Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, May 15, 1860, Image 1

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HOMAS RAGLAND & Co.,•--Proprietors. OLtJMEHxiIL .V STRICT CONSTRUCTION OF TUB CONSTITUTION—VN HONEST ASH ECONOMICAL ADMINISTRATION OF TIIE GOVERNMENT. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 15, 18(H). OFFICE—RANDOLPH Street. NUMBER 20. ''hnredav vurttinir. May 10, 1860. | Political Morementa* - In Alabama, tho Constitutional Union ' Can't be Held Apart ! 'KBTlPWKiC.Hri COIUptcUOlUily Ih.ort^ FYAOP"SEAY MORNIHO. ^ ami Ftm Corr* per annnrn, . -ri*rWy in advance, or Tiu.kv l> illar* ,<l In advance. will La dtoconttnoed while any arrearage ilcn at the option of the Pul 11.her*; ami liar* will, »»• all rout, be exacD-d where la not made before the expiration of Vho pU«n year. AUVKRTIPKMFVT8 Inserted at Oxa DotXAa per square, trrt Insertion, and Firry I’pnt* for every ent continuance. A square In the Enquirer •re of eleven $»m In antall type, coiiUln- t Joe*, one hundreij word*. nraan.-kaKRT* publlahed at the esaal rate* h * trie t aiientton to the requl*Uiona of tl>e Mmii-ni over tight line* charged at the reg. Jertitlug rate*. itmlcatlcns Intended to promote the private Intervals of Oorporallomi, lull*, will be charged * adp*#tl*et»enU. ORD’S LIVES INVIGORATOR, XKVKIl W *«U.lTATK*i rnMPlH KNTIRKI.Y FlfiM OI’MP, established tuot. a Standard n #hd anprortdhjr all that hove used ,Lortcd to with confidence In all the jeh H b teewtametoded. !.• "<•«>• a «»■ ««• um coin- . u.t ts •> yeai a plalntf, lUllou* Attack*, yi » •• :> up .til Jr l>y*pepila, Chronic IH- relief, a- the arrha-a, Sum met fjjft v e u np^aU 1 Idled plaint*, Oy.enlery, 1)1 . lu uif poa- B iy,i*our Stomach, uahlt i.Flatuh i _ ii CoMlvene**.Cholera, *« mu**. he ndnp- li) holer* £• . Il » MI-u.m, . ... Hrtdnal tskln* j* iaui.d!;., teiual* NilaM.-hijuao- < ne--ea,aiid i .»> I ^ ’ * M tarj I tMII.V M ; dh . dktateiof your y It will cure SICK Head l imUe I 5 .i-he, (n» th'<u»antW can of the I.IVKI. S testily.) In an xunctk*, If UtT*ill, ami It >4 lord Tcaspoonful* are . .i. .d .iltnck. C*UAltwhou*e ag their Ivatiuiuny In lt-< favor. MU water with In the mouth with the Invlgo- n<| .wallow Loth together. Iirdiii Dollar per llottle. AI AO, sivjNrFoiiD’e FAMILY THARTIC PILLS, COMPOUNDED FROM r«|# yjtracU, ami put up in Clan fuse*, ImI W.U Aer- ----- - I j '- be $;ttln <£nouirtr. “ 13 PcIiLTMIKD 4 ry Day—“Sunday* EXrcptvd. ! •* will ho seen that the Secedera’ meeting I DOLLARS PER ANNUM IN AIivanck. nt Cbarloalou hm called a National (’on- IlM. Ifpiymcnl 1. .1. W-Uift),. | „„lion of .11 DtmMTlU o|.pn..d In iqu.l- rreignly and in favor of the majority platform, to meet ot Richmond, Va., on the aecond Monday in June. Tho Macon Telegraph urge* tho Exec utive Committee of Georgia to call a State Convention of all Democrat* at Milledge- villc on the 4th day of June, to “take counsel together in ihia perilous criaia of the Democratic party and tho country," and to send delegate* to either or both the Con ventions at It chmond and Daltimorr. It vnya that thia ia "the unanimous deairo among all claaae* of tho Democracy, tho returning delegates included." Wo uniat any that this "unanimous” sentiment of the Democracy of Georgia bn* been ascertained in doubl-j-quiclt lime. It could certainly have been collected so soon in no other way than by Telegraph, liut, according to an outsider’s construction of tho call made by tho Si-coders ot Charles ton, the Telegraph and the Douglas men of Georgia arc not invited to p«rlicipatu in any Hirelings called to send delegates to the Richmond Convention. That body U to be a gathering only of those who arc opposed to squatter sovereignty and in favor of the majority platform, ll tho Telegraph or its (mml* go there, they will hu in tho condition of tho mun who appeared at the tutrriago feast without a wedding garment, and their treatment ought to Lo tho eautu as his. Wo consider ouri-olvcs a* having hi ado a narrower cictipc from un invitation than the Telegraph Las, for we are opposed lo squatter sovereignty and in favor of the majority t*lnl lor in. Our only dn qualifica tion consists in llto trilling circumaluiice fiat wo urn not catted a Democrat, and wo presume that sensible politicians regard principle as a mutter of more importance than an empty name. NYe do not wish it to lie understood Iron) this that wo bavu the Itasi expectation or desire to break into the Richmond Convention, ll Ihosu who go there want a union with u» of the Southern Opposition, they know white to find us a great deal better than wo know where to tind them. We conlcss that wc have a kindly regard lor their movement, and shall look forward to their i.tuoting with a lively hope, if they will only keep out such polt-w ticians as the Telegraph, t'unttilutiunalial •ltd Corner <8/onc. lJut ll they udmit tho minority platform or squatter sovereignty Democrats of the Mouth, they must ulao admit the aame kind ol Democrats Iroin the North, unJ then they will aguin ho von d down upon the platform ami earned cup- lives to Uullimoro. Wo muku these crude suggestion* with out leelmg that we ore ut all interfering par'y will not send any delegates to Uslli- more by the agency of a convention, but they are to hold a State Convention at ’fcfltna ort IhcSllJ in*t., to take into consid- n the nomination* to be made before Uut time at Baltimore. , Tho "Conacmiive Democracy" of Ala bama are going lo have a Stale Convention of their "rump" (as Ynueey terms it) at Montgomery, on the first Monday in June, to send delegates lo tho Baltimore session of the adjonrued Democracy. This is the Douglas wing of the party, who feel their inability to cope with the Seceden Convention, and have therefore I were favorable, LATEST FJEIOM ETJKOPE. Arrival of live llo Item lull. determined to have an exclusive meeting. , ndvimcinir tendency. . .. ...... . I Count .Montinoliii Farther Point. May 0.—Thu steamship Bohemian with Liverpool ndvicc# to the 2,'ith April hs* arrived. Liverpool ('olton Market.—The sales ol cotton in the past three business days were 3t»,000 bales, ol which speculators and ex porters look 13,000 bales. The market closed nettvc and steadier. Holders off ,red their stocks freely, bu* there was no dispo sition to press sales. This condition ot tho trade prevented any improvement in price*. London Money Market.