Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, June 16, 1832, Image 1

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m mp m? ‘THE UNION Of THR STATES, AND THE H0VEHE1GNTY OP THE HTATRS. BY VAN NEBS. BETHUNE A CUNE. COLUMBUN. GEORGIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1$32 FIFTH VOLUME-NUMBER 5 THE EVaVIHEB, 18 PUBLISHED WEEKLY, 4 T thru do Van par annum, payable in ad- vane*: oi four Hollars if not paid for before the end of the year. AorKRTiaCMCKT* will be iuiarted at the rate, of seieatjhfic* cents per bnndred words for the first insertion, and ffiv csnts for each wook's. continuance, in all advertisements, the words that do not amount to an even handled, will he considered as an hundred, and charged ns such. When the number of insertions of an advertise ment is not specified, it will be continued until ibrbid, and charged accordingly. Sheriffs’ and other Oftcera' advertisements in serted at customary rates. . Letters to the Editors on business must be Host-paid; and in all cases where it is not done, the postage will be charged to the writer. SALES OF LAND, by Administrators, F.x*- cators or Guardians, are required liy haw to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and throe in the afternoon, at the court-heueo in the county in which the property is situate. Notice of those are to be given in a public esaetta SIXTY DAYS previous to the day of sou. SALES OF NEGROES mast be st public auction, on the first Tuesday of tho month, be tween the usual hours of sale, at the place of pablieuales in tho County where the Letters Tes tamentary, of Administration or Guardianship, may have been granted, first giving SIXTY DAYS' notice thereof, in ono of the public ga zettes of this stato, and at the door of the court house where such sales are to be held. Notice for tho sale of Personal Property mnat be given in like manner for FORTY DAY’S previous to the day of sale. Notice to tho debtors and creditors of an Estate must bo published FORTY DAY’S. Notice that application will he made to the Court of Ordinary for LEAVE TO SELL LAND, mast be published FOUR MONTHS. Notice for LEAVE TO SELL NEGROES must be published for FOUR MONTHS, be fore any ordor absolute shall'be made thetcon by tho Court. WM. F. MAZiONS, . H AS taken the store next door to Smith & Morgan, second from L. J Davies A Jo. Broad and Randolph street where he has jus're ceived (eight days from New Oileans) a general assortment of Groceries. 100 bbls. Sugar, 50 bags Coffee, 500 sacks Salt, 100 pieces cottJn Bagging, 50 coils Rope, ' 50 bbls. Whiskey, 20 do.’Northern Gin, 20 do. P. Rum, 50 dp. Mohissesj 10 do. old MonongahalA Whiskey, 1 pipe Cogniuc Brandy, . 1 do. Holland Gin. 30 bbls. Mackerel, No. 3, 10 do. do. No. I, 20 do. superfine Flour, 75 casks Nails, 12,000 lbs. Bacon, TenerifTe Wine, Malaga do. Muscat do. Claret do. Cordials, Lemon Syrup, Raisins, Soap, loaf Sugar, " ltice, sporm Candles, TjbticCo, With many other articles in his line, which will be sold on accommodating terms. Colnmlms, June 9—4—if NEW FIRM. GENERAL AGENCY AND J^jy| NEW GOODS. W E have this day received per steamer Bal timore, a genoral assortment of seasona ble goods, among which are the following arti cles, viz: DRY GOODS. 