Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, March 27, 1835, Image 3

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•- -Pf- >>;. i •- r . (Prod are gufftimtccs of it* in3cptiniTenco-anil ii y .'i'j: • flcljty; ami give it new and weighty; cluiniji.upon . tbc confidence of all wlio believe thnt a free press . fj the guardian of ifiegliVlicliberty. It-is to lliese •; ■ Vi <:and not to the. Nuilifiers alone, that tlic Telegraph . ■ . looks fonts support, nnd wc have not looked iu v l^vaini We have alreadv.received assurances that tbo people are taking this mStter into their own . hands, atto'riiatjarowjli .receive 4 n largo'accession tn our subscription list, ft.-buh. tho'powcr of Jthfe. people to indemnify us for all that has- boon taken ■Iftliejilo not, no one can .deprive uspf : V-V-' the proud consciousness that we j’laye-fliitlifuliy . v > V.v'ffltenbi^dotjr-public dmy~of having dt.loMt'Ue- served Success. . . ' h-:t . ' We do not approach toe palflio iu flic 4 -voice-of *’• ■ importunity or complaint. AVoifVcg -patronage- Bern no one. The priucipie upon, which we net is to render a full equivalent fur nil that wo receive.’. . Does tlie rentier believe that it isIHstluty to contri^ •y O-'butc to the support of nn independent press, at. the ,yi mit'of; Government,.which, unaided' by power, ' lias maintained Jts iiitegrity-.iiiUior trials dpdroipp ••.curnstances wliTch'ljas-e subdued—w'e had almost ..said, the ’pcnpiq tltptnselyek 1 Ithc does, ,|s not charity, but a duiy-rit Is self interest that -inakoe tiio appeal. ■ V ' No, we wili not believe'that tile In-,5 of tho ptib- .Wuseftft^.eurere,’...„. ... , . .... ... sidored altogether immodest ita’malting Our first ■ bow lo the" public!- to'eviend to them at the same time oai most’polite arid • enrnest in.vjtotiqtl lo sub- -scrilie lor dtp’-pripor and'judge of fttnflcrwards.—. TJiis is honfleCted French politeness of ours; jtt is lie printing is to. be.the. dqstrnction-of the. Tole- .‘•XkeUaiflhaftiioijtates.'aBdAliofiov.Hfeikhtjfwrtho'Sttttefl^i Friday McvKii-.g-, nisfirds , -'iSHBH Iny-cmiers to lik charge ’ ,v,-i!i;ou't.Bltpu». v eviiJVtde ofhi’sgOth- We take it ior. grouted flu-, .toe ir-. allude.! o the laws ol'the hist session-. • Now, solar. Sin hiU:aeted^vitl in-cqnfiiiiugTBo’phbllcatibn to q fettfjp(«eitre-papcri, hut; t|iat he;yt:ould3i(ivq.dqpe sflil b^er hailj'lto- iaterposetl bid tuiflibrity, to v pre- PrenqIi.warVh4,Tldg Gedn paSf^aned lift thi£ -. i- -•'Xiruscnfv-aptLGlti'gce^s having liq»; v : TJh'.wa uio left nhitb9t v di)tiiialy : iMi^t;B'4wsciT, ' The consequence ie' jBatjiWrjiqyo 4 :’ been obliged. 4 - to cxsc^softzc'oVery^tdd nswspqj'cii j rPfltrtphlfcf, 1 . **•- 'Vo/boulto^^’ itfrpihtracls ven;' ia pj-dpr to' up our. weekly tiiiutcr. t'WjfJjq#* - Ibe goneral lilernry-/nppeh«f(ice^6f 'pur juipef "«k flijfi wili-nol bo^traacccp'ftiBlo idhottr readersi-gs- 4 ' pecinlly aVtlic'wcalhorhps- HUddenly modcrajed, y -.. oudlBtVnefvmjs sySem'rdaseii,tSS.-fc- - 'point, dqjmiq-aiinpaetflWl^ij^driiasdb; rjaWRch 1 --.y-'l’'--.\y S''-'-.' ; - ' t STATE RIGHTS bbNVj-iNTiONi, 'which havb'rcsulied'fron} dio etriraottliBUfy/ trad . :•£ '?• npririohds to the pro(!b.eq(ag8»f ihuecn*;' v,igh liuhded "meaimres itff lho present’ifftniiniStiii. ' ,'ttalcommittee 'in'rolatiqn to/iwbhventiqifoboiield^ qjon of qur^pVerDntoht,'-Should .we, hovyeVcr, pdsi ItkMUIcdgevillqpn thVftra^MoudaV m,JtinoV';\Vq : oyfijr «ll tho iuinor o'ausbforceraplaiuf.'adtii^onr _ bopo every county . represented; and ,for: minds upon tlie simple truth, that the present cx- .'eeutive Undliis silbsbrvlctit'hiiuibns liiiVo siiceccd= ed iii wresting itroirtilia hands of the’p(»)}|p tho Ttu: AubAUa JocanAic fnis fatltirul' oJvo- cute.ofthc Stute Rights doctrines, has recently ohanjptl hands.’.Thus.' Mays Esq., former taut that .Georgia should be represented in that Editor, has rttired fiom the esiablishtuent, pnd august assembly of I’retdilbdt makers. We think J<>hn,W.;A. Fettit’Esq. formerly of this Stntb.lias assumed the editorial conduct. ,ol‘ the Journal.— The Salutatory'of Mr. Pettit com prises'a brief- nnd'eandid stafembiit of his pti)h!c(tloreed, .whtcl ATO ltccpghiire is..’truly. Jcirorspniphs 'WeTicntler onr new coadjutor our best wishes for his personal mid political. prosperity; -. i>'-£ Tito following short paragr-njtii front tlioTourna) wo admire fpr itS Jrne pol/fenrss nnih-'gennine can- .'dpnrrc-cspeQt'aUy the cbnctUding sentence,; SjtW&q Having just taken possession of the Journal, ua- nr (ltnl.,,.,/1 Af i.i’nhm'relt iirnFifnltln It) tilt ftft Ik’nll ' tier the lmpb of making it yrpKtnblo ,iojb» .ns well '‘iliobltfertfit'wfli’nof,' we trust be coii- lhat Tommy is nbialt iialf right in thja raaUot'!, and moreover wo dont ktiow bnt it would be j»i»o policy in - the Standard to insist Upon in enrifer meeting of that body than is antieipaled. Some of .his gooit rcpaHicontrfcnds^biii almost remly lo fly n.T tho helve,in this Van Huron ntliiir, and wo think it bcst, ? if wo might be ftbrniitlcd to. suggest -a hint, that two or ihrcc of them ,bo.“bonnd over tq ltcdpV'cboAtpon.thqqucsti'in until furtlrarordors- arc rcccivedfrom bead quarters. We bnly men- Uon-the thing—as wqdislike ,tu pec a division n- mong the true ripublfcrms .' .'■ ^, T „. 7 „._^ns.tho rcadot sebs/ whiph Doctor iilair, describes as coming from the heart,. There'arc two kinds of men only, to whom this invitationis.pxtendedf.':They.nrdtile,friends tihtl r tiic.focs ofttjo paperj .-Its frjends should pay for T bccauseityriil support : their;doctrinC6,',cohsolb Vtid*ehoerlhcm,.in the libitc elf trouble', .'. Its foos pay fur it, because it .will affitjd them' an .ipn presses qfih)s Sikto; iifconsfctiaenco^ftvilbl/i ns She'Jury believe, a lafg6;port|dhbfpt^p®ii(ni .