Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, March 17, 1857, Image 4

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M.u:;cogoe Sberifi S-rios. \Y':: SuImmS?'of'ltoi* 1 of land So l 75,{n the vith district of %)„»»!> rnnuty, containing 100 ocrt*, mom or to**, levied M n* tile property ot Noah Oordy, to satisfy n Mortgage A b lMued front the Superior Court of lluac'.geo county, lu fa- ▼or of *1 hrewitts, Holt A Oo. v*. aahl Oordy. T a n*uro man by the name • f Tom, a Ik. til 3fl ytmet old ; levied on a* the property of Marlon 8. Clark, to sattofy sun drr fi fo* 1**'« M laatiod from the Inferior fourt of Mu/oorm aountv In feiorol II. Dantrt.J. H. DaulH A Co., Chaa. Mr"att'» and Threecrltts, Holt ft Co. ra. aald 1 lark. Lucy, a ncitiu woman About 30 yeara old. and her 3 chil- dren~-54aloinc about H > eara. Hetty about!, years, and Theo- dore about Hi moiribsold; alio, 2 Steam Hollers,! Wardrobe, ‘ ' i. 1 Cupboard, 1 Lot Hooka, 5 Itnayea, 1 lot of 1,1 If* “ * if air Trunk. 1 Lot Mi-»e l*«*t*, 1 Crib _ . more or tosa, togett nt _ the aanie. comprising a largo and •omutodioua dwelling with all the n-owwirjr outbuildings, Me.: all levied on aa the proper*y of Francis M. Lxwreuou to SStiafy aundry fl fa*issued from the hunerlorsnd Inferior Court* of Muamgeo county, In farorof Marine Hank. Hrlg- hain, Kelly /: Co., Wade ft Co., B. K. Palmer, and othura, va. said Iawp nco. Houth hall of City Hot No. 237, In the City of Columbus, containing on*vfonrth of an acre more <-r to**, together with all the Improvements on tho sdme, comprising a new »nd Dwelling House, *c., It lining the present Peri tonea of Charles Mygalt; also X Carpels. 1 Sofa, I I’lnno and Stool and Oovir.3 Itodstoad* lied and Bedding, 1 Table, 1 sett Parlor ChaVa. 2 Bureaus, 1 Wardrobe 1 Snrin*c Machine, 2 Wash 8tan.\«nd 1 ItoWl. 1 Work Bland, 1 Do*. Kilter J d>. Cha/5))„ vi». 1 Folding Table, 1 Hldeijo., 1 Jolt 1 Circular do . 1 Vklng Chair. 1 Htovo, Buckets. # Bauccra, I’lati H, . ifte.; all levied on na the property Charles Myg.itt. to *. tlafy sundry fl fas Isain-d from the i I srtor and Inferior Cotrt*of Muscogee county, in favor ot I. lAiiey, Conklin A tip., and others vs. sal l Mygatt. ’ _ The west half of lu the City of Cnlurnhui more or less, together with .levied on os the property ued from the Bunerlor twatcr, Mulford ft ,ty ; also, one fl fa L of M. Wood years old ; levle 1 satisfy a fl fa to- oo county, in fa __i, together with nil (sing n brick Dwelling levied on as the pmper- fl fa« from the Superior -f B. Wells ft Go. vs. said . II. LAM AH, Sheriff. of tfcr tilC Ml the legal bout^ longing to the laic oi snid countj aged ubr 23, and her 3 child 5 yearn, her brother^ about 17, GbiBgow Fanny and her 3 childrotT Terms on the day ol wale, E. G. March 7, D'57 A < oi'the Court of Ordinary of Muscogee county, will bo aold at the Market-house, in iho City of Co- lumbun, on the lir <t ^Tuesday in April next, a ne gro woman tinned Lavinia, belonging to the Es- lateoi Edward E. Powers, deceased. Terms Cash. V. iLTOMMEY, Adm’r., See. February 1 Mj • <da A dministrator's Hlflc.—Agreeably to ? n order ol the Court of Ordinary of Muscogee county, will be sold r.t the Market-house m the city of Co- luinbus, in said county, on the first Tuesday in April next, it negro woman by the name of Nelly lit 24 years oid and her'lwo children Luuru and Sold ns the EstaYu ol John 1). Prince, de- OKOKGIA, HARRIS COUNTY. | lftLK NISI. OBO. W. MULLINS, Presiding: W n KKKAS, Vt 11 kin son Sparks applies for Letters of Dls- slon from the Administration of the Estate Mary Bu chanan. Iste of ssld county, deceased: It Is therefore ordered by the Court, that all persons con cerned show cause. (If any they b-*Vw.) on or before the n**xt geptotntorr Term, 1857, of said Court, why said Letters should not then t*e granted. A true sKtriH't from the Minutes cf Mild Court. March *.’.d. 1837. march &-uH'»m tlori. W. MI.LLIN8, Ordinary. OHO Hit} A, } Court of Ordlnarv, March Term, 1W»7. HARRIS COUNTY. I BULK NISI. GEO. W. MULLIN'?. Presiding: W HEHKAB, St. rllljg Jenkins. petitions for Letters of Dismission from the A dm u 1st ration of the Estate of Kdumnii Jenkins. Lite of said county, deceased: It Is therefore nr.Iursd by the Court, that all persons con cerned show cause, (it any they have,) on or he lore the next Septeml or Term. lkW, of said Co not then be granted. —Atari) One BowV 1 alls, Ac., 1 Biff. eo Cutter, Bcslee, At Crockery, 0 I’lcturus. 1 Show uuff, 2 Jnr« Tolmcoo, 1 Tobuc- *ut Tobaeon, KS pnperri do , 1 small Bhiiw Caso aiSil nun tents, 1 Jar BnufT, % U>x common Pipes, l do*, flne (fciriusn do., I lAinp, '.mo common Cigars, 2 gross Envelopesi 1 Writing Desk and contents. 1 gross Matches, I sott Caibirs, 1 Imllan Hlgn, 1 Pent her Duster, 1 Cigar 8land, 20 botAlos Catsup, 0 lioxesflno Tobacco, 2J^ casks do , 1 lot loose do., 6 stone Jars, 3 do*. Jnrsmid Jugs.;1 Hhot, Guns, 8 smell Bird Cages, 1 Guitar, 1 Market Basket, I Fonder B 81111(1 Boxes, 1 l»ox Tobacco, 2 do*. Pine*. 1 Wood 8atv,l lot Hooks, 2 Arcordeons, ftc. Ac.: all levied o “sines Katevo*, to satisfy a DUtress Wai t tlw instauco of II. Wells vs. said Kst ly.t No. 61, In the City of Columbus, nil noted or. the corner of Ilandolph and Front streets, In said City, containing une- half acre, moro or loan, together with all the Improvements oti tho same, comprising a large and commodious Brick Warehouse, known aa the Green wood Warehouse 5 lovlod on as the property of Thomas E. Greenwood, to satisfy a Mur!- gage fl In issued from the fiupcrlor Court of Musrog<- ojd, Jim n boy about 12 years old, Nicholas a man about 22 years old, Peggy a girl about U years old, Judy n woman slniut 36 years old and her two children Tom about 4 years old, and liiiimnaiiout.'l years old, Emullue about 28 years old and her two children Ned and Ilunry : nil bulwl on ns the property of Lnncelott (Ismbrlll, to satisfy a fl fa Issued from the Superior Court of Muscogee county, In lavorof *he IMan- U.rsft Meebanh s’ Bank of Cnfumbus vs. said tlainbrill Prop erty pointed out nnd fl fa cotilrolled by Men born Jones. 4 cnm>)l.if Mnrhlu Monuments i'uiilettereil 11 ukrlelon Mon- tnont fall complole but lop slab) 12 large blocks Mnihlo and one Book Case; all lovlod on as the property of John II. Madden, to enttsfy sundry II fas lu my lotnd Issued from thoHujterlor iSourt «f Muscogse county, in favor of James K. )(.»ld, L. D. Huduier, and others vs. said Madden. March 7,1867 F. M. BllOoKH, Hep. Sheriff. Post none (I Halo. ~-AI.HO, AT TUX S/MK TIMB ANIt PI.AUK, WILL UK BOLD t— TheHlort bousaon tho comer of brood and BrySh alrouls, In tlui city of Columbus, known ns the old stand of D. I’. •—credit un i* 25tb December next. KIEVAN US 1‘KINCE, Adm’r. ebruery 24, JJ A dinfnfstrafor’H Hale.—Agreeably lo an order ol tho ('ourtof Ordinary, of Mttrcogee county, I will be sold nt the Market-house, in tho city of Co- I lumbuB in said county, in tiie State of Georgi i. on the first Tuesday in April next, the'Eot and nil the improvements thereon—shunted on the cast side of I the Hamilton Hoad near said city of Columbus. being the lot whereon Ellen Finnegan, deceased. 1 resided at ihe time ol her death. Sold as the real Estate of »> id deceased. Terms cash. II. 15. T. MONTGOMERY, Adm’ February 24, 1857 JJ tc I T'xccutors* Sale J testament county, On., deceased, will (jo sold at the Market- hotiro in the t ity of Columbus, Muscogee county within the legal hours ol sale, on tlielirst Tues day in April next, two Negroosi Fanny, n womnn Hi.out (>3 yea h old, nnd llittn, a girl about 4 years old. Court, why said Letters should I T Court fAnt Daniel Duncan and Arnold Duncan two of kNu! Defendants, reside out of this Htate: It Is order. -l that of m»ld Bill be perfected by a pub lication of this Order oneAApionth for four months, before tho next Term of this Court\ I certify this to be a true ox* Superior Coui t uber 23, 1850 GEORGIA. | Court ofOrdluary. January Term, TALBOT COUNTY. | 1s57-.