Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, February 05, 1836, Image 3

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tkit rmPLK'« cahriRaYB-ijmi ****»» d#* r, i.r«rt lAwWKWMiTO. 0-r The tifatofc«C**»• ****R«7 ; is oflTeieil au ■petecy ^ >r thft Wl ■pr*«Daner ‘>f thw pa- pff. VW : fci/*'heen unebUf lo pruciire a stove for our pmarooiri, and 'Awl it very ,difficult to woik odr^f**** all*We hope to remedy the fault bynekt*eeh» : .- • The fevor of •* Two Young Maided*" wna re- celved to<t late for this week** paper, it shall up* peer oest week. ■■• #■ + We publish to day the udiiress of the Washing ton {Monument Society, in which no eloquent apr. peat,ia.mad? t° the America^ people for aid id e- rect e Monument to th.i greatest end best of meti. The Society deserve the thanks of the whole couiitry. for the aea! manifested In this uatiouSluit- deitakitig. add weho|* thfeir apfieal' to the pafri£ ousin ami gratitude of ortr fellow>ciiiKens of Geor- git Will not be made in vain. Mr. J, Jat Lan6- doi*. the agent of the Society, will visit this city in some short ifltiie, for the purpose of represent- tng.lhe matter in (lersoneud obtaining such aid as the liberality of the community will grant. ' FIRE* ’ - L- ■ A* midnight rto Wednesday last, our City was arpusedby thecry of fire, which was.discovered to proceed front the fis*f of Jacobi ft Heine's Furniture Were*Hpuse, two do>nrs above Oal bouii’s block, on’ Broad Street. Before our citi • K9US could reach the spot, the whole building with iis viluable eontehiH were all in fldmevaml it was witlvthe. utmost difficulty aiid the tttosl oitltrcing exertions of the citizens that the whole block was not consumed. Several times the adjacent build ings chi all sides were in a blare; and having no fire engine to aid them, the hardy boys of our Qjiy, (who deserve unmeasured prime for their conduct on the occriNinn) were compelled to con* quer the raging element, as it were by main strength. Wo understand that the City council are procuring engines, which .we hope will booq behere, to aid us oa similar occasions. The property consumed, we understand was •II insured. The fire muni have been comm imi tated by an incendiary. We earnestly hope out city authorities, and citizens generally will use •very proper exertion to ferret out the .Alains who have been for mouths past attempting to fire the city, and bring !hem to summary justice tor their mischievous work. Oua friend* of the Recorder, are in error in regard to the conduct of Col. Hardeu in rela tion ta the employment of I odious, on the Geor gia side of the river. There was no law which forbid Indians from being employed in Georgia, at the time of the occurrence to which ibw Recor der alludes, and we are requested to say, that Col. Harden himself had no agency io the employ- mentor Indian* on hi* plantation, residing us lie does, at the distance of 2UD miles from the same. .Thc.lT.S>: House of kepreseuiuliyeshave passed a Fill, making an additional appropriation t $500,000', for the suppression of Indian hustilitits. Oca City and the adjacent country was, du ring the pMt Week and up to Monday last, kept ita a; state of deep excitement by reports of Indian hostilities sod invasions. Borne of these report* having the appearauee of probability, combined with the fact, that a few tribes of tlie lower creeks were actually and openly hostile, gave easy cur rency to every vague rumor of danger that could alarm Hie fears of the weak and helpless. Our fallow -ettixens were consequently called from the ordinary business of lifo. to the protection, and if there was need, to this defence of all that makes life desirable, Home treated, or - pretended treat, the idea of danger with contempt, whilst others feeling that prudence was necessary where, the probability of danger existed,. looked consid erately at the prosjieCi and prepared for the worst. The citixen soldier flew to the field and rallied at the cooiinaud of his officer. The City wa» strongly guarded by night and the people almost constantly drilled by day, so that had the enemy appeared, all were ready .and. determined. Now thete is this good, that, in-spite of every tiling else has resulted from the exuitetneui—»it has caused almost every man to arm himself and be prepared for any future emergency. This they should have done before. lu such times as ihest. uud liviug uii a frontier and somewhat exposed pan of ilia buie, ins the imperious duty of every cm- xeii to be piepaied m defend hi* futility uud tile home; mum Uie aggressious of all classes and ail colouri of men. 'lliia sort of pi udeuce is abso lutely necessary, and uuoue but a maihuuii will depy it. lu the General orders which follow, will be found the reasons which influenced the eomniau- der to cull upon ttmctMauusol the udjoimug couu- ties maid in the protection of our exposed fron tier, These reaHiiig we ieel us«uied, wii* uU be satisfactory to utl. yet it they ure true, and we know mat some oi llieui ure, 'the commander cati- uoi be ngtiiet.usiy nluUjeU, it scetug, or supj>*«*iiig iiipic danger .ihau uliicia, he took such steps as wete calculated to convince the savages thut their aggiesstous could uud Would he tuei oy the aruied force of the whites. The call for help was mude. But what shall we, what can we say of the spirit with wiiibti tout cait was responded ui l Hums and iMuocogee • aud fisiewurt, scut loitti uieir generous sius mined ; . wttu wnul wea|M»us tiiey coutd gutner al tlie iuo- toept,'who fouviug their homes and wives ami ciiildtcn, •> rushed to me scene of danger, rea