‘TOrpitnlgibrpntttftheigS^s unddr wttiih iji'ojfUvb.^ . qtiiO-phnflgo iaundoub'tpdly.^abi’SsilntgSjj^i^b ' ^ '■Jbjyqcbut'.hdivb-fdt'jyo arp authorised Jitf- .beiisure the-.fExecbti\ , o-for v tli'i3 mhtlcr isj another - thing. fWatejievyir'pur : jjve’ Jha Deyildiis^tij, ■■^d r bspocjn)l’y,;'wi>hid dec iict underTlris proVefo in. Tommy Haynes, of tire Standard, is out Etr tho Bill timbre C tin Vcnfion. He deems it very ttnpor- journ forsomejwecksiu the plains of.Ttieiics nail Mpmfaluty tliey then comb down th.qVNile, and .stop iri the Epyum ceycred witli roses f and m.jtv- bry pi,ice where hinds are Vicli in flowers. aflimV them Imr.fvV'nt ilia end of March these.Vcturtr-lo the Oun Catholic friends have at a recent inerting resolved to build n house of public worship in this plarc, and for this purpose appeal totlic ilber- ality of their fellow citizens." W e trust their np- peal.\yil|[not bo iavuin; in ns nfuch her’tficy: are now jyftoUy.dcStitnlO'pf'» chun;h. edifice: • They tlifler it is true from a great majority of our clti- izenft-.ih their religious tenets. Bail, ifoltl iloctrinus nndpjiinions at .variance with ilic received pro-, testant orthodoxy, of the day, yeVns.thecoiisiini- tion of the' country guarantees to. them'equal priv-' ilegea and cqh&l, rights,, flyby ought not toiie pro, scribed thy sectarian or illiberal • fccliugs, dr prp-‘ Vented lor.the want ofia' sniiuhlo sanctuary,- from worshiping God in their-own way. Most oft them hqyB souglltnn asyluiu-Jicre frointtlio'yrmngs in- forent Btiracts notice ; it is a flotllln couiposedoPsevcfal rmtS:; eacii rnivis formed of '.barthen jars - fnstbiied together with •branelics of palm t-as the flotilla'hots tlow'n tho Nile, llio pnt- . . . . joesvlpw'n tho Nire, Vlie^ Jmt-- tory- of wliicii.itois composed is solil iti tho towns atid villages Hint border on tbe'fivbrV - At.chphjsta- tibn oho raft ts tltspo8b<lPf.' 'Whbh’thtMtipviio cOUt JB dtt’et llie'flotilla have sold all, their viiyngc is. at nn flue even- VVnln ; ”,ki*v »,!•! VmJdov nCi'Lm. end; they quit tile Nile ntitl.return Inline byiraul. C'iowwevery Mumia.v mid l-' „i <jr. .it. ADY.—On liloiMay,’ hfst 'tills Wjma Ihmi. mitt ,'rli* tiAiil litdi 1 important netk of the Legislature. •' The pdbliea- ’ J| ii!tea: "l ,on ' ,1,cir °"' rt ett ®- ,r !“S Country, witere re,-, ■’tioo'has btain.cbtifined 'nl!nost'ontircly:'io thpUn- |'g|ous itUoleranca has borntuhem down from their. , -r -oj.-, - _vs-.-* bv:m.’t!- i.ff infancy.. ‘We slncorely hopp.their cmlditiiSrtf-^Hl, lie belterea among us. \ - .-V, . - ' 'i- • . G,oi,uMnus, 22, ifido. At a, mooting of tfib fcatlmlio Congregatibttof ColuiitUDsfheld immediately aftcrDiyiripServlcc, -tbii day, uficr a lew preliminary resolutions, arid, jnn election of Trustees to . mauhge thc temporal nffuiru ofilbe Church for.thb ensuiug-yonr, it was Saggostfcd, that o subscriptidp-papef shpuld be jire- se'fttcd'jij.oqjjleUpTC citizens, soliciting their hid,' ■the decent performance of our Holy Religion, tho -uccpmmoflBtibntbf tho: many .Catholics utiw-. reSl- -diqg hcreyi.nqdfjJibfe of-opr fellow- citizens who may .nt'qtiy’time dcsiro to attend at the tiliiu of ptililio;<lbvotione'‘''' : *''""'- ““'iliSgj -’ - yent : tlie”tr;pubiicnlioti,.ntjBn, nithef’hj ubwspaptirs, patnphlotsy&o'o&dr nlty ihlng'clseit ;ii woj)lil ho linpdssible to-talcafaieVtliof'pvjlk -, ■'®fiBcUye.-C o 'urtiloUscs; bn’fta>tiisir;'R|6>'DAT^ft:l i)nlanee;of ppwnri so' fur ns that in- aU'iinjibrtnnt ‘.J-f. AT, *0.elect dclbgaics In’jsaid-iepbypnjioit,fwmil ,mettsprpsnt.lpai,t r tli0;casliog : voto is Irt tbbiVijwp hnnuSi^-bnSiigh will still, bo thqUifcsti fi’ nrnttsql tiio in&^elSt-fitohri?* pftlie advocates of eonstl- -’'iK ’ <• ’ • 'thiipfinidibtjrtyj Mntf-tq 'hitjScetlie tnest^cnld Weqr- ■- MiiiEDOEtiitB, 17tl|.Blnrch',.1835,:' ted Democratpfthe Jelferspnipn kbituolto xreijtit 'I-«"■&rutura froerlqui,-. : met this dnv in this place, and ngieeil < t».thCf®l* ■ -7^ WoW who.-be1iwe, 9Kmipif'hafK : i-s'olntibns, which n'ro:^respectfully bulimR-t \ia these;l’ni,tor days, that tho »)plo-aret too ftbcf 5 consideration of the-friends-of States- theoigns'of tip, times are not nlarinisig—tiieltWd- jeet of govern m ent, wo . serimisly reOi, i- near it*. r mhb:^i-Brainb^eef^ in prder'to j'clacitnndsond defegatosrtojfpohVcpUpii tiihoh’bjd,-. ... . at Milledgeville, on tho third Monday in 'Jimi riixt. theff pence andhappinesajjttie diirectionpf nn iron ri^ilw jurpbse^of.noiuinatjng n.candidate-for the handed:despot. Whosb'siugie voiceifeah-swnythbir %h, nil'id yet .well. ■ But, .we^poqt jt, Witync. deiiheraliug'on tlie /’tjed . by .the. Stato Rights p'arty,in':relmiou' Crthrenbxt Fresrdentialeloctipa; nn'd.onotliernja tiers epUnfec- ted be 'corricl—if . tlio grbat. truth's.. vvhieh form tiie grnuud.yYnrk'of-our behiytiddeeltrrdtipri of In'; . .. ,'dopcndbncot must -bb qtrescryed irirorder-to pur - Respited juriltet|, Thnt lho -Btato Btgnts party. ;; -.ofeaeh poumyjsettd to'said epnVetrtipnr del^alei. ^jSS£% «or/csppadingTin';nuhibbF jvjth:itsreprefentatipn, : in'- arrived when liberty iS'in.dangor. bbth braticthes of ilrd Gefleral-Assotnbly. ... I* ' . Tnp'Codgresj jyliieh’bul a fevy duynogo eeased - liMoircu.Anjrt^, Thnt^ll'. oditqrs Wpnbpers' io ojnsf;iias'.i)orne us ample tbstithtatiy ofthewUl-' . pubhsh -those vcsolutimis::csti to the keopm^of their rulers; InAther words, ■ I'm T n- Mi»rnimt r ni.*;.' • * " ‘‘ MITQIIELL,-Choir;Cen.Cpm. ’tbe’nfo teniTnlly;convinced that tlto Tnybr pf tiie Attest. Iv t-nSDN ,L ‘(tAtinis, j’cp'v. pro. idro. j . ..vie — .v ..a .j- v — -,■■■ than tlr,e liberty .of.Mhcir conslithontdr'A’'tnorc rmontet Appalechi-. i ...... j TtiE SrtAniTox. haajprpken otit at ^ippniqcm-. time-serving, knuckling.nnd obedient crew, could coin. . The aUctj6ohndTdBf.: 6 Pf«P'd rauo ! 