Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, October 30, 1860, Image 1

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mmmmrnmm X l L ,7/ THOMAS RAGLAND, —Proprietor. A STRICT CONSTRUCTION OP Till: CONSTITUTION—AN HONKST A NO PCON^.lill'At. ADHINISTRATION IIP Till'. liOVI'.IINMENT, VOLUME XXXIII —p 1 '" (The 0;uln ttnqmrtr. 18 PUBLISHED F.reVj Pay—Sundays Excepted. rriVEPJLIARS PER ANNUM IN APVA'CE, (lit Pollan If pa.vm-ut 1* detayodslx month*. f AtirrtraKXssT* eoruplcuomljr Inserted, at th* i im I rote*. fhc aflrrklt! (&ni)uiru\ 0BLI6HID EVERY TUE8DAY MORSIKC. •JA—Two Dollars irul Purr Cksh per annum, ij-sble ifiruriaWy in mteance, or Tuan: l\ ootpaM In a<ivauee. paper will he iliscontinucd while any arrenratfc ii due, union* at tl.e optloa of the Put Halier*; ami Dollar* rill, in all eatti, he exacted where ent I* not made before the expiration of the nitaerlptlou rear. ADVERTISEMENTS iplcuously Inserted at Oar Pnxit per s'luarr, foTthe ftralluacetlon, and Flirt Cinta *ah*e<|uent continuance. A i>|ii»re hi the Eixju I, the space of eleren line* In small type, c< i ling, at R Aoca, one hundred word*. ADTOmtmiBWT* publiaheil at Die usual and with atrlct attention to the requisition* or tl.e law. ,ht XoTtCf over WjM Una charged at the rep- __ advertising rate*. Coiuiuunlcallou*Intended to promote the ptlYAt* r«4* or lutereati «f Coiporath.ii*, Roulettes, 8c1k»'.’.s of ImllrlJuaU. w.ll ■-!,«: d ■■■> ■■ 'vfrll-p . . c. tilLman, No. 117 Broad Street, DKALKH IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HAT8, a AIPB, Tirldlow. Saclcllow, dPc. i, amt U rect Irlu^ dally . a new t nd •II evicted slot k of FALL & WINTER GOODS! i «*• every alrantageand facility that could he .«d in haying |w>U, which vnaM*« me lu SELLING OFF TUI 8T > K Ait heap 2* any Can Vflonl 10 sell TUKSI, AND MUCH CHEAPER . i..- Tuan They Are Usually Sold! ” l ‘ ' L»*a aaada turn a»rang«ne»t« ti«* , .1 i,,.,,.. \ 0 throughout the #*f«on, l*j which ' (] _ I can always show NEW AND DESIRABLE HOODS, id Ret the adrantare. a» the season adtanceeJ DECLINE IN PRICES! «*»POMK AND LOOK, and w will show yr u GOOD GOODS AT FAIR I'HICES! F. C. TILLMAN. dnmbn*, Oa., Bept ‘■l*- 1 , \A8l> Uit w'.hn THOMAS S. SPEAK strcoRssoa TO . S. B. PURPLE, HAS Jestreceived, In a l- 1 <11'Ion to Mu former stork tome very fine Watches, Clocks, [ Rich Jewelry, Silver Blair Plus. 11AIK WOBKI A beautiful variety of Patterns, dtr any design or pattern you may requart. (VATCHEB, CLOCK. 13 and JBWELB' .palrvd by sxpomneed «»«*•! mu. Diamond* react, and •) Bid* to order. COLI.MIH'S. GLORGIT, TULSOAV MORNJW 0CTOHE1Y GO. 18(10. OFFICE—RANDOLPH Street. numberIgT Ihurulay korning-, Oct 25, 18C0. I An Vm Mniullur. Public Meeting; in Marlon County. llrfn^ Out the Ill# U' Biine I’lteera fur Amellu anrt Nottoway! A special clrctirn lor n member <-f the Legislature tvn* held in iho counties «»l A'itch.1 nod Nottoway, mi Wednesday, and tvn