lly to protect the unuroieeted uud puiitnii l ie un less and savage toe. tire'would draw ud invitii- , ouscouipaiisoiiM, but we coulees wiieu we saw iiit of i i|Uk couuty, pouiiiig forth to join their bieth- reu iu amis, audcomiug iu troops eveu ney uud the requisition ut tue iliajor General, we tell tnut the Uauger was parsed for tue time, and uni had.g.j»upe piedge and open promise, ttiai Utetr attus would be with aud around us iu lutut Meu at a distauce, may attempt to ridicule the Ots iloaday-lat Cfotwmla MeDougald aod Rai*. ly. with otlfor cflBcbiw and eiti^efis wh«» were re quested to attend,, met tlio chief«i of the Creek ribe of ludbipa in Council, at Fort .Mitchell, for the ptir|i<MiiJ«f hearing such |iro|>»»iiii»««t8^as the ettief* werq willing to m ike relative io the iltsiur- baure on.ihe^river below. The cdminauding njfi- cers, 1 yfith flftrfte io ailemlance, went ut the spi-eiul hml particular request of (lie Chiefs, aud for the purpose of letthig ihctn distinctly understand the eouditluu qf the coiitnivervy and what slmuld he done in future. The Indians were disposed, as far as.we conjd judge, to iiiaititiiiH every friendly relittion with the whites, avowed that they had endeuv ored to restrain their tribes from aggres sions on the citizens of Georgia, and that none hud been guilty but aset of lawless young men who had ’committed the oflencus couiiary to their counsel aud wishes. Tlio chiefs were addressed by Col. Hpgcn, who wbk lit attendauce, 4 Hs a|so by Gens. McIItHtgald atid Baily who together represented the state of af faire. as such, a* to be, no buigpr tolerated or borne. That Georgia had put up-,wilii l|ic outrages com^ mined on ln*r |H*ople as long »sshe could or Would do it; that she had now in the field hn army o! men to carry .her. determination iaie effect, and that nothing would stop Iter but a p«#*itive pledge on the part of.the ludiaus that they would desist from their depredation* ui|d remain upon the we» tern side of the Chattahoochee river. . Col. Ho gah, whose comluct in the niHUdf entitles lilrn - to great praise,, also represented to them Hie weakness of their tribe aud the anxiety of the President to prpserve litem, that the President had of iaie witnestM’d a detertniumion oil .the part of some ol the Indian* not u» be preferv&diJIflie l?ad or dered on Gen. Boott to take charge of the drnnh- ern forces and reilnee sucii Indj jii* to aubjt*ctiou aud that it wns necessary *o tlieir future pre*efva- lion that tluy should now use their influence to restrain the hostile portion of their tribes. The remarks made to them were listcnedTo with deep interest and attention, and their pfodgo* to k# p the peace and use their best exortious to make oth er* do the same, we trust \yere made in goi»>l faith. We know but little what influence the cheifs epu now exercise over the men of their tribes, but 4re feel certain that they can do a great deal in pre venting the* state of things which has Unhappily existed for the last five or six months. The ,fol lowing is a copy oflhe pledge wiiich they made in coupf^l relative to their future conduct. . /Wr the undersigned Cht if* of the Creek Na- v non of Indians, do hereby pledge ourselves h> re strain our young men iu luture from passingover into the territory of Georgia at any place prohibit ed by law: that we will restrain them from com milting depredations on the persons uud property of the poople of that Stub*, uud if in future any such depredations shill be com milted, we will aid with our tribes in arresting the olfendi rs and de livering them to the civil authority of Georgia. Aud we further pledge ourselves to cause all prop erty stolen hy tire Indian*, to be brought to Fort Mitchell mid delivered (o the commanding Oriicei, where the owner can identify and gel the same ; and that we will c iu*b to be dispersed ail such In dians as are now, or inav be hereafter assembled ou tue Frontier of Georgia. Ne huh X Mioco. Etuli X fimanhla. Tucku X batclitt Fixico. Ynh hoX Co Iiatjo. NocoseX Yo ho lain Nul ktip ke X Tusieuuggee YahhupXHaijor- In presence ofB. Marshall. \T*ebruary 1st, ItW6. J We recommend the following article to the at tention of our City* authorities. As we area par ty in interest of course we cannot do more iliau place the suggestion before them Mkssrb. Editors: Since the Election of the present Mayor and Ai dentien of Cotutnbut, 1 understand that many important regulations have been entered into for the future governmeiii.of this City—that ordinanc es aflecting the interests of every member of the community - have been passed, and-tire force. Will you do uie the fivor to Suggest .to that honorable body the propriety of publishing from time to lime such ordinances a* they may a dopt. I am a citizen of the town mid bound n> the ordinance* which are thus adopted, and yni I Hssure you Lam wholly ignorant of the law* un der whteh I live, I am not alone in this igm#* runce, for I find by consulting tny neighbor* that not one fourth of them can tell tne any thing a- bout the town ordinances; and we are consequent ly liable to violate them every day. *Ve all be lieve, that something should be done, by wiiich every citizen will lie enabled Io -contribute his ex ample and influence in sup|Mirt of the actings and doings of the city council. The pluu I have here suggested is. I believe pursued in every well reg ulated City, and the effects of it must be up parent to every citizen. Believing that a hin* upou the subject i* all that is necessity, I hope may find it convenient in your oext paper. ^feiV«r tlu AT the rc*Mcn'cojrfGr. Roitimn, In Talburton,. on tl»« cve’dwx ^f t'«e *Utli iiwt. b> tbo Itev. J|*ibe«t I’Te OOLI i'Al HUS W. POPK, K-q of .Meiiroc county, c ainisblnMis* Mnrv G. ,\tcl ot>l, of tiic former.pthtfA. 