Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, August 17, 1833, Image 1

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PLANTATION For Sale. DISSOLUTION . . .. f ■1HL copartnership heretofore existing be- rmi HEsabicribero'irerT'hrMln, an a lone ora eoV&FMmnhv* m^uailon' with this note, for insertion in ihe Colurobos 1 hadexpected; it mqst be so;—I was .J dh,the plantation in Jackson county,Tlor eentr TtanotoandrecwnratsofthecMicera ha "e* Enquirer, the following pahiful story;—its Landsford;—she bad once, I found loved For the Columbus Enquirer. Gcn’l. Betliune— I transmit in conffexioti me, My .reply, produced precisely the efedt , no , watered, ft has been planted in Cane, and has produced 1700 pound* of clear Bngnr to the acre, end is deemed by the neighbouring planters to be the most choice farm in the county. It contains about 400 acres, 250 of which are cleared. For farther particulars apply to. Isaac Fort, whose pinntation is in the immediate vicinity. Likewise, a tract of640 acres,- about two mi! is ‘distant from the anove, 300 acres of which are him With the most sacred flame, and under (he brightest and happiest circumstances— -„ r „ . — r _ ...... a lore which twelve years of misery and of erall person^ interested^ ^ HUDSON ^ ,t,e rd8l ^ er cou ^ ca , !c ^i fts he traces, this crime—ye* she confessed it and to me— July 20, 9 tf MICAJAH FELTON. »hort tale of misery, any of the feelings which twelve years, of misery and of crime WurTtAArtn «„ nn wh,ch P assed ‘‘‘rough my bosom on that had oot extinguished; ** iTA.Vrijnfl, 9 occasion, my Object will be accomplished She scarcely heard my reply, be fere she CULLi MBLS, GA. should some lovely female, be balancing, said, “t cannot be mistaken— but in mercy T HE subscribers respectfully inform the pub- between virtue and vice, this record may to oue, who is miserable and wretched do he that theyhave taken a store house sit- save her from u life of infamy aod siihme; not deceived me,—my future haooineu uaied on front street, between ( rawford and „„ “V luwire Happiness •cleared, and has been rented for two or three Thomas street, and immediately in the rear of , ° U,d *°'" e ca “- u,a ‘'?g |a‘her Or mother, depends upon knowing the truth.Muy neart, years to James Watson. Esq. a first rate funner, Tarver’s hotel. They design keeping a general “ e on , “* e e y e °‘ jhrcing a daughter into H as rugged as it most be, would be smoothed who pronounces it not inferior to the best bottom assortment of Vehicles of all descriptions: con- revolting Union, this tale may stay the un- to the grave, if 1 <*ould me bud Convert* taniie in West Florida. Many or the buildings stating of coaches, Barouche gigs, Tilburries- hallowed injunction—which like the Upas with him, once again,—thooch them i, Z ■onthii plantation are in good order, and tho land Buggies, Gigs, Sulkies, &c. They have also tree 8 i^, d , _ u. 1 i„f..i j Miohtino ;Jt„ • ui’ i i u 1 , r ® M 90 is well watered and wooded. made an arrangement with spme of the most emi- , and Dllgnliug innu* impassible gulph 9 between me aid him, I JjikcKisc, my buildings in the town of Webb nent Mnnufacioring Establishments of theNortb, ence » orer a daughters happiness. Such should be happy, to let bins know, that I Ville, Jackson county, consisting of where they can at all times hsve articles built to has beei the fate of the object of this Story; have loved him to the end Him KU L,,,. JOSL A BRICK 3TO RE, 60 feet by 30— order to suitthe purchaser, or no sale. its mol >1 is of high Value aud cannot be like a hupe Bon Cnnttr,/tnr r occaprad by E. , ft Bowre. A frame „„„ 4 AMES JOHNSON A Co. misondfstood. - e a huge Boa Gooitnetor, c. ©.bed-fa- store, 60 feet by 30—occupied by M. REP AIRING will be executed inthe P. Ellis. Also, tho Hotel kept by best style anuatthe shortest m Wm. H. White, a larse commodious building terms, end highly finished. Also, two or three other Highly finished buildings. Allfnrtber particular* can be explained