Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, December 18, 1835, Image 1

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EIGHTH VOLUME. COLUMBUS,’GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING,. DECEMBER 18, 1838. NEW SERIES—Yol. II. N«. 46. , - ■ 1 PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY RY »• MARKS, FLOURNOY 4c JETER. ' Corner of Broad nnil Crawford Streets. .TERMS—Tiirer iioi.lars per smitim, •myabln iu advance, or , t tlm option of the Editor*, II arrearages ark paid. ‘AOVlflWiaBtf fiNt3 o!i.t«.tiri« »'i^1y insorto.l at ar.vr.NTV-nvB ■ cents par ono !iu»» IroJ words, for tho first. inrrrtion, and ; j riPTV 'tK.Trsfor nvery sufoMijantcontinuance—twcuty-five per cent tvlihri, If not p ud li Klynncp,or during tho enntinu rare of tho'tt'IVrrtitainont. Timsa sent -vit'iotit n .prcifk’ation of . - tho iui'jilu>r nf insertion., will ho published until ordered out, and c'l-irsv I wmm tjjly. t.R-iM. Anvp.r.nsr. ic.vts pnMMird at the usual rales, and with strict attention-intira requisitions nfihs taw. ' N. IL—All Salks reralstsd by law, niustjie mado before the Court llotire door, between tfra. hours of 10 iu the morning, situate * i of l*or<ntial Property, whore the totters test!- m.liiro rqt|uirnii tii be previously advertised in some public 'flarnlto.tis follrtifst * • * •SntRiris’ Salesundar regular eXocutinnsffor thirty hays t un- y ucr^rtir^irr.tMtxrv nAVsbnfn^thndRyofMln. .Sales of hand ami Negroes; by-Executors, Administrators or *' 1 Guhr.llahs, for sixty OArt‘ liofArethe doy'bf 4lo. 'Salesn| personal proprrtyXexreptnfedroea) rojrrv days.* f|- .;TAT.ioNsby.Chrlt4-'*rt!«f fV»'lrt* of prdfnai;.v*upon application for tnliorflof n.l .niiiist rat ion, must ho published for THIRTY DATS. Citations upon nfwllcnttmi for dismission,-by Executors, Ail* - •’ minlstratorsor (iuardinns*monthly for six mqntiis. . Ord/.rs of Courts nfOrdiii'iry, fnrennymiiled with a qopy ofthe " bohd.'or irroouimiO tom ah e titles to luad, ftiusl bo published ITIIRBR MONTHS* • . 'VI . . MoTicas by Executors, Admiuifttrntors »r.ffinu > dlnAi,.pf applica tion to tho Court of Ordinary for leave to sol- ho l.nndorNn- ' i. grons nn nstntn, FOUR MONTHS. 1 •.Novices by Rxeculnre or Administrator*, to thn Debtors and Crc- •, dliors.of «m "stopi, for stx.wr-RKs... - . .. . - fcT liRTTRits on Kllto-*.- to the burins**. must s rosy »ud, to .entitle Umm to attention:' nrc*. htiriiorizorVin MraoijRPft O. I*. . Clir. VTII \M, I'yqr.'nfinndi lutR forthrjilikoofSIinriffof Stewart fTminty. nl fh»roritiftirfflb-f’tinh in InnuiiVv next •■(Ejt?? .Vc'arti ituthurwml Maiimuuuv.E.- T.- L.' . Spknckr,. ji Candidate tor Clerk of. Jim Inferior Codrt *, of iljirrfe County itt Urn eniui^ng Jfepti hi in, Jnnlinry noxt. Kcw;Clood8i low lor Cnsli* J. II. CAM PBGLL & Co. On the west Rule of llrom! street, nearly opposite James Kivltn’s Confectionary. < e AVEjust received u gi ncral uesot invent of Dry Goods embracing the latest fashion* nf Cloths, Casiiimercs m»J -Rowdy Made Clothing. They also carry' on the Tailoring bnsines-L under tho puperintendnneo of Mr. JnmcsduHivnn, mul will promptly. execute all order* in •that lino in tho best manner and uccoriUug to tho. latest Hi. 30. 3Cif 5[«W Cusli Sloi«!-—-Aud Cheap tod It Tho Suhscrilfer*, under tho firm of R. VV O O K U V P & CO. H ESRECTFUM.Y ntfortn |lto public that they have tukcMi the store.formerly occupied hv Bonncy & Bnr- knw, omlid en-l «Mo «f Broad eti opposite tlio- Coluinhus Bnnk, mid next door m:Hnft &, Mosov, where they are now tccciviu^ direct from New York, a splendid assort* uieut of STAPLS ATJD FA3MrC7 D^Y GOODS, Ready tnude Cldlliiuir, Huts, Boots, SJioes, &.c. Also o splendid lot of Bonnets of the Infest fashions, oil of width wiU'ba&ohl ui tho lowest cush pricep. nml foi onsh only. It, WOODRUFF, • . W. II. WOODRUFF. •Noveniher in - . 4\ fit . 1 05 s * We nriMiutlmrizi'd to nnnuunce Hf.nry GEL, Esqr., n cundjduw for thft ofiieo of TdX Collector, for Muse.oiteo couuty, at tilt upproitehituf election. (t?* VVEiiro Hiit|utri7.i!iJ to iimmunco Gkoiioe \V. .•iflOIt P, >i <innJii|n.u for tin oiliro <tf Tax Receiver for Miiseojco rounty, fit tin cinimis clci lion. - Look :,t litis!! ..SELLING OFF AT COST. » , tiOl.U.STElN. le.j'cetfitlly iiifonttK the nuhlir. in' • gt'jiurnl, tlint im will nnil dt eo.t litHcntiro stnck nf gimils. cnnriitihv nf a ciioiim iiiuiirlmeiit ol DRV uaT;D3,.tiHUUKRIKS, HaRDWARK nu.l FANCY ARTICLES, togeilier with-tin) Stntdnml Him.o he now oecii|iie», either «i|mrito or lusether, on liiemnut renson- nhle tonn». Tlmsj ivlm nrrt ilo.inini, nf iurnrin!; n bu-i- iir... niuKl and n goml run,of cu.t.mi. ctuniot do belter (him hvnil IfidVuiclvrb ul lluv dpiIttrlutiitv now ofTered. (old euil Hion—ntmioioui>n|i|)Iicutjims having boon nindonlreddv , Ndv.V7. - . , ■d:|if SADDLl.ltY. JOHN DT LEIN Gil AM Sc Co. ]T|} A Vis jim rccnK cd n ginnj iwssbrtiiicnl • Smldlcry, AJL mnnitihctured in tlm Im^l nmimor. nnd embracing th&latcst improvements, cinupririihg, l tWrn!« fuddles, ypViuus prices; Spanish Saddles tin * Side do, silpnrior'qunli y; Saddle Bng«; Carpet do. Biidlus t nss(irtmi; BHille Reins; Murtimtals Girth*nudSirciugrles; llitin,assorted; WhipThonga t?«rriuge \Vliii»H,ofilm newest mid most ulogant pat terns, nil cufefuily sslecte'd, and lor snlb on the most rcu* VMiunfilo tefina.-' 1 • • ' - Jrly 17. *3it'f . Boots Shoes Ifttts Clothing, Ac* >H. MIDOLGBROOK &, Co. T AKBlhi* opportunity of. intorming the inhabitant* .ofC lutiihuH utid.itH vicinity lliui they have taken the store iu Itroud .Street ji few door* below the City llall aud next to Messrs. Boiiacy & Itroknw, where Ijiey are nmv offering to the imhlic, a good assortment of the above named urtioles, which they aell clicap for bath, vit: Gentlemens & LidiehBobtft& Slmca of all description* Misses Seal and Morocco Slippers, l.nstimr do. .Boys Seal aud Morocco Dancm? I’tiinps.Walkinc do. Men* do. do.; Pumps aud Walking do, Cbildrcu’a shoes of nil kinds, ItilUut** shoos. ALSO CLOTHING, Consisting of Brown Linen Fiook Couts, Coniren PnntnioonR, Round Jnckcls, Vests; BosomM, Collars Stocks die. Finn 4311k Uats. Fur liulsr Finc Drnh Huts. Pnmlenf Iluls triinmod, a neat article (or Hummer, Wool lints,Silk ami (Cotton Umbrellas dec Saddle-’ and I rhllcs, W'ngffou Whips, Riding Whips, Travelling Trunks, Carpet Bag*. ’ CUTLERY, Consisting of Pocket Peir nntt Dirk Knives , . - . Hneors, Rur.or Htrops, Scissors, Pocket nnd Belt PiilMl Holster Pistol*, Powder Flasks, Shot Belt* v ' Pereu*slon Cap*, Pocket