-1'.LI.L MBl. W HKKKAH. Luriu** A. Hlmonton and Elisabeth A. Mmon- ton, administrator and administratris oq^he Esta e of Exekiel Him niton. doceasel, petitions this Court tor Let tort et Dismlmdon from said Admlnlstiallon : He It order. >1 that all person* concerned be and appear at the August Term, next ensuing.of this Court then and there to sit *ir cause i»f any they have,) why adJ Litters sjuuM u- t la. granted A true extract fiom lh« Minutes of sai l Court, January ilABIUN HKTIIU.NE, Ordinary. January 27.1867 nidm 22d, GEORGIA, I Court of Ordinary, March Term, 1367. IIAKBid CriJU.iTV j LULL NIel. OR ). W. MULLIN’?,Presiding: HKItEAH, M- holas Hutchinson, petitions f.r !>etteis W" of Hen Sale.—Agreeably to ihe last will and of John ICniglit, Sr , lute of Jasper JOHN KNIGI JAMES KM (JUT. I TII08. J. KNIGHT. EDWARD M. ALLEN, J February 24, 1BS7 the Land belonging to f lm Estate of Willoughby Beardin, Is to ot said county, deceased BIOIIARH E. KEN NON, Adm’r. March 5,1867 (IWM 2tt f|4\VO MONTH? after date, application will ha made to the X Court of Ordinary of Harris county. Ha., for leave to sell the l«and lM>longlug to tho KstnU- of Betij.-unin Ragsdale, de ceased. JOHN THOMPSON, Adm’r. Marsh ft, 1867 n«« 2m TWO MONTHS after dnlu. application will bo made to the ate of said county, deceased. February fi, 1867 JKMBB V. SUTTON, / .Broad street 2 lug the uorlh part of IM No the propi ~ I, In s tlil city ; b»?le. I I). I*. Kills ft (^, to satisfy „ |i 6, u <tum| from (In • of >lu*cogo(* county. In fiivir f K. II. Atwat'-i I’.rop-'i ty p'-lntcl by plffs. atty. I (k*urt of Ordinary of Taltiol county, Oa., lor leave to bc|| mid interest of the uilni-r children of Jamos II. Walker, In certain Negroes loft to said children, nnd others, ns a legacy In and by the last w ill nnd testament of John Walker, late of Talbot county, deceased, JOHN DAHP.FI ELI), Guardian. February 17, 1867 N OTICE TO DEBTORS AND CHBD1TOK8.—All person* having demands against Ihe Krtate of \\ llloiighby Beardin, deceased, Into of Hni rls county, > ill present them, N'i i»I’BT(»K8 AND CREDIT* HIM.-All peism* . th.- Kslafe ' f J> bn IS. Sutton, late of Harris 1 Immsdlste par- r i'.< 'larlde, li<0 thin a Cuss. I i. i .-•u -v rirtueofnA li Lsuedfi i lint v, In tuvorof the owner ■■IItrolled by Henry It. Taj I thick slabs d-*». Marble Posts; Infi-rlorCourt Thr.-. Julf.'i' . • i*: .N'elson i man alt lit years old. Kn out 36 years II, nn-l •diver a mm al'oul led on ns the property .-t I..T. Woodruff, to satLlya M* it^ng.. fl fa is«m«tir -in the Inferior Court of Mus- cogiH> countv, Jn favor of the Manu’n I nrera A Mecliaiibs' Bank of CtOinnliuji. tin., vs. said Woodruff. Property poiutei mil In Haul II fa. March 7,1867 F. M. BROOKS, Dop. Sliff. Mmtjfuoit Holts Alr>, at the tame vlaofa tn% th? flrtt Turmtny in May t,erf, the futlaiying property, fo unt : 1 llunipC iiil, l Twlstaj, 4CotL>n Card*), one2 speeder 1 Pick- or, 1 Uolier, uud l bavinU Machine; levied.-n as the property of George M. Dickson and James M, Terry, to satisfy a mort- gage II fi Issued from the Inferior Court of Muscogee nour- ly, In favor of the Marine Bank of Georgia vs. said Dickson A Tarry. 7,1857 F. M. BROOKS, Dep, Shff. M-ort-gopc* Buloit. Afee, nt f/ir mime plocf, on thejlmt Tutmlay in April next, in Or hjnl ho nr l of side, (hr following pvopaiy, to wit One tie; i man named Sum, of yellow o-nipluxlou, abo UjWlOfa !.•, * -1 For; by virtue of n timi Lgage II fn Issued Uie Inferior Court ot Sins, - gee county, in fhvorof Aaron iVO K. Gager. Property pointed out In fl fa. ordered by the Court, that all persons con cerned show cause. (II any they have.) on or before the next Bepteinber Term, 1867, of said Court, why said Letters should not then la. gran red. GKt'RrilA, I Court of Ordinary March Term, 1867. HARRIS COUNTY. | RULE NISI. GKO. IV. MULUNF. I’r-shBng: W IIKUEAK, Nicholas Hutchinson poll I ion a lor Lelters of Dismission from the Executorship »'f the Estate of Samuel Tru. tt, law* of said county, do-eased : jt is thnrelore ordered by the Court, that all persons con cerned show causo. (If any they hnvo.) on or lie lore the next September Term. 1867, of said Court why said Letters should not then be granted. ) Court of Ordinary fuf said county, in ./ Vacation. February 21st, 186" Present, DAVID WOREIIAM,Ordinary, Presiding: Court for a dls. Large from their said administration : It Is »»ti motion ordered by the Court tha nil person* con cerned show cause (if any they have.) why snid administra te x nn«i administrator should not be discharged, othorwi-w Letter* of Dismission will be granted to said applicants at the next “epfember Terin of this C-ourt, and they tH.reJcaM-d aucordlng to the sta. ute In such esses made and provided. A true • xtracl Irom the Minute* of said Court. Feb. 2d-in0in DAVID WUH8IIAM. Ordinaly. GEORGIA. I Court of Ordinary for said county, In MARION COUNTV. J Vacation, Novemlw lllh, 18WJ. Present, DAVID WORSHAM,Ordinary, Presiding: W IIKKKAS. Martin I.. Bivins, Exscut.r. and Harsh I.. Hall, Executrix, to the last will and testament of Dan iel M. Hall, late ol said county, decunsed, petitious this Court fora discharge lr in -aid Kxm utorsblp: It Is ordered by the Court, that nil persons concerned show cause (If any th.-y have,) why snid Executor and Executrix should not W dischargiKl, otherwise letters of Dlsnilsslon will be granted said applicants at the next June Term of this Court, and they t>e released accoiding to the .Statute lu such cases made nnd provided. A true extract from the Minutes. Nnv.aiihor 18. I860 Jrdlnnry. Fi MU8COGKE COUNTY. | 1867.—RULE NISI. W HEREAS, John K Bacon, administrator with the will annextsl of Estate of John W. Ourranca, deccasod. Into of the Stab-of Alabaina. having applied for Lethal of Dls- niisslou Irmn said Adminlstration : Jt Is < rdeo-d. that all person* concerned show cause (ifany they have.) at the Lour on th« f.rst . . ... . publlsli.-il In the'■olumbus Enquirer III terms of I A true transcript from tho Minutes of aald Court, Februa ry 12-h. 1867. feu 14-inflm JNO. JGlI.VffGN, Ordinary. GEOBGIA. I Court of Oidloarv, January Term,* MU8COUKK COUNTY. | 1357.— tULK NIHI. IIF.REAH, Hugh B.T. Montgomery, ndininls'rator of tho' Estate of FJIe.’i FJnnagnn, deoreiHal. I«h' - Letters of DlsinLalnn Irom said adinlnlstrnii< It I*ordered, that all persons concerned sin It is th refore orderel by the Court, that all person* rerued show esuse (If-any they have.) why Mid Adiuluistra- tor should not Is* discharged,otherwise Utters of dismission wilt t« granted to said applicant at the next August Term of this Court, and he be released according to ihe statute in fuch cases made and provided. A true extract from Minutes of said Court. DAVID WOlUUAU, Ordinary January IS. 1867 GEORGIA, HARRIS COUNTY. James 0. C*»thm, propounder of J SOMETHING TO SUIT TJfcJK SE'SON AND CLIMATE! PACTS HAVA DEVELOPED THEMSELVES T O SUCH an extent thru l feel to run no risk (from thousands of evidence in the City, where I have lived 14 vears, and the county on every side,) aaying that the SOUTHERN CORDIAL Has proved itself to be the most reliable remedy that has ever been pat before the public for Dowel DUteses, Flux, Dysentery, Acute or Chronic DIABBHCEA, And for Bmall Children while Teething, Ac. If I could speak as Gabriel, I would tell the peo ple of the Southern and Western K ates how and where they cun obtain the left remedy in the United Statct, for the above diseases, ami i it for no other than bowel diseases ; but the Southern Cor dial is the SAFKsr remedy in the v.oil.l; is oconouty itseli, and a saving ot time, trouble and money. I get orders from men ot a distance, whom I never saw, asking me to send it to them, they having by accident *:sed