Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, February 21, 1860, Image 4

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J. ENNIS & CO OHANGK OF BOHKDULK. COLUMUUS SADDLERY, HARNESS AND LEATHER STORE I II, MIDDLIiMUOK. k CO., 04, 33road St. /V-A M ANlIFACTCftFItH unit DKALtR I> HmMIfi. Ilnrnr.H ,»nd l.mllirr DR. CARTWRIGHT’S CHILL AND FEVER CORE! FOB M3W YOKKI BARE REDUCED! Pauafta. 1a>w at hy any othir STEAMERS. Cabin Passage $15! GUANO! J. H. BROWN’S PALACE ROOMS OF ARTI Thomas J. Dunn, ATTORNEY AT LAW FALL TRADE for 1859 LABROaWjjO. Fall ami Winter Clothing, REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH I ALnO. Cloths, MAKE UP TO ORDER 1 nSk oved styIe> ABRANTED 10 GIVE SATISFY IN AIJ- CASES. Chilton & Yancey, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, A Nil SOLlCIT'Um IN CIIASCKRV. i CUT. and will prattle- nth. Ln. and Equity Cwrtl of the following rnuaUr*. vis.: M< nigou., rj, A jUu- mm ter Their oOlce U at Dissolution. Hsss5s|ggs T ill A. VT. ill** wiiTaonUnu.totn.nul.etor. SOUTHERN LINIMENT, fa?w HARRISON & PITTS, COMM ISSUIN' M KRCHANTS, AUCTIONEERS, AND NEGRO BROKERS, SSSa tlnuau'v of tbyMtrvu*;;« h-retofor. to liberally m- UMlHto’tL ■-V" ‘ nV»il> Clvo^rpwKHi al“at- UKRCIIANDIf-r . f rVKHY DKUCRIITIOXl KKNTINU and - AI.Kof IlKAl. K8TATB: AI K •! N K.iltoj.M on O»lMIt'filoN, Me. Adminiitrator’B ' 1 ’ sfsisiSs Cash Paid for Likely Young: Negroes. W. bat*- Sill- saanrU,* trum »om« i»f the Columbus, Bapt,7,1«M dwly Elam & Oliver, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, W ILL practii’e m the counties <>’i Marion, Macon, Stowsrt, Taylor, Chnttahoo- chcc.and any o| the adjoining couniies whnn their nervier* may ho rrouinxl, ui:d In the Diatrict Court ol ilm Untied State for the fc n ’u. it)S8 °“’“f COIMltTNIiKKIllP. 'T'HE ilu«ino»» ol Barringer * Brother "IS' ^ ■elves togellit'i lor the purpose of a central ^ RIILDlMi nd executed promptly. W LOOKS, SA.S1I. BLINDS, and all naterinl need in the consliuctto.. ol Houses, tirniaht-d and sent to anv part of the cuun* ry. Also, Plans, Specifications, and K.ti '<’ f 11 M AlVl'l AfU 1AIUI IN 0 Ell, J. I., MORTON. iolnmhm. Jiin. 5, 18S4 iw 3, w If John A. Lewis, ATTORN KY AT LAW, COl.UMlllS, (I A. AVINO rotnc.vr.1 my I, Columl..,, Oa., TELEClUnUU NEWS l ! HOSTILITIES COMMENCED! TltK.viL.YliOl s SACRIFICE J DRY GOOD PALLING TREMENDOUS RUSH EXPECTED. v/ii2^,xr£x&32t£ta DRY GOODS Ready Made Clothing, IIATS AND BONNETS, ■ ,V U!•«.»’ Fl»|., " ■ l¥SiSJr«r ,, „^ 1*»ura, <, ^U~ Greatly Reduced Prices Our .«yl.. and -f « srasra: A. M. BININGEIl & CO. SOLE IMPORTERS, No. 338 llroa.lvray, K. Y. 1 In 1TTH) to supply In the history of the Trade. PIrert front* I,«l fUtn Bonded \\* ISX^lJS&V^ L. I WAR! WAR!! WAR!!! raf ift f..r your s«ut‘.