Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, December 25, 1860, Image 3

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^•xissrrx nj» public duties deprive • creatine your kind in* I b* <*oiiif>cltCd to leave *« ■«; it I »hoi,ld r.wjssK / tu.-e D*«-re b* no t?!V!s r.,i among / Ux»« drho hoi.! either of ih<t*a opinion* lhoK»h''«»* 0|p-*ddc!.T("g h>n«;f r "-a.-, i.,e 4 h of Mreeh n. t , n | y w-.j': fi <u ’bit pwnl to earnnr an* hen ret nun til a contenti n ol the reope u. pdteaio rt-fist wrong* n» tbs PRff .rr.rmiiif.y vowd a million of , 1 if..- OC- piO of Go rgu, innrooi „.r r.y'l by for** T ,ORgt, lad .but we by t-i kfi$x i" »• 'rrngjry ol Otari Jlr.l* i» I1II«»M. then i> Iii„f rode 'Iff m I ll oannni he lire mode rffMtfM.b.r it ' ' Ir m the •erorg tloere, ae the e rerrrrjy. The rime tehen thl. e most rt.ite rteni, it net lire on> , be fair!* i re/fres* t' by 'h» wr-vg if *1*. 1 would ef'ro ifiiy E CHAMH1 oJKSsSjSriInSS&gKSOUt ICMRERIESiPROBISIOSS T H DeWITTS reauliu I erValksd a ^ nrd * bi mom S* or by^ener K*n people, ami ik pre» in 2 hm-vi!) upon iho Sou he.ft S'ates of this Union. ihe hand of ihe prop!* alone it* |i :i r« go beyctfcd ihr nf ,^%rch »r tu it taken he.m*, a* would, wok rni llir on*, a"'' ** ■ tcr*nfj and nm o from nm-t'.tf.v M : » a iej e»» «nd ho* vre can *rr*-« it » f.e Un-'»n. I hr o,.n«t and sv^f? obj-ot . i M Llwcdi., r.d fl. gittt msjoriiy f» rhe r. in tlte .» Itee i n;- hr '■ * •<! h.bUVm'the UrtTt.'.f L'SSSlitd all eitnvaar iu ptyume that remit. The hr»>, ;• thst we shall he driven nut of tb* 'Jerriwrte# bf l-tw L'p.*n ilii* Mr. T.«i - •'<! *!•» . ,r, » ■« ttn.nith, tttly .«r, e,r, •oJ it l* tire corttiir er, to ot tin, enter A., olitioir petty It lire IlrtiteJ gretee, enrl i. rVz:;x mem end in .epn... vlni.n.r, 0 f inirrument e- txfi, n led by the Surrteme c...rrr el lire Ee.led tile r«, ‘ 2 They pt f .se In (j enniinte elerery &«xv»^:;dSr,?;r.s turn cl lug.h.e tlyrrero rlieir „rtr„„ .< T.r trtelftn and destroy „. |, v prcecl- .ho.'f.l tier... ,1 tr.mder rh, : .n I’? adiniiud In tlic potno i.-m ' ifje' ml».«-e.l 1 «!‘“Tu^r.’ riret lire Si.uihrrn 8-ttiea havaa c-nim»n iniercat in ar v’t-ie mat' ^fl*C' U '«u! d. uce and IraUng muat »./, t », u OI „ v anchor of aaleiy to tacit and to nil. ail. or arc willmc iu counael, and ihts k.„. pfopanng for »<u-n c mmluii-n and co- •>!