Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, April 17, 1860, Image 1

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THOMAS RAGLAND & Go.,—Proprietors. 'voLUMFxxSrT A STRICT CONSTRUCTION OP THR CONSTITOTION—AN HONEST AM) ECONOMICAL ADMINISTRATION OP THE GOVERNMENT. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY M.ORMNG, APRIL 17, 18(50. OFFICE—RANDOLPH Street. "numberTT <L Ijc Jliiilii ifnnnircr. r u published Day—-Hu u day a Excepted. OT.t A”? PER AVMTM I\ ADVANCE, ■all Dollars If payment l» delayed »tx month*. (flu ( inquirer. POLISH'D EVERY TUESDAY MORNING. TERMS—^Two Dou.»R J and Firrr Caxni.pcr annum, ptysble rtrun'iMv'» arivanty, or Tunas D"ixa*.- l( not paid In advance. j; n paper frill be dUcontlnned while an.r arrearage 'a due, unle*a at the option of the Pullliher*; and U,ffi Dollar* will, in nil cat**, lie exacted where P»rmenl l< not made before the eaj.lratlon of the (oMcriptlon year. ADVEUT15>r.M F.NTS Oon»plc“ 0 ® ,, y Inaerted at Oxs Dplu« per eqnare, fortlie Bnt Insertion, and Firrv Carrs for every nbiequrnt continuance. Aiquare lu Die Enquire btheapaceof eleven lines In small type, contain ing, sill does, one hntidre<l won!*. LuaL AitvntfNKMrvr* publDhvd nt the niaal rate. » n d with strict attention to the requUlUons of Uie Nonne* over rijkl litvt chaffed at the reg- advert mug rates. HI pemtnonkatioii* Intended to promote the private , n ds or Inter *s.i of Corporations, f*.>cMIe*. tichoob (»Individual*. srdl be charged as advertisements. Thunday Morning-, April 12. I860. Hurrah lor Itliodc Island! No late political event j« to indicative ol v returning smse oi reason and justice a* he North, or so suggestive of a nmdo h) *hich that "sober aecond thought” may be nade available for the preservation of a •*-narilutional tmion, aa the result of tb» Hbode Island eleciim. It forebodes the •liter defeat of the DUck Republican pari) 1 • the coming Presidential election, if thr eaemi of wisdom which this election teaches • heeded. • William Sprague, who has been elected •overnnr by a large majority over the Black Republican candidate, is an old-line Whig. » airong conservative politician, and a very X'eriMve manufacturer. The Opposition ”■'* Contention nominated noth Padellord, Srwoid III ick Uepuhliran, lor Governor ; '•hereupon the NIN higa and othei conservatives bolted, held another meeting, ind n niuiMtrd Mr. Sprague. (Subsequently me Orinoeracy also took up Mr. Sprague, •nd the result of tho combination ia not •imy the defeat ol the Black Republican "Male ticket, but tho carrying of the Legis lature by the conservative allies. Last year, when tho contest wui between the Black Republicans and the exclusive Democracy, • ne Republicans obtained two-thirds of the popular vote of the State. Lo what a change! A comparison of tho differing phases and >f the result* of the contests in Connecticut •ind Rhode Island reveals a truth which the 5* >uth is called upon lo contemplate. In Connecticut, the exclusive Democracy ear ned on tho battle under the lead of their most popular Northern candidate lor the I’residency and their strongest {-Hale politi cian. 8o entirely did they commit them- selvea to the cause and the doctrines of Douglas, that it may be said the Contest in mat State was simply one between two modes of abolition or slavery exclusion. They boasted (but the old-line Whigs were • idtng them, and no doubt they did receive a.d and comfort Irons many members of that party ; und they brought lo bear upon the cinvass an amount of the talent ami the money of other •Suits inch na waa never concentrated upon one Stale election be tore. And yet they wore defeated. In Rhode Island, on the other fund, where • he |. ailership was commried to the con servative Opposition, the standard borne by a politician who repudiated both the bore* sius of Hcwuid and of Dougins, mnl where no extra wmk or money waa expended, the Black Republicans have b. en signally defeated in a btulo considered one of the most certain in their column. The irresistible couclusioi) i« that An exclusive Northern Democracy cannot wage successful tvar agiinst Black K-publican- l*ra, but that tho conservativo Northern Opposition can lake the direction and put down sectionalism. And the reason is obvious and palpable. The country is tired of Democratic rule, and many thousands ol Northern men who obbor Black Repub lican sectionalism are still more determined not lo sanction the Democratic system of periodical sectional agitation, the chronic corruption and double-dealing of that party, lie enormous extravagance and its intolera ble proscription. They have shown by their Course In Rhode Island, on a small scale, how it is that Black Republicanism cun be defeated at the North. It is simply by a union of con ervalivn men to put down both the Republiraiis mid the Dmnoi racy—to retire both Mnvsrd and Douglas into political returm by one mighty all the political evils that diairscr, . emhsrrao- •• d corrupt ilia country. Will ^ fy' -K # w | in t the fcJouih read this lesson sr'ght and 8 FORMERLY. THEIR OFFICE and HALtt- 1 co-operate ir. the effort to demonstrate A. M. jdAInIin liiLK & CO. (KhTABLIwHED 1J7S,) SOIjF imp* »rters, .No. 33H tlro»ilw»y\ N. \ . TIXtS DELICIOUS TONIC wpsclsll) disigned t -r lha in*, of lb« MatuevL Pao- icMton snd tbs FaMILT, possesses tbova\ntrinnc roe- dlrinsl properties (TonIn and Diuretic) which belong to all Old and PlIUB (J1X. The business ol resnnbriaring spurious gin*, and ottering them as l*vtrac«s. under the tlt'e* "Aromilie,’*— •OmUml," .“Madh-sted.'