Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, July 20, 1833, Image 4

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- lu.x y uuPMC of • stud at ,4ufip»W, lftkiionunfocB on tht third Hon- d)/, (the tltlj o/ MTt ftclolfr <“d eootngisifof.xfc B&''f)lh9. . y ' . • 1 . V * ' . TV Professor* sret I, A. Uogss.AI l>—Of'Aoabmy nnd-PhJsuillWy..;' _ ito. A B»», 1 O— 1 Til /tbWues unit' .faty/iii’MoUm*;'. |„ D fv.Kf, M !J—Chcinteny Anri PK.'iimacy ' *' M. Aninm.M />—OWrtetrici uod .Diseased' of WdjlHfll' nil Ciii'dien. ' ' , " ' A. Cnuntnil'ini, M D.—IndtfiuteiHn'd Practice pt ■■■ : * ■ '■ Paul r. Krat.MD.—lW*'l*U)« A lid George M .Newton •,■. p.-udftpdeutor Unff.De- mu’istruor ht A'lefewy. 1 ■ *'* ' In addition lb tha abdvii, tljnfcal IJetbro# Will b'« fid- lii'ercd in tha fitjr HowiUat, Utjd pic student tar pfsctirafeipjKtmce, ■' ’ ' Tim fees am, fur tha «iiyiikotl ' • , ,.JI™ Jiood jloird, wilhLiMfgvi^, Iff* ftU)ll(l). „ ‘ ‘V ’ ,,, MU , ’ Kor |mrtw?u!«r* wi# ^W«l vjWW f t i I reriuunt of Uaora ofTratyiq*, 'L.*D.Foan, NeeMuri'.* ”, •,, Augusta, July q i-j”, ,„ , „ |, ; ;, ,;;. TWIaKCW^ ■ . O F the ’) i,l 'ICAL GQLLKGE oftho Stale of South (qridina, tvdl lot commenced on tho aecond iXoadaa itt ^ucanhtmat. , . The Board q( ?rJUt»»» olUi* Urination appointed by tho Lsgistuturv, tiWMtaoftho following mombora :— I/on C*. > CoWnoi, Finiityflti Rev. J**rxn Am us J>, p. Hody-i-Mons If, Duaktos—//on. . HI. Pihck- i<ar~ Mnn. .'*'<il’«i ■i.a*U ’-i/»n i.uaa Hoaav~Na. rasmi, Hxswune- -'/f. J. TimnauLL— AIitchfli. Kiso-rJxoo* Fuati—and// A Dcuaunaimtt, Dsqmres. . i/fco. Loss (/akiltok, ui tho place ol H. I Turn- boll, £sq. deceased. o) ,• i-'n- • .Thn Ptuf-nff*"";- Of Anatomy, loan l.nwanua ll*t»nuoJt, *1 i>. OfSac(ei)i,.iotii< Waontit,/* UUmo' Of luatitule* nod Jhraclideiof lMlKide, StM. llcanr fticnaon.M D. Of ObtMricaMaiiAiOltDhaila nh Hhitnon and Infanta, TMonaa G.iFotaanaan M‘IK> > o < • - OPhtn'it Mtnlion/H*a**t H Frnat, MD. OfOhooia0«,iFtyiluiM»»4vilaKL, M 0. Ofl , hWlola|Bi'.J*«»"dluutTnia l jr. arD. Bomollaumor of Anatom)', d»o. BiLLinotn, M. 1». ClnnaatttMWn-i will be yn»n twice a week, dunng ll» atiaaiOu aoaainn at the Alma House and Marine llo« total by-rmftatora fao«T and IVnanun. ^ Hi: II. BtCKMQN. jf D. Dean IPMbtmed Sale oj a Gold Vine. A GItF.P.AUfiY to nn order oftho Ounrl of Ordinary of the county of leffemon will be sold at the Oonrt-hpnao in Clarkaavtllk-, lliberabam county, on the liratTuaadny in August neat, , _ . Lot No. »h. in the Hh Dtstict of /filmndimicounty,conlainining 250 ACRlOljj, which wne drawn by and granted to Jumea Cotter—lo b« sold no a part oftho real estate c tien. Homer V. Hilton, doceaaod, lor tbebeneflt oftho distributeesofthe said natiile. This lot, by ronutntion. conlaina one of the most valuable Gold Hines in lUberehnm county, both vein oiitl rteposite. and will be sold on ilia following terms: Oae.lbird ot tha purchase inonev rush, and one third ai two equal annual installments, with security let |ha same. I'M sale of the above lot did not take place no originally idvertisod. owing to unavoidable cirrym- ataneeat but lire public nre now informed, that tin- sale will positively tike Macons now ndve lieid. and (hut It. li.GnUible, l ninruettiwill n'lunl <oib. s „,e 1,115 •. •’ i. tiamiieFH'’ halbs W »/ at the Cmu^ Hoaae ooor in 1ST die tovwf of-Colnutbos, Muscogee county na tba first-'fUntody iu August nun, botwecn|hi: ’Usual,houi*uf autoytlie followtpg property, to wit: inAlaty ur. 'hnilMS oud onb hall cr lot lb IM 1 tdwd of Ciduiobus n..mlier one hundred am) WedtvfIye;tvhc'iKipo[i if in IJo/lund now lives — UHSet'dd att'Hiv property to satisfy two fi faaia- eoW froeo* Joatioea court of Monroe eouoty in fa ear of Norioaa Shaw va said Holland. Leviei ort ood nCMracd lo me by a cons&bie. 4po,,s, negro woman name, 1 Nancy u ‘boot’(nifty five years of age. Levied on as the J ' iroportyoflifislia Tarver, to satisfy a ft fa Issued romriic Mayor's >eonrtoftba Town of Colninbu> in favour of Seth laireand other ft fasv«e*d!Tarver AUo ond house and lot in the town of Colombo! number thirteen siUMted on the onuth west corner of Front and Thomas streetot preseni occupied by Jainea Ro os. Levied on astbe'piwp erty oflfin MulloKy to eotisfy a fi fa ieeaed from the Mayors court of tho town of Colombo! in lu- eor of licorge If Dillingham vs said Moll illy Also one four wheel pleasure carriage, one road .wagg-u, n- li e: It-ree'find otto soircl hoioc. Levied on as the property i f Daniel If. Crenshaw, lo satisfy s A h issued from the Mayorecourt ol the Town of Colnmbue in fovor of Jonathan A- Mud on and Ificliaoi Foltoa va »nd Crenahaw, , July fi ifilf. D II ARGHOVE 8 At Hit same time and place milt be told One lotoflendNn, 79 in the einthdistrict of Muscogee county Levied On.n- the property of Wiley Mdssa to satisfy a fi fa from Afuscogee su 1 perior court in favour of Sylvester Ifalker va said Massa Abo one fraction containing 81 acres with ll> or 20 acres cleared situated in the tenth district ef Muscogee county known by