Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, October 25, 1859, Image 2

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ttumbns dBnquirtr. JOHN II. MAIKTIll.... Tuesday Morning, Oct 25,1859. The Kq a at ter Sotfrclpiy Imw j TUI ONLY MUCT1CAL QUKtmoX. Horn* of thr (southern supporters of Judge Douglas affect to titit the qeestian of Tor• riferia! aoversfgntj aa **ao abstraction,” and proteat againai the enormity of di*traeti»g the M great Democratic party" of the country on a terra abstraction. Tba troth i#, how ever, tbia ia tba only pbaro iu which Ita slavery question can cocao op before Con- greaa for its decision. Indeed it ia already -op” in tbia aba pa, ord the nail Conferee cannot oreid a dec it nn upn it. In all probability it w»U be the eogrossiag sxette- raent of the oast •eaetofl, and may occupy moat of ita attention. Tba adoption and pr» rente lion of tbe new Mont^eancry Macro. Tbe fell torts oret tbe Montgomery Conroe will comm race on Taeeday tbe 16th of PC eerie bar, end leal doring tbe weak. A nombar of good porare will ba bong op by tbe dob, and several vary interesting awerpatekee bate been made op, at otie, two, end three-mil* haete, end e week of fine apart ia eoCdpeted. Creek race re from eome of tbe beat cteblea U the Booth will attend. J. J. Iloopaa, Soq., of ibe K«:- gemary Mail, ia Secretary of tbe Aeeociation. Constitution of Kansas bring* op a distinct j a ad well-defined qoaation of Popnlar or Mt. K.der.l K. e ll k .c»«. Bc.,wr, a. opp~ed W. b...tclo,. here,. j. .Uck lb. prawn. rrfwilAimimMmti* | ui , tclu , lbe which Jud f . b.. pr.«d -If uttnlj Mb« » ^ , a fo, J„j„ d „„„ . io . regardless of joat claim# of ciuxeoa of lha ■ . ... * . , . ... . . abapa more odiona to tba Booth then tba Month, at tba aeraa time when it ie no vigt- . r . ,, - . . I simile question whatbar a Trrnlory can lent end aeliv# le awppreae any movement ! , , . ■ . ■ . .. _ , . , . , . exclude shvery bv ita Iterritorisl cction, for tbe promotien ef tbe intareeta of our , „ „ r l because, in Iba cane of Kane**, Congress ‘* t T^'» ra ..f.b-»iu !^*7': ‘r'"': 1 ,; 1 ' ,b. b.,,.. Wandarer .. 8a,a...b. Tb. ' T '""* ml Adtarni..,..*. had . „ad,a Mr. —• «” * p" bu for bi. alleged empiroitr in lb. I.i. 1 »** «* >*' U *"T' J . r f .... . u , , ceniprimiee, it forbad# tba 1 erriional Leg- importation ef Afncaoe by tbe \%eodarar, » a _ ... , islatur# to call a convention to frame a mate I constitution ontii a FeJeral cauaua bad j shown that Ktnm had tha rapieaenlaliva ; populxihti; an 1 tba action of tbe Territo- | rial authorities in diarrganl ol tbia mandate and therefore, npon a mare unfounded rumor that aba intended to engage ir another expedition of tba kind, a Govern loan! veaael nee kept constantly oo tb< watch to intercept bar. and a sufficient force j ~ * — . , . . . I presente a quaation of contumacious ieru- waa always at band to detain or captora bar. > 1 . , * ., B.. wb.. Mr. Urn., i-tor-d ih. dUctor ““ *“ •« .. ...i tba Bcnlh bacaiiae it infringes a compromise lk.1 Pf.p-.lHW w.t. rn.ktc, u M»l lb. \ _ r .,,V,H .k. barque from him, and saked for aid in pre> . wanting tha robbery, not only could no tfavarniaont cutler ba found, but lha Col- upon tba faithful obarrvanca of which aha | consented lo the defeat of the Lcccmpton pro-slavery eonaiitution. The iaiue being thna inevitable and refer* , . . . ....... ^ .. I *.«• ii become an important query. We outrage, although ba admitted that il would * ’ . 7 . . 7 U • . ( t.1 L. t. #a»y HUM doubt of tho triumph of lector rsfuaed to Uka officially any raepon- , aibility in tba mailer of preventing cbw j ^ bo a violation of Federal law# which it waa hie duty to thwart! Now, doubt for a moment that if tba Collector I had bean informed that Mr. Lamar waa j about to dispatch tba barqua oo a tiava* trading aipaditioD, tba Pedara! Collector would he»e found ample force to pursue anJ bring back tha -piratee,” and would readily have aeeuoed any responsibility necessary to be iocorred f Tbe second case is tbe remarkable neglect of tbe President and Cabiuat to make any investigation into, or taka any action to prevent, iba lata abolition raid upon Vir* giois, although Iba Secretary ol War bad a week previously, through an anonymoas letter, baen informed of tbe intended insur* rection, with eo much particularity that it would have been tba eaeiest matter celvable for tbe Government, acting upon the auggeatlona of tba latter, to aacartain ita truth and crash the rebellion lu lie grim. Tho following la the letter received by Secretary Floyd» CiucimhATI, Aug. 13ih, 1659. .Sir— I have recently received information ol a movement ol eo great importance that 1 leal it to bo my duty te impart it without delay. lj»r~“ J *‘" — J *• » discovered tba aile< tcuca ol a secret *a asocial ion having for ita object tba liberation of tho alavoa ol the Mouth by ganeral insurrection. The loader ol the rnuvemcnt ie old John Brown, la.o of Kansas. He has been in Canada during tha winter drilling the negroes, and they are only wailing nis word lo start to the South to assist (be slaves. They have as •me ol their leading men a white rnan in an armory in Maryland. Where it ia alia* tiled 1 have nut been enabled to learn. Aa baoii as sverything is raady, those of thmr number who are in the Northern Hiatus and Canada are to come in small t'ompauiee lo the rrndeivoua, which la in iba mountains o! Virginia. They will pass down through Pennsylvania and MarvUmi, ii tut ontor Virginia at Harper's Ferry. Uimma Mil Ilia ltyu)i ihtw or I'.ur "wlr, 1 'i* t»t*WMrto» I c.n ,i,n r „n. I Unn mu ii,ii nun. , (ll , bul • . 'Iiil >°u .ill o.i (llaug.rj warning. I k.Ufb I Ilia lallar wool,I n.l h.». juaiifiad Ih. diapaich .1 lro.pi t. Hat- p.r . furry wUboul other, it "** 10 circumaumi.l (, 0 d, .. ih. „, U „| pto.w, M Correct) j n i u aui.m..!., that by promptly .cub, upon Ih.m lb. .ulborili.. td n ’T romllly b... farrrl«d oul and ctu.h.d lb. ooo.plr.ry Imfor, it c , m , |„ , Il rta.d* Jlacloauraa, tb. truth of which could bar. beau a.rarlaiuad nitb ».ry lull, troubl. or tip...., „,j ,t „, m , ..loni.blng that ii did „ut .1 |. a ,t c , u „ Hi. tnihoriti.. .1 W.ibiu|ton lo .nj.ln lb. " .t H.rprr'a r.rry lo io.lltuto IncjuI- *'‘ J »««l« rliil.uc. Oo tho .intagih of r.