1 b 1> “^ <!a ^ hbt havo .beem-epllected: together, thnn. thb ofio . * fi nrn r/tifAMnlnprllliiit tin Bn. v\Thft*f*ltiafirifl ■* ijA. • ‘ ■ hrac'ntcrtalned that itj will flo so,.: Thq'citiiiens ,' : -:^tf 0ofnfnbus and the"ddjqining coitntry, would do . -kywell-toptyrCgrp iintnediato'vacciba^on'.''jjtraq- .-'ricrstnnd thiitiDr,.IJrqultflrt r ;& AVare wilt be sup; v'. ; tDUed-witli IrcsliVucbinethtittbrJua daypi'twa. ; vlied with trcsli Vaccine nuttier in a dny,pMWd,’ A'BRAKCtt oftho Ufitnnl BhtiV.?r.f'lprida fins ..-IlX-W- fa'jijjpMytp." ' "Jv'J. AbAsise , t ' 'O. Gv RX.tNhV;. ... ,At n meeting of-^tho 'DirectpW W. ,D. PhtcE. KSq.' was appointed Cashier. It is-understood The IIo'.y.GAnniEt Mooa.F.of Alabmii.ilias pub- :'pr ’ lbhed inf.implilet form, nn address to tho citizens - of Alabama, in reply to the; Resolutions of'-the Legislature of-lhot-Sthte, invjtmg’him.tb resign his seat in Congress. We have nbtsetrn a eojiy of the ' paraphietibut qitdorsinndtliat'lho Guvertorvlndi- 'tlie new Congress together. Such’ ,1s not"flip fpet %|n; furtheranio of'thi8'..unanimous ■ wish- of the' congregation, tljo undenjigned a committee appoin-' tell for .thafjiqrpp3^.'cdllipg upon* the lib era l of all Religions creeds, to assist them by tjieif pecuniary ■aid to cutr^-jmo,eJFect.\yhat they ponce iyb aiauda- bfo fibsiatf. -From tha.dispbsitlorfshoXvn uponisjiiii- inr becdsions oisowhore, tho undersigned flat- tor, themselves tbatytho citizens^of Columbus will manifest that which they have bocn hir.e'idy .'distinguishetL'- VVe ora fellow eitizqns nil deseendedfrom bncrcomqibil Parent, all endowed, with flip.aaifieAignified natou/nll enjoying the blessings ofp-free nitd happy eon.stdutlont.tjji.havb been dllotcd to bo the tnembefs pf ono tgimnjunijy, tliliuseil over the fnce-bf tile globe, nil ere alike id <thd.eycs iifjtjni to AVhbso-imdge’yro nrb erentedt dad drink pfthppno,cup overilowlng with tho up niversdl bohnty of hia^Providbntic: shnll tlterfi pur fellovylcifiliehs' enjoyrag Avith us clltlio privilege's ofbue domtnon ruttorc,. nil .thfe Blessings of one <3od, refuso trf.uld qs-jn piar. endegvojrs to ipjnmote ; thp.,honbrbflUm.w:lio wi3hesihat a|l wfio are ob jects bMlis redeeming ciiHrity' be saved and' como . ;p of IBs iroty. layy-nnd in opr de- A French traveller, In tietnUiag' Ciiits of inter est, connected with his journey hj Egypt, ties 1 critics the following modes of trattic pursued by the natives nn the Nile. .Amongst the barks that come down tho.river, somo particularly attract my attention ■ *(meet boats on- whjeh « great number tif bc'e-ltivcs are ranged ouo above another in' n pyramidal form.— It is two montlis since these hives hayo been sent MAH- AMtANGSi li . Tim t'mxKSK IjAuv.—On Monday Lady .and sulta pnitljiheir respects tojho President, wlin'cxprcssctl Itin'iself much jdensed with the in terview. ■ The expectations' bfllte.Ludy Ittttl been raised to a IiIkIi pitoli; as tq> the magmllbeuee of. jhoVFonti" Enipcror. 'us site terms the Pres-itlehn ”nt his kind and emirtcntfsflinnner.aiipea'rbd am.-. . ,-ly to compensate her for the delieteuey of nlit- Wnrd-.grandenr.- - Thrntigli flip medium of flic in- lerprotcr, on -parting, ilo-wished Iter a safi- reHtrn .toliiT country; efmiiui'nnecofgoott health amt the |»wpr tngjerti)inilf.'iiar country wotnett to abandon tile eit:io:ii of 1 ramping tlieir feet, sototWIy.inop- lXrti)inn‘lt> NdtuiPVw&er r'eglihttians, ;t<pnn.he: ing’nskfii iittee.what sliethought of'lho President, she icplied.'slio’hertevbd hitn 'tufho it yefy goqtl niaii Imt. not si).line an Einpcfor ns.they, have itt .CJliiitavuniVcahhotfcbmprelicnd whytlie Rn}P. el 9r aid not sit hi jliu highest' scut. : 1 - [ |i_jjf - ■ -^WfiMhingtprU^loJjc. v. ■ .... . ^ NOIlTHKRV taAtl-. .A,,.: ■ \ m Atitjusin, Mitled^FAjIlo uYiJ Macom . • ^ • • Duo cvi'rv any ut K* nV.Iook l». ar. ■ . i C|o*ca ovfirv t!t\y m n i*. m. , ■ SGt^THF.ItN* JdAlIr. > . -'.*u -\p>v Orli’titi.t, Moltilc oiiJ Montjr'nnicry. X «o every day at i2 a. m.~CIo#cr everv day ut 9 rvn< d ■ ... fORS.VTJI St 1UONASTON jfAlU \ a StallmgH’-iitow, IJarne^iUe:, Liberty - - nntl Kllontlic'. ' 1 no every Tunpilfty, a^liur-tlay dmj Hatimlavot 0 P. M. - X. ( \osts every IWW,TliUrmUy iV^ntunliv atflr,U. l'AGUANfiKJt *jfHROLTON.MAit:.‘ ' " -* 1 n Uothcrwnotl, i\ovi ,i:,n. Cni intli, Henrd C.H.Greea ville, « ' ns i C54n r bnjlXInwuton: < % 1 no .TimPtlavH rimnhliiy«»'nml Satunltiyp ntfi p. Mi; (. .DflCfl 1 uc^lajp^TItnrridiiVVninl HiinclAvii at S^rV’Wr l - V ' fy* Ji,• PORT- CAINES ;9L\IL»* 1 .* ' /A * * - 1 i**ia '‘fCmhbwB l.nnij'»kjn>ui;l ({utlaka." t •' ', (uA e.rrry Momluy nnil.Tliupstuiy, atiJ *, CluNCfl cvoiy JMnniliiv miil'FilcInV rtt 5 r< A. • • . • - * ViivUWInte^lkS. DHie^ vqihgn.Alsrioi'd If, Ham Closes every _Friday atfi r. *. 1 .« . -V -..-A,. FoR^^rcihaC.WAltts - IW, ‘•r’i'mw.wui mt«p»n than, tain .rise until boll pnst 12 o’clock, amt frutii 2..k-leek.iimil-sim^ct. ' J WIKS. t.IN NIX-*. I*. M. “*r* > l IIonnoKs op TtiE nsAv^Tte'briz Onrolincfirj I . ..... f ,. V( ,..... c ..wttfilp.innti.-jdihtpytirtki'fa-, boat,/I^tppi'junbfl «hf; for the-purpose of erecting a building suitnhtn to living men, but in the last state ofVwrolebednost. _ pf -tojna ‘no louger.and ip tlie!.- bittcriiess ‘of ugpny drank | ' '''®sdijopB5“i ; wfls, Iheydjeeirtria'dcs tialt'jynterqflie cpl-—,. .'ranged, and died. Tlie first victim lind.