The gazette. (Elberton, Ga.) 1872-1881, January 29, 1879, Image 2

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All 8 . sir- , 30, 18; 0 WSmmm:. ~. jssts^ tS; ■:d '•S‘V‘Vi’’!jg b]i! <:;•?•' WjSng'i&r.-' !- sHHplnyef i tv-.- : . :. ™.;,y hnnslet in printing SB— >■■ .' rceon { t'lacc "■*;.*' -A <t ivliviki intid, in ..,<ch liked and j mo people living near a, wno declare that they are all '•">nld bo desired. They have cbeese t factori©s,|etc., and ,f >' 'ng air of th the;’ J|L, J-tiiif- .a to /■ 'mfrthF■ ’&„-* v K:ZLIFF2 A \ ' './n fo/ #dat bighv lftat | v ho resided in the cxdnjl fof i&ytuaJWfefei ' met las -death in a P" ’ml without: purallcl mi iiih'Wfa "***%■ Mr. Grover wmt tviSower} ; bis farm wTih tnntried dsugjjjteir nod 'JP liimbnnti. On the evening ml <} fw If married couple had been absent „a a Vikk' v f 3ome neighbors, gnd upon returning • n late hour entered the bouse, finding everything, •*<> ail appearance, i ujjnai order, sup ij3 jog iP >t Mr. (jrovsi bad already retired wmt to bed themselves. Kext morning the daughter arose, and har ing prepared breakfast, wen; to an adjoining room to cal. her father, and was horrifi-d to find him lying t non his {shattered bed fl rm - u laird corpse. Her screams brought the >. si ,;:d guiehly to the bed loom, and an in spection disclosed a ragged opening io the roof, directly over the breast ol the unfortu nate man, which was torn through as it by a caution Mho’., ft ud extending downward through the bedding and ttuor; holes showed the direction taken by the deadly mbai-le. duba'Mjuent march revealed the fac t the* the nwful calamity was. caused by the f.i. yl u meteor io stone, iu\d .the stoue itself, pivu iv.iual in shape and weighing twenty pounr. and a few # ouuvcs, avoirdupois, SB# . 1;U blood, was unearthed v:rfy f've iV..w, there -#tloWtfigpbcfWfe., 'pc-*; with which it struck the dwVl-iog. Ihe ! osition of the corpse’ witb othe* „•* •■e ro is;, dings, when found, showed that the 'Sr." tin.- was asleep when stricken, and tbaldetuh W bins was painless. ,'J The Forsyth Advertiser says $. dustry is beginning fo receive tic* udh m this country, the silk trade amounting to million dollars. The si.'k worm thrives ;ri“ Monroe. Last year several fine spc-ci aens oi . ilk tbead were made in that county, i||p —•■ ' Professor Tyndnll says a man caiA brea'hc after tut catling over 25 O&O feet. An Indiana man fell gixty-mae feet t (ythcr day, uud wss cured of deafness. 45 Years Before the Public. THE GENUINE 3>R. C. MeLANE’S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS, FOR THE CURE OF Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA AND SICK HItADACHt*. Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. PAIN in the right side, under the edge of the ribs, increases on pres sure; sometimes the pain is in the left side; the.patient is rarely able to lie on the left side; sometimes the pain is Lit under the shoulder blade, and it equently extends to the "top of the Moulder, and is mistakerr ism - iirvthe arm. The with loss of appe ‘he Rowels in gen imes alternative troubled. Jetl, heavy ... :r partr There is g'.:t* a considerable loss of mem ory, accompanied with a painful sen sation of having left undone some thing which ought to have been done. A slight, dry cough is sometimes an attendant. The patient complains of Weariness and debility; he is easily startled, his fe„et are cold or burning, and he complains of a prickly sensa tion of the skin; his spirits are low’; and although he is satisfied that exer cise would be beneficial to him, yet ‘'e can scarcely summon up fortitude .rough to try it In fact, he distrusts *ery remedy. Several of the above ptoms attend the disease, but cases occurred where few of them ex vet examination of the body, ath, has shown the liver to n extensively deranged. "E AND FEVER. IcLane’s Liver Pills, in \gue and Fever, when Quinine, are productive of appy results. No better u be used, preparatory to, taking Quinine. We would 11 who are afflicted with this to give them a fair trial. >all bilious derangements, and as 4ple purgative, they are unequaled. BEWARE OF TOTAIIOm The genuine are never sugar coated. Every box has a red wax seal on the lid. With the impression Da. McLane’s I.ivkk Pills. The genuine McLane's Liver Pills bear the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros, on the wrappers. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C. McLane’s Liver Pills, prepared by Flem ing Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the marketbeing full of imitations of the name McLane, epelled differently but same pronunciation. U L E OF TUI? 'mmmj jur-uke feedule’ia Effect Sunday, Hov. 10, 1878. 'e daily vn l'i w'!’ -vr. on ik’- :■;! .vv, : 'light Vi ail and Pa .•••ueDger Train Going Last Arrive Leave. T:!C p. in. 7:11 p.m ■ I'i.y l*a* •!>•=• UlmtlKt , Arrive Leave • •, it . . 1 30:1 sum * A reive • Lceve jjr ■N|r • P-‘ "■ A: ;■! Leave ■< &*. -V m Btirt ?im * K.JSi,) hd .'.cCunfd'.o.aaiiou Ytvin Going Lust. ’• . , A; Vive Leave -or. ... 1:52 pm t . Ttirpnija,Freight Tram / ' An!vo r . ve . :>:L :>:• pTa 6:05 p m ,and Accommodation Tr in Going Wee# " if Arrive Jftjff.'. 8:17 H m 3:'sai)i : Train : ■ Arrive Leave Toecoe 4:54 a tn 4:57 a m C.use 4ma-‘’OiAr! Atlanta for ali points West and St : iharliJKitir • o points Last. iM. VO :3Aok:-:, General Manager. r,-. r HOUSTON. Gen. Paee’r & Ticket Agt tRESSS: m JMMIBRANTB. •^ Cnu ’^ ats sr & bbo. MEBROKffIS bBEIITOM, GA. 4 o tiic buying and selling of . nm \fems popular fancy Man cf Elberton. keeps Af> a cheaper t prices ' f: m a p ‘ % ' ' 7AOTBS BEEP,. , ■ . ,U . •' • i'. • ‘•Hiding :r\ sardine?, . S rlf. ?'ie pANjw^ .1 LAUNDRY USE. •vSfct ai-,.n HMm ronw mmwmmmn wmw.jmmn ‘IV • Sale Everywhere. 1 I.—..—*——— ti h . ,• me** yon cun i-’W ■ uiie hynoy wi.'ki rot nltle r* v.ii lr irt* - (W-U jneaJitfts. I’aitienUim nu v.ortfi S‘> fi'. luprovo you a sal- rtnismore. Address Sviksoh & L.o 'orC ft ' "’VIA Tha 4*.- ■ ■ S?'W f .Morphine-, , bttuiiaiitii, li' -v ■ ■Jt .:Ai Linen Htore. ,'-u town. $3 Oft Wit free. No you want® busiriom nt which . . t A, x can nmtw great j, .y au . “V, | ij write for jiiumalafe to A iiivi'.l, Malnd. .. SWIFT & Bb fctp * tnilifock of & INC COOCS I- .!•: coons, AX. KEECHAHPISE, v,IU bo . -'id at Bottom P ..'beE. [Reliable -A-tliens BusinessHousesr Stoves! Stoves!.! Stoves!!! f&3*©af Reduction in Prices MifiSWsK Consult your Interest or. o. i seafeTii: 9 m!w- The undersigned ha just returned fic:n the Eastern markets with n complete awl varied .stock of goods to suit all.. With twenty years’ experkn: ein bndlicoe. understanding fully to buy. dealing chiefly with the luan faetursrs and through their ngei.eiei-, I fee! warrant!tl in raying that I pan compete with any nouse in tins or uy oilier city in the Stale, My stock consists in part of A . TA L 1 3 MY GOODS goffee, §ugur and family (groceries, LEATHER, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS BY THE CASE OH OTHERWISE. JEANS, CLOTH, READY-MADE CLOTHING, BAGGING and TIES, KER OSENE‘OIL by the barrel and retail, NAILS by the keg, CORN, MEAL, OATS, and FLOUR. Special attention given to the wholesale trade and httisfact’-m guaranteed. Beside*, 1 have jtist complete.! my new lire-proof WAREHOUSE, running fioui the rear of store to < -Ir.yton street. (Joftou weighed on Clayton at root. Lotion bought and stored on at good terms ns any house in city. As e.-.v motto will he cash, all sales will Iks Y’Jl Ol O. DUoJib. I £T"Givc mo a call and see. [splS-3ni PLEASE WM WIFE & IMS liBlE MWll 15Y BUYING ONE OF TIIOFK SUPERB AN.O ELEGANT “ T IM E S I <fy ■ • TSBE BCST IN THE MARKET, AT JSt. 325: GSI; S3 OO - e. r. co:- eo..