Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, March 24, 1841, Image 4

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W? : - r (7 m. -- - r . W* >* **-->. ■si, iuni;is cuUNTi.. U rji L i . :^r, H ih***ra»if*i*Hamilton, Har- \y , j2£^*thHi™iTd**Iaj in ttpnl next, ' hSS& ta^'wfiereon Marian'S; Clfalctor. on b ^ t,,e 1- *» ,n ' ■ ‘ ... li.-N Kaowfer court; in Savor of tt.-iT lived, number not Known, ic>. ,f> Nfe«4. Trait H«™ Superior U» of foddrf, infae or less, one sow And £>-r- - 1 Z*ri- ltJest.-l wg. 1 +*M a, “ 1 , ' ra<lk ’ ,"'?■ f ' 4 • » jn-op^rty fit K e * * plow gem* M.'V'* V. :* 2a’f r .,iK c’K&fseiaSftss 4 fa,, A, mH Hi. *«' fa" * al ♦*»“• /ii i syi’r: •“ •• i •» ... . -v-rt irr. ill in the 20ili Dist. of k*i«l Also one f ojgj J)ist. of diiul comity, also one all levied on a.v the property of me of a fi fa issued (Voin Mus- K’oii No. 120, in four wHeei carriage, ♦» said Turner. MARION COUNTY. SUMTER COUNTY. W ILL L-e sold, on the first Tbcsdn-y in APRIL, al the eourt-boase in Americas,riumter couftty* TROUP COUNTY. bcrtveeu the usual hours of , - r I*ot$ oi lAnd numbers one hundred. aiu. two. oi-e hundred and three and one hundred •and sixteen, :u. in the' fifteenth district of. formerly Lee -now Jupiter county', levied On as the property of* Elizabeth Gafifiji* tO satisiy two fi fas issued from Sumter srrp.erior court, in favor of James L. Ross vs Elizabeth Gauglh Pro pe*tv pointed outby said Ross. yVlso, half pfJot of Land number thirty-six, in the W ILL be sold at the court house in La Grange,: Ti Trdup eo.5rit£, on the first Tuesday iu April, Ixfaween the usual hours of ^-.liv One netrro woinriizby the it nixie of Flower, 25 years old, one boy by tiie -name of Sepp 12 years*frld; lev ied Olhaa J | D — , satisfy a P. Robinson." Property pcfiiSted oat hy B. 1\ Rub i if son.. * . - - » « j Three' nrgrfeea. to-vvit: George a pum aboutSJO 1 > S T7 0UR uiouths after date, application Will be We GROCERIES & COUNTRY PR6l>U'CE fUle j x* to tlia honorable tlie htfertor cunr* ot TronjU'outp 1 F. Mt-MUKKAY k Co.'. •"> ‘ «.*sitting-fur. urdinafa. purposes, for leave to .sell let of ! >s fiFER f or on very acconiinddatirie terms,.am iiuu\ No.- >iy the sevellui d^i^triutr se«Ti,on, ^ j \ / \ V jU keep constantly on hand, a general a^tfort u-*:-; . lee COUNTY, ■ 'XXfll&'kc sold at iheyonrt house iu SturttsviHe V ? X< e e comin-. on the first .Tuesday in April next^ between die*usv^i hours of foie, ^ . . ; ‘ : j,d; .. . ^ Four bags of ginned cotton, also two hundred weight formerly Chero^ge v but now Oinou county, beiOugmg meut of e or Ie^s; of eiimed cottomlevie^l on us thcprcpei^v tn (he orphans ot Thomas Hicks dec tL late ot Green ; q couhfv, fcVthe beneni of sa;d orphans. - fc - ' .'\V.-B. MALONE, Gii DOCTOR FALL, TpOB.MEIJ.LY of Morgan, but now permanently set- — - - — - . , v i Jl tied iiv Decatur, DeRalb county, Georgiu. lias .leon very acconunodating terms, W \ ggfae&si&ye,#, vitli naustml ,ua^> all furies 1 ofDropev, and tor die last 14 years has given his un- . _ j , i divided attention to the treatment of that’disease onlv. Groceries ar.d Country I roduce, j His treauneiA is entirely on «unew plan, aiut ranch su- onsisting in part ot Sugar, CoitVe. Molasses, ^a1t, jyeriorHo thaL suggested by ^uir best medical writers.- Troup co. March H A t the sanitf time and v.dlhbo sold, The- south half of k>t of lend Ntt. 2h 4, and -0 acres I T^OVR months- after date,-application _ to the honorable the inferior court oi TjArri tv. when si'mgg as/a court o’f_ordinary, for leave to sell the landed estate oi Sarah Heard, la ft* ot said ^deceased. . _ A. \i ; .- llEDDDs G r Lx!r. March 3 Id 4-n j I'lour t Trou, Nad Both*, lluop Iron. Cast.-Gemuan and j 'plus impi'oveiheutiie claims as made by himself.—- _—__ —1 Blistered‘Steels Nails, CustingK,- Bagging,' Rope, l)iis t .• Ht‘'invites rR dropsical persons and persons alHicted ill be inntle uVMiite Lead, (Bass and ! Putty, Bacon, Lartl, Cbrh, i.^,fth liver tttsejJtse*und asthmatics, to cglj on him. Hu Gormneiri, .and all other articles generally sold in the | j ias practiced Medicine in Georgia, more than thin*/ Grocery Line, (iinudrs, excepted.J.. ~ 1 '' 1 T : viv. ... *v.^ v...i r F. McMLBKAW ' Oulniribtis, Feb-24 *J-tf. ALLEN FLEMING. ..SillTli; BEATTIE & Go. \TCTlO>* Ayp CON-'HSsloN MPIICHANTS, C. Sullivan, Esq. levy made and returned ^o.aie by a constable. . t . ^ ■' . Also, one fraction in the tweivy-eighth district ot jbwOerlV Lee liaw Sumter oouiity, the place whereon Jajne^.M. Weadierspoou fordieidy lived, adjoining Jhaiiis of Moses Dob hi us and others,, to satiny two ti fas, one from. Sumter infcnor coyrt, la\‘or of' Solo "ILL be sold before the court hous<* door Tazewell, ou tlie tirsr Tuesday in April next, between the usual hours of sale, T TJ ^ Ucehnfigv, levied on us tne jiropeity of 3*. Jv HM- Irr, to satisfy one ii fa issued from Marion superior eonrt. in fdvor of James A. Danger vs-S. cc M. J. court, in favor of "fine lot of land Nh. 53, iu d4 31»t Hist, nrfgmaUy Le# ho%V, Marion county, taken, as the property of Richard McGee, to saJudy two ii fas Issued from a lattice court of-said county, one in favor- of Cox t* snid McGee, and one in favor of & Battle rt §aid McGoe. JO.SETH C0B.B, d shiff. •Moirr&AOKSAjLE./ At the same time aiid place-, wilfbc sold, Three negroes, to-wit: R;u;uy a .woman' mid lier. mo-children/ levied on as the property of John '^Jt- tbo«vs, to satisfy a mortgrf^e ii a. from Marion lnfenor entrt, C. L. Miwhis vs John Mathews. Property point* l out in said fi fa. January 27 ^pbiihtins gttdmeysV • ' / Also,-One fi'fn from Sumter iiifcrior court' against August us C. Mann ni^iavPT. of Solbinon CLr-itl ai and Land, levied jutt* une ce grew in an 25 or 20 year's old, by the name of Abrard. Also, lot' of land iiumber 6r.b 'One yoke of '.oxou. one ox wagon, one buy mufe nultr, r*t'o fertile* beds, oiie small table, oiro p*%Sfi^'0.tic pan, two pails, one tub, eftfe ^iujung wheel-, 4’op.r’ bottom chairs, levied oh ds the property <4 John E«t- luan, to'satisfy oilila u-oui^Troup su^eiior^ourtUi fe- of Moses Potts v$ John Eatiuan. One lot^of land in the hull dk-tVict -of Tropp-doubly, where Bryaid Edinondsoii-abw ‘comaiur’.^ 20:2j. abre?. with the iinprovement thpjeon, levied bu a? the W ILL be sold before u» r "ari iwuscmn ... Kbi-rys s*id Wealuprspoou. i'ropc/ty [>Gimea out oy property*of Bryaiu Krhnoiidsoivthi satLiy a d fViVom, Tazewell, on the first Tuesday hi April^o€»t, . ,,iaihtifik.^hximeysf '* - * --Troup-^sujreiipr-court, James G. Duvis vsDiymlt Ed- '' vK -* r * ' moirdson. tr -/' , Pe*$T?C*NT.fc S'AT.K. ' Oi5B luLise. and lot' in of West Point, known ^ j as Even's (L Ile^dds lot, hnded on as the pv^q/erty pl‘ hundred, in the tweinj-eLhll. diAricl nf for'- j C. Ueath. to one/Trfro.n, Troup-.u- reedv tee new J-mntei- countv. 'Suid TW^Cr^rptSar- i Vfnov.coun, hi favor oi A-.nOTd E. Beu^.u vi E. O. et l o,ftbv auc-Bcys. *• l. Deala * ; II. i.AVEit, Bu ti. Also, one lot driaad, the place whereop -Muses’ I the >;une time aivl'jjlpre will he sold, bobbins now. Fives, in the twenty-eighth district of [■ One hegro man-by die nainc bf Jes, aboitdd years Form ark nmv Sn'mter couiiLyi JV^wum^ lands y>f ] 'did, levied-on as dte property ot J-uhe6 R. Slriugiel; '.Truths 5*1. "Be W efrd ic rs j *f»on, an-l f-jthe/s, levied off as:; ioyr, to satisfy twd-li tronl v I!rbnp supcriitr court, in the property of Monlecai J,. He'jy and 2iIds-?sI3. Dob- ! iavor of Amos Si. --Graybill - and QL.ers vS^aivl trU’ing- binK, to satisfy a ti fitidMavo/ ofiohn Rowan. • ; fellow. Also,' one lot «£ Uml^mber o»c ImfidreH tad hlne. \ . f tJio- name of;i.ary 22 yea« tad the... .divided Of lot uumbcroaeh'undrt.l and oU > .Anansfi. a hoy seven years o/, I,ob. a oo.hte • - • . „ , . : . T t, years old. levied on as .tne property oi \> iliimii «eo- ; •: ! ! T ® ^ v 1 ', P ^-“'1 er.™.,. prj...-i P -.l,- and JameU‘. Strlns.frfl.Av and So- ‘ S' ’^Pn-i^/y.V'‘^ouli iMee,s„! jh - t cori)V tM s ,„one fi la from crrvrrm- fi rv- rt vn.v of ^ H ®«wp taPe-ior court, in fhvor ofThomus Stocks, E.<- e[Ti P J f OII\ \ nl t>anr.,iel .11. vs. John V. coo and-\ouh Metas. ! 