Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, December 25, 1835, Image 3

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Theories of Yellow Fever, la a New Orleans piper, ia inpatei to the aoouet influx into the IliasiMtppi, o^th* waters of ih» RH river. How to«haxs orr trourlk.—Set about doing food to somebody—pm on \our bat and go and ' visit the afab ami pbor, inquiring into their wnut* , sad minister to them—*eek out the desolate and - the oppressed, and tell them of the oou*ola«ion of religion. I have often tried alii* method, mid have always found it the best medicine for a hea vy heart. A subscriber in the iieiglilmtirij* county, in or- dering a renewal tif his subscription to the Ameri can, makes the following suggestion:— U VVhi 1st the surplus in the Treasury of the U. S.liasacnu- taulated from the direct tux»* unnecessarily high, I am surprised that some of the leading nowspa- fiert have ii«h suggcslcd the justice and propriety reducing the postage On lelters. and of using a part of the sttrplu-in extending tho mane f.iciliu^s lo every neighborhood in lire country.' There is «hi reason in requiring .the Po.u office establish ment, to pay the wlitiln expend ui* supporting it- aelf. any more than there would bo iu requiring 4he Navy and war establishments to bear their own ex pen He*.—Bilt. American. Heath or the 11oh. 'James C. Terrell.—, The Athens Southern Runner, of the lOtii iugt. contain* the fallowing ip.elanchoiy intelligence. “ Carnt&vilfe, Dee. 2, W J$35. Gentlemen—Ct is with f.relitigs m* unhou.nloil sorrow that i announce to vnmitjc death.of 'Col. s James 0. Terrell, who died at his residence in ■* l *Uj»iace, at Klteeri minutes before 10 o'clock last '•‘.“.i of ron>uiiiptiiin. vv -night, lie ii.. ift', o! which there tire e jtank of Hie James exe- Cautio*,—A forged ^ several in ctrcuhitinii, of lhti*'Z7 fo J denomination of Five dollars, pay a*. - Bead, wa» shown to us this moruiiig. T... • cation is very faulty, hut calculated to deceive those not latuiliar with paper mvuey.—£. t\ Pa- per. V;., To the Editors of the Enquirer. - Gentlemen.—A paper containing the follow ing beautiful Stanzas, troin the VniUd States (Phil.) Gautte, was recently scut to me by a very dear Ulster at the North ; from the extreme beauty of the sentiment and verse, as welt as their truth and applicability to very many of your readers, I cannot but hope they are worthy a corner iu your valuable paper.. M, Fretu the United Snt**, (Philad.) Gatette. COM3 HOME. --^y'V BT A SISTER, TO A LONS ABSENT BIOT HER. Come home! Would I could send »ny spirit o’er the deep, Would. I could wing it like a bird to thee, -> • To cotnaiuno with thy thought*, to fill thy sleep Willi ihc*2 uuw'.:aryi!ig words of melody, . ?. ■) - *• Brother, come home!. " Come home! Come to the' hearts that love thee, to the eyes - That beam ui brightness hut .to gladden thine;. Come, where foiid thought* like holiest iuceitae rise, Wliere cherish'd memory rears-her .altar shrhie, Brother, come herac ! • ' ■ • Come home!. Come to the kosr:h-t.n i of thy eorlicfdays, , Conic to the ark, like the overwearied dovo, Como with.the sunlight of thy heart's Warm lays,' .Come to the firfci Jc circle of thy love, ' Brotlicr, come home! Come homo! Itis.Aut home, without thee; tin* lone seat . Is still unclaimed where thou writ wont to be; In every echo o! returning feet. . In vain wc list fur what should herald thee". Brother, come home! PoK THE ENQUIRER. To the Readers of this paper generally, - . • .and more * especially" to iny fiiond u SAM Patcii 1 .”- . A being, who writes f»»r ilieafureeuid paper, over the Mcuamrc 44 Sum • Fate h," recently pussing through an up country villngc, stopped for the night at one of the Intis therein. H . immi tented ■ good deal of resilcsvuess, till the belt‘rung, when he snuffed his proboscis, mid rented to he’ aroused iuto a new si.ite of existence by the efflu via,'wht?h reached his ollhctories from the ham', which was broiling in' tfie cooklury haul by. Nor did the huge handle to Til* face cease its vigorous efforts to munnpolizc lite Hiinoiiudiiig atmosphere, till the lielf touched the all stomach cheering uore, announcing supper ready. 7 At that rigtial, lie sprung ujKin t iiuse—f - * ■ ■*r. _ . . lose—(not “Inige |iro(i»,”- gentle reader, “ answering ilie pluceol'le^o|'-iikW guin- lv «h»|te,’’) 'but K|iliuteriticatioiis, 'atlswerinc tite plane of 110 legs at all, anti (liottld tied tpittileUmi ller the pressure ofltis.ntusticaturs, anil (lie pro- eursrr of where his abduineii- should have been. . Memeil vastly tickled tliroutfli the sxiii. .Iramllc; better, jt wus “savory wVhall.; T ' He appeared -vastly improved in the .physical ipun in a lew minutes, ami so intimately, is tltu minriconnecieil with the body, and mi. depe-.tdenl upon ,ii lor strengih atid activity, that be became-very social, and appeared to seize and retain -wit'n astonishing : tenacity witat ever flitted before his ail-absorbing intellect—lienee bis publication of a debate, which h« would have the-nubtie.brliuYe, U)tik place be tween Uncle .C. and’ Col. F.. Now, so far as j matter was concerned, 1 have no objection to make, I don’t mind the butter, but the way. he spread it on! llmt’s the tiling. Hut let it go lor wltal its worth, my object is gu.iuto-fl logi cal detail to ilispro'e tue gcttileinau’s statements, in regard lo manner mid ticiion; but to state sim ple circumstances -.liit-h occurred with him, and . leave ttie reader tc.judge whether he was eniupc- teot to the tusk lie iiiidcriuok. He was quite so ciable - while iu the village, though 1 ttuiuglu l coulJ discover, occasional imlicutiuus or Iinliuuin- ation of mind, no doubt created ny'iliir novel sen- ■atious wbielt ttie bacou ptodueed, tt|iun tlte lazy lining of -- hls owo gTrortYarmr.