Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, February 06, 1835, Image 3

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beams of power ? Oihers'can pursue wlial course they please, ns for ourselves, having litilo-clso- to ■ loose except our principles mul our freedom, we shall defend these freely and featlessiy, though the thunders of the political vmican should hurst over our heads, and the image of insulted office holders'frown in avenging terror .from lltcir piles of unrighteous pillage. Full well, wo know iliiit the tenants of the Wliiti; House regard our dis pleasure as little as do die tenants of the grave; hot lot them remember, that there is an omnipotence in die justice ofalto people, which, when aroused, . has power to bury them and nil their deeds mb -degradation deeper amhdarkcr than ilie grdve.—- With tho multitude diat rallies aud composes-that •political omnipotence, wo hope to ho'found side by side with him that goes furthest in tlio great Work of public rnlbrtnatiou, striking for die rights secured in the charter of freedom, nild fuihiiug nut until -these riglusare the watchword in" private and the landmarks in public life. ' »•'*( The past mid present history of the world has •fy niished ample testirrhiny that .rulers dislike dip Srtdopendonoe of n free press", and generally uso tthair influence to over-ntvo and silence snult as <hoy cannot p.nrcliasc. That same history.provcs too that their cliiirts are generally successful. In some countries this is done by "tlio edict of the monarch, in others by the iiceutiausneSs of tho press itself, and tho consequent loss of confidence • .-on ihopart ttfthy peopilo. - For o.u.r mvu' bumble labors, os we slutll ha noim-od liy po-wer, -wo only, sisk shell: a degree of confidence as .the correctness sif.our course may iriofit. The past has convinced its of tho' liberal support of our friends, the future '.shall-.impress us with no tlreud of our enemies. \ THE PltESIDENCY. .' Uudoe Wumv'froin all wo sea and hear, . is Tiltciy to becomq a formidable candidate at the , Jtcxt presidential electipu.,. Alaliutnn tins; drrougl , ' her Legislature, formally prcsctilod his tmma - to . (he'American people, and it is believed, 'Virginia Ttffil. do him. ihe.samc distinguished honor. Eve ry recent dcvclopcmenl of public feeling is favori- ble to-hispretentions. AIhuy of tile more luile-- pendeutadministration presses, which-have not yet Jioen entangled in the meshes of the New- . York tacticians, huve avowed anhpen picflerenco for tho Judge, in die face of nigh anil- low. author ity. Whethorflip. will have iiiclejieinlenqe aud lirmnoss'Cnopgh to withstand tho assaults oLoffieo- holdere and office expectants,'by,.sullbring Ills frioiids to.concentrate it\ioft him -did itninonse'-vuip which’ they are now ra|lyingio his assistance, we do not pretend to knowi but. should by net, as un der die eircttmetunecs he should do, there can be but little doubt pf his ultimate success over the “ faculty favorite.” The peoplo of this country desire to be loll free and untrammcled in the clec- tionofa President, dud although they liaveciung to Gen. Jackson, through good and ovil report - With a fidelity before unparalleled,.it has beenfur reasons very.different from those, that tire-likely to influence them' itt die choice of his successor. His popularity, is of its own kind, nnd cannot be transferred, ht his will, to another, unsurrpuiided byihismilitary ghityj and possessing mrae'of that hanlihood of spjrit which, in him, has passed cur rent for decision of character. The thing is un- j reastinahioin itself, and the very belief of the. Pre- | eiilcnt tliqt his mantle could bo smuggled, by.’low f -ciinnioig, Or forced, by high, hand, upon the «houl- • • dors of his aspiring pet, is aii evidence- of his want j- of judgment, aud a reflection hipon the'discern- •> • inent of his countrymen- j 'from'a-variety of events, good nnd bod, have ac- .1 customed themselves to regard the President us j .the greatest map living, lint oven this tact has os ( | yet furnished them witlp no sufficient rcasoii fur nn absolute surrender of their own feelings to- his . : wishes. in tbcclmice ofliis successor. They feel, J -as they ought, that the responsibilities involved in ,y this important election rests upon and 4 .not upon the incumbent, uud consequently-tlieii- : wishes and not his are first and last to be consult- . cd. If diet cblcf magistrate can nominuteJiis.suc- •ccssor, and tlio freeineu of this country have noih- ■ ing to do hut register the edict and confirm; tlio ap pointment,our condition is but'little better, proba- ' My much worse, titan the silent subjects of'a he reditary monarchy! The people know and feel this; and hs far as wo. cab discover, arc determin ed to clear themselves, from such a transgression. ' against the forms of tlio constitution, and the char acter of their country. What course this state will take in tlio election- ■depends upon futiito contingencies. As matters’ .. <npw stand in rofleraacc to this event, there may be taitly reckoned three parties. The Union Troup unen composing one. the original Clark men an other, and tho State Rights, men a third. The - first of- these,, having followed their file lenders when they deserted theitdld friends and .placed themselves at the head of ihcic opponents, will be yond dunhl support .tho pretensions of. Mr. Van Duron* The second will only-be his .. service by the foreo of party discipline, if at ull, having it is thought but little disposition io'sur- icnder their long-cherished,prejudices against the r. heir apparent, citiicr to promute his views orsecure more .firmly-the fidelity of their prescut newly constituted leaders. The Standard of Union', the v organ of tho Union Troup men, has.rnme but O' \jicnly for tlio favorite of that party, hut.lhe back- . /\ardticssdftbootliorbranclijoflhe concern, wilh- ott whoso concurrence nothing can bo dotie, leave it as yet doubtful upon whom their allied forces will be cenl"-d . If thr* origin.