La Grange herald. (La Grange, Ga.) 1843-1845, February 14, 1844, Image 4
TO THE. VOTERS, OF MURRAY COUNTY, GEORGIA. Ftixotr-CiTiZEK*: An apology, perhaps, is due fiom me fur not having noticed, at an earlier day, the address of Major Mark A. C-ooper, in reply to one previously made by me to you just before the late October election. If so, suffice it to say, that ciicumstances beyond my control, together with severe and pro tracted bodily indisposition, have occasion ed the delay. I trust, however, that the lapse of time which ha» intervened, has only rendered you more capable of dispas sionately considering and correctly deciding upon the points in issue between us. Con troversies ol a personal character, involving matters of fact and questions ot veracity, 1 know, are generally quite uninteresting, if not disgusting, to the public, and perhaps to no one more so than myself; but some times they become necessary as well for the vindication or the truth,for the “truth’s sake,” as that the reckless and corrupt,who seek hv improper means to deceive and mislead their “countrymen,” may be pro- perly exposed, and receive that indignation from a discerning continually which jus-j lice requires, and which seldom fails to be awarded. It is for this reason I appear be fore you again. In the discussion at Spring Place be tween Mr. Stiles and myself, I stated no thing in relation to Major Cooper’s con nexion with the Western Insurance and Trust Company of Columbus, “a chartered monied institution,” with greater “exclu sive privileges” than any bank in the State, which was not strictly true, and in my opinion justified by the circumstances.— But it is the “galled jade that winces,” and hence Major Cooper’s excitement at the lime. The object ol my publication after wards was to silence misrepresentations— that all might be informed of the cliracter and extent of my statements—and that Major Cooper might have an opportunity of assuming the responsibility ot entering a denial, if he chose, in such a manner as to be met. This he has done, joining with me in four issues of fact. And it is lor me now, after the excitement of ilic election is over, to show you how much he hazarded in so doing. Two of the points of difference between us, (denominated by Major Cooper as “misstatements and untruths" in my ad dress,) I deem it unnecessary to pay fur- ilier attention to than to give a passing no tice. The first of these (which is the last in his order) is my statement that “lie was not present (at the discussion) until called in bv some friends for the purpose of crea ting confusion.” This he says is not so, and that “I knew it was untrue;” that he “was called in not to create, but to prevent confusion.” Of this you may be the judges. There was no disturbance or confusion un til he was called in ; and if his object was not to cause, but prevent what ensued, he was certainly most singularly unfortunate in bis object, as well as unsuccessful in his efforts. The other of the minor points of differ ence (which stands first in his order) is wherein he charges me with an attempt to make the impression upon the public mind that “he was connected with a ‘chartered company’ of large ‘privileges,’ operating in Columbus at the time of his noniina- it will be generally admitted that lie knows how to make a living in other ways besides fanning. But u seems that the true cha racter of his genius was never before fully developed, or, if so, wholly overlooked: lor, amongst all the other attributes of great ness, he may now lay equal claims to the possession, in an eminent degree, of the powers of logic. And (he loregoing speci men, transcending any thing to be tound in the writiugs of Bacon or Aristotle, may be treasured up by his future biographer as One of the latest examples of the Wonderfnl “triumphs of the hnmnn mind, By truth illumined and by taste refined.” daily business of banks, and, yet such was never before construed into circulation.’’— the fullowing.frorn the statement alluded to: “ The Company went into operation the 1st January, 1339, after pay- ing 10 per cent, premium for the clear char ter. Since that time they have made divi- dends.ol 49 per cent', on the capital slock, leaving, after paying for their charter, 39 per cent., ot from 9 to 10 per cent, per an num. They commenced winding up their business about the 1st of April, and on the 25lh of May had reduced the deposite list from $90,000 to near $3,600.” Nyw from these two statements oDe thing is clear, Of the powers and merits ol this mdiinl ‘“mtStf SStTof d“us"te ft,r raayC ^ JUd = lS T.'suVd bv the Company never exceeded (who assume a degree of presumption mea sured only by the extent of the emergency,) asserts that my statement that his “com pany did issue something intended to an swer the purpose of circulation under the name of certificates of deposite, or some other title*, is untrue ; and that I bad a fair opportunity to know that it was untrue.’’ in bis estimation, seems to be the main point in issue between us. It was ny between the this that acted like caustic upon the nerves ?. K \ .. .