Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, April 14, 1857, Image 1

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THOMAS RAGLAND & CO.,-“PROPRIETORS K— VOLUME XXX. ffj Cri-OolccUln inquirer, 18 l’uniASHRn Remarkable Narrative. Mr. Wm. Bailey lott Springlield, 111., some eighteen months ago with a party ot nine rne«4».v, Thursday »'»d Saturday Morning* persons to engage in driving teams Irom the AT F,VE hoi.laki* per annum. j (_j u |j n j Mexico to the llio Grande. They WP Advertisements conspicuously inserted, at the j landed at Indianola and hired to a man by • I the name ot Ross to drive teams tor him.— €l)f ecdffkln tfcnquim | PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY MORNING I bv the Indians. They prepared the next I day to follow them, and came up with them TERMS—Ttvo Dollars and Fifty Cents per an ! at sun set. They saw six Indians, tired at nixtftj pny.nMc tnranaWy in ndvancf, or Tuan DoiAxasif and killed them all, when they were attack- nat fitd i:i *'iT»ncrt. cd by about three hundred, who were sc* 'Jo paper "ill be discontinued while any arrearage j ere ted in the woods, and who immediately , la <tu«, an' ,«s at the option of the Publish*™: suit (Arte ; tir»‘d Oil the white men, killing all blit Mr. dollar* will, in aU cases. b» exncUnl whore payment u not JJailv, wllblll they took prisoner. They then took him back to the wagons, which they plundered ol ail the arms and ammu nition in them. They took two boxes ot Government revolvers and twenty kegs of powder. The prisoner whs stripped of all nis clothing, and botmd hand and loot upon a pony. They then started tnrcncnmpment in the Wichatuw mountains, which place they reached alter eleven days hard riding. The prisoner was kept strictly confinou during the day, and was tied ttp’every night with pieces ot raw hide, by tho hands to a limb ot n tree, as high tip as he could reach and stand on the ground. During the day he was allowed to lie down and sleep a tew hours. During the time Mr. Daily was with them they went on live robbing expeditions, taking him always along with them. The last merchant train they robbed they took two men prisoners who had bravely defended themselves till their weapons were all dis charged, and who had killed twelve of the redskins. These two were then taken and tied to a stake and skinned alive. Mr. Dai ly was placed close to them anil compelled to witness this horrible scene. Every time he would close his eves, they would punch him w ith spears and bayonets until he would open them ami look on this picture of re volting horror. They then took the skin reeking with warm bfood, and slapped him nrounclthe face with it, covering him with blood, and telling him it he tried to escape this should be his fate. He did finally es cape however, during a war dance—the In dians, m their excitement, forgetting him. isaAfftrfM’- th« nxplratinn of th« subscription y«sr. ADVERTISEMENTS Jontptcuoualy inserted at One per square, for ttlaflrrl insertion, and Fiftt Cunt* f<>« •very aubaequunt coahttu.m~o. A square In the Enquirer l* tba apace ol ltn«s in small type, con tain log, sm it does, one haadtra i « uiirsrt Apvr.RTisF.u its published at the usual rates ,i<{ aptli strict attantiou to tba requisitions of the taw. iktVArv Notices over eight line* charged at the nyvIWadrarlirtng rata*. AlloalBin indentions intended to promote the private MiiV Interest* <»f Corporations, ^octettes, Schools orln llvi<iu»!v >.'111 be charged a« advertisement*. The Girl with the Calico Dress. BY ROBERTJOSSELVN. t girls. A f\for your upper ,,A\ ith their velvets and satins and laces, Tin r diamond* and rubies and pearls, . And their milliner figure and laces ; Tjbjv in ay ahine at n party or ball, %mhlaz<ined with hail they possess, Bui <ive me in place of them nil, fi\ r girl with the calico dress. i pmtridgc. nnd fair at- me rose in its earliest bloom ; II»-1 leeih “ill with tvorycompare, S id her breath with the clover perfume. H*r step •>» iis free and ns light A - the f.iwn the hunters hard presi An >1: hi d us bright, My girl with the calico dress. foplinjj* may i Yoirdnndi' A' her simple and Dm the eharmaaho permits .. AVould pel n “hole iceberg on fire ! She can dance hut slie never allows The hugging, the squeeze nnd curess, fihe ts saving nil these lor spouse. My girl with the calico dress. She Ijudip* h JF- r her sweet little sisters and brother. If vou wan' a companion for life, Toe.-tnfort, enliven nnd bless, «.e is just the right sort for a wife. i 'My girl with ihe calico dress. To Augyline. ■'it I dearly 1 uv the swigin' bird, And little huzzin B : dourer lur than nil the world, cry deep is daddy's well, And deeper Hi deepest in my busum i The luv l bare to thee. v Then smile on mo, dear Angvline, ■ To make tny heart feel light ; ■ Chain the big dog. and I will coin© R A connin' Sundy-nite. tBKI From tlio Host n Journal. Man h 8. 'he Police Outdone by u Southern Damsel. A tew (Jays wincu surmt unknown persons rnered a fashionable boarding house near utnfilrr street, kept by Mrs. M., passed Irom nfc bon flier’s room to another, making as- L'ssments «f such articles as they liked est, an J left the place unseen and unharm- i Among the boarders whose goods and haul&s were thus unceremoniously taken wayf was Miss H., a lair daughter ot the jnny South, who happened to be spending le winter in the City >f Notions. Her loss on sifted ol a bonutfful velvet hat. As spui,is tin.* thett was discovered the nlice were consulted, and everything done » remove the mystery bill all to no purpose. As Bliss II was walking Washington reet 'but* of the pleasantest days last week, aagin- her surprise in passing a large and iftscUtiuc looking woman, dressed in the eighth »| tushion, with hoops and crinoline, ml having upon her head the very identi- al Velvet hat which she had lo‘<t. What ■as to be done ! What could be done! very st-j) was taking the bonnet further om its owner, who was alone and n strutt er In tin 1 city. It did not take long to do- ide. Sha started in the same direction and wns >on alongside of this velvet hat. “Where o you reside, .Madam “in •*-—Court,” was the reply. “Artj you going home !” “I am “Goon, and don’t lot me hinder you.” And onward they walked, now to the right nd now to the left. At length they enter- da dark alley, and alter passing several itmmbodeK they halted at a door. “I)o y«.u 11 e here !” “I do—upon the second floor.” “Go up, Ihuu,‘for 1 have business with pu.” . They entered. Alter going tip two flight of stairs, they .