Books, Bauds, &c. and many other oi'iiclestoo numerous to mention. . Persons wiahitig to 'purchase tho nhovo article* are re- quested to call and examine for themselves.' \ Colmuhrts, Mny \S 15 tf ConiiuiMsioii, Receiving, AND FORWARDING HOUSE—APALACIIICIIOLA. T UB undersigned have fornu'd a copartnership un der the firm of Falcounr &t Kimbrough, for the pur- K >se of trnusneting a Gencntl Agency, Commission nnd etching nnd Forwarding Business. Being prepared to make .the uAual advance*• on consignment to tlicir friends ill i\ew*Orlcnns, New-York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Pro videnco mul Boston, iuhI disposed to devoto then- time ex- dusivcly to the iuteturcst of those confiding Iiumucrs to their charge; Imung mnde the hecessury arrangements to forward .Cotton to Ne>v-York or cUcwhcro with expedition bv vessels oflightdrnildfwater at the lowest rates of freight n hocral share of public patronage i* respectfully solicited. A. II. FALCON AIL ' WM. II. KIMBROUGH. (17* We nro hgjinrized to unnoimcc Rubert * C. WK.I;HH» : rts a candiduto tor the ofilco of Corhner. iit tiiacnsning.clecinm in'Jaiiuury noxt. ' ■ • - •Law Notice; E hnve nssoeiuted dnrsetve* in ; the practice of the . . ,y V Luw, under tlm stvlo of ColqiiitvEohols At Me . Keen. Ouo of ll’in film will, ho nlwny* found at theii office, formerly, occupied by Coiciuiti k. Flournoy. WALTER T. COLQUITT, i t . . JOSEPH US ECHOLS, - :: , THO'S. C. MoKEEN. ' polmnhusOct. t8 37—tf D»; II. BALSAUfi Mill tendering his inosf grateful acknowledgement* to the JL inhabitants ofX?olntnbus : nnd its vicinity for the liberal patronage bestowed on him during .his *tny, takes this method of‘tno$t respectfully infurming'them thnt ho will ’ licit lehv'e till* season, as fib intended, hilt will continue j»or- * mnne.ritlv -at his rcsideqee mid offiee, comer^nf'Thfimhs • and Jnck*onrHtreets^wliero hn'will he. happy to ottcud to their call* jrt the usual hours. He will keep, constantly on hand, an assortment of every description of Teeth, as # mineral, humnn, porcelain and nnunul. To Dnatist* who do hot rcsidn within thl* county—Ho ex pect* shoitly a largo stijqdy of llnmun Teeth mhi» Pnriii, which'ha will beujmhlcii to sell on the must lihcnii terms* ' AitettstH. • • • ■ •• ' * • ;9ntf ; Groceries. Goufcclioiiiurics <V Qi H ASjust received, nhd ofiers for sale at his store en -Bnmd straet, u few doors below ■ the Book Store; a splendid nssormujnt.of Grocorieji aqd Confectionaries, a- mong which arc the followjug articles: ,. Cognnn, Clmmpngiic, A'lncticnn/ PeachV Apple, 1 Rat- AUCTIONEER’S NOTICE. cot u.m ims, OROROIA. V IIF. snhseriber infonii's his friends and tho public, that he ha* returned to Ih^CItyi nnd will hereafter '.4h.»<»»8.1,i8*tni<rtmcfnneiitlon;tsxLltislvely tii.fUe > •. *•■ w Auction■■and'Commission HusinCss. ' • Having lind on ex|tericnce of five years in the above busi* . ness, he flatter* himself, he enn give satisfnctioir to timso Jfjplilr ' ‘ Scptemherll ‘■"’‘'liMW- Aui ifwr.ll W McIntosh Unit, CoIiiiuDus, .Ucoi-gia. ■*ril Ji iihucriboriviMihl r^pjilfljily-lurorui liin ffinniU w nnil iho.puhliijppnorally.tliat im ImMiikon tho iiImvT estnlilislmicbt,.known as tho McIntosh Halt, formerly oc- "enpied by MrsJ Love, pnd intiro recently l»y Isnhc MitcheP, i Esq. It is situnted niKiUt the centre of thn city, nndper* .■hips ns well tmlculntqd tp nlTortl comfori to the Boartlor '•nd Traveller as any huttsa. of tho* kind in tho phtco. ;I view it entirely unnecessary to make the usual jtrmnisos, hut would eartiestly solicit nersou* visiting the city to Wall . and judge foil themselves. M v own personal alteutinu will •*i be given to the establishment,' as well ajt that of iny brother Henry Maugham,ofMiilcdgoville.- . July 25.—25tf JOHN C. MANGItAM. : WAREHOUSE, • Factorage aiiR Coinmission B «incss. ’ - |WN HE • undersigned 'under the firm nf Yonge & Co!ib i having token the Ware, Houses nn l clpso Sffit^R, re cently occupieil by Messrs. Shorter, Tarver & Co. ond Messrs.S. K. HiMiges Co, which, will ho oiTon for the reception of Cotton .ihd Merclmudiio liy the-lirst of : Scti- tember next, and Intending permanently nnd exclusively. . to devoto thom-»elvesto;ho transaction of tl|e Wnre Ho tso Factorage nnd’Comtnissitm BusinoHS, tender tlicir services t* their friend* noil to the public'generally, with llm nsSit- 1 ranee that their undivided attention will he given to tho in terest of their patrons. ’ ■ • . Tlicir AVarnJlouse* and Olpan Storei nfo in good orile*- and so located as to he more .exempt from the danger of ' Fire than any other in the city. Particular attention will be paid to receiving nml Forwarding Goods/ , ,Colombo*, August 7 27 tf WAL P. VONGE, WAI, A. CORB. ■Nety Goods, rj v* .fllHC subscrificr hns< recently'received an extensive . ,-JL-. and well assorted stock of . ui ' f Fftll’ancI Winter Qdbdh r • , Snchas:Broadcloths, Cns)timBio,Siitinetts. Kerseys,Lin- •eys, Fltmnels, -Blanket* *fcn. * Likewise, Ready, made . Cothing, lint*, Cm*, Bouts-Shoes. nnil a grant variety, of fincuna Fancj? Good*, which ho ofluhi |o purchnnor* oil |hr most accommodating tCrtlis. E. E. POlVERB. November 20 42 tf IVttro IIoiISO i Mf- AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. T HE undersigned begs leave to inform their friends nnd customers pud tho imhlie. gene rally, that jhey 'willcoutihue-to transact did ulmvo branch of businoss, at the Ware House, fonunrly occupied by Afessrs 1 Harper. .A Lewis, which limy nro now ertlnrglngnud'will ho com plete, for the reception of Pryduce aml Alcrcliamlizo, by the first of October. . ... ^, All business confided to their charge, wiH meet wi.lli prompt nftention. Their VVafre House nnd cjoso stores for security against fire. arc. nut surpassed hv any In tho City. Bhinpini’nts oft’of ton will be made for their cust- 'Wfifffiton. rt September 4 - B! Pttiit Gtiil’ CoHdii Seed. f BN HE, inform llieir customers and friends u • H . that they have made arrangements for supplies of l this article, for tin) en*uitig season. • • Thoscjwh • wi*h to provide themselves in titrte for plan* Aing, are. respectfully requested tusnnd us theirordcraear* hr, thnr there may Iw mj di*»ppoiutuient in their receiving the seed a* soon n* wanted. , . ■ 1 Satisfactory evidence will accompany cacli sack as to its grmiineuess and quality. We linve. h good supply of. Bagging and- Rope, which we offer ou tho most favorable term*. -September 4 vorahle term*. - .JOHN DILLINGHAM & Cm so Tiiuacrs. FBI HE snhscrilwroffors for sale a negro man, about 35 u " 'cars of age, of good edtaractor. who writes a very ’eligih*. '“and nod can keep amount*, ond who is ii first rate work mm ntho l.oalhorbtlsint*** and is alsu-a pmu! But- eber, ond is every tVny a very valuable *lnvn. Price $1000. JOS1A1I FLOURNOY. Eatoiiton, November 6 40 if *' Ilorsos nitd IHnles, for Stiles T HE spbrcrihcrh-isn drove of lino horses nnd mule*, just from Kcn'ucky, in the lot immediately above Man£ham*sstublc,nndoflcnitliein for sale on rca.