it, and want more. Please call at GTJHBY’S COSHER, gel a bottle and iry it for yourselves. I will lake great pleasure in placing before you such evidence as wilfbe indisputable. I never miss a day but what some man comes up and says, “I am satisfied, it will do. it done moro for me than anything I ever used in my life.” There is a way to prove it, that is to try it! JtCr A liberal discount when ordered bv the dozen. JACK SMITH, Prop’r., Ounby’a Comer, Brood Street. Columbus, Oo., Feb. 14,1857 twit wtf GENERA.L AGENT, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION. Receiving aad Forwarding Merchant, No. 131 West Broad 8treet, BSP*PortIcularattention given to the keeping, j urehaoeond sale of NEGROES. eg. Administrators aud Executors' Baler attended to < WM. F. LEE, D. D. 8 DENTAL. SURGEON: roffice comer of BROAD and RANDOLPH 8ts., ration able terms. Feb 6 ’6il—tww tf Auction & Commission Business HAERIS0N & McGEHEE. Auction Commission, Negro Brokerage, and Forwarding Business, CUSHMAN, DENTIST i W1NTKK BUILDIHO, 48 Broad Street, (Rost Side,) Columbus, Go. October 86,1856 tww ly DENTIST: Randolph near BroadStree', Co- I Jan. 1, 5f—wtwtl oil business committed to their care. They will give their personal otenitinn to the SALE of Real Estate, Negroes, Merchandise and Prodace. Having omplo facintc* nt command, they ore prepared make LIBERAL ADVANCES “ chmnUze of every desertpti tr*k_ Particular attention given to Administrator*’ and H AS removed to his residenre un Troup street lot next above the residence ol Dr. Hoxoy ; of- Negroes and’Mer- tice, as heretofore, in “Winter’s Bank Building," Broad Street. Jan 2— * tf Executors’ Sale*. July 31.1850—tww tf ALLEN Q.'McOKttEK CHARLES 8. HARRISON, tho WIU of Ftnlth Cottou, blotter of Will or no Will of Fmith Cotton, doc’d. In lUrri* Superior Court. John IV Ftubb*. et ol. Coventor-* J JT op|M-oriug that Jooeph Thom ih, John C. Kiddln, et sL, 1 are grand citlldreu and liMlrs at law of said Smith Cotton, dm-osKil: It is therefore or lered. T at thc-y show cou«« at th« next lerm of this Court (it any they have.) why they should uot lai mi'k pirflesos tkiroator* to said Will, or be fi r ver burred from tiling a Cav-at to the sal t Will of said Smith Cotton. And it further app-ariug that they rwlde out of the limits of this State: It it ordered that service and notice of this Rule and the p ndeney of Mid suit lie perfected by publlca- t publls Uaxette of this State it a personal service >o mad*.- upon tbien. j oxtract from Jdlnutee of Harris Superior Court. > Scire Farias to make parties. GFOKG4A, MU8COC.H14 COUNTY. Daniel Hightower, ▼a. Do/.ler Thornton, and othi .. ,, To all and alngulnr Hie J-heriffs of -aid Plato—Greeting . W HEREAS, at tho May Term of the Superior Court In and (. r mid county, !8t7, Daniel Hightower coimn«nc*vl his action l.y Bill lu Ivjulty in Mid Court, ngaltist Doxler Thorn ton, Henry T. Greenwood, James A. Slaton, l.eroy Holt, Thomns Persons, J a m.-s M. Foster,and other*. And whereas, belbre tho trial term <.riaid action, and whilst the same was yet pending, and undecided, the said Daniel Hightower de- partud this life; Mid whereas, James F HlghL'Wor has boon duly appointed and .jualltted aa Executor upon the Estate of satd Daniel Hightower.deceased : The said Defendant», Henry T. Greenwood, James A. Sla ton. Letoy Holt, Thomas Put sons, and James M. Foster, are therefore each of them, hereby required and commanded to be and appe .r nt the next Superior Court to bo fuld in and for said county, on 1st Monday In May next, then and there to show cause, (If any they have,) why tho raid James F. Hightower should not b» made a party complainant in said suit, ns Executor as aforesaid, and said cause proceed. tlbruss the Honorable Edmund H Worrill, Judge of said Court, this 20th day ol lKjcotnber, I860. Deremlier 23.1880 i. RUTHERFORD, Clork. intro DAVID WORSHAM,Ordinary. I Court of Ordinary. February Tferu Ing applied for' (Ifsny' id administrator should not he dismissed' of ordinary to lx* hold in and fi*r said rnumy londnv in August next; nnd that notice be giv pubilration of this order In terms of the law. •ilut from tho MlnuLta of sold Court, January J JUN JOlI.NSriN, Ordinary. of Ordltiary, Jan uary Turin, 1867* RULE Mil. 8, Presiding: B. Vardeman, petitions for Letter* if in the Administration of tho Estate if late ot snid county, deceased: Vied by the Court, that all jwranna con- if an v I her have.) on or t*ef<>ro the next 67, of snid Court, why said Letters should jrtmitssur earn Court. February 3d, GEO. W. MULLINS.Ordinary, , Ira Elliott, administrator a The Central Railroad & Banking 1 Company John C, Winter, Joseph H. Win- ( Dl11, &C ' tor, Joseph S. Winter & Co., I et nl , J W HEREAS, at a former Term of this Court, an order was grained by this Court, that service in said case be enacted on said John G. Winter nnd Joseph S. Winter, by publication in the Cohunbu* Ennuircr, a newspaper published in Columbus, in an id county of'Muscogee, Georgia, once a month tor four months, requiring them to appear nnd an swer said Bill on or l-ctore tho then next Term, and whereas it i« considered by the Court that an d publication has not been made : It is, on motion ordered, that said order for ser vice, be and is enlarged and that service bo so per fected by similar publication, requiring said defend ants ho to nppeur and answer to said Bill, at tho next Term ol said Court, A true extract from the Minutes of Muscogee Su perior Court, Decern her 30th, 1856. Dec 30-n»4m A. >S. RUTHERFORD, Clk. J. W. WEIIIPS Patent Double Rib Gin! I HAVE invented and obtained letters patent for a Double-chilled Reversing Rib for Cotton Gins, which 1 will manufacture at Cotton Valley, Macon county, Ala. The advantage of my improvement in the Cotton Giti Rib, consisti in making them reversible so ns lo do double service, f.uch half of rny improved Rib is made with the curve, und the two ends are ot the same size and shape; so that when one end is worn out ami becomes unlit for use, the farmer cun take them ofi himself, reverse nnd replace them again, nnd make them dodoublethe service of • hone heretofore used. It will save the farmer the trouble mid expense of transporting his cotton gtn to some factory and procuring a new set of ribg. Any one can takothem off and replace them. All that it re quires is to takeout the screws and run them back again, anJ then you have a new s* t of Riba. My improved Rib will not be very popular with gin-makers in general, lor they say the gins last too long. Some hnvo acknowledged that it j® superior to miy Rib they have ever seen. It is the farmer that I want to pleuse, and it he will give me a trial, I will certainly do it. With 12 years’ experience, I flatter myself that I can make ns good a Gin as any one; and with my improvement, 1 know that lean make them last one-third longer, without any ex pense for repairing. All that I nsk is to give me a trial. Persons wishing to buy my Double Rib Gin, will please order them, for it will be impossible for agents to call on all. I will deliver Gins at our Factory, at $2 per saw. Particular uttention given to Repairing. Address, J. B. WEBB &. CO., March 3-w6m Cotton Valley, Macon Co. Ala. TO THE AFFLICTED i I HAVE located in Columbus, on the south side of Crawford street, near Mrs. Iloltzdaw’s, where I expect to continue making preparations (which are entirely vegetable,) for Chronic Discftsoa. I hope from past success, to share a Itberal patronage. I give as reference, C. J. Fall, M. D. ; T. Ragland, M. D.; E. B. Arnold; H. C. Mertett ; J. Harrell, and H. English, Stockbridgc, P. <>. On. Also read Certificates below : M. 9. JAMES. STERLING LANIER. SAMPSON LANIER LAMAR HOUSE, (Formerly Oblemun H"u*r,) Knoxvlllo, Tonueanoo. S. & S. LANIER. Proprie.or». Mr. Stcki.ino 8. Laxiru. latuuf Lunier Houre. Macon, O*. and 8a*p*ON Lamer, late of Tuskoji*^*. Afs., will l*e bnppy to me-t all friends and custf mers at th*» Lamar House, where th.