‘ached a room in which they found live omen They entered the loom, uud here ur infinite made her business known.— asting hersejl by the door, with a calm but utikUl look, she demanded of the woman t know where she. obtained the velvet hat, 1«* the .-huwl and the basque upon her per- “I bought them,” was the reply. “No, you dtd not ; they were stolen ; and JW lake them oIT inunediutciy.” Had a b unbsoll explodi d in the room the rnfusion ctiftld not have been greater. But euta.s it was, it di<i not intimidate the uwn- of the velvet hut in the least degree. It ily chang' d the happy uml fascinating •ok ot a most beautiful face to the uucon- mead look of a Cromwell. “Now be quiet and own up, and bring for- »rd the stolen goods, lor it will be better tor iu. N .w I have lound the stolen goods, id liic tlnet no doubt—I am going tor an ficor. See that none of you leave the room dUturb an article while 1 urn gone.” While descending the stairs our heroine pWn doctor on his wav to visit the sick, »d ask •d his assistance. ‘‘I have,” said she, “found some stolen ’opart). and have it secure in this house ; ill ^01. Pitnu tin* Linton Time*, March 6. A .Marriage lit tlie ItotliMliild Family. On Wednesday afternoon, the 4th inst., a marriage was celebrated with great pump and splendor at Gunnorsbury Dark, near Chiswick, the country seat of Baron Lion el de Rothschild. The contracting parties were the representatives of tho two great— or rather, the greatest—firms of the Roths child family—tin? bride being Miss Leonora, the eldest flaugh:er of Baron Lionel, and the bridegroom Baron Alphonse, tho eldest son of Baron James Rothschild, ol Paris. 1 In* wedding repast was laid out in two large rooms, one ot which was especially built to the dining room for the occasion.— Both wert* decorated with exquisite taste and splendor. The walls were covered with largo mirrors, with mnamentnl trellis work between, up which were twined long gar lands ot flowers, lilies, wreaths of orango emblematic, Flora suit- Tho doctor readily assented, and while he argStior policemen she still guarded her ‘“t.lAt length the doctor with lour police- **** *V iv-d, when our heroine transferred ‘-*ctt*i»dy of both persons and property to • ofl «;r» of the law. The remainder of ti property was soon found, and the i ol her borrowed plumage was S§S r °" m c " mbrirt K® ,,reo, J* i| . j mornin'lt' . sttll remains, waiting the senteuce blossoms, and oth ed to tho occasion. '1’he outer saloons were lighted from the root which w as entirely composed of glass, over the panes of which were stained tinting ol white and pink silk in the form of a Maltese cross. The subdued reseat hue thus shed in to the chamber beneath produced a most beautiful effect. Tables were ranged along th” w hole length ol both opart men ts, and, but that in this ag<‘ ol’progress table turn, instead of groaning, we should have expected them to ienmustrate al the weight of silver which was piled upon them. Great centre-pieces, epeignes, candelabres, race-cups, and mas sive tankards, flower vases and tho chef a iVauvre ot Sevres, Dresden, and Worcester strewed the board in rich profusion. The wedding cuke, a very marvel of sugar arch itecture, was iu thu centre at the top, upon a salver, which tbrsi/.e and weight might have done duly ns u shield tor Archillcs, while behind the seats ot honor rose up n buffet of gold plate—a back ground quite in keeping with the gorgeousness of the whole scene. The covers were laid tor 110. Only the plate of the family was used. Wo cannot hazard a guess as to either its weight or value, but it must be enormous. A Hard Case Poor people have a hard time in this little world ol ours. Even in matters of religion, there is a vast difference between Lazarus and Dives, us the following anecdote, sent us by a ttioud, will illustrate: Old Billy G had attended a great re vival, nnd, in common with many others, he was “converted" and baptized. Not many weeks afterwards, one of his neighbors met him reeling home from court ground with a considerable brick in his hut. “Hello, uncle Billy," said tho friend, “I thought you had joined the church,” “.So I did,” answered uncle Billy, making a desperate effort to .stand still, “so I did Joemes, and would a bin a good Baptis it they hadn't treated mo so everlasting mean the wuter. Didn’t you never hear ’bout it r did.' •Then I’l 'bout it: You 80 the batizin’ place, thar i ■, whe iiF old Junks, the rich old lipped at the same time. Well, the minis- ertuck the 'Squire iu fust, hot J didn't mind iliat much, as I thought 'twotild be jest us good when I cum: so he led him in, and af ter dipnin' hire under, ho raised him up milry keerfiil and wiped his face and led him out. Then come my turn, and instead ol lilting mo out like he did the 'Squire, he give me one slosh, an left me crawlin about on the bottom like u d—n—d mud turkU!” The Forbodings of a Wife. Afterward Murdered.—Tho Portland Advertiaer con tains a loiter from Mary Knight, of Portland, Mniuc, written thirty-eight uaya before she was murdered by her husband and deposit ed with Mrs. Hannah Rice. It was to be opened by her daughter incase ol her death. In this letter she says: “I believe my husband wants to kill me. He has given uu* poison once since I have been sick, and one attempt with a razor. Ho came homo last night, left his bouts out doors, went up tho back stairs and down tho front into the rotting room. I heard him in the dark and told him the candlo was in my room on the stand. He made ine no answer. 