1 r ' T , , T , , , , oL.'i l idv v-v tv.' J L - T"?". .. . , ; ecutor.of Jnlor Heard, deceased, vs said hnucitscu, W ILL he sold on the .first Tnesdny iu. Apr.l, at Uo; er.y pomtett-out by saia'MetaS; , „ _ • Sn'-ii.ofoilow and Ydfcks. - thtk ctrtlTt house in Amerlcus,,Sumter county, , Also, one lilt -of laud, the j,lace whereon Joint K. ' One Idt of latftf, number one,' in-the 7tlv Uisirict of between the usual hours of sale,. Whaley formerly lived,’ in the twenty-eiglsdt district ! Troup coutrty, contaiuiu? acres, one itegre man One town lot, the placed whrreon James I.vucs taw of formerly tv.w ,Sumter county, levied outosatii- j bvtliO name of ITtil, 30 years old’, levied on as the prop- lire*, number ante, s.j.iare leuer F. levied «n ns the fy a.ii f;i from Sunder inferior court, hi favor of.Hen- •,- e ; tv8 f j, )g . c. AVeeks, to satrsfylu-o ti fas frotn Troup propert* of Joinoa Lyr.cs, to sstieiy two amid- fi fas m ben 1--. Hunt. I’roperty.nohited out by plaintiffs attpr- . Mui;t-rior~co.lyr, in favormf. William K. Cram and utle J'stor ot Andrew M. Dermott vs James Lines. Levy trey. ! ers'rs said Weak*. -ne/le Su'd returned to me by a constable. - Alan; nr.e lot of laiV’, the place wliereoa- Elijah ! tHJi (funllred’ aeres of land.’ Ijtinp in tl.e. I2tli Hist. One lot of land No. ?$, in Lite 26fh Biat; of formerly Butts' family now lives, ia the fifteenth district of lor- | D f Troup c./u nbyj mai rf. t-p "H 1 drty.t; f W1 Hi a un G.’Ertas, ■Lee, now Sutmer county, levied 6ar.s tim property of 1 nierly Lee now rftnjntc-r county; levied onftp s,i!i. : fvf li j adjoining the hinds of Early and Hiyinov. er. in favor John Dupree, to satisfy three small 11 fas iVoui'a justice' ! ft in favor'of Larkin Criffir. v^. .Mark M. Ilrmytr. j of J. A .T. A GO. vs said Evans. I'rpperty conrt of said cot-my. in favor of George W. B- TiitViis i Elijah ’Butts and Etimund Pt arce. ' Property p’ointctl 1 pointed,oe.L by- deft-ndant. 4* John Dupree and TIilliard Ditptce. Levy made J out by.saidlfiriffirt. j One bay mare ievie 1 on as the property. ofAInsen and returned to me hy a constable.' j Also, one lot of land, nnutlter not known, in the six- j Vwii.ks; to sadsty-ono ii la from Troup superior t-aurt; Tlie south third part of lot of laud No. 113 in 17th . teetph district of formerly Lee nov.-.Suniter comity, the | favor of Fears Cc Saflpld vs said Wilts- ’ l*ropdrty IJist. of formerly Lee now Sumter coumy. levied cn J place svhercon .laeob Little tu.w lives, levjdd’oo as the ; pointed out by deieudant. ns tlie properly.ofJosiali Sanford, to satisfy two small,! property nf Jacob Little, fas from Bum- | * ^ smn ,{ UKire f 0 v ir v e orf levied otr as the fi fas from a justice count of said comity, in of | tor superior court, rufe in favor ot WiHtam I'. Malone of j„ yi j{, jW< . n * iaftsfy ono ii fa from Fuller vs Josiah Saafonl. Levy, made j vs. Jacob Little uod_Daniel_N. LtUtV, principal,-and-j TvJnpyuperuir.court.’ in fdvor of Fears A S.drbld vs aid Bowen, Ift-operty puiriieftbur by ilefeudauG favor ht John C. SheiHoId vs said Yfillis Cimmpiou Levy made nod returned by a constable. Tlie nvjdftftded half of lot oflaud’number Sc’-yenty Two, ia the-14th District of Lee-county, pine_U.nd. lue nldCe wjp-reo:] lb irmn. Smith may lives,.’ levied "U at. the property of Joshua Levinitm, to satisfy ah ta iron, the shneflor court of T.e.e conntv.. iu favor ef.tTnrviSon .niotithsmfter;date, application will’be made eue in , - -the. honorable the interior cerr. ol Stew eft | -r-jt^yja jusfre.: eived aSi offer ethmivate sale ho,, — I count v, wlteii sitting for -ordinary purpirttn;, tor leave r0 bhlV. A. Brandy. 10 do Cider Brandy . ’ ! tusell'the reatesmte of Joseph Bowel!, fate o. saul : co bbu A jy; „ u J„, Holiand Gin ■•-enr-- ! county,- dee'd. JACOB TOV. ELL, Atlm. | ' Stewart co., jifaroif 3 "tb 4m | i years awl although new unable to bear the fatigue of j benertti’practice. 13 willingio do all llmt he can, to rc- , Ji L . V e snfiifrinir humanity, if persons will come to him. i If preferre'd, lie will undertake cases on die principle I of mo cure, no pay. ’ March UL lL'wlt-mtf Id.'.AC PEEBLES, shT’. the superior court t.f Lee couaty,. iu favor Jones and Joseph Bond, administrators. Ac. vs-Join ".a Levin’ing and - NatliJn jester.‘and one’ fi fa front a juay rice eo’ert-of Gee county,. in t'ay'or of Henry K Hatun way-vs Levjuhtg, orincipil, and Will,am B f; n- nett. endorser. A. liYSON, d.shS. A IffNIINISTKATt)Il'S SALE.-,Wi]l be stild.'on Tuesday,iiltri of April next, nr the hate residence -of Nathaniel H. Hands, deceased, all the personal and perishable property belonging to’the estate ot tlie said deceased-. Teritts made kuowu on'the day of «**<?. A. II..FLEW’ELLEN, u hu. --Columbus, March. 13. lc ll . Tlf-td.* , TtBlftt, mouths utter date, appltcatioit wilt be made ! £*. to flip honorable the Iiiierjor court .of Mitseogtfe | countv, when sinieg fora,rdimiiy-purposes, forMeavp to sell die teal eStale ot'.Baiauel Lytle, deed. - WAI. IlAliiTN iiKLYEKS, Adm’r. : janua’rv 13 ’ , “ ul do.. N- JtUuu, lb-do. r!t. Croix linm 75 do. reutihed live Whiskey, a gt-jil m-tieje 10 do. Momnigolmla Whiskey, do, 100 SarksiSnU, 10 Jtt. Cttxaidora’s Sej5*A_ • in. < fee ess. 5 nf. Rbgtliia LaUnioii do 5 lie lie e-fee 10 aii.C.tu,liters Bemira 10 biles ciUeetmg and fiuirjng, 5 case 0 Calicoes j>50t pO.ELARS REWARD. T HE subscribers will give U>e abore reward oFtwe handrctl ami bfty dinars for-the .oppreiiensuiu -and delivery oi .JOD-N T. FINGKAKD to the tflic- "rifrei* Talbot county, Georgia, to staml lus trial, iu ilm wiagerior Ccnirt* ot* s.iid county, for-tho murder oi Geo W, Cafter, tleceascd, committed by Joirn T. Pinckard | oibihe 27ci of'Fcorixary last. ihq .said J. d. I inck F OUR montlts after date, application will be^ade .id the -honOraMe tbe iuibrior court vf Muscogee coanry, when sitting for ortiiuary jmrposes. for leave to ell afl die real estate belfnigin^ to A\'m. W. Smith; dc- easbd. . DOZIER THORNTON, Adm'r. Jaa. 23 3!) 4in ] 3(hSTP0NED ADnIFN 1ST RATO iVS SALE.—- Will'be sold, before tbe court : liol$e door in Car- roHtou, Carroll coiun;^, on the tirst Tuesday in June next; let-of.laud number two iian lj ei L aud* twenty-f dir. in'the tciUli district, the property oi Ai'thur p'inidu late of Troup eoimiyi dece/iserk Terms made k.iio.wn on the day'ofsaie. ■ \VM. DOUGHERTY, adm. LnaTaH jc, Ida it h 17 . • ■ " ' 12 t.ds ~. F I.STPONED ADMlNISTR ATOB'S SALE.— Will be sold aiilie court Imimcdoor in iliedouifry ■oCTronp, on the* first Tuesday in Al.iy next, w'iiUiu the usual boms ol sale, Lbe-uegr*>es belonging to the estate of- James Peavy, decM. Terms liiaJc kno^Vn on the day of sale. , A. PEAVY', Ad in. Troup co. Miircii 3 10 td be I^QUK, MONTHS alter (lute, application av _IP made to the honornhle the inferior court 61 Meri- v/etlier'cpirnty, wlien silting for ordinary'purposes; lor leave to -spH stmth half of .lot' ot loud No. 13if and. 30 -acres N.-E, cnnie/ol lot No." 1L). all iisthc 0th Dlst. origlmiRy Troop low Meriwether cOmlta’i to be sold "l a..../, r Tl-rii»r.nV the benefit of the orphans of Tb<iio?ts Coker. PRECIOUS CORER/Guaf. Greenville, Feb. PJ < ppi»R m^iulis aher date, .application made J. to tlie hxmornble'. the inferior court of DoRall> w -v ^ r - al ----- - ard is jt’w^ll-inadc man, oi insinuating manners, frou» j 1 box Ready-Mtule Clothing.of superior cloths . 23 to 2 > years old, weighs about or 170 pounds, and worfe&uinsEtp . ! with light4udr ami blue; his height is about 5 it. C bfNes faahioiiAb.le Black Ilnta [ IT inches • he fr^ipicntly speaks ot httving done a heavy 1 tlq. do Drab do.^ .. 1 meTcainile business in Macau, GeoGpa; lie also per-] 3 doz. sc alette and.cltnn ceps, of all stzes 50 Ibis. GenAsse^ G >ihu! Flour , v ., Country merchants -will be supplied xvtfit .anr Uie above goodie at a sutall percent, above N. York cost. AucFon Room, 2 doOrs below. Cphnnbus Bank. J umiury 27 5 tf ! firms well on tlie violiii ;uul otherniMsical instruments.j .1 K^SE CARTER, LITTLEBEREY CARTER. ’■ i: ih 37,. charge as abovt Hats asd caps* icrii upictl’-by /^Alabama Joan - puu.-f‘ Talbouou, March i7, 1^11 ~j_ ^ la-*; R END Y M AD E CL OT II1 N G CHEAT* -l'OIt CASH ! rj-HIE subscribers lutVe tak.en'tlie-store furmerly-om | n-IHE nni’ersi n eJ next to the Bank of Gvlmnlus X t-upied bv Messrs. J. B ’Green & Do, aixl .are-, | i)a# ttimHlt .„ ce rlT£X; ? iv'^ ? hisstock of ’county,- sittiug for orjinary pftrpeses, li* leave to sell but of laml No. fifty -seven, iu the first district ol Loc-_ j COunlv—tbe same lining a part .if the real estate ot Wilftufn F, Jforris. lute .of said coun’v, dee’d.’ BAR MEDIA K. MOillUS, Adm'x. DeEalb co. ,l;m. 27 «?»