-il Plurt toon oau be cajoled or driven by a handful of thoU former op- . pononu, who have of lato become such modest , helpmates, then of course Van Burcn is the man. But will they submit to this.?.' Will they give up their opinions nnd surrender their prejudices, to . the will and. wishes, of those wholinveso lately joined their ranks ? Are they likely to find in Air. Van Burcn any of thoso" -Units of character which has made then) the firm unflinching friends of Geri. Jacksoa ? It may bo so. ■ Wo pretend ,not IS have looked iuto' the arcaua'of tlieir hidden intentions. Wccnly know that cortaiu influences . do not operate so powerfully on musses of meu at t one time as another, and although patty motives may move litem In support of n citizen of this elute fdrun office within Us^gifl.-tbal it .may be other- . wire when a stranger claims their support. Ala bama has set the example by breaking tho spoil of the arch magician, and Georgia tuo, liulo as it is expected, may bid defiance to the incantations of the conjnror. Sould it not bo so, nnd Air. Vun Rnren should’ultimately receive the. vote of this State,' we shall be convinced of a fact, by some de nied. that a few-talented men, (breaking their par- t ty, have placed themselves in the lend of their for mer opponents aud carried diem, horse foot nnd dragoons, to swell tho ranks of a man Utey detes ted, The a bote remarks are penned in no spirit of dictation. The Presidency is an important offico and should be conferred on an individual, tar high <|naIlficationsand the possession of unbending pa- lidt ol principles. No man-should be managed in to high trust by the cunning of there who are to he the recipients of his especial favours. The eit- . It will bo seen, by a letter to tlio Editor of tlio A.ugnstn' Chronicle, that Judge Clayton lias -de termined, not to be a candidatefur'llic office of Go, verndfj at the next election. This determination will be a source of regret to his-mimerobs friends,- who have been looking with confidence and' pleas ure to thu-period, when they would be enabled to testify their gratitude for his many important ser vices to the State. The hopes null wishes of tliui portion of our follow-citizcus, musibe disappoint ed, or ut- least 'tar. a tithe postponed. In pri vate lift, it is generally conceded, that an individ ual lias 'a right to pursue, wiiat course bfeoudticl he pleases, provided lie d ies-not disturb the ac- kntnvledgotl righo ond iinmutinies of others. . In public, die-rule is somcwliat ililiercnt. • Tho eer- .vapt of.tho people,, their sulfragos aiuf sustained by their guod opinion, should sometimes yield liis privnlo wishes to the.liiglieV atttlidriiy of Jiis eonstitm nts, yut theroJnay ho UHd oflimes are exceptions to tliys tulo ; privotOhdustUeralioustnay bo -of n nature not.ui be resistvd. Such, wo Ipiv’c no d.onht, is the tact ffi this;, iustance. Froiu our ktunyleigeofthe mau.lrtmt .itis.uaifumi devotion to the.-infercsrofdiU'S'tql'ei. npa. his zealous sup port of llic constitutional rights'jir.iho'pcople, wc tu-a eonipellcd tobclfcVc tlttu'liis reasons would; if innde piibrtc/'salisly'the''most anxious oflds ad mirers.’ , ' - TIio'Augtlsta Clitonicjo, a paper, liistinguislied tar its uniform steal'-and -ability in dolcnce of tliti leading doctrines of.the rppublieaiis of the. south, supposes that Judgo Chiytou'nas hceu driven trmn tho field by tho condnct of a portibn of tho State Rights party) and calls’upon thui party to press ltiiii into service, nudtheti to rally and sustain him. With ull otir predilections jjjr the Judge, hud all our faith ip tlte pure inientious of our Iriehd of the Chronicle, we must bo pertnil.icd to ilobbt-thtt jito- pricty of the suggestion. SuJi u course, would in theevont Judge Clayton should'finally icljisq to run, have a tendency to create unpleasant feel ings among tbuse who are nnt m.iitis rime Vvjirihiy' disposed U) support him, and might'bo regarded, ns fin ottempt to undervalue the claims of others now looking to the rlistjii'gu.ehcd office. Such a State of things is, at this time,' to be avoided If- possible. 'Judge Olaymir has wo presume- been influenced In oiu course by jin unworthy cnusideraitous.'niid lias taken h after rcfli^tioh ifpojb its pres ent propriety j it becomes us theii to-look to some olher promiuet member of rite party who Willcon sent -to a (lomhnutiun, aud upon whom all can u- nito with cheerfulness and good will. - v Feeling that oven in our combined strength tho friends,of the constitution are sufficiently Weak, 'and believ ing that the .suggestion of the Chronicle,df adopt ed.may possibly tend to divide them;.we sincerely hope ho will re-consider his 'recummeudalioii'aiul look-ip tha name of IfowAuo or JIabeiisimm, GiLMKit or' Wilde, JI. G. Eamab or Judue Dougiikrtt, as the rallying, word and futuro Ijop'o of tho freemen of Georgia. ■ • : . -. . "' In Seeming to.disagrce with tlio vtaws of our. culomporary it is by np tncuns our inlcntiofi to' crqato division, in tlio ranks, or detract aught from the present or futute cluims ol Judge Cluytoni--— Our plan is-for delegate* to be chosen by tho par- ty for that exprcss : p'urpbsc to meet at Some central and convenient plnce’, cnhyaSs the prefeiiticius and merits nf nur iHinu'diiiJMH|-.*n-n, m1.m .i.. h.*,.i izens bf rite wholo confederacy ’ Pro to' bear the burdens of the government, and they should be cautious to elevate, a tnuu who will heunuko those burthens too intolerable to be borne. ' <nwlM if ihmr (ilsrirthiiishis . ■ worthy nqd recommend him' to the voters of tho State. This-would settle coailiefiu'g.'.cluima, if there bo any, and insure' the suffrage, of the party, to.tho nominee,. ff Judgo'Clayiou shouM be. the, man, few will support him With more cheerfulness than ourselves. If tho choice should tall on ap- other deemed.more worthy, we.wiii not bo liitml wantingin tlio common cause. ' It ia a Qiiestion ofimportanuc enough at least to be aslted, can nuthing he dona for the sectiiity of the vast amount of properly owned,by tlio citi zens of this ptaco ? -Our Town, one of the most thriving and popnlbus in the southern' country of its uge, has no means of defcuce agpinsf the ma lignity of the incendiary, the tho curclciis, or the accidents ihatiniglit in an- hour .