-y have ample acronimodatlon for 26U persons. Knoxville. Ton a.. Nov.. 8. IHoO tww tf Richard Hooper, saiEitaMfii CHATTANOOGA, TKNN. Will attend promptly to the purchase of Country Produce,or any other business entrusted tohiscare May 16. 1854 20 tl JOHN HAMILL, DENTIST, CUTIIBUliT, GUOItGlA. DR. II. will faithfully execute nil business entrusted to his care, audjlatteri himself that if those who have diseased Teeth, or wish Teeth inserted, will cull on him, he will fully satisfy them, by experience nnd otherwise, that they need not go elsewhere to have their work well done- $3. All work warranted, aud uo pay will be required If satisfaction 1* notplveu. *5- Office next door to the Post Office, or second door west of Webb’s Hotel. May 13,186B— w ly Boston &, Villalonga, and General COMMISSION Merchants, No. 1B8 Bay *treot, Savannah, 0a. JOHN BOSTON. JOHN L. VILI.ALONOA. Referee*—Major John II. Howard, B. T. Chap man, A. W. Chapman, Ruse. Patter. & Co. Oct 11. 1853 41 tf J. &. W. J. KELLY, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, CHATTANOOGA, TliNN. August 23,1856 tsrff ly J. II. IIA VIS, Land Broker, Collector and General Agent, Business attended to in any county in this State. Office corner of Jackson and Ellis Streets, AIIOUSTA, GKoliOIA. James T. Norman, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Union Springs, Macon County, Alabama, Will practice in tiic vnrious CourlB oi Macon and the surrounding counties. Feb. 19,'57 w ly U. Y. MARTIN. J - J MARTIN. IWAItTVN A MARTIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Columbus, Georgia* {Cr Office on Brond Street, over Gunby &. Co.’s Store. Jan. 13, 1857—wlwly R. G. Carithers, ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TX7ILL practice in the Chattahoochee circuit, and VV in the counties of Randolph, Clay, Calhoun, Early, Decatur and Baker, ol the South Western circuit. JKT Office Up Stairs, over Gunby & Co’s Store. Jan 27.’57 wll 'TiU'-fi a h. i>. nuu. ah* nt I .10 yn-irs <0 I, unit IVWJls about Ufiycnih old. lovlod on ns tho pioportv of U. T. Taylor, by vlr- tun of a huh l,;ugo tt Di issuml IVout the In fori or Court or Mum- oojjiut otiunt v, in fiiTor of lHriun D. Troutman vs said Taylor. Property polotadnut lu said 11 fii. One iifuro man named lion, nUmt 27 years old: Mary a woman about 23 voarn old, an«t tho two citfldrcn of Mary, Marla and Bon, (Marla 3 and Bon 2 years old); Louisa a w’i>- tiian about 21 years old, Judy n girl about 15 years old, and Mary a irirl about 12 years old: also, tlio nno half undivided lutorttit in a n«Hcro woman limned Botsey. ntxmt 60 years old, all lovbld on us tho property of Win. Parry, to aatlsfy a luort- pago 11 fa issued from the Inferior Court of.Muscogee county, In fever of John G. Jones vs said Perry. Property polutod out In nnld mortgagv fl fa. Ono niHtro woman nnnu**| Ktimliuo.about 36yaarsold, 3 ma hogany Biii'wuis, 1 iiialiogany Bedstead, bed aud IxHiding : 1 .. 1 •* * * - ■ e Bod- liedmad, I mahogany I'rt*»ch Bedstead, IkmI and b*>d<ltug; li pine I d rlngular (li. kin ... • .'..Ut.j^HMmi^d I-. show cause (If wliv lofy^^pradministration as aforesaid should not bo gran tod to siiffl applicant, at tbo Court of Or dinary to bo In Id in and for Mild county, on tho flrst Monday April next. Given under* ruy hand this SSth February, 1S67. March 3-6t JOHN' JOHNSON, Ordinary. / 1 BORGIA. II ABIlia COUNTV.-Wher-KiH. F it Hudspeth \ I appiiek o i Letters of Guaidiauship for Ihe |•l•l‘Sons aud pr< porty of Mary J . John T., Jiuwph B. llnury 8., and Reno- nl t Hudsp*‘th miiiurs of Wilihnu HuJ)’(>iith, late of said Tli**«o are tlnr. f ire to cltoiind adinoulr-h all and singular tho Uludn«d ami others fool inn an iiitarustiu said Guardian- ship to lie and appear at my offioo, within tho time Drescrlbed hy l.iw, Hum au.l there to show cause, (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. under my hand in office, 2 ith Feltruar^r, 1867. Fob. 20—fit GEO. W. MULLINS. Ordinary. dliiK ; 1 m.vlu'Kany Side Moanl. 1 malioganv dining table with 2 ends, 2 Sofas, H mahogany rhtilrs, l nuihoj'any centre table, 1 mahogany work fdnnil, 1 mnliognuy wash stand, 1 mahog any wardrolw, ^ |)'qnno, 2 do*, catto-soat chairs, 1 wit ivoiy ^and,ii\? toifibSiuu ferka, I mahogany candle stand, 3 com liion itookln^ Chairs. 2 n^hogauy Rocking Chairs, I carpets, 2 nil Cloths, 1 wt castors, 1 dor., silver table spoons, 1 do*, all- vor t* *ii •. and 2 dux. silver flicks, all levied on aa tho property .if sterling F. Grimes, decoased, to aatlsfy a mort, gage fl fa Issued from the Inferior Court of Muscogee coun ty, in favor of Potior Thornton vs, said Grimes. Property potutod out lu aald fl fii. F. M. I1RO.MJ8, Dep.8h*ff. Polumhus, 0a. Jan. 31, 1867 tds CLAY COUNTY. W ILL hu s»ld before the Court-house door In Fort (lalnea Clay county, Georgia, outlie flrst Tuesday In April next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: • Lot of land No. 112. In the 7th dist. ot snid i ounty : U-vlu.! ^n «i tin property of Treaty Daniel, to satisfy a fl t.i Issued from ltandelp:i Superior Court in favor of Lphrnlut 11. Phut vs. Joint' DtuUl, Kx’r. of Treaey Daniel. Property poiutod out liy Douglass ft Douglass, plffs. atty. l/o* of Laud No. 384, In the 4th district of said couuty ; levied on an the property of 81)»* Plunk*'it. to satisfy a 11 f.i from Randolph rraporlor Court In favor of Loveri M. Daniel ~~ — 1 »-*— ci nut -• Property pointed 1 EUIUIIA. CLAY COUNTY.—Whereas, goaborn A. Mclam- to iu.i for is-tiers of Administration on the Dill, late of said county, deceased P YJ don applli Estate of Join Those are tl corned to app . , , law, to show on use (If any they have, i why wild Letters should not Ih* granted, otherwise they will be planted at the April Term of Mhl Court. Given under my baud, In office. 27th February, 1857. March 3,1857 -fit JOHN II. JUNKS. Ordinary. ,pi»l I will annexed, of tho Mutate of Into of said county : phln ll. Shorter, deceased. JOHN H. JONES, Ordinary. Court of Orulnary January Term, GEORGIA STEWART COUNTY. | 1H67. L. WIMREBLY,Ordinary,Presiding PoN tho petition of John S. *” i. administrator, d U l. tils non, upon the estate of John Ware, late of bald county, deceased, for Letters ot Dismisslou from the Admin istration of said Estate: It Ison motion ordered, that all persons ronoerned show cause (tf any they have,) on or before tho next August Term of this Court, why said Letters should not bo granted. A true extract from the Minute# of said Court, January ‘Ml, IH67. Kell. 2- null. J. L W1 M It KB LY, Ordinary. GEOBGIA, 1 Court of Ordlnarv. l>«*r Tei hi, IlAltllia COUNTY. | 1846.—RULE KIM. GKO. W. MULLINS. Presiding: W HEREAS, K. C. Hood petitloi from tho Administration of Wilkinson, late of said county, deceased ; it Is therefore ordered by the Court, that all person* con cerned show tause, (If any they have,) on or Ix'flire the next August Term, 1857, of said Court, why said Letters should not then be gran ted. A true extract Irom the Minutes of said Court, January 28,1857. jail. 31-inOiu OKO. W. MULLINS, Ordinary ogee u Court of Ordin. ry, Becembor Term, 185G. J Present, JOHN JOHSStrJ, Ordinary: Samuel A. Grlw, 1 U.rri.t .ml M.”m« S. .Vrmnr., f 0rd,r NllJ ' Executrixes nf|Man*fleld rwrance, dec’d. I IT appearing to thw Couf, by the petition of Samuel A. 1 Grier, that Mausfltdd Tortance, deesased, lateof Mnscogoo county, Uaorgla, did, In his! lifetime, enter Into agreement In writing, thereby binding liimstdf, his heirs, executors, ad ministrators, and assigns toinake or cause to lm made to said Samuel A. Grier, ‘*a good arid sufficimt title to lots > f l.and 3iMl, 37tt. 380, 381,305, 306, 4W, 406 aud 417, tho tw*. last frac- tiunal loU all In the seventh (7th) district of originally tarn county now Kamdolph county, in said State, and surveyed for sixteen hundred and thiafy acre*. mof*or U*ss." And it further appearing, lliat MaoMWld Torrance, departed this life without ixMiitliis ,*r Aparth* ui tie executed (tries for said several Lota ot Land, uHu any way providing th.