*.' I AOUlLmoutbs afterdate- application wifi be made . -to tbe honorable the inferior const of said comity. V DMINISTUaVTOIi'S SALE.—Will be sold on, j Y. the.fii'st'Tc.e-sday isi May next,-agreeably to nil order of tile-inferior Court, when sitting'for ordinary ----- - - - .• , ...o ., , , _ V , ,,, , . -.vheir sitting tor orduihvy purposes, tor leave to sen purposes, Aasom a man about an-, ears old. C-n.nlintc a , ‘ ... t i,„ 1 • , r , -, , t ■ i . lots Na s. ten. eleven and tv. ciitv-t« o, m >tne se. oii.r Ctrl afetml IST.vcars old, Julif aud lscr Uirccvtotldica. . • , . a-r^.t- t,.,., • ,, /. . - i • i . . district of Lee. county, befons^na to uieestate of Jack bold as. the property ot James fioocle, tie <L arm m. 1 H.kVrffi^rL dcc'di Al-..?d'U.'e negroes l.eloiiging the benefit oi hb-heirs'and cv^clitm-s. Terms on the j dny-oV sale. ' . BENJ'. SlbEPnERI) r Adm. LaCIrrui£e, Mrlrh 3 ‘y Id td 4 DMINHS r PR aTOPUS t>.lLE.-7-r\Vill b.o -sohUm il r.^t r Cue sc lay in.TH.ay next, at the court henjse iu Cassville, Cu.-s county, agree ably. uTah 'order ot tipi W’nltnn \V. Teller va Josiah. Sanford. Levy made ! v.\ Jacob Lilth? and Daniel N. Littte; prnjctpal,-and. j |p r y n piuReriorcourrViii"&vor r *V SrtlibJdVs Inferiorarourt of-Dtyat-hr ct»uuty, wh^iip'itMii^ -Fur or- and returned to me by a constable. _ ) Adafn IXandin trud Win. D. Sri't, .setuirixy on;appeal;-I Pro 1 >eny pejiniribouf by <!eIctid'ant. dindry purpO'.u-^ cue lot of lau^UNo. '$fn iu^uio lf»tli The north east half of lot oSflaiid, No. 101, hi ihe 26 _j one m fiivdr of TEdwii* Morir^omory, adrhiiiistraUU'. vs j ’ N - * - ' * ‘ . > ... lir Dist.aiul :}.d.^ec.‘of orbruKiily Cherokee but now Cas^ district of Formerly Lee. now .‘•'uniter cauuiy, Ie vk.Fon | Jacob Little and Kirhhrd'Sa ter, prinrfipa!,.,-mal James j ^ i:e sorrel hm^o six years. oitR and briule. saddle c . ouirtv Sold as phw prfcper.ry of Saimiel • MTiliaTns, esthe piopcrtv of Hihiard J. Dupree,to satisfy sundry j T. Hunt, security on appeal, i’rrtperty pointed out by j . ycwicd ou ns tue^rope.rty.of. ixi- am '^ er / < r.q a i e . D p Defeat ai f ciieutv*. for the bcuehioi' ljie fi faa frr.n, curt of said cun.y. dire- in faV-.r j Jacob Little. ' ' | V - tt^y, to 3;u.s.fy sm.m-y 1. lift from 1 roup aapenor ul;d _ cre .iitcrx of said deca.-ed. WUUar-i M. Johnson vs Hiiliard .1^ Dnprce, -one in | ^ Also, one lot of kind''number one hnnlred ab'lsix i l ‘ n; ’ tm c i rnrcvou rts; Lti tat or ot I’earsA. ^i^iudatrd ot i- j YGM. VEADOj^Y, Adm’r. ■■faTor of Jehn I>. CoJ^mvii A Co. vs Hilliard Dupree, \ m tlie seventeenth districfoi* ibrirterly Lee i.v.y Sum- ! ers v ® ■said FeavV. j NIARY A. WILLIAM.^, Ad’ibx. pniirijia!. and Jolin- Dupree, security, two in iavor ot* ! v^r.coun'y, levied on as the pronerrv of Gabrlcd Parker j' One negvd»wotnaoJ\y t7:c ngiiie 'of'.Do- pl*!s.. T*0 years' -1 Batuhrfdge, Feb. 24. 9 td iorffeph Aycocli \’s HJiRarrf'^. Jjjjpree; ft • and returned to me by r. con stable. Lot of land, No. 192, In the 30ill’Dist LoP'tiow Sumter coiuii.v, levied nn as Uie NS*i!Ua»n Hrears* to sullsf? one-small tj hi I to sard dee’d* JAGiv \V ELDORN, Adm r^ Lee co'. jaimary. 2.7 now ottering a lar^e aqd well selected slock oi'HATS and OAFS, consisting of *“* Moleskin Reaver Hats, superior <pialhy Fashionable Black Rea\ er Hat.-*, do. Broadbrim' tio do do. do smooth fur Russia Reaver Medium do. do do Fashionable Russia Beaver Ilats do "Satin Beaver do Broad brim Dritb Russia do * do do Beaver ; dv> .Black shiooth FirtTIids, for boys do lian't ' do do Drab simVotli fur do do Black and Drab Wool Huts, superior quality ]*»» ens and boys Hair l^eal Qaps Gent's, sup.brk doth Travelling Caps, new style do Fur Nutria Caps do do do do do Muskrat do Boys.Coney Caps, do Velvet do do Fancy Cloth Caps, hew style Atthe kign of life- lafg^bal, ope d- TT^QUU uionths alter daie^ application will he iiiade I'Oolumims ErM-uirer Ofiice, where parch, • tv» the^honorajjle kUa'iiifwior Cqurt of Lec .eoun- peeirkliy invited to call and examine. below the ers are res- f thd L v T whemsutmg as x court of ordinary for ordinu?ry. 1 purposes, fbr leaVO to sell tho Negroes belt)aging to thc’usuitadf Mercer, late of-said county, clec.’d. ANN MERCER, Adufx. October IA 42 4m . A O U R l^oii il is ai te i* appUeatioii will be. made to the .honorable tlje Inferior' Court' of Harris iiOO^tVj Wueii sitting'for. ordinary purposes, ibf- lenve tp sell (bo re-Ql.cstalo bl-Elbert B. Dujm, Columbus Dunn and Salma Dana, minors of Waters Dunn, dee'd. rrourt of Walton county, i ft favor of VVoodfe! cars. Levy made and-ren puclr'uliv invited t JAMES T. EFriNGEIv A Co- Broad sti CoUimbu?, Feb. 3 0 tt Ready 'Made Clotliitig,; eonsisting of t)vcraotits, Cloth Clonks, Boston Wrappers Blanket Coats, Frock and Dress Coats oi every cies-j criittion Blue, Black, Cadet mixed f ants ( Cassiiuere do. Keiituckv Jeans Frock aucl Dress Coats, do. i uiiutj Bia^'k and -'Figured riilk Velvet \ ests ^ Woollen Velvets, Plain ami Fight Satins . Cloth and CfXssimcre. together w!:1i some low price A beautiful style of Sillf and Outtmi 1 uibrcllas AY*"lien «lad'CoUouShirts ami Drawers Ciittoif.Shirts with Linen Bosoms and Collars Colored do. Linen Rutiled <i<>. Silk, Cotton and. Merino Half Hose , ; GLoYesy-Suspendei'.', Linen Collars and Bosoms . Stocks of every variety, Cloth and Hair Brushes Cologne, Fur and Seal Caps, dials Traveling Trunks and Bags, &<*. A Fine Assortment of ROOTS> SHOES AND PUMPS. AIsd : —a large lot of Negro Clofhijig. " Tho above urricles will be sold as low* for CASH as they can be had in this market. J. S. SMi'LH. Columbus, Doc. 4 45 ti : 'v", LOOr'QUT"! ^ O R OCKh OlvD. T HIS distinguished .Stallion will niake the present Season hi the neighborhood of LaGrung^, Troup county, Georgia. It is only necessary to say he was shed by Pa.rifir, full brother'to Bertrand, out of Kux- [ v CAUTJO.V IS TilK PARENT- Of SAFETY. V N attack ofthe'‘Files’' may be positively pie v en todbv udimr (when the }u*niionitory syinptoui.j aye felt) thts celebrated HAYS" LIN IMENTi There jcorc* tliaii' olie hundred people is this city, and in Ujdted States &u ( itniucu»e number, who have ‘aimall bv Wilktes Mmleiwui, (the dam of Betsy Bate- - the lamed fctat^s au< limuei^e number, v. o iu -c mi. Cnan l.y Timolcoiii n»id is dull brother to the renowned , R>red beyond ismuram e hy ims dreualci couiyUiu: face horse, ChestcHIeld. Darficuluts hi hnnd bills in < who keep tliemse.ves wliollv h ue from attacks ».» aj a' few uavs -J. C- ANDERSON. [ plying this Limn unit when they tuel any symptoms <> Felruafy 1 / thereon ftl.-ClwWvEEDrm.-rlj livej, iu rfie twenty- | K.fa from Troup ufieriormaurt in favor of Wiley c.iehth district of fanhcrly-Loe nmv >7muter county, j Sterling vs said Alc&Vain principal mi l Haralson, e .... a. tlw property < i iLcnarcl MufSoftlrl.-k. to j dorsef. A. ii. ULK'MAN Y, .L slFlI'. satisn* two ii pis trom-^>un».;cr*superior court, in favoj o; JorOmiah Lampkiu vs.'Said 5h:Gofdrick. Property pointed .nit by Jeremiah Lampkin. Feb. 5 IF A AC McCRAUY, d vs \V llliaiu Micars. by a constable. The north easthalf of lot df laud No. A2, in die SfCth district of-formerly Lee, now isnmier county, levied on ns tho proj^erty of JaioesO. Pickett, tQ.satisty three s.ifinllfji fns from a justice court of .S!ewart counry, ir favor of Frederick xv’.illx, bearer, v.a James C. Pickett, endorser. Levy matlc ami returned .to uie by a con- stable. One lot of land,No. 40, in the 15th Disl. of formerly Lee now Sumter county, levied on i^s of Benjamin .Tnnklns, to satisfy ibur suiail ii fas from a justice court of Marlon con mV; id favor ot Daniel Sim# han T3 Benjamin Jankins and Mordeeni Janrifns. Levy made and renamed to me by a constable. The east half of lot ot laud, number not known, the place ^.iereou Seaborn Montgomery,now li ves, iu ihe j •30th Dist. of former'ly Lee now Sumtcr-.i’oaniy, levied I jimin Jmrkins, ^o satisfy t.Vo it fas 1 on .i* the property of Joseph Mims, to .sati.Ay three ■ ripr court, in iaypr ol Stewart A Fomaiue vs Benja- ^ "hi-Jaukirts; prinniiri!, and J ordhi ai JankinS; stcu- f L’icharil J)cen ( late of said c.ouniy, the l-ciietitof theh'tii*s of said ded’d. ELIJAH, DI Jaiiiarv‘27 Will be sold at the same time and Three, emba halfdots Of latch - nifmU die 1 and eeveiuy-eifjlu; tme htmdi'ed .tiiire^ on# hundnod and setenty-foey ain-i x>f lot uumber one 'Imnrh ed aucl-seventy I saw ah ’ arist mill cur lot numl/er one. htuKked ahd j