1 H* Helioltl iiio iuttslqiUjiniHicbativ nwrci, . rl* un Wflite'p»q>^r,mn imoiflu-il slimt, Ou "hi*h tlioImppy man, " la»«i fate onluio*. Mtiy writs l.lo MBWO, 1 and take her for his p iiy *H Hknky VVahk, llw vOung.vl di.u of I4'l Into tail. Want, i« the I’Wtb yw>r itf hit life. Afw n l mI “' lul illiioM of inoro Until fo ty, ilav. ho ciilmly yioliltHl In. .jiirtt into iho liAiiti. of i't® Coin injbw. Print!. Cnrrorat. COItttf > 'WEi-iKLV IIY CA1.IKHJN A IASS. BAlilitNU, KontuokT liitto Inv^mnss 'Ditto Heavy American BALK HOPE BACON • • * BUTIEH, Country - COFFEE • CANDLES, Sjwnn • Ditto Tallow • CASTINGS . - - COHN - • * COTTON MACKEREL, No. 1 - Ditto - Ditto - • No. 3 FLOUR, Canal - . Ditto Western - Ditto Country HIDES BitANJ>Y, Apple Ditto Pencil * Dit*c Cognua - Ditto Champagne GIN. lloiUml Do. American HU II, Jsimrica * f >,«. Northern / • WHISKEY, Irish • Ditto MonotiTohela Ditto . New.Orlean* TOBACCO, best - Ditto aeoobdquality TWINE TEA, Black, Hyaon, Ac WINEi Madeira ' Do. Malaga Do. Claret IRON - STEEL, Cast Do. Gurmsu • Do. Blistered - MOLASSES - - NAILS • • • PORK, Me** I>o. Prime Do. Freak • PEPPER • • Do. Sweat PEAS, Couutry RAISINS • • RIC^ - • * SUiiAll, St. Croix , • Do. New Orleans Do. Loaf - • SALT - - • SHOT • • SOAP • • T ALLOW . kb! bbl 35 1 25 2 00 3 75 l 50 .17 1 00 3 50 17 50 16 *H> 7 00 . a so a- » 15 3 50 .2 25 m 45 , m 7 B7 i 14% . ft 00 10 00 8 50 , 10 00 V11 H 021 1 50 2 50 4 00 4 00 1 00 02| PikiMlik* ofazliTlr ft PapeI*riMn^ f ■XlIEniilisbrilK’rh tskf' llil* tmiity In iuf»r n til/• ■ itiliulnliiHD *»f (NilUmbii ,hih| it4%i0i«t(fy,,iliai tb \v i/rite formi'tl a i'U:paitii«'ri>hip. umlor tlie iimne nf.Molii- r> re uml.Simw, f »r Cm |u>q>us>' “(currying on t.b® Pxl'iting buxines*, in iiH, ii-* vmimis lm»nchei». Wo Iihvi-o'i b iufl mi.| will «Mii5*tMnt!v knpp a ro nl a*- sortpioin ofTi.iutvbl', G}a s. Ptity, Vnnd h foivlna and l**«»*«*f» Hniigin^.nni'm^ whldt' nre Imj -U iIuI imli ui ami S|><.ni*b l.iiifiLcape vidWtciill «f ' lr« b .v I •‘nil on ivimnimhlo teruiM. Orders tor wor. will r celve ’ « net at- teulinu. S. C, MclAi'VKE, W,\l, SNOW- . Fobrnurv 5 , . I 3m To .Httrlmnioft, T IIEi*nbw , ribcr*hftviiix be< , n'M>p«Mnted a Committno hv the Trii-t m* of me bflfanm Fooiale Unircrei. ty.” f»r th»* pa>v »«n of eoutraeting for the Erection;of amiable Edifice* fir the name. Hereby give noiicotlmttlk>v will rec ivf propo-til* until »he firatot March next, for uia- kinx and lnyhiu tins lirick on lime., It i* that it will .takoftom Si* to eight hun- Hre »thoii-oinil brick* to complete llUf buildings kt jifCSUt contemplate,I. . ■ » The prop iml* mint be made by the thousand brink, bird in fim vyal!, in<‘[-.i<hnx rv rv nmwrhd except lime. The'Me ot’n coimI brick \anl, i , q|iveiiicMt to the bull* din«r«. his bsim already pnicured for t|te u-*e of ibh under taker which, it i<< Mup|K>»od, will propbniunaliy reduce the cost of the Work. Bond and tr*.od aeettritv will \tn requir’d from the uu- dcrinker for the faithful diod.i irg,* of liis duty. _ All i'oiniDuiiicutiim* post puitl, to bo directitl to the Se cretary. * E. H\ MILTON, 1 O R. COLLINS, I 5 J. COWI.E3, > 5s 11. O. I.AM4R, 15* GEO. JEWETP, J? Foliruary 5 I «, O* Auniun Sentinel. Savannah Gentian and Cidum- hiii Eiiquiior, will iiubliAh the above weekly, until thofirM of M-ndi. A CARD. W AUNCELOT GAB BRILL, having thi*il*y *«aoei- MJ ated wall him in the Dry Guo h aud Grocery bi»<i- «, Mr iMui.Hoti Dancer, the budn.ri*' will in future, be ihicteu under the firm of Gamiuilldt Daucer— who res pectfully solicit public palronug*. CALHOUN Corner of Oglethorpe mol Randolph-at. Cotton 10toilet*. February5 ] tl fir*r rata cook, in- 'I’o Him LIKELY young negro fellow, dustriuua aud aouer, aud only requires good man ttgeiuent to be made a mu*i. v kIuiUjI ' Kcrvaut. Enquire of H. U. MILLIKEN. Februnry.5 1 tf Tmt Tlaorouqli Rrttd {flullioii QUIDNUNC. (The pfo|H*rty of D. P.'Hillhpnee, Kmj. of Wilkea Co.) W ILL stand the emminsr seereu at Tolhatton. under j i-ouimi 0*y. W. ( uu« ami ulnu'un ol itie ,, WJjjJJg'n Caa.vuid Henry wr+ioftmt «pfo B EM AININ 1 id llw Post Oi)ie^ mi Columbus, tin. on Go dlM'duv of J onurv, 1W. v-lnel. i) not iHketi ,*ui oy in.) let of April, will be ftfut Io the General i’tatt Odh o, a* dead leti -is. sfjwo llltjah Auohiutock ioUii A,.JfC.V. t- f JOU04 i>i uru A At. Uiacauii.o Win.’ Uiutoiv niiHo* O Uur«>i» JoMtph <t. i.uilir. J.uc . o. Btialou Ueo.L boom udward Ytouuua Sarau bird a.v. Bry.m - er lhaa M B>U«y W.C. Down* bio.a aev. Giiarlrsd Uarllett vta»itiugn>u )ifi«cllt)c JObh* Huldwm Kolrnrt HgV r. e*. il. d biuukni.ti burrel in>co Wm, Miim'M.C. Uauau lie. H. UraoeaU B.O. betiMu llr. B. F brijg A.Uh lianuith BJe.ioii Uud me«',#ri ol’tbi* (««ot|u Au nuiU Coutervuc* Pootn Jw A, X bwrd Ml. Elisa Bo.-urt!» VVm. browu Mr». Uor.».»jr Leek Arnold t urn MiUur Iteuou J. it. Bmu. avnT * ote.aoub-irfe* Coloulad .Mr*. O. LLLort AbratwiU i Mb. L A.. \ Daniot Fiftei'q,|(»!l*r* tho nitigle service. Twenty dollar* the *< abii. end Hilm il dlnr* fir insurance, kiuiduunc wa* got by AmTdan Bna<ki >, mil of Rosa Carey, by Sir Arehy.