Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, February 24, 1857, Image 2

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Columbus inquirer. r;»<•»»> lk. lit Hn4 thmt »«n • Cr,w».' WLUM»m*. QA.: M»nd»s. Primary M, 18ST _ * The Federal wul pfc*"* «*co*« our •pparCrrt feck ef cuurV* in nM noticing •doom it* Hnrtum Mi »oMt Uu nnarktef eur'a. We will »c«t !*•*' Pr~r its trtt ro Ltrr.—Mr H^Imir. »lo «« ukrn ^Btrten ii tbif cifj. *** Vet rt -*«f - raoet »vi!Ifol f> • wof ibe r ••>. u ff!» Anbtmyptf «•* Pbfltefrapfce will fforar •emfoisw* *ud far iMt ^abject*. and by t&eir Waaiy sod ftdeftty will W mi* w eticii the *drai- rsriuo of the f*Uie. Cell **4*m tote ■pwmta r; '.rt r* Fti'CU Mx-Kmeel M. Carter, rf M«- •rv -»»*y, (}*., he* *ent «* «• * pr«"®t c turret Ffonr mosufseiUTed at hr» ^Caoaxwsttue M-.Ue.” -- -bw .«*ld renthily uie the high rot premium -r any f*jr in Use t’nriu. The humbug fiog . modaUnpotUi &c* o»b«.* States sie trash coat- j-ared with tin* bouatiful, wlate arvd aweot project mt Geo»*i* culture sad ujc•factor*- it hss, we ■ra, lean dtlurraioelby s.-innUU maty*:btbat t Georgia * beet fa Mpriai to say t’Jfcrt i the 1 *,; nd far. Carter» cull* prodo-e Um very rl '<•#*«. floor of one rboien* wbeut region. We tr : (bat the day fa Mat Ter d*ta*l when this su- p r. -r product of Mr Hut* will (MiUmU one of it# !»ig< »t export*. end ws sre Mrs that s trial of Mr. Cirter's fl >or wifi do much towards «riUD| • n tlUsU49* deoMUd for lh:» Georgia product. C*tairfra*.—Dr. Adam Floyd requests cs *.o • a«f ihw there w*s no < ‘*ffrsf*’ or “fight” 'a* re- pw:s4 * jr ihe pepor*) betweuu himself ai,J Sir. Ylroraa* Ofiee. provfou* to or st the mo* oi the «}, -ling .1 Floyd by Olive, nor wss there then any difficulty between thorn glUUtuf out of their family rbi t-w. h reported. Ik xtateu that Olive ahot i « i without *ny provocation, ss be was throwing i he bridle over his horse’s bead, preparatory to »? >j8ti*;2 Wm Wo know nothing, dsmod from direct import, sboat the ma'ter. sac*pi this mate- mrai of Ur. Floyd, an J tntk* k public according to b:a request. tUy Crfm^ual Coort. After a brief and expeditious asseion bald lari week, tht* Conn hs* ad jo u mod. Hut few CUM were tried,hot tbs Grand Jury appear- to bare cot eul considerable work for future term*. We learn that about fifty proas atornu wers mad •.about half tl which wers for gaeoM ng, and the balsoee pria- cipaify for retailing toafa*ea. Thera ars deferte in Hie c-’TWittumn of tbs Coon, or a lack »f cfeameM in wma d the terms of the art eatsblisbiiif it; hot Ju !rt Colquitt spposrs compcUnt an ! determined to take .1 a* • tfiosttt a* poarible. Toe WiH,D. Spring »• wkh M-*» fear prematurely. One til 'he coldest mid-wintr ia known in our Ut'tude •a./aa U> have been cut .ff abruptly, and, without the B*u%. Asct'iating dsliiaare poetically deaertbed •s "Jingrrinf in ths lap of Spring," ba» gi*en way at or.c* to *ethere«l mddnesa' and budding serJurc. A fortnight wme we notir-d blsoma on the maydes aid ••aldert of tbs brook," and now we perceive that the pitun trees ere putting forth in full bloom. Many early garden vegetable* are already «p, and the firmer is btt*y planting hia crop*. The sri- •on, too, ha* been onosuaMy dry for nearly a month, ■nd mn is datiraW* an wrae land*. It i* much to h.-f a rod, however, that early rain* mil betucz-jri* J*-d by a colder tsiApsratvrs and killing froat*. far the Spring ha * opened au*pioiou*fy and gsnially— wc hopt not too early to fort. Tu Malta—The great *now *V>rn of January aeetna tu have diaanangrd the roakU bryond reur- try. The anow ha* meltr-1 and Use ice thawrd, hut lb* mail* ars fraaed up, or ntherwive faat hoand, atPI. From all point* North one or two toa-U art due. md we are several d.ty* behind In our exchan* gt* from any city north of Baltimore. The truth is, then hi* bean no regularity In the rna.U hr ttrsrly month, and no progress *eem* to be made in thv work of rs-mtabluhing order and regularity. W'«- hire never known a period when the aerrice wav ao deficient and unreliable or tha management •o negligent and inefficient. W# wish OU! Buck croM 6u_/ cut tha remainder of the term of the pres ent Admit.i«u*U0O at Washington, for no change ui the FtMiofflca Dapaitmcnt could ba for tha w-»r*e. The Ceatnl American Treaty. The telegraph reports that the Boasts of tha Un>* >r„. k ul >. Fr~« .t r..uerfc _ , . .. . . . Tkvw , l> tk« 1 .i»iii.oH.i,.in U »- | W, h.™hrfek.«, „ .M »f<*r -Nortkrr, - M S.m Kwkko,.," c«min=ric^» » *, a-rt*.! UJ JZEZZZZa, <* Uii. Trr.t y , «»..&«*• K...« u, Ok .Vi- H«r * ton***. MM* W»>< nkkm, «m. w-»i y uh...prrr.». (Wm»i ^Xf.tkk. util 14, IMmocrmf, !«<— ~J — ; • l»»« <* W “■ T* * Y i ^ t uvr fv-— u. r^Tkt.u w,vk -h, n~ Ad:=..^ o,pn of Ih, -m, .* 14. M»~t. D,n»- r^ioo of Bu,4«~ BtwktntkJr- « « *> t4u4. - a« *“7*y, .~T l.-,k- 11« Jifficuh to of «.r prop.. « : «c, Uki. i. «o~ction »it4 tb, Xew Y«* Trx- ,T,k<t t. rr.l f- <* *• •**•"■> » '*^*» t * “ ^ i c ^ " ,f w. f=-:. .W t_ y ,„ m -ft of .4, th, UttU .!T.„ o.tkl.t,, 4.t ,f - W. « — w— •”' 1 "!* W ZT1.. W^ropon, fto. .Ml K.O-." .4x4 1 ..^Uut~ tkk .p J.-t .«i • d.»«r « rejected—and it b un- | eiicUsd »ch lood -.brisk, ht fresiom” from the would delight a haig y man. better tbvo “ l-nek dentoo-1 that ouch i* the rtpiaaaa »f a large majority Freirrrrter*. The es»*s*p^odeiKm before a* i* of Aim- We ‘<--i sore that Mr. D- ,n *° woo ‘ of the Henato—why should H oat he defea ed at the same charactev-brtteriy ntWpartme of ths give hia the fonest app«nta»*nt at hi* drspowJ, if oaea a'iJ w th a abaig^t-forward doactMa*credit*- j pro^iarery party and faodatary ol the -Free «•'*'* , he eaald aatiafy the offi--e-*rr*m» m Hie to cor national greatneiw and repoblica’.i h»n- , m»a. We alia la to it tkitS* to noiire • mi-ture Demo. r»cr as erty T l! the prsaent Adaomwlration and »u Min- ! between the LagwUlurr and Gw. Geary, wi>:ch j ofh:. guest* rro « o. M»»B J^ra*.: i M^rrw. A Fuller K.purf of the Europe New*. f Continuation of Minute* of Point* DrcMed Lmapooi, Ma*i*TS, January. 31—The B-„ 1 by the Supreme Court, at Maeoo, Jin- j fc rr ‘, c.rcular report* cotton a* opening the w . ■ury I**57. _ with a buoyant feeling, which wore oiTtju .. ^ James Lawao*j e*. Arthur P. Wright. Adm’r. Where the enderkr kipolele- -t-i be lie;-e only totd.r Price* were atifler than before, 3 offering freely, but not preaaing the mart,- I when the maker is sued to icsolvency," »’• »■ »°* \ Tht vales of the week since the report* of .. 1 . against ike maker, be- . Africa. 24th Janaary. were 61.1*00 bale*, cfo*jr ; * 'C it e return 'f nulla bona ; Uplands Middling. 