Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, January 08, 1836, Image 1

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mm ■ 1 cojuraissiis, -oeojigiJi:,'' 'PX»I0Ay 3ic>jt$/i:v<G, s,, isbo- Id Fuisril rinsLiguED r.vnuy fiubay ny MjUtltS, FXiOUJBiyQY & JJBTEB, t* .’iQprncr ol’Broiul and Crnwlord Streets. Hsmi«- Tlirir.* por annum, nayabio In advance, or atbrJp«-than Iwdvo Wombs, without SpymopJ In ndvnnjo, aud no ivuiqr dUconUnncd, except attho option of tho Editor*, • \Hl|ilnil iirroirai'c.i nre paid. 1 • O «i • II* w a\. 111 A U Li JU Li . ix< \y u • On lh& vveit sido of Rroml ptrcef f tt<Wly opposite James • i *!:?. .f • ■ KWlifi’s Confocllpimry^ f V. .. jvj i;..i H AVE just received in general assortmcntofDry Goods embracing the latent fnshWn* of Cloths, Citssfriiercs itumuB miiimiii) utiuwm u&vcuui. an uiwwio m tlint. lino in Uip best manner. ,uud acbbrdhig to the latest J»«pL,. - fltfte nuiuJior or insertlou?, will bo published until ordered opt, a 'add'chirgclactonllugly. . Bfo’Xt.'AiWEatuRMSWts published at’the usual rate*, and with teddc before tb« ®<fwurt lj'iusa.door, between tho hour* of10 in tho*morning, and lln tho evening—those or Laud lu tho county whoro it Is. •Altante; thoso of Perabnal Pronarty, where the letter* testl- , mentary, of administration or of eimrtliniuhip woro obtained— required to hd previously advertised in noma. public 0Ncurrr Salks unde »fe flf*i,*iXTY lUV*, before the d«„ ind and Negroes, by Executor*, Administrator* or v^taaraiant, for' sixty days before tho day of salo. feitfcs 41'personal property (exceptnegroes) forty day*.: Ci tations by Clerks of tho Courts of Ordinary, upon .application for lottors of administration, must bo puolUhod for thirty ©Watsons upon appUoeitlon tor, dismission, by Excoutor*, Ad- ’ f,gg| ( afliiilj l | ' ' "" ' SELLING OFF AT COST. ' pt> * CiOLDSTEIN, resnceifhlly Informs the nnblio in . 37- a geuqrul, that ho will noil ai cost his ontir >w»>l wivv/i/t , ARTICLES, together with ,tlto Store aud Hi occupies, either sepnrnte or togother,’6n the most rea§on« ***' o who are desirous of insti able terms. Those who are desirous of insuring a busi ness stand and.a good run of custom cannot do bettor than avail themselves of the opportunity now o fie red, nnd coll soon—numerous Replications having bcen.iuado nl ready. V , Administrator* or Guardian*, of nppljca- THREE MONTHS. ^Oon to Uio Court of Ordinary for leave to sell the Land or No* f 'frees an estate, four months. -1 Notices by Executor* or Administrator*, to tho bob*—* ’ *ditorsof nncstato, for six weeks. . _ RTTERson Editors, toilto bw«tu««>, mtut o FO»T faio, to iluat' SADDLERY. ,j, )IIN DILLINGHAM & Co. AVE just received a good assortment of Saddlery. manufactured in the best manner, and embracing tho intost improvements, comprising. Men’s cuddles, various prices} Simuinli □addles do Side do. suporior quality.Saddle BagsCarpet do. Bridles, .assorted; Bridle Reins; Martingale _ Girth's and Rircinglcs: Hitts,assorted; Whip Thongs Curringe Whips, c/ the newest and most elegant pat terns, all carefully selected, and for sale on tho most rea sonable terms. Jvlyl7.' 24tf \4K. U flx nutitlathcmto nttcution WE ore authorized to announce O. P. ,„„XHAM,Esqr. a Candidate for tho office of Shoriff of waft County, a.l tho bushing election in January uoxt. (J^We are authorised to announco L. T. L. Spencp.r, a Candidate for Clerk of tho lnforior Court of Harris County attho ensuing election in January next; We are authorized to announce Henry GEE, Esqh, a candidate fa’ll tho offico of Tax Collector, j^arMuscogco county, at the approaching election. to announco Geokob W. S HOli'jf, n candidato' for did offico of Tax Recoivor Tor Muscogee county, nt tho ensuing election. «c: We'ato authorized to announco Robert C. WELSH, ns a candidate for tho offico of Coroner, at tho ensuing election in Janutiry next. ' ! AUCTIOfllEEIfc’S NOTICE. n:r>it COLUflffitfS, GEORGIA. HE subscriber informs his iHends and tho public v v. tN'j lhat ho has returned to tho City, and will horenfter Vdevotpliis time and attention, exclusively to die ,wj; i* Auction and Commission Business. ;Haringhad an experience of five years in tho abovo bust- , ho flatters himself, he can give satisfaction to those "'‘entrust their business to his house# E, U 61G0URNEY NORTON, Auc’t. September 11 tf 32 Xtclntosli llall,. Coluinbns, Georgia. ’ inform Ilia friends ms Inlcen tho riliqrr ^imosh Hull, fonnorly oc. CBtHEnubscribor would rr»i Uio Ijnblio eonemltyj.thnt holms token tbo obqro , r _ Bpyiitaa'M ' ‘It is situated nliout tho centre of too city, 'end per- rhoiM'as Well cnlculeted to nflbrd comfort to the Boarder '•.d'Troyelicras ouy houso of .tho kind in tho ploco. I »iow it entirely unnecessary to mako tlio usual promises. “ ■ ; outd earnestly solicit persons visiting tho city to call ,dgo for thoniselves. My own personal nttention will entodie establishment, ns well ns that of my brother ;ham, qf MiUedgeyille. JOHN O. MANOIIAM. ,rsvi :■ New Goods. fFNIHE subsoribor iioo ■ recently received on oxtonsivo JL)<nnd well assorted Btockof-—~~— • . ■ jt ull arid Winter Goodsj rdtehoe Broadololhs, Cnssimoro, Sntlnolte. Kor«oys, Lln^_ .