—Consols closed at Miami 94 J. Nothing had yo* been decided in relation to tin. light between Heennn and Savers, Tho decision of tho releruea was still with held. State of Trade — Manchester advices closed firm, with The ► a pill Dull. Every man, woman and child on the face of tho ear'll, who lias (Inertly or indirectly countenanced or onepurnged the five or hx millions of Italians fhhahiling the Emelian provinces, or who has ever sympathised with them in their bloodless triumph over despotism—has been placed under a dismal ban. Dy the terms ol tho late Papal Bull, the King of .Sardinia first, nt.d alter him all his aiders and abettors, aro devoted to nu merous disabilities and pennltins in this life, and to an onerous increase of responsibility in another world. no evasion of the penalty, no escape from tho doom, ex cept by a repentance that includes the res toration ol every inch of Papal territory that tin* recently annexed itself to Sardinia. This is a plain, unvarnished statement of - and Ui- I I.U-h all exprvs* i h )» iMtabkr ,f t!,- all- Profession well ■ •!«*•. •net’ •» .i.Uu i.t l 2 l'EltASi.».MF.NTSnflh« JBil 0 stomach S of tit# bowel* H l*a ns In ' rvMILY CATllAK < I. It *.' •’ 11,1 I' U ! ' Ijr, from sutlil.n f»W, il, end In : i l.o. j r.iur** icn frequently. Fever, lsi*s <>r WtULi m the will be n joint Convention, where the party will decide whether they will go tu Bulli- uioro or Richmond. The squatter sover eignty Democracy in this State feul confi dent that they uro stronger than the Srce- tiers, and they nro weuvmg thsir net ns • t*...'.U‘:u«ly bn the. apiUer when lie pieparer his "parlor for the lly." Wo believe thjit they will entrap them, that tho Scccders will then bo temporarily suh-tlivided by another secession, and that by tho timo of tho nomination at Uultiinoro iheir number will bo so Littered awuy that tho little rein- j Haul will surrender ul discretion. They I should have made their nomination at I Charleston, if they contemplate having a ticket lit tho livid and standing up lo il. The Constitutional Union men of Penn sylvania held a Stalo Convention at Lan- { caster on the ‘Jd nut , and appointed a full delegation to Baltimore, lion. Henry M. I Pallor heads the lut of delegate The Cashier of the Union bank of London wan u dfloulter t«» Hie amount ol two hun dred and aixiy thmisnnd tioitnds slerlinc- Heennn, in n loiter to the London Ttmov, cotnidnint <>t the delay ol the referees, and demands another inoeimg with Sayers with- NTOolt. ('or!Inns mid tho lv. reached town this aHemoon iliut Cortinns had returned front Monterey und Saltillo with n large force, and that lie bus al ready crossed the Bio (2ramie Into Texas, or ib about in do it, with bis new lorce, which minibf r* some six hundred, consist ing of 300 Indians, PH negroes, nod k'00 Mexii nn*. He avoid* the Luxor ltio Grilinle and will make lust attack on 8 jr louniy this timo, ns is a section which Inis hcretolorc escaped hie ravages, and is plot- ty thickly kh ckcil xritii valuahlo cattle. j I hardly th'nk, inyscll, that be h t.-j nisi t!>0 bal l; be, \ > (tu i •d the K:o I hub mo salit undo te baser, M “‘»' ,tUU * a atl I l'...ri 1 m ji 'iVU «. ,v/* 1 ' <11fv*rr»»is <d luture r B in . i ^ ^re»\ .4mu® political of .xill nuke tbo Heattmum-**, tl.» iflammatory l)|»va»e Itlieunistliin, a jrrcrO »...f many ill*eii»«-« to wli hsm to luenU'in In UiU ailvortUeuieut- Dosa, 1 Prlrr Three Dimes. l.tVF.It INVIGORATOR ami FAMILY C.\ tTlCPILU 1 retail. I by Drufsl-i' KomTiiIly M whnlvsnlsby tlic Trade In nil large towns. *, T. W. BAA FORM. M. »*.. Msmitx^tnroi an I IV { •'• l ;, r, 33.1 llrorixvixy, !%«*» eJ by all Dnir»t*t*. y f I’KMUEUTiiN A OAUttU, J A. Will l K.'Ii'I.'a * "• dwly text* M. BININGER & CO. (0TAB!.l»)llil> 1!TM OI.K IMPORTERS, No. 33t Broadway, K. V. THIS DELICIOUS TONIC islly <ti*lgn*tJ b*i Ills uw of tlie Mtnn *i. I’r.< tr.v and the Fxxar, posssaaoe those intrinsic ins- il propNftis* (Tonic ami Diuretic) a tilth Ulmi* Old an .J PURE WIN. Tim business ■ itsrtarlng *pnrl»u* alii*, and oflcrlng them « rue., under the title*, "AmmaUe,"--“Cordial. rllraUd," vtc., ha* become *o «>inin«n, thnt the If arv Jn*tly s'-aplclou* of nearly everythin* UfttbmJ under similar forms, and lhe trade thus been brc>u((ht Into dl*r«put«. It ha* re- i*dlsroarboaBs(sUbltsbe«l tu 177h) to supply Msin| popular ured, and to luaugurata a th* history of the Trad*. We trurt that ihed rspnUtion—founded upon 1*0 year* of rtenea—abuudantly vindicate* our claim to pub- ° 3\T. D. <nmpxrt*oo of ‘Uinlngar's Old I^nlon Dork Gin l rthar* baarinj itaalUr nann-r, will eNtn'.dilh Mpertorlty, and make other Caution uunec^sary nt sp In Qoabt ItoTTLKS, In Gaarsof 1 and - dna- arh.andaoIdUirou.'tmul tbaworld b| DlU • ilta Tuggists an 1 Dealer« suppliotl with Wines and Brandi eh, •*et frotn United Htate* ltonde.1 XX areh»u«e«. «l*ln Cblnmbu*. Ga., by JOHN W. 1HIOOK3, and VUUUllAHT k CHATMAN, f i 1 ■. • : have no luiagivnigs n The same party tit Couiircticul \ hhvu bcld xbv.r Ntnx® Conventmn fid lust- Holder und Fuller. Ed. Enejuirer.- The limes nro sadly out ol joint, und it will require all the xvimIoiu uttd caution of our political leader* lo weather (Lo storm uLoul to break in fury upon u*. The mission ol the Democtary is at mi end. It ban from its beginning born only an iusliuineut of evil, and all true- huartvd men should rejoice that the hoary- headed old monster hu* ut lust beet) over thrown. Il has in tho Li.t lew days shown conclusively that it is faithless to all it* pretended principles, und has thu good ol no section of the country at heart. Let its epitaph he, "Died from over-exertion iu Hying to retain tho spoils." ' Tbo UoiiHtitutional men about to meet in convention at lisltimoro Itavo un important duty to perform, und if they act rightly, can create nil enthusiasm throughout the coun- with tho family disputes ol thu Democracy, j *’? wou ^ rL ‘ n,mi ' 1 u * °* because we aro only emleuvoring to pievont “Hurry of tho West. 1 hey can tho iutorleronco of suothor outsider, who "vied met, u* cundidstea known all over tho has no more right to meddle than wo have. country for Itiuir devotion to tho Uonstitu- \ ~ TT . tion, and that id all that ia needed in a Gov. Houston tor Frctddcnt. . , candidate ut th|a Umr. Jew duya ago wo copied an editorial . . . . ... . , As on humble member of tho Opposition letter to the Augusta ( /ironir e, concerning 11 tho split in th. Democratic Convention hi ^ t,M! "‘ B 10 l ,rMenl Charleaton, which closed with a declaration 11,8 n u,,r ‘ " f l "'* K“ n,,,!mtn c,nln ‘ ,, “ l J r in favor of supporting lion. Sam Houston u l"’ n cvrr y ‘l u "* ,irtn “ ff * ,cUn « xUv as the Opposition and Union candidate for ol ' l, *° * s «u‘k-For Freeidont, Hon. the Presidency—Gov. H, being considered • hi.rx. IL Butelkh, of N irginiu ; for Vico as already in the field without tbo agancy | Urcaidont, Hon. Hkxrt M. 1‘I'llku, of o r any convention, nod a* tbu rspresenta- | I’siuisylvinis. iho former created u pro- live of-no distinct political creed. We i found impression in by Ins copifd the loiter because of its account of] eloquent speech during tho iuio contest and comments upon the Democratic difli- | lor speaker—the other was tho American culty at Charleaton, and without reference candidate for speaker in IHTif», and acted to the closing declaration. Mince that time, in such a manner aa to endear to lii'ii