The gazette. (Elberton, Ga.) 1872-1881, February 18, 1880, Image 4

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108 a Warper’s i¥lagazme. illustrated. “S|plvilli' the subject objectively and from the ed ucational poiut. of view—socking to provide that wli'Jfi, taken altogether, will lie ol the most service to tSe largest number—l long ago concluded that,if I cdnld have bat one work for a public library, would select a. complete set of Harper’s Monthly.’ ofiirhis Francis Ailiiais,-fr. Ils contents are contributed by the most eminent authors and arti ts of Eurofie and America; while the loin' experience jif its publishers has made them thorougly cm versan! with the desires of the public, which they will spate no effort to gratify. The volumes of the Magazine begiti with the Num- I hers for .June and December of each year. When no ' time is .“perilled, it will bo understood that the~sub- Hcriher wishes to begin with the current number. A complete Set of Hakpeu’s Magazine, compris in'.a'J Volumes, iu neat cloth binding, will ha sent by express, freight at expenses of purchaser, tin receipt of $2.25 per volume. Single volumes by mail, post paid, $3.00, Cloth cases, for binding, 38 cents, by mail postpaid. Harper’s Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. This periodical has always, by its able and scholarly idisoussions of the questions of the day, as well as by its illustrations—which are the best ar !—exerted a most powerful and beneficial influence upon Hie public mind. The weight of its influence will always be found on the side of morality, enlightenment, and refinement. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number of January of each year; When no time is mentioned, it. will be understood, that the suliscribei wishes to cumin nee with the Number next after-the receipt of his order. . • The Annual Vol ime of IlAitPEti’S Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, friio of expense i provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per •volume), for $7.0il each. A complete Set, comprising T.veiity-tliree Voiunins, sent on receipt of cash at the rate of $5.25 per volumes, freight at expense of pur c. laser. Cloth Cases for aafth volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid,on receipt of SI.OO each. Harpe r’s Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. This popular perodlcal is pre-eminently a journal for the household. Every Number furnishes the latest information in regard to Fashions in dress mid ornament, ttie newest and most approved patterns, with descriptive articles derived from authentic and original sources; while its Stories, Poems, and Essays on Social and Domes tic Topics, give variety to its columns. The Volumes Of the Bazar begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishesto commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. The Annual Volumes of Harbek’s Bazku, in neat cloth 1 hiding, will he sent by express, free of expense (provided tlie freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for 17.F1 each. A Complete Set, containing Twelve volumes, sent on recept of cash at the rate of $2.25 per volume 1 , freight at expense of purchaser. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will te amt by mail,postpaid, on receipt'd! sl.ooeach. H’rper’sYoungPeople II uILTJSTHATED* The evils of sensational literature for the young are well known, ud the want of an antidote has IflWg been felt. This is supplied by Harper’s Young Peo ple, a beautiful Illustrated weekly journal, which is equally devoid of the objectionable features of sensa tional juvenile literature and that moralising _tyie which repels the youthful render. The Volumes ot the-Young People Ijcgin with the'* first, Number, published in November of each year. When no time is mentioned, it will U> understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next utter the receipt of order. Harper’s Periodicals. IT super's Magazine, onoyerir.*. $4 SO 11 AUi’EU’s Weekly, one year ‘TOO Harueb’s Bazar, otie year 4 00 The Three above named publicationis,one year, 10 00 Any Two above named, one year. . ..•■ 7 00 Harper’s Young People, one year. 1 50 Postage free to all subscribers su the United States or Canada. INDUCEMENTS TOE 1880 ONLY. 17~Thirteen numbers of Harper’s Young People will lie furnished to every yearly subscriber to Har per’s V eekly for 1SS0; or, Harper’s young People and Harper’s Weekly will be sent to any address for one year, commencing with the first number of Harper’s Weekly for January, ISSO, on receipt of $5 00 for the two Periodicals. Remittances should lie made by Post-Qffldc Money Order or Draft, to Avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement with out the express order of llaki*er & Brothers. Jtyhlress HARPER & BROTHERS, . ‘ "New York. MALE HIGH SCHOOL ELBBRTON, GA THE Spring terra of the Institution will open January 19th, 1880. In consequence of the stringency of the • times rates of tuition reduced us follows RATES OF TUITION: Ist class, per terra of G months $27 GO 2d “ “ “ “ “ 18 GO 3d " “ “ “ “ 12 GO ONE-HALF PAYABLE IN ADVANCE The remainder at close of term. No deduction for lost time, except from death or protracted sickness. It is very desirable that students should begin with the term. Good board can be had at ten or twelve dollars per month. 11. F. WfciciHT, Principal. A. W. Mathews, Assistant. reeni'.ul.etKle', to tbe pttt.lie fur a l l dis cuses ■. quit, tic ace, 'ten an;' elli-.cut 'ffl-Ctt'; e.peeialiy ip iiitlif/c*- /ton. /<; .* ;■v j) s i . .'Il/rrilattrat !■>•- err*. llViji/ ttf I |)- /1 •1> I r . /.■;•' of St ft t.];th. furl: of l iirrafi. etc. it m r i Cl ll s tht-* 1) i4• • > (1, s.reucthciis the tnus eies, and gives new life ir- tlie nerves. To the need. Indies, and chil dren requTlitg reepper i.lion, this vnlujddt remedy can nut la- toe li'ghtv recommended Ml ftrftt lil:r (fehnmii i.n U.c duieslivo. organs. A tenspociiful Ag-fure meals will remove all dyspeptic symptoms. Mfe- . Solti by si! Druggist?, .TBS BHu vfrt CHEMICAL®!, CSALTIMORS, Md- IBOMBITTZnS, A Una*. Tonic. iron bTttehs, A Sun? Appetiser. IRON BHTEHS, If.OK IitTERS, A Valuable Medicate. ISuNcSiRS, Not Sol! as a Pt-v. rago. .EJSBOmS, . For Delicate Female*. W\mk mAKENII POWDER V*. v \vp ,-ii iu your own town,aim no cap* Mill ital rfcted. ton can give the business a VI v 99 trial without expense. The best oppor ® unity Proffered for those willing to Wfr-i.- Von should try nothing else nn luHtil yon see for yourself what you can do jAIH the. husbicss we offer. No room to \ I\vVWexplain ' e. You can devote all your A•. busing*, and make great pay for | lllt V (ju W()r it Women make as much us fS special private terms and particulars, Wr dl tree. $5 Outfit faec. I'on’t complain Ml, While you have such ft chance. Address s- Cos.. Maine. !3En 5 Rewl-Tcrs,.