■eye, .Flannels, Blankoto &0-, .jUktwrfevBwAr—y -CoUlinK, Hate, Caps, Boots, Sltdos, and a groq ^fine'ona Funcy Goods, which ho odors to mirolv tciost nccommoJtiling terms, i'. November 20 root variety of re to pufcliosora ontho E. E. POWERS. . d2 tf Ware Honsri And commission business, HE undersigned begs ioave 'ojnforini their ^friends ^P'indS^Xdrh.-^ wlilcontiuuo to transact tho aW>ve hrnnah oft bumnoM, nt tk. Ware’ House, formerly occupied by MeBsre-lfenwr r.i Heptemhcr 4. ,i; ho ijow Hoots, Shoos, IlalM, CIotlihiK, *o, H. MIDDLEBROQIC & Co. ,,'i FENAHEthi, opportunity of inlorn.iing-.tJio biliol'ilants the sti Mrsta*. w iu..wn, ip-,uwi w. in ip----', . - .i -. — ..... now ofloring to tho public, a goal oesortmont 'of ilia nlwvo amod-hrtieles, wlucli tlioy. eoll .clionp for onsii, viw , lontlomonn As Lldio,Boote&,Sbuos. of.nll ikisoriptions Mens do. do. Dancing Pumps and Walking db,* Ohildron'R ahoca offtll klnd*, Iufnnt’i shoes. < < r. .. j ALSO CLOTHING; < i ‘ Consisting of Brown Linen Prook Coals, Coatses Pantaloons, Round Jaokota, Vests, Bosoms, Collars Stocks &c. Fino Silkilnts,Fur.Hals,, . . -.r^. Fine J>mh Hnts,. Pauiloaf Ilats trimmed, « noat article lor Summor, Wool Hats, Silk and Colton Umbrellas &c SndiHcs nnd Bridles, Waggon Whips, v v Riding Whips, Travelling Trunks, Carpet Hngs. CUTLERY, Consisting of Pocket Pen nnd Dirk Knives . Raxors, Razor Strops, Scissors, Pocket and Belt Pistols Holster Pistols, Powdor Flasks, Shot Belts • - / Percussion Caps, Pocket Books, Bonds, &o. nnd many other articles too numerous to mention. Persons wishing to purchase the ubovo articlos aro re quested to call aud examiuo for tltcmselves. , * Columbus, May 15 ^ 15 tf GonTcctioui&rics A; Groceries* G. B. TERRY, H AS just recoivcd, and offers for sale at his storo on Broad street, a few doors below the Book Store, a splendid assortment of Groceries and Confectionaries, a* “bng which aro tho following articles: Cognac, Champagne, American, Peach, Apple, Ras- berry and Cherry Brandy, Holland and Northern Gin. Irish, Scotch, and Monongn Jamaica and Northora Ruui Madeira,’Port, Claret, Hock, SUorry, Catalona, Lis bon, Cnnnry, Muscat, Sweet, Burgundy and Do mestic WINES,. London Porter; Scoth, Albany and Cream Ale l^mon Syrup; Rasbcrry Syrup Mint, Perfect Love, Life of Man, Cinnamon, Rose, Cof fee, Rum, and other CORDIALS Smoked and pickled Salmon, Herrings and Tongues Supcriino Flour; PotatoesStarch Crnnbcrrys, Figs, Raisins, Prunos, Currants, Plums, Chorrios, Lemons aud Oranges Sweetmeats and Jellies in great variety Candies, Sugar Plunis&c. assorted Brown’s Law's and Massey’s best clipwing Tobacco, Segars, in variety; smoking Tobacco ~ ‘ A BandLampWick li.Toys'-i.i v . a largo supply, woll asssorted eraruclf with numerous othei Columbus, March 27 v 8 HARDWARE, CUTLEBY, BUILDING MATERIALS, &C. e ARPENTEltS patent & common knob Locks Cbost, till, cupboard, closet, nnd and stock Locke Mortice, socket, Grmer, Turning Chisols; do Gouges f'gucqWMolasses ( Hand, crosscut, pit and thill Saw Files Lancets, Fleams. Sheep Shears Brass Candlesticks, and Lnriips, plated and brittama Jo Brittimia Tea and Coffee Setts, block tin do. . • Cast iron and copporTca Kettles, Saucepans & Boilers Splendid Andirons, Shovel andTongB,.Fenders •: ••' • Common do. do do Ivory handle Knivos and Forks, in spits '' Common do do . Rodgers & Wostenholms Pocket and Pon Knives Rodgers & Sons superior Rnzopi, singlo or In cases 1 case sunor Damascus Duelling Pistols 10 pair do do belt do A splnndiil assortment Of Pocket do Singlo und double barrel porcussion and flint Guns Superior Rifles, percussion and flint CVRtENTEO’S TOOLS. Petit Gulf Colton Seed. •- T HEiimionilgnml, inf.irintJioIrcnaiomor. 1 R“ l, “’ f Mhatllioy littvainmio orranBomonta for »uppllW:Or tifnd ftvriilah- i soed as soon as wanteil* the seed as soon as wanted. , . ■ '^n^stUfaotory.cvjdonee will accompany pnpli sack, as to ’of jbogglni and Ropd,pvh bavo a Good mipply ' TkptemboH//shd •ill V.m r-.tivv s.. I. ..djfrytT To TTjfilSel* I i * nJ b r ry "“ yaVOry V ‘JOsKl Fi.OTRNbY. - i-'E*»i)ton.Novoiabov 0| • ' 4!Klf olHiil ci--v , ■- '’jtJbixF for Cfdslt. 