*onahlo ,cn£. ^ JOHN SINGLETOg. Platitafion nnd Negroes.for Niile. whicharain etilltvstion•nlood^r a gom| fciwx». I will also sell «t the rtpw timo 5 Negroa*, consisting of • woman nod cliild nnd other*, together with nil the slock horses, hog*, cattle. &c. Also corn and fodder. The o- horrsitumiiMi i* u desirable one for an individual desiring *>cultivate the soil, with a idruty of gotal wuli-r mul every prospect of eo«id Iwaltli. ihcfo arc on the prarniw**, out buihutigs and <‘vcrv convenience nrerxsary for farming purposes. Persons deifiririg to purchase woulJ do -well - __ 1. l- .i— —-incuts eas*- IIN SON. to atfeeud the sale—aa I intend to make tho payments easy, HAIUUSJOr To Lovors of choice Wins*, Liquors, Fur tor. AL LE Cofjar^ &c II fl L Is* . ql old.Port, .Madeira, Brown nod Pale dlicrry, tiici- ly Almloiru, niul lVin’rin'o.NYioos on dmugliU 2U hliln. host hraiids Cognac Brandy ' 10 ** ’do. do. Holland-Gin do', do: Irish Whiskuy 13 /‘ do; -du. . Jittuaicu Rum / . 20 lawkpt* (most apiu'ovod brand*); Champagne Wino 6 dozen ,hu;ilo* old Port Wino V. S “ • do. * 'Madeira . do [ very ‘ do. • Brown Shorty do. > ^ * * * t. I Superior. Columbus wholesale and Retail SADDLERY WARE-HOUSE, * At tho sign of the Golden. Saddle, Broad struct, A few doors below D. Hjiugorford Co. nnd ucurly ojipo- site Urquluirr & \\ v nro. . W. WADE ^ Co. TRyANUFACTURERS of saddles; bridles, martingales, lT ji &c. Saddles'jif i-very variety’ rif pattern, spahisli quilted,'overlaid, shaftorod, plain, boys, race, attakapas, planters, large and extra lurgc^ludies saddles, of every quality and -stylo. lilUpLES. OF ALL KINDS/ Somogood for fifty cents, snddlohags, ca'qict bags, va- liccf, stirrup' leathers', *irci»gJe* nnd girth*. HARNESS—coach, gig and deni horn, front the chrapest to thn Itflst. TRUNKS, of eyqry description. The above article? ro of their own Jiinuuftuitttrc.made of the finest materials and J»y superior workmen; and will he sold lower than ever before offered-hi thi* market.--A LSO, r Euirlish Saddles Bridh*s and Martingales. Confh, gig, tntidem, sportsman’** and riding Whips; stir* rup*, hits, *pnr)», buckles, hiunss, collnrs, cut tacks, trunk locks, horse hm*he«,rurrv combs,&c. &c. N.*H. Traders in tho above'tirtieles^ will Ims supplied low and oit a* good term* as cun he purchased of anv other manufacturer in the.Ignited Stales of Americn. Country Merchant* arc rosucctfufly invited to call und examine fur thnm*elvcs. • ... ' .1CP Repairing dqne on the most roasonablo tenns. April 17 - ^|| do. do. j 4 do. Paid-Sherry 4 do.' Mnpcnt 50 ' do.: London Porter 40 ' do. Newark Cider 10 barrels Pot.dikec}isie Ale 125 boxes^Spanjih.and* American Cegars Cognac, Champngiic, Amcricai berry and 1 «fhelry Brandy. • > Ilollund add Northern Ghi.- . . . jp Tfisli,Scotch, and -Monougaheltt Whiskey, JuiuaicriundN'orthcni Rum •. Madeira, Port,'Clafot, Hock, Sherry, Catalona, Lis* bon, Canary Mascot, Sweet, Burgundy usd Do- mastic WINES, • London Porter; Scoih, Albany «nd Cream Ale 1 xnnon Syrup; Ra-herry Syrun Mint.Pprfcrt l.m-c, l.lfi?hr V|. m , (Tnmnman, Rote,Cof* :• *4 ' too, Rum, nhd dther CORDIALS - Smoked and pickled. Salmon,, llcj-rings and Tongues . Superfine Flour; Potatoes; Starch CranheiTVs, Fig*, Rui*in*,Trime* t Currants, . Plums', Cherries, Lentous and Oranges Swcetnicnts and Jellies in grant-variety • , Coudies, Sugar I’luras&c* a»sorted t • ... Brown’s Law’s aud ftlassey’* bpst chewing Tobacco, ' Sfegars, in variety: smoking Tobacco. ; Cahdlr*, : Ldn‘ip OivLniupri rtnilf^mp Wick • LaniP^tln*i*ei^Flour Pols,* IVtjrA* ' w 1 * :; . ; GARDEN SEEDS, a large supply, well assorted ., with numerous other articles. * ' , ^ dwutnmtsi Mttrclt 97T-' ▼ 8 ' 75 hhls.jiriuio . rnlf filds. Pig Pprk, (for family use,) iegs Lnrdf 'Hi hhl*. Aless Boef uilf hhi*. (fniuilv) - do. ; do; , - ' AELEN tic II1I.L ® AYR now on hand and intend to keep constantly for solak superb.nssortment of . .. FAMILY GROCFIUKS & PIlOVfSIONS at the lowest possible, market price*, fur cash ea/y, con* ! sisiitig hi pari ef tfie following articles, ' • 50,000 lbs.-Bacon; 50. bills. Mess Pork 75 hid*, primo . v .do, 10 half- | |f g 50kee ■■201tttL L.™- r It .“., “ Beeik Tonrucn; 40 Kegssouced Tripe . 1,000. lbs. sinokgd Boef; 30hhl*. No. LMackcrcl , 50 i>lil*,.No.2Mackeral; 20 bids. No. 3 do, •. So hitlf hid*. No/l do.;'20 do. do, Nm 2 do. 25 bihcesfScotcIi Ilerriiig; 600 lbs. bill dun Cod Fish 4‘hnlf barrel* salt Salmon A0 bids. Richmond; (city mills) Flour. 15 GcnnnpAco (New York) do. . 20 “ Howard *irocl Baltimore do. 20 Western 1 ■ do, ‘ 40 half bids., butter Crackers; 108 bids. Molasses 4 bbls. Havana. <White Sugar v 10 . 4 ‘ Brown do. 40 r “ .St. Croix do. * . -40 141 Porto Rico - do. 75 14 Now Orleans do. ,S,W)0, lb., LoaCflndLump do. Sn hag. Coded 10 SC Domingo .do. 75 “ Ulo- do. >.*.} 30 f 'J.nguira * do. - 1 75 bbls. western Whiskey ;75 bbts. N. E. Rum -5 30 ,’« Amerienn Brandy ; 30 do. do. Gin‘ 30 44 Malngn \Viiir; 5 do. TeherlfTo do. . .Mr-4'JIryiI.i*bon i do; 30 gklls. Coloring v-.v- * 25 bids. Vincgnr; 20,000 lbs. Iron and StMt!: ^ 1.000 lb*. Castings: J)0O do. Bur I^ad 2,000 Sllpi ; 20 keg* Powder » - 50 lbs Powder; (irt'cnnlster*); 10 do/.. Collins’Axes IJiOO lb*; Rice; 200 xnek* Suit; 60 Loaves Table do. 100 lb!?. Ponrbish; 200 lb*i 8ftl ErMuii - b v 15 boxes Sperm Candles; 45 boxes Soap 15 44 Starch; 25 Imxes Raisins 50 kegs Tohanco; 5 hog* Pepper: 3 do Spirt Cloves Ginger, Ca**in, k Nufmecs; Mroom*. Pipes TE AS-"*Iinj»orinl, Hyson', Yotiilg llyson k Pouchong 50 reams Avrapping Pit pert* Sfotie Ward' ALSO—y—AT COST, 5 cages, 2500 yds, bleached Shirtings and Sheetings 6 bale* unbleached 'do. do. 2 cases, 1400 yard*. Calico 21 pieces, 1000 inrd*, Negro Cloths 200 .Rose nnd Dttffie Blankets 150 yards Hating!!*, Ae. dtc. ’ . ' ‘L ID* Purchasers ora invited in call and examine; if they wish to buy trood articles aud cheap. • • > . . " Mar 22.1835. ; • 16tf HARDWARE. CUTLERY, ItUILUINt* MATKHIALS, &C«. * !