Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, October 15, 1850, Image 4

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.( f#iri«rTea Tktwind Cuts!! WBCmroB CM BE CURED 1 HTML SObOBR'8 COMPOUND 8YRTP OFtfM «olir■»<* ve IncsnUovtrtlM*, ind Mftrvno the MMMMnuor ...,- urf Profcwow. who tavg conn _ k**e mlmunimttd them huu. The mat MBnottate CMVitmdthuft hUMdc i everything etc* tea Itffed. Sktmeta from (HrtiftMM vfcbh era be mm In fell by npu Uu A«nU. Mr. A. L. ScorUI i Havin* been afflicted with a irrant dtrfreralng Coooil, until my Lan*. benum, alti-rted to •IK* n digtkk that I wia rantimatllv .rfttiii* Bi.ood; and batag ander the care of an able Physicum, without obtaining any relief, until I procured n bouie of Dr. “ ' * arwort and IV, which reitortvl roe to health J. FINCH. RHIll* Lirarwort an ink very ahorl time. Cincinnati, Nov. 3,1843. FROM THE HON. JUDGE WILLIAM BURKE. LntrP. M. ef Cincinnati for more then twenty yenrt. The etatement of Jaatice Finch ia entitled to tin ful teat conCdcnce of the public. I can fully cormhande what he baa aaid, having need the medicine myaclf with the moet decided henedt. WM. BURKE. ClNCIRRaTI, Auguat It. 1843. A CURB OF 00RIVMm0>. Mr. Scovill I I wae taken with a moat diatreaaing cough,and myianga became ao diaeamd that /Med in a •hart time aeverai want*. I wae reduced ao low tlutt all of my frienda, and even my Fhyaiciana, thought I mtiet die with CoNetmrnoR I My brother hearing of the remarkable cuma aeade by Dr. Rogem* Liverwort and Tar, procured a bottle, and he fore f had taken one- half of it, it Mamed toga to Iht eery real of Ike drearer. I reived a large quantity of phlegm and matter, and my rooghjarna^mopped aaVya charm. And by in u» I wae raelored to perfect bealtk GABRIEL WHITEHEAD. Swam to and eabecrHred tbie t«th day of November, 1847. H. E. SPENCER. Mayor of the City nj Cincinnati. Extract Item a Uttar from the Rev. H. Wire man Mr. A. L. Scovill: Ao Dr. Rogem* Liverwort nod Tar haa been the meant of matching my companion from a premature grave I I feel under the ohlimtlnn to give my influence in the circulation of an valu ihle a medicine. HENRY WISEMAN. PaTatoT, Gallia co., 0., Dec. 83, 1846. I have been the family Phyrfcian of Mr. Wiwman hit the laat twelve yearn; during that time Mm. Wiaeman haa been eeCsring from dheaaea lunga. And dimity all symptom of PoutORaav CORavurnoR appimreil — All the naua] remediee failed. At tide time aim com menced wing Dr. Rogera’ Liverwort and Tor. It act- ed like a charm. In a fcw days aho declared hcm lf nearly well. I have no doubt of im virtue*, and would cheerfully recommend It to pernm* afflicted with dis eased lung* Your*, If. R. WIL80N, M. D. Patkiot, Gallia co., Ohio. Bmre of OouterMte and Sad Imiutiom. The genuine artkle is *4fi*d Ani>kkw on theengrared wrapper around each bottle. Bar Poicb $1 par bottle, or Mi bottle* for |5. Sco vill dt Mbap, No. 113 Charyree street, New Orleans, f tlie Southern State*, to VALUABLE LAUDS, AT OUAUUAN’M ANV TRUSTEE*® SALK. TN pwemutee of an order of the Honorable the Inferior whom all Ordera moat ba adeemed. Sold by Dantmli A Nagle, R. Carter and L. I’icrre Ooiuiebua, Ga; Murphy dt'Cook, llnmilton, <>ia; J. A. Brown, TalboUoo. Ga; W«. H. Hull, Lumpkin, Ga: 1 A Lamb, Buena Vista, Ga, and Dill & Marshall, Fort Gaines, Ga. ' April 30,1850. / 18 eowly Prugjs arid Medicine*. GESNKR A PEABODY, (at the old stAud of J. F. Winter Si Co.,) —Manufacturers wd Wholesale and Retail Dealer* in— Dm#i, Medians, Chemical*, Surgical and Dental In- etrumente, i'dium Medic met, Tainta, (Jilt, Dye «T Sign of Negro anif fcfortnrj’ Columhun, Geo, UJJ '1 hi m.' scr/h rs have just received fs fresh supply of the above ntf nimi articles, which they will sell on the mime reasonfehle term*. G. H. I/KARODY. W. GE8NRR. Mny 2f/ ie.50 22 if H 7NUT1CK. _ r THO»8. & JOHN J. 11. HOXKY have united in the practice of Medicine, Surgery, Ac. I)r, J Hoxrv after nn absence of four ytatre, returns J. 0. HoxRr alter nn atMeiiceof lour yearn, returns among In* old friend*. Having been with the Army in Mexico, in 1848, and in a Southern city for the last three years where lie has hsd ample opportunitie* for practice, and ho hopes to merit a share of the public l«iranage. Office over the 8tore of J. F. Chkslwtm on Broad S|. p opposite Hill Si Dawson. All order* left at their Office. Dwelling or tho Drug Stem of Dsnfbrlh Si Nagel, will be promptly attended to. Columbus, Jan 8 S tf FRttoii drugs. T I!E subscriber* respectfully inform the Merrhsnts and Planters of (lie county, tlmt their Mock of med icines is now full and complete, "elected with great cure, by competent agents in New York. They nre enabled to guarantee every article of medicine from thuir ertnb- Hahn * * of the purest quality, nml incatl recutlt iin|N,r- laiion; lliry ran also offer imliiooniriK. in prirca that viu makr it to your inunat tu civn llirni a call. WP Bluo Drug Shire, aign oftlie Negro ami Mortar. GESNEK A PEABODY, Rurreaanra In i. F. Winter A Cn. Alao, fur akla. a large lot of Paint. of nil colon, Oil., l.tnaowl, H|»tm,and Whala.and Window Gbuu of all ■loarriplion. OESNEIl A PEABODY. May 33 39 RADDLES. I N NGL1BH, Bpaniah, American ami Ladle.' Sndtllri I, . ... n~d of all quklttiev, either at whnleaale or relail, low for caah, or approved credit. By WADE A CO. f'oiutubua, Dec, 18 Sign of tlie Golden Raddle. Book and Printing Paper. ml!E ROCK ISLAND FACTORY is now prepared A to maka either of the above articles, - 1, of the beet qual ity, and of any site and weight desired. Having a For. denier Machine, we can make as good paper as any ol the Northern Mills. Order* solicited. On hand, a first rate article of Wrupjdng Paper. I). ADAMS, Scc’y. Columbus, Go. Jan. 2*J, 1850 * -* 4 tf MUSICAL INSTRVMKNTS. G UITARS. Violin*, Flute*. AccorilconR, Meledeons, Brass Instruments for Hands, Clnrmett*, Fifes, Drum*, Banjos, Tainborin*. Musical Books, Hunting Homs, Ac., Ac- For sale by Jan « C. BRUNO A CO. LEATHER. S KIRTING, Harness, Bridle, Upper, Hemlock and Oak Sole Leather, Sheep Morocco, and Lilting Skins: French and American CALF SKINS, Ac. Ad of w htch are oBeied at the lowest price* for cash, or atv proved credit. By WADK A CO. Columbus, Dec. 18 Sign Gulden Saddle. _ being the 3d day of We* oembar next, 1850, will be axpoeed at pablic sale, at the Ooavt Haase door in Newton, Baker county, Go., the Allowing valuable Lands : Lot No. 35, 3d dbt., Baker county, 250 acres, DRUGS AND MEDICIN£8. rpHE subscribers having made exteiudve additions to J. their stock, ore now prepared to furnUh all in need rliue. TheyoAsramosteiten- 3f», 45, 4ft, 47. 