Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, October 02, 1860, Image 1

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<£& <<gjgjb XXV AKftAXOXXXXTarTHKoruil TiCKETA ■III D. ClithertlV. fc»q (lor the re-| roducioin j h| #i hjf r#l Ircunilnrl Jall , n »>•* d' -J. • I •«**? Irr.-." •■Hint x„ur which at lb* lime we are iudtbi- 1 SoUl , jeril m , n . The Democrat '><"8 ' ul *" ‘ a,,, V,u Jrj ' J **« ,0 lh * Aa/ ‘°'* a/ InttlHgtnur) / I lMr . Bell) 1> .a served iu Congress and I uw * “ f ’ sgggLji I ; =j£i^r„. r —rJ:r si:z \: : ... - a*R£US ..mull—ilmu (rmtii' or., ulirnu uni. (-•« i „i ;n, USD , .. „| »,,,,. inl.lllUriHr ,„„ y „f , drr.i | J..i.i,d. .. 111. Psp. 1 . pro. 1 hero 1 »t I 1,1 " h'lriu ’ ,1"***,’.’ I <**nbah.i t.Miltd M-, “XJS'Z M -.. September 80.-The ■ T ' Ck Joiix"lt. \\ II.IIKIt a. t.\i 1.1 I NEW EXPRESS ROUTE! Harnden’s Express k GIRARIt RAILROAD, St r3SFis£ 8 - “• mL h£K°,\w NOTICE TO TRAVELERS H JBk to ^gggHHHE- It can be done by a union of Southern men rn auch a rebuke lin rt >‘ n 8 ■* iu : I—a rebuke that Jo»* B«J Wr have ho'ore stated a ,b, “ in ™ - a? Ilriujr Out the Proof! . U, 'J. . . ... . none. n. Mr. sr-st ...... in.. John Doll, during .ho j £»■£» £»;■ ' • - ; : / J of I8SI1, (". il n,.y nr.k. il .n, lh . o turn. The two while U II ia i lieu, ire me lari oi tueir race ; iney wn. . . m .. j .. cl~ lb. .croon, io m, joJ,- , (I10 „, r r.u.j" l.;:;.",:: 2,;c~ ;V: ''iMoiiiriHu";:: ri.!.. h.. .I'l.iJ up In « I.ruler lor an, i... I anil lire inrlilia food." tunable In t. I The C.-neliiuuonal Union jiurty, iu de* It iivo ini in, il i’li clei IMlo’MIld*' 'tOWMll"iv v?J^Xgtr,u$iJl! i £ , record of Mr. Bell's course different front ,uhl that .0 frcel, C.rcul.i.d .1 the South, and \[” Iron, which we have auch copious inn Wasnimton. Sen.. 20, I860. \ w '' »;°P"'" r re » ,,,r ' * "‘ k, n .co^rSrS: • . Iuximiti'.v, Sept. VI—Them were The dliywia brilliant in the extreme. and Gen. Walker especially dirappoimed all who had lormcd but aimply atate a laet in rayiujt that bis fW4!:^ u t*trrr e .r Is Sll ’a mouth, we iiave met him in fr the Irieh.) "I ne ar iu railroad car*. avct«Ji W rec «'• • *»"*• union and ahrinkimr Irout observation. 11 a to allow Uie air-j: i' ee u-niMied on this o«v In the tn *a. -.rying - IThin" A* bla characmr we.'lna What he *»rote w.ta perlertiy loficei, and showed evidence ol deep -I.ought and ei- itSSaiH’rFE'r | i*? cSciss by S. II. Gu-xel & -I .Mobile, without placing Inuieell in the loi<er«und aa the central ligure but lor w hich ncitbar Wa'ker nor any •*! I lollow-era arc responsible, 'he well «•<•«'- vi.iu w, <i v.iIl-.,i ... <;.-••• •!>. « 'he 8 ironaler'.horrid be delayed Mianwhtlr Walker t . adv S"Ho*ol 'ta'yr.'tu'i "lo'iir'i* r Idid'wo 'r.' .'r iko rmm ’| , |'r-li" , ji?. Tj.rabr'lil! Haltered and Mem in past times an a kirk, and say i In m%er .s- upport linn. What ingratitude ! No raco hi thiv country l.a* contrilruted an much to the elevation and pop:ihru> -I .Mr. ToOmha 1 - '• •' ’ u..i .il., i,«««. swjj.a i;rSHHiH£«3rS VIh'iI!TJJre ui repeal but aotbai hiajrearnrr ahould not a.-rve aa a ! '•• ""■‘V pretence l»r the delay ol i he tMin»ler.^ Ilia *eihe^Mtming Newt doe* not notice Walker,* *»i* r a pr.ilonsed cruise, watching »* waiting w”et a rcvtM^^nd' cort 17' I lie It met aaya s -Mr. Hill defence Ven.tu i» n..t l<» bo ultaikud. mil the l’a|wl Hint of .Mr. Hell’s voice on the anhjrct of eloli- | ^^ I •* »1 y• ^o"c*1 agulmit'tho Wi’l- Aeryin the Diatnct of Columbia, Wrre j the under»i<>"d policy ol A;.»tria and “** V u M .u.. wr ,- | u. wi. iAXsiss&iivfvi ; Wihh, cliaiuiian of il. ■ W» ' . inn.i!.-. In j vMiorn. d , n i xiu« who day al’tr day and SiTa'i^Wu SS , Wil l l.el rro ilia ib.«coj.tuiikird-,.^.^,ibM..,i.i ^j;; m'TITk.n. lie br.r PI,,,,, .1 Nr« Or- ""fi"'.b‘«* lip. Or* .i‘i»r»bl.“ .nd d„iin- rilt ,„J |. .till .1 \ • I.,.. I... .prm.,,.ick lim., W. j “"-lDuu.ulTi’d Ilo-Wn. iu. IV ~* •'* *W «• A»- ?SK , S r.1,1 the pohfcal atame ol Hie voters ol .Mason, lor SSSHrlSSSB ■:SSS=S~S :Si?5 : E : S rion. and Iho »u!l j.Mih., Ilk. „ „ ’i ennd'd <-.> !>r Thomkou. i« 1.0 d-cr< ti.t bi I .alas ••MWMtinl Uk ~ . . " r vr,7 I Jl "."I Mr. Cam, I. Gill Ul(0||l b, D ll .... ... BSSSSS* 'y ol m inn. - hi. iho ,„d bry." haeoe.l i . n.wptietrm o imae. n in any | State, he ia reported «o have said, with bis a a : , b ™Tp.:.:;r. ~ 5!"," mm, rise and capturn the brave chief and > • ' • This enda the romantic career of a very remarkable man. whose name will long live iu history and in the memories ol thora iisxrvs .te ff'x:: peel, looked Mi the interest, ol the South f ran'k oil* .i*‘."cn, but in’ n >!' supporfmj Il is too late iaki-n in hia y ahead ; ami all narta of '_..Wr,lw._ IM TaxNKaaRB.—The 7. r.; 1 "— .1 lh. III,. Ill,R .,( ISM, .i,h^ ,, ,,„( 10 III. »• Ewinr, r ,»Vi>a .r Vmiihi. H,m. E. W. Ful. ion. This latter ia n»her of (he M r.- di.ual Mr. Kwing u oul anil out fur U II 5SKi XiT Mora-hail forty neutral and pendent journals at the South have come out for Beil and Kv-retl, since the Ken tucky election. —Bc/f. (Upper,