The gazette. (Elberton, Ga.) 1872-1881, April 16, 1873, Image 4

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THE TRUE SOLITARY. I built my nest in solitude, I built it lar away, Mid cliffs that rise above the Bea, Where scarce the wild goats stray. The cawing rook above my head, Below the—murmuring sea, And, busy in the Beentcd thyme, The low hum of the bee. Mere then, beside the broad blue sea That stretcheth wide its arms, I’ll feed a solitary heart With Nature’s peerless charms. And here forgetful of the past, Its fever and its strife, I lean upon her quiet lap And rest my tired life. Ah foolish thought 1 not Nature’s sweets Arc Iraught with healing balm, Restoring to the wounded heart It’s innocence and calm Not nature’s tenderest voice can soothe The human spirit’s fret, Nor charm Jo rest the haunted life Of Memory and Regret. Vainly we build the lofty nest If self may still intrude— A silence more intense be mine, A deeper solitude. Lead me into the wilderness From my own self apart; Lead me Thou Master of my life, And whisper to my heart. The freshnes of the ocean breeze No longer fans my brow ; I hear not, waving over head The rustling of the bough. I miss the sunset’s golden light Upon the wooded hill; Earth’s thousand magic melodics Are silent all and still. But gentler than the evening air Which stirs the aspen grove, Breathes o’er my restlessness of soul The spirit of Thy love. And though no longer o’er the moor I pass with footstep free, I find the freedom of my heart In lonely hours with Thee. Then let me build my solitude, Not in the rocky cave ; Nor where the rose and eglantine Their flowering tendrils wav#, Nor where the floods lift up their voice, Nor where the sea birds dwell, And mountain winds sweep wildly past A lonely hermit's cell, But in the garden of Thy love, Fenced in trom all beside, Wherever Thou dost choose my path, So but Thy hand may guide. The Month, gimmw. Sweet Howe —A bee-hive. The best thiug out—A conflagration. Poople who are always wishing lor some thing new should try neuralgia. How docs a young lady, who is engaged find herself ? Mistaken (miss taken.) Adam’s nativity has at last been discov ered. He was according to Darwin a germ man. Here is the newest floral “sentiment If you wish for beart’s-ease, don’t look to mari-gold. A poetic Hibernian explains that love is commonly spoken of as a “flame beoauso it is a tinder sentiment. No persons should sleep alone in cold weather, save widows. The Bible hath said the “widow’s mite.’* A man out West is so bowlegged that his tailor is obliged to use a circular saw in cut ting his pants. A gushing poet asks in the first line of a recent effusion, “How many weary pilgrims lie?” We must give it up; but exper ence has taught us that there are a good many. A gentleman coming into the room of the celebrated Dr. Barton, told him that Mr. Vowel was dead. What, said he, Vowel dead ? Let us be thankful that it was neither u nor i. Sam. Weed of Cincinnati, has sent to Paris for a glass eye. He used to look thiough the knot hole in the fence which separated his buck yard from that of the ro bust dame who lived next door. A young lady in Western New York has declined an offer of marriage from a wealthy lover whose name is Hussey. It is impos sible not to admire the spunk ot that woman who refuses to be called a Hussey tor any man. Some fellow’s gone ane did it—got off the following on the bustle, and we think ought to be ashamed of himself i Young man, spare that rising bustle J Touch not a single “pape;” tat woman’s had a hard tussle To get herself in shape. The following ceremony was used by a colored minister at a marriage a few miles be the other day: “dem what wants t-h;marrid stan up and jine hands, dem -hat God has put togedder, no man dasn't nut asunder. Let us sing a himo Plunged in a gulf of dark despair wc wretched sin ners arc.” Calling a boy up in the morning can hard ly be classed under the head of “pastimes,” especially if the hoy is foud of exercise the day before. And it is a little aingular that the next hardest thing to getting a boy out of liis bed is getting him into it. There is rarely a mother who is n success at rousing a boy. All mothers know this; so do their boys. And yet the mother seems to go at it in the right way. She opens the stair door and insinuatingly observes, “Johnny.” There is no respouse. “Jolin-ny.” Still