-relhr, and said Samuel A. Grier iisviug |w*tltinned the Court to or der and direct Harriet Torrance and Matilda S. Torrance, the Executrixes of said Mansfleid Torrance d*vea*x-«l. to make to him. said Samuel A. Grier, titles for said several lots of land: It is therefore ordered that paddle uotire he given at three public plnres. in the county, and o ms Enquirin' for thr* uary to )>e held In an e flrst Monday in April i y file their objections (It I utrlxea should not l*e ordered aud dir. Cted to make to said Famuel A. Grier, titles for «ald several lots of land In con formity with the bond of their testator. ber 20th, 1856. .> transcript from tin Minutes of ‘••aid Court, fs-rein- JNO. JOHNSON,Ordinary. Newton County, Oa., Feb. 20. ’57.—ll is for ihe benefit of the ufHicted that i allow my name to be read by the public. I have been alHicted with De bility und Itlieuinatisrii about 7 years and have ta ken medicine from 27 physicians; 1 grew weaker all the lime uu'il l could not walk, and had not walked one atep in 16 months—while in that c ndi- tion 1 commenced taking Dr. M. *S. James’ remedies nnd commenced mending and have continued to mend until lean go from home to a neighbor’s house und can walk without any assistance whatever. WM. H. PENNINGTON. Witmmed by: J»s. F. Vinlng, II. WhlU*. .fehu L. Petiulng- toil. B. F. Prirkett T. M. White, T. B. Morris. Ben C. Morris*, Calvin Pickett, J. 1). Moore, K. M. Brewer, Wio. F. Davis. II. H. Carroll, T. S. Kills, A. M. Jolt, Wui Grant, John Webb. Spai.dinu Co., (Ja., Oct. 15, This is to cer- tiIy. 'flint I hnvo had the Dyspepsia about 4 years, and have been cured by inking Medicine Irom Dr. M. S. James. I have gained about 40 pounds, am as well as l ever was. and can cheerfully recom mend all Dyspeptics to give tho Doctor a fair trial. MARTHA J. JORDAN. Newton Co., Ga. Nov. 17, ’56.—I can cheerfully say that Dr. M. S. James has given my wife reme dies I or ) yapepaia which have entirely relieved her. She hud tho Dyspeppia about 6 years, nnd is now W AUrch 3-w if J- W. HINTON, PI 1,13*1 PI I,EH I ! PILIWin Dr. Jones’ Syrup for Piles, I K A NEW DISCOVERY nnd i» nn Internal rem- edy of grca| value. Unlike tho many euros of the present day for haemorrhoids, it reaches the dis ease which is treated in the hasmorrhoidul veins and mucus membrane of the rectum. And while this Syrup is a groat Specific for Piles, it is also perhnpa one ol the very best agents in all iho wide field of Therapeutics, for breaking up habitual conaiipa- tion, which, ol itself, is not only the chief cause of hcBmorrhoids, but also tho source ot n whole host diseases whose name is legion This medicine having lately performedHouiocures that would seem almost miraculous, is now, for the first time, being offered io the public. The efficiency of this reinc- PARTNERSHIP. T IIE Firm or J. KNNIfi ft CO., Will be continued at the old standby the undersigned, who have thiudny entered into Partnership, for tho purpose of carrying on the HARDWARE TRADE, uuder the name aud style of J. ENNIS A CO., and where they intend to keep constantly on bund n general assort ment of Hardware, Cattery, ftc. Thankful to their friends and customers for past favors, they would solicit a contlnuanceof the same. They also iurite the public geu- erally to give them a call. J. ENNIS. J. A. FRAZER. Columbus, Qa., Oct. 1,1868 w tf ROBERT E. DIXON, Mi? U»M5y Columbus, Georgia. (Cr Office directly opposite ihe Post Office. April 4. 1854 H H Peyton H. Colquitt, AUC !LA^7 COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. XT Office over Col. Holt’s Law Office, Ran dolph Street. Mnv 31. ’55—M COPARTNERSHIP. T HE Business of BARRINGER A. BROTHER will be continued at the old stand by the under signed, who have associated themselves together for the purpose of a general BUILDING BUSINESS. Contracts taken for all kinds of Buildings, and executed promptly. XT DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, nnd all materia) used in the const*uciion of Houses, furnished and sent to any part of ihe country. Also, Plans, Spec ifications, and Estimates for Buildings, Vcrnndns, &c. *Stc. MATHIAS BARRINGER, J. L. MORTON. Columbus. June 5, 1855 tw 3t w tf WM. S. JOHNSON, jAmmm m CUSSETA, CHATTAHOOCHEE CO , OA., Gives his entire attention to the practice in Chatta hoochee and the udjoining counties. April 26, 1856 tww ly* W \ if 9- fi ROBT. E. DIXON, Attorney at Law, Columbus, Ga. ILL athmd to the prosecution of all Claims for Mown- e directly opposite tho Post Office. COPARTNERSHIP. IK undersigned hive this day entered into Copartuei ihip. for the purpose of doing a general Grocery and Commission Business. In the name and style of ALLEN ft CAMAK. Coiuntbun, Ga., N'ovevewber 1st, 1866. A. M. ALLEN, Not. 6, *56 T. U. CAMAK. ALLEN &"CAMAK, WHOLESALE ANI» RETAIL GROCERS and COMMISSION MUHCIIANTM. No. 1 IT, Broad street, Columbus, Georgia, fir ILL keep lamstantly on hand every description ol Gro- Vy coriua; also BaffUgt Bopc, Salt « n 4 HAG ON, _ wblrh will be sold at' tlio LOn EBT market prices. . j- Particular attention given to tho SALK of COTTON consigned to them. W. ALLEN. TIIOS. CAMAK. . fl. 1865 tw 2m wtt Court of Ordinary. Decent tier Terra, I860—RULE NISI. March 7, 1S57 DAVID JUNKS, Sheriff. nary to be held in anil lor said couuty, on tlio first Monday hi April next Given und* February 2> GK01B11 A, ) Court iff Ordinary, January Term, STKIVART COUNTY,j 1867. J. L. W1.MRKRLY, Ordinary PrcshUhg : YITHERKAS, Richard Price, Guardian of the persons aud VV property of Hesse A. and William ll. Price, orphans ot William IMi censed. ]M*titiou>: this riourt for Letters of DismiKsieu li* in th* Guardianship * fsaid orphans: is the. r i hey ha* this Coui t. " hy raid l.e r.tered, that all y r I*. I. re the n lie.ibl not the. Hules. /Ac frit Tiualn./ pth/wrly, to-wit 1st ml in that-*' i April next, the ^ ^ of Fort Gaines, or less, known sul-l town of Fort Go*lies, as the satisfy a Mortgage d flx fron ed out iu s«l*l Mortgage. of Land K ing part of l,ot trlct of orleinally Early now ws : North by the MnCullock front Fort Gaines to Culhltert, and west by the street to the levlinl on ns the property of fl At from Clay Superb KORGIA. MAH JT eltls ftpp'les f * |itid property of En M John M * • granted. January 1 J L WIM1 i *. Ordinary ON ( UNTY Whoi *, Jacob ft, Ola l.ot**-i «of GnnrdlaUhlitp for the persons i U laroand John M. Glaze, orphans and ndittonlslt all ami singular d Mas- j crlbevi by law to show cause (If any they have,) why » irty (Ktl tried ry Henton DAVID J0Nk8, Sheriff. tds BOUNTY. xt-houso door in the town of u the flrst Tuesday In of title, the fitllowlug bo village of Whites- pi Mr- Griggs and Mrs. ‘fly • uph*l by John olm Baker, to satisfy and the other from county, in Levy made fob 17 DAVID WORSHAM, Or-Dnarv. GKORG l A. I Court of Ordinary. February Term. TAl.BOT COUNTY. | 1858.—RULE NISI. W HEREAS, Militant J. Weaver, Guardian of Henry A. J. SnelitugK. \«>titions tills Court for l.*.ttcrs of Dismission from said Guardiauship: it is therefore ordered, that all pursous concerned K* and apjHVtr at the next April Turn ol said Court, then and there •ty they have.) why said Letters should for fe-tters of Dls- , mission from the AdniliiiuKtratln.. of the Ksiatu of Ed ward Satterwhlte, late of said county, deceased : It is therefore ortl«»red by the Court, that all |K*c*ous.|on- owned show causo, (if any they have.) on or before the next August Term. 1867, of said Court, why said Letters should not then tw granted. A true extract front the MluuU-s of said Court, January 28,1857. Jhu ol-uiflm GKO. W. MULLINS, Ordinary. GEORGIA. 