Newspaper Page Text
F. 8. BltONSOlT, Editor.
conservatory together. George, I ' tion. Some suppose every learned ; then directed the pawnbrokers to give
feela strange presentiment that he will mind is nn educated man. No such i up all the goods to Mr. Moses’ fore-
propose formally for me this morning,! thing. That man is an educated man ' man, observing, they must have
and that I shall be called upon to give who knuws himself, and takes ac- known, when they received them in
i him his answer at once.” curate common sense views of men ! pledge, that they were not hers, but
| “You will reject him, then, dear'and things around him. Some very j had been intrusted to tier to make.—A
Office, one door East of R. Broom's Store. Ade |j nc ?” said Trevor, anxiously. learned men are the greatest fools in gentleman present, who heard the
“Can vou ask me?” exclaimed the world : the reason is they are not, ease against the prisoner, remarked
terms of subscription. Adeline. “I will never bestow my ! educated men. Learning is only the j that many of the advertizing tailors
THREE DOLLARS per annum, payable bcart That, George is yours—past means, not the end; its value con- j drove a large trade, and acquired good
in three month* from the time of snb*cri mg. v j n(T j or p» sists in giving the means of acquiring, profits out of the very vitals of the
tha^ 0 one ,b y7a" P un"eM e pa!'| e fii advance?anTno “’Tcii thousand thanks for this one in the discipline which, when propci- j poor by the wretched prices at which
paper disrun'inned unlit all arrearages are paid, | more proof of constancy,” said Tre- ly managed, it gives the mind. Some | they got them to make up
out. In the summer, cold water may i wordy, puerile and incongruous pro
be used with advantage to keep it hard duc tion, and if the members constitu-
while working. Whenever it begins ling the majority of that Committee
U> get oilv, the working should cease live ten years longer, they will be
until it is’again cooled.“ It is slated of most thoroughly ashamed of their
Mr. Longwortli, of Cincinnati, so ex- share in it.
tensively known for his great attain- The Post Master General Ins pre-
ments in every thing connected with sented an exhibit of the number of
husbandry, that in contracting for his paid and unpaid letters, free and drop
annual supplies of butter for his own letters, newspapers, pamphlets, <fcc,
tabic, lie requires Ids tenants to work received iu the several States and
it with the hand ; anJ lor tho reason Territories, Ac., from which 1 extract
arments. j that icatiug is necessary to deprive it the following statistics :
except at the option of the proprietors
To doubt vour truth now, of the greatest men in tho world ; Ud. and Is., ho understood, were
buttermilk-—that rubbing with
a tile is not sufficient.
Louisville Jour.
i s 3 r
cat? -s
‘ 1 §ig.
*e'rtioil,«i»d3b'cenw for every inWqiieni con-1 Crofton—but I am not jealous, mind !”. ing, instances may now be found in I when a smai ily-dressed woman pi
rinoanco. a liberal liedactiou nude to yearly Scarcely had George Trevor loft all countries. To be educated, a man j sented herself before Mr. Henry, an
“‘leg’a?"Advertisements published at the ! the apartment when Madame La must be able to think, reason, com- j requested a warrant for ti e apprehci
usual rates. . j Roche and Mr. Crofton entered front pare and decide accurately. He inav
Ca,,d,dat,slurofl,ce, * ;, ’: the lawn. Mr. Crofton rather preci- study metaphysics till he is grey, and
p i ‘ ‘ , pitately took his leave, and Madame , languages till he is a walking polv-
MOTHER AND HER DAUGHTER, j La Roche and Adeline were alone. glot, and if he is nothing more, he is
Sit down, Adeline,” said her;an uneducated man. There is no
mother. “ I have something very | class in the country who have
From the Philsdelptira Daily Forum.
Wa-hinotos, Jan.‘25.