10 bales and cases of 3-4 and 4-4 brown and bleached 8hirtings nud Sheatings, . < ’hecks, Plaids, Bed Ticking, Five eases superior 3 4 and 4-4 French and Eng lish Prints and Chintzes, Bed Spreads, Carpeting, and Brussels Rags, Twilled Cottonnolts, a superior article for ne gro clothing, t Oeaverteens. Usnaburgs. Russia Sheeting, Ticklingburgs, furniture Calicoes, l'alch Work Shawls 4-4 and 54, Linen Denmark table Cloths, Nankins of different qualities, Plain and printed linen Drillings, a fashionable article, for paataloona, Gentlemens rich fancy silk Handkerchiefs, French Cassenett* and ltnaen Cosscmeres. Ladies end gentlemen's plain and faney edk and cotton Hose, Lkian cambric Handkerchiefs, plain and printed borders, Plain and fringed Muslins, Worked Capes, eowing Colton, Topes, Ac. A few pieces of Lustre, a new and superior arti cle for ladies dresses. Furniture Dimity, cotton Shawls, Handkerchiefs of every desciiption, A general assortment of gentlemen’s coarse and fins Shoes and Brogans, One box superfino Morocco Pumps, One do. ladies' spring and high heeled Shoes, One cose of Bosks, A good assortment of ready made Clothing. HARD-WARE. A splendid assortment of Hardware and Cot- lory, Castings of every description, and carpen ters' tools. GROCERIES. 9 hhds. Now Orleans, 1 box Havanna. and 12 bbla. loaf and lump Sugars, all ot supe rior quality, • 15 bbls. Molasses, 7 cubs fresh Dacon, BO do. old Whiskey, 7 do. superfine Holland Gin, 9 do. domestic do. 20 do. Cogniac.Brandy, 10 do. domestic do. 10 baskets superior Champaign, 15 boxes Burgundy, 8 do. Hermitage, 5 casks Claret, 4 do. Malaga. G do. Lisbon Wines, 5 boxes Starch, 10 do. Soaps, (brown nod fancy,) 20 do. sperm Candles, 500 lbs. dried Beef, (very Coo,) 50 bagsCofibe, 50 1-2 bbls. Nos. 1 and 2, Mackerel, 30 do. mess and prime Pork, Spanish and common Cigars, 20 kegs of lrnck and asserted Shot, 20 kegs F. FF. FFF. Powder,- 15 bbls. butter and water Crackers, 2 tierces Rice, 20 dozen Lemon Syrup, 50 kegs Nailv GO dozen London Porter and superior Cider in boxes, One superfine Sofa, and two ladies woik Stands, Manilla Rope and Cotton Bagging, A large assortment of Medicines, Paints and Oils. The above articles will be sold as low as can be purchased in the market. June 6—1-tf. BIRD A BUCKHAM. COMMISSION BUSINESS, Columbus, Georgia. T HE subscribers respectfully acquaint their friends and the public that they have form ed a connexion in tho above business, under the name and style of • > SHORTER, TARVER & Co. Thcr have commodious and extensive arrange ments in progress for tho reception and storage of produce, and will be prepared to make advances on the sumo while in store or Under shipment to New Orleans or New Y’orlt. E. 8. SHORTER, BENJ. P. TARVER. May—10—I JAMF.8 H. SHORTER. THE WARE-UOUSE AND JZOf Commission Business W ILL bo continued by the subscribers nn- derthe firm of S. K Hodges & Co. who, while they feel grateful for former (avor* will en deavour to deserve a continue -e of them. SEABORN JONES, SAMUEL K. HODGES. On Co»swsnEt»T—4ml tcill he sold on ocfrmvtf- dating term: 400 bbls. 8ugar, 120 sacks Cotfeo, 1,000 bushels Salt, 14 quarter casks Wine; 3,000 lbs. Castings, 20,000 lbs. Bacon, 4 boxes white Havanna BugST&, 5 dozen pair* Boots, G boxes Hats, various qualifies, 10 bbls. Salts, 100 piocea Bngging, Balo Rope, Iron, Steel, Nails, Shoes, Pumps, Ac. Upper and So;v! Leather, Syrup, Swoetmoats, Ac. Sept. 17—18—If SHORTER, TARVER & C° H AVE received by the late arrivals tfw fol lowing goods an consignment, which they offer on favorable tertna. 