‘ret duepit to u hea p of ashes. Wc have no Engine) no Buckets, no ladders to he used in case of lire, and what is equally as bud, wo Imvo no city gunrti or polico patrol to csiurol tho staves aud restrain the. disorderly and drunken riotebs who sohietinres endanger the safety of property aud disturb'- the; qtitef pftlio people. vVo venture the assertion ibnt tltore is not nUuther pluce of tho size and weallirof Colunibus, ia.the Union, so entirely unprotected uud lieteucbless. As things now stand, fire might- hc uecjilcutully or purposely eonimunicutetl, uud. tlio fairest portion of tlio city destroyed beyond recovery bolore. one,man in live could be waked from his slumbers and arrive at tho awful eccue. ' Something should be done and that speedily,—. It is. a common danger and demands a common and uuited 'oflurt to prevent or avert it. The City Council have as'much us they, can well do to'get along with the heavy debts necessarily in- curcd. ir, other improvements, and of course can assist hut little if any, in procuring rite meaus oT defence. • Privnlo interest' is suificient generally to inlluunce men tn act, and surely the. citizens of this ptaco have interest enough at stake ta.cblf them' into action. Let there then bo a public meeting to adopt such measures ns will promote tho docired nlijeet; let one ’anil iiU nssombo at the Court House on to-morrow (Saturday evening). 3 o’clock P. AI. nnd aid in the work; by itis sugges tions nnd advise. Delay is sometimes 'dangerous, nnd this tnay be oho of tho times. . .... DirrtcuLTlzS. of a serious character, have taken place, a weak or two since, between parties of Msruu. ding -Indians of tho Creek Tribe, and the citizens - f Stewart and Sumpter counties. Tho Indians had committed doprodaliooson tho proporty qftlro whites, were pursued, made resistance and several were kill-; cd and wonnded on both sides. An express has been sent to tho Governor, douiling tbe oircutnstancoi, who will wo trust, take such measures as will prevent a repetition of thoso outrages. Tho olfondere oro said to be a small tribo called Ilitchateca, outlawed in a greatmeasuro from the civilitica oftheir red brethren, disponed to plunder and given to predatory excursions Wo are not dispasod to think,-from what intelligont Indians hara told u»,'that tlieir. conduct was -ahthor- ized or will bo sanctioned by any othor portion of tho nation. As nfiiiir of lionor, os such genllo sport is sornoJ times termed, took place on tlio 21»t ult., itt Ilia i- cnsbnrg, between Air. Coke the - ex and Air, Wire tlio present member of Congress from the York District, Virginia. The former was shot through tlio arm. Distance six feet. Having an entire disrelish for this mode of settling disputes, arising partly from a weakness of the flesh and portly from nn indisposition of spirit, partly from not wishing to kill, but mostly from having no kind of turn to he hilled, wo have ou all prt/per oc casions, os we'do upon tills, express'll our disap probation of dnolling. Air. Coko has probably descended from the celebrated Lord of that name, , ‘ v _ . -T>‘ •! "who wis’nstrolig bclieveriit the wager of battle, uttd may consequently find some excuse for lys conduct in the ficiy-temperature of his heritable blood-, Mr. /?7*c, to SUV tlte most for him, lias done a foolish thing. Tlio matter of lighting was a mere circiimstanc.c—bui ilie di»tanec-”s/j>&<-i- .mcTi'y'tt|'.,ii usL Tfn; tnbtitliofa pistol would look ns h!g ns the port hole of a seventy-four. It is stniral that • Judgo.-Duval line tesigncd jiis, Bent q» rite Bench of tlio Supreme Court nnd that Roger B,..Taneylatp Attorney General, Secreta ry of the Tren-mry./&c.,-lias been iiomhi.ttqil to fill tho varancy. 5 If- Koger It. - lucks well ho will be apt to got'an . office nlier a while.. Fbanehu Ci'lleok.—Thi; ditties of this insti- tulibh wore resumed tut Friday last, the ltiih inst. •\ll tile mciubers-of tin)-Facility we understand im.-.nt their posts,>.hd the number of Students ec- luailv exceeds-tlte grottiest-number at any tinie iicretidorc since -the foundation of tlio institution, being we learn about 127 It is thought that by stirltetite mmtbor may amount to 135 or Idp.—, This is truly etiperiug to- tlte Itoitcs.'of Education ami wc congratulate, the' friends oftlie College in ull quarters of the State upon this auspicious pros, licet. . Southern H’hig. The- mail is npw carried' between (Charleston nptl this city on tlio rai| toatl* by which means, Ilie pn jit-rs of tlmt city arc received hero- tlio .everting of tlte day of publication. ■. ‘ Augusta' Trane. " I’kace.—Like the rainbow, l’entlp rests , npou tlio earth, but its.arcfi is lost in hbuvnn ! Heaven but hcs'it iti of light; | springs up amid team mul clouda; I it id an assurance, of calm ; it is- the •sign-if q great covenant between -God mid man— ,U is Ait emitodtion from'tho distant orb? of.itumor* ;ialUght.-; _ '■ •■■‘f •'- ■- ■ •■'i : •" , Bkcipe,—llow to gel -rid of an ucquoititancc Whose society you do not like—-if ho is poor lend, •him some uiohey; if heis rich ask him td lend 1 you'comc. j I i'.orutoii 4c I-.XIviliRStoii. iAVIJia pnriluurql from liorpcr & I.cui* tlieir en- uro MiK-kof lacrcliamlize, willcamimio toUo biiEi- ticssiit tlieir ctaiip nn,|cr Ilia nntiio and style of. * ' THOEKTON & LIVINGSTON, 4uhI will keep coaiilanlly on lpnd n general, assortment of Ckaicc ■ CJreeerfra mnft tatnplc fieodt, " r rocrS^?SM 011 *,wlii<Ul tlrey will boII low for cash or p l-vu. c io. crci ' i... £p5m Dilliiighstm A -V'tii. A. Garland, TTAVE furmed.-a Copartnership ts imm-aci liu.iue,*. J* umlonlio finn of JOHN DIlffilNGlIAM & On. l- oii. n. , , - . . • . nr FoEElGj:.—English papers to tlio 18tll of De cember are repeived. The cabinet id-fonricd^Slr B. Peel premier add Lord Wellington .Foreign Secretary—Lord Lyriliburst Chancellor.. The -other menylierk arcrqoredceidcd Tories than was ,evjiecied,-bui ffiiiri spine overtures toleading wliigs, it. is ilidiight ii-liberal, course may be expeoted.— Nootiicf can seoure.ils existence—f?iaf will Itardly save The ltigli-stenni cunservativcs wiU>mit sustain'' dtiy temporising measures, and the wliigs. will ulwny s view t|iem with suspicion- . The Cot ton market had declined. Augusta Transcript- From Texas.—Wo are indebted to ihe Mex- i,an Consul for Rrazdria n papers to Nov. Tlc.y bfini'-imolligence of certain tniivemeritd iq thW'PfdVindf having tar their object, the creetioti’ df Texas • into an iqdepetidcut Stale.