every wc perceive that the Atlanta American ha* | sfouthein man. Anti-Dkmockat, seconded the dcdaratiun of tho Chronicle, —— — he hu* done so lie- tor there is nothing to restrain him doing nmv whdi lm .ltd do three months ago, and ihmc id a preut opportunity ot I driving oil' immnn*e l.rrdrt ol stock to (Ins hi* lust nod inns' pnwrlul ntUioll. • )i the K. (•'. C.'s tlio writer > aya: 'i'bo toad i» dusty with tliutr cuiiBinui movement, and Iroiu ibis place lo Goliad n id said tlicro is a continuous caravan ol ihom. coming in emu 11 parties and lut,go panic on horseback nod in wagons, armed and unarmed, with money anil without. It is reported that 300 o 1 ihem are to thin vicinity und on tbo way Iroin Goliud, and their ramp* uro the liveliest places about Drowusvillo. A company of thirty conic in to-day from Baltimore, under Lieutenant I'hillip*, and another pany arrived uti Saturday from Harrison county under Lieut. Gammngc. They nro all men oi iruu grit, too, and of unexceptionable behavior, lor there has been no drinking or row dying hereabout a their arrival. 'Fite Mexicans nnd tho Knights move along very quietly, but the report of un mixanrm • I i• o . 1 m i K mi a inte rior toward ilu* frontier, lends color to me supposition ilint our neighbor* over the I river uro looking out and preparing lor I It (.’orutuis does uxixkc u not her attack on j i'• frontier, it is confidently believed dial up the names of Ho .1 The (ieiieral Ceuforcnru of the Houston for tho I'restdenry and lion. 11. ' Methodist Episcopal Church We M. Fuller lor the Vice Presidency, ther. loro deem it opportune and proper aay that wo do not wi*li to bo regurded one of the declared friends of Gen. Houston. J ter* We look lo our National Convention 'omposed of two hundred lid ciglily-cight duli-galM, being one lor very twenty-sevon of the ordained miim- tho Methodist Episcopal Ciiurch in ■ (State*, including al«o portions of will l.:i which will conquer ami am to Texas. The knowlcdgo ol lltia on tbo purf ol Texas, bus inducoi negroes, large mint bora of wlutm are i on thi Ilia Gi tndi, to arm then v light, n* iliey know that if the Veil cross the creek, they will bo capture restored to their proper owners, lor ii lltoee negroes are runaways Irom To min 30.000 REWARD Fugitive Nluvc Discovered o Ntcauicr Hpauldlnpf. [Iostun, May 7.—-A negro lugi day, crawled from the coal bu. i immediately chanced, a d the steamer Bun Del ml. (iaUitnure, and put tho linriiivu propensities, we certainly cannot b« expec ted to m«ko them on objection, and we do j General Conference*, not. But Gen. Houston bus changed sides j “ . . .. r .1 . I I OLK WLAlK-UfiKUV IxAILUOAU. — At H I and association# in politics so often, tnut GOOD NEGROES WANTED j - »."r *. * Vr ^ \ 7Z S. OGLETREE, choosing a candidate, wa would liavo some | ou ^ ue»d*y l*i inst, tho fullowriiig 'CnOH AND COMMISSION MERCHANT I * ( * Hoard ol Director* wa. elected; Ldward IJlBrosd M..(otuiul»«..,t.'*. | f.tlh that m any cnltcul emergency ho, w I "OM “V” about a* Itkdy as j 1 A| ^, n J.' born jr ., A . ). Dsn’ j Ttat negrogavo fit. na.uo •Ta(Wnti'-« iMMr AAl.Raod HIRK. Also, I any othrr occupant of the 1'rrstdrntisl scat ..... , ,1 1‘AUofCOTTO.Nrn FLANTEIFS AreounL , J u- miirf .. Hut inasmuch 1 ver * anJ “* 8 l , * r * ,< Ldward Dcninead, of AL EdTATRandall kinds of MWOUAADlfllt. I —i*ptW*Hy Democrat. Hut inasmucU , ADRimiftkatoK's bALM attandad to •*» , v riiffartd in the ruovem* nt ! ' l " r ’ v * suu.cq ienw> neciru i r. »'oabir UevBt. i" ,1.. r, I I dent (if tho K 'ud. h i* understood that al*u noitlnas my At'CTroN 3ALK8. and , which contemplate* the »> lection ul a good ( • lon.txnsd to me to twscld at Aucliou alll . . . *„n»«uinn we I *h« ‘•ork Will be commenced a* soon an the artAa .. i zrzrtt zz,du.; P Lu.: —• - •» LuNti NEGU01C3 will find It to ttiolr advantAgs i . dred thousand dollars, which will, without undo# myareommodflUons before pUclng their before we look further. ; . . ■'!•# siseverrs. h. oolethkb, , , ... u,., v u r,,ii*r l Joobt, eaya the Marietta Advocate, bo accoin- I ln “■ li ' ,n - "'H.y I plUb.J . verjr tbort .. lb. con- NOTICE : •^Tax Books for Museogee Connty, 1880, llaltimoio to designate a candidate whom . Delav/uic, Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, we can cordially and consistently support, ; B | )( | Miasouri. 'J’ho Bishop* aro Me**rs. and xvn have cotifiklenca in the belief that it Morris, Janes, Hcolf, Ames, and Baker, will tiorninale auch u candidaln. Gen. ; Bishop Morn* has bent the senior in ollicc Houston, or indeed almost any other prom- i mica the death ol Bishop Waugh, and is inent »nan of the Houlh, l» more acceptable ; presiding. The vacancy in the Board of to us than any Northern Democrat, and it Bishops, caused by llm death of the Kcv. may bo that the General so nearly concurs j Dr. Waugh, will bo filled nt the present with u* in our views of those great quoa- t’mif-ronce, and perhaps one or two addi tion* wIiLb we think ought to ho k« pt in liunrl bishop* will b« elected. Thu most sight in selecting a candidate for tho Free- j prominent matters to come before tho Con- idency, that we can cordially support him irrcnco (the Commercial says; uro whether in c.a*a the Baltimore Convention di«ap- «lx\ehulduig ahull be Unbidden to the nictu- points our expectations. But »u confess j barship of the church, whether the minis- that we do not yet fully uudorstand the | tars ahull be allowed to remain ul any uue General's position. That he I* • devoted | gtation more than two year*, whether thu and enthusiastic Union man we have no j system of presiding eldership shall continue cause to entertain u doubt ; and if the U s il uow exists, and whether the discipline American is reconciled to bis filibuetcring of the church sh.dl to on amended as to luy delegate* to the Annual und Mexican Now*. New Orleans, May 5.—'Tito schooner Kimly Keith, front Vora Cruz on thu 27tn April, bus arrived. Thu Lilmrul iroopa bad boo it victorious m several akirmisiioa. It w,ih reported that the return ol Lx-Gov- crimr Cum*»nlort bail cixusod cottatdcrablo cxcilctnuiit ut the cnpitul. The FitllaUcJplila ISIccflon. l'liiLADRLriiia. May 2.—Henry, ilie pres ent incuinbuni and People's candidate l"r mayor, ia elected by u majority of bill. Downing, Dent., lor cuy cnrnpirollor, i* elected liy 120. Tho runt ol tlio People'* ticket is elected. '1'lie select council stand 13 People's and 11 Democrats. The common council utuuds 62 I'mjplc’rt and fin Dutiiocruls. Ncurly 'O.UOO votes wero polled. ConjifCHsloiial. WAsiitNnTON, May 7.—Tho Hotiso to day dtsctiHseil tl.u turifl hill. A hill wn* pod*ed U'lthoriznig a lull euihas.*y to Sur* In the Senate, Mr. Dnvi.*« oi Mississippi, delivered n spreuli oil Ins Territorial reso lution!*. .Senator Brown followed, urging immediate legislation in regard in the Ter* I ritorics. Mr. Clingman commenced u I npccch on tho same subject. To lbs Montgeinrry Advertiser. Wauhnutun, May 7.