| much Itu dtdnilo o, "oll.fcuud.J, tb. flovornio.nt ha. on •«»«>•! occiaiona m.tilfaatrd lb. grraUat wolobfulnoM and .u.rgy lo bead off auaprr ird Boulbero IlibuaUring oipodition, or lo d.Uct and caplurt Alrtcan al.rara. Would il baa. tbua indiff.r.ol and iMMifa, alt ottonymou. lotto, ao pirticulorly infurruod it of unlawful oipodtliou. .loot for Nic.togu.' or Ih. Africao cat I The man tuual It. cradulou. IuJmJ who, iu ai.w of Ih. nmu of lb. loot y,„ , WOi rcadrr Territorial sovereignty# Judge Douglas and hie friends will of course sustain It with all tbair enrrgy and seal, for if Territorial eov- ereignty is repudiated, ho ia repudiated with il and goes over to tbe Black liepublicsne. Tbe Democratic party in Congress, in our opinion, will sacrifice everything like prin* cipte before they will lake a aiep that must unquestionably divide and defeat a lbcm in tbe Presidential contest. Their Represent* ■ tires from the (toulh in tba lleuae may oppose lbe admission of Kanrae to save Ibamsclvea at home, and knowing that tba ill past tho House without their sid ; but in tbe Senate, where Ike National Du* mocracy have a clear majority of eight or ten voles, and in which body'they can defeat t ie Wyandotte Constitution if they choose, we may expect the most decided gelling out of the xvmj or bathing down. Kansas will be pul through, in-spite of her contumacious exercise of Hquatter or Te ritotial Hoverelgnty, and In the teeth of positive prohibition enacted by the last Congress to gull the South. Let the reader mark thie prediction, end compare it with lbe reault noil winter. And when it ia pot through, Douglas will exclaim, as Cass did on tbe passage of the Kansas-Nebraska bill, "I congratulate lha Benste on the triumph of Squatter Sovereignty !” It will indeed ba a triumph of Douglas—a victory won by him over a parly that could have defeated him and Ills bantling, but which preferred lo sacrifice the rights of the Houth and lha ptluciplos of the Constitution rather than jeopardise its succoss in a rresidantial aieclion. And Ike "abstraction” Territorial Mover- aignty will tbencMforth be the authorised pedienl for excluding slavery from the m#ntin| the fraternal Bed Oak, who had • Worn!, of Hi. Wni, lot rl.wn u. it. Wood. I.wn Cu.m., n..r Luaiavill., |..i week, but won tb. tee. for which ho wee contending. Il wee e three-mile rece, end hie c.upelil.r wee Aleiender'e Lille. Hod O.k hed won Ih. (Iret heel in 0i«8),end neer rl the lael heel bru.hed pul the filly, when il wee dieco.tted Ihel he hed injured hltneell end w.e felling. The lilly g,i„,d on him •gain from Ibie point to the airing, hut could A Partial Government. The comments of tba British press on tha American eeieor. of th. i.le.d .f Sen Jn.o, j k ”u'.!«d "im. , rtTSly ihii taiAi.lh.1 . Mfi... i—r- abow that the ceura# pursued by our AJ- ,-oicanic emoimns by passing miaiteed* and rection baa broken out at Harper's K#trjr, ministration is tuers regarded aa aa act of : smormiiiea. Recent events in Texas, how- , Virginia. Tbe trains oo the railroad lead- 0v „.mm,ui mining. Bui,; SUSTS£^ StSTLET-S i MSSS this dsnaneiation ia too aware, and tko j prowowille, the ioaecohtr of the Tasau work* art in the bands of tha insarfoate. frnrn tbe Mobile Zegtetar (tViagtoo D*w ) The Aduslntatratlon and the *outh. Tbe New Orleans Pieayene ia seldom Wa»bij»OTO». Oct. 17.—Rumors reached moved from its cold dignity or stirred into , :ble city this forenoon American occupation i* justified by a claim I frontier menaced by hordes of Csmsnche j , _„_ij ^., r i savages, tbe neat little display ol Ese- it feast would regard 1 v .km I At first it waa believed that this story _ l , r k .. r# , tr i j savages, a.ia the n«ut nine display ot we- ; waa merely aa exaggeration of an a fray which Great Britain at ftast would regard cul j Tee „ erf y Bl j,- ew Orleans, touching the among some Government employees a* the mpla if aha occupied tba position of tba ‘ tishing party” at the mouth of tbe Miasip- United .State# Armory. Later dispatches, United Htales. But while our Government I P«. have proved too mueh tor ike usually ini' However, from Monocacy. the nearest ata- m mm. > ptrturbahfo phlegm ot tbo Picayune. In a j non to the * err y. confirms the fir#t state' is ao prompt to claim and aeixa worthless | %le teace. it devotee aeo'umn ol cod and nient. territory at Iba North, ita utter neglect or stinging aarcastn 10 the peieroalcare of the The trains have been slopped on the sev- .ppueilion I. BMlihrrn el.ime e.J nghle of F.ther'’ et Wumsgioo. ot 8-mih. rr.t reilro.t!. end rhe employee.' hilled. . . . , . . M .., I srn interests, choosing lor its text 1 h^ ln» ; rt>e aegroes on tbe {daniatior.a on the Ms* protection demands attention. Its inflexible ! d j aiW ,t|m Mexicans, and the Texans.” It ryiann side of the river have bees veiled, igilant opposition to Gen. Walter's i picturea to l he Auiericac heart, au Amen- , carried over and made to join tbe insurgents. - v;,... _.i, l____ i can town on the frontiers of that eminently Ail atateinents concur in saying that the to ffieengu ... too well k.o.n to |„.. bj g lllf , h.m.1 „ni t,«,.,..b. ..w„ i. i. tb. eomplme powerion of tbe require mote than a passing allusion. It - serving Mexican people; without a U. 8. . rebels, together with tha United States Ai- appears te keep a string force always at ! soldier to guard it. and when catered t>y a mory. Arsenal. Pay OfBcaa. and tbe bridges. ...... . .. . , • plundering and murdering bat*d ot Mexican ; The insurgents are composed of whites and b.hd to thwart ... .Ileopt to flleod oor Ie|yi ^ , or lb . „ fe[ . „| , | tck , >n . b. lea on by Bvothrrn civilmtion in that quarter. It | and children upon a corps of Mexican infan- ; Aboiitisnista. never leek. ve»ele or -IJirre lo int.ic.rt lr f !»