1 spoke again. lie came into tho bedroom, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING APRIL M, 1857, From th«»St.J'*Popb Onr. St. Lout* Republican, Capture of n Wild Mail—A New Yorker iu the Woods 30 Years. The wild man, ot whom you saw some accounts in the papers, was caught last week and brought to town. He was sur rounded in a sort of lair beneath a dense cluster of undergrowth like the habitation ol a wild beast, and tilled with the bones nnd skins of cats, which seemed to have consti tuted his principal article of food. For this strange diet he had a peculiar penchant, and .eschewed almost every other. He hunted cats with an avidity, prompted by an extreme voracity, and it was in the pursuit and slaughter ot these animals that he was first discovered. Frequent attempts were made to capture him, but his agility and speed was such that ho appeared to run upon the tops of the bushes, and fences offered no impediment to his headlong course. At length a great number surrounded and secured him. Ho attempted battle, but was overcome. When brought to tho Court House, he presented tho strangest appt: From tbt‘ N\ O. Cr«*coiit. April 2d. Southern Development—Oil from Itoslu. On Hflvrrnl occasions wo have taken plcnsuro in directing tin* attention of the Southern public to an onormous soarcc of wealth—continually reproduct ive and therefore inexhauptible—that they possess in their pine forest, through the manufacture of oil from rosin, according to the process set forth in tho patents granted to Mr. Louis S. Bobbins—to tho fact that tho demand foe oils is continually in creasing. while the supply was decreasintf in nn op posite ratio—and to the nil-hut certainty that to tho pine States of the South must the oirth hero- after look for n great proportion of its supply of an indispensable article. And it has beau some con siderable satisfaction to us to know that our remark* have not been barren of results. Popular atten tion has been pretty thoroughly awakened ; and we are persuaded the great enterprise will not he allowed to languish longer for the want of prompt and liiHUiii support. YVw people, ns we havo observed in previous ar ticles, are aware ot the magnitude ot the consump tion of oil. We, certainly, were not until w« had investigated the subject. Let us glance, by way of illustration, at tho amount consumed by railroads, its cost, and the large sating the new invention promises. Il is estimated that for cvey 100 miles of ance conceivable. His height was about tivc ami a half feet: his hair was long, reddish brown and matted ; his eyes large, grey anil restless ; his linger nails as long as the claws : railroad 20.000 gallons of oil . .. lttMU1 , of a tiger; bis deportment crouching—halt There are, say, 21,000 miles of railroad in the timid, hull threatening—and his garments United Stall'*—consuming, according to the above consisted ot a thousand tatters of cloths, figures, 4,200,000 gallons peryear, which, ni $1 per barks, eat-skins, Ac., bound together by eat! gallon, the lowest price at which any oil lit to use, ** ‘ ‘‘ ‘ except rosin oil, can bo purchased, would roach the largo sum of $4,200,000. This is an immense annual outlay, nnd e tild il he lessened over one- half, n great public good would he superinduced. We are inclined to think rosin oil will hardly rise above the maximum price of filly cents per gallon. For lubricating purposes, then, here is a saving of $2,100,000 auuuuUy to railroads alone, by the in vention and inWodtteMon of rosin oil, where their 'otiHumptinn confined exelnively guts. Hu was from the State ot New York and had been in the woods thirty-six years. While ho was being examined, and was per mitted to stand unbound, he made a sudden spring over the heads ot those who surround ed him, and darted away with the speed of the reindeer. The crowd pursued him, but in vain. Over the hills he fairly flew, be fore tootmen and horsemen, until he. was Inst to them. Nothing has since boon card of him. He is certainly rally a wild man. aed forty, nnd yc 1 Irom the strange being, end is His age cun hardly he has lived ol than, that he has nearly forgotten his language nnd has the most vague recollection ol things. Ho re membered New York but did not know where he was, nor tho term of government under which ho lived. Dr. Knodc was ex amining him when he escaped, anil it is to be regretod that the Doctor could not liavo had the opportunity ot ascertaining the char acter of his mania. A Fine Thought,—-“l would not [said one who was not himself pious] marry any wo man who was notu Christian. I should feel it such an honor to share a heart m which God dwelt.” It was u line thought, and de serves to be ' T'\ rant a trie i who entire i > be idet hope an Tim il unlimited conlidmu your counsellor in all e ol ditlleulty or trial ; one who tilied with you through life, fear, in joy and sorrow. She is to he ;• sort i ol presiding divinity at thy family board, j am! be the mirror in which must be re flected the fait I ill imago of thy domestic bliss or woe; who will ho discreet, oll’oc- tionatn, and firm in governing her children ; short, who will love you tor your extent i* evident from the fuel thnt thu quantity manufactured and auld last year exceeded 100,- 000 barrels. It is quite likely double that quantity will he manufactured and sold thin year. And were tho amount doubly quadruple there would ho no glut in the market ; thu demand so far outstrip* the supply. As the rosin oil mixes readily with all kinds of animal oil, as well iis I ml oil, there ran ho no ques tion a largo amount i* consumed under other minion. We mention this incidentally to give some of the extent the manufacture lias attained. That it will, in a very brief period, work is way into gen eral use, through its adoption to all sorts of machin ery, its intrinsic merit combined, with its cheap ness, and the actual necessity of n substitute for fish oils, seems inevitable. We have examined samples from tho Louisiana Factory, and certainly never saw a morn clear and beautiful oil. It is heavier than sperm, a* well as much finer. Tho Louisiana Company are enlarg ing their works, mid will In in lull operation to. morrow or the day following. Wo would recom mend those of our eiti/nns who feeling nn interest iu seeing « promising specimens of Southern enter prise to tho factory. The sight will certainly •rib beholding. This company works under a cabin, and who will cleave the cluster to yon when the storm ot adversity or persecution shall have swept away or withered every vestige ol earthly Coinfort from about yon. Now bear all tlies,' things to mind ; and then to your pray ers and the exorcise of a becoming pru dence, and you will not be. likely to fall. Bisiiof Andrew. The Regeneration op Ireland.