—Jell'. Davis doliv* cred u powcrlul argument in support fits Beaiilunotio, and nicidciiiully defended the The Ijnusu wartde <cri'.d liy thu incmLerfl, who xxeru nt traded lo the Mcitnie, und the galleries were jammed with stranger* und returning delegatus, ll im iu mured tliut Dougins will reply, and plum hiruscll upon tlio Tunnesseo He*oliitionH. Hi* Irirndo declare that he shall he nominated at Baltimore. Davis’ apcccli iu ull the topic At tlio opening of the Sardinian Cham- betr on the fir-t of the present month, ic- lor Emmanuel tuiefiy refers to the then ex peeled Papal excommunication iu the Boy- al speech. 1 He **y*: ‘•Kirin, like my an cestors, in thu Catholic religion and in the respect duo to the Supreme Uhiof of that religion, I shall, il the ecclesiastical au thority mtikes u*o of spiritual ariii* lor temporal interests, in safe conscience, ami iu tlio tnddirta* cf my worthy oncostori’, find strength to maintain entire civil liberty and authority for which 1 am only indebted to God and lo my people.” it is lliereloru war to tbo kitile. There i* no relief front iho curse without recantation, and recanta tion would not bu pOhstblu to the malt xvlto talk* in this fashion. Altogether aside from tho religious MpOrt ol tin* question—vv it Ik which no secular prin^i^^iuvo any coqyern—tho whole mat- discussed and disposed of e have quoted above, ptriiuul arms”—the retribution •litical ofi'omler ac- < \fiipliatoJt llo ii i,,^ i|, this ugo of tbo world. I \* h tUralter of policy it accords with tbu sLxiftutcr ol uiiofTemling and unarmed men, and even of women mid children, in the street*Id of Borne ; tho object being not to punish, blit to lorrify ; not lo inflict penal ties upon dolcctod coiiHpiritors, but to deter olhirs who might bo tempted to conspire. i'L>’ ellect produced upon tho wide ami wnli mug dominions of Victor Emmanuel i* t.«»al to every hope of returning allegiance. Tbi* olive and the vine still yield their Iruits, rewarding the toil ol the peasant who works more cheerfully, oats with hotter appetite, and sleeps more profoundly as the blighting curse settles over tho land. By day, Gene va la Supcrbu reposes as placidly an oxer bi'ticntli tlio matchless Italian skies, und sur rounded by KUiiling scenery that looks a* il tho frowns ol Heaven bad never boon turn ed upou it. And by night her street* are Inilliimtly liluminiiritod in honor of an event that xvould have dr.tprd tier pal.icei) iu tuner J black a lew ceutune* ago. The malediction whichtbus demolishes tlio . ,,,,u, bod by King el Italy. In this rxerciso of bis spir- ,0 i | , | ' j L) itual power, the I'ope find* ayntpathizora in | lvi:rn , Naples ami iu Vicuna, and no wliere else. Tho revolutions that have so materially cur tailed ilia Papal territory, huve been accom plished by (lie sober votes of a freed people. There has been no viulenco nor bloodshed, except in Bonin nml Perugia, and those wlio died were not the supporters of tho tainpunl authority of thu Holy Wee. Tho withdrawal oi Austrian bayonet* was llto true occasion of all these results, nml tho | curse would bu more appropriately placed up on iL« bead of Francis Joseph. Il ispostively certain thnt it* power would bn more readi ly acknowledged by Ibis young brute, and ins lellorv-brute in Naples, limn it u likely to Lu liy tbo victorioiiM King of Hnrdinin. Halt. A iner. Tlio Electrical Del. The following account ol tbo Gy inn *: u.. or electrical cel. and the untilner in which it is sometime* taken, is front n new edition of llaron Humboldt's Travels in South America : “Next to the eleciricnlapparatus, nothing at Celaboio excited in the traveler* *o great nn interest ns the gymnoti, which were animated electrical apparatuses. Humboldt war impatient to procure electrical eel*. Ho hud been promised them often, but bis hope* had always been disappointed. He at first wished to make hi* experiments in (be house lie inhabited nt Cixlabr xo, but the drnmj ol the shock!' enuaed by the gvmmai xva* so great, and so exaggerated among tin: common pooplu, that during three days, ho could not obtain one, though they were easily enough caught, and ho bad promised the Indians two piasters for every strong ami vigorous fish. Impatient, at In at, ol xxniiiu,;, nnd having obiiiitieii very uncer tain results front an electric eel which had been brought to him alive, but much -iifeebled, Humboldt, aeconipnnied by IJoilplaml, repaired lo tbo Cano do Bora, to nko his c.xpoiintents in tlio open air, and tlio rdpo of tho water. They sot "ll 19'lt of March ni n very early hour, for the village ol Rostiu; llicuco they were con- Indians to a stream, which >1 drought foiineil a basin ol muddy xxuter, surrounded by fine tree*. Po catch tlio gymnoti with net* was con- siJarod verv difficult, <»q account ol tlw* extreme ng.lilv of tho fish, xvhieh buriid themselves in tho mud. The Jndinus told that they would iisli with horse*. They found it difficult to form an idea of tfii* manner of fishing, but they soon saw their guides icturu from the savunnuh, which they lind been scouring for wild horse* und mules. They brought about thirty with them, which they furred to on- r tllO | *>"!. Tin* m>i i! i a ii -i .l by t lie irfe-’ hoofs, tnndc ■ lio li.-li t*.«uo from tlio ud, mid excited them to tbu attack.— beac ycllowinli ami Lvtd cel*, rosentbliiif rgn eq laiii .*• Km uie, swim an ike eat lace ol tbe water, ami crowded uud«*r tl.u bclliei ol iho ImiM-s and intlles. A coiitrM belwc oil ai iniuls ul so dillereiil nil oruaiu^ (tion pre sented a very -inking i |icelaelo. The iu* dun* provided xvn Ii bnrpiioiirt and Un* Blender reed*, aiirrnundrd tlie ponl closely, and Bunie climbed up tlio trecr, brandies ol xx bn Ii eMendrd liu|ia>iiiially over tlio sur- Inro (d thu water. By then wild me* and l lie long ill ol their reeds, they prevented the Lor sen lu>m ruuutng away and teaefong tlio Lank ol tllu pool. '1 bo eel* htUlimd by tho unite, drleudt d themselves by tin* re peated discharge ot iltcir eleeirtc batteries. For a long interval lliuy bCtined likely in prove viciorioti*. Several b n ■ * ami, tie- licnllt the violence of tlie iuviMhh sirokr* xvliieb they received Irom all Bides, nnd xi milled by tin* lorce und frequency ol tlio »lmck», they dioappraied under tlm water. DHicm paining, with mam* ireci, nnd bag* gurd cyea expresstny anguiali ami ilisinuy, ratM*d tlicmaelvr*. and cit icnvni< cl iu lieu from tho atorin b^ wliielt they »»• ro over taken. They were driven back by tho In dians into Hie riiiiidlu ol tlio water; but a binall number auucicdcd in eluding tbo lienvo vigilance ol the fishermen. These regained me chore. Niiinitiling a' every stop, and siroicliod iheiusolves mi iho sund, ex- liaunstod with lutiguo, and with limb.* l>u Hhocks of the gym* i’ltc J:ip;.ni5M! !