by ap plication to M P, Ellis. Webbvilte. JOHN O SEWALL. Apalachicola, March 23—44—tf t notice, on moderate NEW GOODS. Yours &c. A. SUBSCRIBER. The Warm Springs Merriicelhcr county, JGa. HP he subscriber respectfully in- forms the public, that he became some months since, the proprietor of the above, and that the place has lately undergone very considerable .addition in the way of improvement. It is por- iiaps unnecessary for him to speak part : cularly of tliesprings or the properties of the water afforded from them. Its luxury as a Bath, and its great T HE subscriber is receiving per. Ship A. merican from New York a variety of New Goods. G. IV. DILLINGHAM. August 3—11—tf Summer Carpetimg. India Floor Matting. tally crushed my youthful heart, aod that its best blood, gushed out, and congested with the icicles of. adverse fate;....that it still haunts mo, as a fatal dream." She stopt and wept. The reader may suppose, that I was id i fair situation, Hrnutfcrgo penance for my 4u» « THE CLIMAX. 11 was at the close of a merry and busy day in New Orleans, on which the Roman 8 „ pn „.. lco Ior rajrOT . Catholics, had celebrated their Usual car- riosity; it was true—1 found 1 had arreted nival with a splendid feast;—I was winding amid' the ruins of a miserable and broken my way moodily down Chartres street, heart, and brought to ihe surface the had. near the Exchange, totally uumiudful o( the piest and holiest feelings of innocence-— gay and giddy crowds, which at that season feelings that had long lain buried beneath A NEW article rot summer carpets, Durabilj. of Ihe year throng the City. As w ell as the corroding influence of vice and which my memory now serves me, I was contcm. when made bare, even to her own view, -— 5 —- —- pla‘»'g ‘>‘ e *<»»g line of lamps, which hung were like the splendor of a biasing comet— BARGAINS. >« beautiful splendor in every street; and es- i, s coiruscatioos were dazzling and beautj. HP HE subscriber intending to gating t he diffefertce in brillancy, between ful but they were a consuming fire. ac v in it iwu akin in Khnnmntiam **" close his business in thisplaco offerahis stock ‘bom and the Gas lights of the Atlantic Cl- 1 said, feelings, that had long lain buried Sotto M r cee i he r otmen - w T ! h a , y T f enen,h ’ ,n ? c ? no * n s ,,nfluente ° f S i.,«'IV I.. 0 wall suitod lor tho country trade and compiiues of a house, and was full tilt against me, be- for its ejaculations convinced fee, that her touted and proved during the lute senaon. To his friends and all those wlto may be pleased to visit him, he would say, thnthy the lot of June next, he will boready for their reception, end that his best ertiuns will be rendered ip contributing to their ction and pleasure. 18—52—tf DAVID C. ROSE. many desirable staple goods. Also. Mill Spindles and Su ting of crunks,noddleheads slumps, Pitmans com' . - - ...... fore 1 was discovered;—her dog Carlo, life, had been if not one of crime Also. Mill Spindles and Suw Mill Irons,consis- ,| 1 ;„i,; n „ i that I „ u . ’ ucon u not one OI crime, at least - r _ thinking 1 suppose, that I was some intru* got one uf "innocences Columbus Ga. August 5 12 uiig ui i;rduiv8,mmumiiettus HiurufJB, EiiiiinnsCiJiii* • j j* • • « position Boxes and gudgeons together with a lot der; evinced everydispositton to end the ren- The reader will recollect, I had not of Indian goods. All of which will be sold low counter wi n a difficulty; 1 had however yet learnt her story,—I knew that I had for cash. presence of mind to staud -perfectly still, to learn a tale of hoiieless miserv vat I Country Merchants and others are respectfully nn Tallinn him !>■> nutrad imn dm r i. . .. , ■■otrem** misery, yet 1 invited to cull nnd examine for themselves at the . ® . * . . felt in U the deepest interest;—aod I hope; store lately occupied by Mr. A. E. Patton, next bouse. 