no response. Then there is a short, sharp “John,” followed a moment later by a pro longed and emphatic “John Henry.” A grunt from the upper regions signifies that an impression has been made, and the moth er is encouraged to add, “You’d better be getting down here to your breakfast, young man, before 1 come up there and give you something you’ll feel.” This so startles the young man that he immediately goes to sleep again. And the operation has to be repeated several times. A father knows nothing about this trouble. He merely opens his month as a soda bottle ejects its cork, and the “John Henry” that cleaves ihe air of that stairway goes into fhat boy like electricity and pierces the deepest re cesses of his very nature. And he >ops out of that bed and into his clothes aLd down the stairs with a promptness that is com mendable. It is rarely a boy allows himself to disregard the paternal summons. About once a year is believed to be as often as is consistent with the rules of health. He saves his father a great many steps by his thought!ulness. —Danbury News' A Thrilling Scene. —There is an cle ment of dream-like terror in the following adventure which befell the aeronaut Boudet on the occasion of the late vice-regal mar riage feasts at Cairo. A performance was given every Sunday in the large Hippodrome by an Anglo-French troope, engaged by the Khedive of Egypt, to which the public had free admission. Among the attractions pre sented by the performers was the balloon ascent of the aeronaut Boudet. Just as the “Rio du Ceil,” as his balloon was named, was about to rise up in the air, Boudet fast ened his the car, clung to it with one hand, an#tried “let go.” The balloon rose to a height of about 400 yards, when a cry of horror burst from the crowd, a tre mendous rent bad taken place in the globe of the “Rio du Ceil.” The balloon descen ded slowly at first, but the wind soon rushed into the gaping aperture to its side, and turned it literally inside out, whereupon it gave out a cloud of smoke and took the form of a flag-case. The unhappy aeronaut now fell almost perpendicularly; every heart stood still. Boudet, however, kept his head he seized the bar of his trapeze with both hands, and hung on, trusting to the slight resistance still opposed to the air by the bal loon; but its speed soon increased; he shut his eyes and let himself go—but not to de struction. He fell twenty yards on soft ground, and though senseless when taken up, very soon recovered. Diamond Cut Diamond.— The follow ing is characteristic: A stranger stepped into a North Adams, Massachu etts, restau rant the other day, and ordered a plate of beaus. On finishing his lunch, he asked the price. ‘Thirty cents,” replied the host, thinking that he had a customer from whom he could make a few extra cents. “Isn’t that a devil of a price for beans ?” asked the stranger. Failing to get a reduction, he paid the bill and left. The next day the saloon keeper received a telegnm, the charge on which was thirty cents. On be ing opened, it was found to contain neither date nor signature, but on'y the words, “Isn’t that a devil of a price for beans ?” A Lawyer Pozed. —A lawyer not young nor handsome, in examining a young lady, a witness in court, made many attempts to confuse her, and thus render her testimony contradictory and unavailable. She, how ever, seemed to be calm and proof against ail frivolous questions put to her. At last, the lawyer, determined to perplex her said ; “Miss, upon my word, you arc very pret ty” The young lady very promptly replied : “I w< uld return the compliment, dear sir, if I were not under oath.” As may be supposed, the lawyer ques tioned her no further. The model debating society, the St. Lou is Farmers Club, is at it again. The topic for discussion at the next meeting will be, “How to roast turkeys with the fur on.”