55 barrels choice Cider, 30 boxes. Newark pippin do 70 barrels Cincinnati Whiskey, CO barrels N. Orleans Molasses, 12 hhds. Bacon, 20 barrels pickled Pork, 10 drums rigs, 6 boxes Havatmah Segars, Del Pino cokbroted manufacture, 50 bores Virginia and N. Carolina Tobacco, 5 quartet cduks Malmsey Wine, 150 sacks Salt. 20 casca Lemon Syrup and Lime Juice, 30 barrels Sugar. Barrels Irish Potatoes, 20 sacks prime green Coffee, 5 barrels genuine Monongahcla Whiskey, 12 patniit barshcar Ploughs, made hy E. Parsons, Enfield, Connecticut, Cognac Brandy, together with • variety of ether article*. May 19—1 * NEW STORE. J. S. SMITH & Co H AVE commenced business in this place, and taken the Store next door to the Columbus Bank, and offer for sale a handsome assortment of Dry-Goods, Clothing, Hats, &c. AMONG WHICH Ann TUX rOLLOWINO > Rich Prints', French Drilling Foulard Muslins, . London do. White do. White silk Popgeu Irish Linens and LaWni lldkfe. White Cambric Linen Fig'd do. do. Hdkfsq, Uentlemen’s white and Bordered do. fix’d Cravats Berage Shawls Marble half Hoes Crape Scarf* White do. do. I)o. Shawls Lambswool do. White and blaok Lace Clark's Spool Cotton Veits • Pins and Needles Green Game do. Patent Thread Black Italian and Grew Shoe do. dc Nap Silks - Cotton and silk Umbrcl- Fig'd changeable, do. laa Ital. and Canton Crapes Bonnet Wire and Reeds Bl’k fig’d Crape Robes Osnaburghs, Fustians Ginghams * Bed Ticks Fni niture Prints Brdwn 3-4 Homespun Ladies whitcsilk clock'd 44 do. Hose Cheek’d Cotton do. do. Shell, tuck and side Combs Brazilian do. Binding, Ac. COLUMBUS HAT STORE. AAA NOURSE & CLARK H AVE received from the Factory by tho lata .arrivals, Hats of the latest fashions, —CONSISTING OF — Slack, White and Drab Rocky Moun tain Beaver and Otter HATS, Of a very superior quality, making their osort- me£t extensive and complete. ALSO— CAPS, Caousting of Seal. Leather, Chinchilla, Circa*- aiun and Children's fancy silk. ) READY-MADE CLOTHING (O’ CaifT paid for Halting Fora. ' F -b 17-40 • tf ON CONSIGNMENT, and for sale by SHORTER, TARVER &C». 5 piece:! Circassians; 3 “ Suporflno Bonihaictts, assorted; 82 “ Fancy Prints, do. 68 “ Plaid and Striped Domeslics; 3 “ Negro Cloth (woollen;) 7 “ Sattiiieii; 3 " Fustians;. 32 doz. blue, purplo and red Plaid Hdkfs. 1 10-12 do. French Britannias do. 2 6-12 Britannias do. 1 do. do. do. 2 ps. Indelible Ink; -24 Leather Caps, 1 ps. 6-4 Table Diaper, 4 1 l-12*dos. Pocket Books; 2 ps. sup. black Craptr; 6 " Swiss Book Muslin; 2 “ Tambour’d Book do. 7 •• " Leno do. 2 “ superfine Merino Cloth; 4 superfine Green Table Covers; 5 do. bluo do. 3 ps. Velveteens; 19 Coverlets; 3 ps. Lawn; 1 doz. Cambric Hdkfs '.l “ black silk Gloves; 1 8-12 do. white do. GROCERIES. 20 bbls. Pi'iuiG Pork; 9 “ Mackerel No. 3; 4 “ ■ do. No. 1; 1 pipe American Biandy; 4 qr. cask? Malaga Wine; 2 do. Tenerifle do. 1 Indian bbl. Muscat Wing; 10 bbls. New Orleans Rum; 5 “ Loaf Sugar; 9 kegs Tobacco; 6 boxes Champaignc; 20 “ Raisins; 6 baskets Sweet Oil; 20 boxes Cider; 8 “ Segars, first quality; 5 “ Sperm Candles; 12 “ Smoked Herring, 10 bags CofTne. All of which articles Will bo sold by whole sale and on accommodating terms. Mer chants from the cnmitry would do well lo call and examine for themselves. iune.P—4—if NEW GOODS. L. C. ALLEN HAS RECEIVES AND M ItF.CEtVIN'C, HIS FALL AND WINTER GOODS, W HICH h* will sell on accommodating terms. ■ His slack is comprised in part of the fallowing articles, viz: Landau Dumi, Boat- and Point Blankets, Super blue, black, brown and olive Cloths, Black Lasting, fieavmecns, Fancy Curd, Rod and while Flannels. Canton 1-lannols, Rod. while ami figured Valencia Shawls, Bambazettes and Bombazines, Merino Circassians of various colors, Cashmere Handkerchiefs, Bandanna, flagg, Pongee and plaid Silk IMkC-t. Suiier Italian Cravats, various colors, Colored Crape Cnmblct, Colton and Linen Drilling, Ladies' silk, cotton, and worsted Host), Gentlemen's do. do. anil half do. Indies’ and gentlemen's Gloves of various kinds, Cambric Swiss, jaconet and book Muslins, Super bleached and brown Linens, Brown and blenched Shirtings and Sheetings, Domestic Plaids. Bed Ticking, Russia Sheeting, Printed