* etr.. tuts become no common. that tbs put-lie are justly a;*plelooa of nearly everythin* that l* offswd under similar (orms. and the trad* teen brouglit Into dlsrcfmie. It has re- nislnsd lor our house (eUblhbnd In 177h) to supply the pressias popular nwl. and to tnauquratu a >i**c In the history of tbs Trade. H <• tru»t thst our Mrtsbllshed repularion—founded upon M) years o( vparience—abundantly vindScaler our claim to pub is eonfldsnor. TNT. 33. A comparison of-liinlnger's Old Tendon Dock (Iln vlth others lirarlng similar names, will establish lurupe-torlty. and make other Caution unueoewtarr Pal uptn tfi'tar Bonin, In (ksesof t and Si d'*- »n ssrtr, and sold throng bouttha world by Druggalts Druggists and Dealera supplied with Winks and Hrandiks, Wrfct from Cniled States lionded Warehouse*, roiulelu Coluinlni.. (is., by JOHN \V. I1ROOKS, and CRUUIIART A CHAPMAN, icdby Druggistsgonerally. nov3,'60-dwly WILL COKTINUR TUB The Hecret Leaking Out. "OccniionHl," tlio Washington corres pondent of the Philadelphia Prtu, tele- graphs to that paper, under date April 2d, «s follows : "I J"»va seen a teller from II »n. Alexander II. Stephens, of (feurgia, in which lu punsel* nioderntion and concilia ion at CliTrleston, nmJ speaks very kindly uf the ebol Domucmis." How craftily "Little Aleck” and thr "Little (iiant” carry on their litt'e garni 'ogelher! The man who cannot are into ‘he game that ia going on—with u know- Irdge ol Btephons' and Toonibs' declara tions in favor ol Dougin* last year, with an oye to the “croes purport” and conflicting action of the two Democratic State Con* ntiona in Georgia, and to this recem eller of Stephen* to Douglas 1 friend* (vert indy lo Douglas himself)—must be wilfully nlind. The 1‘rcna and its correspondent are zealously in lavor ol D>>uglas, and it will be observed that "Occasional” says he "has seen ' the leller «>| (Hephrns—no mere report about it. The loiter, no doubt, war circulated among Douglas’ friends ut W tail ing ton, and shown to Forney and "Occa sional” among them. (By the way, we believe tliyi Korney hituaelf is "Occaeiunat.”) I hat ail excellent understanding exists between Douglas and Stephens is ijuite apparent, and it only remains the Convention at Charleston to i 1 eve I ope its conditions, mid then lor the Democracy ol Georgia to ratify the bargain* DSTJudno Douvlsa It that he will tiuliguaitt<y ion nominal ion, u any lo put him upon a Have upon 'he Adminis raiion Dred Scoii decision.—/’ornry' Neither Judge Douglas u is again declared ct^l^e the CUatlws* aiieiiip*. is made code plmtoriu, or nsirunion ol the hi* friend Forney need he at all alarmed on that scute. Tlie Charleston Convention would just os soon secede from the otHces of tlin Federal Government an it would demand what Douglas aneeringly term* u ••-lave code,” for tho deuuind would bo equivalent to a banishment from power and ollice. It will accommodate Dougins, or any other nomi nee, with a pU'f-jrm that can lie conatrued one woy al the Ninth mid another lit the South, auJ if i( wins the I'retuduntia! race an explosion will follow just as aoon ns the Democratic Congressmen of the two sec tions are called upon to carry out the conflicting j romises made to their respective Constituencies—ju«l as was the case will) Csss’ Nicholson letter, mill with the Terri torial policy ol the Cincinnati 1'lntfurm. Don't "l*ur your ahiM,” 8(ephun ! There's riot the least occHsiou lor oxritoinnnt. Aleck and 1 iuIlf-1 emi lit up all these ilnng*. TELEGRAPHIC. Roportod for tho Coiutnbua F.ncjuiror. LATER FROM EUROPE. PHINC1-A ALBERT. Auon?TA, April lOlh.—Tim stenmsliip Prince Albert arrived ut Now York to-day with Liverpool dates to the dial ull. Liverpool Cotton Market.—Sals of ihr week 411,000 bnlcH, ol which apeculntor.- look 2500 bale* and exporters 5,000. TbJ matket cloeed very dull. The reports wen irregular—some pay prieex easier but quo tations unchanged, and others report a de clined of |d. Brendsiufls dull; Provisions steady. Consola OIL Additional by tho Prince Albert* Tho quotatinmi tor Cotton at Liverpfo'l were lor—Fair Orleans 7V• I . MMIma Orleans (i)d.* Fair Mobil** iid., Midtlliiu Mobiles b.Vlbd. No quotnuons tor U',i The stock of cotton nt Liverpool was 817 000 bales, of which GUO,000 were Atner- «ale» were 4 000 bale*, and the irado closed vet v dull. iMaodiesicr udvicea tavur thlo. Tho cut on't ut llnvro advanced slightly, bui closed with n declining tenden «>• Rural Life lu Louisiana* SCENE IN COURT. “The next case” said tho Judge, as lie masticated die .slump ol un extinguished egar. "i* the State vs. Smelter; indict .cm mr n*Hault and buttery, Tim District attorney run In* lung bony linger* through Iti* bushy hair,and remark- «itti a conlidem swagger, *'\Vo art hat cuso up und proceed in From the New York Journal "f Commerce, IV here au»l are Savoy uud Nice I Tho mooted question of the annexuiion to France of the hard ini in posse**ioiit, Na- vny nml Nice, naturally draw» th« attet.tion of the American reader to that portion o. North- rn Italy. The Duchy of 8avoy bor ders U|>on France and Nwtlzrrland, and is tOout the sif of Donnect cnt. It aboundrt hi <hn most inagmlicrut mountain scenery of Europe, and tho earth ;* so completely wrinkled up, that i' h a wonder th-il man can there find foothold. Mount Blanc, so often placed by tho popular mind in Nwit- Sitrlatul, is the culminating point ot 8«vov, ll i* a country rich in inineial ore ; ami its erlilo slopes aflord abundant pi*iurngo to herd*, and some of ilt valleys contain lux uriant vim yard*. Tho Duchy of Nivoy • ontsins mure than *>x humlrud \biui>-aud inlisbitoiitv, iieitrly all of whom speak a has- aril French and Italian, besides a jtw- OrsakiitK patois of their own. Chamber), the, i# u well built city, ill a nvM picturi pque situation. It was hero (h it Jo seph du Aloi-ire, tlie celrhruted diplomalis', a>id Vavier do Maislre, the rquslly celohia- ; U q | led author, (of "a Journey around niv chant- kin be substantii ber,” itc.,) wore born- It was in Cbambery, j Court,—“Thun you plead guilfy, also, that »ur own countryman, Joel Bar low, wrote In* tumous lines o Court.— “D cs anybody reprejent do- tenduni Smelter I" As ibis qm etion tni ed io draw lorili uii answer, (In- Court ued, ".Mr. Shun IT. bring in ilio prisoner.” A very muscular, dirty-laced mail in 'cedy g.irmeniH, arose io In* loot, sulked heiivi y towaid mo Judge's desk, oxpecio ralt'J u binail rivulet ol tobacco juice upon Hie floor, ai'd, in stentorian voice, bawloii •ut. "Kro I am Judge; what in tho devil d'ye want with n teller I” dtuly, l adtmted myaett, Court.—"Smelter, the grand inquont ol Hio oilier puriy I was struck wnli Hi« pirisli lias preferred an indictment | uirl with blue etes and'dark hair, win igaiust you for wssouli and bailcry. Have . with some Iriends a lew mruia .liei n you employed counsel f imped *h»> noticed me and my Llue •S»iEI.RER.—"No, Ju-ige, I haint. What 1 •• ‘ lb’ tl — I’* too use o’ that ( l acknowledge 'ho corn. I did give Peter a lew aockdol lagera with liman 'ere, iIiui'h u luc , (Imld- A Love story. TtIK llACIIKLOR'd liUTTO.V. Some years ego, when I w'as mao and dream ng (a* some singlo •I double blis* desiined yet lo arrive, ;'ont to a cone rt at the Il-ill it Boston "jMusiO is poeiicully and prover my ouiMi nail’d.