-bccn thrown-oyc^bparU; the second rcniiiincd \ in- the rhoat,. wfipso. lii'ttnalct) body, mnnlfektcd-.tho iiiesis:. tibleCravings ofino hunger that liis barplyisuryiv-, Ings ship rrates’werb.suHering under. . " ffiji, . M AS rctitov .'inkidia-'ti , - »«. Iioxnsiy’ - , e.l Imh Iifiiiv mill Htnek nf Medicine to tiio ""daljaiuu'mi'iit.oi'ilio new biiek atafo, Imuteiiiritc- v «i'i.?!aih t'i'ilnill & to.'till UrCnU-Prect, Kilii umv Ik fcsslonitliv bis uHtu-j er riVidcULi’, ulii-u- not jiro Mmy'ii 27? itt'i'e,’ n...n„i iintue MEETING, win b« held, "t U twr/i Troup County, «m the Pritfar priveilinx.thS seMJjn Sabbnlh in Aprfl,toe<wiiItii« to tllsViltirlely’nfnfgyig* the n MnntlSr I-nbor Sehind in lh« icfelllsirtifi"tt. JW “ 1 - Anitihrry to tbq tleor^s’nyptiit Conventios ^ .' iKn inert ifi’ next doy at the enmopl«c«i * ‘MntStt 27i ' vM A \ nlnable - ,j ttndarsisnail will sell titt flid ftttk ’day Ct'Rsf. - nest, trt js p'e.|ne(i, nt nnnti, the ptmitutimlb ctipicd by.Mre.Aliirvl.iic»i'.in tiio coiint>pfJt*—" Alidiainn.eomntntneOTnnn-s-,emnprWlUr lltf , tcrbT soetthii Nn. 17. end lt;i’ real hell of eetts* iq townsjilp ttl.mnjni IP, formerly ovuwdhf £* Mon; a ltd eighty acres ndioinlmr UmjihMCifuil Andrew Crn-iiry. Thisjilni-t n lisp ueae’lbe tlto AirmCr; nffljrilfnfr ccrrlhuit l.’dl, ncan'ayiiodL. fn ndiylire e rb 11 o n re a,’V i n fumcc, nirrking sbntw'it, , « is in fmn conditiuu for |i!nr.tint . S-dc will fas put'tl ttioprrnd-re. A rem nimble cicdb will; t*A jtiNtMt-f session eiVrn on tlie find nt Jntluarv is-rt. ltr{aeDS iiir fnnd ---saw- -•3 routi ui'procurimr prow fnnd nrirfnvited te vfpl l rtiWt>|« •IM.K AS.t NT HTOVA-IX, **T $ ■i 1 J -i NATHAN C* SAVIlf, Mureli 00,1605 nt**; , IaAW* . / ” J AMF.A WATKINS IlAfUiKlinp wprpert nn oflW. • irt ilio Town uf Colnuibii.*', nml will uttond alHbA ‘ ' -* ******* - ilMC ‘Tl^ r ‘Gforpin JOj^nnl, Fcji'ritr.f.'uiim, —•Misli dic jiIkivh ftno 'immtlicat’u, wio'lor* •. w... .i,:„ ChrouIclK will |»ul»l wn/d |hf ir nfv aWth 1 ^ to tfiU yflit , ■ Notice to lllecltatiles.; “WMflLT. bo let to llin JoWusl bidilcr (in‘tl»o. CrrtTHf*«K v ' in May nojct, Kflforo ihe Court llott>ia.iran# lir tbo tn>fn of I«|nk^Iv» -Knrlv, p«niity^ flm ImUding of 1 * .*«* wmiilpn. Court Iiuiipo for paid county, in tiio toju-ri WBInkfl- ly, 40 l>y .30 feet, two Rtorii’K hiuh, <C c. A plntf df wbk4t Jp' , BUe» a ^ S!r ^*>tcumor --r-r.Wifo.’pgfi} 5fl:khgs.J;aid';.131.M«. Sugar,’wi.icb icefivn tor soli clH'iqi tvrclwh. .- . Atnicb3p,mee.y-lilf.- s Afltl.'UAVWAun;- nmV Ua’wcuhy applh ntluu in it,a Clerk’s uilieeCflfca In ferior Cairt. JOHN I'l.ovn, .’’•{•.-. v-rr; • Soi-ottoN v.-wii.boiv, * . JONATHAN. ROACH,• . Vr.'l.e.-' ‘V-JiWi.l, A. IlfiTIlEAf- ' .] ' ■: iLh ^ woo, ft0: l'ot> Srtto. • '* p»id ciilmcy tbo *iincfis7. .«$,900,atut 10» PrlMS ut i»li,OtM>, Will bo drnwu iuAiigiiUnoii the Itiih April, in rlie WllOli sittiiiZ II- n.Court I'/.' trtjilia firmTnoednyfa.Jtitsnturkfiji-jii.... ,., v . Pile, Knjtl-Kstute ol' J'asjicr N„db Nancy E, Hilj, a'rnmrffvlwW briug one; lialt;). of' tlirf liiml- ond pnnniaeii.fnrnir.iie*<ii.i:np;,. t r t,» j. it;, rlrav. dtci-ssert,- lyimfl'J} mites tiutn'Cnlmiilius, mi ft(CafMat fojit in'Humit- toip 'Flic whole settlement nf Innit li Also, iu ‘Barttsntih stun nfter, rvhcli ivilhia Otnributti < -...a, -^---.Vttton^VwBirffy H tciiliua, . K; SIOOI'RNKV NOH'ION. ■■ .. '.CourwlMlMlriM & UreeeHes. • g. it. teurv, '. ITPAfi jfirt feceiykd, and otreni for euio at hi. Mot 'ISja- t received, and vilVta fur suk- at hi, Mqrn itu lllttud street, it lew deutv bclitw Ike ttsnk liture, a till tn-nriim'iil'iif UimtrribvnnJ Cuufccllstnriee, <- M ...wriichinmli'aTallavring.iLrticlest ryi ; , . -i. (:i:;iai[i[(xno, 1 tii),m'n‘iit, l ']’f‘iif!t, .Atinle, li-is'- ; •- j .lii'ti-.Vuuil (klm-)- Umudv. • ' -. > - 1 ;■ * -. .. Itnlliniil titltl Nilfthcrtt ffiti. ' Ve' ‘ '• IifshrSutitch, niid MomtngahcIa'iVJiisIwy,' > - I yuiimlccsnd-siiritiCrnitem .. . Tudoifn.U’tiit, SJIrirpt, H ock, Sherry, CirthlonitV LlV .. biai, tinnttryi Mascnt, owclC,.llur^uudy arid He- . Tits. 4 Great Comet.—By the Almanac of tho Bikrehu ofLotigiludp tor 1S38, We learnithat Hal ley’s fainbusxomet of 13d5win make ito'appear- ancoaboutthelmiddleof October negtiAyitli.lin en ormous tail ol eight millions of miles in length! .e» ; 'Tiio fullnvyingarp somo of the iietns bffiidd eon 11 , sumediiv flic gotid people of Paris dtlrina the. post yenrr-^Cfi,5D0 beeves, 00,000 calves,' 81,000 liogs, 987,000 frihes', umr'tli pf pysicrs. 'nenr 4,000.000 rrancaftsiijnearlt),000,00(Ffrebutter,^nearr.qoO- 4 francs poultry end game, d,O0O,OOQ nnd ; n;hnlC frs. eggs, fiSttiaesilSOO sajhis ofgraia.nntJ flour per. liicnC&c/ >,;i . ANnsjtVillo.paper states 1 that ■ fpur^nnjpimtoq of engineers* are ont surveyUig-'fltg rpiuo ’of tiwrjW»”. * roil road ueiwoen No'w .Orldailfl rfncl ‘ JJaBh- . «. u(Mi,« f anury, mtiacni, QUcau’ilui'XUUUy'NIlU ill •.•’mbHiiu WlNErt, • IiOijdnn Porter j HcOtb, Allmuy nod Crcohi Alo- . ' y ^ s'lvctu0»Syrau; Ka®bc«iry irirrun- • X-' t: v * Mto*i ^Wccl.LoVo*' I .ifc Qf M no, Clnnr ‘ J ~ ’ '* • _ fee, Ham, and otherOO.RIiIALJ; , ^nicked and,pick led cJulmun', Iffirrioi ... .Siipcrfinok’Juufj -I’dtotoea-V’Htnfcli'v. \ PhuipJ.; Ci vCumntof ’ ,. , Nw^otnjentji-njiU JdJHeB inprcui viiiiet, flntidioR/WugiirlMuuw&ci MAOrtod y >- fthd .A!uHfloy> IjohI ehcwiug Tobaceo, . iu vnnetyki.p|iiokiDtrTol;iicPO <.. 1 v ■\ • ~.-CiOidh'B, Lqinp OIl, Lninjw nhiU,Hnm Wick • - ~ w- W*» * 't ’■* - .v* :, V ' GAUl)KN i .Shf01)H 1 9-lnrffn «U|mW; well nmtsotted • • -wiHi uUjutiroufl oilier nnidcp; - y‘ Coftitrjbrts; M nyoh; g7. , - ; ' - y 8 . Oit ConniKiiuicitt,, latest arrivals ‘fiUtn; lltisinn, New Turk arid New f Orleans, witielt will liq sold ..... f,flu bids. Ptour; 200do. Whiskey '■ S' . >m-k ltHfplot IVrk; dOPkccsLard;.BUO hbls.Mackerel 50 dtt..l’otatqbs;'l(KHitigs CofTijb .: viilot The cost ofthe survey wilt be twenty thoti- saml dollar-, which emit, it is said, Auis nVreudy of.pc:VsBVorlng to pray for Btt, nod hapeciolly l lvectf mWd In the furtiutr'cily hy private aub for, those who fiy 4 their donations to the Church | sciiptinn.. witness tlicir zeal for the-deesney of Divine wor-‘ * ship mid prove their claim to our grntefnl antj.eliar- VttbloircmeioJberanca.:... . .