> common knob Locks. nail and stock Locks - | ^ RUMP PIP JhiseUj ilo Gouges Hand, punucl, tmiou X cut. Iruming qud mill Sawe Trace, log, Imtler aud filtit Chains ;'sitrveyopt do. Block tin Faucets, Slolnsses Gates, brass Cocks Hand, cross nut, pit atui mill Saw Files Silver Pen il Cu*cs, Steel Pens,Crayons Lancets, Fleams, Sheep Shears Brass Candlesticks;and Limp*, plated and brittsnia do Brittania Tea and Coffer Sett*, block tin do. Caat inm ntnl cvpftcrTcn Kettle*, Saucepans Sc Boiler* Splendid Andiron*, Shovel and Tongs, 1 enders Couimou do do do Ivory haudlo Knives aud Forks, in setts Common do db . Rodgers & Wostenhohns Pocket and Pen Knives llitdgerH & Sous suix’rior Razors, single or in case* 1 case super Damu*cus Duelling Pistols 10 pair uo do . I»elt do A splendid assortment of Pocket do Single and double barrel percussion and Bint Guns Superior Rifles, percusriop aud fliut CVRPKWTKR’a TOOLS. R bv late arrival*, a large aud complete supply of the above article, comprising: Bench Planes, Match Plane.-, Ploughs, FOtMtSNi Cut and Thrust, nnd every variety ofMquldiug Planes Tryiugfcbjutrc*, dec. See. BLACKMM1 Tll*8 TOOLS. ' Bclhtw*, 23, 30, 32 and 34 inches Sanderson's Mouse Hole Anvils Wilkin-eu’s. do do do Jk Superior Patrol Screw Plate*; common do do Vices, Sledges, Hand Hammers A LSD; 500 kegs While I.end; 50 barrel* Oil 200boxes Window tilasit, *HKM) lbs. Puttv 150 keg* Nails; 1500 lb*, sheating and braziers Copper £000 lbs.sheet Lead, 5000 do sheet Iron; 5ton*Casting! Edward Cary, Esq. W ITHDRAWS from fits firm of J. 8. Calhoun & Co. The business in fu|Urc will he conduetcd by CAI.HGUN Sc B ASS at tho corner of Oglethorpe nnd Rn,idnlph*street*, who are now receiving an extensive assortineiit ol. Dry Goods & Groceries, which ihey offer at reduced prices, for cash. ' We invite purchaser* to examiue our stock, and beg leave to say to «ur former customers that they will not find us less atcoiu- modating than formerly. ON HAND AND NlllT RKCEIVINC. 800 piece* best Cotton Bagging 800 coils Hope; 3500 sacks Salt . . 75,000 lbs. superior Bacon; 100 kegs I.ard N Sugar. Coffee, vails, Bbicksmitli’s Tools i Crockery nnd Glass Ware, See. Best Philadelphia Flour ~ v * . -CALHOUN It BASS, July 25—25tf. Corner of Ogjcthurpe * n d Randulph-sts, Rctvieiives. Siiortp.h, Tauvkr Jt CO. Ctl Geh.' Howard, Juunr. Cot.quiT, ... Bits. HoXKV.dt UnqUHART, P. 1). Wobimut'K, J.4MKS II. SllUKTER, Esq. .f Gkn. R. K. Cam., I Hon. J. W. White, I)h. 1>. L. .White, Gndsdun county, Apalachicola, angust 1 • Moore die Tarver H AVE on hand, and will comitumly kcoiva general as* aortmrm of Dry-Goods, Groceries, Saddlery, Hardware and Crockery. Dry Good*; consisimg in part of sehMinnbleCalicoes M uHins,0)nfed Skirts,'Joints, Siormnnts Drilling, Plaid*, Chocks..Stripes, Sheeting -Shii'iiiisr, Sail Ghiili, Ustlahurg* - Muskcto Netting, Milliact Quntitv Binding Silk anil Cotton IImuRcruhiefr, I’iuen Shawls Liia*n,Silccinii Flannel.*, I Tmliralla*, Parasols Thread, Dress Si|ks. Sewing Silk, Tape Turkey Red yarn, Circassian*, Buiiiliuxiiie IbuuIiiiM'i.UliUli*. Saiiai-t*. (iiii-InMim • Ladle* nud Gentlemen* Hosiery, Sc c. For sale at low prices mul ou liberal terms. May 15 Ifitf Nolice. H laV^ lhla'.’firiit Hated, themselves together for thn transaction of a general Auction and Commission husines* under the firm «l J..T. NILES & Cm. and will thankfully recHye, and punctually utteud to all Orders iu tlicir lino of husiaoss, lit the Store formerly occupied-liy Niles Sc Rictiard*; second building beluw Messrs. Urquburt & Ware’s Drugstore; > J.T. NILES, • S. II. BONNER. • • 4 s E. II. METCALF. nrFKRKNcrs. Coi.vmbus—Messrs. Win. H. Harper and Co. and Gen. I). McDouguhh APALacim oLA——Messrs. McCIoy, Asher Sc Co.' and Richards & Wood. New-Ori.kans—Bogart & Hawthorn; New*York—Edwurd Kellogg Sc Co., and Adam W. Spies. Esq. BAi.TiatoRK—Cnpt.. Henry \Y. Cottrell, aud Messrs. WilKO.i .t I’Cerkin, Sfptmolihr’.D " 35 If: . iiAYWAai), F EELING grateful fortli'.nafronage extended to him tho last season, takes litis method of informing his friend^ anil .the-public generally that ho continues the Ware-IIoust* utul Coimiiission Business, At hi* old Stan ’, nnd assure*, nil wishing Colton stored or Goods forwarded, or auy Cottoiioriioods sold onrommis* t ioir, that particular caro and attention will ho paid to all Uffness entrusted to Ills care. - His charges will bo cut- ' REFERRNCKN S it.VMRDS—Messrs. H. S. Smith, S. K. Hodges Sc Co. and Malone & Hooper. k * • ew-Yoick—Boat wick Sc Tnvlor. NLtiitOKGfVa.—Apgi Lcftwiuh, E«n. . *ALACttfcbi.a—Messrs. McCIrv, Asher Sc Cn.' E.'J. Huqlin, Fnlcnnar & Kimbrough, und John Foutaiue fix Co. toberfl, 3fi tf- ISEWGOOIM. D. -HIINOEKFO It D & Co. WA'ICHEStJCWIiLKY, Ac. FOSTER & FOGLE, H AVE lately returned. from. New 'York, where they have selected an assortment of Goods in their line, which added to their former stock, makes the most aplen- SU*alUaiW« «r »nlctc-, ever oflTernd for sale in this town, and second to none, except “Marquand.” Among their articles, the following are h few: . .. - ¥ :V WATCHES, r . .. .•'71 i Layers made to order, and warranted of the beat kind Also, Tobias and other approved makers Gold, Anchor, Duplex, Lopinc, V article and Silver -Lever,-Anchor, Lopitie, Quartier and common. ’ JKWLl.ltY, &C. . t . .' r Wktch, guard and neck Chains;a great variety Watch, and Guard Keys and Kings Finger Ring* from one. to one hundred dollars Breast Pins, from one dollar to two hundred dollars Pencil Cases;Spectacles, Thimbles, “ . - Quizzing Glasses, Ear Kings a great variety, seaae of tite latest'styles, Medalions. SILVER WARE, Table Tea, Mustard, Salt, Cream and Desert Spoeas Ladles, Sugar Tongs, Butter Knives, Fish Knives Forks, Srtulf Boxes, Combs, (a new article,) Spectacles • PLATED WARE, Castors, Cordial Stauds, Tea Urns Branch Candlesticks, common nnd chamber dh Snuffer Trays and Snuffers, Spoons Astral Lamps, Cups, Knives and Cake Baskets. British Plate,-Spoons, Forks and ButterKnives Brittania Tea dm! Coflec Pot*, Urn*; Spoons Lather Boxes, Tumbler*, Cuflcry . „ A few sett* fine ‘Cable Cutlery, containing 51 pieces Pen, Pocket and Dirk Knivos Scissor* Belt nhd Pocket Pistol*, Puelling Pistols • French Clock*, American eight day Clocks. Percussion Caps,'Music Boxes. Accordcans Portable Desk*, Gent’s, and Ladies Dressing Cases Tea Trays, a good assortment, ... , _Cane*, with gold Sc silver head*, with Sc without dirks Steel Specks, Gilt and Bead’Avatcb Guards Bead Bar* and Purses, Silk ami Leather Purses, Visiting Cards nnd Cases,.Belt Buckles and Plaques • £ -Teeth and Cloth Broshe** Lather do. • * -- '» f Powder Flasks,a genetal assortment of Perfumery Fancy Soaps. Also, an assortment of Military. Goods, and many, other articles, which they will bn glad to show, to persons favor ing their Establishment witli a call, three door* North of the Insurancn Bank, whore watches will lie repaired usatly nnd warranted to |ierforu> well. Also all kinds of jobrag, dom* at short notice; ■ Columbus, October 9 , H' *f‘ NEW GOODS. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE'BV,THE SUBSCRIBERS, '■ /W| BBLy'. first quality Now Orleans Molasses JLVlf 100 do do do. do Bugar 50 I,his. Polio Rico and St. Croix •' Ho 100 hags llnvaim and llin Cuffee; 50 do-Java do 300 bids, frash riuimrfine Flour; 5do Pork . 10,000 host quality diwubh Bcgars - PACKAGES OF CROCRERT AND GLASS WARE, Consisting of tlic fiowost and most;beautiful patterns of printed .Swiss scenery Flatand Soup Piute*;,Twiner*and Muffins Dishes and Bowl-} Cups and Bnucera . . Salts, Beiipcr* and .Hustnnls; Ewers and Basons Blue edge flat ond Boup Piute*; painted Cups Sc Baueers Decaliters, of assorted sixSs; Tuniblers,ofbc*t quality ALSO, HARDWARE AND CtitLEItT, 1 Comprising a general assortment, among which are, Curry Cumh* and I lund Canl*; Jews Horjis Sc numbtes Pins ami Needle*; Fish Hook* and Tackle Files, of all kinds; door, pad, clipboard nnd chest Look* , Butt, Strap and II L Hinges; Wood’* ?furews ‘ Bred* and Tacks; cut and wrought Null*, of all sixes Tea and Table Hpqons; Trm-.e Chain*, Pern pocket, dirk ond biifebor Knives; Scissors St Shears Raxoro, in cases ^ Knives nnd Porks Horse Fleams; Sheep Shears ♦ • also.- , . Shoe Makers Tools and Findings, comprising > Shoo Pinchers nnd Kplppcrs: .Awls and 'Imw leather nml Shoe Tliroml; Rasps and Snail Stones Hammers, and a,variety of oilier articles in common use carpenter’s tools: Augurs, of oil sixes; Bitts and Braces * 4 Compatsesand; east and Gennan Steel hand Saws like steel-back Saws; Cat Hide do ‘ Double Sc siugle Pland Iron*; (touch dc moulding Planes Turkov Oil Stones and Hones Cast Steel nnd Common Hammers Chissels and Gouges, of all sixes: hand.croMCUt fie mill Saw Files, ofcn*t steal;"Colllna* cast steel Axe*. Ilatclwts nnd Glmblel*. caet.sieel llRWing Aa«s Drawing; CImllt I-i.ini ana Clinlk Adie.; Iron »..d Trying Squure. . _ April. 17—l'tr JOHN IIII.I.IWOIMM ft Co. Dec It. 45 St L. J. DAVIES. H AS return'll Tram Ne'» Vork «nd h dally rrcrlving end opening n complete n...irl.nenl ef FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, fUcb Millinery Article IJof, Clnlliinr. C«r|wiinr, Arc, all nf'tvld.di are entirely fre.l.,' heinff nf the very latest importation*, and selected by himself, which hi* long ac* qiminiiiiirH with thi* maikei has enabled him to do m a mnnnnrthat ho think, will .nit the tn.lo and wi.he.of Ills friends and customers in this vicinity. Mrs. D.tvifs Has associated will* hervvlf n young lady, from one of tho most fasiitonaldB tuilltiinry nnd iiihiiLiu iiinkiug to * liahments in the city of New York, and is prcjWed K tend to any thing in the MlLLIN.iHY DEPARTMENT, in a style that will he sure of giving satisfaction. . Mr. !>. bn* taken tlm new store on tho corner nf.llroag and Randolph streets, where his friend* may lie vnre of finding the very best stock of Fancy, and os pood'a a lock of 8ta|do Goodaaa ever were exposed for tele ra Colugm*. A RE now-receiving ‘a full supply of Fall aud Witter JM. .Goods, among which are the tolltiwingarliclM; 800 pieces new style Prints 18 dox. Thibet and Merino Shawls Muslins, Cambrics and Ginghams Flagg and Pongee Handkerchiefs. ' i Idni’ii Cambric do. 75 pieces rich figured and plain Silks . t •A large and splendid assortment of Ribbons Su|i«r French nnd English Merinos * Merino Circassians Super. French work'd muslin Capes, • Do. do ; , do Collor*. Sc Cbimexettes Thread Lnce*; thread, Bnbhincti and Blond Edging* Plain nnd fig’d. Bobiuet; Gloves and Iloisery Irish Linens. Bonnets, See. Atc. Broad Cloth*, Cnsniuiorcs und Battinette.. . -Flannels, Negro Cloths and Blankets 22ca*es H:tt*)20 Bales Doiuestie Goods ' 2500 Pair limits and Shoes Also, a great variety of Ruittly-Madc Clothing, Fuj* a*jd C|‘>th Cmps^riaddlcrv. Crockery^ . price*. Coluinbo*. f>ctolier 16 . 37 tf COLPMBDS CL.OTUINO S IORL, (/. II. aS: <;. A. PUABOIJY 1YAVR now on hand and are fimstanilv receiving. Fall II and Winter Clothing, of every description, Consist ing iu part of tho following, via: OVER COAT*.. r Blue, hlnck, hrown, dahlia ttad mix’d Orondcloth Over coat*; IVtrrsliaui do.; I’eleivham iK with heavy fur 'ollsrs, cull* and flaps ; heavy blanket Overcoats. * CLOAKS. Broadcloth and Cnmhlct Cloaks. I)lit S3 CHAT* AND FROCKS. Blue, black, hrown, green nml duhlia Dress Coats and Fifjcks; stcol mixed and drab Contees. PANTALOONS. Blue,hlnck,rih'd and fancy striped enssimoro Pants; broadcloth do; plain and faiiev stripe satinotc do.; Ken tucky Jaciis do; cord uml uioleskiH do* ’ •; VESTS.; . •? . 1 . • ‘Persian Volvo! Vests, new stylo; fancy silk velvet do.; black silk velvet do. pa**imcre.niid hromlclotli do; Va* Jentia do; black aud fancy nutiu do; coituu velvet do} satinet do. ■ , • . 'Blit RTS. . Fine ruffled nnd plniii linen Shirts; cotton do with linen bosoms and collur*; plain cotton do; striped and chocked gingham do: iitnid and striped CHlico Uo; red und white tininiehlo; silk undershirts; worsted amf knit cotton do; Canton flumil’l du. 4 DUAWERS.' SUk, worsted und lamb* wool Drawers; knit cotton do. plain, cotton aud Cunloii fluiuicl do; white Sc red flannel do GLOVES. Buckskskiii nnd heaver Gloves; horse skin do; white kid and silk do; colored silk .and cuitou do; worsted and woollen do SUsrKNOKUS. Gum clastic suspenders; duo akin do a new article; silk worsted gad cotton du. 110*! KRY. Black, white and fancy silk hall* hose; hlnck, white and !>’d mixed worsted do: black and whitelauih'rt wool do: p. itiii:DZ3t:i.sKi, tin his frfeiid*, and the public general! < just returned front New York, - that he In... choice and Inshioiialdc selection of Matclifx uiul Jewelry, nnd taken tho atoro lately OHupied by Hail Sc Mono* Hall, where lie will keep lU'tincnt of tho following articlei WATCHES south cpd of the Oil ly oil hand, a good ti -fluid, «nd Silver Patent Lovers, lull Jeweled and Plnkfe or 1 ohm* and Bee-ley’s Manufacture; Gold anchor En- capnmeiit; Gold Iitiplcx Watcliet; Gold nnd .Silver U f clie* B ’ l*i u ' n '* 4, id NVatcliCHuad plain Silver Wat ’ FAIt-UINCS. * Fla in Gold with tassels; Long Fillngree with Tassel* I'.imtiiellod with and without Swings; Coral; Gold ^tniic with Fillngrte; Cornrliou ocquii inoriiTy.Agato Unix, Juspcr, Jut, mid every othcgkiud muiiufitcturM. rtNUKR ItIN4.S. Diamond, acquit fnniih. Lmuficlfed, Fmernhl, Ruby, Gnrurt. Gold Srotm, I,food Si.aie, Topux. Ametl.Ut, Ag ate, 1 urqnoh, Pearl nCd Ji-t, Ciiarrd, Motto utul plain. 