-) I •tally * tnl state I consumed a good d 1 not Him 1 hail any obje. f in view. Mini wi a nbn'raci loVe J 1 cultivate it.’ 1 io creased my * ock so that 1 rn'ght imve a ino lender passion on hand, litot) und 1 i I char:*' - 1-u.l. s -'Wcll. dllig the indictment, do you {' ' nil, a* lor that, Judge, I ilon't I’"" «.• ,d. h*vh l.e.-n . ! do",',Ml 1 '/" J«a) C lo" havo 'iu pty ^“loii nT M ‘ lie- lur yer, when everybody knows dej, I'd u heap whenever l saw an eligible opporHi-.ity inverting it. Well to return to Hie cm* cert, il was crowded to oxi c-s and tu« tusi on leaving, to leach the cab* and carnage* was very great. I wore on 'hat ble night a bluo coal with bra*-, buttons, and ll.tttered there tv. re vw- lookiRg men io the room. 1 tell yoncan- i brass buttons. 1 looked a enough to attract iter nmm-t and being, na rnv friends would her aialwai I bro ller. ' i na 1 raid handing him the brae let, ‘.a Mips Raymond's properi..; m.d.tnau h, *9 you perceive, I tv ar (fits blue coat wiin ihu braus loiiiuiis, ana 1 aiu Iln terad to tin- k my inuoiicis are not uogeinlemsoiy, 1 mn oouoo in candor to *uy 1 am uu p.ckp • set. ' • 1 lien, sir, you snail Iluve y ur," eutd me biu-hei, inking out uit* pulse. "No." I leput-d "lor, niruiige us it may I-'pp» ur. ill >ugn 1 mn no pick pock- •, I si- la I ilie tuny 's i.ruceiel." j t lie mull 1- ukeU pnxzltd; but when I told lie iiuin.uiid poi.iit-U loin- u-Jver.we o> nt j oi ilie same paper, US u prool iuid not waul no piupuuy, iieiaug eu heaillly. nod did i ripiioo oi ine gen lemaiily pick, ucaei. ’ t\ ell.” tie said, "you mot beiiei wsik n and nave-na wnu u*. sou my sister wi I I- aide «u Buy wiidorr slit can spe k io ok d inyseil i Ml VMlti iull. story < Tim luoy (io a J \. r. iseuiein) eapiu I bine coat, Sales ol tho week roach 10 000 The Lohdon inon.-y iiiurKUt was dendi'd- stritigeni. The bulli- | hi times put. tor thi'ir bigotry, ignorant' , >1011 a ccrli in naivete, and simplicity of I dmsotcr Kmce tho constitution of Cotlo I Albert, 8at»*y mid 'be Savoyards are much cltstigcd. Rillways are pushing through I the Alps ; the telegraph wires siretch over cstdblo inountnin pa-ses ; the Bank of England had decreased jCyj.OOOj -•jiichh free, unlei , i a wiler Uienre, becuuse ten years of a Adilltloiml by 111* SI*R«n. [ be „ * c ,| uc „„„„ l,», ,h„ ““ M "°" j I.H,„„V.'-li-T-tinit mi.,Min. nml is*. 7Jid. j Mbl. Orleans 0\fcl Ulan tU, en * r'»y ha* bee *' j' 1 -1 Mill. Mobile <1V| 1 ptio>ts (in • Iks lo tho cot been broken und iho constitution itud t« n d-floamu of knowledge) have net me bravo N.ivoyanls under their thumbs us formerly. The country of Nice in n very sntnll por tion ot the Kingdom of N,\tdittiu, compel- hnrided between the niniitime Alps and the ^ ( .Meilitcrrun.-ati, and between the river* Var * Miid'it'e | a,, fl Andora. li is but little larger than the State of Rhode Island, mid lias k’50,(K>0 in* relegvaph i habit' Fair Urlcaus Fair Mohlle, “ Mbl. Uplands I'he sunk ut cottmt ut Liverpool wan 840,000 ol which 70J.IHMI bales w ere Amor* Manchester advices were lavornblo, at an advancing tendency, and with a better inquiry. A' Havre. New Orleans tres Ordinaire was linn nt 105 Irancs, and Ills at 'J'J. The sales o» the week were 8,000 biles, lind Hie stock on li.ind is .’.14 (too hales. Latest FROM LlVRRPOOt*—B to Queenstown, Sunday. March J.i.—Tho j Ntteltcred as it i* by tlin Maritime Alp kales of cotton yesterday (Satuniuy). reach , „ n n ortl« and east, a enj .yu a cimute 7.1KK' balo.,wl.iel. c i.ln.ol * uml,.< | 1110 „ | lke N , pll .,. |„ .-i,,,, iHirters took 1,000 bales. I be market clo-ed v \- • quiet bui meiidy* Brcadstulid were firm I Cl . li '• ,,r . ,c, ‘* * ,e B r0ttl nd provisions quid Gknkrai. Marxkts.—Flour firm and ad vanced G-l.; holders dem Hiding tuithcr ad vance. Wla al firm and uilvuored 1s. since day. Corn dull. (Sugar quiet und tr- nnUy ilthv I'lugluUiiieii, Russian*, AmertcutiH und Genoan*, who go lliither in winte seek a refuge Ir in the cold blasts of North. There are vast hotels and boarding houses — containing more comfort and ide- gutico ibin similar caiiitdisiitut-tils in other they'd lie lies, C.—"What are vour tttenns. Smaller t" ii.—“Why. Judge. I ntcuus to do what's right, niid nothin' shorter.'' C.—"You can't iindersinnd, Mr. Smel ter ; the Court wislie* to know lor 1 was n« (iillident us dev -tnd, "as-It. j v ‘f »•*< as I was viiin,” m an ovet candid Ir-tnd ; ; ,v ‘" uu 1 once said. Hull Columbia, which coue.u- I Wl,t; " rt ded the concert, surprued me. ns 1 was J unpreparcu at my first glmce, to improve occasion, nml the coinpuuy were sho v - wh'lo I stood mu:ely g.tpi lirnt s'cbt. foil 1 imling ’ yes, pecniiinr v t K. 1 lit C -"Yen.” S.—"Wei, you Btuinlm' was jest il range with ding hts hit loot.) back w us ugm un u ottco said, T^d’erci C.—.Slop, Nineil know tl yon Ituve >i ii puoUcly When 1 charge • met, Mitt ulwuys goes wiu. moiiiem done, | u , diniuse* l< Wtdl any ed he pickpocket, tn* lungCi auoi „• my liamvo n-.d kIuz- d - auveru*einenl hi sermeu uy my own gentletniiniv love ut iirat relit.Mie and her party ' “ptt*<p cket, 1 eddied u while by the inner dour ol the ‘ concert ro-un, una were then drawn o M i into iiie retiring current, nml lost to sight. I followed quickly fitter, Icat I sin old ' never ull opportunity ol ixentilyin heuri -.ini pockrtieil her bracelet. my idol: but ulus' |bo lights in the outer 1 . What, at the time corridor were few and lar hctwien, bo uiat no fflimiMen ol my star could I get. I | pushed and elbowed my wny tiuice > i, Judge, mv peculiar through the crowd, with n view of goMing [ (ttruiging Ins left lint J in tho ottisido d besides ->»riy hud emerged, and tnus gaining uu more a bight ot my sweeting. "'1 muttered impatiently, I lull a tug r my ’null what you C.—Thon the judgment ol’ tin* Court is, thin you lie cuiliood in the parish j itl for lorty-eight hours, dating Ironi lo-mor- row' iiiormiig. N. -Tliiui I any, Judge, I'd like to know how in mo deuce you'to gwinu to git over tho buyou el you sock mu lu the jug. I „ , huiut g.u nobody to he n pull iho lurry flat, a. u " tl 1 « ' .Mi aiuleriiig to Ir. >1 wuter known u ivltieh tiiu angry < t'tglulul velocity, bayou Tu ally conscious ol one ol my hind 'buttons having hitched to some luily'a dress ; tuy I pro. ices wus suddenly arrested. "II iw I provoking !" Raid i, us 1 was toiddeoly brought t-iu Hal'd, lor J could not push on without losing it button or tearing a dress; "how provoking iho modern Int-hi -ns ; « Indy now Itus as many hoops und lei.acHies aboui tier as u nt-u unt-tiione.'' It was wtiu t-oiiio irritation that I Slop ed to undo the button, hut my hurry made Hie iumv more dillicoll, and insteud ol undoin b inglud und more tivistid The Fo-ly ol War.