Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, February 24, 1857, Image 1

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4- rapHAs , AG LAND & GO.,—PROPPJETOUS. vqLume xxx. A STRICT CONSTRUCTION OP THE CONSTITUTION AN HONEST ANO ECONOMICAL ADMINISTRATION OP THE GOVERNMENT. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBltfJARY 24,1857, «f lie oSttkln inquirer. PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY MORNING TERSfS—Two Dollars and Fifty Cexts per on aoa, inysbla inruPi-iWy in advance, or Taxes Douams If uatnH-i ii. advance. Mo ptifftr will be discontinued while any arrearage u tni» )h* option of tin* PnMlnbwi; snd three ft ‘hfir »ni. i* <i!l c.trs, be exacted whontiaymrotii not v.loWt r- tbo and Alton of thn subscription j*«r. Al) V KRTt.SKM ENTS ZMvqto*- -Mv tn-cried at One Dollar por square, Crt-b > Hr* 1 linrtlAa. sod Fieri Cents for every subsequent \ K]«v* In the Enquirer Is the spero of , small type, conUiniug, »• it d<*>», one t.«r.x E>'T* publishedat the usual rates ttt-ntlon to the rc iuisitiou* of the lew. iver fight lints charged ut the dne rates. intended to promote the private *rpor»U«t •flje (Tri-:'('Trfl;li] (fuqnirer, U PUBLISHKP r-esdav. Tlittrndsy and Saturday Morning* V* 1 AT riVK DOLLARS I’KU ANNUM. )T Adt *.-'»• . ; 'Ual* inserted at the And hast thou nerve enough ?” he anid, fhtf .'ray t>Id Mon, above whose liend Cnnumhrrcd years have rolled — •« rthly < The! blasts where’er it liirlii^- the breath Thai ■ ih«* the simoon scatters death i^KOu all that yet cun die ! "Direst thou confront that fearful lorm, That rides the whirlwind and the storm 7LI In wild unholy revel l sol i ice The Devil I" • youth replied, Old Man’s aide, and Hrm hi* limit s Ilia sunt, Ins I'.lleet thupe! the "Have tii-1, V’" Alhertus said. And 1 ' • ■ ' I h inry h> nd, With iiiaiiv n bitter groan. Ho dt< -v the mystic circle's hound. With skull aid cross bones lenerd a fount ire traced full many n sigil there ; Hp him ten d limit a backward prayer, That sounded like a curse — "III* i • .i !" he cued with wild grimace The It Hot ol Apollyo H The Remains of Col. Brook*. The reuutins of the Hon. PgxiroN S. PROOKS fetched this city yesterday afternoon at half past two o'clock, in charge of the Sub-CotniniUec (G kurus A. Addison, Chairman) of the Cominiltce of K ! go lie 1*1 District. who had been deputed topro- r.ecd to Washington, and conduct the remain* to Edgefield Court House. At the Georgia depot, they were met by a Committee, of the City Council; and citizens • >! Augusta, and conveyed to the Court* 1 : «rI1 Chamlter, in the City Hull, which was appro- , pnatelx diaped in mourning for the occasion, 'i’lio J ' bo* enclosing the mcl dlic case in which the body j wan collini'd, was horc removed, and the remains t placed in the centre of the Chamber. During the hour they (ay in state, the Chamber [ was visited by hundreds of our eitizrns, anxious to testify, even by this ut.satisfactory demonstration, i their respect for the memory ot the lamented dead. At half-past four o'clock the remains were removed, and placed m a hoarse, drawn by four horses, which ! had been obtained from Charleston to convey them i from this city to Edgefield Court House. The pro- I caMi<-n was then formed under the direction ef C..J. I .1. Ii. Caupueli., of the Augusta Volunteer Unttul- j ion, ami preceded by a honJ of music, playing nn appropriate dirge, escorted th« remains through the | principal sire, is of tl e city to Hamburg. In this! long funeral cortege, wore the Clinch Rifles, Og'e- , | thnrpe Infantry, Irish Volunteers, Washington Ai- | ttllory, H ehmtmd Hussars, the Fire Company of the town of Hamburg, the Fire Companies of this city and the Hook and (.adder Company, acting as j the escort, whilst following the hearse, wore the members ol the Committee of Augusta nnd the I Edgefield District, in carriages, the Professors and I Slit lent- d the M« 1 • .1 (\.|b ? e. and a lame num ber oft i’i i s. The htreeti. through which the procession moved were tilled with people, crowding | to w tm -* the impressive mid imposing display. ! The remains were p need last night at the Amer ican Hotel, in Hamburg, under the charge of the Council and a Committee of the citizens of that town, nttd to-day will lie conveyed to Edgefield Court House, the e to be deposited ill tho burial ground of the Brooks family.—Atiguxlu Coiitfilu I twnaiul. 13/A. I Mild (Irspownurt.— The Boston Post telle a | pleasant anecdote of Mr. (J. , who, it good many years ngo. Was n retail merchant in n populous town in Vermont. He was famous as "the very pink of j politeness," nnd was indeed nn expert salesman.— If lie had net got the article that might happen to be called for. he \*n« sure to name something that ! w.ih sufficiently like it to answer the purpose. Thus | when a ctiHtnmer inquired for "winter-strainedoil," the merchant told him he Itsdn’t got tltnt kind ex- ; nelly—but he had some that was "strained firry /alt in iht Jatl r Disparage one nrticlo as you j might, lie wus sure to liml something to praise in it—if his ten was not strong, it wan well flavored, I &c., iVc. On one occasion a customer having cull- ) od for n sample ol gunpowder, rubbed it in his hand i i to ascertain the proportion of charcoal, and then I observed that it lacked strength. "I know," ans- | j wered the imperturbable tradesman—falling into hi* j [formula—know the powder is not so s some, hot you'll find it eery mild and «• Tllli MUIU)i;i< IN NEW YOMk. The Curtain Lifted-—The Mystery Dispelled. The New York Times of Wednesday says : The Bond street drama npprnnrhea its close.