*’ ^ He e-inelinJed ‘ to take n trip west, uu-i started.; hut wbat did Iu r iu t 'i hat’s the rub. lie.called it Stage, but was’nt btoge. nor was ti Curt: it-belouged how ever, to the wheel family, rather cross, i took it,' upon the Singe uttd .Wheel-hartow.' lie hud uot - proceeded fat oil his loin, bebirt- his eyes became plieuotnatiized, ticfcdrditig to his own sheilitig, ; us the public will recollect, if they .have uot l.uigut- tru Itis cetebritled elliisipn ou me subject. And no wonder, for his stoiuaclt bud been su much tarprised by lhe hum, that the wiio'lo, syslotn, par- - took of the surprise by sympathy. . lie suio lie saw war declared by the eteuteuts, cloudy warring with cloud, wilh niobuws liir banners, itiukit,g music with llieir tbiiudcrboits; uuU spitting deti- aocc with theit lightnings, anil ml that son of thing. Now coulu tite utrnt he iti his proper sen ses, when lie would try mjpass such stuff oil. up,in a sober cbiliYmJlMy f 1 util WiUu.g lhat tjuomty v - himself shall answer llte question, provided, the Aamiferuus iolliienee be fairly subsmed in ititu.— bo great.was Itis disorganization through itis wliule western trip, thill eveu his watch partook trl it,mid . the driVet of the vehicle aforesaid, under the di rection of rfmtfiny itiid his' Wdtcii, euttie ratling in “one flub eveumgin August,” just iu titni- lit be -reported to Uncle Ham’s.Auret. fortost inuil.— I happened'once ou u time to nuke a short stay in Sammy’, neighborhood, end learned ay obsirva- tiun white there, tliafri.h formed ttie siitple coal. tnwliiy ofeuliiig. Satittny was quite polite aitd ltospitable. lt was “ Uncle C. dine with us to day, we buve a flue ttuut.” i thank you sir, 1 atu engaged. “ Well sup with us to uigm, we lutve tome line perch.” 4 cunt conveniently.— “ Well take breakfast with us In hie moruiiig, iwe have all ». iris ofa eat.” It was flsit, lislt, ail the -while,, as ttie Indian said'by llte. turkey, he never Mid itatn to ute once. It leiitiiids me forcibly of Torn Bibb's variety, thul he always kept oil'Itis ■table, tindercrust, uppererust, sideerust mtd'cruui. But 1 have uegleetett to tiieiiiioii, tuut t'aiuiny -made mine considerable .slay wiiit us alter histrip West,' and took'a oliort eusiern excursion. The cliititte -uiJ ■iiitE jej.ii-i^iiij' agree with him, atier lie began to get uccuslumed to it, and itiutie him feel his keepiug considefubiy. ' (lo S)Kmted largely about something -lie c.uiled •,pltre tolugy, and tiled tii make Uncle C. believe tliul he ccmd tell by the bump on u mau's head, what Itu was j cousiitutioiiully tpiahlied lor, that uu lionesl mbit would steul if u eertmu bimip ou Ids erillliltlll j should Imppetl'io take a fresh start and grintr out - u lime mure prominently, uud all such .toll' ns that, it wus by hint system that lie measured Uncle C. wneti ne luiiun unit wttt; unf one Oevel- opetuent, to wit's me piopensity to Icetl.—a pro- (wusily bailly provided ior in Ins iiiurkel. ‘J'he mistake ite lubouts un.ter is, mat- nu hikes the ef- leci tot the emist; lie ttiuy gel the evidence ot tite same prop, o»uy. but uot with Itis pn-Seot loenitty. By S'uiutny’s faveroe itoliiis ju.igingby lie length aud treadiii, and lu-igr.t ,d ins own n ,s,al bump. . a body *ouid sujqsise lie was gum iu siink ir-i It- bus-i rt ci-bil-i-iy. And uuw, eiuniuiy,' I’ll quit you. You may fish, browse and clatter,. - . You'll not n,uk>- more ihau bread-emu, • Uhl <d lilt) -Id woui hatter, UNCLE C. Vou bid me forget tl.e bright dream that is o'er, . Awl nil tl,o-blest juyaWre.tssledj . Vou tell ms to cherish die'soft vision no more, Though ’was a- h mven to both while it listed. ... Tellme then; £,nmn; dear girl of m.v soiil/' Jf all we’ve joyed and wept u’ertiigotlier, ' f.ike friemlships forme,1, o’er the -pell weaving liowl, Live but iny piishine—die, life first change of weather. Go, s|ienk to the heart, llintjs stranger to love, And bid il lie ware ofthe iljs tlmt bolide, t. ." i.V Tiieysriorl jstiii of die life which, we prove, .- -Uriel inonieuts of hii*',yeitra of care that divide. But liearts thtrt nre jiiiiieil,dcSili nlnnocnn sever, > For their streiinnureeomniihgled, like wave, of the sen, They may I* lashed lo cotumution—but never-^-ah never, Whilnexisteoot! is tb-iirs, divided can be. ’ - II. ' Died;,; . . In Monlgoaiery cquntyi Ala.-ou tbs'nv-uing of Thursday the ■JWdtNovcwber.aftor a severe aud 'yrotfueted Ulness. Mrs. UuatKiE, eouoirt of Msj. GUaptwII Sledge' in the 47th yco, of her age, with a p. rfecl co,,tide,ice |a'. the resurrection of the ju.t, aud a truly chdstiea rsaignatlon to the dirpensatfoo of the Al- mlghty 1 " ' ---s.,., - Come Inline! WeVc nurred fur liico die sunny buds of spring, >yf\iiicI,L'deu‘ryecrm, a fill blown floweret rear, y.'lf o’er,their bloom the chilly, wioter hrtug . itatt' v |bb»b| Sid ilihit an nrl hero'; V v Brother, conie home! Come, home! ■ ' Woiildl eould s/inJ Illy spirit o’er the deep, . - Would I coitid win - it like a bin! to thco, ' -To eommune with I,':.' thucebta, to fill thy .hep Wil'htbeie uuyigjhtgvyolso'f tneiudy, . Brother, come fcbtfiti 1 • TO Ktilttboraagh Femulc Imtitutc. TllE above Institution, raeeully uoocr the tneuuge- -—- 111 -nr of Ur. Robert C. Jlmwn. b-is b en purahased r . .eehscrilicrs ( iiiMl-its exercises wilt be resmned under their direction, on .ftnniiiiy, tltu lltlt January, Id-Id ■ We assure the public, lhal idl ,-ur l.hms and exertions will liedirecteU ui.the-pmm.tiiouolfemide e.lnciiiou. No pt'ioa will lie stinted to procure life alth-ta iiHsistanis, noil tite tilllest supply of.Se'inol apparatus.- in iimportki 1 as die number of onr pupils iilcreuses, tiiore will lie n teacher for each class iu the stdiiml. The plan iil'Btlueedou will be the seine ns that in the'ben re.-ulu ted Collegrsfor me let in'eur country, and similur iuttiiuuoiis for loin,dee Iu con- tinciital Europe. Thera wtU bii four classes orilep«ir1inenti,vix-^1hc Prc- imratory,,Third, HCcoud nnd Fitslt end w lien n pttpil eniors die thinl,abe wil(reiparc three venra to griiduat". Every pupil who graduates at our iuslii'utiou. will lave to «o thru' ■ nflid.exa ,dilation before a boird of literary gentlemen, tvlu-n, if alio, exhibit sieficieat atlaiu-retild, she wilt receive an appropriate testimonial, hearingtbC 'seal ofthe Insti tute, _ PitpUs wifi he received at any time, a ml for any length of time, and .will Is? charged Inti for the pcriiaf .tliev shall have retuaiitfd with us. Every t,ranch of Falncation will he taught wide It can' con.