Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, December 18, 1860, Image 1

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reL8*i JHOMAS RAGLAND, —Proprietor. rOLUME XXXIII A STIUCT.COHBTKIICTION Of Til I '. COKBTITUTIOd—AN IIONI.KT AM! BCONOMICA1. ADMINISTRATION 111- Till: GOVERNMENT. COLTMM’S, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING DECEMBER IS, 1800. OFFICE—RANDOLPH Street. NUMBER 51. he gailti inquirer- j IS PUBUSUBD jtrry Day—Srmday* Excepted. jVR DOLLARS PKR ANNUM IN AUVA'CP, B nent U delA/cdsU month*. eonsplcuon*!/ lwerted, at th* ekln <£nqntrfr. I2Y TUESDAY MOHSIIIO. Mind Kinr Cerreper annnnr, > in ndcizncr, ur IliUt I>ouiu it pall in advsnre. |p«r will be di«cuat!nned while acy arrearage e, unleat at U.e *pt>oa of the PuHWirr*; and i DoUara wlli, in all cast*. »*c exarted wlicrr '■aent U not made before the expiration of the icrlpUon rear. ADVKRTISKMKNTa ilciotuly luarrted at Ox* Dm p>r ■fjoare, Uie Aral laaertion, and k'irrt Cicaia for every cequent continuance. A equare In the Enquire betpare of eleven lines In email type, contain , ■« it Aoea, one hundred word*, i, ADVBArKHHBXTa publlfhcd at the nraal alca l with strict atuntlun to tiio requlalUooa of the liar Notjojw over eight line* charged at the reg* ir advertising rate*. Jrn-.muiiicatlona '•U'.-idctt to promote the private fc or interi*U of CorporattonB, Soetrttt *, School* ludlriduah. wlti he charged an Hrtvertbrmcni*. StaT* Uapt. Bird Y.iunj ‘(the original J Popular !»loveuiiitta In Georgia. S t nion Sugga“), of Tsihpoosa couaty, J At a very large meeting of tl.e people ol bla., write* a Utter to the Wetumpka JCn- j Walton*county, irrespective of party, a*- ijuirer in favor of m tfloit to maintain tbe j xnr.blcd at the couit-house, Willia Kilgore, right* of the 8 uth in the Union. He . Henry 1). McDaniel ami John T. <• rant thinks there is little doubt that if the j nominated for delegate* to the Stale Southern Sun. Kill ocl in concert the; Con.mllon, Kilh ioMtuclium Io mihi- can right themselves in the Union, lie give* it as hi* opinion that the “conrulta- wun ticket'’ will carry Tallapoosa county by at least &U0 nrjjnrily. Capt. Young I* and always ha* been, a Democrat. Akotukk NswarAPSU Sfai'iWioH.—A few day* ago we chronicled the suspension following demand* in lehalf of thb South aud to preeenl the alternative of their con# cc*«ion by the North or ••€•»* ion : 1st. That wo demand an equal setiltmcni and occupation ol the Common Tcrri'ory, according to the decision ol t!to Supreme CourLj» the Died Scott ca*e. 2dFA safe guaranty tor admivslm ol (iitnre slave States into the Union. . 3d. An ewiro suspension otthe ogi'ntion of tlm Atlanta Diily American aud of the ,he question abolishing elavuy m the Ltcwnulice of the same nty (the Weekly District ol ('..iunibia. *«*■ «< »«) w.h J jjjji.*® / -Mlsi to add that the Confederacy, ol ibe sain* wa y to nulDly the Fugitive Slave l#«w. •).« .'j.i.nd.J, cccil slm- All .{I ivliirl, >ro to he niut.nwr.l n. ih« . _ „ \ . South before the 4'h nl March, us the only gether. It feli under tl.e abend a hammer. C0 „j u i liu t | iat M j|| | iCCp her imni aeresaipn# We trust that the suspended Atlanta paprn are nol-deod, but only ilrrping, and tha* they will all bo resurrected to new life and vig.T aa soon na the preront temporary >VANNAH ROUTE TO NEW YORK lat Reduction in Rates of Passage! panic ia over. Uoi fi rind Confederacy ar< feret*, s> thrir court to the bringing atm happy state of ulfiii Til* Y. L'xe Ladt mis of the American surely innocent euf- j A cteeting was held In Zebulon, t'tke | county, on Tuesday of Iasi week, which ] the irurrjro’iate mcr** atlnnpted to j control, and lailiug to do so, withdrew. • The meeting then adopted resolution* coun- I selling moderation and co-opctation, and Hancock County Mtctlng. About two hundred ol rim cniaen* ol llanrock uountv met in the Court-house to-dnv to nominate candidates to the ap proaching Siam Convention. Men repre* sentinge very variety ol opinion as to ilu. best policy lor the country to adopt in tlti* hour ol her peril, were present, and participated Ireclvjn balloting l"r the r respective can* dida’.e*. Thu meet til" wan organised by appointing Hon. A. J. Lane Chr.irinan, and K. L. Isittlo Scoretary. On i.ikimr scut, the Chaitman stated in a tow appropriate reinstks, 'ho ohject nl the meeting, und when bo had declared it open lor the transaction of busino-s, Judge Stephens, niter a brief comment, introduced iho tallowing resolutions, winch without ill cussion, were unanimously agreed to: Resolved, That all the ilivrhalil:li; .'t'a'es, having ii cormiion miens', ought to adopt u common policy in the present great enter* genry, and share the «ame dealt' j ; r nd that ! •■pint ami rigMsol the res', adopt lor her- red any final and uncondiiional remedy tor C'gistirg grb-vames, until sho shall have lirst taken c unaei, or IstIv ulfored in lake counsel ol tl;o whole, conroiiting the p l olling In the Customs. Wasiiis- Dec. y.-The receipts tho Horton Custom Douse lor ilia pn wcok were only OdU—insufficient pay ilm monthly salaries, which weie fo warded limn Wabln. gion. Betts mi the Fiifrltiv* Slave. Dee. 6.—John .Minor Botin. by Congrpi contributed | nppoii.trd Thurmluy Iha Ullh oa the day for i.—We have I received (cvcrai UUiuhsts ul this spicy and entertaining littlo sheet, published at Au burn, Ala. It iuliy rralia-js (lie anlicipn- [Orleans •’# ^ Meoiph's :.*i ) lions of ils iutinst and atlractlon to the power/. aft 00 OiaiUn. '**» xi» >,» j family circle which we j rcdircd for it ijMPif a >U Ct’ 00 I ih* appearance, ll it, indeed, on ip- ;iual "Mhror” that n tlrcls the vivacity • Company *a U»* Csnlral E*lir >ad Cars, and j and beauty of lho tr male mind a* laitli- * * .. , . , , JOendtd and OowbuhIViu. j lull/ aa tr.i felaia r» Hi cl* material objects, > again rrcmnmet.d it especially to the (tlDA, 1M0 Tons CajiUln Crowall. ! ladle*, Upon wh.«e lavor ll k*» peculiar m-jingOi* j cliini*. '1 ha Mirrtr is puMulied Kdll* Fries, Ma Mi»*e* Laura uli and Mary <*L Moore, ediltenm. [ered an/wbere In S*-w Yurfc I p.y the MtadUaml C om ■ IDfil-WniilKL, BTJ3AMHH1PR : tVI'A, l.V*> Ton# . .('apuln UnodhuU. alDA, 1300 Tons Caplain ' BAMA, 1800 Ton* Cu|.mli. ■ i; i ‘ \ V, i ' favorite Ui..' known a# Use New York A Mavan- ami 4 llugbl*. pubtolier* ; pr> aintlilp Jiaemliuo Uuipany, and wrrr tnlli pad/ f*'**. • Uae, they ar* ronnnanded hy eipe- ' . led. skill, ui, careful and poll!