„ ’ ■ . „ -it... CIH Rlliuswi p..v.. ...... deposited their “gold and silver” with them as “an evidence of it:” For up to the 1st of April last, they had $90,000 deposited with them, for which some kind of certifi cates must have been given as evidence to those who had made the deposite. They could not have been the kind to which l alluded, for they, Major Cooper says, never exceeded $1.0U0or $5,000. Then why. I of the system. For, to order that he who kinds of conthcau-s i-suod or given ? IJh a . * • ../• • ij __ j ; intercjDCC is too forcible to w rtsistpu. l had spent years in financirnn , and had : $(,000 or $5,000 were intended taken lessons in the art, as may b - interred „ . g.', ’ 4 t„„.i from bis address, in “Augusta, Chari Mobile, New York, and New Orleans,” might be passed off upon the country as no thing but a “plain Murray county farmer it was thought necessary to raise a pretend ed cry against banks, corporations, mono polies, exclusive privileges, and paper mo ney. And hence bis friend, Mr. Stih-s, 0«UGTB0RFE BOISE, COLUMBUS, Ga. T HE Subscribers having taken this Esta blishment for a term of years, would re spectfully tender, it to the public and ihetr friends as a penuancut Tavern. The commodioiisness of this House, and its couvenient situation for business, will recom mend it to th- travelling public; and the assur ance of our constant and unremitting personal ft ten lion, we are persuaded, vvill satisfy all our SHERIFF SALES. TROUP COUNTY. * ETILL BE SOLD,on the first Tuesday in V W MARCH' next, within the legal hours of sale, before the Courthouse door in the town of latGrange, Troup county, Ga., the following property, to wilt Lot of Merchandize, consisting of dry goods, hats, shoes, boots, crockery and hardware, &c.: . . ... ™..„ _ v _. levied on as the property of William Malpass, patrons to "raU," and'ca'n^a'gain.'" £ir cfivo Hs'a ■ *° "»'■*<> 8U ? d 7 fi. fae. from Troup Superior -11 l . c /vwa in Itionv nf Nunuo* I luruitrl nno 111 ‘‘A’uousmfcba^r. \M circulatin'^ pas, from hand to hand - * - • “ ' as money, as Dr. ChipUy and oliitra re- ceived them, while the other kind were such as are ordinarily given by banksup on the receipt of deposite. Ant! this is in accordance with the statement ot Dr Chip- ley, and in Columbus is well known to be true. Wl.o ev, r heard ol the ordinary certificates of banks given upon the depo- charged the Whigs in terms with ey. being engraved on silk pa e “aristocrats of the land, who ^ wj|h ,J tler ^ and gptci fi c amounts, like bank bills 1 For how could an institution know beforehand what par- call and (ry us. We shall also be prepared to accommodate Regular Boarders, singly or with families: and furnish them, if wished, with spacious rooms, a comfortable home, and good attendance. Our Terms will be the same as at other regu lar Tuverns in the city. RICHARD W. FOX, WM.A. BEDELL, Proprietors—late of Hams county. Columbus, Jan. 24, 1844. 2m2t (>«OD GREI^ FKLIT. 1 3HE undersigned has on hand and intends keeping, for a few months, n good assort ment of Green and Dried APPLES, Chesnnts. Tobacco of different kinds. Oysters, Cheese, Coffee. Sugar, Rice, Oranges. Raisins, Al monds, &c. &c. All of which shall he sold as low sis possible for Cash, or bartered for Fowls, Eggs, Butter, Cowhides, &c. New Cider, from the press of this place will he kept constantly on hand. Corn Meal und Flour, always on hand. Garden Seeds, a fresh supply just re ceived, and for sale low. Also, all that’s prom ised abov e. O’ Store opposite Dr. Hill’s office. JAS. M. ARMOR. January 12, 1844. 3inl‘J .17; II* SHOE SHOP. aspired to be a “privileged order.’’ and sought “chartered rights” and “exclusive privileges and monopolies,” not enjoyed hy ihe mass of community. This was to make the impression that Major Cooper and his party, in “principle and in practice,” were opposed to such orders and institutions, and that they,professing tub* Democrats, were the real friends of tlio people. But when the position was exposed, and the truth was told, and you were informed that many of the lending men of those who pretend to be opposed to “chartered insti tutions,” were themselves at the head of 1 IJlles ’ several of them ; and that even Major ticuiar or specific amount would be ten dered for deposite? The idea is too pre posterous to bear argument. And Major Cooper’s statement, that the certificates al luded to by me as having been is-ued by his Company were such as are ordinarily issued by banks upon the deposite of mo ney, and not intended lor circulation, where tbe facts are known, can but excite the pity of his friends and tlie contempt of his ene- And now, having noticed the four in- cw,, cniid.,, r„, Go.,™,. Ud, fjSgfiftnrgtfJiJZ been for years at tbe head of the nsntu- ? ’ without further comment or re turn alluded to-the powers of which Were J B(U ^ for , doing SOj , ask your at enumeratod-great iy exceeding those of, wllil , j . liludo h fi. fly to some other any Bank in ihe feiate, and which had also; i i ro ; ' »• . r r mailers Mahd in in? address, which struck entered the list of competitors in ihe issue o. r i rr*x.