1 '* * PRFAS'P PIN’S. Diniuoml, Dbunond nud Pearl, pearl and Sephire, Ponrl nml Lmorild, Ruby, Acquit Morin, EnnmoMed, Emerald, Cameo, Miainture, Coral, Agatu, Cornfilion, Tunas. Jet nud plain Gold 1 Ladies ueck Chnin*, Gold and Silver, Gold Watch llooks; (.old nnd Silver Buckles. Gold nml Silver Thim ble*, Silver Combs, Gentleman* Gold und Silver Guards, Gold und Silver Fob Chain*, Scab* nml Kev«ofevcrv <le»* cription. Gold and Kilter Pencil Cases, (fold and Silver looih Picks, Gold ami Silver Spectacles,' Quizzing Glas ses, Gold Snap-, Enamelled, Fillogreo and Main: Shirt but tons, . Silver Sc plated Table nud Tea Spoon*, Butter Knives, Musical Boxes, playingfrntn two toeix tuner. Accordions, Pi-tol*, Cutlery, Perfumery, nnd even-other article, coin ing under ilm head of Jowidry.nnd Fancy Goods. G. DeGII.SE, li^0111 Now York, r. *pertfully informs .U|0people ofCidiiinhu* and its vinnitv, ihatho linalocated himself among then-, nml will inki dinreo i,f the Watch .department,in the store nfP. Mi.’dziclski, where he will nqmirevery description of Wulelie*, in ii»e |».-*| possihlu imiancr,and feels nsHored, iVom Id* lour prneiiml knowl edge of the hudaesM,to give suiisfitelion to all who may fuvour him with u call. - All wait he*, purelinhed nt till* store will kept in or der, free of ch.irse for twelve month*, and person* wishing to CXelmngetheir watch, will he allow 1 th cnnie price tut pnidfor, nn.v timo within twelve mouths. N. B. Ail kind* of Jewelry and Silver Warn repaired. October24 33 tf V , JAC'OBl A BBIKJE, Aro now rendv 'to reee’ne any articles in tho U P H O LS T li R I N O BUSINESS, Such n. J^EPAIBIWa Btfl. rmtuffiin SOFA*, CHAIRS, L MATT BESS F.S, done ih the neatest style, by t cxperieiiecd workiimn from New Voik. The lti*tromeiit>il, ami also the cabinet making part of PIANOS REPAIRED und Tuned,hv a workman from Pari*, who for his skill in the action of hi- imtimoeutahaa ice received a preiuiLin for hi* work in that city. Nov. 13. 41- ; - FamIiJoliable Clotliiiipr Store, ‘(Next door to the Bank of Columbu*. Broad.Street.) J* s. «Mim H AS commenced receiving bis stock of WiaMr Clo- thing, consisting in part as follow*: Super. Blue. Black, Invisible Green and DshlisCloths Do. . Loudon Brown and light Mixed - dp. Do. Double llibed Casimercs, variety of patterns ’ Do. Plain and Diagonal do, f ,r '" Do. Wove Stripe. do. Do. White pud l uflT . do. . Do. Blueaiid Black do. Superfine Black and Light Mixed Satinet* • A splendid assortment of VeHtiiigs. . Keacly-Madri Clothing. Light-Drab and gold mixed over Coats with Fur i Collars and Guffs. . Sunet. Blue, Blk. Brown fix Invisible Green Frock Costa Do. do. do. do. do. do. Dress do. Do. Blk; brown steel mixed Sc petersham over Coats Do. ‘Drib Flushing do. Do. Green Blauket do. Blue and Brown Cloth Cloaks. Super.. Loudon Cnssimeio PANTALOONS Plain and Diagonal do do. Riblied and Stripe do do. Black Blue and Brown Cloth do. Su|»er. Blue and Black Saiinetts do. Striped do. do. A splendid ssnortment of Fig’d. Silk Yelvat Yeifd Cloth and Cassiinero do ' do. • do. ‘ A good ossortment of Round Jaekets Linen Shirts Main Cotton do, t’oiton do. with LinCii Bosoms and Collar* Super. Silk Shirts and Drawers Lamb* Wool do. d». Cotton Nitt do. do. Flnncl do. do. Twilled do. do. White Silk half llo*e: Block walk half floss, . Superior Horse Skin Gloves do ' Buck do. do. Cold. SUk do. Silk snd Cotton Umbrellas Superfine Fur and Silk Hnts - do do nnd Seal Cotts Fine Calf and Morocco BOOTS drt. do. do Pumps do d» Prunella Pomp*, India Rubber Over Shoe* A splendid assoitment of India Roblier SUSPENDERS do* do. do Pant. Streps .Every variety of Stock*, Collars and. Uoroms Travelling *1 runks and Carpet Bag*. . . The aoove Good* have just been received, and will be sold low for cash. Columbus. Qet.-lfi • 37 tf rib’d mixed worsted do; liluck mid tvhito luinh’* wool do r Scotch and mixed vigoniu nml ineiinodo; while, hrown and ruudoiu cottondttk 'vult u largo lolof country knit do. STOCKH,, COLLARS' AND BOSOMS. Boinlaixinc, black, white uml limey rntliu Stocks; fancy mohair do;- plain, figured nnd tnuuy sdktlo; together with every tuber style calltm lor. Plain uml ruliled Buhoiii*; how »tv|cLiuciiblacksuiiu Bosoms; IllicitCollura,ufevery pattern and quality. • IIANtIKKUUIlKFrt ANf> CRAVATS. Black and fltuoy Italian Cravats; black Canton do: white ami fancy imudiii do. Bundnim, pongee, Spitlafield and Paris fancy hilk pocket Hmidkorehicf*; plain white ‘ id figured (Ningee du; llimn cMtiihria and grans cloth do. HATS ANB CAPS., ,, Super fssnionsble h!uck*fiir mid silk Hats, of the latest pattern; drab do do; miner broad brim fasoionabte eilk do; low priced fur pud silk do; together witli a large lot ol wool and rubbit fur do; super si»« otter und lur seal Cap*; Iteir seal do; blue and iilncK doth do; boysdo. FANCY ARTICLKS. ’ Gold lever watches; silver do; GiiuidChains mid Keys; BreastPins and Finger Rings: licit aud pocket Pistol*: dirk slid pm:kol Knives; Mumc Boxes; Acuordiuus ami Violins; (hgur Crhch, some very splendid; loco foco matclm-; cloth, hair ami shaving Brushes. Alsu, a largo' lot of Trunk*, uf every description. Vfl.7* BRUAIIC LOTUS. . Extra superblack, blue,.brown, dulilin, inyisilde crccn steel'mixed, cadet mixed, and Oxford mixed Broadcloth*; Ratteen, for over costs. '> N ,. CASStMKRK* . . . Black nnd blue plain Cu^simere*; black rib'dandclicck *’.--i -im 4^.1,1.111. r/uul rib'd, nnd Persian nnd do j nuc uiicy col Vi riuti.ictp; Kentiickv Jeuiiaamf Kermsye VKUTINUS. Black nnd funcy velvet Vestings ;• Persian velvet-do. a i- M ^ ,i,„ ' j 7 new article; white mid fancy Morseilic* do; Valentia do. ,1 Jl n Ji KS, ICT The above gmal* will be nmtjc to onb-r on short no- |. * L „ r ’, /„ “J!! hL"*'..**5!!! viftoi'ill611A LivihfiMoii!, Have on hand, And offer : for sale, tui very •ceoinmodnting terms, a GENERAL STOCK OF GROCERIES, AMONG WllfCII ARE S 1 JFA Bid*, choice N. O. Sugar fl.099 15 Hhd*. St Croix, da. While and Brown, llavaniiali do. 100 lings prime Green Coflbe 400 Sacks Salt, 200 pieces heavy Dundee Ragging 300 Lhs. English and Kentucky Twine . 