* oltli- —- jertablc seoanun .ii •' 1 * ll<J by atiy Vnarh lhr«UKh t i.'keU are told ICi vivr.u !—-We agaiu welcome to our 0'Imu. j., K. n ilr.,ln «r„t. ubl. iL. Luici'lurj I'ullud. im, Ki.trIt I... M..U liy &<x, (tioiXABn k Co., { ' lumbe* l.y 5. II. IIill, Ageai llar-teo'* bteu revived by Misiti. Watkin* i Wright. sr* and »./ J. M. Iti«i*«, liallroad Tiakat I , , , , , t, and at all other point* by connecting Railroad U t* a sheet ol v.ry baiidsunto appoarattca iotiTn.TVH.nun fcOALtiE, “‘ J uir ““■ 1 '• *j>ird wiUt Agyfitt^ila/ Street, Savannah. | ability and good ta*tc. Wo wi*h it a pro»- peUMi* i x lotiiicr, and trust that, uo long a* it prolcsses indcpsudence in politic*, it wilt i void that htiotig prwdiTity to Deuiec. racy which charactcrile# mo.t ol the *o> Called no-puriy paper*. , Ha/ i —. . L. MITC H 11.1. ol S.OX, Apents, Hi llr«uUwaj, New York, vannati, February fti, l.vAO. list/ iLL AND WINTER, I860! UEADY-TVTADE pLOTITHsTGr! Hats and Caps, GENTS' URNISHINQ GOODS CJoths, Cassimore3, AND f.K AM) VELVET VESTINGS, Shawls. &c. &c. t K W !ti:iT.lViMl at |3 BROAD STREET. TRUNKS, brpet Bags & Valises, I A I. W AY.* ON HAND. > invlt** the at'ention nf l uyprxto our *«la*tloa* t»lo» Hood# for ()«til*'* waar. f. H. DANIEL & CO. , ,123 Broad St. rcat Reduction iu Prices! U R NIT u K E WOODEN ft’AUE! Troy Manufacturiug Co. m IN order to retrace aai [•took and to gn umn'.r, * new olcrlng r Tub* |l i m ' M to |3 3ft elc# at a prr,noi.... M ... «< niul^e a llbn ol iIjM-nuiit t« d<-a|r- U> a rail a* •• are deterndnrd tonrlt JgFFBttiJON 4 HAMILTON. ptrber 15. I ft 60 OALVE OALVERT’S atent baw Gummers. Iirtl will pum the kravtekl Saw greatest farilti/, will,nut t«ktup u A UtmtoWa UukAg.—In the Ronh Caro lina Uoums of Commons, a committee has been rjieed to inquire whether the ilouao has been duly otgainitcd iu pursuance ol law. it appear* that a law ol the Stale require* thf member* ol the Legi-luturo to ba ewuro “to MUpport.^iiUitain and defend tho Constitution of the United Diatea, to the beat et ihotr knowledge and ability." lint the Clerk, in swearing m the inembtrs- auoaiitutcd ihe words power and belief lor “knowledge hih] ability," and banco the inquiry. The Clork'e mo'iva for thij ol- lerstiun has not bscn expleinid, audit is suiuiisod that some puny nick wit intend ed by it. ntittly convention to ■do ol redressing nml procuring adequate remedy lor common riqlits. Alter tin? luiluit <*l * * • Rich: a letter, suggests the p_ ol a law'inaRiitg it tresron t> iug » plave arrrmed under tin' tugiiivo slave law, and camprMinj any State refusing ia surrender a tugiltvo slave tu make indent nity to tho owner. Hard Talk In the Senate. \\ a mi in (, ton . Dec. C —In : he Senate yen* icrrtsj Mr. in, of Georgia, in alludin jo Mu* r< lu^sl ul (Suv. Ilouatun lo call Uir T xas legislature togcihcr, raid .1 IIou>- 'would no; yield to tli- public aeniimcnt, some Texan Brum* would »ri?c t.» rid the country ol this “hoary headed traitor.” [Telegraphed to X. O. Pic, o stia.ii ui amntou* e all the Southern policy which slmll tbeir judg- a tho preter- lllumclt as. The Aleundriu UhZ I’.p well say* that the cmiBiivativc men •! the South few I that they have nolhnig to reproach them-elvsk with, in view of the prcusut unhappy daion ol otlaii (. They Mipporied and voted for Constitutional Uuioii men, at the last l*/eaid«n:nl election, whore success would have bean acquiesced in by ths whole country ; thsy htivo dona all tfi they could to | rv vi ut tho “prccipitution" ol i revolution ; they bate argued and p t.aled ogiinvt the “«ece*»ion" ol any onv n'-re Hiatc*, ut the | merit lime, previous i gi neral convention ; they have urged tr al ol ail aittmjriu to affect a ut It le nt epon a constitutional ba-u, within the Union, h>fota it is broken up ; thsy J HI CM win Kum th# b> e«w with tha j have foiewarurd the Northern Ststc* ul ihe J r;a«f.t fa. ilii/, alil.aut taklug ii ont of IU P* Ns 8sw kill ahoolrt be without onsaf the., j "iSvltaLla r*. ul!* of a per.tvtance III un- kb.elTfor four C tlnli* , Ua*wKm«/! , * rt<r ,g n " # * I I'iendly langusge, legislation ar.d action. |C«Ipiv U " C ® ,ua * htt, ***** K"«ln*«n*Saw .\„ n# 0 f tha evils to come, if coma they. must, can bs laid al their doors, Thsy tuii-l ii’jw wait patiently for events u# thay aiiee ; but atili, even in gloom slid dark* ' ns**, hopo fur iha Oral. IfrtT.iKa 7wiV pEW invention! TBH NSW AND ADX1RABI.B LF CLOSING GATE FIXTURES ! ■J fclfTl.T am.-nird, trgether with (ha Oi>#nlcg '•‘’.’■“Veu.-nl, in,.Un« Hi# b-«t anA rbvapeat arid Poor /ard Oat* sow befor# ih» publlr, why un.leiflxur.l. Stale and Cauaiy HlgliU aefoldir dailred. They caa 1>. >aade ta cwlag °, w +y* equatlt well; aad ll car. ba *p L STYLE! ATSJ_CAPS» F. LAN DON Gl LD Inf* rra hU/riendt and the pu. rail/ that h* I* n..w r#r.-i»lnx hla Fall ato*k of , cartetiting of ail varietira of isimore, Moleskin, and French PBLTBI r*ry COI/>r. ant QUALITY, and of the YTOT •*T IMPDRTATION, at prices io tult all. caps OF EVERY KIND! sail al»n a g*e*i vnriel/nf iildron’s Hats & Caps. — AWa a fond awuitaient of u M B It E i. 1. A H WALKING CANES. w« have alwaya aa band our aupcrlar r OOL HATS I u.D, mrtcuLv 10a ua. , J Wt f_ „„ New Bacon. HHDg. »d« Hama and Should»r*,fov sate by t BA AN ARP 4 CO. Biown Salt. ■ACM, for h/ EBAMTAKP 4 0. On Consignment. 0^114 Hand Wpaa Bop*, good arUele, for •at* U Ula, b/ B. BARNARD 4 CO. Mess Pork. ■0 tor •* k ‘* 14, t» ltu»i.dl Coouty, Ala. W a learn that Ucij. H. Baker and K. O Howard, U*q«., were nominated a* candi date*' lor delegates to rrprrccnl Bussell in iha fc'tato Cotivention of Alabama, by the county convention which met at Crawford yaaterday. rr Wo uro indebted l**q , nl th* 1 'resaury Dep P. Clayton, tiuiaut at W tho meeting of nominate delvgatr*. At a in toting, irresprotivo of party, held in Wilke* county on tha 4th Inst., Uon, Robert Toombs and Dr. J. J. Rebertson— both strong soccasioniata—w*te nominated *■ delegates to tho Convention. The proceedings of a meeting in llnn- cork county will be found In full in another part of Ibis* paper. The conservative men ol Chattooga county have nominated Dowry VV illiam* .1 Wealey Shropshire to represent that county iu the Stale Convention. A meeting of tho»a “in favor of resist- ce in the Union” w«* held iu I’olk coon- , at the coutl-hoiue, on the 41Ii inti. While it was iu session, a committee fom ting in furor of immediate recession d with a ptoposilion that, to krrp «h)wn all political excitement iu