*•«< ° ,r ’ ''» m Hmnetm s.rriwrn ■ It ie .uppowd by lom. tb.t the object .1 ... . • , , and boiaiiiig their Mexican tlig over the rluodering arms, ammunition, and Gov- pedmon which may be got eo up in J ^ mer i C a n fortress of Fort Brown. Grow- | # rnment money, ia for the purpose of eflcct- the South to restore American rule, aud i ing warm at the deepening colors of its own mg a general rising among the blacks of influence in Nicaragua. * To tbe indieertm- brwdi. the Picayune b eaks out in a gush ol Maryland and Virginia. , , patriotic remmirc/nee: . One hundred marines, with WLO «Tl>. (In itnd “ opponents ef filibaatrnstu —those persist in regarding Gen. Walker's claim sa that character-Ibis vigilance areas > I weir Tbe dry bones under the sod at Rcsaca ; pounders, Irnm Washington barracks, dels Talma and Pah* Alto mini have rat- | up tbia afternoon to the scene of hostilities; tied in their graves when tins feat of arms ; ai.d will reach there about 8o’clock, ?. M. ... f . ., „ . and amity ao glorious for American honor I Tney have orders to clear the bridge at all •otirely justifiable. Uul if they will con- , an g porter, came ecbotng over 'heir last j hazards. oect it with the eagerness of lha Ad minis- I resting place, in 'he strains ol Mexican bu to extend the .... .( | "" territory in vinua of a claim which Great | The veteran Grn. Twiggs at bis head Britain regards aa utterly untenable, and j nnartera at Han Antonio was appealed ...... npanies ot artillery from Old ' Point also on the way ilmhe*; besides which ; six or seven eompan*e*»f military from Bah sacrifice# to comity and goed neighborhood. He raMirna far answer—**i have no soldiers and can do nothing.” Again the sarcastic* (tie Pie, breaks tkrougti its normal Indgidity, and it lets dy the following un compromising bolt : •* I Piter would a si the golaul xtiermn give nm for Ms ear company that at B*tn Ueugt. sr f prelecting the Lsited Sales anJ Hirara- gnu Iron fUiLmster ejpedition. Rut no ; let the American settlers on tbe Rio Grande, however lew and far between, take care of themselves; Brownsville, if agafnattacked, Where ia Senator Slide!! f But this is only a taste or the Pic's qual ity. He draws another picture, much like that which Cbaiham drew when the propo- demauJs for protection agatokt border law# and savage*, even they cannot fail to impressed with the marked sectional paitivlily displayed by lha present Admin istration. For mora than a year past, the citixenaof northern ar.d weilern Texas have been unceasingly complaining of tbe inad equacy of tbo forces allowed for tbsir protection. Frequent hostile inroadsjry lb# Indiana have proven tbe correctness of these complaints, and bavu kept lha Texans constantly in a state of witcbfulnra# and to tba neglect of their industrial pursatts. Within tbe Isst fortnight we bars been advised of tbe invasion of Texas by a band of Mexican outlaws, the sacking of of its towns aoJ tbe tnurdrr of some of it* best cilitens—all because tha Govern- had withdrawn Ih# force always nerJed to protect the exposed frontier- While hundreds of United Kiates soldiers concentrated in a few hours at ih# mouth • f the Mwsistippi river to capture a party of fitberoien suspected of designs upon Nicaragua, not an oflicer or a »oldier 7 days' reach of Brownsville to protect that frontier town sgainat th# mioeds and butebtriv* of .Mexican bngsnds, alihough Brownsville ia a Government Mil itary poat, for th# maintenance of which aa such due provision has be so mala by Con- j errand, with the rifles and nowder ,tli gross! Who doubts tbsl if the Brownsville ; ‘Great faihar” Buclnmsn had doled out to , , , , . i v .1 'hem under the laat distribution nt Govern' uul,.,. been p« «n .njr -Vxth. mcl „ lllb , Wl „ t . ssdsi j troops lo the aesne, to protect tho inhabit* j Mexico, and pursuit ia thru useless.” Tho people ol TYxaa— alarmed Jby these demons-raiioiia aud satisfied ' and Frederick City. Maryland, have ffered their services, and hare been accept- d relieve j»d by the President. They have gone op on an extra train. * The inrurganisare said to number six or right hundred,and that they are onder the leadership of a man by tho name ol Andar' ■on, but recently arrived at tbe Ferry. One report Irom a inerebani there aaya that m.;a» ot the citixena have bee* itnpne- onod, and that many have been killed. All tho roads leading to tbe town hare been bar ricaded and are guarded. It is believed her# i»* be a move of the abo litionists. Hecretary Floyd received some weeks ago. an anonymous letter, informing upon the defenceless American colonies. It tedausol Texan pspera coming troubled with accounts oi Indian maurauditig bands, penetrating lar down, even into thucompar* lively ilnrkly settled portions ol the Htate, burning houses. Healing stock, murdering husbands and lathers, uutr**girib mothers and daughters, carrying ofT cliildion ion horrible captivity, or braining them folori their mothers’ eyes. Ton savages who ar« indulging in these uMioual festivities, kefori beginning, we are told, first take the precau (ion to ride into the old garrisons aud satta fy themselves there arc no I*. H. troops t< molest them. Ths "abandoned Kurt Ewell,” j tho "abandoned Fort Duncan,” the "aban doned Fort McIntosh,” are ail there to afford the desired aaaurance ol impunity, ndofi'tbe warrrior* start on their hellish that"there would >*« a rising, and tempt made to cnpta.e the Areenel, but the letter wes loo indefinite and improbable to be l»elieved. Thereporta may now be great ly exaggerated, but there ia undoubtedly a serious disturbance occurring at the Ferry aud representative* of the press have gone up with the troops to the scene ol action. (SECOND DISPATCH. WAMtiv.ton, Oct. 17—9.991* M —Noth ing further has been heard from Harper’s Party, e xcept that tha reports are generally confirmed. The insurgents havo fortified the bridge with cannon. The suspicioi 'here i« that tbe disturbance waa caused by the failure ol the contractors on the Govern- dnni to pay the employi ;4* 1 * * scans, ants and axpel lha insadart! Ho, too, in Missouri laat year, no fores waa sent lo pmtccl tbe border slave-holder# of that Htate from lha inroada of Montgomery's Kanaaa abolition robber band, and tha Gov ernor complained that a deaf ear waa turned to hia applications for protection ! Tha truth ia, we have* a Government igilant and strong enough whenever any from the frontiers and the plains that the Indiana, mortified by the detests of Van Dorn, are leaguing together to make a grand plundering and marauding excursion among the frontier settlements this winter- ate assembling in public meeting, and distrustful ol prompt aid Irani Washington ■ fining in their own deleni endorse the advice of the Picayune ‘rely on their own strong We i them, and i