The regular sparring of tho day I
commenced before the Chaplain had |
sion of a j ouug woman under the lid* j Invoked Heaven to bring peace and
lowing circumstances:—Tho applicant j preserve the harmony of the Union
was a sort of contractor or middle- < ; ,, H | j| S Representatives. Mr. Wti- i
woman to a slopsdler. and gut largo ljKK u ( about a quarter of an 1
quantities of goods to make, giving' | u/(ir before the meeting ol the House, j
security to a large amount lor their ■
Il-i’fs'i.Os *
5 - c S. 3T-a S = _? k' ”5.5 * ? ; T
~ a _ = S' ■
-* 1
l =
In a small cottage at Richmond,
commanding a delightful view of the .r/s-nTtov
Thames, lived Madame La Roche and A j cline obeyed w
her only child, Adeline. martvr. Her piesenliment had evi- ! subject should receive from them the j whose: honesty she had security, and t | lC m ember callei
At an early age the parents o | jctlV been b U t loo true. j attention it deserves. | one of these people had, she liad eve- j account for some s
stronger interest in the proper educa- I sale return. On receiving it she gave
rith the air of a tion of children than farmers; and the j out a portion to different people, fo
had a rencontre behind the Speaker’s •
i.1 > g 35 g W ‘y < V,
at r.r.ccic2i»
as -• a, -Z a 2
t> -iit <
Madatnc La Roche had taken her from
Mv dear child,’’ continued Ma-
; uouiiuy t-'S—/ dame La Roche, “ you are now of an
r ranee, m order that her education la-ij i „r!
might be completed. Here a certain j ^
Monsieur La Roche, a man much older . ,n ”
but also much richer than herself had S ,V( j 11 J
solicited her band. In obedience to j ^ le .
the commadments of her parents, and ' ,l ~ o0(
in spite of her
aversion, the mat
and the elderly
young wife took up
Paris. Three years afterwards, Mon
sieur La Roche died leaving one child,
a daughter. Since that event, Ma
dame La Roche had resided iu Switz
erland first, and subsequently in Get- , r . . ,
many. At length, tired ol the Con-1 cnou S h of him to bc as certain that, cles principally trousers, wercproduc-
ehair with Mr. Shriever, the Reporter
of the Baltimore Patriot. It appears
called the writer to an
statement published l
ry reason to believe, pawned some j —i| ic Ij e was interchanged and blows !
shirts, hi reply to a question from ; nm | ;l knock down followed. Mr. W.
—i -»sJSSu'S: — i-SS-fe %
u 4; *4 p V — "T \. x x P ^
$ *5^ tSx
Sa -- ^
<£ i- 5 £ = — -t*
The House was occupied this moni
tion ?” ! a woman who had been security lbi
Adeline offered no observation, and her to the amount of £2 to Moses, and
Madame La Ilocbe continued ; who had heard she had pawned some
*• There is a gentleman, who, I am of the ai tides which she had been en-
certain, loves you. I have seen trusted to make. A number of arti-
tinent. she returned to England, where
she had now lived two years, and
where she firmly intended to spend
the remainder of her days.
As woman is placed in our present
social system, perhaps the most inde
pendent and life-enjoying of the sex is
a young and attractive widow. Ma
dame La Roche was both young and
attractive—and sensible, too, or she
would have been envious of her sweet
daughter, Adeline. As it was, she
treated her with the warmth of a mo-
he deserves your love in return, and ; ed by various pawnbrokers, vvhicl
it will give me pleasure if you tell I had been pawned by the prisoner.—
me he possesses it.” ; The prisoner, who, while the evidence
“ My dear mnmm i,” said Adeline, i was being given against her, cried bit-
witli firmness, “it is better to be tei'lv, said she wascompelied to pledge
| Winter.—Winter, stern, co’J,
! cfwerlcss winter, is Lore—crowned
wi ll snow, and w aving his icy sceptic
, over the desolation of nature. What
Ian air of gloom, for the most part, is
' spread over surrounding objects 1
_ House is not in session, were ordered to he printed, and Air.
