The gazette. (Elberton, Ga.) 1872-1881, May 25, 1881, Image 2

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1880. Tr,cLe>. 1880. V We arc happy to ioLlin onr host of friends mid patrons, rend as many now ones at m.ay favor ns with tlieii patronage, that the incrcasen trade incites us to renewed ener py in our efforts to give them ae good if rot better satisfaction than heretofore—thas an increased acquaintance with the best markets enables us better than ever before to ■oflcr them a fresh, full, and cmefully selected stock of jDry goods HATS AATTXD CAPS, CLTOHING, NOTIONS, SHOES Hardware, Crockery Dress Coeds, Laces, Linens, Cloves, Hosiery, Domestics, Provisions, Groceries, PLaNTATIOIM SUPPLIES, And in sshort evcrylUfnV usually kept first-class stock Jpncw and fresh and will bo kept so b#daily and weekly jjdilions. sba^^Oo^^pa^j 1 1 Orgm ft imt o* (Wat. Tht yurehater tota no llUt or rrtponMßlty tehalmtr. MARCHAL & SMITH ORGAN CO., By setnttng direct from factory to purchaser, can sell this beautiful Organ, TO inches 11 high, 48 inches ktnjj, solid waluatonse, 6 octave#, 16 stop#, 4 Set* of UccdSy for W %# M'e are detennined that every one shall have au opportunity to test this maguilioent Orgun. W therefore put the price at S6O, an<l Send on Fifteen DdVS* Trial. We semi with every Organ a STOOL, MtSiC and JL\ STRICT ID A BOOK, (a complete MusieaTOutfit). Order at Once. Deposit the money with your bouk or any responsible merchant, to be paid to us iff )rgan is satisfactory, or to be returned to you if Organ is returned i o us. Our3is the Only HoU9e in America that offers a 6-octave Organ, 4 sett of Reeds, having Sub-JJass y Coupler, Celeste and Grand Orqatx ,/or $?6O Order direct or send for full de scription. MAIiCIIAJL A SMITII, 8 West Eleventh Street, KewYork, N. Y* NEWPREMIUM CORN S HELLER. *!lvl2frl 1 ' '>D O-'I'Y CHEAP I'KAfTIttE 1IAM) CORN BHEI.LEU ■ tlAßgljSa m f MADE, WILL I>o AS ML'Cll AS ANY f. DOLLAR EIUHKnjnSJN I’ISI HP J shellek is tile market. , Cannot get out bPIIm / TWO IMPORTANT ADVANTAGES. of Order. S&i.&fiSi FUR.ST.—It does not in j ore the corn, and is ther.lorc just the Will last a Life- \-A \ thing to use for shelling corn for seed. time. B \ SECOND.-Thc tip end and butt end of the corn can bo shelled into one vessel, ami the body of the ear into another, \\ p—which is nil immense convenience, as many farmers plant only /d'i VGvW, 1 rVli *' the corn from the middle of the ear. Every Farmer wants this Sliviler for Fhelhng corn forpoul sff Vnnnri si fa s try, for meal, for seed, or for any similar purpose, no matter ' VrlTs- i',ll I how Tvativ barer I .', high-priced shelters he may have. 4U jwTTijn fftmUysSSSSr It Will Pay For Itself Many Times JgSsft/"Over on Any Farm. fe. Our PREMH7M CORK SHEi.I.ftR is destined to become the / TT \nt> Cohn SiiKi.i.KKof the day. Vhpn once introduced nootner small 0 shellor will bo wanted. We believe ilii* to berh<* Best Hand Orrn Shcllerever ft /r, (tj invented. ranvassincr AOENTS WANTED in every County. rs*-l>r Sale bv all Country Stores and Dealers in Hardware and c-T W Auvicultnral Implements, Akk vorn twai fu pok tt, and if Bellas not got it. we Te'™ Q /••) n will -<'nd*;\ S tmnlo prc;>aid to mv juWr<s<= upon roce : pt of s|. Address U ▼ tbc only aiauufacturcrs, Publishers, FARM & FHi*_SIUE, Springfteid, Ohio DR. HENRY C. EDMUNDS THE OLD RULL DRUGGIST IIAS SECURED THE SEKYICES OE MK.. S. La. CARTER, yvho \nll bo at bis post