange, Geo. nail Arrangement. neat cover.) and a costly and beautiful steal en graving. Fifiy-two of these are given in the course of the year—.in experiment hitherto un- | CX attempted either at home or abroad—together 1 he Office, with eight hundred and thirty-two closely print- POST OFFICE. La Grasge, Ga., Sept. 1, 1843. wmi eigm nunorea aiiu uiinj-mw Fridav ed pages of the choicest matter, and all for tne Due U ednesday. l n.tev, Eastern Mail. Fridav. and Sunday, at GRAND CONCERT. Yocal aud Instrumental Music, B. JCjf* We call the attention of our readers to the able article on the 4th page, addtess, ed to tile voters ul Georgia. THE several Candidates for the Legislature can be supplied with printed Tickets for the ensuing Election, tU moderate prices. Likewise Tickets for the January Elections will he furnished low. Handbills, Circulars, and Pamph lets, will be printed on good paper, on terms to suit the times. HERALD OFFICE, LaGrange, Ga SIGNOR J. BORRA, Assisted by Col. WEEDEN, who has kindly volunteered his services in performing on the PIANO FORTE. IGNOR BORRA respectfully informs tbe »•*{“■l ^C trifling and very dis’proportioned cost ol three dollars a year to *ubs*ribers. It is edited with ? (reat care, and enriched'with original papers i-orn the best writers ol the day. It seeks to gratify every reader of taste, by cheerful sketch es of society, tale* of romance and humor, gayeties, and gravities, domestic and foreign correspondence, wit and pathos and literary, musical, and (occasianally) dramatic criticism, i Tbe very low price at which it is published ; places it within the reach of every one disposed Closes Monday, VVedne*.lay, and Friday, at 5 P. M. Western Mail, Due Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 6 P. M. Closes Taesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 8 P. M. S 1UAUK BUtlKA respectfully intorms the j . "T n rio*es Ladies and Gentlemen of LaGrange. thu 'our journa, published m weekly * j- • r» «« vim iv also intended for preservation as a choice volume he intend, giving a Concert on the VIOLIN, j^o ratended for preserration a,a GUITAR, and in SINGING, for . ,h 1 e l ‘ br "y> hlied wl,h thc ««“* ofl,ler * ture On Thursday evening, 7th inst., at 8 o'clock. and the fine arts. Those who send the amount of subscription In his imitations of the Flute, Cymbol, Ani- directed to the undersigned, will receive the pa- mals, &e , he will adopt the style of the celebra- per by mail or otherwise with the utinoslpnnctii- ted performer Pacaxim He will perform a re- ality, and enclosed in strong wrappers, so as to ligious Solo on the Violin—“ Come the gentie preserve the engravings from injury. In iniwt Springs”—composed by Heyden, arranged with country places it is impracticable to baveagen , variations, for Violin Solo, by Signor Borra.— but any person desiring to *ub«ribe can Several Marches played ou four strings at on# his letter, enclosing the amount, ' n,[ V* e _ nd ffpn . time, Soto and accompaniment by himself. i nearest post master, (who ha* the rign s O’Signor Borra begs leave to inform the eraliy tbe coorteay to do »o,) and by s g - public, that he proffer* bis services in Repairing j rectly to th« undersigned, all risk ol a » | p and Tuning Piano Fortes. He has a supply of ment will be avoided. Suing, of the best quality. PECKHAM & CO Sept. 7, 1843, Itl No. 4 Ann street, near Broadway. Jiorthcm Mad. Due Monday, Wednesday and Friday,at 4 P M. do do do at 7P.M. Southern Maid. Due Monday. Wednesday and Fnd.y atf.P M Closea do do do at 8 P M. Chambers. C. II, Mad, Due Monday, at 4 F M. Closes Saturday, at 6 A. M. Houston Mail, Due Saturday, at 10, A. M. Closes Saturday, at 10, A. M. WM. C. D. COOK, P. M. Two Apprentices, O F good character, and who can read and write, wanted at this office. Apply soon.