Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, May 19, 1832, Image 1

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r j -am- By VAN NESS, BETHUNE & CLINE. COLUMBUS. GEORGIA, SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1832. FIFTH VOLUME—NUMBER I. THE ENQUIRER. IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY, A T three dollars per annum, payable in nd- vance: or four dollars if not paid for before the end of the year. Advkrtiskmevts will be inserted at the rates of scBcnty-Jioc cents per hundred words for the first insertion, and fifty cents for each week’s continnanco. In all advertisements, the words that do not amount to an even hundred, will be considered ns an hundred, and charged as ouch. When tho number of insertions of an advertise ment is not specified, it will be continued until .forbid, and charged accordingly. Sheriffs' and other Officers’ advertisements in serted at customary rates. Letters to the Editors on business must be post-paul; and in all ruses whore it is not dono, the postage will bo charged to the writer. SALES OF LAND, by Administrators, Exe cutors or Guardians, are required by law to be hold on the first Tuesday in the month, between tho hours of ton in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at tho court-house in tho county in which the property is situate. Notice of tlieso are to be given in a public gazette SIXTY DAYS previous to the day of sale. SALES OF NEGROES must bo at public auction, on the first Tuesday of the month, be tween the usual hoiys of sale, at the place of public sales in the county where the Letters Tes tamentary, of Administration or Guardianship, may liavo been granted, first giving SIXTY DAYS’ notice thereof, in one of the public ga zettes of this state, and at the door of the court house where such sales nro to be held. Notice for the salo of Personal Property mast be givon in like mannor for FORTY D, JAYS previous to tho day of sale, Notice to tho debtors and creditors of on Estate must be published FORTY DAYS. Notico that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for LEAVE TO SELL LAND, must he published FOUR MONTHS. Notico for LEAVE TO SELL NEGROES .must be published for FfOUU MONTHS, hc- ffire any ordor absolute shall be made thereon by tho Court. NEW STORE. H J. 8. SMITH & O AVE commenced business in this place,and taken tho Store next door to the Columbus Bank, and offer fin sale a handsome assortment of Dry-Goods, Clothing:, Hats, &c. AMONG WHICH ARE THE KOI.LOWING I Rich Prints, French Drilling Foulard Muslins, London do. White do. White silk Pongee Irish Linensand Lawns Ildkfs. White Cambric Liuen Fig’d do. do. Ildkfe. Bordered do. Uerage Shawls Ciapc Scarfs Do. Shawls Gentlemen’s white and fig’d Cravats Marble half Hose White do. do. Lambswool do. WAKE-HOUSE. AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. rVIHE understood having taken the new ■ Ware-House near the Wharf for the pre sent season, tenders his services to his friends and the public in tho above business. He will bo prepared to extend the usual facili- Wliite and black Lnco Clark’s Spool Cotton Veils Pins and Needles Green Gauze do. Patent Thread Black Italian and Gros Shoe do. de Nap Silks Cotton and silkUmbrcl- Fig’d change-allies do. las Ital. and Canton Crapes Bonnot Wire and Reeds Bl’k fig’d Crapo Robes Osnuhurghs, Fustians Ginghams Red Ticks Furniture Prints Brown 34 Homespun Lndieswhilesilkclock’d “ 44 do Hoso Check’d do. Cotton do. do. Carpeting Rugs Shell, tuck and ride Green Table Covers Combs and stamped Baize Brazilian do. Dunstable Bonnets Binding, dec. 1 case fine Leghorns,&c. UEADY-MADE CLOTHING HATS, As wo intend soiling for cash, purchasers will find our prico. - low. J. 8 8M1TH & Co. Columbus, April 0—47—tf COLUMBUS Shoe Store. E. WELLS & C° H AVE removed to the Brick Building next door above Wm. D. Hargrove’s, in Broad Street, whore they otFer for sale, on reasonable terms, BOOTS AND SHOES of every description, of their own manufacture, consisting of 200 pairs gentlemen’s Boots 300 do. calfskin Shoes, high and low quarter, 100 do. calfskin Pumps, 75 do. buckskin Shoes, 50 do. sealskin Pumps, 200 do Brogans. 