« o ' 4 . • • . , i r I Die as peculiarly ?iran^e. coming from a paper money, or something intended for | 1 :? , circulation. Il was then, when foiled in LEGAL NOTICI Court—one in favor of Seneca Durand, one in favor of William Rankiu. Dnryee & Co., one in favor of West, Oliver St Co., one in favor of Rulliven St Weed vs. William MalpaasofTronp coufity and John Malpass of Talbot county, and one in favor of Spear 4 Fatten vs Otey & Malpass. Levy made and .returned to me by former Sheriff. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, one negro man by the name of David, about forty-six years old, one woman, David’s wife, about thirty-three veais old, by the name of Lu cinda ; boy by tbe name of Lewis, about six years old; hue boy by the name of Sawney, abont four years old ; one boy by the name of Augustus,about two years old: levied on as the propotly of Rene Fitzpatrick, Henry 'Mims at™ Hamilton Duke, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Troup Superior Court, in favor of James II. Shorter vs. Rene Fitzpatrick, Henry Mims and Hamil ton Duke. Levy tuude and returned to me by former Sheriff. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold. ADMINISTRATOR’S 8ALaI. W ILL be sold, an the first TUESDAY in APRIL next, before the C.-firi-houaa door in La Grange, Tronp county. Ga, *n pur suance of an Order from the Honorable the In ferior Court of said county, sitting for ordinary purposes, the following NEGROES, to wit: Jinney. • woman about twenty-si* year* of age; Davo.a boy about eight years olgafe; and Jane, a girl about nine years of age: Mfeo, one lot of LAND, the number not knownjmame In the eleventh district of said county, a£l adjoin ing to the lands of William Phillips,, Sr., and James H Rowe, being the lot npon which Wil liam H. Strahan formerly lived, containing two hundred two and a half acres, more oj It ss. I will also sell in pursuance of the imm ■ order, before the Courthouse door in Decatur in De- Kalb county, on the first TUESDAY Mi MAY next, a certain lot of land situate in the eighteenth district of formerly Henry now DeKalb county, being number thirty-four, containing two hun dred two and a half acres, more or lem: all sold as the property nf Walker Horton, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said de ceased. Terms of sale made known on theday. JEREMIAH HORTON. Adm’r. January 21st. 1844. 9w21 ADMINISTRATOR S SALE. W ILL be sold, before the court house door i t the town of LaUrange, Tfoup coun ty, Ga , within the legal hours of sale'agreeably to an order of the Inferior Court of said eonntv, ono negro man by the name of Jeffrey, age not when sitting for ordinary purposes, on the first known; one jack colt, one large English butt: Tuesday in MARCH next,—Hit) aefts of land. Itviid on as the property of Hilliard O’Neal, to < nnniber not known,lying insnidcounty,whereon satisfy a fi. fa from Tronp Superior Court, in . Marketers Goode, deceased, formerly lived.— favor of James Culbarsotn mid Henry Long. Also. tH the Negroes, consisting of men. Administrators, and Ann P. Fannin, Adntinis- women end children, amoiiutitig loj eleven in tratrix of James W. Fnnniu, deceased, transfer- ■ number. Terms made known on day of sale, red to Joseph I’oytress. vs. Edwin O’Neal, Hil-1 JARREL BDASLEY Adm’r. hard O’Neal am) SHns Tatoln, security. ! January 3, 1841. 4 9wt8 Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, i . one lot of land number 105, with the improve ADMINISTRA TORS SAf.L- —, -niente thereon; lot number 120, the west half of! T> AN I to au Order of the Inferior ly inform their friends and the i j 0 ( mimhcr 104. east half ot lot number 119, i < outt of I roup county, when sitting for jpfft public generally, that they have n( , rl h half of lot number 121. north half of lot | Ordinary purposes, wdl be sold befoie the eourt opened a Shop on the “ outh- east corner of the Square, di rectly opposite Mr. Herring’s Tavern, where BOOTS AND SHOES. of all kinds, will be made op in the best manner and with despatch. Intending to keep on hand at all times a choice selection of Materials, and make them np in the best style, at prices suited to the times, they respectfully solicit a share of patronage. Laities Shoes made in a style combining uenl- near with durability. HeimiriUif done at short notice. JAMES LOWE, GEORGE VV. THOMAS. LaGransc, Jan 2t>, 1844 4i2l number 137-all in (lie sixth district of Troup | house coor in L Grange, Ga., on the first Tuei- County; also one bay mare, about eight yearaold: j 111 MAKCH next* «t negro girl, •lboiit seven- levied on as the property of Wilie Womack, to 'em' years of age. befonguig to lie; loitate of . - - . . r \~ m c* • . I fkJjjj-y Aim I? Itlmrlurin 1 js lit Itl I tmin ennnlu Ja. ceased. satisfy a fi. fa. issued front Troup Superiorcourt, | Mary Ann Robertsoii. late ofT.oup rountyr. dr- In r.unr e\( r l'lwiinnc U. lirnwri’. Fivenian Mc’» in favor of Thomas C. Brown; Freeman Me’ Clendon, Jeremiah M. McClendon, transferees. I vs. Wilie Womack. Levy made hy former , Sheriff. Also, at the same time, and place, w ill be sold, j j-y 24 acres of land, part of lot number 108, in the Jp Terms made known on the day o f sale. AMY ROBERTSON, Adm x. LaGrange, Ga., Dec. 21. 1843. 