7} ; Upland* Fair. ■ the fortunate iadirihuli who were to presidt ever the several Department*. He weM—aaember* of Congress, Gonraon t f Bute*, and Democratic pot- iticuum cf r*e*y diqae aad metioti, kaatswed to meet and advwa him. What ir.dn*ac« wera troaght to bear upon him in favor of particular or States, we are not permitted to know, ex cept by iafeseneo; hut we know that Sir. Bachvn- a* mtarc'd to Wheatland wii>.->ot bsiuf aMe to make the important saiccUor.* —baa returned, perhaps, a "W'r and a tmlAcr man." It a* now announcethat be will cotne to a conclusion on the Xfith imU, ar. i that the unon morid (of office- •eekaca) wd! then be ad«iaad of hi* choice. Until then—»nd pcriup« longer, foe the t;.-aggie may be protracted to the 4ih of March—we mas 4 continue fore suing the endorser, but i < — on f. fa, and proof kAherwUe of the m* 'cr r insolv- Middling, 7 11-16; Fair. 8d. v i* sufficient. Judgment affirmed.^ J. A. Of the. week’s sales, speculators took 12j:f)f* v n , n... r. non K,Im. - Tucker, for Pl’ff i: Worrell for Deft i at Br.uia have negotiated a dubonota ble or fi-.iaJnota|rfiu Treaty, can any «och ahuflin; arveweavra as the transferring of it* rejec tion to s new A•iraia’stration *hieH it* neg rtiaiora from the odiam which rich a rejection involves T But if it iv the. inteation of the Senate to postpone it* joJg-**nt of the character of the Treaty until tha opinivn of th* incoming President can be a** cartaii-ed, how little oodrtaMe to the honesty and iurJe of the he will th-s Q<tur*l af-pctitc* ike 4<h pr- x. Being of th- cnas- .1 report.. T4e Lefrri.tore u eokrelj p-w'-erf ter ......ewed lo copy r'le io.iUko*. *e —ke ■»" i in its constitution, and the diaafreement between for it and the Governor tenia to confirm lbs pr< ; indication* that Geary had g^me the w»y fT B^r drr. 1 v,, m j {^xhtr. a Revolathmary sold er, to F ranku Sheriff Jones, tbs effkwal and resolute ahar-ffsffSq tVfrrr. ’ r ” • exp'*rtr rs C.OOO bales. ror. The stock at Liverpool en the 31st Janci- Jacob Johnson c*. James G. Morris-—A parol W4f *§5.000 bales, including 190.000 Amer agrr-ment. c*en if proven, to pay the owner f-*r « I cotlon . aejrrv hired to a third person, w *o»d by the M»l- Pixa r^TCFTl.—The msrket rerni:n* <jo>t ate jf Fraud*, and no recovery can be had upon a p article*. S »«ich contract. Judgment reversed- J. A. Tucker. ; ] 4!rDl k X Moxrr Makxt—The Mr-nev m«-. ; i-or Pl’ff ;n error. Ih>ugb** and Hood, for Deft ir m , a< rras{& gstriugency.and there i* ropra- f iaimedtato relief. ConsoU closed at 93g. * Pfco.' , !A-—Particular* hate been -Fifty- B'jant King r*. the Stale.— 1. It » .1 of it. ... the city of Pbsladefonia, to partake of I ~ . " . , • ox, foamed in boo4r of the elaeuoa of Thomaa Jcl- D«I ! “ c-»» y L.*mKe, h.e: J t- Ban. signed in consequence of ffonry * «*m-w towjrJv j n n.^or the election of Jara-v Ba lianaa and i_ , . r r I. I ta 1 John C. Bracken ridge, an! :he gS<vro>ua iriurapi ol -k-nbbed ^'amte-so'j'nti li^-v hearted, b integrity of that Wy i* such an expedient t How J (late of Vsrg, O-kC tow J, 1» - Jcdje Lecompt-, tS- Lagislatarv recomneo I4e G j.ernor th. .pp- aL!k«l ot W. T. !4h.--„. „, erT TSV Dem^crstt Gtcoami Gold.—A paragraph from tl.e last Dabionrga paper speak* confidently, though *eem- ingly exUavagi'itiy, of the ru Unoaa ol that county in gni-l-'fi ora. Tha editor thinks that no rrgi-m in Cadifomii. of the tame extent, is richer ia the pre. t out m- t*l than Lutnpkm county. Ws bars also baforaus a specimota ol golddwsring quarts from the mino of Mrs. Vincent, of PsuMing county, G« , which tppaar* fa bench and, front it* aoltne**, vary easily crushed sn«l worked; and we have heard verbal i- porta of the great richness of some mine* In Union ceunty. In the meantime, the feeqaeat smu-ances rtroeg ** pre talon* of c^ofiJence by th* Democratic pin*, are sw.i» :.g to outsider* aware of th* real cooditiostof affairs hi ths party. Mr. Buchanan, we are assured, wifl ^justify the exp- tattoo* of the ccantry"—be w/l * r-rirct a Cabinet commanding the confidence of the nation"—he will -•select men who boat ted most faithfully represent th* gnat interests of the country,” and all that short of in definite blarney. Many go ro far a* to extol his independent*, which has cp to lb»• timo delayed the selecti-n ef Cabinet adviser* ar..1 disappointed th< too eager drrtree of eipc.UnU snd wire-work er* ! The truth evidently is, however, that it is a latk of ai4*p*nd*oc« which ha* derived the choice of the President rlaci. He ha* ha J to sustain the pressure of eon flirting and ar»t*f vaialsc political cliques, sod their strifes, wi.»ch he cannot com p-w, reader kiss Tscrlla*. .ng and dilatory. On# in terest checkmate* another, oo that n « move can yrt be Bide upon ths political cfe**-l»j’l. This con dition of things, beyoad doubt, ta the cause of the future President’* delay and :rr**o. -;ion. When time will no for ger wait, the emergency of the hour will hurry up the elocution of a task which o be no longer deferred. Our reader* are aware that we hive heretofore rejoiced in tNttnncti and in Ikutfons that Mr. Bu chanan, discording the eiampla of President Pieter, would fxcfa V boih Freev r« and Di*u- nioniata from hi* Cabinet «.nc gath-r arounJ him, a* his eonctimti nal amiatanta and a-Jviacra, only national and conservative men. In thi# spirit, we have expressed gratifyition *t the n-wspsperaa- »urarer* that Gen. Cu« and Mr. Co b ware surely 'booked” for Cabinet station* i arvl in th# same spirit we read aatisGt fon* Mr. Buchanan's remark to the Penney Ivans ctdl-ge student*, thvi hi* admrnis?ration would wrge a war of extermina tion upon “all acctionaiism.'* But w<* fear tbal dur ing hia recent virit to Washington, -od perhaps for some time prrvioaaly, representation* were made which have changed this rr vdntion, adopted, no doubt, in an early moment of patriotic gratitude to the American people for the high h not conferred upon mm. We faar that the Georg ta Telrgropi ia right in its roncius • n that •*»»! iate the seeir* bate ptvpondetvted decidedly to faver of that pot. tion of the Southern Democracy r *-j by way of eminence Stale end th* qaict stibmiMion ef the oetrmrised wing during the \ Iministrat.-n that is about to reaae r.monohe* u* that Mr. Hu chanan ia in no danger of destroying ••th* harmo ny” of th* party by lb;» change of p»iicy--p*rtiap only by the change eou!J he present n. A good deal is said just now in many DemoersU paper* about the necessity of the President’* bavin, ••representative men" at hi* ulnmts. What i meant by the term, wr tfo n«.t fully r.. upreb«nd. If the puny ia, as we are toM,* un>7, and if f'inrinnati platform ia ihe hr.