■• aimn Tiiarcl.ire we do resolve, U«. That we,repudiate the ti- anV r' ,‘u'.^n /'j. un jJ^J *' C h That rrpVd?a*o u%7TdTi^o*u,u.’ Toombs w.ll be apfci.t!ly riquirod to brli n the Suuthtro miitd to accept ttwt icrm#- iicniua, h|a b;i:nin r e | if'cn, fits b-uud- 1.3H popntarujr, he niaj piovetqunl to tin. great eiiior^cney. that be may main* Inn;- tell what Ic tstinuui. ly tsi t ltd tube ihe ai roihvtilor, i!io lluary Clay, of itu* Wo arc aware • ‘ p . r i >n* •hich are, ami bn ur>:< d, to d mv ,.inl u'b. 31,1 the position at the povemmem h- i'ho N >r U luwarda it, i , piy mat thev ountider tue vaiita^e instead i f a lu they, , ai./m.l in a in-j miy in more i! an iu:uljr ebould have \vi at ilicy w .m.or t! t* flic peool* arc iuc .jnblc nf nlf tfovermnent ami aoWwiedfut* mat. tt wilt become n du’.y to ect ubtiU' or^ui.uing a dilUttn. i to tic.ay ILM'isJ. Air-huT ‘ JVahvu.i,. ! , • 3U *. i. i . <M(.’ w Athu-’ j' , , , ^ ' I-" MEETING AT HAMILTON to-jioero \v, (Wednesday, Dee. 20.) lion. 13. II. Ill lulu PORTER INGRAM, t> li'h. t.r n. v. c o. v.h'w, Mr. M.-roMMin; V W i Mi DIMAt Ml. veil AM, all of Talbot urns OBITUAJ1Y. S^-b "f Noven,her. iu her lUb year. .Mitt I V ANN, wife Of lit my A. Gairclt, ;.f ISSSSSU ter nn Pine** of 12 day* • ■ *h«,.; v t.b. 11 p „ : ■! c ii.j-h.. i. .1.1 J.,, 1 bu» <n«d onr arilMMb , , "i ' ' * ’'ti.v. •' C \rAIM'S - - * >... - . '• Jin'* f Hi in O II I C IV a •il l iVtr/f ' iW-K-.v. °{&: r-M .iiiVr i.i .-ut:7,v- l r;.v„..:.-Jt ''"aobi'b!; “sviutriidi. ne» E , ,r .«0U, K h Uto!(c ,„ u ,., l g„.. ’ v,-':v;„:; , r n lit', Kui.r.'i, r ,,'aa:'. Ars = .HiS isaSipSSnSwst Al.ICA'N Minji *e«t Cur, r •! at nil, under nnv holding Rifctes, lequtre conaul atton vvnh m Icsuns nnny as will c.insult, before st and il.en it secession bo dectmd zz:°^' nny ns wilt unuo with llifir counsel*. _ 3d. That^in has y. iU-iuivtscd.^ p, M a'liong the einvsboliliiiir ‘ti'aire ,.t artiutid our firesides, and nltimnts ilefca alioiiuop, in dfieli vioVnimi ol tltoi clause oldie Cmctuiion wijclt requires such Abdiimn part in Confi-f*. in tl.* >i ligWuturcs an-. e*Pry*h«.e sl»n, are dn - ng . c * •Hiyr.i LVovf 'l'nr to \n but om- • al BM»y their nshta, anil of This > 10 the Ontnur.U'u will, ihent lb* m„deu by am* n States «annu n-al.e comract* with each Auruftfd them To repeal l*ws hitherto bribe Abnli'mn Stan s ja-.uld nm rrdrans. the* would r .