have the pli nnurn in announce un tinsx* peeled and glorious Dell Victory. It waa i clean,atra'-sbioui liphi betwcon Die Brock- ‘jgc and tbe Dell men—there bcinc, we but un v Doin'las men in either of those cctuttte-. Thus. II Campbell. miii ihe* ri'cnlarlv nomin’ded candidate of ■(if; Brecki iridjo prrty, a i •' < n A. Crump, the teuuhuly mated cai.didnte | Hell In ihr l'reaidcniiul ii betwcon H'lchnnan and Kill* oio iu Amelia urn) Nuitoway %vaiki»jr»» «#rt. There wm a leil nv oucc . :rj pod our of llic door of a Intern on llm i*iia*iaaippl, meaning to walk a mile up the a bora tu i!:e next latent. Ju»t at I lie* landing tlicie lay a big raff, one ol'lbe regular old f«»b* lotted vvluU-t*—a rale a mile hmj. Well, the fdlow heard the landlord me lliu raft waa a mile long, and bn »aii) t«* hiinruU, ’ 4 l Will go forth mnl sen thin great wonder, and let my nyi-a Imbold the tim ber* which the hand ol man baili hewn." So lie got on at the lower end. and began I to ambulate over thu w«.od in preity filr j time. Hot just «• lie got sttried, the lalt | vtnrlL’d ton, and as lio ualked up thu river, ! it tvulltod down, both iravelliug at llm I eitme rate. When h« got to th« end ot tl-u | aticlt-», be foitad they wero pretty near j sabor-, and in eight of a tavcn, ; *o In* I landed, and walked atrai;lit into the bar- I room he’d mine out of. The t'eneial nine- : uesrt of thill*.* took him a Inti* aliack, but ‘ ho looked the landlord steady in the lace, . and e. ttleJ it in bis cwn Way : t ••J'.rtdir.m," * nd lie, ‘‘.iro you gifted I with n twin bro her, who keep* a *imilnr and d tavern, with a duj lie i'e wife, n e 'lii* •eanlii potting wood-pile, mid entfvrpomltvg ciiuu* nut "eo lurilier. The flreckinriduo oandi- l>ill n mile fioin hurt' ! ' dale. Mr. Campbell ia an old political singer, The lavorn keeper w«« fond of fun, and re,,.,. . .! ■ N 1 tii.mctin „tco t ,lin C \y Hid til, 1 H ju.t 'is purhf|.a Ihc iuoe papularlinij i.iflaetl’ . “ A »J. I'Ublic.i,, h„vo .mm,, • • • (1 , an J n |,j # lf luau | ,r, e j drygooda fur the entertnim Stn'e. I] ir now, nl*o. ri,r I*r^ deur ..( tl,r ! »««d "»V wbiaky M l Soiilli'Side He la, b •ides, ibo , flint ol your brothcr’af* brotbrr-in*law .»| die Hon. Uoptr A. I’ryor, ! And (he faveru ma I iho Ini;guns ol iho Orcclt:tiri(l(ic par- | rising nfihe sun ever Am.'li, »ml | |, D lliHliHiian’i inajoilly... l!' , l’ Wednesday I oat Crump (Bull) obtained majority over Cnmpbnll iRrcck.) of Ii Notiownv uod i in Amelia—or u in.ijori' ,i| II in the two countie*, vith an ng.T about 700. no hove a guilt All bail Clory enuugb lo Mr. Bryor’a rlistrirt. fv io Virgiutn Noiiowby ure both ii I and ihnan rouotics Imre nMtvry*, neroTolore, tviiliotii nn exception, we believe, returned 1 lU j Dumociaiic ineinburs to the [.cgiaGlure. »*'•- | Take it nil in nil, iLcrelorn. the position oj .Mr. Cumiibcli was u remarkably strong otic —crprdnlly when it ia ruiiicmbcied that C»l. Cramp is an entirely new man, with* out ibo apcc ul ami puiriotic inflncnct;* iu Ira lavor potenaaed l»y Mr. Cumpboii, nud tver btli so en«\nged m n political cunv.iee* The iriumpii of oiir friend Crump, under all ilir c.rm.niBiuiiues, h one ol (be moat return liable un re ulate bit:i mnl the I'-ll it.