1 ' 1 * "Vft bio iow opoiIiiiK, aitd slidll Ucop codotanliy onAond, . lioltlvi a- GBNERAI. Aa6onTmKnT ov _ ■ i ‘2‘1’DRY‘ GOOnSi AND 'GROCERIES, Jk LARGE supply of Now Orlcuna Sugar 3tvri' Ai'StiCroixdo. RoftoRlco ' do White Havana do; Loaf and Lump do fi- v Ground Logwood'and Modeler •” 1 ■ Nffiwd and CMtlngaJ Houoy DowTidmcco ^ 'CommonTohiiiibb. dta'mohy othernrtlelpih •li- 'Callandoxnmipo thorn.' aw 6eptembcr4.ViU vtli'hi v ’ Bench PinnOB, Match Pianos, Plou|ihs, FUliBlcre. Cut and Thrust, and every variety ofMouldiug rlanos Trying Squares) &c. &c. * blacksmith’s tools. Bollown, 20, 30, 32 oud.34 lnojioa : Snndoraon’a Monse Holo Anvils Wilhinaon’a. do do _ do . Suporior Patent Scrow PIoiob; common do dl>. ' VicoB; SledgoB, Hand Hnmmora ALSO,' ■ ‘ sfaK5.r**;ar'£s“’ Colors 'niiil'Poiiit'Bfu&hOB| of every description . And a.goimrolassortmentoiiTiivWaPC -^ j I03Eg . Nollcc. A^®Knf&±n*v^ !UBUro ^ M ; ine inf Nn.m lfltliDisL. . Eailv.iiow Decatur county. > Lot No. 330,:. lOllt Bi&t 5i, 9.; " 22-i -14' 1 "230, "ir 220, 15 rjpHE'nni -il.'demha tionuriissiot!, ICccclvonKr' AND FORWlUfirNa HOUSE—Al'ALAC'IllOlI&LA. " pud lnlvo forhniil'n cotmrtucmhlp on- of Falconer it Kimliroucb, foe t^.ipurr iR; ,..q*noral Agency, ConimissJijfl .uiq) jrwi.rdh>i; Bufinosa. Bqipg lnjoparcd *“ itdviipccs hncoiiBimundit tp their mends .JJos'-Yolh, ltiilliinoioi Philiidolpbin, l-nl vidcnco; nnd dhi iioi„ r.n<l ilispoB) |11* dovolo ibcir Uuio.xt qlqtinilii tqug ■■jr' ’ llisirchnrgo; forward Cnttnl . _ . by vcasBl.onixhi'dinftofwMorat tho io«omrnio»offrei/;lit a liberal sbarn of public pairnnugo if mBpeollVUy Hulidlsd. Siioktkh, Tmivkk iV. CO*. Columbus;' Ora. MmvAnn, ’ ’ i Jvugk Om.ijniT, i imr* niv ut iHiranimn ,I)ns. IIoxev A-.Uiiquiuivi, , < JvfeVlI’sKwISi'lW. ' Now-Yorh.' O&Alt/KJOAWi,'' >■ Florida. HHom J; ,W. White, “ Dn. D. L; White, Gndsdcn county, u " Apahvcldcbln, aiigtfstl ‘ 31— tl ; utrii Ai-' Columbus Wliolcsalc anil Bctnil SADDLERY WARE-HOUSE, • At tho eign of tho Golden Snddlo, Broad street, a low doora below D. Hnngerfonl doCo.and nearly oppo site Uripilmrt & Wan*. W. WADE & Co. ' MANUFACTURERS of Baddies, bridles, martingales, . .TIL &c. Soddics of every variety of peitem, Spanish quilted, overloid, sheltered, plain, hoys, race, ntlnknpas, planters, largo and extra large; lollies saddles, of every quality “jji^jfjjLES, OF AtL ICINDS, Sonic good far fifty coma, saddlebags, carpet bags, vs- iiccp, stirrnp leathers, sircingles and girths. - HARNESS—coach, gig and doarborn, from Uio choapos! to tho best. TRUNKS, of every description. Tho nboro. nrticlcv nro of.thcirown innnufucturo.inadoof tho finest materials and by superior workmen, and will ha sold lower Umn ever before oflbrodin tills nmrkpt.—ALSO, English Saddles Bridles and Martingales Conch, gig, tandem, sportsinnn’a and riding Whipsstir rups, bits, spurs, buckles, hatnes, collars, out tacks, trunk locks, horse brashes, curry combs, fee. fee. N. B. Traders in tho abovo articlos will ho supplied ns low nnd on as good tonus os can bo purchased of any; other manufacturer in tho United States of America. Country Merchants aro respectfully invited to call nnd examine Ibr themselves. ,vt' in* Ropniring done on the most reasonable tonus.. April 17 .1 T IIK subscribers linvo tide first day of. October, oiso- ■ ciutod themselves together for tlm transaction of a gonornl Auction and Commisslnn burinoss under tiio firm of J. T: NILES fe Co- nnd will thnnkfblly rcerlve, and pnnctuuliv attend to all orders ihlhelr line of Inisiiiass, at tho StoroTornlorly ocqupiijd liy Kilos fe Riclianls, second building below JJqss^s, Urqpljqft & Wara’s^Drag Storo. Miw ( ; . > .! 8. R. BONNER.* iifi -liuflnotl i.wri bar. E. lL METCALF. j jl-. V*. WVtu.ri REFERENOES. * > . Couxiinus-fMessrs. Win. II. nnrncr and Co, and Gen. D. McDougald, ‘ . i .- t , \t . Apai.achicolat—-rM<!8sr8. Mculny. Asher & Co. and technfals'Si* ' ,'*' , 1 1 Nkif-Olu.Kans—Bogart at IlawtUorn. New-Yoric—Edwnro Kellogg & Co. and iAdam W. Spies, Esq. —— - BALTifionn-rCnpl.' Ilonry W. Cottrell, aud ^lossrs. Wilson aV. reterkin. Soptf-mhcr-H (< 35 tf »! (JUSTUS 1UYWAKD, 'ptv>6rc ‘ & H tvf it. i naml, Mn'cunstunMfeeep u' u - . iWrlmeiVtof ' * ( Wil' ijJffAVn bii hand aufl will nmst, :t I»noi Ury-doodiii Cirocpri^N; GtMttiUtry, S'lnrfltysifc VjoclMtfi .i iDiyjGootU, co)]-jq|i|)g nfr^jv-tthubleCulitoeo J ,R bhifliug, .Stiil Glotii, <)»mi»Hui;rs • hu/.ftlrkdtctoMilting; Milihit l t^nliTy j Uhi/!mt “* {Silk um! Cotton 11ur«: 1*I«1 ^->1 iu*-v!a ‘ wcls. U/»ilirolb “ cn, $jU'vinn Finnic a ui^adroit^N oiin, I UJIU t WTOnm Ut'«l vuri^>CiKrtilfljmsuBomi*hrAiio I .l|lomliuscLGh'ilif,.dcnii>{ ts, CinghaffiaOf j *< LndlOH mid (lentIniui'iis TlOBipry t &c. Au. Ac, For sulo at low prices mid mi liberal term'd. Mny2l51-) m • coiitnu lOXCE, d for tho piitronngc oxtauded to him /takes thm mctliod of informing his . , gcncrally tliiU ho contiuuoli tho Wa/efIlou«c and Commission Business, At Iiisolif Stand,* mid assures nil u ishiitg Colton*stored or ~ Goods sold on cnmniiH- Al 1I1BU1U uiuiiu, liuu umiiiva mi » .Goods fofvunled, nr,(uiy Cotton or tommy. WATCHES, JEYVEEKYv&fci > FOSTER & FOGLE; u H AVE latoly retorncdifrem Now York,■where tlioy have selected an