Polk coun ty, (he two parties should each select one candidate and the ticket thus brought ou' bo supported by both. This prnpoait.on was referred U> a committer, which, after consultation, reported again*t it, and pro- peved that iu order to nllay exeilrineni, Hon. Win. 15. Weal and Titos. K. Dupree, Uvq., “who formerly belonged to dllttfreiit paitits, but who agroe on the present issues" (both bning in lavor of ronistnnee In the Union), should be nominated. Thie satisfactory to tho secessionists, but the mealing nominated these two gen tlemen a* candidates for tha Convention, with no other in«l»ud^pn* but to favor “a plan of mistauee which, i merit*, will mud surely inure vation of our rights in tho Union." At a public meeting held in Marietta, Cobb county, Judge (J. D. liice, K. H. Llndley and A. A. Winn were ehosrn o* a compromise ticket for tha iition. South Carolina Mlcrtlune. Wo notice in the paper* itturns from a number of tho district*, but nothing i* »oid as to tho politics of tho members returned. Wo pierume, however, llist they uio all, or nearly all, in lavor of immediate and *rp«- rate saca*#ion, for wc *ec that the ••covsion ticket prevailed in Grcenvilla, ouo of tha tno*t conservative district* ol the Htalo. The Uenvention will doubtless be almost a unit iu favor of aecesriou. RUMORS and Hsportb.—Humors are cur rent that C»ov. Letcher, of Va., ha* appoin- t, da joint commission, consisting of Ki- President Tylor, Senator Hunter, and Hon. Win, C. Hives, to visit Mouth Carolina st once, aud urgo delay in her action, ntid Gov. Magoffin, nl Ky., has responded to this action of the Virgin's Hxecutive, by dppuling Vitw Pioaidenl Breckinridge, Sen ator Crittenden, and Hon. Jam a Guthrie, on u similar errand. |y At an election held in Clark counly, Virginia, on the 36th ul’., for a member of tbs Legislature, the Contenalor, published in that county, says‘‘the dieunioniat* were unable to induce any one to run on tho ticket." Both the part es nominated nn a* anti-acce**lonist*. Col. Mcrgm, Dam., was elected. Clark gave IlracktnriJgu 47 majorUy. Mom lb Ai«n Ohio IUiLtuui>.--Tbe ears now tun on thie road tbrro hundred miles north of Mobile, b» Baldwin, Mias. The trark is laid six miles beyond, leaving only twenty-five miles to tie laid. Tho connec tion is now made with Corinth by a line of stiges. Th# train# will run through the Horn arid, s i the i [W“ Oeorgo D. I'reutlce prouounces tho follow- ir a “perfect poem." K Is from the pen of Ws, ali.ACK IliaxkV, associate editor of the I/oul*vllIe Democrat, and son of the principal editor of that paper THE STAR. On the road, the lend/ road, Under ths cold white moan, c.l trees lie strode; «.ii‘ »3‘ .» «lr|i tllTU-d wllll Id* own, •' ! i • ; c11 in• t li'med— cold wl.ln- tdade iliat gleamed and shone .<• x splint.r of rfn/liKht downward thrown And the moon went behind a cloud ! moon esmo out *n broad and good ; implied ill* featlicr* in drowsy mood— a fowl woke and crowed— tied hi* featlicr* lr l tho brown owl called T hat a dead man lay In the road, s in t I.otter From Hon. A. 11. stepheua. i been favored, ssys ths Journi chosen course. \\ c (Ilf r* i »to Ui-.c Upon our presctil Lrgi-laturr the 'real iinportanrn ot 1 airing the mu?t eflicinit nirane id pructiring co-opcraiion among all the S ,utlierii States, ami especially that they pavsreeolmion*and have Mtiu e<iinmun:eaiitl to each ol tiio Honthern Slate*.irqureting the !.• -g rlmure* rtilru BcMilvod conlercnce ol ihe v ol the Suuilurn Hu itnprreecil with the c-mviei tty uml «iKciwtirr • I acin tatned without n spirit ot < ourkclvr*—a willingness o torred views, tu tho view ho wove slip tuny deem vital . II this spirit shall prevail, wo believe, that united coamels net ion will bo accomplished am That ch, i lion a* -hall ho final I there that he n em it ladiiro to obtain it. tho event of ouch a e or any two or ni<>ro i cannot he at- *uce**ion ntnong t of her own pro* prim do " hit It onlidentlv I horrible calamity ft! .111.' ed, di-coril.mi nnd li<>i 1* mlinr vvilliout horror ami ahum. Resolved, That n copy of thone resolutions he I ii r nie lied to the llcpn acnioliiee oi tins county in ilie present LegUlaiiiro, with tho request that they u*o their best efi’orta to haw tho course indicuicd, adopted by ilml body. Uesolved, That in our judgment 11,»< slave Siutfa ought to tuako n united do* mu ml upon thoar .Siale* which liavo viola ted our righiH, tor redr* *» ol all our griov- atjcr e ami thnt ll riicIi dr iiiaud Im reinsert, that Georgia nnd nil the ru*t ol ilia riouth* ern .States,'ought to pledgri ihcnteelve*, to each ot inn, i o mute in the mlription ol any and all means, to maintain our riglita oili- •ido of tho Union. It was norcod that thotiominatiorraaliould ho ni'ide by ballot, nnd that llie gentle# nmn rccuivini! the majority of all the votes cum, should bo declared the candidates. The names ol scvcrnl gentlemen wore nuggested, ami upon the lirst ballot it an- pcarerl that Jtulgo Liu' 1 "' Htophena, Col. Hcnj.T. Harris und Col. Titos. M. Turner were nominated by overwhelming ma joritica. The result having been announced by tho Chair, Judgo Stephens was called out, and responded in a brtol but telling speech, ilo counseled prudence, friendship, and iiiiani- Sectatary Cobb's Report# Wo lit.d in the Philadelphia Prcti following shoit notice of tho leading i | of the S.'crotary of the Tronrury, in hi report: “Tho Repott ol tho Secretary ol the Treasury is very short. Mr. Cobh i I I'Uicii epnoied to an increase in ihe rmi I duty, 'hat tic has mailt every possible | extraordinary embarrassment# to u h cm ihe * .11 > ii I I , d. II" ha • endeavored, s« lar us possible, to reduce ilia expenditure* ol itic Government, and, * a remedy lor the pieaent deplorable onditiou ol tIn; tiation*I finance*, lie pro '■sea a new ivsue ol treasury note*, upon ho best terms ihoy can bo negouateJ, with h i public lands *.?rrrdly pledged lor their redemption. It appeur* that n portion ol th" b an, negotiat d a short time aiuco will prooably not be paid into the Treasury — the bolder* preferring to sacrifice the one per mi:. *■ entity, nr forfeit, which accom panied their tfiiginnl bid, nnd encountering Uio risk'd incurring still furtltr penalitr#, ton tail hi nl compliance wuh their contract with the (Jo\ riiuicnt. This is one ol the moat striking and lanirntub o commomari'* upon tiio Mr.ui.- to which tho nation lr»% been reduced, which could well bn *in- ugiricd." Landinu op (1,0410 Afkioanr in Cciia.