*!* up ■» which all members stand, how can one port:- b« any m the “represruUtivea" of principle# or *e4itim«nt* than the balance 1 Thf Demccvalic peltey—or, frneralixe the ei]**«»»on, th# Democratic idea being univeieal througjml the party, we see room for peculiar “ rcprueutitutive*” or r x rIu>. embodimcnla. Hut perhaps— and w* suspeet that it ia th# case—by ••wprsuentativu lorn'’ they me the rvpr#*cntoti«r* of a juea, inlerr- and factions, the dtspehieni of favor* and patronage to certain politician# of their ow„ pecul only—such men as B- ason and O’Conner would 1 not be, and for which independence ih< y had to g: up their placer t-» Free*oilers. If this ia the mrj Ing of your "reprcsenlsiivo incn,” g I Lord dele greatly h#« the American Penile -fallen from high esuta." when it suffers parly faeliftg to ioter- fere with it* artfott on qoertions of this character! if whit sppea-a upon the lac* of this Treaty v rrt not enough by itself to secure iU inaunt re jection fcy the American Brnate. a recent develop* meat connected with it should dispel all hesitation. By th;.* Treaty Great Britain stipulate* for the transfer of certain islands and other tsmtery to H*uduras. end it has now come to light that sbo has Ulgetiafad a tide Treaty with Honduras bind ing thr ritter power to forever exclude slavery from the territory to which Great Brtain the* execute* a qiut-cisini! Thus, mt aii her stipulations and manoeuvre*, eh* keep* steadily in View the one controlling objeet of breaking down nor influence and preventing th* »p*ead of our institution*. We are glad to find two such able and influen tial Dem-ssrutie | a per* as the Augusta Con*tifu- litmofut and the Montgomery Adeertuer dennone- ing this Treaty. Hot in doing *» they institute comparison* between it and the Clayten-Balwer Treaty which we think are very unjust toward* the latter. The Clayfon-Bulwer Treaty is not lia ble to th* objection# which they urge against ;t, ex cept by the adoption of the British construction.— nstructien our Government has always re pudiate*) ; our people of all parti** and eeetion* re pudiate it; both a critical and a common-aena* consfrurMon of rt« language and terms repudiate latg- portion ef the British press and potiti- nana bar* constrained tu acknowledge the correcta^es ef th* American construction; and our present Administration and Mr. Buchanan have luridly sustained th* American view. It bound Iresi Britain to dear out from Central America, nd if she has tv>t complied with the alipulatien, the fault is not due to th* T re sty, but to those who have ilmrersrded ft failed te enforce il* provivwos. But the Conetitutianalut correctly intimate* that even when construed according to British preten sions, the Cleyten-Bulwer Treaty ws* n»»t as ob jections! le ss this Central A meriean Tr aty. It make the United Bta’es a partner with Great Britain tn a £. innate mi g dwtatsrahip over the Central American Hitt** : it did not interven* just at the nick of tim* fa prevent Nicaragua, under North American ru'dsne* and rule, from establish ing her claims to disputed lemtitry ar.d rxtrtiding the spread .*f institution# similar to ours; and it did not r-strein ihe (teople of any of the petty Ktat** from di*;<-*a ng of their fatT'.tory toothers. If there He Clayton Btilwer Treaty, it ari \ nd opnrwttfon of F’remoat: i Free Kigttsfem. I oropow j my place on the Mcarrrgi nov refused to m»ke the ippnalmen!; whor-ap the I.*;i*l*tire iqp ■aleil the art c mforting uj->» j lb~ Govern.»r the #pi»-inting p-*wer, took the na't?» | panak «.!..„d y Ml. iu ... «■' •«- j b ^ t J j}i„;rtSTe;. . ,H of Sr. York — rard ahenffi The correap-«sd,-nt of the IM”, -at f Au arc expected to be pre*-a: Tmm fir#* as t-» understand that the fc Fre# State” \<*r\j i ’swill leave Macon at • o clock A. M-, and Cofam wiil re*;**, hi* authority, an I tbit *r msy expect the combine j. Free IxiVtf tsm arid rovsiartafi-led ox at Railroad on the 4lb ot hich I :ivi e evert biiy to come money and wiifo-u*. price. H«a. Thomas W i’Mw. «hv j diet of the jury. | nnucce. first • itether hr was ready for trial, before British fifafiort. j the State ha* •nnoar.eed- Cbi.v* —Nearly all the factories at Cscton 1 ! 2. Tie questions prvacribeJ by the act fff, 1^56. ; burned. Ncthinc has been t-ard pr* : , I to bu propounded to ju^^^s on their for din, art ■ D { Admiral, near that city, but it | the proper ones to be ask'd upon the tnal of dr- }j£ re ,j corfidecljy that he will proceed to a ! fondant or * eri-ut committal before the passing v^nJment- ! uf the act. Judgment affirmed. Tucker and D u- . rumored that the Cf»iDc«e authorities • ’ gri«e. for Pi’fT- in error, ifof O n. r*preaented by j t, !he Americans at Canton. : Lao-er and Amler##n. for Ikrfl. . , ~ | Jmn riot) w. Ihe 9u». Mcnlcr. The pro..f cl th, B..ct H .rricr . ■« ,. I of piiit m lh» CM »*• mSBc »t M jo» i' y Ike Poli!-c.l cicilcmcnt ran high m .« 5 = r>. the l' further trouble. The a/Tsir b»d created cosw.Jers- bli ruitriBsst; Bnerrard bad chall#ng.-4 a lr*r- soiler who had vilHM him. and bad posted hi* as a liar and a coward on his refusal t»> fight. While these 1-Ueft denounce in the stron’-s* i i not try th# prw- | passed, by • aamewhat in no- j tiring a rfofao* demmstnUos by th# Frew State i women of Lismm 1 *-, who broke open all the ii* ! quor-ahop« of th- t»wn and poured th# liquor into \ the rtreet*. This art is highly applauded by thv Freest il correspondents, hs tb# same loUer# which charge riot saJ disorder up»a tne irery party dock A M- on that day he ahuruoon. All fidiws l -nd oi pretty women pec:«d to ei a by i _ r d to ropy tn UNCLE SAM KOGOCOGRT. this n<« r>d friendly i | terms alleged acts of vioUrjc* sliTery party, they vary the it James A. Turner r OT W* regret to luurn from the Troy American, that itc.msiJ' s th# project of extending the Mob.I# •nd Girard Railroad through Pi«.u county • total failuro. It rvf»orl» Uwt »t the meeting aj pointrd to make returns of aubsenptiorta, Ac., th* failur# of the enforpria# was demonstrated. Wear# #atiafird that it prumWd th# ehe«i»#*t and quickest railroad cnnnrcti >n with a urtton marl which can be pre aented lo th# people ot Pike, and we know that that couiry suffer* great pecuniary Iom which such • connection would eavv lo it, and thsreforr we have hope* that the proposition will soon be revived under ir.or# fevoruM* aupiceo. Mr, (isle# Beaton, the oldest eon ot Mr. fti-aton of lb# yjtiamal Jntellijfmter,d\cfi in Wash ington City on the tth intt. He was net, as the paper* report, the •• late proprietor end editor of the Raleigh /fr^u/fa.” Mr. Beaton Gales, • much younger man, suJ u reUti*# *>f the deceased, is thr gentleman wh-i recently retired from the propr.ilot- * hip of the Htgitlcr. T' a asp Corrxx.