— Yesterday'a proceedings at the inquest substantial ly fastened upon John J. Eckel and Mra. Cunning ham t to guilt ut tho bloodiest Mild most awful mur der that has stariled this city fur many years. Tho parties, of course, will lie put upon their trial,—and it is possible they may not, upon (lint full and final examination, he convicted. But u primn facie case has been fully made out against them. There seems little reason to doubt that Eckel did the deni, nnd he eftnnut be connected with it without impli cating Mrs. Cunningham. A remarkable feature of the case is that the wit ness by whom thia consummation hint been reach ed, ha* been entirely unknown and unheard ol un til the last moment. An anonymous letter wm rent to tho Coroner, yesterday, stating a rumor Hint a Mr. Farrell was in Bond street on (he night of the murder, nnd had ovidcnce to give of some im port uice —but that he declined to come forward, *• lest ho should he kept from his family and incon venienced by appearing its a witness, us he is a poor man." In view of the Coroner’s treatment of witnesses it must he confessed he had some grounds tor this apprehension. Inconsequence of this communication, Mr. Far rell waa summoned to attend, and testified that he was passing through Bond strrrt ut about I 1 o’clock cm the night in question—that he sat down on the steps of the house No. 31, and seated when n man with u shawl and entered tho house—that nn( utc nnd u half elapsed before ho heari murder, nnd then the fall of n heavy that in half a n inute after that n man, sleeves, with bushy hair, opened the d. sked him what ho was doing tin in the tnur.ler--or th it tho whole affair was delibe rately and .systematically planned. How f-,r other parties in the lomse were impliratod, it is impossi ble to conjecture. Nothing lias yet bean shown to connect them with this most shocking affair. But it will be very difficult to convince tho public tltnt no noise vvr\s heard by any of tho inmates on that night. If Mrs. Cunningham personally had any part in the murder, her daughters must have sworn falsely when they testified that she did not leave her had niter retiring that night. Of this, howev er, there is uh yet nothing like positive proof. Macon and Western Railroad.—The Report of tho .Superintendent of tho Moron nnd Western railroad has tho following statement ol the year's business, ending Nov. 30, 1850: Tho gross income, lor freight, moils passengers, and interest on money Add balance from Inal report Amount received on now stock. Suspense account, land sold Out of which has boon paiddiv idcnd.i Nos. I!) ami 20 SK'.V tr. 00 Interest on bonds 9.555 00 Sinte and city taxes 2,790 55 I'ttid from this fund and charged tb construc tion account 52,907 99 than u min body—nnd in his shut ior—- looked '—shut tho door nnd woi.t buck. .Mr. Farrell gut up, nnd heat ing nothing further, soon after went away When tho witness had been some half hour o the stand, tho coroner very properly delirmuird t send for Eckel, and confront the two together. Tit examination pending the arrival of llin latter frot tho Toombs became desultory—Mr. Far roll, among! other questions, being inlcirogatud ns to tli strength and reach of Ins eyesight, Inn nddieii-m < otherwise to liquor mid bin state ns ii g nds tempo Finally, a noise wi rd in the n , the i ade ed by •lulol thei room, folio' was got of thcii intention, am ter* nnd others followed, in sp ing to keep them hack. The stair cm • up to the l)oi came crammed, hut the Enron culled out, "Now, gentlemen, stairs, for I only want *,v of t wha .vitti t Then lie dashed at! n tied pupil's in I’LB DUIOHAII I I.I -Ti» * do » Of > Do. :r sway from me ; nd death—old partners they— ish west countreo. anted her up in Heaven, ever asked for we /) . 1 rather guess, gome" mie in the west countreo, I’bata nice girl lived, ns the II oosiers knew, By tile name ol Deborah IjCc; - Har sister was loved by Edgar Poe, But !>• bornh by me. Now I ms green and she was green At a s nnnu-r squash might be ; But wit I vej as warm as other folks, 1 and my Deborah Leo — With a Jove that ill*) Josses of Iloosicrdom Cu*«U- I her nnd nie. IliM-Mmi how it lintipened long ago, In tl»e n rueiah west oountroe, That it chill March morning gave the shakes To t|iy beautiful Deborah Lee; i!rim 8team Doctor 'curse him !> The D®' In the The ang* (But Ho > never ttf And ihni i« the rcas Ip the tgucish hc ■ That the cold March wind and ilia Doctorand Death Took off my Deborah Lee, My beautiful Deborah Lee.* Fffm th* warm aunshlne nnd tlie* »j>miing flowers, And hid hi r a way from me. Dur love was as strong as a six-horse train, ** love of folks older than we, AiKl*j»o*»ibly wiser than wo; But dsai i with llin aid of tho Doctor and Stoam, •Ho hetBk)M <i the peepers and stopped tho breath CM my sweetheart Deborah Leo. Ami htft form lies cold in the prairie mould Stfent and cold—ah, mo ! Tbs foot of the hunter shall press her gravo, And the prairie's sweat wild flowers In ibcif odorous beauty nrouud it wave, Through all the summer hours. The still, bright summer hours; And ihe birds shall sing in the lulled grass, V- nectar laden hue, Wtyh hi-' dreary hum on itis gnuze wings pass— SA'« ttakes no more <o me ! At«. tn ver more to me, Fh»’ the wild birds sing and the wild flowers spring, Ske Strikes no more to me. Yat ol.. the hiieli of the dim, skill night, A Vftoi of beauty I see, Waling rot’ tn my bedside, a phantom of light— rfevjL beautiful Dtboruh Lee, My Sfide that was to be. \>)<l I, wake to inottrn that the Doctor and Death A fid the co d March win I should stop the breath Of toy darling Deborah Lee, Adorable Deborah !x.c ; Hw H •- angels should want her up in Heaven I Won they wanted nr ! iiio.-iu'v.