<n mn.o. m , ATHENS GA. SICK OF THE KEO FLAC. B P A- K. CHILDS. It. NICKERSON. V. H. WYNN. CHILDS, NICKERSON & CO., Flo. 15 IrcLiklin Aquzz Building, Athens, Ga., Wholesale and Retail DEALERS in HARDWARE IRON, STEEL, NAILS, HORSE AND MCTLE SHOES, HORSE SHOE NAILS, A G 11 1 C TJL T XJ II AL I MPLEMENTb Leads, Oi's, Glass and Varnish. Harness Leather, ’MI X. XT iR, IST W Or O 3S3T S 3 COTTON, MANILLA AND JUTE, ROPE Carriage and Saddlery Hardware, Fellows, Hubs, Spokes, buggy Wheels, Axles, Springs etc., Rubber and Leather Belting, Mill Saws, Mill Findings, Anvils, Bellows, Vices, Hollow Ware, etc. Manufacturers’ agents for the sale of FAIRBANKS’ SOASjSS. Cider Mills, Syrup Mills end Evaporates, Watt Hows, Farmers Friend How, Pumps, Circular Saws, WINSHiP & SAWYER’S CELEBRATED COTTON GINS Any aitiolo in our line not in stock, will l*e ordered when desired, with tho least possible delay. Call %ssscl ‘Examine ear Stocli acsd Prices. \eW Y oaK j>TOKE SOLOMON & JOSEPH, ISTo. 14 in to All STREET, ATI! IS 7STS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRY SCOBS, We are now receiving and will have on exhibition by Novernbet ist.onr SECOND FALL STOCK OF Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, hoes, Hats, Notions. &c., A i Prices tliat Moij Hompettioa I Our EASTERN BUYER reports heavy purchases at such reduction of previous figures that it places us at the HEAD of other LEADING HOUSES. OUR WHOLESALE DEPARTjvItiNT Sp peri nt ended pergonulljr by our Mr. receiOug daily additit is to the heavy stock now on hitnd. -.vhivh we are compelled to fo’.ct into the market in order to mnko room tV- •“ XimmOTH STOCK ARRIViNC Onr terms irt this Department are a- LIBEREAL AS ANY HOUSE, to Merchants able to givefgo ul reference. ’ Mr. SOLOMON is still at the head of our Retail Department w ith a force of Salesmen far and widely known for tlmir politenc-yy ami attention. Among the Few Invoices received we may mention 500 Oases Boots and Shoes from the Factories of Lynn, liroeMon a->d Philadelphia. 100 cases id lb ts from Yonkers. 1,000 Pieces of Jeans, from Norwich and Concord. 50 Cates af Prints, Embracing all Styles and Colors 100 Bales of Sheetings. Shirtings, Checks and Drilling, from our Home Factories at Man ufacturers Prices 20 Caara Bleaching from Full River 10 Cases Stripos from Araenplra Mills. Flannels, Alpacas, Mohairs, Delaines, Brocades, etc., nt New York Prices, also a full line of Brumby’s Celebrated Brogans and .Shoes. Notions to numerous to mention. SlS?©©© wosfeh of Clothing Samples sent and Prices given Free of Charge* In ordering samples, or asking lor Prie* Lits, please mention whether for Wholesale or Ritail Department. ■ Iv’ DATS AGUE TONIC. Cures Every IForm of Cliills or Money Returned Day’s Tonic DAY’S TONIC, Cures Chills and Fever. . TYAv’t! 'Tnvrfi * 8 anew Innovation; am 1/41 ” x euNio possesses advantages here- Cures Dumb Chilis. tofore unknown and un Day’s Tonic claimed by others. Supercedes Quinine. . 5 *! ot ' Q 11 ’; -pv * rr nii..t/ or poJ.*on, it do'r jiol XJfiY H IONIC ltfrotfticij bnzziiig-orroarini Cures GUI Clironic Chills, di the heart, which follow Day's Tonic t}le .’ :9< ' of Quinine; it* i: r t>i * r in -ij retniucxl by delicate stom is Pleasant for Children; abb,;; it acta noon the live: Days Tonic and bowels without the nw Cleanses, tnu Stomach. of !l,| y other medicine; it mVu Tmvtc never fails to cure and our .S INNIC ugt nt.? are authorized to Acts on liver and Bowels, return iiie money In each Day’s Tonic ;' y 7 <***& 1 • P,i>v the frond | OI i C ljoUll) Will CULP tWO 01 Da iv-p 11 • ‘lecelv- Don’t eo Da .. TlmuH j f;../ertOri, 1 ■t.LJOM •tgffoffitfHfipWk) .. . ..Whm OiActa to YVadloeic, BVSwrn V M With Cfca|H# on, A amnjwtefit'Woni .tc/brgripgOffaonood, Evidenceot Virginity. Btri l*ty In women, Advice to