-tituie a well educated end do mestic woinau. There w'lirisiihnt one examination in a yenr, and then, only tlw'Scidor Class will ho exmniuod, unless there be a special request to examine the others. Two afternoons m every 'week will be devoted lo uecdlc work. , . Every Saturday evening, all lira pupils will asacmldo fertile practiced'sacred vocal music—,.|j,l on die drst 3;,t- ■inlay ofeverv iimiith.-anch assemblies will ha njwit In lira friends of ihd liistiiutlun.-. ' Mr. Victor Lataslo.will have the oxclustveeontiol ofthe Musicaldcpai-tniant. -This gendouimfa qualiiicutimisare urn well known to coll lor uuv comment. ■ _ The Principal has had so ex|wriencc of eleven vears as a teacher i-> this Stale and "Wtlli O.tnillna—ilnriiig which lima he Ims not unlv turded Ids' whole attention to Ins vo cation, throughtb-- inoans ol Imoks, but lias improved many onii.inlimtios of vi-itiug air moat popular seminaries iu the't.i'pvo Stuios. Our ttifiss-slill lip as low ns wc can possibly' aflo'nf.— Board can bo f.’ilaincd in tho Ihmraidi at (IIU per tiiontli —and those whoniii*laiunt intiie fiimily ol the.l'rimdpid, will have life airii!tcstri;*ten.imi paid to llieir dcpertmcul,- dress, manners die. Parents «tlllie.furtiudivd with ntuiitlt- ly reports oflJin literary traiiC1cti.;p« of the Institute. * As the nniubsr of nurboardeis ;wi” be limited, those wishing to place tin-ir chihlrco witli us, will please address us he letter, befuie thdcuui'iiiineem'sitt of thntt-'mh J U i -tl’ClKN-I.ATA3TE, Principals - Hoc. Z7,-I7ew5t VIOIOIl LATA WIT,. •J'lio deceased wa«,Tor (he laat33 year* attached to thd-^Metiio> «li«t EpUcopal Church, of which ahe «<«caui6 ; a tucmltcr at the *' ihua walkltiff i the faith even frbui .mr .earliert Bui ^ —, it quit the fnltow»hip on earth, l tor Into tho church triumphant in hsaveu. • A culm and UiamcloiM lire, adorned with- every doiuoatic Virtuo, unfrigiied chprity, and purfocl purity of pu'ipo e t *dtad cu* deared hnr to ait nxte ihlve circle of admiring friend*, antl. huw auc.i Kioto thau th««c, to a devntod Imuhautl of 3(1 yearn, aud a iow UrrcA aud grieving fttmily of children. . But ihc»e uroMcrud grieA, and will diotbRur obtrusion on-tho-public eye. Yot verity do tho bereaved, intheir w<rrotrtug^ uot mourn u« them'without liujH;—for '1 ' * “ She i« not dead, but ^leepeth. , ’ Colmnbiia l>rk«>» €nrretil. COKRKOTBO wi’k’Kl.V IIV CALHOUN Sc. BASS. UifllicM Prizc SIX TIlpUSAiND DOLLARS, ' fifty i’nit.-* of Six llnndrcd. 4 UGU8TA INDEPENDENT FIRE OOMPANV I.OT'CERV, Class'Xo. 4, to lie drnwu til ths Citv of Augusta, December 84th, 1835, under .tho aupemUetKl- cncc und direction of the Commissioners. ;-V ■■ - 1 hpjcudld Scbl'MCI 1 Prize of $6,000 ' is $6,000 " - 2,000 is 2,000 '1,500 iflb 1,500 4,200 'is 1,200 . , .1,1)00 ■ 600 .- 400 100 • 30 '.. 20 15 10 8 5 tun run caquikEH. llKtititts. EuitoKs.—1 nave ju.t received aud perused the presidents Message, aud 1 am uot a little tiirpriscd to find tliul lie doe. out recommend any Legialaunu tor llte licticlil ol d! J.tsrpiis hay. Tba message is uu able document and embraces soineitoiug on alt tite great interests ol the country Mve ibis-—Aliy was ibis overlooked!. Had the Presideut received >uclt itiliirmailuii Irotn the at. Josepns OouipBiiy as uutmirtzed tltc belief tliat tits great Works now iu ptogress at fit. Josephs, would be completed by lilt- time spdcilicd to llte coulracl (say loth Hist.) atm that the cnnpauy had atiipte meaus to complete iltetti, or had he been inlormed that the'company is a sort of inn- nupnly aud (rum bis uatliiftii u,qs>s,;iou to tuouop- olies, would uot invoke Legislative «ij for it. I know the Piesideut was a “Si Joseph's tnau" •ot i—*a since, aud wtraihw changed him, or caoscd “j" ui overtook its great iuicicste but a be- Hcf that Leg stuiive aid sros nut taseminl to tile Kfiiflminn yf jg great works, or It'ta uncompro- minng hostility in all monopolies? r- BAGGING, Kentucky Ditto Inverness Ditto Heavy American BALE ROPE -, BACON - - . - BUT'I'ER, Country -. COFFEE CANDLES, Sperm - Ditto - Tallow CASTINGS - ... CORN - . - -- COTTON MACKEREL, No. 1 - Ditto - No. 8 Ditto - No. 3-..-.'. FLOUR, Connl ' - Ditto Western Ditto Country HIDES • BRANDY. Applo Ditto Peach Ditto • '.Cognac '• - Ditto Cimtiipagne GIN, HollanAv • - Do. AntAatan - - ■RUM, Jamaica - - lb,. Nortiiara - - * WHISKEY, Irish. • Ditto Monougnhela' Ditto Nuw Orleans TOil ACCO, best - , IHtto st-cumf ipmlity TWINE TEA; Black, Ilystm, Iut WINE, .Madeira «• - Do. Altilnga : Do. Claret IRON - STEEL, Cost - - Do. Oermatf - Do. - Blistered • MOLASSES - - NAILS v - • PORK, Mess - - lb). Prime, Do. Fresh' - PEPPER - • Do. Sweet PEAS, Country. - RAISINS RIO” - ■ •SUlsAR,St.Cmixr . , Do. Now Orleans ' .Itu.. .Loaf ' - SALT - - - SHOT - •' SOAP - tallow 4VJ 35 12 IU 151 75 10 a half bill 11 Ofl 8 UU 13 oo: ;ioofl -8 0ft 10 on in u 1 25 2 00 3 75 1 50 ’ 021 1 50 2 50 4 00 1 75 80 a @3 ■yi* 4 00 1 00 r,2j 5 oo . I 17 50 10 00 7 00 - 2 50 3 50 2 35 7 R a llatnllton AcaUciuy. 1. Mr*, and Mi*8 SCOTT, having arr Htort, willlm jmpArcd fur thfl recepthm of Inmate vra, und lo enter u|Hm eucli ef llaiir i • • tics ol tlie AcudcniicD in this |ilnce. mi the « • . January next. Pitrenia iuid ruurdiaiH will idtiase moke early upplication to Wfth C. O^IM)K«, Sec’ry. The following will Iks the prices ofTuitiou ia die Male- •partincnt of this institution, viz: ~ Tli»* LnncnugCH prr quarter, $8 00 Mutbeniaticr, Chnniirtlry, Philosophy, Rhetoric, Astronomy, dfcc. p*!i quarter, 6 50 English Grammar and Ueoernphyi with the use ol iho Globes, jirrqunrtor, - • 6 00 :, Writiug and Arithmetic, - 1 ‘ * 4 00* RcadmXi . IN Yil£ miAlK LKYAHTMKNT. History, Chemistry, Philosophy, Rhetoric, As- . ^ «; so; Amcrictni fiiHory, EnglMiGra-i tiiar,Arithmc-. tic, Gcogriinhy wilh (il'ihes, 6 00 .S|Hs!!»»