The gazette. (Elberton, Ga.) 1872-1881, February 18, 1880, Image 3

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ELIIERTOX MARKET. Elberton, Ga., Feb. 18, 18S0. Cotton 9J(g). 12$. Cofb-e, Rio tb I2JO 25 Sugar, VI lb. Ex. C 9 0 10 “ “ A 10 0 lli *• •* Crushed 11 0 111 “ Grown B£o 91 Sjrriip, Silver drip 1(9 gl 50 @ 60 Molasses, IjP i,bl 28 0 40 Mackerel, kit, No 3 0 95 “ “ ‘ 1 100 01 10 “ ijjl $ bll “ 3 17502 00 t “ “ 2 2 25 (ad,2 50 .. <s) l * l 300@3 50 Urd, yib IOJO Vinegar '-pi gnl 35 (a) Teas y> lb 50 @ 85 ■Cheese, 'jj l lb .. 15 0 20 Candles, lb 12J0 15 •Salt, % sack Liverpool fine 1 10 @1 25 “ “ Virginia - 1 20 0 Crn, ip bjjhel 0 85 Meal, *• 90 @ Flour, Ip 100 lbs 3 00 04 50 Wheat, bushel I 35 0 1 50 Oats, ip bnahel @ Uams, lb canvass llj@ 12J Hulk meat, Ip lb 7JO 7£ Eggs, ip dozen. 10 0 flutter, Ip lb 15 0 Chickens, each 10 0 15 Irish Potatoes—Eurly Hose hbl .3 50 Peerless,bbl 3 50 bus 125@1 50 Crackers, soda 8 0 10 Citiger. yt lb— ~ 1-5 0 2 .Spice, Ip lb. 20 0 30 Pepper, Ip tti 20 0 25 , Cloves, Ip ounce 10 0 Xunaeg, Ip “ 10 @ Starch, ip lb 10 0 Rraoms, each - 20 @ 25 Biickets, painted, each —-. 20 @ 25 Pearl Grits, Ip tb. 3JO £ntton Hope, TP lb 25 0 30 Ixl* Grease, ip box *. 10 0 Axes, each 01 00 Ars Handles, each 10 0 15 Stick Candy, ip box 16 @ 20 Fancy “ Plb 20 0 5*9 Heaps, various kinds 5 0 10 Raisins, P lb 20 @ Pewder, \lb 20 0 40 Shot, Ip lb - 0 10 Water-Proof Caps, ip bx 10 0 Tabacco, *p lb 40 0 75 Cigars, each 2JO 10 Rice, lb 8@ 10 B-fswux, ip lb 15 0 20 Shovels, Ames’ No. 0, each i 00 0 •* •< “ 1, “ 1 10 0 Kails, standard 6 00 0 Cotton Yarns, p bunch 1 25 0 Bhirting, { - 8 0 8^ “| 7 @ Kpsem Salts, 'p lb 1° 0 Veastian Red, p lb: 10 0 Putty, ip lb 7 0 10 White Lead, Plb 9JO >0 Oil, linseed, P gal 90 0 “ machine, 'p gal 50 0 •• kerosene, p xal 20 0 25 Snlphur, Ip lb 10 0 15 Cepperas, p flk - 5 0 1° Alnm.ip tb ... JO 0 15 Hides, Dry Ip lib 10 0 15 •• Green lb * 0 Regs 10 *1 Old Iron - -i Old Hrass - * Old Copper 6 .■ill£*'.UJLßS ■ " Legal Advertisements. Win. Grimes applies for letters of dismission on tlae entate of Mary Bell, do be granted Ist Monday in June. ~ BTH ERIE P’B SALES. WILL BE SOU) BEFORE THE COURT HGU9E door in town of El belt on. EMiert county,Georgia, ata the firs* Tuesday in March next, 1 sho, between the legal hours uf sale, tlie following doßOribe* prop erty, to wit: One top buggy sod one bn*- Levied on as the ; property of Asa 11. Langston, 1 satisfy a tl fa from j Elbert Superior Court in favertif Ahehi C. Stovall vs. Asn li Lanston. D. U. ALKXAN'©SR, Sheriff J£. C. Will be sold%e.ore thnowratt haowei&aiwTii tiettow-n t Klbrrton, Elbert coocailw, <a., * Hhc fimet Tuesday in March next, lW), between the legal hours ol sale, She following described property, to wiu I.vied oti as the property of E. ti.'Cl.rk, to satiety a it (a from Kibert any-orii*- -osart in favor of A C slat hews A A J Mathews, for tlie use of A J MiUlaeet* . on. K It Clark. } 1) It ALKXANDKK, Siaovtfl E.O. Will be sold before IV-.-owtn-t House door ii EFserUm, < Kibert county, on the first. Tuesday i March, next JMO, between the legal I wars of sale, the following slvscribed pi operty. to Will: One tract of land i said county, contaad** two hundred sad fifty () acres, more or lens, -juimng Sands of M T Almotvi >■ tb- east, Mrs S D J-Yarti-fm (a the west, John Tiller and iMi-hraw ou flic ncoth, *ati wo the soutli by M T Almond. levied ou as tlie property of James AJtrxved to sat isfy a 11 fa from Kibert conanfe ev*at in favor of J A Adrw, Ordiunry, for ct£ IXob’t S Almond. -*c.., vs. Isaac Almond, guardian., Ac.,principal,-nd J*nu*F Almond, feenrity. Written notice served on said -JaiOfics Almond. L). 11. ALKXANUm, Hh.riff L. C. WILL be sold before tlie court house door Au El bertou, Elbert county, GeOtgia, wu tfi*e fcet Taesday in March, 1880, during the hours of Bale at public auction the following property, fto wic One tract of land in sa’d county, on the waters -of Uroad river, coutAining one hundred (100) acre* 4>r less, joining laiid[of Tiios B Siuitli V\ .lisrtc, John C lludgeu! t 3M\d eThfirs." laSvied on nthe of S M Downer, to satifr ij &fl fa from Elbert &iai>crior court in favor of B\V 3feni v. Hufus *' Nash, principal, George ALuaro, <Qenrre Bril and S & Dow-mv, Written notice served on B M l^wTker. Sj Iwi.Ki on our tract of laud ooauty,m taiSßSfe-two hundred ad foitfy Beven,(*47) acres, more r l-ss, joining lands of K W BrtiL. Geo Alitwro, W 1) <'Urk. aud others, as the ol Geo S Bell, to eitisfy the fit • last aboveunjißv2^dlwritten notice gltrved on Geu S Bell. [) B. AT.U3XANDRR Sheriff. Notick kok i.kavk to sell.—Application ha* b<w-u made to the Court of Ordinary of Elbert -county, G., by Williacu M. Uaslott administrator ol T.uccnia M. liaslett. deceased. tor leave to sell a tract of land lying to said county, belonging to the estate of said ueceaaed. Notice ia hereby Riven to all persons iut--rested, to •how cause why aaid leave should But be gxiiaited at the next March term of said .oaramt. Given under my hatMlaud otßitaaJ fflgEßtfjsre, January dlth, ISO. j A Ord’y K. C. CITATION. Gnoitoia, Ki.nruTOouNTT.— Noticeis'hereby Riven to all persona concerned, ft rat cm the Utb day of Aucust, ISIS, 'tart-ha A. UlaekweJ , late jjtf eaM-comi ty, departed this life iiitc-wta e-ain-d no pea-sou applies tor administration on the. estate -of said Martha A. lackwll, and *hat in terma of the Jaas’.-aduiiSnaattraUiuii weill be vested iu the clerk-of the Superior Gsrt or tame other fit and proper person, thirty' day s after the stnblication of this citation. Katies* tome v.aihiliiifejertion to mads to hia apnoantamna. Given nnder my k.ind and official agneAhre tli.s •filth dny of January, 18*0. J. A. ANDUEW, Ordinary of Elbert.<Aounty Mid ExofHcto <ii rk. CIT4TION. Gnoneia, Kt-axu-r CocwrY. —To all whom it may concern: Jeptha H. Duncan hstving in proper form Applied to me for pcrinai>ea>i!tfttftcrs of administration An the tb estate of <f-tai A. Duncan, bite of said ounty. This is to cite all sumS ein-guiar the creditors and next of kin of John A. Duncan to be and appear at my office, within the time allowed by law, and ahow cause, if any they can, why p-irmaneat admin istration should not be granted to Jeptha 11. Duncan am John A. Duncan’s estate. Witness my hand and oftieicia! signature. i. A. AS SMEW, ■Oj’diuarj E. C. January 28th, ISBO. Citation for Letters Disnrissinn- Gkoroix, Elbeiit Coujstt.