atorial arena, where prt- Soiif.nck, although opposed to the
ire to be settled, nor is first motion, then introduced, as an act
one of superior strength of justice, a resolution to print ail the
to pound and pummel another when testimory, winch was agreed to, yea^
he is down. The rules of tiie “ring” 105, nays G7. Mr. Sciif.nck then
are clearly not to strike when down,! gave notice that the minority of the
and allow lime to come to the Committee would present a counteij
“scratch." As therefore the pleasant Report. Air. Adams called the order
locality behind the Speaker’s chair is of the day, when a motion was madd
to l.o the ring f<>r the “ fancy,” I trust to adjourn and carried,
a Select Committee will be appointed In Senate, various memorials were
candid at once. 1 know whom you
mean and all you are going to sav ;
but it is in vain. .1 do not love him—
I never shall love him—and I cannot
tnarrv him.”
a part of her work when h was finish
ed to enable her to go on with the re- j
mainder, and to provide bread for her- ;
self and her two children. In Jan-1
I The finest trees are sttipt of their t , ~ rr
| foliage—the variegated landscape is ; frame rules for its governance and presented lor Post Office Reform.'
| robbed of allits beauty—the greui st> n d over to Deaf Burke and the pre- The bill for appropriating lands for
i grass has withered upon the fields— ¥Ci ,t wearer of the English “Cham-! the improvement of the Fox an<j
I the flowers have laded away, and pj,,n’s Belt,” for their advice on the Wisconsin rivers, was taken up ati(J
ieft no vestige of their bloom or beau- subjiHit. We shall then have our after some informal d' bate la:d over,
[tv behind. The little brook that honorable AI. C’s. and Tom Crib as The resolution ollered by Air. SeMCLp
laughed around the hill, or danced well as Solon. directing the President to notify thfc
uary Jast her husband was killed in I along over golden sands, is now chainil J ussb E. Dow, E«p, the Door-keeper j government, of Great Britain of oqr
“Adeline, Adeline!” cried her j the dock, having fallen down the hold 1 c ‘ d . ,n ,ce - a,1(l not r * ts sweet, ; t) f , he House and a Magistrate of the j wish to annul the Convention lortqc
• ■ 0 f a vessel on wliich lie had been cm- ! babbling note to the ear of tlie passing. District, was a witness to the aflray, joint occupation of (Jiegon, was next
ptoved.' leaving her with a child of faveHer. The wild winds howl
mother, laughing, “you are too quick
by far lor me. Do you not love—
Lw.TA-e.ars nfdjftd, preijnauL^if them-and fantastically whirl about
j Trevorl* " FTaTit she then tore in her arms. After ,t;i es o, the past veat s bedutv.
Trmmr 1” r.vflnimed Ade- ihf> rlenth of her husband, she had en- I ^ a f ure 1S disrobed of all teat gives
side, was a man, youthful and I* 30 'I was no t mistaken, I find, in supposing i so, and had been actually obliged to
some. He held one of her haa<1s | that vou loved each other. I amjpawnthingstoprocuredrybreadfor
clasped in his, and vyas looking wi 1 a | „) a( j ' c f j (j t | ear child, and give mv ! herself and children. Air. Henry:
most impassioned air into her a10St willing consent to your union.” j What were you paid each for making
Her eyes were cast down, and tie, «* J fenred you would not listen to these trousers produced?—Prisoner:
slightest suspicion of a blush was up or j W ou!d have confided in vou," [ seven pence
on her check. T he blush would have; Adeline half laughing and half What, only
been deeper but it was a situation she, c - at thjs SU(lden a ’ nd Unexpected
was somewhat used to. They loved rea | iz3tion of hoI , CS she scarcely dared
each other. | to entcr tain
“ And you fear George, that mamma „ Not , jsten t0 him , and that nicre .
would never consent: said Adeline
Sir.—Mr. H enry
7d. a pair.—Prisoner :
That’s all Sir ; and am obliged to pro
vide the thread. This declaration of
the poor woman evidently startled
.Mr. Ilenrv. and indeed everv individ
ual present, with the exception of the
would never consent: u u ™, becausc hc happens to be poor !*
continuing a colloquy that had been , / xc!aimed Madame La Roche. - Ah,
proceeding. Heaven knows how long; mv Addine , u js IovCt not wealth,
—for in such is sat , lourS ' t hat should be considered; and if trious, she might have made a“
are like minutes.