seventy eigiit, iii the tJinrIi.Hh disinct pV formerly Loo j now Sumter county, levied on ,*s : the pi opertv of.Bon- 'Sirniter snpe At the same rime nn will*be Sold, One hundred acre's of land,’ a pafvof .lot tntuil twh hundred-and tfired, in the 12jih district of Troup county, one hundred acres, part cf lot number, one IEN. -Atlm’r. 5 t mt fV . • v3 lire honbriiule the - Inferior court of Harris aiunry, Jf [' whvuv xittmg for ordinary 'purposes, wifi beschi ort the ripr sOn 11 fi fjs from a justice court of said courtly, in favor | min Janknts' pnnc.qrji of John B. Coleman vs Joseph Minis. Levy made ! rity. Ib^bperty p.'mied cut hv [daintifis attorney. -and returned to mehy a constable- j Also, the west hx!t of lot oi’ land number one bun* One lot of land, No. 1 i>7, in the 2fith Di*t. of for- j dred and seveuty-i\v,>, ai d fifty acres oIf south-east merly Lee, no'.v Sumter county, levied on as the prop- ; corner of id: nuniber one hundred and seventy-three, •erty of James Harrison, to satisfy six small fi fas from j in t’.ic thirtieth ^district of formerly Lee now « ju^tico court of saul coumy, in favor of Vfilltam G. ! e»it:n:.y, levied on as the property of Daniel Kexper to Turiingion vs J a me a Harrison and Haehnliab Me- 1 sr.isfv one ii fa from Suu^or sut'-enor court, in favor Math. Levy made ar.d returned to me fry .vconstable. [ of Jeremiah Lr.n.ykiu vs. Daniel Harper. Property One lot of land No. lfi?, in die JCtUDisliict of for-jj^oiu'evl ora by plaii.riffs sttorhev.- merly Lee now Sumter coumy, le vied oil r.s the prep- . Also, one lot* of land jiuKibur two hundred nfed erty of James Harrison, to satisfy. six:$ea small fi fas - Jimeieen, in-the tiiirtietli imn-t of fiua^erls Lee tow from a jnstice court of said countyy in taa-or **F Jesse j riumter cour’.y. one uriciiyu ru.-i cart, levied od ar C. Jackson vs James TlavVison, Hachaiiv-h M'.Math jtae proper iyof ias-rpU-E Bat’te, to satisfy two ii tRs (»ad Green Brown security. Lcvymrule and returned J iroru Sjiiruc: s*.re;. ; cc ..t, nue in far or niHen.yV/. to me by a constable. La»ti:-irr vs J ' !j A_ Bstri#. oiw» in favor of lahairi One lot of land No. in.ike 27ih Disjt. of former- ‘ Glover vs Jasppi* A- Baulel Propeuiy pointed oat by ly Lee noVv Sumter, levied on a> the .*.;•* sporty-of Isaac . defend mt, - A ' . •* McCrary, to saiifify one-fi ]•» frdm Mo;«er -uperior ALo-, c.-.e ound cr fifiy-r.-ree, in the twen- court, iu favor of Larkin-Grifiih- vs Isaac McCrary.— ) sixth district of formvdy J^ce uo-.v Sumler oomiK*.. Property pointe»l r,ut by. plainri.T. | levied on as the properfy.of V.'!drmill gftttis’fv Tw.» lots of laud, lot No; 2iG and Io; No 23", in rin* one li fa from .Sunitdi* inifei ior-co:a4, hi favor of John 27th Dist; of formerly Lee n- »V Si. rater county fir vied ; Viuev^rd vr- Jacob Cn ivy and Wh.Lrnill Curryi Pro-" on as tbe property of Edwin Jiayo, to satisfy oi>cJI fa < perty jwiuted but by def endant. fron^Sumter superior court, in favor of Wilia \Y. Also, tlie cast half op lot of lar.d number fifty tvfo ^tailings and Thomas Wwxlward vs Edwin AJayo.— bio the twenty sixth disfr-.-t pi' formerly Lee’now Snm- rrojxSrty pointed put by pl ihithk " | .ter county, levied on as the jimperty of James C One lot of (and No. 14-^, ifrthe 21th Dri!. of formerly j Piukett, tu satisfy one fi fa from Sumter inferior court. Lee now fiumic. county, levied on as tbe pfopertv of J in Favor of Y/iliinm \V*T«avnsend vs Janies C. Pickett Reuben R. Pickett, tosap/ify- on'c li fa frill a Sumter t prbptfrty poinLed out bv defendant, inferior conn, in favor of A ken \V. Y. Walb/n vs R : 5u ; Ai o,'oue lot.oflanl nninber pevieuiy-fnur, in the be* B. Pi.-!:eLr,unaker, r.ikl Freeman Aden, endorser. ! seventeenth rlistrutt of . lormerly Lee m»w Sumter Property pointed nut bv piaintillk attorney. . .. I county,. le vital ou as tlv> p'reperty of Dniry >!-un*hr. One lot of land No. 210, in the 2urh Disk offoi'taci - i tn^aiisfyoiie ii fa frqm iiimrer superior coarl. in favor ly Lee now Sumter county, levied on as the property j of \VilLiam Godfrey \s Drury Ivlmray. ' Propertv- to satisfy one li fa from Blunter s .-.| pointecl defends nt. e ys s.anl Bgnics. One sorrel mm^ six years old r one grev maie'six j |3GSTPONE D S ycaiv oivl, levied on as.the projn*rly r.f JoLu B. i'ost, j X Tuesday in M;i to satisfy One fi fa from Troup superior court-, in favor i)f F-amaoi -Mr .Latimer vs said Post. Propeny poih- •.edbat by defendanr. One gray mare. 7 years old. one deaH.mrn wagon, le vied on as tlie property of William EL Hobbs. One road wagon, one bay horse-ten years old, one hay mare five years old', levied on as thei property of Ter ley -II. Williamson, to satisfy one. fi fa from Mcr- iweiher superior court, in favor'of A. M.-Boyd ys William 11. Hobbs and. Torly U. Williafiisoh. Prop erty pointed, out by defendants. Cue yoke of oxen, road wagon, ten head of cat- t’e, n;,e bay marc and cod. levied on as the property of Jr A.I» ickardson. to satisfy two fi fits from Troup su perior court, in favor of Fears and 5 a Hold and others ■ v.3^2rd•Richardson. TUGS DAVIS, d sh’U. At the same time and vvillke sold;' Oiie store iioipue ami. lot in tire town of West Point, lut No. 4 in block -i, now Otey AJUaji^asp as a store house.' Also one house nad lot, nomt-jer f.vo hundred and sixty-four. hlbcL'Ufi, \v he icon Limes G. M_nnl now.lives, tqgoUuu - vxltli a lot of bqoks to-\vit: Toni* ledgers with several other day. books, levied-on ns B. H. Martin's interns! unsaid bocks. Abie metal clock, oi*e counter desk, levied on as the propurty of fieman II. iViarrid, to satisfy Uvo fi fas issued from BLACK i'iCCCE, ... i Winner of tlie Great Produce ritukes at NcRanarket, j 21) ^ubsvrrtbers; and Second in the great Dorsey to soil'Ml'ilie Iu-ikIs in 11 arris couatvv belonging to the 1 Stakes at Baltimore; 0‘J t-r^bfaCiibei s. estate 6f Thomas Suddier, !a?e of said <-omitv."dec'd. ! TO IS trajV g^| rale racer, and capita, v-.-.m; gnl- THOS. M. BURFOILD, | A lb>n, to ute .famous rarors meeie, JAMES G. COTTON, j hi ly T<>wns, Beubo\v, Almrf and Tazewell-, 2S a bcau- 4l!ij , 'l a t. • • . . ..-l.-.. : 1 if nl »1 m-lc in*ii\v!i' irO.'irlx/ TU’liamloood Size i its srjmroafeh; oi* this there is tlie most perfect-pro. *• 1 [{^'Npue Genuine witlvout.the- name of CoMsTOCi. «5c Co. wTitteu ofi Uie vvrapprirsri A - : SOLOMON IIAYS. Sold at Ncl. 2, Fletcher-str^et, N.5 . AIs*v for ralc by B. WALK Ii II, Jiu^uarv <L 2 fim Colunibus. Geo. Harris co. Fe 10 -made, to‘the honftrahiethi^hiferior Court of Sumter oumy. when silting-as a < o6rt ol‘ ordinary, for leave. AiftiiiiHatrutors ! ui'ulifark ftruwn, uoarljr t>!ack, IU -hands,-of good size j — — ' and strength, superior form and action. He is ni>vy j applioaripn will be his harem ;rt Decatnn Defvaib co., Georgia, where he j Vo sell the nor roes belonging to die estate of Charles- H; Simmons, late -of said eomitv, deceased. WILLIAM SIMMONS, aMna Sumter co. Dec.- 23. 52-4m TAOUR months, oifier dale, apjdh;ation will be made Jl to tlie h(»itargblaihoI;;ferior Court Of Macon couh- - tv, Vvlifen sluing fora>riUirury purposes, for leave to sell rife real estate of ItoLl-rt T. Poole, late r»i‘saiil coimry; tWd. JAS.dli GOTTEN; Adiifr-. • Macon co. Nov. 25 4$ 4m I TOUR months alter d at e' appl jeatipu w^lFbe made to the honorable the Inferior '.Court of Marion, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave ALE.—Will be-sold, on »1k* firs: at ftie ccuii't house in Ba ker county, tlie interest of Elias J. Prather, late of Wilkes county, deceased, in It t of hind nund er two hundred'and tv/eiitv in the third district of smd uoimty of. Baker. •■Sold by order ol’tlrejiroReryoutt, for ike benefit of the Ireirs and. creditors of- said deceased.— Tern:s_olkthe day. TALIAFERRO WELT,A, SAMUEL OOk^fLEB, E->V, .... Harris-county, March 3 ' -TO td • to-sell tjie real estate of WTllhipi "Mote, late of sa —-—■*' r—v- 1 ; — — -] obuutv, ik l c’d. BURTON W. DOWD, Adin’r. 3fEGJ.;TpR ?v SALE.—Willl;^ sold before the A.J Court-hotXtfe door in the town of Taibotfoii, Talbot county. Georgia, on ihe first Tuesday in Aprik next, within tlie legal hours ©f sale, a part of that valuable setlienrent ot tand on which George Mowvfee, dec'd, resided, iu Talbutl-.ouuty, Gecj'gia, consisting of-tliree hundred and ninety five acres, being hit i uiuher Lfi2. rind a part of lot number 2-lfi, hi iHe: 23d ;di>irict .of (originally Miitcogee, but i.ov») Talbot comity, having lTRciioftTcd and under good fence. Terms.'