—Speculator* in th* chief cities have lately take* throe article* in band, and are buying them up largely at advancing price*. They base their calculation* as to a deficient supply of Teas upon tl.e existing difficulties between the British and th* Chinese, and they count upon a •bon crop (generally) of Coffee last sevaon. I a New Orleans, on th* 10th inst .four thousand begs of Coffee changed hands, and on the 11th inat. thir teen thousand baga.chlt.iy Rio. The importations •t that port, however, have been unusually iarg* for a few dsya past. Th* papers of tbs 9th oo icod the arrival oi aix veuael* from Rio de Jsnen < with 3.' r ' bigs, ami on the 12th three other* arrived 11,337 bag* making 44 »9J within a week. The CrfHent of the 13th report# th* iota! receipts for the yt-ar at 2ttM*w) bugs, against 229.03U lost year.— Price* ranged from 10 to lOjc for Rio, oa the 12th. Cm it »c f—la i* reported and believed in Penn sylvania. tha’t Cameron, the Black Republican Sen ator ja»t elected ia that State, intends to support ‘he Administration ol Mr. Bachanan I The Cabinet. The list of Cabinet officer* under tha new Ad ministration, which we give elsewhere, ia not offi cially announced, and may ba partially incorrect. It l*. howwsr, telegraphed fn»to Washington City as supported by both letter* aud verbal reports from Whea/lsnd, and we have little doubt that it is aub- slant tally correct. We believe that Mr. Buchanan's aypouente iu the South will be very wall content with hi# first admiutstiative demonstration. Fix* tremieu of both section# ars overlooked (with th* exception, perhaps, ef Mr. Thompson of Miss., and wc]dnfnot believe that he was an “ultra” Firewater), (ivu. Case, ths chief Cabinet officer, ia only ob jectionable on account of hu »quau«r sovereignty heresy, aud the scope of hts official duties excludes that aud other domestic questions from his depart ment. In other respect* be is just the man of the Democratic party whom wr would prefer to «ee Secretory of gfaflu. In the appoint:-.cut ct Mr. c#bh. we huueve, tbs eoneen s iv* men cff Georgia will find thou views uppr vpriately endorssd. {^mancipation In Missouri— from Kaunas. »r. L>tts. Fee. IX.—Tb* Benatc on Tuesday a vote of 25 to 4, a rrsofntsou dedanr.g ^ that the rnvvncipatioo of the slavev of Ihe Stale f Jno. A Tucker, for Pi'ff was n I only imj-cvticaWc. but that vr.T awremst ! for Dcf’t inemw. t ward* it wts impolitic, unwue, unjust and should be diarountenaoc- d by the people. Yesterday the Heu*e pssard the same resolution by a v-h* of 107 to 9 The Ksnsaa oorrvsprmlent of the Democrat rv- p-jrt* x rencontre at Teruaiseh betwrrn Judge Eb met and the correepondrnt ot the National Era, The Vote of W bwonslu. named Karzi. Both werr wouuded, but not dan- On the 11 tb wot., while the Senate was in the ; grroudy. Hall of the House of Representatives for the pur- [Hon. Ra*h E’more. former?* of Montgomery pose of counting mod declaring the vote* ol the j Afa- and rile a FeJcrol Judge in »* no if the confe«io«a made by consequent upon the supposed disrlonre cf xeluded. Jo Igmeut affirmed. La-i mads by Gwin to BrnJcrick relative to v nier and Aaderstm and Worerit for P! If in error.— men*#. It is antic^psti .1 that there wouW be 1 Sol. Gen. Hsrrei! and Toeker. for Def’t in error, tereatirg eipote made at »* a*hing‘on. May * Broke* rf. W. A. Rawson, ef mL—When i Trude was very dol! in ?«n Prarasen. ' the equity of redesipUnn h been sold an 'er gen- ’ mining districts they hire bad an «bu ta • era! Ju Igmcntv agitnft the Mortgagor, who *nb*e- rain, *ml the return? have been rvrf sa isfo j qucatly died, in a’fol! Sled by mortgagor against the ! A revere shock from an earthquake w,« ' vendor of *aiJ eqiriy of redemption, held, that it the southern part of the State, and a rui | was not necewmrv te make the legal representative* building- were destroyed by it. The -h l of the deceased' mortgager parties, and that tbc j fell in San Fraocjfco, but nut se verely. * chmcerv jurisdiction attache*. Judgment reversed. B. S. Worrell, > The Ire at Fhiladclphl PniLADXt-PHti. Krb. 17.—The ice in Rosaewu.—A gen- j hanna slightly moved rn ii rufficie The t did with Hal Art provide lor carrying cut the leatrictiona rvidrnt y designed to impooe upm Great whevcaa Ike gicst objection l<) this (,Vn- 'itsn Treaty k that it rralrir*# ami rfnbsr- r*mi oat own Government and owe late feHow- citizen* unw ewo'rufflflg Niearagua, and uaites us in a filibustering league with Great Britain to carry out the policy ef the letter. CaitroaxtA 8«*arun*.—Broderick and Gwin. who have just been elected Senator* from Califor nia, represent the two wings of the Democracy of that Htste, and it wdl bo seen that the telegraphic report hint* *1 eoneu# rt relation* as to tl»v man ner in which their election was brougRl *h»uf. W# ha># no foeta yet, and rt would be premature to say that there was corrupt bargaining or pledges; !*ol the hwiury of election* ef United States Senator* thti winter, without any extraordinary rsvelstion* frwn (rililoruia, ia sufficiently redolent of lawless faction and !<»w intrigue to arouse the apprehensions and inJ'(nation of every patriot in the land. flta’es for President vrtd Vice President, the P dent of the Aenata having announced ths vote in j detail anJ declar-J that Burhania and flrer km- ! ndge had received 174 voter, Frem »nt an 1 Diyton j 114. knd Fillmuiu sn-1 Donclcon 8.— Mr. Humphrey f Marshall ol»jeeted to the counting ef the vote of , Wisc^msin, and cnvrntainrd t'tatthe p'eaidmg officer | had bo right fa determine the question of c->unt- ; mg it. The Prea, leot of the Senate refused fa \ entertain the objectioi-. M'wra. Toombs, Butler ! aod Crittenden p/m-unl against the drci» a •-'( | tha President. After some discussion ss to ti*e I proper course to be pursued, it was agreed that no j vole on the aubjvci could be taken in joint eoo- i vention of the two Houses, and the Senate return- ( ed fails own chamber. In their srptrste sesr;rt-v*, 1 reoolatHms were introduced in both the !