at all hours, night and day. _ He also keeps on hand everything that can he found in A First 'Glass Drug Store GET THE BEST. m m ‘* wc W £ rn™sSKl jj If you intend, some day to get WEBSTER’S UNABRIDGED, “DO IT X^OW.” THE NEW EDITION Contains over 118,000 Words, ' 1928 Pages, 3000 Engravings, Four Pages Colored Plates, 4600 NEW WORDS and Meaning’s, Biographical Dictionary of over 9700 Names. The “ most beautiful and complete Eng- FIJI lish Dictionary.” i Has 3000 Engravings, nearly three yr times as many as any other Dict’ry. Ji Every school and family .sho-nld have it TTS for constant reference. GET THE STANDARD. Sale. rf Webster's is over 20. times the CJ t-ale of any other series of Dictionaries. O Tlio “highest authority of the Courts in m definition.”—Chief Justice Waite. JL An almost universal authorityin decid- A ing the meaning of words. other Dictionary has been bought by TVT 1 any State to supply its Schools. Xxl Dictionary on which nine-tenths of the TANARUS% School Books of the country are based. JLf Authority in the Government Printing A Office at Washington. Jan. 1881. JKb. Recommended by State Stipt’s Schools in 36 States, and 50 College Pres’ts. JLw Dictionary that has been placed in more TV than 32,000 public schools in U.S. MJB IS IT NOT THE STANDARD ?♦ Publ wheel by G. &C.MERRIAM, Springfield, Mass. Also Webster’s National Pictorial Dictionary 1040 Pages Octavo. GOO Engravings. srfoAM f FREE TOALL. Catalogue of fcO|tftges,con cst tswritties of l*lanl, I Cones, etc. in cultivation, • ilu(\ a Colored I'late of our NKw .*r DoLi;!.i: white iu,t;v\rdia wili be mailed upon the receipt of a three-cent Htamp for jH,‘>tagcc.^Fj>e- T* Liberal offers to gettcra up of o!ub. Wholesale A Retail. NAIS’Z & ” JiCL.NCIi. liVultriUc, Uj. "LANOREIHS! 17Q4 SEEDS i" BEST I QQI I I 11/I If not gold in your town, you I fif| I 111 ILL can them by mail. Drop 11 || I I JLI * us a Postal Card for Oata- IvUX iogvn and PricHH. The Oldest and most extensive Seed GroirnrH in the United States. DAVJD liANDJLMETII & 80NS,Puilada..Pa. "HOMES IN TEXAS" 21s the titie of A Now Illustrated Pamphlet Descriptive of the country along and tributary to the line ot the Intel national and Great Northern Railroad, and contains a good county map of the State. It also contains the names and uddresses ot tanner* and planters in Texas who have FARMS FOR SALE OR REST and those who will want farm Lands lor next yeur. A copv of this hook will be mailed free to those who desire"reliable Information about Texas, upon appli cation by letter or postal card to ALLEN McCOY, Won't Freight, and pass’r Ag’l, Palestine, Texas. o-".f ‘*iq< l fp“i! , ur*'or> v a<ui:D> •; r w ppv VAilpi ’ “'"7 •///.,/ </</<> "l-o-'Jjf ulr-H -.ofll Pipuni'fS'Sntpuja 'o.laj, jt.u.j •r.i.ln,! .!,) Aa ZWftruJXX G3Q33N ...m.r i/niiv./j—..•nouTuphmj joeptino punoj oq •j*. 1! -Oioptas lUiW jtJtinn I Bi, HVJd BJOW JO j,ooq V.. ‘asmiu J3osCOstio|f p.>tma|.i.Mx;.j >M.r, ux.lto. j.>a.t.|-tiito|| ui|J and Nol.lVn;tlM.