usaOrtmcnt of Goods in Uiolr'linc, which added to thejrfiamcr;«toek,|nakc» tlio,most.splen did collection of aruelcs, ever ollored for sale in Uiis fawn, and second to none, except “Marqualld." Among 'their articles, tlm foil owing nro a few: A- WATOHEBy Levers mado to order, and warranted of tho boil kind Also, TobiM.nnd 9ther appr Gold, Anchor, Duplex; Lcpi Lever, Anchor,’Lepitre, Qm Watoli, guard'and nock Chains', q great variety Watch, and Guard Koyo a fid Ring* , Finger Rings from One; lo one hundred dollars •( Breast Plttvfrom onc dolbir to two. hundred dollars S mell Coses,Spectacles,Thimbles, t aixzing Glasse^Ear Riugs ti grept variety, bomo of Uio latest styleygeapirons/ • • SILVER WARE, t i • TahloTca, Mustard, Snlt. Cream un'J Desert Spoons Ladlos, Sugar Tongs, Butter Khivos, Fish Knivps i) Forks, SnuffBoxos, Combs, (a new article,) Spectacles . PLATED WAREjH'i* •> •. Castors, Cordial Stands, Tea Urns . , ; , * n - ) Branch Candlesticks, common nndcjiijinhqulo^—«- Snuffer Trays^mdS^uiAk»u?rtrfTffi5aK0 Basko LAunMtBflL spoons, Forks and Butter lChivds * r Brittaniqfea'attdOoflcd Pots, Urns) Spoons wvhi; &.« av VImmI.m* nn.1 nivlr’ If llliwit NpiUAftfl .. . r, f! ,.]/ i Percussion Caps, Music Boxes. Accoruoans A j . • Portable Desks, Gent’s, and Ladies Dressmg Casoa , T w^ B .:_t.L.« a:*.: care aud uttculiau will bo paid to,till liWjCarp. Ilia c!uu*go8 will be ctia- 'kSFERENORS t • ' • " : »;> Cor.u: nos—Mufshf-dl. H. Smith, ri. K. Hodges fe.Cb. and Mn liie fe Hooper.-m ,_f!; . I, NKW-foitK-BoqtndpVfe Toy or. | : > , LyncimritG.Vn.—Aiig.Leltwich, Esq. * A?ai iciiicola—Mchsrs.McClay, Aspcr Sc Co, E. J. Hardin Fnlcnnnr Si Kimttrough, uhu John Fontaino Sc Co, l Qcto crj),! ti . r »2 .* »?nli3fltf. , :t t omjjjEw GOODS, D. HUNGER t’ O ltD fo Co. ; 1 A RE now receiving a full supply of Fnll aad AVlnter A. foods;-among which nro tho foUowhig-artlcleB. «0 pieces now stylo Prints : -*i *18 doz. Thibet and Merino Shawls ; , • 1 [uslins, CninhricR nnd Ginghams >'' ] lagg and -Pongee Handkerchiefs pj i inenCafabritfL .; /do.■ . * 5 pieces rich figured and plain Silks .• .ri. largo nnd splendid assortment of Ribbons ; uper French and English Merinos : Ierino Circassians . • • luper. French work'd muslin Capos, Do. do, do. Collars. A Chi ['ll read Laces; thread, Bold line tt and Blond Main and flg’d. Bobinot; Gloves and IioUcry • T rish Liuons, Bonnets, Ac. Ac. iroad-Cloths,.Cassiinero* and Sattlnotla .. .. Mtuincla, Negro Cloths tqid Blankots 2 qasos Hats;20 Bales Domestic Goods IsOO Ttilr Boots and Shoes’* J'.'j Also, a great variety of J • 1 Roady-Maclo Glothing, Fur nnd Cloth Cups, Saddloiy, Crockery g^igir m„ii„ wl ,. r TSCMHUSTCBOTmWG XT G. 11. &• p: A.. 1-RA1IO0Y H AW. how ot liana hrtit are foiistantly receiving Fall i and Winter Clothing, ot every dckfcripticn, Cuusist* iugdu part of ilia fullowiiur, viz: OVERJ.CUAT8. s •; V:. Blue, bbtck'f brown, (JuhbVi and mix’d Brondolbth Over coats; lVierulntn do.Petersham d»*. with heavy fur collnra, baflV undffibps ’; lienvy blanket Overcoats; liV^tKUVStKpK^ ^LllhlvH. i. VI 1 V1 Broadcloth ancLOamblet Cloaks. I IIIUISS COATS AND FROCKS. Blue, bliicJt^liiuwn, green and dahlia Dress Coats and Frooka; steel mined and drub Coulees. * ■ . . PANTALOONS. * Blur, black, rih’d ami fancy striped caiwimoro Pants; broadcloth do: plain and fancy stripe ‘satlnott do.; Ken tucky Jucnauo; cord and moloskiudo. VESTS. Persian Volvct Vests, now stylo; fanoy silk volvotdo.; black silk velvet dot cassimoro and broadcloth do; Va- loutiii do; black and fancy satin do; cotton volvct do; satinet do. . . . i . RIIIUTS*' Fino ruffiod nnd plain linen Shirts; cotton do with linen bosoms and collars; plain cotton do; striped nnd chocked; plaid and striped calico do: red and while lanneldo; silk under Blurts; worsted and knit cotton do; Canton flunncl do. DRAWERS. Silk, worsted nnd Ipunba wool Drawers; knit cotton do. pluln, cotton and Cuqton flantiol do; .white A red fluunnl do • o Loves. * Buckskskin and hoavnr GI6vcs; horse skin do; white khl nnd silk do; colored silk and cotton do; worsted and woollen do buspenders. . Gtiro clastic suspoudors; doo skin do a new article; silk worsted and cottou do. hosiery. ‘ v Black, white nnd fancy silk lmlf hose; b!nek,.white and rib'd mixed wonted .do;black, and white Iamb s. wool do; Scotch and mixed V'igunia nnd merino do; white, brown aud rutidoiii cotton db: with’ a large lot of country kmt do. STOCKS, COLLARS AND noSOMS. BsmbaKluc, black, wliito mid fancy satin Stocks; funcy mohair do; plain, figured and fancy sdk do; tognibcrwilh .every other ivlojoallfd for. -^luin and rallied Busonis; now style Lihou black satin Bosoms; linen .Collars, of o very pattern and quality. HANDKERCHIEFS AND CRAVATS. 