-Uicli. Whir. iJ, tlraC Itodt dm to ibo going down i Inutl r h Tbry took the drinks, when tin airsnger slid, "I'ublieau. of youia in n fine young ij man indeed. Bui do you dial lie euir«*ra good ileal i dipilirri.i !’’ aticker* i. Id li, Im; :-! Iihvc ousjtai- j When l loll y»ur I , j sworu lit" 11fir I > wbj al esn, I walked l | from lit* dor I time, un' I'* No , I kr legtug Unit one o| dm .Seiuslui* in ( trout tin < Suite Ims proposeu m-d urgt j il,ut ! all persona who eiinll ucerpi ndiccn uml<T | Lincoln, it elected I’rr.ic!. nt, aboiild be „ . outlawed and k-llr J.ond umcb li-dy tmrror I tin* been expressed by that papei and other | kindied submi ‘*i.o. eln ete, at die enormity mg here, sti ppm' I dio'kiMiutur" alluded H.* 1 , 1 '!' lat'e^uccSaum to 1 ■■ i «i Ml<I . F ! 1 must Inivo been ini*understood, OSS, iii <1 belter ( r t/mt than any man j user ih(/ are. I a I way a walk n mile exactly twenty minutes, on n good road, I l II be busted with .in overloaded Injun ln#on mor«ln ton minoton com- tlx ;ed log a j die rum ul a I I many person* beat tno witnci auy dial i still II j Republics '"Ki "" So U t lit III t»,uecoi.ipauu | n |l| ac k I I dnintii d ii seiiliiiicnt, and whilst I hold „ I’ttr.aioKNCV.—Mr. | .Senate ot the ('. S. 1 will volo against die lay Hand that he uunliunation »t every Southern man who r. Kouhch—On T/’unngo I tvn »l«i.> ( v W nf mui uulty Bell- | cvercll* tvaa Ulowiug lustily for Ilia candi- [ <1 ul#»». him! designating reiloiu states which • ,ii Iri* estimation were sure to go for them. I • Hold on there,” interrupted a republj- I can, "you are rlaiming aoiuo of ot;r Ltucolu slates for your eundiiJuc«.” I '• Your jiincoln Btatf* ! Lincoln won’t get half a detun state* aliogutbcr,'’ iclurneil •copt ollicc from a Keptiblican I 1 ‘ 11 ’ lL‘lb’ Vr redj cteil upon the platform of die | “Look bote, vowed li<>.«itIity lo j "1 will brl yo uivnie i'oiivpr*Alion, spoke ibe plana of tustsianco lo irk Republican I'roulciit, u ra.'ly disapproved it, a* ColumlntB will doubtless ; mil 1 do not lic.ituto to would bo no bolter it. hnd ought to l.o cm* •■iractaed i*y uitivoraal public con iiultic llltceii stale* dud lie will get; nnJ then 1 will bet you live hundred dol lar.