« Ha - ha ! jou are jealous, ®‘’* u j f r j end wish me the same—and con
Adeline, up and sin,ling arch- ^ lQ my marriaze r
lv. “ Do you distrust me, then ?
“ No, dear Adeline, indeed,” replied
George. “ I believe that your heart
is mine, and mine only; but say if I
have not cause for suspecting that Mr.
Crofton is my rival, and that your
pie receive for their work is so wretch
edly small, that, being without means
“You? you marry again!” ex- [ of subsistence to go on with their work,! aspirations am iopes o .
claimed Adeline. 1 they are in many cases actually com- ; file must be fol owe' y 10 ^
“ And have vou been so blind as to pelled to resort to the practice. Now, j realities ol moie mature ' c ‘". s .’
suspect nothing?” said Aladame La sir, (addressing the foreman) you have ; ?hat every l h in o e ow is su j 1 e. <>
Roche, raising her head and smiling, stated that persons might make a good mutation ant ecay. me. i u,
- - - • °k. . - k. - = we are comparatively shut in from.
I will conceal it from you no longer, living by this sort of employment;)
You know that I was married in what, in your opinion, could this poor j
and immediately arrested Mr. Wei.- j considered, on a motion ot Mr. Arqjiwr
ler and held him to bail in §1000 to [ to refer it to tlie Committee of Wiys
Keep tlie peace, so “ pistols and Oof- j and Means. '1 liis gave rise to alik!-
fee” are prohibited “as the law di- ! bate in which Messrs. Scmpfc, Arclof,
rccts ” Atchison, Allen. Alorelicad and^ li^ti*
Air. Duncan’s bill to establish a ! ton participated, when the Senate
uniform time for holding elections for , went into Executive session. j
members of the House of Represen- j I see the following article in jthc
grove, to gladden the heart at early tatives and for Electors of President! New Haveu Courier of a recent d^tq t
morn ; the balmy winds |io longer a | ]d Vico President in all the ytates.! “Pkoscriftion.—Ttie Sjipakw of ihe Hfatro
creep through the lattice to our apart-j provides that the members of llie I pra P .u' , lteT."jo*ilua Leav'im"’"r li.’- Mm
merits, loaded with tlie aroma of gytb Congress shall be elected on the j Emancipator, a cent on tlie Hoor of the lfijurt,
! flowers; the loud laugh of jov, and ; s t Tuesday in November next, and with ilie otherreportora."
the merry note of gladness no longer j that be the day for simultaneous clec-1 Mr. Leavitt is an exceedingly bitter,
strike the ear, as they ring out from ! tjnns in every second succeeding year. ^ proscriptive Abolitionist, but that oops
the joyous lips of the light-hearted electors to be chosen on the same ] not palliate his proscription as a l ^ter
boy and rosv-cheeked girl, spotting da v. The places and manuer of hold- j writer, claiming equal right* and Ijpiv.
upon the green sward, and chasing! ing the elections to be regulated by ; ileges with the rest of the era IU at
the butterfly among the fresh beauties' the respective States, and the District Washington. Doubtless the innbjlhy
of siu itig.* Nojevei v thing now j System Law to be repealed. Special to accommodate him with a desk*, as
' 1 • ...... -* j there are but six, is the cause of Ins
difficulty. Were it otherwise, Air.