Bridegroom, l&t!isrgsn?SMffF U—l tlnban4, and Wife, CeUbtev ana PiTF4Vf4?dtt?3 Matrimony compared, Impedimenta E-y 'xSSSIa&Ui to Marriage, Congugai dutiea. Science ol Reproduction, ixiw of Marriage, Law of Divorce, Legal right* of married woman, etc. also on Dineaeca ot Women, tlreir cause and Cure. A Confidential work of 820 pages,with full Plato Engravings, sent Jbr SO cents. “Tha Private Medical Advisor,” on the results of ini. pure associations, Ac., also on the secret habits of youth and their effects on after lite, causing Var icocele, Seminal Emissions, Nervous debility. Loss ot Sexual Power, etc. making marriage improper orunhanpy, giving many valu able receipts for the cure of private diseases; same oiae, over &0 plates ,60 certs. Medical Advice,” a lecture on 3Tanhood aim Wcmanood, 10 cents; or all three ,sl. They contain 000 pages and over 100 Illustrations, em bracing everything on the generative system tnat is worth knowing,ami much that Is not published in airy other work. Sent in single volume*. or complete in cue, for Pries in Stamps, Bilver or Currency. (Th Author invites oomutta no, and letters are oromptly answered without charge.) Address: Dr. Butte* Dispensary. No. 12 North Btli 6t., St. Louii, Mo. (Established 1847.) /f 1 corneetly aok persons suffering from ItUTTUHE"V B a send me their ruunee tusd address, they will learu a % ioavothlng to their advantage. Mot a 'Truas.y m BURNHAMS WARRANTED BEST AND CHEAPEST. JPtrieea ireduetth Pamphlet Jree. W'IILLINGSUPte Works: Christiana, Lancaster County, Fa. Office: S3 Smith Bsavor strict, York, Pa. Satisfaction Guarantied CALL BEFORE YOU PURCHASE p . ad -Ss reej, A Bead Shot ON TRAMPS. The Boas Pocket Burglar Alarm Which does the business every time and never tails. CLOSED. A FACIT.-Thc cheapest an and most effective safe guard against Tramps, ThioveH and Btffg. lars, ever invented. No family safe without one. Sample, with box of 75 caps, by mail postpaid, s$ cts. One agent sold 30 gross in six days in Rockford, 111., at retail. Agents wanted everywhere. Catalogue free. Address, WESTERN SUPPLY CO., 308 LaSalle St, Chicago. Please state what paper you saw this adv. in. EXCELSIOR OIL CLOTH APRONS lndies, Sisse? and Children, MADE IK ASSORTED COLORS. Sample Ladles’ size, by mail, 65 cents. S-mple Child's fize, by mail, 30 cents. MEUSOHir s IS can and do make {{3.00 PER KAY I Selling these goods, S“Send for Catalogue If you want something yoo can make money on FAST. THE Nonpariel Specie Pocket Case. Pate ,ted March 5. 1878. •lICKEI. PLATED. Evsrylwd; w.' ata It sed It BELLS at SS3HT Holds all ienominatioas of Coins to the amount • f s,x doi-art. Sample by 1 tall, postpaid, *5 cts. A article for Gentleman and Lady Canvassers. Agents Wanted. C. TALOGt’K FREE I Addrw WESTERN SUPPLY CO.. (P. O. Drawer 535.) .06 LaSalle St., Chicago. shttdfor January 15, mi, W rntnur ab W CZuUULAR. dana § |-| HEW GARDES & FIRE PCHP. J g ( GP’Xfe'it' novol and extraordinary machine mf iv ’c ‘ ' { 3 inraluab to at the outbreak of lire, and for ml f 5 ‘'ftFjt&trf I**' 1 **' rj watering Gardens &c. Its construction dis- E j!:-: fis!o : --jgpeases with both Piston and Stuffing Box, ti : '''.‘/J fill doing away with all Friction, Leakage, &c. f j It is worked bo easily that with it, a Lady or Child can throw / stream ci water over an area of Ninety Feet. imPi *w <o>, jf s s -jJv , Tho Dana Bickford Knitting Ma chine is tne only ono that has the latest and best improvement and that vnu knit everything; none genuine but thos* made and sold by THE DANA BICKFORD K. M. CO., No, 659 Broadway. N. VI PcP^l h < .-° N t ' .ft* , 1 M EW t< uMiturlC ESTABLISHMENT. j. f. lynsiox Jl*-8TA IPS o*- 1 itH'V'." AN" .!