* more that l can itninc live additional state* that will tfo for Lincoln.” “I’ll take tlioae beta," atiid Dvllcvr-rett will be roii *_• i» cnmigti it nd base cnougli lo I promptly, ‘‘new narno your atatos.” accept ollien front Lmcoln. If this declrts j »*11 will be tinto enough lo do that when iftiiuu wul .ud dic cauao ul Duuglaa «t licit } the mutiny t* up," answered iho republi- btainond* reset, and Joaulry Air* UtTraaino and EwiAvr** neatly ^ CANES! CANES I Th*b«*t saaortmanf of Gold, Biiver, Irr.ry an t LmM Hrad. ever otl»rvd. peubll: hpectacliwi jBUtyC* OF «JoI4*nd 8t*«l Frsn«a,ef tb* ^£*0 Uot quality manufactured. “'‘■SBKki.s-* «i* Jntfl ’M-twwtfl JOAIS’UtiLni.T — — - - la wry LOCKHART, 101 Mi A ROBERTS’ CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, ti*T siM. or ooLrruovea trraarr, OPPONI'I IC TICMPKIIAIUK KINK COACilkH, |6cKAWAV8,^^ir WAGOKH, guiuaty—l>u>, TOP and NO-TOP IlUOUlKtt, I ,, rr t i et .| EIDK IPRTNO Rl««iU J . FANCY LIGHT TROTTING W AGON* att»{ thetaVc** and win*' apj.revc t -' v 1< - «n I a.ak«n, and which *t "u lb " dtiine term*. Being convinced ttiat tin- t KIltTEM U most randucive t-. thj liiler<*t- V>oU. buyer and setter,we *t»a« noleavo in <•<,•»•( ' „ n ,) ,\ ir our huiine** aa nearly a* i>oa*IMi' on tU»i •cUrerefore offer s^<r'i*"/,/t,rr> > ,a><rr„f ,o t . • • g.. Pears****.*, ferlln* -,»4ur».l ** • •< UUre advantage of alt p rtlee de*tr,i,* %*!,.. ,< * m Vht brtaf the money. H»dnr '-'uplc tn- n • • ■ " (pMtftrltjr tolled a call, nud lo p • by strict attention t lo hutlorM lo inrrll an t recrlie hero or eieewheru, tlrcir faienda the meal ol d. Hut my plan ol resititnco to the ( lection ul n IJlutk Ucpublicau I're*- nlont, uB* bfcn loo olleu czpraaeerJ botii in ablit* and m prtva'e, to b«' uueiindcraiood. tl.e parttea wliu bate tbus rntiutaed wliat they have obtained from street rumor*, roll- stiJcr my p.i«i|ion and upiuioi s ot any con- inujiiniicr umi wtali to make them mo sub- p cia ol comn.out, they h*\o only to advert to my apeecitcH in the Senate and at Unflin, J^ p pmj( relnnd «Itut 1 Mould do or advtec ill, ,i and them exprc*»«d, a;iJ Mlimd co.iiiiig'-nry altull actually onaa, tv it row cronii probable il not certain to da, 1 .null not Im becnwarJ in reitcratiug them to the public, and eiilorcimt them by ad Lie argu ment* I cun bung to bear upon (lie subject. ALKUKbjVKHsiuS. From lhe Wa*tdnglon Ftatr*. Dune iu ludlaua and Ohio, if evidence i* foribcommg to e Hrcckinridgeitea deiertcd tiicir candidatea tu Indiana und Ohio and voted lor (tin nomiitcea ol the Abolitionist* j mini ns, I and lltack Uopublicans. All ibo paper* (turn Hint acction ennio to ua li led with In- | dividual inrtancca ol a treachery baee and dialioitorablr. Urigbl, Fitch, ami tlieir de ceived .did deluded tools have intmoriulized themselves at laM, but «»iat immortality will cover them with loaliug disgrace nnd coiiiuinuly, instead ol tdicdding lustre upon their ilLapent live*. Wo liuvc atill another proof, it come* Irunt ono who Iran taken a uoblo part in tfie bitter conteat between the tegular Naii'iuo! Dciimcracy on the enn haml, and the Abo- litimiiei* and Hlack Kepublican* and Van- cry bolter* on the u*her. It may be relied upon with entire coni douce. We give the billowing extract ol a private letter to a Tho money 1v.11 put up. The Kepubli can thru named the fifteen *1,v,« atntna na tboa.i upon which he proposed lo ri«k Iho bundrr.l dollars, nnd Maine, Mar.nchuvftu, Now llatnpsbirc, Vermout and Wisconsin as the fiv.