73, 74, 75, 250 77, Tho attove compose one of the fine*t Cotton IManta- lion* in thii State, on which, in ordinary seasons, from 1000 to 1500 |N)Utids of Cotton to the acre, have b» »*n uniformly produced. The plantation has two *<*ttle. menu on it, at one of which the Dwelling i* a comforta ble frame building, with the necessary out lioii'-efl, and a fine bolil Liineslone Spring within a hundred yanis, being the source of the c!oole»‘wabee Creek, which run* through the body of the land. The other settlement has a good log hoUKe, with a well of water, ami farm build ings. There are 2375 acre* in the tract, of which flOO arc cleared, the most of which im under cultivation at the present time. The remainder is heavily timbered MUSCOGEE COUNTY. next, at the market*howe, in tlie city of Colum bus, the following property, to-wit: Lot of Land No. 41, in the seventh district of Musco- gee county, containing 2024 acre* mure or le**, levied of Willis F. Baker, to xalisfv a fi fa with Oak and lfickory, and the entire l**ly lie« remark- , p . r i v ably lavel. The. fertility «»f the noil is almost iiieihau*ti- ! J rf)l| , cose Wnre vs said Bakei Also, n Negro hiy about 23 year* old named Doctor, levied on a* the property of John Duke, to satisfy a fi fa from Putnam .SiifN*rior Court, in favor of Thoma* J. Casey vs said Duke. Also, all that portion of lot No. 17.0, on Randolph street 70 feet, and on Broad street 147 ft JO inches, upon which, (at the time of Mori-jage,) is erected one two story brick building and two wo<*i<*n tenement*; also, all that j<art of the lot* No. 17 > and 170, containing se venty four feet front on Randolph street, North side, and running hack 147 feet 10 inehe-, more or !<.«*., upon which in erected two brick store.*, on the North kid*? of Randolph street, ami Ik*tween Oglethorpe and Broad itr-et-, now <nt the time of Mortgage., occupied by B. A. Sorsby A Reed A Talbot; and purt of lot No. J7.'i, ii|»on which in lil<< ai <• creeled two brick store* on the •South side of Bari'l-dph slrert, l>etwcen Ogletlmrj-o and Broad strci>.t*, otm «erupted 'ut the time of Mortgage,) by Boon, Boring A Co., a* a Drug "ton*, and the other by Smith; also, all iIioh* lot* Non. 35.3ft, 37 and 3i, ti|(0ii wlueli stand* a divelliug house and out buildings, of the huid Jo*. N. Calhoun ; also, all those lot* No-. 223,230, and parts of lot*- 227 and 22d, fronting on O rle- thor|Ms street 175 ft. 10 in., and running hat k due east to Jackson street, upon which is erected what i- called and the ||«*ti-| projierly ; all levied on ns the j>;n- 'T0QQ0r> And Manufacturer* of Porcelain Teeth, RESPECTFULLY announce to the citizens of Harris, nml the adjoining counties, that ihey arc permanently located .it!, and are nrnv prepared to proaecute tlie various branches of their profession. H..j r ».» in posaession of the lat^t and mo«t aunr'*vt»d improremem* of the scienc.r. and haying iia*l thirteen years* experience in an extensive practice i.i i, oapce.uuy i i the manufacture and construction of entire set.- of Teeth, and having every fixture tlmt ram facilitate the execution of work scientifically and in workman like style, they feel justified in saying, that their operation* compare with any from the hands of oilier* of the profession. 0T“ They would particularly rail attention to the fact, that they matnractur.t all the IVtti used by them— consequently .ire enabled i*< ailju-t any nuniln*r of them in solid block* wilh artificial gums, whicli not only ad Is greater«tr*ncth aiui diirahility than tlie old me:ho 1 of *ettiag on plat-*, single teeth, v\itji or vvitiiont glint* which lia* loriL'kiri' ** iK*‘*n abandoned by fh«* h.**t j.n-^tiMon-r* in all tliu Northern citie*) hut present* a more natumj arid I if—lik" aprsi'ir a*i'*!. From ill" above f. is. they feel authorized m saying t«» tho-'** in need of KNTIRE I DKNTCRRS, that they offer puperior inducement*, a* they arc tho ONLY MANUFACTFRCRS South. | Persons de»iring their service*, would do well to call at their office, n« operations can ho heller done there and i with more ease to the operator and patient; hot if requested, they will attend at the residence of any desiring j their service.-. They can Im consulted at any time at their office, by letter or in person. Their terras will he | accommodating. f l Kpkkri'Nckm. Gen. 11. If. I/iwn, Mos«?s Jon*** and Dr. J. I. Bl ickburn, of ITarrix county, fin.; Dr. A. L. 1 », ■ r * 1.7 iVil.i.. Tii.;l. .i..l..i.:.. * TTIOTJR MONTHS after date application will be made J7 to the Inferior Court of Talbot county, when i for Ordinary purport**, for leave to sell the " , when sitting e Negroes be longing to the orphans ofRirhard Blount, deceased. RU+HA BLOUNT, Guardian. Sept 24 32 4m JjlOUK MONTHS after date appllcation will be made ^ loth** Inferior Court of Talbot county, wl^u sitting fhr Onlinnrv p»trjKi*es, fin* leave u> *<*11 tl»e Ncgroe* 1»«- Jongiug in f»,2 **sfate of Larkin i ’olhert, deceased, fir the benefit of the' lieiraand rre«lih»'f>. DAVID A. COLBERT. E»’r. Sept fit 39 Im tv. when sit'ing for Ordinary purposes, for leave to -ell port ofh 4/f land Nor. 110 and 115. i i tlie 5th district o' orieinallt Muscogee, now Marion county, contal’dng 17'la»*re« mere or lev. helnnoimr to the e-mte of John C. Short, deceased, fir the benefit of i L»dr«.nnd xvi-low. MARY SHOUT,Adm’x Sept.-rnber 10 37 -Im F I made to the Honorable, the Tnfer'or Court »*f Ma- 101 U MONTHS nfiH iMnnrv pnrpore*. ! Ac Talbot Innlditioi eintV, . \V. Storktn f Jiuncrf S. Cal hot ,, - ... from Muscogee Superior Court, I tile, on account of its lime foundation and other quaiifimn | |y f „.| JX VH Kll( ) cjullioun, , |»ari of city lot No. 1H3, with two two-story n building* on Franklin and Warren i-trect-. lev- the prop#Tiy of Janie* Rou m.*uii, to mii*fy a fi with a vary thing in their I aive OMortment of SOAPS AND PERFUMERIES. They have also lately received an invoice of Dental tn4 Sirgiral Instruments, a great variety, and carefully selected, to which we in vite attention . Also. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Gin** if all eisee, rutty. Glue, Band Paper, Ac. Ac. Also, Stockton** Premium Teeth, comprising the moet extensive assortment ever before offered to Dentists in this region. unenu w wihmir ui tuai kriuh. Also, an ample supjily of the roost Approved Patent Medicines, such e* Settds*, Towusshd's, Felletier.s Guysutt’s, Bull's, and all other Sarsaparillas; Jayne's, T^ram's, Sands', Ilib- bard's, and other preparations, Ac. Ac. Ac. DAN FORTH A NAGEL. April 34 17 tf Lumber! Lumber!! T HE subscriber having thoroughly repaired the MilD, fomerlv known u Mock*! mill,, (wo mile, from (hi, cily, wd Wving procured n 6r»( rare Sawyer, i, now rmdy to d,Infer >t tire ,hortnil notice. n !ti|icrior •nlcUof Lumber. Bill, m»y bo left al tire Mill, ur tond«l«o JNO. A. JONES. J unary ft, 1830 3 ,f p UAEDUN’8 BALE Ur Turaflay in December twit, More tire Court Hmire door in Blakely. Early county, fid acre, of land, unit tire iraimniaonu, part of lot No. IGd. in i|, e 9Hib dis trict of Early county, baiw a part of th, rent cure ho. longin, to the orphan, of Goo rye W. ' —.