— Havana, Xov. V>, IHGO.—Never since 1 have been a rcsidont of (hi* lair Isle, have I beloro heard ol the landing of n t many cargoes ol liouzales (Alfioan*) in the aaino space of lime, us luva coins to my knovvl- edge within tho Inst six nr eight days. Thu intelligeme of he ncveral Isnding# reuchoil mo with such rapidity, following an clove ono upon the other, that I w«# at lirst chary ol giving it cii-doucr, and consequently in the last two or thro* ol my letter* to you, huvo avoided all ullusion io the vubjrct — fooling that it w.\« wiser to have my itilui* mation lully coufir usd before giving clrou- lutlau to btalemeula capable ol being con tradicted. i am How, however, in possesuion of “prool, btrnng a* Holy Writ," Hint fmm six In citfhl thoutand llouzales have been land ed al vari'itw pointv on bilh sides ij the Is land within the last eight or ten days, it iu difficult to brio vc—indeed, to a;rrak the truth I cannot belmva—that any one ol theu landings of Alricana ha* beca clltci- eil without the consenl, it not wuhout ilia connivance, of tho tfpaniah authoritias ol in* v.iHouh junsutt (tons, lr.»m the Uaptaiu of the l'drilda (District) to tho Governor or Lirutaunnl (• vrruor of tha jurisdiction , and V"i to prove this would, ptrUap*. be a matter of utter iinpossibiiiiy. Thi* yon will the more readily undti- stand, whim I t r 11 yon that, lor a compart* lively (rifling rum of money, almost any number ol witncasoa required may lie ob tained to ewrtr to any. circuoii-lanca ucmrd to them, ol winch in reality they do not paste** the moat distant acquaintance.— (’or. X. Y, 'times. d be to piunmimo Republic ism a lai'ure, and to eu'atl upon us ptiinltil necessity ol abandoning llm wine CoiiNiitutlon ol our Kathara lor ii Consiiln* tiunal Monarchy and a Kmg. Againet all this, every lecltng ol bin honri rovoltcd; und bocssso he loved hi* government “lor . it« protection and its bench'*," lor it* hi#* on u fair Hummer * night, when th* iiisoii, lory and tho prestige ol its n:itne,ii* would rhining in the mtdat of the atai*, tend* make one more Imueat, earnest aflurt in forth th# refiaction of it* silvery light over Willi tlw Southern Si.ic., to ?or- | bounJI... ploin. Tho view i. toil in piilo twilight, without bhade, without , (or ..lukbto .nil .cce|.liblo olTiei.l | whul<! ■li‘ l * nc, > ,:n ra ‘ l " I month. <T ^ |>r j fjr Tha iinrq r d'» ,u atceasiooiala of Mb- RABP.itPB OouBTT.—Wa litfB from the con counly, Ala., bavo namlnatcd Rev. Cuthbart iieporter, that two meelioga were ; Hamuel Htnderson (Baptist), Rev. convened on the same day in Randolph, to | Ulna (Methodist), and Dr. isme* V> Dominate candidates for the State Convene j their candidatea for the Convention (). R. ancient purity. Railing ill tide, ho would thonj' in nil brethren in atrikmg lor their right* “outsido ol the Union " It wna moved that 'Im pr readings ho publibhcl in nil tho .Milleduevillo and Au- gosia paper* without discrimination. A. J. Lai oho; a liglt •if Commerce, with the following f from lion. A. H. Stephens, nf Georgia, to a friend, a resident ol New York: CaiWFOROVlLLR, (fA., Nov. 25, 1800. Dkar Win — Your kind and eslemrd fa vor ol the l'Jih instant i* beloro me, frr which y.’ii will please accept my tba«k*. I thoroughly Agree with you as to th# na ture and extent of the dangers by which wo are eutrounded, and the importance of united action on tho part of our people, in the line of policy to he pursued. 1 know, also, that there breathe* not a man in Georgia who ia more sensitively alive to her righta, interests, safety, honor • ml glory than myself; and whatever late bdslU uh, 1 earnestly hope' that we shall be saved I rout the worst of ail calamities, internnl division*, contentions end •trite*. The grt'st aud h-sding object aimed nt by me in Mtllcdgevdle wan to produce har mony on a right line ol policy. It tho wor#t comes to tho worst, may, and our Hlutc ha* to quit tha Luton, it ix nf the utmost importance that ail our people shoul i hr united ccrJtally in this course. This, 1 led cotifidi-ut, can only he effi-cted on Ihrlme nf policy I indicated. But sindor compels me to *ny tint I ain not txtihant hope# that our ngh s may he maintained and our wrongs be rrdiorsed, in tho Union, ll this can bo dona, It is my earnest wish. 1 think, also, that it is tbe wi«h of a majority of our people. If, after making an dibit, nre shall tail, then all our pcopln will lie united in making or adopting tho last ireoit, the •'Ultima ratio regum, * Even in that cave, I should louk with gicat apprehension »* t* the ultimate re sult. When this Union iadisaevered, i( of nrceHsily it must hr, I eeo at present hut It.tie proeptcl ol good go«rinm*nl after ward*- At the North, t feel confident, an archy willsooii ensue. And whether nr* shali be better oil'at the H.iutli, will depend opon many thing# that I am not n vr eut- if.tifd that no have any a*»srance < f. U#v- elutiona aro much easier started than con trolled, and tho men who begin them, even for llic bad purposes and object#, seldom end them. Th# American Revolution of 1770 wa* ono of th* few exceptions to thin remark lliul llto hialory of llm n^rid Mtrnisbes. pamona art like the wind*; when arouard, lliry ewaap everything balore them in their fury. Tbs w isu ami th* good who attempt to control ihtui will them- J’hit has Ik-on ihe hiv'-ory of (he downlsll ol all Ill-publics. The selliab, th# atnbt- ItoUM and the bad will gnimr«lly take the lead. When th# mcderal# men who aro patriotic hsve gone as lur ax they think right and proper, a*d propose to recon- • uurt,’ then will b* luund a cls«a below them, governed by no principle, but per- .outI obj*cta, wliu will bo lor puabihg mvttrrn lurltmr aud Iurttier, until tbusa who sow*.! the wind will find that they huvo reaped the wliiilwinJ. These ur* uiy aenoae apptchoneiorie. They are tounded upon tha experience ol the win hi und tlm philosophy of human nature, end uo wttu man should cuudrtun 11)1*11). To tear down ami build up again, aro very ilifieraiit tilings; aud baler* tear ing down even a bad guverririienl v.e should lirst am a good prospect for building up a better. Tha#o ar« my view# candid.y given. If lh*ie ia ono sentiment lit my biu>i»l *trongsr than all mhera, it is an eat* iiC*l desire lor ilia p(ten, prosperity nnd which n wisa and goud guveru- .... . , | lurai alone esn secure. 1 have lio object, i l,« roelailioui n.u.munnf ol lb, | ^ ^ >olb|UOU toj0 „ a lhil . 