-Aiiaccidentnhich. I nottgh, might easily have j ding, occttrt'eil the olhgr j Ttusatnl'ji Exhibition. A I iimiiiiug the guillutiuc frrrrah/e D A.NliEUOUS Oil though comic c hud u tragical oi day of Mud atm medical slmlent in the Chamber oi Horrors, took it into his head that the sort of yoke which fits down j on tho shoulders, oi the criminal to hold him in his pine, would not bo sufficient fo j Confute a person who struggled. Ills etu i- | unity oil this point le i him to watch till the j place was empty, and actually put himscll ! m, lelting down tlm yoke, lie soon found j that he was quit*' unable io lilt it, and it at once ILishi'd across his mind, that the sharp axe which was suspended over his neck could not he firmly fixed or it would not fall (hs it dues) with a touch. He was afraid to .struggle lest tho shaking should bring it *lown and at once deposit his head in the basket of sawdust below him, into which his eyes were of nucessity steadily looking. Having stayed some time in this plight, he •vas overjoyed to hear the approach of a vis itor, whom he suppliantly implored to re lease him. "I’m thinking." said the gentle- man (a Seotrh visiior of th * metropolis) to his wit', "l’in thinking ho must he hi rod in j show how th" thing acts, ami I think we'd hotter not interfere." So the luckless student I wus left tilt M. Tnssaud came in, and made fust the axe belt ire. releasing him. Tho nxo has been removed and laid by the side to prevent future accidents.—Isnuhtn Weekly I frlslrr. I Taking Toll.—it was winter, clear and e.oltl. and the allow was firmly packed, when Dr. Meadows wus one ol u sleighing parly, which ho described so tar mm he and the i young Widow Lambkin were concerned, in j the words following : The lively Widow Lambkin sat in the same sle.gli, under the same hit flu lo robe with me. '•Oh, oh, don't, don’t!" she exclaimed, us we catno to tho first bridge, at the same time catching me by the arm, and turning her veiled face towards me, while her little eyes twinkled through the moouiight. "Don't what!” I asked. "I’m not doing anything." "Well, but f thought you were going to take toll," replied Mrs. Lambkin. "7b//,” I r< Joitied, "what's that l” "Well, I declare !’’ cried the widow, her clear laugh ringing out above the music of the bells, "you pretend you don’t know what toll i* . "Indeed l don't, then," I said, laughing ; pray explain, it you please. "You never heard then most provokingly— ,4 y •low on the first InnJiug, nr \v|io stooil near the imiriL r two reporters joitu-.l tho liUe nl thoii'iipfl • th.l. i'il the thrn nl fii'tm i awaiting the eotru <‘J Unit llin gentlen had been scon by that they niiglil entor. *v somo nix or eight gontlci of Mr. Eckel. at that moment in the rn whnoM holow, and llin shouhl he intr.iihiceil; the intention l Furrc|l should have an opportunity • Et-kcf amongst a crowd. Gcntfrunc yuising ihennolvcs us host they could, and ona or two pnact) officetH got on overcoats, dec., to join the company and test the capuhilitics of the willies*. tutes, Mime hull dozen gon- '•uptain Dilks; these worn lingers from the front parlor, to which tin* public • ud mi Hod during the inquest. Then somebody ipos« d that each should d-iff his rout nnd vest d appear in shirt sleeves, hocatiso Mr. Eckel lutd appeared on the nit,ht of the murder. It is propci to stale that perhaps there wrro tl >t o In the room who htlirved the recognition would Ball i hand.. [Georgia Clit: Air l.fnc itullroad ('(invention. The convention of the Stockholders of the Geor ge! Air Lino Railroad met at Jefferson, Jackson county, on * ho II th inst. Wo understand that much enthusiasm prevailed on the occasion in fa vor of urging forward this grnit antoniiise, nnd n considerable amount of stock was subscribed during the holding of the t ’onv .1. N onciiosa, • L. E. Bleckh ' John B.Jaeksm of Madis ii ed.'; Mai. Wm. Ii. 1*. Green B. Hay Wo cannot hi worthy a gontlci of tho entorp f Fulton, President. nnd II. \V. Holland, of Fultoi , of Jackson CO.; John Hc.U, H Col. Tims. Morris*, of Fnn.kli ioIo, of llnrt—Director*. good, of Fulton, IVaasurcr. nan ;m I ictivc and euorgelic frtei Mr. Norcross was ch '-en to the Fresidnnt of the Company. We are sure that no selection could have been nude better cal culated to promote the Inter* of tho undertaking. The convention, also, acted wisely nnd with deci ded judgment in tlto selection of the Board of Dt- We understand that the entire amount of sub scriptions already made i* about live hundred thou sand dollars, some of which is conditional. Tho amount which is considered reliable and as coin ing within the conditions that will ha complied with is about $I50.Q00. As only ■'jfJOU.OOO moro of tho stock is required to be subscribed before the work i* cummqnced, we may look with confidence to two n practical begin ning of tin* work itt tho course of a few months.— Atlanta Inirllljtcnrer. The Hub illarino Telegraph. Wahiiikuton, Feh. 11.—The commitment of tho telegraph bill to tho coinmlttei Oil'll iriled i Tim At the end of ( he i ute. and i u . Item Pur tar's .Spirit of tbs Times. ••killed Itis Man.'’ LaQkanui - ., Ga., Jan. 1*2, 1857.—You havtj ioHfesR hoard oi Dr. Thompson, tho vvng- 'proprietor ot Ihn Atlanta liutol, in At- thi> Slat**, W II, oner; upon a tim» . sihility ol Mr. Fnrrell’s choosing hoiiio inmnent individual, nnd getting him inarrhed otf to Centre street. One person was told that he ptMinsm-d "a bushy lioad ol hair," and another that lie had "large whiskers," Ini’ the talking was put h stop to by Captain Dilks, who came Irom tin* Doctor’s bedroom and informed those present that Mr. Eckul refused Ip take oil’his coal until hc con- mtltsil his counsel, Mr. Clinton. Thoro thou wus a subdued fueling of disappointment mid a gniicra! pulling on of coals, Ac., alter which tins Captain opened the passage door, and ad walked into the front room, Mr. Eckel was discovered sit ting in a chair by the bed, alone. Wo inurkud Ills countenance closely. Hu sat facing the company as they entured, ono arm on the hack of the chair, his legs crossed, and his head inclined. His expression wtiu one of qm "t ruing surprise, ns though asking, "Well, what’s coming now!" The crowd surrounded him, hut he seem ed isolated. Then, as though noticing that till present wero uncovered, hn removed his cup, nnd a i the chair, so that in of the crowd. Alim entered with Judge rnl others, and there d thirty pen only all rospucts he hi l immediately tlto Coro- 'apron, Mr. Farrell and were at loast between ions in (lie room. one in which tin* f cr by letting it it lor The govrinmelil alarming fact that i the line, w I at* ver n virtual defeat of the ineas- most universally regarded ns I'd .States would he the galli- s just opening lt» eyes will really have no ront • the id it by tin* sub-marine company, for there are several pri vate t* Iciiraph companies hrlwcon out government nnd the stih-imiiiue company ; companies that have their charters from tho colonial government, and who, therefore, would ho ontirely 'beyond the con- trol ot either the government of the United Btnlcs or that ofGr.'iit Britain, nnd who could defeat, at any moment, nny guaranty the suh-maritte compa ny would he disposed to give. The companies could also speculate in the news sent over their line, or sell out the monopoly of tlm wip-s to others, listin' Halifax cottipunv has done to the Associated Press, and thus !