Adams would have had an account
to settle with the Speaker before ilhis
Elections in reference to the j time. _ |
Ticket mernbcVs, contends The suggestion of the Couiiirr is
first section of tlie Act of: correct. '1 he Speaker has hadlac-
1842, exhausts the entire commodations provided for several
ested in Congress by the | extra reporters, but could not i^akc
dreams of childhood must fade likd ; Constitution in regaid to the apportion-: room for all. Air. Leavitt, I do! not
the colors of the shortlived flower; ment of Representatives; that the se-; think, complains that the condui t of
cond section is inoperative ami invalid, • the Speaker was proscriptive, for it is
and an introduction of a new princt- n0 part of the game played by p »liti-
ple, to subvert the entire, system ot
Legislation adopted by New Hamp
shire, Georgia, Mississippi and Mis
souri, and compel them to conform to
illy >» till II1U V. A I.L ULI 11 VI till. I I C.- . . J * - fill I*
r’s foreman, who said that if j wears a more sobered aspect, and elections to be held at the times and
_ l . •t'l.i/.ii ten nnVfir . dirantml r»tr tfin N f n I o
she wished to be honest and indus- ] Caches us lessons which we never, place as now directed by the Slate
ood could learn from nature, were she ; laws.
decked with flowers, painted j The Majority Report of the Com
the world, and are deprived of the certain rules established by Congress
cal abolitionists to break their fri :i il
ly truce and amicable relations vith
tlie locos. Show me a person Uial-
ous to make a political matter of-abo
lition, which will take the precedence
line, “ I will confess to you that lam , not k now that before that I had should think 7s. a week, your worship,
veiy miserable on this account- given mv heart in Eng | and to a youth _ Mr . Henry; And that you call a
Even since wc^ ns me , . > whose only fault was poverty. My good living for a woman who has her-
at that horrt oa , e ias ee • I parents had forbidden him the house, self and two infant children to sup-
nally at the h«»e. He must on hcarjng of mv engagement on port ?-The prisoner said it would be
•*And how dSs Madame La Roche' the , C 1 ontine j ,t ’ ,1C> went out , in deS P air ‘«'l> 0 «ible to earn any such money,
• l• ir . • j m to India. Some two months ago, you unless she were to work by night as
receive urn . sau i • remember, we were at a large ball.— well as by dav $ besides, she had her
“Ah. too well! replied Adeline. .. ; j ., „ ° . ... 3 • ’, ' ...
. . ’ .. „ . •,.. Mow can 1 describe to vou my sensa- children to attend to. A person in tlie
«I often see them sitting together in a . . . . 3 , . i j .l . .. 1 •.
- ° ° tions vvtien I saw there the man whom court remarked that the residence ot
whom the prisoner and her children was the
"“Tow'^T mention it,” said Ade-' kno , w that 1 } vas mar ™ d m what, in your opinion could U>» poor and j ^^^g^t^L hednside^ the [ of ^tional i*licy| and
^ J - ' 1 * rancc at a ver y earlv a ? e ; but >' ou Woman earn a week ^ Foreman : I pleasures which are°aflordcd by | duty of flic legislatures imperative 1 wi || low you a rank locofoco. >Thc
the milder seasons of tlie year, let us | while a mere privilege is granted to leaders take good care to mafe no
— ke tho best improvement of our Congress, not to be exercised unless converts to abolition from their jjoliti-
the legislatures fail or refuse to act. ca | friends; they abstract all the Whig
It conceds to Congress the right to strength they can, and thus indiijectly
provide by law for the election of its j assist the triumphs of locofocoism.—
members *in each Stale on a certain No, no; Mr. Leavitt would noi find
day, without prescribing tlie place or j fault with a locofoco Speaker, jwero
manner. This to me is a strange ar- he twenty times deprived of a rdperl-
gumont, for the Constitution says the ' 1 ~ 1 1
comer ta * k . in ?‘ a I n 11 m ( r°t mv a! v D w ^ * iad ' ovcd ' n mv early youth—whom the prisoner and her children was tne
ry now and then ^kmgtowardsme, ] ^ ^ j ? - d him evcn very picture of wretchedness. Itwas
as .f I were the subject of ctonversa- bcforc , hear{J , )is n * mc « ahnost without a vestige of furniture,
««r»n h<> trvinff to Irani mamma . , , ^ r. « . .. o . .