. .Notes, with good sjeuuriJ-y, payable on the 1st of March, 1612. WlLIifS P. MENEFEE* Execut # »i . Talbot county, Feb 3 tlt»l rA NECUTOR’S S .? 1 j ket hon:.e in the \ L E.—Wj i 1 be sold at tliA a i fr City of Columbus, on d iC first; Tncsday hi. April next, two hundred shares of stock i n the Yv'usieru Insurance aini Trust Compaiiy of Co- liiRilnis. belonging to the estate of the late* Wilson Marion co. Nov. 25 4 ^ 4m Trd.up superior court, E. B. Terrell Guardian for,P. j YriiHiams, dee d.. Terms ^nade kno,wnv>h the driy. O. H. ai/d u. II; Terrell vs Charles " eipbl and Reman H. Martin, secnrii te l out by E. B. Terrell. ii. Pearson, prin- j- Property poin- i ‘-Troup co. Feb ELIZA P. WiLLIAMri, Ex’rx. •ANDREWS' BATTLE, lix’r. -ig 5‘ id ' WARE-1XOtlSE AND UOJINIISSION DUSU/ESS. rTlifB undersigned have formed a cojiartuership^ uir- 1 dor -the firm of YONGE & BEALL, for the pran’jacuon of a general fifiiruinssion and W a r «- H on se business, at the old stand of Win. P. YTnige, in Front street, op^iosite the new brick dwelling .of J. i.1. Shorter, Escp They intend to devote their exclu sive attention to the above business, and by strict at tention- thereto, liope to hieriU and receive a liberal share of paLr-oiingei When cotton is Intended to I-e sold immediately, they will make nor charge for storage,, and will j-ucad lo the* sale .of the same, if required so to,do. Having a general ac^miinUmc'e with the ptir- nluisets and a true situationof-the market, tiiev believe that they cap generally more than-saye tlie commission, j Their chargts will be in. conibimitv with the rare.V rates aAee iuoon bv the ware-house and commission nimvliants. “ \YM. P. YONGE. ' UJolumJ.nis. SeptI 30. JGSlAlf BEALL. One house and lot Sm the town of West Point, oii the pidodf lire river, TT* X ECU TOR'S S ALE .—Agreeably to air-orrler of .iJj liVtt ho:im“ible the Inferior court of -Meriwcihcr Jeste Harris perier enint, ia fiiver of ^Eduomd Wii!r:.s A Co. .1 H nrris Pmmu-Mr 11. ,i>«^-l .v,it !• «• ..ta -i* Also, one !ul til’ laml iimriboi twn lurtj«!ffcd nnft nine- fjert; in llie tliirijrfh disrH' t of fcniiouy I.oft now ;or county, oik; skow-l>aHfti.Sti-. ton voirs oftl, ie. viol oiiasihe ptbjicrtv of Joseph A. IfttuK-, to r.,i; f-lV one li fa from SumtJ-c Uiierlor uon'i-'t, ia .favrtr of John liavriiervy vs Joi.rnh A. 11 1 t-.h-. Propchy pointed o'ut by Feb. fit: K. J. CO'A'TUl, d. sft'iT. TALLOT COUNTY. Ffteidoy/l Ltdi}, ’iftibot cocirty, ears old aSififia- w ILL be soRi ol the first Tuesday, hi A pril, at of sale, ;ri a c’.rl 4* One tofcnf lot No. L'uiuler letter A. ih the t* America*, levied on ns the property of Seaborn.A* Smith, to satisfy live fi fas fn in Sam er .-.iperior von it, t#ree oflicetB of court vs Am ill). Montgomery A C<>. two in tavor oi' oUicers of court vs Seaborn A. Siuirii. Property pointed out! by otlhvrs of gourt. One i%t ot lamb No. 3], in Kith District of formerly Lee, how Sumter county, levied on as the property of Eii Johnson, lo-sntisfv oY,e li l'a ii*on. jtancork supe-. rior emut, in favor nfLeviu E. Culve^-rs Eli Johnson, Dennis Me reck and Harris Gilbert, Property'pointed out by ptaintiiT. One lot of land No. 210, in the SGth district of fay- merly Lee, now Sumter county, levied'on as tlie prop erty of Jesse Harris, to s.itijy'oiie fi fa Frotn Sumter nlerior, court,-in lavor of George K. Roberts vs Jcssfe Harris. Property poiuied out bv phiintiff. Oi«c lot of laud No. 167, in the 26th district of fo nierly Lee, now Sumter county, le vie 1 on as .the .pro erty-of .lames Harrison, to G.Usfv'twn.Ii fas from friu t-r superior court, hi Civof rtf Jijhn^l. HuJs ""Y", MftMifthi. security on an( l UalidhrlYroWri; to sutafv one small Tt fa • appeal. aniKlreehJJ Br6wn secnritv or. ,.av.ot ex.> | *V, m n c sa ,,| Hf'h T - ” Jiiu ^ U ? r 5“ n !'-’IV. Ofgo.rfi'Co. vs S.ftadrick Ellis. Levy mado and Hadtalitti MnxMtth. -vcoimy on appeal. ;.nd fareen G. re tu^ to me l,v n coftstahle.’ . ' Brown, seoanty pn stay-oi execution.‘ Property nmii-J; ted out By pltinMlIk attonfey. - ' . ^ ] One lot oi ifc'Ui No.'fOT, in the-20rii district of for-.i umnLcr fiot.-J-iTmwn, wliereon >H'S. Cavlor'rov-ides, levrt'd on as the nnN»ertv of Al--j , ..... ... len tl. Stoker; to EaiUfv one tax li fa J Alien G. Slo- j «nu> % w.ic^ s.rr...?ta-ordmarv purposes, v.-.IFl.e'.-.oal J r “■ i on lh' first Lnesriuy nj April next, beioriitlie c^urt ‘ . x v■ , . i, - - x j housedbor in Greenville, Meriwoiher count* ;d/eiween , ? 5tpre.tiom»e and lot No: x in runcn; 4, levied on the usual ii^urs, of sale,. thirly-Tour likely Negroes, as tlie property ol L. Crabagan, to satisfy one tax a U j consiiuiair of men, boys, women and children, belonA •VS Lawrence (iiihagau. • . , ! i; 12 to tlie estas* of Willis Joues, ftec.L Sold" iftr the One house and lot in Liretown oi V. cst x oihl, .Mi tue i ^..poc.v.tra .iUtribnUft. amonif the k-atces. Toin.5 -.vest sale .of tl.e j.vor,-levied upon ns the property ot j ^4khhWoh the dav of safr. , 0 : fi la vs W. A-. ? will stand the cniuhjg 1 season, 1811, at $50 the season due at the close thureof. disblKirged by $-lu cash, or v.'iriri ii the sea sun. 8T5 in.'C.ra'ice, diifli when the same is- ascertained or tlw.‘ Uiui;e troiriferred. Si to tlie groom in each ease. Provisions are lpude for mares, from a distance, and those e.itruste.i fir left with the horse -will receive all necessary attendance, good lots, and pasturage fu. nich ed gratis, and fed with grain- ii’ required, at 30 cts per diem—without stint. No responsibility for accidents or escapes, yet all will be done in orrr power to prevent any. Pi-.iiFOitai ANCE.-y AND Pedigrue—Black Prince has started seven times, tpid vvoii four races ami run three secohflsrifVom one to four nuledieats, from V GERMAN, INDIAN A THOMSON IAN on PnifiitiTC,Pi*nc(iical, Kotauico Medical School Seven miles east of .Marion, near Hamburg. yNT uniting these several Medical systems »n? modm J[_ pf prawticc, Dr. L. R. Timpuis, tlie Principal ot ri:-*- .School beys leave to state for Lhe ittimmration ol die adlicted an..I public generally, tiir.t he. has been many vC(irsT ! ft-'uw*;j’ in tiie practice oi ri.Iciiicjnc, and nns ifevuted much of hd m labor and practice, with many of tho most •intei» , ‘o' i ut • aud secru^etud (icrman and, Indian Doctors, both i* 1 United Stares «r.n Canada, to the trer.lmciir of acu>b chronic diseases of every name,.stage and type, nr nantcharacter; and has, by pr ijitired a thorough knowledt Island, N. against the best fields that could be i started, and making the best time over the most popu lar courses in the United Stares. He has twice beat en the ce.e bra ted Picton and received forfeit once from,Steel—his three year old race with Picton was the best ever vui; over the Newmarket course, up to 1337—Ihr liis performances in full, see fistful bills. Black Prince was got by that celebrated imported stallion Fylde, Ins dom the no less renpvvned mare Fain tail, hyoid £>ir AtcIiw, &nd is also tin* dam of S5ir Waiter, ti;e celebrated mare Catharine Davis, Fus m Liudsay, A'ii.‘ie,a:ul other good ones. His grund ^iam by imported Knowsley, who was by SirPeit-r Teazle iu England ; his g. g. dam by imp&ted-Do.rid, one of the best bred horses iu England ; his g. ir■ g. dam by the import oil horse Dion, who was a capital racer at all distances, and .nearly allied to the Famous horse Citi zen; his g. g. g. g. dam by old 0elar ; best sou of im ported Janus?—Tristam Shandy, by Burdens Traveller. A better bred Iioito has never appeared in Georgia. JOHN W. TROTTER, Manager. Dcc^tUr, Feb. 12, 1341. 10 tlMuy (if the most maiig- W'hli them, ac- of all their y'diiaKe s» - ms 1 and -manner ot treatment, which i» - *' r # 8U * tliree j periorio gi>v thing known or taught ih the TTecFieii. 1 Ldtig ; Schoi.dsv aim wldch has been snccCssfiil, by the 1 's of the Ahnighty,. in restoring t?) health, i»uudredrf and thousands .ot p -rsor.s that h -m been treated fur a number ot' years by many of tlie most learned and seteutilh- Physicians of the day, slid pronounced t«» I '. entirely beyond the reach of remedy and.given mv • tu die. Yet by rhe simple, efiicttrim s Vegetable Medi uines, not poisons', they were snatch, fi tfieriiivvs u; the grim monster, death r and restored to heiitth, dm greatest of a! i earthly blessings; for what is riches ami eloguutaweliiugs v.uthoht health to enjoy them ? Hf ah' is llifc poor ttianV.wealth and tlie rir’u utfni's bliss, 'j aaimn laboring Uikler disease, the world io little be: ler than a dreary solitude, a cheerless waste enfiv nm- hy no variety: a jobless scene cheered hy rm .