>•• iihh m break err hu ml hi Th eminent should not give any aid to any company, unless it is one continuous cuMmliilaled company, from London to Washington city, or some other city of the United Htulcx within the control of the United Blab s government, wh“re the latter would have the power to enforce the obligati *:n which tho company should cuter into with our government, both lor the protection of our national und our hu- rcspondeii* e In i’ of the South Ca Mavor of A it an* i 1 • Hadron well a- t , and the f tli r (Jity said tho widow, I over heard flint lo tho gentleman j hen they cross twoftfltlemen (iho one decidedly und'-r the mflueti' - ' of apiritual presence, and theoth- ‘ 1 °P* a sleigh always—that is, soinetim* ,i Bridge, claim n kiss, and call it toll. Hut 1 never pay it." I Maid that 1 hud never hoard of it before —but when we came to Iho next bridge l claimed the toll, and tho Widow’s struggles lohold the veil over htrface were not enough to tear it. At last, the veil was removed, her round, rosy face, was turned directly to wards mine ; and. in the c.leur light of a fros ty moon, the. toll was taken, tor Ihn first time in his lib’, by Dr. Meadows. Soon we a long bridge with several arches; ’ * was ‘ ’ - — An imposing silence prevailed, nnd anxiety was intense. Farrell advanced, and looked around into llin faces of all, lull seemed for u moment to pass Erktl u mini iced. Then ho returned to him, caught his eye, fixed him, slid attempted to look QWiy ; hut, as tl oOgh fascinated back, he walk ed towards him, nnd g »z*sl stesdfns'ly into his face. "I think this gentleman looks morn like him than any one here," snid the witness, hut said it with an intensity of feeling nnd agitation which plainly showed that lie win not mistaken. Then he crouched down, in order to obtain a similar view of Eckel’s face ns when he looked up at tho man from the steps on the night of tho murder, ilu v»as satisfied Hint llierr stood before tun. Ill- very Indi vidual who, in Ins shirt sleeves, had gruffly de manded, "wliat are you doing there 1" The effect produced upon Eekcl almost dofir any description. Htwcountan snr. the Doctors hotel. In consequr of som ; extraordinary manifestations on the j part 0! th* 1 “lightest" gent, hc soon found nintaeit "nigh unto a muss” with the Doctor. H« tri -nd, however, carried him off before ! irurt«r< roached a crisis. Alter stowing hitn .**y. the triend returned, and accosting the | pmprr • said very emphatically you have been treading upon dan* we gefotfc. ground, sir: that mnfi is not to be tam- I ' re^ with, sir; do you know, «ir, that he ! <»t ■rtklb-d his man,’ sir!”!” says Thompson, with u I a thunderclap, and a tn»#t intense j i of contempt upon his phiz: "By allow who would have hia own way, so she paid the loll without a murmur. ••But you wont t.:ke toll for every arch, will you, Doctor!” the Widow said so archly, ; that l could not fail to exact all my dues, j and that was the beginning—but never mind j the rest. The Lambkin bad the Meadows : i fh luring. Wonuliis of tub Wintf.k.—During tho j extreme cold in this region two or three j Irendful- r>\ ; ho struggled internally to liido lit* emotion, but his hands nnd knees shook during the | 1 l, J ou ordeal. It were difficult to My which seemed to ) J 1 t * V ‘: l’’ suffer the greater—the recognised or the rccoguiscr. j 1 . 1,1 The awful discovery wm* m ule. vVe say awful, j < for so it appeared tn everybody. The witnesses of the see no Uowly retired, nnd regained the lower room, where all wus anxiety to obtain news of the result. Conversation became general, end w • overheard one of the jurors stale that, wioreas ha before doubted the testimony of Mr. Farrell, lie bad cliang- ; ’['p, ed hi* opinion entirely. | croud al Had Mr. Farrell walked up to Eckel, nnd said j JJ 0 ( ling the I .South Caroline railroads. I te 1 tntianaist says, ihn Fn lent of Ihi Mouth Card nn • dro.i'1 *.lf. red, Mibjeet to the con- I'trinntioii of In Ifoai.l of Dirertors, annuity of six thousand dollats, for llin privilege of having a con necting railrmd track, slid a large majority of the citizrin. of A'lguMu, in their pflUliott to (Council on the Mibj' * t. expren-ed a williritjlicss lo accept that u11* annually a* i eonsi l. ralmn l»r ndvsnta- r**H »•< nferreil by the city to the railroad comp'inies. The f'ounclt, however, have defeiinined that the privilege is worth ten thousand dollars per annum, and the negotiation is therefore suspended.— Co- j luirda'a Times. VSF ry iiivf'ugsfofio, the women Itnvu Ilia upper liamJ. They In tl the irtcit. The wile is obliged to Htipply her motlier-in-ldw with fir.- wood. A mitt who hits live wives, hav ing roturned Home, asks •i-ntie’hing ol No. I. No. 1 refers him to No. '2. No. desires him to go to flic otto ho lovea best. Ho Ir liniKileil nboiit from ono to miotlier, till he bccomcM quite Qiirngod ; but nil he can do is to go upon ilie* top nl a tree und cry aloud, "l ihuuirht i bad uol live wives, but I find I »th.i tbo tight hav« | the Abingdon Virginian) j ral atritiig'! things occurred, two or three j MMHxve- know, nir, that hi "ill mention. South ol tho Mr4h'; ■! his man.’ air!” i Knobs., a few miles from Abingdon, u con- pi • of geese, alter regaling themselves for a , lime in u large spring, very wisely suuutted upon the bank t*j rest UtemselvcR, iiiitl when , to inlorm you that 1 I they attempted to rise they didn’t do it, lor medicine lor twenty years, they were frozen tight ami fast to the «now. , 't attempt to frighten me with I A duck in the same .neighborhood had j a cly%, who has only 'killed hts man.’ Bah ! j been feeding and paddling about in a spring , sir, il on’t begin to do.” branch, and at length grew tired of awal- . . lowing tadpoles, and concluded to stand tin- 1 Ftt* Duel.—Much excitement w« evident in on ono loot awhile and ruminate us ducks dWi> ystndsy, when it was known that a duel ;-ajmetimee stand and ruminate. In tho I •"uglit, with n fat.I termination to one of I meantime the ice had formed around the I • between Daniel Htewart Klimt, E#q., I leg in the water, and the duck was just as j R. Daniel!. Esq., both well known gen- ! securely fastened os if she had been in n 'SKlents of Savannah. I steel-trap. capon* chosen were rifles, the distance Hut the most remarkable of all is yet to c paces, the time Monday at noun, and tell. During ono ot the coldest days last 8criven’s Ferry, S. C., about three mile* ! week, when the mercury was again as low . » city. | as if could g< t, as several gentlemen were ^Lr«t jjrr, Mr. Diniell fell mortally wounded, on their wav to town, near the residence ol Elliot received no hurt. Mr. F. H. rrustoij, they saw n garter snake — nter into none of fhe details or cause# of | gliding along upon the snow, apparently as •irofi, . , . • *e». .rts are not «l! I* ,*cMvo and utjcuitcorni d as though revelling •tdsaJ ot. .wicorrautnaaa.—.Nui>a/i/mA Gevrgi- j iii a gicuu tiioauow. i'ltdi plucc must be ' sonie for snakes in sn^ke time! doubt bis tchtimony ; but li< cvidontly frit, a* hr subsequently stated, the awful respotui- hiltly he labored under in the interview, lit coun tenance bet' iycd the struggle going on within, ily Ins indisposition to declare puni di'il'in this way: ith arc taken ttw nmrkrt pinr/t und tho !'■ is comp' lb il to lokc flic husband homo i her back, amidM Ihe pouplo. On t It oho caaiona tlto women generally cry out, live it io In n again.” TaKINO Ar)VANTAGK of (’IHCWMSTANCRS.— V'ork Times tells tho following I ol a noted contractor in Broukliu: | ined a contract Irom the city t<» I fill up certain sunken lots on Third Avenue, ! in the eighth ward. The contract wus taken in the fall of the year, and the lota were j i) will* wntor lo tho depth ot •Tho W« When Mr. Farrell returned l e asked the Unrulier, "Who ist seen 1" Till that moment h ad confronted Eckel. Tlirt fact thus developed of his g • feet. The first cold ter to turn into ice. Tie t covered it over with dirt, trick was discovered rccui the contract. The lollowi motlic the inker) lots, but this . ^ impelled to act on the nqna afford to. nil this wii- .Mr. Contractor and beforo the red it is pay untlcr [tg .spiiiig he took city tor refilliuj »: ho -he c * wliirli led ( i the belief th at the murderer li ft the h i *1 appcorance of blood J Robert Tl! I;* 8TRAN0BH THAN Fl’ HON '—From letter recuivcd by otir coiintyman, Mr. Tomlin, wo take the following _xtract. It i.s from a guntlernun whoso vcruc- ow almost cerUiti that Eckel »iy tor truth cannot be doubled : ctor’s room whoa ho entered, [ BtJlCKK Co., Junuacy Jtl), 1857. tho I Mow almost i in me- j Mr. R. G. Tornrtn: * * * * Tho most distrly aftor he had com.' in -md seated himself at | surprising thing tbut has happened is, that his desk. The rapidity with which the whole wa* j Tolton B. Butler, a timber cutter of Scrivcn, upon the stairway wn secreted in ihe D< d that he dealt l> f the» 4 Journal, 17/A qdislicd is shown by the statements ' iip«s Farrell—th-t not more than u minute snd a I hnlf elapsed after the Doctor’s entrance before lie beard the cry nnd then the lull—and that within j half a minute after that, Eckel came to the doer. : Mrs. Cunningham is also identified as having, I in company with a gentleman, on Friday purebas- • cd a sword cannon Broadway—describing the kind J desired and fay ing they must have it on that day. I This leaves it impossible to doubt her complicity must think sake ol clocutio Noxt day < Lumpkin County. Although many ot our citizens have gone to California in search ol gold, we Ice I satisfied in our own tnituls that they arc leaving as fine fields for mineral wealth as that which they arc endeavoring to find. We feel sat isfied that Lumpkin county contains asmuch mineral its the same area in California, nnd all that i; necessary to prove this conclusive ly is to have the sumo number ot operatives whoso sole business i.s to out the tn.NHuro. When persons go to Californio, nine out of ten go for the purpose of dig ging gold, with no other business in view ; this being the case, no hill, mountain, or cany an is bit untested, und the. corn •- qiienoe is that valuable discoveries are con stantly inado. Let this course bo pursued in Lumpkin couhty, and our word for it, that some tfiscovories as vnluuhlo r.s were over made in California will be the result. Hitherto our milters have only operated up on the water courses, that should a discove ry bo made, the same might b ^eonv ni-ut tor working. Now we have n<> doubt but that our hilts possess mines far more valtia- J bio than nny river or branch deposits hither- I to discovered, and all that i^ wanting lolhis J development is tho proper kind of energy. When lias any min'* in California yielded better than the mine known as the Calhoun mine, in this county, which is situated on a largo hill remote from any water! None. We recollect distinctly seeing five hundred penny wights of gold panned out al a single panful, Irom this vein. Let tho sanm num ber ol men bo employed in sttarch oi gold in Lumpkin county as in California, and ii our county docs not bear the palm we shall lie greatly mistaken.--Dahlonega .S’L«•;«?