llcd-sprends. Counterpanes, Italian Gres do Naples, Muslin Robes, Saranet and Duchine Silks, Silk and Cotton Umbrellas, ,Vc. - Ladies, gentlemen's and children's SHOES. A varioty of men’a, youth's and children's HATS & CAPS. HARDWARE & CUTLERY, ©rotfters nntr <Kln«.a=Biare. ALFO, One coso snperior SHOT GUNS. Nov 10—26—If J. 8. SMITH & Co. BKXT UOoK TO tax couuuavs BAITS, Have received a handsome assortment of 371008, ClgOTEUTG, CnirsiiTlxU or Black Bombasine COATS and COATEES, Do. Circassian do. do. Brown and Green Merino Circassian do. C.winett Frock and Dress do. Black lasting do. do. do. ROUND JACKETS. Black Bombiizino Round Juckete, Brown Linen and Colton do. Do. Striped do. VESTS. While and figured Mar.-aillea Vcaft, Do. do. Valancia do. Plain do. Silk do. Do. do. Velvet do: Do. do. Hwansdowc do. PANTALOONS. Black Bombazine nod Lasting Pantakrods, Do. Circassian do. Brown and black Brochillas do. White and brown Liurin Drilling, dp. Do. Cotton oir. Drab Merino Casimere Fonts, Do. Roan do. do. Cord and Russia Duck do. Fustian do. Linen Shirt* with Ruffla*. White do. Brown do. Linen and Cotton Draws, Negro Clothing. Alfof which they offer for sate at kw prtcM. Columbus, April 14 -.48-*tf ' The Spring and Summer O F tho Subscribers have just been received and opened. Tho stock consists of every nrlicla ulunllv found in nn assorted stock, viz. Fancy and staple Dry Goods, Hats, Bonnets, Shoes, Saddlery, Crockery, Hardware nml Gro ceries, uli of which are offered at fair prices either for cash qr good paper. Purchasers arc request, ed to call and look through. LAWllON & HOWELL. May 4-51—31 and stamped Baize Dunstable Bonnots 1 case fine Leghorns, &c. READY-MADE CLOTHING HATS, *c. As wo intend selling for cash, purchasers will find onr prices low. J. S. MITH dt Co. Columbus, April 6—47—tf GrdffHHi; fBHIF. Subscribers have just received and nf- JL fer for sale, upon accommodating terms, the fpllowing articles: 4 bnshols ground Alum Solt, :« W"r 20,000 lbs. Swedes Iron, 1,000 Itw. Cast Steel, 1,000 lbs. German do. 1,000 lbs. Sheet Iron, 500 Russia Sheet Iron 1,000 Huop Iron, 200 bbls. New Orloans S'.gfi, m 8 hhds. St. Croix do. 150 hogs Green Coffee, 10 bags Java do. 40 bbls. best Flour, 50 boxes Soap, 21 doz. Lemon Syrup, C doz. Wine Bitters, 400 lbs. soft shelled Almonds, 30 kegs Dupont’s Powder, 20 kegs commonjo. 250 kegs Nails, assorted eizqg, 120 bbts. Molasses, 6 bbls. Loaf Sugar, 40 boxea Sperm Candle^ 15 bhla. Northern Rum, 20 bbls. Mackerel, 350 pieces best Kentucky Baggio v, 125 coils Ropo, 20,000 lbs. Bacon. Together with divers other articles, coasfi. tuting a full assortment of Groceries SMITH A MORGAN. Mav 3—51—tf COLUMBUS Shoe & Store. E. WELLS & Co H AVE removed tu tho Brick Building next door above Wm. D. Hargrove’s, in Broad Street, where they offer for sale, on reasonable terms, BOOTS AND SHOES of every description, of their owu manufacture, consisting of 200 pairs gentlemen’s Boots 300 du. calfskin Shoes,high and low quarter, 100 do. calfskin Pumps, 75 do. buckskin Shoes, 50 du. sealskin Pumps, ■ 200 do. Brogans. . 300 do. course Shoes, Ladies’ prunelle Boots and Sjiccs of various kinds, du. Moroceo Shoes, do. ealtkin do. do. Calfskin do. do. Leather walking Shoes and llools, Misses and children's Bouts and Ehocs, of ever; description. N. B. All work of their own manufacture, I warranted not to rip. July 2—7—tf NEW Li.T. DAVIES & Co. H AVE just received nn elegant assortment of Soring Goods, and at reduced [rices. Among them are the following Articles, viz: Italian, lustring, sinchew and savsnell Bilks; Gro de Nap aud grj de Swiss do. Colored Satins; striped Palmyreen$ Foulard Muslins (new style;) French and Belgian Ginghams; Do do. Calicoes; Sarsnett Cambric and Cambric Moslirnft Swiss, book and mull Muslins; Lace Capes, Cap a and Collars; Bobbinct Lace and Thread Edgings; Crape and Ganzc Hdkfs ; Muslin Bunds; Linen and linen cambric Ildkfs.; White pongee do.; Whito and green ganzo Veils; Gentlemen's random silk Half Hoag; Do, do. cotton do. Ladies’ silk and cotton Hose; White and broivn silk Gloves; Gentlemen and ladies' Horscskin do,* Bead Bngs nml Purses; silk do.; Brown and green Parnsols; Do. do. Umbrellas: leghorn anil dunstable Bonnets; Belgian stripe do.;" Fancy, gipsy and open work do.; English chip do ; Oil Cloths; Fustians; Tickings; . 1 Apron and counterpain Checks. * A court,ETK ASSUHTMEHT OX gWilKtf ar£» Of all kinds. Al.SO,—A large assortment of SUMMER CLOTHING-. (CHEAP.) Whito Satin Beaver HATS-BOOTS AND SHOES Hardware & Cutlery, Crockery, Joiners' Tools, See. April 27-60—tf POWERS &. NAFEW A RE now opening their assortment of Goods (or the Spring and Summer, consisting of super blue, tifack and brown Cloths, Linens, Printed Muslins, Calicoes, Gingham*, Silks, Fancy Shawls and Scarfs, Ribbons, Bead Bag*, Gloves. &c.- Also, Erminetls, Yellow Nankeens. Black Prini-eUn, French Linens and Drillings, Ac. for gentlemen's wear. Black and Drub Beaver lints, superior quality. Ready-made Clothing. ColntnW, March 8—43 F.1 tract from the*ap««ch <jf Gov.•Hamilton, <le* livered at tho ihnlier girth him in Hnnibuigh on the 26th ult Bui; gentlemen, I feel that I have tret- passed too tong Upon your time. A re* flection or two, more: and I have done.-** This groat sn uggle, for the reform of our government, and for constitutional liberty, Ims lulleii.tipon tho South—yfe»,"upon tho slave-holding portion of the Unitin. 11 is certainly ono of tho most CUrioub fuels in the political history of our country, that, since tho establishment of the present constitution, it Is in this very region, con temned aud vilified for litis “ besetting sin and corse," that ull the first impulses have bceu given, in favor of such a njt> tem nf administration, »s ahull seettr- to us and our posterity, the Messings oi a limited governhieni*—the great rights tif property and perstin-^a e»rick dcraputu. jility in all public agents—moderation, taxation, end economical eapeni)itures.-w Who lead, in 17981 and who leads now,, in 18321 To account for this simple truth wo will not ; adopt the philosophical spec ulation of Burke, however true it may be, or however little “ the moral sentiment (according to bis own words) of the theo ry is to be Commended." But the faet is so, nna that is quite enough for our busi ness, and our duties. Wo have a high vocation to perform, in the effort, with such odds against us, tdsave this Union, by laving the Constitution from the pol luted grasp of cupidity end ambition.— We shall be hated, just in proportion as we are respected, end our principles aro known to be true and fbarodi Tho edge of a greot And responsible moral trust,* which we fiud in our hands, and for which wo are in no degree responsible, will bo turned against us, in all the forms by which fanaticism, on tho oue side, and political hypocrisy and ambition, on the Oihet, can give a torn;ling acuteness to this weapon: We tire flung now into a caste which none are .permitted to occupy but Ourselves. The Government pro ceeds on ilie.stcady policy of exercising a 20,000 beat havanna Segars. wholesome moral discrimination between Tlie abovp, together with hia stock on hand what is called, in the *Cunt of the day, isthe beat aiwortmonl over offered in this market, slave labor, arid free labor—and we ha vu all of which will