9wl(* ADMINISTRATORS’ NOTICE OUR MONTHS after date, application will be made to the Honotable the Inferior the attempt, that the feelings became ex asperated at tbe exposure: and the last ex pedient for desperate cases was resorted to; that is, "broad, downright, unqualified de nial." To this course I have no objection, or to the issue which has been joined. The consequences must be borne hy those who assume the responsibility. I stated to yon distinctly that Major Cooper’s company did issue “ceitificates of deposite,” intend ed to answer the purpose of circulation j that “1 had seen them, and had them, and knew it to be true.” I had received them and passed them as money ; and in thi matter as in the others, I ant willing that lion," in which he says, I “deceived and . y CU should also be the judges, misled vou, and misrepresented him.” In j And in confirmation of wli reply to this, I refer to the address wherein it is stated as plainly as language can make it—so clearly that no one could misuml chat I asserted. mau occupying the station of Maj. Cooper. For it was to be presumed that, however little he might be iuliuenced by personal considerations, or a regard for himself, a due sense of obligation at least to that 1 trge and respectable party in the State, who had j for the time being given him such promi nence in the coun’ry as lo place him at the head ol their ranks, would have restrained him in w us degtee iu the latitude of his assertions. In the first place he says, that “eighteen months ago lire stockholders of the Compa ny determined lo close their business for the simple reason that, after all illeslaiabrs and lies told of th-nr, they did not realize more than eight percent. Therefore the Company closed its office, drew out the »ress, and ur. vv imam ». employ, ot eo stand—not that at the time of his nomina tion ; but that, during the previous “fall, winter, and spring,” when different indi viduals of bis party—he amongst the rest— were spoken of as suitable candidates to be run by them for Governor, he was con nected with such an institution, and was the n»n finally selected. As to tlie time h;a company “quit business,” or “ceased operation*,” I made no statement. And does Major Cooper deny that during the previous “fall, winter, and spring,” he was so connected ? or was, if you please, at the head of that “huge monopoly 1” He does not. Sj far from it, he does not say that he was disconnected from that company even up to the time of penning his address. For, mark his language: He says, “it (the company) had (at the time of his nomina tion) quit business;" and he “was not (then) connected with any chartered in stitution doing business." The time they “quit business” you will see hereafter, was about tbe 25th of May last, a very short lime before the nomination. But 1 appre hend lire truth to be that, even up to the time he wrote his address, he was still at the head of the same company, (which seems like an engorged beast of the forest, only to have retired for a season to digest its ravenously devoured prey,) else how could he oiler lo sell me theeharter ? Then, fellow-citizens, who attempted to deceive you 1 I. who slated in this particular what even Major Cooper did nut venture to de ny ; or he, who, (having for three or four j, ank , mll , „r other kitiils of paper circulation years derived all the advantages of the most “exclusive and odious monopoly’’ , , , , .. , . . , ; capital, paid off all obligations, and actually I ask you to read the following s«a«™ots ! q „ t business belo.e the nomination.” N ow they are Horn as worthy, respectable an » ^ s consi>l wj(h lbe lacl pubiish . honorable men, as five ... .be State sued. , ^ a h ^ c commenc'd as the Rev. James Davts, of Heard county indj ’ ah , nU „ )e j^ t A iL laxt? a minister ot the ebureb, to which ^ d ,‘ e3 this statement that the Com- dcnominal ton I bel.eve Major Cooper pro- , dl . tcrmil;ed , fesses lo belong ; Britain Sims, Sett., bena- : 1 . to wind up lor the ‘'sim- ny went into operation on me 1st January, 1839, after paying 10 per cent, premium for lumbo-; persons from different part soft: e ^ c! , ar eharle'r; since that Ume they State, met by me casually ... Mtlle.lgev.lle , h made dlvuK ’ m!s 0 f 49 per cent, on during tbe session ol the short- , „ i|a , s , 0L . b , eaving afl ^ r paving f or ly before my leaving home lor this placq - I l|l( , jr c ‘, )s|rIer) 39 ’ per Cl nt ) or frorn j line to “ Mii.i.rctvir.T.E. Ga., Nov. JO, 1840. j ten per cent, per annum that I*, they Mr. Stephkxs—I take this opportunity of! realized in a little over four years, nearly SADDLE AND HARNESS MARINO. TI1F. Subscribers take this method of making known to tbe public, that they have open ed doors east of the Herald Of fice, where SADDLES and HARNESS will be made and repaired in neat and workman like manner, and on the must reasonable terms for Cash. D. B- McCOLLOUGH et CO. January 12, 1844. 3tl0 Tin Ware and Sheet Iron MANUFACTORY, LAGRANGE, GEORGIA. IfTILLIAM WOOD takes this method of \\ returning his thanks to the citizens of Troup and the adjoining counties, for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him for Ihe past six years, and would respectfully solicit a continu ance of the same. Ashe has greatly reduced bis prices, persons wishing any articles in bis line of business, can obtain bargains, for Cash, by giving him a cull at bis old stand opjtositp the Globe Motel. Rcpsiirilljtf done at short notice. (O’ Feathers, Tallow, Beeswax, and old Pew ter. taken in exchange lor Tin Ware. Sept. 21, 1843, bin*-’ WM. H. McKLEKOY & CO., lYctimipka, Alabama. rj3IIE Subscribers are now receiving, direct B from tbe North, a snleudid stock of GOODS, till, district of Troup county—also 2 horses and j (; 0 „ r ( „f Meriwether county, when sitting for a two-horse wagon and harness: levied on a!