-rn»c< Ten* nev tstr I b- anisndn n s tf tbe C-ristitni'o,. urnatHfd by ti e Aht)!tM*n Staiea, s d Slivoli! no' r-f» 1 nr their ifficar.y upon ib» r- he ot Ab.-luv-uteia-po * albs cm Ulmi 12m it abai! prnpu*« amend 1 n* is this C,>r»iiiw ten, w, lt :h shad >>a . asp.ri ol at Ihe one •) mat be proprittri r.jr lit. ” hr.. IhT. y-n yr.e ve, 'he rmul la pl.i.r, trie eat v l.-r-A t , C». r,et. fin.l it reel trh c truth! to tltiaf* ...ry hmreet .cr m« ■ in tiiotyia.^ Do tin. ; . liar tn C.ingra.. yvar nain.; then il ihe 8 .rh R. ,.,ililr;',i. par y mil H ie Ill, Ihe emrnrimr-nie, rr e.e ■ lie l.„ y r.ttlrrt .hrrtllgl, Cortriea. , the.. I JhehrryuM b, .nd fair t.. 'rxvx;,/;. j i I" ta in foot (i.aigia plarl i. m, ra ( .1 ■ c rer,:. .here unr .aperiente leer nee rr tin ar. rewarlra. I. r g.r.rl, and only aol.jie rr* '0 bajrbeaaod jetra ol out er.ermea A tael road nf not. plar.ha In ihe Oeorc tzfiESt&ZM. «' • tmui yosr conkdrraws. and if th*j ar- •srconhdcra'cs. and if tii»v 1 •«* uuly JO jr ft'.and and fcUow-iiiien, „ R. IOOVIDS E.'l.n, W. T. Ar.dt.rann. te-T'"• ' ' I M I" P' tta'i.n of liea.t Cries i i if 1 /' ''“m f*altf"rn ,, hea ''-dr Hr... ima been eea.r lied I.) ,,e V'lt’f .P oiioi ■ i I ihel Mtf. .... „ , • «eed Cliinainaii car he fount fi-im iln ~ * ■ tire ocean. 'I'bia data aw 'jaWiMs:, s, has about ct i.r* torn scardifd nod l r ihll ptup ^ n<in car be f.,„ni f, -’Ctan. Tt.,a claauPHiP f'f" 1 -be r*-n of monsuty take. it. •• IMS h ^» T * d,< | d ,n ^" 1,,,,r " la b3rK ‘ Una cry, teheio ilie' ■h. pi.ip ,011,0 ol tin erte. 17.—A 1 <etney - (..fne ltK ; *0'Cay b«r« ci.|,nrm*t/V «rc t for the 4ih. Thai in the i'i • • ’ f oal •eyarattoH rmhor that. Ti.etnr III. . reflect Hill.., Iho itvuttvnul’i l a , non 11,0 South ttouk her alien site now to cumeni i. nny jUjuj'ihomi, Wb.u baft passctlg »i\d It*. v . tiun lor.! rather tend to rrp»:.m ,it y . But uf t r : il, it "id teem tba- , mny bsobtattied, l y that prlicy wind, |,i 0 kh voiditucs of jsufvusy. bsati l uiji.,, k i,mi I»Iu« of Atljii'titifiii i KrtccTtvH Ucrt., I'uanm .hm , Deo I'.imrihinnp ihe opinion ilmt bo mo tent should bo Instituted «t iho t bo oonauUatUm ami co» alnveli. Id.og Siatss, tvs rorngn-rc the maintananco of ourripliss and ami dopicd. 