—Tho “Emerald Isle,” on account ol the mibsi- deuce of party agitation nnd the liberal pol icy pursued ot late by the British Govern ment towards it, has risen tip the last lew years like a I’homix Irom its ashes. All ac counts agree tint augmented wealth, ub'in- dance, improved scabi of wages, agricultu ral entorprise, and tho education of tho III a ises, have been th • Units ol lit" late Brit ish rule iu the sister Island. A London cor respondent of the Philadelphia Jhn/uirrr, writes that there is at this time no spot on the earth more inviting, or promising great er advance in every clement of natural and moral prosperity, than Ireland. The home government has stopped the mouths of the sons ot her mischievous tactionists with place or pension ; hundreds of British tann ers have, (under the “ Unencumbered Es tate” statute,) become proprietors ot her rich soil — hence she promises to be once more what one of her poets culled her; “Great, glorious and free, First flower of the earth, and lirsi gem of the sea.” [N. O. llullvlm. EPty. It always affords us pleasure to chron icle the triumph of genius -tho creation of tho minds delving in the realms of thought We accordingly give place to the following, which is no less startling than new. It is, wo presume, Irom the pen of an tin wedded "Western Editor.” “I snt me down in thought profound, This mnvim Than Young nv ies will pica Way' “Hav ly 1” risked i >r, Bill say* gol, :alico procltvi- ! yon said your prayci n anxious mother, “I s the prayers and I e it comes shorter!” lays the Dr. January. The success of Dr. January iu treating Cancers ia unparalleled, tic him under his treatment at present a large number of patients whom he is rap idly relieving of their loathsome disomies. We ex amined some of them on Thursday morning lust, who hut two or three weeks silica came to this city and placed themselves under his cure, some of whom are almost ready to leave with their cancers entirely healed. Mr. Morgan, of Carrol county To i ! here three with malignant cancer on his nose. It is now entirely cured and he left for his home yesterday. He says that he Was persuaded by the physicians of Iuh own community from testing Dr. January’s practice, nnd one proposed to go with him to New Y’ork to consult sn eminent physician there, hut lie wss de termined to try Dr January and he was rejoiced that he hud done so. Mrs, Vaughn from the State of North Carolina, has been treated by Dr. January hut two or three weeks, had a very bad cancer, which covered near ly the whole of her lorcdiead, eyebrows, eyelids, uml cheeks, is now entirely healed, Robbins' palenlH, which . There is more money in this cut* rprisc than i At all events, such is oil upon well coiisidried ill > he I hr whole uadc l\ i r confident belief, founded vustigdtion. Men of mod- capitalists should make u Wlmt a Wretch! The Weekly (Wis.) Jefl'ersoniau tells of a bride groom who lutd his iimlher-in-law arrested under the following Ue.ari-reuding eiruinstances: A young German girl, possessing of wealth, beau ty, Arc., was engaged to marry a young man, her countryman, and the anticipated happy day had drawn quite, near. Preparations were, being made for tho occasion, and affairs worn moving along quite placidly, and lo the satisfaction of all parties, apparently, when an interruption suddenly occur red. la days gone by, the lady had been «.’eu and loved, and loved in rulurn a noble German youth, every way worthy of her hand ; hut months ago, he had wandered into the prairit a of Northern Wis consin, seeking wealth sullicient to justify his en trance into the iclalnin loatriinoii al. This ohjeet having boon achieved, lie set out with a light heart to re-claim the object ol his ulfeelions; hut. ulus !— had he romn too late ■ We shall see. When lie arrived in Ihr vicinity of her abode he lormineil to, and did have an interview, which con tinued until tho enruged mother of the dam-el, who wns projudieod in favor ol our hero’s arrival, com manded linn to lenve the house, at the same time flourishing a “deadly «capon” in so close proxim- ly vvfth Ins natal protuberance ns lo convince him the better part of valor," uud the hit of it! He had from his lady-love turn his seeming i mother into ready ingilged the I the assault with the predominant)! received every encouragement and hud sufficient cunning to ishupnnd the rage of bin elect’s [■count. Proceeding to Rome, ires of a.1. P., hud a warrant :cr was arrested and arraigned ntcut to kill, while the d iiigli- o appear as a witness. While being arrunged, the justice, plaintiff and witness, with < others, disappeared Irom the court room I mmit, and when they returned, the suit tnissed and the mother presented to the py bride uud groom. A ! Ho Sleep ity of Phil- .* Hoillherii niter a long fbft : 5ST1NO TO THKATKE-GOBHS.-A young ■*M to New \\>rk, named Hunt, has ■■ - him ii th duty ot tasting the S ol a practice, at ptnccR of amutc- I selling tickets tor seats alter the tilled, and there are no seats unoc- The case was summed up by the . and after an able charge trutn the *'»«, impressing them with the groat im- I the question to the public, the j r,, ‘L and in a short time returncp l " ■) *idict tor the plaintiff with full costs. 4#t 1 he editor ol tho “Wring and Twist" 8,jen contrivance which our • yer u-m wh**n they “warm up with the V’c> lie merely says, “Its a glass cun- •o. and holds about a pint." 1 he did not want any, took his! clothes off, and got into bed. This was nine j in the evening. At twelve; ho woke me up I by shutting my .bed-room door. I sprang ! up and lit a light and he got into bed. I saw it out ol the case in the sitting room. He got up before it was light, and went out doors, I and came back to bed and got up in the j d went out. When he came in > ... put turn the shell in the secretary and j went out to milk, and I got up and saw it. | He suio lie took it out lust night, and had not lime to shave, and put il iu his pocket ‘ out ol the case. I saw a bill of salt and fish j he bought in Portland, dated July 1, on Com- i on reial wharf. 