\.i ‘*iyi Wo glean but nttio more rest from tho Japanese EmLisay. Tho main fncts tnd tlir ir poculinrHIe# wn have presented to our reader*. On board ship tlio Amlmssador-in-chict •nnrio it a practice to invito nil who visited Inin to tnko a sent, albeit, tho sent is the floor. Tins bo regards us u dclicato com pliment. Tlie Jnnnneso dress magnificently, using silks. They wear satulitia, lusteiind with a cord, between the tops and around the ankle*. Tho lower rank wear loose bine breeches, exposing the legs, and a black gown. When Lieut. Brown was formally intro duced to tlio company, only three dignita ries Acted ns principals, tlio rest tailing bark and taking no part. On hoard llto ship they atnnro themselves by squalling oh tlm cabin floors, Itnving tiietr Italr combed, lying alongside of porta* lito furnaces, drinking tea a* taut us the kettle l-oilt), and Bnumicg little pipes of tobacco, three nr four xvhif* exhausting tho pip*!. Their book* nro illustrated w ith engraving ot a very vulgar character. Auiong the present.) which thoy bring for the government nm soma curious arms, and Bum* brccch-loadiii* rifles and pistol* of Japanc.-a manufacture, pnilcrned niter nnd itniirnvtd upon certain tire-onus that Com. Berry prevail ted them with. The i’uWuuian people sty a good deal nbnut their intclli.’cnce. TJioy are quick at figures, nt sketching, nt copying Uralt* and calculating eficetp. t hey uro npt scltol- lars, too, in tue English language, and many ot tiictu aro ulrendy nble m manage easy reading, and to xvrllo brief sentences. Bomdes thu official interpreters, several have grown up since tho commencement ol thu v<>y igi“. w ho ate tulcrublo expounders ol tlio Yankee dialects. *1 lid ttrst telegraphic message that n Japanese ever t;oi xva* soul up Irom .Sail Francisco to tlm Admiral on board the corvette Candimnrro. a*. Mure Irlatnl, bear ing news 'lint In* dialing mailed country- men wrr** some twenty miles inside the Gulden’Uatc. Wlion tlio Japuneso Ambassadors woro presented to tho King of ttio riandxviclt Islands they behaved with great dignity, ami were not in tho least eiiib '-rrasscd, but Iter it Ktuj 1 ,d retired, th« Queen und lirr ladies entered the thunc r<> mi, unil tlio Jsp.inosi> were called upon to pass n, to them, unknown < rd«*al. They hud never bowed to a w oman beloro, never bod soon a xvotiinii on the tliruno, mid seldom it ever bnJ seen ono in a public arsonibly. The extent ot crinolmo considerably astonished them, but whatever were their ctimtioiiB they stood bt lore her Majesty in u maituor at once dignified und courteous. When some ol the members of thn Japan ese suit first eatne on ,shore and wandered through tlio Hireets, and for tlio litst timo saw ladies wearing piicIi dresses, they wore utterly confounded, thinking they were vn/y rynnl to the ootid ludiei which piled (/. in. 'I hey Ii .il never dresiupt ol sucli worn n. ol them in bis simplicity vcnturei. o t the side of one ot tliesu walking b • luijiortaut Mutl-tirul (iut-stiuii*. Fir I * *4i.)g excellent takeoff on the qiiesiiotiH propoxcd iobcn*kcd by Lie of the consult of I860, is credited to u wes tern paper s your agof worn you born ? married, and if sg Low do you like it f How many children have you. nod iki they sufficiently resemble you as tu pre clude the possibility ot their belonging to niiv of yotir neighbors t Did you aver have the measles, and if so, how many f Have you a twin brother several years older than yourself l Have vou parents, and if ao, how ninny of them? Do you read tlio Nev tarty f Whnt is your lighting weight > Which do you like best lor light reading, "Tho Guumoker ol Muncnw,*' by Cobb, or the Prosident'a lust message, by J. L.f How many times ha* your wile wioln.d she waadcad," and did you reciprocate tlie wish f Do you use lioughtan tobacco f Were you ami your wile worth anything when liutrricd, ami il not, what proportion her iltinga wero yourtt, and your things Testament refill. • in the penitentiary l A Tu IIEEHOXIK t/IIIII i mg lit iii u rcrU —, BU)H tho New ito, we inquired i hrihtiati man, Low the Adv on AIruukh.— Bass- in tirigltberhood of Oilvoti* Ulirutiuu f our host, a fair Nt. Mu -Mr. Man Theodore ByndcrH, U. S. Ito^i liavo been dismissod from office fur tho alleged complicity with tlio e*capo ol the Aiippuscd Slaver "Storm King," xvlitclt re cently lolt hero tor Alrtcu. i the xvn had piahi-i-d ii neglected frame chapel at the ere** mml*. "Dli, poorly," said he, ‘‘poorly enough." ‘‘Why, wliul's to pay ! Vou in a thick xettlriut-iit of mtelligniil people not sblo to keep a linrilHlcr, und support the holy Go*- [>•! I" "Just ho," said lie, '•but ono troublesome man has broken up thu society, and krcpn it broken up. it xvn* sn unlucky day for thu church when tie movnl here. He is a person of good purl*, and hu* un interesting family.. Before he cumo here we had no trouble* in the way." We Niiggrutsd that perhaps the trouble- I'otiis tillin'* peculianlio* xvetonot consulted; indulge him a little. May be lie wants to lead. "Dli, a* to thut, wo huve died him iu tho lead, ami uvury way." He is not satisfied xvitli leading, "but turns around uml but* the whecl-horso." We gave it up. Our host wa* a farmer, and tlm illustration cut Itku uti argument. Djvid had a few ol that sort when hu wrote llto 11 lit I'silltll. 1 » under. Whan u young man t* a clork in a store and dreese* like u prtitcs, smoking fine ci gar*, drink* nice biuudy, attend* theatre*, balls, mid the like, 1 wonder if ho doe* it ull upon the iivuil* of his clerkship 1 When a young lady sit* in the parlor ul) day with her lingef* covered with rings, I titan live minutes two of the horses wero diownrd. Tlio eels being five foot long, nml p-essnig tltciiiHelve* nguinst die belly oi the horses, made a dtsclturgo along wholo extent id their electric oriMiii. They attacked a» once die heart, the intes tines, und tho ciidiBc-fidd ol the nbdnii.innl nerve.*. .Tho Imrsca wero pi.d.ubly not kill'd, but only tituiiriod. They xxoro drowned front tlio impossibility ol ribing amid tlio prolongod Btrugglu bulweou die other Itorsort ami tlio cel*. Tlio trnvulors luid little doubt that the fishing xvould lermiuoto by kill ng buccbb- Htvoly nil tbo aiiimuls ctignged ; bu: tty do- gross ilm impetuosity oi ilu* uncqunl combat dimittiaUed, and thu wearied gymnoti ili»- porseil. They required a long rest, nnd abundant n jurirbnu ut to ropuir the galvanic toreu xxliicli I he v hud lust. The mulls and horses uppenrrd less frightened; their niniiUH in* longer brisllsd, nmldieir eyes i x- pros.