/. Punctuation,-—A country schoolmaster who found it rather difficult to make his I pupils observe Iho difference in reading be- | tween ii comma uml a full point, uffoj i tl n I plan of his own which hu ilaltui ' I lunc-eli would mako them proficients in iu at: ot punctuation. Thus, in reading, when they; came to d comma they were lo .• ty and read on to a colon or it bcmie loti “f/rX, tick," and when n full point, "lick, tirkji'k.” Now it so happened that the worthy Dom inie received a notice that tho pariah minis ter was to nay a visit of examination to his school, and as lie wa desirous that his pupils should show to Ihe best advantage, he gave them an extra drill the day bofore lit • exam ination, “Now,” said hc, addressing his pupils, when you road before tho mini-ter to-monow you leave out ticks, though you ; you go along lor the So far, so good. . tile ushered into Ihe school-room by the dominie, who, with smiles and bows, hoped that the training ol the scholars would meet his ap proval. Now, it so happened that the first boy railed up by the minister had been absent Ihe preceding day, and in Ihe hurry, the mastor had lorgottcn to give him ttist ruc tions how to act. Tho minister asked tho boy to read u chapter in the Old Testament, which lie pointed out. The boy complied , and, in his best uccent, he began to read, "A u I the Lord spake unto .Moses, saying, tick. Speak unto the clildrcn of Israel, tick, saying, lick, and thus shall thou sny unto them, ti' k. tick, tick." This unfortunate .il ly. i>i In* own style, acted like a shower- bath on ilte pour dominie, while the minis ter and In- friends ulinoff died ol laughter. flow TO TAKE OUT THE SCENT.—Hitting oil the piazza ul the (.\t turtle I, was a young, fop pish-looking gentleman, his garments very highly scented with a mingled oder of musk and cologne. A solemn-farcd, old looking man, after passing the dandy several times, with a look of aversion which drew general noiice, suddenly stopped,nnd in a confiden tial tone, Sititl : "Stranger. I know what’ll take that scent out of your clothes ; you—” "Whitt! what do you mean, sir V said tin exquisite, fired with indignation, starting from Itis chair. "0, get mad, now—sweur, pilch round, light because a man wants to do you a kindness !" coolly replied ihe stranger.- "But I tell you I do know what’ll Ink" out thiii smell—phew! You just bury your clothes—bury ’em a day or two. L'nclo Josh gol a foul of a skunk, und he—” At this instant there went up from the crowd a simultaneous roar ot merriment, and Iho duudv very sensibly "clewed the. coop” and rushed up stairs. A Fooit Rule that won’t Work moth Ways.—A countryman once wont into an Ordinury’s office and enquired if that was "lit*' place where pcoplu git licenses to git married.” Upon being au-wored in the af firmative, he said he’d "take one.” Alter "taking one,” he enquired tho m ice. I hu ubtiffinff official said : "Well, tho legal fee i.s one dollar and lilty-six cents, but gmile- m il ifnwrally nice whatever they please."-- "Wal.” says the countryman, "llial’s kind ov you," at the same lime throwing down a i/unrtir. That ordinary was "sold." A Chinese Oatii.—A "Celestial,” rejoic ing in the name of Apple, hud a Tartar, nuined Afl'or, up in the Now York Police Court on Friday, on a charge of robbery.— Tho Chinese witnesses testified after, the manner prescribed by their religion. Tak ing a piece of yellow tin per, the witness tra ced upon ii certain Chinese characters, and then setting fire to it, kneeled beloro the flames and repeated the words of tho oath while it burned. PtBTY.— "Sull,” cried a girl looking out of the tipper story window ol a small grocery, und addressing another girl who iv.n trying to enter ul the front door, "we’ve all been cor verted, so when you want milk on Sun days you will have to come in the buck- way. ’ boarding. THE i i* .festr. as tofn- i tiic public Kur.r.rnlly dial he has icd n new mi 1 < mfortnbb IIOUBR OF KXTEIlT AIXMENT, .* rn f !■■■■ '• Ty*. . » '.'A.// V'X.m H will ltmJU'h u'lodjhrc and mioa and hopes, i .. . ... _ _.i i - g''*, te xhan i liboralpnt- J AM 139 LIGON. w 3m Henry McCauley’s MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS, Noar the Peat Office, Columbus, On. MONUMENTS, Tombs. Tablets. Headstones, Marble Mantel Waxb-ntapd TOPS, of tbo best ;:nu:. Iron Hnlltng far- ' untry propjptlySttonded t HALL. K0SE3 & CO., <;oi.i:miiu.s, (<a., K EEP constantly on hand nlur«« and well assort od stock of Hardware, nl every deri.wiinion nnd of superior qunlify, IRON AND STEEL, ol nil kinds and size*. AGRICULTURAL IM PLE ME NTS, Corn Shelters. Oat anil Shuck (HITT 1*1 K S 1 OF n now’ nnd superior pattern. This nrticlo will cut shuck containing 11> • c»»b and '•orti without in jury to the cutter, performs its work rapidly nnd will not got out order. '18 Inch Circular Saws, o! tho but t quality ab> ay ■ oil Jmn.l. Scott’s Little Giaut Corn and Cob Mill. thorn Mills, I >r with it Ito can mnki two ■ i tho Foundry HuvIiiosr, and iy ot ( n3Tl N( IS consuming in i, i (t«*nir y. IMatrs & Bail ; Su- Paint Oi'.i, / Brushes, >n hand. M indoxv < Itinsral, Lm-d, .V/l of all kinds always fcrOur pf :cc t me mmlcraia c. com niodtitttig. HF.RVEY IIAM.. J. !’. ITKNRIGKS, ISAAC l MOSES, W. A. BEACH. I). . . 