— Whereas, Elizabeth Moore, administratrix of William J Mnaore, deceased, represents to the court in her petition, duly filed and entered on record, that she lias fully~admiiiistcred William J. Moore’s estate. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kit • dred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, •rhy said administratrix should not be discharged tram her administration, and receive letters of dis miasiou • the first Monday in -fame. It*l. JAMES A. ANDREW, Ordinary. January fifith, 1880. Citation for Let tom of Dismission. STATE or Gkougia, Elbkbt County.— Whereas, Henry B. Holme, executor of Edward McDaniel, represent* to the court in hi* petition, duly filed and entered on record, that be has t'aily administered Edward McDaniel's estate— This i therefore to cite all persons concerned, kin dred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why •aid administrator should ndt be discharged from said executorship and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in June, 18S0. J. A. ANDREW, Ordinary. Feb 4th, 18S0. Citation for Lett ,rr of Dismission. Georgia, Ei.bert County.— Whereas, Lindsey A- Gaines, administrator of Asa S. Bone, represents to the court, I" his petition duly filed and entered oe re cord, that he has fully administered Asa S. Bone’s es tate: This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from bis administration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday In May. 1830. Jan. 10, 1880 .T. A. ANDREW.Ordinary E. C. I 11IC Staple Hardware Specialties. LlfC They sell in every family. Canvassers a fir M l Q clear $8 to $lO per day. Send for de- AbCH I O scriptive circulars and terms to ‘.gents. Ja/a BITCH LIVINGSTON & CO.. Yllin IHU Don Founders, Pittsburgh, Pa. THE GAZETTE. WEDNESDAY ::::::::: FEBRUARY 18, ISBO Subscripticu NE YEAR S2 OO UX MONTHS $1 OO PAT ABLE IN ADVANCE. MCCARTY & HARPER, Editors and Publishers. LOCAITiEMs! Chew J ickson’s lle.-t Sweet Navy Tobacco Huy Clothing mnnutacture by Kdwin Hales It Cos.. Noi 507 and 509 Broadway, New York, the Jiiroesr inttmtlacturets of southern cloth ing in New Y'ork Branch house Nos 2 and 4 Pryor street, Atlanta, Ga. Mcßride & Cos. sells every article squarely on its own merit. They do not try to deceive merchants into buying n lot of hard stock on putting a few staple articles below cost. Buy Clothing made by Edwin Bates & Cos., Nos 507 and 509 Broadway. New Y'ork. exclu sive manulactures of southern trade. Branch house X-us. 2 a n't 4 Pryor street, Atlanta, Ga GAZETTE AGENTS. \Ce have established agencies for Tub Ga zette at all the stations along the Elberton Air-Line railroad, which will be found in every respect first-class. \\<* name them in their proper order.: A. S. Turner, at Royston. VV F. Bowers, at Wes, Bowersville. T. J. Black well, jf Lavonia. H. C. Black, at Martin. These gentlemen have full authority to re ceive and receipt for subscriptions and adver tisements for The Gazette Ladies’ Cloaks and Shawls. AN Attractive line ot Ledies’ cloaks, and latest novelties in shawls. josepii stauss. Thousand Use it. Wav Hesitate.— lt is adapted especially to those cases where tlie womb is disordered, and will cure soy irregulaaily of the “menses.” Dr. J. Briulllfld’s Female Regulator acts like a charm In “whites,” or hi a su'iden check of the “monthly courses,’’from cold, trouble of mind, or like causes, by restoring the discharge in every instance. So also in chronic cases its action is prompt and deseistve.aiid save the constitution from countless evils and prema ture decay. Ask your druggist r or a circular. From the Quaker City.—E. J. Campbell, o' Philadelphia, under dale of oct 4, 1879, certifies to the wonderful efficacy of Warner’s Safe Fills and Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, in removing a liver disease accompanied by chrunie constipation and yellow skin. Fro-m a Distinguished Physician. —Prof Green, a distinguished allopathic physician, wro’e to ike Medical Hecord te tlie effect that after all other meat s hd failed, he sent for the Kidney Dure (Safe Kidney and Liver Cure), and to his astonishment cured a seri ous case of Bright’s Disease by administer ing it, and afterwards found it equally bene- HicMtl in other cases. * SIF<JIAL ~ A~GARD-^ T*T! whoare sullertng troin errors and indiacre, tie** of vouth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss o manhood. Ate., I will send a recipe that will cure yonf FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discov ered by % missionary in Soutli America. Send a se'f addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, StasSraiW, Nfcw York City. PIMPLES. r wS.I3 i**a t-free) the recipe for a simple Veoetabt.k Bat-m will remove Tan,, Pimples and Blotches, leaving the skin soft, clear and beautiful; also mrtmeiions for producing a luxariant growth of hair on a fasj J head or swootli face. Address, inclos ing 3c. stamp, Ben. Vandelf & Cos., 20 Ann St., N. Y. To Consumptives The advertiser, having been permanently eared of that dread disease, Cansamnioa, by a simple remedy, is amTiaros to uiilie known to Ills fellow-sufferers the metms of cure. To all who desire it, lie will send a copy of tlie prescription used, (free ot charge,) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which theysrifi and aere cere for Consumption, Asthma, RrondMs. rise. Parties wishing the Prescription, win please address, Rev. Es> A. WILSON, 194 Penn St., Williamshitrgh, N, Y. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman wlio suffered for year* from NeTvous Debility. I‘rpm Amec Decay, and all the effects of -youthful iiiec-i<on, wili for the sake of suffering hunl-llTty, send free to all who need it, the recipe and direction' fur making the simple remedy by which lie u hjii itirl CfiiiTnuiff tolling (,\i HtOltk dj til' aUvciUN rsrSt*K tjrr’tTTwct: custn u in perfect confidiieoe. JOHN B. OGDEN, 4* Cedar St., New York. “fat andlean. If von are too fat ot too Jeaim atad want to know how to change your ■emtdition, send tor a copy of the work, <Fat and Lean. It contains complete Hygienic, Die tetic and Therapeutic instructions that will enable any one to reduce their flesh if corpulent or increase it if c-maciati’d. It is written in a cleat yet ciwuprehejasive style arid its directions can he easily understood. It should be read by every Cat tsr lea*, person. S cut for tcu t 1 ace oesiiJs iftatups. VANDELF & CO., 20 Anti street, New York. Wrtl!n?Tr FOR AGENTS AND SALESMEN. JLVIUiM £j £ New and Staple Goods. Quick Sales! Large Prafits! Steady Demand i Don’t miss this onMwmuiiry to make money hut send at once for cir culars. HUNT & CO., 20 Ann street, N. Y. Pr.TUTTS Expectorant 1 ThTaa c t'sT'a "j" Is T'ts oTtues." 1 Its properties ore Derrraloent, Nutri tive iJalsaniu, Soothing and JrfeaUng- Cjimbininig all these qualities, it is the most effective ever offered to sufferers from, pulmonary diseases. ______ DK. J. F. HAYWOOD, of New VoriL, wisail-asily wsdorse# it. —READ WHAT HE SAYS : Dr. TUTT : New Y k. Sept., 19, 1877. Mr—Durmg ill;* ycur L r i.edmxo Hundred e tKet* ot luiu; <! at JLu-tii* 1 w*r w rds of the cii-j the a*. s<;* were of a very aevera ij.-e. It rrai there trii" * icei w 4i called to Tutt a hjxpectorant, end I comess ny sur >rise at its wmderiul power. During a pr vetice oi twenty years, 1 -h*ye never knouu a medicineito act us promptly, and with such effect*, ilieatuntly suhdaed tfie most riolont hte of retching, and insatiably cured the disease in a lewd A-ya. I ohacrruliy indorse it ua tho bast luag medicine i ever used. J - FRJINCIS HAYWOOD, M. D. A NEWSPAPER PUS. WRITES. Otfce. Kviiumg News. Augusta, Ga. Dr. TUTT: l>eax Sir—My i.u.a son, juraa. attacked with puuutnania last winter., winch left him with a ▼ i jieut cough, that, lasted,till wi.hina mouth since, luriiio<kuru of which i aia indebted tuyour valuabJa Jxxpecprait. 1 had tried most every thiue recom mended, but none did tu& eoj until luawi your Ex- int,cne huttie *et areittved the cough auursb-. Wall trujjfc^ Had terrlbio WIGHT SWEATS. MeAxpshk, Fab., 11, 1871. Dr. TUTT; Sir—l hare bees erulfe; iujr for nearly two G*r with aaerere cuuxn. "When i coalmen ed ta ng your Kacpectorant 1 waa reluct'd to one hundred aAdixteenymands m-weight, t hr. 4 tried almost everything ; Und terrible Rightmwoc a. J have taken h lf d<eer. bet Mes. The nigh', swe t have left me, tihe-<KH*gk has disappoared, and Jh .vogained ti ftooa jKAizatt* m livah. Ii vooutmnd*r. to aJi nij friend*. \Viilxgreat rasyect, OL/VJ£R RlCrt. UMPORTAanfuESTIQKS. Keafier, have you caught & cold? A e you un able to raise the phlegm V Have you nil inita tiou iu the throat ! A sense of oppression ou the lungs, with short breath? Ha you have a fit of coughing on lying down? A sharp pain nowand then inihe region of the heart, siioal ders ud back; If mo, nur Advice intake at mace a doss of Tuti's Expectorant; you will soou toe able to raise the phiegm. 11l ail hour repeat the Expectorant, place a hot iron to the feet,take two of TuttVi~Pillß. You wiU aoon fall into a ploasant sleep and wake up in the morning, cough gone, iuugs working freely; easy breath fßg.~aiid thebowcla moving iu a uatnral manner. To prevent a return of these symptom* use the Expectunaut several days. Office, 33 Murray Street, N. Y. TUTT’S PILLS (IPRE TORPID f.IVKIt. TUTT’S PILLS CPRfi BVSPEPSIA. TUTT’S FILLS OJItE OOSXIVKNKSS. TUTT’S PILLS CUBE FEVER AN3* AUbli. TUTT’S PILLS dL’UK SICK. HEADACHE. TUTT’S PILLS CCUE BILIOUS COI.IC. TUTT’S PILLS give APPETITE. TUTT’S PILLS PURIFY THE BLOOD. TUTT’S PILLS CURE PILES. TUTUS HAIR DYE. Gray Hair or Whiskers changed to a Glossy Black by a single application of tni* Dye. It im parts a Natural Color, acts Instantaneously, and is as Harmless as spring water. Sold by Droggiste, or sent by express on receipt of sl. Office, 35 Murray St., New Ycjrk. THE LEGAL ADVERTISIHG OF THE COUNTY. Without notice, or chance of com petition, or opportunity to contend er oar rights, tbe legal advertising of the Ordinary and Sheriff of Kibert county has been withdrawn from The Gazette. This action is without pre cedent in the history of a free press North or South. With that spirit of enterpiise that has characterised The Gazette the past eight years, we pro pose to keep our readers fully posted in all the advertising emanating from these offices free of ail cost to th e ad vertisers or the estates represented. Competition is welcome, opposition has no terrors. FREE ADVERTISING. Executors, administrators, and all fiduciary officers can have their adver tising done in The Gazette free ot all cost; and all legal advertising of this character being done elsewhere will be" duplicated at this office without charge. There is no law governing legal advertising, and guardians, adminis trators, executors, and others can have their printing done at any office they may designate. As we propose to do all such advertising free, those having the in terests of their charge in mind will make a note of this fact. LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT. A transient citizen of Elberton, who left town very suddenly last week, left behind him the following memo randa: To my Debters I haf gon home As i see i can not make any thing hear and i will leav the following for my Debt ers : I leav my bed & stid and bed close for williams the man i boarded with J. B. J. C. P. G is Due mee $5 65 cts [an g. w. g. is due me $4 dollars which i leave for Dr u. g. 1. J. B. J. i leav what is id the shop fer fi B tate and Mr aulds and Dick fountain to Di vide between them but i don’t owe narry one very much J B. J. i think i will come back to Elberton in august if nothing bapens. AT HOME WITH THE ANGELS. On Monday last Mr. and Mrs Kob’t F. Tate lost their infant. Little Sophy, a bright, winsome little thing, the pet of the household, aged 9 months. She was taken with croup on Saturday, and on Sunday had much improved, but that night was attacked with con gestion of the lungs, from which she died, t hus a whole household was overwhelmed with grief because death had trar sferred their loved one from life’s rude blasts to a home with the winged messengers of God. May He who doeth all things well administer f' flvo WionrniDg Tbe little babe was buried at tbe Baptist church yesterday afternoon. INTO THE