No. 188. Levied on as the property of Laoson Dover to aatisfy a fi la in favour of liorton Hepburn va said Dover. Also one negro boy by tho name of Lie* about eleven years or age. Levtd on aa the property of John Pride to satisfy a fi la from Afoieoieo snpori- ur Court an favour of David Terrell, va. John Pride. Wm HOLLAND O. Sk f. TROUP HAIsfcS. Lot No: lj known iu the pint, of the town of Nowaan with the improvement. Lev. J on no the property of Catharine Echols and , m Dority to aattafy three small elocutions from jasticae court in favor of Levi T. Welbomo vo. said Catharine Eclioia and John Dority- Levy a ide and retarned to me by Asa Dickson consla- oio Lot of land No. 80 m the 6th district of Coweta county Levied upon as tha property of John C Stephens and Thomas ones to satidy an uaecalion David Vann« said Stephens and Junea pointed oat by Martin N. Burch Cat). “ lainlida allornv Lot of lend No. 232 in the 2d, District if Coweta coanty. Uried upon oa,the property ol tlobbert Williann to nattafy an eseeolion iioni Pike superior court obn Neal vs raid Heb- in iliia ns y and Griffin Cook aecurity. Pointed ou-. by defendnnt Ouo negio men by tfie nmue of Dave, Administrators Sale, A GBEF-A BLE loan on order of the honorable the inferior court of Pltnam eonnty, wher nittiiag for ordinary purposes, will be sold m if - Bret Toeeday in Aogoet nest, in (be town of L Urnnge, Trhap county, one lot of land No. 22 m l ho fifth district of said ctoroty; belonging , the estate ef Alesandia Hied late of Potoatb cou n tv dceoiand. Bold for tha benefit of the heirs.— Tiirms made known on the day of aide A. flrllD. iinn I 9t WfLiteiD ! Admr' Guardian's Sale. W ILL bo sold in i he Town of Talbattoo Tab bort coanty, on the first Tuesday in October nest. One Lot of Land No, 210, in Ihe ‘23.1 -istrict of formerly nseogee, now Talbot coonty. The said land hea good comfortable buildings on it and abou 40 acres cleared, sold for (he benefit of the heirs of Hubert McManus doc’d. MARY McMANUB,Gnariian nly I 7 Ida and and James Tata. Property pointed oat by , NOTICE_ " . plainlflf. Suiirra Smith’s interest in lot of land ILL be told on the first Tneidav in Sep No7^ in tlie fourth dm. of Coweta eonnty. Levi-i ..»* temher na*t, befofe the coorl-hoosa door *d or as hislpropert} to satisfy an eaccution (, B -m (l.e toijn ofCathbert, Randolph ooonty, ngreo- Dostir va said Smith uod sondry other small fi fool "hly to an order of Ute inferior eoart of Wllkmaon W l l,L be sold on firm Taoaduy in August next, between the oaunlhmirs ofsulo n tiie own of Weal Point Troupeouoty, within the unit al hours of sale, the following property, to wk: Two loia in tin- tow* of Woe Point No. 1 in square'lettef F. and No 2, in equarc let ter J. both well improved and all the roinaining stock of Goods belonging to K. M Richards & Cc consisting of Dry Goods, Hard Ware aod va rious other artielca. All lovi.'d upon as the prop erty of R M, Richards A Co. to satisfy two fi fia from.Troup Soperiot court in favour ot William Bostick va R. M Richards A Co. olyfi D. 8. ROBERTSON. Sk'f. IIAHHIM SALrES-Wiijbosoid bo- A.M.foreUiH (’Oirt lluaae door m chu town of Hamilton Harri* county on the lirnt Tucnlay iu Augtt-t next the followu.g propcit), to wtt: O . Im f I m •) iii 'h»* 18 h dutiict ot from a joaticea court. Levy made and lie turned to iib by 4obn Craven constable Sjmuel Bftrreua Inijeregt in Lqi of Land No. ‘414 in 5th (fiatricf of Coweta eonnty it> being 40acre»in the Northwest corner of said 1 At l*u line aantp more or less levied upon an hie, property to aatisfy an ex^ca iou from a Justices court in forgun county william Jackson ys. said Barrett Five acres of Land more or ieas being part of Lut No. 80 iu the 5th district of Coweta county levied upon as the property ofThoma*" W. Carl- too to aattafy an executiou Edward ('arlton va*. Thomn.. VV Carlton IVUlht sold on the first Tuesday in September ouo 2 year old Bay fi/iy one cow a d ca/f and one 2 year o/d hoifor and olio eaiiing 18 head of stock hogs. Levied op *j» the jhropeiiy of John C. Ste phens to satnify nn cs ictui^n or. the (brec/osuro of u mortgage in f»v<»ur cf H 7 h tlntater ■ ly 1 i * A V1H ULKL, Sh'ff LEG AlTH'SS JpOIJR uiootiw *t.r.« r date application will be uihde to the^oonornhle the Inferior coart of ofthe coaMv t* i Ijilhot whilst sitting for ordinary purposi'i for ictjv to sell the roul cstato, and negroes belonging t.» tti«* estalo ol John Oneal deceased, " / JOHN NEAL, > .i, m „ I LDWIN ONEAI, l /lamra JctF, M Ar-ntu . (ifi-n date upp icatiou. will h imkIh iot V) honorable the InferirfCourt Troop County wftMi/ sitting for ordinary purposes for leav.-' i,»/l ip. ihe real estate of Andrew Hliaddin* ger^rt ; f»r il> j rtpnefit of the Legntee* und l)Y UITCHFaLL, Adiu’r.