— • fix-colts «re ceormdy imd tinemn'oonly fine. Further pu!i|cuitti7) ey 0 expressed iu large bill February 5 Tlie Tfcior WM. FLEMING. N 1 2t kioraiivli Bred SfulHon ft RtiCtT CHESTERFIKLD. TKAtILL *fnml'lhepr»>.»m aea'-oo, which ha*romin^nced and will end on ih 'tirM of July, in the nefchlior- hoajl of lift* «*i|v. ’ For partioular-*, **ee large H*jadl'ill-*, Inch contain a,full account of hi* pedigree'^ .vml pnrlorm- ueS*. -The lover* of the Turf, and of fine hone* arc parr nearly invited to examine atuLrive t'd* *jd,nidid In ffii'u’uhn-, February 5 JAS. C. ANDERSON. Notice* e.lo 1 _ _ dav in March next, in the.lowu ofStnrKaville, Li comilv, ih* 4 building of the Stiirktvillfc AcNili-my, to-be <k»oe iq a nlnin workmanlike manner, to lm fifty foot Ion/, eightuen fe,*t wide,don f*of between joint*, the undertaker to litrni.hab the irfutoriHls, for further particular*, enquire at the Clerks OfflcfHin StarkeriUe. J. L. MANNING, WM. SMITH, t D. J. THOMAS,* 3. R. CANE, . M. ALEXANDER A. DYSON, February 5 I ;tt 1 Caution. I DO hereby forewarn all person* from trading for one note of band, given to J-tinn* Atwell, for one hundred dollaiH, payable ihe25tb Deco mb- r ln-t, llw said note wn< given-oim-time laet xpriug. hy tnVflitf »,nd ritfiicd bv B. W. Ili-ndrr-on a* agent tor iny-ob 1 , the eniduoie I will not pay wiihuut tile compulsive power of the law. DAVIS ELIOTT. Fehrtiarv 5 fit CulUtutCiurlm i arson Re,.Kob‘L j :i a, CtT ( kJdirf'’H2v* ’ Lreuiiia »• Mr* 9019 Ctichl lora J. L Cotton Vi.i P *. Look Mn, Nancy A- t.’hsu CraA-turd iNIhiuu J,. Lo.oaisu J.C. Chandler L C. Codver Mnr iu C’jok llllart*!! Coliti MU* C. C°I.5u'i»'ji'b. . Look wui 0 Cnat-ron Joliu I’u.vIom Uariii-tt C utplti'll wo) C. Uuck Florid Uauf rto iiuin Dopiou Lewi* U Io. 4m wrisM Dole* BMiium Da* kiuitjHrtsitd DawaouHeuryC Dill AufMktu* A Diekteu At. Jt- Dar;» diunual .... Uovi* i'Autiiar»toa DnJouy U-mivU* Daw (ton vv uj. i* Urifaer* D.uiUI DqU*uu & Wiilumu Groceries* f MN HE KiibecrilwrH have l iken tlie room lately occupied A by J. S. Caliiouii na a grocery .tore, where they' intend doing burins* under the firm of READ, GiUtDaSi, Ai. Co. We are now receiving and expect to keep A General Atsortniunt of Groceries. Wa (foiie our friMada In «•!) a«A mnmmlum pur atook, and git« »»* ah*ra,«f their patrmmge, when they emi rto » - wall with u* aa they can elsewhere. HlRvM READ RHODM H. GRIGSS, ElrlSH \ TALBOT. Feb.*~t*3m Itenw, nnd miller Want d. *M*Pt«Uittciixasthirty likclv «rt>le M. hodied young u<qem men, aitd filli*mi nr tweuty likely young mules, lor which cash will be paid. 8. JONES. J. FONTAINE. Feb.5, I81C. 1—5t II. S. SMITH. to suggest tlie plxti. A. CITIZEN. The Subscribers « Hava received and arc leceiving a largo assortment of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS 4t HARDWARE, To.witt | BAGS COFFivE; 5 bbl*. LoafSugnr M. 'st xL* ; I0 bbl*. New Orirun* Sugar 10 bud*. St. Croix Sugar; 2d bids, tin do 20/KK) S|iuui«li .Segura; l.> t uud Common do 40 bbl*. We-iern.vVlirik-sy; 20 do do Hin 20 Mid*. Wo*t India .Mol.»**e*; !W bid* N. O. do 50 winnoandqu <rtci box Uiu-oua; :tU lioxtw Tobaccb 40 bbl*. N. E. aud N.O. Rum; 50 do I-read) flruudy 20 bbl*. American Brandy Holland 'Du, St. Croix R’lin, &e. 23 basket* Laigctm Olimnnagne Wine 2 ) uniftniV quart-rcn*k* Viaiagn Wine Madeira, Tenet ill’.*, Port anti Muscat do 5') Uhl*. Wchtarn Finn.; 5o bbl*. Northern Flour 20 iiallbarnd- Buck Wiutil Flour 15 bill* and half bid*. Cracker*; 25 cask* Cln-eqe 30 kegs northern Butter, duck.-ret, Salmon,,Vc. 150 sack* Liverpool Suit: JO tons .swedes lr«u, ussortetl German and Cast Steel; 101) keg* jNaiJ*»«d ItrsJs ■ 10boxes Collin* Axe-; Smiths Tool*, to wit: Anvil*, Vice*. Sledge*, Hummer*, Uellowe, \c. Powder, Lean and Shot 'At*o,a largrrasNortment of Casting*, nil of which they offer for *ale at reduced prices, nt their atore onBroud•^t. first brick atore above L. J. Davies. Also,just received, 160 sank* Petit Gulf COTTo.N SEED, warranted a genuine article. PI I’KIN Ac RICHARDS. Wanted, toy toe lytihseriberi, 20,000 non ml* Dry HIDES, and DEER SKINS. Fob. 5——HI* PITKIN Ac RK’HARfvs. Novice* O WNERS and Consigneer* of goods on hoard the steamer Mrtnmora ut the time she 'imaged and sunk, a»v roqiiasto-l to cull on the sohwrilier to i lootifv and ro- edw each gmnl* a* were saved and in mv pOi*i > **inu, claimant* will he required to ••xliitdt Hill Ludiur with in voices, ami pay aft charge* before »lo* goo I* wii? he daliv- ered. Such as are not chimed will bo wild an the 9th dav of Frhrtiiry next near the Store of Calhoun Ac Ban* ou Ogleihorttc Street. Jan. 29th iBJG. .5*i-tf THOS. C. ir(l .obs M J o-d Mr»L H it .eka't lima Os ilickt M it iiiu* Hubert lUtJMe^i- -i ihinuuiw* Hr* N llyatl J-mviw llatf.MUbl ,tufr«LB ! „ Hugiiioa a-.H#ll llsad Joel * inmsrd H a-11 Usury Har'ruwttey ill Hubt- L Ratciier Talbot If. Hilr ckJCMO* HinVm* ii artier TM M*rlfiiin*rry Ml**M liiadrun Jtu D tla.l IhmwB. Holst* < VVibU II* I John Hodge* ehmoel tllfiey t-evi Haasl o.r W H ltoitge* i-.liu if emoted *o*auh II llivbs ..eury ltitl D- Mtot F lujiarsoa wtu J b tngorfo Mr. Joqm Dr K W 2 joiosuu n p JutarMr* M iry A D fmper »e>* J J Joim»'U Jaoobu* JmiUmJ. Jouoe JlUMB JokaeaN L«**w*H ,loii«* i^iwia 'toads WmR JonaMui tieorg* Uirkp.Uiiek*sitfl Ji'Ult i’llOWi* Ktgmoa iiulwrt - Kemp /Toury K'u brougti Wrn Kilgor. ph Ketiy MiulmAl I«niy (inu go t.u'vt* tV .a Ly ou* M ra > Ath M L*'\j* \a!'.o H ItutM* Lewis Frauldfo Id nd.ey SUerw ud t; Lyca i'UoaiM ■ »NJi i la* K Lam r .a b \ pLeorga , Lotts Win ’■ Long Nuar-d W Luckrmrt Julius ucoll U L)kg ire* fimU ilour*it«iuy WfeT iiiaiUa Wait Mutdoy i f,o'*, '“.yu rJuo dl'-r .die m I Miller Lewis Patrick M-tuglmi* E *iiS4Hjaw*E JUvauev V\!iwl * Diuuk Lew i* MiUa.dl i.iu A Murgau hby d Y luyEnaba ,«icar..iy iHwoiny TXndcei' •iiYAaa,. Roland 'I’kuimu >•6 iie.iry • Uoloiwuq Li A 13 . It iiytlou boioimm itewi i-1*4*0' _ V ojtei'* Av ut D fofigae jAm2S Halt Luan ,u 2 K*M tibgh Kytauder Wat Hom, VVn* King to* ituHct I'attbeih Aogem Win B .vie iiat.if# ilmtual M ut. Itivoklnoat ttsums i-.ik) Hee*Edwtrd tuqnewore V P t ogare (. iwrle* lg U.