1 Court of Ordinary, January Term, TALBOT’ COUNTY. J 1867.—RULE NISI. W N ERE AS. Philip Adams, administrator of the Estate of Kldridge Adams, petitions this Court for Letters of DIs- utlssKn front Httld Adu.inistratlou : lie it ordered, that all persons cottecrtted bo and ap)H<ar at , tho Angus! Term, next ensuing,of this Court thuu and there to show cause (if any they ltava,) why said letters should not t>« granted. A true oxtract from tho Minutes of said Court, January 22d, 1867. MARION UKillUNK, Ordinary. Jan. 27 ui'im G Et)RG 1A, I Court of Ordinary, December Term, STEWART COUNTY, I I85U. J. L. WIMBERLY, Or deary, Presiding: I TPriN the petiMon of William Sluts fl-r Letters f Distnls- V ) siott from tiie Adminibtrntion on the Lstate of John Upton, late of said county, deceased : It is on motion ordered by the Court, that all persons con cents i show cause (If any they have,)on or Wdore, tho next July Term if this Court, wlty said letters should not then be grattted. A true extract from tho Minutes of said Court, December 17,1866. dec23—mflnt J. 1*. M IMRKHLV.C C. O. Whereas, Ann A. Ford, Executrix of the not then Ik* grant A true extract tr< 13, 1867. feb 17-1 1 KORGIA, MARION COUNTY.—Whereas, U >Y. Madd s to me for lo-tturs of Adininstration ou tho esl Brooks, late of ^tid county, deceased : JutonUh all persons c {}% Of ftl These arc tlioivfi'r- eernud, toap|*ee^ s the proper'\ of Jam I front tlu 8ulterior Court ol, t Coudict, Jennings i Co., vs. Jam* maker, and John B. Foster, security. Property by defendant, Choat. DANIEL II. ZA Ono huiidnxl and twelve aud half acres of K ing tit*-South half of lxtt. No, 177. in the aaid county . levied on as tho property of I! March 3,18ftt THOMAS 11. M«*oRK, Dep TALBOT t'OU MTY, W ILL be sold ou the first Tuesday in April neit, before tho (Vurt-houee door in the town of Taltiottoti, Talbot county, within the lejal hours of sale, tho following prop erty, to-wlt Lot of Laud Nn. 14, lit the loth district of said county, the same King tho Lot of Land whereon James Bruce now resides; letted ou to satisfy two fl flu. Issued from th-* Supe rior and Inferior OoutUof Talbot count i. in tavor of Alexan der C. Van pelt vs. James llrure, and William J. McBrvde and John 1*. Hammock, admiuistrators vs. Jan.Mi Bruce, l'rop- erty pointed out hy A. G. Perryman, plffs ally, iflclal signature, March 2d, ,V1D WORSHAM, Ordluai). 'I'v Whereas, Myranda t-.-rt f A linluist ration on tho Estate of *iaid county, dec’d: tmonlsb all and singular to be and appear Court for a discharge from It la therefore ordered by this Comt, that all persous con- ccrntHl show causo (If any they have,) wlty said Executrix should not Ih* discharged, otherwise KRtcra ot Dlstuisslou will b« granted to her at the next August Term of said Court ami she la* released according to law. A trueoxtract from the Minutes of said Court of Ordinary GEORGIA, HARRIS COUNTY. GEO. W. MULLINS. Presiding: WHEREAS, Titos. It. Floyd petitions for letters of Dismis sion from tho Aduiiulitratlou of tbo Estate of Levi Hall, of said-county, dcro-uted: It Is therefore ordered by tbo Court, that all persons cou- erned show caus>> iIf any they have) on or before the next June Term, of said Court, why said Letter* should not than bo granted. iu, Muscogee County, ,.. Dcccm’tur Term, 1856. NSON, Ordinary: \ Order Nisi. Adut r., ftc I Court, I * the potltlou of Mary J. Davis, Rty. «*• Mia. that Eds a: d K. Powers, deed, rv, did. 1st hl»lp.,-ti.u*, * n' rluto agrv«>iuent ■by he lomu! him-v’.f, 1 i» executors and as sail Marc J. Davis, warrantee titles for a half ol Colu'ubusiu the couuty aud Slateafoiw L>U>an lot" and known in the plan cf said . And it further appearing, that tho said departed this life without executing titles , or in any way providing therefor. And said Mary J. Dai in having petitioned the Court to order and I in conformity with said March 3.1S57 .HARVEY. Sheriff. Bacon, Bacon, Bacon. TE WILL bkvu, iu a few dayr*. on Consign > incut, irom 30 to 4( ,000 LBS. TENNESSEE BACON Court of Ordinary, Decumber Term, GEORGIA STEWART COUNTY f i860. J. L. WIMBERLY,Ordinary, Presiding: U PON the petition of John M. Starke, administrator on the Estate nt Jamre Grier, late of said county, deceased, thr letters of Dismission : It Is ordered hy the Court, that all persons couceruedsltow caure. (If any they have,)ou or before the next July Term of this Court, w hy wild Letters should not then bo granted. A true extract from the Minute* of said Court, Decumber 17, 1866. dec 23—UiOm J. L. WIMBERLY. C. C. 0. 0ECHO 1 A, \ Court of Ordluary for said county. In MARION COUNTY. J Vacation, November ltth, 1656. l'resaut, DAVID WORSHAM. Ordinary. Presiding : \IT II EHKAS. Sarah L Hall. Administratrix, up rathe P.s- late of Joint W. llall. late ot said couuty.deceased. jh-U- tlons this Court for a dischargu front her said Administra tion : It is therefltre ordered by Die Court that all persons con cerned show cause,if any tlioy have,) why said Administra trix should not U* discharged, otherwise Letters ot Disuita si.>it will l*e*il said apulR-aut at the uext June Term, of Ibis Court, nu J she bend eased aoet-rdlng to the Sta’ute In such cao«<s made and proiiJed. UE0R0I V, [ Court of Ordinary. January Stowart County, j Term, 1857. J. L. WIMBERLY. Ordinary, ProaidiniM I T uppearlng to the Court, upon the petition of D. M. Davidson and M M. Weaver, ilia; Thomas L. Ellis, deceased, did, in his lifetime, deliver, to Hnid Davidson and Weaver, his Rond conditioned in execuio titles in foe simple to said Davidson and Weaver, to the North half of Lot of Land No. 145, and t wonty-five acres off the north west corner ol Lot No. l’J'J, all being iu the 21st district of snid county. And it further appearing, that the snid Tnomns L. Ellis deparlod this life without execu- tilig titles to snid parcels of land, or in anyway providing thorefor—that WilRnm J. McKee is the Administrator on the Estate of said deceased, and that the purchase money for snid "Land lias been paid, and thatjsnid Davidson and Weaver now pray the Court to direct tho said administrator to exe cute titles to said Land in conformity to said Bond : It is therefore ordered, that notice bo given in the Columbus Enquirer, a public gazette ol this Slate, and in tho public places of this county, for three months, that all persons concerned may tile their objections (if any they have,) why said William J. McRee, administrator as aforesaid, should not ex ecute lilies to said Land in conformity to aaiil Bond. A true oxtract from tho Minutes of said Court, January 28, 1857. J. L. WIMBERLY, Ordinary. February 2, 1857 ui3m GEORGIA. I Court of Ordinary, February Term, 1857. CLAY COUNTY. | I T appearing to th« Court, upon the petition of Joslah liilismau. that George Moore, doreasod, did, lu bis life time, execute to tlio said Joslah Ilillsmai), bis l*rad condi tioned to exerute titles in fi-*' simple to said lliilsnian to and for 1/otnof I-a ml number (111) ou** hundred and eleven, one hundred and ten f 1 lu,) ninety-two (5)2.1 ninety-one(t*l.) six ty-nine (6K) fifty acres, more or less, the fence being the lino of the soutii side of number otto hundred aud nine (100.) fluty acres, more or less, of the fence Wing the line of the south side of niimWr ninety (90.) In the flrst district of originally Houston now Crawford county—with all the rights, members, and appurtenaures to said lauds, in any wsy appertaining or btdougiug, except fito and one halt acres on the e«*t side of uumWr 92, and one quarter of an acre Including the (Have Yard on lot uumWr one hundred and eleven. Aud it iurtber appearing that tho said George Moore departed this life wri bout executing titles to said lots or pareyls offend, or In any way* providing therefor; and it furlbor sppenringThftt tne sail! Joslah lillfeiunn has jwiJd the entire ami full amount of the purchase money or price for said lots and pan els of fend, aud the ssld Joslah lillU- ui.