— w , . . „ • Alotatider. decoao* ed—and aold by rlrtoe of an order oft ho honorable In- ‘Lpf.a.1 The town of Byron (the former county mic) im a pari «*f yiiTi the place, ard is within seven miles of Albany, to which | WOO( j’ there is a gr**! road leading; forming altogether onuof | ; ...i ... the most desirable plantut ion* in that portion of tho Suit** • A further description is deemed unnecessary, ii being what is well known in South-western Georgia, a* the late John 8. Porter's Plonlalion. Alsv», tho following LOTS, in various parts of said county: IdOt No. 2ft9, 1st district, 202i ncres. 150, 224, “ 3f»H, “ lft, 2d fil, “ 198, 3d 7, 4th 11H, 8lh 414, Hih 1ft, lllli 250 250 53, 73, 12th 250 250 ]/>ts Nos. 413, 414, 415, 41ft, 417, 41H, 410, 420, 421, 422 and 423, in tho I2ih district, each containing 1424 acres. TERMS ANI) TITLES I The titles to the Plantation tract nre undisputed and Indisputable. There are adverse clnims to sonic of the other lots, but the title* of the undersigned will he shown on the day of sale, and any information, of which they arc possessed, will Ik? cheerfully given, upon ap plication toeitlMT of them by letter l|»o*t-paid,) or other wise. Term*.—One third of the purchase money cash, on the first day of January, 1851, at which tune title deeds will lie delivered, possession given, and notes required— one for one-third, payable on the fir*l day of January, 1852; and one for the remaining third, |«yahle on the first day of January, 1853, both to l»ear interest (roin flint day of January, 1851; the interest puynblr nniiunl- ly, and both note* to Ik; secured by a mortgage oil the projierly. A. II. McI.AWS, Tr* Oct 8 A DMINISTRATOR’S HALE-Will Ik- aold on Monday the 18th day of Novemla-r, at ilie late reHi- denro of William <^rigg*, deceiwed, in Whitesville, all the )M-riidmhle projierly, consisting of liou*u-huld and kitchen furniture, and other article* loo Icilious to men- lion; also,one fine Race Horse. Sold a* the |iro|M-rty continue from day to day. Terms made known * sale. WM. JOHNSON, Adm’r. 41 t«i* A DMINISTRATOR'S SALE—Will In* sold on the first Tuesday in December next, before tlieCourt house iloor of Murray county, tin., lots of land No*. 21'J and 185, in thn27tlidistrict,2<l section offormerlyGlier- okee, now Murray county. Terms cash. Sold us the heirs nud credilo 8HADRACII T. CRAWFORD, Adm’r. Oct 8 41 ids A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE—By virtue of an or- dernf the Inferior Court of Harris county, will lie •old on the first Tuesday in February next, Is-fore the Court-house door, in Hamilton, between the legal hours of sale, that part of the hinds of J. McF.lhany, de- cnasod, known na the Kendrick nluoc ; Hold for the pur pose of settling uj> tlie estate. Ti*riih made known on the day of sale. F. <». MoEI.IIANY, Adm’r. AMELIA MoELlIANY.Adm'x. Oct 8 41 Ids hie In nil or der of the honorable the Inferior Court of Karri county, when sitting lor ordinary pur|s»*e*, will Ik* sold hefota tho £ourthmwo iUa»r in tin* town of llnmilton, on the fir*t Tuesday ill December next, lot* of land a* fol lows : l*)t number 20*1, In the 4thdi*trict of formerly Troup now Harri* county, containing two hundred two nud ii half acre*, more or less ; also lots numbers 205 nml 20ft. lying in the 1.11(01- district, each containing two hundred two and a Imlf acres, more or Ion * and lot 238, in fourlli dislrin of originally Troup now llnrri* county, contain ing two hundred two and a half acre*, more or less, Unowit ns the Walker lot. Also, |sirl of lot number 350, in MIHti district of llnrri* county, containing 72 acre*, more or leu* ; also a house nud 14 nr re* of land, ninn- or less, in the town of Wiiiti-hville, the pli widow (>rigg* now live* ; also an uufiin'*hrd Iiouho and thirteen acre* of land, more or less, one hall ol a utile from Whitesville, oil tlie left of the West Point roud ; also lot 10ft, in tho twentieth dislrict of llnrri* county, containing two hundred two and a half acres, more or less. Soul a* Um m«»js*rty of WtllmtuGrigg*,deeeaM-d. Sold for the lie tie fit of the heirs and creditor* of suid duceiUK'd. Terms made known on the dev of sale. WM. JOHNSON, Adut’r. Oct. 1,1850 40 td* A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—Agreeably to nn order of the Inferior Court of Stewart county, sil ling for ordinary |mr|Mwe*, will he Hold before the Court house, in the town of Lumpkin, in said county.on the first Tuesday in DeremWr next, a nluntution belonging to theCNiate of F. 1>. Wimberly, dei eim-d, comprMng 700 acres of land, one half of which i* lenredaud well fa from Um PujN-rior Court, in favor oi Seaborn Thom vs Thomas FTerrendinu, and James Rousseau, a ■< urity. Also,all of lot niimlier 4, on tho lYmalu Academy square, logt-thcr with all the iiiiprovem'*nl* thereon; levied on as flm j*r<i|i-riy ol Philip A. Clayton, to satis fy a mortgage fi fa from Muscogee Sujierior Court in favor of John C. Uu «p, Mirvivor, ele., v*snid Clayton. FRANCIS A. J EPSON, Sh’flT. Oct. 2, 1850 40 td 4 TALBOT COUNTY. within the legal hour* of nale, the following property. One lot ol land number 117, in the Iftlli (district of Talbot county, levied on a* the projierly of Janie* Sow ell, to Milhfy a Jinlice’- (!ourt fi fa i^*ue-| from the HJfiih district «»f Stewart county, in favor cf 'I'Im.iicm Jii'-iica V* said Howell, le vy in ole and return-d to no* by a bailiff. WM. J. MuBKYDK, D-j<t. Sh ff Oct J, 1850 • Mso,»pBclrt«ns . Harris county, Gi -, While * Co. and Dr. E. Wildrnan, Philadelphia i-iation* and testimonial* of the highest diameter, can he seen at Sept 10 sitting ft . to Fell a Negro woman belonging ,r > the * ’p’e of vile Rniford, late of Mu*rngce cf.n«*v .loee-i«ed. !.<»( KETT, Adm'i 37 dm 2rS ,r Insurance Company. W E have examined the last nniiunl report of this Company, and it* claim* to patronage, and are so well satisfied with its prinriph-s ami mode of Insu rance, that we are doing our ht!*me*s with it, and take pleasure in recomniet .ling it to our fellow-citizens. H. S. Smith At Co. Grkfmwood <V Co. J. Ennis A- Co. Grimks. Kvi.e A: Co. Root. A. Ware. Wm. A. Redd. Hill, Dawson «k Co. Harvey Hall. Ridgeway A Gunry. This Crimpany i* rapidly incrcnsing its business, and thereby it* safety, and w ill soon become the strongest in the South. Its |*alron« save from 25 t«* 80 r**r cent, of the premiums paid in other office*. Dirks of all kinds, life, fire, marine, river, lives of servant-, taken at rates as low as in other offices. Office, in I). F. Willeo Columbus, Dec. 4 Bo tk-Store. POND A; W1LLCOX, Agents. 49 tf S3 e C'30 REWikRDI Reuben Rich’s Patent Centre Vent Iron Water-Wheel, i Jones) i 2d, of FOR COTTON AM) WOOL FACTO It! KJS, SAW AND GRIST MILLS, COTTON GINS, and every other purpose to which a Water Wheel ran bo applied. A (SA IS ST TURK IX V, HOTCHKISS, AX/J ALL OTHER WHEELS!!! One of the greatest Inventions of the Age. I WILL GIVE 9500 reward to any p< r.