‘ ^ ii tfroditow < ilVh'DV $ mv Mr *'' f 'it* me hone .Troup a-i‘ /t '*i yhensit’i fir loavo,,. nt dll the rt date application will *i * me hunornhh) the Inferior court of when ail’ing for ordmnrv purpos-s idll the real estate with’ all Inn ne nrlginnlly Muscogee bolndw Harriaccunty know | graof, ’V -I- rbg It> [tin estate of Brittain Allums by No |27 6nntnin|0g two honored two and atm- Aeoa.nAGb. -.SWwtolt of »ho Lenaeira und cred acres morn or leaf levied o» as tlm property el iters i^ ro-pdficeased. A GAlt>». nn pMNHEpabscrib»t haaniade tu >. iu . ih t a Rev Mr Hand, by which he lets acqiii,,-.! the - n- tirocon'rnl oftho Muacogcc Mule Acadeim. duri' ir the remainder of ihe Academical veer Ho will dniinoe to give instructien in the hranche- el’ Velacalmn usually taught ia rucli Instltalien. end hopes by his attention to hisoharge, lo deserve Ilia oncouragemoat of nn enbghl nnodcommunity. Ha eonfi'lnntlv reliesu:i the aupmnt of all those whit are aware of tho groat iinponan ofthe permanent estahlishment n< - n seminary ufthis ehti.icler, in this city, so loog a* ho shall prove himself udnquaie In conduct its concerns. His method of instruction is somewhat peculiar, and the citizens .ire relitrreil In the Trasrhes who viailnd his department, and ,mended nn examination fur information fin:. JOH 1 UAKKJf. JoIvlft-S-'t ’ ~lru) HKWAUl). UANAIFAY (Vom tho Hui'scrih«5i. living lo HorrHcnmitv or* iho4ulf a dark com- nioctod f-iVivv hamvd Hurry. ho in ahoGt 30 yMirao'd haa s down look upfrakssluw wiitoi -n.tvM iu haa <• HfimJimmr over one oTliTsVyw,hHiarritdoft*«'itrgoqttuniiiy ofcluthma with him aniung which w.,s a n“« suit mixed joana cloth apd wore !eg-eirn ha , » t>Itfcely tbatsaid Aegrohn*obtain «d a plies from some innac while inan or oilier. The above toward wdl he given for biv apprehension t-,1 do livery tunic ur helflbe amount 'or his conf ueinoni in any tml. * O’C no. •tf a£L of’ll* MV eft, h»‘ t jail, July 13 DI soliTtIonT T he ro-p.iitnerslilp heretoforeesistin' mm w *lllH plHCl' __' undor the firm -A VVrii JouCe & Co. was dilsa'v- d cndie Will inst by mutual consent. Wm JUiNbo. July 18——1( • Wm. H HARPER. T ill'. - ih.rnbcrawill continue the liv.moss on the own --count at the store oceopnd hv the lute co oed, and so e rt of limit friends a contmuanco of the pat, lounge which was extended lo Wai^JoastAI-'o. CulumMs Jnli W—8—ti II HARI ER \E8 Auxilary Traot T HF. subtorib^i?j^i'-a .4 Bociely are formed that they cub now be sup plied with Tracts ) app'vmg nt tlm r-aidonc-of r j tt |, .1 HdN 3 KL.I S» rt-' Thotnaa Ingrsm to satisfy afi fufrom Harris su. perior cnort in favor of rtarali Keaaer. va, Thns., Ingram LITTLETON, WYNN, U bh ff. i J( the same lime and place toill be tM. Oiti lot of land No 141, in tha 22(1 dis trict ol originally Muscogee bow Harris county, laivilid on os the property of Johnathan Chiles to satisfy several small fi fit from a jusfieoa ccun of llama coanty In favor of AMI Butler honrer vs. • 'hn-ilhnn Chiles Levied on and returned m me by a oaaalable. Onn house and lot in the townnl Ham ilton whereon datnanl Clay lives. Levied nn :i« the property of P. G. Clay to satisfy n fi fit from Butts superior court in fovor ef Case ,V Goodrich JkCe vs P G Clay and Henry Lee. Property pointed OBtfcy P G Clay. POSTPONED SALE. Onfi lot nl .pi,mla consisting of cloths, casimorca, satined.-, und vurioue ether iniicies.— Levied on as file property of Jnmea 11. Sidchnt mm to satisfy a fi ta from Harris superior court in favor ol (C-Woodruff A Co. vs lames H. Bide- b.i im. A V. i Ul’K.I , V hjl J Iv 6 1 next, ut the court-honse in the town ef finr- ry, Alarion county, within the usual hoars of sole, the fiilluwmg property, to wit: Lai nt iMirtl known as Nn U2 in the firat disbuf oiiginalli 11 usrngee now Marion coanty. Levied On ns the |> (i|)(-rty of •'‘(aitloy Crewa toaitialy PJAHIriesI rOIA l'rRUS FACTORv. I ri «a| vblwhment ia aow m opatauon, an I is dy losell Colon yaraoCvarioaa sixes Inw fiircaau, 'The bighes: prices will ba allowed for good Coilou- exchange July. 12 8 d $5 RE WA l». ’it t, fnv.t the -ubsribar, oorno- > i , Aieil ei. n dark brovvu hay , , -,r. vit- n roaeh main son his tail ha | been cot .‘ff, ltd haa o\v . • o ye about the aixo of a quarter o' id. h,.-, ro other marks - • ' led. I will give for anv in- tortqatio'i so 11-it I . -t dm. dir,-clod 4o lames Earrttn, ofUreonviile, I'riw'eiber-•oni $ lit Idr his .deliverer)'' ft my puma cm m the siicv. -1 dial, of originally Troup bow M o • H: JUDGE JACftON. Mi" rirvothor qo. uly ft—-—It . onihe firotTuea # _.. mo coqrt house iu Lou county the fallow,eg nropen> -nn. Lo I No. SJ in me lit dtsrrrct of Li-*' couaty. tins Iwt haa 35 aoius of eleared Ladd aynn it, good oabins ani an ei'*, qiist mill, l»l No. f-6 adjoin ing Wirt' ifi „rr"« "fsdmrod land and good cabins on n Lm No. Id wil.ioo iinpruvanieoti upon, it lot No. li-J ami 101 4-' acres of l.,n*No. Kk all of sail lam! lying in the Isi '(Strict of Lie eonnty, role as the property of Thecas Hughes aee'd tor the beneiit oftho heira and creditor, of I n: nd J"c‘d and agreeable to an order of the court -fiord' . of'-ee cOBBtjr. Terms of sale cash. Jalvti-T DUDLEY SNEED. Am>. _ tip ' IvJ’ji . ^j^lLL bo sold on i he first Tuesday ia Janaary next, rd ft,'111 t|io superior enorl