*g > . Utfttjugund Writing, 7 /, '4 00 BO.Utu ran In* procured in 're<*i>ectabte houufs in the viltavrc und its vicinity, for from seven to ten Mur* per luoiitlt. In every inxtaucc, one quurtcr's tuition in ad< vunce will he required. \V11.L1AMaON SWITZER, JOHN MUfti'llV, UAIVV It A If If JAMES HARR, GEOitWE U. till VAN, JAMES TOLLIIID, BENJAMIN HENRY, WILLIAM C. OSBORN, I>ec. 35. Board Truvteca. 4r—4t IktdBVtll. C OLUMBUS Sa.Wlery Ware-House, removed into llrooil street, few dour* below k>. ilut%orford Co. at tiioaigu of Uw Uolden Saddle. ^ WAUB Sc Co Jurat 12 g d . Notices A LL persons arc cauriened againat uegotiuting or tra- •hnr for-lx several premmtsaory ttolcs.tnmw by tba sunscnner tin- theaggrexalcsum nt'll-to.payaole to Aaiou Brooks, ifunratrly ufllenty eoi.iitv,)«bexrer,as Mlows: l'w«» non** ot c*ch, and wu> of $•», dated 18th w ih'tober 1831, ami due either on llie iwdi Hoi-einb«r,-ul tbal year, or l*t of January, I&J5, which not now recol- lln* other three notes two of $ JO f a.~h. and one ef fl-V, dated toll* Oct-Hier lffU, und payable M the -Alh t»ecemlK*r 1835, or latJananryr 1836, all bearing inlrreat Tite publk are cautioned not to trade for aaid note*..a* the courtderaiv/n haa wholly foiled,and the aulwcnber he- Iwvm the aaid Aaraa Brooks ^ K ^‘ No. amber 20 ' *- 8 l» 7 50 1 50 Tavern Kntra Claakn. O WING to the advanewl and extravagant prices of provllama, aervunta hire, and iijord every tiling Uk««l in the way of Tavern Keeping, iIk* nuderaighad ere under tl»e neceaAity of evtablialiinK lu.’ir hum a* follow*, commencing the lint dav of January, 1836, via: Beard, per month, will lodging. $30 00 “ - rt witlmut lodging, 3U 00 M per week, with lodginc, * u without lodging, • per day, For BreakfuHt, For Dinner, For *upj»rr, Chihln n and Servants half price* Hor*o, per month, u - perdnv, _ Fill, ’ Fire* and CntidlcN extra clinrge. the Tmpriclura hold tltemaclvea rcapon< *ihl° f»r uriicle* brought i;i their honsea, unless first murk- ♦id and given in immediate charge. V6-* * *•" ‘ - ** • • • k! P WILLARD, JOHN C. MAMHIAM, n w L' i $15 00 ■7S 37| Dei* 55,1835. 47 4t of W. E*. ItEDELU. 10,000 is - 30,000 is 20,000 is ** G,000 1,920 1,280 960 1,280 23,600 110,880 mflimms paimtiho. J. O. GORMAN, W OULD announce to the ciiir.ens of Culumhaa and vicinity, that he l»a* laken room* in Hie Coiumiiu* Hotel, for the pur|**se of pursuing the above Prufoeoioti. Ladies desirous of having their Miniatora* Fainted, will be wuitnd on at their residence. Mr. G. pledge* himself to give aativfaction to hi* patron* or no charge. December 95 47 lui LAW ori'lrfi. J OSEPH HUTCHINSO.N, laio of Augusta Ga. ami ( J. J. HUTCHINSON, late of Lumpkin Co. have as- «onint<*d tbeniwlvf* in tlie praetk^c of l-nw, aud will ut- (aud the Circuit Courta of tue couutiea of Moktoomkry, Coosa, Aotai’oa, TAi.LAroosA. Lnwanr.s, Russkm aud - Macon, ChamrkiI’*, The Supreme Court of tho Stnto and the Federal Dis trict. Conti. ‘ One -m* tw>lli of tin* firm may at all times be seen and con- sidtttd at thuirOfficf, in Montgomery, Ala. December 11 45 Cl ggyi ,; .’. magi.. ;jgSBBSSS R OBERT S. BURGH, Attom^y at Law, has Inrated hiuvtelr at Ncwnnu, Cuweta county^ Georgia, nnd will the duties of hi* prulossir’ 1 * •*»« I’.iwmih Circuit. . .. r.- Nov. 30. • in the Coweta 43tf LAW. G UIGSUY K. THOJI.V.4, KspMtfully inlivTOs th« public, that he ha* rc*ilui?d the practice ofthe Imw. November 13 * 41 10i U itttcii, Gr«ciittoiM Ac Co* H AVE nntivvcJ fo tlte building ou the east side of Broad street, opposite i»f. lluxuy* residcure, wlicru limy will keep oultajid, a supply of Dry Goods hud Groceries, to suit llieir customer*. Tuoirohl customer* mid all utli- cr*,ure invited to cull on thorn ut their new *tauil. - Tiicy exiiect t«» purchase Cottuuduriug tl*e season. tieccmiH'i' II 45 tf. ALillAiULh. «cived a latge assor , sucli aaComtCyJraC. for the veur 183 6 for sale by thn ertwe, d«>xcn, or single. Dec. 4-J4U if. BL*OUit.\EV NORTON. GOLD Ac (UUliA^O, It AN0O U* ti-HTft kill, - IIhvo just. received and now olfor lor sate, M BAG8 Riu t/'OFFEE; l iO do. Cuba do. A. IrV 56 do. Juva do.; 56 hlids. St. Croix Sugar 30 hUd*, Now Orleans Sugar ' 50 liu-i*. \cw Orlo.iu-* MoIii4S3a • BOjpumo* Inverness Bagging; ilt'Otiale* Rope . 1000 Hack* of Suit; ilri.ulnonui. Iron, Arc. Wilh n lull ussoriuioiil of oilier vimiee Groceries •' -. AtVO, . Hardware, Crockery, Wooden, Iron aud Stone Ware, at low price*. lKSc.4. .44«5t holicc. Tj^lI E copiirinersliip exi*ti|ig ly'.tween Calhoun St JuUnsmi, i* tn’m day dwreived by mutual eontenl. Tlie subscriber wiil.settlc llto busiiie**,* ^ > r . JUIlN JOHNSON. * Coluiiihu’*, D.'coinbMr 4 • *41 lf- fr Ceacrufly uro of gmid quatkty, well watered und III uclimuie nduumbiy adapted to tlie grow ing o| Cut- wh,*"? t«;*ecup»mti the enjoyment ot health.— '' »t» the Alabama River ou the West, ami the Clmttatioo- chceouthe East, (ImUi nuvigoble by Steam Boats,) and a fortihij of soitra.ely tolieiuimd, it is confidentlv recom mended to the grower* of Cotuiii, to abandon their worn out land*, uud liuwly to uecure ttwmseLca homes, l»efore this iHht desirable *coj>c of new count rv is taken un and •»«h”L SUOUTER. TtMlVER &. iu. Twenty fl6gr«e« Cor Malts fliilNteriiier will sell, if epplicd to soon, 15 or 30 JL likely NEGROES, vr/.: men, women and etiildrea. JAMES liOWDKLt;. Harris co. December II 45 31 For uiut'i g EVEN HALF ACRE I. J 1^1, in the town of Coluiu- 1 lias, (uow occupied by Gau'K laiihune.) Apply to lov.27 4J 4t FOSTER * FOGLE. JlMildlaR Lofo lor Salt;. fJ|N HE suoscriher oiler* lbr*uie six Iwiuulul and oligi- tile Buildiux Low.ol ton acre* eucii, situ*toil witliiu one mile oi'.Odliiamii*.. For purticulurs, apply io M, \V. i’hwcHit, E-«i»r. H. Howard, or'Col. ii. 4om* Iti... J. 44 I l,M 17 tin.’ Dec. 4—44 ol ELIZAHETIMIOWARD, Adm'x. htorf la JLot lit BruAdHirtKib O PPOSITE Aioore Si Tarver's. Enquire of CRANDALL, GREEN X Co. Nov. 30. 