-r Henry M .uit.v mo F 2 luitlt 'i’lMM nt. 3 ru|tfi L'tnl AUray • t wart ItAbccaa >iarj)£li*abe>a mlUlussaX •inttU iUev lo.anh . tegadiiea W2 . *' $*i>p utuduioa d>ieario*ei>h .iiewert Dr WC ; ’tauhen* Hteuliaa sitoll Tima 1 ^tdlwail Nauey giouguo Lorenaat dUp*.y t»eo W. •Uniorti Dane doltiay Io. Oapp t eeopiliM diu.ucm* I us drurgts Eli kiUM*> Daniel S aatoa utr*r* D A m * luiiiaa dnai.-r A II dutyr) laoP olle.* iJwtna* anart Wot W irt Auata atory L>ma* diNtldeu mr- Hjiitlf nti*» *ary F. Suidvuuitia biuf IclOu 1 tjiQilil .VUgUatU* a>nai»««i-Lnailaa amok llaaet hullivau Or I C 1'uoui jaou Adam Titori.iou lou i Titldighu a vv* VV2 lul L3»•^l^ rd T rry mtMOarab L uDil i'i.ouM* P ta Tu.-iwdP >r A elubald Ml Daniel A . 4iautt* inr* b All irbryau; 2 ir AlifoLta TlwouaNutiisug Taytor > HbL /,liner A brook* Tyovr PUulw U 'I'liOMMM V 1 Turu«r daunt at Tu--npaoa t. award ThoruMu uuaa nt * k*tiaa-mih R iouitmvuu xulward Tact Darrat Iruund L.lteha 8 Tarvei Lil*Uu or Uiuuldi b'iioro W c 2 Ui)*oaw ibou.aa buderuood W H flF. If*de* of J, Davies Ac Cn* and the ante* and M. aocoanrs of A. S’ Clifton, aud Cljfnm Ac Katmedy, are '»tiiy hands for collection 1 “" J 1 « *-■ - inlcii. epcddtk settled . Fcb.5.1B:U) I—It in liiy Immls for collection aud will be aued without rose rv* unlc#. «p<-erlik settled . JAMES N.IIETHUNE. The folltrwiitg letter from Dr. Chipley, t<» the City Council, contains all the iulormufton we have ujiou the subjeiT of Smull Pox I We pre* mime it will be authfuctory to those who have heard unfavorable nceoimis from our city. To the Hon Mayor und Aldarmonof the City of Columbus. GKMTt.kMbit:—Having in necordance with your request utitinfed Air. Boyd (the uenllemuu who arrived in this |daee on tlie 7th inst, wint rimriil P..x) diiriuy: hi* illtieau; I have the pleasure to *)aie that tile case ha* happily terminated Javoura- bly. He hue this day been discharged from the lloa- pital, and wdl immediately prosecute hi* journey home ward. No rut* cast has •ccurrtd; and none need be apprehended, as the wise and salutary precau tions which you were pleased to adopt, have no doubt protected the et tiiinuoity I mm tue infection* pestilence to which they were exposed. Your One lieul Serv’t W. S.OHIPLEY. January &Jrd. c 18’i6* Dissolution* FBI HE firm of J OKU A,k *c O.SllDUNE wa* diarotv- JL ed on (hi) 2fi|li Jumiurv ln-t, hv uiuiiinl coo*out. The bmine-* o the lir n will be hctiler) by iok aub*.-rd).'r, who rr.qiie-t* ail iudebted to come ioronid-uod make pay * moot without delay. JOHN D. JORDAN. Feb. 5. ’ I—‘it Io Stone RIumuin atitl Beil oijgerN, •f flNHK i<ub*crib. r will pay tlm liighc**i easb price, in JL the iptiqih or job, i«*r m ftr.-t ruin Some iVia-on nmi will al*o ji.iy one dollar per fool or dro digging of well, aud huviiig u miificieucy — * - * Warm Spring, Meriwether Drug* Ml edict new, Puiuti, oils, Dyagtnilli Parftun^rj.Surfl.'al Inatrameats, Ac DR’S- URQBHAKT & WARE. A RE now receiving Inrgo additional aupplien of the. a- bove articles, winch they offer to the public ou the most reasonable terms—»maov of the artiVIe*, were om - *otialIy .elected by one of the firm—and they invite all poreon* wishing to purclnt*i?,to calf and examlna for l»iem- *etve*. . A0)0114 many of thi articles are the following : Acid* in gencrnl Black Drop, Alcohol Mu-k; Untaiftrs Engluh Calomel Nux Voinjcii • Cinnnmon American “ Cii-to* tfil; Swrei Oil Citrudc Knli Dp Almond*; Oil Aimced Enn.ry Powder ** Biirg.m„. M |; ,1„. Lemon Lmonindti; do Clove* M Croton ; do Jimipor *• Hnaanlra-t do Lavender ** Cnh.di*; do Orange ** Peucrovid M Tepperuiiiif; do Rove* 4 * KoHomury ; doi'aoty “ Wnit-rgreei) “ Worm ^eed Pgnrln-h; Potaeh Pearl Bariev; Patent do Adi)r«i\e Planter, spread do do in roll* Mcretirriil Plaster Blistering do Pipcrine; Quinine •Siitfion Eogli*h Siiffhin Americaa Ep-om Salt*; Glauber Salt* Salt* Tartni { Salt* I/unon alt* Hart*liorti; Starch Siit|i|mte ol Potuaii Sulpfio) in Earl ti. .U E. »tu«i H. II EtkariSF Kpjey wiiliani vl'oaruoy w 0 For« .11 in* garni) Port t.ffuiuuou lhaogauiUr*, C Po*tAi- AUt a* P*aiunJa» W. Prauou Jin-tin 4 l-'ergBrnou Lra-nfl l'er*ur»ou Jaian. Fautkuer Jjoi--* L Kio.aoy wig Foryy Jautre H fnrretla A Uoldaaiita Tka'a Uraubaj* Noi.J Dfl Ur«ea W Utbapa Talix OuiU MiaatlH . . Uibbart Mr. K UlwwRav Ji4B. ; Ui*** km .\nocjr Ul*aa J.iuim ■aar sas-j^* <*r j»t DBS G-odaliMfoCE Oirdncr Sir* LUi Or v«- II Omen Onorgs OreggiUiat Luna ,c« oy Henry - WWIh*i*i tc . :& u Ditla- hn^dk).(|N.jw£gif|Ri(ftJ r taw llw Imi.Iikmfrlsmif mcattf- fanafta ta,^ eio.*o n* i-Lisulfty |*w«ib!e, Mi.' ft*#. to* f so Jmckw ii rd ffivto I'tfge u* to cojWlw !##> Twir yffoA* ■* will hn kept «f )l«wy Ac Gir?ut»V#fddtor«ri^b.^-',M i • ?: Jim. 29. 32—if •y./v WAL YiPAKIJgyfo^? •, .4r «r> : ,~4t c»'iMi‘mliii,ir*a' fn&oS^mh ■ *•' r ' ra’.HiC Mil. i:ril,fr«ta»rt#..iMttl iVwiUh'tfc'lirihlir 5 * IIuwuhw, uinler * . BErmjNE & ntflbt.vxo. -i, Ttair .loro i. un i In'tM, An )***. hcl'i* tllc Cilr if wlinr II i>i ,tav itan.fuIlT Mini.—I u.| | fl> : mmii-M . rSia j ; ' * J ivlVwwnBw 'i;?. - ■ hf'ks ,.. = OtoMiK H, ,.,u.,r, C*nw*<W'4i,:«. Ht.w.Rt ,. Kii.tmiil m ‘-i-.. H. HvMiM, . '• a' 4 ' ‘ ' J. rt. Cai ni.t-. * t>- . « . m- - ■ ,i ••• V. i». • '< - •• a ,u Jnnnitiy W. . * ' ; ■'“Tu. 