- -Thceer movumenis, lio'yvcver, have been discountenanced by tlio Central Committee' of Austin’s Colony,— prob-ibly under the infiucnco of n lcttcr fratn Col. Austin. Iiin’tnOlf.' who is and for many months post has been’.,confined, in d prispn nt Mexico, dfid whoso safely perhaps depends upon tlic orderly, course ofthe Colon/which boars his name. ■ . . , N.V. Journal, of Commerce.. '. Cniiittibus Prices Currput. ■ coil ItKCTlit) WEEKLY BV j. S. CAI.notfN it CO. - . ' ft A G (i.l NG, Kentucky , - Ditto . Inverness. BALE HOPE - - • BACON, - BUTTCtt, Goslion - Ditto ■ Country. -' 1 COTTON : ■ . . COI-TEE . ' - CANDLES, Sperm - Ditto Tallow CASTINGS :*■ - CORN CIIEE3G. - ,'COPPERAS " ’ - 'MACKEREL, No-.l Hilo ' Wcslcra -" • -Ditto - Country - -HIDES- . - . • •*. BRANDY, Apple ... . Ditto Pencil '- Ditto Dilhi GIN,-Holland Do. Anierlcan: ■ •' * RDM, JniimicK :• V: \ •Do. Northern WHISKEY, Irish' l Ditto - 'Mnnongohold -Ditto New Orleans TOBACCO, best - Ditto' second quality TWINE . • * TEA, Block,,Hyson, dec WINE, Madeira Do.' Matngu . . Dp.- Claret' k - - IRON r STEEL, Cast - Do. German . - D6. Blistered -, . MOLASSES ' - t - -NAILS -' - .- PORK, Mean -- - Do. • Prirod » . Do. Fresh ■ - PEPPER POTATOES, Irish :-y Do. ttu-oot - , PEAS, Couulry' - . RAISINS • - RICF - . - SCUAR, St. Croix 'l)o.'-' New Orlcana ■- Do. 1 Loaf -, - HALT - - - SHOT - - SOAP -' - - .TALLOW - *• 'lSi is ; s5.- f,tr: .. 43.. fi2f -.-a'.Y’ *75’ 10 a IS ■ 0 . d' 8 f »:i.t . p iia 'IS? . - tUvaiT, (JHllcr), Oiiiin, W E'lmve on hnml every variety of Lockp, Ilintem Screws, Stiivk, AxeA, flnu liciM, Filcp, Kiiivc-* null torkFe l’ockct Kuives, Hhz-oin, llnzor Spoon*. Iruiililo tinU Simile Parrel Percussion aad Film Gun* Holt mul Pocket ri*u»l?. ; HLACKSMITH TOOLS. gp»ow* 24,20,00,92,34 incIi,Piinerior quality. »ntulcr*onVI>e*t limime halo Anvilfl Aitcc*, Screw phiteH, Sleilgoenml Hand I|auitqc» • ;v-h' * , ' ALSO • • »ii»h*2.Ko^*,Nail5 figgortotl, 10,000 Urn. Sheet inm do . ... ... nAA 1 per - .i tunsCnKtingn “ v !' Sawri, nnd a full and largo AlCTiU^ OBFoiimph t of Till ‘Wane. & MOSES, . h?6iven,.-A Ipb.G, liidCS. ': - - ... 'j ; fur tho liiclic-t liricc will J. DILLINGHAM Ac Co.* ltf $0.00' iACKS ® A1 -T •% era<» F?l.;6-. r por ruck. , i. SiigdraiidlHolatiscs. . h IJBLS. of •Sugar, and forty of MolnssTip, good 7 quality, for ealo next door to Dr. Hunt's. .’(Le-Lif• w ’vn FchV0.*-fc|f’ WxTOr^EY. - . SiiKtir nud lffolnsMts. - /fl.tfV BRLS.'of Mulusscs nod CO of SttEof, for Into YftlPhy . c . 4.&Q.A.LAWHON. . ■ - ■ 'nr ■ iVo'tlce. r ■ tHF. Copartnership in tho prnetico Gff.nw, tiorofnfore W, • .existing between tlio suhscribera is this day dira'ilv- ed by tputualconsenL. . 11. HILL. . •' . . . • •- E. TAYIDR. . N. R. The business of the firm.'Will , ho closed hv the htibscriber.who will edntinuo the practice n« heretofore; ' ' 1). HILL., TtdltoUon, Jnn..28,,lU35. ... .'4- Aictv l»ry Goods. T ift- s.ubscribef.jins; diid is uow receiving direct from ^ew-.\^»rK, a Splendid (uwirtmcot <>f .., -k Fall tint} Winter Dry Goods, nonsistmc lit part pf tlio'following nrlielea to wit I . ..Superlipo Bmndclutlis,CnsiiiicKs r fmo ondconrseSat- .•jffllgi'.Wtayy KenWye nnd IJhroyn, largo Mnftklnnw. ntul fltijnc’Bhinkets, ligtlred noil nluiu (aiulev, fnnry eulnured ;mW'.plhi(i>Siks, larpo and smiill-Merino Shawls,.Hats: loptj, Shoos, RoudytMade Gkithing,Baddies, Bridies,Mar- adUM dee. -Ns,v/tWlJA9-tf-' -i F-. K TOWERS. ,- •- Noiv -Sioro. ■ . ■ 7 jl A HE pubscrilurhas jus) opened tlm store in Brand st- X throe,dnnra nhovo tile corner ol Crawford, street, and bfil-m tothaptiblic a ■ . •Y.-Ncw Stock bf-Gootis from New York; Among which.are'e-choico -collection of fashionable I'ry lund-. Rcudy MmicClutliinp, llnrdwaro.llats ninl Shoes, nVoeories. Lailies’ Bsshets, and a varicly-offancy'articles Which wllibo 'sold cheap .... " ■■' E. D. I.F.DYAUD. N. .B., Apy inforiiiatian respeeting a box of Confec- intiuries wbieh.came up- on tee Steam Boat Cnlumims Waflft wliich the mark was lost) will be tliankful- yrteiv'ed.’-. ... -, •Ciilimibtis.-Dae.W , .. - AT—if . .. WHliiim |jt',ijitrd, i* AVlN^tahen’the Btofoilouc.n’-rdepntXv *0 ilcd by Whide^viu mid, to suit pnrehaecfii,nnioni; wlileii pro llaliiiii.Grpsule Nap, and.lttdia Silks, plain & fig’.d. . Ptmgitcs, p.ldri)nasnur|inent of Ribbons,, ; r > • Auaasoi-nimbi nfGIovcsand Laces)' ' VeilsfBlbmfdEdsintrs) Merino *f rimmings, Thibet nnd, Fahey IldndkercMsfs, Sliclltionibs,-94 Rose Blankets, tMtiuilts,- 1-35 a no '-375- 1; 50 75 48 40 18 37 1 00 3 SO TS . 5 DO 12 ,40 150 . . 2 50 ' ' 4-00 1 75. «0 2 23 ■ BO 4 00-' . 4 10 00 » : Ji Wi|liiiHfM.-NewXork) - • iimVKicN wiU i»» trnitri* •• r fflIfE ’-'Biibt f eribera having • takefl ilie atuiva Wari JL* House* Cor n term of yrtirn, infdrm the Merchants of tlys place, and vicinity, that Utcy uro nojYG]H3n1ngan entirt “staple HRY GOODS, ’ < Of tlieirqWti Im'norlotions ani( recent purchaser, ealeuln- ted far' the. Southern- and Western trade, which are ollbr- cd fnrsalu for .Cash,or opprorctl credit..'. They; are Induced ttt'opmi tlieir Goads thus early tnre- mnvcol)jei:tions,.iliat.nro.oni;n.inndO).tliat tho stock! of our city ora iwt ifompleto nt this season of the year., A ilOREMUB, SUVDANIri dt NIXON. December 20,. 1834. •.<'•' 40—Ct ' H » ■ \l:l 2 25 a 2.25 a ' l . 8. n m • '.'ii -. • ' Notice.,. ... . ... P^N HE subEcrlbei»,nndcr the Grm'.of D. Ilnygerfnrd do. will constantly keep an-extensive ossai-fmonl of ■ Fancy anil Stuplo Dry Goptls, Hardware, .Croekory, Hats, Caps, Shoe's, Boots, Ready Made CLO THING, &c.~dec. which thoy will sell on tlio most nceom hioduting terms. A. IIUNGERFORD. ' D. IIUNGERFORD. - ... E. G. "ROGERS. ColnmhoB,-'Jira..1.1835. ' ltf . Dry Goods iiikI Groceries. TTUST RECEIVED, on consignment,.and will bo sold •Jf uu uccuimnadaliiig.tcrins, an extensive assortment of Dry Gynds and Groceries. , On tlm Dry Hood*, tiuio #U1 b^j^Wcn Iot PC Jfln. 1,1834. [ ■ ■ . ' . 48. nn.Ap- Florida, 6 fifty or / Xo I’lnnters. T1|N HE* subscriber offers fur sold his Plantation oil jL. elacbjculo fiver, Jackson eoanty, West F' containing upwniilsof 1000acresofLond; IMtuao _ VY , 6i«ty NEGROES with it, if desired. Tlreland lies direct. ly onlheiuurgln of the river, nearly, three miles In length, of first rate nmo-br-. dk quality, six hundred acres of which is weft suited to the culture of tiro sugarcane.