-cit Ins* dread. '1'tio gyniuoii approach ed timidly dm edge ul tin marsh, xvlu rn tin y Wen taken by means ol small liarpnotis lusteiied lo lung cord*. When die cord* xxeru dry thu Indians toll no shock in raining tlio fish into tlm air. lu a lew minutes I him hold i find five largo cuIh, most which were sl'gltily wounded. Sumo oiliu wero tuketi, by tliu oatiio means, luxvurds evening.” The FrcttcU Milliner in the Wittiesa I lux Madame Lnrcino usceuded into tho pen, nnd look her place alter delivering herself ol u stately acoii|i to the judges and dm court, like n grand dame ul tlm reign oi Louis XIV. Sliedid nut give their lordships tiny troubln about taking her nut—not slio ! Wlmn Iter attention was railed to the various acts ol cruelty, both id speech nnd net, with xvlitclt Mr. Barber wn* charged uccouut of Mrs. Barber's alleged cxiruvu- gunci! in druHH, slm clasped Iter blind pliutic way, ami exclaimed, Hitu ! c'e»l inlamo—It harln. (lieu explained t<) the Court m. I’lirisinn calculaiiiiii fora lady'* -Ah! Mi •e/" hi t tlio U*U.ll lies* varied id is invariably tukuii lurgely Dpnli an iiicoiim ol 26,(X)0 francs Id positively ufiirm—assuming j children—that ii lady was cconuimcu! xxho only expended lU.OUO Irannt on drc*H. Mrs. Burlier, in our opinion, wasoutitlod to «x* pond, at ionrtt, X'iOO per uimum on this object. Thu s it tu ol jL'200 per annum xvu* o tniaerc—It was tnrty tt in—depi or able! W a- ill6 too much lor that evening robe ol white satin t Assuredly not! Tlm Court must take into account dint ilmro wen bouillonnti of thu siuiio under tlm skirt which was necessarily nt tulle, winch wut again adorned wtli houillonnei and a trill . nt silver luce. Kltu saw no mention ul thu wonder it Imr mother don't Wash, and do J hrthe, which WUB de tii<iieur. And tlien tliu xvork in the kitchen ! tiietr birdslnp* xxuuld readily sco tliut there Whin a duacoii of the church sells utrong muni be a bow to match at dm trout ot tlio butlor recommending it us swucl, I wonder { Imdy. 1' elding I 1 pr°» Jnpim-o discovor. I xx list they see mi , •:dtaid III ot laughtci. look upon bathing , Tho Jap mat imporittin nnd hnnoralde institution 'hov enjoy tho luxury ol a bath very l tio arrival ol the Japanese nt Honolulu wa* expected, uml tlicrt loro created no ex citement. Timm xiu* no nuiso, disorder, drunken rcxclry, but all thu population 1 wnli each other in doing honor to their visitors. There was novretentiousdiapluy, but everything vxtis simple mid liottm like. Dr. Gnillow, a nn'.ivu ol I’hiladulphiu, 1 pliybicitin to tlm United .State* lluspit- , gnvo u bull ut Ins house, m c »nt;dimunt (Jo'ttnmouto Tattnall mid his oilicors. Hi* room* xvoro splendidly docralod. Tlm King uml Queen and i’rtncu Kutnoltamolia xvoro presont, uml souto ol tlm JupuucMO digititariaa, but not dm AnibiiHsadoru, who arc required by their instruction* nut to bo The JdpatiL'xu who wore prearnt looked upon iho dancing xxtth uvideut *'iii*fuctiott. In ilicir country tho sixe* do not doncu to gether. The music ulso xvu* utruitgo to At a pic nic which was given at u place about txv’o milea out ol town, tlio rulroyb- inonts woro served lit dm old nntivo stylo, all boiiifi seated on mats Hprcud Oil grass. 'J'lto cook xvu* also native, tho chicken*, pigs ami ti*h being wrapped in largo loaves und seethed or buLtil in Imles tu tliu ground, in winch etoiics bad been bouted. und tlieu covered lip With Ilm articles to be cool-(if. Nutivo dancing cotmluded tlm entertain- inent. Judge Border gave an oiitrrtaiiia xveru Imrn t Were you « Aro you troubled with bilas t How many empty bottle* buvo you in tho houset How doos your meerschaum color? Have you reud all ut Tbuyer’a sjicechea on the horse raiiioud < Are beans tin article of regular diet iu your family, and if an, how does it go t Stato xvlicthet you nro blind, deal, idiotic or bnve the heaves t How many chickens have you, and nro they oil loot or ill the sin'll t Also, how many uucceedancuna t Is there a struxvbrrry mark on your !e!l Which food do you prefer, runt or mixed drinks t State hoxv much pork, impending crises, Dutch cheoso, popular sovereignty, stand ard poetry, Gaycty paper, slave cude, cat nip, red flannel, Constitution and (Jnion, old junk, jirrlttmery, coat oil, liberty, hoop skirt, &c , you have on linnd t Persons Ituble to be "censussed” will pave lime liy pondering iIiuho question* over and preparing tlmir aitsiver*. During a debate in tlm Hotiso of Bepre- HcntativcN un tbo fid inst.— Mr. Stanton (Ohio Black Bop.) branded as treasonable tlio purposes of Democrat* who avow the election of Mr. .Sewnrd, or any other Republican, a sufficient cuiine for a iliHbulmioii ul the Union. Mr. English (Indiana Dent.)explained that ho did not believe dial a corporal's guard ol tlm Democratic party xveru w illing to go out of the Union hcunitso ol thu mere elec tion of any objectionable mun u* Pro.-idcnl. Mr. Stanton said that xva* trim n* to u good many Democrat* of die free (States, but they have fellowship with (lioso who have avowed such .sentiments in order to aid them to remit! control of the Government. As an intelligent American citizen it xvu* in* duty to sec dint no enemy to the itihti* intioiiH of our country should lie intrusted with tlm power uttu patronage of tlm Gov ernment. ^ Mr. Millson (Virginia Dent.) said Mr. Siatnon wa* altogether iu error in saying die Democratic party North or .South hud evor declared ns die purpose »l tlm party tu destroy the Union in the event ot dm *-b. ~ tion ot uny opposition candidate tor Presi dent. Mr. Stanton referred Mr. Millson to Mr. McPherson'* Speech, wherein were extra* is from twenty different Deinocrntic sproebea, allowing that nuch u purpose had been dis tinctly iivuxvod. Mr. Millson denied dint it lind been du- olared the purpose ol the Democratic ; ii . to disaolvn the Union in dm event ol dm election ol a Republican President. Gen- demon have said that in their opinion it xvould furnish jus: cause lor a dissolution. Mr. .Staiiion replied : Un did not charge thih'an n party doctrine, but ho did *o« thut leading influential men ol tlm Democratic parly who ure tlm authorized exponents ot tlto party. Ituve expressed hucIi a purpose, and Lo regarded dm undorru cxproHniim ot opinion ol it* representative men a* expum- o ol tho o|iiiiions ot I lluua Poisoned my Loomrn —This i the iJiiriug tho stay ol i Honolulu sixteen salutes xviioio number ul guns und eighty-six. Powliuttati nt eru tired. '1'lm s two hundred "Doc," acorrortpondent of tlio Now York Spirit of tho Tiiiins, writes to thnt paper Hum Richmond, Vu., under date ot A;>nl 17, us follows t ••For txvo seasons the Doswcll (table had traveled to New UiIcdiin to nid in making sport, and Planet nnd Fanny Washington hud met amt defeated everything that thu (8oiilh-xxc.'i could niudlcr uguin»l them, nt tlnco nr four mile lic it*, Irom Lbarlu*ton to dm Crescent City. When 1’lsnct'* Irionds i»aw dint ho xvu* beaten by Daniel Buouo, because ol his want ol condition, and heard tbo "oroxving*” ul dm udinirors ol Lexing ton over that small crumb ol comfort, limy t four mile othernou- the Buono iko a mu (cit d It" don’t roly on ilia merits of Christ for salvation ? When a young lady laeca her waial u third smaller thun nature made it, I won der it her pictty figure will not shorten file * nue dnzcu year* or more, beside* her miMornlilu wlnla slm does live 1 When u man goo* threo times a day to get n dram, 1 xvotidur if ho will by Hltd by guineas hagatclle. No liter “king : ■ I JAHTOV Ac HattHf tVII.EK N. (KtLKTIlKK, . .nl««ion M«rrli»n opngu. wmc* - umjgp. 