-jilai ‘sweets; for the‘soul in a diseased body, like a martyr ia Iris. dnng^o»:,-inay retain iti value, but it has lost iu usefuluess. Whlbe added to y tilts -institution, as scon as tic I'OccfSory arriuigemeiits can Jae made, au I a fir pair y— the cold’, hof. tcpifL sfiower, sulphur and the German, Russian and Thom soman Medicated Vapor Baths and ev^rydblng tlipts-an j^n.ssibly be of any advantag* in i*8sforii\g4he sick to health, nr relic vim 1 f Wijiis A. Jfamboiv lo BjUiiJy ouo tax !’i Jj't-TV njai!rt-i'ni! rctuinf-J ir. ,uc bv WAI. MA.LiVvSS, cl.'ah'i!'.. Troup ru. Jinx'.27 5 til V/ADE IT. JONES. JAMES. M. J0XES Excrtuoi-s, YYAltElIOUSK AM) GOJIMISSION BUSINESS. rSllIE u.iklet'sigiied; haring associate'! themselves | X under the iirin.oi* HALL, RUSH A GO. for the purpose of 'irajLsacting a general Gouimis J CLTSoETA CHIEF,. i hiimanhy,- yvii.’.be promptly iiijil <;onstantly attended lo ILL stand the f>resent season at my residence, j nnd whore die stinh.nt will learn by practical exper: ssela Cfid Town, 8 miles-below Cpiumbus, i Vuce^(tlie best kiiul of logic,) the trufe principles pftlio and be let to mares at $30 the season fir $50 to insure healing art; Price of tuition will be $200, payable a- a mare to be in foai. Good arrangenielits are made I advance. ; X ST7II.I. \Y (Jus T'KOUP MORTUAUE. SALE. '(y^7'iLL be sob! outlie first Tuesday iij Apn!i;,ext, | ( JEOKEfA, TK-OU.P- eOUNTY.^WI.ere KT tor liecjiitrsj niHresii . separate rj e lots, with Hue streams j [RC Al! person^ ifilivted vft’li Jiugcni^ *,iul rJinmia iv of water rutitiin": Uiroiieh their. They will be left at \ ili=i,'.t-fts, (Vi tiny name, state, stride or ty pe, for v. ■ a! i 37j vents per ilay. Every care taken to ore vent ncci- j have battle.1 ft'-.v fan a tluittsuii'l forms.) wlm vanimi ■ wouldTinfilrai their iriends aati j dents, but not reapotf.ible should any occr. j cjmvonvMly-apply in person, will send tiie'sviup'ninx the publie that t'.mv are u»W prepared to attend ul any ) . Oussetn Chief is a baautilui dtbsnat, 5 feet 2 inches , ;.l.tlieir drs^sc in writing to Dr. B. K Thomas Une. l^sL-ss imnislofto their otarac.' Their Warehouse, !■!#-•* vearsfat! tins spring, with a star an, 1 one v.lnte |.m ir. Aim v. ne, e Me,hemes v.:H be prepared nt boiuv'eonsiruvled of briek, imddetavlteil from all other , )V L, \ ‘'," C g " 1 f' V buiUhr- .fav be co:bU1.u'«1 in ail respcels as entirely i ' A!"■ T > - Jolmson-s Aiulrew, oat ot Virago; she fires p-oi-r. Eh,.iters and 'others will therefore tiiai it \’S V .'Latr. b;,:I tracibg hark .to ths best crosses ,u fordieirdoa-rcst to-tore-wid, titrm. ot, arconrtt of the j Mvmia. fa itA racunj carver rf (.«>.-•,a was - . . e-cat safauo in the premium nf Insurance, and the-ad- ! Wtt l.ndumt. in the sprma ot 1839, he won the j a e n. .st expect ui pay; h.r their Medic -S'... 1 tS, . ,1„L„ , |,„ 1, . colt stake tor two wars olds at L uiumbus, lajatnm Mr. i t.tev i,ct them, as — f dituimil satelY lo thorn wlmi.onol noun-. . . .w ,■ s-Ltrf- - Tltfv are prepared lo advance liberally upon Cotton j Salaoel Bentons Cuattena Marpmax roll, and Er. ; ollae ,ma<.reu,t. Ai ’IjOctiiiait-ier to suit each case. AJHimipV, they liwv ( l:«nx* beyn of mun^s yearutuiidiug, iu:d trc-ateii bv .1 ho lozen ilifi^reot D.octora, itHs nogood retuson why ihcv IL ^curred by tiife subscriber. Persons}’ Medicines will be sent from the Ie court bout between the usual ho Two negroes, Missouri a g’.rl l veai* bid ottd'^ v.agon ana gear, onesonrei inarc inuie a- j > - - . rah a o-fi-l h-vcfuR o‘J to vurifv sumlrv sniril fi ^ ^ n?lc five years old, erne other sorr«i mare-mule about ; singular tue iunarea ana t realtors of said-deceased; to froTh" a iltstbn, court of the ft:i ItlUUi. (fa M. \ViHiam ' *>•* one black nttu-e uitilft.nbont four y«rrs ' bei ainl appear a' my-cilice vftnhin the time presi-ribcib Xni 28 S.Ytf (j. tilth- aitft Andreev J. Edson ys David .Tttiu-idwin, William L. B : mltlwl:i akil Jp.irilis-secuiitv*— j Lgvy m ade mid fertU'nprl icf me by a co-it. table. One rorul wagon, T) satisfy oni? ii fa from Talfiot ! inferior ebnrfi Robert Ran? Richard ^N. THmau. | Fifty nures ofi an 1. ii urn her not known, in the 23d : Ja6..! Dist,. of Tal]-ot, conn ir, aJjninkrg the lands of Isaac Lee now S^m*,er coumy, one town lot ir l>wr» of Americas, No, IV under letter il. now in t ie poseessloli ot II. 11. Nmfil, lefied on its the prufienj of Jnn\es» llartrison, to eatiYiy one li W from Sjmifer *sn- Tlie vyeH-tialf of lor. NoSa(T, in tho 17th Diet, of I aiboL eoimty, tn •satisfy,oiie «iuail li-faYrom n jusiire courto! the 888th Dist. G. ftj. Wilaain ]s. Join son vs J unes Ftew.rru Lcry ir.sde and* retuT^ed to- me by a constable . '. - a con £ la jle Lot of bm<i No. 21-J. in the. perior court, in favor of Jovejih Bird Delk vs J.nn*'S f ty. to A.uisfv one'small it fa ll.irriton, bvir.eipaL >tarhali%li 'Mr Math, scGurity ofi appeal, -AiKi Greeii B. Bco amj, sccciii: . o»t .v..i.y of exc- cau.on. Phxpwty Qpinied^wn i-v V, i-1!: Il . . Thr.-e lms of bind, No's. : ,i; umke 2«tlidi>t. ot Imnru'.rlv Lee now-miter cotimy; -one h- use and lor iu the town of Ameriei.A, Nr.. -1. ’under letter CL one negmm .n by i ie iiaute of Meshack, a- ;^P- the property •1 Dist. of Talbotcoan- i a j'islite. court of the thersVs Alexander N. b jut *28 or 30 years Clc^nil leri^xl on ;(?- t!;e o{ John J. Britt, to^Htisfy lour fi fVpni SytifTei: perior court, in"l'avnr of Johu G. GificjnmVv.-f Lohn J •87. ta Dist. G. .M. Seaborn \V ttobiHSiui.. Said land h.iving froiin sold, amiTlie put- '•■•u; u \.'d; i ■? l'c-soid at hi? rhli. Levy auu ru: !<. rn£ !*y s consi;-blc. Jid PUfCAttM 5ACE. I _ M> b **;* firM Tuesday Li May; wfil LeVolfi, ' , ^ Oiie^mall i'.kuv j.orse, to stttisiV. one nvutgaire !i fa Irmn Talb,court, Y/i!:inms A WortiL vs David E. Pern;.' .f. C. MAL’N-D,siffi - . : 'k AJi’ord and Albert E Cox, ai>p!y to me for - a t’i<l otlxer • stored with them; and llmir j U^rue s N:.;n L*y Andrew. In the ifilloi .ie won before tlie court ho'use i;i L.aGrmvco^ beiwe-en i. 1'M-eys ol ncttuihisU'ntion,- upon the estate, of Erasmus rates of storage'and cQulmfs^ions, and all .oilier dirges. , y* L ‘ cwrsw^ep/ji.ike, 2 mile heats, for- 3 \t\n3 oh.l «t the usual houius. of sale. J C.^ AHoTriylate of‘riRs «*oumy, dcc’d. ' wiikbe as h>w rils tliose charged by other lienscs In the j kmimmus. .>eai mg General ScoCt ^ (resUvmd, by One road wagon and gear, one'sorrel nuirc' in uie. a- j Yiuese - fire therefore cud aiid admonish: all and same line of busiuesj. J. A. DFBLOTS, - f F " H. Ti'IJALL, N. RUSE. OL? N)id, idvjeTtai) as the “property offic-a-born Read, io sat- j i aw , dieti and there ir> she wc a use if aii v they have, isfy li fa issstnl fronV Pulnau 1 !: iulferior j whysaiddetters siyall not he granted. J. court; Wiiitam Biscde - ta said Read. Pipperty poin- j Given under nA* hand ted out by inarihifiV Wril. M ALPASS, d. shHf, ] • YfIL ....... , . Pebrirary 3- - v ,- • j 3?arch.3- - . ,1I> fit | On llte CftM TuciiHav iu A[ rft will :.<• s.J.L I f I 'v t; kri'..'' ' fa-.VYV.—V. licra:!.- o ihi'.ft.'lifaiWjf.. !,« i. ! vA -Junu Jl. facihums .qppWs lor letters rfradiuiHiJ- ■c crs-ii-cft •“ ;V II( ' ,: TO\ ; AND CIO.MMISSION BDSI-lm < : on$e<iu(Sa^> pi -which, lie 1ms not bei-ii ir. falfts-22d cl.iv nf Fi-tirn.iry, | " " * NESS. [ ft. 'JOJIN' VVOOLKOI, o ILEY Wl'LSQN, e <; o., J -pj j?XJAM1N B. MOK RELTTkfili o3ers his rervi —k_Ti.:Lri_ . -w-'A h I ' ■, beating G tdhuleau ridarguux. -Three days alierwurds, he wen the 4 mile day in 3 limits, beating ridr.TIkjDj.^s^Alt; - | knpap. by LiCtborougb. The sprin;? afterwards, in I training at Al aeon, l.e strained one of like fore' lenders, trained K. J J^eliers taken from the December 1 1 cessed to the subscriber, will not lt e, unless post paid. ‘ ILR.THOMAb. . to ll ta'p'-u i tlie . e bun One sorrelliorse, one gtav mnr.e, imib fv:tihoi'be.lsi u:Hi 3< ; L »’ ,ini uic ^apjdiu aftd Led steadVand lurntthi'e, h>Wd hoi's, 5 head'] "P™.™ ^ta-tt'd.^aruli Turner, dec'a. cfittle, ono one horse v/aeon. (>'•■) pound.; t >•. h. levied - ! ' V* v : r 'pi. .nionislj till tod ym oa as tfi'ct property c,f N7, In, 1kg TH, T8 sa ,ft,;V a - f ^ me E ::cir-; a'n.t crei.nnrs ofta.V! .icr^.v.. , tu L- -rii.