—A F-blc. coNVciisation or tuk vuliursi. [Supposed to bo nclii be.Ween nii old vut- i- and Iter young ones, and overhiard by B dieiutan snephed while teiidmg bis Ck] ••iVty children," said the vuliure, "you ive seen me sua>ch lr..ra tne tsriu tbe •Useltold l-.wl-, a. it H.e Irv.rM m tne 11.11, und the k d hi itio pssiure. Hut you memb. r the taate ol more Uelictous lood I have olien reguLd y -u with the fle*h of ••re.ll US ursl lood ol b«‘>ughv u m ’•FIm } lot : > try ! loop around said the indy her* r Ihu busiiit-sM, ’ said the young vultures, n-uy I * I-'Und, Slid how he II. Ills flush t sur. ly the 04t- i vuliure. Whv hsVs you uut lit in yovir Vsl.-na lo u» in tbe i 1 looked ut her i i a ll.n, urdciis w hr re i like a serpent by tlio *tdo ol ""IF means ol crossing it t j proputiy ot ijincltor* and the inode ol l.rry* | < by liuillmg Oil it rope l ift tent'd 1 und traversing throwuii i ROOMS _ t*t tho L>w r 8tore cf Redd, Freer A Co., th*v will li^ happy to *•* si) thslr obi *ud n- w t/D«ls and customers. They »r* prcparnl to ill ail Or'ari for O ods mase Adva- cea. M rstcnci th* u*int| facilities t<> ihelr fri*-n I* and xrou*. Jims w kim,, A. M A l.l.l- N, TIIOMAH CAMAR. dwtf Notice to Shippers.' 1«* •t _ he |i, touethtr wllli prwlli's'orlin •*. trratl*. iMluty c. .... ' Ua t th* rsclpt smi c u ,*»* when tho Cnttou L 7fe«Ual.)l:it\ of the Company twfln* with the •"■•B off thsCsr* st iHi %rd. Ths llatallte on all •l<»«t* r**w-« when th*-y* •4) Sir 'i.-ilverv si th* Ktslh.iis to which they * 5.2W5C from live set Joined resnlu sin t! .^2!^''-^'. " r b , ' n /o-ds nr- dr-11 versa st t “ 1 ' where nr<W -d. the 11 billty practtcully the truth which it teaches ! htw OrtcuhH Karr*. On WriJursday the -llh, the rore at mile bests, best lltror- in five, lor the club purse ol $UtH), was one destine.I to be tinted in Iho s> nuls of the turf. I is second heal I uostruc The agitation in Hnngnry continued and j HsLt*m.«n, I.itnurtnn-. numerous arrests had been imido. j . _ . Advices trom India report tlio comlitiou oi tho cotton crop highly tavotuble. Tite IfekolutioiiH before tlio senate. The Nenatr ol tho United Ntulca is ut prevent engugrd in dtscUHrtng tho icnolu- nous in rcft-rcnco to tho slavery qu. ation, etc., introduced by linn. Jell. Divi* and agreed upon by a majority ol the Dein »- cioiic can- us. ll is not, however, supposed by anybody that tho DutnocrHcy will permit them to be brought to a vote before the meeting of the Churle-tori Honvonttoii, as the action of the Intter body may seriously aflret their party expediency. Mr. Ken nedy, ot Md., has introduced a series of resolutions proposed us u substitute, which e'nbraco the policy of tlio conservativo Opposition party in Gnugrnas. They re-stlirm tho principles of the Kansu*- Nebraska act, rejecting tho odious alien suflrage and squatter sovereignty tualuri-f. We cpy Mr. Kennedy’s resolutions : licsolied That as the unity ol govern ment, ordained and established by ihu Lon* solution ot tbe Untied Mult*, t tlin main ptllnr hi Hie edilicc ol our nauonul exia* u ce, the support ol our tranquility nt liunio. our prosperity, and n| that liberty we *•> jusily-prue, all should p-opurly isliinulu 1 Hie value ol our co"*inuir-nnl union to our collective mid tmltviduul happiues, ; und that nil ubst uctious to Hie execyiiou ot { to- Hie laws ; all combinations and oeeiional Two minority reports urganixaituiis, undur wnaiever plaiimitile Iroin H:a judiciary commit ire atis'iiimi character, With the real design to dtruc, 1 ('resident's views. The sulijcut wn control, or counteract the del twrutiou a id ] linued. Action ol the c-ui-ntuic-.l Hoihorities, «ru i WAUiiiNatOK, April 10 — In tlin M. jI ihu luiiJuuicmul principle to-day, tho homestead lull was unde coined the anm xutiun ol Tuscuny, und I 01 * ,0 *y and there i signed a decree to llraietieul. ; “»•• rose and the myrtle bl. Tho French army wus daily qititiing J the lemon nml onngo. Lombardy. Thi* ih not regarded ua cold-j Tha river Var, the piesnnt limit hetw ■ii-k. Inward, Siirdimti, III. in- jNic.iul Kr.iicp, l. twi-lwr . u«w liou.ida. | " d '-|- ‘-'V '■ irr.voc-1"*. . n „ r “ J. It is rtniMHini ed III.if Mm .S/irdwiinn troops ,, .... . , have co.nmencad tho . vseun.i-n ot Savoy. » Lru * 1 Un r *y r ' \ r , ' V,,M the I " 4 "|“ fd " A French deapa ch, explaining tin- me j ,,rH « the Ku>n»n Lmp-r.r, Aligns. «"d n *■-. huppo easily lur ilio unm-xaiiou of f-nvoy, hua iu*, us the houml.iry el Italy on the north- | ‘Jxuieri niuong bee - published, which, however, conluios , west . A* we un ninui d ill a lormer orlt- j H nothing now. Franco disavowa tho theory c |e, Nice and Nav..y have bulb been pans . nt the French Umpire, und wneuthe Fretich M "" ,,|,or I It.'pubiic was proL'Iaiilied in 1818, • hero was immi'duto overture mule lor the annex* been debated.' I ution ol tins (Million ol ihuumi.-nt House The Ux-Duke ot Tuscany was preparing I "t Muvuy, but Churlca Alb«-rt rejecud with proinst against his^expulsion. > j pruiiiHtudu the suggestions ol Ihu puclic hair and I A» attv 1 * , u alight "He is too bulky,” said the mother.— • V\ hen we li ,d n man, we esn only tear iw<»y In* llei.ii, and ie*v« hia bonus on tha jr-.utitl.” ‘•tin ce man is so big," said the you« g joes, ••Row do y..u kill I im 1 You ure • •raid "I the wo11 slid the bent j by what l» -wer ure vultu • s superior to malt 1 1. he t defeucrtess lUSu « s'Ueep l ’ • the etl—perlmpi by pro I'.xptilsloll uf (inn. ISicLIey. Nrw Orleans, April 7,—The KmghiAnl tlio (iolden Circle, have expelled Can. Bickley from the order, and appointed Col Greetihow us Cummander-iti-CInni. oil tire si. Ion til, Wasutnoton. April 7.—The Sennle were engaged upon District ol Columbia busi* The House were enguged upon privato | bills. \Vasihnoton, April !• —Io iho Snintr-, to-day Mr Chcsintt, ol Nnuili Carolina, made a speech in deienco ot slavery in a commercial nnd pnhtical point ot view. In the course ot his remarks, he showed Hi" injurious cflect of cmnncipniion tu the West Indies. The Homea'ead bill was then token up. In iho H-.iise the jiuticiary co.nrniiien mads a nijori v report nguinst Hie grou-id nssuined by the I’residont, hi lii» lulu pro to*' again-1 the invest! uting comuiit'i;.