5.b. That in pfs P |0 aes t* it that v.pca (nr th <*e who are in favor id ihe im niedie'o scccssmn nl Geo «u alotK ; and lo af«*id doubi on thi* su-jsoi. so viial 10 our t UCC***> mod prtteS. W tl f t «|>B M IU ll)' SlltfCt SI ’tut ih* people refuse evtiy candnla'e Mr. Jonea ut a few- appronti- ie remark* burying all turmer party dill r* iice*. winch wer« warmly rvspoodvd lo li> Mr. I nppo of .Munroo, and Mr. Pains of Tli* Committae alto rsponed the f How. 32S,r' ‘Sv:SS5S“s5 f it tft nurl-nguj the Georgia 0>nie>.tim mm u 1 mV ‘Yl r ' Is bill tot i he call «■ • foiirtm .n *i it.u IgSSgggpH aSsSSSSSaSs ■ tnss utSfarjsa^wa^srawrKi “•SSSSSSS? sas ttjarstjgs sjstx fw* feel ft |*[ wmm, sni'rirw^flEriftttssia s 'sisa s?ei"rjr.”iX“ mmm «• had no parallel in our bistory H e »sr el 1612. and at lbs eonclu.ioo of that Ih lUs’.irg a rog| e. Tbo state of our na- I Iho Ulth.II I, •a'o-y step ] creatUitlidence, cmiciudvd tu swl Governors ol the alavt .State* i l.if*'uVrcnV'lmfdeeply feU, natu fit'i'Uy, but her t inirc circle of fn COM M KI v’( y\j\ I rbli’A j; ,, Hams a lo, ghou'drri 10’ , t . Flo-.r |7 a t*. Corn from trayon* 7<» h Wheat $ Feather*, live jieeso, In ileiiiun'1 Hi»4 , A|*|. ei grevu an'a'Ky drk.Vsu'/t •• .’I-.‘hi •« <3 c . t'i, t, il y • 10 . „ tu‘,e. Marl• t .lull, ceripu 01) n*n!n.l nu.t* o. . I car- II. 1-c I n, Faporti of the week 7a,00f, ^lAskl.WO. Colton freights to Mverpool 1741.1* .'A VANN AH. Dee. *1—Cotlon—Ther* is Hill but Hide doing amt prices Irregular. Iherc Is a rr,i * .-I ersbtc dim- iliy In reRa-.l lo clns»lBc*tloiu, and .pm Utmil" tl.ull WoilSil S ill III- view* of Imill 1-nyri . |.» .. Ml * " f « ' ' r'l I' I. I' '. spec iaXnotTcIx AT U tlOhUrSAlift; AN1) llKTAll* JA3 k A. WHITESIDE, CAHII DKAIjKU IN Drugs, Paints, Potash, &o. HI thn BPMMnblinu LfgislaliuoVnd " . 'ih ,'n ' lions ol ihu alnvn Siaics, und a Coim n io« •-f all of sa d Siatvp, or of liioeti onlv up- ' C ’ ijeral * ’ " ol iho Union ha may 1 , . .,, , . '* bed rirThB^roliy Voated*," i! ISialTO ■ he ^adjustment ot our d^fTmu.iif. • i'Iih. ot iho Siul. • in s o.ber, would respectluPy bey luuve to sub mu lor yonr coniidmaiion tbo lo lowing 1. Reptid, by an nuo ndinrnt of 'lie con »ii:u ton ol (lie 1 nilrd Hluie*, all laws in iirtleo Siuin iu any degn o nulliji my or its ibon-ugh execution in nil the free 8i«ic* ( the slave from the .Siam winch ImiIh lo dr 3. The par-toco of a law by Cmiercs* divide all ihe Terrimrlss now belonging tn ihe Umud Slates, nr btrcnflor i" br ut- qui>ed, Intw-cn .iIi« free >.nd ibu eluvi diatce, uny upon lbs line ..l tbo ihuiyscv vnlh liegreo