4 B)ack and fancy - Italian CravatsV black Canton 'do: white and fancy muslin do. Bundanu, pongoc, BnillWntu and Paris fancy siik pocket Hamlkealilets; jdiqn white and figured pongoc do; linen ..cambric and grass cloth do. HATS AND CAPS. ' Super fasiiionablo black'fur and silk Ilats, of tlic^mll S altern; drub do-do; suiier broad brim fiuihlortablo *111* o; low priced fur anil silk do; togolbcr with u large lot bl wool and rabbit fur do; supey spa otter aiid fur soul Cups; hair seal do; blqc and b!a^k clotb do^b^sdo, FANCY ARTICLES. ‘ . . - - -- t , Gohllevpr wrttclxtB; kilvirdo; GuihdChains and K»?vh; Breast Pins and FingofIlbiga: lmlt and ptfeket Pistols* dirk aud pocket Knives 1 , Music Boxes; Accordiw» am Violins; Uigur Coses, somo very. splondid loco doco matches; cloth, Imir and slmylng Bruslica. AIho, a lurge of Trunks, of every description. broadcloths," " l,, «t 1 M'3fWUi|Vor«ltj - — enpniMBt; Gdkl ^oukuiWatoliiNiMil^ilkaiM pjnv«; pJim'h , Pin in. Gobi With tnwsM*ylSilg VlUiigrei)>W^'gb»asls Enutnellod with anil without -©wiilgs; flWal; Gobi Sioim with FiUngroc; Cnroelion. «t-qu¥ reorit^; Agaio-. Oiiu, Jasper, Jet, and cvcfji other,miaufocturcd. , FINCBR BIN#I, , ( ( Diamond, iw-qua inorin, EppincllcJ, Emoralcl,' B«by r » -i - *- ‘ •“>(. Ap Garnet, tfoltl BtonO, Blood Stupe. Topah, Amethlst, Aj ato, Tunpiois, Pearl and Jet, Obasod, Mono and plain. HREAat Diamond, DinmoniNihd Prnrl, hsr)fwd and l-hneruld, I^phy, Aoqua Morin, Cnuico, Miniature, Cural; Agate, CornaZioo, Topfu, Je( ami plain Gold. ; t u '' Ladies nock Chaim, Gold aaA Bl)vei llookH| Gold and Silver Huckh-s. Gold Am Ides, Silver Combs, Gcntlrmatis Gold and SUn Gold and Siher PobCluiHis 4 , Bents awlK^hofeyery d eriplion, Gold and Silver Pencil Cases, Ot»M n«d all lot of Extra super blhck, blno, brown, (Kblia, Invisible green, * m * J, aud Oxford mixed Broadcloths; t Jm stool niixeti, caflct mixed, Ratteen, for over c6nts< . | / iiBbiclt and blup plain CaBBi^ Euily iww Decatur county. .« * H r .Baker “ “ * ' • M uscogee, nnW. CraW- ..yfo odor Talbot M Monroe now Piko « ! Wilkinson'“ Laurens “ “ . i Henry- now DaRalb “ ‘ Houston u Houston • IV;,. 1. or Oruwford !, v 196; 25 w 3 Sbc. Gborokpo now Gilmer^ •«, 022, 13, “ 2 , •“ “ . “. 4I • «" 28fi, '3 -•3.'- Gol.l ‘ ' „ . “ 43, 5 H«4mn. All of wLidtnro qlfcrccJ for eolo.. " Also---Fdi*,Sa!c. 1 ‘Gqii Lot, No. 211, lDial. 2 Soc. Citerokoo i oluii.a • •• i ; 90'-2 ,4 ‘ '4 “ - ' * . * iSv,.* “ pT “i; iittit (l! I On which Jots porBoits oro also wqfnoA not to trosspaM^ gold fe Oliver heajiv'villi & wilhotu dirks - j Visiting 6onl» outi Cattct, Bolt Buckles and I’laquo* i F»itcyS»aps. • ■ .1 ..w.m, ..tjiI <tt J.tow.j Also, an assortment of Mililaiy Goods, and many olhqr appwaMaSfi 8oilaMliofWbtic«;-re. Hi. t^jfitslc I rdl ; 1" ' ' nr-won ,llu I'tTa 9?I" I baMIvstwiei^g tlio'irGdWsidnfen^ ^kiMt 1 kro°Uio ti • ojvf ,il tlm »'.it'-ii Uil»&iSltiotuP'of alhquklill«S)-''re. i-t' ^°<l Easldouablo Clothiug Storo, . (Noxt door to Uio Bank of Columbus, Broad Stroot.) *, J.S.: SMITH. Was * - Jta. Hd iced receiving Ilia stoqk of Wlnlor Clo- sting in liart us follows: _.uc.Bluck, Invlsiblo Green and DaliliaClolli* LondonBrotvn olid light Mixed do. Donblo Kibed Coslnwros, varietyof patterns Black and lunoy volvrl Vestings j Ferslan velvet do.'a now article; while and fancy Mcrsetl c» do;,Voice- m do- ’ ler Tlio abovo goods will be made to order on short no* tico; Having one ortho best and most fashlonublo.cutters irdin Broadway, Now York, gentleuion may rely upon [laving tliolr garments mado.iu tlio beat aud moat Ashman- >i'l Irish Onatt-'iaMR 8hadUitR ru- w DIB pOrSOJIS 010 OIRl IUH-m.-.*— • rn .. jolt Iwislting iqfortnation respecting auy or Tito CobtitUtU* Enquire*, Odd-Ath<™ BjfWJf lislt tlio abovo weekly 2 monlbs, and forward lire;r _bdIsre J. E. MIEEEM, “ i ’TAILOR & CLOTim DRESSER, ' Fron't-strcot, oiiposilo tlio ltridgo. c * 'Rn.^EsrEGTFULLY inform*,tho citizen* and . visit Ttlios, hat ho conliltdeo to corry on the Tail- iDnsnltiq btuimoss, at ills Wd stand, live their ord« ilotliing. H] my to tlio Cl ^ffiS^TcloSiiqpwlSi^i^^y’tq^iidljloth^nadm makes mattrloli with whiol, tt *- ol i He will also puteltaso from gonllomon all articlos Ci cowd-hond, or cost off olollioa, at a Wf price. •'•'iio^gouw&b^i;" m nil who patronise him. attention, to sivcenl Columbus, Deo. 4 Vry Goods anil Groceries. Itri subscriber beg* letivo to inform tho Pb' bo is now opening uiul will constantly koon oq hand A General Asaorluicnt of, Goods, ... in iltp new building opposite Trcaton & Nelms, two doorii from Bronil-sl. via!' 1 • \ Titrcaq onauoDnlqofl _ ■"-"-'roidored Collars, Ilolsery 400 "do ouorted Prints, SO piecosFurntturo do, u Blmwls, Ginghams, unecKs.»«u Tape.Pins*:Lins«yS|QuiUs, Umbrollars\ s ) *i Bh0o«, Hats, Oaps.'Croqkefy, Hardware, Guns, -, Do. Plain nnd Diagonal do. • Dq. Wovo Slripo. do. S Do. Wliito and Buff do. Dq. Blndond Block do. Suitcrfino Black and Light Mixed Satinot. -:A sploadid.asaortmonlofVoslings. • ii ,ng 6 Ready-Mndo Clothing. a l.,n tight Drab Utid gold mixod oyer Coats.wltli.Far. ' StincL Blire.