-ifd.Afa ii'pii Troup iutfti ior court, in Tsvc? fua aj-pcarat-«y «.n,.;c tii.iL-prex,n-tfafa 1-y • • — • '• •• - - I’nfaortY 1 law » »'x*llevr.i*»nse, U any they tav*.-, why saw-. Iefters • - |:sLo\rlii npi-fttr- sianic.'l. .. Giv-ftt malcc fay LaW, liis 1 Silt f>h«firrv, T?Af. * ‘ N. ilitL'D-ftTE’E, c c o. TROLT 1 tft. >UNTY. FeliriKlry-24 ■ ' ?l 4 ,- |rT , . . .. ; V’Ui K:i: TO I'KIfai':.;; Afait ClfaEfaTDi:-:. .fa.iy-lLE he tsnlJ on-die first - ttcM-ty m next, : j>| ■ Ml to the iis.iUft of James Ve-a- ""r '"‘V ■ ’A '‘ri i wo,' A. .tfatnUt..-: ti. , , --i. vr.tUm Uie leua* Imurs of sale, tne lodov. in*'-oroiieii v • d.ta - - • , . • , ‘ • , . v { r ! it- . r > ;1 ' J * . autrlwi'se havinutretimnris^gain^r-^aid esta**'v.iii i;eir : A taoi; in file foia'tamifii district ol Tr^ip La- ‘ Ta-LEAVY. ■ss aial hopes j TiJ E TilOR<-)UGU DRED HORSE to i'ocffi\'C a share oi their patt'onngeY lie will pt all j CO L FA D . times alio any falftnuadon relative n. tfie. storffarf' the ] (p„ U ftrotlfar loVoslBov.l n'arkftt.'ttn-.r.dcn'aatad wdmtaceivmg an-.l forwanaus j T-y-U.L stand the ensuing seasonal' Ate fdlfa.wh Goods iiiicl die jiurciSisiiig of Ooftoii. Thriuas li. Light foot vs Nicholas Smith, pointed oiit ih isuid mortgage. HENRY F-AVliil.. Sli’lV. r i; I*'j*I 3 k n c y. s ' CGLUMRU^/—Daiiiel ^IcDouguld, and J.h'. fkdiiouu. ARALACillCOLA.—^Goldstein A Co. Harper L : MOI> 1 LFd.—JAiu^s M. Tui'lton. NE \V-Oiv.LEANri.—'(iuorpe Whittiian. WAKE Britt, Ala chow Britt vs Johu J. Britt.-George V/; Towns vs John J. Britt.'priucjpH, aii.I fidup'neU Her- At thfe 4 same ])la II be sold, on.the first in April} - - Three negrbes, dam* a wome.n,' Andorswn ii bottand Anutr. a boy, to,satiny 1 sundry fi iasYrom T;dbot ir.Vc, Ope lot -of 1001:^11 uie lounemiiji aistrict ot Treap fonner/y CarroU eoumy, number not knowu.' conuiiu- ipg.two IriHulreh ^n-i two and a- h’ acres, more,or lei?; alsoAhc nor-thVusi. cPrrer of lot - nmnbec Uvon'ty- onc, ami' the sodtlittast'o omer of lot uuuiber v.yem-v, in ftic louFAje;ihii district'oi' orig;ii-dly. Carroll, now Troop '’co-.mnv cuur.H\n)ng tlu'rc mud a‘half nacres, more nr Al L pu f® oi is ai ldel 2 e< 11 ilccoasnd. are r^tp 1 dsted -u l., - Y.acrc i» , -M • n , . inoru r»r iijnmN!iate"i)3yieentt and ib XU * ” ' 1,1 ”“•' ln,11 - s ,! ' C1(V - *.M csftite ftill renilftr tin on. ta..asjtie !-r..; re nJ- ol Join, Bchthn^tiAoUbeft by Uvv.'ar'I fier; them T*roun LiOUSK AND f'OMMiSSl'OX BUSINESS. . l'O nccordrtig to law. i. March. 3 I^'-OTICE .TO*l)EBTOn> A.Vii CK iilUTOKS. | ul!tor>r.-,du?n.' rslUE suhxcril-Ci' k:t3-i>tcacd tiit- V.'arc Hi.u.*i's-tc [ fiijurvii and tuft Ciiattiih-o < Cimipxny'!im::c on 0 c :Jc n .Stewart touifty ‘John I). Pitt’s 1 'dills, JTorein.'e,. and at Mf. IiOV.e s oirthe roacl froni an/''toil Sa j Florence; to Lumpkin, aftd’will be let b*> for fif- ; teen dollar* the ueuson, due the 25tl» Decemlier next.; | twentydiv<* dolltivs tuf ii.surance. to be* due when the. , mare is asfe<frtauic.l to fie if 1 foul. AH possible care* ! will be’hikffrt to prevent accidents, but no liability. Ri any case. AJarcfr wiff bo kept add fed on grain at $J2~T)0, pj.r month. A. IL. AY’ER, Agent. Colui'ibuSj (ta. March 3, 1 r H. PEDIGREE:—I fie re I.; ri eeriifv that the' iron-gray liors’e sold by Messrs. Biyfiie A Watson to Sir. (J. 1\ Hare, of retor.sburg, \ T a. was got by, tlie celebrated'' hoi*ke,' Henry ; his vlam Gariami, by Diaoc; hi} the' Late bf I». T.TbjaJc, > liep.iLfcM.%’C. ring, secarityappu^d, Ilcary W. Coimer vs Jofih B. ficCarter,'piiiicipai and Joha 3. B.iin.-endorser ; ; - i’.irce from Smftter inferior crrnrt, two hi favor of friar cofut, Wik‘y Lan^ A Co. and others vs J. E. A M. Barron vs .Tqlm J. Britt, oiip in' fuv.v i-f ArnrrTfi , *L U.Xloyd. <ftfav.-;n vs JvibnJ. Uritt. Ftaj>cny.'-pJ:u:o.i. but by ! 'Ninety u.-u-s ..Fla.; K pnfl fa'U Xo. .2J2, fa ® gH 0»p W rtf 1 j >v . . ' , .. . . t °1 Tallrbt c/uaty, and the half of lot No. idrivT- " v lSO - ,p< - ’« y-' 2 A ll > ' or - ; I7 <;, -in S3d; Dist oi' m-isiliitllv Miitnwr in.vv Tailrot j riS; y' • -pw'ei: cnmiBrMCT^.-tt«] as tbe-prep- ( ,-ounty, to.sailsft- fi, fo’a, Talhrti mlfti-far« pty oi jfa'faajiah .Ik-Utah.-H sxus!y;-sunet.-y Tvfas JesseO ' ueodity ; satisfy a from T jbertTiR ’ riil arch 17. . ^ . snpenor yourr, m ‘favol’ of r -itobert M. Keefi against said Jotai Belcher. ^ IT HAVER, slrT. At thc s-mie ujice and place v/xfTiie sold ■Oue iho'usasid fioIiarsTn railroad Loi)ds, ony third of T-c ^cririfil ,. Ma ri JAMIL'' ch 3 lorWitad riiiKt m; • fi ait i>u v C-cia i> c.s. a pi i >i at. ,h |v I-..Hi the fa. - i ; • - •cl a.; fin- ia'.v .iirc -r.-. Kri COTXEriL Ad UR J tween the Episcopal <” 71 Rail R<tad and BiUikIa S w^i«*p-*«- r** - i . , i , .. . y , r fU-nr-faiMvf. -A-h,-r.-hu U ..Vulv m rai eivc ■Cfatt.ur utuI , f™-'' fafa yn«n ? Ifaw.-rf. hy-U.mui : ..i:,aiu .fas great --- - - and ioilftS n sltsrcof pnb-j wcftdtfat-v.-ns .niter > Et.iiisvS. tiu-rfam ol Anmn,-an , Eul.-pst-, as nmy be seen in faiuum-r-i} xuri He^uicr, and' pur.-hase fa’ Cotton,- faher | anil is full bputier lo tlie crfylwaw-i' r«i horse, l'c.n ’ 7a T>y.-of Lolur» Daihx* N Queen s courjty^ . y. .Vav 3s, l5?a:i. ..’OfiN VICOYD." V\'e neriilylfliat tho - abovft inenrt Urtitf-r.. i 10 " T v~ UTICft ‘l'O JiCr.TO!,’ Lx -AH.pers4m> nidrf'J e d 1 Mi ix> aixl uariitiiika will uiaet will; prumpt tit-1 i lias futr Gotin'r Bnxas new rta.l-MO- Ptirry. vot-' i icon fall iftrward' aiK 1 . wall inakf f-tigtigcuK-nift t'<.r freight i N>r^e, - as <!,-scribed and ilrfivyirf to Mr. Al.raT.ain ‘vN'D. eU-EDlTt.RS. Lo vslato of dec'll, are reipj.lrud to ! elaiitcis ai.-ift.-thefs haviua v-iUt'O on the rtvi-r. P. A. Cl.AV EON. N- : .auioaaLoifas. ony tbirft.-n Ptrun-r. late of front, conntv, d'ecoL are. i ei^treil n one mnai pan \, est i oint property, that is, J. C. uiake imnlcdiftte' ttt meat, aiid tftose.l.uViui: ilefaanil fa T S - °L sa:J . Ai>0, tbe -store ' against .-.aid estate ate i .'•tue,:,-! to prr-segi titMn j, huufe tad hit now aenupu-.i-oy A. B.I^akw, iu AVesi4 ift,-,,,; w JOHN \VlLi:)Z<,’ A ( ln>. ■ superior an.f i-jte.ijrponrts. rot: from S-.H-.i- of Josiah v , ftavualish ill Math, m;e in favor ol John ianev ard Vs H ai t hal i a hi Mcfi atb, ofte in lavor ot T, r f B. Bfai vs Hadiyliafi file Hath, one sn-lavpr n. S^-wan 4_Fo.u line vs Uaehsihih Fe ilath, tne m fav,..- oj Lovett Bf fajatth vs Uaelmlirfi-ilr- ataui, taeoWavocfa Jolm /.-Ilu^oy vs Uaehilirfi lnh fiV vriT ,5 ^- r ot ' Bam-.'m vs HVha- » an .'.t t,i,rapvvtv. poHiie I torney. - * ^ tad lot Sadie town in known as the Uueri, - • • .-y t.'ias Je.ssss.CiHP/ vs WiltiamKEUtbp. Sanford Clack aiitkj in favor j Talitot SinaHwood. - . TiiO dCCSTIX, ,1 s.V.l'. j X oii,t,ua.rlie west side oi tile riyer,uuuil,t:i- not | Ti'(u:>> Alvo, oijtf store lmnso.and hi: in lViiut’ on Hie ! -- o. Marrlt: Mareii n. 18; j. T\LVOT COU-X T Y. lyRteABK sir fa-ast side, ot Cue riva-r; u.-eupred a-a i} store housiyby 1 \TOTI&E'-TO'-p EBTOilS AND- CBEBU'OIUi- , <»-' W. Hill, ttutribernot known. • A!*i one .Aaeanfa its ;A!rper*niStiavian;.demands a^acrtLjheictifate ol | X-,-t_ adjoining JoLilH. Cfctftpiisft.iuiiii'oer not -kifovr'a, 1 John J. i'erd- lxte of Lee .DtnH^-'iWeasedv nre.TieVft-. one m-^rru stave by■ the,name oi" Cha^fes^about turtv j hj mjuested ib render theirt -i.-i July authenuetilmi iiye. yi.uirs okh Abo, one maimcMuy seciotarv au i ] an 1 tho*e iadfebted; tv Uttiucaiutti navi^ 1Ci ^ lo J ~ ‘ ' ‘ ' V4X&W’ JWSp&dm. I"* liid qrtov.’H, Pf4 k .10 . COMMISSION BUSLXESS.; Alfal.ArHICOI.A. rpilE suhserjiycrS. baling^arrahgctl ta transfer their * X bu.iness to A:i;t!,i‘-':Lr,,i;i. Eft. an-pr.■■<:• I :o re- .reive eotio-i ajkl .other JU- iiur’e,either r’ur ..ale or ddp tnep,*,o:t riift tisital 'tefhis. ■ / ElberAi;"aifvnaees thade oil consie-nnit-nis lo their Incnds at New York; iio.tlon, oi-J-ivei-jinr.].. Cmbhoccmi a Bjirrii. ColtnjVyfaC Jaal 13, Idli - - e cert hied: ourhands Bui'acd, fa’ Bi-unsw-iek,'■Va.,is tlie same Eft hy Ev._V t-.ovd . ,v i Uik. C: t eirui, !■ 41 Titu&nrg, Va,'ihia2&ii'ihiv nf Oi-mber, p. il jl\i;e, March 3 JO-tm , THOS M. BCFOUM r 3IQJb FATT’S LI^E 1’ILLS. tc riI(U- NIX E1TTELS. rip HE CAUSE (OF BIT JOTS' COMPLALNTS X AND As.MODE OF CUR E.—A well rcguUiv i 'nnd pro'fOrtiomite. ipfiuinty of bile u[>un the siomncli rdwc.vs requisite lor tlie prwiiiOikm of *jc»u4it Ucmltii—ii fatiujukucs digi.