- Its fertility, is unsurpassed |,y any land in Florida. Its lutitudo js on ly 80 miniues north of New Orleans, which fa- -voraltloto tho sugareona gmwtli; which is also protected by the spray awl fogs from Uro river, us was manifested by IriKt fhl1’iiRxiV*rimAiif. QUgh-ln. wu ofkcti tUo^tlint to pmkc 15 uwt. of amours nlsoj u largo set! R*0 , w r tlmt cnnveyii (he house, ^flio. fqel. ta|H on extri h*«ery f _ as w" 11 “ all tlio n«p***ary fixture* for the nmunraottira of sugar; ac*nocarrjrr,tlmt ctitle to tlio mill from nmko.frotn C to Vtil)Q cwU of *ugor in 24 honri!, pith .. . •• -• iiyfijipij# “ cm* IJtLItllV to Ht UU.HU.WI 4 towns nml v.liugcjj on tho Clmttalioociico nvor, an wall o» th» Atlantic Slut©*, tlm.way of (lie Apaloclmmla Day. Tim rmiclencn m about one.mile from tlm river, on a bt'timiful and elevated utuatiun,* that willcothiuand a view of the river tor two mile*. .Tho dwofling lioua©. U 41 Well ci»ii*inictcd two «tor>', airy and commodious building’* CO foot In length, with a uy, and fix lire place , — „ framed Kitchen, &c. with all uacful andci Thrrqi* ncnrtliobouw) a bold ond never foiling rprin&of water. Connected with ond near the residence are many manna ot comfort and utility, os peach orchard*, a good garden, vineyard*, grist mill, with iron rnnnmg gear, dtc. The above tractor land ( will aetl *ep«ratoly, ami should it *Uit tho purchaser, l will dispose afro bf the obore lot of negroc*. Tlio inducement tbe subscriber has in selling out in to remove to a hichsr latitude. Apart of tho tract bribe best of hammock land, which, as.wcll as tho alluvial bot tom itsclfi is well adapted lo tbe growth of cotton. From three to (bur hundred acres we well cleared. WILLIAM TONEY. * X3t gy Tho Recorder, of Milledgeville, Republican. Sa vannah, Floridiiui, Tallahassc, will insert tlio aboveU timer, weekly, ami the New Orleans Rulledn one lime and for- ward.tneir accounts for settlement (o*th?s officCt A grenj yarioty ofDomestic O.bods, Air 'Alwi, ft few choice Groceries, among which arc AlacUcr* «l,-Chceso^AimlcSf Ate. •**•' i ‘ January . •. n v ' . R OAIIDEN \ v WARRANTED FRESH;AN1) CENUlNE,- ' . /rhe growth of 1014. , . A1SED bribe united Society of Shaker*. Enfield. rx.ju« ^pxcept sqme. few kind*, which' are imported from dm Hcodumeti' in.Europe j otuf-uoW ofibred (or epic VnWrM" ** ' at SAWS SOOCI, i .'Wiitb'Onidtl YclIowOnkin- .»•*«?</ •Red Onioft'* '’’- Early-11 load Tuniip Beet Early Orshgo* do do • Eong Blood ‘ do •. Long Mangel Wurtzel do Sennit Carrot, (very fine,) Orange ,,do Blood do Guornscy Pnrantp v . Lobe White do Early Cluster Gncumbor Extra I^ug ; . do -' .Early Framo . do,‘ . '■Pnckly Gherkin do - •Superior Wntcrmclun v ‘ Large Muskmelon Firiq Nutmeg jWclqu Large Gaiitciope do Green Citron do Pomesntnace' v Egg Melon' do. Dutch Sum(porSquash Bush Crook , do 'CrbolcnbcltSmniner do Crookueck Winter' do Manpnoth V ’ .do Impel ial 9 near L. Lettuce KUHyWbitollRad do Ictr or Green Head do Ice Cos* _jeiSVortT«pt do ;Furule Shqrt,Top do . Lohg^'irmon do IjOiig Scarlet do Scarlet or Gh’iy Turnip dp White Fall Spanish do . Blahk M ** do^ Early Sugar LocfCabbage fiolcsnle or retail, by • v JAMES KlVLty. E.,Gurdnh.S tone* Turnip Norfolk Flat • do. Wiiie Flat: do. Pino Scotch or Ab erdeen , do. Early, George do. .Early .Dutch . do. ' 'Early York do. • . Largo York or Harvest do. Early Battersea do, f do BullocVs Heart do fine Largo Bergen do, ( : Drumhead do.'- Iqute Dutch do. '*• Flat Dutch (very fine) do, • Groen Savoy do. . Green Glazed do. TurnipRooted . do. Red Dutch do. .. Colowort do. Large Purple Cape Brocoli • • Whit© M do. Early Cauliflower, . IfnlfHayrfy dp. Ijite Dutch do. ^Cpsarchti'Kalc or CowCablmge, •Lonj HnnoVcr 'V du Lnrgoflcll f’cjiprr, Squash do. Cayesnnn ,do. '. . PlS’cre** -; • Wuter Civs*, * ; I^arge Tomato Small ’ do.t. * • ' . Vegetable Oyster . vWlUte'Split! Celery Summer Savory Dwarf Curled Vhrsloy^ - . ’ N; Zcniand Bpinnge, .Flanders -. do. Round dor Greeh Curled Endive, Broad liCavcd do. ' White Mustard Brown' do. ■ I/>ng-W]ute Okra Akjiaragus NastUftion ' Citrlod Chervil ? A, r a.n.j French Sorrel . Rhubarb (for Tarts) / :*t Leek - , - v- .• . ' Safirop . •* r •Sweet Majornra Sweet Thyine Sweetlavender Herbs " , .. ... , Balm Catnip Lcmoii Balm Early Golden SioxCom Early Tuscarora do F.nrly Sugar do. Enrly Washington Pens Early Juno . do. Early Charlton do. Wlrfte Marrowfat do. Dwarf Prolific do, • Dwarf Blue. Imperial dd. Knrly China Dwarf Beans Early Dun Color Dwarf do Early Moliawk do ' “ Early Freheli or Warring-' ton Dwarf Itcans Early *ix week do - do - Early Rob Rby do. do. Refugee or 1000to White Kidney do. , do, Dutch Case Knife Polo do White Crenb’yrole Beans LtufftLilriii do. ‘ do. Htuail do. do. Duteh White Runner do. 51—tf jfe y Ilroiifglit to Jnll, I N Russel obnniy. Alalminm on tlio 2Clh ult. a fyegro . ninn, who calls Ids nnipe SILAS,* aorTssys he belongs to John H. Brbdnax, «»f Tronp county. The owner is re quested to comply with tbclaw snihalie blin a wsy. • v- . - • G. W. ELLIOTT, Jailor. . Feb. 5,1835. t G EORGIA, STEWART COL’NTY^-ToUed bclbra me bV C. W. Butler, one bright Bay Horae, about fourteen or fifteen years old: four feet four inchc* high, branded .with ibe-letter S on tl»© left sbouhler, with a whits star in his face, trot* naturally Apprairod by John I>. SG^tuusrol J^c. TwWvr * *'*?'**%*' J«d.3».183J. l~3t I will sail, Tiria Cay at 12 O’ClooIr, lii front of my Store, 2 cnshs f Clict*«p li/bbls. Glnubor Salta Siiuxeu Ittipcrinl Tea'. M UVgT.