e-t «... it.. ..i.h truaty rifles for tho safety of their wives •*"»» '• "taurJ of .1 to fr.f,i.t lb. «M- ' M . d , cl , lr „„, I „ l „i >rIrd l„ di „ ■ion of Southern institutions southward, to thwart the African alave trade, or to aa! disputed territory on our northern horde do anything alia iu tha interest of th# North and the abolitionists ; but it is utterly powerless or neglectful when tb# South calls for protection or f r ntfh-lni#rf#r#nct. Tha Hat per’a l'orry Hebellieu wl,lct ‘ WrteWii rectirfH ainung the slaves. Tha details have yet to rrach us, and are looked for much interest. The fool-hardy nature of the adventure is another proof of the fanat icism of tha Northern abolitionists; for bad raaaon been aliowad due sway they must hav# been convinced of the hopelessness of any such attempt in that region. to be hoped that not a man implicated in tkia horrible outrage will escape tha gibbet at peaceable Mexicans.” The Government ol tho l/nited States hat no time nr troops to spare from the first duty of policing tho seas lor Qoeu Victoria and Sir (fore Ouseley —from catching Americana who are striving to extend the area of Houthern civilisation to Central America, and dodging at cr American clippers that are transporting mora African emigrant stock to work Houthern fields. l,ct Mexican soldiers guard Brownsville—let Texans defend their own firesides from Camanchc*—These are small >ou all out Irom the chief down lothe lowest t. A U g' Axiiller, detailed from Baton K.iige on tha un|;ril*fill d. y 1 n.l fitly ever, Cualomhoua. .llii-.,, ind 'Iiil Th ,', l| ( P 01 '"’ br *“ knurkli and . 1 „t New, arc aw.,„ „ Maraliala. Ilia alaamar I'liila. aeiphia is refused a clearance and detained, although three examinations had discovered no arms on hoard, and no sign of ausin »f compile,ty n the .xpedtlfoo, towiboa, baidiaed, and New Orleans placed Imoat under martial law, .tut,, cxt.'b bim, h • n 1 J • u '■ , ,*• j-w-wi,.... v,,,... r shszris " I '•** kml Vt.i.ianal.,. i ex Misiog their it iu; nest ional, lo privileae of ,u Mil ou , Amorican |wixt lot any pan of the Horid, Jdovidtd they go “ V. 0 "" 1 —ilhii.t a,kin, Ih.vo believe that it would. w « -Cnn*t ahlac.' Wa fry uiarry of tba UnaMla |mata. Tb. laat poatto .ffuaion -a ha.a rr.m that quarter I, ,i, 0 ad "rfu.ia," <n d thougL MIm Mu * lufoxma u, that unlxaa w. r ubliah it -a "can't akin.," no moat xo.pcctluil, daclina, tor lha r.ll.«l. ( r.. TO , ; |„, „ acertupauiat] by n. raal think that. a,, paiioual .l|g.|. 0 . , n It that -nuld ba undamoud anil applied i„ Cuaaal. th.u.h -a d. nuLkiio— .ho i. m „ nl . Bui, m h.r Dot. i. „ indlfUoally, Ml,. Bu.1. |i.M u. a yi.e. .1 l.hum.ii.. , h „ w. w.ulJ Ilk. I. know in.,. ,b„ u i. Hh. wrlla.: "El you .aula lo many, ra | j.djj baa aa ni„.ra and .. ,„y ■*■'* A “'ll. rail., I, „ikin |.„ t. m. iu Kolumbu. „d y*., /«, b,„ Ih. °Tt—#ii,buu parly of U.akoyM Ef •hut ba lb. mm, you .ud I n.r.x .,|| , would Ilk. k„„. .h„ ■aattnv tellur in Kolumbu," il ... .ho l-r|-lr.Md Ihla .l,.J„ „ n , od , hn> daolroytd ou, Inlanal in Ih. , nJ UiUlM alwaMld. W. think lb.1 "hald- fac." bad mora l. d. with tb. di,„i„ ourat bul .a mu,I rrderm lUuinert' at lb. tifll aixctioo, |. diapmaa tbia ja.I.., calumny our raputaiion for good looks depends on it. inner on three legs in 6:4.9, He had strained the tendon of his IcA fore leg berJ ground, and will have lo bo withdrawn from the turf. tV II should not be forgotten that the Democratic parly, in the several Western Htatos that have held elections this month, was organized as a Douglaa party, with hia platform and looking to hitu as a Presi dential loader. In Ohio, Judge Douglaa himeslf touk tho stump for the Democratic tickot. Yet tn all of them the Black Re publican* appear to have been successful. If they can thus beat Douglaa in tbe rrgiun of hia greatest popularity, what chance would tbe Democracy aland there under a leader who repudiated Hquatter Novereignlyl IV Tha result oi the recent Judicial elections in Florida affords gratifying proof that parly politics had very little to do with tho contest. Two Democrats and a Whig ran for Chief Justice, ami one of the Dem ocrats waa elected ; while Judge Walker, a Whig, ran largely ahead of ail the other candidates fur Associate Justice, receiving tha highest vote cast for any candidate for any office. VW One of the dodges used by circula* tor* of counterfeit money in New York ia on tba "atop thief' stratagem, and is said lo be quite eucceaaful. They go about with Bank Note Detectors for aaie, and thua divert from themselves all suspicion of hav ing counterfeit bills. . In the way of making change and trading, they are thus enabled to gel off a good deal of spurious money : i and Marylandsrs. Tho pretence cf Kansas outlaws end ruftiana proves tha criminal neglect of Government in not long eioce bringing them to justice. Not only Oasawaiomie Brown, but every scoundrel of Montgom ery's band,.ought long ago to have bacn caught and hung by the Federal authorities; sad had they barn ougaged in any other causa than abolition they would have hern to treated long since, had it tequirvd army largo aa lhaksent to Utah lo punish the Mormons for minor offences. The impunity they enjoyed in making tha pro-alavery men of Kaptae at#*f tba alavcholdcrs of Missouri emboldened them lo make thie rupro dering attempt in > irgiuia. DtstnvioN in Gtoaou.—General Rethune, " accession candidate for Congress in the tarn — ail- . ff»a-._i— * |Jnfly. Columbus (On.) District, ... two votes in that city.—jY. Y. IlerotJ. *.?* T, * J * * nJ «n "garden •asa*’ particularly, had a goad deal more to do in obtaining the ninety-two vote* for tbe General, then the question of disunion. Indeed we believe that Gen. B. expressed a willingness to let disunion slide, ackoowl. edging the hopeleasnees of effocliag any Rung by its agitation. He evidently regar ded (he Mayor sad Council of Ifolumbtia, who passed the Martel Ordinance, end (he Opposition Representatives it. (he Legisla ture, who voted for a* bill that did no/ autboriia it, «• tho chief tyrant# of the country, whose defeat was more important | than any question raised by the other j candidates for Congress. CV The t me work ol an Administration that lender ol r 1,1,1, am.1 * “ 0“ bl " 01 tuition at "equet> ** which t. 0uaru lit. buaih |„ lm ,|iat irrrittlc li.tca, tu winch || I. n.