^JIk. Brown fe tiirlsiblo Green Frock Co4 It. / Do. do. do. dot 1 do. do.' Drts* do Do. Blk. brown steel mixed fepotorshom over Coats Do. Droit Flupbiqg- . . .- , V* ' J Bo. Grcon Bluukq, ■ < Blue anti Brown ClfitnCloaks Super. Londdit cSimero PANTALOONS PJainondDiogonnl do - do. : Biblted mid Strips do • do. ’Hack Bltio ond Drown Cloth , do. lupor. Blue nod Blank Sotinotta' do. Sinned’ ! j , ntr - dos ;tlo# • A good oesortmont of Bound JnckoM' LinenShirf* Plitin Cotton.dq. Cotton do. with Litton Bosoms'and Collnrs Super,. Silk Shirts and Drawore mmbs .Wool, dq. ( ..«[ VhUoiSilk holfftosot Block silk half lioss Suporior HorvoSkiu Glbvos do Buck f do;- da,' >Md. Silk floi, Silk aud Cotton UmbrqUWau f > / Buporfine .Fur and Silk Ha,* riiijS' ilajUxS™ ,• Fino’ctilfhud«*SrtAo3rB; do-' &t\k> [Pomps do. t do. do. Punt. .Straps , t Evcty variety of Stock*, ColifirSnmi Bosoms , TravollingTratik* nhd Cstpet Bags.' . ; The nnovo Goods havo just boon received, and will bo sold low for cash. 1 “'• ir ' ,r Colninbns, Oct. 10 ,,,, , • ”, Iri.ili,Linen. L<accs, muuneiy V u f,7,, Voii.v Fnticy HIlkfs;, SHawlsi Cravats, 1 'bilks, Ribltono Wire'Thread, Paper aod iuk.iSnddlos, , Snddlo Bags, Bridies, ( Wbjps. in- *?- "Wafer ' "• -«C, HILL. Tlio undtrsigned^avitig purchased the goot of Wm. C. Hill, intend to, continue tho businoas oa it ijjpfc ySsjSoitewic Oo- Hnnilltou Acaaciny. ■ ■ L-mBR. Mrs. ami Mira SCOTT, lmvlng arrived in Hum- .jVH ition will bo nrepared fttr the rccoption of fi.molo TJto followin’ will ho tlio prices ofTuiuon iu tlio Malo '-Pqtartmenl bf tills institution, vis: e *i H^tdimmictfcitemU^^'l’bllosopiiy, BUctorio, H ' With the o o tit- use of tlio Globes, perqtmrter, « Jg , heading, Writing trad Aritlrotetio, * UB /„ I IS Tilt’. TEMMX DP.PARTMRST. -.History, Cbcntiatry, Philosophy, Khetortc.As- ^ •■BBSSfBSSfflEtW- 1 *!' S qmwrs end its vicinity, for from seven to ton dollars per 1 -SS' In every i.i«‘tonce, ono quarter a tuition in ad- re'^^^vfLu'AMSON SWITZER, I.' JOHN JIURPHV, t k ‘ .«aVAN ( BENMSIINHENUV, WILLIAM C. OSBORN, X,J. DAVIES, ; H AS returned from Now York ond is doily receiving and opening n completo oasortinent 01 FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS^ that lie thinks will suit the tosto and wishes of inds and cuetomoni in this vicinity. ' ' Mrs. Davies Hat assoriotbd with ltorwlf n young lady, from ono or bo most fasiiionablo millinery and manure making netab- ishmenta in the city of Now York, and is prepared to ot- tcaid to any thing iirtlw _ MILLINAUY DEPARTMENT, in a style that will bo sure ol giving satisfaction. SkSE&s&^K Oct. 23 47—It sortmentof ... , FANCY DRY.GOC tnong which nro ClolliH, CaBlmorea ai Mffi»re'-H‘.*,Co™ and Shoes Shell and Braslilinn Tuck and Side Combs Silk ond Cotton Hose, ilorinos Circesstans Fuoby Shawls and HnndWehiolk, . 1 „‘sfe£^x».aKW='' . ■aStt^ffisraaisa sell very cheap. . Columbus, Doe. 18 jIEWGOOBS. GEORGE A. NORRIS. to calf and examine, jfhf Colnmbtte, August 23. - >• December 4 Tavern Mates In Colnmbas. O WING lo tbo advanced ond extravagant prices or provisions, servants hire, ond- indeed ®vory tiling used In the way orTosom Keeping, tbo undersignod are under Iho neocssily of estabbslnng tVir ratos M follows, commencing tho fir. dsy of Jnn mry-1836, six.. B»rd,,«r mouth, M f ing, ngt 1 « per day. For Breakfast, For Dinner, Childrerrand Servants half price. Horse, per month, “ ^P*. rd * 3r > « Feed, h^no MsowH^'ho'Proprietor hold thomrelvoaresptm- siblo K.r arliotes brought in their houses, unlo«t firsUuark ed and given in immedtaut charge^ w|LJjA JOHN C. MANGHAM, Dm. 25,1335. 47 4t O. W. E. BEDELL. $38 00 20 00 0 00 .7 50 1 SO m to- 50 50 $15 00 75 37J Building hot*- A FEW beautiful half aero building lota In Columbos, Afersahongoodrerms. A^» Q ^ojj. Nciv ClothliiK Store. .Tho subecrUtsrsksvojuit roccivi-d a lsrf c *»d extawdvs assort- Ready made CIolliiiig.Iioots.SltoWiUnts.Cajie.Ac q"Vl--i-T.Rtlicm fur pnlu in Bnmd-st. afow dwrs beluw a# Bcilell fe Wnikcr’sCily llall, immediately ‘opposite Moore fe Tuner’*. ,..-.«aWH8 - 1,1 " Our Clotking wn* nil nmnufucturwl by, ynrsolvos, nt our estabthhninnt,a» Out Nurtlt and wo wnriultt ltequul both in stylo ohil wmkmnnHliip, to nny cyor onbvi-i! hi tI»o city of ColuinliuBs^lti oui k nstjortmenl 'vill Lo nnrmJ tnc following, via: i ;*• ,v-»n v , i. • tf» ppko Hill nl r«A«yy tr _pi gl | l ciqnk*3 l .Gumhlqt <to*. -*wr A 0 * lOotllllB UI1U V/villlln Drawore: s.rj' Thornton X Livingston, Havo on bond, And oGbr for sale, on vory. oeeoramodntlng term*, GENERAL STOCK OF GROCERIES, Attoan which ahe t Bid*, choice N. O. Sugar v J5 llhd*. St Croix, do. .. .lito ond Brown; Havniinoh do. 108 Bag* primo Groon ColTeo 400 Sack* Sail,! , - . 