1 should in any respect err in endeavor- ricbo. Kh„„. n io .o.l, ll1 '* "Vj*ot U will b. From the Atlanta American. Mr. Hill nt Home. Hon. B. II. Hill mado a speech in Ln Grange cn ycMerdny, November 29th. to Ida neighbors and friend#, in which ha said : A crisis wa* upon u*. which demanded tin* exhibition of tho hiylicat sisteainambtp ol our leader* and the n»u«t cuneideruic action nnd patriotism ol nil our people. Quest <me < f ddfrience long existed between tlm Non and iiie So* th, sad Un ■ ime had arrived when these difisrence* must he met nnd sculed. Wo must tigli' no more political or sectional contest* on slavery. Neither tho aalctrof the L'nton, nor our soil-respect could allow these wrangling* to continse. Two dangers beam u* a: tiio thrcsbholdt One danger was loo much ha-te, and the other danger was not haste enough. Wisely, but firmly,we in list look these dif« foronces in the lace, nnd have them arrang ed in the Union, il we can, and out ot the Union, il wr mu". Tho law* ol nation*, the dictates of good a me, nnd the Georgia Platform, all justifn d iraasure* nl disrup tion aba LA ft RMQRT • hot n'l these joxti- li**d this last resort when pacific inraiurea tailed. It wai no timo to atirkle about con- siatency n* in a remedy. AH aurccd nn to the necessity of nction— Hlectivo action. Mr. Hill would suggest a plan for action to day. ll lie could find n better to morrow, he would adopt It. Il at'll a better another day. lie would adopt that. Lei the widest and beat men of the dillcfsut Sintoa counsel together. Lot no man wed himsell to a but all determine to qjjopt that plan | met., but win m,n ,| u ,„ c ,„ bu,l d , Irnrk wen!"" " ".Ootbi lll "‘ ">* Cotton J,* • ,i d ' rm * Provincial govern- Do cr l«ml Th r *" '" r " re ' u "i“" on i to cr terin.x. I here aro reasons In lavor oi thi* suggestion, and rea*..ria sffamafV/ I am willing to any ,,| a „ nccom- I r’ f0,e ' 1 - AI1 »i« ttou c™. ."I,r«t, men 0,11 gn to,,tli9r, “5il-menI tb.t thlt° “n'botn "m""'’' "" d . 'M ,, U oh P*"«e, o>t “y to conauli, aad nil 7 wliicli should be lounri, alter lull be the beat. Something lepiiimi else tomething tllegiilmi Must 1)11 doo< r.ll f dor,i Mr. Util thought the South could consent to remain in the Unton on tbo following terms : 1. Tho Northern Slants must repeal tbeir Nunifying Act*. 2. The obligation nl the Northern States, to carry out the provisions of the Conatittt* tion in relation t • ihe rendition ol iugitivfs Irom ?ervire, and iugi'ivfa from justice, must bs recogniacd ami enforced. 2. The non-a'avetiolding .State* must not ky their law#, ot their people, allow the l"j ll '.m.daM wiffing io abide tha C i.i fiood (..111 0.,*hl IO be ,„,i tnviied Co„vem™^: r S^,;- ln » in J " inl 'b. Oun.iitution, c Cunatilulum il ,,„„ ary4 Uougreaslonal. gnaraniecs WasBiBotoj Dec. Jt'.- c last aeaaaton upn. Mt ssra. King and amend tf«o resolution lh! s," C r “P«r'J The r«-fo11j11< 'lie Ccinetiiuti Collamcr movei p^raooa a. ul Territuritoriae. n wa* amended by striking Mr. Grc. . the Conaiimiion. and M;'Ut on tlto Htakcd IMiilna of l cxaa 1 know ol nothing ill the world more nrdanohoiy than these vset aalitudaa *cen the hp.ic e. Bcorpions, mi crawling along, make their itc.le* r.nak; larn# green and . yellow lixzarda move slowly an tbo harm j gross, flowing water* i* nowhere lieartf, joyful tu-lltng «>t the leave*. The bird*, tbe Constiniti, aevocated rhe amendment to - 7 ...»•• wi mvii j»vniiui. in.- . |. , n ,’ X"d »* d that jf h ^ R9 people of the South to bo deprived of tiicir I upni,u , y P" 1 * 10 *eriiim#nt, the (Jo*erQ* slave property, or disturbed in tho enjoy- 1 , " p '» 1 • m*uh.I intervene to dog the wtieel mem of tl.e name, when visiting such non- j «' d‘«'dutlon- rInx*®holdirug Sts r* on husinesaor pleasure, j * ,n Tro "ld join any- t their soil by accident c when driven c sir*** ot weather, 4. Aa far a* rela'ea to the General G eminent, the non slavqhnldiug ulmit thnt negroo* aro not "citizens, and shall not vote in Federal elections, nor he , eligible to office under the Federal Govern* | c 0 ®r'’mn wa ment. Negroes were not citizens under the 1 b®ro wi United Staler- Constitution# States c niid , amoudineni hotly cr party to praaerve tho Const it uHrn. and ha urged all to urep old i„«; a:id look to tho country, and not to tha annlauiii^i ) ' ,U * V w * cnthuaiastically V n !' lurlM * hl " remarks Mr. Dayta to-k lie ground*! it Federal ruinous and unconsiiiuiional. a lengthy debate upon tho question was taken aolut'r they pleased on iltia eubjec.. confined to ihsmadvcs, il wa* nut our bust Iousk.—-The lion. G. S. Hawkins still nes?; but who should vote ami who hold declined to sorve on the commnteo of thir- office in the Federal Gnv rnnieut. was our 'v-three, and donounced the composition ol bitAiiK'A#, nnd tho rights of citixcnship 1 ’® contmittae, ** not represinii"g the sen- shouid not Lo ext < led to iho»c nol cUk-.ciib ' ll .' n ® n,i -°1 'ho Honthern Stste*, Meiara. under tire Fedrrsl Constitution. ; ' allandiiigliam nnd McClernard, complain- ! ed that the North western Democracy were 11.i.I t . ft - In the 8ena'e tlic Re*' oitvtderod nnd lost—yens on ; but that, after assembling separately, [ looks like “co-pperstioi ry consolidated and united in a call for re'c'scceaeion. is raeeti>:.4 of all parlies to bn held sn j f#v E. BARNARD 4 CO. the 24‘h irs' , with the hope cf bringing abaut a icccuciliaiien and running but one ticket. i Commission cn of Alabama.—Col. John A. Eloiorr, of Montgomery, has bee* se lected by the Governor of Alabama, as a Commissioner to South Carolina, to advise with her as tbe representative ol Alabama in tbe pending end*. ffcjjT Tbe Methodist hit ap pointed its neit shnual session ts be held st ftavauuah. A committee of seven bs* alto teen appointed to inquire into tha ex pediency of dividing tbe Conference, to report at its next AnnHitl Session. Planting Potatoes. J mij. ru.K area,1.1., ’ ». BAILS,RD 4 CO. ®w8 u ea r and molasses. i ijiUM) —ari grades. ISO LWis sad half hLL Notice. H. 0. McXCK hsviag 41*p*a*d of Us Car- Isr* Repo»tu>r/ and suck ia th«eojrts(t bo In Cotuiabos, ).»