30tf .Whole* $5, Halves $2 60; Qurs. $1 25. D3* Onler* from the conn* ry, enclosing the cash, posi- ngo paid, will meet with prompt attention, if uddressed to E. SIGOURNE l r NURTON.'Agciit for Manager*. Ded; 18.-1835. « . ; - 5«td JVt*w LMablfoiinieaL -aiue*a f '»m«l«r tbs firm of PERKY & BORING, will shortly open their More, on the" east side of broad street, opimsite tlw dwelling of lir, lloxoy, and a fow dm»r» below lf.*8. Smit ** comer, ddiurtf they ’will kceji a gen- o|*8TAPLK ■ GOOD8 AND GROUEIU, Fry! aslortnieut ^ JL,JI IfiS, (!.iquor* excepted,) which will he sold mi accommo dating terms. Their friends are Vospccifully invited to cullimd cx'inline for themselves. DOW PERRV, per. 4—14tf • • JESSE BoHlNO. New Rout aiid 8lioe Siore, Ctdiimuiii. J. dt T* HOW A vTII. _ R ESPKC'fgUhldK'nitiittii|iiiec7ff/.cu« ofColumhus andits vicinity, that they taken the store oii Brood-street, reeemly occupied by RiuuMi .V Smitli, one' door north of L. J. Davies* store where tiiuv intend to car ry on tho Boot and Shoe hiisincs* only. Wo liavo on hand tin iissortmeiit of articles of our own uiaudfocture, consist ing in part of ITIcii’w. ' 15ft puir tealf oud Morocco Boots •’ > ''50 -pair pegged and neilcd do 50- pUir stout cotv ldd? 'j _‘do MVl t.nti* ntitii'* niiiiiu ft More ilotiifc for Stifo W ILL be Mold, on good terms,'a fine largo brick store house ou JSn*ttd street, which will soon he tinislmd. Apply to ‘ ,M ‘ November 0 A HANDSOME private rcniduncc, containing twenty acre* of Laud one mile, unjoining S. K* Hodges.' For terms apply l*> •riepl. 35, 34 Ida; AVITriCtl GREENWOOD foCo. I'catacK. Goju.ubits, Noy. 3ft* / Fviititorw* •vuuttitr .. u ndrcd pbtinds, hi *><*%; aixe, just received, und for eulu hy i’fe ' ’ 'ItXcru. ikii-i iv - October 33 WELVE hundred pbtinds, in sack* of convenient a, uiiu »ur su*u i»y JOiI.N DILLINGHAM & Co. 39 tf 200 pmr moil’s Nhoes. and Bumps . 300 pair lagged and' aewo: ‘ Bio/aus 150 puir of B< • « v r. A luya, of all descriptions WouieH’s. 300 pair Botin, Frencn and undress Turn* 200 pair French and undress Welta , - 200 pair *cul and moriMTo strap Elioea r 150 pu*r nnitatioii and atom seal Stine* ~:, V 100 pair morocco aud leattiur Boots i , 100 pair stout leatlier rilioes; liKl do Childrens, foe, N. B. Ihuits .Shoos ami Bump s of all kiuds, tuude to orders Taiiricular attention paid to repairing. Altriime* uiada at tliiJestablishment warranted. . Dec. 4. I • *>. * - . 44—41 ! So H. liomter fo Co. RE nmv receiving their Gum In, among which are tho k. foUo»vlu5 articles, vix: • Blue, lijuck, Brown, mixed anil Drab Cloths - Bup. CoHinierc*, aanmod colours, Sutiinetu of all qualities, \ . y .* Gentlemen* und Ludics Cloak* • Vestings, Morinus, French und English Circassians Irish Linen, Linen Nhcstiug, 1st wus Tabln Dfopcrs, Birds Eve do ; Damask tuble covers llmuask Napklus, Cambric, Jackouett 4di • *^g Book and own* MosHoii - . , ' ., Thread aval RohbmcU Edging, plain Bobuiett Emhroi.1*rcd Colltirs, Hoiscry in great vnnety Wbitouml Row g«la*.t Flunncls, . , White. French, Engiisu iKnnestic nnd Scarlet do. 30 Baiesbruwn alitiKMing aiid Bhittiug 5 do Sup. DuIHh Bhmket* 4 Cases Tuskiui and Straw llminels 30 pieces sup. iioae nnd .tlttcinnw Blankets 420 do assorted Frints, 50 pieces Furniture do.. 10 do French Copper, plain Musliu* • - ; x - , . Shawls, Giiigbitiiis, CnecUs, Bed l icks, Ferrets Tunc, FiiWi Liiweys,(4uilis; Umhicilars Butloiis, Cauibleis Gloves, Nnukeeih. foe. jtiij |»fccc» assorted Silks. Also, Saddlery, Boot* Shoes, 11aW,Caps, Crockery, Hunlwure, Guns, 1'istols, Cutlery, Books, foe. Also, n lew French G it Chickt. - Gold uud Silver patent Lever n'atcbca Couiiuou Silver do. Ciiainn, Seals, &c foe. , 50,000 best tlnvanuali Segars; KMIvoi. lam editloh novels Fooiscap ami letter puiHT.gilt edged, Huills foe. - Ail of which will ho *old on accommodating terms. December 4 .44 ti Dry Guodi mu*§ Graci riifc . . 7iitUE subscriber l>eg* leave to inform tbs public that JL lie is uuw opening and will cmistauily kee:# pa bund A General Ansortmeui ol' Goods, iu the uew building oppo*iie Preston fo Nelms; two dfxir« from Broad-st. vi«:' , 1. . Ham. Suoes, Boots, Bonnets and Ready Made Molbmg. Satinet tf. Clotiif, Flnnnris. Circassians, liomisisim;*, foe Negro Ciotii-, Kersey*, Biunkcts, Slte*tmga fo Shirhugs Couou Osiwlmigs. Csliciics ami Cliecka btritie ami Pliid Homespuns AliMm*. Ihapcr* Irish Linen, L.ces, MU:m t. Corded tok.rts Fancy ildkfs., SnawlN Cravatt, **, lubt»on* Wire Thread, 1'ap. r and luk, Saddles, . Saddle Bugs, Bridles, \\ hips, foe. foe. AMO, H.nlxcra, C.ttiinp, N.iUxral lll«V.nillliTool. Ctnckcry. Ul.« Wxra. t>lx«», l'uttj. Oil, Iu Walls t wl 8o.ii, riixn-li. SuTt-o., Axe., ri««., Colt-m Card., tite. Witic, BraralJ, Hitt, Itnui, ConUU, SJ/uri.Ac. Tultuccu, Tc, tUfixr.Ootic.t, ll.etra.-. Ho|« tit. To be With vitrau. otliet urttclexteo tedt..u* lo ira-utiou. wMjfe will be sold luw lor casli-HhciCloro tlie subscnU r beg* W tlie public to tall and exanune for ..... Ihtc.18 40 tt WM. C. HILL. Thtt uiulcTtiigiiod having purcha»«a iho good, ot Wu. C. lliil, iuuitd to continue tlie biuiocra x. U of WUI. U.11*11, Itlteoa IO cununuo uu ou«ww « h noaMhXTC been. Tbo^e Co^ publk-. .’ Oil €on»ltf«iklK«||| y 5 CRATES CROCKERt\ consisting of blue edged Plates, und pmtil-d eimiiielied Te a* 3 cases Aplon GiiMJks; 3 do. Furniture Checks 10 hale* .Sheeting* ;*4 brass eignt day Clock*, for sale by JUilN DILLINGHAM fo Co.- July 17, 1U35. 3lif The ^noachhoi-ft Keep emutumly ou baud a geuend assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, llurdware, Cutlery, &c y which they ofibr low fur Cush.. All are respeciiiilly solicited to call and examine their stock June 13-vtolf . - . Al'ER fo llOGG. AEIV UObOSi. /ttiHE sulMcrib.T.i are now receiving 1 and Will Jmv JL open, ut At*ALAUiUCOLA,'hy tlie loth iiislnut a uciicrul Stock ol ✓ •’ , ; . DRY GUOD8 AND GROCfiRIES, which they Will sell oil tho limit Nc'cmmiiodatiiig terms, IIARKIBON fo UANEV.