200 piece* lir-avy Dimdco Bagging 300 Lb*. F.nglbdt and Keutunky I s luo 10 Rbls. T.oaf and Lump Sugar, 100 Colls Ropo Powder, Shot and Load,'IS boxes Starch S ^J^S^O^sTojiotv do. Ilyeon, Gunpowder und Inipcrial Tea 40 Boxes Gins*, nsaorted ' ' 50 Kegs pure Wliito Load, Lmeood Oil,'fee. 75 Ho. No o; Rum, 25 do. Rock Spring Gin 60 Bbl«. Molnnscp, 5 Bhlx. Holluitd Gin 2 do. Port Wine, I Pipodo. Gin •;« o ..„ f f itartl,Dupcy&.co8.branfl 5 doi So^Tieltllramly' liSfevit?^. L. I*. ToncritT Win. 5 Bbls. JnmnlenRiim Iron nndBtocLHoup ond Shoot Iron Nall Rods ond nomtd Iron, Ciisiiiigaqssortcd. 20 Boxes Tobacco, different qualities Cigare assorted Smith* Bellows, Anvils, Vices Sledgn nnd Hand Hammers, &q. Mill Saw*, Cross Cut Saws, and Hand Saw*. Coluidbus. August 28 S gsm, liver Guttrdv of utery des cription, UolU Hint Silver I’ettci! Ce*en, UtHd ond Silver Tooth Picks, Gold mid .Silver ripectncle*. Qnixxinx GIw res, Gold Simps, Eimmolled, Fillngrou and plain; Blurt but- tohx, Silver Sc plated Tiihln nnd Tea Sppons, Butter Knb6a« Mlirical Boxes, playing from two to six tunos, AccordloM, Pistols, Cutlery, I'e’rfnnicry, nnd every other article, com ing trader tho head of Jew elry nnd Fancy Goods. G. DeGILSE, from Now York,« rosnectfully iqfrnnft the people of Golutnbu" nnd.its virir^ty, that he has located himeelrtmiong thorn, nnd will tnkf cnarpti of th« Watch dopm tment, in tho store of P. Miedxiolski. where be will repairovery description of Watches, in tlie best poasiblw' nuinner, ami feels assured, from his Ion; practical knowl edge of the business. t«j give satisfaction to all who may favour him with u nail. All watches, purchased at this store will: -kept in or- dor, free of churgu for twelve months, and porsona wishing t<> exchange their watch, will Ik? allowe d• t ocamo price os paid for, any time within twolvo months 1 N. B. All kinds of Jewelry and BHfor War# repaired. October 2-1 »* JACOBI « HEINE, Aro now ready to receive any article# trt tfiO upholstering bus in e s s, Such M R epairing nnd nMumug bofab, dhairB, MA'ITREBBEB, done in the neatest ftyle, by aw inericneedworUtnmi from New York. Tlio Instrumental, and also the cabinet tnaklttf part of PIANOS REPAIRED and Tuned, by a workman flrwm Paris, who for hi# skill In lire action of bis instruments ho* twice received a premium for his woik in that city# Now 13. . 41 niUHical :Ii»striiiiien?ft' F OSTER a. FOGCE hn*o just received the foUewjH Musical Instruments, to wit: Piano*, Onkiro* viw* Hns, Flutes, Clarionets, Bugles, Trqiqpct*, Acesrslaai, and will furnish uuy iuslruincnts In gimera! wa* m0 shortest notice. . Alio jnat rqceivod, piono,«u»larjn(|4*lw- •Im String Violin, Rewa, Bridges, Bcretf N.B. 'Phe suHscrlhers are reracv.lng'HtJv'MSs omA- ly, and nil ordorn for music or iaKuHMlHl > tflll' Hem tdith Bunk of AugwM Stock. 5,000- SHARES. oT--.61tu.t * nrniE Bq.rJ ..f Direciort.^tbo.Bq^^tmmOa.lre on Thursday, tho 14th ot January'liirxti 1 BAND BIIAREB, ol the capivd -r.rnr.'JJj loTe proluugoa tbo yoar ono tbouaand oigbl the Stockholders - _aM fn» the war* poso, and iti-lhe manner prosetrtbad m *bo.existing ensr- ter,,to invrcapc.lbo capital of said Bank from time to tunf, and in such portions as tlioy may |deem to bo oxpadiwit# not exceeding in tho wttolc six hundred thousand dollar^ in twlditloit to tho prosobt cnnitnl of the said bank., - -. Sec. 3d. l/iHm every suen increase, bemg «fro«o tptf bv u docision of tho Stockholders,uno-saih Wf increased stock, shall he testraed fog llw Bjfc til the 'end of tl»o aessito of LeiyUlur^y^y^r^ capital siiall be so locrktsod.'alkl t ui u slwll be a-pUMxi of by Uio DtrwtMks tor, -Uta Utn# tho tnnnnrr itolaH outbjh WPM, ru , le l K-Sfl) olmrtnr. fur nie.bnoejlofllut/tir ividiial riqcl.huiJotMl benefit liicreUHrtultm Wtbf HirpoMtion-Mrert**! fU ry, WimS Claret, Duliah — ilw> i’^erauam und t lash- •'•firabio nH-o'rtini'Mt'hnirivnll worthy nf attention.— ■'* PANTALtXlNri—Alt cinllv** v.-moty, I’latii mill KlUbml anil SttlMil urn) PRIdfnil Di'iKunnl Ousimaro, all, color*' ona itri. en, Clojli ilo. lMnhi ttnU 8u4pod and; Conlnl riattlnctt ilo. FhlritMr*? Wain aiid.ftibbyjl ami DiuMri cppl do. Bonido CIol|i;oml Slolcskin velvet, I’luin amt ligiired nnil-I’llnil _ ridiov iviivct. riain Black biulrebbaiill Sqlltoi minivia V lit red Silk,Cli.i!i,,t;ire*i|n'!re ; .yqli-.ocyt—rqi.lqnctunijoqjft- SHHlTS^fc' DUAtVBRS^Fttt! Ljq'on with Rbnra.. • 'IMaiit Idncn, Cotton whit Linfti Iwwoiit* 'and collar*, - Flain Ootmn, i’luiu, *trigotl «ivl olieokml Gmglmnt*, s-^a-asra&'artrasss bbnc'fi|'t!icro2H«rtH'!)«1B tbs dirpoMttoti l tcrentiif the i.tttto (tl'silah dtreiq liclngi aqoiUtxod bjoi re- C0iringfI*|lArtMalq4ii^mMod nock,»lpar, a* b«rsm'l>« furo mentionod. .,,,, ' i . ; i; ^ v.j i.or ;V>er. r , ,h f- , ^. 0 ^ , »F.' f qa ! 