„ . ,. v „. b - jameS C. BARRY. 'a: Vj. : yoatTVAVCV. ’■? i ' Drptirteit thia liR,, on tlto Titih ult. in Ch'amiinra county, •Alahanin, Mats Many Tamroir, in bar 17th,year, con- DENNIS SULI-IVAN. ;JOiiN CrtJIN; rfy : v- Alabama. Mrss MarV Thaxtoi — _ soft of WiMlmi). ybaxirtn. Enq. and dati^itor of Saimie! and Suihjn. Hjipral, /ate oWftSjjcr pullnty.Xlcorgia. A-fow King ii ihbrd'dcslrirblfc to the parwi.tefl of .pbwer tlsnn ilin 4 . rvinatiltinnlo ' A >mnrn' which hasTooetttly .flisporsed.-frotrf tiio Rcpres'eu : 'MUSCOGEE MALE-ACADEMY.: . ■"Agrcoably to the Merit Roll-topt by the several jlfonitors; the following.Jtoung gentlemen obtained, the pristfiiums 1 in their .respective .classes! at the dloso.pflhu sessio.n; viz:,.' ' t In Gnel;.—Reuben E. Shorter. /u Lditin.—William Gn'erry, 1st Prbuiiutjj.-p', -Charter;tlpwgnli Rd;fitfc-—YVni. Atigtlsiulf Hgrdar eay-kyF.runcis Dillnia—Alftod‘Colquitt.-'.,- v. r In tAc- Ertg/tsA. Depnrfmeht.-r-Henry -KIm- brough; Albert Redd, Edwin F-. DeGrafl’enripd, n’nd'jphn Rj Lyons, in thelr respcctivo clusses jn beoghighy—aml.'Jbbl. Wyhp. iji']Engllslii..9.itl«ai: _jfo Sltii bkeftHiTitry. pstienco'iiSd roiiituAtion. Sho has .laQaiittlb daughterahd g ’diiieoiiHolahi itushaad., nvith nu . . . igwBswin, . vncruttj frienils nml- reliuinna to .mourn (ler.uipimolv ciiil. ” — ' her norrptving IHohda tiitive Hal!, If i* 4rtid a few chpffie spirits ■were^ anol r‘ ; H k tUClAHTOCK. Elector, thorei whesd.very.eoudtehmicca'bcaming with. rite. - ’jj t •Li.'DeGRAFFBajttHEDj See’. Bi Trus. ll , ‘ a ' ( ' UUii, AwAma^ni, kkT, lion *AiiMrlAiMa,’.«#ailil«A lovo df lifiertyrstmek. .n.’ doath liko chill to tlie hearts of tho usurper's miniphI, 'attd,tho Sdiititors tif tho people too, were there, _toi restrnib.flio’.yiru;. leneo pf ntabitionjaiad aolfishness'i but ; itVwfis iq vitin that the .voieo df.pairiqticicloijn.ehcoT-jreSpun'r ded in tlipse halls- • It was-in vain that - truth-in her lovpjicst nhdstrongest lornis, wastliuridered in fltp'fiarsotVthecrauehidg.recipie'nli.Dfgovefnmcn- tah'patrdnago J-to thoni tho.cofrcre ofgpld, whoso itpy tJjb jbofoheiQ,'hnd > Jho gaudy plunie pf office, heid up as tlipsnro reward of faithfitl snjjsorvioDcy,- K S.’ TJ.tb bxercis'es of tho Acadoipy will fie fosumed'.oh Monday next. question. ’ THis beirigtho regiiiay.dny-for memo- ritfip, thoir presentntion has just’ finished, find to tho ostonishfnont of overy truo friend of tho Onion, thpre-itafihccn; thirteen from diflerent- part* of tho country, pfith BofnethiDg like twenty thouaandsig- spnls-ptesented a: more congenial TOcdtnpehse.-y jeavp file niiUed fttefs tn the flue reflection they dp; , A friendqn JVnshmgton 'City thus .writes :’-*’.I deom it n..riiintti»rpf thijflrst imti'ortnneo to keep tlie people of the Soutlriadviscil, by the' 4 earliest infer- long willflto.Metltt>,)istClitireli|Of wltir.hHe wne u mnmbjr, ^ fl? Congress on the' SlnVe S^^wlSch thla^li'mnittlluJori of a my>|erfoM;^ Anotuer-Steam poAr A'ccidest.—Ontheflth j tbo, and pmvided with a vast Magazine of patrfin- of lW , , hinKi nn( , implored Altotn'to prepare foi'ii ■.met, tho Steamer Sangamon .desccndjng Flint 4 *ge, »o-di»l oqt qf-glgamfc, faith.# weal of.wejjf b y ; a brfld and ,rigid;'adh',tl(e.rights of the. ■1 .^Jver, struck a rock' near Newton, In Saki.T**cotxn** hi?■countrymen,, as oaprico or iUhamor.may sug- States,, the-good; easy Union men censured os for , "v. .'-ty, find ‘ immediately-.w'ent’.ifii'thp- botlotp.' The. : goat.i .•'.'<-.>.;.-'.''- 4 ' 4 ....; 4 l-.i 4 ',i t^ing to stir-op unneebssory. alarm's. They said. - :Snngamnn was owned iarthis place atid Apolachv, How long must thi's state of things exist. Is it \* trick, to recommend the heresy ofNullifi- Ihou;' She had on board, attho time of tho ’ncci- expicted. that the. people of tho ^out'h, who stand ' <l ^^ t ^ wm^he.rcdn^inuoTo 9 ^^ *dbnt, 173 bales ofCottqDV thcLgrdaicsff qrt^of which almost cinglo handed in.battling, against those C ^ cd ripph us.; .Wiitf the evidence ns/ broadly ■was saved. The engine, which wo Understand to pripcipte. whjrjh lupi^a lhis ruinous workV ’Wifl'• befdrii.'iherti:n9 -the ,ndil'ndoy, 4 sun, that in a few ’- vbetitd niost’vaiuablo part-o'ffljoBbati will bo.raisr’ forever .tamely suVmitnotheir^v’rorigs. - Wo can- years niajro^tBe.attomptjiviUjfibjnndn-to bring the vd- i. jto4believeit.; . , ^horifjs a'amalibtream .of i iiupwi-' ““ * '* ‘edgepq^w.flowfngthrqughqat^tjRi^mttry,Vvhiehjsi^j^ ^bcdlenep to j|_ Mfjj&Hp 1 * 44 Ain^judKionfiVsimmlisipnIfly tUo:Stotes, 'j! - r -did IRdHHPRPlIHLa'JII tothooeptm ofpblivijin.^jJYiic'n'.tbl8j!s''done,rind (■' —r^- 1 —~’ 7 ~~~ V i'^.y tho pcoplo .'become ncquaioied wth' ilieir vfrottg^’ i i- . wo vphch for the wajm-healled sqndof flib Shiiib, : Hj •utL-wI' —iA.«,i;;v.w4nenT«^.n«4 *-.^1:- fix dollars. 'No ^Ohbt tha^pok 'is -circulated by cojnpUnhcejwith,jheir -S^gpvfinirt^tifiH^^^nq^ .M „ wishes. ;..; 4 4 . 4 4 „ ’. tv WtfoeRit^tibxlsU- 4 ' V-l' v oU the .Regency elepuonce/ers nt the expense of r V-' r -' TiT v' V'lJitoi'A 4 ' (-"tlAxvfinu 4 tiio Revenue. . Ie it suprisiqg.tlrxt extru nllownn-' _..Indian Outback—Joo Marshall, ahalf.breed, P or tho present wo have but little to hope.— ees to an iir.mense amount 4 nro renulmt by mail of the Creek nation, was shot by an Indian, near 'Tiio oddj nrq UpMastUS. Vi;Vwo:wJli.n6t dfispair. contractors}' -x’ .-. Star. this place on Wednesday Evening lust. Mur- A.' little leaven leatto^t&% Tt Tfjll to Unow from indabitak W. proofH «ho ffpyciu horl.^HJlDOW, tlinttto? Imflgoiio If) die bi%ni ofliW, Hcayonly .1 nUior, ^ onjoy that JBitYvhjcli rcmniiw for tho people oi* Oort; _ • . ‘ 'r' r ; ,-‘k. r* •« ^ ”'AfRlfi.W. * Tim Recorder will plcaso tfopy. tho; at/cv?' and dWig6 thofdomb of tho dccciwcd.