-tn h iving pMitionsd this Court to direct John Moore the Administrator of the Estate of Gaorgo Moore (the, sat • John Moore being a resident of said couuty aud having duly ntaiovod his adiiiiolstniGor. to said county.) to execute title* to hint to said lots er parcels of laud, in couformity with said l-oud. Ills therefore ordered, that notice bo given at three or more public places in -wld county, and in tho Columbus En quirer, for thru** months, of such application by tbo publica tion of the proccedlug* therein. th:*t all pontons rourernod utav file ol(jection* lu the Ordiuary’soffice, (ifany they have.) why the said John Moore, administrator as aforesaid, should uot execute titles to said lota and parrels of land, in conform ity witli said bond. JOHN II. JONES, Ordinary. A true extract from the Mlnntosot said Court, February 3d. 18*7. fob 7-tuJiu JOHN H. JONES. Ordinary. GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY,) Muscogee Superior Court. November Term, la6d. ) I T ai>iH-.vrlng to the Court, that heretofore, to-wit: on elit I. 1st day ol May, 1856, a W rlt Fieri Fa- la* which had la- sued from this Court, at tho instance of Doxler Thornton vs. Ann E. McDougald. Adm x.of Daniel McDougald, deceased, was by William II. latuar. Deputy Sheriff of said county, at the instauco of Hiues Holt. F.sq .attorney for the plaintiff in s id fl fa. levied ou Lots in t bo City of Columbus, ktinpu as number 176 aud 54V, and by »irlue of aaid levy the same wv* on tho 1st Tuesday in Juuo next, thereafter, sold by Francis M Brooks. Sheriff of said county, aud purchased by Duncan McDougald. at the price of $371 87. It further appearing that t*efore the said levy and safe, to- wtt : on tho 13th day of February. 1852, by an lnterlccutory Decree of Ut» Chancellor in a case then and now pending in said Court, in favor of William Dougherty, and oti. ». vs. Seaborn Jones, tho said Ann K. McDouirald, th* said Duncan McIVtugald and Alexander MclKragald. the afi-resaid pr- per- tIn* buttles, and in hand, civen by officers and oth ers «f respectability, men in our tttidai whom wo know nnd enn bolievo. Sold bv the princincl Druggists in Coluntbns, aud nlpo by l)r. Jones mmneli, nt Dr. Woodruff's office. Price $1 i»cr bolt e. CERTIFICATES. TlfoMASTON, Go. Aug. 26,1856.—1 have (asm afflicted with with them. During i'ryor’s and several other I'llo Specific *, without any relief. I was recently iuduced by a friend to use n I’repartlon put up by Dr. C, 11. JONES, from which J found immediate relief, aud up to this tlmu feel perfectly free tioiti the disease. I ■can most cheerfully recommend it to nil perMOUs as a v.ry safe, pluasaut and efficient remedy for tin* 1‘ilus. GEO. 15. I. BIRDSONG. Thomaston, 0a. Aug. 2ft, 185ft.—I have lavra severely afflict ed with bloody Rile* fur afe.ut two years twist, and hate re cently been entirely cured by Dr. Jones’ File Syrup." I would therefore recumtneud the use of this excellent Specific to oth ers afflicted as I was. CHARLES H. COBB. Tiidmaaton, Ga. Aug. 20,1850.—I have teen afflicted wl*h the Files for several years past, aud have r< sorted to all the * ’ " re. neai ly all of which nrov- iuduced by Dr. C. II. JONES happy to state gave me al- -st Instantaneous relief. I cao safely t commend to all who tuny bo likuwlse afflicted, the uso of this most exrel’ent I’reparvtlon. F. M. )*IC!I ARDflON. OaitNAUT's Orrica, > 1, Willi un A. Cola*,Ordinary of said Upson county, Oa. J county, do hereby certify that Dr. C. II. JONB8, Francis M. Klc* hard son, Georg- I. F. Birdsong and Charles II. Cobh, are gentlemen iu good standing In Uils countv, of undoubted rernelty, and that full fhitli uud cred it ought to be given to whatever they say. Given uuder my hand and seal of office, litis 2Gth August 1856. WM. A. CriBB, Ordinary. Thom aston, Ga. Nov. 18, 1866.—1 have had the bloody Piles more or less for the last twelve years, and sometimes confined <o my room iu «x)its»*quence of tln-m, and 1 have re ceived more l*enntit from Dr. C. H. Jonoa’ Pile Syrup, than any oilier Medicine I have ever used, and for the Inst two months I have been entirely free from the disease, by the aid of this Symp. Nov. 29—wly THE LONE STAR INFIRMARY, One mile South-West of Cust-eta, Ga. T HE -subscriber lin* opened an Infirmary lor the treatment of Chronic diseases of every form. From 11 years experience in the Relorm Practice, he hopes to give satisfaction in every curable case that may be put under his care. Rheumatism and Dropsical aiVcctione treated with unparolleled suc cess. Females nursed by Mrs. Frazier, who is a Lady of moral worth and efficient character. S. J. AUSTIN. M. D. References—Hon. Jos. Shaw, Stewart co. Ga. S. W. Parker. Col.iR-.ri.Ga. White &. Helms .’ . sseta, Ga. Jno. C. White L.. Andrew, Ala. Maj. E. Dean, Rockyhead, Ala. Jan. 6, ’57 wly NKW FIRM. MARCUS & RAG-LAND, 7T BROAD WT., COLUMBUS, GA. DEALERS IN CHOICE FAJIILY G310CERIES, Havo in store, and are constantly receiving, u well selected stock of all articles in their line.. JET Call on us, and remember we sell for Cash 1 VAN MAUQUS. TUGS. RAGLAND, Ju. September ‘J, 1H56 tww tf L. Randolph Redding, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Preston, Webster County, (4a., Will practice in Chattahoochee. Webster, Sunrier, Stewart, Terrell, nnd the adjoining countie*. December.30, 1856 wGm J H JONES AWChmWS AWlhAVT FORT GAINES, CLAY CO., GA., W ILL continue the Practice ol Law in the South western Circuit ns heretolore, ond promises to faithfully attend to all business entrusted to his care, in the counties of Knndolph, Clay, Early, and Calhoun. &CT Office ut Fort Guinea, Ga. March 6. 1855 - wtf REMOVAL*! T*K HAVE removed tn Mr. K. BARNARD’S old stand at f No. 1M Broad HireoppositeKiold. l’reor 4 Oo. where wo will continuu to keep a 'apply of the best PROVISIONS and GROCEP.IBS which wo will sell at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES! Thankful for past favors, vre respectfully solicit a contin uance of patronage. J>^-Term* CASH, or when called for. *ji-C»sh paid for COUNTRY PRODUCE! Marion Bethune, ATTORNEY AT LAW, TAL BUTTON, <4 A ., W ILL prepare Declarations lor persons entitled to BOUNTY LAND, and PENSIONS, nn- der the late Acts of Congress; nnd prosecute all claims of that nature. fMiych 6, *55—-wtf P. H. MILLS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dawson, Terrell County, (4a., Will practice in tiie Paiau'aand adjoining counties of the South Western Circuit. March 4. 1856 tw li wly WILLIAM IVEY. U- ». YARIWITON. IVEY & YAR1NGT0N, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CLAYTON, ALABAMA. June 17. 1856 _ w tf THOMAS J. DUNN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MORGAN, CALH00N COUNTY, GEORGIA. Will practice in the following counties; Sumter Clay, Randolph, Early, Decatur, Baker, Calhoun, Dougherty und Lee. May 9, ’54 tfrtf October 11 1866 JEFFERSON ft HAMILTON. MUSCOGEE .RAILROAD- Cll.I.WJi: OF tCIJEDULK. F ROM and after this dale the Day or Express Train will leave the Depot at 1 P. M., ond ar rive at Macon at (if P. M. Leave Mucon at *2 A. M. arrive ul Coluir.bua at 7f A. M. Morning or Accommodation Train will leave at If A. M., nnd arrive at Macon 10.54 A. M. Leavo Macon at 3 P. M. arrive at Colun*' is 10.10 P.M. J. L. MUSTIAN, Supt. Columbus, June 29, 1856 June 28—tww ti NovvtnWr 18. 1^66 I Court of Ordlusry, January Term, 1867.