ol norih lulUUdo—all Irnrh ol ,!:iii line to come into ihe Union, will 11,« amend the m nstlvutimi »u as F11ESH GARDEN SEEDS! •OJNTX'OlNr OBTJU, PIKE O K C K E H S' Torpodoea, PATENT MEDICINES, Koroseao Oil and Lamps, COrtOEiSfTKATiiP LYiS, do o. P tT' , !r!" l ? : 'rHjlh tbe CAjH.a^rolull, will dud is h 1 ■ |V ■' 1 - ,;:v' •, *-• (TTil.n IN FIITCKN MINI 11 ;i. iSrESH *"'“™ »t «!»• .-Ii'rllf. I rrnrrlJ aallafctr '* Irrrrnl,.-.: dallarafor » Mila,If f co«W o.lptoou.0 moio «Clt rab.!«,tU0 r.«i ra..,..r.ruai. rr.^Mr, Trust Sale. tzstix-xwj! virb:?^p^"Z, •. ball «nl gaurlar bbta. Mire iiunitH-ra; a' 1 * 'vmis«*hatul8ha 4 ; ' ’ ‘ V l'dr..v,>—all r.rleemeljl,i,*od r.° boxesi Ar.i.rtMrt ar.d MlU-d Candy; Ir'i'r. i''.-r:.;'!l'rV„r;, vi iisiSSSSSra, )' r-itv.; ' , a.r l. rr , ... ,„l,. r Tr-J-^rr,ytuatarg; RAGLAND & BIRCH, N E W siro R ES!NE WGOODS. j | AVIV. My ororri 5.., Cloiiiiiifr, lioois,'shop*! lints, eiass, fioi-Uery ui«ii V\ *JJovv-\vnr«> t Al* a tuiy - lot nr YANKKK .VOTIUiVt>, ton mime »„ r't!': ' S buJlog ai-tlrl.'.ra SS!*^ !*•; n , 1 ,n '-"i.-l- H u , Df.ublc K\tiH ; TAIgHOI t <)i. N I V V\ ’! j*„;- i ;!;. <a6 Ih' ““A 11 - Ml' 1 In f .■"'*» “f , , JOJA . ^ j . tn EW' FALL & WINTER GOODS A.H.DeWITT ii ' - '• nm stock or GOLD AM) SILVER WATCHES, Dailies' Watches sol with Diamonds. •ufn, LYE SETS OF JEWELRY! 4;i» u . c SS*bt;S. ,rac, ' A "' ,h »"i J '" PEABLS 1 DIAMONDS! DIAMONDS! DIAMOND PINS AM) KING!?. n. rr,-, OoU V. .r CbalM, U6laa> Shau.ln Cba.n,. .Vcrl. ChaUra, (luard Cbalr,., I.r -IMa Of all Hnrla. l.oillr-.- Gold Ml Bochin. SILVER WARE! NEW CLOTHING STORE! GENT'S AND BOYS’ nEADY MADE , CLI)THING I B iuinL8s* Plain and Fancy OKI CSS SUITS! EE A L. KIN, CLOTH A??D rFA’TTt OPERA GLASSES! SPECTACLES! ’ ■ --> ■ "i, ■' n d art.' K”ur»T2i'!!t ! " r "-" acaj. ‘SSk.'sS. 1 " ..I . r... ;r n:••'vr.-.-vvvvv'.ls : I,; :.V, ! ". vm- M r "*.K - v„E', Guns and Pistols! of tho Boat Makoto J. iiiisscii's Fiuci Tahle Cattery Wll be Him,l on hand, put i*j> In Rosewo*.] Case* .. I.r " " •* '* '-k *•" lo 80 ■ seal. I ■ 11 i. '.7.' i' 1 ‘ ‘p 7'y* 1 ,. ' »U*l*.y, ;Hfi§ ' :':rSsm 3?©arl Oarcl CODY, ITEMING & SWIFT’S, 1UNPEU OOOK’3 HOTHL,)-] a am no a whites n THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. not be given In it* favor: nYel’BPriCr Ann nor, N. It., O. L 0, I - 1 1 -. I v Ir r-l-l. r| III. r i m'lurlr I .'l me •» d.