‘.l r l V.)T l,t) VJI.f .1° II" j 3IAIOH 3X3*ldlAl6d SMJL ■LjtuoiM JBA OSIS 0 ! fi/C C3J.MV/VI SLN3OV n, ■■m as m and morphine li.bltrnrcl. npyysr^ ■ M I&kP ■V ■ WoUhingt- o. Grceno C - Ind. "Z-VVtmtchvn #Btos7. H©vr I Wh W>o. Over 100 latest X. ovol tia, ***- M fio wuiiUxl. iau.fcStiiti**.) Oo UvillO' lcua V|| JQS. STRAUSS EX jBEHTOJXr, C3r^. Having for the lirst time since I have been in Elberton ohiained a store-room that will give me an opportunity of carrying and eshib such a stock of goods as I desired, I intend to show to the people of Northeast Georgia what a v A First-Class Dry Goods Establishment In every sense of the term, For instance I liavs kept following immense tot of goods, which most and shall be sold. For the Gentlemen wa hare $5,000 WORTH OF CLOTHING CONSISTING OF Overcoats, Dress Suits, Men and Boys’ Suits, &c. Which we guarantee will pleaso all. * —- $] ,500 WORTH OF HATS, all styles, to suit boys, young meu, middle-aged men, old men, andjntj Headquarters for Hancock Hats, Wool Hats, Fur & Felt Caps, 2nd all other varieties. If you want something nobby nice and duraljlein the BOOT AND SHOE line, examine onr stock Wc make a spcaiaity of HAIVOMAOK WORK! for both ladies and gentlemen. Tosco our lot of Boots and Shoos and Rubbers is to buy them. We hnvc the finest lot ol Cassimeres, Jeans, Coftonades, Etc., 500 Cloaks from $2.50520 25 pieces. Cashmeres of varionß grades. 500 Dress Skirts. .Silks, trimming and dress, different shades. 2500 yds. Prints, standard. 250 do/.. Corsets, 25 ecu r , 58 pieces assorted Worsteds. 50 “ red and white Flannels. 50 do/. Under Vests. 50 “ Alpacas, every quality. 600 Shrwls, every hue and grade. 200 do*. llosc. And our Notion department is full and complete, Then we have a splendid stoct of Saddles, Crockery, Glassware, Groceries, Tobacco Out Cigars areth be eh can bo bought. AND D’T YOU FORGET THE New Brick Store on the Cornel Be Sure you Read, ttiiw The Planters’ Vegetable Liver Pills Are new acknowledged by physicians and the people genaraDy to he the best Liver Piflin use. Thoy WHg^ ; to answer the purpose better, especially in the states, than any other pill. Many of our-besfpMgPfl clans carry them constanaly amt prescribe them. One pill at night is a better liver regulator than any of tjie dollar preparations. They are certain to cure habitual costiveucss and indigestion. a harmless twpt#*-; ble preparation. Cost only 25 ets. per box, and to-be found at any drug store. Don’t mistake them for <n Farm n s’Pills. THE FARMERS 5 FEVER PILLS, For Cliills and Fever, yiiirlil Fevers, Inward Fevers, and all Malarial Fevers. Every one In this chantry know-"- the celebrated Farmers’ Pills. Thousands have been cured by them, and no man, woman or child has eTC beea injured it. the slightest by their use, though we know people, who, to cure oad cases of debility, chills hardening of the spleen, liver, tind other bad cases of long standing, to take one dozen boxes of banners Pills and look as healthy ond and as red as a rose when they got through. Price reduced to .5 cts. per bo? L at any drug store. Don’t mistake these for the Planters’ Pills. * ©KITISH COTTGH SYRVjP. * 4, Stands at the head of all Amgh medicines now. One dose sufficient to com ace a latient that he hae In right ne. It stops the afeongh and that nitserable tickling in the throat in .1. u,mutes and prevents yae from taking :ld. That is an important soint. If you don’t say it it the best cough and cold medicine you ever took we will make you a m-esent of the bottle. Another advantage—British Cough Syrup is put up in f>o cts. bottles; all others $1 bottles. Don’t have any other cough medicine, gcud to VVeeaon & Dent it yout druggist, can’t supply it. if you want a deltghtful alid lasting cologne, that will last till your handkerchief comes back from wash, use the new nEi.ii, or the old and celebrated cue wall a. Put up in 25 and 50 ct. bottles. Wholesale and Retail Agents— WCEUON & DENT, C. HITCHENS Klbertou, Qa Eulaula, Ala. B. C. FLORENCE, Baker’s Ferry, Gn. A'. MENDELSSOHN PIANO COMFY Will make, for tbe next GO clays onlj, a Grand Offer of a 3E®,3a.os 1 Ox>g;aiiLS SBSO Grand Square Piano for only $245. i crntrir T™ Magnificent rosewood case elegantly finished, 3 Strings, 7 1-3 octaves full pat.