bo sold low for cask or approved • payer. C. E NORTON: Apalachicola, May 10—1—tf NEW HUPPLY. GROCERIES AT APALACHICOLA. T il E subscriber ha* just received pernefioon- era Mary, Hannah and Elizabeth, arid Etna- line, from New Orisaias, the following groceries: 20,000 lbs. Bacon, 60 barrel* Pork 50 do Whiskey, 15 hhd*. prime New Orleans Sugar, 30 hbk*. Rum, 150 cusks Nail*, (assorted,) 50 bbls. Flour, 100 coils bail Rope, 100 pieces Kentucky Bagging, 3(1 ooila Manilla and tarred Hope, 6 pipes Cognac Brandy and Holland Gin, 50 bags prime Havanna Coffee, l havanna Segars. JUST PUBLISHED AND VOR SALE AT THE COLUMBUS BOOK-STORE!, tux LOST VIRGIN OF THE SOUTH, A N Historicol Novel, sonnoctfed with the Indi an War ot the South, in the year* 1612,13, 14 and 15, and Gen. Jackson, now President of the United State*, BY DON PEDRO CA ENDER. A (aw copies remaining on hand. e. b. Norton. May 19-1 IN8TT&ANOE. T HE Augusta Insurance and Banking Com pany will insure produce and merchandise against the dangers of River Navigation on good steamboats and other rivet craft, and npon good vessels from Apalachicola to New Orleans or the Ailautic cities. They will also take fire Hake upon building*, mercfisndiaa and produce. GKO. W. DILLINGHAM, Agent. NEWSPAPEtt AGENCY. T HE subscriber informs the public that be baa been appointed Agent lor the following Publications: The Ladies' Book, a monthly, at $3 per year, The Casket ** " §2 30 per year, The Saturday Evening Post, weekly at $2 per year, Life in New York, weekly, at f3 ner vear. Names forwarded with the amount or conscrip tion, postage paid will meet with prompt atten tion. E. 8. NORTON, Agent. Columbus, May 31—3. NOURSE 5i CLARK navx just RZCKivEU air assortment oh WHITE BEAVER HATS, A splendid article. ALSO,-HUMMER CLOTHING May 14-62—tf . L.C. ALLEN nse nzcKtvxn ran stzambuat, Cogniac BRANDY, Jumnica and American RUM, Holland and American GIN, Madeira, ) Metsaille*, [ WINEN, Sweet, \ Loaf and Brown SUGAR, Primo COEEEE. TOBACCO. A large assortment of JOINERS' TOOLS, BLUE PLAINH.' Which he offers for salo on hia usual low terms. Dec. 1(1—30—tf ON CONSIGNMENT AND FOR SALC BY Shorter, Tarver Sf Co. 55 Mil*. NEWARK CIXJEK, first qaaJit/. Columbus, May 2—tf G. W. DILLINGHAM, 1IAS FOR SALE. , -m BARREL prime pickled Pork, put | Uxl up under inspection at Ciacinnaii, 20,000 lbs. Bacon. • 50 hbla. Mackerel, 100 do New Orleans Molasses, 60 do Western Whiskey, 200 do New Orleans, Sugar, 50 do low priced Sugar, 200 sacks Liverpool ground and Turk's Isl and Salt, 150 holts Brown’s celebrated Kentucky cot ton Bagging, 100 aides upper Leather, 3.000 lbs. solo Leather, 80 ooil* bale Rope, 5.000 lb*, blue grit Grindstone* Mav 19-1 COTTON. T HE subscriber will wish lo purchase for the French market, abnut 2000 bales Cotton in ho Fall. It mutt be clean, well ginned, in squar* hales, to weigh not less than 400 and not over 450 pounds, in strong bright bagging. May 19—1 GEO. W. DILLINGHAM. COTTOJf GINS fOR SALE. S INGLE and double breartad Cotton Gin*, with and without caat boxes, and of vuicu* sites, for sal* on consignment, b May 26-2 ' on consignment, bv SHORTER, TARVER A Co. COLUMBUS BOOK STORE I HAVE ju*t received at my Store, the fob lowing new and olhor Interesting pubkea- ; tions; Eugene Aram, a novel, by tho author of rwhar.n, Thc Forsaken, a Ulo, 2 vul*. Tho Polish Chiefs, on hisloricol romance, 2 vols. Family Library So. 29, C’unrt and Camp i*f Bo naparte, • Parly's Columbus, Universal Songster, Fluto Instructors, , Rowlett's Interest TaLle*, Coleridge, Shelly and Kent’s works Scott's Napoloon, 3 vols. Cook’s Morgagni, 2 role. Dews**' Midwifery, F.berie's Practice of Med;eihc, 2 4s