-nn who will produce n patent WATER WHEEL, that will do as much hii-itif-s with the same quantity of water under uuv given li--.ul, from three to thirty l-et. Or, 9500 tunny person who will produce a BREAS'I’ WHEEL, under a head of eight feet or less, that shall fqual it in |*iwer and saving of water. Or, *hot or undershot, that w ill last with my Wheel, and not cost 9-500 to any • 9500 1 ey - who will produce or later. Or, 1 who will produce ar ■ hot, urulendiot, or Breast Wheel, that will run a* steady a* my 8500 to any our- who will produce a Wle exh-hi, flif-apii---—, durability, power, *pe*-d a appliciibh* to all purpo-e-* and to ev-*ry local 9500 lo anyone who will produce a Hot •I, of fi id, patented or not, that will combine to the same -uly applied in all situations, and so universally 1 Hire* Wheel ll it do w HARRIS COUNTY. 11.1.lie sold on 1 he first Tuesday ii - very quality that equal in eeoi.MJilV medium head—is i! durable •rube eXt, the Courthouse door in the town of llain- IFnrri* county, the following properly, to wit: Lot of lurid No. 111, in the 2d disiriet of originally Troup now Harris county ; levied on a* the properly of John A. Newbcrrv, to satisfy a fi fa j ■ ui*d from ri .In, - tie*-’* Court in the 92M district, fi .11 . in favor of Janies K. Aldridge, levied on ami returned to me by a constable. Properly pointed out bv Wm. F. Ln*. JVM. II HENDERSON. ShfT. Aug. 27, 1850. 85 Id mu a govern, crll.e llr.-r. t not consume fifty per cent, inoi it-*r Wheel, ft i* nrlnpt-*d to e' ircn-f. ov-rsl.ot, or mvl- rshet. I infinitely«heape NORTH CAROLINA Mutual Life Insurance Company, LocatPd at RalDigli, N. C. T HF. Charter of this Company gives important ad vantages to the assured, over most other companies. The htislvand can insure his own life for the s^^use and benefit of his w ile and children, free front njM/ther claims. Persons w ho insure fur life, pariicipni^n the profits which are declared annually—and when tlie premium exceeds 030, may pay one-half in a note. Slaves are insured at two-thirds their value, forona or five year*. KT'Applicationa for Risk* may he made to JOHN MUNN, Agent, Columbus, Ga. Office, at Greenwood & Co.'s Wore House. Nov. 20, 1819. 47 tf I (hv the death of minor heir* of the late county. TOLIVER JONES, WM N JONES. [Guardian* for the minor heir*. to the honorable Inferior Court of Stewart county, w »>'•»' sitting for ordinary purpose-, for leave to sell the west Imlf oi lot ol land No. 57, in the 3d district of Wil kinson county, Ga. belonging to the minors and children of Hiram Broximi of said countv 1 f Stewart. MASTIN U. LEVERETT, Guardian. Sept. 10,1850. 37 I in . ipplication will be made the honorable the Inferior Court of Harri* county, when pitting for ordinary pnrtsise**, for leave to sell lot of Land No. 185, m the 11th di-trict of L**e county, Ga. n- the prrqierty of Jtol>ert Harrison, late of said county, deceased. WM IIA RTsFIELD. Ex'r. ALLY HARRISON, F.xe’x. Harri* co. Aug. 27, 1850. -Im F OUR MONTHS after date application will he made *•' tl e Ininomhl- Inferior Court of Talbot county, of Finney Di.-niuk-.-s, W 1 IIA It ft is MORTGAGE SALE. I LI. he sold on tig- fio.t Tueeduy in Deccuilior At. before the court-home daor, in the town of Hamilton, llarsi* • onnty. tho following pnqierty, to-wit: The West balfof lot of land number 158, in the 21-t Di'-lrid of said county, routiiiuin * one hundred and one acre*, in-.r«- or h-*. Also, one town Ini in lie* town of Hamilton, W’hneim then* bn* been a >tnr»*-honhe, tort, occupied by J. t'atlin «V Co., to satisfy a Mortgage fi fa from Harris Superior Court, in favor of tin* Eulontnu Manufacturing Company vs. Asls-rry I*’. Johnston, Ad ministrator of RoImtI Fife,deceased. I’rois-riy p-nnled out in said fi fa. JAMES It. HENDERSON. Sb ll gopl 24 30 nl* If A It ION COUNTY. r ILL ho sold on tlw first Tuesday i gl - hut 2.VH) fsaind- head of 35 feel, *. I lft j , the. 'Full or Flutter VVI.--I It i* superior to wooden v fr/- F< r Cotton Gin. it i he driven. It i* welM.iv.- d (fvershot W le*e|. The flr*t i« in In-ing so compart that it can « -the lnrg*'*t siz- being hut 5 left in diameter and 31 inches in ul i*. that the higher the head, the small r tie* wheel; under a Ming IS inehe- of water, i* equal to a power of 15 horses, doe* not require more than one-ftiurth t«» on* third, the water, ■■ or.- e»pendve. It i* likewise *ij|K-rior to any of the React ion Wheel* i(ej le-jgth r..f time, and u-e* not more than about oiiediulf the water. 'Is." Will rtn, a ii tit r hat A miter, and secures the i-ntir- head and fall I; wilh a -mail quantity of water, and under any head the Gi.» can • Cm will turn out better Cotton, and more of it, in u day. ply of water, and a head of only two ur three feet, h» t. under a high .V*_.■*.- be. aigir-g to s. al»o steadier in its | late of Putnam county, deceased. JAMES Z. DISMUKES, F.x’r. Aug. 27, DV) 35 td* . application will lie made to the honorable Inferior Court of Mu-cogee cui.iv, i silling for ordinary purposes, fur leave to *«*ll the '-talc of John Schenk, deceased—and the negroes 'gin the estate of Charles F. W. Miller. dece:iM*d. E. TIIOMAS, Adm’r. 13, 18 50. 4 in COUNTY SURVEYOR. T HE undersigned inform* hi* friend*and theplnuteni of Muscogee county, that he is prepared to make official Surveys in Muscogee county. Letter* address ed t° Columbus, Ga. w ill meet with prompt attention. C£f“ Office over E. Barnard A* CoV*io*ijf%n Broad •treet. WM. r srV<ELL, County Surveyor. iy Columbus, Feb 5,1850. iv.1I, II. KIMBROUGH A SOnT COMMJSXIUS MLR CHAN TS, APALACHICOLA, FLA. Nov. 13, 1843. Aug. L. Grant, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, NEW ORLEANS, La. W ILL tmri.iirt any buKinc. eniru.letl to liin rnre, on lilH-ral Irrm ■. Sirirt nllonlionlo (lie purWmhu and wile of every kind of Mnrchandizn. Se|.t, 1, 1843 3G tf l tli- apne- nll (!■• l lie; • bill' city. i fine At I'I tell l*J filP-en hll -liel At the mill* ol W. D. Alexander. I Meriwether c< only At the Variety Work-* i Ik- *een in o|ienilinn at tiiu Factory, < 'oluuihn.-.Ga.,driving ' ere a French Turbine, made ell, failed to.lo II. utily. Ala . grinding , u h< al i«.r he At i of , ili in’.-plendid rtyi n- place.a Saw Mill Wheel, cull I, with 120 im hch of water, fmn h liniiher |ht day Flat Shoals, w lii* Ii i* equal to about fi Tty-five hurhrl.< an hour. The m* al was g*K*|, cool, and uninjured by the almost fright ful rapidity of tie- runner.” Tin-, wa* done on one pair of I driven by Rich’* wheel. 1 ; fact, anv numlK-r of references can he given to show that it into- tv t water wli-e| in the ( tiited State* ; that it »• U-iK i , h*** liuhle to get nut of order, and more durable—h-iug made entirely of iron, with iron -haft. to tin- honorable Inferior Court of Talbot county, filing a* n Court of Ordinary, for lenvc to sell id negroes of James Johnston, deceased, late of Talbot county. ALEX. JOHNSTON, Adm’r. Im w next, lie fore the Cnitri-lioiise door in the t Buena Vi*la, Marion county, villiiu the legal hour* of hale, tie- following property, to wit : I .ot of land No. Ifty, in the 31 district of originally Muscogee, now Marion county, levied on a* the prop* r- ty ol George W. Gunn*, to *ali-fy one fi In n iieti out <>f a JiiHlico’* Court of said county, in favor of Jeremiah Witcher. I'rojieriy pointed out by defendant in fi fa. Irf-iy made and relumed tome by a cou*lahle. l«rit of laud nutiilM-r 275, in the I lib district of said county, bv virtue of a fi fa issued from a Ju-tin ’s Court of the 853d district G. 1L, of said county, in favor of Aaron Windham v* Reulien Robert*. Levy made and returned to mo by a coin-table. JOHN M. WII.CHEll, sh’ff'. Oct I, 1850 l» til* At the Factory of wheel 3* feet n and 15 It. in din At I’nhui- Mill-, i business, under meal, to each ri •Schley. E>q., doi Iritiug all their turie-d off, keyed and fitted accurately (union, coupling and gudgeon, nil furnished with the under 11 f'—t wheel*. For Saw or Grist null* tln-v vary m price from •:m to »X» ft. 9125 to -VJ5.)