—RULE NISI. for ailc July 31 ’45 HUGHE dtfOMUMd, having applUd for dlimiuitra from said admloistra- It is ordered, that ail persons concerned show cause (If any lhav have) why said administrator should uot be dlstulss«>d Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county. ' " ‘ i^uat next; aud that notice of *ahi *^of this ordt-r In terms Klltroah to him as such. And it fitrther appearing that l»u> feudants to said Hi.!, and said llities licit one of tl.p attor neys for snid Defoinfent*. and had full knowledge of said ore der aud tho condltb-u of satd property : It is therefore ordered, that the said Hines Holt and Dun can McDougald sho w cause, at the next Term of this Court, whv they should uot be punished for a contempt of this Court, in makiitg sai l sale aud purchase. Aud it is also further ordered, thst the aald Duncan M--Dou- gald and the taid Francis M. Brooks show cause ou . - fe for* the first day of the next Term of'his Court, why the tfore- said sale of said Lois should cot be quashed and set aside fiir the rosso ns herelntH.mre Stated and why tbo Deed ex. uted by said Sheriff to aald McDougald, should nut be set aside and delivered up to be cancelled. And it further appearing, that the said Duncau MoDou- gabt is a cltiien cf and resides in the State of Alabama. It la ordered that a Service of this Rule lx- perfected on aaid Mc Dougald, by a publication of the same once a month for four months, before the next Term of this Court, and that a copy of this Rule be served on said Francis M. Urobkh and Hines Holt, sixty iJay* before the uext Te m of this Court. A true extract from the Minutes. J * A. S. RUTHERFORD, Clerk. GEORGIA, 1 Court of Ordinary, In Vacation, Janu- MARION COUNTY, j ary21st, 1867. Fresent, DAVID WORfiilAM, Ordinary, {'residing: will l*o granted to said applicant at tho next August Term of this Court, and ho he released according to the htatuta in such cases mano and provided. O KORGIA, I Court of Ordinary, Clav county, February CLAY COUNTY. | T-rui, 1 v»7. T T appearing to the Court, bv the petition of Samuel Good- I man. that John Peterson, did. iu hi* lifetime, execute to the said Samuel Goodman, his Kind conditioned to execute good and lawful tiller, to said GooiIiumi. to and for win- hun dred and fifty acres (more or lest) ol lot of Ijinil nuniK r one hundred and flfty-flve. in tho seventh district of origin lly Randolph uow Clay county: and it further appearing that said John Peterson depirtod this life* without executing said titles to saiJ Samuel Goodman, *r making any provisioua therefi-r ; aud it further appearing, that the mud Samuel Uooduiau has paid the entire aud toll amount of the pur chase money of said Land, and poririoned this Court to di rect Theophilua Pearce, the Administrator on said Estate of John Peterson, deceased, to execute sai-l Titles to said Land to said Samuel Goodman, in conformity with said Rond: It is therefore ordered, that notice be (riven 1n three or foore public places in the county, and that a copv of this Rule be published In the Columbus Enquirer for 3 months, iy file their Corn and Cob Mill. rUST received 20 No. 2 and 3 Mills, and for sale J at our Warehouse. GREENWOOD & GRIMES. July 8, *56 w ly Seed Oats. O /Iltri aCSHh’LS of fine Seed Oat., for .ale ^.VIUUl.y SHEPHERD & MOSS. DIOBILE & GIUA11U ItAII.KOAP BKaanfiBraaBsrgl.'a O N and after Tuesday, 15lb April, the I’afie-en- gcr and Freight Train wi'i leave Girard at 2 p daily, (Sundays excepted,) connecting at Sil Run with a dnilv li..o of Stages, to Villula, Glcnnville. Eufaula, Ft. G- ; nc ; and Marianna, Fla And at Colbert daily »v ? th the Stages for L’chce. Oitvet, Enon, Chunnet-.a b gce, Midway, Hardaway. Perotc and Union Springs. Leaving Colbert at 6 A. M. daily, (Mondays ex cepted,) tne Cars will reach Girard at 8 a. in., connecting with the ( Opclikaand Muscogee Trains XT Duplicate Receipts must accompany Freight Shipped. (^Separate Receipts are required for each De pot. XT All Freight must he paid before Goods will bo discharged. XT Down Freight must he delivered nt the De pot in Girard, before half past 12 on the day of ship ment. .... XT Wav Freight must in all cases he paid in ad vance S R. A. HARDAWAY, Eng. and Sup. April 17, ’55 <»w )• HARRISON & COX, LUMPKIN, OA.. W ILL practice the various branches oi their pro fession, in the counties of Stewuit, Chnttn* hoochee, Muscogee, Marion and Kinclrafoonee, of the Chattahoochee Circuit; and Randolph, Clay, Lee and Sunrier, of the South Western. The business of Collecting nnd Conveyancing under tho immediate control of MR. COX. They are prepared to prosecute successfully all just Claims for Bounty Land Tensions, &c. against the general goverment. One ol them will at all times lie found nt their office. Prompt in their correspondence, punctual in their businc ^.engagements, their whole energies will be devoted to the nest interest of those who en trust them with businc.s. B. K. HARRISON. I. M. COX. August 21. ’55 w tf TO THE"SOLDIERS ENGAOF.D IN THR CHEROKEE SERVICE. A LL Soldiers engaged in removing the Indians .fi. from Cherokee, (in any capacity or office,) are entitled to Bounty J^nnds for said service, and can obtain the surne by addressing me at thisplace, ig the lucts ol their service, &c. Those entitled, will do well to make nn early ap- S. E- FIELD, Agent, Atlanta, Georgia. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. mss MONTGOMERY. WEST POINT & OPE LIKA BRANCH RAILROAD. O N AND after July 16th the Trains on this Road will be governed by the following Schedules DAY TRAIN : Leave Montgomery 5.45 n. m. Arrive at Columbus 11.50 a. nt. “ West Point 11.45 a. m. Leave Columbus 8-40 a. nt. Arrive at Montgomery 2.40 p. m. “ West Point 11-45 a. m. NIGHT TRAIN: Leave Montgomcryat 8.30 p. m. Arrive at Columbus 2.45 a. in. “ “ West Point 2.30 a. nt. Leave Columbus 11.30 p. m. Arrive at Montgomery-.,.... 7.30 a. m. •* “ West Point 2.30 p. m. XT Double Daily Connections are continued from West Point to Al l daily to Knoxville, Tenn and Nashvillle, and JOHN C. RUSE.. . .RICHARD PATTEN. . . .W. C. IIODOES. FIRE-PROOF WARE-HOUSE. GENERAL WARE-HOUSE COMMISSION* - BI/SIN13SS.. the Storage and Sale of Cotton and J other Produce. Liberal advances made on Cotton in Store, and the usual facilities offered to induce Shipments to our friends in Savannah, New York, Boston and Liverpool. Oru rs lor Groceries promptly executed and ar ticles purchased free of commission, at the lowest market prices for our customers. RUSE, PATTEN & CO. Columbus, August 9, ’56 tw3t wtf Dnilv Connections are continued from Montgom ery to 'Mobile by Stages and Steamboats. OCT Passengers taking the Night Train from Co lumbus arc requested to purchase Tickets of the Agent at the PERRY HOUSE, between the hour. ir.O and 11 o'clock p.». am , l Q J0NES _ July 26. 1855—tww tf) Kng. ■<;. Sup. For Sale. S THE STORE-HOUSE on the corner ol Broad and Brvan Streets, known as the old oi D. P. Lilbft Co., and occupiod at this Um * ^ Me “ r “- 11 * “d.7: PLUS 4. CO. Colombo. March 29.1856 " tww U Ware-House, Commission, Receiving and FORWARDING BUSINUSH. THE undersigned having formed/] N^jw^jq Co-partnership, will continue bu-b ames^it the old stand (Alabama Ware-house) t der the name and style ot KING & SORSBY, and solicit from their friends and customers a contin uance of their business. JOHN W. KIN i, B. A. SOR.miY. Muy 6, 1856 w tt FONTAINE WAREHOUSE SSI HUGHES ft DANIEL. SS T HE undersigned have taken the NEW FIRE PROOF WAREHOUSE now being erected in tho rear of Messrs. Three wit is, Holt &. Co., ad joining the Alabaina Warehouse, and are now prepaid.] io attend to nil CONSIGNMENTS* at then Office at Gundy & Dahiki.’s. and by the first ol September will be ready to receive COTTON. They will do a general Commission, Storage and Forwarding Busnsn ss. 44 , . Particular attention given to too *ale of Cotton and othe* Produce. The usual facilities will he ailord- ed anu careful attention given to all business en- trusted to their care. A g~o" supply of Bagging, Rope and Salt, always op hand. Wh. H. Hughes, VWx. Danibl. formerly of Apalachiccua. . [aug 21—wtf Field Peas, "P-OR .ale by * SHEPHERD & MOSS, fl ' Drr. 22- w ll