of AVilks cou'. y iu lav pur of Dabney A. Martin V* said Stinky. Property pninicil nut by biiiicnn VV. Van , nly I ANDKIiW ItCRNS Shf. U ' Ilk ne wdil^iftTcomHinuse^duor.mike town uf Lumpkin, Stewart county, on the firat Tuesday in August next, between lliu usvuf hourt of sale, .the following property, to wit I, ,' ,i I.hikI No. 243, in tltc22il dial, oforiginally Lee now Stewart county. , Lev ied on he tho property ofjehn M. Turner, to satisfy sundry fi fas in fuvonr of Mesback Turner and others. Properly pointed out by T. J, Still plain, tiffs agent. Also one Lot of land No 48iuthe J8th district originally Lon now Stawnrt county. Levied on ns h - property of paniel Cottott to satisfy one smell 6 fa in favour of Matphcy a , i . ,. »>, said Cattua Levied on nod return, d ,n u c hsia- ble. Property pointed out by G Iieintui.ei plain | tiffs attorney. Also Redwine Cokers interest in lot nf Land No. 110. i'l the 18ih duuict oforiginally now Mow ail county tine tuteresi being in a lease i>f said Ja*I t" «ati“fy onefi fa m favour ol twvi spencer vs. said Coliei. Lei lad and returned bv a constable. i'OSr PONED SALF. At the *rt- tune and place mill be told l nt of i i-t Nit. 143, in the I9*h dist. oforiginally 1 c now Stewart eonnty. Levied on as the property ol IJerrol D. Bridges to aatiafy one ft fa issued from Oglethorpe sunerior court u favour uf John Wood vs. said bridges property pointed ait fty fi. DoLanney plaintitis attorney. Also ono In* ol*l. iiul No. 217, tu the 33,1 district of vald eonnty. Levied on as iho properly nf Johu Roberson eeur to aatiafy one Ills m t'.iveor o ’ Suiuk J. Ilrynn Marer v«. mid Roberson. Property poin ed out by O Do Luo- noy plaintiffs atuamoy- AI«o ouo lot of land No. 14.1, in t > I pia district of mid county. Levied on as th- I.nqurly of Allen Js rinns to satisfy one small fi fa in rnvuui of Jam,-a D. va aaiJBims.— levied anil rotoTiied by n eenatabk). \ - . t wo lots of laud. Levied on as the properly of Samuel Adams to satisfy one ti fa io fa, our of Lunsford 1’ilU va- said Adams. Known and distinguished by Nos 25 and 4t) in die twenty i-i, r p i i, cf of originally Leo now Stewart county. Property pointed -ut by t. a . plaintiffs attorney. I- ulv 1 . EDWARD ALLUMS, Adm’r d, , 2?—7—4m jfcAt*'f'll moiiihs after date application will hi fl .. ,de to 'he honorable the Inferior court o Lee ciaiity, when sitting lor ordinary purposes Cm Icamto soil the real cstalo of Thomas rlughes declined late of Lee county. DUDLEY SNEED. Mm',. I NOTICE ^vOUit months alter date application will be made to the honorable the inferior court of Muscogee cunaly, when silting for ordinary pur poses lor loavo to sell lattol'Land. No 529 in the I bill (linnet of the aecond section ut tha Clmrokee coanty originally, now P uliling.ucthe property ef Nathaniel P. Bond, dec'd fir the uso nf the heirs a lid creditors of said decease '. Juiie 15 R E BRODNAX Mmr. county, when sitting for ordinary parpoaes, Lot of.Land, No.39, in tha 6th district of originally Lee. now Randolph county, drawn by the or- :phatta of Aaron Searcy, dec'd. Soid for the ben efit of said urphana. Terms made known oa the <1 y of sale. ESSE P ITT AN. JR. Guar a no 22—6—Ids A VALUABLE GOLD MINE For Sale!!! A GRE£ABLE to an order of the Inferior coart of Putnam •county, When sitting for or •iinary purposes, will bw sold on the first Taesda- m .'September ner *t th* coort-hoane iu t’airoltoir Carrol coanty, one Lot of Land, No. 287, in the second distnetof said county, contahiing two hundred two and a half acres more or less way by the heirs of JohnJackson, dec’d. uod sold for i diviuion of the Legatees. Terms on the day. THOMAS CARTER, Guardian. a ne 3—$>—tds • “fsivatk wales.. FOB SALS A Valuable lot of Land No 70, in the 9th dis- A. tricl Muscogee county, tying on BoU Creek within peven miles of the town of Columbus, cou* taming two hundred, and two and e half acres, sixty five'Of which are cleared und under a good !enco. There are on tho premises u good dwel ling aiid out houses und us good water us any in the state. The said premisos will bo sold tow for euah and possession given on tho firrtday of Janu- ar y .ext. Any person wishing to purchase will cab °n A. 3. Rutherford ii James N. Botbune. oluinhusJune 15 4 tf T. LEVI. „ i\OTiCE B^OtR months after date, applirauun will b 1. made, to th« in otipr epurt, »♦ 'l ulbw coun ty. whun setting for ordinary puriHtMes, for leave to sell the undivided interest ofJoshua Willis, in a tract of Land in Columbia county, it heing the real estate ol James VVill’iHofsaul county deceased. ) \NJLL OWKN.