|| Ittatortraily cor turd 1 !l, l!t 'fr,*" h "‘ not hoait.ted lo join the It]a,-L L.huhlican Lincoln lu boa th. Dcn.oci.cyol III,,,,,]. ,„di, »ln«- common cj.c with in. „ th. Democracy all ore, ,|„ i.'E downStcphoii A, Doujia,. 1 W. Utraiuct ... tbo Oconee. gratified on win, ,| ih. | a ni|. , well ing in Dublin a few day built Hwamboal, 124 by 28 feet aion. di.cb.„i„ g f,Thi."h^M b..„ conalruclcd la run „„ 0co „„ tbrouih ih. .nioyriM of Me,,,,. Rol,„,,„„ and Hoar, of Dublin. It ia built with ,|| the modem Improwmant. |„ machinery and other eonco.laoMa, ,„j .m „ k , „ , | Md a*|hl buadrod balra of cotton mothic, upw.rj, 0 f , h „. r „; rill no doubt prove a ,rc,t con. pU ? , ' ^, ?“ J " lh "« cnocnionl w n . W * ll> ** ..n... will b. abundantly ramun.rat.d fo“ their outlay. The Oaon,., .. |„ rn . |. at quit. Ocm.lfa#, although the latte, m „ |,„ b,d .iMm.r. „ may look out th. at„n,a, bar. Prior, long—Southern Recorder. from flvt (rawing water. || idred in tiumlier, and tni have brrii pressed into service. Heverel companies have been ordered from Rich mond, and they will probably leave in a »pc- ctal train ta^ulght. Guv. Wise is eu route tor Washington. Additional Prom Harper's Ferry. ioton, Oct. 18 —A special dis patch tn the Hallira. rc Hnn, aaya that the Baltimore troops, and the Marines are unde the commend ol Col. I#ee. The srroy ar rived near the Fciry at one o’clock las night, and learned that tho Virginia repi nient, and the Frederick, Maryland, troops l lVtW«WC d titWWf, W UftapmM.'Ktfi it was re|>orted that nine persons were killed The insurgents are in posseaeion of tlu arsenal, and ware willing to surrender; but Ihry demand sale conduct out of the difii culty; otherwise they threaten lo sacrifice the lives of two of iSit principal ritiseoa, wlmm tiny hold as prisoners. Among the insurgents are Kegg,Beaman, and Brown of Ohio, Todd ol Maine. Aaron Stephens, of Connecticut, now dy ing. makes the following statement : The plan iias been concocted for more then a year—the parties rendezvoused at a farm, a tow miles distant, which had b«en hired for tbo purpose, by Capt. Brown, ol Kansae notoriety, under the assumed name of Bill Smith. Lstxk.—The hauls, laat uight, waa fought mainly by the railroad men ; one conductor wee killed, and two others were wounded. It is thought the Abolitionists will be hung as soon aa they are taken. The Outlawf Taken—A finery Taken at Ike Point sf the Bayonet. Wasuinoton, Oct. 18.—About daylight the demand waa made to the outlaw# to sur render, which they refused to do. The marines then lorc**d the door of tha Armory *Y- *; ” “■omtnii t lit conflict over, and all of the living insurgents cap, lured. The volunteer* tried to ehoot them but were prevented. Oasawattomie Browi and lUa aon ware both #hot—the latter it dead, and the former iadying ; he talke free ly, and say* that tha whole object wee to free the sieves. Anderson of Connecticut, another leader, waa killed. Tureo of tuo .Marines, aud several ol tho State traopa, were shot. Amongst those that were murdered by the insurgents were several of the first men of of the State. It ia leered that many ramifications. then furred an entrance, te»k eii the insur gents prisoners and liberated the prisoners whom they (iba in»urgrnte) had threatened lu murder in ca*« they were marked. Tba number of prisoners i* not stated, but outef the orignai insurgent* fitteun are dead aud two believed to be mortally wouodrd. Among tbe citizens who have been mur dered by the insurgents are Messrs. Foun tain and Brrckham, two prominent and highly reepeceJ cit'Z>n«, tha Agent of the Ka-lrosd Company, Joseph Burnley; Georgi TELEGRAPHIC, j r. td „i. n , r i he Bo ported Cor the Columboa ZnquLrer. J ^ttor Enquirert|„. t, _ _ _ prcav.on generally prevail# ih a; . ' Four Dtjri Later from Uorope.. Cases, that is u. t ind r j * • billboldcra of the broken Banks' piece, have been settled. The facta are these ANGLO-SAXON. Cettou Improving. Acgcsta, Oct. 23.—The steamship Anglo- agreed . »• — | _ . . c , „ . Stockholders and Directors of ih. ■■ Turner, one of the first men in the vicinity Saxon arrived at Farther Point to-day, . Mrehanww Rank r i a ,U * was killed in tha fight. Even Dorsey the j bringing news from Liverpool to tba 12:h . (-oiurnba. K.ilro.J Cuoductor, Gear*. it,ch.rd..n .f | id. «n»J. Th. .rr.n t ,j.„„ |„ c , ^ Martioaburo, and several soldiers wete a#-! Ltvcxroor. Cotton Maxkkt.—Sale# of V . U \ C . arne , out: ^ U! '• i*V n-U «=ud-d. | , htM da,. 38,000 M..,uf .hieh 2.M0 b.le, I fT.'.mn Wh.^l*’^ #*"' b,, «*W At 1.I..I .CM..., Hrcwn not deaL «... „ ken by ,p,cul.,.r. .nd t.COI h.1.. I ■_TTl. " lh ‘ l '"**•■ 11 W - and there waa • chance ot ins Irving to be ( r i„_ ; id»«a.. .l. ._d. j tend lo any otbar Bank, - “ other liability, than tbst of tlieaT, cummer .1 the session ot the 8op:eme Coarn. V ‘ compromise was eff-.-rted and ik, * — .. lar th, h.b,!],, , for export—leaving 19.500 to th# trade The troo; a and rangers, under tkje Presi- The market waa firm with an improved dent’a orders, are now tp^ pursuit ©Mhefu- j demand, but wilh nw actual quotable ad' vances though some circular say there was and the District Attorney has gone up to take charge of the legal proceeding ainat the prisoners. The arratigcmentsof Gov, Wise, of Vir ginia, to prevent the spread of the disaficc- tfon, were complete and admirably executed. HcveraI companies ot infantry, two of rifle- riicn.andof.a ol light infantry, besides several local companies, were under order* and ra routs to the Ferry iu less than four hour* after the news was received by him. He accompanied them in person, but arrived o late to take part in the fight. STILL LATER. Advices from Harper’a Ferry to noon to day, state that no signs ot the lagitivu* had been discovered. 'Die (Jhambetsburg and Bedford Bangers are searching the inoun* Last evening a detachment ot Ms- and volunteers visited Brown’s house and found a I-.