|'tedi» do. Jnimmiod liHtnj^ Trqce Chains . ‘Du. Pcppct'JInxos (’liny Combs l»attl, .Ciguia,* &c.; ~ 20 r’njg wrapping Pnpci And u unmber orntbcranicle*.'TeniisCnnh. , * E. SrGODllNEY NORTON, AuctV. Columbus Feb, fi ' ’ It—I To my lloiicsiCredilprs. F RIENDS, it is a source of pain to me, to ho compelled to say to you tlmt having had the misfortune of full- ing in collecting immcy that \ am ju*tly omitled to, I Imvo tp any to von that it is out of my pbwcMo jmy you nt tlii* time, but 1 will say ns nn honest man, for nil are'lmncHt un til tried mul a great tunny oven then, and in Having tin*, I do it from the dictate* ol my conscience nml in support of it I pledge my life, my honor, and all thaMo dear tojimu, that n» soon a* ( enn pav you 1 will. As fast as I cau it got •you. Shall lihvo it. PnoiuV', it ia not tho intentiop of the one whoqpwaddrosiiekyou tndeffBud hit creditors put of one cent; nn, sooner‘would I Idol my name from the cntnlnguo of huinnn being*, tlionit should fm Said ©fine. I am nwnre gentlemen that you can nut me in jail, hut iltfould lie poor coneoloiioii to pul a fclVoV bciirg in ronfinemepu bceamm he cannot at tho niouient pay-bis emlitoM, Gcntlouiat, I hope •you will give It fellow being who is flerti of one lekh and bonoof one l»onu with yourselves, indulgoncd till.ha ran jMivyou, I am day in the. bonds pf my creditor* to tnnke such tiro of mots they fcep fit. Gentlemen, if tlmt Ohiprame. Being, whoikunw* the icerot rereflse* af mftn’* heait, #ho*o ladiitation is in tlm heavens,Could spctUUu v«u tuv feeling* 1‘iim induced tobeliovo that you would boWittfied to give mo tlmt indulgence I .need. Gentlemen, I require thin lii-’ diligence tlirvugh pccotrity ond I hope you will not refimc it. Gentlemen, time wlIFyrevo to yott n Ijether I am hoilfst or not. T|iat being that knows tho fceeret* of my heart, on whove providence 1’raly for tho enjoyment ofererv biro- sing, Loth tcinnoraVniid *nii itoal, Knows whether I nin hou- e*t oc not. - Ail thing* will work together for good to those whoso intention*.ore lioncHt. Now Gentlemen, in conclu sion ! will any to you tlmt I throw mysclfoii your merov to do with qa you think proper. You can indulge me or -vou can tpqko inb more nuwrnldo. 1 ntn day in your Iminta to tuakoBUclMiroofasyoit ara a niind co. ' • *■ Your obd’t humble Hervnnf, james ii. iioucimix. * Greenville, Jnn.27, KhIO. 1—lm . •. (C2* The (Sentinel, Columbus, nnul the Macon M(monger will cneh give iliiis one tmuith* insertion and I will pny ( thein. A Llst of Letter* RAINING in tlm Post Oflico, CoIambtlSj Grurgin, Jm January 31*t,1036. . JVVt’reUTosliim * Lucas Alira’Afary H. Izewis Jimob A. . Lawrcflco'l’lmmas vAVorcti Buii’li. Gerard 2 Hcthunc James N. 2 Billups Mrs. Eliza A, Beall Robert Bigelow Alon7.0 B. 3 Billups Miss Jane .C. Burk JnmpsTV • * Blggerr- Jc(Tcr80ii Bcck Etenheu ' Brlfoglu James BmurNneilham T. Bound ArclUbntd Brynn James D." • Beck Jordan llentouJnm^a Books William Ispe Cant. S«Ui 2 LanmrAlirnbeauS LnCo Naimiol - Lloyd Kielmrd l.odowick Elba Leinor Philip Nimrod.W,' Mrs. Elizabeth l^»eM. . • Marcein Mis* Judith^ Murray Obed E.' 1 . • Manha Mrs. AunbalU Mntlmws Ndd* Mitchell N. F. Mr*. Bell A. J. or Geo.C. Mcrler Marlhin Mrs. P. K. Baird Nelson Besson L. S/B, Bryant Thomas O, Brown Ephraim . Bell Andrew Handy E))hr«im j.. . Bozeman William A- - Buffington Js man l , . ‘ BogertJ. ftf.'B, • Cross John ‘ * , ‘ , ( hntfield Jehu * Crqiv/pril Hardy Cook .A.’ ‘; • /*. CawIby'Elyah 2. Cndy l)r. tf. C. ‘ ' ( Crook Osborn . Cqtton C. Wj. Oil Hill Robert', v - * ~ * Mrs. Harriet M. inn Martini Mi Cinrtiicna John • ChriMv Alhpr.t. Crew John 2 Champion William flrbro ICobcrt ' Coh John 1 Medley James Gala Thomas W.. euro of Thus. W. Mplford *' " Mnmsoy James W. r <• MuUdy Joseph W. 2 Murray l\ J* My rick Howe! • Metcalf Eliphnlet Moat E. G. A. Moon Erasmus D. 2 MofTet Hines ‘ M'-rahon Mrs, ErnubodD. * Dean Dwviil k , Dawson A. B* Davis William 1 ' Dudney Arthur Dnnin) 'litmuss . , Dawson John l A. • - Drislwn Jamesw.’ * Darin Mr*. A. M. *'..j*1 Davis Mrs. Harriet .. Doug!*** Mrs. Mary . Depnia Bryan Earl Willinm Elliott Gpo. W. ' EUis Jesse ji.' Fields James , Fleming WiXL / t FfynnP.W. Fortson Richard Floiftuoy William Flournoy John N. • . Floyd Francis GuciVy Peter V. Glen R6r. Thompson GIosh Solomon . Grirjley Joseph 2 . . . Gilbert Abraham Goqrdun John Groniapd Mr.. • Griffin Andraw.B. „ ,, GaiUnr.d I). A. Gillison Mbs Jane A. Glenn James K. Grcor W lllinin - *' Gerdnlcr Mrs. EliKdbqlh Gouldin Martin . ‘ . . Gardner George ; Gunn John • . GInssiwnv Itovi Mr. * Gibson Felix O: Ghost onJoseph If, Grisham Ellis B. Gordon Thomas G« Tolland James Mnj. Toward Gcorgo Till tfenborn Innirrll. C. Tlddon Philips IrtysJdhnG. Tito Bnnittel HowoirNathanlol * Mieklcjqhn Geoifro , Miles/. D. . Me GowenJaiftfls •McDaniel Benj. ' McCarter51 rs. A.M. MrKeyiudds Jones/ ‘, McDaniel Hugh ‘ MeGchen Willinui J.2 Nichols Win. \V. Norris Jain*?* • * NeliMin William Owens Robert O. ■ OwenJsincsH. . ' •Qw'ens Calvin IValsMly Capt. John' •Price James Bi •. Perry William Pate John' ‘ Pollard Abner v ; Prior Celestirie . .. Parsons David J, . * rare Mrs. Martha /. mr« . PsrkrT Gcorga W. Parry Jolt a Z • ; t Pnrkn Mit$H*rnh Pirues Chrintophor Fruit Daniel tin nlli Hmnuol , Ridgeway* D. A* *R Innsnu Blnko • ■ Redd Charlos tf, ' Bedd Charles A. Reid EUas \ Robinson Mlnonli Ilakesirnw Blioda Rodgers WUlinm 2 * Rohmstm Aloxander* ' ■ Robinson Mr*. Margaret . . Rodgers Jnmos * : Rountros Jaiuo* / Rodgera Mra.I^bcqc«U v . ; * Rora David Ot.. . Rowland William * * M®* . ■ Hanford Ilenry J. Hanford Henry J.. ‘ ! ■ ’ • ' Shivor* Tlwhoss J. . gi/ilih Capt,*W r »IH«tn W,;. * j: ■.t.m J Adtftinjslr.tDFN ftnlr* O N tfnturdny the 21st of .'Inroll next will lie wd.l at Won Point all the j.oruhablc properly belonging t«* the estate ofWesly 'Forloss deccHrcd, consisting irf Corn, Fodder Forniturcv end n very fine,young'MARE. Hold for the benefit «f t':o hciidunJ credituidofpaid deceased. Ci.EMENT EORUEtf. Ad’mr. . Fcbrunry fi, 1—•uls A IFOJKHA, LEE COWSTY.-r-When ; • WifJis jwc* xjfi l^uiidolpli Jones uud tfnriih Jones, opply to me for t I.’uers ui AduuMistiutiou/mthc estate of Aaruti J ones, d«- ot.vcU. • • ‘ gswa is therefore to cite niiAmlmoni.dt fill r.’id riiognlnrtbo KindrciDmd creiJitprti of said cJfnte, to be foul ut toy efiicc with ui tho lime prof-eribed by Inw, ro sf„^v cause, if any they hnvej why said letters sbould not bo granted. Given under my hand nt filner thwii*i.Jlifuiarv 1835. ' JOSEPH tf. WiLLltf, C. V. O. February Ii 1 4t i . W lK£ A CR^iflAICT itavo just.rocuivod, tind ttllcr Cur Kite nt tlieir .D/ttg Store itt Coltimbit.