-jh- h-g) I head of water requiring the ' prie-.l Wheel, and the lowest le ad the highest s and other pur|to-e«, char- toibelionomble the Inferior C« urt of Harris county, wh*n sitting for ordinary purpose-, for leave to sell all • he Lund- belonging to the e-Lute of William Griggs, lute of said county, deceased. WM. JOHNSON, Adm' Aug 2,1850 f 3f)l I,' MONTHS after dat*-. application will In- made to the honorable Inferior Court of Muscoge •1m In all rdlii-i •ed by the Breu->t wheel, 22 It. long i-ler, which is *UfH*r*.e4)ed. hiuihn-. Ga.. grinding a- a regular feet head. 25 to 30 hll-'liel* of file- of stone*, |H*r hour—and w h-u oeca- ilo rather belter, as lb * ■•uhiiuu. d i the ••Columbus Enquirer” ol Ifith putting the k ' : Addrcp 4, m: I’ai.aci: Mim.k We\i:ited tliese -plendid •n Saturday la-t. to witne - their |K*rloruiunce* hi iiv of grinding. It nnn>*ce**ary h r n» t>> s.vy it •d any thing we ever-aw. Seternl lui-he|s were I at th<* r.iof one Im hel » work t here they fin! (n give (K-rfeet -'iti-faetion 1 fair trial, the Wheels may be relumed and the will lie refunded. They will Ik* delivered nt any CHARLES S. HARRISON, AITTIO.V AND CD.IIMIsMO.V MCKCHA.NT, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. BU8INRS9 COM 17 f EILAND &. THORNTON, Attorneyn nt I«nw. A- Eiland, B. A. Thornton, Crawford, Ain., Columbus, Ga. tty Office in Warren's Arcade. March 12,1850 Illy when silting for ordinary jmr|- •ofCol. Tlu.i the Southt 1 - '|h^i paid) cliet-rfully ;i Mod* I*, furnished,withnmpludiri ('oiiininnieii. all the K Fo .*11 the -d. «it east of the city bed. being nhont i re‘ Mso, tvveiily.fix e a<Te of pun.- land, lying tllD-e mile- eu-t of said city. ELIZABETH G. FOSTER, Adm’ JOIIi\ L. STKPIIKNS, 1 Attorney at Law-<-Latirange, Oa. ’’ircuii, and Harris Circuit. iy Will attei May 2.’ dtlie Court* of the C-* I'ottrt of tlie Chatialex , 1850. r will *le . 1851 ilNDR NT A t (). Im M(M l( MONTHS aftei lilt) - GIO W W'INTER. , FAI L RossigNOL, Augusta, < »eorti Still they Come ! ably loan order of the honorable Court of Ordi nary of Mum ogee county, at the umU-t luu. ** tilth- city ofCohiinlm* , on thefir.-t Ttic-dity in December n \! the pluutatiou belonging to the e-lute of Janie* I., t'aii ker, decea*ed. containing ulioiit 150 acre*, w ith about ilOiiere* m cultivation and in good order, ino»l of the land being I're-h nud of good quality, known ii* the south half of lot number lift, and ftOacre* oil’tie- soutli- -Wc-t comer of lot uniiilH-r lO'J, m the 33d district of lor- mt*rly U-e now Muscogee county, adjoining land ol'Ja*. ’J’. Flevvellen and Win. G. Wooldridge, K-qr.-., and other*. There tire comrartahle and eouvenit-nl build ing* on the premise.,ami it i* well worthy tlie attention of any (mi-Hun wishing to ptirehase a small farm. Alsu, iiuegro woman by the name of Synda, about 20 year* old, and her child, otto year old. The terms of sale will lie made known on the day, with credit long enough to Mitisfy any purchaser. GEORGE W. CARIKER, Adm’r. October 1,1850 fit Ids* r~BB5gs-^-rga ~\ i- ; ±. 0. Oct. 23. Is 19. (13 |y, Dyeing, Steam Pressing and it ntrova v rtijci, \ Tilrelare.i.ral,, M„ TiurKKn. wlrere Dv.i X .1,1 S, „ || |„. I I... ... tv when-ittmg for Ordinary purpose*, tor teaveto tb*- land- belonging to the estate of Ashley W. Street, BAKER & LEWIS, Crawford, RiiHMell county, Ala. i this nud the adjoining counties of THOMAS J STREET. /oi ff MONTHS .,ft, apolieation will he hie the Inferior Court of Harri* - -.r 0 ,1 v mr-KiM-i. for Lave t, : t" the e-dat.* • Jovpb Hagan, I yo.STI’ONKD Agreeably to nr llam- ADMINISTRATOirs SALE - ordernf tin- liotinruhle the Inferior Court of llnrii* county, when silting a*, a Court of t tr- dinary, will Ik-sold on tbu first Tuesday in Pccenth-r next, before the Court House door tu the town jlloii, lot of land No. 198, containing 2084 a< r**- less,lying in the 201 ll di-trii t ol formerly Mu-i < Harris roiinty. To he sold under the im nml the widow '* dower, a* the projierly of William < det-eiuwal, for tin* U-tn-lit uf the heir* of said dec John white. Oct. 1,1850. A 1 improved. Saul plantain DMINISTRATOR’S SALE —Will be sol.l. day m December next, before the < house iloor, in Stavk-xillc, l ee county, Ga., In*: lh«- legal hour-' of sale, ngreealily to Hip Lumpkin to Kiiluulu, ulioiil 9 miles west of tho forme plan*, and in a most desirable section of *aid county Also, will lie sold ut the same jiluee, oil the first Tno*. | " day in January next, Jenny, a Negro woman, nlmut 55 { h the direel rood from "niblu Interior Court of 'i'lilhol eouut>. when silling for year* uf age, and Bet*] child Alien two year* \ DMINISTRATOK S SALE—Will he sold be iV fore the Court* house dooro, in Buena Vista, Ma rion county,Ga., on the 1st Tuesday in December next, between the legal hour* of sale, the following lot* and part* of lots of laud belonging txi tlu- estate uf William Trapp, late of Talbot countv, deceased, agreeably to an order of tho Ilouoruhle, the Court of Ordimirv of Talbot county, to-wit: lots No*. 2ft, 28, ftOuud f>2, in the I till District of originnlly Mu*cog»»e, hut now Marion coun- tv.ulso, 25 ami 44, in tlux BHh district of the same, and No. 15, in tho 12lli district of tho same, also the interest of *uid deceased in nud to No. 8, in the IlHIi. and No. 10, in the lltli district of the same county, the same be ing not 1**« than the one undivided half of tho same.— tho pro)ieriy of said estate, for tho bonoftt of the forior Court of Early county, when aitting for ordinary purpose*, lor tbe benefit of «4d orphan » Ferno •J^XECUTRIX’8 8ALE. —Will be aold at the late Ci reaideoee of John Patteraon, deceased, on Tuesday tWtfth of November aexl. the undivided portion of the perialiable property of aaid estate, consisting of house hold and kitchen furniture, nlaatation tools, one set J *kitchen Atrniture, plantation tools, one set black*miih*a tools, one gin and running gear, oxen, and cart horses, cauls, sheep, Ac. Terms oo the day of a lot/v HARRIET PATTERLON, Ex'x. Oct. 8,1850 ’ 4 j uJ# Oct 2 lay a woman 25 years i old. Terms rush. WIMBERLY, WIMBERLY. F. D. WIMBERLY, Adin’r*. 40 fil* Onlinnrv purposes, lot of laud No It*I. in tin- third Ul tra I of Ed* comity, containing 2024 acre-, more or l nml *ohl a* the projK-ity «»* Rohert S. Adam-, decea* r the hem-fit of the heirsund creilitnisofsiiil di-cca* ermsCiish. JOHN ADAMS, Mm* Sept 21 39 l. A 1 DMINISTRATOR’S s.