Tdrnfrr's Chemistry, Bichat's Anatomy of Physiology, Ainsworth’s Diotionary, Methodist Hymn Book*(pocket edition.) Prayer Book* (do.) Sand IIoim and Inkstand*, Port Polio*. Visiting Card*, Blank Card*, Ac. Together with a gloat variety of book* and fancy article* urn numerous to particularix*. April 20 E. 9. NORTON. JOB PRINTING Neatly Excepted at this Office. IjANI). L OT 107 in the 9th djitnet of Muacogo* couhty for sale by June 9—4 GEO W. DILLINGHAM. been told, frbm high place*, that we muit compensate) to tnan, for the bounties of God—that; us the Cotton plant does not expand its goldeti blossoms to (lie sun, north of 35 degress of latitude, we Shull not raise it untaxed) on this side of that ill-fated line. Gentlemen—hot many days since, I said to ■ distinguished and highly gifted son or Georgia, whom lent proud to call m friend, in discussing with him, somti of these deeply affecting topics, “ Tho 9duth must bo content to occupy, morally speaking, an cnlrenched camp," Ho re plied, with an emphitsis I shall not soon forfcbt, would to God it were entrench* ed." I was struck forcibly wjth his an swer, but not the loss with the truth- of my t>#n remark: We most continue to battle and war;" to keep watch and ward," for the grent principles which are lo us, " not only life, but more limn lifs." De pend npon it, if we are true to ourselves, God will bring u* the requisite faculties wherewith we afe to discharge our trust. To the Tyrolese, who hongs over the brink of the avalanche, he has given art eye that looks down the dizzy steep with an unfaltering gate. To tho Arabion,' who pushes hi; generous steed across the Dcsnrt) he hoi given a courage, that fears neither the sandy whirlpool or the hand of a foe. And to us, he will give both tho the wisdom and the fortitude, to perform onr duties, if wefeetand know that they are ouch. But, we must be united. Those of us who .have but one family interest, if I may zo apeak, must fling into tho moun tain conlarnct of that atcum which rolls at our feet, ail the poor feuds of-those un worthy strifes, which have so long divi— dod and distracted us. However due it may. be to mornl justice, and interesting to the respective^ charn.ctcrs of the individu als, to determine, whether Mr. Crawford or Mr. Calhoun has the right oh lib side, in their deopljj to be lamented altercation, which bn* ni.niust oi rayed 11*0 StatM z- gainst end;, other, how cofflpj'ratively lu- significn’.tt is (his, to the groat duty we must nil fed, of cultivating between us, who nave identical interests, a common origin, audbut one safety end one dan ger, feelings and relations, not only of amity, but of fervid aud kind companion ship. Aa a proof of .this union, permit mo to take the mellowness of this festival, as the Rainbow token, that the storm hea subsided, and that the atmosphere is uoae. calm, healthful and sorene; and that, "for good attd for evil, in wqal and in sroe," we shall stand by each other, with a steadfast* noss that nothing shall unlock. My friends from Georgia, allow me lo say a few words to you. There ia no* thing that has struck mn with more force, or hits been u source of higher gratifica tion, thao the propriety, I may say chas tened pride, of the people of Sodth Carol i* na, in regard to their conduct and demean or touching your existing relations with (I* General Government. Imtead of press ing forward with noisy and importunate overtures to you. of their alliance and aa- sistaaee, in case you were coerced, they have remained tranquil, silent, and firm.-* Neither unfeeling nor unobserving spec tators of the passing events, they knew full well, thtt (ba-Er-wident, although ha