* 42—llm • Apalachicola, Nov. 1, IBlfj. o Meiiui Bvadh _ huud mid lor s Amy 15—toil ; (if toe subsenburs. JOHN l/lttLl.vGUAM- fo Co. * BliLri. Thomastou LIME, lor sale bv ikeMoval. H ALL fo MOAEri iuvj reuuvdJ to ll»o new brick store next above Messrs. Foster fo Fogio\ , Nov. 30. 42tf 1VLB GUOB8. GEOUAfE A.;NOaRlS, I t) receiving tins wee*,direct iruia New lurk, uud now 0|>eiiiiig- aii extensive und .wHI assorted stock or I'itucy uud Su|*1b Good*, ofthe latest ini^ortulmiis and ui choice selection-, among which are some very new styles, alt of wind* are selling abVery tow prices, to which alt ure respectfully aoliciteu Ui caii and oxumimy Columbus, ituaiist 30. ■, ' 3Utf Waite Lead uud 0*1. W ‘ HITE LEA*/, ground in ui), line quality,-No. I i. i* w -••extra; »* “ »*. tt u cuiiiumu. do. . M ** 41 dry, best quuiiiy Linseed Oil and Lamp t/il do., do. - ’ . dual received,cuiiaiauily ou Hand uud for sale by Feb. ^0—.ill / JUilit l/ii.i.lAurtA H fo Co, NEa GOOD*. f 8. .SMITH, has'just receivedu lew Trynk* of su- perliiie HEAi/i' MADE .CcOTlliNoi, cmisistm^ ! Biiper.Clulh Over Coats,do. Boston Wrapper* do. .uo. Dress and Free* Gouts. Pantaloon* of every ditscripimu, A tew splendid Figured.pnk Velvet Vests, do. do Plum do. do. do. Also fiiie Calf an I muimoc » Boats, do. uu. water Proof do... - F. A. FAIlCUtllLD, lowing reiurood from the North, the Tailoring will iu tonduclC** a* usual by him. ti , 4ft tf Notice* J T. N1LE3 fo Co. isauloorivdil toaellle thebusine** of Nile* fo Ricaarus, limy having dusotve.1 by muiuul con scut on the 1st day of Gctirfier wet- • M “ deb leu to N. fo K. wilt please make imiuodiale payment. aud ait demands agumrl tnem, will bo aetllou, if presented witlunutree ihouUw from this date. j. r. niLboi C. U. U1CHARD9. Decembfr 4 ** , 31 GtiMi MI ti'uir I’rtecx. 7XT lie «ul.ratil»r^ u-iOerlii. firm «t 8. K. BONNER JL fo-Uo. revjicetftthy inform the pnhl»c ( that they are ... u. u.ra.u.nx M. raiiu .1,1., (UI III* *1 EMI oi 11X l)*4u M. fo rr*|»cciiuny nnvrni j uuv receiving at llieir new store, ou tlie east •)»? ®> broad street,* tew iUn above itii lusurance Bank, an entire new stock of Staple and Fancy Uiy Good«; ItoUuwam,Crockery, DOftfS mwm.iIxu, *o.fcc. -itieu ihoy «»l rail .cry law larcxrii. Tt-trou. wixlttufl la ,af cbxro will[4*MO call utflex^iiinc their ti. K. uUnnbll, Dom.4 Otf E. H. METCAIX.;;, •’ »BW OOOM. WEILL McNAIR, rccmitly of Fajettuviira, N. C.b*> Am i* u * bro *“ ttracl, lutcly oerunied bv £ MeUraa dt Co. u.xtdoratn j. b!’^ * cT. b. w n ccivit,,, ud will Mil low lor cash, * nncral KtrtXKut of " FANCY DRY GOODS, Amoofl which are Clulliii, and Satincn. gMMinutd. CmIkoch, Mu.litu Silk, ul Uiflsraut culuut Onen «ihI Cot. Shatter Stoll and Arxiitliau Tuck xml Side Com to Silk .ud Cation litiit, Meriting C rvQi.ian, F*iwy Shawl, and tlnndtorehi«f>, And nt.ny ntli.r articlu tm> irdintit to tra-ntioti. lie to. nlnu Crockery Wxra, Sugar, Culfca, Wiun die. I*. S. Hr i> daily M|teclin, a i nr reneral and extrn ol •‘•“•y made Clothing, which to will •ell very ciienp. Columbus, Dec. 18 4C 6ui W c CiMl^rmua ol FanHIott. " HKNHY MAT IMi E W S, OULD rrsjioctfully in orm hi* friend* and the pub- . l*c, thatlip bus lately received from N»*w. York, on addition ol hno gowb whicli render his stock now complete. Among winch the follimit.g nre a few of tlie articles, Sup. 4Bue f Black, In risible Green and Dahlia Cloths du. Lon ion Blown: Light *ud Steel mixed . do. I.ouble IlihbodUussciiiers Plain, Diagonal Blue and Black do. Sup. Black, HUm und mixed Sulim t-, And a great, — J “' u ' ‘ - * it variety «r the date InshfonaMe Vestings, * aud Ulove*, and will coiiatniitty keep on l assortment of ready made Clothing. All Stocks, Col lurs hand a general IMHa ,„awj vriviiun ■ yin of which will lie sold on tenns most reasonable. Ili* store is opposite Dr*. Uruuhart fo Ware GolUhibiis, Dec. 18 46 tf Choice Groceries* T HE subscrihors huvo just roeejvcd.and oflbr for wile at the lowest price-, lOU Bnlia nagging, 00 coil. Ho|Hj, I b.l.Twin. 4 Hints. Porto Kh o 8ug*r **5 ' ;,4btt Uoftbe, 5 bids. St. Jago do. 2 I h'rves Lo^uir* do 5 bags Java do. , 15 ltuxos Choice Tobacco, . 35 Barrels Pork. 5 quarter Casks Cogninc Brandy 5 Bbls N. E. Gin. And various other art teles, sueh aa Hnlaratu-, Null Poire, Pimento. Pepper, Soap Indigo, Powder, Shot, liar Uad, atiircb Alhnn, Ismioti Syrup, v.luimpaigne lmpcriul uud llysou. i'ou in L'atldya . Dp'H* aud Shoe* of various uuuluics, Hat* Maoaboy and Scotch Suuff 1 , Wife Sifters Colima aud Simmons Cant Steel Axot Bptter Cruckera,-Boxer and Kegsllal/in* ’ ' . ^tcgnra, Hollow Mfnre, Fire D<^s slmvels aud spade* saddles mid Bndle* foe * - - Dei- 4- 4ltf J. T. NILES fo Co. Iittportuttt lo CarttOM A’lmit«r»* FIIHb HUhscribor* offer for aula ujsmi accommodatiug . JL" term*, the whole ut any portion of the folluwine Whalforscc. U, 1-4 37 I I “ W . * n 37 27 22 22 ii ■ 2a 22- 29 22 »• 32 22 31 22> 14 22 19 23 ‘Jft 22 ■ . ,4 2J| 92 31 to 44 32 22 u*. - :*4 22 r » ;i.» 22 2 w r, 44 • ' 3ft to 30 22 i - 35 22 n 21 7 •* 31 21 1 21 t » 3 21 4 21 5 21 9 21 10 21 ( b 22 2! \ “ :io 21 rtr ai 21 9 21 1 “ 5 21 V ■< 6 21 f 7 21 7 21 9 21 ! »• 44 10 21 “ tt IU 21 • 44 II 21 7 “ 12 21 14 21 r'«. - 1 “ 15 21 in 31 35 21 3ft 21 3 21 4 21 : 11 32 21 18 20 18 20 19 •iu 33 20 34 20 5 20 ft 20 44 • - UL 20 »l 111 ftU' 7 “ II 2ft r « 7' 20 t 44 IH 20 in 20 ffU-l an 20 2ft 20 r « :ti 20 31 20- 21 19 23 10 II 19 17 19 to 19 u. 2B 19 29 19 44 ffl 19 i* 3ft 19 f: *** 1ft 19 17 19 17 19 22 III ■it- 28 19 9 19 u 12 19 12 19 t 44 • 14 19* r 44 21 19 ft 19 t “ ft 18 f U 31 18 r 44 17 m r “ 4 IB t ** « IT r - ft IK -14- J» 11 IU 19 13 1 44 3 10 3 1ft B 1» i .« 9 18 9 IR f 44 13 IB I 44 15 18 17 18 u in IH iu i» V “ 20 18 ! “ 20 1ft * 22 18 23 IU 25 IB 31 IU 31 18 32 1U 33 18 33 IR 1 18 ! u 2 18 3 18 10 18 14 18 f 44 19 •IB 22. 18 23 III r *» 24 IU 24 IU 2ft 18 to 18 2ft 18 ** *4 29 1C to IB 38 Ift 19 17 21 17 21 17 22 17 44 ' 44 ta 17 24 17 n "ter' as. i*». 