1 here is perhaps no place in Atner- | believe i fell, that I might administer door to Messrs. Shorter, Tarver & Co. ica, where there are so many vicious and gunie consolation, to an erring and uitbap- EDWARD W. WRIGHT. unprincipled men; where vice, is so com- py woman;—1 knew too; there Was a hot- LJl pletely in the ascendant, as New Orleans; lowed secrecy, about the tale of her early CAUTION. hence, there is at all times, a general dis- love, that none but Hbkry Landlord could A LL persons are hereby cautioned not to trade trust pervading the whole city;—You may hear; I must therefore disenable, or te<> for two prommissory notes made by me for pass up or down any of its streets, and a main in ignorance of her history. * ” und good society. Also a'Pla'niuuon ip $^5.00 each bearing date sometime between the single person will not approach you, with- My voice, she said, my place of abode-*- r county 9 miles below Monticello on the bill and 12th of March last payable to Jethro out intently examining your countenance; m> statue all convinced her. that I was hh , iifiitprtiTPvjit/, Hamlin, on die 26th December next. Said notes , •*««» i nw, were fraudulently obtained by siid Hamlin, nnd looking directly your Tact t tncy Still she asked sne, to relieve her from her without guy consideration. 1 am therefore de- meet uno frequently until alter they have painful suspense? she wus afraid I was an* termined not to pay them nnless compelled by passed you; this arises from a motley mix* other, law. JEREMIAH CRAFT. turn nf all nations and ton?ues: dissimilar ir» Angust 10 12 3t LAND for Sale. WILL soil on accommodating terms, the fol lowing Tracts or Lots of land, viz: oho Planta tion in Harris county Ten miles east of the Town of Hamilton in what is called the Valley, in the neighbourhood of Mr. Ellison, Copeland. Wai- thiop. The Tract contains six hundred Acres two hundred of which are cleared and in a nigh state of cultivation well watered avery heuithy sit uatiun, Jbsl„ •oailp Jfillerigenlte. Akfe Lot No 59 in the 6th district of Carroll, **WLot No, 62 in the 4lh “ of Coweta. •i 1 Lot No. Ill in the Kltii “ ofMuscogee ‘i Lot No, 17 in the 7th " of Lee. Also Lot No. 74 in the Town of Columbus, with a good house on it; also Lot 93 at the corn- r of Broad and Few streets; No. 255, on Jackson street; nnd Lot No. 574 at the corner ofMerccr and Tho- r. an-streets: a further description of the Lai.d is deemed unnecessary; persons wishiug to purchase will do well to call and take u look. The terms will be made easy, LEWIS DOVVDLE. "Gg. 10 12 tf THE subscriber offers for sale the most valuable property on the Chat- luhoochie River—his plantation and > Mills within three miles of Columbus there are 21.00 acres all good land 600 River bot tom. The Mills are warranted to produce a dear urofifof $1,000 per annum. There is 100 acres TO MILL OWNERS. tore of all nations and tongues; dissimilar Unwilling to be guilty ol falsehood, I in their languages, habits and manners, ey- lan i a ff wd ner'tJj evasion. The slirods of ery thing like social intercourse is unpossi- j, er remarks, afforded u clue to some ques- Kin* ihi« orpneral susnicioQ and distrust, ex- • ■Ait* ■wills'll t«J flu I si inbtunllli L. ^lASHnnrl -i l\hm\ nrir« will ble; th s generaUuspic.on and distrust, ex- , l0llg| wh ich would instantly banish her # ASH ant a liberal_ price Will (endg ^, th lu ii force to tho females;—they doubl; yet that doubt was hardly gone, be- U be g/u 6 "/ 0 ! boards and plank, clehvere.1m frequently subject to insult, and some- fore it retained. . Vernon at the junction of the Flint and Chatta. times ol the grossest kind, hence it is cus- J t may here be necessary to remark, hoochie Rivers. For bills of lumber, and terms, tomary for those who reside in the lower lest the reader should think 1’rae dealing immediate application to be made to Joseph W. tenements particularly, whether respecta- in fiction, that I ascertained her to have King at Mount Vernon (Flo.) b!e or otherwise; to keep a pointer or mas- been a native of Georgia, and her maiden -tiff, to be tho companion ot their walks, to mme fl ; a