WATEB. Last Thursday the Brownlee broth ers were on their way home with a wagon loaded with guano, when, as they were crossing the bridge over the Beaverdatn at Mrs. Gray's mill, the bridge gave way, precipitating the wagon and team into the stream, al most demolishing the wagon and seri ously injuring one of the mules. Neither of the gentlemen were hurt and the guano was uninjured. The Brownlee boys are well known as among our most enterprising and sue cessful fanners. PETITE AND PERSONAL. Our merchants are making out memorandas for going to market. We learn that one of Elberton’s business houses sold one day last week eighty tons cf guano—most of it to Grangers. Mr. Joseph Strauss leaves for the Northern market next Saturday. He proposes to lay in a mammoth stocks both for kilbertou and his branch house in Hartwell. Mr. Dun Adams, unabashed bv the rude buffetings of fortune's waves, with his characteristic energy has opened, at his old stand, a stock of confectioneries, canned goods, cider, cigars and tobacco. We wish him the greatest success. Dr. W. G. Browne, formerly of El her top, will marry Miss Owens, one of Atlanta’s fairest daughters, this eve ning at 8 30. No cards. The ladies of the Elberton Presby terian chuvh have reorganised their sewing society, and are now laboring to procure means to purchase a bell for their church. Dr D. W. Sisson has his profes sional card in this week’s paper. Dr. Sisson is one of the most courteous and pleasant gentlemen we ever met, and we congratulate the county on its acquisition of so excellent a citizen, ie is a young gentleman who is rap idly winning bis way as a physician. Commencin'? to morrow evening, the Presbyterians will hold regular weekly prayer meetings. Our schools continue to improve in numbers and popularity. A negro on Mr. G. E. Heard’s plan tation stole a pistol a few days ago, and loaning it to another negro to ex amine, the latter shot himself in the foot with it. Dr.,Long extracted the ball, with little damage done. For reliable Fertilizers and Planta tion supplies, call on J. H. & T. A. Jones. 3 m . Garreckt’s Minstrels will give an entertainment soon for tbe benefit of the orphans. Knowing the material of which it is composed,} it no doubt will be a success. Mr. Tinsley J. Nasb, who has so long been a sufferer from consump tion, died Tuesday of last week. Important to Merchants. —Hard stock, heavy freight. Insurance, delay and ruinous breakage avoided by buyiug Crockery, Lamps, Glassware, Show Cases, Seth Thomas Clocks, Stamped and Woodware, Looking Glasses from Mcßride & Cos., Atlanta. They have an immense stock of staple goods bought before the advance. Merchants of tbe South wiil make money by buying from them. THE LEAF YEAR PARTY. For days before last Friday even ing, tbe time appointed for tbe leap year social under the auspices of the young ladies of Elberton, tbe gentle men about town were on tbe tip toe of expectancy relative to whether or net they would be recipients of a card to tbe same. Some of tbe ladies from an apparent motive of tantilization, we presume, did not make their engage ments, until tbe eleventh hour, so to speak, and the boys were on the rag ged edge of suspense nntil the missive of invitation came, but they finally ar rived and many a face that a moment before depicted despair now beamed with brightness. The young ladies were prompt in meeting their appointments, and by nine o’clock the hospitable residence of Col. J. D- James was one brilliant scene of merriment and gayety. When the young men arrived at the dwelling they were escorted to a re ception rooru where they were furn ished with every article concomitant to an elaborate and modern toilette, and after a certain time they were called for, gallanted to the parlQr, and amid much eclat, ushered into tbe rooms where soon thronged tbe elite of both sexes of Elberton. The Jyoung ladies .of the house, with the assistance of several others, bad gone into the entertainment with the intention of making it just what it should be, and if they failed in any particular our prying eyes failed to no tice it. Through tbe courtesy of our escort, who by the way, was the politest, most gallant, handsomest, and knob biest escort of the evening, we were taken into the banquet hall and shown the beautiful tables, ere they had been desecrated by tbe hands of those who have no hesitancy in spoiling the love ly for the satiety *of a grosser appe tite, and iD truth we can say that the vision that met our eyes was dazzling ly beautiful and bewitchingly lovely. The adept hands of the lady ot the house, whose skill and taste iu the management of such affairs, is so well known, were evinced in tbe artistic ar rangements of tbe festive boards, and the whole room presented ft perfect picture of a bower of beauty. This excellent lady had tbe assistance of a few others, and they have the pro found gratitude of the young people of Elberton. To look in at tbe different rooms, bftllw&y, or verandahs, and see the pleasure that shone from every coun tenance, and hear tbe merry-toned voices of the fair females, and gallant gentlemen as they jingled in spirited converse, joyous laughter, and gay song, was ample to convince the ob servor that this was indeed an Elys ian. “O’ercome with wonder, and oppreM’d with joy ThU vast profusion of extreme delight, * Defies the aid of words, snd mocks description.” The young ladies, or at least tbe most of them were very general in their attentions to the young men, and rwon golden opinions from them. Mr. Charlie Butt was beautifully dressed in a black cloth suit, with a white vest and cravat, and gold or UUIIittLIIsK. Col. John Carr, of Charlotte, was beautifully dressed in a cloth suit of black, white neck-tie and vest, with gold ornaments. Mr. I. G. Swift, wore a beautiful white cravat, with an immaculate white vest, a black cloth suit, with gold ornaments. Mr. Willie willcox wast attired in a very black suit of cloth, with an im mense white vest, plain white cravat, with gold ornaments. Prof. Burns, wore a very handsome white neck-tie, black cloth suit, and white vest, with gold ornaments. He was the glass of fashion and tbe mold of form, tbe observed of all observ ers. Dr. Long was