& Guardian May, 15—52—4m ■ A-lil'K moths after dote upnlication will bc B. mode, to the iuferiof court of Randolph county, when setting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell the rent estate of Wiliiam Beard, of said county, deceased. K. MacKENZIE r Ex'r. Mnv, 13—52—4m f 'KJUK months after date, application will be maf|e tl^the honorable the inferior court of Harris crifrbty when siding for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell lot of Land, No. 108, in th« 21st district of originally Muscogee now Harris county. Also one lot in tho town of Hamilton, belonging to the estate of Edward Bans, deceased: sold for the benefit ofthe heirs and creditors of said dec’d. May 4 ALEXANDER BASS, Admr. I TtOUR months after dntr application will be ntnde to the honorable the inferior eourt ot \ leery county when sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell the real estate of Anna Oxford. MARK M’UHTCHEN E. M. M’CUTCHEN, April 27—4»-4m PLANTATION For Sfile. r BTHE subscriber offers for sale, on a long creil JL it, the plantation in Jackson countv, Flori du, formerly owned by Uoo. James VV'ehh:— is pleasantly situated, and Only five miles from the Chipola riven—it is under a good fence, (hu buildings are complete, and the land well watered. It has been planted in ane, and haa nroduced 1700 poundsi of clour Sugar to ibeacre, aad is deemed by the neighbouring planters to ho tho moat choice farm in the coanty. It contains about 4QU acios, 250 of which are cleared. For further particulars apply to Isaac Fort, whose* plantation is in the immediate vicinity Likcicisc, a tract of 610 acres, about two mills distant from the aoove, 30fl acres of which are cleared, and has been rented fur two or three years to tames Watson, Esq. a first rute farmer, who pronounces it not inferior to the best bottom lands ia West Florida. Many of the buildings on tills plantation are in good order, and the land is well watered and wooded. t.ifamse, my buildings in the town of Webb villo, Jackson coanty, consisting of woratt \ 1IKICK 1'O.vE, 60 faet by 30- occupied by E. . Iluwre. A frame store.GO feet by 30—occupied Gy M. - —p. Ellis, Also, tho Hotel kept by Wm. II. White, a large commodious building (,nd highly finished. Also, two or three olhot highly finished buildings. Ul'urt’■ i particulars can be explained by ap. plication to Al P. Ellis Webbville. , JOHN O SEWAL laChicoln, Marc--- 23—44—if £ 'rt. It L A N K S f-.WKI'A BA- Of riu; i/ i/t srrifdion for this Office, ’I'Rrtitif trliich are c\ fi to ei,' n i-noJ drnwi Ftocntioos. lark’s Execution* all strum*, do a8aa. Bonds fiir Appovnnce an dor.Ca S»», Ball writs and Bonds, Bench WsirvaU, Uto’s Wa r- Attachments Deeltrotions, Debt. ••for ihe Mayor'sccort’ (feeds of CoovoyoBbo, Bherifi's ‘I 'ties. Jiuy ftimiu.oas, Magstrats'e Sum* B* irond Jitry Presentments. Powers of Attorney, IVttnsncut letters Admin. I'umpuraty 00 . liners Testamentary, Imtlsri Dismismrv,' W arraota of Xppraioement, . ’uliamiatrator's Boada, letorsof Guardianship, rtiaardianls Bonds, I' omrois loeiam. Witness. 1 roiogo License., * hVtnilers IJeenaev Cbeika f„r iho otveral B ulks in tmlnmbns, . ill. of Lading, •locurauons, Ca Sas Eic- rutin:.s, *cfor Alabama Gamut, LaboJa <Lc, Ape -Will bo ami „ in the town of .*4eu . n the usual boors of 10 dagos! next, the P OUR month after date, application will be made lo the inferior court ol Harris county when sluing for ordinary purposes, for love to •el) the real’estate el Thomas W. Williamson, Into of said county, deceased. WILLIAM W. WILLIAMSON, ddm'r. NANCY G WILLIAMSON, Adm'z. April 20—,4m NOTICE. A LL persons haviug pemands against the es- tats of John Onoul deceased are hereby no titled to hand them in to me, in terms of tho law, and all persons indebted to said estate arc reques ted to make immediate payment. JOAN NEAL, J AJmiuil mar, EDWIN ONEAL, \ ddsunti.,a/ors. Jqly, 4 8 fit !’,*. orw’ft Muscogee county. W HEREAS David Cooper applies lo me lor letters uf admini'tration on tho estate O il 1 id 111 Kent, (ate ofsaid coanty dec’d. These arc tlicreforh to cite and admonish all anS oingu/or the kindred and creditora of laid ■I,‘censed to be and iiitpeai ut my office within the till ’ll ee prt.’libed by law to’showcauie il'unv they have v> by said letters of ndministration should not bo granted. Given uuder my hand thiaQd ol Joty 1833. ■H— ohn Tow send c co. the c ,urt Isiuse doo nan, Coweta county, bet. sale, on tho brst Tnosd following property U-wi: Hubert J. H. Milters interest and claim in lot of land No. 40, in the first di triot of said county. Levied on as his property to satisfy aa evocation from oweta sopeuor court Wilfisrd Fisher vs said Miller and Silas Gordon security. Property pointed out by said Gordon. lions'' md I"' No. in the toaru of \evrnannow in the sccupancyof John Dority oa a Tavern Lviod on as the property of Catharine Echols to Mlisfy an execution front Wilks inferior ourt vs othonne l.chob, Thomas Rocnv John W. Pentecost agd William Hitchcock mcarilies Km ebon Bortits interett in let ol land No 148 in the third district ot said county Lev. i>d >n as ilia property ,,f said Boon tosa'iofV a fi fa rom s justices court Henry Rily vs .tig Soon.— L'vy made an- rauir, ed bs o 00notable. One I'oo.