10 Bids. l«onf nnd LU*n|i iu?sr, 100 Coils Ron# Powder. Shot Hti I IM 1,15 h in* Sfardi 40 Boxes Seep,.siiperior qimlity " 25 Boxes S|Msnn Candles, 10 boxes Tallow do, llvson, Gunpowder nnd Imperial Tea 40 Boxn- ulas*. assorted sixes 50 Kegs pure Whlti* i/*nd, Ltn*eed Oil, Ac.. .10 Kegs, Rutter, Water nml Sugar Crackers ICO Ws. old Richfield Whiskey . 75 do, N. O. Ruin,25 do. Itork Spring Gin fiO Bid*. Mblnsite*, 5 Bids. (lolliMd Gin 2 do. Port Wine, 1 Pi|»e do. Gin Cordials and lamton Svrnp 1 Pipe Chnmt»*ien Brandy 8 Bid-; Cognine Brandy, Otard, Dupey A ehs. brand 5 Vdo. Segnel! Brandy . .1 Pipe Mnndis' Madeira Wmo - ‘ ' .... 10 Cn*ks Miilaga Wino, 10 do. L. P» TcncnfT Wine 5 Bhl*. J mnleft Ru»n IwnamLSiefl, Hoop and Sheet Iron . Nail Rmt* mid Round Iron, (histiugs assorted -» 20 Boxe* Tobacco, dirtcrent qualities Cignm ••vnrfod Suiitiis bellows, Anvils, Vices Sledge mid Hand Hammers, Ac. Mill daws, Cross Cut ouws, and Hand Saws. Columbus, AugUMt’Jtt ' - » For Sate* JP/k BOXES uml kega Tobacco, assorted quality 150 kega cut Nulls, UM*urted sizes 5 kegs wrought Nails; 15 Smith's Anvils 1 ALSO, • Vices, Bellows, Sledges, Hammers, Ac. May 22,1825.-1UI MOORE Sc I'AUVEU. IRUlHRy hemfeuai'y* T HE next fertn of this lutjtutioti will commence on the first Monday in January. Thi* ioatliutjon is now under the care of the Trustees of Oglethorpe. University, nnd the/ are prepared lo make full nrovinput for the re ception of a large nu>f:b6?of stodefl'* during tf«e next year. The Itov. Mr. REMAN, the principal, will be assisted by Mr MEADE, recemly teacher of the Mount Zion Acade my ; a»d if die mouiIi’t of student* require il, oilier ossist- •Bi* will he provided. % The tuition money und board for three months, will ba required in advance. AllcemniiiiiicMtioi.N nmsrhoaddressed to the undersign ed, Secretary und Treasurer of the Bopid of Truaioes. Milledgevjlle, Dec.IL«4tt :1.1L IIINES. niiitticitl IriMlrntiicntB* F OSTER A FOGLE have juMlreceived Hie fiiltowing Musical Instrument*, to wit: Pianos, Guitar*,. Vio lins, Flutes, t ’lnrionet*, Bugle*, Trum/vt*, AreoriUnm, uml will furnish any instrument* iu general **• i4 Aa shortest notice. Also Inst received, pi ana, gnitaftoai Ma tin Strings, Violin Bowsv Bridges, Screws, Pins, CMtriMRK Reeds, fire. N. B. The subseriberskre recaivinu new music month ly, and alt order* for music or Instrument* will meet with prompt attention. Nov. 27. 43tf 1)link ol AugUHtA Slock. 5,000 SHARKS. T HE Board of Directors of the Bunk of Augusta, by virtuoof an nutliority fiooi 1I10 Siocklioldt-rs, will primccd to sell at Auction, in trout nt'dicir Banking-house, —■ • -• • - • ..... LII L' ‘I'UniL tpilnl .nock •’ w JHH H ., f Ufitur a lice. Having one of tho hast and iiiokI lashhmahhi cm ter* from Bnmdiipy, iNc.w York, g' litltMm'ii may rely iiptwi having their garnfcutM made iu (lit; best and most fsaliiouu- Itie sty In ui.d warranted to fit. Columbusi Sept 35,1835, • jNew CfotlkiuK Store. Tka ■abicribcr. havo jutt received a largo and exteusivs assort ment of Ready made Cloiidtig*HraitM,Sliuc8illutH,Cup’«,&(: A Nil througli tin* politeiicfl* of Mr J. II. ReynohDt /M. wo urc enabled for the pro-out, to offer itimu lor sale, in broad-ri. a lew door* below Bcdoll A Walker’s City Hall, immediately opposite Moore A'1'itrverV Our Clothing wa* all intuii uetured by'ourselves, at our estuhlisbiiienf ul the Ninth and we warrant it equal both in style und workmanship, to nuy ever offered ill the city of Columliu*.—in our nssorluient will be found the following, vlxt CLOAKS.—Cloth Cloaks, Cnmblet do, Gdnta Itolr do. and Wrappers. . .. OVER COATo.—All kind*, .color* nnd prices. Blue, Black,Brown. Drab, mixed, Invisible Green, Mulber ry, WuieiClaret,Oaliuh —also Peterslinm and Fliirli- DREtM AND FROCK COATS.-All .l.'.cflplliiti. and colors midsize*, with and without velvet mdl. r*,« de sirable as»ortincnt and well wort liy-vf. n Witt ion. , PANTALOONS—An cmiluH* variety, I*luhimid Ribbed and S*ri|ird nud'Plaid anil Diagonal Cawimere. nil color* nud prices, Cloth do. I'lniii mid Stri|M*U und Corded Sattmctt do. Flu riling do, Plain nml KihlM’d and Diagonal tiuhl do. Bufiitlo Chilli uml Mofeskh) do. and at prices that will ensure sales. VESTS.—Plain Mid figured Silk Velvet, FnitCV Parisian velvet, Pluin an I figured nnd Plaid Tabby velvet. Plain Black mid colored Siittiu, Phiiu and Figured Silk, Cloth, Casaiumre, Valencia—Toilonot uiidrintti* net Vests. . - . . -. -A\ SHIRTS A DRAWERS.—Fine Linen with Ruffles, Plain Linen,Cotton with Liucii ho*.mi* nml collnrs, Plain Cotton, Plain, striped and checked Gingham*, ('allien, Red and White Cotton Flannel. Red and White Flannel, Worsted, Cotton, Lambs Wool, fisc. , ,.. Ac.... STOCKS.—100 dozen,comprising n superb a**»rlmen( of • Plain nnd trimmed Snttinydo. Silk, do. Uoiiibnzirie, Plain; Corded tuid Pluid Silk do, COLLA RS—150 dozen, a choice lot of oil qualities and kinds, . ■ • ' • . BOSOVlH^-PIaiii Linen, Lluonwith Rltflles, a hew nud clegmi* aftk'le 01 sutiiu do. HOSIERY.—Black und White Silk. Blaek Wlilto mixed and Libbed worsted do. liluck mid White uml mixed and Ilihheil landi’s wool do. Black and White and mixed Scotch and merino Hose, Black and White ami Brown nml Random Cotton II040, a (urge lot .of course wool do. ■ • ... GLOVES—Buck Skin nipl Bearer Glove*, black ami white nnd colored llorse Skin and Goal do. white and cojoretl kidd do. black bad while silk do, Cotton Berlin, worsted and wojfen do. - lt ; ‘ - SUSPENDERS—Gum I lrtriiCfDoeSkin, Silk Worsted, Cotton net, Colton WcLb and Girjh Wchh-Siispcn* HANDKERCHIEFS AND CRAVATS. Black and Fancy Italian Cravat*. White and Fancy Silk do. While Linen und Muslin do. Bandanna*, Pongee nnd Hpittlefield do. Plain und White nml Figured Pongee do.'Silk Flan A do, „ ' u a , BOOTS A SHOES—Gent, finoCali;Morocco,nnd Seal •' Skin Bools. Gents, fiup Celf, Morocco ami Seal Pitliip* Walking Shoes nnd lirogons, Dancin^Pui'nps, Negro Shoes, Ac. Ac*. > „ , HATS A CAPS—A first rate assortment of nil kinds— Beaver Huts, Silk do. Gent*. Cloth. Cloth trirnrn. il with Fur. Youth* Cloth do. trimmed with Fur Ac, Our assortment is complete, eomjirWng every article usiiallv called for. We iotend to self ourgmal* clr. np ami tnthnsiv wl-llius in purchase we would invite to cull and examine forlltcorrelvcs. Colunilm*. Nov. 6 HVE J’HOU* ^ . >iiid ittauuuion, the *mno bring five-sixths »!' tlm iitaretiSuSo its capital, uttihorixed hv the following net of tho Lcgi-lulurc. ••tire. 1st. Be it enacted, That the clou ter ol the Bank of Atign-m Is*, uml il is hereby dccltuei) to l»e prolonged to tw nr-v *\\iy of May. iu tho ycur