— rsrnt' l .t ii Novelties * wlnno iiMKfiwi:yCoNadivlUo.TcDa. * ■ H. X. GAIBDNEB, Me ALP IN ARNOLD. THOMAS GARDNER. SAERDNER, ARNOLD & GO. Offer to their customers and tbe public generally the following FIBST-CLASS gfuß' T IT T a IE SS!S 33 JO. SOLUBLE PACIFIC, the Old Reliable. BARRY’S GRANGER AND CHEMICAL FERTILIZER. BARRY’S ACID PHOSPHATE, J BARRY’S 81-PHOSPHATE, ! All the above brands iffc" equal'in-quality to'any on the market, ax ft will be sold as low as any first-glass goods ;(’*' Don’t Fail to Call Before Buying 1 . A large stockef Stall!© ITaiaey Dry Goods MEAT, FLOUR, SALT, MOLASSES, SUGAR, COFFEE, POTATOES, In large Quantities and will be so’d low. S* FOR E.ABIBS AND GENTLEMEN. AN IMMENSE STOCK Embracing everything in the way of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, LASHES 1 MB SENT!* FUBNISHINGISOODS BOOTS, SHOEGi MATS, READY-MADE CLOTHING MYERMYERB Has just returned from the northern and eastern markets with a stock of goocis never before attempted in Eiberton. In the way of g- * n a q j n ■ he lias a full line, from the cheapest Ready-Made clothing man of the greatest proportions, O&SE? Q a specinlty. Has on hand a full stock of very H sImSEm a £lllllfa9 superior hand-made Philadelphia work, never before kgpt in stock in Mlbertou. These goods are warranted. In MA. Rjl "IT /f~y TVX G ' ie ' las anything and everything that lady, gentleman, A JL JLm O youth or'childcan call for. Besides STANDARD GOODS 2 * h " ,al - Of pure Pebble, a full variety of wbrfch he will hereafter keep on band. Besides the various articles enumerated above, you can find at ills store EVER¥TmiE MOT®.! that pertains to his line of bus]jjhe3s. and which he will sell at LOWEST RATES. jftgjyWft.h many thanks to the public for kind favors in the past, he respectfully solicits a continuance of their liberal patronage, (live me a call. At Masonic Block, Heard Street, Eiberton, Ga. XSOMETHIKB) ® (KNOWIX ECLIPSE STEAM ENGINES, all sizes. |jrpTCOTTONgRSs, SES ’ iOTffi Of si I THRESHIN MACHINES, MLIULcHEARiSTEAM ENGINES, DOORS, BLINDS, SAffl, BRACKETS i MOULDING FUESALEBT F. D. MCMILLAN. Machinery sold by me will be pnt in running order. SWIFT BROS DEALERS IN General Merchandise INCLUDING- A FULL STOCK OF ‘ Dry-Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Crockery, Groceries, &c ELBERTON, GEORGIA AGTS FOE MERIIYMAN’S ami SOLUBLE SEA ISLAND FERTILIZERS To the Planters of Georgia and South Car olina: HAVING SECURED THE AGENCY FOR SEVERAL Standard I y—, .. 1 And having made the nuc and application of Fertilizers for a number of .years a study wc teel assnred tliat we can sell a guano suited to the different soils in this sretion of country. We "will be pleased to have a call from you • htfjre pnc'.-lfasing elsewhere.. J. Xj. & G. E. HEARD. A BIG CROP ofCOTTON WILL RESULT From the use of the following well known guanos: Is a“m AN A1 | Zell’s Acid Phosphate ! | Zell’sCuano! “ I COX. GA. T .Ell Call and sec circulars!. JAMES J. BURCH, I Ul °Se at ho store ofJor. Strauss. AGENT AT ELBERTON. T?T. HAYQOCit Has the largest and most complete works for the manufacture of Carriages IX TIIE WORLD 1’ Buggies for the trade a specialty. CONNER PLUM AND TWLLFTH STHECTS, CINCINNATI, O. Fertilizers! > THE BEST ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST! EUREKA! I ACID ORIENT! {PHOSPHATE Call and get Circulars and Certificates showing these to be as good as any Fertilizers ever used OFFICE WITH 0. W. BUTT & CO. HENRY F. CHANDLER, Agt. HUFF & BROWN, AT TIIE IVCxiCTUI s m. WM I With an unbounded confidence in the great future of Atlanta and a warm admiration for the enterprise and progressive spirit of her peoj/le.j we have this clay taken a long lease on the Sis Ml. lESB, SS 39Ed^3!ME AND BY A LARGE