< Ordinary purposes, for leave lo sell dl tlie lands the property of Charles Roberson, to satisfy a #|ld negroes belonging to the Estate of David fi. fa. trout Ttoup Superior Court, iu favor of Watson, late of said county, deceased. John Douglas, vs. Joseph Laws and Charles Uo- | JOHN WATSON. » , , , berson. Property pointed out hy plaintiff Is:- j JOSEPH WATSON, i vy made and returned by the former Sheriff Gold Hill. Meriwether co. J 4ml6 HENRY FAVER, Sh’ff. t Dee. 21. 1843. J January 30, 1844. 22 , 1 ‘ — j TyOUR MONTHS after date.,application MORTGAGE SALE. j will he made to the honorable-the Interior At the same place, on the first Tuesday in A- Court of Troup county, when sitting for ordi- PRIL next, the following property will he sold: ' nary purpose*, for leave to sell all tlje real estate One negro woman by the name of Lucy, about. and two negroes, Henry and Plra-fie, belonging twenty years old. and her hoy child hy the uame ; to the Estate of James Gleun. decei.ed. of John, about two or three years old : levied on j SARAH GLENN, Adtn'x. us the property of Jacob Richnrsmi, to satisfy a January 3, 1844- i mortgage fi. fa. from Troup Inferior Comtjn V, ol R MONTHS after datefapplicuthm lavor ol James M. Amos, t s s.i d Jacob Rtchar- L .„ , j fo ,|, e honorably the Inferior on Levy made .ml returned to nm by former j ^ llrtofTt0 )COnmv . whe „ siting f„r ordi- t w, f Hr ' Nia 1 A ' LK ’ Sh i ! nary purposes. Tor leave lo sell alt tire negroes January SO, 184 f. Z2 Esla , c „ f Henry Duan. late of I)aU;i!> county. Alabama, dtccwii, for the bene fit of tbe heir* and creilitor* of wi4 Jtcend. WM. DOU4S1IBRYY A4m r r. December 164*1. ’■ IS the charter ; , [ |lrery J | lir ' cas i, exclusively, they are enabled to sell, at wholesale and retail, very cheep for cash Inducements will he offered Couutry Mer chants who may call. WM. II McKLEROY & CO, * Wo concur in the above st.iternent, ‘ ANDREW J. BERRY, “ 11. It. IIAIUUSON.” • I have seen a certificate corresponding known to jur laws.; just a few days hetore his nomination suspended operation, or “quit business,” as he says: that lie might pass himself off amongst you as a pure Democrat—opposed to all privileged orJers —and nothin!? hut a “plain Murray county farmer?" Of this, also, you may be tbe judges. . . The next matter to which I direct your j every re-pect wffh the above described one, attention, is what appears “secondly” in his j signed order or classification of mistakes. In this j l-ooper, he quotes my language as follows: “The ; evidently profits of such an in St tin lion as that in | which Mr. Cooper’s capital was invested, “4>>:\rSik: I have seen some of the certifi- depeniled greatly upon the derangements [ c; ,| P , ,,f deposite isstrod by the Western lusnr- of the currency and tlie evils attending it. j ;,„ce amt Trust Company of Columbus, and r.e- Buying and selling exchange and purchas j collect to have received one of the denouiina- ing depreciated paper, or taking it at enor- - tiou of twenty dollars. 1 received and paid it mous discounts, necessarily became the i "ut as money. In their general appearance great source of its profits. With a good comprising very nearly every article of Mer chandise Jor winch there is any demand in the aytng to you, that I have seen the address of the j rent ner annum independent f ,VI country. Their purchases having been made A- »«»; ‘z tZ„S,L" Z,TZ £cZtr, r ™“ 8W **• Western Insurance and Trust Company. One i in ISiO. s\%nt Q by Manx A. _ 00 V of tlie*>e issues, or certificates of deposite. I have I ‘ *bat I now have btiore me, was JorltJ- seen : it was signed by Mark A. Cooper as Pre-1 three thousand eight hundred aJid fijty sklent, and had all the appearances of paper mo- | dollar#! And yet lie says* for the noy, or mnDethiiig intended Ibr ci.culaiion. It j pje reasbii” they did not make more than was printed or engraved on such paper as bank j ^V/,/ % )er cent., they determined to k ‘fjuil bills usually arc; was ol the denomination «**! bo^ine^s l” UneniDeu* riift perdete pri* twenty dollars; was mi.nbe.ed, and had die j nm ( l, menla i. VVI.y, I have iu my usual appearance of bank notes. 1 , - r \.