— A venerable old fossil, who is continually on the lookout for fresh agricultural news, new varieties of worms, etc., says the subject of roasting turkeys with the fur on is about as “fur on towards practical results as the club usually gets. A Hint. —A Hartford toper appealed to a merchant of that city for the wherewithal to buy a drink. The merchant, being a temperance man, could not comply with his request, but the fellow’s imploring manner and condition touched him. “Well,” said the persistent fellow, “ifyou can’t give it to me, couldn’t you lend that gentleman ten cents (pointing to a clerk) and he could give it to me.” It is needless to say the chap got the ten cents. A sorrowful friend, writing of the death of an estimable lady, said, “She has gone to her eternal rest.” His dismay can only be faintly imagined when, upon a “proof of his obituary notice being sent to him, he read, “She has gone to her eternal roast.” An illiterate farmer, wishing to enter some animals at an agricultural exhibition, wrote to the secretary as follows: “Also enter me for the best jackass; 1 am sure of taking the premium.” % ISTsw Advertisements. PILES AND tion of the toodD A N DELIONi by its influence on the stomach. It promotes the healthy action of the kidneys. It secures activity of the liver and regularity of thebowels. A prevents constipation, the cause of Piles. Trv it. W. C. UAMILTON & CO.,' Cincinnati, Ohio. 100 TEACHERS OR STUDENTS MALE or FEMALE, can secure EMPLOYMENT PAYING from SIOO to $l5O per mouth during the Spring and Summer. Address, PEOPLE’S JOURNAL, 518 Arch st., Philadelphia, Pa. WORKING CI.ASS MALE OR FEMALE, S6O a week guaranteed. Respectable employment at home day; no capital required; full instructions and valuable package of good., sent free by mail. Address, with 6-cent return stamp, M. YOUNG A CO., 16 Courtlandt st., N. Y. AGENTS, RARE CHANCE. We- will pay all AGENTS S4O per week in cash, who will engage with’us at once. Every thing furnished and expenses paid. Address A. COULTER & CO., Charlotte, Mich “Psycomancy or Soul Cliarmlng’' How either sex may fascinate A gain the love A affection of any person they choose instantly. This simple mental acquirement all can possess, free, by mail, for 25c., together with a marriage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, Wed ding-night Shirt, Ac. A queer book. Address T. WILLIAM A CO., Pubs., Philadelphia. 1000 Agents wanted forour immensely pop ular Maps A Charts. Ourlarge Map of the United States,with a beautiful large “World” map on re verse side. Sells splendidly. Each map4oxsß in. 1000 Agents wanted for our new charts “Ho ly Virgin and Child” and“ Christ Blessing Little Children.” They will find a place in every Chris tian home. HAAS A LUBRECHT, Empire Map A Chart Establishment, 107 Liberty st., New York. TN yj BE DECEIVED, but for ll|jT| TANARUS" coughs, colds, sore throat, and Bronchial difficulties, use only WELLS’ CARBOLIC TABLETS. Worthless Imitations are on the market, but the only scientific preparation of Carbolic Acid for lung diseases is when chcmicallycombined with other well known remedies, as in these tablets, and all parties are cautioned against using any other. In all eases of irritation of the mucous mem brane, these tablets shoulu be freely used, their cleansing and healing properties are astonishing. Be warned, never neglect a cold, it is easily cured in its incipient state, when it becomes chronic the cure is exceedingly difficult, use Wells’ Car bolic Tablets as a specific. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Platt st., N. Y., Sole Agent for the U.S. Price 25c. per box. Send for Circular. NUMEROUS TESTS HAVE PROVED X. F. Burnham’s New Turbine WATER WHEEL To be the Best Ever Invented. PAMPHLET FREE. Address, YORK, PA. ESPECTa L~AT T F NTION ! of manufacturerers who have become disgusted with the odors of Paraffine Oils ane their ill ef fects upon machinery, is invited to • E. H Kellogg's Spekm Engine Oifo@s 1.20^ft gal E. H. Kellogg’s Spkiim Spindle 0i1..(;51.15%!gal E. H. Kellogg’s TALLowEngineOil..(a , sl.lo , ygal E. H. Kellogg’s Manufact red only bv E. H. KELLOGG,'No. 17 Cedar st.,N. Y. DRr MARTIN’S COW-POX VIRUS. | ( Absolutely Pure non humanized Vaccine Virus, obtained by the method of true Animal Vaccin ation, instituted by Prof. Depaul, of Paris, in April. 1806, from the famous case of spontaneous cow-pox at Beaugencv, in France,and inaugura ted in America in September, 1870, by Dr. Henry A. Martin, with virus and autograph instructions from the handofProf Depaul. Our establishment is by fai the largest & most perfect in the world. Large Ivory ‘lancet’ points, packages of 10, $2; primary crusts (scabs), most carefully selected, $5. All virus is fully warranted efficient. It will be packed to go with perfect safety by mail. Fall directions for use accompany each package. Re mittance must accompany order. Safe delivery of Virus insured. DR. IIENRY A. M ARTIN & SON, Boston Highlands, Mass. AGENTS WANTED—For Professor Parsons’ Laws of Business, With full directiousand forms for all transactions in every State jfthe Union. ByTHEOPHiLUS Par sons, LL. D. A correct, economical and sate Counselor and Adviser. So plain, full, accurate, and complete that no person can afford to be without it. Sena for circulars with terms, etc. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Mem phis. Tenn., Atlanta, Ga., or Cincinnati. Ohio. NOTICE. Reduction of Price of Board. ST.CLAIR HOTEL,Monument Square. Balto., Md. On and after Maiich 1, 1873, board at this hotel to merchants will bes2.soper day The only ho tel in Baltimore with improved elevator. Suitsot rooms with baths and all other conveniences. HARRY H. FOGLE, Manager. MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS. THE ONLY American Musical Instruments of such extraordinary and recognized excellence as to command a wide sale in Europe, notwith standing competition there with products of cheap labor. ALWAYS awarded highest premiums,inclu ding Medal at the Paris Exposition. Of hundreds of Industrial Expositions, there have not been six in all where any other organs hare been prefer red to these. UISIV ERS ALLY recommended by eminent musicians as in any others. See opinions of 1,000 in testimo nial circular. EXCLUSIVELY employing several impor tant inventions and embracing every real im provement. THE MOST EXTENSIVE and complete factories in the world, producing better work at less cost than otherwise possible. PRICES FIXED and as low as consistent with scrupulous employment of only best mate rial and workmanship. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND TESTI MONIAL CIRCULAR, with important informa tion about organs which may save purchasers from disappointment in purchase of interior or worthless instruments or payment of high prices, sent free. MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO. 154 Tremont st., Boston; 25 Union Square, New York; 80 and 82 Adams st., Chicago. AGENTS WANTED—The most liberal terras ever offered. Explorations w Africa. ThcDiscov’rtr DISCOVERED. The adventures of a most adventurous life. A large octavo volume, splendidly illustrated. Con tains incidents of the wonderful career of the Great Traveler, the Country, animals, Natives, Hunting.&c. The best digested Cyclopedia of Af rican knowledge and lAvingstone's Explorations ever published. Fullacconntof How Stanley found Livingstone. The only book endorsed by the Press. Send $1 for outfit, or write at once to Union Publishing Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. pn Hblood purifier is unequalled by any known remedy. It will eradicate, extirpate and thoroughly destroy all poisonous substances in the Blood and will ef fectually dispel all predisposition to billious derangement. Is there want of action in your Liver and Spleen? Unless relieved at once, the blood becomes im pure bv deleterious secretions, producing scrof ulous or skin diseases, Blotches, Felons,Pustules, Canker, Pimples, Ac. Haveyoua Dyspeptic Stomaehf Unless digestion is promptly aided the system is debilitated with loss of vital force, poverty of the blood, dropsical tendency, general weakness or lassitude. Have you Weakness of the Intestines? You are in danger of Chronic Diarrhoea or the dreadful In flammation of the Bowels. Haveyou weakness of the Uterine or Urinary Or gans? You are exposed to suffering in its most aggravated form. Are you defected, drowsy, dull, sluggish or depressed in spirits, with headache, back ache coated tongue and bad tasting mouth. For a certain remedy for all of these diicases and weaknesses and troubles; for cleansiu2 and purifying the vitiated blood aud impartiug vigor to all the vital forces; for bui/ding up and re storiug the weakened constttutioa to USE JURUBEBA which is pronounced by the heading medical au thorities of Loudon and Paris “the most power ful tonic and a/terative known to the medical world.” This is no new aud untried discovery but bae been lono used by the leading physi cia‘ s of other couutries with wouderful reme dial results. Don’e weaken and impain the digestive organs by cathartics and physics, they give on/y tempo rary relief—lndigestion, flatulency and dyspep sia with piles and kindred disease are sure to follow their use. Keep the blood pure and hea/th is bssured. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Platt st., New Yolk. Sole Agent for the United State*. Price $1 per Bottle. Send for Circular. Change of Schedule ON THE GEORGIA AND MACON AND AU GUSTA RAILROADS. On and after Wednesday, June sth, 1872, the Passenger trains on the Georgia and Macon and Augusta railroads will run as follows: Georgia Railroad—Day Passenger Tram. LEAVE ARRIVE Augusta 8 20 a m I Atlanta 6 40 p m Atlanta 8 15 a m | Augusta 5 30 p m Night Passenger Train. LEAVE ARRIVE Augusta 8 15 p m I Atlanta 6 45 a m Atlanta 8 00 p m I Augusta 6 00 a m Macon and Augusta R. R.—Day Passenger Train. LEAVE ARRIVE Augusta 12 15 o m | Macon 7 30 p m Macon 6 30 a m | Augusta 1 15 p m No change of cars between Augusta and Macon Passengers from Athens, Atlanta, Washing ton, or any point on the Georgia Railroad and branches, by taking the Day Passenger Train will make connection at Camak with trains for Macon. Pullman’s (first-class) Palace Sleeping Cars on all Night Passenger Trains on the Georgia Railroad; and Sleeping Carson all Night Trains on the Macon and Augusta R. R. S. K. JOHNSON, Supt. Ihe Oldest Furniture House in the State. PLATT~ BROS. QIQ & Ql4 Broad St. AUGUSTA, GA., Keep always on hand the latest styles of FURNITURE Os every variety manvfactured, from the lowest to the highest grades CHAMBER, PARLOR. DINING-ROOM, AND LIBRARY COMPLETE SUITS, OR SINGLE PIECES. At prices which cannot fail to suit the purchaser UNDERTAKING, In all its branches, METALLIC CASES AND of various styles and make; im ported Wood Caskets and Cases, of ev ery known design and finish; Cof fins and Caskets of our own make, in mahogany, rose wood and walnut An accomplished under’aker will be in at tiendance at all hours, day and night NEW FALL GOODS! REAVES Cor. Broad It Thomas Sts., ATHENS, GA. HAVE NOW IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE, 150 BA€SS 1 Kn BULS. SUGAR,dtffer -1 J ent grades. 1 000 ROIL,L,S BAGGIIIG< | QQQ bundles ties. ’ gQ CASHS BACON. 25 HHDS. MOLASSES. 'Also agenetal assortment of STAPLE GOODS which we offer to the public at lowest prices for Cash or produce. We are also agents of the Celebrated. CARVER * GULLETT’S IMPROVED COTTON GINS. CENTER & REAVES. WATTSOM t Ellin SDJIKPHOSTHAIB, WE, AS GENERAL AGENTS, OFFER FOR sale, in new sacks, fresh from the manu factory, the above fertilizer at S6O per ton, adding the expense of frei ht from Savannah, payable first of November next. We honestly believe, from reports to us from those who used it last year, and our own expe rience in the use of it, that there is nothing su perior to it in this country as a good and relia ble fertilizer for crops of Cotton and Corn. J. J. PEARCE, BUTLER & CO., Cotton Factors, Jackson street, Feb’y, 1873. Augusta, Ga. jfILLEY’S FA'iC yjj ARE MADE SOLELY BY THE Excelsior Manufact’g Cos., ST. LOUIS, MO. Ijfcs, ARK DOING MORE AND #oaI|=BETTER cooking DOINIT 'vTflnw Quicker and Cheaper Than any Stove of the same cot. ARB ALWAYS o w P riced, Reliable ’ AND OPERATE PERFECTLY. WILL DO YOl’R COOKING CHEAP AND EASY ’ Quick and Clean I ALWAYS WARR AN I ED THE SUNDAY SUPPLEMENT! >v ii- ’ of The Atlanta Daily Herald is worth a year’s subscription to the paper. THE SUNDAY SUPPLEMENT of The Atlanta Daily Herald is the crock feature of Georgia journalism. THE SUNDAY SUPPLEMENT of The Atlanta Daily Herald is crammed with all the salient points of the week, daintily dished up. THE SUNDAY SUPPLEMENT of The Atlanta Daily Herald is full of Sabbath evening solace. THE ATLANTA HERALD (with supplement) contains twenty-eight columns of fresh, spicy, news- , religious, and literary matter. THE DAILY HERALD (with the Sunday Supplement) costs only $lO 0" per annum. 5 00 far six months. 2 50 for three months. 1 00 for one month. Address SEND FOR SPECIMEN COPY OF DAILY HERALD HERALD PUBLISHING CO PANY Atlanta, Georgia. Ayer’s Ague Cure, For Fever end Ague, Intermittent Fe ver, Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fe ver. Ac., ana indeed all the affections which arise from malarious, marsh, or miasmatic poisons. “■rm No one remedy Is loader B called for by the necessities A of the American people than . a sure and safe cure for JBL Fever anil Ag-ne. Such M we sre now enabled to offer, “ with a perfect certainty that It will eradicate the disease, and with assur ance, founded on proof, that no harm can arise from its use In any quantity. That which