- oxyjfiutrd’ i;m- i . i , , i I tend that l . .o-t-rt >»> i-by vc.•..•■- <t.-no* -1 tb-mtibcii.e AiliKItlXi: 15AY.MO.Mt. fi liiduenllal and l.l f ;hly rr*i,eulabl> lately a rsildusl of Haiti, N. V B m. - I ' Mt»•N.astuw.iuwui i to,, Boston-One ye«r ago U«l auinmer and au S'.Lv; ,:’Z ;'X',c!i“; o e !r l )a •rriw^vs; 1-a.trrr M- t. I ...... fr. Uni -.Illf, A. l ltQUHAttl A CHAPMAN, Ptiim.UHiN 1, J. a. WtliTWibb * ni., {#&&!! u "’ ,J, * wb, 3 ^uSST '""fruits OF ALI, KINDS! I'rtwerve*, sstsa’ December A 1MK)' A i;. ’Jt. IIAItVFY, Fbff. "M."'., ,o I j:;V (P tiy low,'ll...n moI lii.i. i<- «b..«v rill*.-, (If'nn.v they have,) wtiy»ul.i l.« IK I« ebould no* be groutoil to nnl.l | " ■ 1 t '."•;.;';.iri l V:v:'!'; 1 :„'.;;, l ;' : " NOTICE! \V ,: NO. 22 BROAD STREET, OPPOSITE tiwioar 33o3^ivr3.i:. & PERRY. STATL A.RMS! J. J. BLANCHART S AT ua BROAD ST IJS'Sjr'il N. B.—MILITARY MEW. Ladies’ Dress Goods! >ii;i;i\0A Hki.ani: EioliVolvot Oloftkt!, OlothOloakB, AHAIIS-o oitiolo. olo«!S. cA.ssnar.EEa, kv. jeahs, to. noME3rio .loom iff a >.eht vauieiv PtfttiTATiON GOODS. Kriboyn, Unsoys,, Ji’launola, Jllunliota, Wool lints, Nf-gro Shoos, kc. &o, Pino Hutu & Cups, Soit Hats A llnnli r'l TU. Roots and Shoos-it Largo Mad.! SimtTS,COLLARS ttC'RAV’ATS, GROCERIES, BAGGING AND ROPE. I'l' Ul".. i' U, I'mVi"., v Ai,«n,1« NAlf.6, CA21INGS, HAMlWAPE, CEO EilV, OlrASSWAEE, 6AOULE3, So, gbYnwKbrtaSSh' ^-irapr.^KTfiEr.'s.’sS!! • ■;'. "■ fri'-.a .11,11 lio m. ibr. ai'irhot raloi. ( . copy, miaiNa & swift HARRISON & PITTS, NEGRO BROKERS, IS T o. ( > I ! >ro; ic! Htrobt. O’OLj"LT J\(I L3TJ f3, O.A.. "i.r,Ini’ to 'purdia'e'w'id flint b V/tlirir' wV.'r .'m' «■ iD n ii-, BHim .iTnrU will haupnreil l.i p|.,,H Im mey plan, llu-lr Iiu»bi*b.,li, our 'chi,rye. Cor-Mbeii.1 *.ltrinew »,ado «U1 Kegroo* left with "V*-/- A iiUMy l«t Of y««n« nvaroca of jilt dam* «. staasraaffattBeBa: «A»!»**».m.mww»« **.. « T.a j i. '''""iw B-w' I v-Tm”!.*- 1. V/, PEASE'S nooUnioro O V Ii ii CO ATS! Atau a full M»«l r tuplvl* kuorluieihV uf OKNTljteMttN'H GUNBY & CO. CHEROKEE REMEDY! jVy' jaiv »•IIJflKGK.. t:..,.Li, 1)Ilr.v ,-n.i. tv. Ako.s'fl. • ' ‘ ' [U'i KWllr. Vf FLOl'R - | tn a,M| “t FIMMjif’tuV )VK*T,"and Mar..fib, \\ tl,' 1 lour t.H-.ttr III- .1 11 1 V.;‘ «• YUS, i’„:kv, l.av.l, eb-.L- • |l» m *, f, k utota. ''"teVo-r.. LOOK OUT FOB HENRY COHEN! onaorrliooa and all liiaeaseg of tho TIKE SEST YET LIIINAKY OHGA.NN f ! »>? HHMKBY