- .. . v . *; ’ . , DIB!) in this "prnc.o on' tiio. 1 14 llfinst.,' ftlrV.. Aw A n e ta ^ :MAnTiw» consort ; .of Uurkly Marti^Bs^.^n thQ .51*0t;ycar of ll °OnihV-0t!i iiiflt, Mr, NiTirAXtRis P-KTXns, fiworthv'cfid. jroflpoctnblo citizen, npo.40ycariw * MK»‘*IVtoni,haa.Icft l aii. ntTorvtlunuffv wifi* ittttl n litrir.v liiinltlf nfinlitM/air. - k nDcctlonate wlfo and ti iarffo/atnily of plilkiroi nrhix-i. oxIil-.-.zn.-'vih. tholjVlb' in’«t. Cal. Jens N. think or deuthi and Spoke Vflm cnlninas* of lii« approaclting. disEolution'. lie tookotj-on lho-.“kiogu(;temirs 4, , wilbotit its had lotiau nnd nerved would sustain end ctHnforf Wwi lli the iiwful lioitr,wlicn ,11 breattire halps fall to ailmiuivtrr. reliof.. 4 Col. It. liftoffwtelTcntioiiifte wjfo.sayorat c|ijl-; •Iren,'mill a luritn.cirelu'of'fiionilx to inolirii Ins Iihv: utul. ctinsm'.wtiicli thin tlitiptiniintion , 4 ’ "a Biinteldiitf IVolfi .it , i, to his groat nni . 1 j/ny tliet cnimbitnitv prnetieo. Iris -Virtues • end o'mulnto liis piotta»*nuinlasjthdt -when cnlUdui'thi! great aha/Inhl BCcmiiit, U(|n bach ntny eoy,Pttca(h KasM terrors]of f And Andrew Jackson is left at the head of our nn- serve ftom lho?e who are deeply interested in the tion, clothed with power ns unlimited as his nmbir .'i--'. . - - - v ’‘• 4 ;-iV-45sStSIMito ■ w. .Vvifvt. e UTaScm-. 4 . l--\. When .We. forewarned the pbopio of the Snath Coliimlnis PfieMBiiitBiit' coitiitflCTBP. weeki.v jiy J.'BiCAifiiohf: fi-co; BAfiautei, KpntnekyVv,; „ - Ditto Iliircmaiu *hail we Mierij’wns n very 4 , intelligent and.upright ffl c bd a of Ceuelltuiiomtl liberty may yoj'win upon , man. W o hbvo not learned tl;c circnnistanefes, ffieir latjjndinarifiii neighbors, oqd'tlipgovertjnjont which induced the Indian to kill him. ' ,,f Hancock, nud Btililwin'iintl JelU-rson, may still ‘■•■--’fcaiit 4 „• v- . u-v-xj .... bowpselfveil.’rrBntshpuifi- *g; not‘Vuetccd. thus Arumnurwas ufloatur-our city in the begin- i, 4 ..„„ ;„ ,t.„ o„...u cVwVj. .. ... , ;’r> , far, wb-ni4y a'ufely'-Jiopoito’^io tho-Southern ■-u lung of the week; thuutho President had 4 -called J.-k• ..-.r j, izenseoilcctcd.andh^erti^ifliamsehrtMWjgi^©; States, freod from -fibinestic broils and divisions, qdvaulnge, but She-’Rames could ript be. nrrpswll ahotildof to sllpufigr, in qh unbrolten' 'phalanx dc- ■■i- ^rS^FRiENi) fro'nyPlorida informs us that die I.c- nta&fag the ljljqlijr--uht^i Ahere;.fatfiors hqoght. ,:’’rJ&fcatdr^^at’iKiitory hoxp ie-wnuud-', " * * ' " 1 "” i " y i-ttuinSd-' far them- VtiCt nybry’Stntelligriila mart, thnn-do ered the iict chnogtpg the Seat,Of Government li’t^dnty 4 regardlessik U^&ojreqaqacet. NfiVgf v.;._™ yield, never surrender your, faith—and if, contrary .... _ :'to'.aR'onr-rcasonoble hopes, vve nre destined to A' NEW-Post OIK?6 hos been. establishofi nt 8C0 the. key stone .placedupon the pile ofeonSoU- Spains.Staud in Ktissell County, Ala. railed-A.IL datcd.StotdJ, ft mafe.-hoaorilqto.bear. ehco 4 Post Office."^ Joshua TiiteadgUl Esq.- is the name pf Traitor, than to rcccivelhe smiles pf VoUSfitriert-Y.y. -’ ; r;'. 4 ^--’.’'v/ . Bny'alry, Fire 4 iN 4 CnAwroRhvij,i,E.—IJy n letter fram Crawfordvillelast evening, vvolcaru'lliatotr Tues day tnoruitig about .To'cjocit, tlto .Extensive wng- gon hud barriagoshopr belonging td.Hcrmon Mcr- eej,F,*q;; were diaboyeredjto bdon'Crpi The-pit- advantage, put the- names eoutu net oe- arrcstvi till the whole establishment wasennsuwed.' The mbst of the tools and oilier articles itt the iron shop were saved, hut every .'thing connected with the wood shop's was destroyed.. Several tiuislied mid unfinishMycagonstandcarrioges, eight seta of tools' a largo turning ladle prtipeHcd by horse power, an cxicqoive supply.of Jill kinds pf timber, paints, oil,carriage trimmings,, with many other valuable nttielos in atid ont of.thp-'shop were devoured .by. tlie raging fiatnes. The loss is. estimated nt hcnr-Thrce tliousanil Dollars,. No .other fiuild- IngSjWoto. ljurh'fl—Stub.' .. -r. 4 .j To Country ItrereliailM; t Treslrand acnsoiiablo tioods.c!;enp nt W'holuati), either WV'^IWIyBWWM r 'J >fc * 8 «'-»' , dia r .•’• 1 M O O II E A 1' A K .VE R, BiBbiM'd’fho,40tK.Ji’iro’rhis apxariir'a pftprA tjuipmPsi ptu’nfal tllntSss.' j Id Itiqinidftqif sulTaring; ho; found tins to Cl) da. Onions; 30 boxes l.Finbn«- 13 ernlflH Urorkf'ry hflrt fiinno Wmt T, c ‘. *'■*' op»iUW) : n MKk KrttMto linrmTlnalia Sjinpc,) rtxvim (j,u- r A liujf pipo,Cognacllrand y ; 3cto.^*/»*Hlmmamosuk Hats ..V • ; ; 20 ciiflkhf ChccflP; IU) tirindnlonop, with eranka _ RICHARD (JR1ST,' : (iiiaiilitMi’s 4 Stile, is, si|jd t;l tho CiMtrt llimso d,Kir' In "ftarnttfon, V T;; 4 rJnrrts*qlint.v,'tm ;crtfh 4 pWpfJir'iIaj InJoVutr .< yurt* tiro junitlri d V-jiajcitilt ' r■ y r ”■ 'Jj*^^^ t-, u . : <\l<kvat tho same limn eud plare. will Ito soh! Wider nn older of thn (-'niitl ns n'M.v.t. r|cpf) of sFolin .M, (. , iTiv, , di , c*t*n'»ril,'(ir lit*ing ouii-fokr.ljrd itf tUo nbovt' •Ifiiti'lttnl Itiudnml■jtrcmistn*. ‘ *. ,, - , JOIIN t?. ORv\V. Ailrti’f. /k|^o,.at llio siinu'jinxf ninl. jilnoiv-jho rc *#i:iin- ""(((* widv w ‘ " ‘ in* founh part Will be sold hv . March 25, ttJ, de’sertlieit.hi!st nnd ItA-teiscs AVitiUAULC. JniLTv :"A<liniuiMtriuor’N Stflf.,-". 4 v ■. A OBRKAHt-Y.tnoiinrilcrnf lliatufoiiitr Cimitsf T«I- Imteiilinty.wlinn:fittingfhr ordltmiy pitiiiOnn^ witJ 4 ho oolilst jho Oihtt fj (. i id,; j e" fz J j C e (11,.\' i, ui ;f), ,„, c 6n-t • 1 U(wdnvit,.Jttiiff tfoxf, into. - ; tipljtf Eaiiii, lying ih said Ctuiuty, nntl : two Aflonc wqmkN; \ 4 jHj<«i liiV)4li)tiri Hourc In )Tn> toviii of Columbiiflj'RluidOrtttd Co., Oftflvo fir*t TncMhiv. )u July uexf.imo ion ooro I .in, niljoiiiinn tiio limn of Cotnm* buflXbM.rcbi, known nn Cut No. 20, rold tni llio nrojWiv of Roiitirt n«Vnol«K ik crn/»od, lute or Thlbot roiintV, for tluJ bouofit of tbo lipU’-dnilowdiior.’