-whoel carriage aod Harness. Lev ad __ oa tha property of-lain J Wilborae, to eati y aaetacuooc from Woltoa siponor eoart M. P. Lostotko- vo«xid Wdborao. NOTICE. A LL persons having demand’ against :he e i.,n of Allnnts deceased aio hereby noli- lied to hand thetn in to me in terms 01 the law, and all perrons indebted lo said estate are requestin' to moke immediate payments Troup roantv. EDWARD ALLUMS, Admit uno 27—7—Ik Administrator's Sales. REAL ESTATR. |?OR SALE attlienew town of Roa" B. oko, situated on Uio riuittakoohee river, 3r tailes belmv Cojamhus, in .3tcwart countv, Ga.« new and comfortaMo dwelling bouse, 2f> by 18 feet, one and a half stories high, having tvrt Vick chimneya, with three fire .places. Attached to f b« premiaca, hre three hair acre lots n.oatly en* cUwd. A privilege of a Ferry qn the Alabama Hide has boc» ihtained, and to a irmn of enterprise, it might prove a profitable investment. For term", which will bo liberal, apply at onnoke to Felix G. Gibaon and Thomas B. Mul- «>rd, Esqs. or in Columbus, ro Dr. A. Clifton. May 2s r > 53 tr PROFESSIONAL. MEDICAL Dr. Robert W. Carnes H ving resumed the PRACTICE OF MEDICINE, Tenders h'S professional services to tho Public lie may be found at hia residence near Langston mills, and will iiromptlv attend all t ills, i uno 24 —fi—tf Law Notice; Jesse P. Hitchcock, ATTORNEY AT LAW, R E8PLC TFULLY tenders his profession! services to tho public. He will attend the courts of the Chuttuhoochee circuit, and those in the adjoining counties in Alabama. Columbus, Ga. uno 22—5—tf JOSXV T. LAMKXBT YyiLL practice LAW in the several i Cbuttuiochee circuit and conntict of the the adjoining counties of Alabama. His offieo ia in Columbus, Go. uno 22 —5—tf AGHILLES D. SHACKELFORD, Site. He will attendpanctunliy to all business in trusted to his core in the Cherokee Circuit, CornmnwcMieBs may be addtcised to Two Rune Post Office, Cass county, une IS—7—3t , 1 aI'IscHIlaneovs. W ILL bo sold on the first Tuesday in Au gust next in tho town of Columbos a part nf lot No 178 on Broad street 26 feet on front be longing lo tho estate of James Boeworth dec'd. •old for the benefit ofthe heirs and creditora ofsaid dec'd. Terms one half cash the balance on 12 moithsciedit. HEN'iY P.GARRION Adm'r. une I 2 9t Administrators Sale. O N Ike fir* Tuesday in September next. wiH »G odd m nurauanre of an order of the hot- orm!4 lar-norcoiftof CoweUcounty, whilut nit. tin fo» ♦miiAiay at Uie hou-«door MRS. H. BLOMG P RESENTS bur most respectful compI* meoto to her friends end Ihe ooblic in gone- rai, acd informs them that she proposes opening e SCHOOL, On Monday the 17th inst, wherein the French and English Language, will be Isoght. Also, Draw ing, Painting, Needle-work, Ac. . . Twins will be made known on application ot her dwelling on 8u Clare street opposite tbeF male Academy. ILTMrs. B. Can prodace the most satisfactory evidence if required, une 15—4—tf . Fogle Ac Foster of Milledgevifle, who t commence bqeinese the lot of October in thi ofNevraon. One nog.' man he the name of Bob pie e. The, have delivered the watches and Jaw ■old ■ ijmprojp. it> or tsewis Sims, deceased for elrv le't with them for repair to Mt Thomas Hig feaceRt of the heira and creditors of said de' genbothatn who will hand them to ownem when Teime will be made known on the dev " n '*» andnd. i eraoae owing tho firm will •faalo Wit,I 1 4M ti. ANDREWS, ) .. . > call on olqoet u.d Ftoaruoy who art anlhorkwl GEORGE SCOTT. < Aim ”• i to jettlo the buainorot 6 9t I o.aufi'.. oly 2—7—a one SI I " h© Warm Spring? Merriwether county, Ga. >HE sobocribc, respectfolly informs the ;■ lie, that he became some months since. proprietor ol * toe above, and that the place 'is lately nodergone very eonsiderable addition in the way of impiovemeet. It is perhaps onnece- vary for him to speak particularly ofthe springe oi the properties ot the water afforded from them.— Its luxury as a Bath, end its great efficacy in all diseases of tho akin, io Rheumatism, as well ae in many internal disorders, were fully tasted and roved daring the late season. To his friends apd all those wlio may be pleaoed to visit l in .1 weuldsay.that by the 1st of Jane nest, he will be teody for their reception, sad that his best ex- ortions will be rendered iu coulriboliug to their ■atisfeclion and pleasure. May 18 52 tf DAVID C- ROSE MRS O-r.AY. R EPFC1 FI LLY inform h« r Iriends and the public eeneraliy, that the haa taken the ouae formerly occupied by Gen. Bethune as aa Law office, where site intenda-to commence the Millinary Buoinest. 