-rn Liniment V, - ■SSwraSSsSSS »ISrtt i ^S;-rs5s. , s.{rse m^^^yco Mrl.lLVNs HTUICXUTII K M SO (OllIMAI. A X 1 > BLOOD I’URIFIEK. v. ' ’ :•; I.y natural I... When take*. It. Wull..* lullu.■■ Cordial It neutralise, any bilious matter In the stei l'.e«iC."Ntrengihrnln|c Co ; : . /.:.y ^ ssti s?s«.?swTaiarff IsSMWesasiH.'Bs: BiMsssSMss . I. THE BEST LlKIMEyT IN VhB WOBLD! A th°*U 11 ” 0R k ,R £| T 'c tit* f«»«>t. lie tried vnrioiu Halui.ttU, •ulrAi, *p , Ac., s^gtarmaaairnviig: rba^t^made ounmra, Pronch Laco Mantillas! isr ' I m,“V.',V; 1 |‘,'mrt.m’wlV.Ln’iVi'r ' lh ' I M l........ \..,rui,o on L *“*' "* I ber.u*e It always cun*. XSIUXS? - b v,rjoi‘c,™ ,h. i>. w. AiMNiON *^0.:^ I b/’miiuiio.'! a"c BEDELL ^ WEEMS. I • •■»I, ■! It v i : i ,„ ! ■ i v h,.‘ \ > . , January 14-wtf RAMI FI. M* “*• °*«- hT w ‘“ 4 **»•; X:SHSHSf; ,r L ; j; SprlnSold Piro & Maria iSIlssl^c til f r-aeur of the system fr.-m it. deMrurt.,.' 1 U pie-. I*u tuM, Blcubea. liItM,.'in,n^VT‘ *1 rsss Ayer’s Cherry PectoraL ll<r.ra.n-« tm | l r, VT* 1 ",' Lu ' d *- ,r ' - J. CL A \ IbK v< LOH'F.l.l., MAM*. aad by .11 dralrn everywbeti. > ^ DS a hd 0n N PERRINE & GIFFORl SDCCESSOKS to tJ-EMON s,^ BOW Th<n^.PrioMan^r fiaai 1NJ thlrk.iaa^i Whi n LIP iiAill ai. in.i lr j- r ROLLIXO WINDOW D LIN DC, ‘5®fe3as?-r \ 5 asy^': :: • Wmm New Bacon. IDS. Side, llama and Should, t* f • K. BAHMAI1 J Blown Salt. , «rut y hahn aI On Consignment. COIIJ Hand hjiuu Rope, *, 1 a 40“ 50“ :ioo Pork. 100 ' ur, “’ b ' Fub 14, ’» Planting Potatoes. 100“'I'.V",; , New Suear and 4()S2K»Mt‘i? 20 11 Parley Flour. CABK FOB BONES. WANTED ^ 50,000 POUNDS BONIS I M B '“ John J. T. &G. H. Waddell, ] “ ATTORNEYS AT LAW A.niM.-a “ * “ift I Pf***"** fc *** a Cm **9' a^. ia.. ». *a»mt. " %~a. ,'AKiTHKA,. j Marion Bethune, \\ KS“irjrd*.7 j Ramsoy & Cai’ithers, | attorney at da"'. _!!5'^ oa!»-.». i, ATTORNEY’S AT DAW, T.lbotlou. Ci.orsla. rnT?n°w S ^. Vmal0nga ’ ! ..iauJSSSJSSfe,. 1 COTTON FACTOES aad GENERAL W . mi ..a in , a . If R«mi..!ph, 'md.rih. l.i. Act. „f Con.rr,., >u ^Mmch <.'»° * *** * Richard Hooper, COMMISSION MERCHANT. uiiUit XALlUEs ftldUthLRAL m « uit, ano in .4®countiuaof Randolph COM MI bs I ON Mk.ltCH ANTb, I Clav. Calhoun Kaily, I)er«iurat»d Baker! Ho. 106 Bay itmt SataonaL, Oa. I °* »h«/ *uth Western circuit. r&Co’i ■ >f »- Doc. 5. '67-tww tl* Hinton & Butts. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Ovf'n'I'iAAa Ch.|.m«n. t( WM. P. ii5T5Xi7l |tS .. = »' tKH-il K )<• a ail >,'.<l l!arl,.,.~ j ATTOKNEY ATUW, msjgES&XffA-* u •twnd (.rnmplly lo the pure!. Cobb’s Statutes and Fora. 81atntm*of the State of GeorfU : S‘3 isl “SSa.;