dressed in the height of fashion, his attire being commented on as perfectly lovely He wore a bean tiful white vest and cravat, with black cioth suit and gold ornaments. Col Luther Turner, however, we guess was more handsomely dressed than any gentleman present. He wore a suit of black cloth with white cravat and vest, also gold ornament". Mr. Allen Cason's dress created quite a sensation. Kc wore a very black suit of cloth, a very white cra vat and vest w t i gold ornaments. Mr. Willie Adams attracted atten tion in a suit of black cloth, with a very white vest and cravat, with gold ornaments. Mr. Willie Heard broke the monot ony by wearing gold ornaments with a wite vest and cravat, and black cloth suit. Dr. Carr wore a suit of black cloth with gold ornaments, white vest and cravat. Col. O. T. Clark was beautifully ar rayed in a white cravat, black cloth suit with white vest and gold ornaments. Mr. Archer wo*e a costly white cra vat with a black cloth 6uit, and white vest with gold ornaments. Col. Robert Hester Jones’ dress was much admired. He wore a beau tiful white cravat and vest, black cloth suit with gold ornaments. Col. Phil. Davis wore a black cloth suit, with white cravat and vest, with gold ornaments. There were several other gentlemen present whose attire we did not no tice minutely, but we know they wore white vests and cravats, with very black suits of cloth and gold orna ments. The ladies were all attired with taste and were the qnintescencs of beauty and loveliness, but our 6pace will not admit of a description of each lady’s attire. They looked pretty. They acted sweetly. They exhibited no disposition to monopoly. They gave the boys a valuable les son on etiquette, if adopted. They allowed no wallflowers. They evinced no selfishness. They made every gentleman fel like he was the lion of the evening, and of course every one was supreme ly happy. This social was in every sense of tbe term a brilliant and enjoyable oc casion, and paeans of praise will be I sang to the ladies who managed it for j years to come. To know what a soc- I cess it was is only to hear the profuse i encomiums of the young men upon it. MARRIED. They met, ’twa on the street— “Oh! such s bonnet I” thought the one— The other thought; “What feet 1” Tet they did talk— Together walk— And kissed each other's cheek, and chalk. Gardening weather. Valentine day is past. Spring goods are coming. The new band is improving. Sporting is still very popular. The streets are to be worked soon. Very soon conrt week will be upon us. We are sorry the L. Y. P. is in the past. New buggies are verj numerous in Elbert. The Hartwell trip is talked about just now. Large congregation at the church es Sunday. As the year wanes Elberton be comes dryer. Col. Dick Taylor Las recently return ed from Atlanta. Moonlight nights are now favoring the average swain. The Globe hotel is flourishing now. Col. Butt is a team. Every boy thought he was a belle at the leap year party. Fertilizers are beigg sold in large quantities in this section. Col. William Q. Dunlap was in El berton last Monday morning. Larry Gantt gets up quite a boom on his recent visit to Elberton. The time to plant Spring chickens is upon the average gardener. Improvements are still going up in different portions of our thriving city. The young men are speaking of giv ing an elegant social in the near fu ture. Some of our suburban friends do not relish greatly the recent town survey. The genial gentleman and gifted M. D, Dr. A. Jud Mathews, was in town yesterday. Col. John Anderson is fixing np a poor house report for census supervi sor Walker. Jack Stephens was down from Hart last Sunday. He has lost none of bis originality. “What are we to do with onr daugh ters ?" i* perplexing the mothers ol the old maids. Pianos out of tune are neither or namental nor useful. They simply-oc cupy valuable room. The Sunday school boom here is simply immense. All the schools are weekly gaining pupils. The streets are to receive a thor ough working when the proper offi cer marshals up his forces. Mile posts have been placed on nil the principal streets leading into El berton. This is as it should be. We see from the Curnesville Regis ter that Messrs. Joe Deadwyler and Ira Campbell have been in that city. Speaking of this reminds us tbnt this man Campbell established a grand trunk railway while in Franklin coun ty Owm? to a spell of sickness your girl couidn’tget out to send that val entine, but she was all gayety at the 1 y- p-. With iI.A oloainty tip Kaw rooms in Elberton there has been a considerable fail off in the sale of cloves. Dr. D. A. Mathews announces in this paper that he will keep on hand a full supply of corn meal and fine flour hereafter. The ultad market hero is improving. They will be brought in twice n week hereafter. On every Saturday and Wednesday. The talk of raising the military company hero meets the approbation of many; of the young men of oiu growing town. The Ist day of May will be the grand celebralion day for ail the Sun day schools in Georgia. Let this day be remembered. What is to b( come of all the boys that are aspiiing for the legislature is worrying some of their friends. We mourn for many of them. Little Wiliie Willcox has been call ed the belle of the 1. y. p, but we know a dozen boys who deny the alle gation and defy the aliegator. The Harwell Sun among its other good qualities possesses fine taste. Last week it said : “The Elberton Ga zette is the best loiai paper extant ” Dr. Long, when he loses anything out of his buggy makes no noise about it, but simply bides his time, and when the thief least thinks of it be is caught. We know of no paper that is more welcome to our sanctum than is the old reliable Savannah Morning News. Its pages are replete with substan tial reading. By an oversight the band's enter tainment advertisement at Hartwell did not appear in last week’s issue of this paper. You will find it m this paper somewhere. We are under obligations to those who have given us substantial eviden ces of their friendship recently. We appreciate these exhibitions to the highest degree possible. Out of fifty men who tbink they are competent to edit a newspaper may be found one who the public will consider