300 do. course Shoes, Ladies’ pmnollo Bools and Shoos of various kinds, do. Morocco Shoes, do. Sealskin do. do. Calfskin do. do. Leather walking Slmee and Boots, Missos and children’s Boots and I’.hoes, ol every description. N. B. All work of their own manufacture, warranted not to rip. July 2—7—tf NEW ties to his customers, and hopes by giving his per- fchnre a part of the public wm. ii. kimukoug; boiidI attention, to share r Qjnago. WM. Columbus, Sept. 24—19—tf if w THE WARE-HOUSE AND Commission Business r ILL be continued by the subscribers un- „ w der the firm of S. K -Hodges & Co. who. while they feel grnlcful for former favors will en- dbavour to deserve n continuance of them. SEABORN JONES, SAMUEL K. HODGES. Ox Consignment—And ioill he sold on accommo dating terms: 400 bills. Sugar, 120 sacks Coffee, 1.000 bushel* Salt, 14 quarter casks Wiue, 3.000 lbs. Castings, 20.000 lbs. Bacon, 4 boxes white Hnvnnnn Sugars, 5 dozen pairs Boots, 0 boxes Hats, vurious qualities, 10 bids. Suits, 100 pieces Bagging, Bale Rope, Iron, Steel, Nails, Shoes, Pumps, &c. Upper and Soul Leather, Syrup, Swoot meats, &c. Sept. 17—18—tf C&rorerfrxL T HE Subscribers have just received and of fer for sale, upon accommodating terms, the following articles: bushels ground Alum Salt, 20,000 lbs. Swedes Iron, 1,000 1I»r. Cast Steel, 1,000 lbs. German do. 1,000 lbs. Sheet Iron, 500 Russia Sheet Iron. 1,000 Hoop Iron, 200 Mils. New Orleans Sug.1V,- S hhds. St. Croix do. J50 bags Green Coflue, 10 bags Java do 40 bbls. best Flour, 50 boxes Soap, 24 doz. Lemon Syrup) 0 doz. Wine Bitters, 400 lbs. soil shelled Alinondsv 30 kegs Dupont’H Powder, 20 kegs common do. 250 kegs Nails, assorted efeeft,. 120 bbls. Molasset, 8 bbls. Loaf Sngnr, 40 boxes Sperm Candta, 15 bbls. Northern Rum, 20 blila. Mackerel, 350 pieces best Kentucky Bagging, 125 coils Rope, 20,000 llw. Bacon. Together wifli divers other articles, consti tuting u full assortment of Groceries SMITH & MORGAN. Mnv 3—51—tf GENERAL AGENCY AND a J COMMISSION BUSINESS, Columbus, Georgia, T HE subscribers tender their servioes for the transaction ol the above business, under the firm of TARVER & SQUIRE nar „ u _ mill are now rendy to receive Merdmiulizc and | Hj|k nnJ L - olton Umbrellas, Ac. NEW GOODS. L. C. ALLEN HAS RECEIVED AND IS RECEIVINO, HIS FALL AND WINTER OOOBS, W HICH lie will sell on accommodating terms. His stock is comprised in part of the following articles, viz: I/indue Dunil, Rose and Point Blankets, Super blue, black, brown and olive Cloths, lilac k Lasting, Hcavcrteens, Fancy Cord, Red and white Flannels Canton Flannels, Red. white and figured Valencia Shawls, Bombazettns and Bombazines, Merino Circassians of various colors, Cashmere Handkerchiefs, Bandanna. Ilagg, Pongee and plaid Silk Ildkfs. Super Italian Cruvuls, various colors, Colored Crapo Ciimhlet, Cotton and Linen Drilling. Ladies’ silk, cotton, and worsted Hose, Gentlemen's do. do. and half do. Ladies' and gentlemen’s Gloves of various kinds, Cambric Swiss.jaconet and Itoolt Muslins, Sxipcr bleached and brown Linens, Brown and bleached Shirtings and Sheetings Domestic Plaids. Bed Ticking, Russia Sheeting, I’riiuoil Bod-spreads. Counterpanes, Italian Gros de Naples, Mnsliu Rohes, Sarsnct and Duchine Silks, L. J. DAVIES & Co. H AVE just received an elegant assortment of Spring Goods, and at reduced | rices. Among tliem are the following articles, viz: Italian, lustring, sinchow und wars nett Silks; Gro do Nap und gro de Swiss