- additional *talco upon which ha proponed lo ri*k tho five hundred. BslL , vi re tt openad hi* eyes, gave n long whis tle and then walked iiw.y Inciting about ns ViSy"liljt* "f*' iteajJt (rrdulyrnkSuf; »m( go, ho fold her, snappishly, that bn was JisguataJ with politics, and would thank her not in introduce llm subject at the din ner table ngaiu.—Manchester (iV. //.) /Jem, HI. Ke;>. T'eleirrnphlc Dispatch from Mr. Ev erett. C»l. AH. II. Dawson having ruclprei to Mr. K.vcrett tbs aniele in tho Monigom- r.ry Mmloi the I4 h ult.. cutuaining the nliargcs ol negro equality, “**** Judge Kico, and the niode by J inferences drawn tUctelr.un by Mr. McCraw, Mr. Bvernti 'csponds ' " | | ugrapli: i the following dispatch by icU I ted the Hlack Republican ticket in Ohio death ol Mr. J ilin •’| 4UU l Indiana. 1 have their pnn'ed ticket with our candidate stricken ell and the RupiiMiuona' put on, nt.d the ticket bended Boston, Oct. 20th, lBtiO. Cm. A. II. II. Dawson t There is not t|m sHi’.hteM loundafion for ibe ebarcee oi Judge Rice, or tho inference* u Ut,.MoC, , «r. EDWARD |, VERK . pT This, we presume, will be eofiicicnf to satisfy cyrry ono that Mr. frremu enter tain* no such sentiment* a* were nttribu- trif to him in the article alluded to.— Moutg. Pont. Ufadt to Stand uytiirih Candidatk.-- Thn lollowing spirited and*timely hint ap- pear* in tit* Montgomery < answer to tiiu i'nterrocniory specified belt The editor of tho Mail, in hi* characteristic reckle*Aitc*s, lias wished to know, it Jiulgn -••• /, . ,,, , , , ...... i Douulas would have the audacity to speak. lli le In IoW<> I ' I'".' Jd i,\Vo oon onlf l.ll our r- *o« k «ll" •‘"•j | <l " lli ' c '" *1 |,ii' d U.u "^1 .trT Lii i??K oT.' if .i..° bi.ii.. ««.!■ -1 i 1 S « > g 18 0" at s .1 o » f* H aa ^ r I lh I •cimon and addresses dtl. rnaJe a dt«p impresrirp. Uisbop Wools v . ~ i finauce* felt hL o owing t J the n rtbiu j a* nl-o in The ! • w ibe duuand ot the body, | ^ auetsry pressure. D.ctcs.— Hunttr'a Lrcomts "aiding stake lor c„, ''“'“T.'” "" but llouudU.. at Adminstralor's Sale! dc Urealhiu’a Cilsttcoe City was lbs only IKpoesaanreofanoMwof CewtofOrdl- ! conteitan t. Time, 3:18}, 3. H-j — iwo-inile »rv lor Muscoeee county, will b# S«M at : eonwaiauw ’ lability c*t.n J (induced ly politic.I comJilion ol Ih. country. ..J IB. cl«c,od ^ u ^ |o only t.iucdy j. lb« utl.r or.rlliru- of bull. “ a „| e .i Aur. | iho port!., Ih.l thu. di.lurb lh. puhlio Th, prtunhle w,« .i rf .rid io.ol.e in their .gil.llon, lh. ' Tho (■„„ tMO |oliou I 1 in.titai on. «r.d ho.iue.. inlcte.u 1 c „, u<t i . Mo u O f ul, I VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY ! ^ ^ ^r j nHired : navy lor Muscogee county, wilt I" -* : , lha Market Uou*«,iu the city »f Coluc.bu*, heat*. Baroe* roodfea, by