EXPENDITURE OT jiqUXy AND A LIBERAL MANAGEMENT GENERALLY WE PROPOSE TO MAKE IT IN EVERY RESPEC'j! A,.1 iRST-CLASS HOTEL. W. A. HUFF, PHIL. F. BROWN, Of Macon, Ga. Of Blue Kidge Springs, Va Eaadies 3 Miluneby rm ip® iiiHi Mclntosh St-, GazutUi Oflice, Eiberton, Ga. The undersigned respectfully inform the ladies of Elbert and adjacent counties that they have opened the above establishment, where they Hie prepared to give perfect satisfaction in their line. a call and examination of our stock is respectfully solicited. A fell line of Ladies’ Dress & Furnishing Goods * ' Mrs. X. J. PIIESSXELL. OldßeliaMeMiisicEmporium . W. F. CUMMINS, Prop’r. SILVER CHIMES ORGAX. CUMMINS’ PIANOS ARE THOLOUGHLY RELIABLE. Silver Chimes Organs are First-Class and Fully Warranted 6 Years. FINEST ORGAN NOW OFF ERRED. PRIORS, $33, SSO, $75, SIOO, &0. CUMMINS’ PIANOS $l4O AND UP. S7O Cash will buy a Fne 9 Stop ORGAN Jn the above Elegant Case. A GRAND BAR AGENT FOR Mason A Harnini; Wilcox A White; I • Knabe; Bechc.r.oriw.; Smith American; Peloubct, Pelton &Cos % Kriiwch & Bach; .Emerson; Clough A WartKß, and other j . Waters, anftmtßer Piakos. ° Great Bargains in Pianos and Organs. Lowest Price* to Teachers Given. GR£A.T REDUCTION to Music Teachers, Minister*. Churches and Sunday-schools. Jjsr- Write for Catalogues and full Particulars - W. F. CUMMINS, Knoxville, Term. DR. HENRY C. EDMOTOS TIIJE OLD RELIABLE DRUGGIST 1 V ' ~ vw*R SECURED THE SERY-ICEET OF . DR. A. K. HTJKFTBR, who will be at his post at all hours, night and day. lie also keeps on hand everything that can be found iu A First Class Drug Store J, SS; * T l . AJOMES Offer their old customers and Planters generally who wish to buy The following old Reliable Brands for 1830: Giant Guano, Patapsco Guano, Grange Mixture, Acid Phosphate, Russell Coe’s Ammoniated Bone Super phosphate, Bradley’s Patent Superphosphate, Whann’s Plow Brand Raw Bone Superphosphate, and Piedmont Guano. We offer the above brands of Fertilizers this season with the same assurances wo have made heretofore : We ||H "t rant them in every particular as fully equal to any hitherto sold by us. Wo confidently refer to all um!d them ia this section the past season, lo those who have used them no recommendation is necessary, and we cordi ally invite all planters to call at our store and inspect samples, and wo will take pleasure in giving prices and terms and furnish you with official analyses of the Department of Agriculture of the State of Georgia. e offer planteis generally, in connection with our general stock of goods, a full line Plantation Supplies Bacon, Corn, Flour, Salt, Molasses, Iron, Plows, &c. if. H. eib T. J&.. iFOZKTXIIIS: THE GREAT FAUOPENINC AT TIIE New Yo® k |Jabh Qto’hb J Elberton’s Mercantile Circle amazed and the people wondering at the I immense und beautiful array of all classes of goods that are suitable to the refined tastes of the people of this sec tion of country, as well as a lino of goods to please every style of purchaser. Having just returned from the northern markets with A Complete Stock of Merchandise j Which was bought for cash, at bettom prices, ttnd wfcich will b’e sold for such figures for cash. I intend to surprise .ilk* trusting public with my best goods a; the LOWEST PRICES. 