capable of running it. They overestimate their capacities. The Atlanta Constitution's report of the burning of cotton on the E. A. L By., was “very much exaggerated. The damage done was considerably less than was reported by that paper. A man named Smith died recently ia Anstalia, leaving one (Kindred thousand dollars. If any person by the name of Smith sees this he may hear something to his advantage by writing. An Elbert county man of means and ability is speaking of givng sheep raising a thorough test in this section. We can’t see why his undertaking may not succed. But there may be many reasons. The population of Elberton was in creased by the survey last week, and those that thought they were outside the the mile limit are not pleased with the change. Mile posts mark the distance now. Some of the boys about town got up a serenading party the other night, and Elberton was treated to a great amount of-nbisp. Some of the recip ients of the serenade have been suf fering intensely with headache, but are now recovering from the sad ef fects. MADISOH ROTES. Danielsville is very much elated at the prospect ot having a newspaper at an early day. The Yeoman is the title, to he edited and published by Malcolm Staf ford. Tom Long is now sawing up all the timber in Jackson. D. P. Moon is now the postmaster at Paoli, and has entered imo copartnership with Mr. McCurdy in the mercantile busi ness. Major R. H. Bullock injured one of his legs quite badly while at work on his new house. He is still suffering from it. Jno. Strickland, Esq., is making some improvements on lus house in Danielsville. Dr. Ebcrhart, of Paoli, is improving, but he is still too feeble to go out aud practice. Major Bullock has about completed his new house and has moved in. Mr. *,Jqs. McCurdy has aj prosperous school at Paoli. BUSINESS FOR COURT. Through the courtesy of the always courteous Clerk of the Superior Court, T. A. Chandler, Esq., wo are able to give the number of suits brought to the next term of court. Number of equity cases filed 6 Number of common law cases 10 “ “ certiorari cases 2( “ “ claim cases 3 “ “ appeal cases 6 Total number of cases 26 The prospect is very good for a hard week’s labor for the conrt. We were glad to get cheering word from our valued friend, Hon. Seaborn Reese, who will come to court prepared to discharge every duty that may be required at his hands. —— + HOUSE BURRED. We are sorry to learn that the house owned by Mr. Geo. C. Ogles by, in the Antioch settlement, occu pied by Mr. Wm. Johnson as tenant, was entirely destroyed by fire last Sunday noon. The fire is supposed to have caught from the cook room. Fortunately Mr. Johnson removed almost all the contents of the house and saved them from the flames. Although Mr. Oglesby has an ex cellent house for his own use, the bouse destroyed is a severe loss to him. SOCIETY ARD OTHERWISE. There will be a wedding in the coun try about six miles from Elberton to night. Miss Julia Johnson, a very fascina ting and charming young lady from Walballa, has been cn a visit to rela tives here. Mrs. M. P. Deadwyler, who is al ways ready to contribute to the pleaa ure of the young people, assisted ma terially in the 1. y. p. Mrs G. E. Heard, has been on a visit to her mother, Mrs. Calhoun, of Abbeville, who has been ill. We acknowledge the receipt of an invitation to the celebration of Wash ington's birthday by the Few Society of Uxford. Mrs. Fannie Harper is prepared to Jo nil isioJo uf Jitu-imikiug in the latest styles. Her ability and taste is too well known to need any comment from us. Mrs. Pressnell has gone out of the millinery business. The new band iB practicing for an entertainment at an early date, we learn. The Athens Chronicle is one of the spiciest local papers that visits this office. Prof. Burns gave some good music at the leap year party the other even ing and was considered one of the beaux of the occasion. Col. Lawrence Archer, is now em ploying his time at night on a tuba in the old band. We have frowned on Prof. Burns’ vague puns, but lie goes on getting them off all the same. He tells the following on Little Charlie Butt. Says he : “Charlie called on a young lady the other day. and was invited into the parlor by the lady of the house, who happened to meet him at the door. When she went back to where her daughter was the young la dy asked her, ‘Who is itf’ and the mother answered, “ Tis Batt, the lit tle faded flower!’ ” Col. Bob. Jones didn't have any nee for his wall pocket at the party the other night. Mr. B F. Barfield r* getting np a business directory for Elberton. This is a rare opportunity for merchants to advertise. While a couple of Elberton young gentlemen were out gunniag yester day, they became separated, and one fired at a bird not Beeing his compan ion. His friend was in. range, howev er, and several shot took effect in his face and body. Both parties regret ted the affair very much, but it was one of those accidents that will semt times occur. Lumber is yet in much demand in Elberton Practical jokes do not pay in Elber ton. Burns says many pleasures hare dotted his dessert lifj since he came to Elberton, and dot’s what s the mat ter with him. Gen. Gordon is apologising to Lit tle Alec now, but the sage old man wants to learn the impetuous Senator a lesson, and is not eager to accept re pentance conditionally. Some people want to be good and can't, while others can’t and wouldn’t be good if they could — ANOTHER TUMBLE. We now offer the “Old B” Guano at 450 pounds of Middling Colton per ton delivered otj or by the first day of Novem ber next, this guano will compare favora bly with any ever made in America. Also will sell Soluble Pacific on same terms, everybody knows it is good. Wo have reduced the Atlantic Acid Phosphate, so favorably known and appreciated by the farmets of this section of Georgia for the last, thirteen years, down to 350 pounds of Middling Cotton per ton. Benson & Cos,, Bowersville. E. B. Benson & Cos., Hartwell, Ga. • ... Surratts Read This?