11, i( Klr j|, (or t h.i Monday tu April next t*t>t open nnlU the FIR3T DAY OF Jl I.V,an ) (Ixicd; suit sit who do not mate retun.» hr dm* Will he returned In default, snd Dot Hi t ‘CD! The |>rop<Tty owned Ui<! first day April, ”»* Payer* t* the property to be returned. 1 “>4 (drUr atl to make out a schedule < f tbetr tax- ersprrty and make their return* a* »oon *» the u arc opened, aa It will save time and Double, *ddmuch to tlie convenience of the Kerch er. w ISAAC T. BROOK*, T. K. “••ch M, trfr) dltwtjull Boston & Villalonga, OTTON FACT0R6 and GENEKAL CtiAIMICSlUN MLUCHANTt*. Xo. 190 Bay Itraat, Bavannah, Oa. ** bonton. jno.l. yillaldnoa, Jbo. ii. Howard, n. T. Chapman .*• Coapraaa. OetnUr ll.’W-tt Copartnership. “rderslyned have this day formed a Copart- , “J^tlp for the purpose of ronduitln^ a CAR- 'TRRit and Ut'ILDhR* IlfHNW. and for the ‘‘•wartwre of, Hli».l. Uoor.. r^we Mum and style of FKRKINF. A GIFFoRl). k W. II. PKRKINK, S. . U. f. OlfFORU. Oa., Jan. 21,1SC0 dit wtf I would Mr, chMrfutlj .up|>u» him (or .ilb.r j ' l6 . Pro.Inc, o, V.c. P«.id.»c y . I know exactly where to find him, and a very guul place we lind him in* lavor, ! constantly [ dock. public being the subscriptions for CtT lion. Edward Everett completed hi* nr The London Timet, in e leader on . y Ct r on Wodneaday last, and ao the great fight, remark* that "nation* with- 04| |y Wl , j jB initialed into llto activity of out great qualities could not have brought |,f #| tliwt lie can look back upon together two earn wiiliug lo pas* through ! a | mUat t half century of useful acrvico lo >uch .n ord..l .. Ih. terrible Cjlrl u( lot hjj l ,||uw.eitiiari.. TueiJay." J T W jy During the session ul the Northern Msthodi.l (ieiieral Conference, at Bulfiilo, on the 3J inst., Ex-President Fillmore eppeared in the hall, and e resolution was unanimously adopted inviting him to a teal on the platfurm. He was received by the Bishop* and cordially welcomed, the Cou- fereucu nstug in e in#**. ry Schley Superior Court has been adjourned until the 3J Monday (21st) of May, on accouut of ibr til Lfslth of Judge W trull. Hai.k of IxAihnoAii —According to notice, tho Timm- m.Iji, A iJarneavilio Bailmnd x».ii rxpj**d to jiuldtc salo by tlm Hhenll' of tlie county, on last Tueaday, (May 1*1) and Peter W. Alexander, K»q-, in bolisli of numerous ■locklmhlrrs became tho purchaser at the uurn of .'fdO.OOb—tlm estimated indebted ness of tbo Dto Company. A new Com pany whs immediately organiz'd and the road will soon undergo conijdelo repair* and wo hope will bo cxlcudod.- 1 f'pmn Pilot. munt re»j>cciing tbo troubles with the ■goa on the frontiers of Texas. Tlm Ju- (liuns, ho says, aro ravaging tbu frontier counties in all dtreciiuuM. I/a urge* the imnudiuio formation ol a regiment ot mounted Texan volunteers, as tho bo»t moans ol chocking tlie depredations ul tlm Indian*. Liuut. Gen ticoit hu*, it i* said, been Mumnionod to Wasbington, probably with a view to a proper disposition ot tlm troop* iu Texes, or tho leiuiurccuiuiti ol thu force already there. i Judicial Election.— The Chicago Journal (Ktp.) says the official returns from all the counties tu the Htate havo been received, Iron) which it appears that Judgo Dixon, conservative Opp., has been elected Chief Justice of Wisconsin, | A* it Should Bt.— We understand that by UO majority, over Judge Bloen, the egular Urpubliran candidate. 1ST An exchange say* that giugcr is becoming a favorite garden plant in the Southern Mlatr*, it being discovered to grow luxuriantly. Tbo green bulb uiakea the best of presetvts. the Monroe Female College at I'orsyth, (ia., under the direction of the Rev. Win. C. Wilkes, in addition to the u*uol branches taught in such inilituliune, the young la dies are required to learn tu cut and make their own dreaica, and al*o, in turn, occa sionally tu sujxrviae and direct tho cooking and other domestic arrangement* uf the in stitution.— -Var. Hep. When * young man i* depending upon hi* daily oil hr In* income, and marries * u laity tiidt doe* not know how tu maku h lout or mend a garment, I wonder ll ho i* imi lucking aoumwhere, say toward* thu tup A recent law par.aud by Coiigrcst provide* tliut wlien any jicraon ahull indorse oil any letter his nr Imr nume and place ut resi dence, aa writer thereof, tbo nine, n'ter remaining uncalled lor at the office tu xvhieh it is directed tinny dave, or the time the wnti r may ducut. khuii be returned by mail to said writer ; and that nu such letter* • ball !>« advertised, nor shall tho aaino bo treated a* dead letter*, until au returned tu thu |>ost ollicc ol ilia writer, and there re main uncullcd lor one quarter. Must; ot mt. Mandamus.—The Mobile Mercury ul Monday evening says : Mr. rusty jmt «be following motion ou thu docket ul thu Circuit Court this morn. it ? : State vr. J. M• IKifJler*.—Relator moves that the xvrtt ul mandamua granted in this case, si.ull issue imlanter. Ilu will lOilal upon tho following ground* : 1st. That no appeal or writ of error lies from an order granting a mandamua. 2i. That nu aupersedeaa can no grants in such ciiie. -#•♦**. The uei|Vre6t Apaiaug, one ot the Band- wich Island*, lately got possession of a mall bag dc*tincJtfo lluimlula, and supposing tbe letter* and jiapera lo be erliclua of food, actually ate up a lot tf tbaiu bofore they discovered them to t>« inJigeaublo. 01 the tvxoiiiy-twu man coticirnud in the Harjtrr’s Ferry raid, eleven xvere killed at ltio place and -even have aince been exe cuted <m the scallold. Four ore yet ul large, to wit : Rndjialli, Merrtam, Tidd, pi'll tour! la, sleeves, cullai*, cufi*. glove* apurr— aim could not huI a l*'ly’* litllo comer comfort* down at less titan -L'fiOpor annum. In an swer lo Dr. Lofib, in cross exanituation, Hito ittliinute'd lo him, tlmi situ had liui-u speaking, hitherto, ol ladies ; but alto xvaa quito iircpari'd to admit ihul tlm wito ul a -inull lawyer- * petit awat like linn (Dr. I«.)