'a. B. A rroRNRY xt j aw. win .ta** t»m <M*m* " ciiDU-.d to hi. rat.. 1 utBe. if Mb* MrXrOT - -- J ■— ■gsre' fklUlSlAH WARNMl nrt .itf M H “ !.nw, in f intnl m w,(li.yo.itmiy.ti., |t«wii mis -- , . rln Cilvilii T.ltatimj ll.rtl. lh .«ta*Ci« cnit„ llw Jitw tif SMHgpPjpr ita iitrumrr 39 uw. ' T HEaii*w»lta»41|», heUidwwu fU» „ uml.r lta lira) of H .1. *: rr hll ; . attend llw „v*nl i-oiirw in Hi»,««aMiw » ltuM.1, Mtctm.»|wio«. tad R»i dtiij^^ .>• />wj‘.-i , , I.«.F-n>cit-, r- ■. It 'll . , ilounrotn^rj dvenl a RnMr.. <ri) o.olt ,>vr ill r.liiiiii rim in i 'lllmil .—I Pai-.hl ll|nf|a,> '■ emitil.a to tar.yMi*~ lijrTwaiiwmr - ■ j -ST- A.-Ui... ailiuiiirr dk'niii will lie linpitv I it alien! Io ait, nl&a ■ ro. in Ilin ulior. Imaini-w. ( , 1 ' . ■»'. ■ Tiii-r koop ot'iiM—nlly' on n«r* urnnlra oi llw Inie -i i.atanp. " - ' Vierrct rnim.M. At. awda'iik llw *M*M. nwMtl WM ' nt iho .lir.rt—l nmko. " ' ; _ J lnmi.iv • l ft.::.*.'.. mm ’ - tlUAOEUIUUB roil oAMUr ■ ir-v 10 % I 'htida. St. Cmix r ' tlto frvhhda Molanaea; flOkhta. WswE<(rtaa»4 > 90 hbUi Whiskey; 95 da Apple Bm|y v . VO half hhla, CsuMMCtieHt ftivis RfoMl ^ * Nalls, lion awl St><cl. Freurh Bntidy * Jamaica Rom. Holland Ufa' A|i*rw» Gfe Madeira, Tsncrtflh aud Malaga Wfosg. Cider, Dried Arp «», Potatoes, Vinegar Havana Cigars, Uahiim, S|Mimi ft*l>lluw Chocolate, Bar Soap, Starch, Ire. 4ig* J’xi ruel Cic Extract Dandelion Extract lfyo*c>nmna Extract Sorocc; Cncliineal t-aycuiic. Popper, Africuii (mynoDO Pepper, American Jurne*'* Powder Flax Seed ; Flower* Benzoin; Enictinr (ium Myrrh, hem “ Myrrh, inferior ** A*-nficBiiila *• M«*ticl) Optuni •* Trog-u-Jinlh *• Copal; do, Scimjny do. Guinc; do Ammoniac do Galfinnnui; Hooey; Hop) llvilrvOflaM of I OlMidl laingla**; I< dinc Jojoba panto, ill tioxe* Jujube Paste, iu mil* Man-; Car boh .|e Magnesia Henry's Mngn "ia Aci't'i of Vloriiliiue Sulpbate of Murpliimt Spirit; Tiitrnl if|v iclnt*«. Hill’* Bal*aio m Honey i Poticr'a.Ciitliolicon VVii'tar'* tJourli Lozenge* ■ j Swann'* Patiacsa' ! riimn|»«wm'* Eva Water ; Bro- o’* Tonic Mixture I tcli Oiutoi'01 Seidbt/. Powder*} Sola do r lusiired D. t;. ROSE. . Feb. 2. 1—4t NEWSTOlilE. ' FIN HE auliacribera have tuacn ilia new large brick bail- M. dmg, lurn/rrh occupied hy Win. Y. Barden Ut Co. where tlicy now oiforto ti»: public, a large, geuernl uni :oiiimo.iaung tmndsoiue aiockot iiOOi term*. THUS. J, CAMi'iif W.V1. S. HAKTSFIELD, Hamilton, Fehruary 5 W.VI. JO.INS.JN. I tf izcas ut uut afa«*r aujuiiucs abuvefl. aumeu for thvtr ' Fch. 5, f B k>. Guardian’s hale. B Y Virtue of mi order granted by tit'*. Honorable Infe rior Court of Nowiuii comity, wheu silt ug a* a Court ot >-rdmury, will bn sold on lire rirat TuchUhv iu Aim! next, at ibe Court llou-em iiio Towu of '1'alb-ittou, ini* bot County, Lot of Land uiiio er 150, in the ybtli diuuct of ori^iiiaiiy iVluM-.oge^ now i u.liot couuty.' Sold a* the - | property of James Moore's Oi piiuo*. Sold lor (he lam*-lit ! of said Orphuoa. Term.* Ch-Ii. CHARLES KELLY, Guardian. piKrtuusiu iu tliia niuitcr, but tl t.icre is u craven; heart iu tnig city ur cuuuty, wtiicti riooa u«u ihouk tfietii atever^ tlirob, it uugtit tufa turn ltiiui tne wretch. Altai bears it* ami utruwu to vunurea. Fur cursive*, tncy have our wbiiiitai giutifude, ami M far as wa kuow or believe, luey Buve tttc aimi- Mtaud beat leettn^aid ml our ciitxona. The Orders of tue Atnjor General, u liich we ax petted lu procure iu time h>r insertion to tla>. were not lucnisited u« until too late for iuvertinu. They coutaiu. however, oothiug tieire than the flaio atatomeut trflacu wiiich iuduced him to call etB the nrihus, (-fa Jos? w»hh the thank- •f the Alay*r General for (he (iiuuiptitvde with whkb the irmrpa a*aembb d. aud a recommenda- turn to them to U ever reMly for service wheu tfctir eboatry called them to the Add. i— tdx Gunr«iiun*s stile, B Y virluoof an order grant 'd liy iho Honofabla Infi’- rior Court ot Ntmtou Couuiy when ailting a* a Court ui Old,miry, will ho sold ou tin' first Tueaduy m rtay next, at the Court Uo.iso iu tue towu ot HuuiiUou, Harris Cuuu- ' L .if u 111 number 216, in iho 22d district olonjmriiy iluaiog.'a now Karri* couuty. Sold u* ibe Property of Jauie* .«ii.ore * Orphun*. Bo d tor U»a ficue- it ol raid Ot pbuii*. I crn • Caali. CiiARLLS R. KELLY, Gvanlian. February 5,1836. 1—-id* X^EORGIA SUMTER COUNTV—Whereas Enori. Of A illmius applies to me lor letter* of Adoiiuiatretioi) on the esiaie ot liauial AicWilliam*, late of Suintei C'oiiuty iU'«e«reA. Throe are uirrefore to cite an l adtnoni"h all anil singu lar the Kindred and Creditors of said <*• eea-ed te ft ppm f nr my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if i,ay they have why said tetters should mm b> granted. Given under mv hand at office ia America* this fi8tb r of Jeauanr Itofi. ■■ " 1—4t JACOB W. COBB, Cl’kC. Oi hy of Jma Feb. 5y Guitrttiau’a Mate. W ILL he sold tMlore thn Court llouso door, in Lau ren* couuty, Gourgiti, ou me ur*t 1'uesdav m April uext, ill** iinilividt'd two-third* of Lut ot Luml number two hundred ft fifty-seven, Ai*o. tlie iiudivnled two-inird* ot hull' ol Lot number two hundred und iil'y-cighl, in the 17lu di-trict of originally \Vi1hiu*oii but now t^iureii* county, and sold by order of liw iiimoratiie I it ft-rior Court ol llio county of Lee while sititmg a* a court ol orOiuuiy, naapaitoi the rent estate of * i-ou liamei, decruaed, lor Urn lwooiii of Iho fn-ir* of *md recused. Ll.lJAtl CU l'TS, Guard'll. January 25tli. lid* i udkiti'a Spceific Ointment BoPcr'a mngne* i:ina*p.;rieui Liquid t fjtcd Hue Steeia* OpcdeLioc .Snuff, .Mnc.knltd, ** •■’C.tti :b - do Ceplialili Tooth ^asli, Chlorins Tooth VVurIi, Orria Dyt'ainttii. Aonmo; Coppems* 1 Fig 1 lur; Indigo Bhiii Some ; C, in ^'mtd | i og Wiaxi; Madder Palms and 6l.