23 36 ““ai- 94 M. d *' a 44 N 44 ri 44 N 44 S . N. M . •N 44 £>' * S 44 ' N“ “ Si N “ ri 44 N 44 J »•••“ ■ - » 44 ■tt ■ • N 44 8 44 44 s <- l.lfcU. W 44 44 N - 8 44 . N 44 a 44 N 44 J‘tt[ ii 44 - N. “ ri 44 N 44 8 M 8 44 44 W 44 \V 44 E 44 N 44 8 44 E 44 W 44 N . N N “ 8 “ N 44 41 8 “ tt fe ta •> 41 8 j! 44 .V; ; N i “ “ ri " ,'A 8 « N - •44/,. ■ S-.» <4 w •■- 8-- « N “ W “ ' "u ■’ N “ 44 8 “ 44 8 “ N “ 8 “ N “ . 8 ** . N “ 8 “ N “ N “ N “ • N " 8 “ W '• E “ , N <i 8 “ - «• “ 8 : » N « . N. if 8 “ 8 “ N <• 8 <’ 8 .« ’ 8 “ W “ . E “ N “ N •• 8 « 5 au ir tat 27 17 29 37 17 to 32 17 to 33 17 to I 17 3U 3 II to 9 17 28 U 17 28 M 17 to 15' 17 to 15 17 to 17 17 to IU 17 to 22 17 2U 23 17 to 23 17 28 32 17 Mil 3t> 17 28 17. 25 U 1 32 17 a 30 17 St 4 17 to 5 17 to 6 17 20 U 17 to A Octeerfel MiUtary Uttetean rot. cat iLxf .no inrAUTm tv*Tiucii(i<r M AJ. MINN, PtOfiMMi t.r Mtliutv HranM.hM tb. JIM. how*, to in.ttnn lira gmUtmem « Orann. mU H> •-itiity, that h - j-rnpo.rH.,(tatting tram, ter Mf> hj. Mill try AejUemy. nit, rath, wraatuty bwatera. imM> try Atrtdrmi. u here the , for Or. icr.a* uih Ahunhoreof a fWbr< miry smi a Cunfmny of bfootlry , all Sword* wilt be luughl PutsT Btuxrs. Cotnlry Brood Sr#**—The divisioa* af Rm Swoai>—Attack aud Dehaee In spaed as t^lbaa twa limUlit d -*• (Jot and Throat Strong— Which ia tattffbl«* ciplft oi the Smali. Hwoao, and which by tttt oem the Urosd Sword introducaa the exercise and' (Motor Mufti btiek. 'Phis sword i* i cessary fur oil lufuutrv officer*. '** • ^ SitcoatiBHaacs. Graceful.Rrdingf throrulicaily mim!pmcticallv, '} e Evolution* and Formation ot n Troop. ItM-lmg ol tba Officers nnd Standard. Mouutma and dts.imnuting, »|innltanooa*lr. !.iuking I torses iu Line, so that two men pbrec. y c *»n lake care ot the whole troop of horaaa. T* / Pistol oau Sword Exercises, foc.» fft,- *. Tliiton llfliaif-fe # . ‘fatso Hrarcb. f-ol lustrue. lions of aa l u tan try Cmupaae. Puritioa «nll Soldier, Ucmga. .Marching*, Windings, Manual E**r«t ses, Loading nnd Firing, Formation r* ** “ 1 * Be*, Loading mid Firing, !• ormalitm of Company, PafaAa ditfie*, Lvolutiou* of a cuuqmny,etc. etc. tbeonflk'^lh aii ptncticttllv. (O* SulMcril i — l - rerilier* can enter for the first, second qv BAr4 brnmffie*singly, or for .*11 comhiaed. It intint Iw evident totverv gentlnmnn heft V ..!‘" t *? r £"1%?". C 0m P**9 or Troop of i *ha ultV’Cr* and Nou-Commissioned tho .Militia xeuerniy, the absolute ueee*sity of b iued to un.!ot>taud uimI coiiim.hmI in (bo above, au opportunity which is nuw offered to ihuse hUo |K>*ed to patrouiae this Academy’. riie SwuHD Drarcii is a most tt*efttl exercise III CittUioH a* well as the MUiUtry man, as it enables UL. — lully doft’ud himself with a walking cane, againt sword or Htick,an«ltq attack with dre ded udvantage; H ia alsR • most invigorating and healthy exerciae.expaiMHiig.UiB chest, bracing tho nerves, givimr grcce o tlie person stti is a Iso vary rfficacioit* iu restoiiu; peraona threatened with breast complaint*. From Mr. IF* peculiar manner of instruction, the njpii . . .. ithejSe- cannot forget what ho may acquire, as he repeats t son* given, which are progressive, at every meerirre wp M the last lesson: and also, be can make hbueelfexpert i« the above brunches, ifatn mimi be paid, in tlie abort spaee of one oooaioo which i* a great *ar mg of time end expense, as previou* to the late *y*tem in Eunqie a much longer time was necessary. Tlie Professor having been brought up ft* the Cavalry tu'd liifuuiry of Europe, from the early age of 14, Rml Iriv- iug taught, with much success in sevtralof the largest eit*- ies in tlie Union for some year*,lie trusts from Ms anddtt* ity and knowledge of his professioti that be will give geu- eral sutislat'lion. • A Sowrete Class of Lada from 10 to 15 year* of wen. w II! b* formed, if desired, for tho SttOrdo or fttptmtry i*. atroctioH. If will I* found to hedocidcdl? the tnoai Judi cious licriod of life to commence tlimw Exercises, a* it if not only a useful, but also a healthy and Invigorating a- iiiuwoient, giving rase and grace to the person, which mini increase to mnnliuo«|. (DT A Prosueciu*, will*re/ereaeraawd recaasiriidoriaae . (hmi some of.ilie first men iu the union will be found at the Post office nud Hotels, wheVe those geutlumen wishing ta . turpi a class or chisscs will please nubaoiibe. f>.s 47 It ftfigrec* Ihr #mtr. I WILL sell before tlie Court hmtsa door la HaeiiUow, on tlie first Mouday iu January next, EIGHT OR TEN LIKELY NEGROES, between the ages of right ami twenty ala years, chicly fo* iiml**. Torin* oim fourth cn«h, live balance 13 owmtba thereafter, with siuall notes and aiiprovedsecuritv. . lilARY A\i)RrWri. Hamilton, Harris enutif.v. Dec. 18 I). C. R. 47 It ftetfroe* Hr Mute, O N the first Tutvduy in Januaiy neat, will be tqW hi Madison, Morgan cooitty, for carii, W tr petme flegreei, mostly firat rate vouug men, among thetn 1* a large libel# yotmg Miicksmifh, aootlmr a first rate carriage driver and ostler, 20 year* old, and a good waggoner* Uwre art a* mongst them two good sboemiakers, an eVotdlent oook, wa.-lior, ii.'tier and spiuner, and two young womeo,«Rd « hmise girl, 13 years old,a mnlutto awlauM/t.bprideeaome fine boys, not sold m uccmiutof tlwirfunlts. MARTIN P. SPARKS. Drceiiihrr 25 47 It . idnlniiiraftrhi Sale* W ild, he null!.im the first Tuerisy in .^i unh nest, be fore the Conn house, in Blakely, Larly cenuity, within tho usual hours of sale, Lot of lam), No. 414, \n the SGtKdUt. Early county, bring a pan ot (he real entitle of Thome* t.loyd, late of Cbalhiiu county, den'd. Bold by peiuii*- .. "Ion ot' mo ordrr of the hoimiable, the Inferior court of 17 2o I Uhalhein county, when silting for oniiusry purposes, for 'the beuefit ul tlie heir* ami to iterfsct title s. ' 'I.IxOTfl, Alfm>. ifocmnhcr 25 . (i. lv. P.) 47 id* nr U 17 2u U 17 to ‘ 17-au 17 25 2 17 3 17 25 17 .SJ 11 1? to 12 17 to 12 17 25 -13 17 25 13 17 25 14 17 to 14 17 25 IU 17 23 3 IU 22 33 IU 22 35 IU 22 34 I« -28 to IU to 2 id 27 18 18 .27 22 18 27 24 10 27 28 18 27 mm 0 27 20 18 27 .34^10 27 -ju air sr 1 35 4fi 37 2ft Iff 5 15 ■ 30 5 16 30 7 15 8a 7 15 3u 7 18- 3a 8 15. 