\|.|: Will be v of an order (*f the Inferior Coin onnty, w hen sitting for ordinary purpo-. -, m Court 11ou*o in Talbi»tmn,oii tlie fir-i Tuesday in I comber next, three hundred a ere 4 of land, near t’eni villc, belonging to the c-tate of James Jidiuson, deceit' U-iug Hie place wl.« to he re* idcd, l> •* the wido\\sd< or. Term* made known on the day ««f sale. ALEX. JOHNSON, Adnt’i Sent 24 39 t< : f ful- rx /ura i»an'jui3&> ul" h V N" nl J. with \t*ry l.iind.-oiiie carved Can-s (m-w -l\lc. -1 with plum (’.t'-e*, mdall very line toned tn-irinii-*iit The large demaml f»r the.- • I’ntno. i*. the be-t pn* lortiy n\er tliitse of in.y other m -mi urttir* FOOLS to corre-is.nd tvillitle Finn.*; a niVI.Ks, with Table Cover* t<» match, t at C BIH’NO & CO.’S miIk Agent for the ;liut r in* triune Wll.I.I \ Mso.N N \NCY II \GAN. Adm’x. '•)I !: MONTH; -qilicntion will b.* ntade Yv i:\glisii tu >s. r own iiiiporin110 •rv fine qiliillly. all of wbicb we < tlie Negroes belonging ( late of -aid county, dei June 18, 1850 1IILLERY BOSTICK. Ex Im (31 tf; II \LE A* MOSE? eti 1 "Roadfng i, tho Foot! of tho Mind.' Tin: i*ii;ui.\\ si'KiMi! \ little learning 1* a It EDITORS — t John <'. Short, lute jiuvment— E. T. TAYLOR & CO’S. IMPROVED COTTON GINS. -Ills I the I', t!l persons iipli-hted to the •cea-i-d, are reiiuested to make id all bating claim- agHin-t tL I. nr.* notified to pri—-nt them legally authenticated, tllnn the turn- prercrihed hv 1 w M \ RY SHORT, Adm’x. s.*pt fit 37 7t • In r.-; uh/ sohi-i • the brail F I *. ' Im of Sclc 1, !. M de al nod Mi* f 1 El l 1 .1; EORG’IA. n.TEW \ It'I’ NTY -Wl .Teas, rdian-hip of tiiiuor and ( 0G011 Gill rpil F. -uh 1 riher-r-'-i'i (tnilly informt | 1I1 ptiblie, that they have co uple site Building,nml lute removed ih< ir Muiiufitctory troin Girard, Alabama Columliti*. 'Fhey ar.* prepared tn liirnish anv uuml*T oftlieir SI IM’KIOK lMI'HOVi:i> COTTON GINS, nt tin- shortcut notice ; ami invite all those tvhn nre in want ut a \-*rv ii|**riur GIN to send them an order, or rail at their M.iuiifai r.-lalilisimient and selt-i t such anartiel* a- they may want. They hate the otcliisite right of manufacturing the celebrate I Hahhif*> llotiil Doting, ttbicb is i >n- i-ii nil concer n tlie time pr Charles W. Weetmoreland, zii Law, JEFFERSON, Casa couuty, East Texas, VVriLL promptly end faithfully attend mail business y \ 1 onfided to his care. P’Hefors to It Ksq. Auluirn, Ala. J. J. IlnapiT. Soli, itm Cicu’L 9th dial. Ala. 1C old. Oiiiiglici ly. Juilgn -• “ •' II" 1^ it. t\ , lliiiiuril, MuntyoiOi ry, '• llun. A. J. 8cott, Auliurn, ** July 9,1850 28 ly DISSOLUTION* T HEc(»partnerslup heretofore existing between the undersigned,is tliisdny dissolved by mutual con- March 1, 1849 The undersigned will continue the Auction, Com* mission, amt Negro Brokerage llnsincsa at the old-land of Ayer A: Harrison, utid lias engaged A. K. Aykr as auctioneer ami salesman. CHARLES 8. HARRISON. March ft, 1819 10 tf i all ut I’iiimyia, a historical Romance I • Ha tuffs *ik Norton'- Eh-inenis of) ullure Ale.grf on Females and their I NATHAN GRAY, UUOK.ICIMDF.R AM) 1*APKK KIJT.EIt, AT Dr DcGKAFt ENKIED’S COKKLK, ON RANDOLPH S'l'KCET, ( OLUMHLS, GA. »ffice, this 25tli day of Sept. J L. WIMBERLY. ‘’heap! rVFr Map of Georgia 1 All 1 Columbus, A; ::I 25, IJ T. T AY LOR DMIN1STRATOIUS PIERCE'S GIN FACTORY VARIETY WORKS. II i 1E sub-crib,-i h.i ig im Mi\ v heir* and ureditor«ot the name. Term* on the day of le. WILLIAM W. McNElL, Adm’r. Oct 1 40 td* ri- county, w hen • it*.m* sold be foie the t'onnho on the first Tuesday in in the tow n of Hamuli the place whereon the not know n. Sold 11-11 Alabama, deceased. Sold for tho benefit ol the lit and creditor* of said deceased. Terms made known « the day of sale. WM. JOHNSON, Adin’r. Oct. 1,1850. 10 td* • onlinnrv purpose •, will I hi door m the t. wn of llaindtt'ii, YiuIht next, a house and lot »uow n as the old Clay house, nw Hogue now live*, iitnnlkT - proiH-rU of l*. (». Clay, late \ her carry < md.' of >111-1 A DMINISTRATOR'S SALE.—Agreeably to an onletof the Honorable the Inferior Court of liar- riaroiintv, while silting for Onlinury ami county pur|H>- *e*, will he sold at t)m Court-house, in the village of llnmilton, on the first Tuesday m Decendu-r next, nil j , de- DMlNlsTUATOU’S SALE - will satisfy fmt 11 the lathis lK-loncing to the estate of William S|h-« ceased, which lie* in Harri*, the the same being 250 nc lying and being in several track* and parcels, nml ad- ’ ning lands Blackburn Huge! and others; to Ih- sold r tho benefit of tho lioir* nnu creditors of said deceased. WILLIAM J SPEAR, Adm’r. NANCY SPEAR Adm’x. Sopt 10 37 9t I NXECUTOR'S SALE.—Agrecahlv ti the honorable Inferior Court of Nc nlor of county, while sitting as a Court of Ordinary, \\ ill Ik' sold on the first Tuesday in December next, before the Court House door in the town of t'uiliheri, Randolph county, within 1 I** f' Sold the usual hour* of sale, lot of laud No. 75, district of originally Lee •ty of John A. Duncan, deceased, late Newton county. SIMEON DUNCAN, Ex'r. Sept, ll), 1850. 37 ids the 7th | Marion Marion county, will Ih* sold before the Courtis in the town of Ibn-ua Ytsla, on the first Tuesday vemlier next, within the legal hours of sale, 105 t land, more or less, known us lot* numbers f*7 and f»2 the 31st dislrict of said county. The above named lot* have a ginni tntprox ement on them. Also, will be sold on the first Tuesday in November next, before the Courthouse door in the town of Thomas- yille, Thomas countv. within the legal hour* of sale, lot of land numlM-r 25ft, in the 17th dislrict of said county. Also, will lie sold on the lir-t Tuesday in December next, before the Markelliousc in the town of I,oui-villc, Jefferson county, within the legal hours of sale. 200 ucrc* of land, more or les*. Ijmg on the water of Big creek, adjoining lands of Whigham, nml others. Also, w ill be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, the Courthouse door in the tow it of Buc ii*. Thr.i-liioi* Machine*. Sash and Blind-, r-, nml fine chimney piece*. uritMig ' t all kind* done at the shortest notice, , luk* and Gudgeons for Mill-.also Inks urn Mi|vrior article. Gin lien . made and put up in the h* ' h(*st manner, ami at pric lie i- now making some l, nml on the nm-nmpr every planter who get I for GmOJ' 1h*-i patent now I Gin-re, aired it of the -tyk that .if the .1 plan*. It- of Ills > taction • orkmuulik ■ arrant th line Gin* will Ih- perfectly \ () . | lie ha* given for the tlm- of prove-that it has lieen exi ••• fnttbfnl manner. I {XT' All order* xxill he promptly attended to from nn j distance; Mill Spindle- and Collars turned off' 111 nei l style ; K«h1s l*»r v 'aw Mill* made abo nt the shortest to I lice. T. W. PIERCE. May 22 21 tf of G. ne aeeumey of wlncl b prc.