— Persons affected with Neu-algia and Headache can be speedily relieved by using the Great Specific Neural gino. Speedy in its action, entirely tree from opium and other narcotics, it comends itself as being as innocent as efficient. For sale by Ur. 11. G. Edmunds, Elberton, Ga. Oua Homes, How to U Thkm — lf you desire your heme to possess all the attractive and elsvating influences possible, by nil means cultivate a love for music, and cncour. age its study by all the members of the fund- Iv. If possible place some musical instru ment in your home, as a central music at traction. “Music, sweet music, hath itveharmi for the sonl, Yield to its influence give Its spirit control.” Music, has a refining influence and ndds no little to the enjoyment of a tome circle. , Flutes, harps, accordeens, violins, guitars orgaas and piaaos all have a place in (he home circle, and are now considered almost indispensable in every well-regulated home. Put them ia the hands of your children and you arm them against vice and immorality. The ucce.-ss of old and tried instrument is iw guarantee for the future. Ordej what you need from the old reliable, “Music Empo rium.” W. F. Cummins, Knoxville, Tcnn. Every Han His Own Musician ! “What’s the good of me buying a Plano or nu Or gan 1 I can’t even play a jewsharp, tho’ I love music mity well. I wish to goodness somebody would in vent an instrument I could play.” So say thousands of genuine music lovers, and at last a musical genius has given them their heart's desire. This new musical wonder. Tub Orouinkttk, is no toy or humbug, but the most marvellous musical instrument of the age. It play* Hymn Tunes, Quadrilles, Waltzes, Operatic Selections, or Popular Songs with perfect accnracy. A child can play it.. Dos full sweet tone; durable; not liable to get out of order; weighs only 14 tbs. Price, with 6 Tunes, $10; extra tunes 25 cts. each. Guar anteed to give more satisfaction than any other instru ment iu she world. Monet reeunded apteu 5 days trial ip not satisfactory. Thousands already sold and not one returned. Local agents wanted in every Southern city and village. Foi Illustrated Cat alogues and full particulars address LUDDEN & BATES, Savannah, Ga.. Manufacturer’s Sole South 2 n Agents. FOR THE LADIES. I have now on hnndand for sale: 50 dozen Corsets at 20 cents each. 50 dozen pairs kid gloves from 25 cents to one dollar per pair. 100 dozen Ties from 2£ to 75 cents. 200 dozen Handkerchiefs from to 25 cents each. 100 fino Cloaks from $2.25 to $-1. Joseph Stkauss. Tried and Approved "Fowler's Fly Fan", Seth Thomas Clocks Milville Fruit Jars, Rodgers and Son's Fine Cutlery, Green River Cutlery, Mcßride's Spoons, Forks, Casters, Show Cases. Library Lamps, Revolving Bird Cages, Champion Ice Cream Freezers—all tried lor years and prov en to be the best made in the world, supplied to the trade at Manufacturers’ prices, by Mcßride A Cos , Atlanta, Ga. npr3o ly Merchants if you want to buy Crockery Lamps, Wooden Ware, Stamped Tin Ware, aud want to select goods that will sell and want to pay cash and get cash prices, send to Mcßride A Cos. a list of articles you need, let them attach prices. If they do not (prt your order they will make someone sell you very low. To th* Ladies. —Any Lady who will oond me the names of ten good farmers, (either white or eolored) all of whom get their mail at the same post office, and give the name of that office, including county or pariih, end State, shall receive front me, by mail imme diately, a handsome and valuable present. Try it ladies. A postal card is all you will need for the purpose. An opportunity but once met with in a lifetime, and no risk. Address, J. W. Ward. P. O. Box is, Indianapolis, Ltd. CHENEY S *EXPECTOIUNT! The Great Croup Preventive and Cough Medicine 1 A Specific for Whooping Cough —Prudent Parents always keep a bottle in he house. Price 25 cents. For sale by all Druggiete. |octls-ly] Niubaloisb.—The great specific for Neu ralgia end Headache, never tails. Aak your Druggist lor it Sold in Elbartoa by Dr. H. C. Edmunds. Ladies’ Polka Shoes. ONLY 75 centi a pair. Sold heretofore at I 1.25 per pair. JOSEPH STRAUSS. qMOKI? .1 . BLACKWELL’S MJ M DURHAM TOBACCO 800 KS ft; MILLION ff’TPfWnfrtl A compute Outdo to Wedlo*c, kVltlGrikH Wlth Chantar* on, A competent Woru anhood. Evidence* ot Virjinity. ftari- Hty In women, Adriac to llridfgrvoni. ViYjrpjpi■■■■ Mil l * and Wife, Celehaer and ITMrJriMMS Matrimony compared. Impediment* 1 iiMAtViii to Marriage, Congugai dtittaa, floaeoc* •t Reproduction, Law ot Marriage, Law ot Divorce, Legal rifhu of married w**inen*ct.ala©ti Dieoaeca of Women, their (tun and Cure. A Confidential work of 9UO nacc,with full Plato Engraving*, rent br 00 cent*. **Tho Private Medical Adviser,” tn the mub uf im puro oaaoriationa, Itc., also- on tho aecrtt habit* of pouth aad their effect* on after fife, ranting Varicocele, Seminal Kmi**ioni, Nervoue debility, Loi* of Sexual Power, etc. making marriage improper or unhappy, giving many valu able receipt# for the eure-ef private aieea*es; tame *ie, over §0 plate#, 50 cent#. “Medical Advice,** x lecture on Manhood and Womnnooa, 10 cent*; or all three sl. They contain 000 pages and over 100 Uluetratic-n*, em bracing everything on the generative system that i worth know ing,ana much that <j not published in any other wrk. font in tingle volumes, or complete n on*, for Pri*# in •Urape, Silver or Currency. (The author invite*consults lien, and letters am promptly answered without charge.) Address: Or. Butts’ Dit'penssry. >*>. If North oth it., 01. Louie, Mo. (Established 1847-)' / I earnestly ask persons Buffer ing from HITTUHE "V ■ to send me their names and addreee, they will learn a \ *eui*tffinf to their advantage —lfel a Tgu**.ji WARNER’S 93M REMEDIES ■ Warner’* Safe Pill* *re an immediat* ■ (tinnitus for a Torpid Liver, and curs Costivo ■ ness. Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Bilious Dlarrltoex, H Malaria. Fever and Acne, and ar* useful at ■ times in nearly all Diseases to cause a free an 1 ■ recular anion of the Bowels. The best nnti ■ dote Air all Malarial Foisou. Price, -ic. a box. I Wm*r”* ■wfteJlervlwe quickly rlre, Rc*t ■ and Sleep to th* mi Seri nr, cures lieadaeti* and ■ Neuralgia. Prevents Epileptic Kits, and Is the ■ beat remedy for Nervous Prostratieo brnurht ■ on bv excessive drink inf, overwork, mental I (bocks and other causes. It relieves the Pains ■ of alt DtaeaaM. and is never injurious to the ■ system. The beat of all Nervines. Bottles of ■ WM*(mamm| m twe alses; prices. Me. 1 M.lxißlWlil 1 and (1.00. 