duughter, of one of the NOTICE. protect them from insult 4 and danger. The first citizens of that State, wliote name, now idTnteg- s.igacity of these animals, is^incredible;— stands conspicuous, on the page pf our A MAN ofundoubted qualifications and integ- Si 'g ac,, J n in* wires, n mus wr stands conspicuous, On the page Of our iStrity having business in every county in the thoy protect their mistress laitlilully, and countries .history and who bore with AugnBtlO 12 4t T u joint note: (we or either of as) promise to dows on lb© ground floor, arc closed by a chine questions—and each threw a painful thirty dollars to D.C. or bearer on the 25th folding shutler, which is seldom opened, a „ 0 „y over her whole frame;-she wont ember next lor furnishing us ah accurate des- ■" i,„_, , 310 lion ofourLors of Land or Gold, drawn hv us even ip the da> time in the heat ofsuninier, , D ce»santly. Valuable Lands for Sale. “f" JUS,ZSSSXZTuZ«•><¥ *>» •“« *» «• i»Mu« Jlowma lots of land Nos! 261) 261,250,298, in the last Lottery and an opinion of their value —they ate generally ajar, and in passing Jt was in. this situation that, rising ab' .. .... * llila lieu nf 1 U‘IQ ■< All knoll enn n f<l Ittnlu nl UI IIIAOl OVOI-II AhO • * * the followii »)9’, in the filth district of Troup county. 1 hose Jots alf adjoin and form one oflho firs! settlements of land known in this country. There is be tween 4 and 500 acres of this nettlement in a high state of cultivation. For further particulars apply to John E. Moigan. William Dougherty or Hugh A. Haralson at La Grange. As 1 am de- sell the terms will-be reasonable and made to suit tne convenience of purchasers. Cash jireiered however. EATON BAS8. La Grange 5lh June 4 eow3m P. S. The Recorder and Federal Union will give the nbove advertisement two insertions a inon’hfor three months and forward their accounts to me at this place for payment.F-. B, MEDICAL Dr. Robert W. Carnes ' i.ving resumed the PRACTICE OF MEDICINEt Tenders his professional service* to the Bubli lie may be fiiuDd at his residence near Langston' mills, and will promptly attend all calls. Juno 22—5—tf DRUG ESTABLISHMENT. this day of (Signed) 1833. . you biay see a female at almost every one, rupt |y f roin Y,„ r chair, the asked me iu I© L. M., reminding you, verry much of a caged biid, foq light and upon Biy refukiog, she hys- J.‘ NL dtc &c. 10 wh,ch 1 tb,uk si “>«‘ron, may be apt- terically sobbed out—“Obi lor God’s sake, This note directed tcD. C. ColnmbusGa. will L v compared. Ope of these she slightly do not kill me;—if you are Landsford, there can- - * oy v^iirismiaRi. mi Miuiuiuuicaiiuiw uireeieu vo . , , - ., . — -j ~i— if ——r—» feklOg. D,c. Columbus Ga. postage paid by the 1st No- tiu,_Bod thereforo could not be Ine subject 0 flf my hat, submitted it to her iuspection; vember on this subject will be attended to. of offence or apology. She immediately She placed her hand there, and fainted. 9 I 2 asked me with a hurried and palpitating Let no one, without reflection, accuse men to t'raTMto and look aUnstand fo? 5 DoCs V0 ' ,Ce ’ e . videm1 ^. W *' h mdch em0,io "‘ “ Wil1 ™ of Indulging in romance, or of penofeg it would not feed htmself nor horse. you pardou me sir for asking you, if you.are improbable facts: the scene actually oc- 'Tuo Ge©. Jqnrndl, Augusta Chronicle and not a stranger iti this Ciiyi ■ u ’ at ■•rnrlc cured f aod precisely ae I have related it^ Saya inah Republican, will give thi* oqg^ inser with the tremulous, and hollow tone of her it is a tale of human woe, gleaned from the t; --1. ond send their accoents to this office, for col- Toice an d fo| t aoni e interest in the question bitter fountains of human misery;—it needs actwn - -jl as I answered in the affirmative! “1 am,” not the aid of faucy to give it interest, nor CAUTION. -I inly uinved. here this morning in ihe of fiction to give it force. If any should still W 'EREAS I hold (he bond Steam Boai ‘Sir Walter Scptt,’ directly be Scepti:le, let ihem remember what feel of Joseph Dudley to lot of land No. 92 in from Batton Rogue reply. You j ngs mu ,i | lu vo been inspired in the breast the 3d district Mertiwether county, originally were on a visit to Batton Rogue? you had of a wretched and.erring female, in such an Troup, to be deeded on payment of the following not -been there long?" she again nsked with interview. All doubts, as to my identity, had described note* given saul.Dudley iiiconsideration jncreaSed emotion. . been removed-.