# L r*ud hts iir« at 14* Ur- sklss of Ueasri Fridjrn. Harris 4 O*., wbmt •wtaf * . s e*H su4 shh* by r*ae*ral or AlwisW parihtUtly r*- I or eahenriM. m. C. UtHRL RlecUous by Council —At its seaaion nn Tuesday right, tbe Council elected the following gentlemen City Assessors for the ensuing year, sod fixed tbeir tolstiss tl $50 each : B R- Andrews, J. A. Bradford, John McCarty. Tbe following Health Officer*] were ep- ptiuted t W. W. Fiawelleo, B. F. Cals- man, A. O. Biickmar, Dr. Baird, J. Kyle, T. il. Sloan, R. W. Denton, Hatch Cock, Jo*. Draoerigbt, Jss. Kivlio, John Sesley, J Leo and Hon. liios# Holt. U. 8. P. r>r. I A. B. Buyokn, Scc'y. UF* Montgomery attended church ct Lawrence, Kantst, on the 8J tost., and no Federal officer stumptrd his strest. Cotifcrvntive Meeting III Muscogee. At a meeting of a portion of tbe citizene of Muscogee county, held at Pierce Chapel or Kimbrough Lodge on the 6th Inst., in pursuance of previeue notice, on motion ef Dr. Che nor, lUv. Berj. Clark wa* cs!l*d to the chair, and A. 8. Boyden appointed 8ecretsiy* Tbo ohject of the meeting wae explain#!, by Dr. Cheney, and the resolution# propo sed by our Senator, Col. Hines Holt, in ths Legislature, in favor of co-opera'ion and consultation among the Southern Btate*Sri the present political emergency, w*rc offered for tbo approval of tbs meeting. Dr. White, Rev. Bsnj. Clark and Mr. Hudaon addreesed tbe meeting in eupport of the resolution*, end they were adopted. Tbo mooting then nominated th# follow ing gentlemen sa candidate# for tbe Bute Convention of Georgia, subject to ratifica- tion by a county convention of tha friend* of co-oporaliva resistance to abolition ag gression* Rev. Ue*»j-Clark, Col. J. A. L- „ at a 3on»titUiional majority. 'The hill lor tlm pardon ol Choice panted —yea* til; nays 33. ,... Tlm bill ‘to protect the righr* und liucriir* of the cinxcna ol Georgia’ was postponed indefinitely. , , . Mr Atkmenn,"f Camden, introduced a bill io incorporate “The liuropean and Southern Dirict Trade and Steam Navigation Com> T^m Supplemental Rank Suspension bill passed—yeas 71 ; nay»84 Thi i taort ■ i allows Clurka, olicnir*, Ordmarire, Con- stables, &o., to collect their msix during amy "I execution. 'The 2d ac*5tion proven'# the salo bv detcndania in execution, rlur .ig tliw *!*y ol bin personal properly, oilier 'han produco, and iu ca«o ol such sain it may |,r. levied on in the Lauds ol thiid parlire, with llborty of replevy by th* laiter, on giv- ine bond and security. llocst,—Mr riprayborrv’* bill compelling Frox Negroes ic mako clinice ol u rna.tor by tlm l#t May 1801, or b# sold by the Sheriff into slavery wax paased—-yea# ha ; naya 46. 'The ion ndnuica rule wa* adopted for all •peeebos lor tbo rotnaindor ol tho act lion. The bill appropriating money to the Goorgia Agriculiural Asauciation lost— yeas 47 ; nays 70. A bill to change the Conaiitution aoaa to prohibit tbo Legislature Iruiu «craniing charters except lor bank*, eailioad* nnd tologrtpbs, was pa»»rd yea* 90; nava 2. Bill to pay Solicitor# a talary of $2,000 Bill allowing Brook# counly to reinin $1 1.00 of her tax far 1861, l"r loatea eua- minad oil aeeout of llm small pi'X, loat. B ll to app'opriate money to the Reform Medical C* liege, h>*t. Morkiyb as Food—Mr. Kdwards, in Ilia “Voyage up the Amazon," baa aomo curiou* comments on the varietira of the diet or bis party. Ha aay# monkeys are man in that region, and are fatremed beyond tbs wild game. When eooked they make a moat di-liciou# di*li, though tlm rule# by which they are served up aro not to be found in any of the rumeroue cook bookr. Ono of Mr. Edward*’ pxrty abut a *|otb > •*».! bri *ho animal akinnad, wilh tbe intention of preaerving Ihe body fo: an salomical friend. But tbe cook was loo al#r(, and had tha alstli in the slew pan before sn explanation was made. Tbe hun ter# did their beat to look wilh favor upon tbe di#b, but tha Iran and tough ffo»h could not be compared tu ths delicate flavor of monkey. Dieter Jmpubtation— Kktek- rai*K—We are gratified to hear that Col. P. J. Weaver, ol this place, ha* shipped directly to Liverpool one thousand balrt ot cotton, which will he exchaugrd lor tnana- lacurcd goo’Ja to he sold in thia market. Col. Weavet is well known throughout the State aa one ol the largest merchants and wealthiest planters ul Alabama. Ho is aa writ known for hie public spirit and liberal contribution to all enterprises Im the bone, fii of the whole community.—-Selma Issue. nut the uir wilh their *ong; the hrrrzn whispers not in the foliage ; noth ing distuihx tho *ilrn'-e of night, iintr** it he tho mono^iiiuua fri-cri nf llm solitary cricket. Tho silenoe oppre-te*, over- wlmlinv you, like llm thought of llm Infinite. You laai y youraolf wrapped in a shroud ol crape which envelop* tho wholo world, for life is only r*voal*ii by the twinkling of the star*; movement ie only mantlre'ed by tlm motion of tho moon pursuing it* tran quil courbfl through Ihe c*le*l ; al spheres. Nnlur* aorma plunged in nu swlul slum* her, diamal, myall rioyx, full of audnefe* and pain, like llm sleep of tha dead in preenm of eternity. k Sales in Pa nihly i, Ky.—The r,ah * ol stock at Pari# on Monday last weie tenibly afUcled by the pre**nt cnndiiion ol inoncinry uflaira iu the country. There wax a large quantity of slock, particularly ruiilcH, on ilie rnatket ; but only two or three •airs ill the long-eared irihe were actually mado ; and they exlubi'sd a wouderlui de cline Irom previous price*. Mule* that iwo or 3 in >ii• li» ago commanded from $ I NO to 31ho w in sold on M inday at Irom $111 to $120, hud Luycra *rrn nol plenty at even that icduciu'i). There wag uo demand lor |, o * B0 nock. Tua prices of cattle pretty w ll auat-iined, bringing r,fl 17* The New Yotk Tribune agaiq advo cate* non-r«*i*lanc« to *ece**ion. d and not the heart, I With great penooui ealcarn md i**|iect ) I remain your*, truly, Alkxanock H. bTBPnxas. | Jmly;c IJougina’ I'oaltiuu. On Saiunlny evening Judge Dougin* wax paid the compliment Ol * serenade by 1)1* friends and admirers in Washington, du ring which Ika Honorable gentleman de- livcrcd a abort aprcch in response to an ad- die * of welcome by Mr. John F. Etmi*. j| H H*iJ liinl to ba tho* welcomed by ihoi r. who knew himao well, inspired him wilh new energies in hi* public ellorl*. He referred with pride to the fait that during the pa*l canvas* Im been able to avow Ilia sentiment* in *11 .pari* of tbe country. From Bangor to Mmemitx ha had advocated tbo principle* of equal right*, equal justice, and fijuul protection fo all citizen*. He •.xtiltlm Federal Government had uo power to tnlcUern wilh slavery anywhere, except in muting the teiiirn ol lugilive agreeably to the law and the Convtitulion. Ilo held the fug ll»# *lavo law to be bind ing upon oil good cil'zvne ; and tf it hod been carried out, tho Republic would not r.u.o .c>. now ba to danger. Uclarring to Hon. A. „ about three ll. Btephena’ Iat# spttch, Judgo D. »aul hr 1* gross. Them wero l<ui low n eg roe* ( oudoiaed every rentitneot It contained, and red, and upon this apeclea ul property a : l{ d hirn with a fiope that ihare waa i|e decline waa cxporicuccu. I ^ party yet sttorig enough le **ve the coun- t»y, He tec-pled tho Georgia platform. The prraonal librrty bill* should nr ver have b.'cn upon tlm atutute books of any Slate. JIu believed Congress had power t« re. move *11 obstruction* to I tie luj, live slave I.