*. .THOo. C CIRRI’, M“rcb 270 *4t AdnjV. Cf tin rd innMlo; Conniy, wiirri nitiiiijr for ordinary pnrj^wfn.ihiM b®' Mdri on ib<? nrrt Tuafliliiy in Juno next, iu tiio £uurt iloiuni ■ doOr,ili(tn?mtni(’, Alcrriwctlior ooilniv,’• • ' ; t Qn6 lot’of land JVo. tlnV^nrcUrffrlct, . oriKinnRy Troiij) n»w lilo)riwriliri «oi»nfT, dmwh. Jiy'-Ain- di E.CmiipbnlV, i!I(*{;itiiimt»*;>i)1d fijr.rhc bi welU «»f minor.' Tcruii ntlido kuo\»ii*omlit\duv. ', ; A ■ ; V ; r. JOIIX A.' ri.kMMO, «d»»K Murrli 27 fl iflif*. Ksccuilvi* D('|inrl!hrn( t ;i •'// JMI I.I.KIIOKY ii.LK, ft lurch 14/JB35. ’ j Tllfl CXOfillipS-Of tlicfllilpf (:> , ii2rt’?a «»i puiii «i|nu* f (o,n. nrovitlin^ for tlm/jjmymaiii of the «:(n Imja of. the filizcnn of licorjriti, nnd to enrry into ofl’.'ct tho Vo'urtb AilicJojif llio Tmity of fltliVf .innuBry,il}21, wl:h-yh^ Creek raliintiK, of 3flrh Jnn<\ 183-J, iVf •Innunry, 1R.21, AvI:h rCreek ffttibin . h/wirtff been ooimnilicd, -by. thn rn*»idonf of vluj Unjlejl^ . !i to thojuU^mf nt nm| diwjrrticn hl'lhc Goyerhor of 1 fi.corgiiilfordiu.rtt uu * • • • • '«■ * . Jijurtjnent; ulijl.lbc Imlnnco of tlxj two i.Uuu^rtta and-fifty diom-und dollnrH, npprttpriutr# fi>r lliot purpose, (mnouiUiti^ lo fine liiiiidrodhtid forlvtoue tlifinnand and ftrtjr^vo dollftrn ttmhiilimy«ono «eut>*,) Imvioff been re- A JotDf Donjosifc'Coods, add i. CO btjudico priaio WorihSm Har ’ *■; • 4V a ■;' ■ Apalarhicolft, March 18,183.% 8-^.3| fi®:* cy do. 4*4 FmicIr AfusIiji; , •> ^ l IflOs. 'do;.‘ ’l-iniHl 6-4 CHiubric, Jackonct, Book and “ v ” T - - si,..# -f • f$5 ‘ r TfrtdhJj* and Cenllcjn'ens OBanrictl HoiwDry,. '' ^9 ,Corded Hkirtri,' ■ .HR : 4 „i.. 'j.t a A_ u 4 . —... v-. ^ • . .. r* # . Vo; 100do,4r4SinilturoPlaitf* do. 'f r 4^^nrlbol•an}, r H>StfJI^c, , v, %, ".C •; No; 5 and fl London Tin?, *V* ^Vr 5 Places: Rusidji Stickling, P do. Hu'eft and Ball CldtliL"% . .... SO ■ do,r .I.ineh UMklliiMt SO-do.'Cottdn tie.' . JlUtJ’iaces.MwahcloN’ettiov,.. , . m t: •. ' *; UftirtJjunliiy IliiifllnfrnflHorlcd crtlorDj /?•? do db.J ) *, 12 Prinuiiati r^OO Pieces Cqjntirdd Canibrie, , > WB^rt. gplr” 1 ^ #ift, ■ -Mv nni*, wliicii IrnVd hoUicpu,iipr('iori|rr cidjiiFnkl and pnkl, on iho.iollowiiJir -priucIpIcR rjiH olpiiiiH which, hnjn nfit been bercinforo ndjijBteihitiKr nnid, limndert ufoii ift« e«ptaiv. nnrl detcntim),.orde y slructi(mof proix-rl.i by 'sold, lridmv**, f rior <o tiio poRMiipoof llrtreci ri'clilolirt^ iutrrcouwjp wftb ndinn tribes, if Balirifuctorily c.etubnRl)iuJ,.«buH be allowed nrtd paid. ‘7. SjSti'St '/AniJJii. it Striker’■biyi’ctgli Tiiht tlmrn tbnlt • b’e nninieVbgtpf^rx ^or-imnt. jHtr unmnn nliowod and paid Mn'tfpll nnd establitlicd umlcr llio pi-nvirioim of ibe t„._ 'snilltreaty,"Xo iyiciilr.tilftYod from Uu* (Into of’lho' origin of horcete.r, Thnt I lie umount wln'ch may l»o. nifowpd ubdpr iho provision:* nf ihUmit.nrt iiucrortt-lmll be calclilaled /)j» BALE ROPE BACON-'- - BUTTER; Opta-.t coPfeb 4 * 4 . - - !.**'*.- CANDLES, Spam - CANDLES, SpOTraV - v l Ditto' .Tallow.; 4 ..i 4 -/;. . ,'cASTiNas. v.-x a,■■ ;; CORN . lit CHEESE 4 ^ - COPPERAS 4 . 4 MACKEREL, 4 No, 1 , Ditto .-' >P(o» 4 .a - 7'DRto .Cognac. • 4 i Ditto Cliampagno. - CIN, Hrtllond o v ' -,.t Do. Ajtt»rfoat). ,. 4 Do. NorUntm AVHISKEV 4 , Irish _ .it Ditto, . Monontfoliefa., Ditto Now Orleans fp^a* TWINE - •'r v’- v 'rEA, Black, Uyeon, ic IIo. ctatot 45 ■ '-'Dp: ! 'Oshnstl,. -Do, Blistered ;.j«WL.WSES . PflllMti ■" . ’ Jto, \Kreab.. - - REI’.ljEtt ,- liaCArOES, Irish - . ■ IM.-”j Sweet’ ’v. PEAS; Country ■ RAISINS, - - RICE ....... ■SUGAR, St. Croix Do; 6 New^ Orleans -Do. -SALT, 'SHOT -TALI 1 •;,- ; 3«’-8TOr t Pa'defcoro!;;Sp',,e^ TiitenJ, ,--a)IM.- BollCittpaTfinted, . 75 II,,. Patent,l,lren Thread ..Muted colour.; iiS S’ 9, S’lkjasft’ftcd, ' j: 4 •ofA,.- "* Iba. ^SewriagSilMssdfred,. 4 . 4 . " ■ ■■ ■'• 150 ’I”* Mo!.‘Vi’inn 11 VVool'iIntn, tOQ do. J>n!uicttD Hats k . «lo; .Spimrl-ulmcIL^ Hal8* ;* ,'i S** v V. ; ■ 1 Cnnc LadiCriTuBkHiiri, - '7551^7..“ Cottfio mid I .infill Tnppf., .' ~X'.' ; 7-W lbi. Turkey Red Varfi, J2p»;W*i, . ; r. . 10. ,J)8. (- r ircnHHiim«, 2 d0. nojnbiffllie, ;i:« *.r y 4 •rs'.pu - ]0. - a , ,(* I) ■', • (1 . .'hair toil; 0 63,'j 4 5yMp^-'« ii so ■ is. wm ■\ rpr, : v. 8.00 msmi .ays-"a 4.c , T.«0-' < „ 1 ? 5 , '-Bnraa,, , Z.V.J-idieEurnd O’entlotiiaiis Glorea a.aorted, »fi^0|ed 4 Sil«ulrt. , ; . - ^ ' 4 - 1 ',, • !C* Super njock' l cie!'l!i2itt'. anpi«r BlqaCiotl r. Piifn0ni/>bnmp;Q do. OUoKCnuJinicrc,. *,■:* JBWi'y# -dos'Sdp. B)lK.Velyo^sV , fd . ... ,do_ ‘rio- IlqotH,, (jerils.Pumps,-- - .n i!o^°'l’mr« I il SI CH, Bonteci, nml Hllpirers, - Au MnortiMent of Cliba dejNnploii.&aiher#/''- *■ mUWltl^-peper.and I ' ;'Ca<». Oeht*. h' 4 iiriind SlUt llatN i 1 70 ’4 v.p jo,-Wropnitt? ami ReaityMade Sumnvr ( ■ 13;Citoea0eriie.kiir,iii.,u..-, ... ,... . , > t IhMkteii n iflTat variety of ptD’r artleloa .comprising n auitablo tutwrunsnt'of Dry CloddnV.'rlijianharkct. V • 4 't 'C- Shildlbryijcohiijtiiigjgf- 4 ■ A'dti*.;-LfidlS.-SaddUiq tutonodeyi- -/'•v 1 jrr ,f,*. •. 4 - 4 #- do,'.-Xiemlemen» do.. r' do. ; . 20 -do. Bridles,, ; ■: ■ "' do. fi do. rdiPlingnte", do. '.W.-fao'; xyiigoiv-Whjp., Ml do. l' 00)' .3 doj'.Ridmff' - do. 3 Ml. Saddle Uopk r, tt-,.. 2’ de. i.cdliicr Trie ; -.Mf MU . >n fniitdnndpo U,e ajay here,'ait oxieasTvd-ha- rertmeut of llnnl-Wiire, r.oii«i»iiug of - Shelf and Iionvy - 'GnQil*,' Rope. Cfinla^pV &c. ■ ia no »l on -Alto'oa hand an-) rxiteeqal'inKipn largo pqd ginentl ek- 1,00111 of-HROCI'.IttCS. .- t-e.