*#nste and ' the House declanng the vote of \W>m»io null sod void, but they were lair) upon the la*de, rceoiu- tion» were substitutetl raising a committee to in form Messrs. Buchanan and Breckinridge «f their election, and thu* the fprby wo* g ven fa ibis novel The Wuconain Elec’ort, it will ba vrntumbervd, were unsMe fa as-emtd* at their Atata <*«piu: on th* Jay appointed by law fa vote for Pr*»ii|rnt atnl Vice Preonlmt, but rut their votes the next day. The fact that the * tinis»e> i or exclusion of the vote nf the 8t*tr w-m’d not have affected ihv re. suit aeetm lo have made th# «er*«Hin * favorable ooe for deciding the question without any r*l«- ene* tr* party sdvantvge ; and a contingeney ov'y hereafter arise n which it wiH be regretted that • doul the •‘Judge Elmer” abrve referred »* an ardent pm-srivery man. and the c •creepouder of the National Rm is * bitter Freesnilur, and thi conflict of newsst/engtbrns the pi Judge Elmore is meant.] He il is not necessary fa make cificatiors f the property an 1 J«-bU. alb in the hands of, and due by tt e garnish' wont rwer*ed. Tucker .or Pl’ff in eri rell for ^rft in err »r. Jium Dorsett. AJm’r r*. Thos. O. 1 atiegatior.s of the --il? th * Cxae. *r which amh- rix-d the C *tr hr'trw in 1 the bill and injunction. Judgment :fi ated er and Duuelsas for Pi’ff i:. .r..«. H J ape- Fit i(4Jm ol the dam D-l COttlH that OarraagnaVaer ef !0* Rtch»o»4 wav*. M ssrisoTOX. Te14 Mr. Bell ?f Trtinea ee, yesterday gave notice id tbe Senate of bis i-ten- tion fa introduce i bill to retort fa a*i the States an equal and j#*t part : npuiim in the lien* fit* of ihe public domain, by •hitni otiog amoog them the amount of oenty derived from the sale of pub lic Und«, according to their re-pertrvr’popuritumo. He further proposed fa exclude from - !j distnbo- lion those States which ha»a »1»- ;dy received grasu for railroads or other purp^si •< unlesa the >r Pl ff . AJm’r.- antetl land' irac was not lakei iidtdi Tber* •« so many report* ss to t.‘ - men w preoent seem ••predeati.iated” for t ■ *io#t offins, that w# can only *ay of the cox.fa-t •• confusion seem* wwrae confounded.” We now find Uol. Y. W. Pkrkens of H. C., Senator Hunter of Va^ and E J. J. Black of Pa., uamed us Been Uty of State, and John W. Forney ns }’*lioa»ter General!— Some, too, indulge thr idea that Mr. Buchanan may retain 8ecret*ry Marcy in hia preaent station. This w# cannot buUgve fa be po*«if->. Ilowaver accommodating and and polit e Old flock insy lu», be can hardly forget haw Marcy entrapped and then deserted him in the 0»tend nutter—the ob ject evidently being fa head him off and circumvent his attainment of the station to which he bssoincr been elected. N >r can we bubev.* that Mr. Bu chanan will select such a mar oa Forney for a Cab inet offijr. 11# urged his ale, lion *< Senator, it is true, but »b*t was done • *ret v an., mfiiirntially, • nJ the exposit 'a w ...1 nevrr havr -een publicly mads but for th* split in hn party raoaed by the attempt to reconcile it tu Forney. With thiarz- ample before him. anJ knot* ug that tbe selection of Forney for a Csbinrt ffi-•> mast b- U»ne openly and on his own re*pon»ibi!ity, wr# hardly think that Mr. Buchanan w.ii venture upon a «tep so certs.n to be obnoxious to the country at large aud to thousand# of Democrats. With thi# impartial review of the recent aspect of tbi# important question, wr fe«ve jt until future devriopmeau shall dear away the mists that at Tux <’*irrrtusiA .S» vised a* l« th# develop of la.' Democratic I' Californta. W# bur that one of th' (Brojerirk) is quite a recent period ; i.— We are yet nnad- attending tbe election States Ben slurs from n fa believe. h«>wev> r. Frvevotlrr; we n to hat# been n<l it would not surprise uj fa learn that he ws* elected by the aid of the Block Republican v<Hc tn the Legi«lature.-- The Ilf ii-enl* h«»e a dear m«j.*rity of *our twen ty-five vote* in tbe Legislature of Ca iforoia, and if they hs*c efeeteii a Preeooder by a coalition with the Black Reputdicsns. the result will afford anoth er atnking trstinc# »f the M *nundnesa” of the Northern Buchanan Dr.noriacr; it will help to open the eyes «*» tbe B.iolhern people lo tbs char- arter ol the s-tahtioit by which Buchanan hioMeif More Ca In our last week's list we inadvertently *»m; the name of lieu John E. Ward,of Chatham was one ol lb# first candidate# pr»»fw*r4. T! others have since been named, sad we now a«! the list <rf D*a«*cr»ti* nominee* f.>r (hnvm Georgia, •• fi»!V*w* : Hon. John F.. Wsr.1, of Thathata ; Dr- John W. Lewis, nf (’.*#; Hen. A. If. C. ’quilt, uf Bskt-r; Heu. Juniu* lLllycr, M W* ton. Two or ihm IVin »crati* newspapers of the per put of the Bute represent tbe feeling nf psrty of that regmn fa te g#mmliy in I iver >.t ruwninatron of H«n. John H. I.umpk,n; ir are confirmetl in the optn • that be starts , mce with the M m« !e trsrk.” quantr.y reoctved ba« been tba tionate share. In thts event, it is fa to them, estimatiug tbe rs'ue «xich at one dollar and a quarter an acre. This, it will he observed, t« virtually tbe sarae kind of distribution that wa* an srtic'e of Wb ( faith in the gooJ old day# of the glory *n<! strength of that party, ft is, in f*et. an impr- ’-.-meot upon the old M’hig policy—for Mr. Uetl pr -poees, very properly, fa cut off from the distribution those ^tat wbitb have already received thev Congress ha# been enjeavunr to devise *«>rac echcme for the :e< enuv*. and depicting th# Tre»«e U by not ad .j* Mr. Bvl ’# hill Slate*—ihe true n»e*n of the p o»<*Oey for whtrh it bos brrn sol cumber* th* Nitxwil Trrasu'jr, purpi'we escept to brer I e<*rrup sod peculation# among tbc tejm R-.l L B. MurJock rr. M»rv | 1%53-'5| prorid;og a rumtivari ] ininiJar*, d;»e* act *p{**y t*. per j contract Judgment affirmed, error. TLomar f-'r D<Tt iu errt B. nj. F. Xesnwn ra- Caleb I Coder the .ct ot 1817. s phjHCioo proctiaiag m. 1- ' tcin* from IhiA up to Itsb.”;. wit him; a liren-o, ran ! recover for „.* sarvicea H dsey an I Hill for Ft II I iu error. M allsce anJ Foe. for Deft in error. ! .teoborn J. Martin, el el. c*. W. C. VS ngut for I use, due.—A femd for uties is such an oatruanding i paramount tftie ss wiii authnnxr a venlict ags.t »t defendant in ejecunenl, and eviciion thereupon bj ! habere Jot at pwetAMowem, u such a bieoch of warranty as to enable warrantee ti> recover damages tVowtU five hundred bales. AnJ ealam.t us ex.- ugh it ia, happily, n tbe exaggerated accounts -in tbe elan r '.tight up-*’ It u stated ih: t there were *«r.J of thc»e •••hip-marked,” and tbrrefo perty of iheirfarvigr. fiurchaaer*. In the V City. M ! ;>. Life and Trust. Firemens, ton In-urauce C^mpamea, wc 1-arn, thei cured • mctbtng under -StifiO.OtW—the g ti n being eustaincu by the .Merchants’, Mobile Comps rues. The wan houses w ut $14,000 in the £tiu, Life h lei » I C.! } Art* i hose BrtCri from the tbe ba of the pub- rtf tbe rev <»f the r peep* Mb* tbe rttstes, so- swindling j**W •nn..auf piht falv r. | therefor. 