—might drees lierscli tor X lo pi r niiiium. Bui tlirn #lie must lm anj u/tditMt. and devote her whole attention to turning, dye ing und rnukiiig slnlt. Would Dr. Lobb usk her any more queaiimie, • mb' A llachclot’* Soliloquy• I’m single yet, I'm single yeti What can the mailer bo; 1 wonder if life's *uu will set on nty celibacy T I'm growing an cient, yet no "beau of promise” I can avo ; I am further noxv from "calico" titan what I used to he. There was a time when I could move in jollity and fun, among tho laisee talk of love, ami kiss them every one. , There was a timo I'd rather meet a pretty girl than not, hut now I beat a swift retreat, or "cave" upon the spot. Once i wa* rig ged from lip to toe in Re-ar of neatrst trim ; a dashing, gay Lothario, a perfect "dandy Jim." Now note my werdrobr, what a plight, my coat lack* many stitcho* — I have whittle' prg* a sight lo fasten up my breech es ! My Itneu too, i* passing use, fiat ••giving ujt the ghost" a bullet riddled lUg of truce, between a warring host! My sock* but poi.rly are roneealed by antiquated boot, ona irg "left upon the field," the other left a fool! Abandoned now I pine alone, the maid ens all abhor, because 1 atu a woebegone, a ruoful bachelor. To me no comfort ought can give: my life ia a lengthened sigh—I walk the world afraid lu live and more afraid lo die! Whero i* our proudly boasted bliss—our independent borne ! "Non cat inveutum," and lo this conclusion 1 have coma. A bachelor's a human myth, mure animated squid ; a mall ia ‘‘something" on ly with e rising little nb ! iintnodniii'ly proposed u lioatv, (ot &20.U10 u etdt, ttiu oil in Virginia <>r Cliarluston, > trnl firouiid. This challenge party declined, but oflured to t lor a HimiLtr amount, tliu race to run at Mobile, New Orleans, or Memphis. Mr. Doswcll tlion oliurud to but tfi.o.ouo against $)5,U0n, it tliu raroesmo ull in Virginia—or $20,000 n Hide, at tour mile boats, tlio race lo ha run ul Charleston* ii. C., in January next, and gavfttlio Ifoonu party tbu privilege of naming him or uny other home in the Union, which banter was not taken up then —and itua not been to this day. 1 liavo no doubt it i* yet ojiuii and 1 urny bo permitted to add the opinion, that it will not tic tukun.” Notwithstanding the very posiuvo inaunur iu which "Doc” settles tlm muter in tho lust soutouco, wo can assure it in that, al though not ko inucti giver to * liowtng” as the "Revenue'* puoplo, tinsc In the .South liavo a confidence lit tbo gci und South-' of “Lexington" owned hero that tuck xx Inch ban cr ut *20 Dull will authorized to statu that jRcka.ii) (V. Co., who consilium tl.u party,” will accept tint proposition ol $?u UUU oguinal $15,00U, and let route of! at Ashland, Virginia. Thu |>re* liminarien will soun bu urunged, and tlie match will ercutu m«ro excitement thun dul that between"Lexitigioii" and “Locompie." I Memphis Avalanche, May 2nd. Union Constitutional Convbntiom.— >Ve learn that ad tbe railroad lines and li. tr cuuiioctiuns, loading to UHjtimure, h- u agreed to i«*uo round trip ticket* ul h f fare to the delegates to the National Co • • Union Convention, which un-t in this city on the Uih inst. Aa a malic jivrlaiiiing to the inleruata of Baltimore, thi oilier# ol Iho Baltimore & Ohio Road have i*id their exertions to cll'cct thi* agroomeut, nd with the ul the other railroad coinpanica, have secured tbi* desirable pur- jiose. The Coutmiltru ol A rrangmuente aro making every provision for tliu a**om- tdago of the Convention. A lingo and respectable Commute* of Reception ha* beeu appointed—Haiti more American. The latest suggestion for the torture ol the coming Japanese la that of thu f'hila- delphia Ledger. It recommend* that all tbo Missionary Boards solid delegate* to Washington to lay before tin* Prince* thu leading points of doctrine with a view lo their proper under*i*nJiOR of tbe religious condition of the Lulled Statu*. What an idee ! Aik a grulluman Irom tho antipodes t i "get tbe hang" ol all tho phuse* of belief that prevail hoie, in tlio shoti *j arc i f three months, beside, a.cii.g all there ia in country ol a pdit'Cei and social chant It cannot be dour. year lor tho apjiuarance of tbo *evo niecn year locusts. Prof, t^mith save they will occupy the "middle of 8t. Mary’s counlv. Mil.," hut a* yet they hav* not inadu their u|i|irurnnco. Tho Loonanlluivn Beacon, however, states that they am known to be about a loot under ground, and adds: Many hog* in this county havo already died in coiiaequnnco of outing thorn, in tho Patuxent section wu learn the mortality hu* been very great from this cause. A gentleman in tho Factory districts loat nine hog* this week from th* aame cuuao. In view ol these fact* wu would auggeai tho penning of the hogs, al least until the Itfth ul May, at which time, Prof. Bmithsa)* they will cmergn from the earth. Ktale of thu Treasury. Tbo receipt* of tho U. H. Treasury for Iho quurtnr undiiig witli March wero uouilv .^22,600,000—0/ which upward of $15,000,- 000 wero from cuttums, $500,000 from ||,n lands. $249,000 from incidental and rnirt. ct'llaiicous aourcea, $5,588,000 front Ttean- ury note# under the act ol 1857, and $1,910,000 from the Loan act of 1858. Tho expenditures were $20,937,000—ul which $11,500,000 wero for civil and foreign intercourse end miscellaneous ex- pens**, $3,037,000 for the War Depart ment, $2,444,000 lor tho Navy Department, $1,095,000 for tho Indian Bureiui on Pen sion*, und the remaining $2,300,000 for the iotorukt of the public debt, tbu reim bursement and payment of Treasury notes, and tbo payment of Texas creditor*. Malonx’h Mixtruk pok a Uouuii ort Gold. —Take one teacup of llaXibvd, soak it ail night. In the morning, pul into a kettle two quarts of water, n handfull split up of liquorice root, one quarter of a pound ol ruiauii broke tu half. Lei them bod till tbe '-trcngtli i* thoroughly extracted, then udd the iLxkCcd which has been previously ■naked. J.i't ull boil about half an hour more, watching aud stirring that tho mix ture may not burn. Then strain, und add lemon juice and sugar to taale. Take any quantity, cold, through the day, und huh a lumblerfull. warm, at night. Tbu Japanese have ducovered that a few second* previous to an earthquake, the mag net temporarily loses its power, and havo in geniously constructed a light frame suppod- mg a horae-thoo magnet, beneath which t* a cup bell metal. To the ermalur* n at- tuchcd a weight; vo that upou th* uiapiiel becoming paralyzed the weight drops, aud striking tiro cup, give* the ulartfi. Every one in the house lliou seek* the open air lor *afety. FaILURk oi tiu NVusatGkof in IUmi* County.—We imvc been informed by Mr. Isaac Almaml, a resident of liarrin county, that the wheat crop ha* proven miuioai a total latlurc, there. Harris hau liltlierto produced largo quantities ol the guidon grunt, but tins season there will not bo one tenth ot ltio geuoral yield. Cotton and corn in that county aro promising.—Atlanta t^c. &T A telegram trout Washington alaiea tli;it the Inonda uf tbe uecedera at Churlra- tott onenly avow their policy to tie to throw tlio election ul ('resident lu ibe House ut Representatives by ruunittg three or lout candidates, in which event they count on tho wholo fifteen Southern .States, together with California aud (Begun, to elect tbetr At the Washoe silver mine*, it required three pound* ol silver to get one pound of flour. Wheat against the field anywhere. If gull) aud tilver are the precious metal*, xxIiuaI and maue are the yet utove puttoue