do. Colored Sutins; striped Palmyreeifs; Foulard Muslins (new style;) French and Belgian Ginghams; Do. do. Calicoes; Sarsnett Cambric and Cambric Muslins! flwiss, book and mull Muslins; Lace Copes, Caps and Collars; Bohhinnt Lace and Thread Edgings; Crape and Gauze Ildkfs ; Muslin Bands? Linen and linen cambric Ildkfs.; White pongee do.; White and green gauze Veils; Gentlemen’s random silk Half linse; Do. do. cotton do. Ladies’ silk nnd cotton Hose; White and brown silk Gloves; Gentlemen and ladies’ llorseskin do.; Bend Bags and Purses; silk do.; Brown and aVeen Parasols; Do. . do. Umbrellas: Leghorn and dunstuhle Bonnot*; Belgian stripe do.; Fancy, gipsy and open work do.; English chip do ; Oil Cloths; Fustians;Tickings; Apron and counterpain Checks. A COMFLETJ^fcsRORTMEN F OS’ COLUMBUS HAT STORE. Jj| J§( H NOURSE & CLARK A V F. received from the Factory by tho late arrivals, ’ 1 Hots oj the latest fashions, —CONSISTING OF — Black % White and Drab Rocky Moun tain Beaver and Otter HATS, Of a very superior quality, making their assort ment extensive and complete. —AI.SO— • C APS, Comisting of Seal. Leather, Chinchilla, Circos- sinn and Children’* fancy silk. READY-MADE CLOTHING a t * 'lull paid lor Halting Furs. Fob 17—40—if F^pm the New Monthly Muguzine. BIRTH SONG. ANOKI. OF WF.LCOMK. Hail nev waked nlom of the Eternal Whole, Young vayuger upon Time's rapid river! 'lull lo thee. Human Soul, I ail und forever! cnonus or cueiiobim. A li fe hits just begun I A life li.ti just begun! Another soul has won The glorious spark of being! Pilgiim of life, ull hail! He who at first called forth, From nothingness the earth; Who pilail the mighty hills, and dug the sba, Who gave the stars to gem Ni;hllikoa tlindcin, Thou litth child, made thee! Young creatiro of the earth, Fairus its Hovers, brought in sorrow forth, ugh Hail, all hail I ANOKL OF WKf.COMK. | 'Flic Heavens thomsclvos shall vanish ns a scroll The solid earth dissolve ; tho sun grow pale; But thou, oh lluniun Soul, Shall bo immortal. Hail! monos or ciiKnoniM. A life has juBt begun ! A life lias just beguu! Another soullnrs won The glotious spark of lining! Oh young immortal hail! Iloltcfore whom are dim Seraph and Cherubim; Who gave the archangels strength nnd majesty, Who sits upon Heaven's throne The Everlasting one I ^ O little child made thee I Fair creature of the earth, NEW GOODS. WM. JONES & Co. H AVE just received a large mid general 119- jorlment of DP.Y-SOODS, Haril- Ware, Crockery, Sad lery, Ilats, Shoes, fyc. Consulting in par* of the following articles, viz: Superflne. blue, black, brown, green and steel mixt Cloths, Do. C; Asimeros and Sattinots, various colors ond j Heir of immortal lilo though mortul in thy birth. Of all kinds. ALSO,—A largo assortment of SUMMER CLOTHI3TG-. (cuts up,) White Satin Beaver HATS—BOOTS AND SHOES Hardware & Cutlery, Crockery, Joiners' Tools, fyc. April 27—f>0—tf Produce for sale, on consignment. They arc ill aonow making arrangements for theorem ion of u large nnd extensive Ware-House for tho recep tion of Colton,early next Fall. They arc prepared to make liberal advances on nil Merchandize and Produce consigned to them, nnd will devote their whole attention to the inter est of those who favor them with llleir patronage. BENJAMIN P. TARVER, HARVEY .11 saUIRE. REFERENCES. ■ Messrs. James Hamilton &■ boti, Nc\^ i ork. •« Geo. P. ft Wm. C. Bowers, N. Orlouiy. .« Brooks, Lathrop & Go. Appalachian. Edward J. Hnrd'.n, Esq. do. ’ George W. Dillingham, Esq Columbus, (in. Hiram Nourse. Esq, do. __ COLUMBUS Ladies, gentlemen's nnd children's SHOES. A variety of men’s, youth's and children's HATS & CAPS. HARDWARE St CUTLERY. etrocUcci? Ann <ffilass«u>flcc. ALSO, One emuj superior SHOT GUNS. Nov 10—20—If GROCERIES, For Cotton, Pipe Staves, Hales or approved paper. CHARLES E. NORTON t xnixi ±.