3he hopes that her experi ence in Ch a 'le*ton, C o l 0m * , ' ri and Macon where she was extensively patronrzed will inenre her a liberal support in this community. Mra. Gray feels heraelr dependent on her vocation for a sap- port for herself and child ahe feele herself ade quate to the task provided she can be constar.tly employed, she therefore earnestly solicits a gen erous public lo call and examine her work. r3he feels no doabt hat what she will bis able to give satisfaction. All orders will be executed with neatness and 1ft 4 tf M tyT^KTa David G. Ligoi TAKEN UP AND lodged io Jhil in this place on Saturday 29th nit- a negro man a. bout 30 years ol age, who soys his name is Joe, and that he belongs to ftheirod Gay <if Jasper coon ad in bis poset'iuiion a pass signed by 'avid G. Ligon dated lCth. June. 1833. giving him liberty lo pass until 16th of September next. Said negro is about 5 feet 8 inches high tolerably foil eyes and one of his under teoth'out before. The owner is requested to call and take him away ac cording to law, JAMES .0 HOLLAND. Jailor. Coumhu- July, 1—7-rtf _ A LIST OF LETTERS ~ R emaining in the Pt»i utticu» Columbus Georgia July 1st 1833. A. Avcrett Mnttliew esq. Antltonuy Samuel, Alsvip Anq Mis,or Godfrey Mrs, Aldridge B John, Anduss David, B. Broadnax R. E, Barnett Samuel, Bruttdnax Heu y, Bludswonn Thomas,'BeckStephen, Bias Philip, Barber E. S , Burch Robert, Brown Nancy Mrs., Berry Juines, Bailey & Gordon, Baker Samuel, Brady Philip, Bennett Michnjar, Baker E. H. Esqr., Bowling M. Miss, Bandy,Ephraim, Bow en Levi, Busman William, A. Baggett Wiliam, Buckler Samuel, E. Buyt Bobcri Doctor, Baker Isom, Bell Owen J. Esq., Buckhaunou M. G., Bugg Emily Mrs., Burgess Johu 2, Beall Robt. A. General, Brady Philip, Brown Ziba, Bryan Tho. P., Braswell Tobias, C. Cobb Joshua, Crockett Mary J. Miss, Cooper David M. D., Crawford William, Contco John or Fraucis, Cox Moses Esq., Calhuun J. C., Cowell James, Calhoun Alexander, Clavioti Augustus P. Esq. 2, Cline William Esq. 5, Cunningham John H 3, Cooper D. D. Rev., Cobb Aquilla, Cooper John J 2, Craft George W. 2, Cob William, Carxtarphcn Owen D. 2, Christian Sarah Miss, Clay l^ezekiah 2, Colenmn John 2, Culbreath Gabriel, Cush man Charles, Cooper Samuel, Cook James Esq., Comer James jr., Camp Jo seph T. Esq., Clurk James, Cady S. C\, D. Dossett Hiram, Davidson George, Davis Jas. O., Dantanack Lewis, Dudley Enoch Dunlap Thomas, Dent Isaac L, Davis J 2, Dillard Allen, Ditkermau Henry, Drier Dr, E., Davis Miss Sarah, Duck David, Day David, Dupras C. Mr., Duke Wm. sen., Disheroon, Jno. E., Dutton Thomas, E. E lis M. A., Evans William, F. Forest Thomas, Fuller Hiram, Frey Rev. C F, Faga i Bernard Esq., Fulger VV. H. Esq., Farmer John, Flinn P. VV.. Few I. A. Jr., Fulton David, Famer Mr., Fitchet Charles S. Esqr., Franklin Mrs. Eliza, Ftederick Lewis, Fulgum Cornelius B., P’ew E. P. Esq., Fannin J. J.jr., G. o Bin Simon, Gilbert.Tliomim, Cranberry Mra. Gary B., Green Powers 2, Gloaset Jordan, Griat Richard,'Gibson Peter, Grooms Stephen, Colas John H., Good (ill Klirabotli R., Gregory John A., Gainey John, Griffin A. I). Ksq., Horton L. P.. Hardoway Robt. 8., Hi nder i n Mr. E, Hastings Benjamin, Harvey John' 2, Hayshin Harrison, llauoy liirinu, Hull D. VV., Hailey, Joshua, II md Titos. J., Hussey A. S. Mrs. H indlay (Heighten, Hawes Simson, Holmes Cato a negro Ilulon Elisha, Hatcher Elijah, Hop- kina., Wm. F., Ilurlington William, Hickey Jane Airs, Huntington William, Howard Benjamin, Howard E. Ii., Horton Wm. B., 1. Ingram George, Inferior Coart clerk of, Irby John II., Jackson r , Esq.. Jaqnes Jas. P. 3, Juckadn Gabriel, ohn son J. carriage Maker, Jolly Jesoe, avis Nutlian, ool j Morgan, ones J. It., K. ag i eoige A, Kirk)in .Moses, Kornbal Daniel, ncaid Wm. Esq., Kilgore James, King VV. C Jacos Wm. D. 3, Liman Warren 2, Intnpkin olinT. 4, Liman. Warron, Lowtlior Eliza both, a lxi onerf 2, Lanier Sampson 3, Levi Tliorh re, Loze Capt. Seth, M McGlanhon Hardy, McCall Elenors, Moss K G. A., Aid tame (/ugh. McManus Mal.dti. MoirisThoa. 3 McCrary Peleg R., McMurphey Mollins, Mershnn Frances D„ McGrath Roger, Manly Jolui T-, McGee Wm , Marcrietn Jainei, Moss Alexander, Monroe Patrick, McKey Alex ,, Manen Robt., McKinsey Samnel or Henry, Miniard Thomas. Mitchell Bird B., Moughon .Ellen E Mra., Manual Sarah H. Miss, Meeliog William E., Mullallv John or Stephao, Manny J. W.. McClain Edw’d., Malone Benj, T. F., Mays Tho*. &; McGowin Jas., Massy Kimbel, Mnsina Sami, Minims Seaborn nr ion, M Coy Bailey, N. Nucklea N. 2. Nelson Jas 2, North A., o. Odass W„ Oweo Hatdemao, Odum Elkaoah, Oakford W., G Kelly Stephen, P- Phelps Sarah D , Paxon Samnel, Price r Rob«, Pit man Marehxll, Piereelrenus, t'armdiee John 2, Pierce ernes. Park Elizabeth B., Perry Shadrack, Prather Wm, Perrylod B, Paitdice Mrs. Ann. Pollard Sarah, PiUt Henry, Pngh Jas Esq , Phil lips Joe, Powers Mm Mary Ann, Pace John, Pir- kma Wm P, Peorrv Simon, Poondt ohn, Praeu lacob. Pear: 8, Pertelo Solomon, PSoer Wm.. Pace Stephen, Peabody G. H., • R. Rogers Edward G„ Robinet II. A., Riddle Brad- W ?' K 0 *"""® Mr . R“»l Jes2, Roes Jacob 2, Richards (itch, Rogers George. Richards E. G. Rirhamon Nath’!., RadcJiff TW Esq.. Rivera Ki cird. Ridenhour David D, Reid Mrs Ann Roavton Washiogtoii, K u wl«nd John. Kainray s. . . r ■ Stewart Mr, Smith Sanders, Simooe Joseph, lory Jno W2, Smith Michael 3, Story 1|. M„ d \V, Smith A. Stubbe Mias Cuthanne, ..u,res Mr., Soraby Battle A, Scutt John 8. Eso., J.nith Griffin. Spear Lewie, Smith Nath’,. M„ Henry W., '■ptvey E U VV Esq., Spear Anderson Smith Archibald or Jne t nopei Esq., Sapp Hardy C, Skinner Ephraim, Sannderling Robt Skinner Benjar, Saswell Jamas, Sxlsbu- ry Wm, Sharp Elizabeth, Sims John H, Ste phens L Nathan,Spruce /(oner T. Tailor Jesse D, Theme* William, Thomas W. R. Turner 8. F.tq., Thompson ^TownsThomaz Sam’l B, Tarver Efisha, Tomer Cales, Trawick George 2, Tyler Thomas, Tilman Jacob, Trin- perFH, Thorn. Seaborn Esq., Tate Thot M., Tanner Elizabeth, Tarver Wiliiam, u. Underwood Richard, Pence Martha W., Vance John, Vanza John, Vml Abel C.,‘ Whatley Eliza T , IfiHiaida Samnel Mr 2, (Tads- worth Jas 3, iTootfidk John 8, tVenthera Sami.. Whitesides John, fl’eraham Lootota V. Mrs, IPalls Maddox, Mn Wlliat*i Cloylon, Walker Hiram, tr„/sha,i.' J'bn « 8. WHiamson Wm. Hsq, ITyno Lowia, M*! 