iltg!.' iRdcr, I won ih. Association purse oi **100, n.tls Fsnuf Lot Ne. »• on which Is sl«uat«A a two »t«ry j bests, tame day. baUdtaf with kitchen, altuaicd below th* Market House on Broad »tre*»; at present occupied by Mir M*nid* Owen*; number of teet front no* racolUctc.l Tke non*, out of Loi No. Wi. *ttc*i*<l on Ogle Jhor»« street, adjoining Odd Fellow* HalLeouUln- faf «T feel 10 lncL*« front, ond runatny back 147 feet is inches, on whbrh there k* a eowforubie Dwell Ikf wHh 4 toousa end r.*ree»ar|r outbuilds*, al k preoeAl occupied by Mr*. White. ALo the teeth pert of Ul No. %ii. conUlnh-e 100 fool front, rmanlu* beck 147 feet lOinct.s., H a two lUry Uua tlag with 4 roow* and all nee**#ary '•HbmltdtafB, situated on Oflethcrpe »ir*et. H beluy «k* late reetdeure of Wlky Adame, deceaeed-eald rcatdeecc sold ubject lo tbo widow's dower. AUof the above de*cvtl>ed property acid a* the property of the late Wiley Adagit, deceased, and far Ih* bcoeAt of the Heir*. If Mes*r*. U. A. iiaksr and H. K. Olaks, Itoih dislinguisbsd Democrats of Alabama, publish a card in tbe Mootfoasrjr Con/erf* tration, in which they *t*t# that they pro. pounded tbe Nortolk (ideations to Mr. Bieck- mndgt, by Ictlff, but havo received no •newer. Of course they hsvsn’l! of tLo I e.tpls. Tbs » nly bescon light of jjinion, Btviit nt.d McC Lo'>f. *ud atcurtiy, m this condition of pub* 1 Hie resolution, and M* m • lie (ifliiis, ta «hc j ul icy indicated in lbs ; iver in opposition tbortio. Ulultonal L'ttion Ksrty fusing taken, t!io rosolut t wo proudly trier Tho 2d Old td re*‘)lu i . . \ The following prcioat . - - . . Kr Tho Doonteo,.!. -I J.okKn MUHh.» -Th. uod.F«|Md lolly .ud Ir.cly .ndor.o | didu'iy o t'i - - ,p l>n JiJ .ll.h.tol.,om|r.p ; .M .. •(.« —'■« | H .-J «B. Jutlg, i.l except tho Ural mwaUulti bltuh ULV(.trs: , * ^ , . i w ir.av «« KOI (ii mauiieat. that “tbe elsctton ..i Abraham Lincoln lo l( , “ V F " ’ j , i (!!: o,.r, .ot of ho, i.og U.r»r d«.i'« ><" « a of ih. North ond a iog at Ibe feouth. Of caursa they cone*'*-1 Qf waf „ Atc> V V. buliovo that iba ated Ibe friends cl It o Union and of John j #nuuc ( tUoni contained in tbst raaolulion .Bell, about Jackton, by such a warm tssli., >r# neither sound in law nor true in fact, luonial of thsir love. Irisnds >l»at tlti* would tvn tlie and they hove watched for it, and dcticifd tin; wholo thing. Orders from Washington i did ibe huvtncee. 1 ' Tim l < 'alscltood Admitted. A late number ol tbo Marion (Ala.) Coin- uionwcallli cotitntna lliu following : “I’aasoNAr..—tSomo lime aince n cortca nondent of this paper, wining from Mont gomery, stated that tbo Uell and Kvcreit Lxecutive Coinmitiaa o' Washington city wero ernditiR out tw-o records of John Hell, onn ior Northern nnd the other for t*uu»b- „m circulation. J* ia due to tho ropuiaiinn that our torroapondent bear* for the truth tulnees and tandov ot hi* statemanta, and it ia nleu due to tiie position we occupy as a public joutnaliM, (bat wo should *t*ie ^ t l it.Bt he ia katielied, alter investigating the . .. mailer, that ha was not fully justified in KfiirKNRisu Discount.