«** )ic>*ui»lUnviSfi MeCury VV onl MuUnugo >* m laolynn-« n; iluo Jloi*Jitduu tuia« “ dicvieueo Win KCbt 1 v*. c ■ uy J'-'miitolifl I Luc. e*ksy iomm’J Met, *k*y uiro H 3 .'lUliiiu rur* ni A sicLtt.i uo*n bl*aora *tl Bnttf _ ,*»ti -n.wSr «-t' uebiil AI *’..vtluoV Ay* A.* R W oaififik ii Wwihvik *( Wdbuaoou I 11 llll.liurvu , , W tsufiio tua*tiu9 WaUauiuunx • W . Uli*UU I U ; VV tUlH.ii* too L ’ tJF lVVrlg tUiVnl nlluMViiX VVr^UtwuilJ - a Julia AM. W dii Wultuu >\*t« k Am Wjrii Vv iidiui'ii Hardy — wtraterlmvA VVootUvaiG Whitskvr iff la* Owen* Ot nt*toad ArtklbaM Oliver la* fool baotuel Prarc* uom lulla E Priest LptwHinv Py* lawn* 3 WarS 1*114 VN illUui* L*toy W.»i loMphjr oyfl t.UP Eon Mid P I'W *»s«. s X»F.TWEF.N ,„t I.IKCI.V NGQRU I, jta (Ai'M huml..) cna.ii ir« Nan. Wmtaa mM Sta>. I hay arc offered fornw ffltl. dull, Hi. twldun 13 HM«ltil> nrcdU. * W. H ‘ taOrnnc, Jan.Iff, IffM. . ■' '■ Vo re ■" " m KB aulMcrtlwn Infura, thuir tod llw |Kl I. Ii in ennta >h.t iIk No. I.M .Wil l, two diiiin'fnnn I. Do.Im 1 hi I a- Jaipli .trial, ..'lira i\wy will wuatly kdw «<■ uud, : - fiwinid'ajonli of • Oruearlu, it ir lwir* Aud Dfjr C io, nail wilt ta happy In occoaonr ihma w .»ta- \iiur...wlikHodl.’ AVER A HUUO.. I'el,: I ?t Wibiawtuaw R Walker Naiay VViuiiliurh brimea Webster David Waldiufam Wluu- ulowanB Wed# Ldward W Nliiwil iMRilieoa Wliiiew* David - VV teller It D air Walker 1 G Wnlcult Dr 1*0 v usHUcrafr w B JAMES VAX NtiiM, F. AL KFLLNBIB SCBEi»£. ALL IN ONK DAV. I Prize of $10,000; 20 of $1,000; 50 of $500. Al i 1 led ire v ii Lv .-treat Lottery, fla*» No. 3., lobe druwu on Saturday.^Olfi February, 11MU. I |trize of *10,01)0 i* *10,000 ■In UK 111 i, I.UilJ ia 1 51)0 ia 1.1200 ia 1.100 ia 1,000 ia 0U0 800 ia 200 ia 100 ia 40 ia 80 ia 20 ia 13 ia 10 ia 3 ia 8,01 dl 0,00(1 I. 300 1.000 1,100 20.000 23.000 il.OOU 4.00(1 II, 400 2.320 1.800 2,520 1,800 37,800 117.180 White Lead, dry and iuuil Carmine; Chiouiu Vciluw t'lirmoe v«rt-cu Knap i .tike, No f; do No. 2 Fluke VVIdtiv; Glue, l>etir I via v • .hio*«; laaiiiii tlu tioldLi'Hl; riiUcr Le.if Lytitcrage; Pumice Stone l!otl<»11 .'Mono Prussian Blue, Nos# I &2 Putty ; Red Lend Vi-rd' gri*, dry and in oil Vermilion Chinese Clark L'oil Yellow Oclire dry and inoi bun Rwd.dry nhdinoll r-|.Mtireti brown, dry »V. ill oil l-ro*tim:e. Blue ; m* While Froi-tiugh, giet it Mitait*, tireeu: doited M Brown; Ro»e Pink aSund Pn|a*r ?pHiii*li vVtdtinx spirit* .I'mpent lie Corouortt hale. W IIJ^ be rob! on the first Tuesday in April next, at tbt: 1 ourt Iiuu.<e door, iu the towu ul Amcricus, Suiubir county, iheiollowiug property to wits One lot ol land iiiiiiiiit-r tiliy iiiire, iu theaix- teenth district of formerly Lee, now Sumter county, lev- i‘'d ou a* fl»e property i.l Jau.e* Little, to sdtofv 'u fi lu Irum ilm s»u|H ii»r Imjii ot .Sumter comity, in 'lumr ol rictijimiii Aduun. Pro|H);ty pjiutaJ uuloyL. C. .dor- fe^ti. LARKIN GLdVLR, Curouor. p’rbruary 5 deriiemiM Turkey Umber Copal Vaiui-di; Leather do japan Varnish LiuxcedOil; Train Oil Lamp Oil; e>;»ermOil With a good nremloieiit of Painter* uud Glitzier* 'Tool* feuighul Iii*triimciil-<, made to older A d.oicoiwioctiouoi fine lViluiueiy..Soap*, Ac. Acc. Oil of KreoS4iie, a *ovcnigii itner.y lor the tooth ache Cui]K<iiicrV r’tmd Ext met of sooeapaiillH t.ui«i>* am Uopuvia, tot ibf cure ol tit# Gnuorrhuu. Ukei, Strict urn . >VC. >kc. Caipjiitei** Fluid Extract of Buuliu, for disease* of the hladder Cerpi’iiiar'* Fluid Exirnct Sar*« peril la • Carpenter’s Fluid Eviruct of Pink Boot Carp, utar'e Fhud . xtrail of Krei.sote, for the cure ol tn r, ulcere, Mini urredi.ig heiooi riiuge*, Jcc. wim many liter uriicie* loo tedious to uiaiitioii. 4»u. io. • 50lf 27.S14 Prizes, nmnnnting to $250 000 Nptoury -five uimilx’r hiiton-, twshredtawu ballots. Pr zee jai v a bln iu nusli, fin ifiy* after tlm drawing. VV licit?* $5 UO—IL’iivns $i 50—duitrifas $1 25, 'J*o lie loul in h variety of number*. Orders from the country ruclo-ing curb, jKirtagi* paid, will nn*ct with prompt iifhmiiou. t£. aiGDUitNeA NOu TON, ‘ i. 22. Mid Aff.?ot fm the Afatiagers* Collect AOHTWICKIkTAYl O No. 115 Pearl street, No. 44, Beavsr-sireet, whieti they wUI oreqpj during tfa tiou of thfir frieml*. mml ousforaert. . , f . ? ; “ * Naw Ytorki Jan. 1-t, t<>81i; ’ “ “ Ml—4t a ESPECTFDi.LV announces to ike public, that aka Ims opened her Scbo d in Greeavilie, Merriwathsr comity, fm tlio jire-en* year AsMiedcsigas eeiaktiriiiag a (wruiamml Fetnals School, sin)salicHs %\ leasts gaucr* ou* pa trims ge. ‘ , Greenville, Meria vlher co.Jea. 15,1834. t THE iirvlnreignH anei.ded the last exsrrtin< ihm of the pupil* of Mrs. McCurdy In thiy place and uri* plessu.P in etuting.thiit their ii«jiri»yamepr evlilenewd «n imoorats and clear kuo*lH't<n of Tndaevnrsl toromiftea tlwf had been taught. ' JOSEPH W.. ANTHONY. r. mu, ^ r WALTON H4f<R • . . Al IK. IT. January 15 50* .ft'* f BN ilE oinlr-reigned ihtitecf m ike pre- |Se oflMW 1 Iindar the firm «»fC/>LCJtMTT. IIOLT A F< MfOLS: Thev w ill attend the < r-tirt* of th»* ChsilaIitHN!fap«£iiSl\h£ adjoining enmities ofCoweta Cireult. Afar, the tlie adjoitiiuir comiti** in AIums'd*. ■ ’fhfic ^dlwf.^t’ heretofore occupied by Colquitt. Eelvd* ft llc4C«*cn. ' r W A1 .PER T. i OLtlUl ITV Jnn. f, RXoorv ft Turv r, [ A VE mini now uud exteuaive rtoi-k of goods,- comprirtiug u very gen.-rut u* oi tmeui of Dry (itmdM, iLirJwnre ttiid Crockery, .. totx-Hpure. ^ugur audCoifi" > 29 52 tf I'toc huiNcrihtori H AVE ju*t n*c.-ivcd amt oii.-r for *aio, low for ca*b, tlie follow.iig uiticl.