-?' OJi * SJIJiS O cantante agraiti s, our new patent overstrung seal®, beautiful carved legs and lyre heavy serpentine and large fancy moulding, round case, full iron frame,French grand action, giand hammers, in fuet everv improvement winch can in any way tend to the perfection of the instrument lias been added. . fiv*our Price for this instrument, boxed and delivered onboard cars at *■ New York, with line Piano Cover, stool and book, only wffi'tvi This Piano will be sent on test, trial. Please send reference if you do not send money witli order! 45nb., tent with order will be refunded and freight charges paid by ns both ways if Piano is not just us rep"‘’V®”*fL'. f, 111 thisadvertisement. Thousands in use. Send formttulomie. Every instrument fully warranted 4>r jrow-j ~| | m,nn 5165 to S4OO (with stool, cover nfm book)—all strictly first class and noldat wholespj IIS U IbIIIV prices. These Pianos made one of tlie finest displays at tbe Centennial Exhibition, nnd.>’eiw rill IHBI.V unanimously recommended for the Ilighest Honors. The Squares contain our new patenL i lIiIVUU scale, the greatest improvement in the history of Piano making. The uprights arc tha fined! in America. Positively we make the finest Pianos, of the richest tone and greatest curability. They are re commended by the highest musical authorities in the country. Over U,OOO tn use, and not one dissatisfW* purchaser. All Pianos and organs sent on fifteen days test trial-freight free if unsatisfactory. Don’t fall to write us before buying. Positively we oft (i the best bargains. Catalogue mailed free. Handsome iilustraisti and descriptive catalogue of 48 pages made dfor Sc. stamp. Every Piano fully warranted for five years, linn A nut Our “Parlor Grand Jubilee Organ,” styfe 85, is the finest and sweetest toned reed organ ev |Ul AmV er ofiered the musical public. It contains Five Octaves, five sets of reeds, four of 2v oc llfllftft Si.\ taves each and one of 3 octaves, Thirteen stops, with Grand Organ, Diapason, Melodiv UIJIIIIIVU Viola, Flute, Celeste. Dulcet, Echo, Melodia-forte Celestlna. Violina, Flute-Forte, Tremoio, Grand Organ and Grand Swell Kuee stops. Height 74 in., Lei cth 43 In; width 24 in.; weight boxed 360 lbs. The case is of solid walnut, veneered with choice woods, and is of an entirely new and beautiful design, elaborately carved, with raised panels, music closet, lamp stands, fret work, &c., all elegantly finished. Pos. sesses all the latesfand best improvements, with great power, depth, brjliinncy and sympathetic quality of tone. Beautiful solo effects tmd perfect stop action. Regular retail price $285. Our wholesale net cash pried, to have it introduced, with stool and book, only $97, as one organ sold sells ottiers. Positively no deviation in price. No payment required until you have fully tested the oigan in your own home, wc send all organs on 15 days test trial and pay freight both wavs if instrument is not as represented. Fully warranted for 5 year*. Other styles—B stop organ only $65; 9 stops SSS; 14 stops SMS. Over 32,000 sold and every