^e quantity of blanket#, bouts, shoes, ciuiues, tenia, liiteen hundred pikei with large blades affixtd, ar.d a carpet b*g containing documents which throw much light on the affair. They found the printed constitution and by-laws ol the ar- Ksoustioa, showing or tndicatieg ramifica tions tn various Htate* o| the Union. Letters were also found Irom varfou* in dividuals at the North, one from Fred. Douglas*, containing ten dollars aent by a lady alao one front Garret Huxitri. on mon ey matters, and containing a check or dralt made J>y him for $100, endorsed by the cashier oi a New York bank, name not leccillrcted. AU these are In p-wmlon of Got. tt i»*. vhn hat tsseod Ma proclamation <iff«rin« |1, WS fc armed a salt of hint Cook look Lirgr B—ilsi •coating the at lha i nday night, on!/ repoitvd Tuvsda/ nit moantafoa onl/ » ter Tiro wag u bolt « rt(«r«i«d of tha liuu oiler, as report* 4. X Among the letters f ‘ lo» Ing In a *;>*clmro >f UaftMet- jn!/ • few ues. It tn the her* ■HPHli tea large aaioubt af iDone/ was at Crown's tiousr, the ntd. The/ did not r Bresdstnff* firm, all descriptions slightly advanced; the advance caused by the .learner’s uewi from th* United States.— Provisiona quiet. Manchester advices unfavorable. All qualities of goeds slightly dectineJ, on sjrae yarna fully id. Console 95} lo W/ Additional by the Europa. Liverpool Cotton JUaiket.—The sales of Cotlon for the week were 55,000 bales. All qualities bad slightly advanced. Fair Mid dling qualities advanced most. Inferior qualities continued unsalable. Holden ut tered Ireely, but showed no disposition to press sales. Tnere was an improved trade deni sod. Hxurxx, Oct. 19 —Sales cf cotton on Friday were 10,(XX) bales, of which specu lators and exporter! took 3,000 bales. Tne stork ot cotton at Liverpool was 580.09J-bales, of which MO,00-J bale# were American. State of Trade.—Mancheatei advices were unfavorable. AU quality ol ysxna have slightly declined. Quotations were barely maintained. Liverpool General Markets.—Breadstuff* j (* which seem to prevail on jl"" 7 " fi 'Li.r. , i^ n A/.U.';Lr-c“ d J!i..-,quo. 1 J" 1 «rr«-..d; ..d ted a: 95} to 95}. 'I be Bullion in the bank bberty of dJtng ao tbrojp ol England ha# decreased £27,000. Money — 1 was easier, but unchanged. Haste Colton Market.—Halo# of the week C.tHiO hales. Orleans Tret Ordinaire at 1091.; Uss at 1011 .Stock 05,000 bales. The steamship Kangaroo reached Queer#- DM....,, .HDD tan oi me StortV^ nd Directors ol that partlcelar pay its debts. The amount ; 0 7 eeived will not discharge the deS.,1 that Bank. Tbe cred.tor ret*i :!l area of his claim,and has re*e.- T fj w 1 of purauing the aaaets of the Bx-» aatiefentfon; which he is now for which suits are pending. * There is the Chattahoochee R, Banking Company, the old Bank of C\ bus, the Bans of St. Mary*, ,5, J facturere A. Mechanics’ Bank, w standing liabilities amount to toart' three hundred thousand dnilirr t tha portion in Bills the Stockh l made liable by their respec r ' except the Bank of St. Mary’#; ihej*^ embraced in nor in any menner (bearrangement or corrpromi.e B'for*J ded to. Many of the bolder. 0 f! claims are pressing their cullccui, are pending against the siotk." J Directors ol most if not all of i),##, and the rights and liabili'ieg 0 | 1 a ilea are yet to be adjudicated by the I have deemed it not only juet t 0 ih» ilea immediately interiesled, but i, to the puhlk:, that the erronioui •* hich upvriuUad pn. ta»k; boaidaa. lbe/ #rw g-tiiug dl-runteal.4. If nat tak#n ebarx* ot a»on, will go lack to sow ft. Tb*/ raanot U k>gt b«r* wa.-h longer. b»«*, us* Ulng kr them. It h*. Inptnl 00 •fit bsaMaa. tb*y ar* n#t takrn char);* of aaoot go ha-k. la-t« will tw a bad iciaina- kart a print'd Bimtof tha IteltrU fUt**. tad na4 »i -na from thalr War Offlc# .mi IJaper’a ftrri. Tbs ftilloti.r Is a -la-i-im. n : ••W bM*aa. W. II. laconri has bora nominated Captain of tkwarnt/ ##Ub.l«hri und*r tba ProtU- ’■' il Onrw»n«t, nnv Ibodtorf, In parsuan** of •/ sold ronstilulteu, do harv- cean Qacen, reached Liverpool previous the»aiitng of the Europa. The Zurich conlerente still continues ita j Bessie ’ »u< rejioMed that the HH llollyhead, the same day that tbe Europa sailed. Italian affairs are unchanged. There waa grrat agitation and numeroui arrests at Naples. from India stats that authority vests by t tb# onicaof tb# S*vr*tai t Laauaii CapUiu War l-tb, ictfon h t . VV ashington, and Alexandria, all prepared for any n Baltimui ho auihorities __ mergeiicy, J| it occurt. The government'# ol Mayrland and Virginia have taken every precautionary iiirasure. Tho population are very much excited, end insist that the EtHi 11 *™ * hou,d be ,r,ed by a drum.head aacoND mgpxTCN. WAsnikoToN, Oct. IH.—A company of nminted men. under tho authority of tho I resident, left Baltimore tins afternoon, for the purpose ol pursuing the fugitive ineur- sents, and overtaking them in any State or locality of the Union in which they may be found. The United8tatea District At- toritoy left here this evening to bring on 'be I anneal# tel rial ot the priaoncra. Three hundred V'rgU'ia military arrived Irom Kirhiitond this evening, hut found orders ! »• their services were not needed. ; Sitll! Later frem Harper's Ferry-—Ju- risdlctlou ol the Prioouera Mealed-— Elat of Killed and tVuuudcd Itebsle. Hxkrcn's Fkxst.OcI. 19.—Tba prisoners Uken in the late conflict with Ihe insur gents st this place, have b en Committed t< Ihe jail of Charlestown, Jefferson county Va., to await tha action of th* Grand Jory They will be indicted and tried in a lea day#. The arrangement about jurisdictioi has baen a« tiled in this way: tha focal an iborities to try the piisoners lor murder meanwhile the United Stairs authorities will proceed to try them on tha charge of treason. Gov. Wiae said to U. H. Attorney Ganeral Oul J, that h* had no obj< th* Genrral Government preceding against tba prisoners, if anything be left of tbem by lha time tbe Virginia authorities gel through with them. Brown i# better. He lisa made a fuller statement, in which he aaya that he rented the farm on which tut tepdexvuus was loca ted. Irom Dr. Kennedy six months etnee, and that he has paid th* rent tor it anti) •^‘“'ITuSd 7mm" 1 „ ujpMt tu-l.lurc.m.nt, (,o„i M.rjlMd, K.n. and the '°K Canadas. It md lucjty, North and Houth Carolli _ further, 1 hat be 7”" 1 ’ bad two liuadr. ul. m"’ "J" h " nJ ' rJ ^*'urp’. ,i]}.,, „ I!! r . ’ •I'uod.uc. .1 p„»d.r »nd fu.d amtnuMItoD. II. bioushi ,li bu •rnu, irom nm. to ti,„. i ryin (Jooruciic • •nd utlut point, rsxxvii ‘‘w we '' J. omitla Ol Hona. Kennedy Farm fkia a ■“m'. ::,"':: 1 ; *7 r ,,p * c,iM ■■■ M".d t'ern i„ d r"''"’ i.,„7 11 tr.n.porting tb. w i. ,iic 'h. 1 * jlltl b„ m.u. .ne, detuning th. tram .. Sunday tod 'Tb p,, T"S* “ 10 *°*' •d. j.lie mistake, hu .ircma u» inter, ex- doing. , ou ,, j0 „ d pr , vt0 „ d a to.itit.,]„„„ robing him. 1 8u jr„ 7‘" ki * at th. Karr, n ^ "'*7' CICC| ’ 1 —h,t« man, htmi Brown admits were sent awav on an errand, are na l.dlowa - ».ii. ..