5. Interest on sole, and not from eviction, is tbe r »rrevt rule— Judgment affirwte-l. Johnson *< d W«*a f«»r Ft if in error. Blanford for ibft iu error. J. H. Brook* r... Wiihu H.mth, el «L— The trotj. tnrtoy being conffirting »»..! the jury bav-ng ren dered a verJrct not contrary fa or against tbe evi dence, th*ir verdict will m8 be distuned. Judg- soent affironed. Biubb# and HfH for Pi’ff in #m*r. Brin ford far DeFt in error. Beni. Bryan Adna’r iw. A. Aeerelt- — When on# of tbe j-»int iess-us die* before verdict, hi* death r»sj jftrrwtn'r be »uggerted or* the recoHa, and li<i lodgment entered up again** the surviving plaint- iff# for c«wt. the verdic* being fur defendant. JuJe- f cast ment affirme d. H»oe* H dt for Fl’ff in error, jonro | ytm snd Downinc t»r Del't is e-rtvr. I tberr Th.Muas Morris sod W:fe r«. W. B. Bfakeu ! Ger:. A lra’r.—I. The admiasieiM or raying* ot a legatee | the i under a wtii. may be given in evidence, si far as u* I 'pi .ntcrrti and legacy in and under pn.rartl over five hu About foi wril f* I up. ■nta have been already made— m—to meet all these tespo- - J it will pleasurable to Jra : amply able fa satisfy a 1 1 tbe f wove more that, estimated, do valuation oi miJ-i inq#. and an avenge of five hun-lrvd [»' e fos* on thf « hole cotton ei- !rrd and eighty thousand d •; r hundred th'iuvand of this , i M bile and the printers; the i will b« borne by ihe Insurant are ur iouhtrdiy competent i i'u^oti lri-ud- to Callforula i (say* the Kfchmend Whig; ha< : which the Southern Dealt* si lie l half »i then: *1 ga nMers ! Are tfo * need what behmg« id that (hey wm! not And t i Mr. Bel parosge thsn Mr. Be l ! | claimed Emperor of I ! Because oar H-iothenr J tioU will act their faces s the Northwest w fl not vrge nf tha Cm the influ- i flake »hy - nd i and judgment reversed- Johns'n and D* Higher I and J.»nea lor D»Tt in err John II. Allen ro. T ,1 pn-cwM •r. Held. r PTf in CT i the ind which he Tbe bad process, un.l. t »de fa mrr-at defendant ing foot, tbe fact **f tbr »ppro ff wr alfaqelh r differ .^ilirtti—fro -yrt, tb* re- fo squ (fider* cial authority of i other eiHlrufc th.vt Court. Julgmen Th - foil *o which we refer above ui«ke jfriatioti* far throe unliury roads, which tin ingtoxi Star icxcnhet as follow. : -I. The proposed road from Fort Kcarm tbe Booth F sc, lo California. *UrU *t *• where the emigrants from *11 the We.t.- N'»rlhwi->tcru Mates inc ! uJitlg Mnu^un, Qt.M take a common road thence fa ('alif.mii*. on for this is $300 00ft. he road from near El P»*n. or >h ■r of Texas, to the Colorado, ] i, on the southwestern boundary forma Tbe appropriation ri $300J)00. *•3. For the r ohI Ir m Fort Defiance, ■ Apuche roan try, to the mouth of the Mo!u- near the California Ime. Tbe tpprepm Thw road aj »n!v sn roxtlr t for th pi- rf New Mexico lo drive their stock fa < nil—there bring already a road from 8rr,u •*. For tern front Fori Vutr for D-: N <y. ihrert— while ecriy t » elec it J. Doaocracy Illustrate*!. Th# telegraphic report of Congror-ionxl proceed ing* on the 10th mst. advise* us that on that day the House of Representatives took up in Commit tee of the Whole about FIFTY Ricrr and Harbor bill* sent fa it from the Senate ! The present Sen ate is overwhelmingly Ikmoeralu,and yet it pas»<-« in a abort session fifty internal improvement bills, involving appropriation* of uiUHc::« of dollar*! J Could auy suongtr proof be afforded of the truth i ef cur asaritfon that the Democracy have adopted | the old Whig principle of Internal Improvement by , the General Government, an i aro p ’ahing it fa an titent never contemplated by the party that openly I 1 and honestly upheld it ? Fault Plum**.—A letitr to the New Orleans Delta, from Cuero, Texas, dated F'eb ~1, states that planters ia that portion uf Trias ha! at that early date commenced planting. Many hsd already fin- ishad planting crorn, and expected to get through with their Cotton before tbc end of F« hmary. The lettur states that the ptceent high prices and pros pects ahead had induced many to plain cotton who bud not hitherto done so. No doubt this leelrng will prevail throughout the South generally, and we feel that w# cannot too often or too sirongly urge upon planters the policy of co-Midering well the high prico* o( *mr «h« kM < f j J* w r« ,mi * «*««. Th, produce, and the prospect oi continued good prices tor provision* ami stock, before goingt.x»extensive ly into tb# culture of cotton to the nr«-leet of other articles which they must raise or buy. Callforula Sews. The fallowing iwtK# of the Hcnafarisl elections by the Alfa O&lifarnian ri mote explicit in its allusion t-> the report.*-] b«rgtin between DroJenck and Gwin : Da*i.l U. Broderick hvs been elected United Htetea S nator for the fang term, in prie* of John II. Weller, and Win. M Gwin fur tbe shwl term. Both wc»e nominated tu caucus—Mr. Brodcrtck Mcunng hia own irommaiHHi anJ election 6r*.t.— It is generally suppawd that tbe electron of (lain is the result of a bargain, disgraceful in its nature, the ♦•»«.•• *f wbieb w»«,iitictsu- J by Mr. Broderick, wno had in his own har d* a sufficient number .*f wlo* tv secure the election «vf wh •«n*-«eacr ha |4eaarJ. The bargain i* said to be that Mr. Gwin yields si! claim tn anv influence in the federal ap pototment*. Mr. Gwin has published a letter, tn which be states that ha shall nut interfere in the dispensation of executive favor*. Unxte ick was fora»*rly a >’*» York politician of the ro# Jf order—an associate of Cept. Render* and other noted trial politicians of that Biate.— Since hi* residence in California he ha* been the leader nf i minority faction of the Democracy, but hat now wusbos iBimjtJ fa secure loth h:s own election aaJ mik« choice of hu c dieague. W# base yet fa fasra the character of tha coalition by which S« effected these results. Dr. Gwin was for merly uf Mississippi, and has made a very useful and respectable Senator. Tbe eiprJien, of a*, signing to one wing uf lh« Denrocrocv of Califor nia all tit# Federal offices, t> tbe tidju m of | e other, t* • nosel one to be secured in advance by covenant anJ consideration, and it remains to be even h->w lb# agreement will work m practice. Did Buck's ratification ef it. we suppose, will be an other proof of hi* eminent patriotisn order of Dr Burdi II. r terest taken in the affair. I >t tact and managenvant hich it disclosea. and the r York Di< .vfthe te*t nplieate f vfea i h«l i ep *rted. Th vidai ronnocted with il* diorlored. maker i ihe guilt of F>kc: iwrlr corapir 1 •ry difficult m.v • vnd an I .me fecebr# and bfoo | tional Trvs*o»y. ! p. S.