38' 17 15 3ft 18 15 3U 21 15 38 6 IS 29 IU 15 29 -12,*15 29 14 15 29 14 15 29 15 15 29 15 15 29 15.15 to 28 15 29 22 15 29 21 15 29 >U 15 29 27 IS 29 1 15 28 5 15 28 6 15.28 18 15 28 IS 15. 28 13 15 to 18; 15 28 »' IS 28 21 15 2U 21 15 9 't 27 15 28 31 51 28 1 15 27 7 J5 27 8 15 27 9 15 27 9 15 27 12 15 27 15 .16 27 15 15 27 18 15 27 19 15 27 26. 16 2? 26 15 27 3U IS 27 31 15 27. 35 15 27 38 15 27 22 15 24 9. 14 M 10 14 30 24 14 29 24 14 29 25 14 28 20 14 29 27 14 29 36 14 2!l 29 14 28 30 14 to 32 14 2<i 1 14- 28 36 14 2ft 32 14 25 34 14 25 4 13 29 3 12 in 23 12 23 3 H 29 3 II 29 6 II 29 8 II 28 11 11 SB 21 11 28 33 II 28 ■rati VIY a. * note oTbuki *iv«n bf Mcvnr HvCor, t. A* X* draw Honlhwit, nw tuirty fourilull.r. .ud hit, c«.u, Jur u lira tiute flivea. All dmijov »ra terawxrajd Jror- tndlkfl far tb. Mine- KOPOKKd b (blilTMH. Ikv-ranbraV - , df mt W A i.t.raior’ti S e. ILL bn wild ..n iltn firat Tagatoy in M.rah next, bv lura lira l aim Ikium dunr, in tlm tntvn of t'-jlain- Ijuh, tiluwiimenutiiy, widiin llte Inrat lio« ot Mtlu. unn tba n-minrqr uf noxra b-i.v by dm tiiiitm ot Jt >U\, IniiinM tt. Llit'Ut dixi’d. ,<*W far the frnin-fii oi lb-! ty’iri .nd cmtitoi-i ol dm .iiid den'd- livnidi-r uf the Court ufoSillnm. ty lnr«ni.|cimray. JllCIJAUIl GKAkV A^v'r. Dccnfober ' 47 Ida ’ V Ulewoluilttfi. f HE Copartnership heretofoie existing hi thk place ■- uudci the name aud sly lo ol Tamidatoa fo ff ill, we* ibis day disitoivud bv eiulnui einacut. •his day dissolved by mulnai ei nacnt. fe. 1.0 .nrara „ WM. TEMPLUTON Nov. 33,18V>. 4ft 3t JAMES 1. HILL. Neilcc. A L . l :.R ori .°. n, ‘ I '.“ ,C,,UN| w ,-tH ftnn of Templeton fo Hill, either by nolo or book account, * ’ — * * — z _ . tilied not to settle w ith any p*'-r*on, hut myaeff or mr A. gent. JAMES I. IliOl. ' ^40. Ut Columbus Nov. S3 fliwyefi or Siolen Jp ROM the residence ef the iiilnciltar on ilia fitly fuel. scar oritlmjcU side of **gr t»*.;k. Rite wcut away in eimn 'rrmrwTffrtt hrowncoit, (ns HimffyV ■it t. Aot to«. Any infonumioti coacorniug Imr wul La - givcu tor her delivery to the suinuriher, re^ilng at RofoVt D. Huey’s, ui the up|M9r cortnw of Herr ing Troup sod Mcriweitier counlie».^ #r/ * ,, c ' iUat ^.» *4J**fo* ilarruco. Dec 17,1130. 47 JOHN E, II. KOSK 1L‘»GLII utomliA after data a|«plicafwn will be made to JT tlie Iniorior Court or Mmiuofee countv, wlrew aitittig ^ . ...... , whewaitiing a Court ol OiUmury, tor h ave w s it Rm Negroea be lougiiijr to um minors ot Hen.y Vouge, (foccakaj. Ifec, 33d—47 fou WH. P. rG.VUh, GuanTit. Haft* Nisi la pei l'cci Ittletb G EORtilA, fitldibU COOiXTf*—The bunorabja, llte iulertor Coiirt of asi’I couuty, m’t acoonLnf Vo adjournment,ute 7tu December, ltkk». FreavBt thcU Lou- 414, a Ram*ey, J. 1. C. Duniot N. Lilt le, J. t. C. Ukitatf riulter J. I.C. aud vV'tlny Devi*, J. 1. C. It Hppeering to the Court, by tite petiUou of Edwus R. Brown, that o.«* John AiUiuw, IjU* u/UrLulb couial/i of •aid ritate, dcc’d. while in itfit, iimi rxit ulcu and deliv ered to oue Mingur deals, u ccitstn buml, w (icrobv lie buuud hitttaelf in Itm luiu ot' iwonuiwliu l dollars, to make thlee to a tract of land, (to wit.) number three bandied end six ty, in ibe twenty cijjtt • district ol fotmwily U«, now autu- ter county, (u djiy of wtiijli tiottd n au.ittx>;tl to the Mid Cvinin.«->< M id d lit llto I forks UitiCc, aud Ute snul film-, tradrietfed Itut sttitt bond, to Mid Edwin k. Brown. t>ru*’.J.!».'i nfijMirTV’d 'I cm*, iR*J. All parti^cbd$Bii-M, will laWe iwtioj, that If nu food cause is allowu to u.citOuiiaiy, tiii* court wiU direct ti tles to tlie lot *d loud, named in saui |n.|hioo to be made to the s*id Edwin U. Brown, by Ute Admtiusirwkor, uutba first si outlay in March taut, and afoot tins ru!.: bo pubmbed uuce a iisjdUi tor force muuiUs iu .onm public GaXetrk, A true oxtrai t fr »m tae minute* of Mid Court, |..i* 7th d«iv of DecciulK'r lW0. i JACOB W. COBB, C. C. a December 25 47 nriut $'1LORGIA, 61/lTtU COUNTbereae, Jamee \jf O. Picket aud ^.nioy aIuuhu, applMis fo« fouure oi •ouifutioii ou the estate wl /.ucuuiiub House of i county • dcc’d. Tiiese are tlierefore to cite and aJmomsii all and siugubu the kiii iredaoJ creditor*oi'eaid duc'd. i*» shew t^oae. if aoy cause exist, wuy mud tetter* sliali uot be grouted. Givuu under uiy baud, tbialfitb day ul Ifectmiber JUj&« ... jaU/U n . OubL,c,i.t. December 25 it 4l A ihOUGLt, MUSCOGEE COLNTF.—WUrew, \x« Churiee Cite* and Joseph Cate*, a|q>l«e* kit luiiura m A on. mill rat too, on llte csluia ul tlanuuh Cota*, liue uf ill ci7Uuiy,dec'd. j ins i* ti.erctora Iu cite and admoulsh all and singula# the kindred mid creuitors, Moo and appear at tuyolhca raiiinn um Bum. present**! by law, to shew can**, lit auy in*y Have,; why Mid letter* should not iic graoted. ' • under my baud at oiiUrc, this hbh day uf Oeccni* Iwr Iff 15. JO* IM TOWN BEND, c. C.m Ilecetnber25 47 • 4t G eorgia, mubcogee loUN»i.—wummw lUiT - * * “ * ^ iiubeit Bruaduaa, appi*oa tur ijeitera of Adiii 1 '* trabum, uu the estate of Wuj. llext, late uf Bontit CaroJf mi, doc'd. This i* therefore to cite and odmoubdi all and riuxalar, the kindred and crediliHs, b# be aud ap|K *r at my • ■»«, within the Uiue prescribed by law, tu sliew cause, (it lay tSnjy ha**,) why said letters should not be g'MUM. GWan under uiy hatal *t office, tbit thih day uf Lueeni* bcrtffS JOHN TOMTNAEND, c. c.•. December 25 £ ** G eorg I muainrike couniy.—WVw. Robert Broadnax, applies bw toUersuf Admiuaatm- (Miu, ou tba estate of Juba CboMbcruuf u, Ufo m NmH C ^sStociii.nd adiauahftaU M afogular, the Uji died aud irmliuirs, lubeiaud appea* at my offi*,eHgg tlw time | rascrilied by law, ta shew aaitsrc 4*4 m mop kav*,why aaul letter* sbuuldnc* he f"attd, Given under mv h*r*'* atudfoe, tor* iRjjM twr UU5. __ J»«« ’ l Dwflwfl . « n "V.- .. 9A nun cira.nai . niara, four ot 8ve yew. oliL >od attorn .ixlueu liaiuU Ujjfll, until u blur-, in Iwr ucr, .Ml ■ ■Cl ftSfias ..