organ lias given the tullest'satisfaction. Il’ustrated circular mailed free. Factory and warerooms, 57th Street andlOth ave. rturcT ajlllClP nt one-third prl. e. Catalogue of 3,000 choice pieces sent for 3c stamp. This ca**, Ontt I IYIU JIU logos includes most of the popular music of tlieday and of every musical composp tlon by the best authors. decß-Tm. MUiYDELiSSOIIiV PIANO CO., P. O. Box aOSS,Yew York Clly. A. JACOBS is selling his entire slock of goods at and below cost, and every thing iu his stoi’C must be sold in the next two months, no matterwhat'the sacrifice. Advertisement next week. L_ Tate. ) 'TkY* p \ VVVTIT TIT $ F. Wrtgtit. ITm. Heard. ) XtoOtbliJJ We have just opened our H|ew store and j\jEff goods I In Elberton, and we intend keeping on baud everything in the way of DRY GOODS | GROCERIES That can be found in a strictly first-class eatabliuhineut. We want A VERDICT OF THE PEOPLE ns regards our stock, and the only way i get it is tor *-4 EVE ZR/yiß ODY |®-* to come and examine our goods. Remember the Ann— R. F. TATE & Cos Our'stock is composed of a good assortment, of general merchandise, and we '.utend to sell as cheap as any body. Our goods were bought for the money and we propose to sell at bottom prices. Call and see us. You will.find us glad to wait on you and do onr best to please you. 0c27-tf SWIFT. BROS DEALERS IN tjreneral Merchandise INCLUDING A FULL STOCK OF Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Crockery, Croce xits, & ELBERTON, GEORGIA AGTS. FOR MERRYMAN Sand SOLUBLE SEA ISLAND FERTILIZERS The Best is Always Cheapest THE CHOICEST 6001 i Can Always be found in tho greatest variety at Embracing A Full Line of DRY GOODS bbkss aoons hats, +■4 { ISTQTIQISrS HOSIERY** LADIES 1 AND GENTS 1 FURNISHING GOODS Boots, Slioes, READY-MADE CLOTHING Don’t fail to look over liis goods before buying. He keeps no shoddy goods, nothing si m yola.rttethe eye; but places his goods on their merits and true worth. Pit ahtive and competent clerks always behind the counter. TKCE ELBEiITO 3ST FURNITURE ESTABLISH MENTI Where will be found, iut lie latest designs, PAItLOR, CHAMBER & DINING ROOM FURNITURE All of which will be sold at the lowest city prices. BURIAL CASKETS AND CASES A full assortment always on hand. UKDFBTARING A SPECIALTY. T . n .i „„ x will keep in stock a superior assortment of LEATHER from ntyJTanya.d.and sell the sum i inHTiflHr . at the lowest x>rices. Hi "host prices for Hides. ABDA OGLESBY. (W. HI. THOMAS &CO., Successors to Ives & Thomas, * FURNITURE! Have removed to 90 Whitehall Street, -Atlanta, (Georgia. The'iarerst and bent selected stock of Furniture In the market, Cor side lor cash at cash prices. Call ce ns, or send us your orders. Satisfaction gueranteed, June 16—8 m. T. T. HAYDOCK larges aud nios comploo works forho manufheure of carriages IN Till- WOULD. Buggies forho ratio a special}’. CORNER PLUM ANI) TWELFTH STREETS, CINCINNATI O. LUMBER IN ALL STYLES BOWMAN. GA. AND BLACKSMITH SHOP. Vnd will fill orders for anything in their live with promptness and fidelity. A O AAftll'n A they will undertake the construction or <“!