—Tbe Senate t-vday, f . passed a hi i giving lands # tn j purpose of building a raiir^ad ! fiMsfy-jhc m/lt» boxg. The* j more -f acres of the puMic .» old Virgin:* and her heir* f. ' Foiled 8tetre. their ch (iuinby’a Conch Iricturv Dcatrojed. This city was etartied afoul Hj u'clock U«t evr *riz by s fi/r. which broke out in the jieint chop thr l*/g- Carriage Fact'Wy of Messrs, t^umhy (fo . in the r. ar -I No. 3Z5 Broad at. ami .y *u buildings, three uf which were of brick, fe stone* high, and damaging the #e*-*«lh. ap***-* l veTy np.Jly ibrougb the buildmgi fire of i tight- of ths > fa save the *« >kr i>fp' Both ba»e been e.-wiiniitted 1 ruL Curious llinnderfu^; m i Mr. Secretary Guthrie, of : ent. i* a very rxeclicnt ger uhful offi'-cr, but. like ulbci ife work, which was car- ff Broad street, led by tdainbyr. and were *• *ut $30.600; m»nrcd f>»r leas than half The !>»*-** of the rthera «» small, Iv. ranging from -fltUOO to $1000. SOOand 3iK» w-rsmen have Ven hrown •lyotent. though wr undrr«tsnd Messrs. Overlsi Further from ( hlna. s’est English wail wc have rpce.: Friend of China” ol November -• find in it *. me adililkmai particulars of trie • rtf the Bar. irr F. rts by ths United States *qu Il baa foen already stated that after tbe cm.: g of Chinese Round ami Square fort* outh and T»ev; 6. thr Cf* Tlie George Imv br;»;g# j more cheerrog rr- j poet (though very bnef saycl) of Mrilkrrri strength , ^rir* cf bin Wile rs,°ff example, has usl c..,n# fa and prospects. Ifbetet* strongly enwvnrhwj as j light in a correspondence l»el*e#n t ■, Hi.,. Jv rre- thi* account reports, there would aeem fa he tittle * Ur T and the Hoo. L. 0. Campbell. Cbsix-aan ef nm I. .lock! hi. .kihljr u> m-inuin u In* • ! ,hr !l “— Commute »t W. y , .ml ''rtti. Tk, d, until <4. «« ! r** ' . , with the Treasury Department to rt = • m to relusal from New Oi leans and New \ ork esn retch h>m j * { , jy lliC of lhtf ]{ , UM . ^ —barring the suggestion of timber anwarrsuubie j voted them last atljownoMXit. Gut : . * fir»t few interference by the Bnuvh. ter cites a law of Congreve of - July 26. I§42.” „ , “ . , ’ " * 1* | Chairman «f tbe Committee of Wn, aud Means, vr R.,. U.C 3 IM«4. JIW... r .rf m .4. hmu, .4., Um. ... ~ B0.101,. hu t—r » y • 4uu* kerpr.- Uw , hv , Ja , with »d . 4i,ko.m« irb (4. .ifcof »n- Th. Horror, n)o<rmi. .U1|. ( tUl . pfr.wu. otk.r ; fit with Wfirfug. uhil. th. 07'.r.d I I.U.r »h.uM ..... T.f.77^; u s .. rf ■ A' C I.i. order* - \tteark (»V. J.) Adeerti iry was the Isrgesl | |e number of liaruls. j FbKXcb Fash:ova.—A feiter-wnter fr« supplrea tbe following reeperttng the ei the Emprrsa Eugenie tn thr mittef ot di and drana several g! riorision ol the Ivwsof Mhast ed ws* oa# of tue "ibrew iWw**. New Engiand’’ who teal to Co agaiaat the Kanra* Nebraska art i virgin territorv.” Ac , and was a apswkrtr lor Priusat, also bisker The a | 14I2.” Mr. Campbell answered lo t!.ia that ha ! could find in no few of •-26th August. ItMS.” any I foci, language a* that quoted by the .Secretary in : hts flr*t letter. Thw brings oat tbX another letter [ from Mr. Guihnr, Mating that tbe riw tiled was of the art - of AugosC tad.” Ul timo ■ aud tbe Mai j 'emperanci | ley. tfe« hotel-keeper, vurifiet hia and is supported by the tee ini' I Chairman r other mtioe of that tha > tbe lao- HF Fort ion * of Texs truly “ohm in the | desert,” tn the present season a{ ex j high price* for pr,vt«.on«. In Comic anv Navarro | ceunty, pork srs* setting the other day at 3j rents i per pound, and beef at 2 fa 1 cent*. Th# work | the Tyler sdfOiinvtniUou i j need a little nearer annex stead of the 21 Hull again t Way# and .Means informed the i-fo law cf 23d August. 1642. dvi not guage quoted in hts original teller. Mr. Guthrie's anvwer fa tb-'* wa* an scknnwlcdc'Tf „i of error, and a drerirau wi that Ihv art from which he qu-Urvl was oa# of “list July, 1632,” tostei i of 2Ctt. Ju ly. 1643. Mr. Campbell writes fa th# Secre nry, showing bun tbit the »ecuoa of the act of 2la July, 1652. I referrwl, was repuslni sn tbe act «»f •The lirt fete at the Tutfonw# wa# marked by (if po-aibfe) s greater extravagance than rver in th# c-wt and tha cirrumfcrvnce of the dresaes. The Erupreas’ cvtomr no cnnoiiae could p>Maibiy have supported, so en -rmeus was the extent and m» eol- id tbe superstructure. Tbe dr. ** was a pettie st of white tutie, with three skirts bouilbaie—a tunic of sky-bloc refect. Cnmmed w .th tulle puffings and large g.dd beads, and a head dress of blue foliage. •urm-iunteJ with a diamond tiara—ail of which, of mg of the forts was postponed, on account •: rite hour of the day. and that Dr. Parker, th* meriean MinUter, having arrived at Whampu nng the night, iruiuced Comrmvlcire Artnon'i pii»t|«>ne further operations until eomiuun ■ J eouUI fo hsd with the Governor-General Yi-h. j now learn (bat the latter despatched lo the Ch 1 Governor ws* not from Di. Parker, but from < raodor- Armstro. g, sod that twenty-four t j givrn for a suitable reply. This period e I ed at eight o'clock ot» Thursday morning, Iht instant. The first scco-.nt. published n ;h- I j oi China >f November 22, mu that -an hoo* j f *re” th.-expiration of the tiiiv fixed the A can# fa g4n wuh a busk cannonade upon Fort pier, which continued for sn hour and • hi two hours. It might be fairly presumed that was an error, and wr find that the later Mid circumstantial account of the transaction mk •'early on Friday morning'’ tbe I’um-fa-t-wr I-vvant t«to * position much nearer the fort*: “the boats of both shr a were the* manned r ng parly, and tbe capture of the fort st Reach w»s resolved on and -at right > the little (*uin-fa,” with the launches anJ ei in faw. started for the fort under cover of th* vant’s guns, Ac. A little before own. aboj' tune of the capture and demolition of the ftr»: A eh * reply to Comr-'.aDder Arm.-trongri hf' scut to the American factories. No copy cf given. Hr said that the American* were U-.• week* ,‘k tore that they tad better go swm Canton, and he was under the impres-ion tin Columbus Enqui- hsd left. In any way, tbe r butts had no bu« fewts, and it served them right fa ‘ m Paris dler’# • I. He made no apology.—Boston Daily Ad- i which be h half done we { August 31. IH5*. Mr.Gutbn* • p ei> , [ edging the last and fstsi ; correspondence W.-*!;. • awerrd. arknowi- > Hon. Eli 8h the 2d (Bar Judge HeyJenfeldt (Ufa ef Ravaell county, Ala.) ha# resigned hi* office of Judge of the Supreme Court oi California, anJ Gj*. Johnson has ap pointed lri-Go*. Peter H. Burnett as hu success >r. Judge give general satisfaction whife he was on the bench, aud wa* regarded as a sound CIT J.s. L. Pugh, E.q., ate for Congress in oppo«t tbe present Reprr*«nUti* Ac.) Congreoaional Disti are Buchanan Democrat*, and used fa l*e em Rights” men. a?" H>»n. A. J. Dsoelrm ws# robbed of a draft *nJ public j for $f.000, some valuable papers. anJ a fine gold watch, while on the vlaaaibott Daniel Boone in the ! Geo. C. poet of Meutphi*. on tbe 5lb mat Payment of tbe '* « .