1 don't ask you to take toy word for it, but CALL &: SEE IFOIR, 'ITOTJ.R.SiHIZAF 1 MY STOCK CONSISTS '.OF A HEMEEMa laiMM ©F BE¥ ©DOTS I And every department is complete within itself. In my AND GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT Can hr found even thine: from a w bite cravat up 1 tire finest dress coat. It is made lip of every oanliLv ul uatmU, arid >v -'W"". - sortment et ©n{s* Uaid•wear, SBalf~3B'©Se, . B'McSei’xihti'Hm, EJrcss SEisa-Ss, C ullim, CuOii, BSanlkr flaieEiii, <l!ru .ills, ai.d everything else pertaining to ibis department, I call tile special alteiuiou of the Rir s, Uie Vouug Mm, the Middle-aged, end tin Old Men of the country to my dents’ Furnishing Goods Department. Thousands will lie made glad when they see my stock of 30 O O “3C 1 @ AW B £3C O 3ES @ 2 of every style and quality, at prices to suit the times. 'Rff'W TT A ITI A'W ' s sim i’'.V splendid, and in this line I can make the wool hat boy .rejoice, as well m •LvJa. JL JEjI AL A JU'-a.OJL JLjXiik. Ji. satisfy the most fashionable inclined young man. I il"fy competition in my liat De partment ns well i.s in my other stocks, and only ask nil examination by the people ol my g >u Is. TIIE MOST SUPERB STOCK. OF EADIES’ DRESS GOODS ever brought to Elberton, and I cordially invite the fair sex all over the tontifry to give me a call and satisfy themselves that I do not in tend to be undersold and that I have not forgotten tueii wants in laying in my stoeu. IN ]Ml r NOTION DEPARTMENT "' m bt ‘ fo " nd everything; Also a first-class line of Table Cutlery, Saddlery, Family Groceries, Crockery an] Glassware, and other articles too nnmerotw to mention, (100 Is sold by m * cheaper tb .n sold 'his side of \il inta. Everything that it kept by a first general merchandise store can be found with me, and it: order to secure the best bargains i advise the people to call curly. Elberton, Qa. JOSEPH STRAtTSjfc esjwiU" :sg J. CP. WILEIHS, ESlberton: 6a., Sells the Best and Cheapest Stoves in the Southern States. Xreft gi fig—Champion Medal at Centennial Ezpcsitiou Full stock always on hand. Other stoves from $lO to $27.50. Ranges and Office Stoves of all kinds. Tinware of the finest quality and lowest price. Guttering and Roofing cheaper than anybody. W. CHILDERS. Supt. SILVER CHIMES ORGAN. Sabring off a Log. <^s J|pl Our latest improved sawing macTiine cuts off a 2-foot log in 2 minutes. A SIOO •PRESENT will be given to two men who can saw as much in the old way, as one man can with this machine. Circulars sent free. W. Giles, 711 W. Lake St., Chicago, lIL CAUTION.—"’ 1 ' are stopping nil ini riugoment* 'n pon our Patents, and have sued W. \V, Bust wick and Farthers’ Manufacturing Cos. tor making machines like ours. WeLnvo also sued W. 11. Clark, of btar for using and selling said machines. HI u O3 ottCH 'wosny ‘fISO.T "I \t *sa puuwt:ju.i4p ‘uoptauojn po s( •mrtj JVU P ‘pooin JO >l *> ‘9jju^ M inOI|!fM t MCB4B!<I °MB P UB •ojnjojjtf ‘*44*1.1 * won,n l *JrfJno3 •ui ‘o3uom3 -oa SSfIJTi KOLSHIDDar* •wuj uin.uiD InnS<llS P®* •jqtijnp •Asva h| n WII3 ptffpw u! n iq- i M P av -' t P X|*iiua p|9({ t|V]UJ*H ®'P wn*wd g, m\ qi! W W i't* P(uoMaosJdsv)Buf*U(;s4;ai MfT ••niwqsw*i4diMiqiMUi|i tw IlfllCliie Mrt li )|jn.w Ajoq Pip jo ao|tj*iMi Mi, j 11* OJ Jjßf|) *i<lt:pv *Join3 11} I (lift Su(iiirpv-jI*S *l>l M ‘wluq'dw- 1 *\ *1431110 11* lUtSJJ auuojjlp I>*,l *n XfcJtP' SSIIIIL ailSVltt^gn^jogo^ jZCi.ZXZX SIXI-i ®**®**® I I tIC Staple Hardware Special ties. LIVC They sell in every family. Canvassers a nrilf O dear $5 to $lO per day. Send for de- AuiUl I O scriptive circulars and terms to Agents. UlAalTCn LIVINGSTON A CO., ff JVri ItU Iron Founders, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ginßepairing Tlie undersigned is fully prepared to do all kinds of repairing required