>Hir VQ ni B 6 buildings anywhere, Best workmen nnfl beat wir TUMBER KILN-DRIED OR DRESSED to older. me Great Carriage Manufacturing House of fire Welle. EMERSON, FISHER & CO. CINCINNATI, OHIO, make a good, substantial Top Buggy for SIOO, and a strong, durable Phaeton for $l4O. The uniform excellence of tbe*e vehicles, resulting from carefully selected material and good workmanship, has given their Carriages a favorable reputation throughout the Union, in localities where they have been used for years by Liverymen, Physicians, Farmer*, and others requiring hard and constant use, and has made *hc firm of Bniewon, Fisher & Cos. the acknowledged leading CARRIAGE BUILDERS of the American Continent. These Top Buggies are in every State from Main*. lo California, and from the Lakes to the Gulf, and hundreds of testimonial* nave been received from every part of the country evincing the entire satisfaction ot * -purchasers. Upwards of 85,000 CARRIAGES manufactured by Emerson, Fisher & Cos. arc now in use. attesting their great and i 'erited popularity, and in order to meet the demand which lias increased v**ar by year, thi facilities of their mammoth establishment have recently bee.a tended) enabling them now to turn out in good style, during the busy season la ut 400 CARRIAGES A WEEK. The unequalled facilities of this firm enables it to produce good Carriages at a lar icss cost than the work of small makers in coiuiti y wagon shops,an that class arc now purchasing largely of us to supply their local tiade. aem for Illustrated Price List of Carriages. EMERSON, FISHER & CO., Cincinnati, O. Athens Foundry & Machine TTYh: ATHENS, GEORGIA. General Founders and Machinists. Pattern Work, Smithing and Repairing, Having an extensive collection cf fritterin', manufacture Iron and Brass Castings, Mill and Gin-gearing Mining' and Mill Machinery. Steam Engines and Saw Mills. Have on hand for the season a fall snpply of AGRICULTURAL MACH IN ERY Magic, Farmers’ am] Victoi Cane Mills, Cook's Celebrated Evaporator, Portali.e Engines, &c., Ayr For descriptive circulars and price lists, address Si. NICKERSON. A g t. ancl Sup’t, Athens, Ga. MITCHELL, LEWIS & CO., Racine, Wli., Manufacturers of JP AII .If .I. V U FREIGHT n'AGOJTS. "| .... *. •• * * • \ PLATFORM SPRING WAGON. Also Three-Spring and Four-Spring Wngoiv;, and Side-Spring lingeries. The MITCHELL WAGON is Monarch of the Road; only tho very best stock us-.d in its V.mction and made by the best v/agou mechanics m the world. The Spring \Vacon rod Pu,gv D,. psrtnient is entirely separate from ihe Farm Wagon shop . /a 1 fur the nnmitVctnre of this clas* u work we have fac lilies unsurpassed. Send for CauL.p.u and 1 .1 rtc 1 'Vi:.- I i.t. MITCIIFLL, LEWIS A < >., Racine, IVIn. HUFF & BROW IST, AT TIIE IYI leK sTM I With an unbounded confidence in the great future of Atlanta and a warm admiration for the enterprise and progressive spirit of her people, we have this day taken a long lease on the AND BY A LARGE EXPENDITURE OF MONEY AND A LIBERAL MANAGEMENT GENERALLY WE PROPOSE TO MAKE it in every respect a first-class hotel. W. A. HUFF, PHIL. F. BROWN, Qf Macon, Ga. Of Blue Ridge Springs, V stuff; syfiiishse* trills? JSS fc Sa„ J Ca- rt' > £.a * i ftfe 2a * o< s. tifts; i al'sj §2 3 J. 2 as? 5. 3 i"" nit ; [ v2* B Sg**• . g.-A ** a lfc-2 da >! .5 1 a e'e ** to k-=^ S i"=: B£j§! i Mills Si 4 *ifls|S >•?*..= *! ft S 3 -A a ?gC ,■ * s.-= . I* | =kJ. s St S-S a sU’i.- •* W 3.S3 tEg E ‘-f §36 5 h-cT;*a •3*2^ s= V> S s*s* l--. S—<T> ill FINE CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS or EXCELLENCE. I-.±K.13.t X Styliali X Wnrrantoci I SAVE your HONEY, write for Catalogue and PRICE LIST to of tlm celebrated Boston Tlio Boston Ruck board Cos., lUiOKi\OAm> or MURRAY WAGON. NEW HAVEN, CONN.