-m. um . J I w-NFORMS Merchants nnd Planters visiting BOOKSTORE | New Orleans, n large nnd extensive assortment I HAVE just received nt my Store, the fol- i 0 f Groceries, which added to Ins former supply lowing now nnd otlior interesting puhlica-: f lom Now York, makes his assortment as com mons : ] plot*, if not superior, lo any he has evor offered Fireeim Aram, a novol. by the author of Pelham, to the public , ° ’ - • “ His establishment will be supplied as ofien a once a month, that his customers may he sure at any time of finding n good usMirimcnt criotlff ttg. J. S. SMITH St C. NEXT DOOIl TO THE COLUMBUS BANK, Have received a handsome, assortment of SUMMER CLOTHIITGa CONSISTING OF Black Bomb.v/ino CO A TS and COATEES, Do.. Circassian do. do. Brown and Greon Merino Circassian-do. Cisinctt Frock and Dress do. Black lasting do. do. do. ROUND JACKETS. Black Bombazine Round Jackets, Brown Linen ami Cotton do. Do. Striped do. VESTS. White and figured Mnwnillos Vests, Do. do. Valencia do. Plain do. Silk do. Do. do. Velvet do. Do* do. Swnnsdowndo. PANTALOONS. Black Bombazine and Lapting Pantaloonp, Do* Circassian do. Brown and black Brochilhis do. White and brown l.incn Drilling, do. Do. Colton d*i. Drab Meriqo Casimere Pants, Do. Kuan do. do. Cord nnd Rutsia Duck do. Fustian do. Linen Shirts with Ruffles, White do. Biown do. Linen and Cotton Draws, Negro Clothing AU of Which they offer for salo at low prices. Columbus, April 14—48—tf __ quill tics. Cassia jtts, Ermincltp and Navurino Cloths, White red, green and yellow Flannels, Bcave teens, Fustians and Cotton Cnssimeres, 3 4 4-* 5 4 ideachcd Shirtings and Sheetings, Do. du do. brown do. do. Do. dol Plaids, 1 British! and American Prints, comprising many j entirely new nnd fushionuhle styles, • Plain, extracted and searsnekor striped Ging- j lnuna ! Fine aiil extra fine 4*4 Irish Linens, j Russia, birds-eve and damask Diapers, j White ftitin Drills, j French,'German and Irish Brown Lineiw, I Plain and twilled cotton and linen Drills, 1 Rouen Cnssiineres nnd Cussiuetts, [■ Black arid green Priucettus Duettos, Circassians and Bomhiizettft, Cambrics, jaconet, hook, mull und Swiss Muslins, plain and figured, Checked Muslins comprising n choice assort tnent of foulard primed muslins, u new und splendid article for ladies’ dresses, Blacky Italian, Frencli and India Lustrings, Sinchew, Levantine and sarsuet Silks, Colored Florence Silks, White nnd black Satin and Satin Levantine, Silk, flag and bandanna Handkerchiefs, Italian uud Canton Crapes, Black French Bombazine, superior quality, Hosiery, a large assortment, Leghorn and Dunstable Bonnets, Drll, Vuimvt HIU.,... At.80, Rifle and Shot Guns, Blacksmiths* Tools, Mill, cross cut und band Sums, Plane Irons, Augers. Chisels. Diuwing Knives, Screw Plates, Ilingcs, Waffle and Wafer Irons. Crockery and Glassicare. Saddles, Bridles and Martingales. Gentlemen’s be9t Beaver HATS. Shoes nnd Boots, u handsome Slock. April 20—4!)—tf The Spring and Summer O F the Subscribers have just been received and opened. The stock consists of every article usually found in an assorted stock, viz. Fancy nnd staple Dry Goods, Huts, Bonnets, Shoes. Saddlery, Crockery, Hardware and Gro cerios, all of which are offered at lair prices either for cash or good paper. Purchasers ore request ed lo call and look llirough. LAW HON & HOWELL. May 4—51—3t Hail, all hail! M. 1L dirge of death. ANOF.T. OF DEPARTURE. ShriiAt not. oh Human Spirit, The Everfastiug Arm is strong to save I Look up—lookup, frail nature, put thy trust In him who went down mourning to the dust, And overcome the grave! CHORUS OF MINISTERING STHUtS. 