1. ’..5 w tf BROWN’S FOUNDRY, COLUMIHIS, GA., MANtTl ACTlIltlS AM. KINDS OF IRON AND mm CASTINGS, 6V8&8S iwmwm* (’■IIU’IM.AK SAW MILLS, Barrow Wheels, July : • tf] J und for ealo at BROWN’S FOt'NDRY, ColitnihuR, (»n Siv'K HXE;a,-sr. A TANUFAt rtJIlED nnd lor Halo ai >1 BROWN'S FOUNDRY, July 3—w tf] ColuniinisJlGn. a inch rir.CM. \i; ' ns, i 40 HALL, MOSES fc CO.. July 3- -w if] Columbus, (in. Orders tor any of tho above articles left at the Stott*of Hail, Co., will ruc-aivu prompt at- LEVY, DRAKE &. CO., Iltiffiiieei't :ulI tlitciiinisls UNION FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS Columbus, Georgia. t \ ! E call tlic special attention of the public to our * » cHinlilislintcni. Tho proprietors are practical Mr. h:iM« - and loin: • vpericnce in the Imihiicsh, they I t the Thoi On r |tnrtner hnviiiK lie SHosthopr Foundry, 51n<'i'ii. (ieoreiti, is well known, Ii.iv a • 1 i" • r. • • r •• r "I ft , o:iiii Engines, Mills. >m i !m;« ry tinnuglioulthil und adjoining St»t« «. T" off "1 " bieli wert ler ns a i(uarantw "f our work an.I ability. Our junior is just Irom Virginia, and having kind the manage ment i : mu nl tin largest etuuMi-Inncnts ill tliut .State, bring' with him the best practical ability and iiitprovcinents in machinery. We call uapcaial attention to our filAHINISnnd STATIONARY Hffttin I’.nglnesand MIIIb, both ti In r nnd Upright. Wo arc now manufacturing the I I the pro; other nl to Savannah since Christinas, to timber, and was taken sick and it was thought diod. There being a boat about to leave, his remains wore deposited in u coffin and sent home. On opening tho coffin alter its arrival, he was discovered to smile. Medical assistance was immediately called, ami it is said hu is last recovering. Hu was in his coffin two days and nights. * * * — Castvilb; Standard. Jail Biikakiko, Natuhhv Nioht. Tw oprixon- ers named Krcemun nnd Barker, rut their way out oi the jail in tins rily, on Hnturdny tiigltt: fore itg the great door of the outer wnll and making good (hair departures. We examined tliu hole cut through the wall o' ti e jail. It wan made with two small itistrumentu; one the shank <»' a steel pen, the other s small raw made of hoop iron. With these, sheet-iron, stout boards, n post of solid lightwood, It) inches f»y lit, and, linsllv, a brick wall, had been worked j through within a few day*. The escaped swung j down from the erootid story, by Idankcla, rapidly smashed the padlock on the front Kale, with an nxc, and wunl their way. Freeman was <n for assault with intent to mur- | der; Iris companion, on suspicion of Isieeiiy.— | .Unit. Mail. "Cuai. to Nr.wcASTi.K." Among the arrivals at this port yesterday, says the new York CJonrier ol 1 Tuesday, was the bark Martha Anns, from Toulon. I having ns lirr cargo a large quantity of pork, scut here for saloon account of the French Government, ft was port hased here for tho French Criineen army, ' lint tin- termination of the war r-dured the present nml prospective Consumption of tho article, ami it i* sent here for a market. Il seems a little singu- I | ,r tint this should be done, nnd it i* apparent that | tbe p.roplo along tho Mediterranean shores Itsvo no taste for fh I* descrij/I on of food. KA.*-nAS I KtsiMLATiaiK--The 8*. Louis KrpuhU ! eon learns that the Kansas Legislature Its* repeal- | rd the law against the circulation of incemliory documents. A resolution had also passed both Houses, under which a convention will be called «t hii curly day to frame a Htate constitution. OontTii* in' Politics The Democratic Brcas in the Middle States generally are defending tho pro tective ad valorem duty on iron. Tho New York " News’’ joins in with the Philadelphia "Pennsyl vanian’’ in decrying any change or reduction.— Them is now a very protective Tariff feeling run ning among tho Middle and Eustern Ststo Detnoc- racy.—Unit. American : irsol any n. . Klourin:. und (.'ora .Mills; Vorti cal nad Pin .'-if M ’ mi Miffs; limit ing : Bullev . Ilor . BoW( r - ; i ;in nnd Mill (fear ing ol ill kinds; Cemetery Railing; Bark Mills; Corn. lull, r*; Cub Crushers ; and Castings of ev- ry kind -Brass nnd iron. [Mnrcli 2vk twwtf The Eagle Manufacturing COMPANY. OolximlauM, G-oorgia. THE Factory being in full operation, is •lo m simply (mi their mun Berms) prompt- Yarus, Osuitburgs, d A Sheating, 7-8 Shirting, Cotton Stnpos ofgreu! variety ul Pattern. Cottonodox ombracIriK many new Styles. Nsgro JCor soys and Pino Rr.ot Plains, Planters' Cassimores, Truck for Trowvort, Sewing Thread, Shop Twine, Mattresses, Batting, &c. To CASH t'urchvsrrs inducements will hr offered l)«C» tuber U i. '51 IWW tf NOTICE, NOTICE. gy. THE miller■ gned iinvtng opened nut VJ n new 1*001’ ami "inn; Establish- ml'^"inent on Bn« • it, in the store be* rwecu Mr. Si w ry,, • nml und Mr. Lio ns’.., would r< spoctlully solicit th. attention of tho- ' wii" w .'ii buy ehi ; and good articles. 1 have on hand ■ . ml • • - i 'ment n| Clents', La dies', \li-*'V, I>•>- und ( Inl<Iri-n'h Hoots, sitoi . II ...tecs, C.alters, Half Gaiters, oi Walklm; Husktns, Mlppers, «We. *tr.. All ul which m •.Him I.ATKriT .STYLES. Call ami sic. ui n.’ • i “l*lK Hoot,” und if you have any MONEY bring it along ! F. M. BROOKS. OFFICE—KANDOLFII STREET. NUMRER 8 SOMETHING TO SUIT TUI] HE.ASON AND OfdMATE! FACTS HAVE DEVELOPED THEMSELVES rpo SUCH an exforH that I feel to run no risk rom thousande of evidence in iho City, whero I have liver] U vnars, nml the county on every side,) in saying that tiro SOUTHERN CORDIAL lln« proved iis'dl '•» be tlioniost reliable remedy that lui- i ver been put before tlto public for Bowol Diseases, Flux, Dysentery, Acute ov Clironio diahrhcea. And for Snail Chib' -on while Te«thing, Ac. il I could »peak nr Gabriel, I would trll tho poo- nd IV rs‘< rn State how nnd plu of the Southern ; whero they enn obtain the ... ....... Stairs, for the above disenficp. nnd I offer it lor no other than bowel disenHiifi; but th« Southern Cor- din! la the flxrr.sT Rr.vj.nY in the world; is economy itapll, nnd a saving of lime, troutdo ami money, i gel orders from men nt a diptnnee, whom I never e:uv. asking mo to send it to them, they having hy aceident used it. nnd want more. Ph ase call nt UUEDY’8 CORNER, got a bottle and try it lor yourselves. 1 will take grent pleasure itt placing before you such evidence ns will be indisputable. I never miss n day but whnt hoiiio man cornea up nnd says, "I am * uiefied, it will do. it done more lor me than anything f ever used in my life ” There is a way i it, that is to try it ! 0unity's Corner, Broad fltroek. e v 8100 Roward! ft IIANAWAY from my Plantation in Bar- hour co., Ala., Inet Mnv, my boy FLOYD, of (yVdurk eomptexion, low forohead. woll set, 5 ft. ■Jo*.