-.— Mr. Dtliciitlgf'H x tu'i'enry Hill. I The (''Uninitico on Cominorcn of the | Federal Hoiixo of Rcpr<'sen>attvea tin* had I n fer-i-d to it an important bill, introduced I by Mr. Etheridge, of Tennessee, the object [ ol winch is to ••*■(nlili»li nml regulate n paper I circulation ol uniform v.ltiu thrmigbinit the . United bliites. li provides that the Coiled ! Stoles silb-lr. ai«i)rerM or treasurer* of the j mint und it* brnneheu shall receive deposits of gold or Silver, nr gnbl. and give ( of from twenty t ite* therefor, in u ' thouNnnd doll,ii lemble bank purj.oso i ■ ilio - llice they sro Was the Isslust repealed mile ever reported, j being made in the extraordinary time 1:44). ! j The entries were Jsrkson's Allendurl, by j Ci--. Kilii/l.,'. li.-peiitknce, by | J.' Lexington. Hunlrr’s Loretts, by Lecomtu, a u,g),. Minor's Verona, by Yorkshire, and Wood's ! continued taint tendency. Unshed, Thai Hie principle* nnd p t*. j the guui northern party, which I tho neglect and del rituitvely aoootinc ly otto uto. pie.J und adoji i loeruloru based upon -numitled (hereby to ill lot inn ot .lie :■In very question cusston. In the House, thn n< w B s the prictpsl mutter considered >f K a signed by the Hecrctor? of the »»r s irin one appointed for that 1)ih innnc, an I counlorsigiM'd by receiving Ho* deposits for which » Im exchanged. Thesn ccrllli- » be iraiisferaldn by delivery, and rn be received in p-yment ol all due* lo the United Hiatus, und ro-issued in liquidation o| (j.ivernmeitl ill Iris il tltn creditor is w j|. ling. Tile Wccreliry of the Tn asury may authorize such collectors ol revenue us lie msy designate to receive deposits of silver und gold und i*wuo the c-rliiicalu*, the Hec* rotary determining the place ol payment ol these uollectors’ ci-rtilic.»ii'«, bui nil oilier* uro to lu- nude psy.ibln ut t!u< place uf |s*u- nitcif. There are other detail*, guards, mid > cheeks in the bn'!, but lie se arc the gonoral Alt Morgan, by Grey Eagle. The first heat | was taken by Repentance, in 1:48$ ; and tionul, and lend then caroo the exciting and ni-vrr-i'sggma contest for lha second heat, which wa* won lbs tf-xxl* * erty tbut durneslic common uctu 1 t*y a single stride by Alleudotf, Repentance weltare, and being on his haunches, and Loretta's noso • iWItof({•«wwtisr*.'' ' ” even with lha asddle-gtrtb of Repentance. iuSldsLof Frrijrb* will bs .|«tH*r,-.t untlll all , 'r h . uihrr two Krais Kv 'yonn tbe »l,ol* bill* ar« p„/t. I ne otner two In als were also won t.y ^•Hwnl^rlR 1VIWV ' Allendorf alter contest* nearly equally close Dissolution. I *" d ,a *‘. !*«»«»• being second tu both and eeBWMjaeunceoflheclrathofWTLLIAMDAN.ini the race. Time of the hoAts—1:48^, "* flmi or iiumif*. damei. a cu.. >u ' i the ill!i or February, |yv». | si(ni*d, »• sur ivuig partners, art rn *11 claims av"ln»' -Bid llrn>; nn.l those ’ saul i.rm si.l pit-nse si-nle linrui-.'.lNtely •ess mu.i h»- closed. The tunlerfiKiii-J, In the name and style of iFL,ih» Arm «.r m r.he*, damel a co.,»u ' i iij • i.jci 1-171 oaths Atb of February, |y>». l.M). I.m^. i.jf). u»e amUrsiyned, ss sur Iviby partners, are ready | On Thursday, s purse cf $800 was hung aged hors.s; 5wo entries, Nichols* 1. -«. Mciuifio. Nicb-.i.. .... itc j ;;”y mi ni o| Hie rent and 1 the country, arc sec- i.pinr 1 but 1iK.1t perfect crl lltui justice, io de.siroy runqutliiy, lo weake > Uiat re, 10 M-urd that yeneral imper.l ihu l.bksuig* ul Ub- ns and pueitrny which Hio constitution ol the b' Siutcs ol America was ordained and established to secure, UtMolitd, Thai in rmiiect to the Terri tories, tiiu common property ul the United tSttttc*. it m the ugh! nt ihu ciiii-.n» ot the Untied .Slates lewtully and pcimniicntly residing in any 'lerriiury thereut, to Irame their constiiution und laws, mid lo regul nil 1 llteii Hughes Si Hodges, U^onrlnoe the Warrhcu.e nnd Commlsiion Fuxineas, Ml Uielr branches. fitOco at Hie I.owru. Dai H M. H. Ill Hltr^, tiuin»r>). the tellers! L-mstHunon, with the j lege ol admission tnlo Hie Union, wlit-i 1 j I they have lire requisite population I I favorite, snd won tbe race in 3:37, 3:414— representative hi Congress. 1'rovidtt | .w-mil. Ii.bii. *■“).'• TV- 1 ■" xo"* at the Dinted hiate* unJer 'ho Co rd front the | ,l,,,on i** w " thereot, nnd who Celuaibn*, G», February 13. l-ia> WAR! WAR!! WAR!! rnWRUOKO 4IW.IK-T PAIS* or A«t HSU St A. W. AhttN'S Tl'I.KN I.IMMI-M . X *ns 'lu.iir'i worth llisi in- F ■•rthsn, lintravnts. For (amity and Plants ■*n os* It hss no «,ual. It cures lt‘.« 1 j ry We j Now Dries I Tm K. O. ( tut Hu 1 iliowiitg vmiu mo 1 p |XV( j r(f|1 ,d eiice many such Territory, ought 1* J icayune «f the ti.h tnst. : i„ participate in the lurin itton ol the cun- —A card appears.! in ths True Dslta, j siiiuiion, or 111 Hie enucHucnt ot taws lor 1 me na intv., cliarginx n.e with tolxig si. iMMMirra s„jd 'Territory or Hlslu. ••fiH uml-r a of thr responsibility which thr 1 hold lu the K li. C. «rgsalsatUm places J * * ♦ —— i , ,»i”.7. l ..7 l .!.7,r'!h.7i%mi7".‘ii«J l i w * Bo.'t W.»t liiu !—-H.tmonj,” | .netting of thr K. u C., onu prc.-iniing uiy**ll j the intense Dftugh* correspondent of the .my b** them * full *ut trank i Mobil* Kr^ti/fr, wnlri to that paper from Harses-. smi rr-ry ,. nP h-III "••Mroooey by kr.plDR ssupplv „n hand »a-Pr«|»ii-rd by Ur. A. VV ALLF..N, Uo turn has. A W^tuS** ‘k* Sgxaiaraand ».*' ’ CBQUHART A CHAPMAN, • " ltKOOK8.HolMiQhws.ns . On* community to suspend tti. tr Judgineiit uuiil 1 matters now forcibly held private can he made public. Gao. Sew Uriesn*, April 4, lk®u. Death or Jauka K. Fasluino.—Hardly, K»r*sleby CRQUKART A PIIAPMAN, remarks the Richmond Dispatch, have the Wsstfit s j 0 -*"• «f .l" ln « tomnwned lo r.i.. lh..r tiny heads over th Washington living, *a and rilUfc. t ^ ,C * c T* 0]< »•• trrsei • ■wtaero Untaent until y? fn Untawnt a Utr uAxl. ave given the 8<>uth- June X#, 'o^-twwtt ■ PI new-mtde grave of New York, thiil Mr. Uuthwuuu sa)t openly and publicly that if Douglas is nominated at Charleston he wilt boll the Democratic party and support the nominee of the Union National Convention .' Good Lord deliver us! In that event, we will hsvo lo bull the Baltimore nomination. — Houihem Liniment: "e I over a bn-tdred bottles of your valuable » *i < * ur * n * the t*»t year »«d do u»l hr*itat< •Tiny that wr never saw* Liniment *-jual to It, i , u *' , d • 11 kin-pi. Weha»ros«-d yours for h't Negroc* and llor*«-s, snd In no lu- |*a««h»s It rsllrd to rf*fi sprrdy reflet. Ri eon- l.,T* lavMlusbJw usedirine for Cholic, Fpruin*. ..... , g .