-q tlio Sim&'UiEAg IADK the cure of Rlicuuuiiism, tfthifuln m Ring* Evil, JEY Goiit, tfeiatica or ITip Gout, Incipient Crbcers, Halt Rlicuni, tfiphilitio nudMercuriiilDiwitscs, nnrticulnriy I’l- cprs nnd painful directions of the bone*. Diet rated Tnrciit and No^irils, Ulcers nl every description, Ft vnr Jjore*, ami Idtcmnl Absccniscs, Fistubis, i*iles. scald Hcnd, tfemvey, Biles, Clnnnic t-ore Eyes, ErypiprlD, Bloicbc*, nnd ever;’ vnricty oiCtitmieons Afinetioii: l'1-rnnie Cntnrrb; licit r - hcIic, proceeding from nn nerid liunmi-; Fain iu the Stom ach nml Dyspcjnriftj proceeding from vitmiion; Alleiuions of. tlio Livci; Cliroiiic iilllnftliil.ioti of (ho Kidneys, nnd Gen*, end debility, rnused liya torpid nctjtjq ol Bjff ver*seU of the. skltj. Ills’ singularly cfiiciiciom* in rr.norQntig. thoso con stitution* which hnvo bcon brul;C|l llowii by injiulicioiis treatment, (ir juvcnilo irregulnritie*. lit general icnns, it is recommended inHllllinso dlsCniies which arise from im purities of tie* blood, or vitiaifoii of tho l>mnort,of wfiatevcr nit me or kind. 1 Home of the above eomplnints tuny require’ some trifling ss.4istnut npplieujions, u liieh tboCire.umptdiiees ol tho onro will dictate; but fern general remedy or i'nriJimUr to re- Mt/rc the cause', Tim i.Mil.VN’* F.vsacka will generally Ikj found suificient. 'J’Jm proprietor offer* thisprcnnrntien to the public, with the commiousnqss tlmt he Is placing within its r»>0eli, a remedy capable of relieving many ofhis ufllfeled fellow be ings, ivlio nrcsujrcrJng ttntfcrtlKV various ebronic am! ob stinate complaints to wliirli it iv cpplh able. To such it will phivo<»fincalculable valor,uh tho ineaiis, and ip ma ny Caros',thd only monmf of relit \ ing llieir mifTm ings nml restoring them once marc to henhh iiilJ ) 'J’liis i* not oirernd ns a common remedy, that muy ft»:r cbnnt o he ciihdlly good will!ninbv othebinoqi hi use, bat u;« one which is capnlde of saving life in mniy extreme caiie* when qll dir UMiiril remedins fail. 'Thin if lias ibnio repeotedh; nml thiais lho reputation it lias obtained wherever It has boon introdii«;cd. It is«nlyolmnltJ»Mo years sinec C,** prrpr.rntinn dm* presented to iho public: but hi.tlmt short space of tiiita, soma hundred* of persons might be fmuid^tvhn would- rol- pmply declare that they believed tbuMhcirlive* were' ftn- edbv it,iiud (ji tpost ciMfasifrcr iljay laid tried-many end iierhnpHull the common renp'diss In’ vain. Wherevei iris known it is rapidly coming into uro, and iftfs afibrils tie* moHt HiiliNtautml and efniviueing proof bf il* merit!'. Thovqluo oftlio Pbnrcoa Is most ebnqdrnoim in ilio^o .long standing and *yphll|tfc ami • scrofulous atlly.tion* \« hleli.lmve (felled all qtli’pr ivindfes, nnd pmrieuboly ju thdsovnses vvli.’re HKreoiy ba* been --i lavitjilv used it* to cause dh'treusing ri»hr*:n tliebonet'nodes, im'it nriul ol- errs, der.mjpmier.t of tin* dige»fjve begun*,. &tn. I’beso ir completely removes, and in (ill r.n4«’ entirold’crndi'ifileo- UtaulauusOiUuuV thboffecta «f lAercilfy, rawuvuie;v tin* eon- HtitiUlon, imd lehves the pntieut roiii’d i.cdwrlL in Ul.nt-. puitlsihs nnd in IJleerated inro tliroaf, it* l»|qq»>“oiTccts uro “11 Jess niqmirnt, giving (ilnjc ft iimiietliato relief. Thti foll(iwingcertificntes,fliit«f hundred* Kiniil.trwhich might bo nriK’iired, are. given bi t how tlm efl’et t of Tux IttniAN's iVt NAeiiA, hi the Varicuf pomplahiis thorein uioi • tiouetf; and also to exhibit in the most butisfuclory unuiuor itssupnriority over the nyriqi^ ill common use. GAMES OF » UKGM VTftfM. CITAftl.EtfTO.f, Trw.}«, 1031. During tlml.vr winter ond spring, I wits nfilicteil with a vary severe and .difirtyping RheuauilDm, occ*si»>iicd by. CTpoyiil'e hi bad w'ontlier. I now take grent jilensun* ip •tilting, that nix bottles of tho Intl'um'* Vatacva, reMod’d mo to perfect licnl(Ji, mul 1 coil lb lenilv rocoiumend it to all linriiurly afilietod. • , JOHN FERGUSON, King at. Gil All 12,1031. I vvit.vnfilieted fjttrSpar* with nu ulcer In tlm leg, ores- slpnally nn’.mnpauied with erysipelatous hillnmntfnii nml InekresKive pain in the ler ami uncle joint, tfoveral eoii- neat Fliyaiclun* nxpftrd tbctrpklll Upoit it, but without |H*r- tvtaueut licpefit. Inlbivca-te f>VO bdttlci of tho luelittn'a MJ IARET A.‘.WEST, Market *!. 131 i'w.. m.. tflierbitrn Charles 8. Spivey ft B. W, Htrarige Msssrs. J. ScCo. Snowtftcnlien W. tf togner William ' Hanky William - Hpfftr^ndorsoii Hnadfoid James Havnett Jntncs Hcrtfggius Fielding Hhepbtrd John Swearingen Josiah *, llowoirNnUianlol Thornton Itnlld. Macon Hall Frutrell ' Thornton M!nilali2 Hoikins William L . Thornton Maji border Ilnwlcv Hezeklsh 2 Thwentt Poterson ron. Howard Mrs. Elclinbr Taylor Dr. Edward and Howard Anthony ^Robert Taylor Harpor John J, i ’ Tate rifomas *. llogrJohn Anderson Turner Wuym Haywood James ; Thornton Thomas A. ;• Hannon Henry •Tliom|H'on Asa W. Hoxleton-W M. IL ' • Thornton Thomas A. HcfleyLcvy Thompson John " llardv John ' . Tonqy Jeiuo* H. HalUsincsN. ' Thomas Win. U. Ives George R. 3 . James Jt. Ussy.'Ely Jones Mrs. Nancy Euiellne Van Aradall Willinm Jones Wiley E. ' ** „ JValkor A Joiioa Nancy, cfcreof A, P. Wc ch Thpnms . . Jones Wellborn John Carlton . WareDr.RhbeitA. , WnnraJohnU Willinm* Wostldy • . AVaro Geo. Alexander •William* John II. . Wood Francis Jathe* Wren Tftomaa D. ‘ WychoO.O. . Wheeler Rodney 3 U'itU.... Jones Scvy Johnson James June* Thninas • Jones William B. ( Johnson J.D. Jndsoh M. • Jones 31nrcus D.V . Keatlcr David IL Klncaird Jonathan Kay William II. Kinslay Uxarus Knott John . Kimbrough Mr*. Ann Kiiul.raneliWWi,mlI. Ware Willinm Webster Dnvid Mr. Woodall John « . Willlafbs Lewb . Washburn Salmon' WlllinglmtnJobnG. KfoSra. Cirttraripi wiS^Mra. Erawe. Yeh.«. 311 ' Blur lot* Sales. W ILL lx> ralit at tlx Court-Ilotim door in tho town nf llorrv, Marion ruunty. un the Cm Tuesday In MareUnext, iho rq)lpVlnspropcri.v tn wiU - ■ Lot of land oumbt-r 24H, (two.liundrod ond tar- trttlrilt,) in'tbe tliirteenili district uf originallyJHureosce not. Marion county, levied on aa ilia (iropci-tv o7 Daniel Wliatlrv, to aatialy a Ii fa from Marion Hupctttr Court in faror of Thomaa Majdar. Alw r another ft fa In foror of Julio Fletcher, bearer, for the use of Little Bryant ts. said Whatley: fi faisauod from the Superior CourtofHouston eonnty. Property'pointed out hv tlio defoudant. . Feu. 1 ELUB JONES, HlttrilT, IlMlo Htal Tor DlMMlMion. rt, Jaaauy adjMrard Teem, .juiag •wot their hnaorh 'ias HaatsolA. ohwt Doaghartr. Jaroeea. U PON taejtttitionof Edmund S. Harris, Gitimlmh of Jana K. Harris, it Bordered by the court, dint ho bo dirmirsed from tho raid giranjinniliip or tho aa'ul Jano 8. at tho neat term of this court, unlos enure bo shown to the contrary I and ft ia further oftlcrad tlmt this rule he pitta tidied, at least forty dsrsbefore the sittingoftha said cuutt, iu die Columbus Enquirer, nnd that nil pcreoiu t oo,suited ba required to Cl. their ohjeeiious, if any tliey hue, aguinst the aaid rule being made absolute iu tcuns of tho law. * A true extract from the minniea of tho raid court, Jauua. ry£Cth,I835. I fit IIF.NRY PERKINS, c. c. o. JWed!c:il. • TJIkR. FALL, in tlio honrsO uf bis pro(o«*hmnl pur- * VMfw Wmr. fcn»*e.»