-7 r n;!« und., uTSM 1 iStSIffi •iTucd, lion. John Ufuu Cuntmaud.,.?. * Lbul »nu„d«J, but wtllr—omi Capt. Ol- 125. a*" ,d “ d|C *r u ‘ n Bi.du. she will be New York, Oct. 21.—The mailt by the steamer Europe left tor the South thie even ing. The following ate the authortsod Uro* ker’s quotations : « Fair Ortean* T^d. | Mid. Or|#ona Td. I'Sir Wlmte. '$£&. '| MM UpiMd*’~’*..**a *te Clara's circular reports aa the only fcatu Hit and an increased demand 1-16 lo Id. Interior grades unsalable. Hewitt Sl Co. report a good demand, fined to the better descriptions. Tbe porta of the week were 30 000 bates ; known to beat sea 36,000bale#,against 7.000 bales same time last year ; and 175,000 bales the East Indies, against 70,000 bales last year. Wakefield fir. Nash quote Middling Or leans 7d., with a atetidv demand. Aineri grades above Middling readily salable Kanaaa Nominations. Lkavknwontn, Oct. 13—The Republi cans have nominated Charles Uobinson lor Governor and B. F Conway lor Congress An olectfon had l eeu held for a de egxte to Congress, and B. I). Williams is piobably chosen. Tho vote was small. * An election had also been held in Ar- rapahoe county, under the laws of Kanssa vzrvsrs** Mi **’ ,be pr "‘° u * policy of ihe mining region having been Kanaas° nn * ° ** P 01 "' 11 #! connection with Know had fallen tu the depth of a foot „ * itcgurv dl(8>n ( a and other IwuUlliea. cau. work. ^‘rs’j&ws: le * ,i,,f f ° r ,he 1 ho nttnea were producing well; . , IUK . £•.* 7° ( r ‘ b •»*> had been taken from R u !- Gulch, unt had been found hundred men war. ,ij|| here of It work in 1 Ccpptcc, of Iowa, 1 Albert 11.11.11,01 I'emuyfns Further from the Harper'i Ferry In- •orreetioa t THE BATTLE WITH THE TROOPS. Prnluat Cm.... M.aa.cradll SHOWS SOT BUB! H»«r,»'a Finer, Oct. 10—Tho dri.a “"/•••'“"..f -ha to, Ih.t Bro.n the „,| e co „. h. hlird a fatm in lha .lenity of tb. Kerry • ml (albiu.l around him Mr.ral Impc.r- had Kansas discontent* and abiluieu fa- .u; da!d] cap’., jib'; i Lrn U 5“i l E , .. d .'? di J l ' w .“ , " , "«m‘«h And.,. ™- ' r Tb. , K dl,,, 7' tea. 1 lie Kanaaa lead had yielded $500 in ro aays to three hands. •i aU*h”d!Iito r g *.®* iu vicorou,, >’ « The Minnesota Election. £ 1 “ C1I .‘ 0 I ” c .'- K. 1819—Th. Sr. Pan) “?J°^:z. 7“ XO. county, ;t», Datmtah ..urn ' 170 i tVaabinffon An »h* counijr, loui Cower columns of yourpapt r. Vary respcettolly, yours. ■(rU Tha Nouiuatluu tor HaiicUcr Mr. Editor Enquirer ; Htnce Uj/mv mntiication to the Enquirer, | informed that some ot the cancidiin, office of Solicitor General, belongiM Opposition party, desire that fouroej be sent from each county in tt,uj k Circuit, to^rneei at Geneva cn tne ' November next, and that said detect elected on the laat day of this iuocm. J Monday week. 1 cheeriui:/ «J res, s* far as I J earned, and accommodate nijtrUu wishes ol tbe mejirity. Yours, truly, J. J. Asit< ie«i The Mission to ( him. HOW HU. WAJtD WAS CONHlcTLti T ■ C We have, at last, nhat is authentic intelligence ol ttie mm UL: . u* and ita probable resulis. Tt,e h which Com. Tatnall, with the cu„*«i;, Ward, waa able to render to Admiral! at the mouth ol the Peiho, an I i.t - received tbe thanks ol that otiiiT.iu bta Government, did not m th# In., promise nun with lha Chinese. |mm ty after the engagement, and, at it #, had happened, be proceeded direct t northern branch ol the river, l» c.p and as the French and Engluli, «foa: should hav« done, where he Ioai.d u sadors waiting to receive him sic i him to the capital. The rr.ode of his journey n not t laughable, nor, according to our idea.i wanting in dignity. A priVdie Jo wuh which he nave teen lavurrd luu us the following detailed accour t » give as ne&riy aa possible iu ihe whm dsapatch itself: " I'tie Munster Mr. Ward in.! received at the mouth ol ttie KitrkuvV Ihe northern outlet ol the I'etho, oj si posing embassy of ingli .Mantis.ii.t,i tiieru t;n ter tamed in a hospitable h always, a very ceremonious manner, entertainment over, t>i*-y at once mi making preparation# tor the journey his-iAV fi . r !!,. , ic,.'u! d v;', At the urgent i jar as the requ. > any liirthe "Th# Minister attended i e knos n to have gain- •on... banfl^ dSdj pniirS-^.”:!! i Tuirzs ,n i in Iroir ‘ "'.kc i.vemceu wbir.V. Ohio" r.7«d**„ W T' : S„l,, ., Houtli Carolin --—„irr—me |*|irr was ai.ri*d . fruuiaRt 1,1 ul 11,0 l'ro,„i.„,| oh'r;7«d,7, v,""” nc, j ^*4. of Ob.,.; r.iacd In vSit;^.'' ul priaonor ,t ChflrlMtawn** *uUbd«d-» W0 »n«is. but l' 8 A n,J 7 'S d * H“.** »'<• lha I Th*,'. w,; ,]7°“V '' T1 ld r la'al— 8 ' » 'h« harry, hoping tbn. I. .rjd lr."? ,b “'.'J uf ■“•»»• rnaura tb, M-.p.r.l,.„ .„d of .,„ m Ullr ,„ ' S ,'V On. ui me jztn toa:., aaya : ; * *. n . f ,b * ne, 8bbormg counties of . •? lne nionay being deponed at . T* ■ n TF ' **"■' gpo r «;,J7^r!„!n c !;,•.iffSEtS:!j*i r Uh,ed ,Ul * '• muck I Wf "- ° n Sunday uight roanv eitiiar. I — tbra. previou.. Tha Glecll.u. beriarid, a democratic county, gives Irwin p '0»*-MilBin and J uniats are to bs heard Irom • •• ‘b# l<gaiioi)g by hisbtuifcir. Ward, the Secretary, Messrs. VN i |. JM Martin, ititerpreiura, ai.d others, bente officer* ol the ship to the number otu:, son.. And to each and oil ihe hum: c luontous respect ws# paid auu con.ukai according to his rank. "At Ning'ho. where the ship si »U officers wire detained, the Miutstrr iti placed in a huge box, «Mi evider.ily been prepared lor this specs! vice, sixteen and a hall tett hiitt iu wide, and cloaed on ev> ry side but ibnj •tie, through which only the sky cosH "Tba box waa provided with smp!e J nd everything necessary h r the c«.m:*r he travelers, aud then placed on a ra:< i sken first up the river, and then, ##ltr they could form an opinion, up the lm(jn the gales ol the capital. 