1 think one name was Dana, ' ImjO. He did not let me know the meaning i till he gave me a dose one morning. I vom ited it up, troth and foam.” fair An exchange paper says: “One lit-, lie ‘garden patch’ of ours has been very un profitable tins seasotn. Tho snails ate up ihe cucumbers—the chickens ate up thu snails—the neighbor’s cats ate up the chick- j ens—some strange dogs destroyed the cats— j and we are in search of something that will : eulup the dogs, as ‘it is past sassingers’ lime. Can any of our agricultural irtends aid us!" i nuinernuH other* who are bring rapidly cured, ished. J hough but we luve not. space lo mention each particular that the pray cn*a this week, hut we will state that there nre ttvo eminent physician* under his treatment, and lie is giving them ample intisfic'.iori, that is they are **t- iMlied that he is atferling a cure. One of them ha* been treated by the most eminent physicians in the Union. Dr. Dudley, of Lexington, Ivy., and Dr. Gross now of New York city, bite of Lexington Ky. From the successful cures which have been per formed by Dr. January, there is no doubt but ho is eminently skilllul in the treatment of Cancers. All j f, of hia patient* with whom we havt conversed press themselves well mi ulso speak of the inlldne A lawyer of high reputatim udelphia, was traveling iu nun <>l the Wtntes; and being belated one evening, n day’* rioe, lie was compelled to turn int on a Hilitiry plantation, and aak for shelter ami hoa- pitnlit) for the night. Him reqiii Ht was granted,—. In the eourae of the evening, he thought llo oh- nerved something reserved iu the mastei nI tho house, which awakened his suspicion*. He was at length eonduetod to hi* chamber, which was ad joining the family room. There he <iw. It on the circumstance* which had alarmed him, till hi* ex cited imagination filled with thought* of nightly robbery nnd iiHsassiniitiou. He proceeded lo barri cade the room a* well a* he could. He lastcricd down the windows; against the doors he piled up tables, clours, every thing Unit was mnvouhlo iu the room. While thus engaged, words uttered in u low voico caught hi* tar, and increased his ulitrm. He placed his ear at the key-hole. The man of the. house was engaged in prayer, in family prayer. Among the objects of iuterecssi n, he was praying for "the stranger whom the providence of God had uncxpi" tedly brought to lodge beneath their roof that night.” When lie got through, our tru* cling friend arose from his stooping posture. Imagine the change in hi* lei lings. All his fours had van- Christian himself, ho knew iristians are like guardian an- g. Is to the abode in which they are oil "red up ; and went to bed and slept soundly mid sweetly, feeling that the house where God wa« feared and worship ped, was a aafe liiitur to sleep in.—American Mm- •enger. . they cause much less pa pated. Persons afflicted with this loathsome disease, would do well to test the pract ce ol Dr. J immy.— Murfrct•thorough 'ltiegraph- The Shell*. According to the New Y’ork “Day Book," when the appointments were to he made for New Y’ork, to, “all the office seekers” were on hington. It must have been a crow- tied witli itis skill, and j ,|,„| time with them. Thcru were the Hurd Hindis, ppiiculimis, say (he Soft Hindis, thu Half Hindis und the No Hindi*, than they aulici- ! to say nothing of Augustus .Shell, who was dissp- j pointed on that interesting occasion. The “Day Book” seems t-> be perfectly indignant because the last Hindi was not placed in office, complains 1 lustily that Mr- Buchanan ha* appointed Isaac — * itionUt* a* Post M Orr wtTH thru* Hkadb!—The new Collector | York, while Shell i* still neglected, divided the honor of a first decapitation yesterday al- I Mr. Fowler, we believed, l.c ld an office under moat equally between Mr. Jules (Jain- and Col. (Jen. Pierce;and, although Democratic puper* may Thomas J-Burke, two very efficient and gentle- ! charge him with being an Abolitionist, (which wu mari'y officers; the first, like hi* uncle, the Hon. take lo he, true,) yet we think him none the loss u Pierre Houle, a Htatc Rights Democrat of the strict- good Democrat, after having been tried for years, est kind ; the last an o d-liner of the most undouht- nnd found worthy of further trust by that party— ed orthodoxy. Considering the past relations of Democracy ought not to complain, since it lias mI- Mr. Houle with the President, the proscription* wa y* been the policy of that party to give the her- his relative is rather a small operation; but, a* lh„ i »,«/to tho few und tho &htU lo many.—Allantu saying 16, “New king*, new laws."—7Vue Deffn. ' American. The Rhode I*laml I'Rcctiun. Providin':k, April 2.—Tho vote for Governor yesterday resulted nr follows : Elisha Dyer (Repuh- Jicnn) O.fiOO ; Americas V. Potter (Democrat) 4,1100. 1 hcic wns no choice lor Lieutenant Governor, in consequence of tlicru having been i. o candidates (Republican) will Important from Nicaragua. Rivas Evacuated by Walker—The City set t lire—Large. ^Numbers of the Allies Perished- Escape of Walker. The Wilmington (N. C.) Journal has whnt pu la.. .0.1 important no*, from Nic„. I Th- 1 “o T r• 21 i \“ i "i f . i* j i i It . tlio schooner h. Brooks, Caot. Roberts, winch «atl- 1 vi,„ m > i .» . i> , ... 0.1 from nreyiowii on iho 10th lilt., for Now York, I 1 "»to rtiu. ! RopuUtconj 26, Dom. put into the mouth of Capo Fear on To-day evening, in a leaking condition. Among her pas sengers are Edward Carter, David W illiam* and Michael Riley, three of Walker's men. Tho news they bring i- somewhat later than thnt received by the Illinois, at New Y’ork, a few days ago, and is to the following effect: On the 14th ult., the ('ostn Ricans having he- n reinforced by the addition of a thousand troops from Leon, nnd ii considornblu fore e ol Halvadeu- nns, ex-Fresident of Honduras, determined upon attempting to force Walker'* position al Rivas Attack after nttnek was made and repuls :d with great Ion* on tho part of the assailant* 1 . Who t/eom- hitvo Struggled with unusual energy, tender ed confident, no their overwhelming nu- | [ jam | DiM r | ( ;t crota fi; no choice in two districts. The House stands, Republicans 01, DemncratuS; no choice 2. Dtirfec, (Republican.) for Congress, will liavo a majority of nearly ‘J.fiOO ; and Drayton (ulso Ropub- licnh) will have a majority ol b0(h The Huiimi* Appointments. W.tKHtNOTos, April 1.