• \v, whether reaulting i|#»m ata’c or g!* dinricis, n* j 0 .,,, r |, r.,,|uii n.. Judge D. lemarkrd ix ate ell-sen, in j ni ,i -al j uolliing during the cai 1 H** r * would be nisi did uot meet tho approval of hu geogr.pbic.l or *ec- j , cici , c e. He uiged all Union, all Cotistitatiou Living moo, to rink their bickering* aud I unite to rave the country first, and qusirel, IT***' . if they pleated, afterwards. Mr. Lincoln IK.L.8. J iHimo.T.—A h „j ' ,| 0cl .a to the Oon .iJ.iw, fit, l.ny, tll|ul j 0Ili t, mu , t iinugiu.l.d .toofd.M, breach of Iireoiiu | w lbtl Coi,.iiiu'ioo. Wlul i. there io fc«r t Congreia will be ngaluat him. If he vio- . late* hi* oath, violate* the Constitution, or f el, * d ) make* w*r upon the right* of any eeciio* #|JJ body, h e can be impeached, for the Senelo at.ii enjoys tho confidence of lb* country. Ho again exhorted hie frienda nol to indulge in recrimination and to unit# for the praeervaliou of the Union. He concluded by saying that on Monday he should re*un»a hie seal in the Senate, with out ill-feeling toward* any one except the loea of hie country. 5.'That Congios# shall not interfere slavery in tlm District of Coiumh a, nor ehewlmre in tlm jurisdiction, in a monnor inconsistent with the rights, the honor, tho safiny mid the domestic tran quility o! tho Southern Siu'cs; nor with the inter .^latr bI*vu trndo in any manner. fi. That tho Territories ahull he admitted to he common property— open to common ueiilement, und 1I10 inhobiiniiis aholl hu proiccted in the enjoyment of alitholr prop erly ol evury kind, recognixed n* property in tho •SiHi'-it Irom which they einigiaie, until tho Siam Government is in actual operation, and then without injury torighia ot properly ptovi uely acquired. When Stale Governincniii ire foruicd, they may '>,» 't'iMullJni' mi, d.i.r- 7. 'The General Government ehall enlorce these, nnd nil mher provlxiona of tho Con- at it u t ion ; and ndcquaie legislation aliall l>e provided for ihe cntorccmunt and protec# lion ol all auch Coiintiiut.onal right* and duties. % Mr. Hill argued, ot mngth, to allow ilia' three poaitiona covered evrry real around ol difitrrnce between the North and Hie .South* nnd 1 lint every principle hero enunciated wna in *inct accordance with llm letter and the true intern nnd incnning ol the C-mpti lotion, and the exposition# ot (lie same by die Sapremc Court. Tina wus not an hour for parly arrange- meni*. nor f«r party ooncesaiono. We muat now xei'le ihe question, whetli cr tho Couvtitutlon ia to he ohoyd or not, ami this question must iie *oitlrd na a i on. dition precedent to the continuance of the Union. Even tho law of Nations, fairly interpre ted, recognized evrry right and principle here enunciated ; and surely, with tho ad ditional guarantee* ol the Constitution—the ■ worn bond ol confederate State#—wo ought not to brook their violation. Mr. Hill then argued to shew that all thru* t-nda could bo tecnrrd in the Union. Tho fault ol our present dangerous cnndl* lion. ami ihcshamelraa violations ot tbe luw, by tha No-thorn States and people, w i attributable not tod-lect* in the Constitution but to the timidity and party-serving policy ol those in pox?er. Tho Army, ilia Nnvy nnd tho Militia, were nt thocommand ol Mr. Buchanan, to enforce tha Fugitive Slave Law, and ho had never ratted hie ting r to Our Senators and Representative* had spent their time and excited their people in' abetract party wia'igling# abnni #lava nd not a ain^le effort had ever horn made to perleet the Lews nrr«e«ary to rar- out the various previsions of tho Con atitwtion, nor to deinanu the ei lorccmcnt of partial law* aa our Manxmen in time* prut ii*d provided. The whole govern- l f *— 11 J boilj Mr. Hawkin's ex- mittre nnlw ported the t supply the Federal neceeauie* 7 , wliicli l-xs-erl without any rcairictiona 1 c*ivmg par amount in gold. Kiikrrard Ci.kmevj OriNioit.— Hon. i«rt* ii Cion.end, the Dcmxrratic repre- mattvn In Congre-a vf tbe Wheeling dis- ic virRimn, ccmV. mil in n l.uor io h ooniltutun-B depr.eniinn in tlm .iron. «n.i i.tro. ll,. aettun ol Souil, Collnn, SJt'.WrtWPtoVf«»;.■i, J .ire loilawiog d,- ciarution t “I shall oboy no command except that cornea from you. If you should uifier in. opinion with me, if you should ilniik that treason to ilm (Jon lode racy should be dignified with ilia riauiu ol patrt* "“am, Iat ymr inairuciiona meat me at* Waehingron, nnd I will at onco r *i«n into your hands all the official power which you have *0 generously conforied upon me." aidcrable decline wua experienced tfg* Among the many propositions for bringing peace to the country is one that will no doubt be •greatly dt»cii**rd. It originated with H«»n. Robt. J. Walker, and ia in the effect that il tho Presidential Eire- l„ra could In elected iu vi< gl* distncte, as Ur preedits live* in Gongn 1 all the felttle* no danger of lienal parly. It ia understood tkut Gover nor Walker intends to elaborate thie idea, — Vick. Whig. PltBTIMNT Bl Mrs. Bsllimmr, recently brougq against a gay Lothario in the ahap organ build*r. A aiater ftf the defendant was railed, and bti:tg|on oath, w**r to testify that the parties were “keeping company," but aha added naively, with ilia good intention of raving brr brother, “I had two or tbrea sweethearts befora 1 mimed, and I did not marry them all." [L ugbter J TU*, however, wa# not eon- ndeieJ law by the court, which aatixfied the widow with £50damages for the breach of promise! and £11 10*. lor money lent to her lovar. ^ ^ ^ CnAUOca AOAisar Costa Mammals— Tho attention vf Congress at it* prcMiil «e**ion will t>e called to a new di)vclo|>- iu#nl of official corruption. Ilia said that (ha Census Marshal* of *everal of the Mates have extorted from tbeir deputiee 32J per cent, of their talarir*. The fact leaked out by refractory deputies refusing io pay their per cantage, bringing the mat- t« r to the atiautisQ of tho President. citizeni laet night nominated _. Garvin, Jno. l’timixy, 8r., and Goo. W. Craw lord. A ro*r*lunon wa* adopted, pled ging tho candidate# to immediate eeceMion. lAng. Chrsn., 1 WA. Col. JzrraasoN Davis—Tho papers from Mississippi give it oe a rumor that Oul. Davie ie egaioit tha separate aecoaaion irom the Union. ment machinery had been cng»acd dinjf up and in pulling down purtie* tl.e Rights III 'ho People and tiio peucx of tiio country had not only been foruottoti, but wolnlly crurhed bv tnrse clashing con testant* for spoil* and place. Organized hank* ol maraudrra wero e mniitling ra- piro and murder in the Territori*«. In tho day* ol JeffVrann, they would have been hunt: in thirty days. 8latr». Governm* and nobs, wain amusing ihmnsrivet in com mitting perjuries against the Constitution, nod defying 'ho law* and ilia United State* Marshal, who in (lift days of Ja.