- n < ftalilp » nnn 11 ••JAMES n\VH ’* * jiosseaston a letiei tromas re?pi ctaoie a man 1 in. Columhus, staling “rhal lit “ Mii.i eobevii.i.e, Ga., Nov. lf>, 1843 IJr. Stepheks—At your request, I stole to . . you that I h ive seen one of the issues «f the j equivalent to about 19 per cent, f.urlv o;ti- VV esturn Insurance and Trust Coinpauyof Co- [ culaled—that is what they charged him lumbijs, under the name of certificates of depo- j w [ len tliey got a paper of iti.s without his .w ,ta ‘“*sr'r — The dei.ou.ina'iou was twenty doKurs. and,from I Had quit hu-.ness , lor h.s own fit P» appearance, seeiiicdcvi.lei.ttv in fi xoEbforc.a-1 per ( 1 he Columbus Enquirer) published cuLATiciN. "BRITAIN SIMA, Sea.” ‘ the tact long ago, and complimented the ' managers of the Company in the warmest manner for their conduct and manage ment.” Now how does this consist with the following extract from that very compli ment to which he alludes: “ We have,” said the editor of that Whig paper, “ from as nvi-s in ...Ml w.v usual rates of that Company in doing busi ness was lo per cen'. discount, which is rim ratioraBe L ^ a ax» Commission Business, havanituli, Ga. TF3 HE subscriber tenders his services to his IL friends, aud the public generally, in the above business. For many years past he has been natively employed in this city, conducting the various branches of trade, intimately con nected with the interest of planters. He pledges his personal attention lo matters entrusted to his Snyder, l.nthrop & Meritt, Hiram Roberts, Jas. B. Bailey, Jas. K. Redd, November 15, 1843. •! Savannah. LaGrange, Ga. oil I J IE3TLOOK AT TH/S.4X % Our patrons arc respectfully informed respect with the above described one, and i * ' i , , , ;,,n 4^ Our natrons arc respectfully informed V 5 , as well as I now recollect, hy Mark A I the first, Iredy C° n di3nned g. , ^ iba we Imre on hand a good assortment £ r. President From its character it was ’ of tins L uni patty. VV e have bomstty oe j , -j- yp p /lrr note preparing 4C- illy designed for circulation. ! lievt-d the Charter was founded upon J”) - j f r ‘ff tf reception of 5t!(l tbs. of ncic Jtowe sOj, • Nov. 18,1843.” "J. A. MERIWETHER oper principles, and granted undue privi- j ^ ^T.vwi- out as monc thev resembled hank notes, being engraved on national currency of equal value ibroughon. 1 ftr . a *P ec ! tic ««"* the Union, such an mstitutiou. doing >u. i, "" d '< “'••’ered. Il.ey cer.a.nly nir u.iiu.., ,uc . . r „ i t 1 <b»I mil ro.-einb!e ordinary eeriilicateA ol depo- a business, could not exist. l o w neii te | s - ;p . alld j know that ihe opinion pretailed *en- tnakes this unanswerable teplv : liere ; i v with tli.j people of Columbus, that they are three untruths, which charity wi't tni- j were intended for circulation, and to answer the pare fo Me. Ste^•h<■as , ignorance of i’Vsi-} purpose of brink notes } bate no persona) ness rather than lo a disposition wilfully to i knowledge < pervert. Being thus ignorant of the prac- ; leges, while it h creation of a d VV'e art r juiced, titer, fore, whatever may ! have iudui ed it, at the winding up of- the 1 nstitution; we sincerely hope another of such character w ill never he established.’’ Now 1 suppose that it will require n thing short of another extraordinary effort ot Major (hiopet’s peculiar powers of logic to convince ordinary understandings that there is much iu the above extract ol warm phnieol towards hi nagrmcnl. Again Major Cooper says that he had nothii g to do in oh anting that charter} j that my “ Bank VVh g friends mainly pro- • cur. d it,’’ Now how does this consist with tin fact, (-ee tlie jonrnals of li»e L-glsia- 1 ture of 1830, wli ri it was granted,) that it I For further evidence in confirmation of,' vas presented hy a Democratic numb’i ■I i enor (the late Mr. Gordon, ot Ghaihain.) MERIWETHER SALES. W ILL be sold, before the Courthouse door m Greenville, Meriwether county, on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, within the legal hours of sale, tlie following property, to wit; Three hales of Cotton : levied on as the pro poly of John Wells, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued F OUR MONTHS after date, application will be made to the Ilonoraht? the Inferior nmy oi j iffiu .re..*, ... n,....., .. Court of Troup county, when sitiiugforOrdi- from the Superior Court of Meriwether county, nary purposes, for leave t» sell t'te real estate in favor of John Wright vs. John Wells. belonging to fire minor children ef Jno. E. Daw- son, situated in Morgan county, f JNO. F.. D AW SON,i Guardian. Deeemher 25. 1843. 17 EDWARD GRESHAM, Sh’ff. January 29,1844. 22 At the same time and place will be sold William IL Coker’s interest in Ihe following lots of land, to wg^iiUrjU Jill,IjHIil and ttKlti the 11th dis trict of ongmally 1 roup,T ot& purpo8e4> ,„ r , Pave j 0 , » (lie Land amT now Meriwether co«u.ty-the satd Coker s into- | 0 f the Negroes of the EstSe or William rest in said lauds being sixty stx at.d three-foiirths | ^ U|e of C8tul , .reused, for the acres - levied on to saltsfy a fi.-fa. issued from f ^ ^ R „ d cre J dilor , V r ^ esla)B . the Inferior Court ol Mertvvelher county, m fa-1 JOSIAII EVANS Adm’r F OU w ill he made to tho HomRiMa the Infe* IfiB *u vor of M. & P. G. Sinqoefield vs. William H. Coker and William Mitcham. Property poiuled out by William Mitcham. Also, the sooth half of lot of land number 139, in the 9th district of originally Troup, now Me riwether county: levied on as ihe property of Precious Coker, Guardian of the orphans of Thomas Coker, deceased, to satisfy sundry fi fas. from a Justices Court, of Meriwether coun ty, Robertson A Leslie vs. said Precious Coker, Guardian as aforesaid. Also. James II. Burge’s interest in a house and lot in the town of Greenville, Meriwether county, known as the Tavern formerly occupied by D. C. Rose, to satisfy two small fi. fas from a Justice’s Court in Newton county, in favor of I’slier and Anderson vs. James II. Burge. Lew made and returned hy a Con table. ‘ FREEM AN W. BLOUNT, D. Sh’ff. January 30, 1844. K» Nov. 8, 1843. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE 1 3OUR MONTHS after dale.-application vvill he made to the Ilonorable-tlie Inferior Comt. when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for Letters of Dismissal from the farther Executor ship npon the Estate of Thomas Iztverett, Sr. f deceased. All Persons interested, will hereby take notice. GIDEON LEVERF.TT, Executor. LaGrange, Ga., Oct 20, 1843. 8 F OUR MONTHS afterdate application vvffT tic made to the Honorable the Inferior Court ol’Tronpeoutity, w hen sitting for ordina ry purposes, for leave to sell a part of tlie real E-tate ami Negroes belonging to ilia Estate of Walkei Horton, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. JEREMIAH HORTON, Adm’r. Tronp county, Sept. 4, 1843. t ) CJI:0 IC4s f Troup County t W HEREAS Charles Davis, applies to me for Letters of Administration upon the MORTGAGE SALE. At the same place, on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, will be sold, the following negroes: James, a hoy twelve years of age. Sal, about fourteen years of age, tfuimine, about sixteen years of age, and Berk, about twenty-one years , ^ . , of age: levied on as the property of Joel Guyse, - Estate of Jnsltua Davis, Sen., late of this eonu- lo satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. issued from Merivve- b v ■ deceased. tber Inferior Court, in favor of William IJ. A- These are therefore to cite the k.ndred and lexander vs. Joel Guyse and assigned lo David creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at C. Rose. F. W. BLOUNT. D. Sh’ff. ! my office within the tune preserihsd by law, theta January 30. 1844. , ami there to show cause, if any they have, why — ’—1—1 V-— 1 said letters shall not be granted. HARRIS COUNTY. Given under my hand, at uffitre, this 18th day W ILL he sold, before the Courthouse door ; °f January, 1844. in the town of Hamilton, Harris county, | ™*> WILEY W IL8QN, c. c. o, within the usual hours of sale, on the first Tees-: ‘ day in March next, the following property, to wit: Lot of land adjoining the place where Thus. McKee now lives, 18th district; as the property of said McKee, in favor of Clayton Miller, S S : Jones vs said McKee. 145 acres of laud. No not known. 18th district. JIAKCELLU8 STANLEY, Attorney at Law, LA GRANGE, GEORGIA, it. At the same time and place, vvill lie sold, Jim, about 25 years old; Richard W. Fox’s j reception of 5011 Ms. of ne.w Book Q „ . i ip,,—which icill enable us to undertake ^ held out temptations to the , fi „if kinds of Printing, iu Books, Pnwph- X iugcrous monied monopoly. | J lets, Circulars, Handbills. Curds, Blanks, fi . , V’ & e . All of which trill he done on mode- 'F property, m favor of \V in L West, vs said 4 ox. j ruts terms. ‘F tody, 35 years old; as the property of Asa It YlflLI. " <88 j Harrison, in favor of Shitnmey Black vs said j T f Ha LtIE BE.EVA'S, for four quires, or nt*>re. writ printed, at 75 rents per noire, eg. j* likewise an hand, an assortment of Li 'tt t -xt- qb Vn V' r Cards. 4* li e solicit mr friends to give us a rod. X etitutio.i or iti’u.a- ’• ^ % 4 ^ 4 A-;('] Will attend, for the transaction of business, as the properly of James M McGehee, in favor at the Office of O. A. Bull, E*o. of John 11 Paibaui and others vs said McGehee. j January. 1844. , ; 3m18 W. A. BEDELL, Sh’ff. | — fij - C. A A. C. FlilfHELL, Attornies at Law, LAGRANGE, G.{. practice in the Coweta Circuit, anil I V v Harris County, of the, Chattahoochee llarrison I Circuit, and Cliamliers Comity t'vjiirts, Ala. Lot of land whereon John A Lyon now liv- u the 5tli district, in favor of Nicholas White vs ; faithfully attended to. ID* All business entrusted t4 them will bo _ ! of the intention of the Company ill innig such certificate*, and give yon only the iprcs.-ion made on my own mind, ami tlie opi- vith whom I It: all - conversed on the subject. Respectfully, &o.. “ \V. S. CHIPLEY.” tical operation of banking and bank paper money, it is no wonder lie details fro.n other men’s speeches and books the mis conception of lire good effects ol a United iStates Bank, hoping to mislead honest men. whose every interest is opposed to if which is ail he says in relation to it. lie does not point out in what the three un truths, or any one of them, consists. He does not say that his institution did not —, = deal ill exchanges, for he knew that such the same to which he alludes when he says ‘ V,,., [>.,,nocrals and but five VVhi was one of the ubj -cts of its charter. lie , tuat I “ought to have known the Company '* - does not say that it did not purchase d- pre- j had quit business.” To this point I ask E But I will pursue these inconsistencies ciated piper and notes at enormous dis- i your particular attention: for (as M^jor: no farther; and in directing vour attention counts; for he knew that tho-e who had j Cooper could doubtless easily settle this ! to them, I shall not imitate the example of lost in