-:inches high, weighs about 150 or lf>0 lbs. 1 • r fiis apprehension ami safe confinement in Jail, I will pay the above reward. IIo is believed to lie in Ilurria county, Ga. JOHN 1). HF.NHY. ! ’el ‘ • t w 11 w t f $15 Roward! U AN A WAY ii un the uudernigned on tho i i . a tu'gioman named JOE, about 3ft » 'Id. vety bl uk complected will weigh high, no For Sale. STORE-ffot'SE u ! by Messrs, oltinihua, Mu ir; comer of ••reels, known as tl.e nbl !'u , nnd orcupiid nt this Hussey. D. V. ELLIS ti, CO. Corn, Corn ! I I \ I \l\{ \ BUSHELS of Corn, for sale by I U.VAA/ SIIEPIIEUD MOSS, Dec 23 wff Rcdd’a old s'and' Muscogee Railroad Stoolr. VI I Sf’.OGEE Rmlroad Stock forsnlo In shares to l.l piirclitt.i r.. K. J. JDIINHTON i CO. Mutton. On . r>«t:. a.V.'t.'. IW 11 Finest Flour in the World. I (JST luccivcd per Steamer Oswichoa- 1-0.118" Extra “Cresri'Tit” "Plimnix Mills’’ >.«] Superlitie Flo i lOCasksF’fioi.i' Bacon Shoulders, A do do Extra frim'H Baron Hams It) do. Childs Sugar Eared Until*. For sale by GUNBY A. 00. May ^.’5t» tww jf pass liiniHeli'ofl' ril'd a H > ft. C or ; incites high, ho I ■ ■" * .if ttl? right, he will Brick or Stone mason, l with 1.1m, speaks slow when iasrn'.lu r a Icininino voice. THn.M AS 8. MAGRUDER, White Sulphur Springs. m It w4t* 875 Reward! WILL pay $-25 for the nmirehcnaion of a Btnall » boy iintned WALTER, about 12 y old, iepukento, brogue peculiar tn South Carolina nogroea. I have r--: • intobi'ieve that tho boyxvne aided orenrriodoff 1 y h mie v. lute person, und I will give an additional rewind ol t?5i> It proof to convict any person of tho ofl ■ Ti * bov will no doubt endeavor to pass 1 n white boy. ' VAN MARCUS. Feb. 7 tw.'U wtf UNION MILLS FACTORY, TO RENT, LEASE Oil SELL! t*;;i THIS Factory i > nit nn tod in Henrd comity, Georgia, 10 miles north of Franklin, und 20 hum • fiom ilic Atlanta .V LaGrnnco Railroad. The Water Power is good an any in tho State and tin* place is perfectly healthy, with lino Spring wa ter und pai r air. The place hay on it a small Farm, go”>! Dv.illinu houbo nnd otithiiildfngs. Saw ami Gi -■• Mill, anu Fneinrv. The Unnda’ lioutes aro nn ;.v destroyed: Iralaneo of huiidiiign generally pood, i’lii- Fartoty enn be bought on very fuvorn- hit term*, or ii in l>> leased or rented, uh the prep- cm incumbent i' nut n practical manulucturer, und litis liuoinusw railing Ins atu ntion elsewhere. Fur limber particular* address tho tiuhscribcr, or call on him at the place. A practical manufacturer, wishing to bocomoa co partner, can buy un interest. N. M. ROBINSON. Agent, Feb 3—w3tn Union Mills, Ga. Salo of Steam Mills. DY VIRTUE •'Inn assignment executed by Hun- IJf'T Bi" ■ \ Wi!lium«, on the 93d day of Junua- e.r ! >7, to the undersigned, and recorded in tlie Br-. iiitc olfinr, 2-Uh January, I»5T, in Record ol Deed , Vol. 12. we will sell to 'lie highest bidder at pul.Ii,-.-ale. before the Court-house door, in the town . I LaKayrtte, on Monday, the 9th day oi .March next, one hundred nnd eighteen acres of Land, being a part of tin north east qunrtnr of Sec tion eleven, in Township twenty-two, of Rango twenty.six, togotiior with n new set of 511 'll A NT STEAM 5111.1,8, oreetou on the same, with all tho machinery and fixtures, uml all neccusary outbuildings uppurtenunf thereto. The Mi'l House i - large and well arranged, 3 atoriea high, nml completelr and tiioroughly finish ed and furnished, and well adapted to currying on an ox tensive and aticecuful busineBs. This property is loentcfl within oqo mile nnd a hull ol t'l^town ol LaFayatte. and conimnndH an oxtensivc patronugr, and altogether offerH und coin- bines more ttdvuntn: • • for a;i investment, than any other properly in the State. Terms Cash. JAMES E. REESE, l MILTON ANDREWS,) A981 8 ,,,,CB - LaFuycttc, Ain., Feb. 10, '57 w tds MUSCOGEE RAILROAD, cio.xa: or i.dicm r.i:. i ^ROM nnd after this date tbo Day or Express Train will leave the Depot at 1 B. M.,nndar rive nt Mncon nt fff B. M. Leave Mncon nt 2 A. M, arrive at Columbus at 7i A. M. Morning or Aocomnindntion Train will leave al 11 A. M., and arrive nt Mncon 10.54 A. M. Lotivo Mncon nl 3 B. M. arrive at Colur/»fr*l8 10.10 B. M. .!. L. MUSTIAN, Supt. ^ColunibiiH, June 29, 1850 Juno 28—tww tf raoillJLi; A GIRARD HAIMtOAD. laily. (Sundays excepted,) connecting i M r Run with a dnily li..e of Stages, lo Villuln, (Jle.itlivillo,Eufauin. Ft. 0»fnC'L and Mnriatmn, Fla. Am) m i’..Ilx ii dnily vvtih the Stages far IVhro, Oltvet, Enon, Cltunriecagfeoe, Midway, Hnrdnwuy, I’crote und Union Springs. Leaving Cottier! a' *» A. M. daily, (Mondnys rx- ceptod.) tlto (-’are will reach Girard ut 8 n. in., couin cting with tlto (jpolikaand Muscogee Truinn. tUT Dutdicato Receipts must accompany Freight Shipped Kr Separate Receipts are required for each De ni list lie paid before Goods will bo <1 ihc barged ■ ITT Down Freight must be delivered nt tho Do- put in Girard, before half past 12 on the day ol ship- merit. IPr Wav Freight inust in all cases bo pnid in ad vance I It. A. HARDAWAY, Eng. and Sup. April 17. ’.V- DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. MONTGOMERY, WEST POINT St OPE LIKA BRANCH RAILROAD. O N AND aftrr Inly lGlIithrTrain*on 'hi. I 1 ™ 11 u ill 1.0 unvorn.d liy llin foil.'Willy Solmilule : UAY TKAIN i Arrive nt Goluliibus»»• •' Weal point • • • ■ Leave Columbus Arrive n« .Montgomery. ...11.50 a. ...11,45 a. ... 8.40 u. ... 2.40 p. NIGHT TRAJJij Irfiave .Monigomeryat 8.30 p. m. Arrive at Cidmnbus 2.45 a. in. •• West Point 2 30 a.m. henvo Columbus 11.30 p. tn. Arrive at Montgomery 7.30 a. m. " " West Boiut 2.30 p. nt. (£r Double Daily Connection* arc continued from West Point to Atlanta und Nasluilile, and daily to Knoxville, Tenn. Daily Connectionh are continued Irom Montgom ery tn Mobile by Stngosund Htoamboata. ITTr Bassongere taking the Night.Train irom Co- lumbiis, are requested to purclta.-e Tickets of the Agent at fh.- BERRY HOUSE, between the hours ol 10 nttd 11 o’clock p. in. SAM 1 Is G. JONES, July 26. 1855—tww tf ] Eng. Ac 3up. Corn aud Cob Mill. J UST received 20 No, 2 and 3 Mills, and for sale at our Warehouse. GREENWOOD & GRIMES. July 8> ’56 w if