protects from or prevents this disorder must be of immense service in the communities where it prevails. Prevention is better than cure; for the patient escapes the risk which he mast run in violent attacks of this baleful distemper. This “Cure” expel* the miasmatic poison of Fever and Agon from , the system, and prevents the develop ment of the disease, if taken on the first approach of its premonitory symptoms. A great superiority of this remedy over any other ever discovered for the speedy and cer tain cure of Intermittents is, that it contains no Quinine or mineral; consequently it pro duces no quinism or other injurious effects whatever upon the constitution. Those cured by It are left as healthy as if they had never had the disease. Fever and Agee is not alone the con sequence of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of disorders arise from its irritation, among which are Fenralgla, Rheuma tism, boat, Headache, Bliadens, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asth ma, Palpitation, Painful Affection ef the Spleen, Hysterica, Pain la the Rowels, Colic, Paralysis, and derange ment of the Stomach, all of which, when originating in this cause, put on the inter mittent type, or become periodical. This “Cure” expels the poison from the blood, and consequently cures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residing in the malarious districts. If taken occasion ally or daily while exposed to the infectioa, that will be excreted from the system, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into disease. Hence it is even more valuable for protection than cure; and few will ever suffer from Intermittents if they avail themselves of the protection this rem edy affords. For Liver Complaints, arising from torpid ity of the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, stimulating the Liver into healthy activity, and prodneing many truly remarkable cures, where other medicines fail. prepared bt Dr. J. C. AYER A CO., Lowell, Hut. Practical and Analytical Chemists. AND BOLD ALL BOUND THK WORLD Sold by I‘r H C. Edmunds, Elberton.Gn. E. R. SCHNEIDER. - DEALER IN WINES LIGfcTXOIRS —Apd— O I Gr A It 8. AQBFTB FOR Fa. SCHLKIFIR A Cos. Sar Frakcisco CALIFORNIA BRANDY, ■WIDOW CLICQUOT CHAMPAIGNS Augusta, Georgia A I may learn something T C greatly to theiradvan *' '■ tnye and obtain spe cimens and full particulars free br addressing WOOD’S LITERARY AND ART AGENCY,New burgh, N. Y. NEW SPRING GOODS. JAS. G. BAILIE & BRO. RESPECTFULLY ask your attention to th# following DESIRABLE GOODS offered by them for sale : ENGLISH * AMERICAN FLOOR OILCLOTHS 24 feet wide, and of the best quality of good* manufactured. Do you want a real, good Oil Cloth ? If so, come now and get the very best. Oil Cloths cut any size and laid promptly. A lull line of cheap Floor Oil Cloths, from 60c. a yard up. Table Oil Cloths, all wititbg and colors. CARPETS. Brussels, Three-ply and Ingrain Carpets of new designs. A full stock of low priced Car pets, from 30c a yard up. Curpets measured for, made and laid with dis patch. LACE CURTAINS. French Tamboured Lace, Exquisite. Nottingham Lace, Beautiful. Tamboured Muslin, durable and cheap, trom $2.50 a pair upwards. CORNICES AND BANDS. Rosewood and Gilt, Plain Gilt, Walnut ana Gilt Cornices, with or without Centres. Curtain Bands, Pins and Loops. Cornices cut aud made to fit windows and put up. WINDOW SHADES. 1,000 New Window Shades in all th# new tints of color, Beautiful Gold Band Shades, $1.50, with all trimmings. Beautiful Shades, 20c. each. Store Window Shades squared and put up promptly. Walnut and Painted Wood Shades. RUGS AND DOOR MATS. New and beautiful Rugs. Door Mats, from 50c. up to the best English Cocoa, that wear three years. 100 Sets Table Ma;s, assorted. MATTINGS. New Mattings, Plain and Fancy. In all the dif iurent widths made. Mattings laid with Dispatch. WALL PAPERS A BORDERS. 3,500 Rolls Wall Papers aud Borders in new patterns, *n gold, pannels, hall, oaks, marbles, chintzes. Ac., in every variety of color—beauti ful. good and cheap. ;'aper hung if desired. HAIR CLOTHS. In all widths required for Upholstering. But tons, Gimps and Tacks for same.) CURTAIN DAMASKS. Plain and Striped French Terrys for Curtains and Upholstering purposes. Gimps, Fringe, Tassels, Loops and Buttons. Moreens aud TaHe Damasks. Curtains aud Lambraqtiins made and put up. PIANO A TABLE COVERS. English Embroidered Cloth Piano and Table Covers. Embossed Felt Piano and Table Covers. Plain and gold band Flock*.d i’liino Covers. German Fringed Table Covers. CRUMB CLOTHS A DRUGGETS. New patterns in any size or width wanted To all of which we ask your attention. All work done well and in season, by JAMES G. BAILIE A BROTHER. THE CIVELIEST, SPICIEST, BEST! TRY IT! Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, For all the purposes of a Laxative Mediates. g*. Perhaps no one medV JB cine is so universally required by every- JW body as a cathartic, . nor was ever any bo fore so universally ■ 1M adopted into use, in Ia every country and I,lwHf/ among all classes, as lr ® this mild but efficient V -JM' purgative Pill. The obvious reason is, that it is a more relia ble and far more ef fectual remedy than any other. Those who have tried it, know that it cured them: those who have not, know that it cures their neighbors and friends ; and all know that what it does once it does al ways that it never fails through any fault or neg -81 cot of its composition. We have thousands upon lousands of certificates of their remarkable cures of the following complaints, but such cures are known in every neighborhood, and we need not publish them. Adapted to (til ages and conditiena in all climates; containing neither calomel nor any deleterious drug, they may be taken with safety by anybody. Tneir sugar-coating preserves them ever fresh, and makes them pleasant to take, whlle being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. They operate by their powerful influence on the Internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action—remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organa of the body, restoring their irregular action tohealth, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such d#> rangements as are the first origin of disease. Minute directions are given in the wrapper on the box, for the following complaints, which these Pills rapidly cure: For Ryspepalia or ladlgesllea, Llillm ups*, Languor and Low of Appetite, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stom ach, and restore its healthy tone and action. For Liver Complaint and its various symp. toms, Billows Headache, Melt Head ache, laaadice or firraa Slchaeo, Bil ious Colic and Billons Fovora, they should be Judiciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. For By sente ry or Blnrrlseess, bat one mild dose is generally required. For Rheumatism, Clout, ©ravel, Fnl. pitutlon of the Heart, Pain In tho Aide, Back and Lwiae, they should be contin uously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. For Dropsy and Bropelcnl Swelling* they should be taken in large and frequent doses to produce the effect of a drastic purge. For Suppression a large dose should be taken as it produces the desired effect by sym pathy. Asa Dinner Pill, take one or two Pills to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence It is often ad vantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these Pills makes him feel decidedly bet ter, from their cleansing and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. Dr. J. C. A TUB A CO., Practical Chemists, LOWELL. MASS., V ■ A. Sold by Dr. H. C. Edmunds, Elberton, On m w fl^#£W) * ® SJm This Machine with prattnt ImproTAinenu Is gaarenlaW U mil e*try want of th hontobold. for eithor plain or faaev work. It knits oil size* of Sftocktafi and Socks, with hool aad too rooapUto, and i ■ a noror-ending sou res of amusomoat to ladirs *M'*ars, ao well as profit and oaay support to thoso that roquirt it. Agents wanted every where by the Kirxroan Knittino Machinb Cobpant. Dam* Rick roan. President and General Buaiuaas Supt.. SSS Broad way, New York. After having given the above Knitting Ma chine a fair and impartial trial, the undersigned has no hesitation in piououncing it a success and recommending it to all who desire to do all kinds of knitti g rapidly and with a smooth and even surface unattainable by the ordinary hand work. It turns the heal and narrows the toe of a stocking beautifully. He believes a pair tf ordinary stockings can be knit on the machine in an hour. The stitch is the same as that made by hand, and instead of being in torior, the work will be found to stand much more usage, The machine can be seen in ope ration at any time at my house. J. T. McOARTY, Agent.