-Henry Landsford stood “Not long,” 1 again ruplied, mich in- before her, and the tide of early love,rush' for the same, to wit; one (note for one hundred dollar* due 25th Dec. 1833, one note for twohun- /’/■nee/i 1 A? dred doTfar* doe the 25th Dee, 1834, and one note terest in her question, and manner of ask- ed across her bosom in an overwhelming |jr COrgC rr ^ riu.ciiu, r„. i , , ,1„/1— j..„ 1>A>I, ia-« . L i.. . ..... P n ® ■’ <■ ’ . —for two hundred dollar* due 26th Dec. 1835. Rf.orEC TFULLY inform the pub- ^]| Sl ,j,j notes dated 4th January last which is the lie timt they have entered iutu a co partnership, and intend to establish themselves in the Drn^ Business, in __ ti>is place as soon as their goods cm be received from New Yo-k. Their business will be conducted on a largo scale, nnd their s'oek—consisting of well selected. Drags. Medicine*, Perfumery. Paints and Dye Bluffs, andoth -r article* in their line—they trust will be such ns to^induce such persons in the inte rior'as are engaged in the business to make tbelr purchases of them. Physicians are invited to send their orders, and are fissured they will bo scalt with on the most favorable terms, d Apalachicola, May 34—3—tt __________ . """wanted A first rate TURNER. young man acquainted with the ’ Business, iug them. currOut;—let auch remember, that there is date, also of .aid Bond now all person. «e fore- “And what place, were you from to in the huD’.an heart a chcd, which in any vvurnod trading (or said note* as the consideration Button Hogues^ period aud circumstances of life, goes back , for them threatens to fail and as! t in determined not to pay them without good title* to said land LANDON PAYNE, July 18 10 3t » Merriwether county „ JUST RECEIVED O N consignment— An elegant apring-bottom sofa Curl hair Matrasses, carved Bed steads, willow waggons, for children, cribs, &c. , S. K. HODGE S &co March 23—44—tf I " NOTICE. , . • A LT. the notes and accounts due Lewis C young man acquainted with the' Business, ' ®l Alb n are^.lacedin t *■ hanUypf Jp^p SchUy wilLfindeonslan’.employment and good wa- Ti*q for coifecti.m; those interested tie advised lies, by applying to J 8. W. WHITE. to call on him i.-<! settle, .Jiirw 22-76—tf Cabinet Maker, lirosd SV ■ Aug BT 12 tf “Pensacola." to inoocent and bappy days, and which, vi* She sunk imo a chair, nnd burst into a braled, jars hriib a sepulchral sound, in the flood ol (ears, as she said “my God is it bceast of misery;—touch it, and a victim ir possible;”—in a moment she asked me..,, tortured;—let them reflect upon the undy- the question or the manner I can never jng sensibility of woman—tho devotion andi forget... .her voice was still and piercing— purity of her early love—the corroding w» oflei ing roe her right hand, “are you, tell flections of guilt and error—a conditjoo, mo candidly^ in pity to an unhappy abandoned and desolate—add they will not, wretch, are yju Henry Landsford.” . ‘ canuot charge me with dealing in fear y; I felt an interest in her story. 1 knew | know it to be a happy region— • & t iry there must be some mistery in her deep e- land; but I need hot pinions for gmay t ,gbt; motion, and curiosity gained the mastery; I l' a m groping my way, amid the tomb' ,toof, evaded ft direct answer. ^ oyer the waste and ruins of thn ' 4, uma0 I slightly pressed her offered band) and heart; and dvery aspiration lot a higher threw into'my voice, a perceptible agitatioo flight, wonty to moekorT •( \b!,» aolemk us I said “^ou do not—^rou cannot know aceoc.