rare* wb«n all other prenaration» FURNISHING GOODS, Coin| rfdnir I.fnon lino ,in ytilrln nf tb*G*, nukria Wa *,» •uthart.ed to announce WILLIAM W. lAKTlN (fonnrrly OrMgsksrper of thU d-y.) »> a UAAU (or'tbe otltce of Tax C-.llertorof Mu* ri.vaKrbiS!:.r» r :r; fi *°0. ¥!''ll A VsLLMa N, JuMfm/ot’the* SStupplj^r U10re "’ ' 4uv '“ ,dt ' rn ' A '' *"'■ * TRUSTS, VALISES, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, Walking a fu’l amt ewnflct* n-wortmonl of BOOTS AND SHOES, Fr i 0,-nlb iun.’f Wear, omln Urje mworimrnt ct (.wUea* t*t*o<M tt.ot* an-t (HItorn of Ihe very ti.-at "bfrrl-""'' TTr-M^ " ARl)(ocn*t Theobold IIowac', drrrar. it, and tat* w t who are comtilalninrof neneral d*. «7 n** 1 - dec Ift-te* , k f , r advmt*. ai«nl In annihsf eoluwin. drc35-8w TWO r. u' J}j TAKES »*l *aLh&»uy A ! Tuesday, December 3,1860, 70 OF THE FINEST MULES A. CARDi * vl." * > t»*»iu P*rM»‘ «■''>',* <- * '!.* .*'lr a. d luaiitf*. ui.u. .UAM'iua,»J.JhUuL>rikrlMf Planrntion liaploraeat'i nnd fSttpphra. 3^1* r d : S l H J r>btsH Canes-Gold &_Siivor Head : PLATED WARE! CLOCKS 1NT»3—rAHUi: AM) f MALL. * Bosom Buttons. JS7u&£ n '‘ J “ • “W*. Curl Sleeve Buttons. A. H. DeWITT. Y’OTT r-ATOtU- WTO .ti flKliUSTRUK'f'S IMUITUil.E HAIR RESTORATIVE. Only i.eltallb Artioit lor the Laid ai.d Uuj blitrullvi-, niul »m * • • I.- <i. ti -m mi rxcrrl- n--. In Ml otlwv pn-pmuU-.uv 1 -r tb • ' V ,m M . . r, tl, ,. L rnMmm i -ate .,E?r w '" »i. tb.ih..d ■Xi?o*£rZ£fS£-Z*"> t tg VSi ranuJiry. L,y they ,.r* a 'HlUtikli';,"r“"',^i ,"g *'“r.' 1 * ' K:3W,f!r^s; Head one of tb* n 'CSSgSifU l " ! " U niiiLri'Cmu he p .mmy, kin. M M. bullet', ItroolUyti *t. ; ;V.y. 0,u,u w b, “* u ** 4 bold luColuiubus b; I. A. WltlTKilUH A «D. I'F.'lUt’.KT’'S .s '' a b t MU. sKivaLsva^.'tasifra: i'sT.:; a 1 ' u b ? .(Sc# ;r--i UC/J - CURE « siW NsrvousHeadache Headache. ! U l '- • flh • Fill* tbd p- rlodl ' attack* O vff -in p.ln and • i*kcm*» u 'twa*M m tail iurvmovlngC r. t'< whir h felU*U» are m> (U thn CL I’ll ALIO PILL' . FILL- ura.tbn rwultof lou«r In* Tlwy ar.i • m.t nn, t.« ii ingo nl <«l tb* a.,,1 pr.p iiehrv c. mm i)r%n, 4N Cedar Ntrcri, Net* Vo. Not. 27, ISwi « GEORfiH noMK J listilUNCS 8300 OOO To Our Patrons. »S£*^;:y. • •;Ittzwzvi*. z&:i :iSSS'iftt UNDER COOK’S HOTEL. SS$«- S*.■ '' . . JTTSTaSK ‘‘fciriii. ■■ Tirw. h P. M. BROOKS. 0vt.2fl t Jr W dw3m . * : : * wOSSBk 7 ■' v liilf tiimf ~ TirTfro^**