tins kind of operation sixteen or j matter if he would, by producing one of, Major Coopejr in characterizing them as Mail Arransremciit. Post Orrtcit, LaGrange, J in, 1,1841- Pasttrn Mail Due Tuesday, Ttinrsday. Saturday, at 9 A M, C loses Monday, Wednesday. Friday, at8 AM. Western Mail Due Monday. Wednesday, Friday, at 9 AM. Closes Tuesday, Thursday. Saturday, at 8 AM. Northern Mail Due Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at 0 PM. j Closes Monday, Wednesday. Friday, at 5 I’M. Southern Moil Due Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at 7 PM. Closes-Monday. Wedue-Jay. Friday, at (i I’M. Cham hers C. II. Mail Due Wednesday, at 5 PM. Closes Thursday, at 0 AM. Houston Mail Due Saturday, at II AM. Closes Saturday, at 10 AM. WM. C. D. COOK. P. M. his own great abilities (which on such oc- j he has not veoluied to do, but choo-es.ra-: well suited to bis character and taste, upon casion* ttev t fail him) in an extra effort at ther to shelter himself under a denial, in ; which I have no disposition lo encroach.— the consciousness that none ot them are For however little respect I may have :for him, I nevertheless feel too rftucb for you and myself to resort to such a course. I therefore only present his statements con trasted witb/acG, and leave you, so lar as terms or epithets are concerned, to make the proper application. ALEXANDER II. STEPHENS. Wxstttxe rox, D. C. January 2tl, 1844 reasoning; the result of which is the mas .... . terlv ar 'naenl above. I have given it in I now hi ctrcula’ton, or accessible for mspec- full to do ample justice to the comprehon-1 ti jn) l wish tosliow him doubly condemned stveness of his intellect. Major Cooper is J out of “his own mouth.” He says in h.s «aid to be a financier, and to be deeply | address that these certificates were not in- versed in the art and mystery of ! unking, ten Jed for circulat.oo, but were only given I shall not moot that quistio,. with him.- I ‘ upon a deposite of gold and silver as an He certainly claims to himself some supe- evidence of u”-never exceeded tue sum rtor knowledge of the sort ; a id I expect j ol ^ 1,009 or ^>5.000; that this • wa* the MORTRXUK SAf.K*. Willtw sob I. on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, before the eourt house door iu LaGrunge. Troup couuty, Ga., within the legal hour* of sale, the following property, to wit: ParJs of tots of land numbers 47. SB. 82, in the 4th’ district of Troop county: levied on a* tlie property of William M. Fincher, to-sati*iy a inortgago li. fa. issued from Troup Superior Cdnrt, in favor of Cbitrles C. Bailey v». William M. Fi teber. Property pointed out in said mort gage i. fa- S s 8. J. TIWMPSON, Sh’ff. Jan. 3, 1844. ' - said l.von. I0H acres of land, lot 217. 20th district; levied on as tlie property of Spencer Reynolds, iu k - vor of Ceulral Bank vs said Reynolds. 70 acre* of land whereon James White now lives, 20th district; as the property of Jas White, it favor of Thomas H Benton anil others vs said While. I House and lot in Hamilton, as tlie property of j Win B Pryor, iu favor of Caroline F Suel, vs ! said Pryor. Git of land 171, 4th district: as the properly | of Thomas Kimbrough, in favor of William P j Bu ford vs said Kimbrough. Brady, lit) years old; Julia Ann It, JaneS, Nancy 5, Jacob 3, Letty fi months, and Aneky (i t ears, and Bet 10; as the property of Thos E ) McLeary. in favor of \V ill F Sollersvs McLeary. | January 31, 1844. November, 1843. uiii lylO POSTPONED MORTOAO* SACK. At the same place, on the first TUESDAY in MARCH next, within ihe legal hours of sale, tbe following property will he sold : One lot of land, number eighty nine, in the twentieth district of Harris couuty, levied on as the property of Stafford Gibson, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa in favor of Henry Doan vs said Staffed Gibson. Property pointed out iu said mortgage fi fa. NOTICE. A LL persons are forewarned from trading for a. Note made by me, payable to Joseph Wilson, for tbe snm of Sixty.three Dollars ai.d Eighty four cents, due the 25th December, 1844. The consideration for which the same was given has failed, and t am determined not to hay it. JOSlAll T. MONTGOMERY. January 5, 1844. 3t!8 ULANKS—For Sale. BOWER & PFI^KIMS, Attorniro At Law, CUTHBKRT, GA , W ILL continue the practice iji the counties of Stewart, Randolph, Earjy, Lee, Sum ter and Baker. f All business entrusted to theisjciSrc, will be at tended to with promptness. I [ whitmell J. Bonner, WILLIAM C.[PERKINS. Si’ptpinlier, 1843. ! JOHN P CILBIiASOJI, Attorney at taw, LAGBjA.NGE, ga., W ILL practice in tlie Couj-ui of Meriweilw er. Coweta. Fayette. Ggrroll, Heard. ! and Troop, of the Coweta Circuit, and Harm. I ol the Chattahoochee Circuit, j j RirsnMnt W iu. Hearing & Son, f'ooini,.- 1 giCri Merchanta. Char iestou, S. Carolina, i Wm. McKelroy. Wetumpka, AlJ. Judge Hillyer, Athens, 1 Ga. “ Dougherty. “ A. Hull, A moss & Hazettine, LaGrange., Hon. Hu A. Haralson, “ : j Wnr. C. Dswuon, Greensboro. . Wm. A. Redd, dfc Co , Columbnn, . Dr. Alonzo Chorcb, Pre..doulof toe Wm.ermty of Georgia. £ V .|toj Gffbert Cleveland. Water-stroet, N« LaGrunge, Ga. Sept.. 1843- _ j, ~ JOB WORK* Of every NEATLY EXECUTED AT miist