-cntiiMxe* in Cm 'oimnissioiier of the ( Aui'U«t 27. H50 I various work* officii, a-*, T. S. Arthur and otlio ALBO— lime Mapof Florida Bonner’s Pocket • Cordova’s .Maji of Texas— •riified by tire ? • fr m Slat. 11 Lind Office. D. F WILLCOX pattern; Ledgers, Journals, Record Book*, Ml Ducki-i., liciii li A j;.'iintnrc K.erii!inn Iku kcut, Sicmi ■'ll.ylhe 5,000 MET ALU' 011 VI H ANl/CD (u Illicit MACHINE BELTING. *'i:i:i’ of ih,. a hi,.. .,.|v. n „ r iwiins, .Illl.lh|i> f, r „|| hill,I, ||i !l i |,|,„. rVi j r , p(n . ni.lf. Harraril,..! ,ii|, ri .r l,> L.tllll, r or ut. Km,! 01 lluiK In ti^' 1 • l"r 11 iturfi'rl iMillnlitv uf .Milln tuiil wIto-li it ...ll r 1 ■ itii11, ami i‘,, r — r ":.l ,lrei«lli Illl.l ilnmliility. It Jim „„ ill. I" 111 ,"''. •''■-» ' l ">n l.-nllii r (k.liiim—.„l,| hv i|, e ,uli. m ri’i.T ,.‘ii |h-r ,.iinl advimri* i>n iiiiuiiif.u-iiinT. iti, Al.. ..4,10 ll«. I'-i.uii... I'Ai'KING, for l*,.i,in K-nK .Steam joint-, cylinder head*. A< 300 Fort Vulcani/ed steam Engine h«**e, for Hy- 1 the cstntc of Sophia Tiirc er- of Administra- , Boat Hook*; all made to order at the shortest nulicei Libraries fitted up; Periodicals rebound in tlie neater ; manner. fSept. 12, 1818 39 tf gular (lie kindred and 1 •dito rplIE Finn of Lot KH ART. YOI N(i At CO.,of Ap- -box Jlb’u w .llun the nme prescribed by | X alaclncula, Fla., i* this day dissolved by mutual if any they have) why said letter* I not lie granted. v.» under my ham! nml official signature, this 20th r 8ept» 1850. MARION BETIH'NE, v. c. n. cpt 21 39 5t f't F.ORG! \. TALBOT \ I caj.ili AI .llirook applic d rant.- | Ma ing hot WADE aY CO , It 26 GROCERIES, GROCERIES! LIVELY Ar CLAIM*, K EEP oon-tantlv un hand, of GROCERIES gv tli«- following articles:— Fine Georgia cured HAMS, dec: • 11 v the best in mar- T“iine«*ee SIDES nud SHOELDERS, un*ur- .lay. hot county,dec tM NTY —.Wb.-rea*. Mi lo me lor letter* of Admin- of Asa ANabrook*. la Tal- ised:— ■fore to rite and ndinoni-h ull and sin gular tin- kindred, creditor* nud nil others bvlingun in terest in »aid orphan-, to he nnd appear at my office w it In 11 the lime prescribed by law. to -how cau-r * if any th- v have) why th- -aid letter* should n u Ik: granted, tiiven under my hand tin- 20tii ilav of Sept, 1850. Marion betjh ne, r. «• o. Sept 2 1 39 5t consent, either of the parties are authorized to settle the unfinished business of the late firm HENRY LOCKIIART, W. II. YOUNG. Sept 17 [38 2m] ROUT II. THOMAS. istration I UNION IRON FOUNDRY, COM 1IIH S, GA. irpilR SUBSCRIBERS having nearly completed | J their New E-tabli-litiient, are m»w ready 10 receive j order* liir Iron or liras- C.-i-tings «»t .ill Aja xlitY. Thetr arrangement* are sm b that they are conrtanrly receiving the above article*, which will he *ohl at the lowest price*. Also. RAGGING, ROPE, and all article* u-nally kept in the Grocery line We flntf-r that we can give satiHthctioii m all w ho may favor u« w ith a call. P A LACK MILLS FLOl K ulwn\* on hand, and lor «Uo by LIVELY aV CLAPP. June 11,1850 21 -Whe applies 10 me for letter* ofodm on the e.* late of John Marshall, deceased : Then- are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditor* of >ai.l deceased, to tie ami appear nt inv office within the time prescrilied by law, to show cause ■ if any they have' why said letters should la-t Ik-granted to the-aid applicant. ider my hand in office, (hi* 21-t day of Sept. MARION BET1I! NE. 39 5t 1850. E XECUTOR'S SALE.—Agreeable to tlm last will ami testament of Jnme* Wilder, late of Troup county, State of Geo., deceased, will Ihx sold on tho lire! Monday in December next, la?fore theCourt-lmuM* door, at Crawford. Kusvcl county, Ala., n tract of land known by the half of the North half of the North West quarter | sitting f of section twelve, township nineteen, range twenty- j ' 1 - eight, containing forty acre* more or less; al-o, the North half of the North-east half of the North-east quarter of section eleven, same tow nship and range as uluive. con- taming forty acre* more or les*. The above laud will Ih* sold in tour payment*, the first cash down, the bal ance in three e«iual yearly instalments—small Note* atulawod freetixfivl seeuruv will lv rexiuirexl. B. C. JOHNSON. . j . withm the legal hour* of sale, two ne- gnvs, to wit: Dinah, a woman about 55 year* old, aiul Frank, a boy about 20 yearn old. All sold as the prep erty of John l'endrey, deceased, ami sold for tlie bene fit of the heir*. Terms 011 the dav of sale. 11. LITTLE, * Ailin . rs . ; Mill* . Miff (.-ar. Sugar Miff Pull.-vs. Rack . l.ailr ud Wheel*. Cti I Wa Pla B 1 B.II- 8. PEN DREY, September 3,1850 ^ DMINISTR A’FOR’S SALE.—Will b. 3ft ftt'd KxrV BALE.—According to the la*i will A-J •j 4 *! John Patterson, d«c«aw)d, will (. MtHoo tUe fini TWl.y , n January mu, at (he mar- iJIiSUI of Coluuibu., OM nrfto mau named Kica.abm. wur-fira yaar, of age, aim a negro man jaw, about 24 years of age, a soou ci*&rse 04.6,1800 ruts on the day. IHARRIET PATTERSON. Ex’x. TJI08 P JOHNSON, MT1VHEL WILDER. 1 _Oct 1 40 It I 5XKCI TOR’S SALE.—In accordance with the A hist will aud testaim-nt of Alley llugulcy, late of tl»e Slate of Georgia, deceased, will lx- sold nt the Court houw door, in tin* tuw n of lauFnyctte, Chambers county, Ala., to the Inchest ladder, on the lir-t Monday in No* \ ember nett, the North-«4ut quarter of Section 10, town ship 21, Kange 2i>, with tclrmhle gocxl unproveiuents, with fifty arras of cleared land, and in cultivation. It is a quarter section of fine land, and any person w ish ing to purchase such land. wtU xlo well to come nnd bid fur it. It will be sold on twelve nioiitlu credit, wall ap proved security. AMOS 111 Gt LEY, Ex’r. 6 miles Eastof t'liMie'a, OiaiuU r* co., .Ma., Near the M. A W. P. Uadrend. Sept 23 3t) it rv puriH -»*s, on the first Tuesday in No. iulH-r. at the Court ihu-t* tn the counties iu which the lands u i\v lie, tin* follwn.g land, t»> vvit: No. 280,7th 155,8th and 8H,ftthdi*t. formerly Appling 43. 15 ami lft7. 2I-t dirt. lVcatur. 258, Mil, ami It*». 9th dirt. Lux tides. 127. l-l dirt. Irw in. 231,25 3d and 597, 3 ltl\ formerly ’Uerokec now ly Cherokee now 779. 18 2,1 and 7.10, 18 2d fonm Campbell or Cobh. 22, 2ft 3.1 Walker. 77. lOvbdist. Canvil. Sold for the hem-fit of the heirs and creditors of Benja min Jenkins. Term* Cash. SHADRAC1I T. CRAWFORD, Admr. Aug 27. lf-50 35id* \ DMINISTR ATOK’S SALE.—Will be . first Tuesday in January next, at tho Court-In the ... Hamilton, Harm county, ogret vhle to an order Inferior Court of said county, 220 acre* of land, lying on Mulberry creek, tbe place on which A*bU y \\ Stre.-t, dccoased. lived, vv, 1| unproved, ami sold jor the benefit o| the heir* ami creditor* uf said deceased. Term* made known on the day of sale. Sept 17 a-tn.i: *,| with 1 on Wa tvl.eel- Foitndrv is on Oglethorpe street, opposite Mr. J, tl, store, where pen-hi-* wanting castings will plea and examine their work. SAM E II \YS A CO. N it A u, order* from the COUNTRY d.rerti**l a above, will meet with prompt ntt«Mi*iou. II a'x CO. ocr II WING ttireliasedof Mr. I II Jbkkky. (vvh< has declined the l'oundrv httsine-s) the whole ol In* pat torus, Vv.. they Ih g leave to infirm the i-.ib v. am particularly those in the lialnt of using Mr. J-*ui**v*i |Hiiti*r,i-. a* also those who nt:H kav.