*«Kings. Frt-.h Wounds, Ac., au>! wo»l«* •« »H-mui it f ur any vonsld-ratlon. "Mr ij-dwit j. VEJtNOY A Ca 1 *- VILUa. j. r. WILLI# Willis & Willis, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Talbot ton, Talbot County, Georgia, ^ five prompt attention to al* buaine*. ,utr «au81» their care in Talbot and *he ad o.nniioa. Mar, h v *A« v »f Ai'ciarA Lucrto.v.— At the municipal tho literary world , , , 1 election on .Monilsjr last, r osier Blodgnt, jr., on tbo "Independent ticket,” waa re-elected Mayor, hut the entire "Kuopio's ticket” lor Councdmcn w*a elected, by an average uiaputty ol 'J23 votes. Tho vote for Mayor aloud, Blodget 700, R. H. Msy 638. l'arly ri** Ths Baltimore Dispatch of March j politics were not lo any general extent 31st says : "Our Slats is entitled to sight j j n y 0 |ved in the election, and Mrssr*. Blodget votes iu the National Convention. Tbe j gn d May both belong to the Opposition i* called on to lament the d«ath of bis inti mate associate and former co-editor, James { Ktrke Paulding. He died on the 4th inst, j «t Tarry town, N. Y., in tho 81st year ot | his age. ( fat Be ever Wasted ! ‘Jj Highct Prioa Paid for inch. *N>lyte Juft trtends ot Mr. Uuugla* have elected their lelrgatee in the 3d, 3d, 4ib and 5th Con gressional districts, and one in the 6th district. The two Banatorial votes ara not ountad frr him, yet thera ia no one author- zed to say they are against him. In the ty All the Virginia District Conven tions, except one, have now betn held. Wise will probably have eleven delegates al Charleston, and Hunter nineteen. This x lha 1st Congressional district the result is not *‘11 f'*® Hunter lbs vota of Virginia yet known." iy The Black Krputdtcans have again .reveiled at ths municipal election in Hi. Louis. In Cincinnati, tha Demograts bavs bseo succMsful, u usual. ) Convention. 17* Tbs notorious Dr. limes baa just been asnt tu tbs Tennessee Penitentiary for three years, from Memphis, for obtaining goods under falsa pretences* Stillborn Itclciibt'd by n Stoic Court. BuhT'H*, April 4, P. M.—Justice Shaw derided tu relercnco to tho w it oi habeas rorfnis, tint the S"rgcnni*at»Arms ol iltn United Stines .S'*naio could t ot duputn In- iiuthority to another party. Mr. Sanborn wan accordingly discharged pnu leli with his friends for Concord. There war mncli npplaose in the court room on the unnoum-o- iiitnit of tlie decision. Fperlal Dispatch lo Ilio Cliarleston Courier. 'I lie fflt-xicun Steamers. WAHiltxuToK. April 7.—The two slettn- era captured olT Vera Cruz uro to ho n,-m* back to Havana, and lltu prisoners relouso d Texas Democralle Convention, Nrw O.U.EARs, April 9.—The Demn- crane State eonv<mtiun ol Texas mot at Galveeton on the 2nd tost. Tho attendance at (lie convention wai largo. The pLi- loroi sdoptud tiikcs high and dccitlt-d south, ern ground. A resolution wus passed re quiring tha Texas delegation to tito t.'lmr- lesion convention to withdraw from the convention m case the two-third* rule js rejected. 5q7“ Old Rowe kept s Hotel in the north- i rrn part of York Stste, which ho boasted w is the best ill them parts; whir.*, ns ho ts*d to say, you could get anything Hr,l waa ever made to e«t. One d ,y in ante a Yankee; lie sent hia horse around to the stable, and stepping op to the tar, asked old R »we what ho could give him for dm- "Anything, sir,” says olJ R ,wo : "any thing from a pickled elephant lo a canary bird's tongue.” "Wa'al,” says the Yankee,eyeing Rowe, "I gurss I'll take a piece of pickled «-le- Gut hustle* Rowe into tho dining room, leaving our Yankee Irtemi 1>onplu»*cd nt hia gravity. Presently he coinca buck “Well, we’ve got 'em ; got ’em all ready right here in the house; but you’ll have to lake a whole one, ’caus.- we never cut ’eu.!" - Tkitf r-iR ScuLiMStu.—Mr*. Nanny Hte- phenaon wa« tried before Judge Monroe, at iho last term of the Court at Anderson, .South Carolina, on an indienn'til found against hvr in March last,sotting lor'li thit she was a common scold. Mr. ijpruker Urr conduced the delunse, and moved i-> •jitash the tod CUB Ml on tho ground that boing a common scold waa not an indictalilt ofTenoe in South Caroline. Thu public prosecutor, Mr. Meed, on tho other hand, read Irom the books such law as war- thought to austatn tho indictment. Aftei the close of arguments the following urdat waa passed > "On hearing tho motion in this case, U it ordered that lha indictment b« quashed, 01. I rhs ground that portion of the common law relating 10 thia offense being obsolete rioutb Carolina.” ; f—I )• flic “I any, Jndgo, y “No. 8mit|iur; 1 qucktioii f“ . my ‘•Inrky. I’m gw ino t tins t to lltundei, winch t-(1 e•** sure 10 Uo cl situ mrtkoa tin-in snugs, el you dont remit mat nr judgnoi.t n-e Sinie got ugm tnu in your Court” * Why, Smelter,'* exclaimed tho Judge, in evident trepdnilon, "von’ro derangud, The court can’t possibly do 1 Im 1 nt proai nt Sncii u procuuiiro would he sicnnlly tutor* mul; lit fact, siipsr-cxirn-jiidic'iul, nod ol no loreo or validity. The court, you ob serve, is not now in the position ol n court, but merely Hint ol 11 private individual ; h'-nco whatever com so it might pu site in tho present exigency, would avail you n’light. True, my tricnd, when the emit is 'in lino’ or 'liiiiclimi,* H is then Hio t x*. ponent "I Hip low, nod known it" other ' jllUIClnl 1 I runt eirlliiin,' nod dutu.-mimi) to |tru-. itdiuly. I tr ed io heip tier ; our ling, rt> met. "IMi'iiso 10 maiiu wny there,” shoitied n grnil voice behind. We were hi eking up Hio pu-suge; w. n there ever #0 unlucky u spot lor so 1 uck) an euiaiigleiiiuii. f . "You hinder |»i)"ji1e from going out, A nun,” (Xciaiiucil «me of oir c.nnp iiuioiiN, wnli t mu! uspcriiy ; “plague upon tiiu tire some loop, tir< nu it ;' m d tui i> g th** ward, cuugtit Hie hIoi-vu ot tier bsautifiil mug u quick qod uccidea tug, 1 anpnrn* I separated 11 i lio crowd bore on, nnd < ted, uoy, however, bclote 1 _ a look which 1 i.i'uudcd to spouk v •Iihih-h, 1 thought she did not seem o my moaning—our uyc» mut, 1 know tnu this wuh tnu only consolation ictt me. to. Hitmediauly ulierwnrd* I l ist her and Im party to view in ihu tiaiknena ouisiue. That tt'ght 1 scarcuty closed my eyes, thinking ot my "hrtglil peculiar snoiild I umpl >y out. 1 know I n large onu, and name of my lair •- was liopt'less, Hid •«y. .My lovog of n c da., ii search, i rci nod 1 eu my llaine uvi n wn it tnu coiiuuo,.idiiuii n the t no 11 tin a 1 o bun.hi mut Int-j Ui-iu nu • lelluvv, und I'll tell you I **>o “btuck eyed divtit ly” so long. It wn* do.’’ wnli no luilu ovltght Hint i now dincuvciuo Judge, lei’s hsvo if Tlio whatdtd nut lioturu uatcti my eye—a Iran- ndge nine unuihur inch till l | muni ul llw mtk loop ot her dt«s* still ml- Hio bollon, twisted round the 1 proved it to my lips ; 11 wn- hlor—nod stooped to rilouuluii lu D tress of tny loved one's hair, when o-miu and Mr. 1 thing cltokatl m my »km jhc .ut. y» U p and ol ihu rope.