—The President has made the following appointments for the Territory of Kansus: John W. Whitfield, ex-Deleguto from Kansas, Register, and Daniel Woudaqn, c.v-Mecrc- luty of the Territory of Kansas, Receiver for tho Delaware Land District; Fred. Emory Register and •Ionics P. Downer Receiver for the Western Land District; Wm. H. Dosk, Register, and Epnphrodi- f Michigan, Receiver far tho Osngo OFFICE—RANDOLPH STREET. NUMBER 15. STOVES! HOUSE FURNISHING ROODS, THEsuh*crtber ha*just re turn*! from tho north, whom ho ha* made arrangement* to get goods direct from import ers and manuflicturcr* which enables him to soli ( Joed* a* rl ’ '•'*/’ \f not cheaper, than nnv nlshlng tus Rausoi periority iu numbers uud animated by Jhu hope of being able to put an end to the war. Although successful in repel'irig tho attacks made upon them, the olieady feeble run Its of Walk er’s army were rapidly becoming thinned, nnd the physical energies of titc men sinking under fatigues nnd privations unrelieved by rest or refreshuumt; and it wai felt that state of thing* could not much long continue. To mid to tho difficulties of their position, their ammunition began to fail. It wms determined to retreat from a position no longer tenable, and endeavor to search the port olSin Juan del 8ur, on the Pacific, by way of Rosaiio. Du ring the night of the lilth, Walkci, with the main body, now reduced to some three hundred elVeetWo men, boldly pressed forward in that dij-cc* Either by nccldont or design our informant docs not know, luil soiuehov , simultaneous with the. evacuation of Rivas by Walker nnd ti c entrance of the allies, that city was found to be on fire in n great many places. The chief point, however, from which the conflagration spread, was n narrow mile j or street, leading into the main pl.v*\ or public square. Tho houses, composed of u sort of frame ! work ol n ejs, thinly d tub, I over with a ap« vies of ' . mud, and covered with thatched roofs, dried to tin der by u climate in which rain t« almost unknown, binned with great rapidity, nnd largo bodies of*tho assailants, becoming involved in tho narrow and tortuous streets, stilled with smoko and enveloped in 11 mies lost their way, ami numbers perished— It i- proh:i'>!e 1 Imi this circumstance favored Walk er’s hold movement. At nnv rate hi* inarch to Diaries E. Mix, Chid Clerk of the Indian Of fice, has been appointed Commissioner of Indian All’nirs, nd interim, in place ot Commissioner Mtty- penny, resigned. Political Intelligence. I'ho Spanish expedition to Mexico is mumming a more imposing aspect. Pozueln is spoken of for Commander-in-chief. The Hound dues treaty wu signed on Iho 14th. I he China mail confirms the account* relative to the wl . ! Jr p, >:mn- ultcmpicil by the bakers it Hong Kong. No fatal ic-tult*, however?ensued. A huge i. iV • r < I junk, were collecting lo attack Hong K mr. and *1,, Lngli.h residents had ap plied to th" GovciMor-Genernl of India for troops. I lie French and Aiuorican fleets were concentra ting t" protect their •oapeetivo interests. Commit* Monei Y eli had demanded why the American ships •efrain froniMtitorfuring in celebrated .morning Star Cooking STOVES, Also, tin* IRON WI7./.AIID, RA8THRN PREMIUM, and several otlior patterns, all of whbh can h« warranted. - A full supply of House Fur- • o French Stew-Pana, Kn uiieli-d Sauce-Pang, jjrooms, Featbor-Iiuaters, <to. .LIGHTNING HODS J Tlic best article over offered to the public la till* or any oth er Market Orders promptly attended to. 7i Particular attention paid to TIN ROOFING amlGUT- TKtt I NO, and nit kind* of JOB WORK In hi* line ofhnid- ' II. Al. ALDWORXH. ('i)llilnlmg, Sept 1st, IS.'ili fww tt NO. 76 EAST SIDE OP BROAD STREET, YVhoie can always bo found a largo selection ot hud noth The T liflkultios. market wa ’he French tier h the English. excited and prices advan- j had been ordered to co-op- i i’ll. Me hiiii Itffiiro taken the precaution to send his sick und wounded to that place in aiJvunco. Our informant, with somo other*, in tho inelec and confusion became separated from the main body, and instead of making their way to Rosario, and thence to the Pacific coast, started for Sun Jorge, distant some four miles, and thence along tlic lake shore, a limit fifteen miles, to Virgin Hay, where they seized upon u boat mid passed over to Han Carlos, the outlet of the Han Juan river, on the southern extremity of tho lake. From this point they inatlo their wav, partly on foot und p irtly by canoes on the river, to the Atlantic. A run r had rone hod them that Walker bail succeeded in getting safely to Sun Juan del Hur, on tho IV- cili'L where ho hud seized some shipping, whether with a view of awaiting roinlorcomuiils from Han Fruneisco, of making a descent on some other point of returning to California, is not known. ould •in flint the policy of the allies has interpose no obstacles to su .1; ol an desired to leave the country. At • with which o that p. int. allot nuciisus. Hhe has 1(10,000 troops oil the ot tho Caspian and lias secured the assist- •f several nutive chiefs. An A d mi si stii ati ,s ')mian The Washington correspondent of l! ILiltim no American says: I’tw subject of « w !rn n«nt rgnn if \b- ne\v ad ministration is a matter of much doubt and greater I visiting politicians— inquiry among I liedieve there exists no doubt that .Mr. Applet will retire from the editorship ot the Union; first, because he is of opinion that it would he a profit- less position ; and recond, that tho st• kholders of tlmt establishment nre unwilling to make what Mr. A . considers a lair compensation for hu serviuot, •ml p'l'i-y to c niply with hi oiler to pur ! , . o. Among tV ’■ isand and on the subject, I Vi of the iq the host Manufactories in the United States, AT.I, 8TYJ.JS AND PRICES. -A I,BO : — Molodeutis, Guitars, Vlullnt elJos, Violins, Han- Jos, Tainborlncs, Flutes, Flutlnas, Accor- deoim. Music Boxes, Clarionctls, Fiapcoletts and Fifes. Also, nil kinds of BRASS INSTRUMENTS Tor BANDS’, together with Bass nnd Tenor Drums. STKJNGBol all kinds, and tho Inrgcst assort- of SHEET MUSIC for nil the above named In struments, that can found South ol Philadelphia. iUT Second hand Pianos taken in exchange when new ones nre bought, and the highest price's allow ed for old ouch. tr^r i ond hand Pianos for Snlo or Rent ITT* PI" no*. Organs, Mrlodeans, rmd till other Mii'-ionl lnrtruinem* repaired in the best manner, nr. ’ a; tin loTtebi notice, und warranted to give en- tir> sati diu'tiun. All orders left nt our storo will ho promptly at- tended to. 7 T. II. VANDEN BERG, 7fi Broad St., Sign of the Mammoth Fiddle. Columbus, Juno 7 1855 « ww u Henry McCauley’s MABBXX AND 0BAHITE W0BKS, Nour tho Post Office, Columbus, On. monuments, Tombs, Tablets, Headstones, Marble Mantel I’l• Huroau. uml Wash-staiol TOPS, of tho tw*t kV-litu ami Aai.rl in MAKULK. Iron Knlllng fur- UNION MILLS FACTORY, TO RENT, LEABE OH BELL! rumor* till . it up- ' tl .