'Tisnearly done, Life's work \* nearly done, Watching % »d weariness und strife ! One little struggle more, One pang a ml it is o 'er, Then farewclUife! Farewell, farewell, farewell 1 Kind'friends. ’tin nearly past, Come, conic and look your lust! Sweet children gather near, Ami that last blessing hear,— See how he loved you, who departeth now! And, with thy troinhling steps und pallid brow, Oil most beloved one Whose breast he leant upon, Come, faithful unto death. And luko his latest breath! Farewell—farewell—farewell? ANGEL OF DEPARTURE. Hail, disenthralled spirit! Thou that the wiue press of the field lias trod On, blent iinmoi lul, on, through boundless space, And Siam) wliti stay ftottuumei ftmu io face, And how before liiy God! CHO It UN OF MINISTERING SPIRITS. *Tis done—’lis done! Life’s weary work is done! Now llio glad spirit leaves the clay, And treads with winged ease The bright activities Of Heaven’s rrysialine way ! Joy to tliee, Blessed One! Lift up thine eyes, Yonder is paradise ? And this fair shining band Are spirits of thy land ; And thyy, that throng to meet thee ate thy kin, Who have awaited thee, redeemed from sin! Bright spirit, thou art blest, Tins city’s name is Rest; Here sin and sorrow cease; And thou hast won its ponce, Joy to thee, Blessed One. M. II. ously seen, I consider it my duty to In form you, nnd llirough you, the highly re spectable citizens who composed the meet- nigs referred !o, that J urn duly sensible of the honor tiwy Imve done mo, in giv ing my nuinc a prominent place in iho proceedings which have taken place at those meetings. The luiidaniontul object of these meetings, being a constitutional reduction ol the nnmher of member* composing our Legislature, 1 huve no hesitation in expressing my cutire appro- bitiion of any legitimate course, which mny tend to oroduce that result. 1 ara decidedly in favor of rcducliou. If th, prominent places, assigned mo by the c*«I» /.ens composing the several meetings, were deemed compatible with the official relation which I boar lo the people, I should ne vertheless bo undey the necessity ol de- clinina ih« honor proposod, while unceas ing official duties of deep interest to the people, occupy my entire time and con sideration. Very respectfully, Ac. (Signed) WILSON LUMPKIN. Gen. Mitcholl communicated ulso, tho following letter from citizens of Hall county: Gttimseillc, April 30,1836. Gentlemen—l-'iont the unanimity of our citizens, relating to the reduction of the Legislature, we feel authorized to assure you, that the county of HhII will cheer fully co-opcrate with those friendly to tho call of a Convention. We liavo deemed it unnecessary to elect a dulegntn to represent this county, at the preliminary mooting, lo be held ut Millodgoville, on the first Monday ihnext month, owing to the distaneo, Ac. Host assured that we shall IpoI proud to act in concert with uny arrangements made at tho Mny meeting ; und tho object of this ad dress, is to request voor body to give us early informalioii of tho result of your deliberations. Respectfully, your obedient servants. Larkin■ Cleveland, Robert Mitchell, Thomas S. Tate., Sam'.l. Finley, James IV. Jones, David C, Neal. To J5. Jl. Slitchrll, Krq. Clmirinan of tlio Executive Committee. On motion of Mr. Crutvford, of Han cock, the following resolution wus adopt ed : Resolved, Tliut tho Secretary ol tho Central Committee, cull over tho -names of thu several coupnos in this state alpha- bcticallv ; uud when the names ora so called,thutthe delegate from each, an nounce his name, in older to an accurate enrolment of them. The Secretory then called over the names of llio counties in'this Stute, and it appeared (hat the following 'counties were represented by tho following delegates, to wit: From the county of flalr/toin, Soaton Grnmlund, Esq. Bibb, John Lumnr, Esq. llurkc, Dr. S. Harlow. Clark, Judge Chnrles Dottgherlv. Tho Forsaken, a tale. 2 vols. Tlio Polish Chiefs, an historical romance. 2 vole Family Library No. 23, Court and Camp .