— pn»‘d I | ;“ y # ‘ my tiuiid ttiio tin- pocki giia my jest rigbif.” I hered “It ih Hus, SHriir|t«:r. Il you will land the | “honk court solely, it will pAy you doiudn leiringc *‘Lc 11 tn addition to Hie bitm it is already in dc* Bom 1 la 11 It.” “Can't begin tu dciii, Judg ho lUotln-r, “ I am 111 cou 1 w<- imvs hia -uoih y ; and the vut- ur * Would seldom IcidupOu lu. flesii, nnd i.ol nature Hint d voted lum to our use*, in* IosmI irito Iiiiii u strange ft-iocny, winch I li.ive never ub-e.v d to sny 0 hrr being tt.«l teed* upon III« earlti. Fwo in rd- ol aten wnl ulu ii un ei and shake lor gr< uint wuh n-'isu, ui.d lilt Hie Mir With fir.. W ll 11 )„u hear ooi-c, and see fire wt.tch flashes slo. g u.e ground, hasl.-n to the place wiin your swiliu l win., for men are suiety ilestruying one al)"ltier , y- u will lind Hi. smog- n.g Willi blood aod co». red wiin i-arcss-es, ol wlitctt itisii) are maugled ready lor lha • Uni wtii ii mt'ii liuvn killed their prey,” snd ti/e pupil, 'wl,y do they imleai til v\ lien (he w-di lias killed a sheep, lie -ul- J Ur* riot iho vuliure lo ouch ll till he has "U'l-iled hlinseit. 1* It ol mall aiioih.r kind ol woll I" I "Man,” said the ru iher, "is ihe only beast w ii • kil.s what tic does not devour, and , ' Unit 'bl* quality mikes hlUl so much a bsntlsc- md n r . 1 or to out specie-.” cli wus 1 -«li men kill . ur prey, nnd lay il i iw 1 ho w „y,” said the y. uiig one, "whsi 1 t h ' a - °* •abu-ing lor ourselves !” K eyes, j "U» . auso man will sorbHimes,” it re! ; *he •<> 'Hi r, "remain (or a long i.n too so j lo his deli. Thu old Vuliure will ten you in m> win n you are to walcii lit* moiions. VA hen '«?. °V * ! 7'‘ u ^ , ' t * *’ ' llr,, °* u " u "* 1*01116. rs, moving closely together line a ll ck ufsl iks, u uiuy concluue tt/ul they Kunlii.g eacti o 1 r, mnl t.ui you wth tom* nml m ii urn n n blood.” "Bui still,'' sai l U.e young une, "I would gladly know the reason ot this iiiuiusl laughter. I could never kill ihsi which I r. {lied tha j'Digit n«ln | my pciiurbattoii uud t-xcileiuu.n 1 om/tieu What's tmk Diff ern have been r.using a terrtblo rumpus in j certain pwrlmna id iht» Bt'rie becansn r»wi» I <>r two b lok.prddh ra have been selling what they cull incim-liary books. Well, ii appolrri that every Democratic member of Congress fiorn this 8lslo is engaged in cir- culatmg the (ate speech of Munatnr He- wurd. A Dumber of copies have rraclted here hearing tbe frank of Mr. Singleton, and wo l•'1fn fmm the Urnrnlon R- puldicnn that Me-fcis. Reuben Davis and John J. McRae nrr engaged in circulating tln-m in Hast Mis sissippi. li s speech of Wm. H. Seward tc ii"» nh incendiary document, what ia? And il it is u crime, deserving lar and I.'sIIm-m, f-»r a poor peddler to sell sit iliceii- dury document, what ought lu bn dutiu w 1 Hi n lir/'-HotiiiK U-mgrersiunn who nrru- hits tin hi prntis / An early answer is *■•• liciled from ihe Democratic press. Don't all speak at once.— Vicksburg Whi/'. alr/ddh nt iI.hi '•Huldji/.IJ. “Of ^course,” 1 Him. i'i j You could dy’slait. I nd—If Mlopplu "he j I I Miy; and liui.nint 1—but lev mind, 11 fix 11 all right in iho uiorniti'. I'll The lundinu was safely c flee ted, tho Judge steppe., ushoruand uHcended me hank very duliheraioly, then turned Huddo/o'y, lacing the ferrytnuti, and eaidt ".Smeller, answer mu this qitcBiinn, vou'il you have severed iliui roper’ Mr. S. placed flic thumb nf Ills loft linud lo the tip ol Ins nosi-. iiiade muuv singular "I'otuso not, Judge ; 1 aim tt named t.»>l ! Wn if A RolU uliain ttmj Ufucti t/avu OiuuieU 1110 wtHi my uw ul u giance how mutt excitemciii umi flurry uiiduing the loop 1 hud unouiie Hiu clasp ul tier own brae it*, which had nut uii'iuiurally la.-eu into 11,, coat-akti 1 w; ... . was ongatied, and, duuhllega, uii it, tiistcud ul regarduig me to a roim.ul" iuht, so. put 11 down ttiai i wuj oi.u el the awt-ll mob, utn. hud purposely oiilangled inya.|i in hor dn-a, lie • Iter ul her jew lry. ii-liuioic posi'mn i wisned ered tho moat devoted ul knl^h » roiuoiii"ertd only us toe inosl r pick-pocktls. Wus ever un hot, ft ltd To* fit Iimi tdo dltcMUIIA. I IIIOSl go down Into • purlotner ul her bracelet. > <*» Iuipojainlu, bui a Ur.gut Dkaiii I ; F.n ell k> iaer liter Wslo./n ildenly Inst night uve Kiiloi-rt mmiu b'U tghl ut that lime wa ice th«P, however, h tfota Man.s-F. Wr keeper uf "Weber'i Fell’* I’otnl, died verj Deceased opened III hi; ! While III" Judge Wheeled roi > I'oiiiitennnco by no menus mdion ; uliiiily, nod pursu'd his wuv I j 'File next morning tha Iriei Smeher h-id tbo pleasure of mi I g(nilomnn’e Icveo mi tin- wrong aulu of mo jail bar*.—A'. U. True l tr Jin. tatf' A good story waa fold os (Hartford I’rc.r) tlin other day, ul/out John Van Hu ron. Hu hml tskin some technical, legal ! advantage, by which hia opponent'* client. , n i.owpapcr un mu c. II. uu. 1 >ai Uowii and wintuau u I tlit i-illuwnig Words t j “ll liiolady who t* dresi g llrt , a pmllfu uu’s cuai Uuiiuu 1|1( , | cuuuvri lu*l Wcdo.sday, wtl -viy chitu,” said lha mulher, •*«* ben I young. 1 u*ed lo visit uu old vuliure un Garpu Ilian H ck*. He had 1*0 y«nr r your, un Hie t-n-iuil* uf m. n. He s.Ll 1 us (lie Imugli* ul iltc uak are tlaslnd oj ter ny Ibt'elorm, llisi swine may I o 1 he fallen acorns, so men ure, liy sonic , unavt-uiint .Die pow. r, dmeri one sgai .rt | .iiowi' r, Hit lliey losu Ihuir motion, IKni vul- i lur « msy he Iss.i. And ih »e inai nuver | .■ -miid iliaiu preieuo Hi-h ihera 1* una in 1 - very held (list gives iliucinm lo ill** leal, -i> d -eem* l" t»c more vil.n e« ily da tghl. d with a wild carnage. V\ nal it is eiuiiles lo such pif-eiuiiielica wo kuow noi; he is »eld in Hiu bigg, si ar iue fl.aiesr. but tic -..o s by ins eagerness and diliganca that - ih more man any oi lha mtiera, a Ineuil ui Hie vuliuies.” f’uiix ron Caxckh.