4w«k. ; ..iftsnkofAagari*. Wtre.'fl,Ujjftriim 42 ‘d4*i ,n " v *'"' . . JVotlce, fLjft' Vfaidvod JL to tlw brack *toro aifjotbmjt aw and ibre*. d.qpr» req(tli. of tbo-' ' tltniqo, qq|Urqod^(roqt. . . Jimfroccivcit, hy Wtd 4*ti# »Vrit«l* from NeW-^ ormss ofGcnllpjnoiitaftn-ciUf skin real l" 1 * 1 rolooboap M. M/PHLiiUB Anglian. ' . mixed faquir uml mfrioo lloac, ,Blqlki «iid Wbi.lo mill lit ion amt Um'diJMIColton llosc, it lure* 1"< of (ii/lVEri—l’m'il Skin and Ib'cver r.lovoi, black nod no wliito ami color,idiJlrir*o Skin anft,ftio d-|tlSo,q , lji(J and colored kidd do.hlm’k nnd while bilk do. ( (.ottyo mi^NDFBB-Gmn V! "ricflWSkiri, Bllk-WUrelml, RKffivi! .id Girth U'obb Boffico- ROOl^fe SHS^S-Gont. 'finqCuir.SIorooCT ,*oil Soul C SI<in noo.‘:Gcn... fiwTCrlr, %>cco anil faa I-onip* " 'Walking Shoes nnd Broghns, DonoihglPunips, Negro ’^SSSMji^b'cbob ,&fci willt Fur, Voollis ilutlt doi trinimcii with 1'ur fee. Oiir ksMirtmcnt is completo, comprising every article ustmllv called for. Wo intend to sell our goods eliqait and to those wishing to pnrcltusq wq would iuvlto to cull and qgqrol«oK'rll)omsclv9». c!RANDAtI , QnEEN & Co ; • Columbus, Nov; 6 40 »tf I■■■ James II. U« WATCH MAKER AlNL A foW ikotre irdnifi of BOiMil fe WiRfcfrk rriHB sbMcrihor, (forwsrly nt . noniiiren to- Ilia friclwf. iloi 1 1— , |»l f<*MilWf ( RrBdftPe»‘ | y IfrQWWM t c^^p£rtj kind,«4 ldttftr^tSre'-»tW"Ht' (tcW-ct 'btfav By xuep«|n*ithba» afftasiaaeuuut,") tlton fcood potref- „- • lltWiSsis-ifen < A NEW commodious nndweUafiiiishi in Columbus, situated On OglclHoni Vtnay of-tlwihofifl l»ldw'o7 oxv.n vrilb Htwftrol'MSMWvwiok It)' , front, o .loul.trtlkotacin'ntromvreiS (,'!(-nl oir foorlinreq., wab.M^JJlJr og*i l|ic lot nqiitninj! .half acre undK . aril neatly palled in. and a first rale v< ’rho'propnctrtr.heittB dh»-i^nls ofehwng shtels,would «Mt*jwv«e »nJta»otr «pod furtuiutr and ••fifrt rule gumo k ” ill I.I ...!>1. !• 'I'l.nnn nsn full fit canid be licit will, ir- •TJicreoro liji better itiijirn\e(f, and beingfldbr the csnti bn| few 1 rf crnirf »*nif nefi'not easily (61 SJUllire nr illf'W'B |)f htlsrOCt 1 — - a. i i l> ohtiiinod In n growing place like CuUuijIhis* , iPo given on tho firat of OctoU i or soqper tf requcBtefi. ALSO, • j 4 v A Dwelling hoii^onnd lino.?halfacre Xpt» in thoTo.wno Roanoke, Slcwnyt county. This place hns recentl v been Mt- lied nnd is known lobe i/flrst rate airuaflon lor Mercautilo hiiBiness the lots nro eligibly situntod forHtor nnd Wnro lioOM For Termri for the prnpertv in Columbus apply tp .Col. W.M. ,11., and in Roanoke to Mjhj. Jo- skpii ICkushaw, who resides on tho premises, sion given tho first of Jununry noxt. July 24, - rossoa* 25—If To Colton Flnntcrs. HE subscriber huh made arrangements to have fivo hundred sacks Cotton seed, direct froin Petit «UHj scut to him l«» ho fold. 4 T1io porsnn to piircha n mdn of probity, find wdl obtain certificate*- T i (hnn, is ompnny o w hero 5 kegs wrougl For Sale, BOXES and keg* Tobacco, qswrted qmdity keg* J ODOCCO, ouqnau Nulls, assorted area* ■ Cotton Gin Gear, CusUiib's und Bollovr Waro. Guns and l'i*tols,ln all lltoir vnricty, wltli a genot SMtS ”-arE^ TARVER., Range 27 o 28 “ 27 “ 27 27. May 22,4 ForSnlc. North halt Section 20 Township IS E»»« . “ “ o Jo Sooth “ US « 13 Sontb " “ J H 13 lentsprings," lends near Columbus will bo (Wen m •*. clumge, ouber ou tbo_Georgiaor Alobsma^sid^o of tbo riser^ For terms, apply undoubted. Januery 1 jMe4tre."siew»rt & Fontaine. Titlra' JAMES^CAHTLIDGEj Jr. asaortmentof HAllBV “Not. 20. 4Q.f (lie reed ‘when* they cnioo on, shewing tfin pi they were mined, and they will bo Iterate sufttcicni tiiiioo 1,0 ptunlcd for tlio next crop, there will beno unutnko nor fraud, tlioy will bo witrrimtod Gcnio.i*^ j[ ^ YW/ \uj>. Cnltimlms.Oct. 2!t 1 Cotton Lunds. EmnoriMW of Fnsiiion. HENRY MATTHEWS, gup. Blue, Black, fnristblo Grcon end Dahlia Cloths do. LonJon Brown. Light ond Stool mixed do. do. Mould*'Ribbed Ceesemeret- Flain, ntegonntBluo and Bhmkdo. Sup. Black, BIuo cud mixed Sattncls, ssisiwaisttrrjaCT.— ii opposite |)r«. Urouhart Sc Wore . CoTuiJbus.I*"* 46 n Oct. 9, WARE HOUSE, Fnctornpe nnd Commission Btisinew. mXIlK ttndenUnsd IMK ' rr the firm of Yone* fc Cobb Tl bavin* tiikco the Wore Hm- ""d cloro Htore., re- crnilr M.—r». Shorter, rarecr fe Co. nl Wm o fi It Hnil-cs fe On. which will ho noon for tha reecntion ofCotton nnd Mcrebandiio hv the drat of San- ,*,„i^er next nnd intending pennanentiy and eseiurevety KwtoUtomralre- tn tbetrenSn ofHre Ware House “octorocoond Commission Ro-incre, umde.-fa-n O their friends nnd to Iho public gsnsTol y. with *• raneotbat tboir uu,hvldcdattention wdlbogt«o » tea te- t nmi Cl 1 * rancotiiat list (errst of their patron! Their Warn I fount aiul no located as to I Eire than nny otlitu ..^ — will bo paid to receiving nnd J-orwanu Ctdumb ; ur,AuV‘rtT27 rt VM Stores am in good order nut from the danger or v. Particular atteutiOa ■ tt r dtfv