—1 hit Cuiuruma i ^gjug ibo aintenicnt above referred to, rs i; > Ciuaultan, uultcitig the euspenston j %n j wo ar « autliorixed by that gentleman ' , nt bribe {State H*nW of Nottli i i„ a ay tltaf the mistake was cnUrely unln* • ■ r. ,.i.' ... times,” | tcniionat, and that be was noi iho only per- t.d he- ' son who really believtd, front tbe evtdsuco ' j I before them, that two records of Hti: were .. . I being sent out. We arc lully satialird lint' * ,,K ' our correspondent did not intentionally the let of November. And |„ 4 g c k in|Hsialctncnt. < * * i adds "th'd i* ii.* first fruit ol ih** ••Itir- j The Comttionwi aitlt's correspondant said 1 ..'.M.. I. c t.*’ I Ae /.««/ *ctH u copy ol the record ol Mr. Hell, pccsatl been icdulgfi a tbeir niabgi.snt h*treJ ot inu a |( /urego.t , , ci , i ,U» Umuo ..a.» hy h.p«ir.j Johp >iMnt |h , fi( „ JJvll in cfbgy.— halt. American. n*y thsy've got” of inanifsal- for union and fraternal f*«l ins Judge. “I expected . 'moment I'gbtnn.f would s'nke ; 1*l,reo c ir loads ol United Siatcs the Vito un let wbi'.U 1 bad taken sholler. , , rftU pS r a'*(d down iho Georgia lUtltoad ..Whv. turn," interrupted N.-1-on, ' n , PI| route tor tins barrack* naar Auguata on p.ruiui.I''™''" \ ] I the public ate let IU cji.jtciurti tm .ru. i mof,., houc.r, th.t llic ot>]8. t I. lo ini■ ' piyvu iUu I'ui 'll" «u«rii,neni I arm*, staMonsd there, order V y l h.'o 'I im... puMiilitdI in ( T,mn, i,ari»h of Nalietiicoehaa, raise* the Hsg , vv . i ^Xi~u4 4 i;d , i:..^u.‘' lk ^:*£ff».»irTCS-fi is ibe Southern people should j is as follows.^ ...5 760 tV T fc * W..UtntU« (N. C.) DttrnUli ^ ^ p , rUIpl , .ouu, b.i ,hiudon.,l il. u.ulr.luy ,na -III h,r*. ,, r ,„ p ,h. lobtceu jrowin, r.,iun »l >. *. WIUUM.A.-y; f| „ , upl ,„„ D.ll ,ml Er.r.ll. k. u«i,unoltbu*l.u. Err,era or t«. Lett K.II.T. iron To- ».ccu,—Krom .11 .ccoun,., ..y. lb. Louu- . .illo J-urn.i, tbe .Ski. ol lb. Iro.n ul in. I,ll,r ptn of li.t »f.k upo. lh. loh.cco nop h». bran n.0.1 diw.lroa,, l.colrin, | tb. lo..,, o' .Bo#* ol h« c-rop in tb. tobacco bs Bouthstn porltor. ol the Hiatt W -, M. BROWN, t Btinou. .V 0 — - J. Q. SPIRL.V {" v„ n. flocrat, who has the interest and THAD. OLl' LR. j 0 | hiB country tt head, should, lor The inssiing then adjourned n*t ate. , ,, l0 .. m. Lvti'xrr u cast hi* '''J*..* K II CRAWFORD. 3 Hrll, the iit'tet available caiic mo, » ■> "> j. H. OCNIIA.M. [Cl«inn«n. I woo r.luK lo dowon ibo nrouiii thad. Oliver; J J. M. Lows, I . ,. . I.- \4 IlnTf . 1 i * prejudices, w ill certainly be parhetpt ] ,nil in asiaol.ihlng sfcimnaham m 'I uuimatsl) cflsut our tulu. I i,on wiiish will \ Democratic majority, ao far.* .1 .