-e, vut s iu bud*, pi uu* Now Or lean* .Sugar 4*0 bid*. •* • •* Syiup 50 bbl*. Western l-'l<>ur,?5 libie v unuldo. 50 Keg* Lqat Imnljlftt dium* Figs 10 find* I.neon, illama and Mid.ings Xi K.ti* No. I .Uiickcicl 10 bin*, end 20 Bat;* prime Green C4m 2fi Boa«. IicbU «,uisina 0 do. L< luuus 20 Kegs Duponts I ovtd* r, 10 Boxes Starch 5 Buxom ducar Cruckvrs. J. T. NILES fit Co. January 29 . 52 tf JOSBPI1DB 'B0»ld)&. , ■ ' , (nr 'rta Homtam nitairi1ar, *MI1 ufu.M ' I pwlia* ita a*.*# ; ta. ESwv R obert s. bur.-h, mum?? .. taw, h.« hiniMilf al N.wrta.,Unw<4»f«HMta, flIMmMi ' will niirnd I. llw dmiea at Wa i*' Affr Cowni. Caltaou.i 4fc u H AVErauumlli, Ilwir HowlNirtb !, Kmi «oi iwrof Otilaltatp. i IUiidnl|* wnwia. V ii? Tta.v aw, a. anwnain of (IROOEKIB* will' ll ar. .m .r,.o,nm‘*.l.8nff wrma. liw. COTTO Tta hiptaM |Nrkaal*r.ah paM I ilarlntr lite wawor Jj a, 4 tf . INwaluilM M Cop*H|Mnhlp,i# T HE oo'ioirt.'talilti li.wmf.ra x heiwawSiltV aubwrltara, uioha 2ta Ann ofWrlahlk Vffialoi- v warp,]. iIim (luv (|t,.„|,r, r If ; Veo Antw.rn. jjjvuie 'li«|'o,^l nf III" Intrm-t In ill.ronr^in, tn .<0*ly ery ilo ti^nl "f Iliooii|.»lto<lint oowa »o4 mc.ij.Uh htia'tbam.. fore tacooiotacaaMin. " vtstif f M tU H* WRIGHT,. EDWIN VAN ANTW1 ANIH.BW O. BUUte' i- ropuriiaorakip ItaRMa . T HE «ul avrifars having entered lot under the firm of WBIGIlT, I U ke. profiabioily on hand. « gearrsl DI.ERY, Ike. and *o»bdi a efiptim granted by thecotgiuuliity to tire old fit WILLIAM ANDRE 9 B. T. NIC1 Anguata, Jan. 5 . . alien Milling k*r oidiumy p.. • hGKoE.’v belonging to toe eel ii ■■ Minna. , aid cuuuty, doc'd. * oomcm, tor IceVe to sell toe Lie of By id feint, tair Fel.r JOHN FLETC.IER, Guar. F NOUR mouth* i •lata Mpplicatiuii will Imi made t« «vitUi*at iiuin. FBNRIMMED un.t PlumTumcioo-; ritruwsnd Leglinm JR lJuue ulde ou:., t» Urea u*w»riotfiit. For snle cl.i-uj bv MOGUL Ac TAltVr.U. Jan.29, IffW. 52-tl Ctopiiitocnlikp Notice. I ll A VK taki'ii PulMski J. Tramiurl mmfio»iue*e with me, and briOulUi the busion** will be t-muluctod uu- Uer tuc *(> HP aou iu in of Hoist and ‘I laum.el. Joll.v A. llriK-Vi'. PULASKI J. TKA-dMEL. January 29 52. 2t slung tug to the estate of William »o*Hmg,dc HAMILTON DUKE,/ . . , r -1 4m ROBT. SNELLING, \ Adu * r '* F OURumnuIim after date, application will be made, to the honarable the Interior Court ol Harris cuu.ny. .oy CM Aril son, dee'd. February 9 , fofongiag Io the eataia of ri. U. 'I bump* J, J, UXONPdOS, Adw’r. ry, 1036. t 4as I Jaaaary i’uraor aud Rtctierd U. Lane, Admini-ittabire, IU» uMtate of Esoui'Turner, ileo’d. apj.lw* to me lut letter* of di*nn*»iOM from the shmI .-Mole. 'Tba-e are tberrtore incite and admonibh all and singu lar lire kindred nnd creditors tff thr • ai?* ?10vM. to fa and mppournimy office, within the lime prescribml by law,In *Uew cause,If any they have, why *aal letters ufdisuiia *i<u», akall gut fa grunted. Giveu under tny fand at office, tlu* 11th day «*C Jenna- inac HRNKY FairiKINri.C.C.a M tei Aew c oitl ctioiiiiry AND CHOICE GUOCERIE8. (oppovitf toe liiffiiiHuce Baub.f . • TKX HE Mtib*cnl.ers fag have to intorm lire pnhlir tlint JR ihoy me now prcpoii'd •«» tuio**h every artiefo umu- niiy kepi in tin? am,to hoe I«'*,Loh* und Woddiugv, iu.oiffht'd wnhevery tunny oi c kc*, jvc.Ht mIioii notu-o. t'ai.dic* aim all kioila <Jt Si gi.r wink, u i-iiuiaclured by limm, wnrrauted Aiuuu^st the aiti tek new re living ure 25,(»i 0 Suiierior Segsra. 5,fJ00 Preu.ium do. 10 Bfixc* choice 1’ob.uco 50 Jure two* India Tr.’M?rve«, 25 do Piokele 75 Wlmlc. nail, Ac quail.-r noxa* Jiuisms 2" Boxes Now Frui.n*, vbdiutUMirew Fige ],bt/0 lbs. LofiU-uiix AiiikukI* Matuasny, Champaign, Foil,Claret, FrotriJgtuve, Ms- dv'ira aud i Vnenff W mes Fretu-h Mu*mnl, Currants, Capers and Sardines Ci'iuu and riuuar Toy s tijocod »ahumt in small Kegs Boiognsi ifouiMge, I'ior Apple Clree*e Dried licet, .ioap,c doured aud White Sperm CoadisM, Lout and Il.ii.uirt Sugar Uuuva Jcllcy, tveuwp^, Sweet Chocolate, bwe-t Gil,New Rice, Buck VVIteai, Crackers, Beet*, Oinmia, citron, Scotch HerringM, Jujube Paste Acc. Acc. Ace. N. B. Wanted two appnmtiea* to the Contectionary Buriness. Pc.*ou» taught any ilianrh of the above bu- •into* for a reosouabla compeuaatimi. fei'lV Locke ft Wli»l AVE taken thi* Wore r.'crutltf^iwrtpfaf for Gag* V T ' Feather*ton, oppo-in* the lanrincr Bank, Bread Street; where ilisy will offer a getreytf iasortweal m DRY GOODS AND (/ItOCEKIEd. %W January 29.1 fi tfi. -^b !•—fit Jjimiarr 29 riTARR it RUSE. 52 tf B««*kWllD*a» Fills. j^AOR RALE at UR4UUART is WARE'S, Braad- 9'fiW Arrttv ROOD ft SI H AVE taken Mr.. Will. Stal imriuerof John Dill, Er ami will in furore, tmmoict btn ... . . o r . T , of Lumpkiii hikJ Itouuoke, Stewart eo. under the j STAWiim, 8 fMOUl c*.' Iteifa thankful forth* pstrufafrtfay has pKcifully *o1h it a cutmuatUMt from the j u tends generally. arff'A. P.-ROC • C. B.8K1 jT. . WM. “ Resnoke, Stewart eo, JaR. 15 Rule* Nisi to esliibll Muscogee Superior Court- T a; peering to the Cun _ Elay, that he «a* Intel, promissory note, of which $>50 One dsy sfterdate, (’ be*rer, two huadi^*"^ >f him, this 19th . . . -Jr — ■ MARY ANNEiBIOtY. And that tlie atid original now is last. It Is ar.Wed il»i «h .tar. ata t.reguinf rop T b. i!ra ■•f nid Iw. .1 unlra. um ta**— ta ttt.. c3iur«r> Mttamat "nprfihM n n at Uw it.V ta a*n>ed parMallr «a Uw D Swdfj Jtj f wOHm ia^Mta niowtaita-wR aarm V «... —! ttlf wAfc'fJBWlW! at rta wmi* tor ihmttotoKW pmhr taptodaH nt Uawyto am Mat ton. atMm Vunrt A true eitoc t urpaUhMM. . , --■» . __ r r ASERARD RCRCII. tXt «.f . .. - ■