1 Sarah M*«* 2, Williams Stephan., (Thitloy ,***> E' &<!•• tPill- iamson Col Tho T 2, (figg.n ’ »»* kroter, frdliams S M, »Toolfo|k'- ViHiamt Sim eon, trails IVm Esq., H'alker Sittonj Y. Yarrington Nathan IK. Perrona calling for any of tin above lette.’l will say they ere advertised. JAMES VAN NESS, P.M , list of Letters JIKMAIMNG in the Post Office -M-* 1 Greenville Ga, July 1st 1833. B. Berryhill antes. Beacham Wm. Bradly Elite 2, Barnett ohn, Brinies Mendred, Bennett Mon- aired, Brans Besrla, Bonner Hugh G„ Barron Tho., Boyd elm, Baily Green U., C. Cavenat olm, Calloway Mary Mrs., Marlisle Robert W , Chapman Henry, Crosa amea, Cash- ne antes, Chapped Henry, CillwoudJamea, Ca lea Win.. Cathey Jamea ., D. DavisJome i, . en Samuel, Davij Loriog, Dye Silas, Dowell John, E. Eubaaks George, Evans Thus. C.. F. Fleming Robert, Fuller antes 2, Fuller Eldrage, Foshee Wily or Joseph, G. Green Allen, Gilmore Mrs. Nancy Garner Silas, (ir..y A. A, Co , Gaddis Thomas, G) is John W., VV-GrteB .imea It., GrennellP. Griffin E, u, .Grimaiey Rittleieo, Garner Pies ley, Grier ,W .W ., Greer olm. Gillu Angus, Giierv W W Grant Daniel 2., C, Ilopsod Caswell, Horn John, Hatcher Wm., Harp Joseph, Gary David It., Hufi'Daniel, Hobo Bar.veh, Hinson John A., Ilodett John, Howard John, J. ■ Jay Simeon, Johnson & Wimbish, Jeter Francis. Josscy Henry, ackson Hire m VV. 2., K. Key Joshua, Kolb ames, Kitchens Benjamin,’ Linnsay Samnel. Lasse!or John, Lester Wade, Laurence Bonnet A Thos., Laurence Titos.. Lov ing Joseph,Lveril Austiu, Laurence Benet, M. Muliuffay 'Ira, M’Lcndon Elizabeth MrB., Morris Thomas, MUnghlin Wm., M’GehooDavid. Me- S ahee, Willis M’Dough Aimanis M'Burnet Thos. PGrada Silas, Montgomery Simoon, Milla John P. MillerMuihiaa, N. Newel & Bradly, o. Ohara Rebecca Mrs. 3, Oglesby Garret, Owens Thomas P., P. Porter Elizabeth Miss, Perry „William, Planj . William, Parham Benj. F , Pr/er Elizabeth Mra., Porch Elizabeth Mias, Philips B.. Mrs-, Phil lips John S., Phillips A. JfPate ohnslon, R. Robertson Hardn. Robertson Lcgrot, Robertson Samnel, Reese Joel, Reed Matilda, S. Stroad Malbuty, ontell Joseph, Smith Jeptha V Straluin Win. H., Slayton John, Sandora Mary Airs., Sunders Jourdon, Sentell Joseph B, 8mith John, Smith Alexander, Stan ’William, Shinn John, Smith Isaac A., Stewart John, 8tro»ier John W., ° T. Thompson James, Thomson Ale-andcr, Thom son Isaac, Tpninie Joel C., Tinslev Charles Tt,m’ pin VV. J. 2, Towls William, 'Tucker BaS"®; Youngblood Wm, L.,'Young Writ. D, Vance Levni, Vessels John F., w. 1 Warren IK.&J., (Titclier James, (rilhama Alfrr.H Weathers Miss Ami, Wilburne WheeUr/Hrlkli Solomon., * * A. F. WALCOTT, P. (If. A LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING In the Post Office al Lunxpkin Ga., on the first day 0 | July 1833, and will Be sent to the P 0 si Office Deportment as dead Letters if not taken out by the first of October nexr. A.-Samucl Adams, John Anders, Thomas An. dersoo. Airs. Mary Audulf, Mathew Avcreft. B—Willis Bonington George Banka, Baptist church at Lumpkin, Christopher S. Baldwin Green B Ball 2. Robert F. Baldwin, CnS * c BretweH^Cndoe Brown ^ aat *° 1 gissr^r.A-piftt.jrr tsSffnLS 0 ^' Jam “ Foren '» n ' **•- G ^ fl j' Thomni T. Gamoffc, Jam©» P i»*i chet, Mrs. Lucia Gachet, Icmnlev n,/„i <ja William Gleau, Rev. N. GranthoV ” U HV»y? M Hold,uess ' Anderrou HoAjL.'"- ‘uferior court Stewart conn- tV' William Jack, James Jones John T Jotmonn Sannel 8. Johnron, Widen Jonro 2 JmSro j’ Jernmeraon 2, tr.lUe Jones, Be.jam n& n ’ Matliew Jones, Henry IK. Jernteau R.—Elizabeth Kolb. ' EuySr*' U " Vid ,r ■ Uwe ’ Rev - p i“k- 1.—Daniel McLeod, Jamea L. Mania Jnh» ro fcCowen 2, John Manley^ ”lfeS Im, K John (IfcColl 2, John Maddoi' m h «"*' ner, Miro Mary Mining, b» Mathews, i’homai Miles, Samael M-Uri^'^ g-Aloxandor Nelron, SainelL111 P-—Major Thomas Pate 3, James Pace u c »fi P«un., TolmonC. Pickeft, UrEpoli,,^ Rv—H. J. Reed2, Billtem Baney, George Ro- IK. Shuriing, Noah 8W*8.^? B S“v ,ohn Edward Sturdivan, Mrs. Ma'ry Sylveiter 1 ’ '"' Xs~ul^' 1 r n alT“ , “ r,j0tin >K T °“P k '“2 W.-Stepben R'dliante, Jerry (rhtte Ja« P Wtlke-on. You nr IFood, John>uahin«m^2, soph inthams, Thomas trillion,, J, Wlta (rcllbnrne, .-'elden H /falklev. lr,U Y'-ThomaHIYarborough, or Mrs. P. T. Bat tl. Person, colling lor the above Led e, wiU please say they are advert ied. T. M. DENNis, p. ft ,