one thousuud eight hundruthtnd liltv.” ••See. 2,1. That it shall I* lawful for the Stockholders or trio sard Book at hov.Hireling 10 Ire called for the pur- bribed iu the cxistiug char- -said lfsiik from tiriie h» tint*, «nd in such poilimta a* they may deem to tw expedient, not exceeding ill the whole six hundred tliniisaud dullera, ip tuldiiio,, I,, lie* prewuUt capiitil of tho said bulk. Sec. 3d. Upon every *ucli increase, bring agreed U(»on h» a decision ol the Stockholder*, one sixth part of sack increased stock,' shall be reserved for the {Slate at par, an* til the end of the session of the Logiriuture. next after tun capital shall lie so increased, uml that thn other five-sixths hIiiiII he disposed of by tho Director* for the lituu h -hig. in tilt'ttmmior imhilod nut hv the second role ol the < eltartur, for (tin hrm-fito! the iinfiviilti:,f Hioct hohlns,B aiiy houolit there should ho in the dhpo-iiiion ilieieol) tlm in lores! of tin* state in such coses, being upmlizcd hv re ceiving it* portion of increased stuck, ut par, as licein bo foro im’jilioned, . By order of the Board of Directors. * A ROBERT F. POE, Cashier. Radii of Augusta, Nov, 6, I BID. 42 ids CRANDALL, GREEN A Co. . #. dQ tf K t’oiiou Ghi Gear* iiiMlnis ana Hollow Warn. Comprising every urticle—such an ETTLKS, Ovens, Fire l»oga, SpldOrs,Skillet*, Ac. Segments, for Colton Gins and Pinion*. Also, English Cast Steel Gin Saw Plates, all sixes St rl, suitable fur making Girl Saws ■> r Nails, mil and wrought; BlscksmithV Bellow* Guns mid Pistols, iu till their voriety, with a general assortment of HARDWARE, for sale ou aecoimm^.itiug term*. . - \ ■ • BAKER A MOSS. Nov. 20. 4?lf 215 MnrUct»t. Philadclphiu. J. 8. RALIIOUN A Co. IIAVK UKCKIVKII, -| JA Aim LBS. of BACON - T« J.TlvaU"W 400 pa. best Kentucky Bagging 100 piec* * l»est liiveroess Bagging 100 do American, heavy, - do 100 du East Itidiu liontp,. . ■ -do ■ .' 400 coils Kentucky Rope; 3000 Rail Sugars,Coffee, Flour, Whiskey, Molasses, Lanl 11 ’ Mess and prime Pork. do. Beet Mackerel, in wltolc nml half barrels, Salmon, Ac. They will in a abort timo receive an nd litionnl supply of the abovt articles from New York aad New Orleans, ‘togathmr with a general assortment of DRY GOODS, suited to the season, all of which they will sell low for «a*h, or on timo for approved paper# May 15,1835. 15—tf Noitae, FBI HE- snliserilier Iims removed hi* slock nf Good* Ji to thi* brick store ujljoioiiig Mi h*m. Goldstein A Co. am! three door* north of llm Columhu* buddlcry Ware IIoiihc.uii Broiid-Mtreet* ' At.eti, JU*l received, by the bite arrivals from New York, a few cases of Gentlemen's fine calf skhi and morocco limits, far sale I'h 'iip. H< MIDDLEBROOK A Co. August 2d* :wtf Jiiing* II. Ury 11 old•«, WAtCII MAKER AND JEWELLER, A few doors south of Bedell A Walkers Hotel, Broad**!, that lia intend* lotfiting permanently in Oil unit ms, and r (•eClfuliy ask* for n ;mrtiou of puldic patronage. Clocks and Wntclte* of (ho most eomplh a led kind, and every oilier description put in perfect order by himself and (excepting those of M no account,”) llieir good perfor- hi#4*o warranted. Gold ond Silver work made to order and repaired, En graving neatly executed. .■?*(twnfd»»t* A ,if?n«v 7 27 if For thtiei A NEW comttNMtiou* ami well fmiriied dwelling liousfl in Coliinthii*, situated011 (Igiethoipo street in ilia ?i- e.Inity of tin- court lioil-e,midway between .Si. Clair mid Crawford streets, the homei* two Hiorics, containing four rooms IB feet square, with fire place*, passage eight feel, a Pinzxu with IwogtNnl shod room* ill llln rear und a Portico III trout, a double kitchen, A Carriage lemse hml stable, suf ficient for four horses, with all other Itecoesnty out buil dings, the lot eontuius half ucremid is well enclosed, ibe yard nearly puif vUu, and « first rale vegetable gaiden.— The prop,tetor, being dcriroii* ol'clmogio-.f Id* present bu siness, would dispose of it on reasonable lerms. Some . goml Iiirnitura ami a first rate Pimm Forte, cabinet shape, could be had with it. There arc hut few loti iu Colombo* ir improved, uml ticuig near the centre of the town pre sents to (tie man ufliittillnM a coavaiiience not easily to Ikj obtained in a growing place tike Coluodni*.* Possessioii given on the firstofOctol^ror*ooncrif requested. ALSO, A Dwelling hnii«eatid three halfacre lots in t!ie Tmvno Rontiekc, Stewart county.Thi- place hm rcn-nity been tau- tied find 1* known tubsh first rate situation lor Mercuntilo h'tsiiiess the lots lire eligibly situ,tied for Store ami Ware Houses. For Terms tor the proper# in ColiimhiT* apply to Col. Wig, II. Haupkii, nnd in Uoanoke to Mnj.Ju- hkpii Kkiisiiavv,. who resides on the premi.-cs. Posset* slim given the first of January next. Jttlv2f,- . ' ' 25- tf To Coll on FlanH'itt. T HE *uhscrila’r him iiiad*’ arrangements to have five hundred sock* Colton seed,'direct from Petit Gulf, sciil fo him in ho void. Tlm person to purchase ihent, is a man of protiily, und w ill obtain c •riificaic* n» i.ceon.pany the seed when they come on, shewing where they were raised,anq they will be here in hufT.rlcot time to lie planted lor tlm next crop, there will be mi mistako nor iVnml, lltey will be wuirallied genuine. AUG. HAYWARD. Columbna, Oct. 29 39 tf Vnlkinblc Lnndaiul Mills foi' Mnlc. FIN HE Subscriber luring desirous fo^muvo up tlm cotta- A. try, now ilifers for sale, lu‘s vnlcnl lc i»u-s* ssinna situated* in Muscogee county, three mid s half mile* above Columbus en he Chattahoochee_ River; muHipg of six hundred uc.i e* of land, a large pm lion nt which ia firs! rale l.uitl: about 100 Here, iu cultivation, the hnlarue in ilia woods, vrrv heavy timbered am 1 near enough to Colon.* 1ms for a tcnovin haul two hid* or wood or lumber fn*r day, WmwJ is worth three dollar* a cord. There is on liwi nrr- ini-cs a first rale -aw and grist iniii, now iu successful op eration, uml lumber in great demand. a, Two good cdmfertuMe Dwelling HOUSES, with the necessary out-honsesj first rate water nml a nicti Peach Orclmnl- My price 1* seven thousand dollars. Any mu* -on wishing to secure a first Tain aeuieincut for a grout deal less than its vain*, would do well to make iicfnedhtte ap plication to the subscriber liv iug on the prrmisi tieo. 4.—31 if » JnfiE ROGERS. Cotton LuihIsl T HE subscriber has a few- |ois of Land in Alabanit|1o rated at a convenient disi on •- from the <*liati*wK»- oliec River and of the (bat qualit ' fov (toiion, ,"o v»lu 4>u reoROQuhU tcrnif. JOHN UiLU«N«iiiAM. Oct. ft, S# B