— M-. until Andor- •mi gives me loiiowi if r.cipe for cancer, wn eh, he any-, bus been »d aiest *ervica I • several ilanger-Us esse* : “B il line Tur- *-v Lgs in new uu k, which they will thick en ; wln u they are lender, spill -.nd apply hem os Warm ms they can In- borne lo thn pan uUVut- d. sheiber broken »r Uul; ihn pari uiual be vva-hed eve.y lime lha poul- VUibtOit'Ol 1 I tning lu hu l Ho but 150 pound* HVoi'llup 'I* 111 ronlinu.d I-, increase unnl «l Ina death be. "• an aciinn, was non-sum.I. Ti e insn weighed 4Vo Ilia. Tins extraordinary in- was furious, snd hia f-urpoae to crease iu weight is ai ribuiad In Ihe eices- I fl« v « “ piece o! his mind w hen hu saw sjvb use iff bis favorite beverage, Lager I him —ho would wither bun. Happening lo Bier ; ll in said tho qusi lily of Ibis liquid Br * J,,hn nr ‘« J»y Downing’s, alnnding ul which he drank dally almost fabulous, ‘he bar, gelling outside ol a da n New For ihn last lew months he fattened ao rsp- 1 V«rk Imye, ho boldly confronted Hie Frmco. idly a* 10 givo him some alarm, ar.d he i. j "“J bring a small man, looked up ul him euiJ lo l ave re«lricled hia potations lo bui | A*»celjr, and burst oul— one keg per day—two snd even three had j " Mr * V *“ •« ‘here any client so nd been *xtr* "rdinary before. The esuee | l ,,w •"A mean, or sny case so nasty that -f hi* death wu. excess of 1st about the y yU w, ' r >' undertake to dr f-'inl him in ir !” liver. Hi* collin measur'd 7J leel in lengih j know, sui I J"hn, stopping 1 muughi a* I gave iho adver* tisemeut tu Ihe uo), uoU live suiuings i« pay lur wi« itiavruot) m me p.»,«r, mere, it ilia* will noi givo mo a cluf lo escape Im.ii a vuy unpleasant uumumu.nnd at foe aumc lime to know who my euciiuniiefa is, me uiusi bo very unprupi.pius. or ud>.pied, I order (-uiic-ii ly ui 1 «*...ei ' me new*,.op-. nuxi inoruiiig Ii wusbrougni up tc on ill p Iruin th..- p i-tf- U 1 lit lk{. Mypn nd Umnur, nnd impaiioiiiiy, (buappouruuc • glury ul luge type my »ii* I'biirig imiiuuiicciiiKiii—uul my star*! Ui wi/ui un uUvei "cinciii wus a iollowt‘0 and 4 feel in w-dlh.— Unltimore Cur eon (Cu.) Telegraph. Mu. put away "noiher oy.G and conli 1 rn 11 .* 11 y dm Hie bull - man's car, , then I owing is Mr. Buchnoai li of Mr. D mains • pmauly ciic.utaud i M j 'a cslirnnlc ii ChsrlcH- Waabing- Dinol- Pusctical I'KMVasion.—A Iriend o( ours hns just returned from ihe capital ui a neighboring Hiaie, where be succeeded in loobying a bill, in which he was personally mien sied. through the Legislature. “Well, did y.*u per-usde them lu pass your bi'l I” uos-k' l ol him. "Yea,” *a.d ho. pulling oul ins pockni book, "1 purse-swuyid JQr “*Tia our turn now,” as tbe Au- iinin leaves said to the West wind, "You be bluwrd,” wes ihe reply, ami the leaves I blushed al the rudeness. ndniR down Bracelet /li"g out his reply in / irom Hie lady’: •u /nit you been do- j Disnly appr amuco | Icuv mg 1 imi my imir i*iu nut suiij on end, 1 * lullowa : “ Fwu Dollars Reword.—Lost ( 1 the Cunce a Irran poultice night and morning I- a*l once during me day, and drink n qu <r- er id w p ill \d the lurik Hie fig* are boiled in twice m the iwemy-f ur h-mr*. If tho *i•rrn*ch will bear 11, mis must be prrsevrr- - il in for I llice or lour mi'Nlbs ai least. A min iignl 105 «i> cured, sb -u' *ix years • " I <r<- la* ilriiti, wuhuii'y six found* m figs, l ot- cancer, wh'Clr began al Ibe corner of 1 I* inuu'h, hud eaten through hi* jaw, eliet-k aod hall w*y down ms threat; yet ne wo y perfectly cured *■ never 10 ahow any lenileney io return. Mh"Uld it ever do -i», me fig* should iw eg tin applied. 'J'h« first nppl cs'lon ultra a greet deal uf p*lu, nul slier ward# each dn-amg gives rrlirf.— A cured by 1 ns remedy bad been -fll n,d ten year*; her breasts hied ricea- s-vely ; icn pounds cured h.r.''—London paper. Indy Kcxi'ixu a stxuKar.— I'bu Nowport 11*11, u Gold Ctiain 1 (Rhode l-landj Mercury relates a story nf ihuuglu tu tiavo Utt-ii lent) 11 I .q u „ rl Hie printer whicn iliu*traies finely p- w.r winch a secret bas lu propagate Ml ii mite allowed a Im Iw airing, and to ch a f.<w e.ra. Cttuarl had, a* he sup- "Breeches uf fa.ih !” screamed Mr-. “Any ••nc giving such information as |"»*®J. iJi»®"Vered a secret art of colour- Parlinglon, a* she lieur.l that U rn. si.iiln -l w ' 11 ,01iU ,u ,,lv u^very uf me brace.el. nr " g. »®ry valuanl*. |*o lutd ll lo a Iriend. ».. Mexican violations of .« srmteuc.-.- ; r" ", , W " “V ' ' "Will, I wouuor what they will have next. I ut Cambridge Piece*”* * ** ** 1 *' I have hearn tell uf cloaks of hyp.crisy, j Herd wi*o u pr ity plight—10 be adver and robot of purity, hut I never heard uf liacd irt tbo putilio paper , as 11 pickpocket brrrchea uf fait la hr fore. I hope they're wnuii ui> only crime whs, like Otheiio'a t change and l, ‘*“ °l. adn of aoinething that wear nul, aa old Deacon Hudgins' faith did, for his was always changing. He went from believing that nobody would he, and and at last turned out a phrenologer, and didn't belmve in nothing. I wonder if it's •trong aa cassiarere I” And *he hit off her thread aod prepared n new needleful. &0T' When his cousin Charlotte Dunn was married, Jones said, “It was Dunn be- lore it was begun, Dunn whilst it ivae do ing. and it wusu't Dunn wheu it was done.” “I^vlngnotwhsly, lint too well." My dtuwi, nu.vt.ver. »« qoickiy adopted. 1 went up stu.ia, put uu H.e identical bin -coal so accurately do»crit.ed, I und Hiking the paper inmy hand,procctdrd 1 lo Cambridge pmce. 1 knock' U at hid door, end asked the niv nt who an*wired, Iho name ui 1 -e lutnily. Having hoard 11, 1 inquired ; “la Mut Raymond in l" “Yea, sr,” replied (he servant-woman ; “who S' all 1 say wants her f” >|A- d valued it v. ry highly, and < ■ me time alivrwards to *sk j. rmi-sioii to . -"rimuiucale it, umli-r uslu of eiiternal *•- c.icy. to a friend o> hie who needrd ev. rjr p..*»ille ai l lo enable him lo rue. ''L*t mo see,” said Biuarf, making a chalk m*ik un s hoard at hand, * I know mo arl, and that 1-”— •■Gnv,” said his frie d. "You kti"W ii,” roiiiiuued Stuart, mak ing a noth, r raaik by the aula ol the ono al* ready made ; “a. d ibai is”— •• 1 wo.” cne J me ..iher, ’•Well, )'»u tell your friend, and that will ha”—01 .king a nurd mark. •• Fiirva only,” said ins other. • No," said mu art, "it’s out hundrsd and ami eleven ! M (III)