on cotton gins, in this and neigh boring counties. New breasting, boxin saws, brusli wheels, Ac., put ill when desired. All work guaran teed, and no pay required until a test is made. Prices reasonable. ltefers by permission to Iludgons & Downer. Shop at the null in Ellicrton. > .3. Bj. THOMPSON. MOLLfR S "S er COD-LIVER OIL Is perfectly pure. Pronounced the best by the highest medical authorities in the world. Given highest awards at 18 World’s Expositions, and at Paris, 1878. Sold by Druggists. W. H. ScliioflVlln & Cos,, N. Y. This old .and well tried Remec, fD RATroft in all i^*ases U from lm pur*or/mpoverisAcUl<lood Node*. Bone Disease*. etc.^"hivaluable J ln General Debility of the aged. A rich syrup containing no in jurious'ingredients. No other Itemedy has received such encomiums# Sold by all Druggists. #•> drtrice, 37 Court Place, UMSVILLE, KY., A neulsrty educated and legally qualified physician and tbs met successful, as his practice will pro™. Lures al Ifonas of private, chroaio and soxuatdiseases, Spermatof ste jae&±se^zsgs sastssssr^^feggs ©rr Physical Decay. Pimples on tnee, Aversion to Soclct\ of Females, Confuduu of IdoM, Lo* s of ®' XU ,L'thorouidi'lT rendering marriage Improper oriunhappy are thwwwWy and permanently cured. SYPHILIS y cured and ontirdy cmdlcstcd fpnn tho aysUtm; liU 1* ■“ OKRHEA. Gleot, Stricture. PUcaand oOjJMjJ* VSifeiKatos m.tekfy cured. Patterns treated by nisllorex prers. Consultatlna tree and invited, charges reasonaW* AUd oorrospondenoo strictly confidential. A PRIVATE COUNSELOR Of 200 races, sent to any address, securely sealed, for thirty . ;:f)1 Soi-nts. Should be read by aIU Address as aboi'*. from JA# Al* to 7P. M. Bundajrsg 2toi P# It* _ | -i: ,I,H * It roil,-h If I. |^V |^N£’N r |iwMAIjENP^ 1 ' r ° tlio cfisoSuo.* 11 A U rclhSd* on trial, I tok!Tr*tnraMb.M4 x'-dt JHL’JI monoy refunded if n.,t, gtiie. r*Kwv \f A VK°r fhll infrnnaticn ad- V- \ai.\ \ \' \ * iiovi. vKi'-.'ivru fcWias.W.Cur.lOth & Areh.PhiPa.Pa: ’AGENTS WANTED—S7S to 8150 Per Month. v IfeSiSSaaßijOLgilSME PuH of PRACTICAL INFOUM ATI ON. The Vounjf HoiiM>.k*pcr*s ttl’IDK, The KxpcrleMevtl llouHvkce|tr'M FRFKXD. ‘ "A book of more practical utility will scVdlom, if over, bo found outaidoof iHßpiiatioii,”~(Vtr/.s/<<f/i ' NFFUFIl in c ,V ry clty T homo RY ich # d J** ol ** IvLLUuU ui nil countnj homc.n D I young ami Old. Fine Pniu'r, Clear Tvno. Houutiful lUmlingf illus tr.itions. Xt^nh/(U>O I'oncs. J.mol'ricc*. SrlUrnoidly. Address J. C. MciT'JUDY As CO., l'hiludtli.Ulu, Pu. GRANT’S TOUR AKtutmo the: uoih.h. Tho only low priced authentic edition imntailjing u compl, to record of the travel* of Gc.i. F. S. Grimi. AgcntM.aro cmitiom'd iigtiili*! imrion* hot■ Lh iemi ci hv uni crip ilou* pnhllehcr-i, I'pMo.ioly l,ltiyt*J|cd. Over Win u.igc*. Price, # .85. f nMeUt'g till iSfk-. Agent* Wanted to iend for ill) strut and cifctdar2.ini terms. t, FODSLIEK ■& 51 oMAKIN, ('lnclimaU, D. mmsm " Pile* that llrlUuß’s Pile Kernedy failrtocur®. Givoj immodiato relict,cun,o cdurae of long atauding in 1 week, and ordinary cams in 2 days. CAUTION SBflS wrapper has printed on U in black a HU o/ front* ai4 J)r. J. I\ Miller's sifjnature, P7i\[la. SI a bottlo. ‘Bold by nlldmcpists. B nt by mail by J.r. Mir.T.i:u.M. D+ Tiopr.,S. vV. cor. Toutii aud Arch wU., DliUada.^iUw T. A. JONGS, COTTON BUY .K, ELREBTOX, GA. Ho will liny all the cotton brought to him end p'v * the hhrhoet cash ohioc* for the *tuplu. Cull iu and too him at hi* oltlco iu tho counting-room of J. 11. .<• 'i. A. Jone*. [octl-tl.