^kr.ow erj Inaugural ts ol- amplification y, and throws illy s arted by IF The House of Representative* of the Mas- eochueette Legislature, foBowing the precedent set by tbe Democratic Legislature of South Carolina, ha* passed a law prohibiting naturalised extioen* from voting ut that State until the exfu ration of one year after thoir naturalisation. Similar bills are be fore the Legislature# o( New Jiruey and Ohio. | beta ef the bar of Sacramento gave him a augnifi- centd.niier as a compliment oa the occasion of tu# resignation. The A ft a Californian says: It i* rumored that an expedition is eoon fa start from San Francisco, ostensibly with th# purpose of settling the now Territory of Anscna, but iu reality with the intent of merely making Tucson a ren dezvous from which ta make a foray upon 8oaora. It is said that several hundred men have already linked their fortune* with the adventurer*, and that ample capital will not be wanting to aid in (hs sntefpriae. Tax IsArattiL—8qrirrti RtrrDiATX&.—The Washing the New York Herald, who p of Alabama. Both rything. says that Mr. Buch.i mmosis document, and is simply an ' of his letter of Acceptance fa the mitlre. It oppose# Squatter Sovereign overboard tsi.-at vagary ihst wa- origin * much of ali iht* n are pleased, howe*. Jraft was forbidden, and therefore he will lo*« only i ,u,fr . , 3 t ale that partioc of hts fetter oi accec lh. ».U-h Uld p.p-(-■ rf S,»U« S.J,er,igot y . Thf ,l*„ M#* U D. Rf,.,ur. I.u m> ou. rf :h» k-*"- fr * tl I L l, '—* ori * w ' ■■><1 mooMruu etors of tbc 8s«tnnsh Georgian, m a* trie.! last week in the Superior Court of Chatham, on a eharer of having forged a note for $5,000 given to Mr. Punch pan of the govern ment, he might be coiled on to test its practical #i- Probable Death of Dr. Kane. lect*. Pmunnu. Ftb. 17lh Jcdg. K.n. of thi, [ A rtooght iKcut. to n. ja,t her During th- II?” Our cotempjrary of rer. in a notice <»( our contr'nrrr.y about th. Year Party, says we rua le a -mu-t ungillant” taca upon Mi'UH l crinoline outpost*. \ _ ... liar charge against a< by ‘•MoLLUt” raised our ire j T«u 8u*w.v VusAia at 8lluiTOWti-A! bei-we ; but ta there are many matter* connected l the passengers by the steamship B%lt*c, *rt»«' with ttus controversy of which the editors of the : -N» w A «*rk on Thursday, wa« Mr. John E. f» Enquirer au*:. perhaps, remain forever ignorant, we j t# on his return from St., wh« excuse them. They ta^y, in the course of tu*ir : rtbumrd the contract fa raue tbe sunken K . fong career •# Edifar* and Publisher*, have had to ; * l S* bastopol, consisting of twentweevn contend agsiust tbe lake-wtnunrss of rsal friaod*, 1 thrive ot which arc frigates. Mr. G>* t e duulo* of pretended ones, and the sly, insino- w 'h he r memberrd. rsised the hub of t:.e 1 •ring berk-biting* of secret and op. n enemies ;} **•’«• ft*® Mu*»ouri, burnt ol G.b»» they may have !>eeo misinterpreted and mis rep re- *'ha Liverpool correspondent of lh* N* ■ in dicicroriy # »; if they have, they kuow f Herald, aiys: “Mi. (r.iwrn bad five <«r six < •pint* chiffed and fretted, ^specially J * tof *» »»«ng them tn# Credit Mobtiier of 1 knew that of which they were charged j yvt the contract wn awarded ti> huu ot ft n them. We only ask of them 'wo *fe>*e all hia competitors, from hw well kn >* tbe granting of which they wiH Jc* jua- i ®t*tion and success at Gibraltar with tbc M.* ”” ‘.so otHatned. t* not only a write* iThuc 1- To behrve, if we had though/ “MoL'-ru” was J eorophi^B i hdy. wr should never h#ve ase<! what may serru j but a n o them ungml^mi iangesge. nor been betrayed »n- { Amertcju cau* a tbe warmth we were. I ue it t» tbe for; 2 That we regretted then, and we do now, tbe < mencan from , . Mr. G. •kill a tional one, which should g lT for pride, a* in magnitu-tf *: -at contract ever obtained t* tortngn Government. Mr * wty which we thought force.! upon u* the 1 "turn* to America tii complete the tiecest I conrae we pursued, and trust no second instance J chtuery. and returns in May fa com to ror ‘ ®«y occur Junog our connection with the pres- Mfepil ” .Vetrova.-i Blade. that we ex- : pressed our conviction some m-mlks that it wx* J •w'y^ adof ted by Mr. Buchanan pro !tm. hr the purpose of carrying the northern vet-, and would He wa# found guilty. Nstsaoc* Rxrt Antoni*. Texan a Hardly a week poises (mt runaway negroes are captured in Mexico, and returned to their masters in Texas ; and it ts now seldom the case tbs*, we bear of one running away to Mexico. Tbe plain truth ts that ibooe who are there now are in a ' barrel — Mcbdkb> BrrciDU.—Just l-efc Mexico.— The San , P«*«- the following fact# in relation of murder and suicide reached « t#n. belonging to Dr. V. H. Walker on Tursday night last, crept up *i if the house, tu abicb hts (the nr xa staying and shot ber with * J It appear* tha city ha* received advice* from Havana, that induce the belief that tu# relative, Dr. Kane, the arctic ex plorer. i# dead. Advice* from Havaua. received at Mobile by the steamship (Quaker City, also represented Dr. K*n«‘ to be in a dying condition. W# fear that thrre is no room for s res son able doubt ol hit death before this time. late campaign, a few Democratic editor*, and seve ral of their most prominent orsfars, came out open ly for Squatter Sovereignty, and one of tbeo# Ut ter. perhaps the moot prominent among them, is re ported fa have said in a speech that ppo* tron to the doctrine wt# “treason fa the S.iuh.” Now, should the President c< me oat in his Inaugural against it. whsl will be tbe predicament ef these gentlemen ? — Soeannah Republican. retched erudition, and many of them would be ! {ott *» r attempted fa kill hex by str.kir? grid fa get buck fa their old home*. They are not ^oad with an axe handle, and left with only ragged sod destitute of comfort* of life, but j ***** b* k*d don# it; but dunng the ac moat of them are really m a starving condition. found out that such was nol the c**e. anJ ‘ night and shot ber a* *bov# stated a Tk* r’; ■ — — M .. «.~iv# stated. ' Ssbaatopw 1 his deraolwhed city ts gradually < pfe got after th* negro man yc#teid*y with becoming re-peopfed. It now contain* about seven end w hile thev were nearly up with him- h»' thousand inhohitsnu, and K*mie#ch contaiue two ! htmaclf with a gun through tb« neck, kil. thousand. Three hundred houee*. partly daitroy- #ejf instantly. The negro wv:;ixn is p r ' ed daring tbe stage, hive been rebuilt, and eignty i hv the ,L<tx« bevooJ rr eater,-.—Clayton && new one* constructed. 1 larA riffs V