-^iion, and keeps llio fVci- from all ob>tt'ucfio»w. On-the inferior surfacG^of to liwr is a pecvliar bladder, m which the bile i.'fii.-i j.restated, b^iug formed by the Jivcr from the blcoi!. Thfejice it jvasses iife the stuuiaeh ami iijtcstinea, an-i reguLile^tlie iadigesttaiu. Thus \vt?see when there , n deficiency of Ijiie, file body ij» v costive.— OhIrhe otfier.Imml, an overabuiaiam e of*bile, causes Jte'{VeiltaVausea in. the sCmnhok ; and often promotes very severe uitiu ks of disease, which sumetimes end indcifth., - Fr.vt/rs hhriiys . preceded hy syjiuoms of a u : - ttretared'stormiHi ;• as ar6 also scroRdouB- disorder. , and all sviiipathelic functional, m-ganic or febril-rlit- eases; From file same cause, tlie natural and health;, action or the heart, aud the V.;luile vascular svstem is ipijudrcd and ryduced below its natural stunuaid; as exnibited in palpitatioiis^ taugind pulse, torpors of the riliilibs, syncope, and even death ' iu«r*rfV,m efrnsefjun.ce .-ol an overabundance of a peculiar oliefisive substance . to liie.drgestive 'cjrgaiis. The approach of bilious difevu-es Is at all limes at- londen’bv decide-,1 symtortis.- of a:: existing^Jiseused State-dl tile stojn.icli aiftl liowfit,.; ie Witli those signs wliichtai c tnov. n t6 p*»int outfinHi* ctajtents to be of a morbid;irrhojring n^,iiircE; but w hene ver the iciimentary ertnniii„..‘'0!i5to hie loaded jwitli irritating matter, mhiio derangf hiVUL. of-th? UBtu-ri, j'T'raiivifr ourer ofdits goncn'ai sys’eni, &: id*son.e ;'.<: tiru!arorgan o, j’ e L dy is dreyrtat.iiu j-e njll; an i'w tieu this state happens tn beiimed vritfi airv other symptoms of disease, its r! Lu ui rifle always tnerG^V rrup'ii r.'-gravaicd. The ii Ci A br V rr . . ... JT . . - • . c —i^oiteu ^ r,1Uhi Uo sn.u.ri.f Ll\ LIU >STAC LK. ( py'dor tad: Of fitae f .• th.* ;-i , ri-':iti«v »f siu:h uhl as .rpUU siibscrtler *h:*.s . optHitti a large stable on • 10 ‘olUrrcd i>y art, yet, in geuernl, thp p^monitory J. Ojfiethortiestreet,' on <‘n.e lot Mjoiunig tile’Ctail- j symptadts ofgahtrir load a.e p'irceptitde for a dny or tiilioochee Kail Road B.anlVvery convenient .ta the Lip ! tw’opre vines to ihe feverish paroxysm u period, wl.w siness -part of tbe city, lie will feed. bor»e?yiix[ $U the GliJactaas aisii cents per day. lie uus 1«ikw»Hv )- j e.vpi Cofaly for traders. liters uUfrT' !U(J ^ to: i:.V. I'iiigcilntenU, and MilAVKD T&iQM the toba^lber, iu Irvyimcui^ Aiubtch?, -on J. the lyfir' Januirv ia.-t, a siiuuijica.biy.env gveS years old,* siiue» iatciy taken t/ff the fcv rown «pot on tae right side (d’ liife thp'T: or his wellier.r: ht; stain* - very faiiaighf on ihe fore ' Or'FFEE n \1 K I.n \<fa;i\T; 5" I' -.- Hci, ^^ to Usa.-theAMi*aft6-tWo'qoTteer<>T 0-1,- ! <!i • Y J - ^ ‘ri -tveupierf tfie . W « years fa MOfEJ Di m > I it->- fcf ft. 2»a®* ?? % lie «ii! eatejarfp travel- Uiimrf. He s^licfts his Jriends ayd may be given,.Ry un- otcu y unuui oi its irritai- rcduchtg the snscepiibiliiy of R ; ihelr brick V.'are- pa»fs-faliori, w as in very goottorjer wiicit" tori 1 ”C J ri -'°- 19T - : ta “-e nortXi lirff of 1*1 Ki, vs Lewis M.. GactSoift Tlu Move ntyvoen • C f lw l‘'?- l£ ^’‘' 6pac tS .JL-o Coftec; a p.-iittatitm tiiv.v.Hi, in VJe^tli'Biet. of fur! 1 l’' ln '‘ cJ otitrj sa ,1 roort'-are frfifc. = . ft *iHJ?.*4E-rpix- vt) • yTavit Eoflct?; »«rly pe now SttitUn iroputv, VvU-rl on as oro,w * ° J. t T M AE'NXL sk'u. •" • ^; MO hq-tes t»j>oru»Can31cs-; * n J of lfa liaifah .Mv.VI^tk, ta sataJk-^Erie fi fa trofa ' V-.Sft, ftE •—"——:—r~~- ' ■ " > CO^oxes IDOfi-ffi^Xoaf .fSttgar; saperim'court, ft, ftv, n m' fiYH'iaai r VI ’ iii T.ezeyeeB, N*«riorf-xo. •>° > anils'\\ i.-Wer-strained Ea np OH was List ri'een Id miles above Irwinum, on' the Gg!u'mb'fiy> road. '-There also went ofi' wild Turn a 'gmall bay lnaf-e 7 or S years 0ld*, blindm-the right ejic, with a favriu:li tail ' Any mforin.'tfiari will b'e thn;jX r ully :•*•■••■>.-•• ; n: J ft'.vi;::■ u: . .. . ‘ give e!5 f..r foe deliverv of ihe'horses in fins place. j' . li.GBERTXvEXXED'Y.' I Hvi nloiiLF.efr.jf7 y ' jf iii[ 1 ^ Oil Sale by; -ifio faUhsci ibc Fimit-ritrcct. (ki-J i i a Jvl f <j vaia J? re c iftfer Le e «00 V ptTftti> Irefat iventuc^y Bagging 150, rollsdutat Kfenjicky Bafejeoj-c ilo bales' DomesticGcmxi^, receired direct fr*»m luaniifrictaierts HALL, iGCFE '6c Go, ^ J»rHr*22 VT’ri LI the public rii g r ene'rctl, to gi ve fiii.o a call. ~ Ralph b. hgayard. life takm.i iu 1 if per: erve«l Co'r.mbns. Jen-,£7 VA Li: A RLE MMSCOY i-R Y. , T HE m alert ills Tor making, a vaiKable and, eefinomi- cal ^oap. the recipe for which; is given in the Eii- juirer r m^y fie hud at the Drmr »Store of r. \YARE * FOND . F.ebrcayy - 7, tf ftljftk Tanners’ Oil; kgs D aj_/ou:’fa fff.Guu Pow der y . LOOlC OUT, LADIES.! J 'U-rtT -RECEIVED, 4Jaige-sssuruucnt of the l/itvst styltrM.Oftitia, Crpckvry aitf-Gte? w-arg. -There is uotiiintj-fB.e r!teftiri.t efiotee: CH11 ai PrcMon’s ,-nt-. m. ' *' OR BEN AYOOS .Y EX-ATON.-ffiu' BOOTS ti ROOTS'! Il rtifae hf CairBeoir fair aft.'fali^J' 5 Lr c’w<• - U 3. .DAVIES. - NE\V-DItU.(iS. MEDICINES, Arc.' riftilE sjnkscwbcr lias jUstyecelveft.. ?.t the ohf’ ctr.irf I j f Tuy’.iT k \Valfter, xt fulf supply ftF.freak medi cines, etifftiicaUj-'p;A>t», nils, vitriilaiie. 1 , ftyc-stulTs, tviiwfavv fat. <. VUttvl®11rtncaitinsttoMent»V aliei>l'amri* lure, Act A c. all of wkiek fie ofibrs. Co Ir's rtU^omofs and. ike'pitbiU-, at reduced (vnens. BENJAMIN WALEJ5K, Ptyo of tlie Golileu- Mortnr, Brosd »t. e.-ilcitfri-r, JanC, L?41 . 2-H MEDICINES ihoitlj Blwnv. xrly stages of -bilious "complaints ; aii-! Wietly aocdfftmg to ffie directions, wilt ll'ei-t a cure. * - Tiic inin-ral tnedieiupe oftpn prescriheJ iu these _ ^, M'l'-vs. rl-i. ’ ti.ey limy i-il(. l t n teiojiorury O LDR.rDGB-S- BAfAl ofeotrUEIA frfitt : i!ri ' , d sauie'tftm- vreate en tmliealtliy ftiue of the MooiL THE IIAIIC—,I:s positive eualitiej are as iftL * very lows . . I.ifac .-'C vviiii u i-iey are employe! to can*. It is then ' it’hfHAitV* -WepiiW the .head free from scurf ! ^ r “ SC ° l I ,UI > ra | l . v '^ s »'e!Xclu3h c ) •- thrmed cf vego and r:,:-.-iuc a luvuriantft-rfnvth offaair t C0 ™E 0 4“ -•-‘u<-.i, j-i.-ss-,r.!,.s wttitm lire:,,selves etfMKor ladie^after euiM-birth, reiwniig the skin 4 ;E e!! a«sf which cleeo.pposirim,, comL-fa- to tts ocipurtl strenstlfaad iirmness, and ptewdSag I fad laiitu S' oat of ill,. I. « ,r ai ift Gt any debit; • Cctober 21' -fewlc !mv, 120 pieces Scotsli l .X- Erfttifi/fi JIALL, Rl. r ij k ,Ch. fjiey-vqrcl.fiM- wash is fas j Cumber H - — j rpffE eubserilmr has i just>it>eued I80b'ranfS- Rieft-! tlicMrug store of bfi !' J. I’rt-nch,’ finisni Calico, at die low price ol’ M 1.4- I . prici J. DAVIES. <32 if genesos,- wit alien, or alteration ton dfej-el me or hi-ing mt,, aetirr • and therefore' <:ap:,Meof juDilurftw fto effect, savet 1 e* wlu.-h is desired—that a eifte reuiedy is iftand. * ' Tne LIRE 1’H.LSupd i’HCEKIX BlTTERr’, Im-. o rop ed to Jx- tlie tic ..t,happy iu their efleefa ii’ raiser Mhuus diseases, of any purely vegetable pr. paralion eve.- offered to the public. If the stomach i ,- mul, they me ,use it Uv ev. itiuc it fa titrow oil its cot - tents 1: Ufa, they pass to the dnodeimm without cxcil- ln = ’•-onufa'g <’r naUaeaju tlie,st'nnavlialiumhitine tfco vt.scer.ft. as the fivec and utmerns, softs t V produce a more eopiofta . fi ov . „ t - t |, eir seert-timts inY KSaTolsdwJtoBrt- slioukl ever lae m'ade ir. toSrfMdn^iu A °, ** h4Ie P t capUlavitB, -A’ 1 - Cmldreti wlm: Itavi; bv afttv‘ means eohtracte'd -,,. fa " umereoa^whilst an increased tlotv vermin in the bftjd, are «nme'di-ne!v and m*rfefa!v 1 J T, of the b»Iy. fort-ign matters, cr ured ofthe.m-bv its use. It is infallible. • Bor .sale if 1 fafa " •- 1 rttmn,, are cmufaetely disehartgek. Co. I J** by the pro thfe tailing. GQt of tlie htari ’.' ^ or !,1, y pc^jOii l ^o.voring frou toe same efitvt ^ r-rodoced. ' 4t*i—-1 i uSed hr iuftnicy Jin a good hro'vth is»staiHe ttifiav be preserved^- ml.emioui to tile riateut period ef uie.- - ' 5th-—It frees theliearl from - Jag drufi*, strengthen the rooi3, imparts health aiid vigor to.the , Ttircu:iU.hi»,‘ atal Dreventa • - i frth It caiise.s the huirtfe curl Leautifuilv vrhcu c^ouc* up i'U n over night. ‘I COMSTGGJv A Juhitar N umbfe r' 2fFleicHe Al- F at the store of ii. WAfJiEK .*€’ 2 fi;n Coi un^bu: 1 fill letters refnti Vdi; J-itu l.ftlL ' aitive to the MeVlii.-ities or orders must It, te.I. A^so fi»r jjiie at the .*<K>re of Vc,\r.E & BOKO,