-k*on, would have trembled at the thought ul such Lei ua all goto work to perfect and forco the law*, wilh hall Ihe real wn have hitherto exhibited in building up pdrne< and every cause ol grievance would speedi ly disappear. Let uaconKult all tho States that wil, conrult; 1st ua prescribe tlm term* of our ronrinuence in the Union ; let ilinaa term* he Constitutional and right, and if limy are not granted to our eniiro satisfaction, the Government will have proven n failure, and it will be our dutfin provtda a better ; nml let u* not slop until this is dons l Lot ua not bequeath the wtauglings to another ! generation. I 11 we must go out, let ns arrange to take * all our Southern farnilv, if we can. When * this point ta retched, the North will rue the day ol her meditate, when e'ie aet s' deli* ance the Constitution. Tlm North hat more interest in the Union ihari we have. Million* ol hor people live «m it. The North will enforce the Law# on her own people, il the Fe icral Governmrftt will cull lor lovies lor thai purpoxc 1 HesityforeflH » end State* know, by actual danionairaiion. that the Laws shall Ire enforced, und ul !/<• cost of Ihoto who violate them, and they will never afterwurda violate the Constitution, Criminals will mnlliply when crime# go un punished ; and crimes will go unpunished when babbling demagogues bid high fur criminals to awull tha vole* nl a party to enable them to g^-t office. Hero i* the key that unlocks to tha hideous mystery of atl •ur sickening divisions as a People and degradation a* a Nation. But, whatever bo the cauieol our trou bles, lot ua meet the preterit crisis, and fottver perpetuate tho Union, or forever dieaolvo it. If we rea.rain psreion, and act with dua regard to the righ's and leefinga ot all interested, we ran preserve tine Union i, or we can dissolve it in peace, consult our passion# and act hao'i ly, wa can neither preserve tha Union 11 peace, nor dissolve it iu peace, MiNiBTias and AIatkiuony In the Virginia Methodiiti Couierence, on Friday, B-hop I* line stated that he had found great difficulty in fixing appointments, many of ihq District* not bong able to MMtain inunied preacher*,-—Dr. Lee re plied that the firal speech he ever made in Conference w*# iu defence of a young brother who had broken the law, thou ex- i-litig, fiitbiding preacher* to marry until slu r being two years in the Conference. 8inco thou he had been regarded aa tbe Attorney General in all «ucn c*#«*. But he muat warn 'he young brt-lhrui that hereafter they muel work a* long as Jacob did I• »r Rachel, and be certain that they did nol make a ini-lnkt and uVl Leah. Hrnator I’maiicis Views. — H<m. James A. I'furcH, n leading D. mucratic Mena'er of iViryLud, lit* been wriiing hia views tho present state of affair*, in the County Conservator. The Alexandria (V 1.) Gazette eay* of thi* article that |t nn- itouiic-e ju»t such ilncnur* and opinion* as wn might h«ve expected from tlie expe rience, wi»dom, and patriotism of Senator I’eirco. It ciunai’l* prudence, moderation and did Inratmn to the Huolh. It exhorts llie North to be juet, and to alter it* course. L acknowledge# tha inestimable value of a cont'itulioiial Union, and urge# that suck a Unmu sltuuld ba preserved. Report of the Mcccctary of the Inte rior. (>! <hc Public Land* we learn that 12,« iXit) 033 acre# have been dirpneed nl, 3,'J77,- til9 selling lor cash, yielding $2,021 42ft, und $2 ti'i.’i 72 < absorbed under railroad grarna, and Hie rest in bounty land war rant* and swamp grant*. Over a million ul dollar* were expended in the payment nl pensions during tho iLctl year. -The inc uno id the Patent office i* $8,000 above • xienspa; 3,696 have been issued and 3 612 applications rejected. The Census wilt be prepared ior tho prexont Congress. The necessity »•: revising iho law* prohibit# log (Its slave trade, and especially in pro* vidiug lor the disposal ol rescued negroes, ia urged. Wilkes.—Wn nbaorva that the oppo nent# of “precipitate seccaaton," have rail ed a meeting in thi# county on >he 14tb, to nominate a ticket n opposition to Mcaan. Tnnmba and Robertson. By llm way, Wilke* i# entitled,, by tha Act calling tho Convention, to three dele- gat** ; yet wc see that but two are provided •.—Sa v. Rep. ‘t: take our potman end *ncvar buk down from it# Vaporing resolves, and I ou* windy speeches have disgraced enough already. Any body, even fools, cau destroy gov# n- lloua.—Wo notice that during tha past few days a considerable number of hogs ha*# passed through to the South. About 3 000 liava already been shipped. Wo hear 0 *alea at thia point. The price* asked, 7 and 8 cents nel, arc altogether too high lor speculation or safe instalment.— ( Aa/- tunoaga Adv. 7th. ^ Say* tl.0 Louisville Democrat, tha moat fortunate mau (Lai wc know ot now-s daya ia Sharpe, tho niaiurol rifl-a. The ttouth# ern ultra* and the abolitionists are each buying llicin. We have an idea that he looka upon tue present difficulties with 1 lie pious resignation that an undertaker doe* upon a prevailing epidomic. CoUKTID IM (>x That—The Herald •tya : “We cen count e thousand political lie-*, uttered within a month." Und lubtadly, but cannot m«*l of them bo nailed to the count* r I— Vanity Fair. giGeorge Weehingten'e fate, (accor ding to “Arteuia* Ward/') wae “not to h*v any public men of the present day re# etuble him to any alartnio extent.’’ We too it proposed to establish nn th« Pacific a Union to be called the “Pa cific Caufedcracy.’’ Wo are for a pari fin confederacy, extending over the wh'dg Union, saye the Huntsville Advocate.