|C Xio- naparta, Parly’s Columbus, Universal Songster, Flute Instructors, Hewlett's Interest Tables, Ccileriilfis, Shelly and <v«ut s works Boon's Nnpolcon, 3 void. Cook's Morgagni, 2 vols. ttewees’Midwifery. Eberle's Practice of Medicine, i via Turner’s Chemistry, , Diclint's Anatomy of Physiology, Ainsworth's Dictionary, Methodist Hymn Hooks (pocket edition.) Prayer Books (do.) Baud Boxes and Inkstands, Port Folia*. VisiimgCards, Blank Cards, (vo. Together with a great variety of hooks and fancy articles t„e numerous to particularize. Aprils# E. 9. NORTON, iy time oi iiiimui; ** fe”— Merchants and Planters will find it to tbei iid vantage to civc him a call, as it is his intention to sell nt moderate prims, for Cash. Cotton, I ipe Slaves, Sides or approved Puper* Just received as above, . sneka Green llnvnnnn ! OIF by schooner Magellan, and to ho sold ] cheap for ensh. . Apalachicola, Dcc.J&O, 1831—»34-- | gtf Received on Const"ament, and forsnle low by the sul senhors. 'll Boxes Cider, first quat'tv, JL " F 3 hlits. Crunlierries, 3 hhls. New Orleans Rum, 5 do. prime Pork, 1 do. loaf Hognr, 2 do Irish Potatoes, 1 do. dried Fruit, fi kegs Lard. 3 hhds. new Baron, 50 sacks Liverpool Malt, 1C kegs white Lead, Drugs, Medicines, Dye Staffs, Paints, Oil. Win dow Glass. Ac. will lie sold at New York cost. March24—45 TARVER A. SUUIUE. Loaf Sugar, Teas and Wines A FEW bbls. superior Lump and Ijoaf Sugar. from llio factory of Mr. Edward Bomont, of Charleston; Teas, of various kinds; Pink and white Clminpnigno Wine; Madeira and TcnorifTe Wines. , LAWIION & HOW F.1.L May 4-w^J—dq L.C. ALLEN ii,..s nECKivim rv.n stkajiboat hai.timore, Cogniac BltANDY, Jamaica and American fff 'Jlf, Holland and American G1S, JUST RECEIVED By steamboat Georgian, a general assortment of JAMN WARE, Copper and Zinc Kettle.*, Pewter Basins and Plates, Sheet Copper, Do. Lead, Do. Zinc, Do. Russia Iron, Do. Brags, ’ Hoop Iron. : ALSO ON HAM), ! A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF TIN WARE. All of which will Lc sold ut the lowest prices, wlmlesale and mail. O’ Cash paid fur old Pewter. HARVEY HALL. Columbus. Dee. 17—31—if NEW STORE. r|1HFs Subscribers respectfully inform the in- B hnbilurtla of Coluinhua and iffl vicinity, that they have taken the Store formerly occupied by II. S. Smith, Broad street. Columbus, und qfler for aide the following articles: A few hales and cases .if 3-4 nnd 4-4 Shirtings, Sheetings, Checks, Plaids, Bed Tickings, Culi- roes. Bed Spreads, Curpciting, Brussels Rugs; Twill’d Coltinctts, n good article for negro shirt ing; Uenvertcens; Omahurghs; Russia Sheetings; Ticklinhurghs; Furniture Calicoes; French Prints; 3-4 nnd 4-4 Ijindon Printed Calicoes; Patch Shawls; 4-4 and 5-4 Linen Table Clot In; Yellow Nankins; Plain and Printed Linen Drillings; Gentlemen’s rich fancy Bilk Pocket Handker chiefs; French Casinetts, and Rouen Cnssimeres for children’s clothes; a few cases Boots &. Shoos, and ready-made Clothing. GROCERIES. 0 llereliiHgej'rT B^irgundy^^ftozeiTpuoil Cider j ^ »•» several rountiex in this State; ud and Porter, in boxes ot one dozen each; 10 has- j il'Cir convocation in this Jiihcc* ,4 "* beta first c WOTES, Loaf und Brown SUGAlt, Prime COFFEE. TOBACCO. A large assortment of JOINERS' TOOLS, BLUE PLAINS. Which he offi-rs for sale on Jiis usual low terras, Drc.JU-00—tf THE CONVENTION. From the Milledgcvillo Recorder of May 10. The preliminary Convention met in llio Senate Chamber, on Monday lu.i, nnd adjourned on Tuesday afternoon.