-yV ? - . ni*J-e. I _ ■ - *. • . . Atij: . l. r >0 Dns*>8Tnbaccoj Coin tubus, ftlhit'li i, from Common to Superior, - • ” ,r . C’ottou (JIW, yuVHEeitliViiMn- Iii'vh r-tiil-i.licj thcmerlvo. in Crn- . JL Ircville, Tolbnt itv, wli-ro they are prepared lo mnkn Chttou Giueof aUdceripiionvijit iha .hnetoM no- * kTl ajj,*: ceiv^a|jremjUa 'Freaviiry ,S'’6tou’l^'Wttrt^Biad^^ t teorgie; and the im;>er» i[i re- itediaHio Centriri Jitqiy: ,vrc, Idtlmi to naid clninis liavinjr been rflceirvd ht iVhi Dwtart- mptit, it m ihoreforo « *7 • , a liPEttF.lVthat public nolirn bo given without drlnv, in nil tbaiinwHjmperd of (Iih Stctit, neroin|ni«)fsi! liy . •ft miblicnlioil of tiio Att of Crm^rrs- rHorrcd to,'nofifyinx ftllnbo iiiny bo.njnu-rpird, oi'ifto nfMifHnjd niTHRm-'ment; nnu TcqufiMinir nil eliitinniiii>, hihi ifndr roprorrulnrft of, •^)0 (inv.o’noi hoiT|n%fVj)Kwc?)fj’d-Jbi*j'r olnim-VW W.I a.i tlKuc.wJio iftflV nuy ndriiluumI proof or oxplnil«tiort‘* -fftCpflof ift^ubpOyi’Of ’Cfainid hirPatlv jiiTsonttid, Mot) prnvi- if^d/or by ]lio“AclOf Cuijtfi'Ak-c ni iirctr.iii the wimp to'tiii<*' Di’pni Imj’iit, tt iiljiill |nr.;,.(in uo.^ldiliHiit irceivo .liis prdftiHffiii, of tha tippionridtioit, tintH tho • wholnofihn slinil ln»v.* kiMMMidjDstdih in term* of iho lull! Act of.Comrrdris, By order of tho Oov'*rnnr. .. Il^A/.GRBENE, Bc6.Et:Tftp. AN ACTdjcnrry jntp.fuIJ cflr v ct the fourth nrtfch? of ifw ■y ’ J’ Uto ciifhlli nf Jnminry, cizhtcnn hundred nifi! • twenty-ojirv^itliI'lhft Crook NnlK'Mtif IntlinfiK, 8t) ; fnr ■<» •rohitoB tjit.ho rliiitiw i»f oitixom .«»f Is'oor^in ngulftkl 8|iM IiidinnF. niinr tocichtrciiiiundrrnl nnd ^ ' {.Sec: J .j He. if ciuirtcil by Vie denote: dTottee of- 'tcprenenUttitr* of the ffriitfrl imM'rt, arc** ntucnViIed, Thnt JlioTrc.'idcnl of *li<* i Viifetl State* be.jw ' " * ' nnri he i> brrohv, nntlmri/od'to ciuuks to ho ftdjn^tod ttu! litl-to /ul^,iM(icmVjit>yOiu or-inny nionoy in tho Troovtiry n dlicrwwe iimiroprintrd, fill claims of oitijirm* of Ui^ if (o'oipni, muter dm fourth artirdo of (tuftnUaflf- l of Jaf '“ “ f ‘ r —^ H/dtAol ho ciirl (•itrhili of Jnni.ftrv t -ch?fiio(n hundred arid tvotityHmc, refill tho United .Slulos unff Ihq Crook Nfitlftn of Tndi-. ohj?i> mn7nM|f jif nJMfii m 45vftK’Ii jaive been of rtar. ‘ U-tu'd under the provirions of the «foi tho nt mm u t of tho ynliid of iho iirotxJriy.tfo. taken of d**- troyed • tho ftninutib’of'thoftrmoijinl (>jf ciich clairnto bfl dotortriinod by flic vnlun' t»f; tho property. forwhMi \t trail and \» (u«<!<*, nt illo jiii)««f8/nrt piijiwnviyitH on tukefttfder* Irfiyotl'.‘Andpntri.ltA]ho,Tliiiithe"**"®rt}*:afe nriteuiit nf the claim* hiivc bot-.ti, iiriil hfjrenflti’tmny bo pakt. ahull n»l exceed the hum of liycf liundroilniid fifty tlioftaaad tlollnrt*.' '• ^^‘t if” ‘it iTbim rm' -ilollot^'^-' v .10 .... • v-d!.*».« iiwcrj- ,.aAi»r/.» ,v.w , HE0.-3* Am} be if further enact*!,.Thai if, <m the od- jUMmcntpf llieaforct'niil flKL the nmojmi whlclo|xay bo fourul (Tup. nnd iinmnni .nlrWoly piiid, with flioltviefrat to hdpalcilhitcjLrta itforerinid, slmll otooojl |ko Mint) of two . hundred nmbTiftv tlmn ’ond dolltirH. tlio JRro«jdbnt be, and he ifl hereby, niitliorixod to ijiiiisVa fiijrandoniiitablo diatri- §§$(&'' "ngWBMwg. but'n»H>f iJiii iihrxirvdi'ti hnhiicnvf the nnd fifty tlnMianiid dolrnrH pi l»e pindn ambii^1lw.cla)inAnt«, ill jiropnriion lii. tho nmiiuiit whieli may har * *' lie, ‘found «lu* r lo llicm, reejierti'voly; .{Vfrr nriiK’ipitl nf tjio/rvsrieotiv/j cIhuu.i abdn be I • Approved, Jun^w, I JfM» - ■ •All tho iiublir, R«i/ctto» in* 4 tliL-f ^KtatO, v stialf [UR tho first paid, r forcgfiiu^ three times, wUlpuWI 41 tho PROPOfAiS ^or pnhlisiiiii" (i nfc\v Weekly iiofiapapor i Cowetu Co.’fin. to he ciillo(l;t]io i Nownan. okougiv ctmoNictE, : y, v ?.i Pf BV• ROBERT. NKI£ON. . > > I T is (.UHtnmnry for those uh'» offer newspopdr* to tho poblic putrnji.T^c t« ‘|;U<i n brief MurOii; of tlie o4)jHctn afiukht lo bo t)cc(iinjiiiKhoil by tlie pi’oimw'it ptiHUeaiiov, nnd of jlip nftliiicQl piiitcij>I«*» irjiofi' wJ*t|*h'»it will bo con- iluctcd It in oflonlitiit's ihn< iH>c.fhiikinaJi)iv|lri)tt*il<faam made, nud many, pldd-P'H arc proffered f&ctfHhibk public favor, m hie ft ore i wivr' re nlcmboreil W,l)^ (udtBT^Av- Tbo ftu»ler«yncd, tlirrefiire, in ofl'erins tl»cC<T COS, (o the public. t!k noliettiiMi stuifd <tf ^mVtMftiaitc, do iliiieji ontcrim?' w\» n loncthy r’Xpanhufu oJC kiH nolitk ^ pnlitkml jo the 8:a(o hs~thn^ he 1b htiu«v V J t'IVy~r 1 VV^a'^ .V-***r*V*f Wl jhftt to inaintiiiiuincb mid •enimort of tli*? prwnliicet nth! Md’m» i'BoftliHt pmly‘looptipet.trHtondovulflJyitb.xmU mid lihcrtility* wliihvllir Hum 4 otrlha.paper o firtti/ond It* prjutdpl^ iim oouinyufl-iii*. Ib» emU tiniiiH slw>li he opon.inu libera) nml i'n^;:htciicd dWtiBBKu of the n;r»t«tii)^ Woles rlnv< wbuitiiuc ldfiif irrittOB . cri^c''“, fa’c lYom lntoTera^to' mn i<* i 'i’*«»MuJ«)ie»**liwtfc'bgtii' parties. v r--.. . . 4 -; ^ .■- Bein'? loeatviritit an Xrrh'uhiirnl rrctiou of Iho .BOM;)t villlaic a iwuwtiyohjH‘t u> pinkHtfooChmrtfti^tvtMWf+ff ,id I'bo I e l to thkt tion or ihcromummUy- ’ Him hurt lmob d*r*B)rft .** Literary cooi’mnnit^lions n»d> dcct»clta wii! a?lt dmt a hciirty uolctom* in iis, tthm.iit-. » ; -’ ’lhcnM*—Three dollfir* hi ndvanre or four 04 )U,n«d- of> thfivenr. Advcrdsem ’Hf^hit'criad at tUeivMmd^t^a” ’ The first No. nf the t -it kuncut, will bfi ira#jf ainitl tka fin*t of May, nr soon ihrroutb^. • ‘Commu'nicalirmH whlrwOod to the. atihocrihinr j (Ji. prevhiiiH to il»at lhit6%)|| nmko (Totiou Giuf of nil dc^rrijuionsi«» iho •horteot no tice, nnd in iho Iwst style. Their Gin* with Bfert breast nnd Bled saws nre n vo’r>’ xuperior imielo and are %itrran J ted to perforin n* well «* any Gin*biiilt in the State. Re- puiriiig done at the sluirtest notirq and npftn mnddratp term*. Theiiotronnceof the Farmer* Ol tht* tltd UM «d : joiniuucountidaurtHiicctfuBr salwited.' vV*. • • wwicmm.ji&uMr -ito -rto', 4 - 4 itQVEB&aeMiBiibv. . Cce'reriflorTeiWtfp'lnt.i-j I ft w|iie|iwtlt(.Srtriia-,e«i«i. . . 4 ’,'4' ^