1 ’■■ *1 all times, during the »fMt personally attended by Mandarins, *tw him tlia tamo, respect they houJ u . Emperor himself. th# gates of tho city the beta >n a huge truck draw 1} uim i way the United Stair. Mr. China sad the whole legation epterrd f et At first ih* truck seemed to pass tauq sn open spsce and then to traversr sard crooked airseta alter winding sbost which for a time, it entered the court is of a large house, which had been pr»;sfl for the Minister’s rsetdence. Itef* id were let out ol tbe box, but not prrm.te logo beyond lha enclosure.” Our very interesting despatch proa "Mr. Ward, ii is true, is m the Rek h* promised to he, but more as ■ pr than the representatte ol an indepeodci • ton, thougli he i# treated with me gr.ia ktndnees and wuu lha considrrsii' H bta rank. He ia not permitted tu .. thing, or tokno'v any thing that isgn.-.j* «>uis,de in. own dwaJling. 4 Nviiberbs* ih# iDcmoera of his legation, hern pi rn to have conunutiioaiiou by writing en tn any other manner, with tb* outer • however distant, except to tend ■ de«; • o Mr. Smith, tbs American Court ananghai. miurming him of ,be:r •air df his death, between 40 and 41 veers 'of fo * (hs reason above given * rmr9 Davisktn, Talbot to bs heard Irom The Yacht Wanderer. Sara...., Oc. SO.—Capt. Biack fi zz •ata that h# waa going to th# coast ul Vtrt ®r •(• ca for a cargo of aiavaa. A th* G. —— I and In i Tltc Outlaw, at llrowflayllle. I I ?’ ,w 0cI - IS—Tit# ataaotabip j racVedT,', 11 *Mate. I,.,,: ! .Mr. Ward and compared witii III, j Th. il: ""■I"’ °A'- ‘•‘ ;cou " , ■ •*••«•>« >b. Attic" Th.M.xM. anl |. W| c ut ui uiailk — I anc.mpad ab.,. me tntcrriew he was to be roitdii. < diat« |y I nick to (be Fuwfntsn. ih I way h# came, without bet g pensi:« or to learn any thing ot taecouf'r inalituituL'S, or the adnunisirsnos ■ ovarnment, except what the Emp«' * miniatars might see lit to iropsf' rdsspa'eh c untry by *11 to two hogaheada ncr acre H..i L * m# tnsurrsctioo. Tb# won I'idra was in England, r te, - .j ’ ■ uu •ncamped abova - * -aTZ C T‘ ^ 1 LU r.ik.1, an Li.lti.tfl a wall t'»™»copia, June, counly ; Delay, jj* ; l»»c little of th. *"•'• ol *’*\r notlat! ,lr ‘" tltoppod. . WM a »«ll. . . ' >' Hun on llictn. Irom th. loan .1, ana, 1..I .-.I .l. I Maun. ABr.anuuaan Th. Moat. kcaty MmU .ay, (, 0 d „ Mcund |te au,,canon) 1 I, „ lawful ,. m„ k ...... attic!aa with a p.„ ,.j „„j hf w. .tab that ... exchan,aa that may b.w- aflar runtai. .J.c„ 1M ,„ f0 „ fo , „ would m, mark .bam, W. .ball ..j,."' to do tb. aama f., .„ Tb. fact ia, our exchauge liat ia .« .... . *® #*tenaiv# |j, , , — — h V u —-i., I “ 1 *** » m»d.lrtl« IVm. aaya .... — .....m., an tuiouan, waa a well- It i ’ ""’ J ’ to-do contractor, wb. for.i.bcd .t... f„, I i ,ck ’ on c ““ nl »i C-hanU.illc, II,,,,,county] <hai.illal.tfth. Ub.rjhc, i„ .Web bi. I <,0,Jl ’” w hltlwld cnly, Hay. mony Grove, Jackson county; Harmony, Elbert county ; Location, Coweta county. L‘l r A rorrvapondsnt of lbs Auguste I. ii. i. iU , of ,b, 17(8 j„„., lb. ylrclio. of (Jo,. D,.w„ th , „ nUtd Hteto* Senate. O'* At tho recent etoetion in IVnneyl- ••ma lb. Dooctic pan, auccf.d,J in tlaclta, only o,„ Ih , „, ||ta tbairadmtkia,c.lom.^ i.j," tf wa atop to .pew ao,. ,8,„ • our cicbonffa, other buatuaaa Lac t. ha Bafflacud. T.klUf tbia ataw of Iba »• auitaal that papara c.ulaloio, ml,..-’ Ilaamaola I. b. coptad ahoulj ba markad with amain, Ih.., OT. on lb. manic,,. “* •* ck * ,, «* mquealtd I. copy, Th.o tb. !*• ao.,Ul.tor upon wpvuing the paper. r lb. ItaJia, cm of bta triumph an r id tb. fact that h. ic.ilM.1, ,.ro,,J „,. himmlf to ,b. i.„ „f „ »rtb. lulled State. Banal., ,.J ,]..,*, lr .711, l “ with tb. But. n,bu .1 Kc..ylaanta." u, " ,r ** •• (h# party. Th# "iu -to* “ A niatncii lady i. I^odon »*jr. and thcra tb. j CartiHaa bad i..u.d . p,Ml.m.i,„ n I omtttti* 1!" ‘ 1 ' Cl V" J ,k, ‘ ° f d p, 'T, a , n ' p™ph hav# nothing to te«, t hi# obiset At Dt.pp.1. f ram, , ■ .. I to ohaaua. lha -a-nr . .. .> * bathin, d whe 1 peraona Irom dsngi "Th. Iiathing police ebaat... lha ahcnlf a.d'tha, , ■■ •oontiouiata clfrcud a .tamped, i “»'F !■„ « 10 p ry respect reliable. Whits' o« the icauli ol the interview with tha £*• psror, lo which the Minister looked for#** with anxiety, no one can conjecture. Tfc* ncral result of the ns immadiats result, | ter of doubt. Th# manner of the' Minis'" conduct to ihe capital and bis quaai-rorriw :ely be ■ til. low. Wa. fuapjed and tbemaal.M com jilt* trly penned up. mem there shows'anything but that tnsn4 ly international teclmg which preccdvi * ’ pruhtalde intercourse, it is possible Villow r.„m-Thk d,Md«i .pidamic , 2Fi-’ nh W “ ! STJZlW -“l, .iiS I , I fc. LTr^o^-A a sri?SS5 : " R = this lorer at tb* Chanty Hospital laat ^"^ASh.d.f'bK’.m.'b;.;^’::; ,8.—..— I ««i!v. , Laf.sVtaSss*"S aZtzttr* ib * **? ytllow facer. At CypcMaClly, not f„ f nm Houatoo, lha fcc.r wa. .till wore,. Buena. Gaotap—(.round on th. .North •ad Kjuth Alabama Railroad waa formally brokan .. laat Saturday ., Montgonre,,. Speech.. Wera ntada by Ho». \Vm. L VaDDDy and Mr. Ttacay'. .p^ch la aaid to hav. trecu in bta bappie.l •od eary tell].,. h.n,,r'v*;- teen iosurgsot* and (wear thr** 1 m# » »b>ch gar# him ,h« unpteaa. -•-3ESLSi i5r 1 "t*” 2‘ U “ U V , * kUM#oJ *•••«! wounded - nL l lf 0rmtU * a hi* had draw* ths^lsrg# ..Sir.'Ad-sT “£ ir„„ l at « alklnavtlle, wa. burnt 0 , Thuraday 1 i J, . J lr°opa, about day. nnbt l..l,.ndMe.npei, <> n, tl _ ( *lco Iba Armory aurrenderad. Tbe i Ckk'du,ilc« T.neyof ,h. Sonrem. and tbrea -hit. me.-m.d. . I “ •DM«Dd., ... ref„„j, .be,.' “ I 1 " «»"•* Slatoa. t, in ,h. P S7 i! •acapa. Tb. pc,....,, have 8mu removed I " balUrd down tb. door «,'',’icinr oil * U «“oc'ai/d..ii! r w-sr:^r!c sr# xrsras .■hlr'h 11 “'"ferradfrom Brow,,', |. n . Addition,! from Harper'. F.rry. WashiNfiTog. Oct 22—A - near Chamber..., ,7,,^., ." ^ “'hi the lusurgen Cook- ... ... a -ai- w —— I ha colored nnliiarv ronmanr ,i; 1,0 "n"i1 , . o n. d : , l ,n 7*145:'» F.rrv X!* 1 ' 01 r. A Mr. West, of Bridl * d. N. II., bs* t**' mulcted in the ism of $400. for breskmi t promistolmiriixie midtt Modern l*CNoau«a,—"What ar# »•■ writing there, my b-iy f" atksd a tend p«- rant th* other day ol his hopetul e-*''’ 1 ol ten years. "My cump- n t"* 1 thtr. "What ia th* subject f” "IntsM*' i?** U,ir -" rapltad the yoN'iiful Grc- But, really I shall bo unable is #•** my ideas, and give them ivUm* nbaniiy imarrui tsd in (kith ui#s*