time in the enjoyment of social and
domestic life and in the cultivation ol
our minds and hearts, so that we may
the better appreciate and enjoy the
blessings and beauties of the approach
ing spring.—ilaleigh A’. C. Star.
er’s seat! If a Whig happens'.to b©
Better Making.—It is possible to P' a ces and manner shall be pre- s i c k, and is not in his seat to y4te on
ike nearly as good butter in winter •cribed by the Legislature, and Con- every question connected with tho
In making butter gress may, at any time, make or alter right of petition, hc will be h<#d up
n ; i i * — „ «—. «l, n i • . r Rut *«.l flin
make nearly
And that name was—Crofton,” and quite unfit for human
said Adeline, much affected. Henry observed that
“ It was,” replied Madame La tressing to have to
Roche—“ He had remained single, cases,
though hc had grown rich enough to The affair was one of
tion. He is trying to gam mamma
over to his interest, I know. It will
be of no use, if he docs. I would
sooner die than marry him ! ’
“ So having experienced the misery
of a forced match herself, she would ^ - jf he had wi |,ed it, some poor occurrence' in"ffia7Mrt
Gr g /Tre^r. w\rvTheme C nce Sald \ ^ _ h _ ad J*fS ^ but much of n \
« J hardly know what to think,'
said Adeline, gently. “When
member how affectionately she
ways treats me, it seems impossible
but when I see her encourage so
dently the visits of Mr. Crofton, t ain «-•»■<»,«— —~ j — - .»• aw— r u v c huniini*.
compelled to dread every thing.” tea ’’ s ° sorrow. ditio^^nd ilm i" 1 ' eir pr ®, ient C ° n ~ Ir t.ndlv kent as to be-1 elected in conformity with the Cotisti- {tisfaction
« We mav be mistaken, after all, On the same morning the two wed- dn on, and that she, in endeavon
Adeline,”said Trevor. “ These visits dings were celebrated ; and opinions to keep out of it, and in attempting
are probably intended for Madame Le were divided whether the matronly | make a living by the miserable pi
Roche. Remember, Aladamoisclle, or the youthful bride looked the more tance of a slopselier, had got herself, *• ’ „jj„A w i. pn ! Report is evident—tne memoers are rejoteng
you are not the only young and pret- charming. llUo her present condition.—The pris- j warm wa v it j some -l to hold their places in palpable viola-; I LhinW the Senate are incuneci{io see
ty inhabitant of Vine Cottage.” oner said that if allowed to go to the ! ‘ion of the Solemn law of the last' how thev can exercise the Godlike
- - • • Which will vou do ?-One of. work-house with her children, sne| times wall to add cold waten JVhen, { ^ rcss The Report is from headL ua |Uy of patience. When thIr->-
lie will see his way ^ack to
two things must be done
“ Oh, I am sure that is not the case,”
•aid Adeline. “ Mamma hgs told me,
often and often, that no consideration try. Parents must expend
on earth should induce her to marry educate tfieir children, or t _ _ ,
again and that all her care was now pay. taxes to build penitentiaries and. tiOB, and directed an officer to take
to see me happily settled. Mr. Crof- (& punish crime. There is a great, her and her children to the house in
ton and mamma arc now viewing the mistake about what is called educa- 1 slanter, which was done. Air. Henry
marks of
a transcript
ZSZSZS >'•« -8— 5*1 bysa** wngM
day; otherwise the milk in it 'may in the Senate against the passage of
curdle, and then it cannot be worked, the law. I have never read a moie
lion does come, however, I expect to
hear the roar of the salutes, Snd sec
the lights of the bonfires even here at
the Capitol ! *
“Nothing is stirring here but|tagiia-