• tin b n- 1 1 ,Vi it. 1, ’on illy (Mi i . in itt ,, ! th it a mnjority coin-i le with In* view*. On the oilier hand, the stockholder* of the Union have mu Jo sev- ' 1 r :iI proposition* to the President, in tho hope of inducing him to eantinuo the old system, and also have nominated a series of candidates for tho edi torship for liis consideration. While this system of scheming is in progress, Major Heiss is •• laying lowund many do not hesitate to assert that ho Ii.ih received assurance ol friendship and aid from the administration. Heiss, however, is a man who keeps his own counsel, mid knows his own busi ness hottar than any one else. cd their retreat fro 20, IN/V MIR no 1 kind iu 'In 1 Imi surpassed i I ly new piau h | i. doted beau tnd dors in the U .States. Mr. orists In tho stylos WAHUtNUTON, M My Dear Sir: I have nt your raqu'Mi recotuid* cred my determination as announced to you, de rliiiing your tender of the olfiee of Governor l the Territory of Kansas. In view of the opinion now presented l»y you, tlmt the safety of the Union may depend upon the selection of the individual to whom shall lie unsigned the task ol settling the dilliculties which again surround the K ni t-, ques tion, I have concluded that a solemn duly t» my country requires me to accept this position. I am brought to this conclusion with an unaffected diffi dence in my own ability, hut with a fervent hope that the same over-ruling Providoncc which has carried my beloved country through so many perils, will now attend and direct my huiublo efforts tor her welfare, and thnt my course will not he pre judged by any portion of my fellow-citizens, in or out of Kansas. I understand that you, and all your Cabinet, cor dially concur iu the opinion expressed by me, that l (| ” vv ' Hl ' n ” jj'*j al, bona tide, resident of the Territory "f colored to lifi r and regular vole, unaffected by ! color ol hair ist Im permitted in adopting nature's art, their .State Constitution, to dscidc lor themselves ,; 0U. what shall bn their social institutions. This} i r . ,si is tho great fund mental principle of the act of I it \ftStreet Congress organizing that Territory, ulfiruird by tho Supremo Court of (lie United States, und is in ac cordance with the views uniformly expressed by mo throughout my putdic career. I contemplate a pence! ul settlement of til is question by nu appeal to Iho intelligence and patriotism of (tie whole poo- pin of Kutiia*, who should nil parlripatc, freely nnd fully, iu tins decision, and by u majority ol whose votes the determination must lie made, ii* the only proper nnd constitutional in<>de of adjustment. I r.onlrmploto no to uidilary power, in the hope that my rountrymnn of Kaii*a.i, from every section, will stihinil to adociaion of this mut ter by a full and fair voto ol a majority of thu peo ple of that Territory. !( this decision cannot thus lie made, I see nothing in thu future for Kansas but civil war, extending It* baleful influence throughout the country, and subjecting tho Union ST. NICHOLAS i Diigticmmu and Photographic Gallery! IW D.SWEi.H' ? S'. | HREAT PICTURE GALLERY! last completed, and vie*) with any place ol tho World 1 h i-- “pent time and money i iii'd completion of his Fhoti Has vuited the North und la ir the too i able Artists not intend his l'icturea shall nitrd States Has an entire \ vi If Itt > r v IMiiS—thoy urt ed. •I IS . . ■■POGHApJip •LN OLL.V. AT bill, OK 1* A..TELLE rlor wall, .•houhl h:iv< i painted Photograph. untry to paint his pictures in the Kiiiisus, by a /air They can ho iuaurtod in PINS mid LOCKETS i lieautilul iu eflbct, iis nn Ivory Miniature, but far iperior in point “I Likeness, und ns large us de led. i.ndics nod Gentlemen veiling the City ho wishl’lio'...:raplis must call ui the GALLERY icpiiri 'ii inn for - who live nt a distance thnt they Wish Photographed uud turwnrd ih to by niuil, giving nnd ihr public generally n (Jetober . 1 dfW ’ New Building, over S. B. re. corner of BROAD und Columbus, Gu. J. RIDDLE, Proprietor. iclf t id endei I will go, then firulties, iu the full r uifideii ed by you, tl.ut I will be su* high authority, with the i'll ymir Cabinet. As it will im impossible ft for to ndjnst these dif- o bo strongly express- lined by all your own ofdiul co-operation of leave for Kan- y next, I would desire my appointment to take effect from that date. Very respectfully) your friei d, ROBERT J. WALKER. Jamkh IIcouanan, President of ilia United Htale*. Rev. Du. Loviok Pierck. —'This venerable and eloquent Divine, preached on last Hililmth morn ing, in the Methodist church in this city, one of the most powerful discourses to which we ever listen ed. Although hu has Inhered in the ministry for -.nore than fifty-two year*, his depth uud clearness of thought, strength of language, beauty of imuge- y and gracefulness and impressiveness of delivery or this occasion, ranted us back to the Dt. Pierce >f other and long gone years. The vast multitude .vine.It hung upon hi* aged lips, wo trust, will long enicmher the weighty lesson* ol that hour. In t is connection, it is proper to remark, that relig ious exercises nre still continued ill the different churches, with increasing interest, and nn unusual ly large number of our citizens appear to be relig iously impressed. Wo trust this good influence will become Htill more prevalent.