^wi imemlcd hi* rxnr- tiimv in cshos of umpsy, was, after smite years ohserv- »inl pnu’tleo, led to •iisneel Ilie smuatmts* nV llm pniholo- gy ’of thal complaiiil---belieymg (liar if the liuture, seat anil lendcney of this riU-curo were roireetli apprelienileii^ thntii generally siicet.'fiful pmeiiee would*eermiiily liuio been devpied. tlm# impressed,- he guvo blmaelf. Up to tkq. iuvcstiguriou of (ho -snhiert. -AidivI ‘fir kunnltuiffc of the * r ’‘ /ion,; hd 1_. .. kttoT< ledg* of the stafo of thr iimrinii system, which op era le* rt* thn enmity of qropsy’i'u all in* 11 *imhform*. Ill* Views ju this' respect, mil indeed quite diiTci cut friftn (ho scholastic llidory of dropsy, tliougli stiictlv patliologlcul. Ho feel* mora mul uiorn (smrtnued resiu'ciiuii their eomuM- ncas, front tho Fiqierior aucedm wlticli intends ibe eppli- crttlou of nicdicine according to bis principles. For tho Inst noven mirs, he has eonliaed Iri* practire f Ti hisivelv to dropsifnl subjects, aiidhaslmd tho satisfaction to roo his intellectual eiforM crowned by the inust luippy re sults. Many person* timing this period, have l»e«*n eitrcd hy lils discovery, who wore despaired *.n, both by (Vtund* and /dijisiciiuis, and arc now living wUiieroes of *tlie trutit of wlmt i.V hero staled. • tf landing thus immhtcd, with a remedy tin hi* hand, which ho oolfrvct) (mul In ibis Indict' bo is not alone) scr* poMca any tiling known in tin: medical world, for tin* cun of this distressing uialudv, lie Inis thought priijmr, for bis iitditidual’beiicftt and tho licncfil' <»f those who may at any Uuio Udumr uuderjhiHdUon-^, to cxliUiit hi* rcmctlv • to iho worlds ui tint form of pule ol medicine. In doing which ho lm* ho upolojry to o;V. r, nof-fitvyf to ask, further than Btrlet justice. BiUi’cviug thm the remedy here rtvom- mended, tmly* rnnuire» t*» b- li.iiblaHy npplfed, tu give unpmalloh d Mati-tmcir->n, hq feels willing lor Ills niodiciun to ulmulor fall* own merits. /. • Dim toe It. Branham ofEatouron, Georgia, nuthorixe* tlio pstcutoo to publidi tho following short note. “ I' Iiuvh kiinvrii Ur. Pull's priwcriptlaii iWtlrnpofe* n*ml m many cut**, with kia^aliir *Ucca»». An * ckutai.v ilmrstlc. so fur *■ my ohaorvMtian uxtoails, Ii Ijii* ai>ct|iiul. i Isi'ii'vo itulii'ipali- or tlio hc»t rouiOiy 1 iMVoknown, for tills tiiatrusniiiirdi-Fags'. ' II. 1WAMI.13I.” “ Noveni’inr 8, Ipo3, m . The above 5 odie.inn limy Im* obtained with suitable di rections from Ilo.xey *imu (Jnpl)inrt, (hdiimhuS; II. tf. Jollfotfii, Miieim• I.intoii & Bacon, Alliens; E. M Ed- • wards, Alilledgovilie; R. 14. IIavihuul & Co. Broad -erect, •Augusta. '' February. 23 - t 3w3wr3in Begltitcrof Bobnlva, O UR aitbncrilicrM to the Telegraph, who lmve paid ni in advance, uro entitled to ii copy of tint Register of Dolmtes, ofilic last session, heing lliren ocimo A* n question as to the pov’twc,!? was tdado by the Depuit- maiit, wo' lm\e retainod the cuj jes till now, and.lhciw will ho an extra eliargpiir til'iv ccms per volume for hiuding, mid a small additional dinr/n to our agent for e.\|H’n-c of UauSportution aud daliver},- * They may bo tind of tho following Agents. TlIOMAtf RICIIARDtf, of Aiigustu, Georgia, fi»r|b« cotintioM of Uii-limond, Columbin, Wilkes, Ouletlioriw, Clark, Elborf, linbcreluumLtuiipMn.Cft** niul Floyd.' Moflsr* RUJttf E A STif.Etf. of Mot’ ?j, loir tlrecoiin- tio* «f Baldwin, Bibb, l olls, B(irk\ (lowfeta, GwinnflU Grecoe, Muscogf’’, Morirbe, Meriwether, Morgan, Jasper, Twiggs, Houston,Thoninr, I nyrtte, Harris, Henry, Heard, Hancock, Nowloit uud Wnlion. As inaoy of our suhsctihcrHluitp uot h-eu awure of the termsoit'wliicli these volinucs’.ure giu’-u, some bp*e not availed theniBclves of an r.ficr of tonineni in ndfance, and ihcrcfmo are not cmhhul to receive them, 'f ho mm- iferiptiro prico is three (Jollara jmt vnlnroc, mul we moat' ha excused, when wo any, tlmt ns nu iudepeudeut puli- Mention, thoy uro cheap at tliut: yet, with a -:cw to se cure prompt pajiucnf tli-v :ir« ,, gi\eii without charge—tu thoso who pay in mlvuuCe:*midnlihout!h our delinquent Mubserihers liuvo forfeited the benefit of ibis libcrul oiler, we have placed their Iicconuta in tlio bunds ofeiur agents, and rilMvho will jmy iiprinr.nmgos, ntul nbo pay tlm next year* suhscriplioft id iidvauce, will reecho tho debates of' the past j ns well a* thoso of next year, iritkoui thtirgr. • Tliono who refuse Uiis offer will lm lurid iuroi rigiblo and dealt with nccoiilingly. A* iho next yem’s suh*rripti»ti will data froui tlio first of l)ei*erober, all our sulisenbor* nro resppi tfiilly requested to avail thbiiiflelvcsofthe ear liest opportunity in moke rcmiuoucc^; reiving with con fidenco on, tlieir doing so, wo lmve entered into engngo- litciita w|iicli render it nidi qicnsolrle tij UH that they should. - / The Folilir.uS Register. TJii* work contain* the public d'SMimrnts, tins article*, nnd Urn domestic, uud furplgfl ttsw* which ur inlho united States Telegraph, nml eonstinatc* two larjiw octavo volumes. These, with tho Register of Deliule* vk tho Inst scfriou, make, for the current year, ft 1.ugf oe-v (nvo volumes, nud to those who suuscrilio fur tho mtrrcut and succeeding year, they will cgnioat ifto reducod piiro of five dollars per annum, or ten .dnlpira for two Years, mn> king nine lurgo octuvo voluipctr, They cun he b*d of our- agent. 7 ’'' January 23 **• *1 Dftncing School. G eorge b. king, n veifaiiy iur«n»i* tw> lnhuhr. touts of Culundms oud vicinity, that hi* in/liuc- •iou iu Dancing Waltzing, Are. will cmunieiMre on Friday tho 31*1 iu*l. at tin* City Hall. Purunte who tuny desiro to Itavo tlieir rhildmi iiislnictcd in font ImaUliy excr- ciae, and delightful oreoiuplishinent will do well to enter them immediately., There will bo ajso a night t-eluml for gout (omen. P > Ctfkiliiou parties will Ikj givrp rfmry Wednesday •)ve iling. tho first to take pliieo on W*ftnc*d»i> evening Iho SRhii inst. 'rickets uf admittance f 1,30, to bo had ui E.S, Norton’s Bookstore. Coluqibus, Joq. 23