€>43 Thrro at# thirY>N*avan countmi» m l tun- da, and cunecquantly thers aro fourhen counties yet lo hoar freru. Hot urns coma in alowly from tbl ‘‘laud ot Uowsr*. *** Aug. CuH*t. whicft l.o alleged wua gov up h i Nottharn circulation ; but now he admits that ho never saw any such thine. Tun infamou* uuk having he* w promptly axpotad by Mt Holder, ol Virginia, there waa no other mods uf escape than that udopted.—Atlanta Atnat. _ Tut Vota or New York.—The vote ci Now Ydtk iu IHjtt waa as follows : Ouch- auatt 196,878 ; IMImors 121,001: Fremont 278,007. Anti.Kepublican majority 43,- 075. In fttbb the vole tor Governor aloud ibu*: Parker, Dem., 230.ol3i Burrows A liter., H0.8SO, Morgsu, K*|'-. 247,053. Anti-Republican majorKj 43,440. In No vember, 1*50, ills vote lor ®« crtUr J of btate stood •* follows J Jones, Dem. and Anter-, 262,689; Loavcnwortb, Krp., 261,- 130. AtiU*Republican majority 1,460. So it wvilbe i««n that si nu Uiue have ths KspuMicsn* cani*d New York by !b« p»p- ulsrvo'.c. Thia leave# room for hops that the fus'n-u Uckvl will MtuiophauUj pr*v-il. .j cliastice nny cr«'/-V even dare interrupt him. We pro inclined to think that altor that ••The! Little Giant" will have ft respectful i bearing in tbe capital of Alabama.—.Yus. Rtp» ltvady 1« Dtmolve. Hon. Thomas II. Watta, tho leading Bell man in Hie Ktoio of Alabama^ *oy* if Lin coln it elected the South ought tomtit, ond that he i* in favor ol n dtasoluiion or the Union on that ground.— fttnet. It is strange how jnott, who prrtenil to he the leaders nnd in«ti uutore "I P'lH"- sentiment, can allow tliemvelves to be mis led hy the buhl assertion* ot others l Now, Mr. Watta nover eaid an) thing •>! tl.e port, and no dely the Timet to ilia ,,rout', Mr. Watt* simply admitted that tb* election of Lincoln would juitijy socassion; but to lar from ar*crtittB that thn South smsAMo secede, or ol being himself i« /"• ior ul lecesiion, w# bollevo that lie will i><* I .und one of ilia strongest Union advocate* when that qnaalion shall cotne legilinutcly before the panple.—d/owfff- Beef. Spiuai. Kliction.—The returns from tho Hcnetorlal dtiitut i .m. oaed «fj C h‘•' icrfield. I'owhaiatt snd Cumber and, »nva •he (V..) U'sp.'.-h. *®'V ueitutulv vha slacttcn ol J- U-Cox, (Doug- 1st Prut-) over H. II- Naih, (Breck. L cm.) t nx carried Chevietfiold by, it ia atnied, 100 majority, and Powl atan bj 3Q mijoriiy. which sutures his election The three rounties gave Buchanan 750 tnajnruy in 1856.^ Tho Indiana State Journal, the centnl mgaa ul tbe IL publican patty, caadidly idtnils that tbo IcaJing Uieckinridgo men of Indiana, Bright, Fitch A Company, did til m *hnr powtT to md ibe RepuMIcans in •ecurm<; thvtr triumph m that Stttf. Com* lueutis unnecessary.^ ^ ^ Ths Rockliigbam (Vs.) IDgiater an* nnoncr. tb.t Wm. F. linrJon, Jr., wq.. oi Albemarle, whu wsa • member »1 ths Char- lottesvilie Breckinridge Convention, has Irclsred for Douglas and J. Itnson, and will •■ke ''tbs stump” f«r ih. in -s tbe regular .,«minre# of the National Dsmocrat'c Caa- vsaUou.