1 Warner's Oaf* laiulMMKnifliHtfW Remedies are *m ky*r*ccisw Kl nsid Dealers la M Nedlelae every. ilSlillßMlM writer*!. IWmMIgkM. WARNER &C 0„ ■ Proprietors, i Baekveivr, X. Y. lllMMkMwysrnd for Pamphlet tt/fmtmSEjgSXfJF snd Te*t'mnm*u *T IB CO Improved Boot Beer Package,2scts. HIKrA Vtafccs flqe L'sllons of a d-lictous and ■ ■■■■OsW sparkline Beverage wholesome and ccmeerate. Sold bv di uggists, or sent by mall on re reipt of 95 cts. Address CHAB. E. lIiHES, Manu acturer, 215 Market street, Philadelphia, Pa. FAR ERS AMD VWIS 8 SONS fJO to *IOO PER MCRTI durpig thcfwinter and spring- For particulars sd Ireas J. C. McCURDY A Cos., Philadelphia, Piy. I can make money taster at work lor us luau ai atijs thing els*. Capital not required; wc will stsrlyou (12 per day at home made by the Industrious. Men, women, bo y# and girli wanted everywhere towork for an Now is th* time. Costly outfit and Grins free. Addreaa Tncs A Cos., Augnsta, Maine. $500,000. rewind; mcmillan & campbei^ AKE UEFKKINO The Arlington, King, m John C. Ragsdale, Lion,^ @ Brighton Gm For talc. All ot tlic above arc strict!}' fust-class tiuauus, Ella^H tiie elberton COMEDY COMPANY, With the Chanplon Silver Cornet Band of the state, win give ono oft Iter MUSICAL and VARIETY KNTERTAINU ES , 8 at Hartwelll, on the night of tho 26th OF FEBRUARY. ISSo. This entertainment will be principally there will be other features about It to amttao mul U Grind Street Parade In the afternoon. Com e one, come all.. .. . DOWN If It "Busts" Us We will sell MI union EIIIM at $67.00 or one ton for 400 lbs. Middling Cotton, Ist November next. SolublePacificCuano at the same price—one ton for 450 lbs. M Lulling Cot ton— Ist November. Atlantic Acid Phosphate a ton fo 350 pounds Middling Cotton Ist November next. , , These are (lie low. *) prices ever offered, and thu Guanos the VERY BEST to be had. We are not afraid to publish onr price*. ”ome and we will sutlsfy you that those are Hr; best Guano* In the W< 'l(f.l)! E. 11. BENSON A fO., Hartwell, Ga. BENSON & CO., Bowersville, Ga. Feb. 18—2. NOTICE! Unitkd Statkh Intehnai. Revenue, Com.kotor's Office, 3 District, GboroTa, Savannah, February tt, 1880. Notice 1* hereby given that the following described •vroperty, viz: One flat boat, now lying tit an island on Savannah river, containing tllteen bushel* of com and nine empty barrels was * ized under the provis ions of See. 3324, If. S., bv Deputy Collector it. W. Taylor at Craft’s Ferry on the Savannah river, on January 31, 1880, for having transported empty spirit vessels hearing the Internal Revenue Stamps, marks and brands. At y person having trij interest In said property required to appear before me or Deputy Collector It. W. Taylor at Elberton, Ga. and make claim withitr 30 days from the date hereof, otherwise the same will be sold under the provisions of See.. 8460 Revised Statutes. EDWARD C. WADIC, February, 18, ISSO. . Collector. D. W SISSON, M. D. Having located on the old John Muttox place (lately known as the Henry Mattox mill place) offers Ills pro fessional services to the citizens of that community and of the comity generally. Calls promptly responded tout all hours of day or night. Private diseases a specialty and treated with strict est confidence. (fISly.) READ THIS! From this* time on I will keep on hand and for sale- Corn UVXeteO. and FLOUR. A good supply of these articles will lie kept ntJ. U- Duncan’s store iu Elberton, and at my Mills near Bow man, Ga. I). A. MATHEWS. Highest Medal at Vienna und Philadelphia. E. & H. T. ANTHONY &€(>.. 691 Broadway, New York. Manufacturers, Importers 4 Daalont vx Velvet frames, Albums, Grapbospopcsi Stereoscopes and Views, KNOB A VINOS, CH ROM*.HJ, PHOTOGRAPHS* And kindred goods— ActroßHCf, etc. PIIOTOGPAI'IIIO SaTEIHALS. Wo are Headquarters for everything in they, j,y of STEREOPTICONS and MAGIC LANTERNS,. Each style being the heft of ils class in the market. Ben it twill Photographic TriLDtpureitcic* of Statuary and Engravings for tne wliidlJW, Convex Glass. Mnnuhieturers of Velvet Frames, for Miniatuies und Convex Glass I’ictuuso. Catalogues of Lantern* and Elides, with (Uttcltonai for using, sent oil receipt of ten cents., 'PRESCRIPTION 'FREE! ~ For the ipeedv Ciironf Hemliiat V t..Wnent. best Manhood snd all disorders brnnit.-.. on by ldi cretiou or execs*. Any Druggist has.the lti*rv dlent*. Ir. W. J VCjU’KM * <*., No. ltd Weai ttlxlli struct. I'Dielminf 1, <>- 1 BEST IN THE WORLD I ABSOLUTELY AX. Z> Impnn Rl-Carb Sod* In of a •lightly dirty whlto color. It may appear white, oxamlnrrl t>y 11“ •elf, bnt a COnPAUISUN WITH CHtTRCH A CO.’S “ikinC AM> HAmmER)* 13UANU will tliulf the difference. Soo thntjrour flaking Soda In whlto and PHIIU, an should be VM. KIHIILAIt SUJUsi’ANCISS Meu. (or rood. A simple but Severn test of the eompnrulivui ▼slue ot differant brands of Soda is to dissolve a dessert spoonful of each kind with about a pint of water (hot preferred) m clear gUtss'-e, stirring until all u thoroughly dissolved. Tho delot*- rious inaoltihle matter fn tholnferior Rods will, be shown after settling some twenty minutes o* 'j sooner, by tho milky apiwurauoc or thn solution and tba quantity of ttoatuig flocky matter ao>. j cording to quality. Bs sure and ask for Church A Co.’s Soils and M see that their name is <m the package and you Ji will (jet tho purest and udiitcat made. Tho use m if this with sour milk, in yeelerenco to Baking S Towder, saves twenty times its coat. _ fIM ons pound packago fur valuable infonnWafiF HR. and nad carefully. MOW THIS TO YOUR BRottfc_M| AMXTS WANTED to send for Particulars&W Ifi aur Mew Book. ft.OOO CbKIOSITIKS Off THE BIBI.E, il o for the Handsomest *M >1 CHEAPEST BIBLES cash premiums I letter, enolc®* H ■ this advertisement. Peter Hen cteroon & flat, M l&Uh’uriMH'E beNTAPHONfE ■ Farrjmarkshlo pul,lio touts on tTi. Pcsf--sTo oa'QH ■BOisßraf and Putnb-<el As For* MirrUd.MK mhiAVio York ChrUtian ddsoSSts, Nov. HH JSTete. SnellAtao—can heoarriedinth.packet. The Daf shsald Mad for FREE lllmtrated dosdripdvs PsnphUt to. Amarloau Penuphone 00., mi W.tthStu Cincinnati. I CHEMICALLY TUBE.