—Mrtc/ni Mem. BROWN’S FOUNDRY, Columbus, Georgia, M.ixt F.irrrurs ml ki.xp.s of IRON and BRASS CASTINGS, STEAM ENGINES, CIRCULAR -SAW MILLS, Bark Mills, tfutfar Mills, MILL GEAR, Munuiucfu July 3—w ad and for sale at BROWN’S FOUNDRY, ColuinhUH, Gi CEMETERY RAILING, Y|ANUFACTUREI) ond for sale a July 3—w tf] Columbus, C Orders tor any of the above articles left at tho itoraof Hall, Moans At Co., will receive prompt ut ility 3—wtf 1 LliVY, DRAKE &. CO., i:n^iiM>4‘S‘<. ami Jlftrliitilklx, UNION FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS t otmnbus, Georgia, U H 1E cull the special attention ol the public to our uMluldishinc.iit. Tho proprietors are practical Me bailies and of long experience iu the business, uni having combined two estuhliahment* in one, t|tey have the largest and heat Stock of Tools and Puiterna in tho Stale. Their facility lor doing hu- sinesH boing ho great, they can nlibid to their eu»- tourers the heal of lenus and the most prompt ex- Our Senior partner having lx en so tunny years iu this b'Miui • n the prnni’ al juiriner and propri etor ot 'lie Ocmulgre Foundry, .Macon, Goortfia, in well known, hnvr ■ 1* . It a large number ot Steam (^Machinery throughout this nod •’hieh Kanukl F. Dt.’Frxv, a highly re«|»cctulde citizen of Griffin, died of Small Pox, contracted in New Y ork, on Thursday Inst. The Griffin Union of H.ilurd.iy say*: adjoining It i* now sixteen dav* since Mr. Duffey returned I : ’T; 1 him, vet th' f». arn nu syiiilom* ot its *prt ao. * e I State, tiring- with liim the be*t practical ability and pruy God (hut this clip ui ulllict.on may pass Irom improvement* in machinery. our community. We call •■-p. • ml attention to niir MARINI’and STATION \HY Htcaiu r.n^lnc*and Mill*, both Hr There was a clearance yesterday for liurdc- j Circular and Upright. We are now manufacturing cargo of 2,07'j b.irrel* <•! u!< "I. ■!. nil ol 1 *-1 our work and ability Virginia, and having lind This •ulficicnt to uid in making an imroeiise quantity of OUrd and other timon pure brands ol the best cognLc.—IV. (). Crescent. Tall Mm—In Bulloch county, Ga., there is CIRCULAR S 1 H MILL,S’ in the country, being entirely of M< ml, at tho sdiik prico other* are lurniahitig wooden one*. We are now lurm-bu. - ste... i I iffim aond Bo” 1W „ ersofniiv slz. : Flout -c ..n.l Corn Mill*; V. rti idu a lady who has six sons, each' 0 f cal nnd f'iiculnr Saw Mill-: Sugar Mill*; Shaft ""-"i •• * | * f "*'*"■ f 1 ' ■*>•»'•• »•* i is; M |, « , i , i"kf .ii. 1 li«ku.irL “ llieDi ^ Kxdmg them on | C * rn 8 j„ n, ,, ; ( . m.-bu^ Shanghai chicken*. I ry kind—Brn-s and Iron. *; und Castings of ev- [March 22—tww tf ia. ’Fbe Water Power i* good ms tiny in tjm Stuto and ihe place i- peril cHy henlthy, with fine Spring wa- tei atul pure air. The place has on it n small Farm, good Dwelling house nnd outbuildings, Saw and Grist Mill and Factory. The Hands’ houses itro mostly destroyed ; balance of buildings generally Good. This Factory can he bought on very favorn- Ido terms, or it can bo leaned or rented, as the pres ent incumbent is not n practical manufacturer, nnd ha* tni -in, - t calling his attention elsewhere. I “i further pnrtu-ulara uddrega tho subscriber, or call on him at tha place, A practical manufacturer, wishing to bocomou co- partner, can buy nn interest.. N. M. ROBINSON, Agent, Feb8 -w3m Union Mills. On. Sale of Town Lots. \\/ILL be sold butbro the Court Ilouso door in ' » the town ol Buena Vista, .Marion county, with in the lawful hours ol stile, on tho first Tuesday in May next, the following property, to w.' ; Town Lots numbers two c.M three (3.) five (5,) oil-' 'Ll lour 11.; nnd twenty-live CM,) nnd tho im- menta 111. r. oil, in the town ol Tazewell, Ma li’" > muty. I'hc same to be Bold mulct a decree in (’hnneery from the Superior Court ot Marion county, lor the benefit ol the Tazewell Village Hall Company. JAS. L. WIGGINS, Receiver. Ifl57, vt2m Wool! Wool!! Wool!!! tiu: ioagi.i; manufacturing co., Co him bus, Georgia, I H Vlnmifteturine WOOLEN 0001)8 extensively, I ami ail! pay m Cash, or their Goods, the moil- i Li'' for all Wool brought to this market. All d< ripti.x ^ « mfrd washed or tinwashod, burry or ir- e from bur*. The Company will pay ua llbo- ra'ty lor Wo d *< i.t tlietn,n» il the owners were pica- «>n• 11 jt, Shipp, r ., should mark thus: “Englo C«*. Columbus, Go.,” with their own name plainly marked on the package. A statement ol tho Wool and tho money will lie remitted promptly In any Way requested. March 31—wffin TO COTTON PLANTERS 1 si i .\ ws IroK, I3ATENTED ihe lltth of January, 1H.Y7, will do I the work nt TEN Hand*, forward the growth ol tho crop TWO Weeks, and increase tho quanti ty otic fourth, by tho way it cultivates the Land. If you wfah to be Im mini aged you nan have tho right lor u si ugh) Machine tor $10, or lor $2.60 per hand. Cost ol Mucliine from 83 to 810. Apply to JOSEPH SHAW, Richland, Stownrt m inty, (hi., or to R. C. Pattkrson, or J. Ennis &, JOSEPH SHAW. Co., Columbus, Ga. Ox., March 17, '.77 TO THE SOLDIERS fiNOAOEI) Iff THE CHEROKEE SERVICE. the Indi . (in any capacity or olfiee,) nro entitled to Bounty Lunds tor said service, and can obtain the Name by addressing me nt thisplace, stn- ting tho facts ol their service, &,c. Those entitled, will do well to make nn early ap plication. S. E. FIELD, Agent, Jan PU—w tf Atlanta, Geygia. Taken Up! AND committed to the Jail of Muncogoe an who says her name , uud tliut she belongs to John Tlirilluld of said county; she is of yellow com plexion, im or 20 years of age, nnd below medium height. Her owner is hereby notified to come for ward and take her away. H P. ROBINSON, Jailor. ■aa- Takon Up! he fni| of Muscogee boy in of yellow muipfcxhui, hair almost i about IS or >'* years of age. r i I- et 8 or 10 incliea high, and weigh* n bo it I 13.7 or 140 lba. Ilia guar dian, "I hu hnsotie./or Ins owner, (if a slave,) will eot'ie forward and take him away, or ho will ho th nit with ah the law directs. 11. P. ROBINSON, Jailor. April 7, 18.57 wtf n v $100 Reward! RAN AW AY from my Plantation in Bar- tJ| hour co., Ala., Inst May. my buy FLOYD, of \fV dark complexion, low forehead, well not, 5 ft. JUL. r > iuchcH'liigli, weighs about 150 or ICO lbs. For Ida apprehension and sofo confinement in Jail, " 1 ward, llo is believed to be $75 Reward! I WILT, pay 825 f.<r the apprehension of a small L negro boy named WAt.TER, about 12 years old, tlkiug ii brogue peculiar to South Carolina negroes. I have reason to belicvo that tho bov was aided or carried off by *oinu white person, and I will give un additional reward of 8'() lor proof to convict any person oftho ..ff" " The boy will no doubt endenvor to fins* for ' whPo boy. VAN MARCUS. I'fb 7 tw3t wtf Runaway! FROM the subscriber on the 26th day of December last, in Taylor count y, ono black ^liiflehorse MULE, medium sixe, about 8 yearn old. wa* shod belorr, had u white murk from the collar on each side of his neck und a spot on his bn-’k from saddle scald—these spot* are small and perhaps may require close examination to discover them—switches his tail when you are putting the saddle on hi in. Atij* information respecting snid Mule will be thankfully received nnd reasonably compensated. Address me at -Cuthbcrt, Ga. Feb. 14—twit wtf D. M. LESEL'ER.