•; • .v. Broad Street Atir'nt., ,i. ... . , Kabtu-l.t H HCW husi uess iu hie line, acU tftpr to i’v.r. bh all kinds of Furniture, Metalio Burial asea, Hemotio Burial Cases, Wooden Burial Cases, &0., at reasonable prices. Repairing all kinds of Furniture a specialty, and satisfaction guaranteed. Having a supply of Mouldings on hand, lie will also frame pictures at short notice,la superior style. & Call and examine 'da slock and prices. Rjan 1, ’ll). I'ctvn make money faster at work for tie than at any thing else. CiwiLul not required; wu will start you. $l2 per day at home made by the industrious. Men, women, boys and gb-ls wanted everywhere to work for us. Nowss the time, foully outfit and terni* fror Addree*lTnK & Cos., Augusta, Maine. DAV:H.D< 5 PEACHTREE S wm&mEmm Dry Good*, Notions, Fancy Goods, Trimings, Finn- Underwear Collars, Cuffs, Handkerchiefs Neckwear, imported Silks, Satins, Velvets, Black and Colored Cash I claim to be able to sell goods for less than others arc interest; I buy nay Goods/or Cash, I run a Wholesale Package for this department, from which my retail ror has only been seven months since 1 opened, eortsequen, “TPi'MEITIS* test Mm JT' 1 tiold to the idea '''ed by elioginrv ”* *rJ' " Mjriviotto: is sustained by the people. If in need of anythit whether or not I atp correct. Respectfully, /S MANUFACTURED BY Fill BROTHERS 3Ft. J ‘>os? WE MAKE EVERY VARIETY OF Farm, Fre ght and Spr' And by confining ourselves strictly to one clas? of work THE BEST OF WO It. Using but First-Class Improved Machinery a The Very Best of So Auu by a THOROUGH KNOWLEDGE of the business, we have j of making THE BEST WAGON O We give the following warranty with eac We Hereby Warrant the FISH BROS WAGON No nlar and of good material, and that the strength of the *.urt fair iioigc. Should any breakage occur within one year from' live material or workmanship, repairs for same will be furnished of charge, or the p'.ice ot said repairs, as per agent’s price l’st the purchaser producing a sample of the broken or defective pi ta as Racine, Wis., Jan. 1, 1876. (TiviraG. Pish, ) tefcSSW FISH 11G Knowing we can suit you, we solicit patronage from every section c Send for Prices and Terms, and tor a copy of our AGRICUt FISH BROS. & CO HENRY FRANKLIN. 3A,V.UE FRNKLIN BROTHER mum faotqis Reynolds Street, Augusta, fin. SOLICIT the continued patronage of i wends and cu .-totners in Kibcrt c< a: *• convoniant cant roomy warehouses in Augusta they •. n guarantee aatisfrei... GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS; SUPPLIED. FULLER e ■,;' (Snccc.?ors to 0, A. FULLER,) WUelosale Deaiere 11 GROGEIIIESi PROVISIONS kM TV Cor. jßla'oama and Pryor streets., Atlanta, THE ELBE:R,TOTnT FU RNITlir K S T A 15 L. fl S 22 M id N T l Where will ba fiUMil, in tho litist design*, PARLOR,CHAMBER & DINING-ItOOM FI All of which will be sold at the lowe*t city prices. BURIAL CASKETS AND A full assortment always o hand. 17 NI) ERTASi t N A SB*R C3A .. _ Y -B-T-v r\ r* I will keep In stix'ka pupernn- aesorunent of I.VLVITTER from u’.vTanya.-a jt-St/cALiJ . at tue lo west price*. Highest prioe* foi llldee. ABBA OGLE M.G.&J.COH Lo or s Low Prices in -DRY SOIDS. UOTHII BOOTS, SWHtS, BATS, NDTSMtS, i Offer to the people of Elbert find surrounding ci untie’ nn immense •’lock st e>t prices. Familiar with the wants of their many cnStoners, they are confident liouso ia Northetst Georgia is better prepared to please all who favor Ilium wtu Do not for el to visit them at special inducements to Wholesale buyers. AO* 5 BrOUfl StfCGt., Rucker sville HeciiTi IE 1 , 18. CLEAYELA^ lias a full line of fM Bey Goods, Fano Oo<- CLOTHING, BOOTS,SHOES, HATS, NO ,! ‘ Ac,, which he proposes to sell at crtnauallj low figures. His stJrD sped and ho iuvites au ea.’>y iuup<>ctj ;t) |i .1' GI \ RB1 1 s:' R TsO'KB ’ if re CASH OR Oil Afioi mn sell Prints as low as any ho? AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. Patent Saif-* f.I.nLU May tMUt, MIS. gjJJ