* let iiitn, that th«*v can find the -am • In applv in : to Sanni llcys, at the Union Iron Foundry. S. KEYS .• * 0. July lft 29 3m mdall lb: Their 100,000 lbs. Rags Wanted: r\4SII r X_.> rls. |vr all I-'' ml tor clean t otiou nu l Linen U Ate pound, when delivered in quantities of tore, and 34 cents per pound when delivcrei .piautitte*. For old lietup Bagging and pi« Ropes IJ cent* jht Ih. dulivercd either at the It uni Factory, "rat their store-room in Columbus, * corm-r of the OgU'tliorjx* IIoit*c. July 23 D ADAMS, 'utliarine Hawthorn applies tu me for letter* of ad- istmtion on the estate of William Hawthorn, late of y, de, t-et!: r the kindred and r lit any the •ito and admonish all ami editors of said deceased, to »• 1 within the time prescribed bylaw, why letter* of uduiini-trntiuu should not be granted to the said applicant. Given under my hand inoflree, this 12th Sept.. 1850. J. L. WIMBERLY, u c c o. Sept 17 39 5t COPARTNERMIIP NOTICE. rplIE Mih-i riher having a— k iat»-»J him-elf with Mr. X JOHN I). YI’IvIN.S, will comimit- the Coat minion ami Forwarding bit nines*, at Afialarhicoia, Fla., under the name and style of W. H. Young Ar Co. WM. IC. YOUNG. Sept 17 38 2m BROUGHT TO J AIL, O N tlie 21st instant, a negro hoy who says his name i Bknj.vmin, nml say* he belong* to a man iu Flori da by the name of Joseph Ru-k. He does not know the county; he snvs he ha* liven runaway eight years, and Kissed a* n fre*- hoy. Said l*iy im about 5 feet 5 inches high, and 25 «*r 26 year, ol I, of dark complexion, stout built. The owner is requested to route forward, prove property comply with the law. ami take him away. WM. 1L CHRISTIAN Jailor. Muscogee co., August 27 35 tf Bill to establish loat Papers, Relief, Sic., in .Muscogee Superior Court, C i EORGI A, TALBOT COUNTY.—When 1 M. Mnhone applies to me lor lette tiou, on ilu- estate of Peter F. .Mahom county, deceased :— These are I hr *e lore to cite and admonish all and al and creditor* of said deceased, to lie mid a|»|* els good dry Wheat, Wan* **d at it .iota la 'It''-, offh E. S. Greenwood & Co., Daniel Duncan, John M- Harrington, Arnold Dun- cun, Demuu II. Martin, Loviek W. Rasberry and Allen Hancock. At Chamber* Sept. 7, Term, 1850. IT appearing to ine from the affidavit of William B. Stokes, one ot the Attorneys (hr the complainant, in the above stated <u-e, thut Francis C. McKinley, one of the late firm of E. S. Greenwood A Cn., reside* in tlie county of Green, in said State, that Daniel Duiinm, \rnold Duncan ami Reman Ii. Martin, reside in ilm Si.ire ot Alabama—licit the reside .ice of l.ovick W. Rnsocrry -vnd Alien llanco- k are uiiknown, ami (lint John M. Harrington re*i-le* in the county ot Troup, A'luiini-trn* State of Georgia—that said Bill i- filed to establish ref. “ " ”* tain lost promissory Notes therein sjjeeffied, in which said Defendant* ure parlies thereto, a* Principal* and Endorsers, it is therefore ordered that service of said said Defendant* he yertex ted by publication lute of Talbot ; she ilie nine prcscnlietl by t|,„ L'oiunibu.i Enquirer, « ■ (if any they have,) t week tor two mouths, id Deletidtuim apm-ar and un-vver within sixty dujs alter tlie first piibhraiion liereot, nnd that •iguature, thi* the J tiii*'(.rder In* entered u.m.ii the .MiiiuU-h of said Court. i- ti virvvMu u ! Milt*N ; I.: i nil Aug. 13. 1 SAC 33 tf COOKING STOVES! NEAR THE MARKET. I T \VK 1 l-l received a large and vv.-ff select *d <tork | L i'i t'ooki.Nii Si ovfs of the latest patiern-. t- - lire King nml tjueen of the West, jvitetited ISThL all of which 1 will sell at reduced price-; any of my Stove* that do not proven- represented, vviff he taken hack and the money refunded. Please give me a call before pur chasing. Plain and Japanw Tin Ware of all kind-; house keeping article.-; copper or tin guilt:* put up vv ith dispatch, m t«>vvn or country. tty* V B. iff,an FOTTON’or LINEN RAGS taken for dues or trade at 34 cent* per pound. May 21 21 tf Custom Wheat G ROUND promptly ami in good WINTER’S PALACE MILLS. taW «. 1*50 27 tf ' • Ml>1 vtGEF. col NTY.—Win r, t 1 Jame* M. Spaulding amiHex l-'r letter* of affmini- tmtion it|Hui the estate of R F. Newell, hue of said C'U'ilv, deceased : These a.— therefore * > cio- and n lm-ed.-h all m.ff nn. j gnlar the kindred nml creditors of sail deceased, to! slu-vv cause, it any they have, within the lime pre-< rili- e»! by law. why the administration « f said estate sli. uld j not he granted to the said applicant. Given uiah-r iny hand this 1-t dav ol October. 185t). JOHN JOHNSON, c. r. o. Oct. 1, 1850 40 5t (BiOKffiA, ^ Crei'lT or OltDlN VltY, ifflibot Cottuiv. s Mmh Term, 1850. Rl LE >•>!■ [T-IIEREAS. William B Rorkmore, Guardian of Thi ma- J. Rnckmore'a orphan-, applies for let ter- of Dismis-nn from said («uardian«l:ip : Be i: ordered by the Comt that all> concevned, U* nnd appear at the January turn next ensuing, of aid Court, tic and there to show cause ,;f any they h:iv< 1 w hy said letter* *lmii!d not Ih* granted A true ixiruct from the ininntc« ot mid Court, July Lull, I'-jO. MARION UETllt NE, c. c. o. Oct 8, 1850 41 a under Johnston applies to me for letter* of Guardi- .diip, for the orphans ot Nathan E. Bachelor, late of lunty, deceased : *.« therefore to cite and admonish nil, and sin- dre.l and creditor*, am! all others concern- I i uj ivatat my «(Kw, within the W‘, K-d hv la>v, in rtievv cause iif any they have) w hy -aid letter* m5.>uM not Ih- grunted. Given under my hand 27th Sei»teml»er, 1850. MARION BETllUNE.O.c - LOct. 1,1650 40 5t (.LOHhIA: Talbot County r 11F. RE AS William Fisher, guardian of Miss Ma- • l leming, applies for letter* of Dismission from said Gti4rdiaushi|»— Be it ordered therefore, that all person* concerned l*e and a, ;e.»r at the January term of saul x *«-ttrt next ensu ing. tlu n ami thtre to show cause it a,«y they haw) vv; v > iid lett-r* sb .uld not be gnu. ed. A true tx ract from the Minute- < f - i'*j Court, 2d September, 1»50. MARION BETHINK, c. c. o. Sept. 10 37 Ct Sept 10 It. B. ALEXANDER. Judge, l the Morale*. L J. IJ -MlDIN, C lerk. GEORGIATalbot county* T O the Heir* and Distributee* of .fame* Johnson, de« ceased, of * Aid (oumy : You will tuk-- notice that we have been appoint -d C* i;*m.— 1 .1 lay off and assign live dower ot .Mary J- !•».-. i,. w.ff vx <1 said de mised, in uod to the lam** -ai-l •eeeared. containing about three nml ttutt we shall proceed li> lay cflTthe same on the I Ith of SovcntlK-r next, in term* of the lavx, m such cares made- nn*! provided. Given Under our band*, tin* .7th \ngi.-t, 1850. A R RM llAlff.S. BENSON MAXWELL,! Z. B. TRICE, LEWIS WJMRERLY, A. K. LEONARD. Aug. 27 3i T°j PLATFORM SCAI.E8. •igb from ftp*) to 2.00C* :*xmd*. For -ale hv v :u> .31 tf; 1! \I.I. -. MOSES. - , by July 11ALL i HOSES. 11 tf j