— The auioii of this body wus character ised by much harmony and good feeling ; the gentlemen composing it, giving by their conduct the highest evidence, that private feelings wore entirely merged in thu nobler purposes of public utility. Our readers will doubtless find pleusuro in the perusal of the address. It was present ed, ns will be seen from llio minutes of tho body, by Col. Rockwell; and as we were close observers of the proceedings, we lake leave to remark, that it morn than met our expectations, remembering the few hours alloltod to its preparation. We commend it to (he people of Georcia, for whose welfare and prosperity alone, il wus prepared und promulgated. MiUedgnille, M*y 7, 1832. Agreeablyr to the recommendation of tho Central Committee, llio delegates hereinafter named, front tho counties prefixod to their names, convened in the Senate Chamber, in the town of Mil- ludgeville, todolormino upon the nirange- niunls necessary to he made lor the call of n convention, to he holden for Iho pur pose of amending tiro constitution of the State of Geotgia. General Mitcholl, Chairman of the Central Connnitico, briefly explained to the delegates assembled, the object the Central Committee hud in view, io te commending tho appointment of delegates •st quality Champagne; G boxes Stoughton's Bitters; 20 boxes Lemon Syrup and l.itne Juice; III demijohns old choice I’ort Wino; Iff bbls Brandy; 10 Gin; 0 old Jamniaa Hum; 20 Whis key; f* Lamp Oil; 20 kegs Tobacco; 20 bbls. I lour; 20 boxes Uigurs; 15 Sperm Candles; 16 boxes 8 by 10 Glass; 5 Herrings: 20 Soap; 25 hhls. anil halfbbls. No, 1 nnd 2 Mackerel; 15 Pork; 5 bbls. and kegs Balter Ctnrkers; a general assortment of Hardwnre, 4c. The above, widt many other articles which they will constantly he receiving, will nil lie sold on accommodating terms. BIRD & BECKHAM. ( Colambu.s, May 12—62—<f Aftci which, tho proceedings of tho Central Committee were road, together with the following letter from Gov. Lumpkin: lUilledgcrillt, March 20.1832. P. C. GvtEU, Esq. Sir—I have received, this morning, a communication signed by you, us Secreta ry of n meeting held in this place, on the 24th instant. The circular and proceed ings of the citizens of Hancock County, hold in the lawn of Sparte, I bad J»revi« Columbia, Simmons Crawford, Esq. filbert, Gen. J. V. Harris, Esq. Greene, Wm. C. Dawson, Esq. Gwinnett, Hines Holt, Jr. Esq. Hancock, Jnmos Thomas, Esq. Jfarris, Robert S. Hardaway, Esq. Houston, Dr. Ditvid Jamison. Jackson, W. E. Jones, Esq. ■ • ~ r Hi Jasper, John Ilill, Esq. of Ivervnn H .1 nuns, F-aq. Monroe, Gen. Elias Real, Morgan, Etigcnitis A. Nisbel, Esq. Oglethorpe, George H. Young, Esq. Putnam, Irby Hudson, Esq. Taliaferro, Col. Archibald G. Jones. Troup, William Dougherty, Esq. Twiggs, Georgo W. Welch, Esq. Walton, Hines Holt, Sr. Esq. IVushington, John Peabody, Esq. Wilkes, Col. Wm. C. Lytnun. On motion of Mr. Crawford, of Han cock, the following resolution, presented by bint, was adopted! Resolved, That the members of tho Contral Committee, and iho special De legates of counties, will deliberate io uni ted council, and that tho body thus form ed, will transact business in accordance " iRicntary order. The following members of the Central Committee present, took theit seats with tho special delegates: Gon. D. U. Mitchell, Judge Lnmar, Dr. S. lloykin, Col. S. Rockwell, Col. Janies M. Chambers, John H. Howard, Esq. Furislt Cnrter, Fsq. Williams Ruth erford, Esq. Joel Crawford, Esq. and Wm. H. Torrance, Esq. The meeting (hen proceeded to organ ize by calling Gen. D. B. Mitchell to thtf Chair, and appointing P. C. Gaicu, Sec retary. On motion of Mr. Dawson, of Greene, it was Resolved, That the Editors of news papers, desirous to publish the proceed ings of this Convsntion, be permitted to occupy scats within this Chamber, for that purpose. Mr. Crawford, of Hancock, presented thu following resolution, which nfter being rend and amended, was adopod in the words following: Resolved, That a cotnmitteo of ninu members be appointed by the Chair, und instructed to (inquire and report to thl| body, what sections nr ileuses of the Con* Aim m M